#her intense tin woman scared even the kids
whumpbug · 3 months
Hi Bug, same anon who asked the horse questions --- first of all, thank you so much for the answers and I'm so glad I was able to inspire you!! I don't think you've talked about this yet but I was curious: What was Gene's mom like? I know she was killed by criminals and that event led to him becoming such an intensely strict deputy, so either she meant a whole lot to him or her death was just that traumatic. --- QUESTIONS - Well, first of all, what's her name? - What lasting affect did she have on Gene when she was alive? Did she teach him anything fundamental about life or morality that he still believes? Did she introduce him to anything that he's still passionate about? - Is there anything specific that Gene does in her memory and if so, when? On the anniversary of her death? Whenever it's her favorite weather? Every other day? Every morning? - Who, specifically, killed her (if you know)? - How old was Gene when she was killed and did he witness it himself? If so, does he remember it?
HI ANON IM SO EXCITED TO SEE YOU IN MY ASK BOX AGAIN!!!!! and once again you come with such amazing questions i am being so spoiled right now.
the short answer is that she meant a whole lot to him AND her death was that traumatic. but who's here for the short answer anyways
long post incoming. as always. I HOPE U ENJOY!
what's her name?
gene's mother's maiden name was Sylvia Mae LeBlanc.
she was a small, feisty woman from the deep south (louisiana) and you could tell right away from her accent. she was blonde, blue-eyed, and gorgeous. a real southern belle.
she met gene's father (who's name is clint) when she was just 17, and the two hit it off. they got married, and of course, she became sylvia delaney, and soon baby gene was born. the trouble was that sylvia's father did not like clint. clint was a rancher, and her father thought lowly of the profession. he refused to support them finacially. she ran away with clint and they struggled for quite a while, but they were determined. clint truly did love sylvia, but i don't think he was ever going to be ready to be a father. sylvia loved being a mother, but fatherhood scared clint. he never had a great relationship with gene to start, and it only got worse when sylvia died.
looks wise, gene got his bone structure from his father, but everything else is from his mama. he has her eyes, her hair, her mouth, even her nose. he was VERY blonde as a child.
what lasting affect did she have on gene when she was alive?
oh this is a loaded question and i LOVE it.
when he was little, he spent most of his time with his mom. being a rancher was a busy job, and clint didn't particularly care enough to make an effort to spend time with his kid, so gene and sylvia were very very close.
she taught him a lot about how to conduct himself. she was a southern girl, manners were VERY important to her. she'd be damned if gene didn't address everyone he met as sir or ma'am. she also was a big reader, and taught gene to read and write from just age 3. she read anything under the sun to him, and its part of the reason why he's generally considered very articulate. he still loves reading and it's one of his favorite pastimes.
she was also extremely progressive for her time. she taught him so much about how to respect people as a whole, no matter their race or gender or social class or anything. she just taught him empathy. it was a big help that gene was naturally just a sweet kid.
unfortunately for little gene, clint Did Not like this. he was obsessed with what it meant to "Be A Man" and didn't take kindly to seeing his son do things like carrying the paralyzed lamb to and from the water tin or crying after accidentally stepping on a butterfly. he saw gene as too soft from the get-go, and he made his disdain for it known.
it was a recurring argument for sylvia and clint.
still, sylvia wouldn't back down. when gene would sob after getting yelled at by clint or, worse, after being forced to go hunting at the age of 7, sylvia would hold him and rock with him and sing to him until he calmed down and tell him that its okay to cry. being gentle takes strength. the world needs more kindness like yours.
gene thinks about it very often.
is there anything specific that gene does in her memory and if so, when?
so, for starters, he visits her grave every year on the anniversary of her death. she was buried in louisiana-- she loved her home town and state. so every year, gene takes a train (haha. sorry gene.) down to visit his grandparents and aunts and cousins, but ultimately he leaves the family house to go to the cemetery and spends the day sitting by her grave and just. he just talks to her.
he talks to her like she's right there. he tells her about work, about the town shenanigans, more recently about cassidy (he talks a lot about cassidy. sylvia is looking down at him with an Eyebrow Raise.), really anything that comes to his mind. he sometimes falls asleep, head resting against her headstone, and wakes up to the sun settling below the horizon.
in terms of little practices he does, he makes his coffee a very specific way because of how she used to make it. he wears one of her rings on a chain around his neck. he has her accent, sometimes, when he's not thinking about it. he still has all his southern manners, he is respectful and kind, just like she wanted him to be, but sometimes it's drowned out by his father.
he also kept a bottle of her perfume. it smells of peach and vanilla and orange blossom. he sprays it on his pillow sometimes, when he really really misses her. those nights are always hard on him.
who, specifically, killed her (if you know)?
see this is where i have entertained different ideas. as of now, its just a random outlaw. just a random train robber that had no personal connection to gene.
i have thought it could be interesting if the man was montana or someone associated with him. the timelines would (maybe) make sense, but i feel like it might also just complicate things too much. IDK. its just a little idea but for now, i'll say it was just an unspecific outlaw.
how old was gene when she was killed and did he witness it himself? if so, does he remember it?
oh boy.
cw: blood mention. slightly graphic description of death.
gene wishes he didn't remember. he really does.
she was killed on their way to visit louisiana. clint never went with them when they traveled because, again, being a rancher is a demanding profession and sylvia's family didn't take too kindly to him visiting anyways.
gene was 11 at the time. he was sitting in the train car with his mother, head resting on her shoulder, when he heard commotion coming from a few cars down.
then, the group of robbers breached their own car.
gene was petrified. he clung to his mama like a little boy, visibly shaking when they started making their way down the aisle. she whispered reassurances to him, that they would be okay, that they weren't going to give the bad men anything, that the sherriff would be there any minute.
when one of the men approached sylvia and gene, sylvia physically put herself between the man and her son. she was fesity. she wasn't going down without a fight, and she sure as hell wasn't going to give this man anything.
when she refused the first time, the man didn't shoot her. he simply murmured something to his the other outlaw beside him and turned back to sylvia, giving her a chance to reconsider. she didn't.
and then the gunshot rang out.
she got her right in the chest. it was a miracle that gene wasn't somehow hit too, as close as he was.
that was the moment the outlaws heard the shout of the lawmen, and turned tail on the job. but the damage had been done.
gene held his mama as she took her last breath. she didn't stand a chance. the bullet fired point blank into her left lung. she hardly lasted a few minutes. still, gene screamed. there was blood everywhere. on his face, on his clothes, on his hands.
he cried, he begged, he pleaded for someone, anyone to help him. to save his mama. but she didn't stand a chance.
i'd like to say that she had last words, some profound thing to say that gene could hold dear to him for the rest of his life, but she didn't she just gasped for air until she couldn't anymore.
gene remembers that day in vicious detail. he remembers what he was wearing, what she was wearing, what the man's eye color was. his memory goes fuzzy from the moment she died, though. he vaguely remembers being taken to a sherriffs office and being cleaned up with a handkerchief and being wrapped in a scratchy blanket. he remembers his father arriving, and it might have been the only time his father hugged him. it was certainly the only time he ever saw him cry.
his memory of the entire year after she died is choppy at best, nonexistent at worst. he began helping his father more at the farm, not because he wanted to spend more time with him, but because it gave him something to do. if he didn't have anything to do, he might've gone crazy.
unfortunately, and much to sylvia's dismay i'm sure, the experience hardened him. especially since he was around his father so much, he didn't allow himself to be seen as soft or gentle anymore. he got tougher, meaner, and more like his father.
its, in part, because he wonders if he had been just a little stronger on that day in the train, if he could have saved his mama. maybe if he had been quicker or more intimidating, he could have protected her like a "Real Man" should. but he'll never know. and that thought kills him.
GOD that got sad really fast. im sorry for the trauma gene. and i'm sorry for giving you another reason to hate trains cough cough @sethlost cough cough
JOKES ASIDE thank you so much for this question anon. i think by writing this all out, i have a much better grasp of gene as a person and the actual impact his mother had on him. this was such an important question and also SO fun to answer so thank you so much!!!!!
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lolacoasters · 5 years
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How about a gang enhancement for Dorothy? She rolls with a pretty rough-looking crew.
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flowesona · 5 years
The Fool - Yandere! Jungkook x reader
The Tarot Series
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“Here, kitty cat.” Jungkook clicked his tongue, holding out his hand to the small creature curled up by the wall. The animal hissed, shrinking away.
The young boy huffed in frustration. If only the cat would come a bit closer he would be able to see the name-tag and find its phone number. But as soon as he had given up he got a new idea and rushed inside.
“Can I have some tuna?” He tugged at his mother’s skirt eagerly.
“Now, you shouldn’t eat between meals.” She frowned, ruffling his hair with one hand as she thumbed her book in the other.
“No, it’s for the cat! In the garden! He must be hungry!” Jungkook whined.
“Is it a stray? You shouldn’t play with it sweetie, it might be infested with fleas or-”
“No! I...I want to take care of h-him… he must be so scared…” Jungkook blubbered, eyes tearing up. His mother tutted in pity, wiping his eyes before walking over to one of the cupboards too high for Jungkook’s chubby hands to reach and finding the tin.
With a delightful treat for the cat Jungkook approaches it once more, holding the bowl out in front of him with his mother’s caution in mind. The cat was perfectly receptive of his offering and tucked in right away, giving Jungkook the slim opportunity to twist its collar around and peak at the name-tag. The series of numbers imprinted into the metal were just what he needed, yet there was no way a seven-year-old could remember such a pattern when he could barely count to 100.
Once the animal had finished its meal and was licking its lips, Jungkook lifted it up in his arms. There was a slight bit of hissing and some struggling but it was soon docile enough to be carried into their house.
“Jungkook, put that thing down!” His mother scolded, but he looked at her with such an intense stubbornness she didn’t try to snatch it away.
“There’s a phone number.” He showed her, still clutching the animal tightly to his chest. 
Jungkook’s mother sighed before complacently picking up the phone.
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
“Eliza!” The young boy cringed at the shrill voice, as the cat he had rescued was scooped up into the arms of a girl of a similar age. 
��Eliza? That’s his name?” Jungkook butted in the the sentimental moment.
“Don’t be silly. Eliza’s a girl.” The girl smiled, nuzzling her nose into the beloved pet’s head. In the background, an adult woman was feverishly thanking Jungkook’s mother.
“(Y/N) has been completely distraught. I thought after one day it would return, but after three I just told her that Eliza had passed on and we would buy her another, but she refused.” She explained, watching her daughter’s delighted expression.
“We owe really owe you. Anything we could possibly give you, please just say the word. Now come on, (Y/N).” 
Jungkook sniffled as the happy family left. He felt empty, dragging his heels as he went to his bedroom. He wanted the happiness, the companionship that (Y/N) had with her cat. He was tired of being lonely. And with that in mind, he knew what he wanted.
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
The toy mouse was made out of felt and had no kind of embellishments but it was enough to keep Eliza entertained as Jungkook dangled it above her.
“Kids? I have some snacks!” (Y/N)’s mother placed the tray of milk and cookies next to the rug. Jungkook nodded politely but didn’t touch them, just watching Eliza. But he quickly grew bored, throwing the toy across the room as Eliza scarpered after it.
“It’s your turn to play now.” He said abruptly before picking up a cookie. Seeing her grumble and search for the discarded toy before fussing over her cat, Jungkook realised that observing was far more entertaining. Seeing the happiness on (Y/N)’s face, the mewls of Eliza was what delighted him. As if they were a happy family, like in one of his books.
“(Y/N)...” Jungkook started, shuffling closer on the carpet. “Do you think we can be friends?”
“As long as you stay clean.” (Y/N) wiped at the crumbs on the corner of his mouth with an embroidered handkerchief, tutting. “You can’t be my friend if you get crumbs all over the floor.”
“But we can be friends? And take care of each other and get married and live together?!” The excitement was uncontainable. Suddenly, Jungkook knew what he wanted to do in his future, and he couldn’t wait to grow up and live the perfect life.
(Y/N) paused, overwhelmed by his forwardness and all the foreign concepts but she nodded.
“Sure. Can I have the last cookie?” Jungkook eagerly nodded, pushing the plate towards her. He would always give her what she deserved.
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
“What do you think about him?” A fifteen-year-old (Y/N) sighed, flipping her screen around so her best friend could peer at the picture.
Jungkook wrinkled his nose.
“He’s ugly and probably riddled with diseases.” He said, lightly easing the phone out of her hands. “I’ll get him to back off for you.”
“No, don’t do that. I like him, he’s cute.” (Y/N) tried to steal her phone back, but he used his height advantage to hold it far above her head. Her teenage hormones and desire for a boyfriend spurred (Y/N) to jump up on her tiptoes trying desperately to salvage her change of a date, but she was no match for Jungkook, who was already typing a scathing reply with one hand, the other pushing (Y/N)’s head down.
Once he’d sent it, he dropped the phone in (Y/N)’s hands apathetically.
“I swear why do you always get in the way of me getting a boyfriend? You’re so annoying Jungkookie.” She pouted, scanning the message of rejection he’d sent.
“You don’t need a boyfriend. You have me.” Jungkook couldn’t help but be irritated at her attitude. After he’d put aside his desires to maintain their relationship, to hold up on his promise to stay clean and care for each other, the way that (Y/N) disregarded his feelings and commitment stung.
“That doesn’t count.” (Y/N) groaned, flopping onto the bed with one hand outstretched to stroke a disgruntled elderly Eliza. “I need a real boyfriend.”
“Why do you want a boyfriend when you have a husband?” Jungkook muttered rhetorically under his breath, a renewed sense of confidence building up in the fight to win his girl.
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
The old cat was happy enough chowing down on some sardines Jungkook had picked up from the convenience store, giving a happy purr as he ran a hand down her back. Despite the fight that the stubborn cat had put up in the first place, once food had been offered she was happy to stay with Jungkook for a while.
Finally, his phone started ringing. Once, and he let it go to voicemail. Then again, and after a few rings he picked up.
“Please, you have to help Jungkook, she’s gone missing, I don’t know where she’s wandered off to but it’s not safe, she could be hit by a car or worse-”
“Calm down, (Y/N). What happened?” Knowing full well that his plan was going just right, Jungkook was practically beaming.
“Eliza is gone, she’s not in any of her hiding spots, she’s not in our neighbour’s garden. Please, have you seen her?” (Y/N) wept, her heart pouring out over the phone line.
“I haven’t.” Jungkook answered simply, running a hand down Eliza’s tail as she stalked away from him to explore the rest of his bedroom.
“Can you help me find her? No matter the state she’s in, I just need to see her again.” (Y/N) begged. Jungkook could imagine the tears leaking from her beautiful eyes, yet he was silent for a moment, drawing out what he wanted from his girl. “I’ll owe you one. I swear, I’ll do anything if you can find her.”
Jungkook had to suppress his grin, standing up and reaching for the doorknob with one hand blocking Eliza from creeping out and blowing his cover.
“I’ll be there in two minutes.”
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
The search for (Y/N)’s cat had been, unsurprisingly, unsuccessful. After an hour of relentless calling and knocking on doors, they had retired to (Y/N)’s kitchen, with her mother providing the forlorn teenagers with a tray of home baked cookies.
(Y/N) didn’t even touch them, staring glumly ahead with her head resting on her arms. Meanwhile, her companion graciously reached out to accept the sugar boost.
“How’d you get that nasty scratch Jungkookie?” (Y/N) asked suddenly, as he followed her eyes to stare at the thin line running up his wrist. He cursed silently before an excuse popped into his head.
“I-I was moving some weeds to see if Eliza was hiding in my garden so I-I guess they scratched me.” The slight stutter panicked Jungkook, as he was now convinced it was only a matter of time before she found out his secret plan. “I need to go home, Mom is probably worried about me. I’ll try looking again later.” 
With barely a farewell exchanged he had left the house and was walking back to his own, fear bubbling in his stomach. What if his mother had gone into his room and found Eliza, what if the cat had scratched all his belongings into oblivion, what if Eliza had actually died and he was going to break (Y/N)’s spirit rather than elate her?
With all the pondering in his head his pace quickened until he was at his home, dashing inside without greeting his mother and clambering up the stairs to burst into his room and find Eliza curled up on his bed, perfectly content.  He breathed a deep sigh of relief before taking a seat next to the old animal on his bed.
“Are you ready to make (Y/N) the second happiest person in the world?” He asked rhetorically, scratching Eliza’s head affectionately. “I am.” 
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
(Y/N) had been sat at her desk, staring at the wall instead of doing her homework, when her mother called her down, saying she had a visitor. She didn’t budge for a second.
“It’s someone you’ll want to see!” Her mother yelled, but (Y/N) still refused to leave her lethargic state. 
There was some hushed whispering and the thump of clothed feet jogging up the stairs, before someone knocked at her door.
“Go away.” She groaned.
“(Y/N) I’m coming in.” Jungkook’s voice called out, before the door swung open.
“I’m not in the-” As she turned to face him, the sight of a bundle of fur in his arms elated her beyond belief.
“Oh my, oh, Eliza!” She instantly took the cat out of Jungkook’s arms and started cradling her in her own, despite the senior animal’s grunts. “Thank you so much Jungkookie, where on earth was she?” 
“Hiding in a corner of my garden. I guess I missed her on my first look.” (Y/N) didn’t question his story for one second, instead choosing to cuddle her beloved companion to her chest.
“Eliza you must be starving! Here, you can get some food from Mommy.” She placed her cat on the ground for the first time since they’d been reunited, letting Eliza plod to the kitchen.
“Jungkookie I don’t know how I could ever repay you-”
“I do.” The fifteen-year-old had a cheeky grin on his face as he spoke all too quickly, his eyes sparkling. “I want a kiss.”
“A-a kiss? B-but it’ll be my first time!” Jungkook was jumping up and down with joy internally knowing that he would be her first.
“You said you would give me anything?” He pressed, and (Y/N) nodded courageously.
“O-okay.” She didn’t protest as he tilted her head so she could meet his lips, nor when he finally did the deed. He noted with delight that her lips were soft and tasted faintly of the comfort chocolate she kept stashed away in the bottom of her drawer. She was addictive, but he soon drew away. No doubt there would be more opportunities to kiss her than just this once; they had their whole life ahead of them, together.
“T-that was…” (Y/N) was at a loss for words.“Nice?” 
Jungkook was a blushing mess when reality hit, that he had finally kissed the girl he was in love with, and that she liked it.
“C-Call me anytime you want to do it again.” He managed to say with some confidence to mask his giddy excitement. 
All kinds of new plans were starting to unfold. He’d happily kidnap someone else close to her, even torture them, just to make her more grateful when they return. Eliza wouldn’t be around for much longer, but he had plenty of ideas on how to keep (Y/N) close to him, to reap her rewards until finally she could love him as his final reward.
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gumnut-logic · 5 years
The Hero (Part Seven)
Title: The Hero
Sequel/companion piece to The Joker
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven
Author: Gumnut
24 Nov - 3 Dec 2019
Fandom: Thunderbirds Are Go 2015/ Thunderbirds TOS
Rating: Teen
Summary: Thunderbird Two, with Virgil and Gordon aboard, is hijacked and stolen. With Virgil injured, it is up to Gordon to save his brother and his ‘bird. Sequel/companion piece to ‘The Joker’. Gordon is far more than he seems.
Word count: 2376
Spoilers & warnings: Violence, WASP!Gordon, Military!Scott, whump, language.
Timeline: Sequel/companion piece to ‘The Joker’.
Author’s note: For @corbyinoz because she has written some magnificent Virgil and Gordon fics and is a great inspiration. Thank you for all your wonderful words.
This fic continues to do as it likes, but I’m getting used to it. ::hugs you all:: You are so kind to me and give me such support :D I hope you enjoy it :D
It started with ‘The Joker’. I got interested in WASP!Gordon and decided to explore his side of the story. Then PLOT happened. Now I have no idea what is going on.
Many thanks to @vegetacide and @scribbles97 for putting up with my crazy.
Disclaimer: Mine? You’ve got to be kidding. Money? Don’t have any, don’t bother.
Gordon knew Tin was up and about within twenty-four hours of the attack, but a groggy Scott had reined her in for another day to give himself and his brothers time to regroup to at least be functional for the necessary interrogation. All of them wanted to be there and Gordon was ever so grateful his brother had the foresight to do so.
They needed Kyrano alive after all.
Tin was beyond angry. The woman was hurting so bad it was a physical thing.
He woke up at one point to find her sitting beside his bed like a statue, just watching him. It could have been creepy, but for the pain on her face. She sought out each of her brothers for different things. Scott for guidance, Virgil for reassurance, John for knowledge, Alan for companionship, but when she came looking for Gordon it was for resilience.
“Hey, Tin.” His voice wasn’t its strongest.
Her eyes darted to him, but she didn’t say anything.
Worried, he reached out and gently took her arm. She didn’t resist, but she still didn’t acknowledge him.
“We will find out why. He wouldn’t do this willingly.”
That snapped her out of it. Her head spun around and those familiar green eyes so like her father’s grabbed his. “Willingly? How could anyone coerce him into trying to kill his family? He loved this family more than his life, Gordon. Your father meant more to him than you will ever understand. Losing him...” Her lips thinned and she looked away. “I lost them both.”
His hand tightened on her arm, refusing to let go.
“We’ll get him back.”
“How?” It was a challenge.
And he didn’t have an answer.
“Empty promises are just that...empty.” She shook off his hand and with a single glance of hurt, strode from his room.
Gordon sighed and closed his eyes a moment.
A thumb on his collar. “John, you’re going to have to set up that meeting sooner rather than later. We need answers and we need them now.”
It was like a scene from that old Hannibal Lecter movie. The one where the female agent stood in front of the glass enclosure and was terrified by the man eating criminal.
Aunt Val had moved Kyrano to a cell on the military base. She had been true to her word and security was so tight even the Tracys were glared at and inspected within an inch of their lives before being allowed to enter the viewing room.
The sight of Kyrano strapped to a chair beyond the plexiglass wall was chilling.
The confident and calm expression on his face, even more so.
They managed to fit three hoverchairs in that small room along with Alan, John and Kayo standing beside them, Aunt Val and the two guards.
It was a tight fit.
Virgil stared at the man who had loved them, yet hurt them so much.
“Hey, K.” Gordon’s voice was quiet.
Green eyes snapped to his brother. “You disappointed me, Mister Gordon. I thought you, of all of them, could follow through and put an end to this.”
“An end to what?”
Kyrano opened his mouth to answer, but something flickered in his eyes and he shut it again. A breath. “Have you learned nothing?”
“We have learnt plenty, Kyrano.” Scott straightened in his chair with a wince. “What we want to know is why you have turned on your family.”
The Malay aimed his gaze at Scott. It was as calm and as level as always. “Commander, I can not give you all your answers. You will need to do the work yourself.”
Kayo stepped forward. “Father, tell me why.” Her tone was cold.
“I can not tell you anything, daughter. You will need to discover it for yourself.”
And there sat a stalemate.
The brothers stared at Kyrano and the tension tightened its stranglehold on the room.
John whispered something into his comm and Virgil heard his niece answer. He turned to look at his space brother. John was tired. His face gaunt with tension. He still wore his uniform in a way that made it appear that the blue fabric was all that was keeping him together.
Considering his abrupt descent from orbit, it probably was. Virgil sighed. He and his brothers were a mess. International Rescue was down and writhing on the floor. If that was what their opponent wanted, then they had succeeded.
His eyes crept up to Kyrano’s and he found the man staring into his soul.
“Have they told you?” The man’s voice was smug yet held an edge of desperation.
“How I tried to kill you.”
“Hmm, apparently not. All that effort, all that technology and they didn’t even tell you.”
Virgil frowned and turned to his brothers. “What is he talking about?”
“Don’t let him play you, Virgil.” Gordon’s voice was cold and he glared death at his former mentor.
Kyrano turned to that voice. “You could not disappoint me more. I have made it plain and clear, yet you do not see. My faith in you was so misplaced and now-“
“Leave him alone!” Virgil’s words whipped across the room and snapped against the plexiglass. “You’ve done enough!”
“Obviously, I haven’t because you are all clueless!” There was the first hint of anger in the man, his calm cracking, that edge of desperation clearer than ever before. “Mister Virgil, the weak link. Attack the sensitive one, the honest one, the vulnerable one. Use him. Gain the attention of the military ones, the eye in the sky.” His tone was all scoff. “You are my family. Of anyone on this planet, you should understand.” His shoulders dipped just a little. “I have failed and this will continue because it can’t anything but.”
“Talk to me, Kyrano.” Scott’s voice was parched, but determined.
“I can not.” Green eyes met blue with an intensity of fire. “You are all going to die.”
It was cold and with a finality that sunk into his bones.
The room was silent for a moment until John’s hand landed on Scott’s shoulder and his brother whispered in his ear. Virgil couldn’t hear what he said, but the response was immediate, Scott turning his hoverchair around and summoning Kayo and Aunt Val with a hand signal. He also gestured for Virgil to follow, but Virgil gestured with his head towards Gordon, the aquanaut still glaring at his former mentor.
Blue eyes flickered, message understood.
Gordon wasn’t to be left alone with Kyrano.
A glance in the prisoner’s direction and Virgil was chilled by the small smile on the man’s face.
He saw everything.
Kyrano always did.
John led his brothers, sister and aunt our of the room, leaving Gordon and Virgil alone with the two guards...and Kyrano.
Virgil lined himself up with Gordon and echoed his expression.
“How’s your oesophagus?”
Gordon’s voice was sharp. “K!”
“Why hide it, Mister Gordon?” Kyrano shifted where he sat, his bonds tight and obviously uncomfortable. “Anyone would think you had an enemy in the room.”
“Fuck you.”
“Mister Virgil remembers the pill, don’t you, Mister Virgil.”
He did. Gordon’s expression could have melted the glass between the two men.
Those eyes slid back to the aquanaut. “You should be proud of him, Mister Gordon. No matter what we did, his thoughts were only of you. ‘Must protect Gordon’. He also had this faith in you that was quite indefatigable. He was determined you were going to enter the room like some superhero and save him.”
Neither Tracy answered him. Virgil’s hands formed into fists nonetheless.
The tableau was interrupted by Alan darting his head in the door. “Hey, Virg. Scott wants you.”
Virgil’s eyes darted to the cameras above and his lips thinned.
Kyrano actually laughed.
“Gordon, you’re coming with me.” Virgil found his voice ever so dry.
“Forget it.”
His brother’s eyes caught him and the determination in them burnt a streak across his heart. “I will be fine.”
He held that gaze for a long moment. “Right outside the door.”
Gordon didn’t answer. He turned back to glaring at Kyrano.
Scott better have a damned good excuse. This was against Virgil’s better judgment. Something in Gordon was scaring him.
Shoulders tight with strain, he followed Alan from the room, the sight of his aquanaut brother glaring at his mentor, burnt into his brain.
The moment Virgil left the room, the atmosphere changed.
Gordon’s hackles rose even higher.
“Now isn’t that much better? All the arty civilians have left the room. It is just you and me now.” Kyrano’s smile was sickly.
“What are you trying to do, K?”
“What needs to be done. Unfortunately, you have failed to connect the extremely obvious dots, Mister Gordon.”
“You can drop the ‘mister’. Your lack of respect is obvious.”
“I will always respect you, Mister Gordon. I thought I made that clear.”
“Yet you will attempt to murder us in the same breath.”
“I only do what I have to. I had hoped you would be smarter. Apparently, I failed.”
“No, you don’t get to do that. This is on you!” He stabbed his finger at the man behind the glass.
“Nothing is on me! I wanted none of this!” And there, just for a moment, there was a crack in that calm. There was grief and pain, for a just a split second.
And it was gone.
Gordon jumped on it, desperate to grab some sanity in all this. “K, please! Why?!”
The guard to Gordon’s right shifted where he stood, turning from his attentive stance to look at Gordon. “Because he is fighting me. Obviously he in need of another treatment.”
Kyrano froze and stared at the man. “No!”
A flicker of holographic display and the ‘guard’ turned back to the prisoner. “Tell me, brother, why not?”
The room Virgil coasted into was almost as tense as the one he left. Scott’s frown was about to eat his face. “Virgil, there is something we haven’t told you.”
“What, really?” His patience was about gone. Kyrano had spoken so many hurtful truths. The man obviously knew things he did not. “I would never have guessed.”
Scott’s eyes dropped to the floor for a moment before shooting him a non-verbal apology.
Virgil’s lips thinned. “Tell me.”
And that was how he found out he had been the one to nearly kill his entire family.
He didn’t let it digest, refusing to react. He could be the strong one if necessary. Screw all this stereotypical soldier crap. “Kyrano tried to give me another pill.”
Scott blinked. “When?”
“On the Island. That was what he was trying to do when Kayo interrupted him.” C’mon, face it, she had saved his ass and not for the first time.
“Well, where is it now?” Scott’s question was sharp.
“I don’t know! How could I know it was anything other than a pill. I thought he was trying to drug me again, this time to kill me. He said it all had to end. He didn’t want to do it, but he had to.”
Scott turned to his sister. “Do you know?”
She shook her head, no words passed her lips. Her body held so much tension he feared she might combust on the spot. This just got worse and worse.
“So he has tried to kill us twice. Claims he doesn’t want to, yet keeps doing exactly that.” Virgil glared at his brothers. “What the hell is going on? This isn’t Kyrano...” He paused. “That is Kyrano, isn’t it?” He looked up at the tallest brother in the room. “John?”
“We can’t scan him-“
“You couldn’t locate that Null base either.”
“No, but-“
“Then they have to be related. Our detection systems are the best on the planet, the only reason Kyrano can’t be located is because he knows-“
“Virgil.” Scott’s voice was firm. “He doesn’t know everything.”
John straightened where he stood. “He doesn’t know about Eos.” Virgil stiffened, ever aware of his aunt standing not half a dozen feet away. His eyes were caught by twin turquoise and a copper frown. “The program found a way.”
“It...did?” Referring to his niece as an ‘it’ felt ever so wrong.
“The device implanted in you had a very specific signature. It was cloaked to all but IR technology. Further to that, we suspect that it was lodged in your oesophagus on purpose. It was designed to lodge in your stomach, bide its time and then explode as the casing eroded, like a time bomb.” Virgil swallowed and John’s eyes darted to one side for just a moment before he obviously steeled himself and caught Virgil’s eyes again. “We all know that Kyrano is good at what he does. He isn’t seen unless he wants to be seen. That device has to have been sabotaged to do what it did. It gave us enough time to find it and defuse it. When has anything Kyrano done, ever failed at that level?”
Virgil stared at John before flicking his eyes to Scott. “You think he was trying to save us? From himself?”
Soldier blue stared back at him, so cold they chilled his bones. “I think it is a possibility.”
“It has given us the signature to search for.” John caught his attention again. “The...program can not locate Kyrano in that room, but that signature, on the faintest of wavelengths, is there.” He gestured to the sensor readouts on the security cams. Gordon was glaring at an empty chair in the middle of the room, the two guards equally staring at nothing. But they knew Kyrano was there.
John touched his interface with Five and a red dot appeared on the readout, about a metre above the seat of the chair.
“There is something in his head?” The words fell from Virgil’s mouth. His eyes widened. “Like the Mechanic.”
“We can only guess at this point.” John was falling back on science, shunting his reactions aside to focus on the problem.
But it explained so much. “He said we could end it.” The red dot blinked at Virgil.
“Oh my god.”
End Part Seven.
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mystic-sky · 6 years
Hello! May I please request a Fem! Reader /Yuliy where the Reader is also a Sirius, having been gone from Dogville when the vampires attacked. Yuliy comes across her one day when he catches her scent, sees she is fighting a vampire, having lost control of the werewolf in her, and when Yuliy confronts her, she actually runs because she doesn't realize he is another Sirius. She thinks he is just a human who happened upon her. Maybe a fluffy ending where Yuliy and Reader meet up and talk? Thxs!
I’m sorry this took a while to get to! I’ve been coming back to it all week.
Disclaimer: our Fem reader’s eyes in this oneshot turn into a blue flame color when she’s in her Sirius form. When she’s in her normal form, they’re your e/c.
Also, I wrote this in third person cause I thought it’d be the best way to portray the two of them at the same time. It gradually turns into your POV as you read. I don’t even know what sense to call that lol
“Gahhh!” Y/N groaned in pain. The beast’s bladed fingernails seeped into the palms of her hands, gashing at her skin. She kicked the beast in the stomach, trying to create some space between them. She reached for her weapon that the beast knocked out of her hand and gripped it firmly, wincing in pain.
“I’ve always wanted to taste the blood of a Sirius.” The vampire hissed, licking it’s fingers. 
Y/N felt a rage boiling within her. The blood of her people, lost to these… these demons. So many lives lost because of their questionable hunger that has to be quenched at the expense of human lives. This very hunger, this very obsession these beasts had with her people left her all alone and she hated it. Her mother, her father, siblings and friends. All gone. And her rage? It was growing more and more each time she encountered a vampire.
“You disgusting, wretched, blood-sucking coward!” She yelled out. Her eyes ignited into blue flames and her hair grew streaks of white. Sharp canines grew from her gums and the girl growled at the demon.
“I’m glad you like it. It’ll be the last thing you taste before you die.” She dashed at the being, impaling the beast with lightning speed. It spat blood onto her hands and feet as she ripped her weapon from it’s flesh.
“You d-dirty Sirius!” The vampire disintegrated into glowing ash and crumpled to the ground. She was still growling, shaking almost. And even though her hands bled, she squeezed them tighter.
During her battle, a young were wolf caught wind of her scent while in town on a mission. He separated from his group of friends without much explanation.
“Yuliy!” Philip called out.
“Just let him go.” Willard sighed, holding the blonde boy’s shoulder.
“I’ll keep on eye on him.” Dorothea says, slowly trailing behind the boy, who was already blocks away.
Yuliy caught a scent so familiar but he couldn’t put a smell to a name. It was someone he’d smelt before, he knew that for sure. It was the scent of their blood, mixed with the scent of something corpse like. He knew it all too well. 
“A vampire.” He hissed. He climbed the nearest scaffolding, and hopped along the roofs. The scent got closer, heavier and more prominent. And then he saw it.
The Sirius girl stood there below him, hands soaked in blood, in her most vulnerable form.
A shadow of a person cascaded down upon her, and she looked up at him, blue orbs shining imminently. 
Yuliy saw a girl he identified with, or at least someone who looked a lot like him in his Sirius state.
“Who… Who are you?” He barely got out. She didn’t utter a word. 
When he jumped down from the roof top to try and close the gap, the girl shifted her feet, fear in her eyes. 
She didn’t give him much time to get close, bolting down the alleyway.
“Wait! Come back!” Yuliy began chasing after her. The girl tried to turn several corners but she couldn’t shake the boy. As long as he had her scent, he could follow her as long as he wanted.
“Pesky little human.” She muttered, dashing into the main street towards the train station.
“Could you please wait?! I just wanna talk to you!” He called out to her, but to no avail, the girl kept running. Heck, she got faster and she pulled her hood above her head, fading into the crowd of people. 
She pushed past the one of the conductors asking for tickets to board the train, and forced her way onto the cart. The boy followed her, pushing past the same conductor as well.
She shifted through the passengers in the aisle, hopping from cart to cart until finally, she reached the front of the train where all the cargo and coal was stored. She accidentally knocked one of tins of coal over, and it splashed into the flame. Smoke began to crowd the cart and when Yuliy opened the door right behind her, heaps of smoke hit his face. More specifically, his nose.
He smacked a hand over his face and coughed. Her scent, now cloudy to him, made it difficult to keep up with her though the smoke. The girl however was now long gone from the stationary train, which officers had boarded in search of the “two alleged hijackers.”
They grabbed Yuliy by the arm before dragging him off the train.
“You’re coming with us.” One of the officers said.
“You’re gonna be in a lot of trouble, kid.” They said, attempting to handcuff him as soon as they exited the train.
“That won’t be necessary.” Dorothea said, waving her hand. “I’m his guardian.” 
“You are?” The officer said, examining the attractive tan skinned woman.
“Yes, I’ll be sure he doesn’t do it again. Please don’t press charges!” She said, taking Yuliy by his shoulders.
“That shouldn’t be a problem.” The officer said nervously, slight blush on his face. His eyes trailed to her breasts before speaking again. “Just keep an eye on him. Since he’s still a kid.” 
“Thanks.” Dorothea said, trying to put distance between them and the officers.
“Yuliy, care to explain to me why you ran off like that and caused a ruckus in the station?” She asked, rubbing her temples.
“I found a Sirius.” He answered, clenching his fists.
“You what? Are you sure?” Dorothea asked.
“I know scent of a Sirius when I smell one. I saw her.” He said.
“And her eyes… they looked like mine.”
“Where’d she go?” Dorothea asked, scanning the public square.
“That’s the thing. She ran from me.”
“You probably scared her off with that intense look you’ve always got on your face.” Dorothea said, patting him on the shoulder. “You really are bad with girls, aren’t you?”
“You think so?” He asked obliviously, looking at his reflection in a store front window.
“That’s not what I meant.” Dorothea shook her head at the boy.
Y/N, now being out of sight, stopped to rest in an alley way.
“I think I finally lost him.” She panted. “I won’t be someone’s science experiment today.” 
Her canines shrunk and her blue eye color faded to her normal e/c ones. Her white streaks of hair faded as well as she slid onto the concrete. “But I have to say…” She breathed. “He’s the fastest human I’ve ever seen.” 
It had been days since the werewolf boy saw the mysterious girl. He couldn’t stop thinking about her. 
Why did she run from me? He thought constantly as the days passed.
He sat in the car amongst his peers, nipping at his thumb in frustration. Dorothea looked up through the rear view mirror as Philip poked fun at the boy.
“I’ve never seen you so perplexed. Dog got your tongue?” 
Yuliy barely exchanged a glance at the blonde, panning his gaze out the window. But Philip knew he struck a nerve.
“I really wish you both would get along.” Fallon sighed, eyes looking into the rear view mirror as well.
“Leave him be, Philip. He’s been through a lot this week.” Dorothea said, crossing her arms.
“What and I haven’t? I’ll have you know that this sprained wrist of mine is no joke.” Philip rolled his eyes. 
“And can you roll your window down, it’s hot in here.” Phillip added an inaudible ‘mutt’ to the end of that sentence that Dorothea saw him mouth through the mirror.
“Behave.” She scorned, and the restless blonde rolled his window down.
The werewolf boy rolled his window down as well and leaned against it, looking out the window. As soon as he did, that same unforgettable scent touched his nose, and he perked up almost immediately.
His hunched form sat up abruptly, and looked out the rear window. 
“That scent…” He said. 
“Yuliy, pull yourself back in the car!” Dorothea warned.
“It’s her.” He said, open the moving car door.
“What the-“ Philip shouted, as the balance of the car shifted when Yuliy barrel-rolled out of the vehicle.
“Yuliy!” Dorothea yelled out, “Jesus Christ, Fallon stop the car!” 
The car stopped in the middle of the street, causing traffic and some close road accidents.
Yuliy ran in search of the scent, your scent, that he knew pretty well now even if it was just the second time.
His nose brought him to a bakery, a moderately crowded one that was also a cafe. 
There she sat, sweet bun in her mouth and indulging into a newspaper. A familiar scent on her nose as well, she looked up, pastry hanging from her lips.
There stood a pale werewolf boy, shadowing over her frame.
“You’re the girl…” He said, a little too close for comfort.
“Can I help you with something?” You said, removing the bun from your mouth and adjusting your gaze on the being in front of you.
“You’re a Sirius. You’re the Sirius girl I saw from the other night.” He said, leaning on the table, shaking the cup of tea in the process.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You got up, and began to gather your things.
“I know it’s you! You had white hair and the blue flame in your eyes, I saw it…”
“I need you to leave me alone. I’m not the person you’re looking for.” You tucked some hair behind your ear, trying your best to remain calm. How did he find me? I made such a clean getaway, you thought. 
You quickly brushed past the youth, taking that familiar scent in. A part of you wanted to look back but you couldn’t jeopardize your safety, not after this long. You wanted to live, and no human would get in the way of that.
But is he even human? He doesn’t smell like one, you think to yourself.
“Wait,” the boy tries to grab your wrist.
“Don’t touch me.” You say harshly, snatching your hand away. This surely earned the attention of some other people in the bakery.
You continue forward, reaching for the door handle.
“I’m from Dog-Ville!” The boy blurted.
“From Dog…ville?” You stopped, feet heavy at the sound of your homeland.
“I’m from Dog-Ville. Well, I was…” The werewolf boy trailed. You turned to look at him.
“And I don’t know if you’re from Mongolia either but… I’ve never seen you before.”
He finally caught your attention, and you walked towards him.
“Sit.” You said, sitting down at the table again. You crossed you legs as the boy sat across from you.
“How did you know I was a Sirius? And what did you chase me for the other night anyway?” You say, searching your bags your sweet bun.
“I can smell you.”
A red flare splashed against your cheeks and you think he realized it before he spoke again.
“No I mean, you have a scent. It’s not bad one, I just smelled someone who smelled like me… a werewolf. I haven’t smelled one since… well I don’t know if you know-
“Everyone died that night.” You say bluntly, setting your bun down on the napkin. “My family did too. So you’re a Sirius, that explains it.” You rubbed at your nose, understanding his scent now too.
“Oh… you are from Dog-Ville. I knew it. Why did you run away when I chased you?”
“You chased me. In the dead of night. And I was scared, I thought you were some mental human scientist. Guess my sense of smell could use some work.”
“Who were your parents? There weren’t a lot of children on the village aside from me and my brother. I’m sure I would’ve recognized you by now.”
“(Blank) and (Blank).” You say simply, “And you don’t know me because I’m not from Dog-Ville. Well, barely in my opinion. My parents traveled a lot and we visited Dog-Ville from time to time to see my late-grandparents. I think I was born there, but my parents were nomads, and so was I.” You bit your lip,
“And the one time we come back to visit happens to be the day I lost everything.”
Your eyes looked into your now cold cup of tea. The werewolf boy’s eyes soften at you.
“We both did.” He says, empathetically. The girl manages to smile at having someone to relate to after all these years. Yuliy takes a good look at her, realizing how pretty she actually was. Her sparkling e/c eyes and her soft lips. Even her h/l h/c hair was something he never thought he’d have a preference in. He didn’t even know he had a preference until he laid eyes on you.
A slight hue sat on his cheeks, and hoped the poor lighting on his side of the room would prevent you from noticing.
“So, how did you make it out exactly?” He managed to say.
“I ran, like I always do.” You say, taking a sip from your cup and immediately placing it back down, grimacing at the taste. “I’m pretty good at it, if you couldn’t tell.”
“Oh yeah… I should apologize for chasing you like that. It probably was pretty scary.” He says nervously, looking down at the sweet bun on the table.
“It’s fine.” You shake your head. “I’ve been running to survive as long as I can remember now. I left the village and wandered across a town until someone took me in. But that’s not important. What about you? How’d you manage to find your way out of all that chaos?” 
“My brother sacrificed himself to save me. And then I was taken in by a professor.” Yuliy said, reminiscing about Mikhail.
“He sounds brave.” You say, reaching for your sweet bun. 
“He was.” Yuliy said, small smile on his lips. You knew exactly where he was coming from and wished you could make it better for him as well. But you couldn’t, and the both of you had to live with that.
You looked at the extra sweet bun in your bag.
“Here.” You say, opening the wrapping on the bun and handing it to him. “A peace offering. Since you chased me down like a hawk or whatever. I forgive you.” You say, small tint in your cheeks.
“Oh, um… thank you.” Yuliy says, taking the gift from you.
“It tastes better with tea. On me, okay?” You smile, calling the waitress over.
“You don’t have to-“
“I’ll take two peppermint teas, please! And this one is cold.” You say, handing the waitress the cup.
“Coming right up.” The waitress said, shimmying her way back behind the counter.
Yuliy blushed a bit at the girl’s forwardness, but he still enjoyed her company nonetheless.
“So, what do you do?” You ask.
“I’m… I work for the Jaegers. I don’t know if you’ve heard of them or what they do.”
“I know of them. My parents told me about them when I was a little girl. I’ve always thought it was admirable- the work they do, I mean.” You say, fiddling with the bun’s wrapping paper.
“I don’t do it for the admiration.” Yuliy clarified.
“It’s a vengeance thing then?” You ask. The boy nodded before you spoke again.
“I was like that. At least before I decided that I am not my past.” You say, as the waitress approaches you with your tea. You lift your bun to your lips to take a bite.
“Here’s your tea!” She said, setting both cups down on the table. “I’m glad you two made up. Couples come in here and argue all the time. Breaks my heart.”
You nearly choke on the pastry, cheeks reddened to the max.
“We aren’t a couple.” You say, finally gasping for air.
“Oh, sorry for the mix up.” The waitress waves her hand and apologizes. 
“The youth are so shy these days.” She says, walking back to her station.
“Sorry about that.” You say, “I didn’t know the staff here were so… well, it doesn’t matter.”
You grip the fabric of your dress, before looking up at the youth. You’re now realizing how attractive he was, but you were sure he didn’t know it. He didn’t seem like the kind of guy to pick up on social cues well, or when he was the one making a girl flustered. At least that’s what you got from how unbothered he seemed when that lady said you both looked like a couple.
“It’s alright. It was just a simple misunderstanding.” He said, taking a sip of tea. You watched him tear a small piece of the bun off and pop it into his mouth.
“It’s good.” He says, biting into it whole.
“I-I’m glad you like it.” You look away, nervously playing with a piece of your hair.
The two of you finish your tea and sweets and leave the cafe.
“I guess this is where we part ways.” You say, adjusting your jacket.
“Oh…” Yuliy says, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Unless you wanted to be friends.” You work up the courage to say. “That is, only if you want to. I enjoyed your company.”
Yuliy pans down at the shy girls face before speaking.
“Definitely,” He smiles.
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