#her headband/hair gave me trouble hope it looks ok
speedy-beans · 1 month
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diversity win! this buggirl is disabled AND trans!
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luimagines · 1 year
That Dragon AU
I can’t believe I’m doing this. But I’m doing it XD
Written once again for @cafecourage and for myself. It will be self explanatory as we go on this adventure. Remember that one commission with Dragon Warrior with the headband and the party? That was based off of this. But now I get to share it with all of you!
This is their side of the story. I’m sure they will post my side on their blog soon enough XD
This is definably going to be longer than the last one. I hope you’re all excited for this. Forewarning: It’s is incredibly self indulgent. But honestly, those are the best kind of fics.
Content under the cut!
Chapter 1: Silent Claims
Enno hated parties.
They didn’t even want to be here to begin with. Their only consolation was that Warrior didn’t seem too thrilled either despite the fact this was his world. 
They patted down their clothes and adjusted their headband. Warrior gave it to them. He said that it would look good with the color they were wearing. Enno wasn’t sure if that was true or not, but what did they know? Warrior always seemed to know what he was doing.
They were by themself for the time being. The boys had all split up to not cause any trouble and Warrior was being forced to mingle with the Lords and Ladies of the land. This was fine. From beyond the dance floor, Enno could see Pinky and a few of the others by the food table. Maybe they could stick with them and ignore the rest of what’s happening. This was a bit much.
An enraged shriek causes the ball room to fall entirely silent.
Enno freezes on the spot, hesitating to turn around and look at the scene that no doubt is about to be caused.
“You!” Cia cries out. “What are you doing with my headband?!”
Enno freezes even more, going over the escape route in their head. The door is too far away.
Next thing they knew, Cia was in front of them screaming, grabbing their arm and trying to pull the headband off of their head. Not wanting to be near the yelling, Enno punches her and tries to create distance. Their fight or flight was kicking in. It only makes it worse
“Get off of me!” They scream.
“Cia!” Warrior pushes the sorceress away, blocking Enno with his body. He’s panting. He was running. Something dark and primal growls. There’s a fury in his eyes that the nobles of the land have only seen on a rare occasion. “Don’t touch them.”
Within moments the room erupts into whispers and gossip. Link this and Link that. Cia was certain and Cia was wrong. Who’s this and who’s the new person. All questions and theories to who Enno is and why they’re next to their hero and why Cia seems to be as angry as she is.. 
Enno wants none of it.
Cia gulps and begins to shake, pointing a finger at Link. “You can’t- Link, you know better than anyone what that means. Them? You’ve chosen them?”
Warrior takes Enno’s hand. “This way.”
They run.
Cia screams like a banshee but doesn’t seem to follow them.
Warrior leads them out of the ball room and through the hallways of the castle. When he stops, Enno needs to catch their breath. The castle is still as elegantly decorated as the rest of what they’ve seen but between all the twists and turns that they’ve taken, they are utterly lost. They have no idea where they are. At least they can still hear the party music from where they are. They must have fixed whatever scene was caused to get the party started again.
A curse falls past their lips. “She’s crazier than I thought. What the hell?”
Warrior pivots, putting his hands on their shoulders. “Are you ok?”
Smaller curses fall silently under his breath. He’s panting and out of breath just as much as Enno is. Warrior is suddenly all over them. Brushing down their clothes, adjusting the headband, running his hands over their hair and looking over where Cia had grabbed them.
Enno is still reeling from the rush of adrenaline. “Ma-maybe… I don’t know yet.”
“I’m so sorry.” He buckles slightly. “I should have known she would have tried something. I just didn’t think… I’m sorry. I take full responsibility for this.”
“No? No. She’s an adult. She can take responsibility for her own actions.” Enno feels like they’re missing something. “This has nothing to do with you.”
Warrior doesn’t seem too convinced. He plucks and adjusts small wrinkles on their clothes, thinking about what happened no doubt. But the silence makes Enno feel awkward. They also begin to feel a little guilty. “Warrior- Link-”
“You look good in this. Zelda chose well.” He smiles bitterly. An awkward laugh follows and he steps back a bit. “Is it too late to ask for a dance?”
"No... but do I want to know about what that was about back there?"
Warrior flushes a bit and he scratches the back of his head. "... What... Do you mean?"
"Uh, Cia and like half of the population of Hyrule has been either glaring or staring at me." Enno was still having trouble coming to grips with the events but they still took his hands for an impromptu dance. "Should I ask why?"
Warrior takes their hands gently, leading them to the beat of the faint music. He doesn’t respond right away. He doesn’t want to say the wrong thing and make matters worse. It was already a tough enough inner battle to give them the headband, let alone tell them anything else.
"Possibly because you're absolutely stunning." Warrior replies easily. "And we walked in together. They're assuming things My Dear. That tends to happen when I'm involved I'm afraid. Don't pay too much mind to it."
Enno blushes genuinely at the compliment. It might have been the first time he was able to get that reaction out of them. And not because they feel flustered or feel embarrassed or annoyed. Certainly not that. "So you just ran? That's gotta be a bad idea. Isn't Zelda or Impa going to kill you for making a scene?"
"Hey. Cia started it." Warrior leads them effortlessly. It's a waltz.
"That should be enough to be my freebie. We did nothing wrong." Warrior pulls them a little closer. "Besides, you looked like you wanted to be somewhere else anyway. And if you had similar desires, who was I to deny you?"
Enno let him do as he pleased. They had never danced before so they weren’t sure if they were doing it correctly. "She got angry over a headband. I’m still confused over that part." 
They were tempted to dip him before he dipped them but with how things are they didn't think that was a good idea. "And you’re right. I hate big parties. So... thank you..."
"Cia is just mad I never gave her anything." Warrior huffs before he leans close. "And I'll let you know a little secret~"
He leans close to their ear with a smirk. "I hate them too. So you're welcome."
"That was a lot of commotion just for that-" Enno leaned back trying to ignore the shivers they felt. 
"Sir-  I will bop you on the head." They said, not wanting him to know their weaknesses.
Warrior snickers against their ear, leaning away. "As you wish."
"This is preferable to the party though." Warrior smiles charmingly, spinning them before pulling them close to his chest again. "I only hope that we didn't worry our companions too much."
"I think they are probably thinking about fighting Cia, probably." Enno’s eyes darted around the hallways, trying to look at anything but him right now, "...I prefer this too..."
"Good." Warrior let's a breath out, seeming to relax with it. "I'd also like to apologize about Cia. She hasn't really.....for all her reform effort she still struggles with past tendencies. I had hoped she would be on her best behavior tonight. I suppose I did you no favors, Sweetheart. I'm sorry."
"You....really like using such endearing nicknames." Enno brought their arm up and around his neck giving a slight hug "It’s fine though, don’t worry about it. I'm just more confused than anything else. It just seems like it was out of left field."
"Do the nicknames bother you?" Warrior bites his lip. His hands rest on their hips, dropping the waltz and just slowly swaying back and forth with them. "And Cia.... yeah, it was. I'll have to talk to her later."
"You don't have to! I just don't know what to think about anything she said." Enno blurts. They try to clear up any possible misunderstanding before it gets out of hand. They wanted to make sure she doesn't get into too much trouble. 
"I don't mind the nicknames. Just be careful your fangirls might get jealous." They teased. "Unless you already call them that."
Warrior blushes a pleasant rosy color. His voice goes a bit soft and he smiles. "Occasionally, but that's just to lessen some tension. They get a bit... rowdy, at times. And no one really knows what to do to keep them away so I have learned to deal with it. You on the other hand, get to have it 100% genuine. You don't expect anything from me. So I don't have to worry about you misunderstanding when I call you Darling or Sweetheart."
He spins them around some more, leading them into the middle of the hallway. "I'll talk to Cia anyway. She's been getting on my nerves. This is just something I can't turn a blind eye to."
Enno stops still holding his hand, wanting and waiting to see if he pulls them back. "Darlin'? What are you, Twilight?" 
They laugh, teasing him, swaying the arms between them. "Please don't be too harsh when it comes to what happened tonight. I'm not mad."
Warrior hums. "You may not be. But I am."
He sighs and absolutely pulls them close once more. "It's a bit complicated and I know you don't have all the context. But I'll explain it to you. Eventually. Tonight let's just unwind for a bit, yeah?"
He spins them again, his chin gently nudging the side of their head. "And how the Rancher has a monopoly on that one? That doesn't seem very fair."
They sighed, bonking him on the shoulder in response to being not told anything. "He has that country boy charm. You, sir, radiate noble boy. It gives a different vibe."
Warrior snorts and wraps his arms around them. "Should I lean into it, Your Grace? How about Jewel? If not, would Amore suffice? What do you suggest, My Sweet? I have plenty."
“Careful there Hot Shot, suggest any more and people might start to think we’re an item.” Enno laughs, trying to play off his flirting behavior. “I don’t care about the nickname, do what your heart so desires.”
Warrior hums, pleased. "That works for me, Honey."
He grins and simply sways back and forth with them again. The dance has long been lost but neither of them seem to mind. "At least tell me you tried the food?"
“A bit.” Enno sighed into him, getting comfortable, hiding their blush against his body. “There were a lot of eyes on me. It felt weird just to keep eating and not dance or socialize.” 
The warmth of the moment makes them smile. “Though if we stay like this I might fall for you, soldier boy.”  
They are100% joking and teasing him.
Warrior breathes in deeply. "I can't say I'm against the thought of that."
His head gently rests against theirs. "I'm afraid that might just bring more eyes on you though."
A hand rises up to card through their hair, tenderly playing with it. "It's not very ideal.... being associated with me."
“I’ll just be a cryptid. Always talked about, barely seen.” Enno laughs at his talk, leaning into his touch. “Though shall I take this as an official declaration? Or do I have to wait until that talk that’s needed later.”
"Um!" Warrior tenses. His eyes pop open and he stops his movements. "Some.... more time would be... appreciated."
He laughs awkwardly. But he hugs them tighter and rubs his head against theirs like before. "Sorry, I-...I'm not actually very good at this.... I'd also hate to see anything happen to you because of me. There's a lot that I have to do... If you're willing, that is."
He takes a deep breath and it's suddenly very warm behind their head. "I just wanted you to have a good time tonight. That's all."
Enno waits until he finishes talking to actually hug him back. The sensation of a fireplace on their back was strange but not enough for them to question it outright. “I did. Thank you.” 
They let him just hold onto them. It was weird. He felt warmer somehow or… was he always this warm? “Though I would love to head back to a bedroom and just cuddle. I’m tired.”
It’s even stranger to be so close to him, almost physically feeling Warrior preen at their words. They could have sworn on it.
He pulls back a bit and looks at them, his gaze soft. "We can do that. Would you rather go to the one you were supposed to share with Pinky or to mine? Mine's closer but obviously the other has all your stuff in it."
They laugh at his reaction, covering their mouth to stifle it. “I’ll just steal your clothing, it’s fine.” Enno gestures for him to lead the way. “Pinky can figure out where I am.”
Warrior grins, stepping away to bow jokingly. "This way, Your Grace."
He extends his elbow for them to walk arm in arm as he guides them once more through the castle and towards his room.
Enno’s arm slips into his as they hold back from rolling their eyes. “You’re something else.”
Enno continues to take in the castle as he leads them to his room. There’s many gold accents and large tapestries that adorn the walls. There’s also many stained glass windows with forged stories of the royals and heroes before them. As soon as they got in the room, Enno was already ready to steal more comfortable clothing.
Warrior opens the door to his room, revealing that it looks fit for royalty. He ushers his companion inside and lights the lamps, closing the door with a soft click.
"Hold on a second, I think I have something that'll fit you." He scrambles around the room, going through his clothes. Enno looks around, trying to be as subtle as possible. They notice that he's only going through 3 drawers. In a dresser of 7.
He takes out a small pile and tosses half of them on the bed. Then he pauses.
"I have a connected bath." He looks up at them. "Do you want to bathe before or just change into your clothes?"
Enno looked around, being more obvious this time around. This is not a normal room, “So uh… when we teased you about being a noble city boy…” 
They picked up the clothing. Despite Warrior being a twink, his clothes were still big for them.
“I’ll take a quick bath, hold on.” Enno said, awkwardly rushing into the bathroom with the clothing.
"Do you need help to turn it on or can you figure it out?" Warrior calls after them with a small laugh.
“NO!” They squeaked out, turning on the bath to see which was the hot water. They wanted to get in and out as fast as possible. It took them quicker to figure it out than they thought it would. Within 8-10 minutes, they were already relaxing in the water. Once they were finished, they got up from the bath and hit their foot against the tub’s rim, almost falling over. 
“AHH!!” Enno scrambled back to regain balance. They take a moment to breathe before getting the towel.
He hears their yell and he perks to attention. "You ok?"
When he hears no response, his face falls a little bit. But he doesn’t want to make them feel more uncomfortable than they were no doubt feeling already.
"Knock twice if you're dead." He yells out playfully. He's in the middle of changing his clothes.
“I’m not dead. You heard nothing.” They say, drying up fully. Putting on the new clothes, they take extra care to fold the fancy clothing. They take the headband with them and place the stack of clothing in the hamper. 
Warrior laughs and puts on his pants, putting his fancy clothes away.
“Hey do you want this back? I’m not gonna wear it really unless I’m going somewhere fancy.” Enno comes into the room holding up the headband.
He hears them call and looks their way, shirtless and disheveled. He doesn't seem to care.
His eyes lock onto the headband in their hand and he gulps a bit. "No. That's yours. To keep. If you want it."
Enno’s brain stopped in its tracks to process what they were seeing. “I- uh…” 
They cough into their hand, suddenly getting super flustered, not wanting to look at him any more. 
“Thank you.” They turn around to give him some sort of privacy “I can go back in the bathroom, and give you some room.”
Warrior's eyes scan over their body, taking it in completely. He wasn't expecting Enno to look as perfect as they do in his clothes but he forces himself to look away. 
He tosses on a plain shirt, ignoring the thoughts in his head and the blush on his face. He stands. "No need. I'm good now."
Enno relaxed and instantly flops onto the bed. 
“Thank god.” They look another way, still blushing from seeing him.TheyI didn’t want to think about him being shirtless. But there he was… in their mind’s eye.
Warrior doesn't hesitate to follow their example and jumps into his bed. He lands next to them. "You ok?"
“Define ok.” They turn back to face him, a bit shy. “You’re very handsome. Kinda took me out a bit. Sorry. I didn’t mean to stare at you.” 
Enno’s eyes dip into the space between them. They don’t want to invade his personal space despite asking for cuddles earlier. They didn’t think about how quickly he agreed to it. They were simply minding their distance, hoping they didn’t ruin everything.
Warrior takes a moment to process their words before he realizes what they were talking about. His ears turned a bit pink and he bit his lip at the thought. "Oh."
"Well..." Warrior tilts his head, looking at the ceiling as he says this. "For what's it worth, you were too stunning for me to finish fast enough. I would have been properly made up otherwise."
He looks back at you. "I don’t particularly mind the staring if it's you. You're not like every stuck up, hosehead that was in that party. I trust you."
Enno reaches over, taking his hand. They’re not convinced. They’re still worried that he might make a connection between them and Cia. The thought terrifies them.. “I am happy you do.” 
They play with his hand, fiddling with them. “Truly…” They sigh but smile “Now I was promised cuddles?”
Warrior grins and scoots himself closer to their body. He's quick to wrap his arms around them, nuzzling his head gently into theirs and intertwining their legs together. "You were indeed."
He adjusts himself a bit so that he's not on top of Enno or crushing them. A hand of his comes up and plays with their hair, lifting it and letting it fall. "I can get used to this."
He yawns.
Enno wraps their arms around him, nuzzling into his shoulders. 
“I hope you know that I won’t sleep, even with cuddling.” They poke his cheek.
"Hm... and why not?" He says by their ear. "....You know there's a lot of things I can say here that would probably end up with me getting smacked."
He chuckles and pokes his nose against their cheek. "Just relax and stay here until morning. It'll be alright."
He still gets smacked gently, “Shut up you.” 
Enno also adjusts themself so that they’re holding him better and playing with his hair instead. “You need your beauty sleep so you can’t claim we were doing anything.”
Warrior laughs a bit louder and holds them tighter as a result. He leans into their touch and sighs contentedly. His eyes flutter close and he smiles blissfully. "I wouldn't have dreamed of it."
Enno doesn’t respond as they start to think about his adventure and their situation again. They were brushing his hair as a mild distraction. It was hard to control their thoughts from going down that line but at least it kept him from looking up to seeing a far off look on their face. The less questions he asked the better. Enno hoped that he would sleep soon. They suddenly didn’t feel safe with Cia around in the castle but they didn’t want him to know that.
Warrior frowns and his eyes open a bit. "Are you sure you're ok?"
He nuzzles them closer. "No one can get in here unless I let them. So you don't have to worry about anyone seeing this. It's just you and me. Not even Cia would break down that door or the windows. I made sure of it."
“That’s- I don’t think she can’t be beaten with just a lock on the door or window.” They sighed into his hair. 
Warrior huffs and turns to murmurs into their hair. "The lock is magic. Cia tried to get in once because I overslept for a meeting. She couldn't get in. It’s ok. Is that what you’re worried about?"
“I’m…fine…” They don’t sound confident enough in their own words. “It’s just….”They pull away a bit to look Warrior in the eye. “Has Pinky told you how we know about all of your adventures?”
He takes a deep breath, the silence falling over the two of you like a blanket.
"Oh...Yeah" Warrior stretches. "Pinky said a lot. Like moving pictures with sound for story telling."
He yawns again, snuggling into their shoulder. "She said you knew all our stories."
"So..." They pause, slowly going back to brush his hair "You’re ok with this? With us? I don't want to lose the trust you have in me."
"You haven't done anything to lose it." Warrior mumbled, not even moving his lips to speak. He was being pulled under by their touch and soon his breaths even out and he falls asleep.
"Go to sleep." They adjust him so he is laying on top with his head on their chest and continue to brush his hair. Enno waits for him to fully fall asleep. They weren’t that tired to begin with.
Warrior had fully passed out beside them. The stress from the event, from Cia's and company's reactions and the overall attitudes from the nobles have worn him out. He has to keep a face for all of them but he lets go entirely in their presence.
Enno feels him relax deeper and lean into their touch despite his unconscious state.
If they looked close enough, they would be able to see him smile in his sleep.
If only things would have been just as easy as before they arrived at the castle.
Next Part
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kakashifanrp · 3 years
Hiiii!!! Can I request a story where reader is a jounin and was the one that kinda raised Naruto (he deserved all the love in this world 😫😭😭), then reader and Kakashi fell in love, and during the Pain attack in Konoha, reader faces off Pain with Hinata when Naruto is down (kinda like Hinata did), heartbroken because well….we know what happened to her husband 😫😫 Then, fluff please because even though I love angst, I love fluff as well 💕💕
AN: Soo I hope this is good enough. It is a large timeframe to get into a one shot, but hopefully you like it 🙌🏼 thank you soo much for the request 🥰
Warnings: deaths, blood.
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You had gotten home from your last mission, ready to find the boy you had been a guradian for since he was a baby. You held onto the bags with groceries as you walked the streets of Konoha, happy to be back home. "you are back!" Naruto ran over and hugged you thightly. "There you are" you giggled and hugged him back. "oh, look at that, your own headband" you smiled proudly. "Yeah! I am a genin now! Come you need to meet my sensei!" he grabbed your arm amd dragged you along thowards the ramen shop he loved soo much.
"Kakashi sensei! Look I want you to meet my Auntie!" The blond haired boy cheered happily as he let go. You looked up at the silverhaired man in front of you, trying to hold back a blush. "soo you are the one watching over Naruto, nice too meet you.. Kakashi Hatake" he seemed to be smiling as he held out his hand, but it was hard to tell with the mask he had on. "I am Y/N L/N, Naruto's guardian" you took his hand and greeted him. "hope he haven't caused alot of troubles soo far" you blushed nervously as Naruto gave you a stare.
That was your first meeting with the famous copy ninja. He was handsome indeed, as rumours had said, and it seemed that the kids had caught on to the akward intoduction and small Stares you both gave eachother each time you met while picking up Naruto. Soon Naruto invited the team over for dinners, which itself was fine for you.. But after a few times they started to make exuses on why they had to leave before dinner, making you and Kakashi be left alone.
"what about all the food Naruto?" You looked at him as he got his backpack on. "I promised Sakura and Sasuke to camp with them in sakura's backyard." you looked at all the food and sighed. "what about all this then?" you looked at him, wondering what had gotten into the kid lately. "kakashi sensei can eat for me, bye Auntie sama!" Naruto run out the door leaving you and Kakashi looked at eachother dumbfolded and blushing. "well, I sure hope you are hungry" you said nervously.
That was years ago now, more like 4 or 5 allready. Whatever the kids were up to seemed to work. You sighed as you looked at the wedding picture on the shelf. "are you still worried?" Kakashi wrapped his arms around you from behind and smiled as he looked at the picture. "You are just as beautiful as you were on that day, ms Hatake" he chuckled and kissed your cheek, making you smile. "You still love to use that don't you?" You rested your head against his neck softly. "well, it makes you smile, dosen't it?" You turned around and looked up at him with a blush across your cheek.
"He will be fine... He is with the toads" he kissed your forhead, knowing You were worried for Naruto. "I know, I am just worried for him.." you sighed. "He is soon all grown up too.." Kakashi smiled and held you close. "well, He is a good kid.. And he will make it" he assured you. "and I know he wants to be a uncle?" you giggled and tried to hide your blush. "Is this you saying you want kids?" you raised a brow as you saw the blush spread across his face. "well, yeah... It is.." You pulled him down and kissed his lips softly. "married and wants kids, Who would have thought that when I met you?"
The ground started shake making pictures fall down off the wall as you held onto Kakashi's shirt. "what the hell was that" You ran over to the window, eyes widening in shock and fear as you saw the smoke from the other side of the village. "We are under attack.." you whispered before grabbing your vest and took it on. Kakashi did the same as he looked at you. "Don't take any risks out there" he commanded. "the same goes for you" He kissed your cheek before putting his mask back on, and you both ran out the door.
You went over to help the civilians, evacuating everyone you could and gave commands to the Genin. When most had been evacuated you searched for survivers, looking throught collapsed houses, and digging them out. "Y/N, go to the west side, it might be more people over there!" Iruka yelled at you. You nodded, before you went on over to the west side. The destruction of the village was insane.. You had never seen anything like this before.
You stopped in your tracks as you saw the familliar silver hair in one of the ruins." Kakashi!" You ran over and started to dig him out before you dragged his body up on the ground. "please be ok, please" You cried out as you tried to wake him. When he didn't respond you placed your head on his chest trying to listen for his heartbeat, but no matter how long you waited for it, it never came. "no.. No!" you screamed out as tears poured down your cheeks. You placed your trembling hand on his cheek, not able to move or take your eyes off him. "You promised to be careful.. You can't... Please!"
You spotted a shadow and looked up, before a huge blast hit the middle of the city, luckly it missed you both by a few houndred meters. You had to keep moving, too fight off the enemy who did this. "I'll be back" you whispered as you kissed your husbands forhead before you got up and started to run thowards where the blast had hit. "Ms. Hatake! Over here!" you noticed Hinata and a few others as you ran over. "What is this thing!?" You looked down at the huge hole in the middle of what used to be the village. "oh my" You fell to your knees in horror of the sight in front of you. Never had you seen such destruction
"Naruto kun" Hinata's voice made you head snap over to the toads in the middle of the hole. "no, he shouldn't be here" you clenched your fists as all you could do was watch as Naruto took on Pain on his own. You felt helpless as you watched what was going on in front of you, not only had you lost your husband, but now you were gonna loose the Child you had raised as your own. "We need to stop this!" Hinata took your hand making you look at the young girl next to you. "I will help"
A loud bang was heard as both Hinata and you looked back, watching Naruto being pinned to the ground. As a reflex you got up and run as fast as you could thowards them. "Hinata, try to get him free!" you commanded as you aimed for the readhead pierced man in front of him. "You leave him alone!" You jumped to kick him, but a force stopped you and threw you back making you hit the ground harshly. You groaned softly as you got yourself up, watching Hinata fly aswell.
"leave them alone!" You charged again. "Your weak attempts will not stop Pain" the man said, Before you could do your firestyle jutsu you were flying up in the air, before a quick pull made you get thrown into the ground harshly in front of Pain. You gasped as blood spilled from your mouth. A sharp pain hit your chest, making you cough more blood as your vision got blurry. You had failed, and you knew it.
You don't know what happened after everything, but you could hear voices talking to you, before your body was shaken, making you open your eyes and gasp. Shikamaru and Hinata was over you with worried eyes. "what happened.. Where is Naruto" Your throat were sore and it still hurt to talk. "Naruto turned into ninetails, and fought pain.. But they left the village awhile ago, and now all of you are suddenly waking up" Shikamaru helped you up as he explained, still shocked about everything that had went down.
Kiba ran over and Helped you, while Choji got Shikamaru before he collapsed. You leaned against Kiba as he helped you up from the hole. "We need to take you to the medical ninja's.. You are still hurt Y/N sensei" He looked worried, but you shaked your head. "I need to know if Naruto is ok.." you pleaded as you looked at the young man. He nodded as he walked over to the others, still holding you up standing.
"Auntie sama!" You looked thowards the direction you heard the voice and your eyes widen. "oh my god" You teared up as you saw Kakashi carrying Naruto on his back. Naruto got down from Kakashi's back and run over and hugged you. "thank god, you are ok... You both are ok" you cried as you held him thighly, pulling Kakashi in as he came over. "I thought I had lost you both" You were afraid to let go, in case it was all just a illusion. "Naruto saved us all... He defetead pain.." You heard the whisperes.
"I am soo proud of you" You kissed Naruto's forhead before he got dragged away, soo the village could applaud him. "I thought I told you to not take any risks.." kakashi held you close, before wiping away a tear from his eye. "same to you... I thought you were gone for good" you held onto him, not wanting to let go. "seems Naruto made sure we got a chance, yet again.." You nodded slowly as you watched everyone treat him like the hero he was.
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satsuki2406 · 4 years
Dear Aomi Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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"I've seen you in a dream before, you are the warm and bright presence that embraced me on Cape Kamui a long time ago on a June afternoon."
Shinohara (Y/N) is a normal girl who had everything she could ask for, a loving family, a beautiful home, friends, and a fluffy cat. For a long time, she gave her life and happiness for granted, never imagining that she'll face one of the worst and crueler facades of society so closely, destroying what once was a happy, harmonious and normal family. One day, in hopes to recover what they lost, the Shinohara family took one of the more difficult decisions of their lives; leave behind their home back in Hokkaido and travel hundreds of miles south until Musutafu, the place that could grant them a solution and help close the yet fresh wound and scare away the ghosts of the past. Hardheaded, passionate, and ambitious (Y/N) is forced to confront the incarnated face of the superhuman society that she hated the most; Bakugou Katsuki.
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PAIRING: (Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)
GENRE/WARNINGS: Romance, Fluff, Angst, Dark Themes, My poor attempt of humor, Strong language (Courtesy of Lord Explosion Murder 💥), Manga Spoilers, LONG ass chapter.
STATUS: On going
Chapter 1: School is a Great Place to Make Enemies
Chapter 2: My Stupid Classmate, The Angry Dandelion
Chapter 3:In Conclusion, This Day Was...
Masterlist \( ̄︶ ̄*\))
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4: Welcome to The Neighborhood
The salty breeze caressed (Y/N) face in a wavy motion mixing with the relaxing sound of waves crashing down the coastline. Along with her steady and calm breathing, those were the only things she could perceive in the endless darkness flooding her eyes.
‘A dream?’
Suddenly, her eyelids started to flutter little by little showing her a pretty familiar scenery. A long and meandering trail lay was in front of her, surrounded by the expanse of an endless blue sea. An old wood railing was the only thing shielding (Y/N) from a deadly fall to the humongous rocks nested around the rocky and long structure.
‘Cape Kamui? Again? Why do I keep dreaming of this place?! I haven’t been here in years! Do I miss my old home so much that my brain continues to bring me here? But, it looks so real…’
All of sudden, with the corner of her eye (Y/N) caught the silhouette of someone in the distance, they were with their back turned to her looking at the scenery without a care. That right there was new. This had become a recurrent dream since she moved, but in all the other occasions (Y/N) was there by her own, not a single soul was there, and now an unknown presence awaited ahead.
‘Should I talk to them? Well, I guess is worthed a try.’
With vacillating steps, (Y/N) walked forward to the mysterious entity, as she started to move along the slightly narrow path. Suddenly the wind became more and more agitated as she advanced, her hair moved haphazardly blocking her view frequently. Soon walking became more difficult forcing her to stay still, tightly gripping the railing. The blue and clear sky over her became gray and clouded.
‘What the hell?! Maybe if I try to-’
“E-Excuse me!” You shouted. “Do you know what is happening? I-I haven’t seen you here before! Do I-do I know you?!”
The inexplicable being seen to haven’t noticed (Y/N)'s attempts to make contact, but now she could catch a certain detail that had ignored before while trying to keep herself steady in the implacable bursts. The perimeter around this enigmatic character remained intact the whole time, even the portion of sky over them lingered cloudless and immaculate. The breeze swayed delicately what at your current distance seems to be a white sundress.
‘So, it’s a girl’
Abruptly a blaring sound started to resonate in (Y/N) head, she tried to cover her ears with her hands to no avail. Gradually her vision began to blur and a heavy sensation of falling invaded her body. Unexpectedly everything became black until-
Once again, (Y/N)’s world took a 180-degree change of scenery, a more uncomfortable and painful one per se. There she laid on her bedroom floor, upside down, hair scattered, ungracefully contorted with her legs dangling over her head in something similar to a pretty messy plow yoga position.
(Y/N) blinked still sleepy and confused trying to remember what was going on before she ended up like this, but unfortunately, her abrupt awakening seen to had blurred her memory. All of sudden (Y/N) was brought back from her stirred thoughts as a soft knock was heard on her door.
“Honey are you-oh my! What happened to you?!” (Y/N) mother quacked as she entered your room, her face contorted in concern. “Here, let me help you, darling, I don’t think that position could be good for your back”
“O-Ok, thanks”
After her mother helped her to stand up again, (Y/N) decided to take a quick shower to relax and clear her mind. Now, more awaken and changed in her uniform she was sitting in her vanity stool absentmindedly brushing her hair trying to recall what kind of dream she had last night.
“It will be best if I stop to think about that, I’m gonna get a migraine, it was just a dream, no biggie.”
Once detangled, (Y/N) proceed to think how she would like to style her hair or just use it loose as always. “I don’t want to tie it but I want something different.” Instantly a bulb lighted up over her head, from one of the front drawers she took out a thin light blue ribbon. She put it around her head like a headband and knot it in a little bow at the side of her head.
Content with her simple but cute look she took her already packed bag and proceeded to go downstairs to have breakfast. In her way to the first floor, (Y/N) caught the aroma of fresh pancakes and coffee.
“Smells good!” (Y/N) excitedly exclaimed once she spotted her mom coming out of the kitchen with a stack of pancakes and a bottle a maple syrup to place them on the table.
“I’m glad you think so! I put some chocolate chips in the batter just like you like it!”
“You are the best mom!~”
“Oh, darling I know it. Now sit down and eat you have to leave to soon” (Y/N) did as her mother said, who shortly joined her with her morning coffee on hand. Both of them thanked for the food and dug in.
“Oh, now that I remember! Yesterday I met our next-door neighbor!” (Y/N)’s mom chimed happily.
“Oh really? What did you talk about?”
“Oh, she was really nice and chatty! Her name is Mitsuki but I don’t remember her last name, was it, Bai? Bandai? Bando? Oh, this terrible memory of mine is getting worse and worse every day!” (Y/N)’s mom complained.
“It’s funny that we’ve already met all our close neighbors but them. It’s weird if you think about it.”
“I guess so, she also said that she has a son your age that also attends Aldera Junior High! Maybe you could start going to school together and become friends! Probably he’s as nice as his mom.”
“Hmm probably” (Y/N) said mind absently. “Hey, mom…” She whispered while putting down her cutlery. “Did-did the doctor answered something about- you know…”
Akari paused her fork holding a piece of pancake in mid-air in front of her open mouth, shock spread all over her face. She quickly composed herself and cleared her throat. “He told us it was a long process, you know a lot of tests, blood works, scans and so… he told us not to worry too much, all the necessary requirements were successfully fulfilled. Don’t worry darling, everything would be ok; we have to be faithful.” (Y/N)’s mom reassured her as she squeezed her hand.
“I know but, I’m just… scared.”
“I know baby, I know.”
“I’m leaving now mom!” (Y/N) exclaimed from the front door as she put on her shoes at the genkan. “Alright, sweetie! Are you bringing your bento? Your handkerchief? Your pencil-case? Your toothbrush? Your phone? Your pouch with all your ‘lady necessities’?
“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.”
“Ok! Please take care and if anything happens call me immediately and I’ll go to pick you up. I have a meeting with a potential meat and seafood distributor for the new restaurant today but I’ll have my phone with me all the time at full volume.”
“Alright mom! Ittekimasu!”
"Itterasshai darling!"
After locking the door and taking her bike (Y/N) exited her house through the short gate door at the front, but stopped midway when her ears caught what sounded like a heated discussion next door, but the loud argument wasn’t the problem, it was one of the voices involved; an annoying, loud and really familiar voice to be exact.
‘No way…’
“I’m warning you Katsuki! Take your fucking lunch or I’ll personally deliver it to you, at school, in your classroom, in front of all of your classmates!”
“You wouldn’t dare old hag!”
“Oh, but I would! I didn’t wake up at fucking five in the morning to make a bento that you’ll refuse to eat! Now take it!”
“Piss off!”
“Don’t hit me old hag! I’ll kill you!”
“Don't you dare to talk to your mother like that you ungrateful brat!”
‘Nice my ass! What made my mom thought that this woman could be nice in the first place?! She’s shouting at her son in the middle of the street like a madwoman at 7:30 in the morning because he doesn't want his bento?! What is this?! Crazy Town?!’
“I already told you a thousand fucking times to stop making this shitty bentos! I’m not seven anymore! Not my problem that you are an old hag that can’t remember shit!
“What did you say?!’
“You heard me!”
‘I was lucky yesterday because I left earlier and he must walk to school so the chances to run into him were slim. Damn! Now I’m gonna have to wake up earlier to avoid him?! Fuck you, Bakugou! Why in heaven did he have to live next door?! Now I understand why the house was cheaper than it should have, the realtor said the former owner had trouble selling it because of the size and the prize, hah! What a joke.’
“Enough of this, I have to go before he notices me, I can get ahead faster so I won’t see him until I get to the class. Yes! Now all I have to do is walk away really slowly-”
(Y/N) put her escape plan in action immediately, moving as fast and quietly as she could even lifting the bike a little bit so the sound of the chain wouldn’t forewarn them of her presence. After a short but cumbersome trail, 2 houses away from hers (Y/N) hopped on her bike more than ready to cycle with all her might directly to the school when another voice resounded at the distance.
“(Y/N)! You forgot the bag with your P.E uniform!” Exclaimed Akari while she held the said bag for (Y/N) to see it clearly.
‘FUCK! No! No! Calm down just take the stupid bag and run! Yes! You can do it!’
(Y/N) pedaled at high speed towards her mother with an only goal in mind, ‘retrieve and flee’ Just a little bit more and she could make a clean escape. Just two feet more!
Putting all her skills on display (Y/N) did her best to balance herself on the bike with only one hand on the rudder while she extended her right hand as much as she could, ready to snatch the bag and leave for dear life.
‘Just a few inches more! Yes! You can do it! Just keep pedaling! Just keep!-’
“Oh! Akari-san! I thought I heard your voice!” Mitsuki beamed as she leaned out of her house entrance while she dragged her temperamental scion by the ear.
‘Son of a biscuit!’
“Let me go you shitty hag!”
“Watch your damn language brat! Can’t you see our lovely neighbors are here too!”
“Like I care for those extras! Let me go! I’ll be fucking late!”
“Stop with the fucking hitting!”
“Stop screaming!”
“You stop screaming!”
“Oh, isn’t this neighborhood lively, darling?~” Chimed Akari smiling amusedly at the scene in front of her.
“Aha…” (Y/N) petrified by her side, all willing to live left her body already.
‘I hate my life…’
“Oh! Bakugou!” Said Akari while she bumped the side of her fist over her open palm “Mitsuki-san’s last name is Bakugou!”
“And why couldn't you ‘ve remembered this important piece of information, I don’t know, like thirty-five minutes ago mother?” (Y/N) groaned.
“Oh, you know I’ve always had a bad memory, but I always end up remembering everything at the right time” Akari giggled. (Y/N) simply sighed for the umpteenth time that morning.
‘I’m exhausted already’
After a couple of minutes of bickering, the interesting ‘shoutversation’ mother and son had come to a halt when Mrs. Bakugou strongly hit her son’s head pushing it down in a bow like position.
“Oh, Akari-san! I’m so ashamed that you had to witness this! Katsuki can be a handful sometimes!” Said the blond woman with a dismayed expression.
'Just sometimes?'
“Oh, don’t worry!” Said (Y/N)’s mom waving her hand dismissively. “Teens are usually more temperamental, especially at this age. (Y/N) is not always a ray of sunshine, you know how hormones are.
“Mom!” (Y/N) exclaimed embarrassed, making the older blonde’s attention go from her mom to her, acknowledging her presence. The female Bakugou’s expression went from pensive to surprised, to excited to hopeful all in a matter of five seconds.
“Oh my! you must be (Y/N)-chan! Your mother has told me a lot about you! I’m Bakugou Mitsuki, but you can call me Mitsuki! This is my son, Katsuki! He goes to the same school as you! Katsuki say ‘hi’!” Said Mitsuki with a cheery voice.
“OH MY FUCKING-! Hi or whatever!” sneered the seething blond.
“Umm… hi…” After her court response Katsuki seemed to tense slightly, like he just fogured out something. He then slowly rose his head and his wide, bloodshot eyes met (Y/N)’s unfazed yet irritated ones.
*SLAP! x3*
“Make me old hag!!!”
*SLAP! x6*
“So help me Katsuki! I will take away all of your phone, Wi-Fi, and PS privileges!”
“I wanna see you try!  And why should I apologize?! This shitty thief used her fucking quirk on me yesterday! If anyone should apologize, it's her!”
“Ha! Knowing you, you must have deserved it for sure!”
“Da fuck?!”
“I told you to stop with the fucking swearing!”
“You stop with the fucking swearing!”
‘Oh God help us all’
35 notes · View notes
At What Cost?
Arriving home that night, bodies sore from climbing and fighting, Zara wished for nothing more than to rest. Yusuf, however, had other ideas. “Where are you off to?” Winding his arms around her, Yusuf pulled her close and buried his face at her neck. Peppering kisses there and making her squeal, he laughed and continued the process.
“I’m going to bed.” She fought through the laughter.
“Hm.” Yusuf’s laughter rumbled from his chest. “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”
Her giggling intensified as Yusuf lifted her and carried her bridal style to their room. “Yusuf! You know this isn’t what I meant.” Though her words were protests, her fingers tangled in his hair and discarded of his headband. Dark brown tangles curled at his forehead and Yusuf crinkled his nose.
“Hey!” He playfully made her for face, nipping at her cheeks and chin. “Do we have a thief?” Gently lowering her to their bed, Yusuf laid by her side and ran his thumb over her cheek. They hadn’t spent much time together since Ezio came into town. Zara didn’t mind at first. Yusuf was very taken by the man, idolized him, and came home giddy when Ezio called him brother.
Then came the late nights. The early mornings. Soon, he was not coming home at all.
She forgave this because as Yusuf lay next to her, his touch warming her skin, none of that mattered. They were back as they were. Together. “Tell me, my moon.” His eyes searched hers. “Hungry?”
Grinning madly, mouth already watering, Zara kept her cool. Absently staring at the ceiling as she thought. “I suppose.”
“I’m cooking.” Yusuf offered and she was sold. Yusuf traced his fingers over her cheek and lips. “Get comfortable. I’ll be right back.”
“No.” She protested. “Let me help you.”
Yusuf silenced her with a kiss and then gave her a stern look. One she couldn’t take seriously with his curls acting out. Pointing a finger at her nose, he gave it a press. “Please. I insist. It’s me making up for not being with you like I should.”
“Yusuf” He kissed her again, and she laughed. “Yusuf!” Again. “Fine!” She finally made out, and Yusuf nodded contently.
She must’ve fallen asleep at some point because she was awoken by a gentle shaking of her shoulder. “What’s wrong, my sun beam?” She croaked, half lidded and looking around the room for trouble in a sleepy daze. “’What’s going on?” Yusuf crouched to eye level. Taking one look at his face, Zara groaned and rolled over. “Ezio.”
“My moon, it’ll be quick.” Yusuf whispered, attempting to kiss her forehead but she’d buried it in the pillows. Sighing deeply, he settled for the back of her head. “I’m so sorry.”
“Just go, Yusuf.” She mumbled. “The sooner you’re gone, the sooner you’re back.” She said the words, but didn’t believe them.
Yusuf remained where he was, in his crouch. “The food is in the kitchen. Would you like me to bring it in?”
“I’ll get it.” She mumbled. He sighed once more and left the room. She wasn’t hungry anymore.
When Zara awoke, she ate last night’s dinner and headed to the Bureau. The Assassins there greeted her warmly and she warmed up for the day. At least, she was until another Assassin came in. “Morning, Zara.”
“Morning Mustafa.” Zara extended to grab the man’s forearm and they shook. However, Mustafa’s smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Is something wrong?”
“I was hoping Yusuf would be with you.”
Zara cocked her head. “I thought he was here with you.”
There was a moment of silence as she glared at the books at the table. Mustafa shifted uncomfortably and offered, “He must be with Master Ezio.”
Must be, Zara thought angrily. She couldn’t control her face, but she would control her tone. “What did you need him for?”
“Don’t worry yourself, Master Zara.”
“Mustafa.” Her caution betrayed her irritated tone. Yusuf was neglecting his responsibilities to their brothers, but she wouldn’t. “Tell me.”
“Training exercises.” He quickly put his hands up. “You don’t have to trouble yourself, Master. I can handle it by myself.”
“Mustafa, if we’re going to train novices correctly, it has to be two. You know this.” Zara glanced over her maps and books. “I’ll run my missions afterwards.”
“I’ll help you run them.”
Zara finally allowed herself a smile. “That sounds like a good plan.”
After training, Mustafa kept to his word and helped her run her missions. Unfortunately, had she begun them earlier, they would’ve stopped the Templars from completing theirs. “There’s always tomorrow.” Mustafa tried calming her as they entered the Bureau. “Our target is in town for three more days.”
“They were at their most vulnerable today, Mustafa.” Zara growled. Hunger, exhaustion, and a lost hunt weighed her nerves; and Yusuf was still nowhere to be found! She’d been waiting a month for this kill, and now her plans had changed.
“Cousin.” Mustafa took her shoulder and made her face him. “We’ll adapt. We always do.”
“That’s not the point, Mustafa!” Zara snapped. From where they were standing, they could spy their rooftop entrance. The setting sun cast Istanbul aflame with hues of gold, but Zara couldn’t appreciate it. “I should’ve talked to him about it before, but I never thought he’d be this irresponsible.”
“Not coming home? That’s fine. Asking for help running his missions? How can I say no?” Tears pricked at her eyes, and Mustafa took her into his arms.
“It’s ok, Zara.”
“No it’s not! He should’ve been here instead of running around doing another’s work! I don’t know where he is or what he’s doing, I don’t know when he’ll be home, and I…I…. I’m so disappointed, Mustafa. I’m so disappointed.” Zara cried, and Mustafa just held her. There was nothing he could say.
When she arrived that night, Yusuf hadn’t returned. In fact, he wouldn’t arrive until the following night. After another day of double work, she returned home with her only thought being bed. Zara opened the door, and found Yusuf in the living room. Surprise more than excitement made her call his name, and at the sound, he turned.
“My moon! Just wait until I tell you what Ezio and I did. You’re going to love it.” As he crossed the room, she put her hand up. Yusuf froze, staring at her hand in confusion. “Is something wrong?”
“Is somet-“ Zara blinked and shook her head. “Where the hell were you!?”
Now Yusuf looked confused, “I was with Ezio.”
“For two days?” The tears she’d cried opened her up to the anger inside.
“Has it been that long?” Yusuf scratched his beard. “Zara, I’m sorry.” Yusuf ducked his head to try to catch her eyes, and he waited. Taking a deep breath, she lowered her hand and he slowly crossed over to her. Tenderly, he grazed his fingers along her crossed arms, resting his hands on her elbows, and kept himself at elbow’s length. “Zara, you know I would never do anything to upset you on purpose.” Yusuf dropped his voice. His whole world was in his hands. “I am so sorry. How can I make this better?”
“It’s not just me, Yusuf.” She finally said, taking his hands and playing with them as she spoke. Casting small glances up, she mainly stared at his chest. Memorizing his collarbones and the chest hair curling there. His skin was tan and she’d always thought touching him felt like touching the sun. Warm and beautiful. “The Brotherhood, our brothers, you let them down.”
Yusuf hissed, and he hung his head back to stare at the ceiling. “Zara, I completely forgot. I was supposed to teach the novices yesterday with Mustafa.”
“Don’t worry, I took care of it.” She said and when he returned his look to her, Yusuf looked thoroughly upset.
“Thank you. I… I don’t deserve you. All the help you’ve given to allow me the run around with Ezio.”
“I’m not upset you’re running missions with him, I’m more upset that you’re letting your responsibilities here slip.” Getting that all off her chest, Zara felt better. “But going forward, I would like us to communicate more. Yusuf, I get very worried when I don’t know where you are. I know you’re more than capable, but I’d just like to know.”
Yusuf sucked on his lip, looking ashamed. “I can’t.”
“I’m sorry?” Zara looked up, confused at what she’d heard.
Yusuf bit his bottom lip as he worked out his words, but Zara was already wiggling out of his arms. “Zara, please.” He breathed, unsure what else to say. “It’s someone else’s mission. I promised him I wouldn’t say anything.”
Zara shook her head, heading for the door. “And you promised me that you’d be here. For them.” She threw her hand to the east to indicate the Bureau. “And for me.”  Yusuf took a step, but she just turned away. “I… I can’t do this, Yusuf.”
“Zara.” His skin flushed and his eyes grew watery. They truly looked like the sea now. “What are you saying? Just for the night or…”
“I don’t know Yusuf, but I’m tried.” Zara confessed. “I’m tried of being disappointed.” She walked out the door and Yusuf went after her.
“Zara, please.” He begged. “Come back inside. Can we talk about this?”
Zara spun around. “Yusuf, I love you. I do.” She grabbed his hands looked him in the eye. “But I’m tried of talking. I need some air.” Holding his hands, she took in their feel. They were smooth save for the callasses at his fingers from years of climbing. They always made her feel safe. Zara gave them one final kiss before turning on her heel. “Just give me time, Yusuf. Please.”
He didn’t follow her.
Two days later, at Mustafa’s family home, Zara headed out into the night. A break from Yusuf, from training, and from the Brotherhood was much needed, and she felt her mind was clearer. Heading towards the Bureau to grab some books before heading home, she ran into Damien. Damien, tan with black hair cut short and a smile that fell the most vulnerable of each sex, cast that smile on her. “Zara!” He exclaimed, following her inside. “What are you doing on night duty? I thought you and Yusuf enjoyed the morning route.”
“Damien, you know Yusuf and I go both ways.” She winked before making her way upstairs. Damien chuckled, and helped her gather her things.
“Are you sure you don’t need help getting this home?” Damien offered his bag, and Zara thought it a moment. She’d left hers at home. Extending a hand, Zara watched Damien organize her books inside. “You’re being very sweet today. What do you want, Damien?”
“Am I that easy to read?” He scoffed, but there was an unease to it. He gave her the bag. “I must be a terrible Assassin.”
“Damien,” She secured it around her. “You know you’re one of our best. What’s going on?”
Damien looked over his shoulder and drew closer. “It’s, uh, it’s a matter of the heart.”
“Damien!” Zara hissed, drawing nearer. “That’s great news!” She whispered.
“Yea, if I could talk to them.” Damien frowned. “Every time I try, I mix up my words or act strangely. This never happens when I’m searching for lovers. Why is this happening now? Am I… am I losing my charm?”
Zara hid her chuckle but taking a deep breath. “Well, matters of the heart are most intense, that’s why people act so differently on them. The next time you see this person, just be yourself. Relax. You’re a great person, Damien. They’ll love you.”
“You think so?” He’d turned over so he was covering her. “It’s….it’s a civilian.”
“I want to keep…him safe.” He flickered his eyes to hers, waiting for a reaction.
Zara shrugged, “That’s a noble task, but you also have to think about yourself. This life, especially when you’re an Assassin, doesn’t give us many happy moments. We have to make those ourselves.” She pulled him into a hug and Damien held her tight. “Go be happy, Damien. With whomever. You know Yusuf and I look forward to meeting him.
“Thanks, Zara.” Damien smiled, and moved away from her. He leaned against the window and tried to maintain his cool aura. Zara could only laugh. Damien cast his gaze outside and he cocked his head. “Zara?” He called, “Is Yusuf ok?”
Her heart dropped, “Why wouldn’t he be?”
Damien beckoned her to the window, and she peered out to find Yusuf wistfully gazing up at them in the light of the full moon. It paled him, but she could see the frown. The tears shimmering down his cheeks and into his beard.
“Is he well?” Damien asked, and Zara took off the bag.
“He should be. Let me check.” Running down the stairs, she was quickly outside, but Yusuf was nowhere to be seen. “Khadija!” Zara called when she spied the Assassin. “Do you know where Yusuf went?”
Khadija pointed towards the center of town. “Master Ezio had a mission for him, I believe. Something about protecting a bookstore?” Khadija adjusted her hijab and glanced up at Damien. He waved back down. “It’s funny.” She said, “Had I not known you two, I would’ve thought you were kissing up there.”
“Really?” Zara’s jaw dropped. That’s what it must have looked like to Yusuf! “Khadija, do you remember the store?”
By the light of the full moon, Zara found her way to the bookstore. By the screaming, she was able to find the fight. Upon entering the store, she found overturned tables and books littering the ground. The papers made her feet slip and slide as she hurried to the fight.
The main room was large and sank into the ground. Three stairs would bring her into the fray. A woman was held by two men on the other side of the room, and the other five were fighting Yusuf. One kicked, catching his knee. Yusuf’s knee hit the ground, and he stabbed up and into his next attacker’s jaw. The body fell to the ground with a thud, and the others sprang.
As did she.
Leaping, she landed on one man and silenced the other two with hidden blades to the back of the neck. Yusuf wheeled around and stabbing the man she’d landed on just as she threw two knives at the ones holding the woman. The thuds were hidden by the scream of the woman. She threw her hands over her ears as she did so. The men fell.
The last rings of the scream echoed in their ears as Zara grabbed Yusuf’s forearm and helped him up. Before he could speak, Zara was heading towards the woman with her hands up. “Are you injured?”
“Is it over?” The woman asked, looking down at the bodies at her feet and shivering. Zara had reached her and offered a hand.
“Don’t look at them.” She said softly. “My name is Zara. This is Yusuf.”
“You’re Ezio’s friends.” The woman closed her eyes as Zara helped her over the bodies.
“Yes.” Zara looked at the door. “We’re taking you somewhere safe. Somewhere we’ll be able to take a good look at you. Is that ok?”
They were almost to the main door. “My books.” The woman sobbed. “My books.”
“I’m sorry. We’ll help clean this place up afterwards. Is that ok?”
She nodded and they walked into the street. The woman started shivering, so Zara held her close and rubbed her shoulders. Shock, not cold, touched this woman. Yusuf had taken point.
When they arrived at the Bureau, Zara stayed with the woman. Sofia was her name. They talked about books until the sun rose.
Yusuf kept his distance during this time, and all the better. Zara felt they’d have their talk at a more appropriate time. By the second night, Sofia and Zara had become quick friends and Yusuf excused himself to keep watch.
With Sofia sleeping beside her, Zara leaned against the wall, watching the night sky get replaced by the soft pinks of sunrise.
Tapping gently on the door, Yusuf ducked his head through the door. Smiling softly at the scene, his eyes landed gently on Zara before straightening and keeping his emotions from his face. “Um, Ezio,” he jut his thumb over his shoulder. “Is downstairs. He’d like to make sure Sofia’s ok, but I can just tell him...” His eyes landed on Sofia and he sighed. The skin under his eyes were dark, and his hair was hastily tied back with his scarf.
“I can wake her.” Zara tried to keep Yusuf’s eyes, but he wouldn’t look at her. “Yusuf, that night with Damien...”
Yusuf ran a hand through his hair, still not looking at her. “Zara, please. Can we discuss this later?”
“I’ll tell Ezio she’s resting. The adventure she’s had, he’ll understand.” Yusuf closed the door on the way out, and Zara didn’t get much sleep after that.
Sofia awoke around the afternoon and grew embarrassed for having used Zara as a pillow. Zara assuring her it was fine. She helped Sofia downstairs and it was sweet to see her reunion with Ezio. 
He began profusely apologizing while she threw her arms around him and told him she’d been worried. Yusuf and Zara watched from the sidelines until she slipped her hand into his and gently tugged him into another room.
Still as could be, Yusuf said nothing until the door closed. “Nothing happened with Damien, Yusuf. I didn’t want you to think something had.”
“Zara, you don’t have to explain yourself to me.” Yusuf pouted, and Zara smiled.
“I do. I don’t want you to think we had that fight and I’m off trying to replace you.” 
At the word, Yusuf shifted uncomfortablely. Wrapping his arms around himself. “You...you didn’t want to replace me?” His eyes finally went to hers. “For someone more consistent? Who doesn’t anger you as I do? Someone who isn’t a fool?” Zara opened her mouth, but didn’t know what to say. Needing to busy his hands, Yusuf ripped off his scarf and folded it nicely before gathering his hair together and tying it back. Firmly, frustrated that he’d let her down, sleep deprived, and angry, Yusuf continued. “Because that’s what I was doing, Zara. I got so excited to run missions with Ezio that I completely let it overtake my life. Let it overtake our life. I shouldn’t have done it and I’m so sorry.” Yusuf extended a hand. “Not only that! You told me what was bothering you, and I put someone else before you. How can I say I love you when I did that?” His hands waved wildly as he spoke, struggling to keep his voice down. “And then, I did it again! I went on this mission at nearly the cost of Sofia! Had you not jumped in, I don’t think I would’ve survived. What is wrong with me, Zara? What if you weren’t there? You wouldn’t know what happened to me. What if we had children I needed to return home to?” Yusuf growled, closing his eyes and rubbing the bridge of his nose. Finally controlling his breathing, Yusuf said, “I’m asking for forgiveness and I understand that it may take time, but I’d love to have you by my side as I redeem myself. I am so sorry for being an irrational, star struck, immature fool. I promise, I give you my word, that I will never do that again.”
Hiw words hung in the air and settled like lead. As she gazed at him, the anger was still there, but so was the love. “I was upset because I was worried about what could have happened to you. I was angry that I lost my target and that you were putting Ezio before me. Yusuf, I’m still upset.” He nodded, keeping their eyes locked. “But I also still love you. I will always love you. I just ask that you put my needs into consideration too. I should have spoken to you about what was bothering me as soon as it happened, instead of keeping it inside and hoping it would pass. I also shouldn’t have lost my temper like that.” Slowly, she drew to him. As if their bodies had all control, Yusuf opened his arms and she buried herself in him. 
Leaning against his chest, she could hear his heart thudding. Sighing deeply, she rose to the tips of her toes and kissing his jaw. Closing his eyes, Yusuf hummed. Tears silently ran down his cheeks. “Yusuf.” Zara pulled away, wiping his tears in a panic. “Why...?” 
Kissing her frantic, tear stained hand, Yusuf finally opened his glittering eyes. “Zara, I almost lost the most important thing in my life. I’m terrified.”
Not knowing what else to say, Zara thought quickly. Smirking, she said, “Bet I could hold the whole world in my hands.”
Confused, Yusuf frowned. “Zara, that’s impossible.” Cupping his face, Zara smiled. As realization dawned, Yusuf turned pink. His body melted, and his smile was dream-like. His lips brushed against hers. “My moon, I have a reputation to uphold.” 
“I love you.” 
Yusuf rested his forehead on hers, and declared, “I love you too.” They stayed like that, enjoying each other’s warmth, neither wanting to break contact.
Their lips continued to brush, the other watching the other, judging who would go for the contact their hearts pined for. Raising to press herself against him, Zara pushed Yusuf into the wall. His arms remained at her waist, holding her tightly until her fingers tangled in his hair and he gasped, “Your touch drives me mad.” His voice was raspy. “I’ve missed it.”
“It’s only been a few days, Yusuf.” She giggled, and he kissed her deeply causing her to throw her head back and laugh. Catching herself, she bit her lips as Yusuf kissed her neck journeyed down to her throat. The puffs of breath and his shaking body telling her he was laughing too. 
“Far too long!” He nuzzled against her skin and lifted her.
“Yusuf, people are in the other room.” She wrapped her legs around his waist and rested her crossed hands behind his neck. For a second, Yusuf looked concerned. Frightened that he’d pushed a boundary so soon after their fight. Until Zara smiled and eyed the table. “So, you’ll have to be quiet.”
“Anything for you, my moon.” Yusuf carried her over to the table, pushing off the papers that littered there. 
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asaseya · 7 years
Princess of the Court :Chapter One
This isn't the first original story I've written but it will be the first one that I’ve posted. However, the only thing keeping this story from being a fanfic is the fact that its an original story...I’ll try to explain. I watch too much anime, and lately I’ve been on a slice of life/romance/sports anime kick. And that has bleed out to create this story. It’s been fun to write so hopefully It will be fun to read. Link to Chapter Two
Chapter one.
“Where are you going?” a teacher asked, tapping the shoulder of a wayward student.
Majida sighed loudly and then turned around. She glared at the teacher, only softening her gaze when she saw how it distressed him. She didn’t mean to be so snippy, it had just been a troubling morning.
The teacher looked smug as he straightened his tie. “I’m sorry. Can you understand me?” he asked slowly.
“Yes, I can understand.” she answered, resisting the urge to glare again. She couldn't glare at every person who assumed she didn’t speak Japanese or else she’d never smile. “I’m lining up,” She pointed the the girls in her class.
“That’s the girls line,” the teacher explained. “You belong in this one,” He gestured to the line of boy’s.
Majida opened her mouth then closed it. She choose Akahoshi high school partly because of its uniform. Not that the uniform from the all girls school down the way wasn't cute. If anything it was too cute, she wanted neat and smart, not cute. The girls uniform for Akahoshi High paired a grey blazer with a maroon and grey plaid skirt. The bow was a solid maroon, so was the tie that came with the boy’s uniform. The boy’s wore a grey blazer with maroon and grey plaid slacks. Guess which uniform she found herself in.
The manufacturers informed Majida via email that they assumed her form was incorrectly marked female. The height recorded was 178 cm and that was unheard of for a female high school freshman. Her weight didn’t help either, though in her defence she was practically all muscle. Yeah, its not common. She wanted to write back. So? At least call or email to check first! But arguing wouldn’t solve anything, besides, the manufacturers agreed to do a rush order free of charge. She’d have her new uniform by the end of this week. But for now she was stuck with this.
Majida tried to work around the problem. She arrived much earlier than the opening ceremony in a dress suit and styled her dark hair into a neat french braid. That dress suit was now in her locker. The principal insisted that she wear a uniform like everyone else.  It wasn’t, however, possible to take his “rules are rules” statement seriously when he giggled while saying it.
Majida sighed again. She had half  a mind to flash this teacher as proof but didn’t want more trouble. “Yes, yes, whatever you say,” she said as she trudged to the boy’s line.
“Only one yes! And take off those earrings!” He said, sounding bolder now that she was following his directions. He muttered under his breath about how Majida should cut her hair as well.
Majida ignored him. She had worn her favorite pair, studds shaped like red roses, in hopes that some good luck would come her way. Black studs occupied the other two holes he had in each ear. And what idiot asks a girl to cut her hair?... The type of idiot that confuses a girl for a boy just because she’s wearing the wrong uniform, she realized. She resisted the urge to look down her shirt to check that her boobs were still there.
Adding insult to injury she was second to the last person in the boy’s line for her class. The boy behind her looked completely bored. Or rather it was that he had the air of someone who felt all this was beneath him. His hands were tucked into his pockets and he slouched. His dark blond  hair flopped over his eyes. He could be handsome, Majida thought, very handsome if he didn’t look like he was about to fall asleep. That didn’t seem to matter to the girls nearby. He was already the subject of discussion.  The girls also seemed to notice her.
“You all suck at whispering,” Majida said to no one in particular, causing her year mates to immediately pretend that they were listening to the principal's speech.
Majida was used to catching other’s attention. Sometimes it was because of her height. Or how curly her hair was. Sometimes she would get trapped by well meaning folks who wanted to guess what she was, or where she was really from because her darker skin tone didn’t stereotypically match her facial features. But that was in the States. In Japan apparently people didn’t ask, they just stared when they thought she wasn’t looking. She hadn’t had enough experience living in Japan to know which form of rudeness she preferred yet.
Her home room teacher couldn’t pronounce her first name. She couldn’t blame him.She was told that her mother randomly picked it from one of those baby name websites. It was supposed to mean glorious in Arabic or whatever. Most thought it was made up. She low key agreed with them.
“Don’t worry about it.” she said with a smile.
Her homeroom teacher looked sheepish. He was a younger teacher with a pleasant disposition. A welcome change from the jerk of a teacher she met earlier. “I feel as if it would have been rude not to try. Can you pronounce it for me?”
He looked at the roll again. “Ok got it . Mikami Majida-kun?”
“Uh...No chan is fine. Chan.”
The teacher tilted his head “Mikami-chan?” He squinted at her for a moment before his mouth formed a silent oh. “That explains some things. Mikami-chan it is then. And you’re from America originally, correct?”
Finally, she thought, A break through! She knew she didn’t look like a boy. Was everyone just seeing the uniform and going from there? “I was born there, yes,” she answered
“We are happy to have you here then,” the teacher said before moving on to the next name on the roll.
“Mikami-kun?” a girl asked shortly after the lunch bell rang. She was average height, making her much shorter than Majida. She kept her chin length dark brown hair back with a maroon headband. She blushed when Majida turned to her. “Sorry. I haven’t called a boy chan since elementary school.”
Majida sighed. She stood and took off her blazer. The blouse she wore underneath showed her figure more clearly. There was an audible gasp and suddenly everyone was looking at her. “You don’t have to use chan on a boy because I’m not a boy. They just sent me the wrong uniform.”
“I knew something was off,” a boy interjected.His loud voice carried over from the other side of the classroom. “Your voice was too light.”
Majida plopped back down and slumped in her chair. “You couldn’t tell by my face?” she pouted a bit, and the class laughed. It wasn’t exactly funny to her.
“Your face is wasted on a girl!” the girl who spoke first wailed. She covered her mouth with her hands immediately.
“Hina-chan! Aiming for the new guy already?” the loud boy called out again.
“Shut it Hayashi-kun,” Hina said sourly. Her disposition brightened as she turned her attention back to Majida. “But they really made you wear that Mikami-ku...chan?”
“The principal did” Majida explained. “He seems to think the situation is funny.”
Several students groaned.
“So the rumors are true,” said another girl who came to stand by Hina’s side. She was a bit taller than Hina with sharp eyes. Her long black hair was in a high ponytail. “We do have a crackpot for a principal.”
“Is this something I should have heard about about before enrolling here?” Majida asked.
The girl shrugged. “I guess we all have to get used to it.” She offered her hand to Majida. “You can call me Airi. No need to be all formal. And you’ve already meet Hina”
Majida shook her her hand. “Just call me Majida. Or Jida. I’m not really used to just being called by my last name.”
The other girls in class took their turn introducing themselves. Majida wasn’t confident that she’d remember all the names but it felt nice to get a warm welcome.
A boy puffed out his chest. “Well then. I guess it’s good you aren’t a boy. Now there is a bit less competition.”
Hayashi-kun scoffed. “You’re forgetting pretty boy over here.” He jerked his thumb to the tall boy that Majida stood in front of in the line up. Everyone looked over at the “pretty boy”. He didn’t seem to be bothered by the attention. His eyes flicked over to the class before returning to gaze out the window. The room became quiet again.
“Well then... now that this mix up is settled.” Majida said, breaking the ice. “I do look forward to attending classes with you all.”
“Yes!” Hina took a seat in the desk nearest to Majida. “And if you need help clearing up the whole boy-girl thing you can rely on me.”
Majida smirked a little. “I’m in your care then.” She pulled out her lunch box and began to unwrap it.
“Did you make that?” Hina asked. He had her lunch in her hands but seemed a lot more interested in what Majida had going on.
Airi gave Hina a little shove before pulling up a desk. “No you can’t have any of her lunch. What happened to that diet you were on?”
“Airi” Hina hissed.
Airi looked a bit smug as she reveled in Hina’s annoyance. “That does look good though.”
Majida lifted her lunch box to offer it to the girls. She’d made croquettes and a salad the night before.  Airi took a croquette and broke it in two in order to share with Hina. Hina didn’t hesitate to take her portion.
The girls ate for a while before Majida broke the silence once again. “So...I figure its best to do this now rather than wait for more rumours to start. Anyone have any questions?”
The two girls looked to each other.
“So...we can ask?” Hayashi- kun asked.
“As long as it’s reasonable sure.”
Another boy snorted. “Sounds like the perfect trap for you Hayashi.”
“You ask then Minami,” Hayashi said.
Majida smiled as she shrugged.
“Ok I’ll bite.” Minami started. “How come you can speak Japanese so well?”
“My dad’s Japanese,” Majida pulled out her phone and pulled up a family picture that was taken on their trip to Disney world last year. She held up her phone so that her classmates could see. Her dad stood on the left side. He was a bit taller than her back then but she had caught up to him quickly. Majida really liked pictures like this of him. Pictures where he smiled broadly and wasn’t standing stock straight. Where his hair wasn’t perfectly parted and slicked back. When he looked like more than some stuffy heir to an international company. His thin rimmed glasses were even replaced with neon colored sunglasses.  
Her mother looked as perfect as she always did. Her skin was darker than Majida’s and her hair was expertly strightend even in the summer heat and humidity. The only hint that she was on vacation was that she wore a sundress instead of the blouse and tailored pants she normally wore. She and Majida were the same height in this picture. Majida stood beside her mom leaning against her a little. She wore a pair of purple mickey mouse ears to match her purple romper. Her hair was long enough to reach her back. The humidity made it look frizzier than normal. Majdia was glad that she cropped her hair to shoulder length before moving abroad. It was such a pain when it was longer. Her little brother stood in the middle making a goofy face while wearing a pair of black mickey ears.  
“Is that your little brother?” a girl asked. “He’s adorable!”
“He’s ten, he’s not adorable at all,” Majida countered.
“Oh… yeah my little brother is ten,” another girl chimed in. “He’s a total terror.”
A boy whistled. “Your mom’s hot.”
A nearby girl swiped at the whistler.
“Ha! Got it!” Hayashi held up his phone with a triumphant grin. “That’s who she looks like, Gabrielle Union.”
The other students murmured as they agreed or disagreed.
“Well, my mom’s no actress,” Majida said as she began to type on her phone. “But she does perform.”She held up her phone again showing a picture of her mom from one of her ballet performances.
“Oh cool! She’s a pro.” a boy said as he pointed.”Do you dance too?”
“I do,” Majida answered. “But I prefer basketball.”
“Basketball?” the pretty boy spoke for the first time.
The class looked to him. Some showed their skepticism on their faces. He had been silent for so long they wondered if they were hearing things.
Majida narrowed her eyes. “Yes.”
“What position?” he asked.
“Point guard mostly, but I play shooting guard in a pinch” she answered. “ You?”
“Power forward.” He said as he turned fully to face her.
Majida’s eyebrows raised. “Really?” she looked him up and down. He certainly was tall but and could get taller but he didn’t look particularly powerful. “Not a small forward?”
The pretty boy bristled. “No,” he said sharply.
Majida raised her hands in surrender. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to imply that you couldn’t-”
“What are you doing here?” the pretty boy interrupted her. “There’s no girls team at this school.”
“What!” Majida yelled in english. She shook her head then switched back to Japanese. “No I checked. They didn’t go all the way last year but there definitely is a team.”
The pretty boy shook his head. “They were disbanded after last season.”
Majida stood up abruptly, her chair squeaking with the force. She marched out of the room ignoring the calls from the other students. She didn’t care that the next class was about to start soon. She needed to know right now if there was team at this school or not.
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carey-pricemas · 8 years
Kids- Chris Kreider
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I didn't think this one would be hard, but I started it like three times before I found something I liked! This one is for @plutoisback so I hope you like it boo!
Warning: Christmas theme (don't ask)
Request: Awe thanks!!! Anything pertaining Chris with children... that's would be more than great!!! Don't worry about when it'll be up!! I'm just glad I'm getting one 😋
              You had a headband with reindeer antlers on. The antlers had red, green, and gold bells on them that jingled every time you moved your head. It clashed with your blue 'Kreider' jersey, but it put you in the spirit. Chris was wearing his jersey and a Santa hat.
              The Rangers had their annual Children's Hospital visit, but you always convinced Chris to go on Christmas and visit the kids as well since you guys didn't have any special plans.
              It was really just your way of getting to see him with kids.
              "Ms. Kreider?" a little girl with cancer asked as she climbed into your lap.
              "What is it sweetie?"
              "Thank you for coming!" She hugged you tightly.
              "You're very welcome" you said, hugging her back. "Do you want to color with me? Chris left me for video games." You pouted and the little girl giggled and nodded. You pulled over a few coloring books and crayons and the two of you colored the pictures. You looked up and saw Chris playing a racing game, a little girl and little boy perched on each of his legs and an older boy, maybe ten or eleven, held the other controller and laughed as Chris kept crashing into the walls.
              "You're not very good" the boy on his lap said. Chris looked down at him and laughed.
              "I'm better at hockey."
              "I've never played hockey" he said. Chris gasped in mock outrage, having lost terribly to the older boy.
              "What? Never played hockey?"
              "I haven't either" the older boy said. "I mean besides on the Xbox." Chris looked back at you.
              "Can we make a quick run?"
              "Babe, the kids have to stay here" you said gently. He laughed and picked up both kids on his lap, holding them around their torsos as he walked closer to you. The kids giggled maniacally.
              "No, I mean you and me. I need some help. We'll be back in an hour tops!" You kissed the top of the little girl's head and set her on the chair next to where you were sitting before Chris set his kids down and held out a hand to pull you up from the small chair. "Ok guys! It's lunch time, so you guys eat while (Y/N) and I go get a surprise!" The kids cheered, making the nurses laugh. "Come on! Hurry!"
              When you had started this tradition years ago with Chris, before you had even agreed to marry him, Chris whined and complained about not getting to cuddle all day. Once he got to the hospital and started playing with the kids though, he loved every second. Now it was a tradition you both looked forward to every year.
              "Where are we going?" you asked as you both climbed into your car. "I'm not sure anything's open on Christmas."
              "Babe" Chris said, grinning at you. "We live in the city that never sleeps. Plus, I know one place I don't need to be open."
              "We're not doing anything illegal are we?"
              "Would I get you into legal trouble?" he asked. You both laughed. "Ok don't answer that. This isn't illegal, promise." You sat back in your seat and Chris reached out, grabbing your hand in his. As the city passed by, you idly wondered how Chris was going to like his Christmas present.
              "We’re here!" You looked up and saw the Rangers' practice facility.
              "What exactly are we doing?" Chris grinned and parked in front of the players' entrance.
              "You'll see. Come on." You followed your husband inside as he used his badge and led you down the hall to the equipment room. "You ready?"
              You leaned against the wall, laughing as the kids used sticks way too big for them to hit the pucks around the floor. You and Chris had gotten all of the team's sticks and a bucket of pucks so Chris could teach the kids hockey. When questioned about whether his teammates would be ok with this idea, Chris had just replied with you'd return them later.
              You had to admit, the children's giggles and squeals of laughter made this idea totally worth whatever backlash you were going to receive from the team. You took a video and several pictures of Chris playing hockey with the kids, sending it to the other girls with a caption of '#sorrynotsorry'.
              "Mrs. Kreider?" a girl asked, tugging on your jersey. You smiled down at her.
              "What's up, sweetie?"
              "Will you play hockey with me?" You reached out and grabbed the stick Chris had given you, the stick belonging to Rick Nash.
              "Let's go show the boys how it's done." You and the girl ran up to where the others were playing and you stole the puck from Chris, passing it to the girl.
              "Mr. Kreider, she stole the puck from you!" a little girl with pigtails giggled.
              "She did! I thought she loved me!"
              "All's fair in love and hockey" you said with a wink. Chris grinned at you. "Come on, Mr. Bigshot. Why don't we play a little pickup game of hockey? Boys versus girls." All the kids cheered making you and Chris laugh.
              "You're on!"
              You and Chris sat on the couch together later that night, his head in your lap, your fingers running through his thick hair.
              "I had fun today" you said. "But we need to go return that equipment."
              "Tomorrow" Chris said, his eyes closing. "I can't believe we lost." You beamed proudly.
              "It's a lot fairer when you can't run the goalie, eh?" Chris groaned and opened his eyes.
              "Can't let it go, can you?"
              "Babe, that's really the only way anyone knows your name. Chris Kreider: Goalie Runner!" Chris rolled his eyes. "Oh! I have something for you! Sit up!"
              "I thought we weren't doing presents?" Chris asked as you ran to the hall closet, grabbing the large gift bag from the shelf.
              "We aren't, weren't, but I had to do something for this!" You plopped back next to him on the couch and handed him the bag. Chris gave you a weird look, but started pulling out the tissue paper. His eyebrows quirked up in questioning as he pulled out a New York Rangers mini hockey stick. He frowned as he pulled out a floppy giraffe wearing a New York Rangers sweater. He looked at you like you were crazy when he pulled out a small box holding a pair of baby ice skates. But the last box that he pulled out cleared his face of any emotion.
              He held up the royal blue jersey with his number on it and 'Daddy' written across the top.
              "(Y/N)?" he asked softly.
              "We're starting our own hockey team" you said. Chris looked at you and grinned, laughing.
              "We're going to have a baby!" He jumped up and pulled you up, hugging you tightly. "We're going to have a baby, (Y/N)! God I love you!"
              "I love you too, Chris." He bent down and kissed you hard, his love and excitement pouring out into the kiss. Your arms wrapped around his neck, holding him close. He pulled away moments later and his eyes brightened.
              "I get to teach them hockey!" You just laughed.
Ok sorry for the Christmas stuff, but I liked it and I needed the boys not there a few days to steal some sticks! XD Let me know what you thought! Up next: Andre Burakovsky!
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megamanx1994 · 6 years
Xenoforce II Chapter 4
Chapter 4: Meet your Idol (Disclaimer!! I own nothing of XenoBlade Chronicles!) Kitty was taking me to a lab where her teacher was working. “Professor, Kitty is here,” said his assistant. “Good afternoon professor Freeman,” said Kitty. “Ah, Kitty, you’re early,” he said. He got a look at me. “Who’s your friend?” he asked.  “This is Michael, the inventor I told you about,” said Kitty, “One of the students of G.I.B.S.” “I’m doing a project on your movie magic,” I said. “Well, I’m gonna leave you two big brains to talk for a while,” said Kitty. “Wait a minute… Michael Morrison,” he said, “Now I remember you, you’re Stephen’s student.”  “Yes, yes I am,” I said.  “He tells me you’re a brilliant student, he also tells me you’re a workaholic,” said Professor Freeman. “True,” I said, “I do like to stay busy.” “Well staying busy won’t get you to much places,” he said, “You have to learn to take breaks in between work.” He noticed the headband in my hair. “I see you like to tinker with things,” he said. “Yes,” I said, “I use this to help me with some of my projects when I need extra hands.” “You should learn to not rely so heavily on your gifts,” said Professor Freeman, “It feels like you wear a mask when you’re out in public.” “He does have a point,” said Kitty, “Like me, I don’t need to use my magic all the time just because I have it. It does make things easy for me, but I don’t want my life being too easy.” “Oh,” I said. “Its not who you are under the mask,” said Kitty, “It’s the things you do that define you.” “Andrew, your lunch is ready,” said someone. It was a woman. “Oh, careful Dear,” he said as he helped her down the stairs. “Hello,” I said.  “This is my wife Audrey,” said Professor Freeman, “Audrey this is Michael, the student who tends to keep himself busy to the point of all work and no play.” “Even scientists need their time to have fun,” said Audrey, “Kitty says your friends made you take a day off.” “True,” I said.  “How’s the baby?” asked Professor Freeman. “She’s nice and healthy,” said Audrey. “Oh I forgot she’s pregnant,” said Kitty. I got a look at his workshop. “So is this what you’re working on?” I asked.  “Yes, I’m planning on doing a demonstration on how to bring movie magic to life with the different kinds of special effects,” said Professor Freeman. I took a look at the equipment he was using. “The only thing I don’t have is something to make the magic real,” he said. “Well, the digital headband could be reprogrammed or remade to work with this camera,” I said, “While the wires and stuff and being used the magic can appear on the projection screen.” “No wonder you’re so brilliant,” he said. “Well, some good does come from tinkering,” I said. I imagined wings on my back. “Wow,” said Kitty. “You think that’s cool, wait til you see this,” I said. I got out my Omniwrench. “It’s the perfect tool for any job.  “And its just the thing I was looking for,” said someone, “Pardon me, I hope I’m not interrupting.” It was Mumkhar. “Fredrick Mumkhar,” said Audrey, “What a surprise.” “With some improvement, your Omniwrench could be revolutionary,” said Mumkhar, “May I take a look?” He looked at it. “Amazing,” he said, “I would like to have your wrench in my corporation.” “What?” I asked. Kitty wasn’t really sure about it. “Mr. Mumkhar is right,” said Professor Freeman, “Your onmiwrench is an amazing piece of technology. You can continue to use it, or sell it to a man only guided by money.” “Andrew I know you don’t think I’m a good man, but….” Said Mumkhar. “The choice is yours Michal,” he said, “But you should know that Mumkhar is one of those greedy types who would use something for his own benefit.” “Michael, I’m offering you more money than anyone could dream of.” I thought for a moment. “I appreciate the offer, but its not for sale,” I said. “To each their own,” said Mumkhar, “Anyways, I figured you would like this.” He had a box with a small robot inside of it. “Something happened in the shop and created this defect,” he said, “I figured you would have use for it. As you were.” He gave back my Omniwrench. “You made the right choice Michael,” said Professor Freeman, “Actually… how would you like to be my assistant at the expo tomorrow?” I was happy. “I’d love it!” I said. Later I was working with the professor and he was telling me where to put things. “So if I plug this into the screen,” I said as I plugged it in. The TV came on and showed the motion capture sequence. “Wow,” I said, “Where did you get ideas for this?” “My wife,” he said. “She is a nice person,” I said. “I met her in one of my college classes, and afterwards, our love started to grow stronger,” said Professor Freeman, “I’m definitely lucky to have her.” I saw a picture of him and his wife and son. “That’s my son, Ness,” he said, “An amazing paintball athlete. But enough about my love life, what’s going on between you and Kitty?” “Nothing,” I said. “Are you sure?” he asked. “I’m too busy to be in a relationship,” I said, “Besides I’m not sure if Kitty would settle for a guy like me.” “Why not?” he asked, “You’re an amazing student, although you do tend to be a workaholic.” “Exactly,” I said, “Kitty on the other hand has a great future in store for her. She’s a remarkable woman, she’s a valued friend, she’s….” He was smirking. “….Standing right behind me isn’t she?” I asked. (To the 4th wall) Yep, she was. “Don’t let that stop you,” she said, “Keep digging.” She gave me tickets to a magic show coming up. “Its tonight at 8 pm,” said Kitty, “You’re not too busy are you?” Anela tapped on the window giving me a thumbs up. “Nope, I can come,” I said. “Great,” said Kitty, “And don’t worry about being early, we start late sometimes.” “Ok,” I said. Later I was getting ready for the magic show coming up. “Someone has some plans tonight,” said Anela. “Yep,” I said, “Kitty invited me to a magic show.” Have fun dude,” said Bryan. I got on my hand made moped and started heading there. “Maybe the professor was right,” I said, “I should learn to relax more often.” I smiled to myself. Kitty was doing some final preparations for the show. Little did she know, someone was planning a sabotage. I suddenly had a vision of a truck heading straight for me with no regard for safety. I did a quick flip taking my moped with me and rode on the top of the motorcycle and then landed. “That was amazing,” said someone, “How’d you do that?!” “I guess it came from my workout and such,” I said, “Eating the leafy greens.” (To the 4th wall) Remember kids, always eat your vegetables. They may taste gross, but they’ll make you strong like Popeye. I got out my communicator. “Guys, we got a problem.” The truck was running through other cars. “Say hello to Xord!” he shouted as he laughed maniacally. One car was pushed out the way and almost hit some bystanders. Bryan caught it. “Run!” he said. They all managed to escape. They then saw me. “Go Xenoblade, go!” said someone. I was riding on my hover board following the car. “Anela, give me an analysis,” I said. “It turns out that this guy is apparently carrying some stolen material from a corporation.” “So what do we do?” asked Micah. “Micah, you’re with me,” I said, “We’ll try and flank him. Bryan and Ej you take the left and Maddi and Denise will take the right. Let’s lock and load!” I zoomed in to the car and tried to reach the lock. “Bryan, I’m gonna push the stolen parts to you, got it?” I asked. “Got it,” said Bryan. “Maddi, when I give you the signal, shoot a paintball at the car to get him to stop, and Denise, distract him!” I said. “Aye, aye captain,” she said. She sped up to the driver’s side of the car and knocked. “Hi, my name’s Cybercop,” she said, “Call me speed demon, flash jr, but don’t call me late.” Xord punched her and she dodged. “Not a shaker,” she said, “Hugger?” “I’m a killer!” he said. He got a gun and almost shot her. “Well, he’s pissed!” said Denise. I was busy pushing the stolen parts to Bryan and he caught them. “Ok, that’s the last one!” I said, “Time to put the breaks on this thing. Maddi, now!” She shot a paintball on the wheels. “Nooooo!!” he said. I was about to imagine a rope to stop the truck, but my headband wouldn’t work. “Ok, time to improvise,” I said, “Micah!” “On it,” she said. She made a wall and the truck crashed into it. “Cancelled?” asked Kitty worried. Her mentor showed up. “I’m afraid so,” he said, “Looks like that saboteur struck again.” “Man, I was really wanting Michael to see this,” said Kitty. “Who’s Michael?” asked her mentor. “This boy I met at school,” said Kitty, “He’s a cool guy.” She texted me that the show was canceled. Later the police showed up to arrest Xord. “Thank you XenoBlade,” said an officer, “You’ve done it again.” “Just doin’ my job,” I said, “But its my team you should be thanking.” “Is your mask made of magic?” asked another officer. “Maybe,” I said, “Ask the author of this book, he made it.” Anela was looking at the stolen parts. “Looks like they belong to Nuts and Bolts Corporation,” she said. “The place that Mumkhar was running?” I asked. “No, the pickle convention,” said Anela, “What else?” “Damn,” I said. “Hey, let’s try to watch the language,” said Micah, “Bryan’s present.” “Are you serious?” asked Bryan. I looked at my watch. “I still got time!” I said, “Guys I need to go.” I rushed to the theatre where the show was being held at. “What the….” I said. I saw a sign that said the show was post poned due to sabotage. “Michael?” asked Kitty. “Oh, hey Kitty,” I said. “I sent you a text saying it was cancelled,” said Kitty, “You probably haven’t gotten it.” “Yeah,” I said, “I was doing something.” “I’m sorry you had to go through all that trouble,” she said smiling. Her mentor came out. “Is this the Michael you told me about?” he asked. “Yes, yes I am,” I said. “My name’s Tripp,” he said as he shook my hand, “I’m Kitty’s older brother and guardian.” “Guardian?” I asked. “Yeah, I never knew my parents,” said Kitty, “Tripp brought me up. He’s been my mother my whole life.” “Hey!” said Tripp. I laughed. “Ok, my father,” she corrected herself, “My father, my uncle, my brother, everybody.” I smiled. “It’s a pleasure to meet me sir,” I said, “…I mean a pleasure to meet you.” I chuckled. “Dinner,” Tripp whispered into Kitty’s ear. “Do you eat?” she asked. “Yeah,” I said. “Wanna meet for dinner?” she asked. “Sure,” I said. “Tomorrow,” Tripp whispered. “Tonight?” she asked. “Oh, ok,” I said, “Sure.” “Is 7:00 ok?” she asked. “Meet us here,” said Tripp. “Great,” I said, “Bye.” I started heading home. “Bye,” she said. “What would you do without me?” asked Tripp. “I’d like to give it a shot and find out,” said Kitty. I was walking home. (To the 4th wall) Los Angeles is my responsibility. Its home to me, and after the last story I had, I realized that this is who I am now, whether I like it or not. Which I do, very much. And these people, they admire us. They look up into the sky and they see me. But its not actually me they see because my face is covered within a mask. Its probably for the best though. Because knowing that the fate of the world rests on a couple of 14 year old kids from Los Angeles sounds as scary as it feels. But hey, no pressure right?
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