#her hair is normally put up into a bun in civilian form
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imorphemi · 2 years ago
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ok i already redesigned Gem after seeing a very very pretty dress. So I did a bit more thinking and some more Prism research and I have an idea of how she works in this AU now :D
She still has a bit of the elven theme but I wanted to focus more on how flowy the fabrics were and also give her more armor pieces. The armor is based more on porcelain corsets rather than actual armor tho lol
In Prism a magical girl's power is defined by how many colors they have, how much the colors appear on their outfit, and how vibrant the colors are. Generally girls only have two colors: a main and an accent. Gem has a very vibrant main color, but her accent color (yellow) is very minimal, so technically she is not that powerful. Shes like mid-to-low tier power-wise. But she does not look that way and though she's not as powerful, she lasts a long time in a fight. It takes a good while for her vibrancy to go down.
Her weapon is a staff that is very good at bonking people. It can extend out into different lengths and thats about all it can do lol. Simple and effective
Her Prism's name is still Mackenzie, a very playful prism who enjoys pranking and hiding, particularly in clothing. She is a gremlin
In the story, Gem was a nurse who worked primarily in the ER department, so every once in a while she will have a magical girl or two rushing someone into the ER because of yknow villain fights and stuff. She got curious about it and dragged Pearl into joining her.
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charmixpower · 2 years ago
Musa ia the only one (i think) who changed her hairstyle thoughout the show. What is your opinion about the other winx what hairstyle will suit them best.
Uhh?? Like which hairstyles look best and how I'd like to see their hair develop through the seasons? Sure
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WOW making Bloom's hair wavy is objectively correct
That aside, high low styles and braids. That's what Bloom really vibes in. Something about Bloom and braids I cannot explain it but it looks beautiful and the high low styles just may h Bloom's vibes
Leaving Bloom's bangs letting them be weird is 20/20 Bloom. Yes Bloom cuts her own bangs, how could you tell. She loves her insane bangs
Bloom just rocks braids too. Small decorative braids that wrap around her head and the full on braids. Both look amazing on her
Messy buns are also perfect for Bloom. Matches her art kid vibes perfectly, real buns are great for when she's trying to be fancy. Fancy Bloom with a small bun is always super cute. Nothing can contain her weird girl energy
I wish WOW Bloom had her weird ass bangs, then we could have wavy hair classic Bloomy hair
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Stellas classic bangs look like she has normal straight bangs with hella frayed edges in a vampire cut at best and I hate them. I refuse to believe that Stella has vampire cut bangs, I simply close my eyes when I see it
I am VERY biased to any hairstyle that gets rid of them, and also curtain bangs Stella supremacy
I also think Stella looks better without those two super long stands of hair hanging over her shoulders, I like the s5 ones a lot
Aside from that Stella's hair looks best when it's down, but because that's boring this is mostly a complication of bang styles I like on her with one example of Stella nomral hair
Also mixed kid Stella, her hair is naturally curly or has the ability to curl naturally. I am biased and I like to see her hair with some volume yess
The s4 Stella look is mostly there because it's just a beautiful way to put her hair up for like sleep and stuff where she'd want her hair out of the way and it's one the Stella hairstyles of all time
The beach look is here because it actually made me forget how much I hate her pointy bangs. Her hair is windswept 💕💕💕 beautiful, the bun is a cute touch as well
That's all. Stella loves her long hair and gets p fuckin upset whenever someone fucks with it and does like everything to maintain it. Stella literally would only cut her hair under threat of death, and she likes having it down. Her hair says down XD the only thing that would change is her bangs
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When they get weird with Flora's bangs it's always a win. Like yes bitch let her bangs do as they please, mix them up yesssss. Also big yes to any hairstyle that draws attention to her bangs, like hair decorations, and while I'm not sold on that headband it does make her bangs stand out more so ig it can stay
Flora looks best when her hair is left to roam wild or tied up tight. It's either giving boho queen letting her hair be all flowy and gorgeous, or "I'm gardening and I'm not getting dirt in my hair" and both fit her amazingly
The Sirenix low ponytail is just so slay. It's so messy and flowy and free and it gives a casual nature lady energy. It's such a chill beautiful look that really should have been in a civilian form instead but like whatever
I'm usually against high ponytail Flora, but the flowers and pearls in her hair save that look and help it ascend. Gorgeous. We love it
The s4 and s6 buns are so cute. Gardening hair and date hair respectively
Flora's Believix hair is THEE Flora hair. I'm sorry but it is. Superior to Flora's Enchantix hair. The flowers fit her so much better than pearls and gems and I don't think Flora would get super fancy with her hair in the first place. This is just Flora
Flora also should have cut her hair in s4. It would be cute
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Dyed hair, choppy bangs, messy hair, slicked back hair, weird HUGE bangs, keep it weird, keep it short, keep it Tecna baybeeee
Also hats. Hats also fuck but I can't see them being a every day thing for her
It would be really fun if she cut and shaved her hair in different styles as hair evolution but I'd accept her dying her hair differently every season
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Musa looks best with her hair up. Especially with her long hair because it makes it look like her hair is shorter while also giving her hair more options. I especially like her s5 hair of the bun with the hair down and the sleep hair loopys. While I wouldn't make the sleep hair loopies her civilian look it is a natural evolution of her pigtails into a new long hair style while still keeping the original style (tho it needs to lose the side strands, the shorter strands work better when her hair is visibility long and this makes them look short so axe em)
Hats as well, Musa looks good in hats. Musa only got to wear one hat in the original series, and she wore it over her pigtails because she's very silly, but more hats and a hat in her civilian design would absolutely be a win to me
Okay now stuff that only applies to her long hair:
The long low pigtails are slightly more tomboish than the long high pigtails but if you have her an undercut that would fix that
The s4 long hair looks like shit, that isn't Musa, yada yada yada, if your going to do long hair down Musa do it like S7. Would Musa ever wear any of that, especially the earrings? God no. Does it at least look like something an older Musa might wear? Replace the head band with headphones, and yeah maybe
WOW Musa got the memo. Also that hairstyle is like her s5 one except the bun doesn't lead into a pointy tail, instead it's a half up half down style. It's cute, but it's mostly there to show how headphones can replace a headband
There are a lot of examples of how to make long hair Musa look less bad and that's because there are no images of short hair Musa in anything but her pigtails and I'm cranky about it
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Messy bangs, high ponytails, and fashion only hats
S6 is a crime against humanity but look at her hair godblessss. The s5 and s3 hats are cute and yes Aisha only wears hats for fashion unlike Tecna who wears them for a purpose, and Musa who wears them for both
Messy bangs just work with Aisha. Her whole thing is that she was overly stifled and expected to act in a very particular way and as soon she got away she refused to control her flyaways and bangs. She will not, fuck y'all, she got shit to do that isn't worrying about her hair
High ponytails also work like hell. High ponytails are just yess. They have a very "I got shit to do, and I need to do it yesterday." Vibes that fit Aisha's dedication and drive perfectly
Mixing the two gives this very amazing vibe. They tried to accomplish this in s4, but did not but they did manage to get it in s6 which is hilarious. It gives the vibes that she needs to do something but not as urgent, shes still having fun
I also love how her Royal hairstyles are the high pointytail too, it shows how the main thing she got from all those classes is how to be goal oriented. I love that for her, she threw away all the sexist nonsense and kept the work ethic, she's so awesome. In reverse it also shows how dedicated she is to her people, how keeping them safe and happy is her goal, love thattt
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anjuschiffer · 5 years ago
Coming In For A Diagnosis and Leaving With A Date
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @theatreandcomicfreak!!!! Sure, we’ve only known each other for a few months, but Mina! You’re so freaking amazing and I’m so glad to have met you!
So to celebrate, I wrote this for you! Enjoy it! And hope you have a wonderful day :D
He was here to help Damian on taking down a small-time criminal, so why were they having such a hard time taking him down?
“Damian, are you sure that-” Garfield started, only to get interrupted by his friend.
“I’m going to be fine. Go and rest. I’ll be sure to update you on-” Static filled their communication, Garfield already fearing the worst. 
“Damian.” No response. “Damian!” Garfield yelled out, quickly coming to a halt, bearing the slight burn he got from the roof asphalt. Who cares if he was bleeding from his arm. Who cares if he couldn’t retain his form for any longer than five minutes. He had to go back! Damian was in danger-
“Well, look what we have here. A lost kitten.” Garfield quickly whipped his head to see Catwoman. Or Selina as Damian called her. Despite Selina and Bruce being together for several years, the two still wouldn’t get together, much to Damian’s annoyance. If you asked Garfield, Damian probably wanted her to officially be part of the family already, not that Damian already considered her as such.
“Please don’t do that.” Garfield said, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. All the hairs on his body relaxed, but his heart still raced quickly against his chest. “Do you know what’s going on?” Garfield watched as Selina hummed, looking over to where Damian was last heard from.
“He’s going to be fine, kid. He can handle this. And if anything, he’s got Bat out there as well.” She assured, looking at the gash across his arm. “You, on the other hand, won’t if you don’t get that treated.”
“I’m fine.” Garfield protested, wincing when Selina placed pressure on his wound.
“I beg to differ.” Selina said, quickly taking out her phone, a corner of her lips curving as she typed something, pocketing it away once she was down. “See that apartment over there?”
“Yeah?” Garfield looked over to where she was pointing, an apartment building just a block over. If Garfield squinted just a tiny bit, he was able to see a few plants sitting by the window ledge. “What about that-”
“Go there and wait inside.” Selina instructed, ushering him to go. “Someone will be there shortly to help you treat that wound of yours.” Garfield turned to go, but remained seated where he was. “I’ll make sure to update you on Damian’s whereabouts.”
Seeing as Selina wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer, Garfield made his way to the open apartment, carefully stepping over the plants, finding himself stepping onto a sofa. He promptly took off his shoes, not wanting to dirty the poor furniture anymore than what he had already done.
As he chose to sit, he took note of how organized -and white- the room was, the cabinets meticulously neat and labeled, his eyes widening when he saw the names on some of the glass jars. 
Naloxone, bacitracin, lidocaine… where did this person even get the first and last one?
As he tried to distract himself, Garfield thought it would be a good idea to look at the white board hung above one of the work stations, ignoring the various mortars filled with who-knows-what. 
He began to panic when he saw Damian’s medical records there, quickly running towards it to grab it, quickly turning page after page, panicking when he saw that this person also knew that Damian was Robin. 
Lifting his gaze from the papers, his eyes landed on the wall files, his eyes landing on the name Wayne. 
He began to rummage through, finding the rest of the Batfam’s identities, also finding other rogues' names in the other compartments. 
His heart stopped when he came across his own file, his name staring back at him in pink ink. 
Just as he was about to look at how much this person knew about him, the sound of keys jingling broke his determination. 
He quickly began to put the files back, making sure to place them in their proper slots, quickly hopping back into the sofa as he heard footsteps approach the room along with muffled talking. 
As soon as he managed to sit down and attempt to look normal, the door slid open. 
“-should have said no. Maybe I really am a pushover.” The person muttered, Garfield feeling his breath hitch. She was pretty. Very pretty.
The girl looked at him, gaping at his appearance before throwing her bag to the side and rushing out the room. 
Garfield felt hurt, wondering what she had thought when she saw him, only for it to all go away when she came back, gloves on and a first aid kit in hand. 
He thought she already looked pretty with her hair down, but she looked just as stunning with her hair tied into a loose bun. 
“How long have you been like this?” She asked, snapping Garfield from his trance.
“Half an hour?” Garfield tried to provide, watching as she cut off his sleeve, quick to start cleaning the outer rims of his wounds. 
“I’m guessing you were like this for a while before Miss Ky-Ca-” she started to fumble. 
“I know Miss Kyle is Catwoman. Don’t gotta worry about the whole ‘secret-identity’ thing with me.” Garfield said, watching the girl visibly relax, the girl going back to focusing on clearing the dry blood with a pair of tweezers and cotton swabs.
The two remained quiet, Garfield watching as she kept cleaning his wound, wincing when she started to add the stitches to his wound.
“You’re just doing your job.” Garfield had to bite his tongue to stop from hissing from the pain. “Actually, is this your job?”
“Kind of.” She replied, adding one last stitch. “I have experience on patching up small injuries and I used to study medicine under a mentor, but that was a while ago...” the girl trailed, Garfield picking up on how her mood quickly shifted. 
“Wow, these are the neatest stitches I’ve ever gotten! You have to be a pretty amazing sewer if they’re this neat. I bet you’d also be a pretty good designer!” Garfield praised, noticing a faint blush dust her face as she placed some ointment over the stitches. 
“Matter of fact, I am a designer.” The girl said, a soft smile now on her lips. “Miss Kyle commissioned me to make her a dress for the upcoming charity here in Gotham. Although, I ended up getting roped in some things I shouldn’t have.” 
“Accidentally found out her identity?” He watched the girl nod. 
“Yup. Well...that's a part of it.” She said, taking out some bandage. “And along the way I found out about her family’s, as you saw the files over there.”
“I-I didn’t see any files.“ He said, averting his eyes from her, feeling her gaze on him. “Okay. I did.” He admitted. “But why do you even have all of those medical records?”
“Curious, aren’t you?” Marinette purred, something inside of Garfield stirring. “Don’t blame you. It’s not everyday you find someone like me.”
“You mean a pretty girl like you?” Garfield teased, watching her almost drop the pair of scissors in her hand. “Which reminds me, what’s your name?”
“Wh-what? No!” Marinette squeaked out, trying her hardest to not wrap the bandage too tight. “I meant someone who helps vigilantes and heroes while being a civilian.” Garfield hummed at that, watching as she finished patching him up. “And Marinette. My name’s Marinette.” Marinette said, checking over her work. “And seems like you’re good to go.”
“That’s it?” Garfield said in a panic, not wanting to leave just yet. “Wow, didn’t think it’d be this fast.”
“Like I said,” Marinette said, pulling out Garfield’s file and jotting something down. “I have my share of experience when it comes to these types of things.” 
“Well then,” Garfield got up, one minute himself and the next as a cat on her desk, nudging her hand for some scratches. “Thank you very much.” 
He watched as red dusted her face again, giving him a few scritches under his chin, giggling when he let out a few purrs.
“Remember to come back tomorrow morning for the follow up.” Marinette reminded, watching as Garfield pounced to the window ledge, morphing back into his normal form. “Need to make sure it heals properly.”
“Will do doc!” Garfield said, stepping out into the fire escape, only to find Damian there. “Holy shi-” He was fine!
“What are you doing here?” Damian asked with a growl.
“Umm...getting my injuries checked?” Garfield defended, showing Damian his wrapped arm. “What about you?”
“Same thing.” Damian said as he motioned to his bruised face, quickly jumping into the window. Garfield quickly followed suit.
“Damian! Just look at you! What in kwami’s name were you up to?” Marinette scolded when she saw Damian, quickly going through her cabinets, grabbing different jars. “Oh! Hi Gar! Thought we agreed to see each other tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow?” Damian asked, narrowing his eyes at Garfield, causing him to gulp. Why was he acting like this?
“A follow up Dami, no need to get so overprotective, geez.” Marinette clarified, making Damian face her. “If anything, I should be the overprotective one. I am older than you.” Garfield could only watch as the two bickered.
“By two years.” Damian stated, hissing when she placed an ice pack over his bruise. 
“Meaning I don’t need little brother dearest to be following me 24/7.” Marinette said with a hint of annoyance, lifting Damian’s face to get a better look at the cut under his chin. “Small scratch. Nothing too major, unlike the one on your torso.”
“Wait, brother? You guys are related?” Garfield asked, this question going ignored as the two siblings kept arguing. 
“It’s just a scratch.” 
Marinette was related to Damian… his sister...
“A scratch!? You’re still bleeding from it!”
Meaning she is a Wayne...and she had quite the overprotective family, and a large one at that… just look at Damian!
“Nothing that I can’t heal on my own.”
Just what is he getting himself into?
“That’s it.” Marinette huffed, pulling out her phone. “I’m calling Grandpere.” Garfield let out a laugh when he saw Damian stiffen.
“Mari, don’t you dare-”
“Alf? Yes, it's me. Listen, Damian doesn’t want to get himself checked, insisting that his injury-stop that!” Marinette yelled at Damian, who tried to grab the phone away from her, only for Garfield to get a hold of it.
“Hey!” “Logan, hand it over to me.” The siblings said simultaneously, only for Garfield to ignore the two.
“Hey Alfred, it’s me, Garfield. Yes, a cut on his torso that’s not too deep. Yes, I will tell him to let Mari to look at it or else there will be consequences.” He looked over at a betrayed Damian and a grinning Marinette who mouthed a thank you. “Yes, I’m fine as well Alfred. Oh! And if Miss Kyle is there, please tell her I said thank you. Right. Bye.” With that, Garfield hanged up, handing Marinette her phone back.
“I won’t forget this betrayal Logan.” Damian said, pouting as he sat back down on the sofa, Marinette already having her tool out to clean his wound.
“You’re very welcome.” Garfield said, grinning as he watched Damian fuss over his patch up.
“Thank you for having my back Garfield.” Marinette said as he followed Damian out the window.
Marinette was able to tend to Damian’s injuries with such grace that it left Garfield mesmerized, wondering how he didn’t feel the two hours pass by.
“It was nothing.” Garfield said, averting his gaze from her, scratching the back of his head as heat rose to his cheeks. That’s when he felt a peck on his cheek, turning to see Marinette smile at him.
“A token of my gratitude.” She reasoned, fiddling with her fingers as she watched Garfiled hover a hand over the place she kissed him. “Sorry if I made you uncom-”
“No, no, no!” Garfield started, finally touching the spot with his fingers. “I didn’t mind it.” He melted when she beamed, only for Damian to ruin their moment.
“Hurry up! I don’t have all night!” Damian yelled, causing Garfield to groan.
“So about tomorrow-” Mari started, only for Gar to cut her off.
“Come in the morning for the check up. Got it.” Garfield recited, lifting his right hand. “Promise to be here at 8 sharp.”
“Well, I was thinking if you’d like to join me for breakfast after the check up.” Gar broke into a smile. “Would you?”
“Definitely!” Gar said, “Consider it a date then.” Without giving her a chance to reply, he went to join Damian, looking forward to his breakfast date with Marinette.
Marinette watched as Garfield jumped away, going back to the file she had for him. Picking up her pink pen, she drew a small heart next to his name.
She can’t wait for tomorrow’s date, even if it meant that her stupid brothers might try to stop it.
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sproutsgcrden · 4 years ago
when the seafoam floats | chapter one
the entrance exam
summary: Aizawa Michi isn't sure of a lot of things in her life, but she is sure that Midoriya Izuku is going to be a great hero. Following him from Aldera Middle School to Yuuei High only cements that fact, even if he does have a strange new quirk.
author's note: this is a longtime coming! i've been planning Michi's story for over a year now, and i'm so excited to finally be able to share it! keep in mind that this a retelling of canon with an oc-- some things will be different, some things will be the same. i update every monday on ao3.
masterlist | read on ao3 | next chapter
want to be tagged? send in an ask and let me know!
art done by emmythetaciturn!
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father | sent 06:48
good luck. don’t die. i’ll get you a kit-kat later
loudmouth | sent 07:03
nem | sent 07:06
You’re going to do amazing today, my little mimichan 💕💕
Missed Call | izukun💚 | 07:49
izukun💚 | sent 07:49
Hey! I’m here! Call me when you’re close? 😊
Michi clicked the call back button, bringing the phone up to her ear as the familiar dial tone rang. The black skirt of her middle school uniform swayed gently in the wind as she continued her trek up the path that led to Yuuei High School. Her seafoam green hair, wavy as it was, was pulled back into her usual half-bun. Even if it was completely down, it would barely reach her shoulders. Her narrowed brown eyes began to search for the familiar green hair of her friend among the throng of middle school students in her way.
A click sound through the phone, and through the static and background noise Michi could make out a meek voice. Her lips formed a small grin, and her pace sped up. If she bumped into anyone, well, she could apologize later.
“Hello? Micchan?”
Michi excused herself past a couple who were walking extremely slow for her tastes, and tightened her bag to her shoulder with her free hand. “Hey Izukun! I’m about to pass the gates, so I’ll probably see you within a minute or two. Where are you at?” The golden gates seemed to dazzle in the sun. The young girl had been here many times with her father, but for some reason the entrance seemed especially intimidating today.
“Oh, I’m on the left side of the walkway, right by a pillar…” Michi could hear Izuku’s hesitance through the phone. “Are uh, are you nervous at all?”
“Nervous? Izukun, of course I’m nervous. This is the biggest entrance exam in the entire country. I doubt my quirk will be useful during the physical- but hey, that’s why we trained, yeah? If anyone can pull this off, it’s us!” Just then, Michi passed through the gate. She saw a glimpse of green hair behind one of the pillars, and changed her direction. “Anyways, I’m right behind you.”
A muffled and surprised screech sounded through her phone’s speaker, causing Michi to look up at the source of the noise. Izuku had turned around so quickly that he tripped, but luckily a nearby girl helped him. After hanging up her phone and putting it in her bag, Michi quickly ran towards the duo before her.
“Are you okay?” The cheerful voice of the brunette standing in front of Izuku carried through the open air. “Sorry for using my quirk on you without asking first! I know that some people may not like that, but I figured it would be better than falling!” The girl helped Izuku stand straight and released her quirk just as Michi caught up to them.
Leaning over, Michi gave Izuku a once over, just to make sure he didn’t actually hit anything before he was caught. When she didn’t see anything wrong, she nodded and turned to the brunette standing beside her. “Thanks for catching him. He can be a little clumsy- nerves aren’t really helping today.”
“Oh, it’s no problem! This whole thing is way nerve-wracking!” The two turned to Izuku, who was too busy staring off into space to be aware of anything around them. “Anyways- my name is Uraraka Ochako! Good luck in the exam!”
Michi bowed respectfully..“Aizawa Michi. And this is Midoriya Izuku. Good luck to you as well.” Uraraka nodded, and walked into the building, brown hair bouncing gracefully. Michi watched her walk inside before she turned her attention to her friend, who was muttering too quietly for her to catch on to what he was saying.
With a huff of amusement, she slapped his shoulder and began to guide him into the building. “Izukun, I know you don’t have much experience with girls, but you could at least try to introduce yourself to the one who saved you from eating the sidewalk.” Michi laughed as Izuku’s face went from shocked to embarrassed.
“Oh gosh, you’re right. I was too busy trying to figure out her quirk to even say anything! Do you think she noticed?” Their shoes scruffed against the paved stairs as they continued their walk, eventually reaching the door and going inside. “I mean, what do you think it was? I think it could be some sort of gravity manipulation based on how I floated- that’s perfect for rescue work! She would be an amazing hero, I really hope she makes it in- is that- Thirteen?!”
Thirteen was stationed at a long table at the end of the entrance hall, clearly meant to be a check-in. They pointed directions for the potential students in front of Izuku and Michi as they handed out pamphlets. Izuku began to shake, from nerves or excitement Michi couldn’t tell. She assumed a mixture of both. It wasn’t everyday you got to meet such influential heroes in person- at least for the normal civilian.
As the duo eventually made their way to the front of the line, Thirteen greeted them enthusiastically. “Welcome to Yuuei, Hero Hopefuls! Can you please give me your school I.D.s so we can get you checked in and ready to go?” Michi and Izuku, of course, already had their identification available. Thirteen quickly took them, and checked the two of them into the system. After handing a freshly printed packet to each of them, along with their I.D.s, Thirteen pointed them down the hall.
“Those packets include the booklets you will use in the written exam, along with information regarding the physical you’ll take after. Your proctor will explain everything in more detail once they’re ready to start the exam. Aizawa-san, you’ll be in room 1-E, right down the hall after taking the first left. Midoriya-san, you’ll be in room 1-G, just a few doors further down. Good luck to the both of you!”
Michi led the way to their respective rooms, clearly having some knowledge on where to go. Izuku followed her lead, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. “Uh, Micchan?” The girl in question absentmindedly nodded her head, gesturing for Izuku to continue his question. “Well, I was just thinking, isn’t it a bit strange that we haven’t seen Kacchan yet?”
“Why would you want him to see you today of all days?”
“I don’t! I just-” Izuku sighed, causing Michi to pause and pull him to the side of the hall. “If he does see me, I’d rather it be before everything starts? At least it wouldn’t be so embarrassing if he yelled at me in an empty hallway versus a classroom.”
Michi nodded in understanding, waiting a moment before speaking. “I don’t think he’d go too overboard today, Izuku. At least, not on campus? Yuuei is very strict in their policies, so he’d likely be barred from taking the exam if he started screaming at you for nothing.” She gave him a reassuring grin. “And if he did, I’d punch him in the face. Again.”
“Micchan! You can’t just talk about how you punched Kacchan!”
“Why not? The asshole deserved it for what he said. And you know it.”
“I mean, maybe he did. But I’m sure you’ll be barred from taking the exam for talking about how you assaulted another student so openly!”
“Yeah... But I could still make it into general studies, probably. Besides, my old man already knows I cracked open Bakugou’s nose.”
“Micchan!” Izuku’s eyes were wide, but he couldn’t mask the giggles leaving his mouth quite fast enough. Michi smiled in response- a large, open-mouthed smile that rarely came from the normally stoic girl. Once Izuku calmed down, he began to talk once more. “Oh yeah. I forgot you mentioned your dad taught here. I’m still upset you won’t tell me which hero he is.”
Michi huffed, a small ounce of suppressed laughter. “Dad doesn’t like me sharing his hero identity, Izukun. But, to give you a clue…”
Izuku leaned in closely, ready to hear whatever could possibly clue him in on the mysterious hero.
“You have a few pages dedicated to him in one of your notebooks! I think number eleven?”
Green eyes widened comically as Izuku took in the implications of his friend’s words. “You mean I already wrote about your dad and you won’t tell me which hero he is?!”
“I thought it was funny.” Michi shrugged with a small grin. “Plus, like I said, dad doesn’t like people knowing his hero identity.”
“I still- I wrote about your dad and you never said anything!”
“I would’ve corrected you on your analysis had you been wrong, but you actually broke down his abilities quite well! I wanted to take a picture and show it to him, but that would’ve been too on the nose.”
Michi slapped her shell-shocked friend on the shoulder, trying to snap him out of his stupor. “We have a test to take, remember? Let’s focus on that!”
Izuku, getting over his shock and embarrassment, shook his head clear of his thoughts and nodded towards his friend. Michi walked a little further with him to make sure that he made it to the correct room before hurrying to her own. It was time for the exam to get started.
Michi groaned as she tightened the seafoam-colored half bun sitting on top of her head, turning her back quickly to pop it as she made her way towards the large auditorium Snipe had pointed her group in. The written test hadn’t been as difficult as she thought it could’ve been. Thanks to the endless nights she and Izuku spent studying every subject they could get their grubby little hands on, she didn’t have nearly the amount of trouble she expected to have on the math section. It really wasn’t one of her strong suits. Quirk Science and Quirks Laws, however, were a speciality of hers. Her father debated the laws with his coworkers frequently enough for her to pick up on, and Quirk Science definitely helped explain her own quirks’ functions. Sparing a quick glance down to her pamphlet, Michi took the stairs near the entrance to find her seat.
The row her seat was in wasn’t hard to find, but Michi did a double take once she found it. With narrowed eyes, she slammed her bag on the table with a bit more force than necessary. Of course they would sit her near him. She only hoped that Izuku got placed on her side instead of the empty seat on his side.
“Real mature, guard dog.” the grating voice of Bakugou Katsuki sounded from her right. She barely spared him a look of contempt before setting her gaze on the stage below. His ashen blond hair was as explosive as ever, red eyes set in the permanent glare she was used to seeing from him. The sight of his crooked nose was enough to almost make her lose her cool, letting out a short cackle.
“Yeah, as if you know anything about maturity. Want a reminder of how your nose got permanently tilted to the side?”
Bakugou snarled, turning away from Michi to face the stage once more.
It was the first day of their third year, and of course Izuku was the first one assigned to classroom cleanup. Michi offered to stay behind with him, but she ran to the restroom right after class was dismissed. She knew she should’ve waited until Bakugou and his cronies left for the day, a fact she cursed herself for months after the event.
Her shoes tapped against the linoleum floor as she hurried back to their class, knowing the sooner they got the cleaning done, the sooner they could go get some katsudon and celebrate their first day being over. She didn’t expect her vision to turn red in rage the moment she entered the room.
“If you really want to be a hero so bad- maybe you should take a swan dawn off the roof of the building and pray for a quirk in the next life!”
Fingers and the chain smoker had already turned towards the door, eyes widened in fear. Not knowing of the danger that awaited him, Bakugou turned towards the exit with a smug smirk. And that’s when he was met with a sharp crack against his nose. Blood leaked through the torn skin on the bridge, as well as one of his nostrils. He spluttered, hand moving up to catch the blood and cover his nose as his shocked eyes met Michi’s glowing red ones. Her seafoam hair, normally tied back in a half bun, floated towards the ceiling.
“If you ever say anything like that again, I won’t stop at your nose.”
The feeling of someone tapping her left shoulder brought her out of the flashback, and she turned to see Izuku smiling down at her. He set his bag down beside his chair softly, scooting his chair closer to hers as he sat down. His documents were placed on the table in a neat stack. He was about to say something to the girl beside him, when he seemed to realize that Bakugou was only two seats over. Michi knew he’d probably start freaking out, so she turned to face him completely, blocking out his view of Bakugou.
“How do you think you did on the written portion, Izukun?” The lights dimmed before going back to their original brightness, signalling that the presentation was about to begin.
The young boy fiddled with his papers, shaking his head slightly. “I think I did okay? There were a few questions on the beginnings of quirks that I had a bit of trouble with, but other than that it seemed easier than expected?”
“Yeah. Good thing we studied for the math section. I totally would’ve failed if we hadn’t gone over a majority of it.” Michi flicked her eyes towards the stage once more, seeing the silhouette of a man with very large hair walk up to the podium.
Izuku, Michi, and the rest of the participants crowded into the room focused their attention to the newcomer as the lights dimmed. His bright yellow hair, gelled up to the high heavens, was only accented by the artificial lights beaming down on him. Headphones covered his ears, and the collar of his leather jacket did little to hide the speaker connected around the man’s neck. Michi chuckled as she heard her green-haired friend let out a squeak in surprise.
“YOOOOO YUUEI HOPEFULS! HOW ARE WE FEELING TODAY?” The man certainly didn’t need the mic connected to the podium as his voice echoed clearly throughout the entire auditorium.
“That’s Present Mic! His quirk control is absolutely incredible- his rescue stats as well! I listen to his radio show every morning! I can’t believe he’s a teacher here! It’s totally crazy that all the teachers here are pros- guess that’s Yuuei for you!” Izuku was nearly bouncing in his seat, gushing over the Voice Hero with the quietest voice he could possibly muster.
“Will you stop nerding out, freak?”
Michi glared at Bakugou. “You really want me to mess up your nose again, sweaty hands?”
“Micchan! Kacchan!”
The two stopped glaring at each other and turned forwards again, paying attention to Present Mic, much to Izuku’s relief.
If Michi had been paying attention to detail, she would’ve realized that no one in their position would ever reply. Tension and nerves were extremely palpable in the air; everyone was too scared to even say anything at this point in the exam. All except Michi- who was used to the loud, booming calls made by her father’s best friend. So when she replied with a decent-volume, she lifted her head, surprised to see over a thousand faces staring back at her.
Blood immediately rushed to her cheeks as she realized that she was the only one in the entire room to reply to the loudmouthed hero. She felt Izuku’s concerned gaze as she tried to block out the obnoxious sound of Bakugou trying (and failing) to hold in laughter.
“THANK YOU EXAMINEE 8978!” If Michi were any closer, she would be able to see the wink he sent her way, but from the distance she was at, she could barely see his exaggerated movements. “I’M HERE TO PRESENT THE GUIDELINES OF YOUR PRACTICAL! ARE YOU READY?!”
Bakugou shuffled beside Michi, taking a quick glance at the paperwork laid out in front of each of them. “That’s so kids from the same middle school can’t help each other out, yeah?”
“Yeah. It makes sense, too. Especially considering that each consecutive I.D. number is assigned to a different location!”
“Get your eyes off of my paper, nerd!” Izuku shuddered as Bakugou whisper-screamed at him. The ashen blond grunted as he looked away. “I’ll crush all these losers. Fortunately for you, you’ll get to live another day.”
Michi felt a sinister grin form on her face as she spoke through clenched teeth. “Broken. Nose.”
They grew silent once more as Present Mic continued to speak.
“Each site is filled with three kinds of faux villains! Points are awarded for defeating each according to their respective difficulty levels!!! Use your quirks to disable these villains, and earn your points! That’s your goal, listeners!!” There was a short pause before the hero continued. “Of course, playing the antihero and attacking other examinees is prohibited!”
Michi elbowed Bakugou at the reminder, making him scowl at her.
“Excuse me! May I ask a question!”A voice sounded from below, nearly right in front of the stage. A figure was lit up by a stage light: a tall student with dark blue hair and glasses. He didn’t pause to let the hero reply before he continued on with his question. “There appear to be no fewer than four varieties of faux villains on this handout! Such a blatant error, if it is one, is highly unbecoming for Yuuei! Japan’s top academy! We’re all here today in the hopes of being molded into model heroes!”
“And you! With the curly hair!” His finger pointed towards Izuku, making the green haired boy cower behind Michi. “You’ve been muttering this whole time! It’s distracting!! If this is some sort of game to you, then please leave immediately!”
Izuku let out an embarrassed “Sorry,” in reply, making Michi glare down at the kid who singled her friend out. If it wasn’t going to create even more of a scene and cause Izuku to become even more of a nervous wreck, she’d totally give this guy a piece of her mind. Just who did he think he was?!
“Alright! Examinee 7111! Great catch, thank you!” Present Mic increased his volume, trying to lead the attention back to himself. “But the fourth villain variety gets you zero points! He’s more of an obstacle! There’s only one at each site! A gimmick of sorts that’ll rampage around in close quarters.”
“Thank you, sir! I apologize for the interruption!”
The presenting hero nodded, gesturing to the entire room with his hands. “That’s all from me, folks!” He went on to describe a quote from Napoleon, of all people. Michi knew this was the school of schools, but she also knew Mic was being forced to spew the random educational fact to them all. “PLUS ULTRA!!! Break a leg, listeners!”
With that, the main lights turned back on and the other potential students began to shuffle their way to their respective buses. The small shuttles would take them to and from campus to their testing sites. Bakugou, bag already slung across his shoulder and papers in his grasp, sped past Izuku and Michi as soon as the lights turned back on. The two shrugged as they gathered their things and made their way down and out to the buses.
The shuttles, while as large as they could be, were still completely cramped. Michi found herself wishing that the battle centers were closer so that they could just walk to where they needed to be. She wasn’t much of a people person in the first place, even more-so when she was surrounded by random people with no room to herself. Luckily, she was able to grab a window seat near the back. The kid that sat immediately next to her didn’t seem too awful, either.
“Hey! Name’s Sero Hanta!” His deep black hair reached just above his shoulders, and his smile was so obviously genuine. Michi nodded, eyes flickering down to the round shape of his elbows before meeting his own. “This is totally crazy, right?”
“Aizawa Michi.” She sat up a bit straighter to provide more room for the both of them as she nodded. “Tell me about it. Didn’t know we were fighting robots… I’m going to have to be creative.”
Sero lifted his arms to give her a better view of his elbows. “I get ya! My quirk’s called Tape! I produce organic tape from my elbows.” He dropped his arms once she had gotten a good look. “What’s yours?”
“It’s called Erasure.” Michi held up her hands for Sero to see. “If I touch someone with all five fingers, I can erase their quirk. Or, I make them unable to use it? It’s not very effective on those with mutations, however.”
“Oh no shit?” Sero turned to face Michi fully, lifting his elbow to her still raised hand. “Try it on me! I wanna see what happens with my quirk!”
The young girl nodded, and placed her entire hand on the boy’s elbows. Michi felt her hair begin to float upwards, and she could tell by the look on Sero’s face that her normally brown eyes had begun to glow red. “You can move your elbow. I can still have my quirk activated if I let go.”
Sero tilted his arm away from her, moving it back and forth with furrowed brows. He shook his arm a few times, in an attempt to try to use his quirk. “It’s so weird. I know my quirk’s still here, it just feels like I forgot how to use it.” He knocked his knuckles against his elbow. “Yeah, I can’t get anything to come out.”
Michi nodded and deactivated her quirk; the feeling of her hair floating back down to normal tickled the back of her neck. In an instant, tape shot out of Sero’s elbows in a similar fashion to a grenade getting launched. He quickly grabbed the end before it could get far, and retracted it. She sheepishly scratched the back of her neck, turning her gaze to the floor.
“Sorry. I should’ve warned you before I let it go.”
“Eh, don’t worry about it!!” The shuttle came to a stop in front of their battle center, and the two of them stood as they waited their turn to make their way to the gate. “That’s a pretty great quirk though. It sucks that you don’t have a way to use it against the robots.”
Michi shrugged, following Sero as he began to walk through the aisle. “I have a few ideas of what I can do. Either way, if I don’t manage to bag enough villain points, I’m confident I’ll make it into general education. I can just fight my way into the hero course from there.”
The duo had made their way to the gate by the time Michi finished her short speech, and started to stretch while they waited for the countdown to begin. It wasn’t a long wait before a loud buzzer sounded through the area, and as soon as the gates opened up, Michi sprinted her way through it. She barely acknowledged Present Mic’s voice as she surpassed those in her group, heading straight for the nearest one-pointer.
The one-pointers were the smallest of the bunch, and therefore the easiest ones to test her theory on. Logically, these robots had to have a manual shut-off. Michi had no doubt that the exam proctors were controlling these things from a central room somewhere on campus, but that didn’t mean that there weren’t other ways to make sure they were running properly.
Thanking her dad for the parkour lessons, Michi narrowly dodged the robot’s fist before hopping onto it. Using its arm as a leverage point, she swung herself towards its neck. It didn’t take long for her to maneuver herself so she was able to look down at its back. Taking a moment to look around, her eyes lit up as soon as she glanced at a small switch between the neck piece and the back of the robot. Dodging another hit from the bot, she swung herself around once more. Hanging one arm around its neck from the back, Michi was able to stick her hand down far enough to toggle the switch. She heard a small click and immediately did a backflip off the bot and ran to find a new enemy to take on.
The other examinees were beginning to catch up to her, but she did her best to ignore them and keep to the plan she had. Now that she knew for sure that the robots had a toggle for power, Michi felt much more comfortable going after the two and three pointers. She would just have to make sure to dodge their attacks as well as she could. Without any quirk enhancements, taking a hit from one of the bigger bots was sure to at least crack a rib or two.
As Michi kicked off the two-pointer she just eliminated to land on the arm of a nearby three-pointer, she found herself regretful that she hadn’t practiced more with a capture weapon. Her father’s capture scarf, while useful, was extraordinarily complicated to learn how to handle. Even after practicing with a smaller version for about two years now, she still didn’t feel confident in handling it. At least, not confident enough to take it along for the most important exam she would probably ever take.
The three-pointer shut down with a flick of a button, and Michi jumped down to the ground as it collapsed in on itself. The ten-minutes they were allowed were quickly running out, and the examinees had fully taken advantage of every second. The young girl ran down the back alleyways of the mock city in hopes of finding a straggler or two, but it seemed to be in vain. She was sure that there were probably some more targets near the open streets, but quite frankly it was a bloodbath between the others and she really didn’t want any part of it.
Just as she was about to enter another alley, the ground began to rumble. Something big was approaching, and approaching fast. Looking out onto the main road, she spotted the biggest robot she had ever seen in her life. It easily doubled the largest buildings in the area, and the insane amount of weapons situated on its arms made it a terrifying sight to behold. That’s the zero-pointer?
Michi stared at the giant, watching it move closer and closer as other examinees rushed past her to get to safety. No wonder Present Mic said to avoid that thing! There’s no stopping it unless you want to break yourself! Michi set her foot back, hesitantly getting ready to make an escape, before she heard a terrified scream break out in front of her. A kid with strange looking balls on top of his head was cowered underneath a few pieces of rubble. It didn’t seem to be crushing him, but Michi knew sooner or later that the zero-pointer would.
With a sigh, Michi forced herself forward, running towards the other examinee as fast as she could. She came to a stop right beside the boy, eyes flickering between him and the zero-pointer. As she took a closer look, she noticed that similar balls to what he had as hair were wedged in between the wall and the pieces of rubble about to fall on him. She also noticed that his pant leg was caught in between the street and the piece of rubble as well.
“Hey!” The kid met her calm gaze with watery eyes and snot dripping down his nose. She tried not to grimace at the sight. “Those ball things are your quirk, right? Can you get them to unstick? I’d reach around to rip off the part of your pants that are stuck but I can’t reach and we really don’t have the time to mess around here.”
“I- I can’t!!” The kid was pretty much inconsolable. “I made sure they’d be super sticky for the exam today!”
Michi gritted her teeth, looking around for something she could use to help push the heavy rubble away, at least to the point where he was able to get his pant leg out of there. A metal pipe glinted in the alleyway she came from, and she made sure to tell the crying boy that she’d be back soon. Pushing herself up once more, Michi sprinted to the alleyway and bent down to pick up the pipe. A ripping sound came from above her, and she looked up to see Sero grinning down at her with a sweaty face.
“Need help?” Sero dropped down from the roof to stand beside Michi as she stood to face him, gripping the pipe tight between her hands.
“Actually, yeah.” She gestured for him to follow her as she turned to run back to the boy in trouble. “We need to move this rubble so he can move but his quirk got caught up in the mess. So we need to separate this main piece from those balls attached to the wall.”
Sero nodded, taking a furtive glance to the approaching zero-pointer which was only getting closer. Tape from both of his elbows shot out, attaching to the flat side of the rubble. “I’ll pull; you can stick that pipe up at the top and push it my way.”
Michi did as he said, jamming the pipe as far as she could between the wall and the debris. As soon as Sero called out, Michi began to push the pipe. The young girl relied more on her speed than her strength, so she wasn’t very used to dealing with this much weight. Sweat dripped down her face as she pushed harder, finally beginning to see the rubble move in the direction they wanted it to. After a minute or so of this, she felt the trapped boy grab onto her leg and pull himself out of the hole he had essentially dug for himself. Once he was a safe distance away, Sero and Michi both stopped their efforts.
The duo sent small smiles to one another, grateful that they were able to help. Unfortunately, that feeling didn’t last that long. Michi, about to ask the other boy if he was okay, suddenly froze as she felt a hand travel up her thigh.
“Oi, what the fuck!” She kicked the boy away from her, which wasn’t hard to do as he was still gripping onto her leg. Sero, who saw what had just occurred, came to stand by Michi’s side. Their glares combined sent the kid into another crying fit.
“I just wanted to say thank you!”
“Yeah, that came across real well when you tried to cop a feel.”
The boy, mouth open and ready to respond with some pathetic excuse, suddenly stopped as a loud sonic boom echoed around them. Almost immediately after, Present Mic’s obnoxious yelling sounded through the area.
The shuttles had taken them back to the main campus rather quickly. Those who had minor injuries were informed to wait for Recovery Girl to come back- apparently somebody had majorly hurt themselves in one of the other battle centers. Michi suspected it had to do with whatever caused that explosion at the very end of the test.
Michi walked through the crowded group of waiting students, searching for a glimpse of familiar green hair. Her brows furrowed as she saw no sight of him, and she pulled out her phone to see if he had texted her. The lock screen lit up, showing a photo of herself and Izuku on their first day of their third year. She was barely smiling, and he was red-faced and sweating buckets. The picture always did make her grin, but when she saw that there weren’t any notifications, she pulled up her messaging app. She was in the midst of typing up something to send to Izukun when she felt a hand land on her shoulder.
“Examinee 8978!” Present Mic stood beside her, shooting her a wink through his orange-tinted glasses. “Someone’s looking for you. Lemme take you to them, ya dig?!”
Michi nodded, following the tall hero as he led the way towards the less crowded hallway. As soon as they were out of earshot from most of the other examinees, Present Mic grinned down at her.
“Nothin’. I’m just so proud of you! Saving people already!” The hero wiped a fake tear from under his eye, cackling when Michi groaned. They made another turn, and Michi grew more concerned when she realized they were heading in the direction of Recovery Girl’s office.
The young girl adjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulder. “It would’ve been better had that loser not tried to grab my ass.”
“And Mineta Minorou will face consequences for those actions. If I have anything to say about it, he won’t step foot in the school again.” A deep, exhausted voice sounded from in front of them as Eraserhead turned the corner they were approaching. His eyebags were very pronounced today, only seeming more prominent from the shadows his long, unkempt hair cast upon his face.
As Michi and Present Mic walked closer, he stopped them to hand Michi a kit-kat bar and pat her head. “Good job, kid.” All Michi did was nod her head, trying to hide her forming grin.
Of course, the moment was ruined once Mic opened his mouth. “Why can’t you two act like a normal father and daughter for once?! Give her a hug, cry! Show some emotion!”
Both Aizawas felt their eyes twitch, turning towards Mic with matching glares.
“Okay, okay!” Mic began waving his hands and backing up. “I’ll shut up! I gotta go check on the other listeners anyways since this case may take Chiyo a while!” With that, Mic sped away back towards the lobby where a majority of students were still waiting, leaving Michi and Eraserhead alone before the nurse’s office.
Michi blinked, turning to her dad in hopes of hearing an explanation. He sighed, eyes closing as he pinched the bridge of his nose. “Your friend. I thought he was quirkless.”
“He is, though?” Michi crinkled her nose in confusion, “He has the extra toe joint and the special shoes and everything.”
“Then how did he level an entire zero-pointer with one punch?”
“What did you say?!”
All her father did was sigh again, and open the door to Recovery Girl’s office. Immediately, Michi rushed in, ignoring the elder woman’s protests. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw Izuku laying on the stretcher with a nervous smile.
“H-Hey, Micchan! How did your test go?”
She was going to kill him.
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fic-for-fic-sake · 5 years ago
Pairing: Bucky x curly haired reader
A/N: This quarantine is having me post all of my fanfic at once smh. Anyway, this was written back when I was having a series of good hair days and I wanted to write about Bucky being fascinated by the reader’s curly hair. 
Bucky had only ever seen you in combat clothes. Black tac pants, combat boots, a black tank top, and your hair tied neatly in a bun. It was either that or training clothes. The point was, he had known you for six months and had never once seen you in regular civilian dress. Except for today. You both had the day off and you decided to train together in the morning. After an hour of punching bags and cardio you had decided to call it quits. 
“Okay Barnes, I’m gonna hit the shower, try not to kill yourself while I’m gone.” You teased as you left the room. Bucky was still lifting weights, huffing as he did so. He paid little attention to your exit other than a grunt in your general direction. After 20 minutes he also decided to wrap up his session. Instead of taking a shower right away he decided to read the paper for a while and drink some coffee, maybe wait for Sam to get back from his run. 
His head was buried in The New York Times when he heard your steps coming from down the hall and into the kitchen. He heard the fridge door open as you searched for something to eat. 
“Is Sammy back yet? I was wondering if he would let me throw the shield.” You questioned as you shut the door, apparently finding whatever it was you needed. 
Bucky scoffed as he started to put the paper down, “You’d have better luck wi-” His sentence stopped abruptly as he laid eyes on you, or more specifically, your hair. It was mesmerizing. He had never seen it not in a bun before and now he was pissed about it, because he had been missing out on the most perfect set of curls he had ever laid eyes on. Even in their semi-wet state they were still springy and bounced around your shoulders as you moved, each catching the light perfectly and in a tantalizing fashion. His fingers itched to reach out and touch one. 
“Bucky, hello?” You called, waving your hand in front of his face. 
“What? Sorry.” He breathed, still fascinated by your curls. “Have you uh, have you always had curly hair?” 
“As long as I can remember yeah.” You commented, pulling on one of your tightly coiled strands, elongating it, and then letting go so that it bounced right back in place. Bucky wished it were his fingers doing that instead. 
“Why don’t you wear it down more?” He questioned, finding that the subject of your hair was one he couldn’t easily let go of. 
“It gets in the way and I don’t want it damaged.” You explained, beginning chopping up chicken and vegetables for your salad. “You should do the same with yours.” 
Bucky carded his flesh fingers through his long black locks, he could tie it up, or he could just cut it again. 
“I’d probably just shave it off again, make it look like it did back when I was younger.” What was the point of having long hair if it didn’t look like yours anyway, he thought absentmindedly to himself. 
“I’ve thought about shaving my head.” You admitted, absentmindedly tugging at some of the ringlets around your face, letting them fall from your fingers one at a time. 
Bucky froze at the thought. He couldn’t understand why anyone with hair as gorgeous as yours would want to cut it off. “Why?” He whispered, dumbfounded. 
“Sometimes it’s too much maintenance. Like literally half of my shower routine is just my hair, and in the summer it gets so hot and not to mention frizzy.” You thought, mixing your cut items with lettuce and adding dressing. You waved goodbye to Bucky as you retreated back to your room leaving him at a loss for words. 
“Penny for your thoughts.” Sam mused, as he entered the room and saw a troubled Bucky. 
“Did you know Y/N has curly hair?” 
“Yeah, didn’t you?” Sam scoffs, pulling a water bottle from the fridge and chugging it, clearly still winded after his run. 
“No...how did you know?” Bucky questioned, feeling a subtle flair of jealousy for the man in front of him. Did everyone know about your hair but Bucky? 
“Calm down killer, it’s not like that.” Sam began, sensing the palpable tension coming from Bucky, “About a month ago she asked if I knew of any good places that cut curly hair and I said yeah.” 
“Couldn’t she have just gone to the closest shop?” 
Sam tried and failed to hide his guwaff at the question. 
“What?” Bucky questioned incredulously. 
“I mean, curly hair is a tad different than straight hair. You have to get it cut a certain way and I don’t think the $5 supercuts was gonna give her what she needed.” Sam explained. 
“Huh.” Bucky responded, “I wonder if she would let me touch it.” 
“Only if you wanna die.” Sam cautioned. “Never touch a woman's hair unless she gives you permission. Rule number one of curly hair.” 
It was on that note that Bucky left Sam to his devices. He had pretty much dropped the subject of your hair until two weeks later, when he heard a knock at his door. It was you, and you had what appeared to be a shower caddy in your hand. 
“Hey, can I use your shower? Mine’s broken and maintenance says they can’t fix it until Wednesday.” You asked apologetically, giving Bucky a sad smile. He gestured for you to make your way into his ensuite bathroom. 
“Thanks a million Bucky, if there’s anything I can do for you just let me know.” You called out from the shower, your voice echoing off the walls as you got ready to turn the water on. Well, that offer was certainly tempting. Bucky’s mind went back to your fascinating mane of curls and a thought popped into his head. 
“Yeah, actually there is something.” He called out to you. 
“What?” You replied eagerly, head sticking out from the door frame, your curls forming a wide and frizzy halo around your head. 
“Can I, uh, watch you do your hair?” He asked, feeling like shooting himself in the foot for even asking the question. 
“You wanna watch me do my hair?” You repeated, not sure you were hearing him correctly. 
“Yeah, I mean you said it takes a while to do and it always looks so good. But nevermind it’s dumb forget it.” Bucky hurried his response, feeling the blush creeping up on his cheeks. 
“It’s not dumb Buck. Sure thing. When I’m done with my shower I’ll come and get you.” You reassured before you shut the door and turned the water on. 
Ten minutes later you opened the door for him and he followed you into the bathroom. The thick humid air assaulted his lungs and he smelt jasmine and honey, he assumed your soap, but there was also another smell, coconut and hibiscus. He leaned in closer to you and noticed it was coming from your hair, which was sopping wet, weighing down your curls until they looked less like ringlets and more like loose s shapes. 
“Are you smelling my hair?” You questioned cheekily, looking to face Bucky. 
“Sorry.” He murmured, suddenly finding his feet utterly fascinating. Your giggle brought his head snapping back up to find your eyes. 
“Don’t be. It smells good. I’m just about to get started.” You commented as he leaned against the counter and crossed his arms, looking at the array of products before you. He watched as you grabbed a wide flat brush and let it gently pass through your hair so that it almost looked straight before the bottoms decided to rebel and curl up once more. 
“So, I only brush my hair when it’s wet because otherwise that wouldn’t be a pretty sight.” You explained, passing the brush through your shiny hair once more. You then picked up a product with a pink label on it before squirting some of the thick cream into your hand. 
“What’s that for?” Bucky questioned, curiosity peaking. 
“It’s a styler, so it makes my curls look more coiffed I guess. They use it in all the youtube videos so I figured it must be important.” You shrug slightly as you pass the product through your hair, and Bucky could see what you meant. Your curls responded beautifully to the product, each ringlet getting more love than the last. Once again he got that familiar urge to rake his fingers through your hair. 
“Can I, can I touch it?” He questioned, voice soft like a child asking for something they know they shouldn’t. Sam had warned him not to touch your hair but he had asked first. 
“Normally, no. I would cut your other hand off. But, seeing as it is wet and I can fix it, yeah I don’t see why not.” You responded, leaning in closer to Bucky so he could properly touch your tresses. 
Not wanting to do any damage he only let his flesh hand touch your curls. At first, the touch was tentative, not sure what was allowed. He took one particularly perfect ringlet between his fingers and smoothed it over. Appreciating the way it caught the light. Next he twirled another section around his finger, watching in awe as it held the shape when he let go. Then, growing bolder, he let his full hand palm your head, shaking the wet curls loose and allowing volume. He heard a soft and contented sigh escape your lips and looked at your face to find your eyes closed and mouth in a permanent smile. You were enjoying this just as much as he was. 
“So, am I ruining your hair?” He breathed, slightly smug. 
“I guess not.” You replied, not wanting to give him the satisfaction. He pulled his hand from your hair as you continued your work. The next product you put on your hand had a strong smell of artificial blueberry and was the brightest blue color he had ever seen. 
“What’s that one for?” 
“It’s a gel, I put it in my hair, wait for it to dry, and then scrunch it out. It helps my curls keep their shape and reduce frizz.” You explained as you pulled the product through your hair, scrunching it along the way until you had curls that you liked. 
“Wow.” Bucky said, amazed. When you said your hair took a while you meant it. No wonder why he had always seen it up. 
“Why do you care so much about my hair anyway?” You questioned, putting all your items back in your caddy and walking back to your room across the hall, Bucky following close behind. 
“Well, I guess back in my day everyone wore their hair pretty much the same. It was nice but it was all pulled up and more straightened. I’ve never seen anyone with hair like yours. It’s refreshing.” He responded truthfully. You tugged on a wet curl, seeming to soak in his answer. 
“Makes sense.” You concluded with a smile. “In a few hours I’ll show you what it looks like dry.” It was then that Bucky decided he would like nothing more than to look at your hair for the rest of his days.
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imagine-avenger-imagines · 5 years ago
Lifelong (III)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x (Fem) Reader
Summary: The three of you scope out the airport where the Matteo’s are supposed to be. It doesn’t go as planned. 
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: violence, gore, language
A/N: Things start to get a little more fast paced, so I hope you like!
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The phone you held to your ear kept ringing. With each voicemail, you grew more and more agitated.
“We better hurry, we’re gonna miss our only open time.” Sam’s voice came from behind you and you nodded.
You were trying to get a hold of Fury. Unfortunately, he wasn’t answering his phone. Go figure.
“I know. Just one more time.” You attempted again, and like every time before, no answer.
The three of you were already in Rio, just waiting on a lead on the Matteo’s.
You kept silent for the majority of the travels, and just listened to the two guys bicker.
Sam, being the mouthy one, would go on and on while Bucky would just give grunts or do shit just to annoy Sam.
You pivoted, facing them. The gut wrenching feeling of seeing Bucky was starting to lessen. You blamed it on watching him act like a normal human being. However, all the while you kept the fact of what he could do in the back of your thoughts. He could turn on you in a mere second.
You shook the thoughts from your head and grabbed your duffel bag that sat at your feet. It contained your suit and a plethora of weapons in case you really needed them.
“Alright, let’s go.”
The plan was just to get info from the Matteo’s. How they travel, who is with them, and how big the group has grown. When you took them down in the 80’s, they were small in numbers, but strong with Hydra backing them. Thanks to one Steve Rogers, hopefully your job will be a bit easier this go around.
You weren’t comfortable around Bucky, but you were able to say his name at least.
“You giving orders Captain, or am I?” The vibranium from Bucky’s arm glinted in the sunlight flowing through the car window and caused you to wince. As the words flew from your lips, you gave a smile to Sam in the driver's seat.
“I am totally open to ideas. I’m not a natural like Steve was. I have to write my motivational speeches down and rehearse. That shit doesn’t start just spilling out.” This coaxed a chuckle from your throat. Sam was easy going, and you could feel yourself relaxing around him.
“Yeah, that was something he was always able to do. Should’ve seen him on the playground as a kid.” The voice that came from Bucky was borderline startling, seeing as he hasn’t said a word to you since that issue with the thermostat. He sounded a lot different than you thought he would’ve. He always had that mask on and it always made his voice sound dangerous. This wasn’t the same voice.
You saw the airport coming closer, so you threw a hat on over your head and pulled your hair back.
“How about, Bucky, you stay down on the first floor with me and Sam can take the top floor. That’s where they’ll be coming out from the terminal, so Sam can give us a heads up. We scope things out and don’t be seen. They now know what you look like and they sure as hell have my face memorized.” The two men nodded and Sam pulled through the gates and into the parking garage. You reached your hand into your duffel, grabbing a phone sized brick from one of the side pockets.
It was your new suit, something Sam said about nanotech. You reached further and felt around for small syringes. Your eyes caught sight of the bright, red colored serum inside of them.
It’s what kept you alive.
You pulled one out, hoping to not have to use it.
There were few people on the Earth now who knew what you were. Fury and a couple S.H.I.E.L.D. doctors who were smart enough to keep you running. That’s what the injections were for.
You pushed both the brick and the syringe into a pocket on your pants. You turned to face both of them.
“Knowing them, security was here an hour ago scoping out for any threats. We get in and then out.” The two of them looked around, scoping out any secret entrances.
“If they’re practically looking for us, then how are we going to sneak in?” Bucky piped up from the back seat and Sam nodded along with him. “Through the front door.”
Five minutes later, you and Bucky walk through the front doors together. You turned, and noticed where he had put a dark blue jacket over to cover his arm. His hair had been pulled up into a small half-bun and you watched as he walked stiffly through the metal detectors.
Not a beep.
“Relax. The way you’re standing is gonna give us away before our faces do.” He looked down at you and nodded. He always kept a hard expression around you. The only time you’d seen his face soften was the night he offered to help with the thermostat.
When you turned your head back around, you noticed a man sitting at one of the bistreaux tables with sunglasses on and phone in hand.
Who wears sunglasses indoors? Security, that’s who. He was huge. As he turned his head towards you, you glanced over at Bucky and laughed.
His normally “shelled” eyes turned into straight confusion. You raised your eyebrows at him and reached up on your toes to kiss his cheek. Signs of affection make people uncomfortable apparently.
“10 o’clock.” You whispered, and watched as his cerulean eyes drifted over to the man. That’s the only way you could tell him without giving away your comm. The two of you kept looking at each other, his eyes locking onto yours. You caught yourself looking at the different details like the small dark spots around his iris. Once you realized what you were doing, you snapped your head away, hardening your eyes and facing forward.
Bucky kept watching you, something suddenly seeming familiar about you.
The two of you kept walking through until you got to the waiting deck.
“Sam?” Bucky’s voice ran through the comms in your ear and you both awaited his reply.
You could feel eyes on you and you glanced up to the upper level.
Sam sat, coffee in hand and neck pillow around his neck.
“Jesus.” This caused a smile to form across your face. You glanced over at Bucky and noticed him shaking his head.
“Great way to fit in, Wilson.”
“Thanks. That’s one thing Steve was never good about. He always had the same thing. Ball cap and sunglasses. By the way, check your twelve o.” You shook your head and wiped your smile from your face.
They’re doing a good job at blending in and you manage to catch another look at Bucky.
“They’re here. I’m counting five.”
Son of a bitch.
You glanced over at Bucky and smiled. It killed you to act like this with him. All those years of wanting him executed like Maria and Howard, that didn’t just go away because you saw him acting like a better man.
“I’m gonna head to the ladies room.” You said it loud enough for anyone in the vicinity who was listening could hear. Bucky nodded and you stood, leaving your fake purse and bags with him.
You felt the brick in your pocket and made short strides to the nearest restroom.
You pushed through the door just as another woman was making her way out. You walked in and chose a stall.
The agents that followed you were typical Matteo clan. Tall, Italian, and dumb.
This was going to end a fight that you were trying so desperately to avoid. There were just too many.
You pretended to flush and open up the stall. You went straight for the sink to wash your hands. The larger of the two came and stood behind you, catching your reflection in the mirror.
His brown eyes went wide when he saw your face up close.
He recognized you. Damnit.
“It’s the-” Before he had the chance to finish it, you withdrew a knife from your pocket and slashed his carotid. The blood spewed onto the perfectly clean mirror in front of you and he dropped hard.
The second one came at you, withdrawing a gun and firing one, two, three shots in your direction.
You flew behind him before he could catch you and you twisted his neck until it snapped, and he dropped like his friend.
“Y/N?” It was Bucky’s voice. This brought you back to reality.
“Yeah. I’m good. On my way out. I took out two.” You flew from the bathroom and before you could head back towards where Bucky was sitting, you watched as three more agents stepped out in front of you.
“I need-” A shot was fired and it rang out into the waiting terminal. People began screaming and running towards the exit. The fire that exploded throughout your shoulder was something you were used to, but damn if it didn't hurt like a bitch every time. You cried out, before pulling a glock of your own shooting the one in the chest twice and running. Bucky stood and started sprinting to where you were. He watched as you acted like you didn’t just get shot in the shoulder and kept leading them away from the civilians.
You ran all the while trying to avoid the bullets flying in your direction.
You saw a railing come into view and flung yourself over it, landing on your feet and pulling the brick out of your pocket. Fury said to press the button on top and let it do the rest.
Unfortunately you didn’t have time to do any of that before you saw two more men running at you from the front entrance.
“I need back up!” Sam’s voice came through the comm, your head snapping to where he was just minutes before. The big guy from the table picked Sam up, throwing him about fifteen feet away.
“Guys! This dude’s a fucking behemoth!” Sam’s voice was louder and ragged, and you turned to face the two running towards you.
Your arm flew up, putting bullets into the men approaching you. You felt a blade go into your lower back, turning to see a younger agent staring at you. Her eyes were full of rage, and you pulled the knife out, feeling the skin attempt to heal itself. You landed a couple punches to her face before shooting her knee. With a scream, she fell to the ground.
You heard a couple shots from above you, looking up to find Sam beaten to a pulp by that giant.
Bucky stood behind him, fighting off three more agents.
You jumped from a table, catching onto the railing and bringing your legs up to kick the man beating on Sam.
The man lost balance, and you tried to pull your gun from your side, but before you could the man swiped your feet out from under you. He grabbed onto your ankle and tried to pull you towards him.
Sam tried to regain his breath beside you, offering no aid. He was hurt pretty bad and you could tell.
You flipped over, and faced the man who was now standing. He attempted to kick you in the face, but you rolled, avoiding his boot. Without much hesitation, you blocked all of his attacks and was able to use him as leverage to stand.
“Bucky! Help Sam!” You yelled from behind the agent attacking you and Bucky flew to Sam’s side.
This fucking giant was kicking your ass and it was starting to piss you off.
Bucky and Sam watched as you moved around the agent quickly, before you were able to get behind him and catch him off guard.
You needed to wrap this up.
The next thing the pair saw was a blood covered fist shoot out of the giant’s chest. Bucky’s eyes went wide at the sight in front of him. He watched as you ripped your hand out of the now limp body, and threw the man’s heart to the side.
“What the fuck.” Sam’s weak voice came from beside him and he couldn’t form words.
Did she just rip his heart out?
You stood, trying to regain your breath but you slowly fell to your knees again.
The pain was back, but this time ten times worse. It shot from your heart through the rest of your body, paralyzing you.
“Y/N?” Sam’s voice rang out in the now empty airport and you couldn’t answer. The scream that ripped from your throat was one of pure agony and you tried to reach for your pocket. Your lungs began to deflate and you couldn’t catch a breath.
The thud that came from your torso hitting the hard floor caused Bucky to jump into action. You could literally feel the pain travel through your veins and throughout your head.
Bucky put Sam down softly and flew to your side. He watched as you writhed, trying to get into your pocket. He sat on his knees and hurriedly looked at your face. Your eyes began to turn red, covering the whites.
“What do I do?!” Bucky wasn’t sure who he was talking to, but he’d hoped for an answer, and soon. Your skin began to turn gray and pasty. Pieces of his hair fell from its tie and into his face.
You tried to muster the instructions but simply couldn’t, trying to preserve your breath. Bucky reached into your pocket and wrapped his vibranium fingers around the small syringe. His eyes lit up with an idea and quickly injected it into your arm, pumping the red liquid into your vein.
The breath that entered your lungs sounded painful to Bucky, him simply grabbing your top half and pulling it into his lap. The pain started to wither, and the color returned to your skin.
Your now normal eyes looked up at Bucky, and nodded.
“Thank you.”
As much as you hated it, the man you have wanted to kill for so long, just saved your life.
With that thought, your eyes rolled and you passed out. Your body couldn’t handle staying awake any longer and you went limp in Bucky’s arms.
There was a feeling that filled Bucky that he hadn’t felt in years. A flood of emotions came onto him and that’s when he realized.
He remembered you?
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itsthemoofacewriting · 5 years ago
Date Night
Finally, it has happened. This is not an AU! It’s set in OP land. I hadn’t planned to put this story put in a specific spot in the timeline, but my story had other plans. Set sometime after Wano. Minor spoilers if you’re not caught up.
I started writing this when I needed a break from Black Cat and was inspired after seeing the wonderful drawing by the artist ebibi_0629 over on twitter. You should definitely check it out, it’s fantastic, and their other artwork is beautiful too.
Summary: Having Monkey D. Luffy as a captain was never going to be easy when you're dating. SaNami. One-shot. Rating: M Warning: Minor spoilers if you’re not caught up with Wano.
Can also be found on AO3 and FFN.  
“Cat Thief Nami and Vinsmoke Sanji, put your hands in the air and don’t resist.”
Marines starting to fill the restaurant through the front and the back, blocking off their escape routes.
“What did you just call me?” Sanji hotly replied, teeth grinding his cigarette and glaring at the marine who just spoke.
Nami sighed at Sanji’s reaction, it certainly wasn’t the time to start pulling on that thread. Especially when they had guns and swords pointed at them. She looked around the restaurant, eyeing civilians and looking for a weak spot for an escape route. Sanji was pretty proficient in dodging her lightening attacks, but normal people weren’t. Even if Sanji didn’t, he sprang back quickly enough.
A marine must have clocked her twitching hand and skittish gaze, as he raised his gun, “We have the place surrounded. There’s no point in trying to escape.”
Not a moment later, there was a sound of a clattering chair and a marine was crying out as the gun was kicked to the floor. “Just who do you think you’re pointing that at?” Sanji said heatedly. He didn’t love guns being pointed at him, who does? But to point them at his beloved Nami-san was a different matter entirely.
The atmosphere thickened in the restaurant. Civilians were slowly being filtered out and they both knew that wasn’t a good thing. Both Sanji and Nami were now standing, looking ready to fight and the marines tensed.
It’d been a beautiful day before they were rudely interrupted by the marines. They’d stopped at an island the day before and the crew had spent the day restocking what they needed. Whilst Sanji was getting ingredients, he’d heard about a new restaurant that had just opened by a chef with, apparently, a remarkable reputation. He didn’t need to hear anything else; he’d turned on his heal and begun hunting it down in an attempt to secure a reservation.
The joy on Nami’s face when he’d got back and told her was exactly what he’d been hoping for. Her face was dazzling as it lit up, and he enjoyed being the one to cause it. It’d been a while since they’d last been on land and had free time. Sure they spent time on board together, but it wasn’t nearly as romantic as a quiet, upscale restaurant. A much different vibe to their usual dinnertimes of shouting and food being stolen. Nami had excitedly told him she had just the dress but refrained from giving detail. She loved an excuse to dress up.
And dress up she did. She exited from her room the next evening in a black dress. A black dress that had a swopping back, exposing her creamy skin and a plunging V-shaped neckline that tied around her neck. Her hair was pulled back into a sophisticated bun, highlighting her graceful neck. It was a very dizzying experience for Sanji as she walked towards him. A few members of the crew had wolf whistled whilst others oohed and awed.
When Sanji had finally regained his composure, he’d walked up to her and placed a kiss on her hand, lowly saying how gorgeous she looked.
Nami had smiled at him coyly, but she’d taken an appreciative look at him too. He dressed in suits normally, but she’d never grow tired of the way they highlighted his trim form. She picked up on the orange handkerchief neatly folded in his breast pocket. And if memory served her correctly, this suit was new too. She was pleased, he’d put in just as much effort as she had.
They made their way into town after that, hand in hand. But not before Nami had a word with Robin about keeping an eye on them. Nami wasn’t particularly worried, they’d been there a day already and no threats had been noted, but it never hurt to be safe.
That’s why Nami couldn’t understand what had led to their current predicament. Only a day here and the marines had sniffed them out?
The last civilian being escorted out caused everyone to erupt into action. Just as one of the marines lifted their gun, Sanji flicked the table up with his foot and kicked the top, sending it soaring in front of him. He launched himself towards another group of marines before they could gather their wits. Close combat meant they couldn’t get a good shot, Sanji thought to himself, aware of the small room they were trapped in.
He could still kick himself. He’d been much too preoccupied with his beautiful Nami-san and had failed to notice the large group moving towards them. This is exactly what his observation haki was for. Now they were stuck in this situation because of his blunder.
Meanwhile, Nami had already pulled her clima-tact out from her dress and was spinning it, black clouds rising to the ceiling. She’d only need a few more seconds. Anyone who attempted to advance, was hit as she extended her clima-tact. With the darkening sky, Sanji understood what was about to happen. He started to clear a path towards the door, they leapt out just in time as thunder came crashing down, electrocuting those left in the restaurant.
They weren’t out of the woods yet. Turning around, they were met with a group of non-crispy marines.
“How did this happen?” They were both running side by side through the town centre, a hoard of marines shouting behind them. A stark contrast to the way they’d entered town.
“I don’t know, I didn’t see any marines yesterday when I was out food shopping.”
She peeked behind her shoulder, marines still on their tail. “Me neither. Who had the den den mushi before we left? I need to call them to let them know. They might need to move the ship.”
“Franky. But we also need to find anyone who’s in town.”
Nami groaned. Her feet were starting to hurt and honestly, she was tired. This was not the evening she was expecting.
“Do you want me to carry you?” As much as he loved her in heels, even Sanji knew with all the running they couldn’t be comfortable. She normally wore heels, but he hadn’t seen those before, and they were definitely taller than her others.
Bless him. Bless him for realising without her even having to say anything. “No, it’s fine. But we do need a plan. Running around town isn’t going to do anything.”
She was right, of course. Looking around, Sanji couldn’t see an opening. Maybe they should start using back alleys, a risky move but he could always use skywalk if they got trapped. Daring a look behind him, he was surprised to see the marines were no longer on their tails.  
They were further away.
Much further away.
He stopped.
“Why are you… oh.” Nami just a few feet behind him, observed as the marines pulled away to run in a different direction.
Suddenly she was pulled into a small alleyway next to them. Sanji curled his arm around her waist to draw her into him as he leant against the alleyway wall and put a finger to his lips. A second later a group of marines were running past them from the opposite direction where they had just been standing.
“What the hell is going on?” Nami whispered. Why would they pull back when they were on top of them?
Peering out of the alleyway, Sanji couldn’t see a single marine anymore. “I don’t know, it doesn’t make sense. But maybe we should call Sunny whilst we have the chance?”
Nami’s hand disappeared down the front of her dress and Sanji’s eyes bulged, his arm tightening around her. She smiled naughtily at him and produced a small den den mushi.
Sanji glared at the snail, lucky bastard.
“Stop that.” Nami smacked his arm.
Just as she was dialling, Sanji’s hand covered hers to stop her. His smooth voice interrupted anything she was about to say. “Don’t bother calling.” He sighed in defeat.
She followed his pointed finger to the main street just in time to see Luffy running past them, laughing and holding his hat on his head. Marines following him. So that’s why they’d pulled away just now, they needed back up.
Bigger fish to try.
“That idiot,” they both said simultaneously. A night ruined because of their captain. Nami couldn’t stop herself from clenching Sanji’s top. His hand came to rest on hers, trying to soothe whatever patience she had left.
When he turned the corner and was out of sight, any previous worry drained from the both of them. They were no longer worried about any unexpected threats; it was just another of Luffy’s reckless actions.
Nami leaned her forehead against Sanji’s chest, humourlessly chuckling. “Well, this has been romantic.”
Sanji turned his attention towards the woman in his arms. Admiring her. “You really do look gorgeous in that dress. It’s such a shame it’s all been ruined by our idiot captain.”
“Hmmm, maybe the first part, but the evening’s not over yet and Robin’s got first watch.” Nami purred into Sanji’s ear, pressing her body against his and trapping him against the wall. Not that Sanji had any issues with that.
Her lips ghosted against the shell of his ear and she felt a shiver run down his body. It was too fun sometimes to rile him up.
His hands moved from around her back to her waist and she pulled back to look at his face, there was still evidence of his blush, but he was leaning down. She leaned up, slowly, and she felt their breaths mingle, their lips only a breath away from the others. She’d kissed him so many times, but she still felt her stomach knot in anticipation.
“Heeeey! You guys! There you are!”
Their eyes snapped open and any sexual tension that had been building quickly deflated as they pulled apart. Simultaneously, their heads turned in defeat to see their captain charging towards them, a hoard of marines on his heels.
Luffy was leading them towards the pair.
Anger welled in Nami. “You idiot! What do you think you’re doing?” Shaking her fist at their steadily approaching captain.
Sanji grabbed her hand, nudging her to start moving. They got a head start but Luffy easily caught up.
“I dunno what happened, they just started chasing me.” Luffy carelessly shrugged, sprinting next to them.
Both of them doubted that explanation.
“And you have a moustache on because…?” Nami asked.
“Robin said if I wanted to go out, it had to be in disguise. I had some left from Dressroba.”
Nami could only imagine the badgering the woman had received before relenting and letting him leave. Robin had failed, but she’d done a better job than anyone else could have.
“Is anyone else in town?” Sanji asked.
Luffy shook his head.
“Okay, well we can’t exactly lead them back to the ship. What do you suggest, oh wise captain?”
Luffy’s eyes gleamed and he came to a stop. “We fight them.”
Sanji and Nami stopped, both flanking either of Luffy’s sides. The marines didn’t stand a chance.
All three came back looking much more dishevelled than when they left. Nami and Sanji’s mood had definitely worsened as they kept glaring at Luffy.
No one needed to ask any questions. They’d all been on the crew long enough.
Nami didn’t say anything about why they returned in that state and with Luffy either, instead she started barking orders for them to start leaving. The supplies were bought, and the log pose had set earlier in the day, there was no reason for them to hang about any longer- especially now the marines knew they were here.
Once they were out on the open sea, the crew was starting to wind down. The darkening sky showing how late it was becoming and they dropped anchor.
Nami stopped by the galley before going to her room. She stood in the doorway, watching Sanji fuss around as he counted the new supplies. She couldn’t help but feel disappointed about how their evening had turned out. The food at the restaurant had been fantastic and the wine exquisite. Having Sanji just look at her, having his full attention, and not having to fight off Luffy or serve anyone else, was a nice change of pace. Her words from the alleyway crept back into her mind.
Drawing on her skills as a thief, she crept up behind him and he actually jumped when her arms ran up from his hips to wrap around his waist. Instantly he relaxed when he realised who it was.
“It’s such a relief that it’s you. I was worried for a second it might be Luffy coming to beg for some food.” Sanji smirked over his shoulder at her.
“All he’d need to do is grow some breasts and he might stand a chance of it working.”
Sanji snorted, “Not unless he managed to turn into you.”
He said it with no hesitation, such a charmer.
But she needed to remember why she came into the galley originally.
“Come meet me in my room,” She breathed into his ear and pulled away, dodging the arms that attempted to draw her back in. She made sure to emphasise the swing of her hips as she left the kitchen. She gave him five minutes, maximum.
When she’d gotten to her room, she’d decided to undo the bun in her hair. There was no point keeping it when it was already a mess and after what she had planned, it wouldn’t be getting neater.
There was a hurried knock at the door and Nami smiled to herself, not even five minutes had passed. She walked over to open the door and Sanji was softly smiling at her, he’d taken off his suit jacket, leaving him in just his waist coat.
Wasting no time, she tugged on his tie to pull him into the room, and into a hurried kiss. She made sure to flick the lock on her door. His hands quickly found her waist and he squeezed as he returned the kiss. She hummed into the kiss when his hands started to run along her bare back and their lips slowed, savouring the quiet moment to enjoy each other.
Slowly, he walked her the bed until her legs met with the wooden side. Her hands started to undo the buttons of his vest as his toyed with the tied fabric at her neck. As soon as his vest hit the floor and the fabric around her neck was untied, they were both falling onto the bed.
They pulled apart and Sanji used that moment to peel the top half of her dress down. He stopped breathing; sheer white lace looked back at him. Oh god, it was his favourite bra. He could see her hardening nipples straining underneath.
Nami squirmed under him. Was it flattering that he appreciated her form so much? Yes. But she did not have the patience for this right now. Grabbing his hand, she moved it up to her breast and he regained his sense. Large hands curled around her breast and she moaned, pulling him back into a kiss. This one was scorching, lips moving frantically, and his tongue swept against her lower lip. She gasped when his hand finally stopped caressing her breast and his thumb rolled her nipple. One hand grasped his shoulder whilst her other found his length through his trousers and gave a rub in appreciation. He broke the kiss and groaned, not expecting it.
Using his surprise to her advantage, she pushed his shoulder to roll them and she settled herself on top of him. She retracted her hand and instead rolled her hips against them, both throwing their heads back. His hands ran from her thighs up to her hips, pushing the dress to reveal matching underwear.
This was definitely planned. And that thought alone turned him on even more.
Loud thumping outside the door made them both jump. It was getting late, what were they still doing running around? Not a second later and the thumping noise was at her door, frantically knocking.
“Oi, you guys in there? You have to see this.” Luffy’s voice cutting through the quiet and the door handle started to frantically shake.
Thank god she’d locked it. That’s the last thing either of them needed right now.
Before either of them could saying anything, a smooth voice was interrupting Luffy’s attempt to knock the door down. “I’m sure they want their privacy right now. Why don’t you show me instead?”
Footsteps started to retreat, but Luffy was still arguing that everyone should see it.
Sanji could sob. Robin-chan deserved a medal.
Nami was thinking the same thing. Her hands pressed against Sanji’s chest and she let out a relieved breath. She smiled back down at Sanji, leaning down to press a tender kiss on his lips to try and recover the mood.
It didn’t take long. Sanji’s tongue sweeping back into her mouth and he rolled his hips up, displaying just how ready he was. Nami’s fingers hurriedly worked the buttons of his top, leaving the tie for the time being. She never minded it staying on. Sanji made quick work of her bra, flinging it onto the floor and his shirt soon joined.
She leaned down to press their now naked chests together and they gasped at the contact. She avoided his lips, choosing to press kisses along his jaw and work her way down his neck to lightly nip at his pulse.
He was almost putty underneath her. His hand caressed down her side, working their way down her body to cup her and run a finger teasingly against her covered lips. She stopped her ministrations to moan lightly, pushing her hips against his hand. His finger continued to stroke her through her underwear, and he groaned, she was so wet. And hot. Her hands were back at his shoulders, clutching them as her hips wiggled to get his hand to move more and breathing heavily into his neck.
Nami had completed forgotten about Sanji’s neck for the time being, instead she could feel tiny jolts running through her stomach as he teased her. He had the most skilful hands and her stomach knotted in anticipation at the thought of them in her.
Once he’d fully soaked her underwear, he pushed them to one side. His fingers were just about to make contact, to feel her wet heat on his fingers and hear the most delicious moans tumble from her mouth when someone in the room coughed.
Someone that wasn’t Sanji or Nami.
There was a mouth on the opposite wall. That was who had coughed. Thank god it was only that and not an ear or eye.
“I apologise for interrupting, but things are getting out of control outside.”
They both looked puzzled for a second, trying to comprehend what was being said through their hazy minds. The ship tipping abruptly to one side cleared the fog. Sanji just manged to gain his bearings and stop them both from rolling off the bed.
An ear blossomed next to the mouth after that to hear the reply.
“What the hell is going on?” Nami exclaimed, sitting up.
“Jinbe lured a peculiar sea monster closer to the ship that Luffy had spotted. Luffy now wants to keep it as a pet. He’s currently trying to pull it on board to put in the fish tank,” Robin’s voice calmly responded; despite the news she’d just delivered.
“Jinbe what?!”
Luffy she could understand, but Jinbe?! He was supposed to be a calm, wise man. How had he got sucked into this? There would be hell to pay. Not only for their idiotic actions, but to ruin their date and their private time alone. She almost wanted to whine, she was still worked up and desperate for his hands. She could feel Sanji still just as ready to go beneath her.
Sanji sighed, his hands groping her hips one last time and silently mourning what was about to happen coming to an abrupt end.
Just one night. That’s all they’d ask for. But apparently that was too much when you had Monkey D. Luffy as a captain.
I take pure delight in cockblocking them. First with spiders and now Luffy.
I haven’t seen a great deal of Jinbe interacting with the crew, so he may be out of character. But, if he’s joining the Straw-hat’s, he’s surely going to muck in with the chaos at some point! Also, I really want to see to see Nami scolding the monster quartet.
I’m supposed to be a multi-shipper, yet I cannot stop thinking about these two. And I’m about to start reading WCI in the manga… that’s not going to help either.
Thanks for reading!  
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curemoonliite · 6 years ago
In which Io learns that the Manufacturer’s clones aren’t the Nebula’s real enemies...
It should have been an ordinary day, by all accounts. As ordinary as any day a renegade super soldier could have, anyway. The Nebula’s next meeting was set, and all Io needed to do was patrol their usual hideout. Utterly pointless, she thought, considering that the small theater room they met in had been abandoned for God knows how long. But even then, she knew better than anyone that they couldn’t afford to give this place up—it was as close to the Manufacturer’s territory as they could come without arousing suspicion, and had only slightly outdated technology to boot. As much as Io tired of Valka’s constant vigilance sometimes, she had to admit that her sister was right about this.
She walked towards the theater in plainclothes, even though she wanted more than anything to drop the glamour and stretch her wings out. As usual, Valka had told her off enough times for patrolling the stadium as Chevalier, and Io had listened. Even a lanky teenager with a ratty old hoodie brought less attention than an Actress would have.
Everything had seemed normal until Io actually got to the room and saw that a movie was playing inside. On any normal occasion, she would’ve joined right in the second she heard the unmistakable sound of lightsabers clashing—never mind that she’d seen all these movies at least a dozen times. But Star Wars or no Star Wars, this was still a breach, and one that had to be shut down ASAP.
If these were civilians, she’d simply put on her Actress form and tell them to clear the area. If these were enemies, she’d do the same, wipe the floor with them, and pick up the movie where they left off. There was no way she could possibly lose—
“Hey,” a white-haired Actress muttered as she stomped out of the viewing room, “could you guys just leave us alone for one night?! Like, yeah, yeah, this is your territory and shit, but this is the only place we could go without him finding us.”
The second Io saw the other Actress, her blood simmered. Epine, the leader of the Manufacturer’s goons, was right there in the middle of everything. She had known all along—had probably even spied on the Nebula whenever she got the chance! Judging from the way she said “us,” her partner Koto was probably there, too. The two of them made up the Actress duo Valka called “the Satellites,” and the one Io just called “the biggest thorn in her side since forever.”
The instant she saw Epine, she transformed and drew her sword, even though the weapon was designed more for healing Faerie Stars and less for actual stabbing. She knew she’d have to call for backup at some point—Epine was an Espoir-level threat, and Chevalier could only hold her off for so long. If Koto came into the equation at any point, she would be done for. But hell, the Nebula would be done for if she didn’t act quick.
“Likely story,” replied Chevalier. “You know damn well what we do here, and I’m willin’ to bet the Manufacturer knows everything you’re doin’ right now. You even got that dumb movie playing to make me think you guys aren’t up to somethin’.”
“Is that so?” said Epine. “Last battle, you made quite the reference to it. I found it more clever than most of your banter, at least.”
A teasing look came onto the older Actress’s face, one that Chevalier knew all too well. It figured that Valka’s dark version would use all your weaknesses just to piss you off.
“I hate you. And I’m gonna hate you even more if you told your boss one word about this place.”
That teasing look transformed into a knowing one, as if Epine had foreseen the entire battle about to unfold in front of them.
“There’s no need,” Epine answered. “He doesn’t know a thing. After all, if he knew about this place, we’d be in just as much trouble as you are.”
Despite the tension forming around the two of them, Epine still hadn’t got into anything remotely resembling battle stance. Well, if she meant to pull the wool over Chevalier’s eyes, then she’d trick her right back. Pretend to be concerned with whatever bullshit the Satellites had to deal with, and attack Epine before Epine had the chance to do the same. As expected from Espoir’s partner.
“And why is that? What are you even planning here, anyway?”
“We aren’t planning anything. We just wanted some free time, that’s all. And it’s not like Koto’s allowed in any of the other theaters, anyway.”
Chevalier was just about to fire off her truth ray and find out once and for all if this was all bullshit, but the bitterness in Epine’s last sentence stopped her short. As an “inferior” military clone, Chevalier knew that Koto lacked many of the rights she took for granted. It wasn’t exactly something she thought about in the heat of battle, but she’d always been aware of it in the back of her mind. The only reason Koto wasn’t outright considered a slave was by legal technicality—she was paid a small wage, but never left the Manufacturer’s sight, and the rest of society sure segregated her like one.
“What exactly possessed you guys to watch a movie, anyway?” asked Chevalier, her voice suddenly drained of all cynicism. “Don’t you have better things to do?”
“I’d say it’s perfectly reasonable. You called Koto ‘Leia-buns’ last battle, she asked me about it, I tried to explain it was from a movie, but she just looked more confused. She just kept asking more questions and...God, this is so fucked up. The Manufacturer is so fucked up.”
“Awful late to the punch there, don’t you think?”
Chevalier knew what Epine was going to say even before she said it—as someone specifically cloned to be his lover, that wasn’t exactly a revelation that was supposed to dawn on her. Still, she couldn’t keep that dumb sarcastic comment out of her mouth—being nice to her enemies was still way too weird at this point.
“You know the real reason Koto hasn’t come out? It’s the same reason why little kids get all enraptured when you put them in front of a screen. This is her first time doing any of this. You can do whatever you want to us, but I’m not about to let you ruin that moment for her!”
A clone like Epine should have seen one like Koto as cannon fodder, someone so below the totem pole that they weren’t even worthy of acknowledgement. Yet here she was, sticking up for her partner like a sister, like a daughter...
...Like the Nebula would have.
“I get the feeling,” said Chevalier. “When I first saw stuff like this after Star Corporations, I had a hard time believing the world could have this much good in it. Maybe that’s why I’ve seen this thing a dozen times.”
“That’s just it,” Epine spoke. “Since Koto was assigned to be my partner, I’ve changed so much. You wouldn’t believe how little I questioned things back then. Or, since you’ve been in the same spot, maybe you would.”
All Chevalier could do was nod in agreement as Epine continued.
“I’m still not where you are right now, and I don’t know if I’ll ever be. The Manufacturer may be fucked up, but so am I, and sometimes I feel like we were made for each other. But even as an enemy, I still do what I can for Koto, because she’s too good to be a part of this. But even then, I’ve thought more than a few times—she’d be better off with people like you, even if it meant we’d have to be enemies.”
“It doesn’t have to mean that,” Chevalier whispered. “Both of you can—“
For a slight moment, Epine’s face appeared touched in a way Chevalier didn’t even know was possible. But a second later, it contorted straight back into the same teasing smile Chevalier had known for months.
“Even the cynical teammate holds out some faith for me. How quaint. Keep that in mind if our team ever does fall apart. Koto needs a friend like you.”
And then, she simply strode off, probably to hole herself in the theater for another twenty-four hours or so. As Chevalier transformed back into her glamour, she saw the two of them huddled against each other, watching space adventures unfold across the screen—and for a split second, Io could have sworn she saw Koto, the seemingly emotionless clone, smile.
As she was about to leave, she heard a telepathic message come in from Valka.
Are you okay? Are the Satellites still there?
Io considered it for a short while, and then sent a message back.
Yeah. It was just another false alarm.
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navpike · 6 years ago
Licensed Response: Chapter 1
"I'm just going to lend a hand," Caleb calls as they run. He doesn’t want to make this a hero thing, but this seems big. He can help out a few civilians and leave when the cops or a proper Powered Response Team shows up. “Is this even legal?” Nott screeches. (It really isn't legal.)
Or, the one where the Nein are a team of superheroes (well, they're working on it, at least).
Chapter One: walking the streets someone before me set on fire [on ao3]
ZuZu’s Cafe isn’t normally a bustling place. Lots of foot traffic in and out (and Caleb absolutely counts each person that sets foot inside the shop), but people rarely stay in the small cafe for longer than it takes to pick up their order. It’s one of the reasons Caleb doesn’t mind coming here too much. Being out of the apartment sets him on edge no matter what, but Veth insists that he get out every once in a while. The usually quiet cafe is a good compromise. They can get some good coffee and some lunch and get a bit of work done and there are few enough people that a baseball cap drawn low is good enough to keep anyone from recognizing Caleb.
The operative word being usually.
Today there is a rowdy couple of college students in the opposite corner of the room, a young man with a pale X-shaped scar over one eyebrow that stands in stark contrast to his dark skin and a shock of white hair in the middle of his forehead, and a younger woman with a splash of freckles across her tan skin and vibrantly blue eyeliner swept artfully under her eyes. They have their laptops open and three empty coffee cups between them already, and they’re yelling at each other, though good naturedly. There’s another woman with them, looking disinterested in their argument, stealing food from their plates. Her undercut looks like it needs some touching up, and the hair that’s not shorn off is slowly escaping the messy bun she’s tied it up in.
Veth gives them an angry glare, and Caleb can’t help but agree. The freckled young woman meets Veth’s glare with a too cheery smile and a stuck out tongue.
And then her gaze settles on Caleb. He tugs his baseball cap down a little further and hitches his shoulders up around his ears in an attempt to hide himself further, but it seems the damage has already been done.
“Hey!” she exclaims, her face lighting up in recognition and something like glee. Caleb grimaces, sinking into his seat and glaring at Veth. “Hey you’re--”
“Jester!” the young man with the X scar interrupts loudly, fixing her with a withering look. “Leave the man be,” he continues more quietly. “He obviously doesn’t want the attention. Read the room.” The young woman, Jester, looks like a chastised child for a moment, though the man’s words sounded like nothing more than a gentle reminder. She bounces back quickly though, and is smiling and turning back to her conversation as though nothing had happened,
The other woman, though, does not have the tact the young man does, nor does she have the ability to take a fucking hint.
“Oh shit, she’s right. You’re the fucking Blitz!”
Caleb barely holds back a full body flinch. As it is, he still gives a visible wince, tugging at his collar like it’ll keep the prying eyes suddenly on him from seeing that she’s right.
“Beau!” the young man admonishes again, this time with a heat to back his words. “Christ on a bike, you two have no decency I swear to god--”
Caleb tunes him out after that, the sudden buzzing of other voices blurring with the ringing in his ears. The people at the counter who were previously engrossed in their phones have a new interest in Caleb and Veth, their whispering growing into loud muttering, to full blown conversation as though Caleb isn’t there at all.
He can feel his breathing start to pick up a bit, but he doesn’t have a chance to worry too much, before Veth pokes at his shoulder with one long finger.
“Caleb, come on. Let’s just leave,” she says softly.
Caleb focuses on the odd pitch of Veth’s voice, the almost accent that by no means should be calming, yet still is, and takes a breath. He steadies himself and closes the compiler he had had open on his laptop, tucks the computer away into his bag, watches as Veth puts their dishes in the return bin and gathers her own things. His hands are shaking, but if he puts them in his pockets he can ignore that. He doesn’t hazard the glance back at the table with Jester and Beau and the young man, or at the others at the counter who now have their attention fixed on him, even as it all starts to turn into a ruckus.
He hears the typical questions, all the things that circuited the tabloids and gossip shows for weeks after Ikithon’s arrest. Wonderings of where Astrid and Eodwulf are now, and what Caleb’s doing now, and have any of them had any contact with Trent, and have they considered returning to the Academy since they left it. It makes Caleb’s stomach churn, but he pushes that feeling far down, and simply leaves the cafe with Veth.
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Veth’s hands flicker and half melt for a second, but she solidifies again, and he finally takes a full breath when they step out the door.
They’re halfway down the block when a hand hits Caleb’s shoulder.
He reacts on instinct, seizing the person’s wrist with one hand and summoning flames with the other, ready to blast the stranger in the face before he can even see who it is.
It’s the young man from the cafe, his eyes wide as he leans back, straining a bit in Caleb’s grasp. He’s eyeing the flames licking up Caleb’s wrist warily, and the air around the young man’s own hands is beginning to shimmer, Caleb notices.
So he’s powered too, huh? Interesting.
Caleb releases him, but doesn’t let the flames die.
“What do you want?” Veth snaps, before Caleb can even open his mouth.
“My apologies, I didn’t mean to startle you. I just wanted to apologize for my companions, back there. Neither of them seem to have a brain to mouth filter. They just spout whatever comes to mind soon as they think it. I’m sorry they called attention to you like that, Mr. Ermendrud.”
“Don’t--” Caleb hisses without thinking. He sucks in a breath through his teeth and lets it out slowly. “Caleb is fine.”
“Of course, I’m sorry. Anyway, I apologize for their antics, really. They didn’t mean to cause any trouble.” The young man truly does look apologetic, but Caleb long ago learned that appearances are often deceiving. Still, he went through the trouble of chasing them half a block just to extend an apology. That has to count for something.
“Well thank you, for the apology, uh…”
“Fjord. The name’s Fjord.”
“Well thank you for the apology, Fjord. Think nothing of it. Have a nice day,” he says, politely but still short.
The flames die down and Caleb straightens out his shirt, and turns to walk away.
That’s when the screams ring out from a block or two over. Screams, followed by a loud crashing sound, and car horns, and that is definitely not good.
Caleb tenses, the adrenaline flooding his system causing sparks to dance across his skin. He sees Fjord’s eyes go wide as the sparks skitter across Caleb’s face. Caleb doesn’t take the time to reassure him about it. He slings off the button down he was wearing and takes it and his bag and tosses them at Fjord.
“Take these for me please. Go back to ZuZu’s, ask the cashier to hold onto those until I can return, and stay inside. Go!”
And Caleb takes off running in the direction of the screams. Veth shoves her things at Fjord too, who stands there looking completely dumbfounded, and takes off after Caleb.
“Caleb! What are you doing? I thought you hated this sort of thing! What are you doing?” she calls after him as she struggles to keep up.
He turns just a bit to answer her, and instead of the Veth he’s expecting, he comes face to face with a panther. The animal has the same septum piercing that Veth does, so Caleb knows it’s her, but it’s still jarring to be expecting a fairly short human being and come up with a massive animal instead.
He shakes his head. There’s another crash, and that one sounded less like stone collapsing and more like a car colliding with something. Caleb picks up the pace.
“I cannot just let people get hurt. I can at least help until the proper authorities arrive! I’m not getting involved. I’m just going to lend a hand,” he says to the panther, because that really is all he is going to do. He doesn’t want to make this a hero thing, but this sounds like something big, and if it’s left alone, it’ll only get worse. He can help out a few civilians and leave when the cops or a proper Powered Response Team shows up.
“Is this even legal?” the panther screeches in Veth’s voice, and Caleb blinks at how strange that is before he can respond properly.
“I’m technically still a licensed Powered Responder. If the authorities show up, turn into a cat and leave. Or better yet, do not get involved. It is dangerous.”
Caleb didn’t think that panthers could look incredulous, but he is proven wrong at that exact moment with the expression Veth makes at him. And then she melts into another form, midstride, causing herself to stumble on her next couple of steps.
She curses as she finds her stride again. She’s a wolf now, but it’s one of her twisted forms, one of the ones that happens when she’s not totally in control. Bony protrusions follow the line of her spine, and she’s got monstrous looking fangs, claws that could almost be called talons.
Her curses come out slurred around the new teeth, which only serves to irritate her further. Caleb doesn’t say anything more, so she doesn’t have to respond.
He doesn’t bother to cover his face as they round the corner to the scene. There’s no reason to anymore. The public knows who he is, his civilian ID and his alias, they have for years, ever since the Ikithon Incident. They’ve known since Ikithon twisted his way into Caleb’s head, into Astrid’s, into Eodwulf’s. They’ve known since Ikithon made them villains, when all they’d ever wanted to do was help people. They’ve known since the three of them, mere children when it had happened, really, had had to stand trial to see if they should face the consequences for actions they never wanted to commit. For actions their bodies had taken without their minds.
Caleb shakes the thought from his mind as he comes to a halt and takes in the scene in front of him. His body goes up in flames as he sees that he was correct, this is an Incident. There is something in the middle of the road, atop a pile of rubble and smoking cars. Caleb would almost call it a lizard, except for the fact that it is easily almost fifteen feet tall, and walks on two legs, though it’s arms do reach the ground to act as support for it, its body is so massive.
Caleb groans when he looks at it. There is absolutely nothing he would rather do than turn tail and fucking book it, but there are innocent civilians here. There are people who cannot defend themselves and he can help.
After all of the evil he’s done, he owes it to the universe to at least try to help whenever he can.
Veth melts into another form again, or at least attempts to. All she really does is make the twisted wolf form larger, but that’s not nothing. The size will definitely help them in this battle.
Caleb’s arms are completely engulfed in flames now, small tendrils of it licking across his chest. Sparks dance through his hair. His eyes go red, shifting and changing like a burning ember.
His clothes burn away, leaving him in the uniform he keeps on, in case something sets his power off, in case something like this happens. It’s a very recognizable uniform, bearing a small logo of the Soltryce Powered Training Academy between his shoulder blades, a flame icon emblazoned across his chest.
When people see it, see him, half of them look relieved to see him. Half of them looked even more terrified, if that were even possible. Veth’s appearance isn’t really doing them any favors, but that’s not important.
What is important is that, as they watch, a handful of people nearest the beast drop to the ground, their bodies going lifeless within the span of a single second. Caleb doesn’t need to feel for a pulse to know they’re dead.
What is even more important is that, as they watch, the dead people’s bodies lurch where they lay on the ground, and slowly, jerkily, rise again.
Fuck, Caleb thinks. They are so screwed.
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joltra · 6 years ago
Pâtissière - One Bite
Here’s some Waitress inspired MariChat that I haven’t been able to get outta my head. Hopefully I can write some more in this vein.
Also on AO3
Ladybug first noticed it after an akuma battle.
Then again a few times after patrol.
He might try and disguise the way he wandered through the city, but it was obvious that Chat would frequently leave in the direction that Marinette was all too familiar with.
Was it possible that Chat lived near her? He didn't always go in that direction, but it was frequent enough to catch her interest. She wanted to comment on it, but that would probably lead into another identity reveal discussion, and Ladybug was still in the camp of not revealing.
Besides, a ton of people lived near her. And there were neighborhoods past hers. The chance of her knowing his civilian form, or for him to even frequent where she normally went was still quite slim.
Ladybug looked away from where Chat had disappeared off to after their goodbyes and swung back towards Alya’s, Pushing any other theories from her mind, she tried to think of an excuse for disappearing on game night for so long.
It wasn’t until a few weeks later, after an akuma battle that she learned where Chat had been going all this time.  
Marinette had rushed back to the bakery after battle and ducked in through the back way. She threw her hair up quickly and pulled on the apron she had abandoned. Thankfully it had been a quiet day at the shop so it looked like she hadn’t missed much and her parents didn’t notice her absence since the had ducked upstairs due to the slow day
The bell on the front door chimed as a patron entered the small shop. Marinette brushed her hands off before scooping up a tray of croissants. She made her way to the front to greet the customer and set out the fresh pastries before stopping dead in her tracks.
“Chat Noir??” She had to catch herself from dropping the tray out of pure shock, trying her best to casually put out the treats.
Marinette’s mind began reeling as she tried to process the costumed hero before her. This didn't make sense. Why would Chat come here after an akuma battle? He wasn't on a timer because they thankfully didn't need to use Cataclysm, but still. Why come in costume and not civilian form? Why walk around as if nothing was weird? Was it only weird for her?
She snapped out of her train of thought as the superhero in question turned around to face her and started speaking.
“Well hello my Purr-incess~” Chat slid over to the counter Marinette was standing behind, carefully perching his elbows on it as a grin crossed his face. “I was wondering when we would finally run into each other.”
Her eyes went wide at his lack of surprise. How did he know she worked here? Did he realize this was her parents’ bakery? Does he come here often?
“Uh, earth to Marinette?” A gloved hand waved in front of her face and brought her down to the present moment again as her blue eyes met green. “I know I’m drop dead gorgeous but I would love it if you didn’t drop these.” His other hand steadied the tray over croissants that started to slip in her grip.
“Chat.” She repeated, a bit softer this time as she processed everything in front of her. “What are you doing here? Also how did you know I would be here?” Her nose scrunched up as she thought about the questions she asked, trying to still figure them out for herself.
A warm chuckle followed her questions and he helped set the tray down on the counter. He brought a hand up to brush a strand of hair behind her ear that had fallen loose from the bun she had her hair up in.
“Did you think I would forget where my Princess lives?” One of his gloved fingers gestured upwards towards the apartment and a small smirk crossed his face. Chat straightened up and snagged one of the croissants from the tray before him. “Also where else would I go for the best pastries in Paris?” To make a point, he took a bite of the treat in his hand and his face lit up at the buttery flakiness.
Marinette felt her shoulders relax at his explanation and took a deep breath. His points were valid. This was just another way he could drop in and see her. A smile crossed her features and she began to put the rest of the croissants away before Chat ate them all.
“Why not come in your civilian form then? It might garner less attention.” She watched him finish off the treat, going to grab another one before realizing they were gone. He looked at the display case and starting eyeing a vanilla quiche. Rolling her eyes, Marinette pulled it out of the case and offered it to him.
“If I came in my civilian form, I wouldn’t get to see you. Besides, it’s easier for me to acquire sweets this way.” He gladly took a bite and she heard a soft purr come from him in response. “I have no idea how your family does it. These are absolutely out of this world.”
Marinette blushed softly at the compliment and grabbed a bag from behind the counter and began to fill it with various pastries. Even with no timer, he probably shouldn’t stay in costume too long or his Kwami might be upset. She slipped a few cheese danishes into the bag for him, recalling Chat mentioned his kwamis' preference of cheese.
“It seems that akuma I heard about made you work up quite an appetite.” She handed him the paper bag of goodies as she came around the counter. “Here. You should eat more or people might think you are a stray.” Chat happily took the goodies before nudging her slightly.
“Is this your way of adopting me Mari~” He stuck his tongue out to tease her before she started pushing him to the door. She huffed some hair out of her face and rolled her eyes at his comment.
“This is me kicking you out, minou. We don’t allow strays inside.” A soft laugh left Marinette as they reached the door which was echoed by Chat. “It’s time to close up shop for the day anyways.” He grabbed the door handle and turned towards her before taking his leave.
“You know this is only feeding my addiction.” He held up the treats before opening the door. “Sure you can handle this cats’ appetite?”
“I think I can manage.”
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hypnoticharlequin · 7 years ago
Gooooonna need detailed outfit descriptions for many of these characters. Because reasons.
Sure! Pre-warning this is going to be slightly long! If you have any questions (or I’ve missed something or someone) feel free to ask! 
Tanned Skin
Long Auburn Brown Hair to her shoulders. 
Athletic build but not dramatically muscular. C Cup.
Very sharp cheek-bones give her a very stern looking face. 
Brown eyes. 
Civilian Attire: 
Grey Trenchcoat that reaches her knees.
White blouse with an open collar (though she can sometimes be found in a railway blue blouse.) Light grey slacks, black leather flats. 
Thick framed black glasses (in an attempt to disguise the shape of her face).
Hair put into a loose bun.
Her System is worn around her waist like a belt. It resembles the one worn by Kamen Rider Fourze, except the center is circular and has a large slot, resembling a ticket slot on the top. It is metallic and dark grey in color.
Express Knight
Ulla transforms by pushing an “Express Ticket’ into her belt. This ticket looks like a slightly faded train ticket, on light yellow paper. 
In her basic form, Ulla is clad in a bright yellow armor, that covers her whole body and makes her look much bulkier. The armor is in a few bits, with bulkier sections on her joints. 
The helmet resembles the front of a Bullet train, but in yellow. Around the top of her head, there is a line of rail track. It sort of resembles the ToQger armor. 
On the back are two large vents, one on each shoulder. These vents are a dark silver and regularly emit steam. The direction of the jets and the slats on the vents move with Ulla to give her blows extra strength. 
The boots have a large groove in the soles, these grooves perfectly fit over a rail, allowing Ulla to dash across them or move around using the rail system. 
Ulla is often carrying a sword. It resembles an oversized broadsword with a dark yellow hilt. The blade is very chunky and has a rail embossed into it. The center of the hilt has another ticket slot. 
Pale white skin
Black hair that she wears in a bob (thought this bob tends to be messy due to her getting helmet hair from the Mesmera costume).
Very average build. 
Larger bust, around a D cup. 
Slightly round in the face, and very soft cheeks. 
Very well plucked and maintained eyebrows. 
Dark Green eyes when her power isn’t active. A metallic swirling silver when it is.
She often wears very bright t-shirts and blue Mom jeans along with very plain flats. 
In more formal moments she wears floral summer dresses or a floral blouse matched with a bright skirt. 
Her costume is made up of two parts, a cowl, and a body suit. 
The bodysuit is spandex with thin kevlar plates over the chest and shoulder area.
The costume resembles an 80s Business suit with the details being molded onto the kevlar plates. 
The base of the suit is black, with purple details.
The kevlar cowl resembles a Batman one, minus the horns. It leaves Mesmera’s eyes and mouth exposed. Around the eyes are small spirals engraved into the kevlar and then painted purple. This means that they are only visible in certain light. 
The costume is finished with thigh-high black boots 
Pale white skin.
Black hair that she has fashioned into an undercut. 
Light Green eyes.
Fit build.
Alicia wears a lot of metal band t-shirts and dark black jeans as well as very ratty sneakers. 
In the gym, Alicia wears a light blue t-shirt and a pair of black running shorts. 
Villain Work
A black body suit that resembles Mesmera’s just with more kevlar plating and none of the personal details.
A Batman-Esq cowl, minus the horns. It has no distinguishing details on it. 
Long curly red hair to the middle of her back. 
Very fit, with large muscles. 
C cup. 
Often found in a long white lab coat that reaches down to her knees. 
Under the coat, she wears a dark blue button-up shirt and dark pants. 
Outside of the lab, Mara wears button-up shirts (usually black) along with dark jeans. 
Long straight black hair 
Exceedingly muscled. Has a very obvious six-pack. 
Loose fitting t-shirts, often advertising old Lucha events, often with the sleeves ripped off. 
Baggy workout shorts. 
Black Trainers. 
El Cóndor Vengador
Wears a Lucha mask that totally covers her head aside from her mouth and eyes. The mask has a bird design on it. The base of the mask is a crimson color and the bird is pearlescent so it sparkles when she moves. 
She wears a bright red leotard that matches her mask
On her feet are black wrestling boots with very heavy looking soles. 
Dragón Danzante
Decently muscled but not as bulky as Ivanna
Dragon is never seen without her mask. The mask is pretty similar to this. It is a metallic blue with grey details around the eyes and a scale-like pattern all over it.
The mask also has a long metallic blue tail running emanating from the back of the mask, almost like a ponytail. It reaches the small of her back.
 She wears metallic blue pants and a metallic sports bra that both have a scale-like pattern on them. 
Her outfit is finished with black wrestling boots.
Pale skin
Blue eyes.
Blonde hair in pigtails.
Momo wears a pastel pink lab coat, that stops just before her waist.
She wears a pink tutu that only just covers her butt as well as a light pink t-shirt (often with a random slogan like “Be Cute!” or “Candy Girl” written on it)
She wears pink over-sized mary-janes on her feet
Wears a lot of makeup, including blusher to give her doll-like blush circles on her cheeks.
Pockets tend to be full of all sorts of candy and gum.  
Athletic, but not as muscular as her sister. 
Green eyes.
Red Hair that she wears in a long ponytail. 
Hitomi tends to wear very tattered jeans and tight, black t-shirts. 
Over this, she wears an open leather racing jacket, in black, orange and dark grey. 
She wears black motorcycle boots everywhere
Her system is worn around the waist like a belt. It resembles a black metallic engine block (think a little bit like the one worn by Kamen Rider Build in that it has a very “mechanical” design). On the top is a short gear stick that Hitomi pulls to transform. 
Turbo Knight Hitomi
Her body is covered in bulky red armor. Between the joints, you can see hints of parts that resemble an engine.
The helmet resembles the front of a bus with the windshield acting as the visor and the headlights positioned above her eyes. 
In many ways, she resembles a chunkier TurboRanger
Her boots have a tire pattern on the sole, there is also an obvious “door” in the soles. When Hitomi uses certain powers or goes for her finish, wheels come out of these doors, allowing her to travel extremely quickly. 
CCC Hitomi (Hitomi Black)
The CCC System is almost the size of a screwdriver. It is a metallic red and one the one end is a large black button that is covered by a small plastic lid. On the other is a large dagger-like spike in metallic silver. (Sort of like the Hazard Trigger)
When using the CCC, the CCC System is embedded into the center of Hitomi’s System, effectively leaving a red stripe along the middle. 
CCC Hitomi has black armor as opposed to the Red of the Turbo Knight.
On her helmet and shoulders, there are large black spikes that stick up into the air. The ones on the helmet start at the forehead and go out in a V shape. 
While in CCC form, Hitomi’s visor has a red tinge to it. (It looks totally red from some angles) 
Bestie Hitomi (In Momo’s lab)
While in Momo’s lab Hitomi is either in her normal civilian outfit (however these clothes are looking pretty dirty, due to Momo not bothering to wash them).
When she is wandering around mindlessly helping Momo, she tends to be in Momo’s clothes. A pink tutu that utterly fails at hiding her bright pink panties, as well as one of Momo’s t-shirts. Due to the shirt being way too small, it doesn’t cover her arms and leaves her midriff exposed. 
Normal Human Form
Black hair in an overly perfect retro bob
Pale skin.
Very average build.
Very dark brown eyes
Tends to wear plain t-shirts and generic brown slacks and formal shoes. 
Parasite Form
During her transformation, it is possible for Parasite to look like a normal human aside from one or two latex limbs. 
Skin turns totally black and looks like shiny latex, making her body almost resemble a silhouette. 
Her hair becomes longer, reaching her lower back. Each hair grows wider and thicker making them resemble tendrils. 
Her eyes are black and look like they are imprinted into the latex, the mouth is the same, two latex lips that open to reveal a dark void. 
Massacre Maid
Black hair fashioned into twin tails that sit on the sides of her head 
A Japanese-Style Maid’s Uniform it has a faded name tag stuck on it which says “Massacre” in red pen, complete with little blood drops coming off of it. 
Leather combat boots on her feet. 
Carries around a mop, that has a wooden handle and white fibers on the end. In Scythe form, the handle stays wooden, but a large metallic silver blade appears on the end, the blade is nearly as tall as Massacre Maid is. 
Hype Girl
Long blonde hair to her shoulders
Blue eyes.
Is always in a blue cheerleader’s uniform. The top is slightly short leaving her belly button exposed. 
The uniform often has the word “Hype!” Written across the chest in an off-yellow. However, sometimes it is replaced with the “Red Right Hand” logo.
She wears white sneakers that are very worn down from all her jumping.
Carries two red foil pom-poms with her. If they are not on her hands they are attached to her skirt. 
Dark brown eyes.
Long black hair that goes just past her shoulders, that she obviously slicks back.
Wears a Phantom Of The Opera mask on one side of her face.
She also wears a man’s black suit, further emulating the Phantom. However, there are obvious bulges in the suit where she has added kevlar plates. 
She wears a long black cape with a red velvet backing as well as chunky black boots. 
Green eyes
Messy red mohawk 
“Bruiser” body type.
Wears a bright yellow latex costume that covers her whole body except her hands. The suit has flame designs around the neck, wrists, and ankles. 
Her mask is a full hood, that leaves only her mohawk, mouth and eyes exposed. It is a gradient, going from yellow at the neck, to a fiery red near her hair. 
Anna Stesia 
Blue eyes
Very fit. 
Has her hair in a very neat black bob.
Dresses like a retro-nurse stereotype 
However, her suit is made of latex and the inside of the jacket is lined with various needles and vials. 
She wears flat black pumps, however even these have a needle concealed in the toe area. 
Creme d’Argent
Very slim, and not very muscled. 
Blonde hair, worn in a bun. 
Pre-”Designs On The Future”: A creme business suit, made up of creme jacket and slacks along with a white collared shirt. The whole ensemble clings to her body, making it look like she brought something a size too small. She wears black high-heeled pumps.
Post-”Designs On The Future”: Wears a black business suit, made up of black pants, a white shirt, and a black jacket. The jacket and pants feature subtle silver pinstripes. She wears black high-heeled pumps. 
Lady Aria 
Short dirty blonde hair to her neck, complete with a long fringe 
Extremely buff.
Dark blue eyes
Wears a long gothic gown
She often has deep crimson opera gloves on. They look like they are made of velvet. 
Extremely high, blood-red high heels. 
The Crushing Countess 
Same as her civilian attire, however, she wears two gigantic red gauntlets on her hands. Each Gauntlet is the size of a vending machine and seems to be made of a dark red steel. 
The gauntlets have vents on them, that regularly emit blasts of steam. 
Her shoes change to have a wider, spiked heel, allowing her to embed herself into the ground when she wants to put all of her strength into a punch.
Space Kitty
Her skin seems very tanned, but it glitters oddly in the light. 
Very slim 
Yellow eyes. 
Short spiky blue hair
Earth Civilian
Space Kitty wears various t-shirts, these often feature terrible cat puns (as she thinks they are about her) or are souvenir shirts from places Ulla, Gaim, and Aria took her. 
Dark yellow jeans
Sneakers with a cat drawn onto the tongue with a marker pen.
Space Kitty
She looks a lot like Kamen Rider Nadeshiko. A silver suit of armor, that while metallic, moves like spandex.  
On the helmet are two metallic silver cat ears. 
On her gauntlets are sharp points resembling cat claws. 
Around her wrist is her system. It resembles a small computer, about the size of a cell phone, but in a more rounded shape. The screen tends to flash data about the suit and her attacks, all in a strange alien language. 
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loubuggins · 7 years ago
Every King Needs a Queen Chapter 6: Secrets and Memories
Prologue <-------------> Previous Chapter
A pleasant, greasy smell drifted through the vents and the cracks of her bedroom door, tickling her nose with delight. Her stomach bubbled, then growled causing the sleeping young woman to wither slightly with discomfort. With an annoyed groan rumbling up her throat, she pushed her body up with a heave. She sat up for a moment, allowing her brain some time to catch up to her surroundings. She brought her thin hands up to her salted eyes and rubbed the stinging away. She became all too aware that she had once again cried in her sleep.
It didn't matter how nice things were with Landon, or that this has been the happiest week of her life. No matter what she did, nightmares plagued her mind like a virus that she couldn't cure. Visions of her past sins followed by the angst she had put her family and friends in this past week kept guilting her during her slumber. She recalled the moment she killed that monster, Marcus Cassidy, his name bringing up bile in her throat even as she simply thought it. She remembered the thrilling feeling that coursed through her veins as she ripped into his. Like an addict reaching a new high, she had crackled in a wicked laughter and looked unto him with crimson eyes that burned with the fires of Hell. Oh, how intoxicated she felt as his screams filled his bloodied mansion that was now the place of a massacre. This was all she felt at that moment. It was like having someone crack her open, pour out her humanity, and then leave behind her demonic shell. Only that someone was a terrible cook because they threw away her good parts and left behind the shell.
Another cramp of her stomach, followed by a loud, gurgling noise made her realize why she was thinking in terms of food. With a deep inhale of air, she could practically taste the meaty flavors of the bacon being grilled just down the hall. The smell alone filled her with life and she quickly changed out of her pajamas and into a nice, lime-green blouse with matching black slacks and a black blazer. She completed the outfit with a pair of bright green heels that matched her blouse, then went to her vanity mirror to fix her hair into a nice bun. When she finished she paused to take in her reflection. She almost didn't recognize the person looking back at her. Back home, the only time she wore civilian clothes was when she had a day off. Leaving her silky black dress and velvet green cloak folded neatly on her dresser, while she was preparing to go to work felt wrong. Then again, her "work" wasn't exactly right.
Shaking her head free of those thoughts, she used her magic to sink into the chair she had sat in and reappeared into the open concept living room, where she was greeted with a bizarre sight. It wasn't something she hadn't seen before, she's seen it 8 times to be exact, but each time still baffled her. In the kitchen at the stove with his back toward her was a neatly dressed Landon, humming to a tone she didn't recognize. He had out a pan that he was currently using to scramble a couple of eggs. To his right, sitting on the counter, was a waffle maker surrounded by waffle ingredients and a bowl half-full of the batter. In the oven, the strips of bacon she had smelt before popped and cracked as the heat warmed them up.
It had come as a great shock to her on her first morning, to see the king of Hell cook her breakfast. That's when she learned his first secret, the king likes to cook. He claimed that food tasted better cooked the mortal way, and by that, he meant without magic. She remembered because it was an opinion shared by her father, one she had heard many times before and not just regarding food. Her father was very adamant about using magic unnecessarily. "It's borderline cheating!" He would claim. "And no child of mine will be raised a cheater!"
Hearing her father's voice in her mind made her heart twist and ache, but she squeezed her eyes shut and forced the memory back into the depths of her mind.
"Morning darling." The sound of a familiar English accent pulled her attention back to reality. "Sleep well?"
Every day started with Landon asking her the same question. It was as if he knew that each night since she left home, she would spend the middle of the night whimpering and wetting her pillow with her tears as her subconscious forced her to confront her guilt and grief. But how could he know, when every morning she replied with the same, ironic lie.
"Like a baby."
He snorted. "So, you were up every two hours needing your bottle?"
She responded with a firm glare and red cheeks. If Landon did know the truth, he never mentioned it and with an amused smirk, continued preparing their breakfast. Arella observed him for a moment, then she took her seat at the dining table that was placed just off to the side of the kitchen. The table was oddly long for a demon who lived by himself, but who was she to judge. It did, however, make eating there feel awkward and lonely. She was so used to a full table, that seeing one as grand as this so empty was just sad. Yet she took her seat anyway, the one to the right of the head of the table.
Above the regular racket of cooking, the young demoness heard a blaring beep followed by another.
"Perfect timing as usual." She thought as watched Landon pull out the pan of bacon from the oven, then use a fork to remove the Belgian waffle from the waffle maker. He placed the waffle on a plate, then used another plate for a couple strips of bacon plus the scrambled eggs. Though he refused to use magic to cook, he did allow himself the convenience of using it to set the table.
"Bon appétit!" He announced in a strained French accent as the plate of food found its way in front of the girl. Right on cue, her stomach growled once more, letting her know the meal had its approval.
"Thank you, Landon." She said respectfully, before digging into the scrumptious meal. She may not have believed that the lack of magic made a difference, but she did believe the man had a gift for the culinary arts.
"Still like the food?" He asked her fondly as he watched her eat while taking his seat beside her.
"Still the best meals I've ever had." She told him in between bites of her waffle. Landon winced at the sight.
"You mean that as a compliment, but I take it as an insult, considering all the much finer meals I have prepared for you."
This was a funny little secret about Landon that she took great pleasure in exploiting. The king hated breakfast food. Since he had long since forgotten what hunger felt like, he had no reason to crave the first meal of the day. Not only that, but he felt the whole concept of breakfast food was childish and unnecessary. All some human needs is a cup of hot coffee to start his or her day. The same principle applied to the demon lord.
So why did he make her such a bountiful breakfast feast? Because she had asked. It still baffled her as to why he had been so incredibly accommodating to her, and she made it a point to look more into those reasons, but she was not the type to look a gift horse in the mouth. When she had mentioned on her first morning that her favorite breakfast was waffles with real bacon and eggs, he had instantly pulled all she needed right out of thin air - literally. He had sworn to her though, that he would teach her to improve her palette. An oath he was still Hell-bent on living up to.
"Well, there's not a meal on Earth that could beat waffles, eggs, and bacon." She exclaimed as she tore off a piece of meat with her teeth.
"Only a food virgin would speak such blasphemy." He retorted with mock offense.
Arella tried to fight off the blush that spread across her cheeks at the word "virgin." She knew what he meant by it in this context, but the word still held some taboo to it. Landon easily caught the red tint and a delightful smile formed on his face.
"Stop blushing. You're a grown woman for Christ's sake."
"Shut up!" She cried as she tried to use her hand to shield herself, but no matter how annoyed her voice sounded, it could not mask over the smile that tugged at her lips.
Another secret of his: his laughter was contagious.
"Just...tell me what to expect today. You didn't exactly give me a handbook."
His laughter died down and he returned to his normal "business as usual" demeanor. "No, I suppose I didn't, but no need to worry. The job is pretty self-explanatory." He shrugged as he took a sip of his black coffee.
"Well I have a little bit of an idea of what a secretary does, but what does the private secretary to the king of Hell do?"
"It's simple, darling. Just do whatever I say, exactly the way I want you to do it." He offered with a wave of his hand. "Simple."
"Right." The purple-haired sorceress huffed as she began to play with her eggs.
"Don't play with your food, dear. It's unprofessional."
Arella looked up to catch his crimson gaze, but instead, he had his face hidden behind an unfolded newspaper he had conveniently just opened. With a roll of her purple-green eyes, she muttered just loud enough for him to hear. "Alright...Dad."
She heard the newspaper crinkle and looked back to see two blazing red pupils glaring at her just above the top of the paper.
"Never call me that."
Arella swallowed her laughter at his sudden seriousness and continued eating her meal while he went back to his paper. While they allowed a comfortable silence to settle between them, it was soon interrupted by an alarm coming from Landon's old fashion watch. He pressed a button on the side of the clock to stop the noise, then folded up his paper.
"Well, duty calls my dear."
Standing up, he took one last sip of his drink before setting the mug down and offering his arm to the girl on his right. "Shall we?"
Arella gave him a small nod and stood up to link her arm around his. Before they could leave, Landon looked down at her curiously for a brief heart-beat.
"Don't be nervous." He blurted out, taking Arella by surprise. Her eyes shot up to meet his gentle gaze, the usual flame that burned in his eyes dimming and giving off a softer glow. "You'll do great."
His last-minute words of encouragement made her chest swell up with a confidence that could be seen shining through her gem-like eyes. With a nod of her head, Landon took his cue and the pair vanished in a puff of obsidian smoke, headed for the kingdom of damnation.
"So, this is... Hell?" She glanced around feeling more confused than anything. She looked like she walked onto the set of Downtown Abbey with Victorian furniture decorating an office space.
"Sorry to disappoint," Landon said strolling behind his large oak desk.
She moved her hands along the books sitting along the bookshelves and removed one flipping through it absentmindedly. "I was expecting, ya know, fire and brimstone type of atmosphere."
"I've always dreamed of having an office like this," he said, "so that's what we're standing in."
She was about to inquire further, but something caught her attention. None of the books had words on them and after opening one saw that it was completely blank. She returned it and continued her examination. The office had no doors, no windows, no way in or out. Her ear twitched drawing her attention to the walls. She crept closer, training her ears to the sounds.
First, it was light scratching on the walls then slowly intensified to clawing, then pounding.
She yelped, practically leaping backward. The pounding was soon joined by shouting, then screams, manic laughter, wails, and pleading that was coming from all around her. Her ears burned with their screams, bled from their pleading. She dropped to her knees, covering her ears and shrieking for the sounds to stop.
With the walls closing in and the sounds pounding into her center, she curled into a ball and begged for it all to stop. Screaming furiously until all she could hear was the sound of her voice cracking.
Landon's frantic call made her eyes snap open and she found herself still standing beside the bookshelf, book in hand. Landon took two long strides across the room and snatched the book from her grasp, slamming it shut in the process.
He grabbed her by the sides of her face. "Come back to me, love. Come on. It's not real darling. It's not real." Arella took a few deep breaths, listening to his voice to keep herself grounded. After a minute or two of this, she had finally settled and the voices faded away into nothingness. He pulled his hands back. "Haven't your parents ever taught you to look with your eyes?" He scolded out of frustration and worry, his eyes igniting with flames.
"N-no." She stuttered sheepishly, her eyes still wide and swimming in confusion and horror.
Seeing her reaction, the demon king forced his eyes shut and took in a deep breath, calming himself down. When he opened his eyes, they had returned to their soft crimson glow.
"Well, you have your father's curiosity that's for sure. Look, darling, I know this may just look like your average study, but do try to remember you are in The Pit." He cautioned her in a gentler tone as he placed the book back where she had found it.
His reassuring voice did ease her nerves to some degree and she visually relaxed a little bit. "Right. My bad." She apologized as her eyes returned to the bookshelf with a fearful glare. "What kind of books are those, anyway?"
Landon followed her gaze. "The important kind. That's why they have a protection spell that keeps the riff-raff from reading them."
"So, making the pages appear blank isn't enough? They have to torture the reader too?"
Landon openly chuckled at her silly question. "This is Hell, darling. Torture is our bread and butter."
Just then, the two were interrupted by a knock on the door. Before answering, Landon leaned closer to Arella and whispered in her ear, "Remember, just do what I say and try to keep up."
Before she could question him, his majesty had already called for the newcomer to enter. The doorknob twisted, then the door was swung open, revealing a thin, white-haired older man. He had a pair of plain black, square-framed glasses that sat in front of his beady red eyes. He wore a striped black suit with a light blue dress shirt underneath. Around his neck was a bright royal blue bow tie that really complimented his nerdy aesthetic.
"My apologies your majesty, but would you like to go over your schedule for today?" The strange man asked as he held up a clipboard with an elaborate schedule printed on it. Arella was taken back at how kind this man seemed to be. His red eyes led her to believe he was another demon, but his warm aura made her feel comfortable under his presence.
"Very well." Landon waved him in as he walked over to his desk and took a seat in the big, black leather chair. He spun around about 90 degrees and stopped behind his desk, placing his folded hands on the wooden surface. "What have we on the docket today?"
Though she could not tear her eyes away from him, still perplexed by his abnormal demon behavior, he ignored her as he approached Landon's desk.
"So, you have a luncheon with your dealers in Moscow at noon, two rouge possessions, three Cambion registrations, and forty deals to sign off on." The male secretary read off, making his superior stare back at him with boredom. Once he finished, there was a pregnant pause that passed between them.
Then Landon sighed leaning back in his chair. "Oh, I love a Monday."
"Is there anything I should amend to this, Sir?"
Landon shook his head, waving him away. "No, Terrance, that should be all."
Terrance. What an odd name for a demon? Then again, everything about this situation seemed odd to Arella. Nevertheless, she watched on as Terrance turned to leave, but was stopped by a lady second call from Landon.
"But do free up your schedule for today. I have an important task for you."
Both Arella and Terrance met Landon's smug look with confusion.
"And what is that, Sir?" The inferior demon asked as he clutched tightly to his clipboard as if he feared for the life of his precious calendar. Landon ignored his nervousness as he gestured toward Arella, who still stood awkwardly off to the side of the room. Terrance's beady eyes followed Landon's gesture and regarded the girl in the room for the first time. Arella waited for his reaction, perhaps an apology for not addressing her sooner. He seemed like the type to care about chivalry. Only by the expression on his face, he didn't seem to care at all. He seemed rather annoyed.
"Terence, this is Arella -"
"Say no more Sir," Terrance interrupted with a lifted hand, stopping Landon mid-sentence. "I'll be sure to hang your special necktie on the doorknob so no one disturbs you."
Now that was certainly unexpected. Arella's blush came back with a vengeance, and she was surprised nothing in the room combusted from her powers. She assumed it was due to her being in another realm. Landon didn't seem embarrassed, just narrowed his eyes with a shake of his head.
"No, you bloody idiot! That's not what I was going to ask!" He hissed, his eyes burning as he slammed his hands on his desk and jumped out of his chair. Terrance appeared taken back from this reaction but bowed his head submissively.
"My apologies, your majesty."
Landon remained scowling. "Arella is my new private secretary, and as my office administrator, I'd like you to give her the grand tour. Answer any questions she may have and do try to be polite to the lady, for your sake."
Landon secret #3: He has an office administrator.
Terrance clenched his jaw, fighting back the urge to protest. "Right, Sir." He forced out, then with an annoyed glare he motioned for the demoness to follow him. "Right this way, Mrs. Arella."
Arella had a scowl of her own. She glanced over at Landon, who simply gave her a small nod of encouragement. With no good way out of this, Arella took her time to exit the room.
Landon secret #4: His office administrator is a class-A jerk.
"Have fun you two!"
A splash of holy water elected another ear-shattering scream from the demon hanging by her wrists. She spat out the remaining water before speaking barely above a whimper, "I. Don't. Know."
Raven swished the water around the open thermos, making sure her captive could hear that she was ready to drench her again. "I'm really losing my patience- "
"And I'm telling you! I don't know where Landon is! Ask him!" She motioned to the Dragon Knight lurking in the shadows. "Do you think Landon would tell us grunts on the ground where he's playing house at-AGH!"
Another splash of holy water before Raven growled through her teeth. "That's my daughter your talking about."
The tethered demon took a moment to gather herself. "I swear to you on my gravestone, I don't know where they are. Landon moves around maybe once a twice in a couple of weeks. This time he's moved three times in nine days. He's got safe houses all over the planet, Hell his safe houses have safe houses, it's impossible to pin down where he'd be. That's all I know I promise."
Raven began shaking with rage and raised the thermos to douse her again, but a strong grip stopped her. "That's enough," Drake stated firmly before turning his attention to the demon. "The human your possessing, is she still alive?"
She nodded. "A dental hygienist two towns over."
"Let her go and we'll forget this ever happened." The dark being wasted no time evacuating the human host to points unknown.
A frustrated Raven slammed the door of the T-car as Drake finished leaving the formerly possessed girl at the hospital. "I told you it was a waste of time."
"No, it wasn't. We know he's been moving around- "
"Raven, it's been weeks and still nothing. I know him better than anyone and if he doesn't want to be found. He. Won't. Be. Found."
She folded her arms in a huff. "I'm not trying to find him, I'm trying to find my daughter. She just confused and needs to come home." There was silence in the car telling Her that her companion didn't share her beliefs, "just take us back to the tower."
Drake rolled his eyes, but put the car in gear and pulled away for a very tense car ride. In an attempt to ease the tension, Raven cleared her throat. "Have you told Jackie about all this?"
"Oh god no. You know how protective she is, especially with her little sister. And don't know how she'd handle Chloe never leaving the tower unless Maria says so."
Raven leaned against the door of the car, her violet eyes watching the buildings and people passing by, "that's right. They've never liked each other."
Drake stole a glance at the demoness, before flicking his eyes back to the road. "That's not... completely true."
Raven turned to him with a raised eyebrow. "Oh, really? Then explain why anytime the two are near each other, I can sense a mixture of irrational fear and mild irritation coming from them?"
"Probably because she threatened to freeze Maria and use her fingers as ice cubes, but in her defense, the twins did lose Chloe and Arella while babysitting."
Raven sighed in frustration. "She didn't lose them, Arella accidentally sent them to another dimension. But at least it was filled with unicorns and cupcakes."
Drake chuckled. "And you wonder why we never asked them to babysit." With a huff, she folded her arms again until Drake started laughing. "Do you remember that time, it was like the first Teen Titans dance or something."
Raven thought a moment then her face lit up at the memory. "Oh yes, I remember! Gar thought the kids could loosen up a bit, take some time to act like normal teenagers for a change. It took a lot of convincing, but once Dick finally approved the idea, the kids truly enjoyed themselves. I was very proud of Gar. Once again, he proved himself to be a very capable teacher."
Drake stole another glance at the woman beside him, taking note of her uncharacteristic smile as she took her gaze back to the passenger window. He realized it had been a very long time since he's seen her happy, even if it was just over an old memory. Catching her in such a good mood actually made him squeamish and he squeezed the wheel nervously.
"Yes, well, Kole and I were chaperoning that night and we saw what Jackie did for Maria."
Raven knitted her eyebrows curiously. "What are you talking about?"
Drake shot her a look but realized the empath truly was lost. "Remember what happened between Maria and Dick's kid? That night at the dance?"
Raven gave it some thought, then nodded her head. "Yes, now I do. Maria was upset because Johnny couldn't work up the nerve to ask her to dance and Maria was too stubborn to ask him herself."
"Right. I wonder where she got that from in the first place?" Drake teased with a smirk rising on his face.
Raven glared at him but shrugged it off. "Yes, well, the way I remember it, Johnny did finally work up the courage and the two started dating ever since."
Drake gave a small nod. "Yeah that's what happened, but you didn't notice Jackie talk some sense into him first. Told him something about taking risks, then threatened to ice him if he didn't go through with it."
Raven's eyes widen at this news. "Really? Well, I guess that's something your daughter gets from you."'
Drake looked at her with amusement sparkling in his eyes. "And what's that?"
"The need to threaten people until she gets what she wants." Raven deadpanned as she returned the look, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips. "And being acting like a badass when she's really a big softy at heart."
Drake scuffed at that, but Raven could sense the affection bubbling inside him.
"Well for what's it's worth, Maria got something else for you as well."
It was Raven's turn again to be curious. "Oh?"
"Yeah...she has a gigantic heart."
This time, Raven allowed herself to give a full smile, with a hint of a blush dusting her cheeks.
"Thank you, Drake." The mother returned to the view outside, just as they were passing the city park. Raven looked upon the sight fondly, enjoying the trees and the happy folks that walked on the cobblestone paths. As they came to a stop at a light, she caught sight of a young woman, sitting on a park bench with a young baby in her arms. The woman appeared content as she allowed her child to suckle her breast, and Raven could sense the bond that the mother and her child shared. As the car jolted forward once the light turned green, Raven watched the mother and baby slowly disappear.
With a heavy sigh, Raven's eyes fell to her lap and she fiddled with her purple cloak.
"Raven?" Drake's concerned voice reminded her he was still there. "You okay?"
The heroine closed her eyes, fighting back the tears that threaten to stain her face, but she shook her head in response. "I'm sorry, I just…" She caught herself before her voice could crack. "I can't help but wonder...what did Arella get from me?"
"So, she's become a demon?"
"No! Dick, argh! No, that's not it!" Garfield yelled as he slammed his gloved hands on the desk in front of him, making all its contents jump, including the laptop they were using to video chat with their leader.
"Then explain it to me again, Gar, because so far all I'm hearing is that one of our Teen Titans murdered a target, then ran away with the King of Hell with the help of one of our other students, who assaulted their mentor!" Even from the weak speakers on the computer, Richard Grayson, CEO of the Titans Organization, sounded frustrated and a tad intimidating. The scowl on his face and the crease in his mask that covered his eyes said it all.
Gar was about to retaliate when he felt a gentle squeeze of his shoulder. The changeling dropped his head and took a deep breath, before slowly letting the air out.
"Look Dick, I know this sounds bad, but you have to hear us out." He forced himself to reason calmly.
"Fine. I'm listening."
Gar let out a long, tired sigh, then he lifted his head to meet Richard's heated face. "Arella didn't know what she was doing. Her demon-side...took the reins like it did to Raven during Trigon's second coming."
Dick leaned back in his chair and pinched his chin in thought. "Okay...so this is Trigon's doing?" He offered, but Gar gave an unconvincing shrug.
"Well, probably."
"What does that mean!" Batman's ex-protege snapped.
Gar rubbed the back of the neck and looked away. "It's just that...I don't know for sure if it or not. I mean, Trigon was banished to another dimension. How can he possibly control Arella from where he is?"
"Are you disproving your own statement, Gar?"
"I don't know, Dick!" The shape-shifter howled as he tossed his hands in the air. "I'm just trying to figure this all out myself!"
"Well, you should have already done that, considering you waited a whole week to tell me all this!" The black and blue crime-fighter growled back.
"Enough! Both of you!" The pink-haired, geomancer standing beside Gar silenced both men. "Yelling at each other isn't going to solve anything. We're still not entirely sure of Arella's motive and we won't know until we find her. That's why our sole focus now should be on bringing her home."
"Kole is right," Dick admitted, much to both Kole and Gar's surprise. "But what about Chloe?"
"Maria has agreed not to press any charges for the assault and Chloe is grounded for the time being," Kole explained as she crossed her arms over her chest.
Both Dick and Gar gave her a questionable look. "You mean on house arrest?" Gar asked.
Kole shrugged. "Tomato, tomato."
Dick shook his head. "Right, well, I suppose that is good enough for now. But you better find Arella sooner rather than later. Until she can testify that this was indeed someone else's doing, we can only go forward based on the evidence collected against her."
Gar eyes narrowed at his friend's warning. "What does that mean?"
"It means, you better find your daughter soon, or she could end up on the Titans most wanted."
"Is that a threat, Nightwing!" Gar growled, eyes glowing and teeth bared.
"No Gar, it's a fact!" Dick spat back, then took a second to calm himself. He met Gar's protective stare with a solemn expression. "Look, not talking as your superior, but as your friend, my heart goes out to you and Raven. I know better than most what it's like to have your daughter go A-wall. I'll do what I can to stall things on my end. Just...bring her home, Gar. Before it's too late." And with that, the video ended.
Gar slammed the laptop shut then all but shoved it off the table in a huff. "Easy." Kole scolded.
Gar ran his hands through his hair. "Sorry. He just makes me so mad sometimes. Just like when we were teens."
"Oh, grow up," Kole gathered her laptop into her arms and headed out the door with Gar at her heels, "Your turning this into a pissing contest instead of focusing on the real issue here. Trying to keep our daughters from being caged for the rest of their lives."
Gar grabbed fistfuls of his hair and tugged, "I know. I just . . . I don't know..." The two entered the empty common room and headed straight for the kitchen. Kole waited for a beat before resting her laptop down on the kitchen table, but then heard sniffling. "What happened to my baby girl?"
Kole sighed, "She grew up. Just like we all did. And like the rest of us made choices she's going to have to live with." There was silence, except for the occasional sniffle. She would need a different tactic. "Just like when you had to ground the twins after releasing a baby eating demon."
The sniffling became a snort, "I see what you're doing. You're trying to get me to laugh, but it won't work. I'm so not in the mood."
"Fine. I'll just get you some water." She fumbled around the kitchen looking for a glass. "Hopefully I don't accidentally pour salt instead of sugar." He snorted again, almost a laugh this time. Though it wasn't his finest moment, he had once convinced the twins to put salt in their mother's tea. She banished all of them from the tower that day.
She sat beside him, handing him his glass of water. "Thank you." He didn't take it at first, just stared at it. "What am I going to do. Even if we find Arella, what then? They lock her up?"
"Not if we have anything to say about it. We helped Raven all those years ago, we can do it again."
He scoffed, "Well the situations are a little different."
"We'll even still. We can fix this . . . somehow."
He finally took a sip. "I know you're trying to be positive and all, but I'm too much of a realist I guess."
"Fine, be a Debbie Downer. In the end, it doesn't matter what happens. All that matters is if you'll be the kind of father Arella needs if or when she comes home. In the meantime, let's make sure she comes back to a home and not a cage." Though Gar still wasn't that optimistic about their situation, he nodded his head and committed to working with Kole, and at the very least do what he can for his little girl.
Author's Notes: Well there you have it! An update! Dedicated to our most patient and loyal reader, GolemXIV! Hope you enjoyed it Golem! And to any of our newer readers, if you're feeling confused by some of the references in this story, be sure to read @bearhow2′s Dragon Knight Series for some background on some of the characters featured in this story.
Disclaimer: OCs owned and written by myself and @bearhow2. Story is co-written by myself and @bearhow2 . Canon characters owned by DC Comics.
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thekitsune · 8 years ago
Miraculous: The Tales of the Next Generation chapter 1
Here’s the first chapter of my Lilanette next gen fanfic
AN And so I begin the story of my Next gen children! Woo! I don’t own Miraculous Ladybug, just the next gen children.
Chapter 1
A quick shadow darts over the rooftops of Paris. Down on the streets, an armored car is speeding down the road with police cars chasing after it. The car swerves to miss a civilian before smashing through a small parked car. Debris flies everywhere and nearly hits the many civilians who are on the sidewalks, but the shadow quickly moves down and blocks the bits of the car before shooting back up to the rooftops. All the civilians just blink in confusion before cheering happily.
The armored car continues down the road increasing in speed as it passes the Eiffel Tower especially when one of the passengers spots the shadow following them.
"It's him! Hurry up!" the man yelled to the driver who slammed his foot down on the gas pedal. The shadow moves quicker to keep up with the car, but it does notice that the car is beginning to widen the distance. It jumps on the Eiffel Towel and propels itself forward at a high speed.
The people in the car smirk as they don't see the shadow anymore. "Ha! Please! These other criminals are giving Paris's so-called 'Superhero' too much credit!" the driver exclaimed while laughing. The other men in the car began to laugh as well until something hard slammed into the side of the car causing it to shake hard.
The driver gasped in shock and unconsciously slammed his foot on the brake. All the men in the car lurched forward at the sudden stop. The men in the back of the car groaned as they sat up and rubbed their necks in pain.
"What the hell! You almost gave us whiplash! What is wrong with you?!" one of them screamed as they glared angrily at the driver who was too occupied staring at the window in shock. The men diverted their attention up and gasped as they saw the shadow now revealed thanks to the street lights.
The figure was a fairly short boy who seemed to be in his teen years. He stood at around 5'1-5'2. He had short red hair with a few bangs coming down to shadow his forehead. He has a black mask covering his eyes and a gray face guard covering the sides of his face and chin. He has pale white skin that seemed to gleam in the light. He was wearing a purple suit that resembled a tuxedo with a large gray brooch on the front that resembled a butterfly. He was wearing black gloves and light purple boots. The two things that drew the most attention to the figure was the large light purple butterfly wings on his back and the burning glare coming from his hazel eyes.
The men felt a shiver go down their spines before freaking out. The passenger pulled out a gun and was about to shoot it before the boy phased his hand through the windshield and snatched the gun out of the man's hand. The other men gasped and went for their guns only to freak out as the figure pointed the gun at them.
The driver on the otherhand, began to calm down at this and smirked, "Please Hawkmoth wouldn't shoot us even if we are criminals. He's the superhero, remember?" The others began to calm down when he mentioned this. The now named Hawkmoth noticed this and sighed before bringing his finger down on the trigger shooting around the many criminals, causing them to drop their weapons. Hawkmoth smirked before bringing his free hand through the windshield, smashing it to pieces, and nabbed the driver.
"You're right. I will not shoot criminals, but I will shoot around them," Hawkmoth told him with a smirk before tossing him out of the car. Following that, he formed a fist around the gun, bending it inwards, effectively breaking it. The rest of the men quickly began to hop out of the car to try and get away only to stop at the sight of the various police officers who were standing there with large smirks on their faces.
"Going somewhere?" one of the police officers asked making the criminals pause and then collapse to the ground.
Hawkmoth tossed the gun to the side and walked over to the leader (Driver). "So usually I would say something to the lead criminal about them learning their lesson...but...it's like midnight, and I'm tired so good night!" Hawkmoth said with a large smirk as he punched the man in the face as lightly as he could, knocking him out. He then carried the man over to the officers, handed him over, and gave them a two finger salute before jumping back to the rooftops.
"Go Hawkmoth!" the officers and civilians yelled happily as he left their sight.
The hero groaned as he heard a beeping sound coming from his large brooch on his chest. He looked down and saw one of the wing shaped edges off it turn black. "I need to get home before Maman sees that I'm missing," he muttered under his breath as he finally jumped into the air and felt his wings begin to flap as they glowed brighter. He heard another beep as another edge turned black. He soared through the air as fast as he could thanks to his wings until he saw a nice looking house come into view.
He smiled as he saw the open window and with a quick look around, he soared into the room and let the transformation fall. As soon as the light that covered his body vanished, he was left in his purple pajamas with a small brooch. A small flying figure appeared and groaned, "Ginoooo....I'm huuuunnngrrryyy."
Gino chuckled as he reached into a drawer and pulled out a small pastry. He tossed it to the small creature who quickly swallowed it down. "Ahhh, it's not the best thing I've ever eaten, but it's still great. I love your pastries," the creature smiled as it flew over to Gino and nuzzled against his cheek causing him to chuckle. He looked around and saw that his room was untouched causing him to sigh in relief.
"Good, Emma didn't sneak in to bother my things like usual," Gino whispered as the small creature flew over to his desk and sat down on it. It looked over and saw a small picture of a a blond and black haired girl.
"Hey when did you put a picture of Felice up, Gino?" it asked causing Gino to freeze and quickly turn around to snatch the picture and shove it into the drawer. He sighed in relief before hearing laughter coming from behind him.
"Be quiet Nooroo, it's late, lets just get to sleep before Maman or Mamma come in here to see what is causing so much noise. I am not in the mood to see Maman's footie pajamas. I swear, for a great fashion designer, that has to be the worse thing she owns. Besides, she's an adult why does she even own them. At least Mamma has normal pajamas," Gino mutters as the image of his Maman in her footie pajamas comes to his mind causing him to groan in annoyance before sitting down on his bed.
Nooroo flew over to one of Gino's cabinets and flew through the top drawer to its bed. Gino smiled before laying down on the bed and sighing as he relaxed on his bed. He stared at the ceiling as the events played over in his mind before he closed his eyes and turned over to go to sleep.
In the room next to his, a teenage girl quietly squealed as she watched the footage of her favorite hero stop another crime. She looked over at her Hawkmoth t-shirt. It was purple with the design of his mask on the front and small, light purple wings coming out of the back. She ran over to it and hugged it tightly to her chest.
"Oh my gosh! Hawkmoth is so amazing! The way he fights, the way he moves, the way he helps people! I wish I were a hero like he was! Then I could help people like him!" the girl's eyes widened and even seemed to sparkle at the idea of her fighting crime.
"Emma please go to bed! You have school tomorrow!" she heard come from down the hall. Emma quickly yelled back, "Sorry Maman!"
The Next Morning
Gino yawned as he left his bedroom and headed towards the bathroom. He began rubbing his back to soothe the feint pain from slamming into the armored car the previous night. He was stopped; however, as a door shot open and nailed him in the face causing him to groan. The door closed, and he heard footsteps run down the hallway.
"Sorry Gino!" he heard Emma yell causing him to groan as he realized she was going to be in the bathroom for awhile.
"Yeah whatever Emma, just don't take an hour like you usually do! I want to get to school on time! Acel and Felice are meeting us there!" Gino yelled back as he made a sudden left to head downstairs to get some breakfast.
As he got to the bottom of the steps, he felt something shift under him followed by him falling forward and on his face. "Owww..." Gino groaned as he raised his head up and rubbed his face in pain. He pushed himself up and continued his way to the kitchen only to collide with someone and fall back to the ground, "Oh come on!" Gino yelled in slight annoyance as he looked up and saw a dark skinned woman wearing her hair in a bun while two strands of hair framed her face. She was wearing white sweatpants and an orange shirt.
"Sorry tesoro, you okay?" the woman asked him while leaning down to help him back up. He sighed before nodding his head.
"Yeah Mamma, I'm fine. I just need to watch where I'm going. I've run into far too much things today," Gino told his mother who just chuckled before patting his head and heading into the living room. He patted the dust off his pajamas and continued into the kitchen where he saw his other mom, his maman, sitting at the table eating cereal. She already had her short black hair nicely brushed and was wearing a suit.
"Hi Maman, you have a meeting today?" Gino asked her as he grabbed a bowl and sat down next to her to grab the box of cereal.
"Oh hey honey, yeah I have another dumb meeting today. Why didn't Adrien tell me his father had so many of these? I wish I could just stay home with you all and design clothes instead of sitting through stupid meetings about if I should let so and so store sell my clothes or if I should design a certain piece of clothing. Ugh!" she slammed her face down on the table causing it to shake and Gino's eyes to roll as he began to eat his cereal, use to his maman's over dramatic antics.
His maman, Marinette, is the top fashion designer in Paris and is what the press like to call 'The Next Gabriel Agreste,' something his Uncle Adrien likes to poke fun at. His Mamma, Lila, is a best-selling author. Her best-selling book is based on the adventures his two mothers, uncles, and aunts went on when they were Miraculous wielders or helped the wielders out. He knows this thanks to Nooroo informing him of his maman being Ladybug when she was his age and his Mamma constantly helping her keep her secret along with other things.
He hasn't told his family that he is Hawkmoth thanks to being concerned at how his mothers will react thanks to their archenemy being Hawkmoth when they started out as heroes as well as his sister's obsession with becoming a hero. Plus, his mothers haven't told them about that part of their past yet so he decides he'll hold off on his reveal as well.
Gino sighed as he began to pat his maman's back causing her to hum in approval. He sighed as he continued to eat his cereal while comforting his maman. After a couple more minutes, he finished eating and was heading back up to the bathroom so he could hurry and take a shower, but...
"Emma get out of the bathroom! School begins soon!" Gino yelled angrily. He heard water stop running plus a lot of crashing sounds before the door opened and a blur moved pass him which he guessed was his sister.
He looked in the bathroom and sighed as he saw his sister's clothes scattered all over the floor. She was such a slob when it came to cleaning up her clothes. He picked up her pajamas and...unmentionables...and quickly took a shower. As soon as he finished, he toweled off and changed into his clothes for the day (he always made sure to leave a pair hidden in the bathroom should Emma take too long like today) before running back to his bedroom.
Gino walked over to the drawer and smiled at the sleeping Nooroo. He headed over to his bed and grabbed his bag, filled with his school books, and gently placed Nooroo into a pocket away from the books so he could catch up on his sleep. There has been a recent crime spree, and while Nooroo hasn't said anything, Gino knew he was tired. Gino smiled as he grabbed his miraculous and pinned it onto his blue shirt before heading downstairs.
"Took you long enough Gino!" Emma yelled at him with a smile on her face. Gino just walked up to her and looked up into her face with an annoyed expression. Emma chuckled before grabbing his hand and pulled him out the door with both yelling good-bye to their parents. The two rushed down the streets while greeting a few people as they ran by.
As they passed by Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie, they saw a large, older man sweeping the leaves off the front sidewalk. Their smiles brightened as they rushed forward and hugged him tightly, surprising the man before he began laughing as he hugged them back. "Bon-papa!" the two teens shouted as they tightened their hug.
"Aw, there's my little grandkids! I was wondering where you two were at. Usually, you two pass by before now," Tom said as he ruffled their hair.
"Emma hogged the bathroom like usual so we didn't get to leave until just now," Gino explained causing Emma to stick her tongue out at him making their grandpa laugh.
"Well, it's getting pretty late, I'll tell your bonne-maman that you two said hi. Get going to school before you two are late like your maman always was," Tom happily told them as he patted their heads and waved good-bye while they ran towards school.
The two siblings continued on their way running as fast as possible only to stop as he heard an explosion nearby followed by a swooshing sound heading in their direction. His eyes widened before tackling Emma to the ground as a large chunk of a building came flying by.
The two looked up at it before glancing back and seeing a group of men with what looked to be explosives standing on a far off rooftop. "Where's Hawkmoth! He caused some of our men to be sent to jail last night! We're going to avenge them today!" one of the men yelled. Gino mentally groaned before pulling Emma up.
"Come on Emma lets go before those idiots cause another explosion," Gino told his sister and began shoving her so she wouldn't stand around and wait for Hawkmoth to appear. Emma began whining and struggling so she could sit back and see if she could see Hawkmoth coming only for Gino to grab her shoulders and push her to school.
Gino smirked as he saw his friends before saying, "Oh no I must have dropped my phone back there. Mamma will kill me if I don't get it. Emma go and stay with Acel and Felice. I'll be back in a few." Before waiting for her response, Gino turned and ran off causing her to pout as small tears formed in her eyes.
"Lucky..." Emma whined as she turned around and headed over to their friends.
"Hey girl! Where's Gino?" a dark skinned boy asked her. He has short brown hair with orange highlights at the front. He is wearing a pair of glasses with a small beauty mark on his chin. He took the earbuds out of his ears and put them back in his pocket while smoother out his specially designed shirt.
"Yeah where's Gino?" a tall girl with blond and black hair asked. She has blond hair with one side brushed over and covering one half of her face with the other side having three small, black bangs. She had fair skin like her father. She had on a pink shirt with a black cat on the front, a plus sign on one sleeve, and a minus sign on the other. She was wearing suspenders and had special Agreste shoes on.
"He dropped his phone so he ran back to get it. *Sigh* He gets to be near the action. If he doesn't get a picture of Hawkmoth for me, so help him...." Emma began before looking over at her friends, "Anyway, Acel, Felice, lets head in. We can listen to some of your music before class Acel."
The trio smiled as they turned and headed on into class to get ready for the day while above them, Hawkmoth smiled before flying off to stop the criminals.
Today was going to be another normal day it seems.
Down the street, a smiling boy watched the hero fly off before he looked forward at the school. "Finally, it's time I get to have some friends."
And the first chapter is done! Woo! I hope you all liked this first chapter. If you want to see what Gino, Emma, Acel, and Felice look like, head over to my tumblr, thekitsune, where I have drawn their designs. They aren't the best, but that is what they look like. I don't have designs for Adult Marinette, Lila, etc though sorry. More next gen. kids will be drawn later. Also, my other Miraculous fic, Fighting Over an Oblivious Heroine, will be updated soon.
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youcancallmecirce · 8 years ago
MariChat May Day 13: SIN
I took some liberty with this prompt, as well. I’m trying to keep this to a single, continuous story arc, and I wasn’t ready for them to get naughty just yet. So, you’ll just have to make do with LUST rather than SMUT this time.
This is for @siderealsandman. You set the sin bar high, my friend. If anyone wants to read incredibly well written sin, go check out Sandman’s AO3.
Marinette checked her reflection in her mirror for the umpteenth time, because she was too antsy to sit still. Which was silly. She didn’t even know that he would be coming over. She swung away from the mirror with a groan, and began pacing. They hadn’t made any plans, but he had made a habit of dropping by on Friday evenings. He didn’t always come, but he did whenever he could.
And since she’d finished her Chat Noir outfit earlier in the week, she’d decided to go ahead and put it on, to surprise him with the complete look. After his reaction to the choker, she was quite looking forward to seeing his reaction to all of it. But what if he didn’t show tonight? What if he showed, but he thought it was ridiculous? What if he thought it was slutty?
She stopped. Why was she freaking out over what Chat Noir thought of this outfit? Sure, a bit of anticipation and even nerves made sense. She did want him to like them, after all. But this level of anxiety was over the top, even for her. It was just Chat Noir, and regardless of what Alya thought, they weren’t dating. It wasn’t like that for them, it wasn’t anything like she was waiting for Adrien to show up.
“Get a hold of yourself, girl,” she muttered. She resolutely pulled a new library book from her desk, and sat on her chaise to read. Either he would stop by, or he wouldn’t. She opened the book to the first page, and set about getting herself engrossed in the story.
It was late when Adrien was finally released from that stupid black tie affair with his dad. It had been boring and superficial and excruciatingly long, just as those events always were, but this one was worse because it fell on a Friday night. It had somehow become routine to go visit Marinette on Fridays, and now, he couldn’t stand to miss one. So, even though it was probably already too late, he called for his transformation as soon as he was sure that Nathalie wouldn’t be bothering him any more for the night.
The journey across the rooftops was freeing, as it always was, and he’d managed to lose some of the tension from that interminable dinner by the time he reached her balcony. Her lights were still on, which was always a good sign. He peered in through her skylight, and saw that she was curled up under a blanket on the chaise, with a book. He tapped on the glass to get her attention, and waved. Her face lit up when she saw him, and when she waved him in, he wasted no time in joining her.
“I’d given up on you coming over today, Chaton,” she said as he came through the opening in her ceiling.
“Eh, I got tied up as my civilian self.” He pulled the trap door closed behind himself, and began to climb down from her bed. “I almost didn’t come over, as late as it is. And had your light been off, I’d have turned back.”
“Well then, I’m glad I left my light on.” She pushed the blanket back to stand, then turned to set her book down, and Chat realized that she was wearing something other than her customary pink.
She was wearing black.
No, she was wearing black and green.
His colors. She was dressed entirely in his colors, and he quite suddenly forgot how to breathe. It must be the outfit that she’d designed from her sketches of him. She’d elected to stay surprisingly close to the design of his suit, and the sight of Marinette’s trim form clad in something very much like his suit was wreaking havoc with his equilibrium.
She’d made herself a pair of black skinny jeans, but rather than using black thread and a traditional cut for pants, she had cut these to echo the lines of his suit and stitched them with heavy green thread. The result was striking, to say the least. When she’d bent to put down her book, he’d gotten a very good look at the horizontal line across her derriere, as well as the twin lines that traveled down the backs of her legs, making them appear even longer than they were. The waist band sat at her hips, like the belt that circled his own body, and was likewise stitched in the heavy green thread.
By this time she’d turned to face him, and he saw that while her top also echoed the lines of his suit, she’d taken greater creative license with it. It was not made of denim, like the pants, but of matte satin, and was trimmed all the way around in piping of the same green as the thread. In some ways, it resembled a cheongsam, though she’d taken a great deal of liberty with that, as well. She’d clearly modeled the shape of the cap sleeves on the lines on his shoulders, so that they came to gently rounded points. In place of the high neckline, she wore her bell collar necklace above a low “V” neckline that would have shown cleavage on a bustier woman. The green line continued straight down the middle of the shirt to the hem, and was further embellished by two matching green frog closures.
She’d found a way to combine the style elements of his suit with elements from her own heritage, and the over-all effect was stunning, and…provocative. He moistened suddenly dry lips with his tongue, and allowed his gaze to rove over her again.
“Um, Chat? I-is it ok?”
He jerked his eyes to her face, finally aware that he had been staring, and saw that she was watching him anxiously. “Guh, Marinette, you look—er, I mean, this is—this is incredible! And—are you wearing chopsticks in your hair?”
“I am!” She turned to show him her hair, which she’d coiled into a bun and secured with a pair of shiny black chopsticks, which were embellished at the ends with tiny green paw prints. “So, you like it?”
“Like it?” He stepped closer to her, and touched a claw to the paw print on one of the chopsticks with something nearing awe. Not only had she dressed herself in his colors from head to toe, but she had made every last bit of it herself. She’d all but marked herself as his. “I fucking love it,” he breathed.
She whirled to face him, grinning happily, and he found himself staring down into her blue, blue eyes, which were presently very, very close to his face. His gaze dropped from her eyes to her lips without consulting him first, and in that moment, he found himself faced with a very intense desire to sweep his hand over her curves, pull her against him, and press his lips to hers. He watched in fascination as her grin faded, and her pink tongue darted out to moisten her lips before tugging the lower one in between her teeth. His breath caught, and he found himself swaying toward her.
“Ch-Chat,” she whispered, and he didn’t know if it was a question or an invitation or a rejection, but it was enough to bring his brain back online.
He straightened abruptly, and took several hasty steps back, aware that his pants were feeling uncomfortably tight. What in the hell? Where had all of that come from? She was watching him, wide-eyed, with something like disappointment on her face. He mentally kicked himself, hoping that she wouldn’t notice his uh, problem. Why did he have to go and make it awkward between them? He cleared his throat, uncomfortably aware that he was probably blushing enough for it to show around his mask. “S-sorry about that. I, um, ahem, I love it. You did a great job.”
She opened her mouth to speak, apparently thought better of whatever she was going to say, and closed it again. She looked down, tugged at the hem of her shirt nervously, and one half of it pulled briefly away from the other, revealing a flash of the skin beneath.
The shirt didn’t close all the way down, he realized. Those frogs weren’t just decorative; they were the only things holding the silly thing closed. He leaned heavily against the ladder behind him, feeling poleaxed all over again.
“Thanks,” she finally said, with a small smile.
He blinked, an idea forming in his mind. “Hey, uh, Princess?”
“Would you mind if I took a couple of pictures?” Crap, was that weird? He really hoped she didn’t think it was weird.
Her smile broadened, and it reached her eyes again. “Not at all.”
He tugged his baton from behind his back, and brought up the screen. After tapping the pad for the camera, he snapped a couple with her facing him, and lowered it again uncertainly. “Could you, uh…”
“Turn around? Sure.”
She smiled again, and turned away from him so that he could photograph the back. She had her head turned to the side, so he was able to capture her face in profile. Had she always been so…sexy? He gulped, and hoped that she couldn’t hear. “Perfect. Thanks, Princess.”
“Of course!” She moved to the desk, then, and picked up her phone. “Would you mind taking a selfie with me? I don’t have any pictures of us together…”
“Only if you promise to give me a copy.”
“You know I will, Chaton.” She brought up the camera on her phone, and moved to stand beside him, but the angle was weird.
“Here.” He took the phone from her hands, and stood behind and just to the side of her, and held his arm out to take the picture. He pretended not to notice that her face was right next to his, or that only a few centimeters separated their bodies. He took a few pictures before straightening and taking another step away from her.
He was discovering that her proximity was inversely proportional to his ability to think. He managed to say goodnight without embarrassing himself, and then made his escape. When he was safely several houses over, he stopped and looked pensively back toward her balcony.
They’d grown close over recent months, and he considered her one of his dearest friends. If he had found himself attracted to her, he’d chalked it up to the fact that she was a pretty girl and he was a normal 17 year old guy. He’d never thought beyond that, because he’d been so focused on pursuing Ladybug. It hadn’t occurred to him that he might develop feelings for someone else, and if anyone had asked him yesterday if there was something between him and Marinette, he’d have scoffed.
Now? He wasn’t so sure any more. She’d somehow left him aching without ever touching him, so whatever else he felt for her, he definitely desired her. He adjusted himself in his pants with a sigh, and continued on his way.
Anyone want to guess what he’s going to be doing when he gets home?
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claws-n-salt · 8 years ago
Marichat May Day 9 - Bell Collar
Alya not only convinces Marinette to make an etsy listing for the Chat Noir choker idea she made, but also convinces her to use the picture Alya took of Marinette in said choker. While Marinette can only see the flaws in the picture, Chat Noir only sees beauty.
Rated G || 2,707 Words
Cross posted on Ao3 || FF
Listing for One 'Chat Noir Inspired Choker'
When Chat Noir slipped into Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s room on a Thursday night to play video games, he was not expecting to find the girl sewing a small gold bell onto a black ribbon. “Uh, Princess, what are you doing?” Her hand slipped as she was startled out of her concentration, stabbing her finger with the sewing needle. Apparently, she hadn’t heard him come in, oops.
“Oww!” She stuck the injured finger in her mouth and tried to talk around it. It was a valiant effort on her part and Chat probably would have been able to understand her had he not been so focused on the fact that Marinette was sucking on her finger right in front of him. For some reason, it distracted from what she was trying to say.
“I-I’m sorry, what did you say Princess?” Marinette huffed in exasperation. Thankfully, she assumed that his lack of understanding what she said was just because of how jumbled her words had come out. Chat watched as she removed her finger from her mouth with a wet pop that caused him to physically jump. Marinette luckily didn’t notice.
“I said, sorry Chat I’m too swamped to play video games tonight but your more than welcome to stay to keep me company.” She gave him a soft smile. His heart began to beat a little faster at that smile. He realized she was waiting for his answer so he began nodding his head quickly.
She picked the sewing needle back up and resumed her work. The question of why she was sewing a bell to ribbon popped back into his head. “So, what exactly are you doing?” In reply she pointed to her computer at the other side of her L shaped desk so Chat went to look. Pulled up on screen was an etsy listing for one ‘Chat Noir Inspired Bell Choker’ with several pictures of a choker like the one Marinette was making right now. He flipped through the pictures on the listing. When he got to the last one his breath hitched and his face began to heat. It seemed to be a candid shot of Marinette laughing at something the photographer, probably Alya, said. Her hair was in two buns a top of her head, instead of her normal pig tails, which put her neck on display. Around that neck sat one of the chokers she was currently making. “Uh, P-Princess? I’m still kind of confused on what you’re doing.”
Marinette paused her sewing once more but didn’t look him in the eyes. “Um, well, I was designing the other day and the idea for a choker inspired by the bell on your suit came to mind. I couldn’t get the idea out of my head so I made one of them.” He realized she was blushing. “Yesterday I went to lunch with my friend and she said I should try selling them. I was laughing at the idea which is when she snapped that.” Marinette pointed to the screen which still showed the picture of her. “She convinced me though, so I made a listing.” Chat was staring at the picture of Marinette in the choker again and the girl seemed to notice his fixation on the picture. “Alya said I needed someone modeling the choker in one of the pictures so people could see it on an actual person. Apparently, a dress form doesn’t have enough personality. She added the picture she’d taken of me and I haven’t taken it down because, well, she’s right. I’ll probably see if she will model one of the chokers for me tomorrow so I can take that picture down.”
Chat’s brows drew together in confusion. Why would Marinette want to replace her picture with one of Alya? He couldn’t let her do that, she looked great in the picture and the world shouldn’t be denied the opportunity to see it. “Hey Princess, what if we made a deal? You keep the photo of you up and I’ll model one of the chokers myself! That way all of the internet will know that Chat Noir indorses these pretty little necklaces, especially on you.” Wait, what did he just say? “Uh, I-I m-mean, made by you. These pretty little necklaces m-made by you.” Why was he stuttering?
Marinette either chose to ignore his slip up or hadn’t realized it happened, which Chat was unbelievably grateful for. She was pondering the proposition with her thumb pressed against her lips and the rest of her fingers curled under her chin. Why couldn’t he stop staring? “Hmm, well I guess a picture of you in one would help increase sales.” She placed a hand over her eyes and sighed. “Okay, deal. Let’s just hope that the picture of me won’t cancel out any business one of you stirs up.”
Chat was confused again. Why would Marinette’s amazing picture deter business? Maybe those jealous of how pretty she looked? His puzzling out of Marinette’s statement was interrupted when she held out one of the larger chokers to him. He plucked it from her fingers and set it on his lap while his hand went to the real bell zipper at the neck of his suit.
She audibly swallowed when he began to pull the zipper down slightly. The sound made his eyes flit up to hers. He was not expecting to see Marinette’s eyes following the zipper down its path then rake over the bit of his collar bones he’d just exposed. His blood heated at her look but he had no clue why. “P-Princess?” Her eyes met his while her face turned a lovely shade of red.
She quickly turned away from him and walked the few steps back over to the side of her desk she’d been working at. Shuffling some ribbon aside she grabbed her once hidden phone. “L-Let’s get a move on kitty we don’t have all n-night.” Obeying his princess, Chat tried to latch the choker behind his neck. He failed.
“Um, Princess, can you help me with this please? I can’t seem to get it to hook on.” She giggled slightly but nodded, walking over to him. “Hey, don’t judge me, I don’t wear necklaces oft…” The rest of his sentence trailed off as her hands brushed the back of his neck, fastening the choker behind him.
“It’s not too snug right.” Her soft voice was next to his ear and he shivered slightly. Chat’s response was little more than a squeaked-out no. “Okay, good. I think it’ll be best if we take the picture on the balcony so that there aren’t any telling details of my room. I think the string lights will add a nice effect anyway.”
The two climbed out onto the balcony and Marinette clicked the lights on. The most light was shining on the brick wall so Chat leaned against it and struck a pose. His head was tilted up and to the right slightly with his left arm behind his head. Marinette snapped a few pictures and looked at the shots she’d taken. “Wow kitty, have you done this before? These are amazing!” She walked over to where he was leaning on the wall so she could show him.
For some reason, he blushed at the compliment but turned on the swagger easily. “What if I told you my civilian self is a part-time model?” He leaned in to her and wiggled his eyebrows. Chat was caught off guard when Marinette also leaned forward and quirked a brow.
“I’d believe it. You certainly have the looks.” The swagger was gone. Marinette’s face was very close to his. He panicked and forced his head away from hers, only for it to meet the brick wall behind him. She looked concerned. “Are you okay Chat?”
His face was red with embarrassment. Why was he embarrassed? He did stupid stuff in front of Marinette all the time. “Y-Yeah. Just p-peachy. Everything’s just d-dandy.” She patted his head then headed into her room. He waited a moment to compose himself before going in.
When Chat entered the room, he found Marinette frowning at the picture of herself. “Are you sure I can’t take this down?” He still didn’t understand why she wanted to remove the picture from the listing.
“Why do you want to take it down? Do you not like it or something?” He didn’t see how she couldn’t like it but he had to voice the question.
“I absolutely hate it.” She crossed her arms and huffed slightly. Chat was floored.
“Wait, Marinette, how do you think you look in this picture?” There was no way she could think she looked anything short of beautiful. She was the only one in the picture though, so it had to be something about how she looked.
Marinette threw her arms in the air. “Agh, I look terrible. You can completely see the zit on my forehead and the bags under my eyes look like someone punched me. I’m pretty sure I’m the epitome of looking bad in pictures, it’s why I have Alya model clothes for me when I need pictures done.”
Chat’s eyes widened at the revelation. “How could you possibly think something like that? This picture is amazing. The sun is hitting you in a way that’s making you glow. Though, that could just be the way you’re smiling while you laugh. The little nose crinkle you’re doing is something models strive for years to perfect but here you are just naturally doing it. This picture is perfect in so many ways. How can you not see that you look gorgeous? Marinette, you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever laid eyes on.” Both their eyes were wide as they looked at each other.
A lot of things made more sense to Chat after he said that last sentence. Why flirting with Ladybug hadn’t been as fun for months. Why he got edgy after not seeing Marinette for a few days. Why he kept blushing and stuttering around her. Why he kept catching himself staring at her. It all made sense when he realized he had feelings for Marinette, feelings that were stronger than ones he’d ever harbored for Ladybug. Marinette began to chuckle nervously. “Ha, ha, yeah, sure, very funny Chat. If you really are a model in your civilian life then you’ve seen plenty of girls way prettier than me.” She was fidgeting with her hands in her lap, not meeting his eyes.
“No, wow, no. Marinette I really mean what I said, you are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen. I don’t know if I’m just supposed to admit things like this but I just realized I have big time feelings for you.” She was now looking at him with wide eyes, body completely still.
“What about Ladybug? I thought you liked her?” There was a tightness in her voice that Chat was a little worried about.
“Yes, I had feelings for Ladybug. At one point, I thought I loved her but I realize that was just a crush. My feelings for you are so much more intense. I obviously don’t know exactly what love feels like but this is the closest I’ve ever felt to it.” Chat didn’t realize there were tears falling down Marinette’s cheeks until he’d finished speaking. “Oh, please don’t cry. Marinette I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make this weird, please just forget I said anything.” He crouched next to her and whipped the tears from her cheeks. His voice was barely a whisper. “I’m so sorry.”
She chuckled slightly and placed both hands on his cheeks. “You silly cat, I’m pretty sure I love you too.” She brought her face to his and kissed him gently. Chat’s entire body was alight with feeling. When she broke the kiss, she reached around the back of his neck and undid the choker. Chat’s eyes were still closed from the first kiss. He didn’t want to open them and find out he’d been dreaming the entire time. He was surprised when Marinette pressed her lips to his again. Her hand wrapped around the bell zipper resting just above his pectorals and pulled it back up his suit. “You know kitty, I never thought collar bones could be so distracting.”
He wanted to reply with a pun or a witty quip but his brain still didn’t know how to process everything. Instead, her name left his mouth like a small prayer and he crushed her into a hug. Her arms wrapped around his back, holding him tightly. Chat didn’t know how long they sat there on the floor like that but eventually Marinette pulled away. Her voice was a quiet whisper in the space between them. “It’s getting late Chat and I have school tomorrow. I don’t want you to leave quite yet so help me upload your picture before you go.”
“Anything my princess wants. Are you going to keep the picture of you up? You don’t have to if you really don’t want to but you do look beautiful in it.” She smiled softly at him and pressed her lips against his again.
“I’m going to keep it up. A certain boy in a cat suit showed me a few things to like about it.” This time it was Chat who pressed his lips against hers. “Come on kitty, we’ll be here all night if we don’t get up.” He complied, reluctantly.
Together they uploaded the picture of Chat to the etsy listing. Marinette kissed him goodbye and he was about to jump out the window to her balcony when he had an idea. “My Princess, can I keep the choker?” A questioning look crossed her face but she nodded and grabbed it from her desk. He blew her a kiss then jumped out the window.
The plan was devious but Ladybug couldn’t get mad at him for revealing his identity if someone just happened to find out. Right? In this case, he’d rather ask for forgiveness than permission. He honestly didn’t think he could resist being close to Marinette at school and if he started cuddling up to her as Adrien without her knowing he was Chat, he’d most definitely upset her. Taking a deep breath, Adrien stepped out of the car wearing a certain Chat Noir inspired choker
He saw her across the courtyard talking to Alya. When the blogger noticed him standing there, she elbowed her friend in the side then pointed to him. Marinette turned to look at who her friend pointed at. He was close enough that she could clearly see the choker, her beautiful blue eyes widening at the sight. Their gazes’ locks and whatever she saw in his eyes must have confirmed something for her because suddenly, she was running to him.
When she met him with a hug, he picked her up and spun her around. “Kitty, I’m so glad it’s you.” Her voice was a whisper in his ear. He set Marinette back to the ground. She pulled her face away from his neck and looked up at him. Adrien gently cupped her cheeks, as she had done to him the night before. The kiss they shared in the school courtyard was fiercer than the others. When they broke away both teens were panting slightly as they rested their foreheads together. “Well, if we don’t go say something to Alya she’s probably going to have an aneurysm trying to figure out how I ended up kissing the boy I had a crush on.”
“Aww, Princess, you had a crush on me?” His face drooped a little. “Wait, had? As in not anymore?”
When she giggled, his face was alight again. “Sorry Adrien, I kind of fell for my partner in a leather cat suit when he came to visit my civilian self.”
“My Lady.” He breathed the words out, so many things clicking into place.
Marinette pulled back and flicked the little bell on the choker. Adrien swallowed, adam’s apple bobbing. She smirked and grabbed his hand. “Come on Chaton, I’d rather not have to go to Alya’s funeral because we shocked her to death.” They began walking towards a dumbfounded looking Alya, hands intertwined.
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igothxmewcrk-blog · 8 years ago
Matt pitches H*omecoming Sequel Post 1
so today and most of this week I’ve had Crackle on my P*S4 just to watch a sorta nostalgic cartoon based around my muse’s adventures in high school (not the one prefaced with U/ltima*ate). that series is titled Spectacular, much like a run of his comics between the 70′s and 80′s.
and there are some issues, things better left unsaid or never explored in it that just ended up happening, but it took itself as seriously as it had to. just, no more serious than the movie franchise that had just ended a year prior to the show’s premiere.
in this show, every episode is only a half hour long, and it ran for two seasons (it had a buildup for things to come in a possible third season and onward, but then D*sn/ey bought M/arv*el and S/ony still owned most of everything S/pider-M*an, other medium adaptations included, and i guess somehow the writers and studio just decided to can the series on some major cliffhangers). Roughly about 26-30 episodes. again, every episode gave its little precursors to the next one, or one to follow later on, usually in an ending scene, or midway thru every few episodes. this gave the show depth that superhero dramas like Smallville and its CW successors of today express in their stories, but to hell with that, S/pectac*ular S*pid/ey did it best!
this show grounded Peter in realism, showed you his high school. Midtown was a magnet high school, and was addressed on letterman wear as M^3 (Midtown Manhattan Magnet, or for a science pun, M to the third power, or cubed, tee-hee). that’s right, MCU was not the first to show you Peter’s class of supporting civilian characters at his school, this animated series was. 
some things to note:
L/iz Al*len was Latina
G/wen S*tacy was, for better or worse, represented as P/eter’s equal, a nerdy girl in glasses, but by S2′s finale (spoilers from this point on) she ditched the eyewear, and I think either grew out her hair in an impressively short time, or otherwise it had been in ponytails or partially in a bun Idk the show just ran with it to give the unexpected ending some images to relate it even more so to comics
M/ary J*ane existed but only ever was P*ete/r’s fall fling date, and a close friend, nothing more
Fe/licia H*ardy was simply B/la*ck C/at in this, but she’s connected to P/ete as her father was B*en’s killer, and when that’s revealed, she’s never seen again
Ed/di*e B/ro*ck was around for most of the show both as a college student who assists P/ete, G*wen, and the C*onn/ors family in an ESU biochem/engineering lab; he gives off a sorta play cousin vibe, like he and P/ete go back a long way, and it’s nice to not see him as the jerk who eats Pe/ter’s dust in the Bugle
with that being said, he does bond with V*en/om in a unique way different than he has from past adaptations, or the original comic origin. in fact, he was obsessed with knowing how it ticks the moment he’s given Dr. C/onn*ors’ approval to help observe and give reports on the alien life form’s behavior(s). when S/pidey returns the symbiote to containment, and thinks chilling it to a frozen state will stop it from tacking onto anyone else, Ed/war*d heats it back up to its normal temp, unlocks containment, and WHAM! time to exact revenge on the enemies he just found out are one and the same.
anyways, B/rock and P/arker parents were lab partners, but what they did exactly wasn’t given much explanation. they just hint at this so as to make people aware that M*ay and B/en are not to be confused as P/ete’s parents (y’know, in case anyone would be S*pidey inept)
H/arry Os*born was Goblin first, but N*orm reveals it was part of his plan, so you get a gripping O/bo*rn family soap opera in a tv-y7 rated program. hellz to da yesss!
while L*iz in MCU has a father who’s a villain, that isn’t canon anywhere else; however, her brother becomes Molten Man, a self-destructive decoy to keep S/pid*ey off of G/oblin’s trail as he tries to create a criminal empire in Manhattan
everything else isn’t too noteworthy, id say watch or buy it if you’re interested
also, this show was simply, during its short run, kept within the world of S/pider-M*an, so there were no S/H/I/E/L/D, F*4, or other M/arv*el crossovers.
now, why do I say this mumbo jumbo about a show when i title this my personal pitch for a H*omecoming sequel? bc the existence of Br*ock and the Os*borns is still a very crucial thing to be hopefully adapted by MCU somewhere down the line along with the real MJ and maybe even JJ J*ameson and an Un*cle B/en flashback scene.
my pitch is as follows:
perhaps introduce Br/ock in a similar manner as the aforementioned show, but def adapt a believable Os/born family for H*ome/coming 2.
I at first liked the inclusion of H*arry in the TASM franchise, but I quickly got pissed that he was made the villain so soon.
so simply make him the rich kid he is in the above mentioned series, but like, give him the common role Fl/ash Th*ompson has had in the past. jock with a heart of gold, and maybe stretching himself a bit thin in multiple extracurricular programs to give him this lovable sense of ‘i can do anything.’ also, to further his rich boy stats, give him a car that puts Fl/ash’s dad’s wrecked sports car to shame. and maybe not let H*arry carry the goblin mantle, but have him disagree with F/lash on S/pider-M*an???? idk...
write in Ed/ward Br*ock as childhood friend of Pe/ter, but have him be riddled with mental instability, a ruined childhood, abandonment issues, and a similar passion for science like his friend, or at least give him some harmless hobby or subject he excels in prior to his likely ascension into villainy.
with Pet/er likely going to space for In*finity W/ar, establish that he’ll unknowingly bring home the symbiotic substance on his person.
perhaps make this a subtle suspenseful thriller with both Symb*iote S/pidey and V*enom, give it PG-13 teen horror vibes and a fall 2019 release????
explore the existence of the c-list rogues, non-powered thug villains, perhaps give them motivations to steal from OS/CORP, which can be represented as a new rival to S/tark Ind*ustries. this could provide buildup for Nor*man to want to become Goblin in a possible third installment.
most importantly tho, give us Mary Goddamn Jane Watson
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