#her greying brown hair... so hot wtf
cottageivy · 2 years
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... i think i have a thing for the greying brown hair in the sims
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Season 2
Ep 10 - What's My Line (Part 2)
So, where were we, oh right, a new vampire slayer, Kendra.
Oh so that part is right there's supposed only one and now there is two(possibly two)
Oh snap, I forgot about angel, someone save this guy.
Yes Buffy back off, Kendra is hotter than you .
OHHHHH, buffy died, right, yeah, so that's why Kendra is here.
Finally, tell them where is angel.
Wait, wtf, someone kill this janitor. Oh cmon now spike, find other vampires to bother .
Oh yeah, Jesus I forgot that Cordelia let this monster inside. Run, RUN Cordelia and Xander.
Yes, Xander gets it, Time to Run.
Dont trust the janitor.
B: "I don't listen, I do things my way", Kendra: "No wonder you died". BITCH the way I chortled, Lmao Kendra, youre hilarious.
Gonna say, no matter how cringey, Drusilla's acting is damn God.
I love dorky Willow.
We are gonna meet OZ again now are we ?
Lmao Giles found his match.
Buffy, you can never have normal life.
Xander and Cordelia are gonna kiss now aren't they...
I love when they fight, the tension, the build up. The sex is gonna be absolutely epic.
Yesssssss OZ!!!
Willow: "Your hair is brown", Oz: "Yeah.. Sometimes". LMAOOO I love them so much.
Also, who says the first thing that your hair is brown, only our willow.
Oz is my spirit animal, "I am not work kind of person or any kind". I get you.
I love their interactions, they are so dorky and nerdy. My kinda people.
WTF, CMON NOW, AGAIN! Stop shooting.
Two women fighting, my bi-panic
"Damn that guy got a major neck in his days", LMAO Xander.
"but nobody messes with my boyfriend ", Damn buffy. See this is what I am talking about. The superior ship.
No offense or anything but Angel deserves whatever Drusilla is/will do to him for what he did to her.
Now they are flirting instead of fighting, how long before they fuck.
Angel stop riling them up.
Angel is bragging too much, bro spike is gonna fuck buffy so calm down buddy.
Is Angel gonna die or like die but not really? Like maybe they will complete the ritual and angel will lose his soul.
Buffy really is a would.
I kinda want the Drusilla to wake up again. I want them to complete the ritual.
Why is spike is funny and Kendra hot.
I love when women fight.
Yesss Kendra kill them for ruining your fav shirt. Priorities.
Did they complete the ritual?.
Why am I disappointed that they saved the angel?
I love when their interaction so much.
"You have the sweetest the smile I've ever seen" OZ MY GUY😭😭😭😭😭
Their interactions oh my God 💕💕😭
Xander and Cordelia are back at it again.
X: "It never happened", C: "Good", X: "Good"; they kisses again. Good going.
I hope we see Kendra again.
Drusilla is alive against isn't she... YESSSS!!!
YESS and carrying spike like a badass.
Alright, I loved this episode, especially the second half. The first half was a little slow and I was wondering if it would be able to match up to the last episode and alas it did.
The two hot women fighting bad guys, what more can you ask for. The ultimate dream. Angel, angel, angel, you deserve whatever Drusilla does/do to you. You've literally ruined everything for her, I am sorry but I am on her side. I mean buffy saved you because she loves you but like you would've deserved to die by her hands.
Oh my Drusilla is alive again. Lmao I am really excited for that. Like, if we're gonna support morally grey guys then were supporting woman turned villain too. It's fair. So yeah this is "I support Drusilla in whatever she will do to Angel" Club.
So they saved angel in the end, which was nice, kendra is gone now, hopefully I'll see her again.
Now, my Babies, my OTP Oz and Willow, bitch we finally have them, they're interacting, they're talking, they're laughing, they're becoming friends, yess bitch, I am here for it. Their interactions *Kill me*, they're so nerdy and so cute, soulmate type shit. I know how they end up which is bittersweet and I am gonna cry eventually but you know what i will live in denial and in my head they end up married. Thank you.
I guess, that's it, I am really excited for Drusilla.
See ya in next one, cheers 🥂.
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scarlettriot · 3 years
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Along for the Ride PT 6
Pairing: KirishimaxF!Reader
Summary: A fun day on the town ends with a stressful visit from a member of your family.
Contains: Kirishima and Reader both come from very well-off families. Plus-Sized Reader with dyed hair. NB OC. Fluff. Hurt/Comfort. Angst. Anxiety Break. Both Kiri and Reader get a little defensive over each other in their own ways.
Warnings: TW: Manipulative Family Relationships. TW: Body Image Issues. TW: Anxiety Problems & Self-Doubt. 18+ ONLY, minors, leave.
A/N: Finally getting back in the swing of things! Thanks for being here for part six! I don't know why but I feel like making it to six is a big milestone for some reason! NOT ME ALSO REALIZING THIS IS MY LAST FIC OF 2021 AND NOW I'M EMOTIONAL TOO! WTF!
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
Tags: @lastroseofspring @black-bhabie-2000 @meadow-arts @sarahschance @otomesunshine @mistyfoxsong @lil-pine-mha-drabbles @georgettesand @sleepynaya @requi-escence@silverhairsimp @swirrley - Thank you so very much for sticking with me through this!
W/C: 4,450
“What next?” Eijiro asked. He had two brown paper bags held in his right hand, filled to the brim with gifts for your friends. He always loved bringing back little surprises whenever he had to go away for missions and apparently, this mission was no different.
In his left hand though, he held a steaming mug of apple cider that the two of you had been sharing. Burning your tongues for the last ten minutes wondering what magic had been cast on it to still make it scalding hot.
After a filling breakfast, you decided to come to the picturesque town looking for a way to pass the day away. You had many a childhood memory from the place but enjoying it with Eijiro, showing him the shops and little historic town facts, that made for a whole new experience. You were on your third lap around now, each time finding a shop you’d missed, or a new activity to try.
“I wanted to stop in the sweets shop before heading back, that okay?”
“Do you really think I’m going to say no to a place that sells chocolate by the pound?” He looked down at the cup in his hand, “You go ahead of me though, I’m gonna see if I can get some ice to cool this off faster.”
He walked back off in the direction of the cart while you ducked into the shop. A middle-aged woman greeted you with a grin on her face that was as inviting as everyone else in the town had been.
There were plenty of treats you could have bought but the confections weren’t the reason you wanted to go in.
The truth was, the sweets shop had been here for as long as you could remember. Even the woman who greeted you, she might not have recognized you but you remembered her when she was twenty years younger, grey had yet to touch her copper hair. She was the owner's daughter, you couldn’t exactly recall her name but you knew who she was.
And just as she was a staple of this place, so was the huge board along the back wall. Full of smiling faces in different decades of dress. People of all ages were scattered about perfectly preserved within the polaroids.
You scanned over each of them until you found the one you’d come in for. The photograph was held in place by a golden pushpin. Easy enough for you to remove. You looked down at your younger self with a bag filled with goodies clutched tightly in your hands and on either side of you stood your grandparents. Their faces squished close to yours.
“Excuse me,” The woman was hurrying towards you, “Please don’t touch those. Some of them are very old!”
“I know,” You told her, “This one’s mine.” You pulled out your ID and showed her it matched the name scrawled on the back.
She offered up quick apologies, “It’s not often we get people taking the photos down...”
“I don’t have many family photos. And my grandmother is no longer with us. Would you mind if I took this one?”
“I’m sorry for your loss, darling. Of course, you may take it! And, I’ll tell you what, a pound of whatever strikes your fancy, on the house.”
You told her that was unnecessary but she insisted.
By the time Eijiro got back you had already picked out the treats you planned on taking back with you. Some for you, a couple for Eijiro, and a whole lot more for Avery.
“Did you get lost?” You chuckled when he offered you the now consumable beverage.
“Not exactly. Avery isn’t the only one to notice me here.” His cheeks were still rosy with blush, “A group of girls asked me for autographs and,”
“And you hate turning away fans. I know, Ei, I know.”
He leaned against the counter with you, and you just knew he’d be shelling out a decent amount of cash. By the time you two were ready to leave, Eijiro had bought nearly ten pounds of goodies. Now, most of those were for Taishiro. But, he planned to horde a few for himself at least.
“You know,” The woman mused as she slid the bag over to Eijiro while her eyes looked towards you, “Since you took that photo from the wall there’s this empty space now,” She reached below the counter and pulled out the old camera. “Would you and your boyfriend mind if I took one of you two to fill it?”
Neither you nor Eijiro corrected her but picked out a confection each and posed. Eijiro picked a cupcake out of the box with buttercream frosting and pulled you to his side as she counted down to one and when it arrived, you shrieked when the flash went off.
Eijiro cackled a laugh while you touched the trail of icing now down the side of your face, “I’m, I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist!”
Despite you threatening his very existence, Eijiro took hold of your chin and kissed your icing coated cheek, his tongue even darted out to get a taste when another flash happened.
“Now that is some good icing!”
“Just wait. Payback’s a bitch, Eiji.” You hissed.
“Is that a threat?”
“You bet your fine ass it is.”
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The sun was already kissing the horizon when you walked back to the jeep, casting long shadows of the trees that started glowing from the white stringed lights coiled around them. Eijiro made some comment about how you guys could stay longer, see the place all lit up at night. He wasn’t even looking at you when he spoke, too busy taking everything in as if you hadn’t spent nearly four hours here already!
With both arms free, souvenirs tucked away in the car, you set off for one more lap around the town. It was nearing six in the evening and with any luck, you could show Eijiro the main event of the night, what made this place really come to life.
“So, what’s it look like here the rest of the year? Is it Christmas town all the time?”
“No, not all the time. In the spring they have a flower festival that goes on for like the entire month of April and do a hot air balloon race the final weekend, the summer is for Independence Day, firework shows, and all that stuff. Fall though, that's really a sight to see, they put up this huge pumpkin at the center of town and kids can climb inside.” You nudged him down a sidewalk that would lead to the giant tree, “The rest of the time though, it’s just a quiet little town.”
“Sounds peaceful.”
“It is. Definitely different from our day-to-day. I don’t even think they’d have a need for heroes here.”
Lower and lower the sun dipped until it had vanished leaving only its glow behind and took the warmth of the day with it. Kids in hats and mittens clutching candy canes went running by and you knew they were eager to get to the tree.
“What’s everyone gathered for?”
Snow crunched underfoot and you tugged him along through the grass just barely poking through to get a good view of the tree. Not that anywhere was a particularly bad view when you were staring at something 80ft tall.
You linked your arm to him and when the bell above the town hall rang out to cry the hour, you pointed to the tree, “Ready?”
Starting from the bottom, thousands upon thousands of lights twinkled to life. They illuminated not only the vast assortment of ornaments but also each and every face in the crowd. Eijiro’s eyes shown brighter than you’ve ever seen them, shimmering with awe and wonder.
They had festivals in Japan, beautiful ones with bright lights that could ignite an evening sky and yet Eijiro still murmured about how beautiful this all was, how he’d never seen anything quite like it.
You stayed for a long while looking at the marvel. After families had gone, you and Eijiro walked closer allowing him a better look at all the decorations and you stood back while he seemed to admire every one of them individually. Elderly couples left their benches, shops closed their doors for the evening until finally, you were some of the only people still around.
“We have the festivals, the little shopping towns, we even have Christmas back home but this,” It was like he couldn’t find the word, “It feels different.”
“There’s nothing quite like Christmas in a small town.”
“Would you come back here with me? Like, we still have a few more weeks until actual Christmas, right? If this is how people act weeks before, I can only imagine how it’ll be on the day.”
“Sure, Eijiro. I’d like that.”
You didn’t clarify if he meant in a few weeks or years down the road because that didn’t even occur to you. He reached out his hand, finally ready to head back to the car, and it didn’t really matter when he meant. You’d go. You’d go anywhere with him whenever he wanted.
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The sound of Eijiro’s stomach complaining filled the jeep after just a few minutes of driving.
“What are you feeling like? Someplace we can sit down? Grab something and take it back to the resort. Or, room service is also always an option.”
“I’m not really hungry.”
He shot you a quick look of annoyance from the driver's side. “That’s bullshit. You’ve barely eaten anything all day. C’mon. You’re favorite place! Name it and we’ll go.”
But, just the thought of eating had your stomach doing backflips, you hadn't even had any of the treats you bought.
Your mother had already sent you a plethora of texts throughout the day. Wondering where you were, what time your flight was getting in, why you hadn’t checked in at the resort yet, and a few particularly pointed ones about how you better not make her look bad. It was only a matter of time before she called you.
You were staring at the messages again, thinking you should have just told her you were already here, it was stupid of you to want a little personal time. You should just answer them to get her to quit but Eijiro had made a good point after her first cross message; you were an adult. Capable of making your own choices.
Doesn’t matter when you respond. You’re already here, you have your dress and everything else. She doesn’t need to know every second of your day.
Just as you were about to pick up the phone and type your response to her, Eijiro’s hand swiped it and put it into his pocket. “What the hell!”
“Dinner. Then you can have your phone back.”
“I’m not a child.”
“Oh, believe me, I know that. But, you're having trouble focusing on what’s important. You need to eat, and none of this, I’m not hungry, crap because I know that’s not true. So, please, tell me what you’d like for dinner.”
“Make a left at the next intersection.” You gave him directions without further argument to a restaurant you knew by heart. “If you give me my phone, I can pull up the menu and we can order it so it’s ready when we get there.”
Eijiro happily handed you a phone but it wasn’t yours. “Don’t give me that look.” He told you, “If you just wanna order food then you can do that from my phone.”
You punched in his passcode and pulled up the online menu while telling him the dishes the restaurant was known for, the ones that you preferred, but you’d already added the ribeye with mashed potatoes and asparagus to the check out before he’d told you.
Before you could dig out your credit card, Eijiro was already handing you his and you didn’t feel like arguing with him about who was going to pay. You’d simply get the next meal.
There was a short wait once you’d arrived before the to-go boxes were all packed up. And you heard it while you were waiting, your ringtone. Eijiro pulled your phone from his pocket and answered it with a smile. “Hey Mina- No, no, everything’s fine. Oh, I know that! It’s 1047- Sure thing. Call if you need anything else.”
“My computer pin?”
“She needed to resubmit your report from when you were injured last week.” And with that, the phone vanished into his pocket again.
It was work talk for the rest of the wait time and for a majority of the drive back. Silly things Denki and Mina had done or how Eijiro had to physically cover Katuski’s mouth during an interview recently. Before you knew it, your phone and the text messages on it were far from your mind.
To the point that you were almost confused when Eijiro handed it back to you the very moment you finished your last bite of dinner, you’d forgotten he even had it. You'd gotten back, changed clothes, set up dinner, and made it through the whole meal without worry.
He left the room with nothing more than a lopsided smile, going up the stairs in search of sweatpants, you’d assumed.
You blinked down at your lock screen. The photo of you and all your friends surrounding a large campfire over the summer was obscured by five text message notifications, three missed calls, and two voicemails. Luckily, two of the texts were from Mina. One to confirm that the report was accepted, the other to remind you that tomorrow would be fine, and to call if you needed emotional support.
The rest, however, were all from your mother. She’d call again soon enough, you were sure of it, and this time you’d answer.
“Hey,” Eijiro was leaning over the banister above you, “Movie or hot tub?”
“Movie first, then hot tub?”
“I like the way you think.”
“I’ll get drinks, you pick the movie this time.”
You’d settled into the sofa, a blanket covering both your laps as John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd took to the screen. With the way Eijiro’s fingers were lightly rubbing at your scalp though, you were starting to think you’d been a little too ambitious. There was a good chance you weren’t you’d even make it to the end of the movie let alone the hot tub afterward!
“Ei, ya gotta stop that.” Even though you were snuggling into his chest. “‘M gonna fall asleep.”
“That’s not a bad thing. If you fall asleep I’ll just take you to bed,” He kissed your temple, shifting and laying down, “‘S no big deal.”
He pulled you down on top of him, lulling you further and further into relaxation, soothed by his hands and the rhythmic rise and fall of your head on his chest until you couldn’t even be bothered to keep your eyes open. It was astounding how one person could make a task such as sleeping so much easier to do. Their warm presence offering the peace of mind you didn’t know you needed.
And that was why when your ringtone shattered that peace you considered crushing it into a million pieces. You sucked in a deep breath, Eijiro kissing your forehead while he reached to hand it to you, “I’m right here.”
“Well, it’s about time you answered. You don’t call your mother back now? You’re not even at the resort! I told you how important it was that you be here, I cannot believe you’re so selfish to not even-”
Eijiro could hear the entire thing, you saw it with how his eyes widened and nostrils flared.
“Hey, mom. Sorry about not getting back to you but I am here.”
“Do you think I’m some kind of imbecile? Your reservation is still unclaimed, I’ve been checking with the front desk every hour since this afternoon and they’ve assured me that you have not checked in yet.”
“That’s because I got in last night or very early this morning, technically.” You explained how they had nothing else available besides the penthouse.
There was a pause and then a laugh bubbled over. “If you're going to lie to me at least make it believable! You’re barely in the top 50 over there and you expect me to believe they pay you well enough that you could afford the penthouse here?”
She hadn’t checked the rankings in almost a year? That really wasn’t a surprise but it still stung. “I’m in the top 25 now. I’m ranked 21 at the moment.”
“Oh! Well, that makes SUCH a difference!”
“Right, it really doesn’t, I know. But, anyway, I am here and I will be there for the wedding tomorrow. Is there anything else?”
“Of course there is!” You rested your head against Eijiro’s knee while she went on, “I need you to let me up to your room so I can bring you your dress for tomorrow and make sure this date of yours has something acceptable as well.”
“Kirishima’s suit is fine, mother. It’s designer, for crying out loud! And, and, I have a dress!”
“Designer? Right, dear, like you’d know designer. I’m sure you have a dress but your cousin has a very specific vision in mind for her very special day and your style isn’t it.”
You were up now, pacing around the coffee table, “You haven’t even seen my dress to know! It’s not black, like you asked!”
“Fine. Come let me up and I will see if it’s suitable. If it isn’t, I expect you to wear what I’ve brought.”
Eijiro tried to grab your hand but you were already storming towards the elevator. Snapping that you were on your way and ending the call. Angry tears were brimming in your eyes but you held them back, there was no way in hell you were giving her the satisfaction of letting her know just how far under your skin she was.
She was waiting in the lobby. The black garment bag that held some unknown atrocity was draped delicately over an arm while a tan-toed foot tapped with impatience.
Your mother walked over to the elevator door the moment she saw you. “You were supposed to be back to your natural color. Damn it. I don’t have any dye to fix this now and all the salons are closed now.”
“It’s good to see you too, mother.”
"I'm serious, Y/N. You're going to have to get up early and go to the resort salon. It's probably going to take hours to strip this..."
"I am not stripping my color for one day."
"But this is her wedding!"
You swallowed and remembered what Eijiro had said on the plane. "It's her wedding, not mine. I like my hair and I'm keeping it. And I'm not fighting with you about it. Would you prefer me not go at all, because I'd be happy-"
"Just stop talking. Keep your hair then."
By the tenth floor, everyone else had exited leaving the two of you alone for the remaining floors. “How did you afford the penthouse? I get notifications when you access your account and I wasn’t alerted. Do I need to call my advisor?”
“How I afford it is my business. I did not use my trust.”
“Is it this date you brought? God, child, are you in some kind of arrangement with this man? Are you doing that poorly in the hero field?”
There were only two floors left until you arrived but it was enough for your words to get out.
“Say what you will about me, I don’t give a damn, but you will not say a fucking word about Kirishima, am I clear, mother?” Your voice was ice cold, kept so low even if there was no one else around to hear you. “He’s my best friend and a wonderful man, and I will not have you running your mouth about him.”
If it wasn’t for the slight flick of her brows, you would have assumed she was completely unphased by your words because she certainly didn’t give you any verbal indication she’d heard you. Shit would be said behind both your backs, there was nothing you could do to prevent that but, you’d be damned if you let her disrespect Eijiro in front of either of you after all he’d done for you throughout the years. Everything you two had been through together.
The elevator chimed and the doors swished open revealing the man himself.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, ma’am.” He helped her off the elevator, “My name is Eijiro Kirishima.” You had to hide a chuckle at the ‘finally’ he added.
Your mother never came to the hospital when you were injured in high school, not to your graduation either, she wasn’t there to see you accept any of the awards or other accolades you’d received over the course of your hero career. The two never had a chance to meet. Unlike you and Eijiro’s parents. Those two women were both so damn busy and yet always made the time for their son. Made time for you even once Eijiro let it slip how absent your mother had been.
She seemed to heed your warning though, you saw her judgemental eyes glance over his clearly dyed locks but she merely introduced herself when her mouth opened.
“Well, it’s clear you two were getting cozy so, show me this dress and I’ll be on my way.”
You walked her through to the bedroom off the living room, ignoring her small chirp of surprise at the look of the place. Unzipping the bag but merely showing her the dress was not enough though, in fact, she wouldn’t even look at it on the hanger, she insisted she had to see you in it.
Eijiro excused himself and let the door softly shut behind him leaving you to shimmy out of your clothes and into the velvet gown with only your mother left in the room.
You caught only a glimpse of yourself in the floor-length mirror but you were still in awe of it. Smoothing down the fabric, how soft it was to the touch. “See?” You spun to show the full thing to her, “I have heels so the hem doesn’t drag-”
“Absolutely not.”
Well, that wasn’t shocking but it still stung. “That neckline with your chest? You can’t be serious! And your arms, this is so tight on them! No, no, no, what would you do without me…”
Wear what I’m comfortable wearing.
Just like that, the confidence you had in the gown mere seconds ago slipped away.
She opened the bag she bought and you nearly broke out laughing. Now she was the one who had to be insane.
“This? This is what you want me to wear?”
“Yes! The high neck will make you look more modest and the puffy sleeves will obscure your arms. This belt, look how shiny it is, it’ll help distract from your stomach. This dress is going to look so much more flattering on you. And your cousin is hoping everyone will be in natural tones anyways.”
More flattering. That always been her way of saying you needed to cover up, you needed to stay hidden.
“Mother, I just think-”
“It’s clear that you weren’t thinking at all if that’s what you were going to wear.” She dismissed you with a wave of her hand. “Now then, in the bag is also a tie for your date-”
“His name is Kirishima.”
“Yes, whatever, it’s in the bag, as I said. The ceremony begins at eleven sharp so arrive by 10:30 at least. I assume you’ll be doing your own hair and makeup?”
“Fine. You will be expected to be in family photos so don’t do anything too embarrassing.” Her hand was on the door handle and she shook her head at you with another cruel chuckle before turning it to leave. “I cannot believe you, ha, you in that dress. Ridiculous.”
You stood still in the room, not moving a muscle when she said good evening to Eijiro and not when the elevator doors closed. You stood alone in the room for ten minutes and only lifted your head when you heard Eijiro from the doorway. “Holy shit…”
“Yeah. Yeah, I get it. It’s bad. I dunno what I was thinking. I even brought the one from Tetsu-”
“Fuck no! That’s not what I meant! Are you kidding me, Y/N? You actually believe what she said?”
It was easy to believe her, you heard similar words all through your youth. Eijiro lifted your head in his hands so you had to look at him. “It took you years to feel comfortable in your own skin, to be proud of who you are, and now you have people who look up to you! You have fans, sweetie! You have Avery! You’ve got me! Do not let her destroy what you’ve built.”
You smiled through the tears he brushed away, kissing his palm and thanking him for the reminder.
“I still can’t wear it though. It’ll be a huge scene and she’ll probably yell at me to go change like a toddler.”
“Well, you’re wearing it now.” A hand slid around your waist and the other held your hand as Eijiro began to dance. “If you’re gonna insist on wearing the other one, then I think you should at least get some use outta this one!”
He spun you around in grand gestures, making up moves as he went and hollering for his phone to play something to dance to. He took you around the bed, out into the living room, and pulled you up onto the coffee table where you both kicked your feet out laughing along to the song.
Your dress flowed like a red wave around the kitchen and blew in the breeze when Eijiro pulled you through the patio door, out onto the balcony.
With you balanced atop his slipper clad feet, Eijiro swayed back and forth holding you close, your head against his chest.
“I think you should wear this tomorrow.” He mumbled to the top of your head.
“Unless my mother’s dress has a tragic accident, that’s not gonna happen. But, I’m glad you like this one.”
He snickered, “I’m pretty sure you could wear a potato sack and as long as it’s on you I’d love it.” But really, Eijiro took your words to heart… a tragic accident for the dress… yeah, yeah he might be able to manage that.
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
~𝘓𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 ~
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𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ; hyunjin x fem!reader, SMUT!! childhood!bestfriends, in vino veritas, sex under influence, summer!au, uni!au, drunken confession, (not really) mutual pining, explicit language, piv, unprotected sex (once again, a bad example! don’t forget the raincap in the storm), riding, kinda vanilla sex, uuuh,,, corruption kink if you squint, orgasm (m/f), cum, muffled moaning? (that is not the correct term but lets go with that)
𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 ; 2.8 k 
𝘙𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥 ; ye ye thank u anon!! <3
𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦 ; lmao i know he has dark hair in the picture but just imagine that he’s blonde aight also damnit wtf happened to that edge of the header picture aaah,,, im no editor u guys- also once again, the fucking title has nothing to do with the story, i just felt like it
holy shit now i understand why i dont write vanilla sex or like slow stuff,,, because it pains me with cringe- or maybe i get flustered,,, 
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29. “Maybe I would like you better if you took off your clothes” ; The 1975 - If you’re too shy (Let me know)
𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥.
𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘰𝘧 18.
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Hwang Hyunjin.
You liked him in every type of way. You even liked the way his name rolled of your tongue like some kind of sweet mantra. You would have confessed if only he wasn’t your childhood best friend. 
“y/n! ready to parteeey?” he yelled across the crosswalk, holding up a slightly dirty tan canvas bag, the bottles of cold liquor clinking against each other as he moved, the green man lighting up on the red stoplight. His high platform sneakers moved swiftly against the white striped concrete, making his way over to you and stretching out his arms, catching you in an embrace when he finally crossed the road.
“i see you brought drinks even if it’s only a casual sleepover” you chuckled, patting him on the back as you pulled away, walking towards the direction of your house in the scorching summer evening. 
“of course, who said you couldn’t have a party with two people?” he answered back, slightly embarrassed by the way the bottles hit each other, causing other pedistrians to turn their heads. You shrugged your shoulders, looking at him as you walked closeby his side, admiring his profile and the way his blonde long locks were pushed behinds his ears, exposing his cute studded earrings. He turned his head, gazing at you to which you quickly diverted your eyes towards the ground below your feet, hearing Hyunjin giggle from your antics. 
“how’s your mom? she doing good?” he asked after walking a couple of meters, holding the bag in one hand and his phone in the other one. 
“yeah! but why do you ask? you literally messaged her yesterday” you smiled to which Hyunjin hummed, pouting and shrugging. 
“because she’s like my best friend,,, duh?” he chuckled, poking you playfully at the side of your tummy causing you to flinch away, you being rather ticklish. 
“hey! you can’t just make my mom your bestie, tsk,, stealing away my mom like that” you said, laughing in between words and noticing that the two of you were soon standing infront of your house door, the kitchen and living room window radiating warm yellow light and a silhouette moving behind the dark curtains. You retreived the keys that were in the pockets of your shorts, something you threw on quickly to go meet Hyunjin even though he knew the way to your house. It was just an excuse to be with him a bit longer. 
You put the keys in the lock, jumbling around as Hyunjin looked at you with glossy dark brown eyes, holding the bag with two hands in front of his knees. The door opened and the light shined on you, illuminating the front yard that was getting dark as the sun was setting. The two of you stepped in, removing your shoes and hearing Hyunjin place the bag down on the cold tile flooring moments before your mother walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn. 
“Oh hello Hyunjin! How’s school?” She asked, placing 3 pieces of popcorn in her mouth and chewing, her jaw moving from side to side. 
“Uni is going great, stressful but y/n helps me,,, kinda” he chuckled, scratching the back of his head and looking down at the ground, you playfully hitting him on his upper arm. Your mom smiled at the two of you.
“Don’t stay up too late!” she yelled as she made her way to the living room where your dad was lounging on the sofa with a cold beer in his hands, watching a game of football. 
“We won’t mom!” you yelled back, grabbing Hyunjin’s bag and waving your hand, signaling for him to follow you to your bedroom. He tiptoed carefully, not wanting to knock something down even though he’s slept over at yours well over a thousand times since your early childhood but still, it was in Hyunjin’s nature to be gentle and timid at first glance, another reason as to why you liked him so much. 
Your bedroom was nothing out of the ordinary. White walls filled with various trinkets, family photos decorating them. Your bed was big enough to fit two but you had a sleeping bag in the corner of the room from just how often Hyunjin would crash at your place. There was not much more besides a cluttered desk, your single bed and a carpet along with a white drawer and a mirror. You plopped down on the bed, feeling the soft material against your exposed calfs. Hyunjin knew what to do, grabbing and unfolding the sleeping bag before emptying the contents of his beige bag, multiple bottles of beer and cider along with a small bottle of pure vodka.
“Why the fuck did you bring vodka? You know my parents are gonna kill me if they find this in my room” you sneered, rolling your eyes at the boy that was sitting on the bedroom floor, mischievously looking up at you. 
“y/n you’re in uni, what are they gonna do? ground you?” you shook your head. 
“Yeah? or kick me out of the house” you persisted, tilting your head as Hyunjin looked around the room in search for a bottle opener. 
“Says the girl that puked behind a slide” he laughed to which you kicked him, causing him to fall over and you getting the final laugh. 
“I’m gonna go grab some snacks and a bottle opener since you’re too weak to open them” you tsked, heading towards the door and turning the doorknob.
“ppft,,, too weak” you heard Hyunjin complain as you exited the room, small steps making their way to the kitchen. You flipped the light switch, the grey lamp hanging from the ceiling, you witnessing the messy dishes from dinner earlier. You opened the dark brown cabinet where you usually stored your snacks, grabbing two packets of crisps and rummaging through the smaller cabinet that was home for the multitude of kitchen supplies your dad and mom like to collect. You found one, decorated with some picture of a sea, probably from one of dads business trips you thought, closing the cabinets and turning off the light, stepping back to your bedroom. 
“Here” you said, throwing the metal opener towards the blonde boy that was mindlessly scrolling on his phone, lying sprawled out on the carpet. Hyunjin dramatically clutched his stomach, acting as if he’s been hit with a boulder to which you scoffed, sitting down next to him on the floor and opening the first bag of crisps and being once again disappointed by the air to chip ratio. 
Hyunjin opened two bottles of beer, handing one over to you which you happily received, putting the slightly cold edge against your hot lips and drinking the bitter liquid, feeling it burn a bit in your throat but soothe it in this summers heat. Your face contorted into disgust, looking on the rather dodgy blue lable that was peeling a bit on the edges. You looked over to Hyunjin that was making a similar expression to yours, his nose sqrunching in that cute manner it always did. 
“aren’t we both like,,, too easily influenced?” he said quietly as you stood up, retrieving your computer to put on a movie. You nodded, giggling when you sat back down and placed the computer on the floor, typing something on your computer and pointing towards the screen.
“this one or,,,, this one?” you said to which Hyunjin pointed at the latter, knowing he would pick the animated movie, him being childish as he is. 
An hour passed and at this point the two of you were tipsy, multiple bottles making their presence known by standing beside you, all emptied to the last drop. The alcohol was flushing Hyunjin’s cheeks, tinging them with a light red along with the tips of his ears, your hearts thumping from how dangerously close his hand was to yours. You were starting to get tired, probably drowsy from the alcohol you thought as you layed down to which Hyunjin reacted, patting his lap.
“Put your head here, why put it on the floor?” he chuckled, his words slurring slightly. You froze, comtemplating on whether or not you should do it or if your heart could even manage being in contact with him. You cleared your throat, trying to get back to your senses. He was your childhood best friend for fuck sake. Shyly you put your head on his thigh, still watching the movie and trying to focus on what was happening on the screen but being completely lost in your own lewd thoughts, wondering how his soft lips would feel brushing up against yours, ctaching you in a hasty kiss. You sighed as the end credits rolled, seeing Hyunjin’s angular face reflecting on the screen and his gaze catching yours on the reflective monitor. Both of you burst out in laughter, the substances intoxicaing you into a laughing fit. You sat up again, pushing him by the shoulder and causing him to fall over with his arms stretched out to the sides, you falling closely to him and using his forearm as a headrest. 
“y/n, have you ever liked me?”
You gulped. Was it that apparent? You shook your head, mumbling a quiet “no” to which Hyunjin giggled, his chest heaving up and down. He messed with his blonde hair, pushing it back and furrowing his eyesbrows before relaxing his facial features, closing his eyes softly.
“i like you but maybe i would like you better if you took off your clothes”
You choked on your own spit, sitting up and patting yourself on the chest. It was unlike Hyunjin to speak this bluntly, especially about such suggesstive topics. He laughed at your reaction, acting as if he hadn’t just made you choke with only his words. After the initial shock set in you decided to play smart, if he was being oblivious so would you. You looked back at the blonde boy that still had his eyes closed, smirking and with a tone interlaced with pure erotic connotations you said;
“yeah? and if I did take off my clothes, what would you do?” you giggled back at him, feeling a warm flash of heat zap through your body and ultimately landing in your dripping core. Hyunjin’s eyes sprung open, the corners of his mouth curling upwards into a exuberant smirk. A million thoughts ran through Hyunjin’s mind. Should he continue the little game he had started or end it all now in order to save your friendship? But maybe ruining your friendship was exactly what he needed or more like what you needed.
The tall boy sat up, pulling you by your wrist and quickly pursing his cherry red lips, clashing them against the surface of your gently chapped pout. You thought you melted right then and there, taking in the scent of the boy you never invisioned yourself kissing but here you were, your lips pressed up against his. He grabbed your hand, encasing yours in his and feeling the warmth radiating from your nervous state. With a slight tilt of the head, Hyunjin could reach deeper inside your mouth, tracing his tongue over yours and pursing his lips causing a smooching sound to escape. Your felt his hot breath stroking your heated cheek, sending shivers down your spine. 
“a-are you ok, y/n? I’m s-sorry!” he said, pulling away and hiccuping after finishing his sentence. You shook your head, giggling which caught Hyunjin by surprise. You were ecstatic. 
“please kiss me Hyunjin, i’ve been wanting you so bad” you mumbled, Hyunjin’s jaw clenching in confusion. 
“me? i want you!” he said, laughing at your seriousness causing you to crack a smile, pushing him down on the floor and slamming the computer shut, the background track of the movie disappering. Now only the sound of the loud TV downstairs was heard along with your lips pecking Hyunjin’s. You hovered above the boy, your hands on either side of him. You felt your wet cunt aching for him, you wanted him inside of you and it seemed like you weren’t the only excited one, Hyunjin’s bulge growing bigger with every caress of his body. Your hands snaked down to the zipper of his ripped jeans, with a steady hand unzipping and unbuttoning, wanting to free him from his clothed prison that was keeping you from him. 
“Eager or something?” Hyunjin tsked, trailing kisses along your jawline and neck. You didn’t answer his stupid question. Of course you were eager, this was what you had dreamed of for years. This was what played out in every single wet dream you ever had. This was what occupied your mind when nothing else mattered. It was him. Hwang Hyunjin. 
Hyunjin bucked his hips upwards, granting you the honor to pull down his pants and boxers in a brisk motion which you happily took. His cock sprung free, leaking with precum embarrassingly enough causing you to snicker. Could the sight of his best friend make him this horny? You quickly moved aside from Hyunjin’s figure in order to free yourself from your shorts and white lace panties. The blonde boy was in a dilemma. He liked you,,, a lot, but you were his best friend. Was it worth risking a friendship for sex and maybe even something else?
Your answer was yes. Yes if it was Hyunjin. 
You straddled Hyunjin’s thigh, balancing on your knees and placing your hands firmly on his hard abdomen, positioning your hungry hole above his dick, the slit being decorated with a shining pearl of precum. Hyunjin’s eyes were closed in anticipation, his hands trying to grab onto the carpet on the floor, clawing at the material.
“you good? ready?” you asked in worry, thinking maybe he was uncomfortable. 
Hyunjin shook his head in agreement. He was nervous. If he opened his eyes he could cum by just the lewd sight of your pussy about to swallow his dick whole. He was adorable being this shy, always acting innocent but not really living up to that standard, at least not in this moment. You slowly sink down on his erect cock, Hyunjin letting out a hiss at the same time you gasped, slapping a hand over your mouth in order to not be too loud. The boy was stretching you out to the brink of completion, it was impossible to bottom out from the sheer size of his throbbing cock. Hyunjin turned his head side to side, his cheek coming in contact with the cold floor. He looked in pain, his forehead furrowing but he reassured you that it felt good, maybe even too good. Your gently bounced up and down his cock, with each thrust earning another groan from the panting boy. Seeing him lost in pleasure made your core burn with arousal, needing to chase your impending orgasm. The boy slowly opened his eyes, peeking at you rocking backwards and forwards on his cock, biting your lip and tracing your hands along his abdomen underneath his shirt. 
“d-does it feel good?” he asked in a dazed voice, striking a half smile as he moved his hands to your waist, simply resting them there. You nodded, lulling your head backwards, your tits bouncing underneath the fabric of your oversized t-shirt, hardened nipples poking through. Hyunjin drooled at the sight and the sensations. He had longed for this just as much as you had. Hyunjin’s hands trailed up your shirt, wrapping his hands around your boobs and harshly kneading them, the pads of his thumb gliding over your nipples. You shuddered, clenching around his cock, Hyunjin’s eyes shut tightly and his toes curling from the sensation of balancing on a pinnacle, tumbling into his orgasm. He couldn’t control his words, whispering your name out like a mantra along with the words “i love you”. Those were words you didn’t hear him say often. 
The feeling of his hot cum oozing between your velvety walls got you holding onto Hyunjin’s shirt for life, his hand gently placed over your parted lips that continusly spilled with whimpers and pleas. You looked at Hyunjin with lost eyes, your pace slowling down as you rode out your orgasm, thighs shaking involuntarily, giving up beneath you. Hyunjin lifted slightly by your hips, you pulling off him and with a thud rolled over on your back, laying next to him on the floor. The room filled with heavy breathing, sweaty bodies trying to find composure after the rather interesting orgasm. All your thoughts were in once big mush, hindering you from forming a sentence. 
“What now?” Hyunjin said in a sleepy manner, rolling over to his side and hugging you awkwardly. You didn’t know. All you knew that you wanted him. You were hoping he would become yours. More than once. 
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theycallmegothboy · 4 years
1-100 >:DDDD REVENGE!!!
FELIXXXXXXXXXXXX >:(( 1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?  -spotify  2. is your room messy or clean? -it’s pretty messy i guess  3. what color are your eyes? -blue and grey
4. do you like your name? why? -yeah it’s fine 5. what is your relationship status? -single 6. describe your personality in 3 words or less -certified intrusive thot 7. what color hair do you have? -brown and rn it’s red 8. what kind of car do you drive? color? -i dont have a car 9. where do you shop? -hot topic, goodwill, target 10. how would you describe your style? -comfy emo 11. favorite social media account -of mine, probably discord or youtube 12. what size bed do you have? -twin >:(( 13. any siblings? -i have 1.5 brothers  14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? -probably vancouver, idk canada seems lit 15. favorite snapchat filter? -i like the one with devil horns and a tail but its cute 16. favorite makeup brand(s) -i dont wear makeup 17. how many times a week do you shower? -i used to shower every day, but i dont do anything that gets me dirty so like maybe 3 times but if i leave the house then i shower 18. favorite tv show? -stranger things 19. shoe size?  -8 or 9 20. how tall are you? -5′6 with shoes >:(( 21. sandals or sneakers? -sneakers wtf 22. do you go to the gym? -lol no 23. describe your dream date -making some pie or something together and then eating the pie and then sitting on some rooftop looking at stars 24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? -quite a bit actually but i’m saving up for a phone lol so soon it will be like maybe 10 dollars lmao 25. what color socks are you wearing? -not wearing socks but the ones i had earlier were white (ankle length) 26. how many pillows do you sleep with? -just one but it sucks 27. do you have a job? what do you do? -NO BUT IM TRYING TO GET A JOB BUT THE FUCKIN PEOPLE THERE ARE GHOSTING ME AND WONT REPLY TO MY EMAILS SO LIKE SBJHBJS 28. how many friends do you have? -like 4 lmao 29. whats the worst thing you have ever done? -idk nothing super bad but i do a lot of small shit that makes me feel guilty when i realize what i did 30. whats your favorite candle scent? -juniper rosewood 31. 3 favorite boy names -leo, clay, charlie 32. 3 favorite girl names -ivy, uh... idk thats all ive got 33. favorite actor? -no clue 34. favorite actress? -no clue 35. who is your celebrity crush? -not a celeb but i’d smash danny phantom 36. favorite movie? -nightmare before christmas or edward scissorhands 37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? -no, but my fav book is probably the prince and the pauper? idk 38. money or brains? -CASH MONEYYYY jk probably brains but if your entire personality is being “smart” like fuck off lmao   39. do you have a nickname? what is it? - a bunch of people call me son (see #49, #100), some call me rat, dumdum, goth boy
40.how many times have you been to the hospital? -just once i think when i was birthed. i also went once with my brother cause he kicked some scissors i left out on the floor and it sliced his toe the fuck open and he needed stitches and i watched him get the stitches and almost passed out :/ 41. top 10 favorite songs -please dont make me do this i dont have it in me 42. do you take any medications daily? -yea i take 20mg of vyvanse but i need to get it raised to 30 cause 20 is Not Enough 43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) -i got some dry fuckin skin yall dont even know 44. what is your biggest fear?  -it depends. the dark is a pretty constant one though 45. how many kids do you want? -like 2 or 3 eventually 46. whats your go to hair style? -in my face, looking stupid 47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)  -it’s pretty small 48. who is your role model? -i dont fuckin know lmao  49. what was the last compliment you received? - “i belive in you, my son, you’re an amazing human being“ (same friend mentioned in #100, not actually a parent of mine) 50. what was the last text you sent? -”no it’s a raccoon“ YOU GET NO CONTEXT LMAO 51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? -i dont think i ever hardcore believed in him, maybe i did though i remember sleeping under the tree one christmas eve waiting for him but i was like “oh yeah that makes sense“ i guess 52. what is your dream car?  -i honestly dont give a shit as long as it actually fucking works 53. opinion on smoking? -cigarettes? fuck no that’s nastyyy. weed? that’s fine i guess but wait till you’re like 18.  54. do you go to college? -no. am sophomore n highschool 55. what is your dream job?  -musician/palentologist 56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?  -fuck the suburbs lmao, but also im tired of rural, so like.. semi urban?? 57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?  -no but i take the little soaps >:)) 58. do you have freckles?  -yes 59. do you smile for pictures? -awkwardly, yes 60. how many pictures do you have on your phone?  -dont have a phone but i have like 12 on my computer currently. 4 are of me, the rest are of my cat or random shit 61. have you ever peed in the woods?  -yes 62. do you still watch cartoons?  -cartoons these days kinda suck but like if they were good fuck yeah i would like gravity falls can come hang yknow? 63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? -i had nuggets from mcdonalds today so i guess them? i dont really care 64. Favorite dipping sauce?  -i got sweet and sour but i dont like it that much. that schezuan sauce was great 65. what do you wear to bed?  -wouldnt you like to know? ;))  66. have you ever won a spelling bee?  -NO ive only been in two. the first one i misspelled the word “turmoil“ cause i had never heard it before and the second one i spelled the word “owed“ as “ode“ cause i was thinking like ode to joy and then i felt like a big Fool afterwards :(( 67. what are your hobbies? -lol what hobbies 68. can you draw?  -i am physically able to draw, but not well, no 69 (haha). do you play an instrument? -yeah i play a few 70. what was the last concert you saw?  -i saw Chicago in either georgia or tennessee i cant remember in like 2016 71. tea or coffee? -hot coffee, iced tea. NOT the other way around. (i love both though) 72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? -starbucks 73. do you want to get married? -sure why not 74. what is your crush’s first and last initial? -dont have a crush 75. are you going to change your last name when you get married?  -idk maybe 76. what color looks best on you?  -i dont know but i wear black a lot and that’s pretty dope 77. do you miss anyone right now? -yeah  78. do you sleep with your door open or closed? -closed 79. do you believe in ghosts? -on the fence. not 100% “oh my god look at these gHoSt oRbS i need to sage my house!!!“ but i accept that there’s some things i wont understand about the world and that i have no answers to. i wouldnt be surprised if there are, and i wouldnt be surprised if there aren’t. 80. what is your biggest pet peeve? -whatever my adhd decides i viscerally hate with a firey passion right at that moment  81. last person you called -my brother (the 1 of the 1.5 from #13 and the one who sliced his toe in #40) 82. favorite ice cream flavor?  -chocolate is dope 83. regular oreos or golden oreos?  -regular double stuff. if you say golden, mint, peppermint, or thin oreos i’m gonna have to euthanize you, i dont make the rules.  84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? -rainbow cause it’s prettier  85. what shirt are you wearing?  -queen shirt from hot topic 86. what is your phone background? -i didnt get a phone between question 60 and now but my computer one is some mountains with the moon in the background 87. are you outgoing or shy? -really depends on who i’m around 88. do you like it when people play with your hair? -YES FUCK AAAAAAA (this girl played with my hair literally once in middle school and i was like oh shit and i had a crush on her until the end of middle school true story,,, so ashley if you’re out there-) 89. do you like your neighbors? -to the left they’re fine and their dog is nice but idk what happened to the horses so that’s sus but that’s where our cat came from so they can hang  guess, behind me they’re fine but their boys are loud, to the right they’re fine, and even further to the right are the dope neighbors and waaaaaaaaaay far to the right is a llama and he’s dope as hell 90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? -whenever the fuck i remember to/have the energy 91. have you ever been high?  -i dont think so but i wouldnt put it past myself 92. have you ever been drunk?  -not that i can remember, no 93. last thing you ate?  -sloppy joe from a can 94. favorite lyrics right now -”not gonna waste my life, cause i’ve been fucked up“ 95. summer or winter?  -fall. fuck you 96. day or night?  -night but i like it when it’s actually night and it doesnt get dark at like 4 fucking pm cause that makes me depressed 97. dark, milk, or white chocolate? -dark is good, milk is fine, white is only suitable for fancy stripes on chocolate covered strawberries 98. favorite month?  -i vibe with september 99. what is your zodiac sign -sagittarius (was almost a scorpio but i was holding out >:))) 100. who was the last person you cried in front of?  -in person, my mom like 6 months ago, on a discord call, my friend (i love you by the way, you’re the best,,, i dont think he has tumblr but im just putting it out there) like a month or so ago. i hate crying in front of people, i turn into such a hyperventilating snot monster which is not suitable for human gaze and thats the real tea :/
felix this took like 2 hours of my life i will never get back i hate you and i hope you’re happy with what you’ve done <3 <3
also anyone who wants to stalk me, enjoy this information that im handing to you on a silver platter :)) <3
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abbeyfangirl · 5 years
dragon age: all characters (companions)
I’ve been in this fandom for a hot minute now and I want to update my opinions on characters :)
Alistair: super sweet dude who literally is not the stereotypicalchantryguyfightme. He’s a great example of healthy masculinity and I totally wish he was bi because I have an entire essay on that— also: he’s a poc! His mum was brown. In game he’s got dark features. if you really want a blond/blue-eyes/white guy, make your warden that. or accept that brown people can be noble and moral. or just draw cailan, idk. just because BioWare whitewashes doesn’t mean you should.
Leliana: someone hug my singing girlfriend before I crush her under with my own hugs. Also: nugs. Yes! Shoes. Yes! She likes how I style my hair? YES!! I honestly think she’s super duper and it pisses me off whenever someone’s like: yeah she enjoys killing people and the Game. ok. and michel de chevin willingly participated in genocidal marches through the alienage he grew up in with his elvhen mum. 
Morrigan: dirty swamp witch that i stan and also have a v big crush on. tiddies. Have a son with a GW so we can raise him with our tiddies out in the forest. she’s also white-passing, as her father was chasind and all people we’ve seen that are chasind are black. therefore, she is biracial. therefore, poc can be goths and don’t shy away from giving morrigan a darker skintone. if the devs had of been thinking, she’d have a darker skintone.
Zevran: Actually is the best romance, I think. Loves consent, therefore I will stan him so hard my skull cracks a little. Also: he is a very brown boy and if he’s white in da4 I’m seriously going to throw all canon out the fucking window. genuinely a good person who needs to be told so. 
Wynne: grandma who only likes my friends who go to church. but also super sweet and I’d rest my head on her bosom (in a platonic way omg ZEVRAN)
Sten: angry quiet boi. the bestest boi. I totally would give him a kitten for a gift and bake him cookies. Thicc softie. I think if I had DA:O and i knew how to use mods i would mod the fuck outta him. sorry.
Sha(y)le: who’s gender? idk her. See also: fuck birds and authority. pound ur ass into the ground you feathery meatbag little shits. fuck songbirds.
Dog: such a good boi. thicc. thinks Alistair is a whiny fuck and is Morrigan’s only friend. love him. he’s the cutest companion. bet.
Ohgren: honestly forgot about him bcc he’s such a shitbag. also: he could’ve been a really cool addiction recovery type but NOPE. probably would have a trump shirt in a modern au and would catcall wlw and hit mlm. no thanks.
Anders: he acts like rlly straight but he’s so gay I can smell it. also he’s rlly cute and fun and I love him so much.
Justice: MAYBE i’M selF CONSCious OF THE twitchING. is the friend that genuinely doesn’t get dick jokes but is ur 110% ride or die.
Nathaniel Howe: honestly is sort of a white knight/neck beard a little, but it’s kind of charming with his whole velanna m’lady?? grump boi. annoying soul patch that I’d mod out SO FAST—
Sigrun: would have ROMANCED the FUCK out of her. why she even entertains the idea of fucking with ohgren makes me realize most of the writers are dumbfucks.png. peppy little emo. 12/10 would die if she kissed my cheek teasingly.
Ohgren: why. why. why. I’d have brought Shayle over. Maybe Zev? Definitely Dog.
Velanna: she was written to be an annoying feminist and you can tell but I deadass am a kindred spirit with her bcc I too am deadpan annoyed with Thedas’ general population too. love her. Would’ve loved to romance her. She’d totally be one of those who’d get all tsundere and be like “n-no i hate you” *kisses the fuckin soul out of you then blushes so hard she’s now a tomato*
Dragon Age II
Anders: fuck the cops. i don’t care. fuck the cops. (vine reference). also: do i hate him for blowing up the chantry that would eventually annul a huge collection of his people? no. read dalishious’s meta on Anders. v intriguing. didn’t they retcon the fuck out of the reported deaths too? like there was like eight Templars and Elthinia in there. Templars killed more “abominations” in a day than Anders in the game canon—
Aveline: initially thought she was fine and then realized she’s shit to my lil brother and I will fucking clap her ginger ass. See also: whorephobia isn’t a joke so fuck off with treating Isabela badly, you tit.
Bethany: sunshine. Literal sunshine. I feel my freckles grow in her presence and i love it. she’s my little baby sister and I’d slam that ogre so fuckin hard before it touched either twin.
Carver: there has to be a mod where both twins survive. I love them both to bits. My babies. carver is my bitter, angry little brother and I can relate because I too am very angry and would totally clap my own ass. hes so genuine and I don’t get the competition between Beth and Carver. Like, both are fuckin stellar in different ways. In this essay I will—
Fenris: honestly, I don’t get the general hate between him and Anders. Fenris’ main arc should’ve been a recovery arc, not drunken moping and revenge. he deserves better. give him a soft sweater instead of his spikes and let him love himself as much as I love him for MAKERS SAKE. like when you really think about their relationship, it could’ve been an eye-opener for fenris and finally some legit sympathy for anders. but we all know that if they had of teamed up that Meredith would’ve been dead before the end of Act 1 so.
Isabela: whorephobia is not a joke. oversexualizing your only appearing brown woman is so poorly written. how about we appreciate her and her lovely bosoms but also let people tease her about her heart of gold? her innate understanding of freedom? instead of just a wave of dick? please?? can we give her some pants for when she fights? can we accept that i fall for rogues who hate themselves?? fuck. also whomever draws her x femHawke x Merrill literally is after my own heart.
Merrill: my fucking babygirl MARRY ME. Fenris could’ve been her older brother type, but NO. she and Isabela should’ve been canonical gfs instead of Isabela/Fenris (no shaming the pairing tho!!). I love how she’s written as neurodivergent. V nice. Sometimes I just look her up and cry because she’s fucking everything. Also: she’s in the Dalish origin and she’s far from being white. Why did they make the most innocent/naïve character really white? hmmmm.
Sebastian: whew that boy. Would totally be that annoying Mormon at your door but you still let him in bcc he’s super sweet. Also: huge ass bible thumper and should get his head slap because you said the maker loved all his children why do you defend a complicit old hag you annoying attractive fuck—
Varric: totally is a bard and the devs couldn’t handle the idea of him being one bcc it might make him look less straight. is the only grey morality person I don’t want to fucking bash in with a fry pan. he sees people and I like that, but you totally know he’s siding with mages every time bcc him and Anders are like besties. I’m sorry. I don’t make the rules. “Professional Younger Brother”.
Tallis: I know nothing about her but she seems okay. I think she was an escaped slave and honestly? Fucking props. Spy on a shitting organization, idk what you’re doing, but your VA was that cool lesbian from SPN so I think ur okay?
Blackwall: Redemption Arc 101. Love him to bits. Sad dad bunwall. good man. actually atoned for his sins by actively becoming a good person. his initial design is 80% hotter im so sorry but so not.
Cassandra: was way browner in the last game. would romance the fuck outta her. I love me a butch lady who melts at my dorky recitation of poetry. BioWare is a coward. also is the worst choice for divine. but not a bad person. could use some more guidance or get her ass whipped by a dalish elf about religion or a circle mage kid whos like “yeah bud i didn’t ask for the templars to whip my ass everyday for existing.”
The Iron Bull: I think the Qunari/Vashoth were a little based off black people (the whole anti blackness thing where ppl are scared of them bcc of whatever reason) and it pisses me off that he had a weird ass dubcon thing with Dorian in banter. It doesn’t make sense— he’s an A+++ dom and would not jump straight in role play without at least checking in at first like wtf BioWare.
Cole: his mother was chasind so he’s like not supposed to be that white? or like biracial? albino? idk. love him to bits tho. He’s neurodivergent and I deadass love him. romancing him? idk. I see why ppl think it’s fuckin nasty but also like as a writer I’d age him the fuck up so fast before my inquisitor even THOUGHT about that. like idk. I’m down with him being a sweet little bro character tho. he’s a babe. love him.
Sera: had the worst fucking writer I’ve ever seen and I willingly read the twilight saga twice by a shit ass racist white lady who okay’d pedophilia. like. Fuck you Kristjanson suck your own dick you fuck. had the worst options in regards to speak to her. has a thicc case of internalized racism that literally most of the fandom just loves to use against her. my lesbian neurodivergent queen. Would write a thousand fix it fics for her. Love her to bits. im gay.
Varric: I haven’t played DA2 so i don’t get why everyone wants to romance him but like. a dwarf romance? yes please. Idk he reminds me of my uncle so I only see him as fun uncle material. Deadass should adopt Cole and Merrill and co parent with Blackwall for Sera. dads? fuck yeah. love me some wholesome, present fathers.
Dorian: is a gay stereotype that I love/hate so much. and he’s also just as bad about being a creep bcc he sexualizes qunari men (in banter). I attribute that to shit writing tho. I want to protect him from all the “omg gay best friend!” people. he’d clearly be that tired gay that wouldn’t give a diddly damn about ur het romance. wanna talk about politics? he’s ur guy/gay.
Solas: “me, an intellectual:”. I don’t hate him, but I’m not about him. He comes off as mysterious and suave (which he totally is) but I deadass would not save him from himself because he’s a racist, exclusionist eggshell. idk. not my cup of tea, but I can totally see the appeal. And he’s interesting, I’ll totally say that. “I think the Dalish are garbage but they made you” is not a compliment. it’s so offensive. and such bait for “quirky girls” which I’m no fan of. Would be Achilles and let Patroclus (Lavellan in his case) die before he realized how his pride is literally a waste of time. If he gets a redemption arc I hope Lavellan gets to slap him before getting him to teach all about ancient Arlathan and show that the Evanuris weren’t all total dicknozzles. (Aka I really have a hard time believing that they’d be slavery cult things. especially since they’ve compared elves to indigenous ppl, Jews and the Romani.)
Vivienne: it’s so racist that they’d make a black woman be pro-slavery. That’s such internalized racism. She could’ve been the cool ass “educate yourself first before you speak, fool” ice lady, but NO. the devs could’ve kept the “Templars are a tool that I proudly can mandate” and the “circles are very good education” and we. Could. Have. Romanced. Her. Like. Fuck. Sake. I just wanna give her a hug and say “love yourself omg!!” and not even in a romantic way. Also: she and morrigan should not have been so antagonistic towards each other. I’d expect them to have great respect for each other, as they both moved up in the world through hardwork and very little help. They could learn different magic from each other too and still maintain that rival respect “oh you” mood. Sidenote: probably the cooler option for Divine. if her approval is high enough she’ll love and be loyal to you forever and i can’t see her agenda being bad. she improves the circles exponentially and tells all the antis to suck her pretty painted toes.
Josephine: an actual disney princess. romanced her my first playthrough. I love her so much. she just makes me so happy. And she’s like: “Integrity, Loyalty, peace. That is what it means to be a GREY WARDEN good fucking person.” she’s the person who would let you hold her hand if you got anxious and she’d be that person who shouldered the whole group project with finesse and poise and would probably lie for everyone as to not be mean. i love josie. her and leliana’s relationship is so cute, too. whether it’s romantic or not: women supporting women.
Leliana: if you leave her hardened you must hate her. why. she becomes so against herself. i like how shes feminine and lighthearted because that’s so powerful-- to remain hopeful when the world is hopeless. (its hard to know when to soften her/harden her so i get it but. google it. she deserves to be happy and sweet again.)
Cullen: uwu war criminal with shit ass “redemption arc” that was actually a half-assed (at BEST) recovery arc. Recovery isn’t linear, it isn’t pretty, and even the broken need to be told they are wrong in order to heal right. Like I’m offended by that bullshit. I’ve had to do some mental health recovery in the past and unlearning lots of toxic ideologies— which I’m still unlearning— and it bothers me that he gets an easy pass because he’s hot. It’s one thing if you like Cullen, it’s another thing if you hold him accountable.
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softfairies · 5 years
HPHM Character Profile
@changeling-fae and @sirfluffig thank you both for tagging me!!! ♥
General Information.
Name: Ana Mercedes Díaz.
Age: 16.
Gender: Female.
Nicknames: Anita (by her father), Little Butterfly (by her mother), Pip (,,, by Jacob??).
Date of Birth: March 21st.
Astrological/Zodiac Sign: Aries.
Ethnicity: White and Latino.
Nationality: Venezuelan.
Species: Human.
Blood Type: O-
Blood Status: Half-Blood.
Father - Luciano Enrique Díaz.
Half-Blood (mother muggle and father wizard)/ Born in Venezuela but moved to Glasgow when he was 11/ Attended Hogwarts and was chosen in Ravenclaw/ He works as a Metal-Charmer/ He absolutely loves his family and is proud of his children. However after Raquel died, he has being suffering a breakdown all days without miss but he understood that he had to be the best parent he could since he still had his little children to care of. But when Jacob disappeared, he lost it. There wasn’t a day he wouldn’t watch the window waiting for his eldest kid to return and even if he tried his best, the pain bested him. Now he is in a coma and Ana doesn’t know if he’ll wake up.
Mother - Raquel Ayton.
Muggle-born/ Born in Glasgow however her maternal grandparents were born in Chile/ She attended Hogwarts and was sorted into Hufflepuff/ He worked as an Arithmancer and also had the eye for Divination. That’s how she saw her death and the upsetting future that was awaiting her younger daughter. She was very close to Jacob and she was the one who taught him how to play the violin and showed Ana the world of creatures, the one which she loves. She died months before Jacob could start school because of a disease no one understood.
Brother - Jacob Iván Díaz.
Half-Blood/ He was born in the 4 of October 1968/ Was sorted into Ravenclaw just like his father and afterwards, like his little sister/ Jacob was very close to his mother, she was the one who taught him how to play the violin. When she died, he was broken but that made him want to protect Ana even more. That’s why he never told her about the Cursed Vaults. It was so she could gorw happily and far from the danger these would create. He loves Ana a lot and would do anything for her even if it meant lying to her.
Volunteer in the Magical Creatures Reserve
Occupation(s): Future Magizoologist.
Magical Characteristics.
Form of Boggart: Isolation.
Form of Patronus: Silver-Studded Blue Butterfly.
Form of Riddikulus: ? (she still can’t get over her fear).
What do they see in the Mirror of Erised?: Her whole family together, being happy.
Length: 10 3/4″
Flexibility: Quite bendy flexibility
Wood: Larch Wood
Core: Unicorn hair
Description: It’s of a warm brown color with floral carving and some bronze details.
What she smells: Baked cookies, lavender and scented paint (She once saw how Badeea created it).
What she smells to others: Strawberries, the forest, hot chocolate.
Height: 5′2″
Weight: 108 lbs
Complexion (skin tone/conditions): 
Tanned and freckled skin. It’s actually very soft? She doesn’t know how tbh.
Hair Color/Style: 
Medium brown hair, kind of wavy but pulling more towards curly when it’s longer. She had it very short since she was very little but in the middle of her fifth year she decided to let it grow, making it more curly.
Eye Color:
When she was younger it was brighter but as she grew it started getting duller. 
Hogwarts Information.
Worst Class(es):
Potions; like oml she tries not to fail but wtf is being cautious and how much was it of salamander eyes???
Herbology; hey, she likes plants and she knows the ones that could be related with magical creatures but she doesn’t understand the that much. She needs to interact with others and even if plants interact with her in special ways, she isn’t that much interested.
DADA; okay she hates duelling and is bad at it no matter how much she practices since she isn’t the most agile person in there and she doesn’t react very quickly.
Flying; she sucks and can’t be balanced in her broom. There were many accidents that involved falling from terryfying heights so yeah, she tries not to fly in a broom.
Best Class(es):
COMC; she loves magical creatures, she does since she was a baby, surrounded by the ones in her house. She loves understanding them, caring for them and befriending them. She prides herself of defending their rights and helping them.
History of Magic; even if this is a class that many find absolutely boring, she finds it rather interesting. She really likes learning facts from the past since well, she loves hearing stories. Maybe she isn’t a big Binns fan, but she really likes his class.
Charms; I mean??? She loves learning magic and the way that Flitwick teaches is just so wonderful for Ana?? She is always excited to learn new movements, incantations, she is just like a little kid in a candy store.
Least Favorite Teacher(s):
Snape; she despises that man with her whole heart. She doesn’t see a good side in him and everytime that he is rude towards her she just wants to scream because why? Whu does he has to be such an asshole. If something in his personal life sucks he shouldn’t explode against the students, that’s literally so unprofessional of him. And finally, if he hates kids so much, then why the hell become a teacher?
Rakepick; ana never liked manipulative people since she is very amenable herself. And she knows how that woman uses her power in words to contol people around her. That’s why she never trusted her and never will.
Favorite Teacher(s):
Flitwick; again, ana loves his way of teaching and his cheerful personality. She admires him a lot and she feels so grateful that he is the head of her house. His advice is always so helpful and is always stuck in her head and she appreciates that.
Kettleburn; ana loves his personality and his love for creatures. She always has a good time at his classes and is never dissapointed. She likes his challenges and how passionate he is about his job.
McGonagall; ana respects the woman in a very high level. She admires her as a professor and as a person. The way she cares for the students and how much respect she radiates.
Ana doesn’t like it at all.
She had way too many accidents with brooms and bludgers that the term Quidditch just send shivers down her spine.
However, she is always there to cheer Andre and Charlie. But she is always prepared for anything.
Favourite Spell(s):
(random facts about them, future job, face claim, theme song, etc.):
She is scared of electric storms or even normal storms since there was an accident in her house years ago and she lost everything that belonged to her mother.
Her aunt Mercedes, sister of her mother, died when she was only 14 because of death eaters. That’s why Ana hates them. They took someone from her family and she could never meet her aunt.
She learnt how to cook when she was only 10 because her father wan’t always home to cook for her and neither Jacob.
She sleeps very little because of the nightmares and because of that, she spends her night watching the starts or petting her pets.
She doesn’t like sea food and actually can’t swim so she is kind of wary when she is near water,,, but not in the shower asdfgh
In the future she will be a Magizoologist.
Her theme song would be Happy by Marina.
I still don’t have a faceclaim for her !
Tagging: @heleneplays @jadeowl19 @cinnamonriko @helgship @scribbleries @whitecadiz @margaretthehuman @eluzivedreamer @nomnan
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Ebrius (Eros p.t. 9)
Billy Hargrove x Reader, Jonathan Byers x Reader (Unrequited)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
Word Count: 5043
Warnings: swearing, underage drinking, sexuality? idk on that one
Permanent Tag List: @hotstuffhargrove @steveharringtonofficial @denimjacketkisses @flamehairedwritings @hargroovin
Series Tag: @hargrovesgoldilocks @xicarcalii @wtf-richarddd @sighsophiia @baebee35 @ijustwantahugfromtennant @rhyxn @wearemightyghosts @toriasaysso @random-stupid-stuffs @so-not-hotmess @warsintothestars @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @angellastor @swangobsessed
Feedback Appreciated!
One the eve of Valerie’s epic bash, the whole school was aflutter with excitement, building a chaotic energy you’d never really felt apart of until now. Now, you felt what everyone else was feeling. And you weren’t into it.
Sure, it was kind of exciting-you weren’t usually personally invited to these sorts of things, and Valerie was making sure you felt as included as possible, especially when Billy was around. But it was also kind of tiring, the whole thing was looking to be a social nightmare and Valerie was hyping it up to be full on rager, which only made you nervous rather than excited.
“So anyway, here’s what I’m thinking-you come over to my place around four tomorrow, bring all your stuff, and we’ll make you into a glamour queen, alright?” Valerie asked that lunch, leaning over the table on her elbows, her legs pulled under her.
“Um sure, if that’s what you want.” You replied, fiddling with your baby carrots.
“And you,” she turned to Billy “You better show up on time, I don’t want you up showing me at my own party, you’ll make your entrance with me, alright?” she instructed, jabbing a finger into his chest.
Billy smirked, slinking an arm around her waist and pulling her tightly to him, looking down at her with a passion so bright and hot it could rival the sun. “Whatever you say baby…” he muttered, grabbing her by the chin and pulling her lips roughly to his. He looked desperate and needy, which made perfect sense seeing as how she’d been skirting his advances for weeks.
Billy had confided in you that it went beyond lunch periods. According to him, she’d been ignoring his calls and cancelling plans for weeks, meaning he hadn’t gotten any except from his right hand, which was nowhere near as good as it would be from Valerie. He was tense and irritable, which made him a nuisance to be around. But Valerie softened him, even when she wasn’t putting out.
“Bill!” she cried “You’re gonna mess up my lipstick!” Billy rolled his eyes, turning his attention to her bare neck, peppering it with kisses and bites until she pushed him off with a scoff and an eye roll, looking to you as though you’d understand. You put a spoonful of yogurt into your mouth, making a face that felt like it agreed with hers.
Billy turned back to you, grumbling to himself under his breath about being bored. You let your eyes wander, around the room and they landed on a tiny boy who was staring at you. He was a junior, skinny and pale and hopelessly gawking. At first you were flattered, you smiled, raising your eyebrows at him. But he didn’t react at all. It took a moment to realize that he wasn’t looking at you, he was staring at Valerie. And Valerie was staring back, equally awestruck and shy.
He was looking at Valerie. And Valerie was looking back. This could be a recipe for trouble.
On Friday afternoon, right after lunch, Valerie dragged you out of the cafeteria by the arm, her nails digging into your arm so hard you swore it would bruise you, and out to your car.
“You brought your stuff, right?” she asked, pulling open your side door and climbing in.
“No, I didn’t think I’d be leaving now, I thought I was meeting you at your place later.” You replied, following suit.
“Well I decided that we’d need more time. Stop at your place on the way.” Valerie replied shortly, crossing her arms over her chest, annoyed.
“Where do you live?” you asked nervously. You knew Valerie was rich, her dad was like a high powered lawyer and her mother was the youngest, most babied of a rich family. If your instincts were right, you and she lived in different subsections of Hawkins.
“1545 Autumn Road, why?” she replied. You sighed; your instincts were very correct.
“You and I live in opposite directions, I live up near Billy.” You replied.
Valerie’s eyes narrowed “I don’t know where that is, I’ve never been to his place.” She said.
“Oh, well I live up near Melvald’s, so we’ll have to head up that way first, is that alright?” you asked.
Valerie nodded, examining her nails “Sure, I have to pick up an order there anyway, we’ll stop in after you get your stuff, alright?” she said. You nodded, turning on the ignition and backing out of the full parking lot.
Bringing Valerie to your house was nerve wracking. You hadn’t had anyone over since your mom first got sick. Now, not only did you have someone stopping at your house, she didn’t know what was happening. You drove slowly, abiding all the laws you’d usually ignore. You could tell Valerie was more than a little annoyed, but she didn’t say anything.
When you pulled into your driveway, the embarrassment hit you like a flour bomb in the face. The planters your father had insisted would help your mother get out of the house, which had failed spectacularly and been abandoned on the front porch. The lawn was uncut and brown, mainly because you hadn’t done it and nobody else would. The American flag hanging over the garage was tattered on the end, dirty, and faded. You looked dirty and trashy. Still, you took a breath and held your head high, turning to Valerie “I’ll just be a second, alright?”
She unbuckled her seatbelt, smiling sweetly “I’ll come in, if you don’t mind.” She replied, opening her door, not waiting for an answer.
You sighed, following her quickly. You hoped your mother was asleep or otherwise distracted. You unlocked the door, stepping over the threshold into the dark, suddenly infinitely more dusty entry way.
“I’ll just head upstairs, make yourself at home.” You said, rushing up the stairs and into your room.
“Y/N? Is that you?” a weak voice called. Your mother was peeking out of her room, still clad in her floral housedress, dirty from not being changed in days.
“Yeah mom, just grabbing some stuff!” you called back, grabbing the untouched bags and shoving them onto your wrists, nearly tripping over the pile of books in the corner by your closet, cursing your lack of space. “I’m, ugh, going out tonight, I won’t be home till late, okay? Tell dad not to worry.”
“Hi, Mrs. Y/L/N!” Valerie called from downstairs, her voice sickeningly polite. And you swore you heard her gasp, which made your heart drop. You burst out of your room as you saw your mother inch down the stairs, running her fingers through her grey streaked, uncombed hair.
“Hello? Did I hear someone down here?” she asked, her voice finding a cheery, false tone.
Valerie turned, placing the chipped, dusty bird figurine back into the ring of clean table it occupied, covering it. “Oh hello, I’m Valerie you must be Mrs. Y/L/N, it’s lovely to meet you.” She said with a fake smile.
It was like watching a car crash. Your mother was five seconds from disassociating or bursting into tears and Valerie was already taking notes on how to destroy you if she needed to.
“Oh, please call me Marie, all of Y/N’s friends do. I haven’t heard of you before, you must be new.” She replied, reaching out a pale, shaky hand to shake hers.
“Well yeah, I’m Billy’s girlfriend.” She replied, taking hers and shaking it roughly.
“Who?” your mother asked, turning to you, growing more and more embarrassed by the moment.
You stepped onto the step above hers, placing a hand on her shoulders, squeezing it reassuringly “Remember, Billy ma? I mentioned him last night, he’s my buddy from history class.” You said, smiling softly.
“Oh, right…yes I remember…” she said vaguely.
“Can I borrow your gold hoops?” you asked, already leading her upstairs. She nodded again and you turned to Valerie, holding up your index finger, mouthing ‘one minute’.
You led her into her room and to her bed, opening up the ruffled sheets and allowing her to get in again, warm tears flowing down her face.
“You did really good, mama…” you whispered, pulling the blankets up again.
“You’re embarrassed of me…” she muttered, looking up with you angry eyes.
“No, I’m not, mom. I love you and I want you to meet my friends, but not when you’re not ready, when you don’t know it’s happening.” You replied firmly, grabbing the remote and flicking the channel off of Soap and onto the news.
“You’re ashamed of me…you hate me…” you mother mumbled.
“I don’t hate you, I love you mom, I honestly do.” You said, kissing your forehead “You know I love you. I have to go, but you should call daddy, maybe he can come home and sit with you for awhile, would you like that?”
She nodded vaguely and you rushed to pick up the phone, dialling the number you knew off by heart. He picked up on the first ring.
“Hello?” he asked nervously when the call was patched over to him.
“Hi dad, how’s work?” you asked, smiling at your mother.
“What’s going on, why are you home?” he asked nervously.
“Oh, I just stopped in, nothing major.” You replied, turning away to mumble into the receiver “I think we might have a situation here, I have to go back to school, can you come home, make sure she stays okay.”
“Yes, of course, I’ll be there in five.” He said.
“Okay, should I stay or…” you asked.
“No, no, head back, don’t miss class.” He said. You nodded, saying quick goodbyes and kissing your mother on the forehead again, promising that your father was on his way. You ran down the stairs, grabbing Valerie by the arm and pulling her out the door.
“Is she alright?” Valerie asked.
“Fine.” You snapped pulling open the door and turning on the ignition, backing out quickly, causing Valerie’s body to slap the back of the seat. You arrived at Melvald’s in less than five minutes.
“Wait here.” She said and you didn’t push to follow behind, you much preferred the silence. You felt your body decompress, stress oozing from your pores. She returned a few moments later, but by then you were back to functioning, worry playing like static in the very back of your mind. You drove normally to Valerie’s house, returning to your normal state again.
Valerie’s house was huge, a near mansion with fake marble and too much white to feel appropriate for a crazy high school party. Valerie led you upstairs to her room, a giant space painted light purple and coated in posters and art. She had a giant, plush mattress and a big vanity fit for a Broadway theatre, complete with the big white blubs as its border. You dropped your bags on her bed and she put hers on the vanity, pulling out its contents.
The box of at-home perm made your skin crawl.
“Okay, so the first thing we’re gonna do is perm your hair.” Valerie said, grabbing the box and heading towards the bathroom attached to her room.
“Oh ugh I don’t know…” you replied, your feet sticking to the floor as though it was flypaper.
“If you hate it, a shower will destroy it. Let’s just try, okay?” she said comfortingly and you nodded, swallowing your fear and walking in, sitting in the chair she’d set up for you.
The process took over an hour. First, your hair was soaked and dried a bit before being combed out. Then, she rolled your hair into wide rollers, securing them on your head. Then your hair was coated in perm solution, which stunk like chemicals and burned your nose. You felt the headache forming the second the tight rollers were secured in your hair and the smell only made it worse. It didn’t help that Valerie had started talking once you sat down and hadn’t stopped.
When it was finally time, she forced your head under the shower head, rinsing it for three minutes. She dried it with the hair dyer and then applied the neutralizer, which had to sit for ten minutes and smelt vaguely like coconuts. Then again under the shower head, dried, and the rods were removed.
And when it was all done, you looked like Shirley fucking Temple.
You sighed “See? I look awful…”
Valerie rolled her eyes “We’re not gonna leave it this way, duh!” she said. You looked up at her with a quirked brow, making her eyes widen “You didn’t know that?” she shook your head, making her gasp. “Oh my God! I can totally teach you how to make this look hot! Let’s give it a bit of time to relax, you can help me get the this place safe for a party, Jodie and Carol are coming over to set up later, but we need to move all the breakable shit before they get here.
And so you spent the afternoon hiding expensive vases and paintings that could be easily splashed or knocked down. You rolled up the white rugs and locked away the fine china. When you were finished, the house looked ready to party and you felt a tiny bit sweaty.
Valerie pulled you back into her room, and after much digging through bags and her closet, she pulled a clean white tank top from her closet and the tiny, pleated yellow skirt from your bags. She covered you in a robe and pulled you back into the bathroom.
“Okay, so nobody wear’s a perm the way in comes out naturally, we always style them. So what you’re gonna do is take a round brush or a teasing comb and tease the curls out to make them bigger, then spray it with hairspray to hold it. I like the Farrah Fawcett spray, because it adds and holds volume, but you can find whatever you like once you figure out what works for you.” She explained, making your curls into big, ratty waves that framed your face and made you look like an extra in a Madonna video. But you liked it. It made you feel older and more mature, like you were actually pretty.
“I taught Steve Harrington the same thing when he grew out his hair, he owes his flawless hair to me.” Valerie said cockily and you giggled at the idea of King Steve in your place, nervous and awkward and not nearly as handsome as he wanted to be.
“Alright and we’re done! You look better already, Y/N.” she said and you found yourself nodding along with her. It was almost seven now and while you hadn’t eaten yet, you found that you weren’t hungry. You were excited, which was a rarity for these types of parties.
“Let’s paint your face.” She said, leading you back out into her bedroom and sitting down at her vanity.
Of course, she did her own face first, leaving you to sit bored on her bed. So now you were sitting in Vicki’s pastel purple bedroom on her memory foam bed, watching her at her vanity mirror, the bed white theatrical bulbs that surrounded the mirror casting harsh light on your face as she painted on her bright makeup, smirking at her reflection.
“So what are we gonna do to your face, Y/N?” she asked, brushing sharp angles on blush on her cheeks.
“Oh I don’t know, something simple. I don’t think I could ever rock the colours you do.” You replied smoothly, watching her puff up like a peacock. You didn’t have the heart to tell her that she looked like wild parrot instead of the Cyndi Lauper inspired makeup she was going for.
“Oh come on! Live a little! I promise I’ll try to tone it down a bit for you, can we compromise to that?” she asked, pursing her lips to apply rich purple lipstick.
You sighed “Alright, but I demand a veto in case I hate it.” You agreed and Valerie squealed, pulling you into the chair and turning it to hide you from the mirror. She spent another hour painted you into some sort of beauty queen and by the time she was done, Billy was knocking on the door, Jodie and Carol making a ruckus in the downstairs area.
“You decent?” Billy called, bounding up the stairs.
Valerie chuckled “We’re covered up if that’s what you mean.” She replied. Billy pushed the door open, and as usual your heart skipped a beat, your eyes involuntarily flicked to the closed door.
“Now don’t look into the mirror until I say so, okay, I want it to be a surprise.” She whispered as Billy knocked on the door. Valerie opened it quickly, revealing herself and opening her arms, pulling him to her and allowing him to thoroughly mess up her lipstick.
“Happy birthday baby.” He whispered against her lips and she smirked, covering his eyes with her tiny hand “What’re you doing, babe?” he muttered, a smirk spreading across his face.
She led him forward, gesturing you to stand up straighter and when he was in position, she screamed “Ta dah!”, pulling her hand off his eyes and revealed your dolled up self. After hours of Valerie poking and prodding you, you’d transformed into a new person from the top of your perm to your sparkly pointed heels.
Billy didn’t like it.
His stare burned into you as he looked you over, trying to decipher what exactly made him cringe so much. It wasn’t that you looked bad, you always looked pretty and Valerie certainly didn’t make you look bad, but it looked off. It was as though he was staring into the uncanny valley-everything was technically right but something was off and it made it all look wrong. Then, it hit him. You looked like Valerie. She’d painted you into her twin.
“What, is it that bad?” you asked awkwardly, your smile slipping just a little.
“You look good, kid.” He said gruffly , slapping your shoulder. You stumbled just a little, unsure how to react.
“Thanks…” you muttered, stepping forward to finally look at yourself.
You looked…wrong. No wonder why Billy looked so startled by you. Caked in colours and draped in skimpy fabrics, you felt different. But, despite Billy’s reaction, it felt good, even right. You liked the way it looked, you felt more adult and certainly prettier than normal. You wouldn’t do it every day, but a night like tonight it felt fitting.
Valerie’s mood dropped significantly, watching you two shuffle about. You looked shakily confident, like a deer taking its first steps. You were an innocent, painted into someone’s personal Lolita, desperate for some acknowledgement. But Billy looked sick to his stomach looking at you. It was as though his world was flipped upside down.
He looked to Valerie, his eyes training over her, but he didn’t feel the same burning, unstoppable lust. He felt empty, hollow inside. His brain started to run wild, filled with intrusive thoughts. Suddenly, Valerie seemed less wonderful, less rare.  He started to question if Valerie really was special. But that was crazy-Billy loved Valerie. He loved her. Sure, he hadn’t told her yet, but he planned to. All of this was just caused by his never ending horniness, which Valerie hadn’t been helping much with.
“You did a great job, babe.” Billy said, kissing her on the cheek, an arm slinking around her bare mid-drift. “You finally made Y/N look like a girl.”
You huffed, rolling your eyes, trying to muffle a tiny smile that pulled at the corners of your mouth. Billy was happy, he like the way you looked, he wasn’t horrified by the change that you were still getting used to. Billy was the only person you were trying to impress and you’d succeeded.
“Oh hush, Bill, you’re gonna hurt her feelings.” Valerie groaned, turning to you “You look incredible, Y/N, Byers will finally realize what he missed out on when he sees you.”
“Freak Byers is coming tonight?” Billy growled.
“Probably, Nancy Wheeler is gonna be here, Luce told me that her and Stacy were talking about it in calc.” Valerie replied easily.
“Y/N, stay away from him, alright? He’s only gonna fuck with your head and you deserve better.” He snapped, pointing at you.
You rolled you eyes “Val, you should’ve never taken him to see Sixteen Candles, now he thinks I’m some desperate, clingy crazy loser played by Molly Ringwald.” You chuckled, earning a laugh from her and a scoff from Billy, who refused to look at you. “I’m fine, okay? I’m over him, I’m happy for Nance, and I won’t be talking to him if he shows tonight, which is highly unlikely. According to Nancy, his baby brother’s sick. I doubt he’d come to this when he could be there with him.”
Billy had zoned out, but when you stopped talking he nodded, shoving a cigarette in his mouth. Valerie snatched it from his lips, pocketing it. “No smoking in my room! You know that!” she exclaimed. Billy rolled his eyes, heading for the door.
“We should head down there, this shit’s about to start.” Valerie said with a sigh, leading you out of the room. Carol and Jodie had started the music and found the liquor.
Upon seeing you, both Carol and Jodie seemed utterly shocked by your new look. They seemed almost proud of you, finally finding your footing after years of being an ugly duckling. Now, you were a swan.
It almost felt nice.
By ten thirty, the whole house was blasting. Teenagers were crawling everywhere, inebriated and sloppy. The giant living was filled with people dancing to whatever pop hits Carol had decided suited the event. There were plastic cups and spilled drinks everywhere, the floor was horribly sticking. Every corner was filled with people drunkenly making out and groping one another. You felt oddly alone.
You’d noticed the other sore thumbs. Tina Presley, the usual centre of attention, was playing wallflower, watching the crowds with sad eyes, her crush of the week, Anthony Michaels, was dancing with Lucy Pierce instead of her. Carol and Tommy had gotten into one of their epic fights, because Tommy was tonguing Amanda Pearson and got caught. Steve Harrington had shown up, his face broken up with cuts and bruises, both eyes ringed with deep purple and blue. He looked to be mostly having fun, drinking heavily and grinding on Vicki Matthews like it was his job. He seemed to have lost the last bits of his inhibitions, trying to drink away some memory and nearly getting into a scuffle with Billy upon running into one another. He looked broken, but trying to overcompensate with easy fun. If you two actually tolerated one another, you would’ve gone over to check on him.
You’d spent most of the night thus far dancing like you actually knew how. Your proverbial dance card had been full all night, being grabbed by different girls to giggle and jump around and finding different boys junk pressed against your front or behind. It was fun, you felt wanted which was an odd, exhilarating feeling that rushed through your veins and filled you with adrenaline.
You’d been watching Nancy subtly out of the corner of your eye, mainly because Stacy wasn’t. She, just like Steve, had decided to drink herself into a stupor and now was fighting with Jonathan, who was distressingly sober, and he wasn’t fighting back.
Suddenly, Nancy pushed away from Jonathan, breaking through the crowd and grabbing Steve by the face, kissing him like his life depended on it. He seemed shocked, hell you felt shocked. But as Steve kissed her back, Jonathan just sighed, turning away from her.
And you found yourself following behind him.
“Jonathan! Wait up!” you called, causing his to look back just for a moment, his sadness breaking apart his face as you caught up to him and brought him outside, sitting with him on the front porch.
“Y/N…” Jonathan muttered, looking away from you, his gaze dropping to his hands, folded in his lap.
“What the fuck was that?” you muttered breathlessly “I thought they broke up, I thought you two…”
“So did I…” he replied. “I think she is just afraid of change, I mean it’s been a lot for her, after all of this semester has been rough on us.”
“That’s not an excuse…” you replied “Look, Nancy told me that your brother is sick, if that means that Nancy needs to cheat on you to cope, then she’s not a good person.”
“Steve…must be comforting to her or something…” he replied, shaking his head.
You leaned in, taking his hand in yours. “You don’t have to make excuses for her.” You told him. He finally looked at you, nodding softly. You held his gaze for a moment and you swore you saw a flash in his eyes. You’d heard Steve call it ‘the electricity’, but all you felt was an odd emptiness. His eyes flicked to your lips and you felt your breath catch in your throat. Before you could really react, his lips were on yours.
It was a lot softer than kissing Billy, definitely more tentative. You didn’t have much experience in the field, but this was definitely nice. A bit dull, but as you moved closer to him, pressing your hand onto his thigh, you felt oddly at peace. It wasn’t bad, it wasn’t earth stopping-you could easily do this for the rest of the night.
“Byers!” someone snapped, making Jonathan pull away and you groan. Billy had found you. “Go and find your own fucking girlfriend, leave Y/N alone.” He growled and Jonathan rolled his eyes, pushing himself up and brushing off his jeans.
“I’ll see you around, Y/N.” he muttered with a soft smile and you nodded, watching him go. Billy rolled his eyes, motioning for you to follow him back inside, which you did with a tight frown.
“I thought you weren’t gonna see him tonight.” Billy growled, not looking at you as he spoke.
“Changed my mind.” You replied coarsely “Go bug someone else for awhile, yeah?”
Billy scoffed, but marched off, finding Valerie and planted the biggest, most over the top kiss on her. For a split second, you swore he was doing it to bother you, but then the weight of your insignificance hit you and you found yourself slinking away, finding another drink and another dance partner.
Billy couldn’t stand seeing you kiss Byers; it put a fire in the pit of his stomach and made him want to punch out the wiry kid. You were too good for him. God, you were too good for him. You were loving and sweet and fiery and fun and he was an utter loser. You deserved someone fun, someone who wouldn’t use you when things didn’t go his way. When he kissed Valerie, he was trying to expel that anger, that excess fire. But all it did was annoy him. He watched you walk away. He noticed the way Valerie didn’t look at him, instead out into the crowd for a set of bright green eyes he’d only seen briefly before they darted away.
The party was about as fun as you expected it to be. You watched in silent heartache as Billy and Valerie danced all night, hips grinding into each other with excited, lust filled eyes. Valerie was having a great birthday, but you were sick of celebrating. You tried to have fun, you danced with whatever boy would ask, grinding your hips to rhythms that the boys never stuck with. You were out of sync and utterly bored.
The night stayed that way for awhile. Billy and Valerie danced and swapped spit and drank and you danced and drank. You kissed Richie Swanson, but it wasn’t as nice as kissing Jonathan, filled with mashing gums and banging teeth. You tried to find him, but somehow both he and Nancy had disappeared and Steve was back to dancing with Vicki Matthews.
Then, disaster struck.
Somebody called the cops. Suddenly, the music was shut off and everyone was being rushed out, trying to escape before Chief Hopper could bust in and ruin anything. Billy was sent upstairs to wait for Valerie to finish clearing things up with the cops, but he insisted on sitting with you until your taxi showed up to drive you home.
You were drunker than you’d like to admit, but then again so was Billy. Sitting in the dimly lit kitchen, amber beer bottles in between you, you felt calm, happy even. The fact that he’d chosen you over tipsy, horny Valerie felt like a win in your favour. Neither of you needed to talk, drinking in comfortable silence. Everything was warm and soft, like a duvet cover, and you wanted nothing more than to snuggle into it.
“Hey, Y/N?” Billy muttered, his head lulling to look at you, his motor skills lessened by alcohol. He looked utterly beautiful in the yellow light of the wood paneled kitchen, which made your heart ache. Even now, even when he’d spent a whole night driving nails into your heart, you couldn’t help but feel lighter looking at him.
“Yeah?” you replied, bringing the bottle back up to your lips. You absolutely hated beer, but it was cool and gave you courage, two promising aspects.
“I love you, you know that? You’re my best friend…” he slurred, smiling sloppily. Your heart filled with joy, a smile spreading across your face. He loved you. He loved you. He loved you. You kept repeating it over and over in your head, your heart racing loudly in your ears.
You wanted to kiss him, to hug him, to press him up against the nearest wall and have your way with him. But that second part- the ‘You’re my best friend’ part- that was holding you back. He loved you, sure, but he didn’t want you. Not like you wanted him.
With a sigh, you nodded “I know Bee, I love you too…” you replied, knowing that he’d never love you the way you loved him.
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in-one-sockk · 6 years
200-1 :3
200: My crush’s name is: @when-youcant-sleepat-night199: I was born in: England198: I am really: irritating197: My cellphone company is: Tesco!196: My eye color is: grey, sometimes green or sometimes blue195: My shoe size is: 8194: My ring size is: I have no idea, but I have thick fingers193: My height is: 5′9 and a half192: I am allergic to: Most bug bites191: My 1st car was: I have no idea what make it is... there’s a funny bird looking thing on the front though190: My 1st job was: Primark189: Last book you read: The Sex Lives Of Siamese Twins188: My bed is: currently lacking @when-youcant-sleepat-night187: My pet: sucks, she stalks me186: My best friend: is my girlfriend185: My favorite shampoo is: Palmer’s Organic Coconut!!184: Xbox or ps3: PS3 who do you think I am183: Piggy banks are: terrible,, my ADHD brain cannot deal182: In my pockets: are a pack of soothers 181: On my calendar: my girlfriend visiting soon180: Marriage is: definitely happening, sometime soon.. tell my girlfriend to marry me179: Spongebob can: get it178: My mom: sucks, she’s manipulative177: The last three songs I bought were? I dont buy songs! but my newest was Even If It’s A Lie by Matt Maltese176: Last YouTube video watched: Kitchen Nightmares US175: How many cousins do you have? two! They’re both under 5174: Do you have any siblings? - biologically 5, technically 3173: Are your parents divorced? - nope, but probably should be172: Are you taller than your mom? - almost!171: Do you play an instrument? - I play a few... Piano, bass, sometimes guitar170: What did you do yesterday? - College, unfortunately[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: I do!168: Luck: definitely167: Fate: yup!166: Yourself: never165: Aliens: of course164: Heaven: nope163: Hell: nope! wish I did though162: God: I believe in higher power, but not one set God, perhaps many161: Horoscopes: very much so160: Soul mates: hell yeh159: Ghosts: on the fence158: Gay Marriage: you’re asking a lesbian..157: War: never, never ever156: Orbs: I have no idea what this is.. and as a witch I probably should155: Magic: of course![ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: 153: Drunk or High:152: Phone or Online:151: Red heads or Black haired:150: Blondes or Brunettes:149: Hot or cold:148: Summer or winter:147: Autumn or Spring:146: Chocolate or vanilla:145: Night or Day:144: Oranges or Apples:143: Curly or Straight hair:142: McDonalds or Burger King: (I’m allergic to McDonalds though.. but I love it)141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate:140: Mac or PC:139: Flip flops or high heels: neither138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: I’m already ugly, I have nothing to lose137: Coke or Pepsi:136: Hillary or Obama:135: Burried or cremated:134: Singing or Dancing:133: Coach or Chanel:132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: ... who?131: Small town or Big city:130: Wal-Mart or Target: I’m British129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler:128: Manicure or Pedicure:127: East Coast or West Coast:126: Your Birthday or Christmas:125: Chocolate or Flowers:124: Disney or Six Flags:123: Yankees or Red Sox: ...what?[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: childish, unnecessary, unreasonable, avoidable121: George Bush: cunt120: Gay Marriage: bombest shit ever119: The presidential election: rigged, put a lesbian in office118: Abortion: let people do what they want117: MySpace: I’m too young for that 116: Reality TV: good for when I don’t want my brain. British reality tv is the best115: Parents: wish I had good ones114: Back stabbers: worthless, hurt people hurt people113: Ebay: 90% shitty112: Facebook: everyone middle aged mother 111: Work: makes me hate people even more110: My Neighbors: are crazy, one sweeps the pavement with a paint brush and the other practices the unicycle109: Gas Prices: ridiculous108: Designer Clothes: kinda pointless107: College: wish it didn’t exist106: Sports: sO overrated105: My family: I love my sisters104: The future: is bright[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: Friday102: Last time you ate: yesterday101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: no idea100: Cried in front of someone: yesterday99: Went to a movie theater: a couple months ago with my sister98: Took a vacation: start of September 97: Swam in a pool: years ago96: Changed a diaper: no idea95: Got my nails done: never94: Went to a wedding: two years ago93: Broke a bone: never92: Got a peircing: last October91: Broke the law: 3 months ago90: Texted: hour ago[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: @when-youcant-sleepat-night88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my sister and my cat87: The last movie I saw: Pride86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: seeing my girlfriend85: The thing im not looking forward to: her leaving84: People call me: the baby83: The most difficult thing to do is: focus82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never81: My zodiac sign is: gemini80: The first person i talked to today was: my girlfriend 79: First time you had a crush: two years ago on my best friend78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: @when-youcant-sleepat-night77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: ten minutes ago76: Right now I am talking to: my girlfriend 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: maybe die, who knows 74: I have/will get a job: ... I have a job?73: Tomorrow: I wanna sleep72: Today: I wanna cuddle my baby71: Next Summer: move out70: Next Weekend: get cuddled69: I have these pets: I have three cats!!68: The worst sound in the world: squeeky cardboard67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Liam goddam Neeson66: People that make you happy: my sister, my girlfriend, bts 65: Last time I cried: a couple hours ago64: My friends are: non existent63: My computer is: shitty,, Toshiba62: My School: makes me wanna die61: My Car: is broken60: I lose all respect for people who: cheat59: The movie I cried at was: Marley and Me58: Your hair color is: brown and ginger57: TV shows you watch: Come Dine With Me, anything with Gordon Ramsay, The Apprentice56: Favorite web site: Tumblr55: Your dream vacation: my girlfriends bed54: The worst pain I was ever in was: depression was a bitch, but I also had tonsillitis that turned septic53: How do you like your steak cooked: I don’t like steak52: My room is: small, cold
51: My favorite celebrity is: Min Yoongi or Kim Heechul50: Where would you like to be: @when-youcant-sleepat-night‘s bed49: Do you want children: I really do, atleast 148: Ever been in love: legit right now47: Who’s your best friend: @when-youcant-sleepat-night46: More guy friends or girl friends: mostly girls45: One thing that makes you feel great is: cuddles44: One person that you wish you could see right now: my girlfriend 43: Do you have a 5 year plan: I dont even have a plan for the next five minutes 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: be happy41: Have you pre-named your children: nope, not at all40: Last person I got mad at: my mother39: I would like to move to: Wales or Ireland38: I wish I was a professional: musician[ My Favorites ]37: Candy: Kinder Bueno36: Vehicle: Jeeps35: President: Obama34: State visited: Florida33: Cellphone provider: wtf32: Athlete: I don’t know any31: Actor: Ezra Miller30: Actress: Sarah Paulson29: Singer: Park Jimin28: Band: The Smashing Pumpkins27: Clothing store: Urban Outfitter26: Grocery store: Aldi25: TV show: Come Dine With Me24: Movie: Girl Interrupted23: Website: Tumblr22: Animal: Panda21: Theme park: Thorpe Park20: Holiday: haven’t been on one I’ve liked19: Sport to watch: Hockey18: Sport to play: Trampolining17: Magazine: Kerrang16: Book: The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier15: Day of the week: Saturday14: Beach: I hate beaches :(13: Concert attended: BTS12: Thing to cook: noodles11: Food: anything cheesy10: Restaurant: Nandos9: Radio station: I don’t know any8: Yankee candle scent: cupcake7: Perfume: vanilla, Britney Spears ones are good though!6: Flower: Sunflowers5: Color: Green4: Talk show host: James Corden3: Comedian: Lee Evans2: Dog breed: Cats1: Did you answer all these truthfully? hopefully
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lasthopesolo · 6 years
tagged by @aionimica and it’s my first time doing any sort of meme/tag thing in a fuckin hot minute lol
Are you named after anyone? not anyone but my mom picked my name because it reminded her of the moon (it means silver)
When was the last time you cried?  probably a few days ago, i think on friday because i was sad to leave my grandma’s 
Do you have kids? no lol
Do you use sarcasm a lot? yes, especially with my friends i definitely turn up the sarcasm but not when i’m first meeting/talking to people. and i really only do it in person because it doesn’t tend to translate well via text
What’s the first thing you notice about people? their hair and hands
What’s your eye color? light-ish brown 
Scary movie or happy endings? happy endings, i love me some good times. but some angst in it, i don’t care but give me a happy ending pls. also i’m too afraid of scary movies lmao i just read the wikipedia pages
Any special talents? i don’t think so 
Where were you born? Chicago, IL
What are your hobbies? writing, reading, going for walks, daydreaming, learning how to cook things  
Do you have any pets? i’ve got a pug named Bella and i love her very very much 
How tall are you? 5′2″ i am short
What sports do you play/have you played? does being a bad kid count? because i’d have to run from the trouble i caused lol
Favorite subject in school? history!!! absolutely love it 
Dream job? i think it’d be super dope to work for the LF archives! or to work in any archive tbh in like europe or latin america or something 
name: Arianna
nickname: Ari
sexual orientation: queer; i’ve been using bi because that seems the closest to what i feel but it’s not exact :P
nationality: american
favourite fruit: strawberries, mangoes, pineapples
favourite season: spring
favourite plant: idk i really like flowers and i’ve a rose and pansy tattooed on me. i like peonies a lot 
favourite scent: idk, home?  
favourite colour: baby blue, grey, soft pink
favourite animal: honestly idk 
tea, coffee, or hot chocolate: hot chocolate
average hours of sleep: 6-8 about 
favourite fictional character: probably Kylo Ren 
dream trip: going to my mom’s hometown in Mexico! and i’d love to explore latin america, hit up cuba and argentina and PR and DR
when was your blog created: i made this blog like feb 2010 but didn’t start using it till dec 2010 (damn 8 years is a long fucking time wtf)
number of followers: a good amount
random fact: i can’t sleep through the night! i’m always waking up throughout and i didn’t know that counted as a form of insomnia, thnx depression 
what do you do & do you like it: i’m a student getting my masters in library & information sciences, i do like it but i need to see what i can do with it tbh. i’m thinking of going into archives bc that’s a way to keep doing history with my new field 
tagging - @kuresoto @littlemanicmonday @politicalmamaduck @soyeahso @lilithsaur @extrakyloren
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stray-keeds · 6 years
ty for tagging me!! @leefelixprincess
1. Rules: Answer 15 questions and tag mutuals you want to get to know better.
Name: Thalea
Nickname: Lea, Thale, Dumpling, call me what you want tho:/
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Height: 156 cm
Languages: Bahasa and Japanese fluently, I can speak English fluently but i feel like i still have to learn how to use the words correctly/?, and also a little Korea and Mandarin
Nationality: Indonesia!! 
Favorite fruit: Kiwi
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: does iced chocolate count?? I don’t really like hot drinks:(
Favorite season: Indonesia only has 2 season but I’ve always liked being in a cold places so winter??
Favorite scents: bubblegum?? i also love peach and apple
Favorite colors: black and light blue
Favorite animals: dogs!!
Average hours of sleep: depends, i usually sleep for 6 hours on weekends and 8 hours on weekdays, sometimes i can sleep for more than 10 hours tho:/
Number of blankets you sleep with: sometimes 2, but i’m sleeping with 1 currently
Dream trip: Osaka or Seoul
Favorite fictional character: Captain America
Blog established: around January, i guess??
2. ABC Tag, rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to know better♥
Age: 17
Birthplace: Indonesia
Current time: 5:56 PM
Drink you had last: Apple juice
Easiest person to talk to: Rachel mymate @dreamingpotahoe
Favorite song: ummm Lovelyz - That day?? It changes almost everyday 
Grossest memory: eating at a Japanese resto and suddenly a rat running out of their kitchen. i choked on my ramen. 
Hogwarts house: gryffindor or slytherin? Idk i love both of them
In love: with bang chan? yes, absolutely yes
Jealous of people: Tall people. They use me as an armrest wtf 
Killed someone: No
Love at first sight or walk by again: I don’t think i can fall in love at first sight, but crush at first sight tho
Middle name: noooopee
Number of siblings: 3
One wish: confidence. 
Person you called last: my brother
Question you’re asked most: “thalea, can you be normal for at least five minutes? i beg you”
Reasons to smile: family, friends, food, chan
Song you last sang: Taylor Swift - Are you ready for it?
Time you woke up: 5:00 am
Underwear color: blue
Vacation destination: umm.. Seoul??
Worst habit: i like to eat ice cubes, even if the weather is cold, i would still eat it.
X-rays: never had one
Your favorite food: chicken. i l o v e them
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
3. 88 Questions
the last:
1. DRINK: apple juice
2. PHONE CALL: my brother
3. TEXT MESSAGE: my brother
4. SONG YOU LISTENED TO: Mirror - Stray kids
5. THE TIME YOU CRIED: two days ago, because i fucking broke my ipod
have you:
10. BEEN DEPRESSED: yes, it was around two years ago?? i went to a therapist five times a week that time
top 3 favorite colors
12. black
13. blue
14. grey
16. FALLEN OUT OF LOVE: i had to
17. LAUGHED UNTIL YOU CRIED: yes, this actually happened pretty often
23. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS: a lil puppy 
24. DO YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NAME: no. i love my name
25. WHAT DID YOU DO FOR YOU LAST BIRTHDAY: my friends threw a party for my birthday, and they also threw plastics with whipping cream in it at me and i literally spent a hour cleaning myself from whipping cream
26. WHAT TIME DID YOU WAKE UP: 5:00 am everyday
28. NAME SOMETHING YOU CAN’T WAIT FOR: my family vacation
29. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW YOUR MOM: i’m seeing her rn
30. WHAT IS ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE IN YOUR LIFE: i wish i could be more confident:/
lost questions
34. MOLE(S): i actually dont have that many
35. MARK(S): i have a very long scar on my thigh oof
36. CHILDHOOD DREAM: i always wanted to be a designer
37. HAIR COLOR: i have black hair
38. LONG OR SHORT HAIR: does shoulder length counts?
39. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: only kpop idols
40. WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: everything but i like my sarcasm the most
41. PIERCINGS: i got a normal ear piercing on my right eat
43. NICKNAME(S): Thalea, Lea, Thale, Dumpling 
45. ZODIAC: sagittarius
46. PRONOUNS: she/her
47. FAVOURITE TV SHOW: too many D:
48. TATTOOS: nope, don’t have any
49. RIGHT OR LEFT HAND: right handed
50. SURGERY: i had a mouth surgery years ago
51. HAIR DYED A DIFFERENT COLOR: nope, not really interested in dying my hair 
52. SPORT: i play basketball, and i also dance
53. VACATION: i’ve been to Singapore 
54. PAIR OF TRAINERS: my fave is black adidas with white stripes on it
55. EATING: nothing
56. DRINKING: water
57. I’M ABOUT TO: meet my friends
58. WAITING FOR: my next family vacation 
59. WANT: moneyyyy
60. GET MARRIED: i’m still too young??
61. CAREER: currently on highschool.
62. HUGS OR KISSES: both
63. LIPS OR EYES: eyes 
64. SHORTER OR TALLER: taller!!
65. OLDER OR YOUNGER: older but not too old
66. NICE ARMS OR NICE STOMACH: honestly idc both is nice
67. SENSITIVE OR LOUD: more on the louder side 
68. HOOK UP OR RELATIONSHIP: relationship
69. TROUBLEMAKER OR HESITANT: all my life I’ve only crushed on trouble makers i can see a pattern D:
have your ever:
72. LOST GLASSES/CONTACT LENSES: yea, and i can’t go to school for a week
do you believe in:
80. YOURSELF: yes
81. MIRACLES: yea
83. SANTA CLAUS: idk, i want to believe it but i already saw my mother put Christmas gifts in the living room when i’m five so..
85. ANGELS: yes
87. EYE COLOUR: dark brown
88. FAVOURITE MOVIE: Harry Potter and the deadly hallows
I’m will tag my mutuals later, because i don’t know whom to tag so...
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erizee · 7 years
I got tagged by @snowie130 (aand I’m late)
1. drink: pepsi
2. phone call: either my friend or my driver’s teacher, not sure
3. text message: my mom telling me dad is picking me up instead of her
4. song you listened to: YMCA
5. time you cried: last sunday after the sport made me angry and i felt bad about it
6. dated someone twice: lol I never dated anyone ever
7. kissed someone and regretted it: never kissed anyone at all
8. been cheated on: nope
9. lost someone special: yep
10. been depressed: not sure if u mean actual depression or just feeling terrible, but i spent last saturday and sunday mostly crying so
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nope and I hope it won’t happen
Fave colours:
12. blue
13. light brown
14. purple
In the last year have you…
15. made new friends: yessss (friend-wise it was the best year of my life)
16. fallen out of love: the opposite probably
17. laughed until you cried: I’m not sure but probably yes
18. found out someone was talking about you: I’m paranoid enough about that already ok I don’t want to know
19. met someone who changed you: doesn’t everyone change u a little? idk bro
20. found out who your friends are: what
21. kissed someone on your facebook friend list: no kisses, no facebook
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: I don’t have facebook anymore so none i guess?
23. do you have any pets: i used to but they died 2-3 years ago
24. do you want to change your name: nah I got used to it
25. what did you do for your last birthday: saw lego batman with my friends in the cinema and ate pizza and got a lil drunk
26. what time did you wake up today: 6:00 am
27. what where you doing at midnight last night: I wish I could say I wasn’t on tumblr
28. what is something you can’t wait for: being done with school, moving out, starting university, not being single, my ships being canon (esp nygmob)
30. what are you listening to right now: nothing but my playlists are mostly musicals or 80′s pop music right now
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: back when i was still religious there was a guy called tom at bible camp that led one of the groups and i was terrified of him
32. something thats getting on your nerves: the people in my school, maths, my maths teacher (sorry that was my last lesson today so I’m still annoyed)
33. most visited website: tumblr, ao3, youtube and netflix
34. hair colour: orignially middle brown, dyed it to dark brown
35. long or short hair: it goes down to my shoulders but I kinda want to make it shorter
36. do you have a crush on someone: i hate it but yes and i want to die
37. what do you like about yourself: my grades? idk I’m a really fast learner so that’s nice
38. want any piercings? nah but I think I might want to get a tattoo sometime
39. blood type: bru i have no idea
40. nicknames: connibal (cuz i bit someone that one time) and connickel (my name + bunny in german)
41. relationship status: single (pls kill me)
42. zodiac: aquarius
43. pronouns: she/her
44. fave tv show: gotham and hannibal are The Best, atla is eternal fave and brooklynn 99 + the good place + one day at a time are comfort shows (also sense8 is a+++)
45. tattoos: nope
46. right or left handed: left! :D
47. ever had surgery: wisdom teeth
48. piercings: unless the closed holes in my ears count no
49. sport: handball since I was like 5 years old and ice skating is rly cool (literally)
50. vacation: every summer me and my family visit a different place (+ visiting my grandma in eastern germany in autumn or spring)
51. trainers: … what
More General:
52. eating: everything salty or spicy is automatically fave
53. drinking: hot chocolate and pepsi are everything i drink (+ sometimes coffee)
54. i’m about to watch: nothing because I need to sleep soon and I’m running out of things to watch (help me)
55. waiting for: my next exams and gotham
56. want: to move out and have my own place with my own stuff in it
57. get married: yes pls
58. career: i’ll study history so i’ll do whatever I can do with that
Which is better:
59. hugs or kisses: I mean it’s not like I have much experience but hugs are nice
60. lips or eyes: eyes
61. shorter or taller: i don’t really care honestly
62. older or younger: as long as it doesn’t get creepy I don’t care here either
63. nice arms or stomach: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
64. hookup or relationship: relationship
65. troublemaker or hesitant: a mix of both tbh
Have you ever:
66. kissed a stranger: nope
67. drank hard liquor: probably yes (baileys and cocktails and red wine are fave)
68. lost glasses: i don’t need glasses
69. turned someone down: if yes I don’t remember
70. sx on first date: hahahahaahahaha no
71. broken someone’s heart: I don’t think so??
72. had your heart broken: does finding out your crush isn’t single count
73. been arrested: nope
74. cried when someone died: yep
75. fallen for a friend: yea but I was at least 5 years younger than now and that’s basically a baby
Do you believe in:
76. yourself: I try but it doesn’t always work
77. miracles: nah not really
78. love at first sight: idk bro
79. santa clause: not since my childhood friend told me he’s not real when i was like 6
80. kiss on a first date: if u want to, do it? bru idk
81. angels: nope, I’m as religious as a lamp
82. best friend’s name: I can't if my friend is a best friend so (howw)
83. eye colour: blue/grey
84. fave movie: probably megamind wtf
85. fave actor: dgbjdnhekhbn bru i have no goddamn idea, it’s generally my favourite character of the thing I currently watch so everyone in gotham, hannibal, marvel and hamilton
tagging is hard but eh
I tag: @ravenwald @amt149 @kaykaymcdoogle @catcricket @roguepythia @wittygaypuns @idkjustbreath @coffeemaenad @god-hes-such-a-loser @enigmatickal (if you want to)
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brickerbeetle · 7 years
92 truths
rules: once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. 
tagged by: @savageorcacaptain sorry this is so late!! thanks for the tag! <3 LAST…
 [1] drink: water 
[2] phone call: my coworker [3] text message: the Best Friend [4] song you listened to: Michael in the Bathroom ;; [5] time you cried: i am constantly crying id have to specify a time of day HAVE YOU EVER… 
[6] dated someone twice: no 
[7] been cheated on: no(?) 
[8] kissed someone and regretted it: yes [9] lost someone special: yes [10] been depressed: lmao yes [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: yes LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: 
[12] teal [13] grey 
[14] dark red IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 
[15] made new friends: yes! 
[16] fallen out of love: no 
[17] laughed until you cried: yes [18] found out someone was talking about you: no? but i mean its probably happening lbr 
[19] met someone who changed you: yeah i think so 
[20] found out who your true friends are: i feel like i have a pretty good idea 
[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: noooope
 [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: like 3/4 [23] do you have any pets: Yes, a doggo 
[24] do you want to change your name: sure [25] what did you do for your last birthday: went out for dinner 
[26] what time did you wake up: 6:30 
[27] what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping, for once 
[28] name something you cannot wait for: home [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: few weeks ago 
[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: itd be hella cool if i were cuter you know what i mean 
[31] what are you listening to right now: my air conditioner [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: multiple times, yes [33] something that is getting on your nerves: my drapes are open and im too lazy to get up and close them 
[34] most visited website: youtube most definitely 
[35] elementary: uhh yeah i did it [36] high school: that too. well, half of it. decided i was too smart for that shit like some sort of bitchass hot shot and graduated early. lmao why the fuck did i do that 
[37] college: currently doing it 
[38] hair colour: brown 
[39] long or short hair: too long [40] do you have a crush on someone: nothing that i take seriously 
[41] what do you like about yourself? freckles 
[42] piercings: got my ears, but i never wear jewelry so they closed up 
[44] nickname: bricker online, Mac irl (long story) 
[45] relationship status: happy single clam [46] zodiac sign: libra 
[47] pronouns: She/her 
[48] fav tv show: avatar the last airbender or the office [49] tattoos: i want but none yet [50] right or left handed: right handed FIRST…
 [51] surgery: cracked my head open when i was a toddler 
[52] piercing: again, earrings [53] best friend: that butt over in a different country [54] sport: swimming 
[55] vacation: disneyland!!! [56] pair of trainers: wat RIGHT NOW… 
[57] eating: cake 
[58] drinking: Water 
[59] i’m about to: take the doggo to the vet [60] listening to: nothing 
[61] waiting for: the sweet release of death 
[63] get married: hahahahahahahahahaha [64] career: administrative assistant to someone or other 
[65] hugs or kisses: im good 
[66] lips or eyes: eyes 
[67] shorter or taller: taller. i wanna be an amazon [68] older or younger: older 
[70] nice arms or nice stomach: arms 
[71] sensitive or loud: what sort of question is this i am both tyvm 
[72] hook up or relationship: eh 
[73] troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker lbr HAVE YOU EVER…
 [74] kissed a stranger? no 
[75] drank hard liquor? no 
[76] lost glasses/contact lenses? no 
[77] turned someone down: yes. [78] sex on first date? wat no 
[79] broken someone’s heart? no???? im praying???? 
[80] had your own heart broken? no not really 
[81] been arrested? nop [82] cried when someone died? wtf yes [83] fallen for a friend? no DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 
[84] yourself? lol 
[85] miracles? sure why not 
[86] love at first sight? lol no 
[87] santa claus? no. wish i still did. those were the days 
[88] kiss on the first date? sure 
[89] angels? ehhhhhh who knows OTHER…
 [90] current best friend’s name: idk if shes comfortable with me saying on my anime tumblr blog [91] eye colour: brown 
[92] favourite movie: rn wonder woman
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scarlettriot · 3 years
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Along for the Ride PT 6
Pairing: KirishimaxF!Reader
Summary: A fun day on the town ends with a stressful visit from a member of your family.
Contains: Kirishima and Reader both come from very well-off families. Plus-Sized Reader with dyed hair. NB OC. Fluff. Hurt/Comfort. Angst. Anxiety Break. Both Kiri and Reader get a little defensive over each other in their own ways.
Warnings: TW: Manipulative Family Relationships. TW: Body Image Issues. TW: Anxiety Problems & Self-Doubt. 18+ ONLY, minors, leave.
A/N: Finally getting back in the swing of things! Thanks for being here for part six! I don't know why but I feel like making it to six is a big milestone for some reason! NOT ME ALSO REALIZING THIS IS MY LAST FIC OF 2021 AND NOW I'M EMOTIONAL TOO! WTF!
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
Tag list will be posted in comments - Thank you for following along!
W/C: 4,450
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“What next?” Eijiro asked. He had two brown paper bags held in his right hand, filled to the brim with gifts for your friends. He always loved bringing back little surprises whenever he had to go away for missions and apparently, this mission was no different.
In his left hand though, he held a steaming mug of apple cider that the two of you had been sharing. Burning your tongues for the last ten minutes wondering what magic had been cast on it to still make it scalding hot.
After a filling breakfast, you decided to come to the picturesque town looking for a way to pass the day away. You had many a childhood memory from the place but enjoying it with Eijiro, showing him the shops and little historic town facts, that made for a whole new experience. You were on your third lap around now, each time finding a shop you’d missed, or a new activity to try.
“I wanted to stop in the sweets shop before heading back, that okay?”
“Do you really think I’m going to say no to a place that sells chocolate by the pound?” He looked down at the cup in his hand, “You go ahead of me though, I’m gonna see if I can get some ice to cool this off faster.”
He walked back off in the direction of the cart while you ducked into the shop. A middle-aged woman greeted you with a grin on her face that was as inviting as everyone else in the town had been.
There were plenty of treats you could have bought but the confections weren’t the reason you wanted to go in.
The truth was, the sweets shop had been here for as long as you could remember. Even the woman who greeted you, she might not have recognized you but you remembered her when she was twenty years younger, grey had yet to touch her copper hair. She was the owner's daughter, you couldn’t exactly recall her name but you knew who she was.
And just as she was a staple of this place, so was the huge board along the back wall. Full of smiling faces in different decades of dress. People of all ages were scattered about perfectly preserved within the polaroids.
You scanned over each of them until you found the one you’d come in for. The photograph was held in place by a golden pushpin. Easy enough for you to remove. You looked down at your younger self with a bag filled with goodies clutched tightly in your hands and on either side of you stood your grandparents. Their faces squished close to yours.
“Excuse me,” The woman was hurrying towards you, “Please don’t touch those. Some of them are very old!”
“I know,” You told her, “This one’s mine.” You pulled out your ID and showed her it matched the name scrawled on the back.
She offered up quick apologies, “It’s not often we get people taking the photos down...”
“I don’t have many family photos. And my grandmother is no longer with us. Would you mind if I took this one?”
“I’m sorry for your loss, darling. Of course, you may take it! And, I’ll tell you what, a pound of whatever strikes your fancy, on the house.”
You told her that was unnecessary but she insisted.
By the time Eijiro got back you had already picked out the treats you planned on taking back with you. Some for you, a couple for Eijiro, and a whole lot more for Avery.
“Did you get lost?” You chuckled when he offered you the now consumable beverage.
“Not exactly. Avery isn’t the only one to notice me here.” His cheeks were still rosy with blush, “A group of girls asked me for autographs and,”
“And you hate turning away fans. I know, Ei, I know.”
He leaned against the counter with you, and you just knew he’d be shelling out a decent amount of cash. By the time you two were ready to leave, Eijiro had bought nearly ten pounds of goodies. Now, most of those were for Taishiro. But, he planned to horde a few for himself at least.
“You know,” The woman mused as she slid the bag over to Eijiro while her eyes looked towards you, “Since you took that photo from the wall there’s this empty space now,” She reached below the counter and pulled out the old camera. “Would you and your boyfriend mind if I took one of you two to fill it?”
Neither you nor Eijiro corrected her but picked out a confection each and posed. Eijiro picked a cupcake out of the box with buttercream frosting and pulled you to his side as she counted down to one and when it arrived, you shrieked when the flash went off.
Eijiro cackled a laugh while you touched the trail of icing now down the side of your face, “I’m, I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist!”
Despite you threatening his very existence, Eijiro took hold of your chin and kissed your icing coated cheek, his tongue even darted out to get a taste when another flash happened.
“Now that is some good icing!”
“Just wait. Payback’s a bitch, Eiji.” You hissed.
“Is that a threat?”
“You bet your fine ass it is.”
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The sun was already kissing the horizon when you walked back to the jeep, casting long shadows of the trees that started glowing from the white stringed lights coiled around them. Eijiro made some comment about how you guys could stay longer, see the place all lit up at night. He wasn’t even looking at you when he spoke, too busy taking everything in as if you hadn’t spent nearly four hours here already!
With both arms free, souvenirs tucked away in the car, you set off for one more lap around the town. It was nearing six in the evening and with any luck, you could show Eijiro the main event of the night, what made this place really come to life.
“So, what’s it look like here the rest of the year? Is it Christmas town all the time?”
“No, not all the time. In the spring they have a flower festival that goes on for like the entire month of April and do a hot air balloon race the final weekend, the summer is for Independence Day, firework shows, and all that stuff. Fall though, that's really a sight to see, they put up this huge pumpkin at the center of town and kids can climb inside.” You nudged him down a sidewalk that would lead to the giant tree, “The rest of the time though, it’s just a quiet little town.”
“Sounds peaceful.”
“It is. Definitely different from our day-to-day. I don’t even think they’d have a need for heroes here.”
Lower and lower the sun dipped until it had vanished leaving only its glow behind and took the warmth of the day with it. Kids in hats and mittens clutching candy canes went running by and you knew they were eager to get to the tree.
“What’s everyone gathered for?”
Snow crunched underfoot and you tugged him along through the grass just barely poking through to get a good view of the tree. Not that anywhere was a particularly bad view when you were staring at something 80ft tall.
You linked your arm to him and when the bell above the town hall rang out to cry the hour, you pointed to the tree, “Ready?”
Starting from the bottom, thousands upon thousands of lights twinkled to life. They illuminated not only the vast assortment of ornaments but also each and every face in the crowd. Eijiro’s eyes shown brighter than you’ve ever seen them, shimmering with awe and wonder.
They had festivals in Japan, beautiful ones with bright lights that could ignite an evening sky and yet Eijiro still murmured about how beautiful this all was, how he’d never seen anything quite like it.
You stayed for a long while looking at the marvel. After families had gone, you and Eijiro walked closer allowing him a better look at all the decorations and you stood back while he seemed to admire every one of them individually. Elderly couples left their benches, shops closed their doors for the evening until finally, you were some of the only people still around.
“We have the festivals, the little shopping towns, we even have Christmas back home but this,” It was like he couldn’t find the word, “It feels different.”
“There’s nothing quite like Christmas in a small town.”
“Would you come back here with me? Like, we still have a few more weeks until actual Christmas, right? If this is how people act weeks before, I can only imagine how it’ll be on the day.”
“Sure, Eijiro. I’d like that.”
You didn’t clarify if he meant in a few weeks or years down the road because that didn’t even occur to you. He reached out his hand, finally ready to head back to the car, and it didn’t really matter when he meant. You’d go. You’d go anywhere with him whenever he wanted.
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The sound of Eijiro’s stomach complaining filled the jeep after just a few minutes of driving.
“What are you feeling like? Someplace we can sit down? Grab something and take it back to the resort. Or, room service is also always an option.”
“I’m not really hungry.”
He shot you a quick look of annoyance from the driver's side. “That’s bullshit. You’ve barely eaten anything all day. C’mon. You’re favorite place! Name it and we’ll go.”
But, just the thought of eating had your stomach doing backflips, you hadn't even had any of the treats you bought.
Your mother had already sent you a plethora of texts throughout the day. Wondering where you were, what time your flight was getting in, why you hadn’t checked in at the resort yet, and a few particularly pointed ones about how you better not make her look bad. It was only a matter of time before she called you.
You were staring at the messages again, thinking you should have just told her you were already here, it was stupid of you to want a little personal time. You should just answer them to get her to quit but Eijiro had made a good point after her first cross message; you were an adult. Capable of making your own choices.
Doesn’t matter when you respond. You’re already here, you have your dress and everything else. She doesn’t need to know every second of your day.
Just as you were about to pick up the phone and type your response to her, Eijiro’s hand swiped it and put it into his pocket. “What the hell!”
“Dinner. Then you can have your phone back.”
“I’m not a child.”
“Oh, believe me, I know that. But, you're having trouble focusing on what’s important. You need to eat, and none of this, I’m not hungry, crap because I know that’s not true. So, please, tell me what you’d like for dinner.”
“Make a left at the next intersection.” You gave him directions without further argument to a restaurant you knew by heart. “If you give me my phone, I can pull up the menu and we can order it so it’s ready when we get there.”
Eijiro happily handed you a phone but it wasn’t yours. “Don’t give me that look.” He told you, “If you just wanna order food then you can do that from my phone.”
You punched in his passcode and pulled up the online menu while telling him the dishes the restaurant was known for, the ones that you preferred, but you’d already added the ribeye with mashed potatoes and asparagus to the check out before he’d told you.
Before you could dig out your credit card, Eijiro was already handing you his and you didn’t feel like arguing with him about who was going to pay. You’d simply get the next meal.
There was a short wait once you’d arrived before the to-go boxes were all packed up. And you heard it while you were waiting, your ringtone. Eijiro pulled your phone from his pocket and answered it with a smile. “Hey Mina- No, no, everything’s fine. Oh, I know that! It’s 1047- Sure thing. Call if you need anything else.”
“My computer pin?”
“She needed to resubmit your report from when you were injured last week.” And with that, the phone vanished into his pocket again.
It was work talk for the rest of the wait time and for a majority of the drive back. Silly things Denki and Mina had done or how Eijiro had to physically cover Katuski’s mouth during an interview recently. Before you knew it, your phone and the text messages on it were far from your mind.
To the point that you were almost confused when Eijiro handed it back to you the very moment you finished your last bite of dinner, you’d forgotten he even had it. You'd gotten back, changed clothes, set up dinner, and made it through the whole meal without worry.
He left the room with nothing more than a lopsided smile, going up the stairs in search of sweatpants, you’d assumed.
You blinked down at your lock screen. The photo of you and all your friends surrounding a large campfire over the summer was obscured by five text message notifications, three missed calls, and two voicemails. Luckily, two of the texts were from Mina. One to confirm that the report was accepted, the other to remind you that tomorrow would be fine, and to call if you needed emotional support.
The rest, however, were all from your mother. She’d call again soon enough, you were sure of it, and this time you’d answer.
“Hey,” Eijiro was leaning over the banister above you, “Movie or hot tub?”
“Movie first, then hot tub?”
“I like the way you think.”
“I’ll get drinks, you pick the movie this time.”
You’d settled into the sofa, a blanket covering both your laps as John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd took to the screen. With the way Eijiro’s fingers were lightly rubbing at your scalp though, you were starting to think you’d been a little too ambitious. There was a good chance you weren’t you’d even make it to the end of the movie let alone the hot tub afterward!
“Ei, ya gotta stop that.” Even though you were snuggling into his chest. “‘M gonna fall asleep.”
“That’s not a bad thing. If you fall asleep I’ll just take you to bed,” He kissed your temple, shifting and laying down, “‘S no big deal.”
He pulled you down on top of him, lulling you further and further into relaxation, soothed by his hands and the rhythmic rise and fall of your head on his chest until you couldn’t even be bothered to keep your eyes open. It was astounding how one person could make a task such as sleeping so much easier to do. Their warm presence offering the peace of mind you didn’t know you needed.
And that was why when your ringtone shattered that peace you considered crushing it into a million pieces. You sucked in a deep breath, Eijiro kissing your forehead while he reached to hand it to you, “I’m right here.”
“Well, it’s about time you answered. You don’t call your mother back now? You’re not even at the resort! I told you how important it was that you be here, I cannot believe you’re so selfish to not even-”
Eijiro could hear the entire thing, you saw it with how his eyes widened and nostrils flared.
“Hey, mom. Sorry about not getting back to you but I am here.”
“Do you think I’m some kind of imbecile? Your reservation is still unclaimed, I’ve been checking with the front desk every hour since this afternoon and they’ve assured me that you have not checked in yet.”
“That’s because I got in last night or very early this morning, technically.” You explained how they had nothing else available besides the penthouse.
There was a pause and then a laugh bubbled over. “If you're going to lie to me at least make it believable! You’re barely in the top 50 over there and you expect me to believe they pay you well enough that you could afford the penthouse here?”
She hadn’t checked the rankings in almost a year? That really wasn’t a surprise but it still stung. “I’m in the top 25 now. I’m ranked 21 at the moment.”
“Oh! Well, that makes SUCH a difference!”
“Right, it really doesn’t, I know. But, anyway, I am here and I will be there for the wedding tomorrow. Is there anything else?”
“Of course there is!” You rested your head against Eijiro’s knee while she went on, “I need you to let me up to your room so I can bring you your dress for tomorrow and make sure this date of yours has something acceptable as well.”
“Kirishima’s suit is fine, mother. It’s designer, for crying out loud! And, and, I have a dress!”
“Designer? Right, dear, like you’d know designer. I’m sure you have a dress but your cousin has a very specific vision in mind for her very special day and your style isn’t it.”
You were up now, pacing around the coffee table, “You haven’t even seen my dress to know! It’s not black, like you asked!”
“Fine. Come let me up and I will see if it’s suitable. If it isn’t, I expect you to wear what I’ve brought.”
Eijiro tried to grab your hand but you were already storming towards the elevator. Snapping that you were on your way and ending the call. Angry tears were brimming in your eyes but you held them back, there was no way in hell you were giving her the satisfaction of letting her know just how far under your skin she was.
She was waiting in the lobby. The black garment bag that contained some unknown atrocity was draped delicately over an arm while a tan-toed foot tapped with impatience.
Your mother walked over to the elevator door the moment she saw you. “You were supposed to be back to your natural color. Damn it. I don’t have any dye to fix this now and all the salons are closed this time of night..”
“It’s good to see you too, mother.”
"I'm serious, Y/N. You're going to have to get up early and go to the resort salon. It's probably going to take hours to strip this..."
"I am not stripping my color for one day."
"But this is her wedding!"
You swallowed and remembered what Eijiro had said on the plane. "It's her wedding, not mine. I like my hair and I'm keeping it. And I'm not fighting with you about it. Would you prefer me not go at all, because I'd be happy-"
"Just stop talking. Keep your hair then."
By the tenth floor, everyone else had exited leaving the two of you alone for the remaining floors. “How did you afford the penthouse? I get notifications when you access your account and I wasn’t alerted. Do I need to call my advisor?”
“How I afford it is my business. I did not use my trust.”
“Is it this date you brought? God, child, are you in some kind of arrangement with this man? Are you doing that poorly in the hero field?”
There were only two floors left until you arrived but it was enough for your words to get out.
“Say what you will about me, I don’t give a damn, but you will not say a single word about Kirishima, am I clear, mother?” Your voice was ice cold, kept so low even if there was no one else around to hear you. “He’s my best friend and a wonderful man, and I will not have you running your mouth about him.”
If it wasn’t for the slight flick of her brows, you would have assumed she was completely unphased by your words because she certainly didn’t give you any verbal indication she’d heard you. Shit would be said behind both your backs, there was nothing you could do to prevent that but, you’d be damned if you let her disrespect Eijiro in front of either of you after all he’d done for you throughout the years. Everything you two had been through together.
The elevator chimed and the doors swished open revealing the man himself.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, ma’am.” He helped her off the elevator, “My name is Eijiro Kirishima.” You had to hide a chuckle at the ‘finally’ he added.
Your mother never came to the hospital when you were injured in high school, not to your graduation either, she wasn’t there to see you accept any of the awards or other accolades you’d received over the course of your hero career. The two never had a chance to meet. Unlike you and Eijiro’s parents. Those two women were both so damn busy and yet always made the time for their son. Made time for you even once Eijiro let it slip how absent your mother had been.
She seemed to heed your warning though, you saw her judgemental eyes glance over his clearly dyed locks but she merely introduced herself when her mouth opened.
“Well, it’s clear you two were getting cozy so, show me this dress and I’ll be on my way.”
You walked her through to the bedroom off the living room, ignoring her small chirp of surprise at the look of the place. Unzipping the bag but merely showing her the dress was not enough though, in fact, she wouldn’t even look at it on the hanger, she insisted she had to see you in it.
Eijiro excused himself and let the door softly shut behind him leaving you to shimmy out of your clothes and into the velvet gown with only your mother left in the room.
You caught only a glimpse of yourself in the floor-length mirror but you were still in awe of it. Smoothing down the fabric, how soft it was to the touch. “See?” You spun to show the full thing to her, “I have heels so the hem doesn’t drag-”
“Absolutely not.”
Well, that wasn’t shocking but it still stung. “That neckline with your chest? You can’t be serious! And your arms, this is so tight on them! No, no, no, what would you do without me…”
Wear what I’m comfortable wearing.
Just like that, with every word she uttered, the confidence you had in the gown mere seconds ago slipped away.
She opened the bag she bought and you nearly broke out laughing. Now she was the one who had to be insane.
“This? This is what you want me to wear?”
“Yes! The high neck will make you look more modest and the puffy sleeves will obscure your arms. This belt, look how shiny it is, it’ll help distract from your stomach. This dress is going to look so much more flattering on you. And your cousin is hoping everyone will be in natural tones anyways.”
More flattering. That always been her way of saying you needed to cover up, you needed to stay hidden.
“Mother, I just think-”
“It’s clear that you weren’t thinking at all if that’s what you were going to wear.” She dismissed you with a wave of her hand. “Now then, in the bag is also a tie for your date-”
“His name is Kirishima.”
“Yes, whatever, it’s in the bag, as I said. The ceremony begins at eleven sharp so arrive by 10:30 at least. I assume you’ll be doing your own hair and makeup?”
“Fine. You will be expected to be in family photos so don’t do anything too embarrassing.” Her hand was on the door handle and she shook her head at you with another cruel chuckle before turning it to leave. “I cannot believe you, ha, you in that dress. Ridiculous.”
You stood still in the room, not moving a muscle when she said good evening to Eijiro and not when the elevator doors closed. You stood alone in the room for ten minutes and only lifted your head when you heard Eijiro from the doorway. “Holy shit…”
“Yeah. Yeah, I get it. It’s bad. I dunno what I was thinking. I even brought the one from Tetsu-”
“Fuck no! That’s not what I meant! Are you kidding me, Y/N? You actually believe what she said?”
It was easy to believe her, you heard similar words all through your youth. Eijiro lifted your head in his hands so you had to look at him. “It took you years to feel comfortable in your own skin, to be proud of who you are, and now you have people who look up to you! You have fans, sweetie! You have Avery! You’ve got me! Do not let her destroy what you’ve built.”
You smiled through the tears he brushed away, kissing his palm and thanking him for the reminder.
“I still can’t wear it though. It’ll be a huge scene and she’ll probably yell at me to go change like a toddler.”
“Well, you’re wearing it now.” A hand slid around your waist and the other held your hand as Eijiro began to dance. “If you’re gonna insist on wearing the other one, then I think you should at least get some use outta this one!”
He spun you around in grand gestures, making up moves as he went and hollering for his phone to play something to dance to. He took you around the bed, out into the living room, and pulled you up onto the coffee table where you both kicked your feet out laughing along to the song.
Your dress flowed like a red wave around the kitchen and blew in the breeze when Eijiro pulled you through the patio door, out onto the balcony.
With you balanced atop his slipper clad feet, Eijiro swayed back and forth holding you close, your head against his chest.
“I think you should wear this tomorrow.” He mumbled to the top of your head.
“Unless my mother’s dress has a tragic accident, that’s not gonna happen. But, I’m glad you like this one.”
He snickered, “I’m pretty sure you could wear a potato sack and as long as it’s on you I’d love it.” But really, Eijiro took your words to heart… a tragic accident for the dress… yeah, yeah he might be able to manage that.
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payspersonal · 7 years
No One Will Probably Read This.
tagged by: @ediblesuga
rules: answer these 92 statements and tag 10 people ! if there are questions that are too personal or you don’t want to answer, skip them or make a new on
THE LAST (1-5):
drink: Water because I have nothing else in my fridge
phone call: I never call anyone 
text: My dad to say happy birthday
song you listened to: July by Kris Wu  (Because Ipraise that song, Idk why. But hey, it’s my fave Wu Yifan)
time you cried: I teared up watching Sirius die on Harry Potter, because who doesnt?, but actually cried 3 nights ago, I think?
HAVE YOU (6-11):
dated someone twice: Nope
kissed someone and regretted it: Nope
been cheated on: nope
lost someone special: Yeah
been depressed: I’ve got depression so mhm
gotten drunk and thrown up: I dont drink 
made new friends: Not in a long time, I’m seriously boring and never talk to anyone
fallen out of love: I’d actually have to lke someone first so, nope
laughed until you cried: Yes, because sometimes I’ll randomly start laughing and end up on the floor in tears.
found out someone was talking about you: Some of my old friends are gossipers so ya.
met someone who changed you: I’d have to actually get out of my house to meet someone.
found out who your friends are: akmrgiki Some of them, because most of my friends bond over our depression and help each other, so if we have problems with something, we confront each other about it.
kissed someone on your facebook list: Nope
GENERAL (22-34):
how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: There are like two guys I’m friends with but never talked too, but they’re only a year older than me, so those are like the only two.
do you have any pets: I’ve got 3 dogs, but my grandmother has 6 dogs and 1 cat and I help take care of them, so I call them my own
do you want to change your name: Yes, I dislike my first name
what did you do for your last birthday: I saw Johnnie Guilbert live and got clothes from Hot Topic
what time did you wake up: 11:13? Because my insomnia keeps me up all night and I get barely any sleep
what were you doing at midnight last night: Watching The Seven Deadly Sins on Netflix and reading Harry Potter one-shots
name something you can’t wait for: Christmas Break because I start school in 1 week :,)
when was the last time you saw your mom: Yesterday 
what’s one thing you wish you could change in your life: I’d get rid of my mental issues
what are you listening to right now: Bomb by Ravi because it’s bomb
have you ever talked to a person named tom: Don’t think so
most visited website: Wattpad, Tumblr, Spotify and Youtube
moles: Istg, I have some on my neck, chest, back, one on my calf, one on my eyelid, and some on my arms. I have so many.
marks: I’ve got a birthmark under my arm, scar on my chin, scar on my ankle, and scars on my arms
hair color: Dark brown
long hair or short: Long, but I should be getting it trimmed soon
do you have a crush on someone: There would  have to be someone I’d find attractive and personality attractive thats not from K-Pop
what do you like about yourself: Honestly, can’t think of anything
piercings: My ears used to be pierced but I hated earrings as a child, so now they are closed. I want a nose piercing.
blood type: I dont know
nickname: Pay Pay, Favorite Child from one of my friends. and Tall One from my short bestfriend
relationship status: Painfully single
zodiac: Capricorn
pronouns: she/her
favorite tv show: Supernatural or Greys Anatomy because I’ve watched like each season twice
tattoos: No but I’d really like one or a few
right or left hand: Right
surgery: Tonsels taken out, if that counts??
hair dyed in a different color:I’ve died parts of my hair purple, but that never came out, so when I died it red, it looked like pink and purple cotton candy, still does. I plan on dying it blue and purple soon
sport: I used to play softball
vacation: I’ve got another 7 days of Summer vacation before I go back to my own personal heel hole called school
pair of trainers: I hate tennis shoes, but I’ve got Converses and AirWalkers, which is like an older pair of Converses?
eating: I’ve got Salt n Vinegar chips, sour sweetarts, and a can of almonds I’ve been snacking on. 
drinking: Nothing because I finished my water bottle
i’m about to: start writing a draft I’ve been working on, or maybe something new, or work on one of my old works on Wattpad
waiting for: My mom to get back from where she’s living, because I might get to move in with her soon and switch to online school
want: to meet all my K-pop idols and actually write something worth reading.
get married: I want too when I’m older
career: I want to be a doctor, maybe a therapist, so I could help other people, and be like a fictional writer on the side.
hugs or kisses: Both because they can xpress how you feel about someone
lips or eyes: Eyes
shorter or taller: I’m like 5′3″ and I’ve always dreamt of hugging a guy who was taller than me.
older or younger: Older because I’m already a mother hen, and that’d make me want to coddle them more?
nice arms or nice stomach: Both
sensitive or loud: I’m really sensitive, but I can be really loud around my friends when I’m excited, so both
hook up or relationship: Relationship because I’ve got too many feels
troublemaker or hesitant: I’m really hesitant becaue I always overthink, but I tend to find troublemakers hot
HAVE YOU EVER (74-83):
kissed a stranger: Never
drank hard liquor: Never
lost glasses/contact lenses: I always lose my glasses, but I recently accidentally broke me
turned someone down: Yes, I turned this one guy down 7 times then he asked me if I could ask one of my friends out, so like wtf?
sex in the first date: Never have
broken someone’s heart: Probably on of my old best friends, but she was like a total bitch to me and hurt me a lot?
had your heart broken: Not that I can think of
been arrested: I stay in my house way too much to go out
fallen for a friend: Yes,me and him were best friends but now we never talk
yourself: Haha, no
miracles: Sometimes?
love at first sight: Honestly. not really.
santa claus: Havent since I was like 6
kiss on the first date: Sure
angels: I believe in K-Pop, so yes.
OTHER (90-92):
favorite thing to do when you’re bored: Rea/write and listen to music or spend time with my little brother
do you wear socks to sleep: Nope, even tho I’m constantly cold in a hot state
favorite movies: Harry Potter, I can even dialogue it.
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usunkmyship · 7 years
Question thing kill me now
@simply-one-hell-of-a-url tagged me, thanx they you awkward fuck. (ง •̀_•́)ง Rules: Answer these 92 questions and tag 20 people to answer them too @supernatural-misha-11 @atlantis-ice-42 @sunofhades @kitty-heron I have no friends 1. Drink: rose lemonade 
2. Phone call: okay but annoying IF HE FUCKING CRIES THAT HE WANTS YOU BACK 
3. Text message: sublime 👌🏻
4. Song you listened to: in too deep, sum 41 
5. Time you cried: constantly oh look I’m crying right now HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: DOES THE GINGER CUNT COUNT @supernatural-misha-11
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nah 
8. Been cheated on: DOES THE GINGER CUNT COUNT 
9. Lost someone special: hahahahahaha my self esteem 
10. Been depressed: ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: green , blue , ???? Grey? IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yeah 
16. Fallen out of love: hahaha *cough* ginger cunt *cough*
17. Laughed until you cried: who hasn’t ? 
18. Found out someone was talking about you: when aren’t people talking about me I love it cause I’m an ATTENTION WHORE IF YOU HAVENT NOTICED
19. Met someone who changed you: ???
20. Found out who your friends are: eh they’re all dicks no offence bros GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them 
23. Do you have any pets: 
they would die BUT MY BFF HAS 2 ADORABLE CATS 24. Do you want to change your name: EH okay so my name is pretentious as fuck so sometimes yes but sometimes no 
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: I stayed at home and did nothing again 
26. What time did you wake up: ??? 9 ish 
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: READING
28. Name something you can’t wait for: college and marvel films and Voltron season 3 idk lots of stuff 29. When was the last time you saw your mum: like 2 minuets ago 
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: okay so wish I’d have gone to this private all girls school where I live cause my school is a piece of shit and now I probably will never make anything of myself 
31. What are you listening right now: the voice kids UK there are three amazing girls singing a little mix song 
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes ??? Wtf whoever made this has a thing about Tom whoever he is ??? That BOI is either lucky or about to be killed 
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: THEOS sense of humour BOI please be less funny 
34. Most visited Website: Yamam.org
35. Mole/s:nah 
36. Mark/s: SCAR ON MA FACE 
37. Childhood dream: death 
38. Haircolor: brown
39. Long or short hair: mid
40. Do you have a crush on someone: 
did idk maybe there was a cute girl at hockey the other day who looked super gay but she’s too old for me -_- 41. What do you like about yourself: ??? Nothing , everything TELL ME IM PRETTY 
42. Piercings: non but I want some 
43. Bloodtype: idk they don’t tend to tell u that shit in the UK unless you get ill 
44. Nickname: Jem , mim, jerimoo jeBourbon biscuit 
, jemormon , the list is endless 45. Relationship status: non 
46. Zodiac: Capricorn 
47. Pronouns: she her 
49. Tattoos:non but I want some 
50. Right or left hand: RIGHT IS SUPIRIOR
51. Surgery: *surgeon simulator music plays dramatically*
52. Hair dyed in different color: OKAY SO I DID DYED MY HAIR AQUA TODAY 
53. Sport: field hockey and dance 
54. (question wasn’t here) *X-FILES THEME*
55. Vacation: some where not hot not cold that’s not boring 
56. Pair of trainers: ???????? I’d rather wear docs MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: no food it’s discussing the more tasteless the better 
58. Drinking: water with 2 (two) ice cubes 
59. I’m about to: do nothing with my life again 
62. Want: to cry idk??
63. Get married: yes with my so and if I never achieve that with Theo platonically love you BAE 
64. Career: ugh idk ? Museum curation ? Dancer ? WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses:hugs I love hugs I need a hug 
66. Lips or eyes: why not both 
67. Shorter or taller: TALL PEOPLE ARE GOOD 
68. Older or younger: what does this even mean ?
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: stomach ?
71. Sensitive or loud: why not both 
72. Hook up or relationship: eww people 
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: WHY NOT BOTH …………………………….…. .… ………….. HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: NOPE 
75. Drank hard liquor: NOPE 
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: JINKIES MY GLASSES 
77. Turned someone down: ye
78. Sex on the first date: nah 
79. Broken someone’s heart: ye he left me a voice mail of him crying and we weren’t even really dating we never even kissed 
80. Had your heart broken: eh??? Do I have a heart to break ?
81. Been arrested: nah 
82. Cried when someone died: does it count if your the one that died?????
83. Fallen for a friend: yes but also https://youtu.be/Nrogx1VH9PU DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: 😂😂😂 
86. Love at first sight: nah 
88. Kiss on the first date: ? OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: THEO YOU DICKHEAD I LOVE YOU 
91. Eye color: jade green 
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