D&D 5a
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dnd5a · 2 months ago
Patch 3.9 - Overwhelming Intellect
After a long wait, this patch is about ready to push. This patch features some much-needed changes to Tactician and a rework of Mystic, alongside a number of other new changes and additions.
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Buff - Arcane Infusion Artificers can now have more infused items overall, for around 1-2 additional infusions across all levels
Adjustment - Artificer Specialisation: Transmortalist Transmortalist Power Gauntlets and Power Legs now function as weapons, rather than augmentations to Unarmed Strikes
Nerf - Astrological Sigil: Sigil of the Watcher Gaze of Stars no longer deals damage. The damage was just adding bloat to an already very strong ability
Buff - Primal Path: Path of Pain Your Resilience Meter now also heals you if your rage ends while it has hit points (but not if you're knocked unconscious)
Buff - Bloodhunter Order: Order of the Exorcist Is now a limited half-caster
Buff - Bloodhunter Order: Order of the Hemomancer Is now a limited half-caster
Nerf - Divine Spark Divine Spark's damage was a bit too explosive for something a Cleric can be expected to do multiple times per short rest. The bonus damage has been reduced from an amount equal to your level to an amount equal to your proficiency bonus.
Buff - Fighter Archetype: Eldritch Knight Is now a limited half-caster
Buff - Gunslinger Trail: Spellslinger Is now a limited half-caster
Nerf - Holy Visage: Visage of Blades Falling Gavel now only deals damage on a failed saving throw, rather than as an augmentation to the attack's damage itself
Buff - Holy Visage: Visage of Steel Visage of Steel was fairly lacklustre in overall power and has received these changes:
Divine Steel now grants a flat, scaling reduction to all damage while it's active.
Interjecting Shield now has no limit on its uses. This will need further testing.
Lustershield now increases the damage reduction of Divine Steel and grants temporary hit points to the target of your Interjecting Steel.
Buff - Holy Visage: Visage of Zeal Staunch Allegiance now has no limit on its uses. The subclass' capstone has also been completely reworked
Buff - Martial Arts Now starts at a d6 damage die, scaling up to a d12
Removed - Improved Ki-Empowered Strikes No longer necessary after the aforementioned buff
New - Martial Arts Master Now allows you to make your bonus action Unarmed Strike as a part of the Attack action, including Flurry of Blows, if you choose to use it. This gives Monks a huge lateral boost to flexibility, allowing them to use subclass features and Ki Techniques like Patient Defence or Step of the Wind without sacrificing large chunks of their damage output.
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Mystic has received a major redesign geared around making its powers more flexible. The class now uses Psi Points to fuel its powers, with each power having a base cost and a "tax" that increases its cost each time it's used. Upgrading powers can reduce the base cost and/or tax of a power
Buff - Psychic Blast No longer requires sight
New - Mental Recuperation The tax of your powers is halved whenever you finish a short rest
Rework - Natural Talent: Beast Tamer Beast Tamer is now a Minor Feat. This talent gives you that feat for free, except the Beasts you tame are your Companions.
Buff - Roguish Archetype: Arcane Trickster Is now a limited half-caster
Rework - Roguish Archetype: Scoundrel Scoundrel's Blade has now been rolled into the Thrown Arms Master feat. A new fluff feature: Pitcher and Catcher, has been added in its place.
Buff - Samurai Code: Code of the Sword Saint Is now a limited half-caster
Buff - Sorcerous Origin: Entwined General rework to Entwined Arts for better wording and overall power, including a new Art: Threaded Volley
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Extensive testing has shown that, while Tactician is fun and brings a lot to the table, its abilities are often too limited and long-winded. A number of largely-useless features have been replaced with new features, including Mind's Eye, Piercing Eye, and Improvised Plan.
Buff - Perfect Plan You now have Perfect Plan dice equal to your Intelligence modifier, scaling to include your Proficiency Bonus from 5th level onwards
Rework - Analyze No longer grants damage bonuses and instead grants you an extra reaction each round for using your Perfect Plan to affect rolls made against the analyzed creature
New - Quick Assessment Lets you take the Search and Study actions as a bonus action
Rework - Resilient Mind Now instead grants advantage against charmed, frighten, and stunned, as well as against enchantment and illusion spells
New - Deep Analysis The trait analysis section of old Analyse is now here.
Rework - Advanced Planning Techniques Now increases the size of your Perfect Plan dice by one when rolling in the chosen area or against the chosen creature
New - Guiding Hand Lets you use Guiding Guile when you take the Help action. Also lets you take the Help action as a bonus action by spending a Perfect Plan die.
New - Backup Plan Refunds failed Perfect Plan dice from ability checks
Rework - Ultimate Knowing Now grants you a free Perfect Plan you can spend on yourself for free each turn and all attacks against you have disadvantage
Rework - Strategic Focus: Grandmaster A number of abilities have been exchanged between this subclass and War Mind.
Buff - Strategic Focus: Scholar Is now a limited half-caster
Rework - Strategic Focus: War Mind A number of abilities have been exchanged between this subclass and Grandmaster.
Buff - Vanguard Archetype: Arcane Guardian Is now a limited half-caster
Fix - Pact of the Chain Familiars now also get scaling Hit Dice to match their scaling hit points from the last patch
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New - Beast Tamer Taken from the Ranger's Natural Talents. Lets you quickly and easily tame a CR 0 Beast to be your pet
New - Crafter Halves the time it takes you to craft nonmagical items
New - Dilettante Grants you Jack of All Trades on one skill each day
New - Early Riser Allows you to sleep only 4 hours each night and grants you extra Hit Dice on a long rest
New - Favourite Spell Lets you choose a Favourite Spell, giving you bonuses to casting it and, if you're high enough level, letting you cast it once per day for free
Nerf - Gambler Removed the advantage on Deception during gambling due to it doubling with the pre-existing bonus to the Gambling Downtime Activity
Rework - Inspiring Leader Can now target any number of creatures, but can only be used once per day
Nerf - Mobile No longer makes you immune to one creature's opportunity attacks and instead grants disadvantage to all opportunity attack made against you
New - People Watcher You're good at remembering faces and tracking through crowds
Nerf - Skilled Now grants only two skill proficiencies, instead of three. This matches better with the other skill feats.
Buff - Tavern Brawler Now grants you Unarmed Strikes a d6 damage die
Buff - Thrown Arms Mastery Increases the damage die of your thrown weapons by one size. Taken from Scoundrel Rogue.
New - Books Provides more pricing for blank books, as well as smaller pocket-books
Buff - Chain Shirt Now costs only 25 gp
Buff - Light Hammer Now deals d6 damage to match Handaxes
Nerf - Oniblood The Gangling Limbs Oniblood Mutation has been split into two parts: the increased reach and the increased base speed
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This patch features a number of new spells added for inclusion to Arcana Esoterica. The next patch will feature a significant number of spell adjustments and reworks also from this upcoming book.
New - Decay 2nd-level necrotic damage over time with no initial save
New - Guiding Grace Cleric exclusive cantrip that grants advantage on the next attack against enemies in a small cube that fail a save
New - Lodestone 1st-level spell that creates an object that debuffs ranged attacks in an aura around it until destroyed
New - Nystul's Analysis 3rd-level spell that costs 25 gp to cast, but scans and identifies all magic in a 10-foot-radius sphere
New - Otiluke's Gale Sphere 3rd-level sphere of wind that damages and pushes people around. You can move it
New - Polar Night 5th-level spell that creates nonmagical darkness in a huge area and damages creatures over time with cold
New - Predictive Bolt 2nd-level damaging divination spell that marks an area. When something passes into the area, you can use your reaction to attack them, doing notable damage and ending the spell
Nerf - Salvo Now only affects a 5-foot-radius sphere
New - Sever 6th-level spell that deals huge force damage to a single target with the potential to cut them in half. Can also cut objects in half
New - Snowy Squall 1st-level spell that hits a 30-foot line with cold damage and halved speed
New - Static Stupor 8th-level spell that deals minor damage and paralyzes a large cube
New - Unveil 3rd-level spell that instantly reveals the location of any hidden or invisible creatures in an area around you. Can also reveal a disguised creature's true identity
New - Wall of Dirt 2nd-level spell that creates a flimsy wall of earth
Buff - Wounding Bolt Now simple called "Wounding," this spell is no longer concentration and its save is built into the damage it takes
New - Zeal 3rd-level spell that grants a creature 30 temporary hit points and blesses them with a d6 bonus to all attacks, checks, and saves while the temp lasts
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Rework - Exhaustion Exhaustion levels no longer have distinct effects. Instead, each level of exhaustion is a flat -2 to all rolls and a -5 ft. penalty to speed. You still die at 6 levels
New - Expanded Generic Objects Generic Objects now have more detailed resistances, immunities, and vulnerabilities, as well as recommended damage thresholds
Rework - Falling Injuries When you take falling damage, you gain one injury for every 5 damage taken from the fall
Buff - Hiding If you're hidden when combat starts, you gain advantage on initiative rolls
Rework - Prone You now don't have disadvantage to hit a prone creature if you're more than 5 feet away. However, prone creatures can choose to take up a defensive position while prone to gain this bonus again
Rework - Surprise Being surprised no longer makes you incapacitated. Instead it just gives you disadvantage on initiative
Rework - Weapon Sizes There are no specific terms for weapons that are too large or small: Outsized and Extremely Outsized. You can't be proficient with Outsized Weapons and you can't even use Extremely Outsized Weapons. This change was made both to discourage cheesing using larger weapons and to prevent Invokers and Blade Warlocks from summoning large weapons
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dnd5a · 10 months ago
Patch 3.8 - Ranger's Path
This patch features revisions and additions to items, a (hopefully final) major overhaul to Ranger, and some other assorted changes.
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New - Chemist Alchemists can now make magical potions in less time and using less money, similar to how Artificers can make magic items
New - Artificer Specialisation: Eldritch Engineer A summoner Artificer that creates a swarm of Far Realm monsters
Nerf - Primal Path: Path of the Witchblood Eldritch Instincts can no longer trigger while you're incapacitated
Nerf - Battle Outlets: Biting Grit Biting Grit no longer functions if you're wearing armour.
Presentation - Extra Attack Now called Arcane Attack to differentiate it from other variants of Extra Attack
New - Bloodhunter Order: Order of the Clot A summoner Bloodhunter that sacrifices their own health to summon weak servants
Rework - Bloodhunter Order: Order of the Goreblade Bloodletting Bolt removed, replaced with a new feature that lets you customise your Goreblade with better traits and damage dice
Nerf - Divine Domain: Peace Domain Emboldening Bold is now an augmentation to the bless spell, effectively reducing its power without actually making the ability itself much worse
Buff - Divine Arms Divine Arms now last for 1 hour
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Ranger has gone through multiple huge changes over its life and this (hopefully) final change should bring it in line with what I'm looking for. Ranger's bevvy of largely useless features have been turned into optional side features called Talents, freeing up the rest of the class for actually good features.
Removed - Various Features Favoured Enemy, Natural Explorer, and a number of other features have been removed and turned into Natural Talents
New - Natural Talents Invocations for Ranger: Natural Talents take a number of fluff Ranger features and turn them into optional features.
New - Versatile Hunter Makes your Hunter's Quarry more flexible by letting you move it between downed enemies like you can with hex and hunter's mark, but only within a few minutes and letting you place it as a part of your Ambuscade without using a bonus action
New - Wild Assault Takes the options for Hunter's Multiattack, with a new added option: Rending Attack, and adds them to the main class
New - Ranger's Defence Takes the options for Hunter's Hunter's Defence and gives it to the base class
Adjustment - Ranger Conclave: Conclave of the Horizon Walker Portal Sense now gives you the spell detect portals for free and lets you cast it without a spell slot once per day
Removed - Ranger Conclave: Conclave of the Hunter Abilities either added as Natural Talents or added to the base class in Wild Assault or Ranger's Defence
Buff - Ranger Conclave: Conclave of the Swarmkeeper Gathered Swarm can no move you up to 10 feet. Writhing Tide now grants you a flying speed equal to your walking speed, but can only be used once per short or long rest.
Buff - Daring Exploits Exploit Limits removed. Rogues can now spend 2-3 Gambit dice on Exploits as soon as you have the Gambit dice to spend on them
Nerf - Focused Sorcery Now grants you half you maximum sorcery points after a short rest, but only once per long rest.
Buff - Pact of the Chain Familiars now gain new hit point maximums equal to 5 + five times your Warlock level. To compensate the reaction ability to give them resistance to a damage type has been removed.
Rework - Otherworldly Patron: The Great Old One New 1st-level feature, Aberrant Presence lets you use a bonus action to bane an enemy's attacks and ability checks and then punishes them for failing attacks and checks. Furthermore, Create Thrall has been made incredibly spicy
Nerf - Eldritch Invocations: Void's Kiss Damage reduced by 1d10
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Downtime Activities
New - Buying an Item DC modifiers for searching for specific types of magic items have been created
New - Crime Rules defined for Scams, a variant to Crimes
New - Research Can situationally use Charisma instead of Intelligence, but the DCs for doing so are higher
New - Selling Magical Services Downtime Activities for spellcasters who might otherwise have very little to do
New - Cunning Artisan Lets you make simple items during a short rest from scavenged materials like bone, wood, and stones
New - Mage Knight Grants you the cantrip extra attack available to Astromancers a limited number of times per day
New - Alchemical Items and Poisons A section has been created for alchemical items and poisons, including rules on different ways you can apply them
Presentation - Equipment Size Armour and weapons for larger and smaller creatures are now on the Items page, rather than buried in the Rules page. Should make playing Large creatures easier now. It also means that Small characters get discounts on their armour.
New - Prosthetics New prosthetics options are now on the Injuries page
Buff - Spell Scrolls Spell scrolls can now be used by any one and a creature can instantly read a spell scroll if it's on their class's spell list
Buff - Weapons Certain weapons now have the Deadly trait, which increases their critical hit range. These weapons are: daggers, darts, greatclubs, morningstars, shurikens, sickles, slings, tridents
Buff - Gnomes Regular gnomes now get a full suite of spells, rather than only minor illusion. They also get silent image and Nathair's mischief
New - Grung Added variant to Bullywugs
Buff - Reborn Now get darkvision and Knowledge from a Past Life works on tools
Rework - Action: Search New clarification on what exactly you can search for as an action
New - Action: Study Clarification on what kind of Intelligence checks you should be making for what topic
Gods of the Multiverse
An all new page featuring details on the deities of the various Material Planes within the multiverse.
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Nerf - Althaea's Spellnode Area of effect reduced to 30 feet. Damage reduced to d8s and temporary hit points reduced to d4s
Removed - Astrabolts Too cumbersome
Buff - Compulsion You now have far greater control over individual targets and where they go
Rework - Contaminate Food and Drink Simplified and depowered
Nerf - Fear Now get a save at the end of the turn no matter what and save is with advantage if you can't see the caster
Rework - Find Traps Now grants you a +5 bonus to Intelligence and Wisdom checks made to find traps, rather than its formerly useless effect
Adjustment - Fury Gale Now extinguishes flames
Buff - Gentle Repose Given to Shaman
Buff - Gomez's Scattered Sand Is now a bonus action
Buff - Horrorblade Now deals more damage and grants the wielder a bonus action ability to frighten enemies
Nerf - Leomund's Tiny Hut Now grants no physical protection, making it far less of a free safety spell
Nerf - Lesser Restoration Can now only cure injuries once per day per target
Nerf - Modify Spell Can now only modify spells of 5th level or lower and modified spells end when their modifications end
Buff - Nether Void Now lets you disappear for a round, then reappear wherever is most convenient
Nerf - Permanency Now only works on spells with a duration of at least 1 minute
Buff - Reinforce Object Casting time reduced to 1 action. Level reduced from 3rd to 1st. Spell now scales faster
Buff - Shattersong Overall damage increased from d6s to d10s
Buff - Spider Climb Given to Druids
Rework - True Strike Is now a Spellblade spell as it is in OneD&D, making it very good on certain classes
Buff - Tseric's Seething Objection Now resolves before the triggering damage. Spell's damage slightly reduced
Buff - Weaken Gravity Area reduced. Spell level reduced from 3rd to 2nd.
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dnd5a · 1 year ago
Patch 3.7 - Proud Wildbonder
This patch features a new class, the Bonded, various spell changes, and new rules for Bastions: proper bases.
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New - Ruined A ruined is someone whose life was ruined in some terrible event. Think of the thematic midpoint between Haunted One, Noble, and Urchin.
New - Primal Path: Path of the World Tree Summon aspects of the world tree to teleport enemies and allies.
Buff - Primal Path: Path of the Wild Soul All Wild Surge effects have been buffed with more effective scaling
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This class is designed around your Manifestation, a permanent Companion that is customisable with a creature type, invocation-style abilities, feats, and unique "evolved" forms that let it temporarily grow stronger.
New - Gunslinger Trail: Bombardier Fire explosive rounds. Pretty self-explanatory.
New - Monastic Discipline: Dextrous Hand You can use Dexterity for Grappling and Shoving.
Rework - Monastic Discipline: Way of the Elements Taken inspiration from the OneD&D version. Redesigned around a new elemental stances that function similarly to Arms of the Astral Self.
Rework - Monastic Discipline: Way of the Long Death Completely redesigned around a deathly mantle ability that functions somewhat like Arms of the Astral Self
Rework - Monastic Discipline: Way of Shadow Redesigned around casting darkness and moving it, allowing you to teleport more easily without pre-existing shadows.
Buff - Arcane Tradition: School of Necromancy You get to animate dead and create undead for free at the levels you would normally get access to them. Your undead also gain magical damage.
Buff - Magical Trick: You can now choose tinker
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New Spells
Bar the Gate: Added from Sigil and the Outlands. Originally called gate seal
Create Undead: Returning redesigned to match the new changes to animate dead (see below)
Detect Portals: Added from Sigil and the Outlands. Originally called warp sense
Flock of Familiars: Added from Lost Laboratory of Kwalish, with some changes
Fount of Moonlight: A 4th-level spirit shroud-like spell for Astromancers, Bards, and Druids
Permanency: Make a spell permanent
Power Word Fortify: Bard spell that gives huge amount of temporary hit points spread around multiple creatures
Starry Wisp: Cantrip for Astromancers, Bards, and Druids
New Odic Spells
Dying Spark: Take energy from a dead or dying creature as a reaction to damage creatures around the dead or dying creature
Final Spark: High-damage AOE that is powered up the more spent and the more damaged you are
Fount of Life: Instantly resurrect any number of creatures around you
Ignite Soul: Damage over time spell that allows repeat saving throws until three are failed, after which it lasts for 1 minute
Life Grasp: Low-damaging spell that reduces speed to 0
Lotus of Death: A high-damage AOE that restores a significant amount of hit points to you
Ond Resurgence: Instantly grants you a short rest
Vital Lance: Line spell that hits the closest creature in the line, moving to the next if that creature succeeds. Also goes through solid surfaces
Reworked Spells
Buff - Acid Stream: Now available to warlocks
Buff - Antagonize: Now grants disadvantage on the next attack roll if they can't use their reaction to make the attack
Nerf - Consign: Can't send things to other planes
Clarification - Control Device: The device's task can take up to a minute
Rework - Disintegrate: Is now a line spell that affects the first target in the line. If its a creature that beats its save, the beam moves to the next target in the line
Rework - Dream of the Blue Veil: Is now a Mythic spell and doesn't require a creature or object from that world, just your knowledge of it
Nerf - Ego Whip: Doesn't give disadvantage on its own saving throws
Rework - Enrage: Now gives you bonus damage when you attack the creature instead of all creatures.
Nerf - False Blood: Is now a Mythic spell
Adjustment - Find Familiar, Find Steed, and Find Greater Steed: Your Familiar or Steed can now be an Elemental.
Buff - Geas: Can now deal damage multiple times per day. Now gives exhaustion (up to five levels) for each disobedience and the damage scales from 1d10 to 5d10 based on the exhaustion of the target.
Nerf - Genesis: Is now a Mythic spell
Nerf - Hayzenbyrg’s Unfathomable Intelligence: Is now a Mythic spell
Nerf - Levitate Landscape: Is now a Mythic spell
Buff - Metaburst: Buffed to 5d4 from 4d4
Clarification - Nystul's Diminutive Possession: Target must be free-standing and not affixed to anything
Rework - Poison Spray: Is now an attack roll with a range of 30 feet
Nerf - Planeshape: Is now a Mythic spell
Fix - Project Aspect: Removed a redundant line of text
Buff - Project Barrier: Is now a bonus action and lasts for 10 minutes
Nerf - Salvo: Radius reduced from 10 feet to 5 feet
Clarification - Stepping Stone: No. You can't stand on the rock as you attack with it
Nerf - Transcend: Is now a Mythic spell
Buff - Tsunami: Initial damage increased and the tsunami shrinks less each round
Buff - Wall of Ice: Now available to Druid and Sorcerer
Buff - Wildergrow: Explosion is now optional
Nerf - Wish: Is now a Mythic spell
Nerf - Xenogamy: Is now a Mythic spell
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New - Bastions Adapted from rules in OneD&D playtests, Bastions are proper base-building mechanics for D&D 5e, including benefits for special facilities and managing those facilities.
New - Mythic Spells A new spell tag for spells that can't simply be learned or prepared. You have to gain them via scrolls, divine intervention, or being taught them
Rework - Passive Hearing and Smell Simplified
Rework - Siege Weapons Proficiency now applies to siege weapons too
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dnd5a · 1 year ago
Patch 3.6 - Life and Limb
This patch features overhauls to multiple classes, many of which are inspired by changes made in One D&D Unearthed Arcana posts. It also features new and revised spells, new feats, and an update to the rules page.
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Small update to two backgrounds in accordance with a change to the rules.
Buff - Sailor and Soldier Now grant you a list of optional two proficiencies which includes siege weapons
Buff - Curse: Darkened Soul Umbral Mutations have been buffed. Most notably, Dark Strike can now be used as a part of your bonus action to enter Shadowform.
New - Alchemical Pursuit: Botanist Previously an Artificer subclass, Botanist has been redesigned and ported over to Alchemist. You plant magic seeds that give allies temporary hit points which, at higher levels, you can animate as awakened shrubs.
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Artificer has received a major overhaul that should provide it with a more concrete class identity.
Rework - Magical Tinkering Magical Tinkering has been turned into a cantrip that artificers get for free called tinker.
Rework - Flash of Genius Flash of Genius is now artificer's core class feature that they get access to at 3rd level. It functions similarly to Channel Divinity and Channel Nature, in that it has multiple uses that scale with level and it recovers on a short rest. Flash of Genius has two abilities: Eureka Moment, which has the same effect Flash of Genius originally had of boosting ability checks reactively; and Retool, which lets you swap out your infusions over 1 minute. Many subclasses also use Flash of Genius in some way. At 7th level, you can use Eureka Moment to affect saving throws and you can use Retool once per day to swap a prepared spell.
Removed - Right Tool for the Job Right Tool for the Job has been removed from the base class and turned into a 1st-level spell called multitool. Unlike tinker, artificers don't get it for free. It must be prepared.
New - Artificer Specialisation: Agent A stealth-focused artificer that gains the ability to turn invisible for short periods of time, cast spells with no verbal or somatic components, phase through attacks, and teleport.
Revert - Artificer Specialisation: Armourer The extra armour models gained at 11th level have been removed and replaced with more features that enhance the Guardian and Infiltrator models.
Revert - Artificer Specialisation: Artillerist The extra kinds of Eldritch Cannon have been removed.
New - Artificer Specialisation: Stitcher A necromancy-based artificer that can create a powerful zombie minion from the corpses of enemies, splicing monster traits and attacks onto them.
New - Artificer Specialisation: Tattooist An artificer that gains access to all the Tattoo magic items for infusions, as well as the ability to place a magical mark on the battlefield that either protects allies or boosts damage against enemies.
New - Artificer Specialisation: Weaponsmith A martial artificer that enhances their weapons with special tricks. At higher levels, they can create a weapon that transforms between two shapes at will, each with its own trick.
New - Infusions Multiple new infusions have been added, including a bounce pad, x-ray goggles, an artificially intelligent helmet, a drone, and a demiplane maker.
New - Spellblade Exemplar Now gives you one free Spellblade cantrip at 5th level.
New - Astrological Sigil: Sigil of the Malign An astromancer that can bane their enemies with their sigil and damage those enemies when they fail checks.
New - Primal Path: Path of the Giant From Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants, Path of the Giant lets you grow to Large size, use thrown weapons, and hurl allies and enemies around.
Rework - Primal Path: Path of the Stormcaller Reworked to remove dead levels, add new spellcasting abilities, and overall empower the worse of the two storm abilities.
New - Primal Path: Path of the Whirling Death A barbarian that builds up flourish points they can spend on a variety of abilities, such as bonuses to AC, taunting effects, free movement, and an execute ability.
Buff - Battle Outlets: Reckless Attack Now gives you advantage on all attacks you make until the start of your next turn, so that it's symmetrical with the advantage enemies gain against you.
Bard has received a soft-rework, adding a few new features to the core class.
New - Folklore A fluff ability gained at 1st level that gives Bards a baseline level of knowledge on a very specific topic
Rework - Countercharm Moved to 8th level, but now also works on the frightened condition.
New - Bardic College: College of the Chorus A bard that gains special benefits when they're concentrating on spells, namely improvements to their Bardic Inspiration.
Removed - Bardic College: College of Lore College of Lore has been removed, with its core abilities collapsed into base bard. Cutting Words is gained at 5th level and Peerless Skill is gained at 12th level.
Rework - Channel Divinity Harness Divine Power and Ward the Faithful have been removed. At 2nd-level, you now gain Turn Foe, whatever Channel Divinity options are provided by your subclass, and a new option: Divine Spark, which heals allies or damages enemies.
New - Holy Orders A third level feature that replaces the free proficiencies granted by certain Domains. Choose Protector for martial weapon, heavy armour, and tower shield proficiency, Scholar for skills and a free reroll of a mental ability check, or Thaumaturgy for a free cleric cantrip and an extra use of Channel Divinity once per day. The orders all improve at 8th level.
New - Divine Domain: Philosophy Gain points you can spend on buff and debuff effects, use your Channel Divinity to charm or frighten enemies or counter their spells.
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After the previous update wasn't able to fix druid's problem with Wildshape, this update takes the previous version and the OneD&D changes and combines them together into a new version of druid.
New - Channel Nature Druid now has its own equivalent to Channel Divinity, which fuels its features instead of Wildshape.
Buff - Wild Companion Now available at 1st level and uses Channel Nature.
Rework - Wildshape Wildshape now has two options: Beast and Essence. Beast form is as it was previously, except it gives you a Ward instead of temporary hit points, you can cast spells in beast form, and most of the benefits of Moon druid have been ported over. Essence form grants you a flat bonus to AC and gives you a bonus action cantrip-like attack that lets you manipulate the terrain.
Furthermore, Wildshape now scales higher at 4th, 8th, and 10th level, all of which grant you two modes new abilities and benefits.
New - Healing Blossoms At 3rd-level, you can spend Channel Nature to heal allies in an area of effect.
New - Wild Resurgence At 15th level, you can use Healing Blossoms for free whenever you Wildshape.
Rework - Druid Circle: Circle of the Moon Grants you extra uses of Wildshape, makes your Beast form Ward more powerful, gives you the ability to make attacks from your form as a bonus action, and gives you bonus Radiant damage on attacks.
Buff- Druid Circle: Circle of Omens Now gains access to omen charges more easily.
Buff - Druid Circle: Circle of the Stars Now grants you its benefits when you're in Essence form.
New - Druid Circle: Circle of the Trees Lets you transform into a Huge tree instead of a Beast when you enter Beast form. Your form scales with level and protects allies that are near it.
Buff - Druid Circle: Circle of the Wildfire The Wildfire Spirit scales much better. Burning Bond is now available at 2nd level and Cauterizing Flames is now available at 6th level. Burning Heart, the new 10th-level feature, gives you resistance to fire damage and free healing whenever you use Burning Bond.
Buff - Second Wind Now has multiple uses that scale with your level and can also be used to add a d10 to a failed ability check.
Removed - Fighter's Prowess Replaced by Second Wind's new effect
Rework - Indomitable Now costs a use of Second Wind, but lets you add half your fighter level to the rerolled saving throw.
Buff - Fighter Archetype: Eldritch Knight Now gains the extra attack cantrip with their bonded weapon at 5th level.
Buff - Fighter Archetype: Psi-Warrior Telekinetic Movement is now a bonus action.
Buff - Take Cover Now available at 1st level
New - Fighting Styles Now gains access to Archery, Defence, and Two-Weapon Fighting.
New - Gunslinger Trail: Trail of the Safeguard Lets you mark an area for Covering Fire, which lets you attack anyone who steps into the area. At higher level, your Covering Fire area gives half cover to allies and you can attack enemies in the area who attack your allies too.
Rework - Gunslinger Trail: Trail of the Virtuoso Your trick points now don't stack damage and instead stack critical hit range. Ricocheting Shot has been moved to 3rd level. Perfect Shot now increases the damage of your critical hits. Curtain Call now lets you double your critical hit range at the cost of 4 grit points.
New - Monastic Tradition: Way of Truth Lets you extra threads of a creature's true name and use them to fuel various features.
New - Sacred Oath: Oath of the Paragon Lets you be a more support-oriented paladin with temporary hit points, bonuses to Lay on Hands, and various other benefits.
Buff - Projection Illumination Now has a variable range that you can choose each time you use it.
Rework - Facet: Paroxys Facet Instead of grappling, the tendrils now slow enemies in the area, give them penalties to attack, and you can pull them around with your bonus action.
New - Roguish Archetype: Faceless Gives you changeling-like abilities and mind-altering magic.
Buff - Roguish Archetype: Phantom Ghost Walk now gives you appropriate condition immunities.
New - Roguish Archetype: Slayer Lets you survey the battlefield to gain points you can spend for free attacks, advantage, and other benefits.
Buff - Daring Exploit: Poisoned Strike Lets you put an injury poison onto your weapon as a part of the attack. With more dice, you can give them disadvantage on their saving throw or you can apply a poison to another weapon.
Buff - Daring Exploit: Serrated Strike No longer requires a saving throw. Bleeding starts much lower at only equal to your proficiency bonus, but scales by d4s.
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Presentation - Metamagic The metamagic options are now at the end of the class, instead of in the middle.
New - Sorcery Incarnate Lets you use two Metamagics on a spell instead of one a few times per day.
Buff - Sorcerous Mastery Now instead of regaining sorcery points when you cast a high level spell, you can reduce the cost of one metamagic you use each turn by 1.
New - Sorcerous Origin: Paradox Redesigned by Finn, new Paradox lets you place damage-over-time effects on enemies and force allies or enemies to instantly take an extra "start of turn" and "end of turn."
New - Sorcerous Origin: Trickster Soul Teleport around and leave clones of yourself everywhere that you can attack through.
Buff - Metamagic: Extended Spell Now multiples the duration of a spell by an amount equal to 1 + the number of sorcery points you spent, instead of just doubling it.
New - Metamagic: Sharpen Spell Shrink an AOE spell's area and increase its damage.
Buff - Metamagic: Seeking Spell Now only costs 1 sorcery point, instead of 2.
Buff - Perfect Plan Tactician now gets +1 Perfect Plan dice at all levels
Buff - Guiding Guile Triggers on an attack, rather than on a hit.
New - Strategic Focus: Boss Direct your allies to go beat someone up.
New - Strategic Focus: Standard-Bearer Mark an object with your standard and hit people with it. You can also inspire allies with bonus temporary hit points.
Rework - Channel Power Now gives you a Power Die whenever you spend a spell slot.
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New - Magical Cunning A new 2nd-level feature that lets you regain half your expended warlock spell slots over 1 minute once per day. At 20th level, you get them all back instead.
New - Contact Patron Gives you contact other plane for free at 9th level. You can contact your patron with it for free once per day.
Rework - Otherworldly Patron: The Archfey Now is focused around the spell misty step, with various abilities that empower it.
Buff - Otherworldly Patron: The Collector The 1st-level feature gives you more combat-oriented things to do with your Want.
New - Otherworldly Patron: The Seeker Lets you take extra limited turns, shield yourself from damage, and gives allies a chance to short rest more easily.
New - Eldritch Invocations Four new invocoations:
Bond of the Chain Master (5th, Pact of the Chain): Gives your familiar magical attacks and the ability to share spells with them.
Faithful Servant: Gives you unseen servant at will.
Gift of the Ever-Living Ones (7th): While you're bloodied, all healing on you is maximised.
Void's Kiss (5th): Lets you cause the target of your Eldritch Blast to explode, dealing damage in an area.
Rework - Arcanist Now lets you instantly identify spells if they're on your spell list and gives you advantage on checks to identify spells, magic items, and magic effects.
New - Dogged Resilience While you're bloodied, you gain a +1 bonus to AC, attacks, saves, and physical ability checks, and you can regain hit points with your weapon attacks once per turn.
Rework - Menacing & Silver-Tongued Instead of the wield attack-replacing ability, they now both let you reroll one failed Intimidation or Deception check respectively. It has a very slow recharge (7 days), but it's per-creature, so you can feasibly use it as much as you like against different targets.
New - Siege Training Gives you proficiency with siege weapons and lets you use them faster.
New - Skirmisher Lets you spend your unused movement like a Legendary Action.
New - Summoner Gives you access to more Summon spells, more hit points to your summons, and lets you concentrate on two Summon spells at once.
Fix - Goblinoids Goblins now have a list of name examples.
New - Warped A new special lineage for those who have been mutated by aberrations.
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New Spells
Abate (Cantrip): Slows enemies in an area
Amanuensis (1st): Copies writing quickly and easily. Can't be used to cheese Wizard spellbook stuff.
Amplify/Diminish (1st): Boost or weaken a spell that's being cast.
Arcane Bridge (2nd): Makes a bridge of magical force.
Bigby's Helping Hand (1st): Gives you an extra arm that can do more and more things at higher levels.
Bigby's Snapping Digits (2nd): A moving hand that snaps its fingers when you command it as a bonus action for mild thunder damage
Blinding Spittle (2nd): Ranged attack that blinds a creature until they use their action to end it.
Burrow (6th): Gives you a burrowing speed for an hour.
Concussion (1st): Drops a rock on someone's head.
Corrosive Blade (Cantrip, Spellblade): A new blade cantrip that shreds AC if they fail a saving throw.
Demise (7th): A necromancy spell that does damage over time and, if they fail three saving throws, just kills them outright!
Drain Life (Cantrip): Does necrotic damage and gives you temporary hit points.
Fast Attunement (3rd, Ritual, Artificer Only): Lets you attune to an item in 1 minute and swap out attunement if necessary.
Frostspear Blade (Cantrip, Spellblade): A new blade cantrip that has extra reach, pulls them closer, and punishes them if they try to escape.
Gale Foot (1st): Dash and Disengage as a bonus action.
Geyser (2nd): Blast people up into the air on a geyser and restrain them there for a round
Indalamar’s First Manoeuvre (2nd): Roll a d20 at the start of combat and replace someone's initiative with the result.
Ingress/Egress (3rd): Makes an illusory door on a wall that functions like a real door.
Invisibility Sphere (6th): Makes a sphere where everyone inside is invisible
Living Performance (2nd, Bard Only): Summon a ghost performer that concentrates on spells for you.
Mass Modify Memory (8th): Exactly what it sounds like.
Multitool (1st, Ritual, Artificer Only): Change tools into other tools.
Pressure Vortex (3rd): Make an AOE damage over time effect that knocks people prone and punishes people who are already prone. It even works on hovering creatures.
Rary's Mind Scan (6th): Take answers to questions straight from creature's brains.
Recharge (4th, Artificer Only): Put charges back into a magic items.
Ricocheting Arrow (2nd, Smite, Ranger Only): Lets your arrows bounce.
Skyward (1st): Launches someone into the air.
Solid Fog (4th): Fog cloud, except it costs 4x movement to move through, punishes attacks that pass through it, and acts as a cushion for big falls.
Spell Trap (9th): Counters spells like a 7th-level counterspell and gives you an equivalent-levelled spell slot back.
Sticks to Snakes (4th): Exactly what it sounds like
Stoneward Blade (Cantrip, Spellblade): A new blade cantrip that gives you a bonus to AC against the target's attacks.
Summon Avatar (8th, Summon, Cleric & Warlock Only): Summon an avatar of your god or patron. It can be either aberrant, divine, or fiendish.
Summon Giant Spirit (5th, Summon): Summon a kind of giant.
Summon Living Cantrip (1st, Summon, Sorcerer Only): Summon a construct that can cast one of your cantrips.
Tinker (Cantrip, Artificer Only): Replaces artificer's Magical Tinkering feature.
Total Protection from Energy (6th): Immunity to a damage type.
Umbral Rain (1st, Warlock Only): Does necrotic damage and creates magical darkness that lasts a round.
Ward Against Evil and Good (3rd): Zone that debuffs attacks made by specific creature types.
Vine Lashing (2nd, Druid Only): Multiple melee attacks that push or pull creatures.
Whirlwind Strike (1st, Smite): Does damage in an area and either pushes or pulls creatures that fail a save.
Wintergale (1st): Creates a zone of cold that damages enemies and halves their speed.
Wrack (4th): Does damage and blinds and stuns on a Wisdom saving throw.
Revised Spells
Rework - Animate Dead: Now just has a statblock ,rather than summoning regular zombies and skeletons.
Buff - Arcane Charge: Is now an action, but shooting the beam is free.
Buff - Awaken: Can now target any Beast or Plant with Intelligence 9 or less.
Buff - Cauterise: Now staunches bleeding.
Removed - Children of the Elements: Too wordy
Removed - Cloud of Spores: Busted
Buff - Crown of Stars: Improved area and damage
Buff - Dancing Lights: Now has the same duration as light
Buff - Dissonant Whispers: Now available to Warlocks too
Nerf - Façade: Ignore ends if you attack a creature or its allies
Removed - Gaea's Four Winds: Too wordy
Fix - Galoran's Glorious Gambit: Fixed wording
Removed - Ghostwalk: Too obtuse
Fix - Grasping Sprout: Fixed wording
Buff - Hail of Thorns: Radius increased to 10 feet
Buff - Mass Spare the Dying: Now matches current spare the dying
Buff - Mass Vicious Mockery: Damage increased
Fix - Maximilian's Stone Shrapnel: Fixed wording
Buff - Mind Spike: Damage increased and is optional. Is no longer concentration.
Fix - Nathair's Mischief: Fixed wording on third option for clarity
Buff - Otiluke's Freezing Sphere: Radius decreased, damage increased
Rework - Phantom Steed: Casting time reduced to 1 action, the steed is your Companion, and it vanishes instantly if it's damaged.
Buff - Planar Ally: Now available to Warlocks
Buff - Planar Binding: The creature is your Companion.
Buff - Primordial Ward: Boosted duration, no longer concentration
Buff - Project Image: Now 6th-level
Buff - Pulse Wave: Now a Strength save instead of a Constitution save
Buff - Ray of Sickness: Saving throw removed.
Buff - Resistance: Is now a bonus action
Nerf - Shield: Now only +3 if you're wearing medium or heavy armour
Buff - Sorcerous Burst: Now deals 1d6 + 1 damage, increasing by 1d6 + 1 at higher levels.
Buff - Sorcerous Ward: Now lasts 1 minutes
Buff - Stoneshatter: No longer concentration
Fix - Summon Fey: Now uses proper bonus actions in the stat block
Fix - Symbol: Discord is now a Wisdom saving throw instead of Constitution
Buff - Thunderous Charge: Range increased
Fix - True Shield: Fixed wording
Remove - Winding Wind: Too obtuse
Most notable is that the Rules page has been given a major visual and organisational overhaul. It should now be far more user-friendly.
Note that any rules change that significantly change a pre-existing character are optional.
Clarification - Verbal and Somatic Components If a spell has verbal or somatic components an the spell involves speaking or making gestures, those words or gestures ARE the verbal or somatic components. For example, the suggestion you make as a part of the suggestion spell is the verbal component for suggestion.
New - Spell Tags Two new spell tags have been introduced:
Spellblade: Special rules for booming blade, gale blade, green-flame blade, and the three new ones introduced this patch.
Summon: An indicational tag for the summon spells.
Rework - Heavy Heavy weapons now give you disadvantage on attack rolls with them if your Strength score is less than 13.
Rework - Knocking Creatures Unconscious Any attack can be nonlethal, even spell attacks, but to knock a creature unconscious without killing them and for them to be stable, it must be a melee bludgeoning weapon.
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dnd5a · 2 years ago
Patch 3.5 - Reforge the Soul
This patch features reworks and expansions to a number of classes and mechanics. It namely focuses on adjusting past class reworks to better align with their initial design intention: namely Invoker, Monk, and Shaman, as well as a fundamental redesign of Bloodhunter that should finally give it some life. 
Alongside that, the patch also features new backgrounds, major additions to Downtime Activities, many spell balance adjustments, multiple new races, and big changes to rules, including the addition of a bonus feat for all 1st-level characters alongside a rework of Human to replace it as the de-facto best race in the game and multiple new keyworded mechanics.
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All of the backgrounds now have new roll tables for added inspiration for your backstory
New - Artist Be a painter, a sculptor, or a writer.
New - Labourer For those that come from humble origins with no “Great Destiny”
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Bloodhunter has always been fairly unpopular, namely because its base class isn’t overly interesting and almost all of its subclasses are fundamentally both very uninteresting and equally badly-designed. This total rework aims to recontextualize bloodhunter as less of a knock-off Witcher and more of a martial powered by occult blood magic.
Rework - Blood Maledict Multiple new and rebalanced blood curses, as well as a new mechanic for amplifying blood curses and activating Crimson Rites. Instead of dealing a negligible amount of damage to you, performing blood magic as a Bloodhunter now causes you to start bleeding.
New: Claret Touch This feature helps offset the extra damage you take from bleeding, by allowing you to instantly succeed on Medicine checks to staunch bleeding and significantly reducing your own current bleeding each turn. 
From 10th level on wards, you can even staunch bleeding as a bonus action a limited number of times per short or long rest.
Buff: Crimson Rite You now prepare a single crimson rite each day, rather than just picking a single one to have. From 5th level, you can prepare two each day.
Bloodhunter Orders Almost all of the old Bloodhunter have been either removed or completely redesigned.
New: Order of the Callous. Gain a magical ward that’s fuelled by you bleeding.
New: Order of the Exorcist. A cleric 3rd-caster that has a touch ability that lets you create effects similar to protection from evil and good and dispel evil and good
Rework: Order of the Ghostslayer. You can now enter a temporary ghostly state from 3rd level, which fuels all of your features.
New: Order of the Goreblade. You can create a weapon made of blood with unique properties.
New: Order of the Hemomancer. A wizard 3rd-caster that regains health on casting spells.
Minor Fixes: Order of the Lycan. The only of the eight-or-so original Bloodhunter subclasses that was any good. It’s been touched up a little, but is largely still the same.
New: Order of the Martyr. A healing-focused Bloodhunter that spends their own health to heal others
New: Order of the Shackle. You can conjure shackles or chains made from blood
After some testing, Invoker was found to be far too overloaded, both in abilities and in overall power, while some of its subclasses were lacking.
Removed - Summon Divinity Miracles were intended to be active ability versions of a Warlock’s invocations. They instead proved to be far too cumbersome and wordy, cluttering character sheets with many extra abilities for a class that was already a half-caster. They’ve been removed.
Removed - Arm of Gods The Invoker capstone was largely very uninteresting. It’s since been replaced with a new feature (also called Summon Divinity) that acts similarly to a 20th-level Paladin transformation with a more specific focus, but with no cooldown and a greater price.
Holy Visages Some of the Invoker subclasses have been altered, as shown below
Rework - Visage of the Fallen. Visage of the Fallen has had its 6th-level feature replaced with an ability that lets you stack a damage-over-time effect on that creature.
Buff - Visage of Radiance. Several Visage of Radiance features were fairly subpar due to their reliance on combat-healing. They’ve been changed to reflect better with 5e’s optimal healing strategy
New - Invoker Spells Invoker now has access to a suite of exclusive spells (see Spells later on in the patch notes), including several inspired by now-removed Miracles
While, the monk rework from Patch 2.6 was a big step of improvement, there were certain things from that rework that I thought fell short, namely some of the subclasses and the disparity of power between the Ki Techniques
Buff - Martial Arts Added the ability from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything that allows monks to make an unarmed strike as a bonus action after they use a Ki feature as their action.
Buff - Mind Focus Is now 1 action, rather than 1 minute
Buff - Monastic Traditions Two monastic traditions that were underwhelming after Patch 2.6 have been updated
Buff - Way of the Astral Self. Reduced the cost of Arms of the Astral Self and added a new 6th-level feature that allows you to repeat its AOE burst.
Buff - Way of the Coiled Serpent. Buffed Twisting Strike and turned Ghostvenom into a permanent buff to your abilities, rather than an ability you have to spend resources to debuff an enemy with
Ki Techniques Various Ki Techniques have been changed to better balance out their power.
New - Flying Strike. Lets you make a reaction attack against a creature when you fly, jump, or fall past them. Also works with Slow Fall
Buff - Guard Break. Removed the saving throw and increased the AC penalty
Buff - Intercepting Fist. Increased the effects area and allows you to move 5 feet before making the attack.
Buff - Ki Pulse. The distance pushed scales and the damage is increased.
Removed - Pinpoint Strike. Now split into three different techniques: Enfeebling Blow (Con), Overwhelming Blow (Str), and Stumbling Blow (Dex). Enfeebling Blow reduces a creature’s Str, Dex, and Con checks and saved by 1d6; Overwhelming Blow reduces a creature’s attack rolls by 1d6; and Stumbling Blow is reduces their speed to 0.
New - Quivering Palm. Takes the capstone of Open Hand Monk and turns it into a discipline with damage suitable to its new cost and level
Buff - Sweeping Strike. Now works automatically on Large or smaller creatures.
New - Wave of Ribbons. Shield for Monks, except it scales off of your proficiency bonus.
Monastic Disciplines Several new Monastic Diciplines have been created, while some others have been changed.
New - Deadly Third. Grants a small damage buff to the third hit against the same creature each turn.
New - Ki Weapon. Lets you make any martial melee weapon that lacks the heavy or special property a monk weapon
New - Combat Grapple. Allows you to replace any melee attack with a Grapple attempt
New - Swaying Step. Allows you pivot around creatures in melee very easily.
New - Expert Evasion. Lets you move up to your speed as a reaction after you succeed on a Dex save
New - Swift Action. Gives you +5 to initiative.
New - Unchecked Reflexes. Gives you an extra reaction for opportunity attacks.
Various mystic features didn’t end when you fell unconscious. That has been fixed.
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Shaman has been tweaked and edited nearly a half-dozen times over the years. The last iteration was very close to what I wanted, but after some more time, I think I’ve found a final resting point for the class.
Removed - Shamanic Lessons One of the earliest mechanics of Shaman that went through many reworks, Shamanic Lessons proved to be more of an inhibitor for the class than a benefit and they’ve been removed. However, they live on as some of the new Shaman-exclusive spells.
Rework - Totemic Aspect The original baseline for Shamanic Aspects had them as static totems. This was later replaced with a passive aura that follows you for better utility and then again later re-added as a secondary mechanic. It’s now been reworked once against and moved down to 3rd level, giving you three main modes to your static aspect.
Buff - Versatile Aspects Moved from 15th level to 7th level.
Buff - Totemic Mastery Moved from 20th level to 18th level
New - Conduit of Souls A new capstone that gives you a bonus to your Wisdom score and infinite uses of your Shamanic Aspects.
Shamanistic Traditions Most of the shaman traditions have been reworked in some regard to reflect the new changes
Rework - Tradition of the Afterlife. Now has its own scaling statblock and mechanics that revolve around summoning many Wayward Spirits
Rework - Tradition of the Deep. The three monstrous alterations have been removed in place of three special ocean-themed abilities based around grappling, pushing, and proning creatures.
Rework - Tradition of Elements. Improved benefits to casting damaging spells and extra AOE bonuses that interact with Totemic Aspect
Rework - Tradition of Rebirth. The subclass now creates Wards (see Rules) that interact with each other more closely.
Rework - Tradition of War. New features revolving around hitting creatures with weapon attacks.
Shamanic Aspects Some new and reworked shamanic aspects are featured in this patch.
New - Decaying. Reduces enemy creature AC.
Nerf - Hallowed. No longer deals damage.
New - Shielding. Reduces enemy attack rolls
Introduced in the last patch, Vanguard has proven to be both very fun and very powerful. These changes serve as minor nerfs to vanguard’s lower-level abilities.
Nerf - Tower Style Now only gives other creatures half cover
Nerf - Taunt Has a lower range and has more conditions that cause it to end early
Downtime Activities have proven to be fairly useful in several games over the past few years. This patch aims to add new ones and smooth over some of the clunkier ones.
Rework - Buying a Magic Item The tables are gone! They’ve been replaced with a bit of DM discretion and some tables that show what rarity items you’re getting.
New - Forging a Contruct Lets you create constructs, provided you have the blueprints!
Rework - Selling an Item No longer “Selling a Magic Item.” The same as before, but with rules for selling regular shit
New - Training a Mount Improve your mounts with different training traits that improve health, speed, and more.
Certain feats have proven far too oppressive across games so far. This patch aims to fix the, while adding some new Feat options.
Buff - Close-Quarters Shooting Now gives a mobile-like effect to shooting a creature, stopping opportunity attacks from them
Buff - Defensive Duelling Now gives extra AC benefits if you’re dual-wielding or have a buckler
New - Divinely Favoured A cleric-oriented version of the Planar-Touched feats, giving you spells based on your alignment
New - Durable Returns as a Minor Feat
New - Fast Hands Lets you interact with two objects on your turn before you have to take the Use an Object action
Buff - Gunner Now a Minor Feat
Nerf - Historian No longer requires a check, but can be used only once per creature per day
New - Magical Trick Gives you one of the fluff cantrips like Presto, Minor Illusion, or Umbraturgy
Rework - Medic No longer requires a check, but targets only a single creature
Buff - Shield Master Now lets you use Shields as weapons and lets you make bonus action attacks with them.
New - Supernatural Resilience Gives you resistance to a damage type from: acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, poison, radiant, or thunder.
New - Swimmer Gives you a swimming speed, bonuses to checks related to swimming, and lets you hold your breath for 10 minutes
New - Telekinetic Lets you cast mage hand and shove creatures as a bonus
New - Telepathic Fairly self-explanatory, but does also come with detect thoughts
New - Tinkerer Takes the old Rock Gnome trait and makes it a feat for Tinker’s tools (see Races)
New - Versatile Weapon Fighting Now gives you a reason to use a longsword one-handed without a shield by offsetting some of the AC penalty, increasing damage, and letting you make opportunity attacks against creatures that miss you with attacks
Buff - Weapon Master Now just gives you simple and martial weapons
This patch features a litany of new races and some very spicy changes to pre-existing races, namely the regicide of humans
New - Arcanoblood New new Special Lineage that makes you a magically-powered experiment
Rework - Human Humans now get a Minor Feat instead of a Major Feat at 1st level. They also gain a tool proficiency alongside their skill proficiencies and once per long rest they can roll a 20 on a death saving throw
Buff - Merfolk Merfolk now get darkvision
Rework - Minotaur New variant race, the Yikaria, with black magic powers
New - Oniblood A mutant monster race with animalistic traits and occult powers
New - Plasmoid Ooze race!
Removed - Rock Gnome Forest Gnomes are now the default, with Svirfneblins serving as variants (similar to Dwarves and Duergar)
New - Siren A harpy-descended race of flying singers
New - Thri-Kreen The bugs return!
This patch features several new keywords and one major rules change to feats
Buff - Crossbows The Loading keyword has been removed from crossbows. Bows have their niche with the Strung keyword, so Crossbows dealing more damage isn’t a big deal.
Buff - Flails Flails are now Reach weapons
New - Major Feat at 1st Level All characters now gain a major feat at 1st level!
New - Keywords The following mechanics are now keyworded:
Bloodied - While being bloodied does nothing on its own, certain features (let’s be honest, mainly Bloodhunter features and Toll the Dead) interact with things being Bloodied
Companions - Find Familiar, the Summon spells, and similar pet effects are now homogenised as Companions, who all work in the same way. They can be commanded without spending actions and act either immediately before or immediately after your turn each round
Wards - Arcane Ward, Solarium, and similar features are now a keyworded concept. Wards are magical effects with hit points that absorb damage on behalf of protected creatures
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Arboreal Protector. Summons an AOE ward that regains hit points each turn.
Create Spell. Allows you to turn a spell you’ve modified with modify spell into a permanently-learned spell.
Fast Friends. A more powerful, 3rd-level version of Charm Person
Galder’s Tower. Summon a three-story tower that lasts for a day.
Glowing Coin. Spend 1 gp to either distract people or create an area of light for a time
Mental Barrier. Gives you advantage on Int, Wis, and Cha saves and resistance to psychic as a reaction
Modify Spell. Lets you temporarily change things about a spell
Sorcerous Burst. A new sorcerer cantrip with variable damage type and exploding dice for damage
Sorcery Incarnate. Gives you sorcery points back and buffs your Metamagics
Tanglevine. An attack roll cantrip that deals no damage, but halves the target’s speed for a round
Unearthly Chorus. Creates an AOE that transfixes people with music
Invoker Spells
Angel’s Flight. Gain a variable flying speed based on whether you cast the spell as an action or as a bonus action
Anointed Armaments. Buff your Divine Arms with extra reach and damage.
Avenging Arms. A Smite spell that that surrounds the targets with magical weapons that deal damage over time
Divine Order. Command enemies in an AOE to move
Eradicating Arms. A Smite spell that creates an explosion of damage.
Erupting Arms. A Smite spell that hits a small AOE for damage
Godly Shelter. A reaction spell to damage or a saving throw that gives creatures you choose immunity to the damage and lets them automatically succeed on the save
Holy Vortex. An AOE around you that deals damage and pushes creatures away from you. Deals extra damage to Fiends and Undead.
Invigorating Arms. A Smite spell that gives another creature temp on hit.
Invoke Atonement. A bonus action spell that heals you 35 hit points and ends all bleeding on you.
Judging Palm. You punch someone for radiant damage, you learn its alignment, and you deal damage over time to it. The damage is optional.
Red Sun. A 20-foot-radius aura that causes enemies to take extra fire damage the first time they take damage each turn
Requiting Arms. A Smite spell that heals you on hit.
Sacred Punishment. You punch a creature for massive damage, potentially stunning them for a round.
Violet Sun. A 20-foot-radius aura that stops creatures from getting advantage on attacks against creatures in the area and reduces the first bit of damage they take each turn by 1d4.
Shaman Spells
Expectant Lesson. Gives you four d4s that you can distribute out to allied creature’s ability checks and saves.
Harsh Lesson. A damage over time effect that also banes the target’s attack rolls
Kind Lesson. Gives a creature temporary hit points and blesses their saving throws.
Painful Lesson. A reaction spell that punishes aggressive enemies with psychic damage that also banes their d20 tests.
Supporting Lesson. A reaction spell that lets a creature reroll a failed ability check and gain a d4 on it.
Nerf - Allegro. Initial movement reduced to 10 feet.
Fix - Assisted Transposition. You can’t target objects that are being worn or carried
Buff - Bane. Now has no initial save. The targets can save at the end of each of their turns instead.
Rework - Consign. Has more visual cues to avoid abuse.
Rework - Contagion. Reverted to the original release 5e version, but all of the diseases are less cripplingly overpowered
Buff - Control Winds. Allows the area to be up to 100 feet
Buff - Creation. Now an action and has options for animal materials and regular metal
Rework - Cresting Waves. Reduced power and number of targets.
Buff - Crystalbreath. No longer concentration and doesn’t consume its component
Buff - Danse Macabre. The Undead deal magic damage
Nerf - Dark Star. Reduced damage
Buff - Darkvision. Now scales with targets
Buff - Dawn. You can now choose who’s damaged by the spell
Buff - Daylight. Now has optional concentration. If you do concentrate, the spell lasts less time, but it’s light is sunlight
Fix - Dazzling Soul. Wasn’t marked as a Smite spell, but now is
Buff - Enthrall. Instead of imposing disadvantage on Perception, now gives them a -10 to their passive
Buff - Evard’s Black Tentacles. Now available for Accursed and Warlock
Buff - Far Step. Now a 4th-level spell instead of a 5th
Buff - Find Familiar. Has a wider pool of familiar options.
Buff - Find Steed & Find Greater Steed. Has a wider pool of steed options and gives them extra hit points
Buff - Flame Spiral. Can now choose who is damaged
Buff - Flaming Sphere. Now occupies its space and also deals damage when creatures move near the sphere
Buff - Glyph of Warding. Reduced cost from 500 gp to 50 gp and reduced casting time from 1 hour to 10 minutes
Nerf - Goodberry. The berries only last 8 hours
Buff - Greater Restoration. Can reduce exhaustion level to 0, instead of only by 1.
Buff - Green-Flame Blade. Now hits creatures up to 10 feet away
Nerf - Grimlore’s Shadowblight. Doesn’t scale with target, instead scales with damage
Buff - Guardian of Faith. Maximum damage no scales with level
Fix - Heat Metal. Can now only target metal objects up to a certain size
Fix - Hunger of Hadar. Now creates magical darkness
Nerf - Hypnotic Pattern. Creates can now save at the end of each of their turns
Buff - Identify. Casting time reduced to 1 action
Buff - Immovable Object. Maximum weight of target scales with level
Buff - Jump. The target can now use your spellcasting ability instead of Strength for jumping
Buff - Leomund’s Secret Chest. Reduced cost of big chest from 5,000 gp to 500 gp and the spell doesn’t arbitrarily end
Fix - Leomund’s Tiny Hut. Wording fixed to allow for Large PCs
Buff - Maelstrom. Now does half damage on a failed save
Buff - Magic Circle. Hits Aberrations
Buff - Magic Weapon & Elemental Weapon. Can now affect and buff magic weapons.
Nerf - Magical Zone. No longer a ritual
Nerf - Magnify Gravity. Damage reduced
Rework - Manacle of Burden. Now actually works
Buff - Melf’s Acid Arrow. Now available to Sorcerer
Fix - Net. You can no longer make infinite nets
Buff - Power Word Heal. Has a built-in Revivify
Buff - Primal Armour. No longer concentration
Buff - Snapburst. Now available to Artificier and Sorcerer
Buff - Spare the Dying. Now a bonus action, ranged, and staunches bleeding
Buff - Spellweave. No longer an attack roll, just puts the mark on the target. Maximum tether range increased
Buff - Splinterblades. Spell wording simplified and damage increased
Buff - Stoneskin. Now available to Warden
Buff - Summon Celestial. Defender Celestial improved
Buff - Summon Elemental. All options improved and made more uniquely useful
Buff - Thorn Strike. Now scales
Rework - Verdant Ward. Now provides a ward instead of temporary hit points
Rework - Watery Tendril. Now works properly
Buff - Witch Bolt. Secondary damage increased to a d12.
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dnd5a · 2 years ago
Patch 3.4 - Battletide Alchemist
This patch primarily features the addition of two new classes: Alchemist & Vanguards, as well as all of the content myself, Joe, and other writers developed for Drizzt’s Travelogue of Everything Vol. 2.
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“Brew” spells in a fashion similar to Vancian Magic from past editions of D&D with a full caster that combines powerful utility and challenging limitations.
Brew Casting Spend spell points to brew individual instances of spells, either after a long rest or midway through your adventuring day. For example, you could start the day brewing two Cure Wounds spells and one Thunderwave spell, or only one Cure Wounds spell and one Thunderwave spell, saving your remaining spell points to brew into something else later.
Brew Cycling A 5th-level feature that lets you convert already-brewed spells into another spell.
Alchemical Pursuit - Pursuit of the Creator: Create an alchemical homunculi servant that fights alongside you
Alchemical Pursuit - Pursuit of the Healer Administer First Aid in combat with more powerful healing spells
Alchemical Pursuit - Pursuit of Longevity Focus on melee combat with enhanced unarmed strikes
Alchemical Pursuit - Pursuit of the Mixologist Convert your brewed spells into Mystery Mixes with random, but useful effects
Alchemical Pursuit - Pursuit of Necrosis Empower weapon attacks with deadly spells
Alchemical Pursuit - Pursuit of the Transmuter Change the battlefield around you with battle alchemy
New: Artificer Specialisation - Puppeteer Create a small army of karakuri puppet servants
New: Artificer Specialisation - Time Tinkerer Build a Time Machine to manipulate the flow of time
New: Bardic College - College of Colors Use your Bardic Inspiration to paint the battlefield with color magic
New: Divine Domain - Harvest Domain Create blessed ground that protects your allies
New: Divine Domain - Shadow Domain Brought to you by ‘Bold Tech Create patches of magical darkness to control your enemies and slip out of danger
New: Druidic Circle - Circle of the Planes Brought to you by ‘Bold Tech Attune yourself to a planar alignment: Chaos, Law, Negative, Neutral, or Positive, and summon aspects of those aligned planes around you in Planar Bubbles
New: Druidic Circle - Circle of the Primordial Sea Summon the power of the oceanic depths to protect allies and inhibit enemies
New: Martial Archetype - Titanslayer Transform weapons into Titan Weapons, massive versions of pre-existing weapons that deal more damage and can do massive AOE effects
New: Monastic Order - Way of Boundless Spirit Summon soul orbs to kick at enemies
New: Monastic Order - Way of Secrets Learn ancient secrets and employ techniques of the mind, body, and soul
New: Sacred Oath - Oath of Silence Brought to you by ‘Bold Tech Create zones of silence and ward off the dead
New: Ranger Conclave - Conclave of the Cloud Stepper Summon magical clouds that shoot lightning and let you ride them
New: Ranger Conclave -  Conclave of the Green Warden Brought to your by ‘Bold Tech Partially wildshape, giving you animal traits while maintaining your physical skills
New: Roguish Archetype - Luckstealer Brought to your by ‘Bold Tech You steal other people’s luck. It’s exactly what it says on the tin.
New: Roguish Archetype - Rapscallion Do villainous stuff. Like be extra sneaky and tie them up in ropes or something.
New: Roguish Archetype - Wyrm’s Fang Brought to your by ‘Bold Tech Do dragon stuff, namely get cash money
Nerf: Metamagic - Effortless Spell When you make a spell Effortless, it ends early if you use Effortless Spell again, or if you fall unconscious
New: Sorcerous Origin - Mythic Weapon You’re linked to a magical weapon of some kind that lets you do cool sword moves
New: Sorcerous Origin - Resonant Soul Get in tune with the frequencies of the world for extra thunder damage and pushing effects
New: Strategic Focus - Gambler Try your luck at dealing more damage and getting higher rolls
New: Strategic Focus - Medic Heal allies as a part of your Perfect Plan
New: Strategic Focus - Tyrant Scare the shit out of your enemies
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The opposite of a barbarian. You’re unkillable and you make sure that nobody else dies either. You can charge at enemies and Shove them around with ease.
Guardian If you Ready an action to Dash, you can attack a creature as a part of your movement. Also, whenever you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, you can Shove them as a part of the attack.
Fortitude You reduce incoming bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, you can Shove larger creatures, and when you Shove a creature, you have even more options as to what you can do
Rampant Charge When you move, you can Shove a creature as a part of the move to push them in a straight line for the rest of the move, Rein style!
Taunt Give an enemy disadvantage to hit anyone other than you
Vanguard Archetype - Arcane Guardian A third caster that can spend spell slots to give Wards to allies
Vanguard Archetype - Ardent Summon psionic walls to protect allies and redirect attacks meant for your allies
Vanguard Archetype - Brawler Become a master of making Athletics checks to Grapple people as well as Shoving them
Vanguard Archetype - Dreadlord Allow enemies to hit you and punish them in response with a magical curse
Vanguard Archetype - Juggernaut Slam directly through walls with an empowered Rampant Charge
Vanguard Archetype - Praetorian Set an ally as your Ward, moving with them and staunchly protecting them
Vanguard Archetype - Rimeguard Create massive walls of ice and summon swirling cold
Vanguard Archetype - Siphoner Draw your foes’ lifeforce to fuel your own
Vanguard Archetype - Templar Take damage in your allies’ stead
Vanguard Archetype - Vexator Challenge whole groups of enemies with an empowered Taunt
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Buff - Dragonborn: Chromatic Chromatic Warding now gives you one free use of your Breath Weapon and while Chromatic Warding lasts, your Breath Weapon deals extra damage
Buff - Gnoll Rampage is now immediate and allows you to just make a weapon attack. A new feature, Gnoll’s Might, allows you to add a d4 to missed weapon attacks several times per day
New: Mastar A dogfolk race with good noses and a powerful howl
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This patch primarily features new spells designed for the Alchemist class, some exclusive, some not. Alchemist exclusive spells will be marked with an (A).
New: Adhere (A) Create a sticky, adhesive surface in a 5-foot cube
New: Alchemical Fuse (A) Set a spell on a fuse to go off after a set amount of time
New: Alkahest (A) Massive acid damage over time on a single target
Buff: Arms of Hadar Target can’t take reactions until the end of the turn on a success
New: Atomise (A) Alchemist nuke
New: Blood Let (A) Cause a creature to start bleeding
New: Bottled Mana (A) Effectively allows you to give a creature a spell slot back for 1 hour
New: Bouncing Bomb (A) A fire bomb that explodes in three equidistant locations
Rework: Branding Smite Less damage, but grants the first attack made against the target each turn advantage for a round
Buff: Circle of Death Improved damage
New: Clot (A) A cantrip that grants temporary hit points and staunches bleeding immediately, while also reducing the next instance of bleeding that occurs
New: Concussive Bomb (A) A cantrip that deals no damage, but pushes creatures away from the chosen point
New: Confetti Bomb A tiny Hypnotic Pattern that lasts for 1 round
New: Control Device An Artificer spell that allows you to effectively Command a device
New: Death Cloud (A) A big scary AOE
New: Devil’s Eye (A) Gives Devil Sight!
New: Elixir of Iron (A) Grants AC and damage reduction to a single target
New: Elixir of Wrath (A) Grants increased damage and self-heal on weapon attacks
Nerf: Flame Strike Damage swapped from 4d8 fire plus 4d10 radiant to 4d10 fire plus 4d8 radiant.
New: Germ (A) Set a damage over time effect on an enemy
New: Healing Vapours (A) An AOE Healing Spirit for Alchemists
New: Honey Bomb Summon a swarm of bees
New: Iosis (A) Deal 3d6 damage of EVERY damage type except bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing. Has an extra special effect if you jump through some major hoops involving the spells: Melanosis, Leucosis, & Xanthosis
New: Ironskin Super Stoneskin!
New: Leucosis (A) Damage a creature and grant temporary hit points to other nearby allies
New: Lich Wine (A) Get creatures drunk in a spreading debuff
New: Longevity (A) De-age a creature at risk
New: Melanosis (A) Set a necrotic damage over time effect on a creature
New: Miasma (A) Create a growing AOE of damage
Rework: Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound The hound can now move up to a set distance from its starting point to attack like a Bigby’s Hand
New: Nausea (A) Make a creature nauseous and potentially fall prone each turn
Buff: Negative Energy Flood More damage, less terrible
Buff: Phantasmal Killer More damage, added half damage on success.
New: Philtre (A) Real! Genuine! Love Potion!
New: Produce Poison Create a poison
New: Sap (A) Reduce a number of creatures’ speed and give them disadvantage on attacks and damage for a round
New: Smoke Bomb Create a momentary Fog Cloud effect
New: Snapboom A big explosion of light and sound
Rework: Snilloc’s Snowball Swarm Now sort of like six catapults in one
New: Summon Ouroboros (A) A summon spell that creates a creature that grants auras and moves allies and enemies around, rather than attacking
New: Swift Mist (A) Make a zone of double speed for a round
New: Toughskin (A) Mage Armor for Alchemists
Buff: Weird More damage
Buff: Witch Bolt Secondary damage buffed to a d12
New: Xanthosis (A) Create a timebomb on a creature that explodes with radiance after a round
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dnd5a · 2 years ago
Patch 3.3 - Astral Drift
This patch features the newly revived Astromancer and a reworked Rogue, as well as some new content for Barbarian, Prism, and more.
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The new Astromancer has fully transformed into a full-casting martial, akin to Bladesinger from base 5e. Various parts of original Astromancer have been preserved, but a lot has been scrapped in favour of the new design. Subclasses are built around your Astrological Sigil, which give different benefits at the cost of spell slots.
Celestial Manifestation Summon your sigil. Enemies within 30 feet of your sigil that you attack grant you extra AC.
Special Extra Attack Extra Attack, but you can replace an attack with a cantrip!
Astrological Sigil - Sigil of the Asteroid Get a fighting style and Spatial Impact, which allows you to mark foes for extra damage.
Astrological Sigil - Sigil of the Crucible Gain extra AC and prevent damage with Astral Cradle
Astrological Sigil - Sigil of the Event Horizon Move enemies and inhibit movement with Celestial Displacement.
Astrological Sigil - Sigil of the Lodestar Summon your Cosmic Companion, a small Celestial creature that fights at your side.
Astrological Sigil - Sigil of the Voidwalker Void Rush across the battlefield like old Astromancer
Astrological Sigil - Sigil of the Watcher Create zones of amplified magic and cast from them with Gaze of the Stars.
New - Wild Ingenuity Use Strength instead of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma for ability checks a few times each day.
Buff - Battle Outlets Battle Outlets Known now scales 1-1 with proficiency bonus.
New - Battle Outlet: Audacious Challenger Taunt an enemy you hit for a round
New - Battle Outlet: Barrelling Charge Push an enemy and follow along with them
Rework - Battle Outlet: Final Fortitude You add a d4 to a failed saving throw and start bleeding.
New - Battle Outlet: Unyielding Hold You restrain a creature you’re grappling. You are also restrained while you do this.
New - Battle Outlet: Violent Throw Throw someone you’re grappling
New - Bardic College: College of Scorn Give creatures Bardic Disdain, giving them penalties to rolls and dealing psychic damage to them.
Rework - Bardic College: College of Whispers Psychic Blades is now damage on the target of a spell or attack. New abilities, Uncanny Delusion forces rerolled saving throws on illusion and enchantment spells you cast, and Psychic Spears allows Psychic Blades do be used without spending your bonus action.
New - Fighter’s Prowess You can choose one set of skills to gain prowess in, allowing you to spend Superiority and add d8s to checks with those skills.
Fluff - Fighter Archetype: Vanguard Renamed to Adamant to align with a class appearing in Patch 3.4
New - Facet: Astral Facet An Astral Sea-themed facet that allows you to fly and deal damage in an astrolabe of magic
New - Facet: Gamma Facet Designed by Finn. This facet allows you do deal damage in an area of effect and mass-debuff enemies with radiation.
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A rework I was saving for a later patch, but ended up designing here instead. The new rogue aims to address a lot of play experience issues echoed my almost everyone who’s ever played a rogue.
Clarification - Gambit Dice & “Performing a Sneak Attack” Rogue now runs off of a resource called Gambit Dice, which work much like the Prism’s Influence, in that they get it all back at the start of each of their turns. Gambit Dice are used to fuel Sneak Attack and Exploits.
Additionally, while Sneak Attack is no different to how it used to work (except that you can do it more than once per turn), “performing a Sneak Attack” is now a defined action that feeds into a lot of other rogue abilities.
Rework - Daring Exploits Strike Techniques now don’t always revolve around hitting things (hence the name change) and don’t scale completely with Gambit Dice. Instead, you can spend a limited amount of Gambit Dice on them for defined effects for every die spent. You can spend more at higher levels.
Also, Exploits can be used infinitely, but only once per round.
New - Second-Story Work Thief has been axed and almost all of its features have been repurposed in the main class. Second-Story Work now also allows you to use Dexterity for jumping.
New - Extra Attack While Rogue has lost some of its uniqueness as “the martial without extra attack,” it was frankly one of the main things holding it back.
Rework - Reliable Talent Reliable Talent now has set number of uses per short rest, not becoming infinite for ability checks until 14th level, but you now get it at 6th level
New - Use Magic Device Now in the main class at 10th level
New - Reliable Blade You can expend uses of Reliable Talent to use it on weapon attacks
New - Beguiling Action Once the 23rd-level Legendary Rogue ability, now available at 14th level at the cost of your Reliable Talent.
New - Rogue’s Reflexes Thief’s Reflexes moved to the main class. You now get two turns at the start of combat lmao
Buff - Elusive Instead of “people can’t have advantage,” now “everyone has disadvantage”
Buff - Stroke of Luck Now grants you one free crit per short rest.
Buff - Roguish Archetype: Arcane Trickster Mage Hand Legerdemain is now actually really strong
New - Roguish Archetype: Daredevil Gain Style Points to do cool stunts
Fluff - Roguish Archetype: Scoundrel Name changed from Ninja
Rework - Roguish Archetype: Scout Now gets actually interesting abilities
Rework - Roguish Archetype: Shadowblade Now basically works like base Echo Knight
Rework - Arcane Comet Launch the comet. If they fail, they take extra damage from the next spell
Buff - Arms of Hadar Made actually usable lmao
Buff - Beast Bond Now longer concentration
Buff - Beast Sense Moved to 1st level 
Buff - Bestow Curse Is now longer concentration and its duration starts and scales far faster
Rework - Blur Now isn’t concentration, but works like the Cloak of Displacement
Buff - Cause Fear An affected target has to run like Fear
Buff - Compelled Duel Now longer concentration
Rework - Clutter Was weird. Now isn’t. It creates difficult terrain.
Buff - Death Throe The target moves first, then either attacks or grapples
Rework - Decelerating Slash Reworked to be more consistent and less weird
Buff - Grease Setting it on fire is codified
Buff - Immolation Not concentration
Rework - Magnify Reworded to work properly
Rework - Orbicular Shield Now creates only one ward and the ward does damage when the spell ends
Buff - Produce Flame The attack can be melee OR ranged
Nerf - Purify Food and Drink Is no longer a ritual spell
Buff - Sapphire Hail Past nerf to damage reverted
Reword - Snapstar Wording fixed
Nerf - Spirit Shroud Fun fact: Spirit Shroud actually has two extra, very powerful effects. You 100% forgot they existed because that spell does not need them, so I axed them
Axial Tilt Move faster and along vertical surfaces for a round
Celestial Synastry Link two creatures and choose effects for them both. The spell does more based on which effects you chose for each target.
Cloak of Stars A reaction or bonus action spell that makes a creature invisible for a round
Constellation Cloak Grant 5 temp. While they have the temp, they gain a d4 bonus to saves
Cosmic Corruption AOE spell that interrupts spellcasting
Dustcloud Strike Smite spell that gives disadvantage on attack rolls
Empty Expanse AOE spell that creates magical darkness and does damage over time
Equinox Create two AOEs, one light one shadow. They each damage and blind in their own way
Geomagnetic Aurora An spell that allows you to zap one creature near you every turn.
Gravitic Repulsion Push someone with a spell attack vs their Strength or Acrobatics
Lunar Strike A smite spell that shrouds an ally for 1 round, giving others disadvantage to hit them
Nebulous Shackle Reduce a creature’s speed to 0 for a round
Radiant Constellation Buff six creatures with AC, bless, and the ability to Benign Transposition between each other
Satellite Strike Smite spell that allows you to move toward the target first, then do extra damage if you reach them
Sidereal Leap You become FAST for a round
Solar Flare An AOE damage spell that blinds creatures it hits
Starry Strike Smite spell that grants guiding bolt advantage and extra damage to the next attack
Stellarcraft Thaumaturgy for Astromancers
Strength of the Cosmos Go fucko mode for a round and gain crazy benefits whenever you make an attack
Waxing Radiance Small AOE spell that grants you advantage on targets that fail
Wormhole Tunnelling A concentration spell that allows you to teleport each time you attack, but you return to your starting position at the end of the turn
Reversion - Flight Flying diagonally now costs you extra movement just like walking does
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dnd5a · 3 years ago
Patch 3.2 - Hidden Stockpile
A relatively minor patch, featuring a number of smaller changes & additions to a variety of classes, including new subclasses, wording fixes, and similar.
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Rework - Curse of the Dark Soul Umbral Mutations have been adjusted so that they’re of similar power, with improved wording and power in some places.
Rework - Roboticist Reworked to be more in line with other pet classes. Augmentations have been removed in favour of selectable features for your servant at 5th and 18th level.
New - Path of Hellfire Do big fiery AOEs and other hell-related things
New - Path of Pain Take damage, then hit a guy to get health back, because dying is cringe.
Rework - Fate Domain Changed to align with a recent UA. Tighter design.
Removed - Nature’s Companion Felt clunky and tacked on.
New - Wild Companion Added from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, with a slight buff to compensate for the fact that Wild Shape is uses per long rest, instead of short rest like in base.
Buff - Circle of the Omen New feature, Ill-Fated End, allows you to bane a single creature for a round as a bonus action. Blood Moon Rising now gives omen stacks for each creature you damage. To compensate, Harbinger of Calamity is once per short or long rest.
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Rework - Grit Grit can only recover if you crit or drop a hostile creature, rather than any creature.
Removed - Dead Shot Awkward and annoying
New - Unending Grit Replaces Dead Shot. Recovers grit on initiative
Reword - Trail of the Musketeer Thread the Needle reworded to work more cleanly
Reword - Trail of the Pistolero Fists Full of Fire reworded. Bullet Storm nerfed to twice per turn.
Reword - Trail of the Spell Slinger Living Lead reworded
Rework - Trail of the Street Samurai Bullet Time now a 3rd-level feature alongside Gunkata. New 6th level feature for added mobility.
Rework - Trail of the Virtuoso Removed Inspiring Shot, replaced with Ricocheting Shot, allowing you to reroll missed attacks. Curtain Call now increases crit range based on your trick shooting stacks.
New - Oath of Darkness Hold people in place with shadow, make imprisoning bubbles, etc.
Buff - Origin Spells Sorcerous Origins now give two spells for every level up to 5th, rather than one spell every level up to 6th
New - Blighted Soul Origin Evil plant stuff. Gain temp for damaging enemies with spells, punish dudes for hitting you, etc.
Buff - Draconic Bloodline Origin Legendary Arcana allows you to cast 1st level spells from 10th, scaling in level by 1 at 14th and 18th. You can also spend sorcery points to use the feature multiple times. Additionally, added new options for gemstone dragon origin.
New - Lunar Magic Origin Move between three lunar phases: Full, Crescent, and New, with exclusive spells and abilities for each
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New - Avenger Combat Discipline Offensive martial warden. Can brand enemies for extra damage.
Rework - Elementalist Combat Discipline Limit Break is now a 1st-level feature. Reaching limit gives you bonus damage on weapon attacks. Limit breaks now allow you to cast low-level spells for free.
Rework - Guardian Combat Discipline Now the defensive warden. Punish enemies for attacking your allies and grant enemies disadvantage to hit them if they’re nearby
Nerf - The Hexblade Hexblade’s Curse damage is now once per turn, to bring it in line with all the other warlock origins that give bonus damage
Removed - Minions of Chaos Referenced a spell that has since been removed
Buff - One with Shadows Now actually works. Also it now lets you Hide as a bonus action while you’re invisible, which is neat
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Rework - Aasimar Brought more in line to version offered in Monsters of the Multiverse, just less horribly balanced.
New - Gemstone Dragonborn Dragonborn that get weirder damage types and can hover for a bit
New - Implin Fiend goblins!
New - Shade A new Shadowfell-oriented lineage
New - House of Cards Build a card tower
Buff - Silvery Barbs Now a 2nd-level spell
New - Spirit of Death Summon a reaper that hones in on one target until they’re dead, then moves on to the next guy
New - Spray of Cards Deal damage or blind in a small AOE cone
New - Summon Warrior Spirit Summon a barbarian, fighter, monk, or rogue ghost to fight
Fix - Tasha’s Mind Whip Damage incorrectly unchanged from a past version
New - Taming a Beast Make friends with a Beast creature (or Monstrosity, if you’re feeling really brave).
Keyword Update - Hybrid Nature While it’s not a functional change, but instead of being a racial trait, Hybrid Nature is just implicit to all things that have more than one creature type. If you’re a Humanoid & Undead, you can be affected by things that affect Humanoids or Undead, regardless if it can’t normally affect the other. 
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dnd5a · 3 years ago
Chronicle Entry XX002 - Hearts
As the Astral Fortress crumbles and collapses, falling into the open sea of Esprit below, many warriors of the Starblade Company still fight. A dragonborn leads a dance of dragons, while a squadron of wizards hold back hordes of the undead, with great warriors fighting at their sides. Among them all, perched atop one of the last surviving towers on the fortress, a lone assassin sits.
Drawing five crystal arrows from her quiver, she aims high for Stardust’s eye, yet the godly force that flows through her bow pulls her aim downwards, towards the swirling abyss that is Stardust’s Heart.
Trusting the mother of dragons’ guidance, she lets loose the five arrows, which soar into the sky on trails of light. As they spiral through the air, their intensity grows brighter. Every being on the fortress, living, dead, or somewhere in between, stops still and watches these five unerring comets sail towards their target.
The dragon titan herself takes notice all too late, as in a flash of light, the five arrows take the form of another creature. A five-headed dragon of immense proportions.
While Tiamat, Mother of Dragons, pales in comparison to Stardust’s size, her strength is a close match. She hurtles towards Stardust and clamps five sets of jaws into her flesh, tearing away great chunks of starry shell.
The two gods clash, their every swipe and snap sending shockwaves across the entire fortress.
For a moment, Tiamat has Stardust held at bay, before unleashing five powerful breath weapons directly into her heart. The sound that Stardust makes is more a scream of wrath than a roar, as the spinning vortex in her chest is torn asunder. The three rings of light flicker and fade, as a swirling blue portal is revealed within the shattered core.
Stardust unleashes a beam of eradicating light that tears Tiamat’s avatar asunder, and cleaving the already-ruined fortress in two. Yet, even in her victory, she is weakened. Tiamat’s wounds have left her vulnerable, if only for a time...
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dnd5a · 3 years ago
Chronicle Entry XX001 - I Am Eternity
The sky cracks, splintering like glass, as a baleful light pours in from beyond. The cracks spider out all across the sky, before the horizon itself shatters into dust, revealing the source of the light beyond.
A titanic form looms over the entire fortress. Cloaked in a sky’s worth of glimmering stars, the creatures stretches out its immense wings, casting a grim glow that reaches out for miles in every direction.
While few in history have ever laid eyes upon her, there is no mistaking her: Stardust, Grandmaster of the Starblade Company.
All around her, shadows plummet from the world above: other dragons. Immense in their own right, but infantile when compared to Stardust’s impossible scale.
Looming high over the fortress, Stardust looks down upon you all and speaks.
After aeons of waiting, I am complete.
I must thank you, my brave soldiers, for bringing this reality into being. Without your aid, perhaps this end would never have come to pass. 
But now this universe must be rendered asunder, its every molecule obliterated and made anew. In my image will all things be reborn, as it was always meant to be.
The beings that arise from your ashes will know nothing of what came before, but I will be sure to remember you fondly, for you were my beloved instruments, knowingly or otherwise.
Now, my pawns, your long march is over. Sink to your knees and rest, for the epoch of eternity is upon you.
As Stardust speaks, she draws in her arms and latches her claws deep into her chest. Then, with one motion, she wrenches open a gaping hole at her heart, revealing a swirling orb of darkness within. Surrounding the orb are three concentric rings of light: one a sickly white, one a pale viridian, and the last an oozing, liquid crimson.
The orb pulses, its power felt to the very bone, as a great force washes over everything around you, pushing to the edges of the Astral Sea before vanishing into the beyond.
There's a moment of silence, just enough for a single breath, before a horrific groaning fills your ears. It surrounds you on all sides, as if the fabric of reality itself is creaking like rotten wood, before a chorus of destructive noise fills your mind. As you look around, like cloth and skin meticulously pulled apart, the boundaries between the planes is broken and each and every world that touches the Astral Sea is laid bare before you in macabre honeycomb of failing realities.
The pulsating, black heart at the centre of Stardust’s chest begins to draw in power from these other worlds, rending apart whatever it touches atom by atom and drawing their power into Stardust herself.
The fortress begins to break apart, with streets splintering and buildings collapsing into the Astral Sea below.
As many of your fellow Starblades begin to bear arms against the astral dragon, she speaks again:
You reject your purpose, pawns? Perhaps you are unworthy of being unmade so painlessly. Your twitching corpses will be fuel enough.
Bringing a claw down to the earth, Stardust traces a great ring of white light in the air. Upon its completion, the ring becomes a glowing portal, from which a horde of undead charge, their skin sallow and empty eye-sockets aglow with the same harsh light of the Tomorrow. Some bare familiar faces. Those honoured in statues of officers, while others bear the faces of fallen comrades that were once lost to the endless march.
Moments later, a series of draconic roars reach your ears, as five dazzling comets fall from the broken sky: one white, one blue, one black, one red, and one green. These glimmering, chromatic arrows plummet to the earth all across the fortress, and word quickly spreads of who needs them: Feather.
Through sea and sky, Under moon and sun, The blades fall, And foes rise.
Boots march, Through sweat, blood, and tears, Nameless warriors, Unmade anew.
Through this act, I cast all away, Tomorrow a memory Nothing today.
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dnd5a · 3 years ago
Chronicle Entry LG109 - A Warning
This Chronicle entry, recorded by High Chronicler Quill, is a transcription of a letter left by Senior Officer Feather before her recent departure
I hope that no one ever has to read this.
My name is Zye, and I have organised the destruction of the Starblade company.
During my time, and with the help of others... I hope to remove it’s existence from this life. But if for some reason the company manages to be resurrected, then please remember this...
We will never be equal to her. 
She is known as Stardust, but her real name is Lorex. Do not let her make you forget it. 
We are pawns to serve in her merciless quest for power and riches, and I am not proud of the things that I have done on her behalf. 
For those of you that read this letter and still stand at her side, know this: 
You are disposable and replaceable to her, so do not give her what she wants. Do you not play her game, for you are much stronger... much smarter than she gives you credit. 
Do not fall victim to losing your own self. She makes you believe that you have nothing, which in turn makes you stay. But there is always something to fight for outside these walls. You only need a small piece to realise it, and that small piece changed my cold and forbidding heart, forever. There are some people that will not accept the outcome, and that is understandable. Let them be angry, for it may not seem that what I did was for their future. Ultimately, I hope that over many centuries this will all be forgotten, like memory into myth. 
Just remember yourself. Remember who you were, before she tells you who you should be. Be strong enough to change things. Lorex will only break you if you let her.
As for Stardust’s loyalists, who will try and rally officers against me. You won’t see me coming until it’s too late.
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dnd5a · 3 years ago
Patch 3.1 - Moment of Triumph
While it started as a more general patch, Patch 3.1 has turned into a total overhaul of the feat system, among other changes, specifically including some race changes from Mordenkainen’s Monsters of the Multiverse.
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New - Artificer Specialisation: Demolitionist bomb
New - Barbarian Path: Path of Hellfire Slam the ground and make fire
Fix - Battle Outlet: Relentless Chase Is once per turn.
Rework - Trail of the Pistolero: Fists Full of Fire Now works with new two-weapon fighting rules (and just works in general)
New - Ranger Conclave: Conclave of the Arcane Archer Shoot a guy in up to NINE SPECIAL WAYS!
New - Sorcerous Origin: Fiendish Soul Mark people with hell. Then explode them.
Buff - Pact Magic & Eldritch Invocations Increased the number of starting cantrips and invocations by 1
Nerf - Eldritch Invocation: Eldritch Smite Now doesn’t come back with expended spell slots, because holy shit. Instead comes back on a short or long rest.
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Certain race changes from Mordenkainen’s Monsters of the Multiverse buff certain shit races in a number of ways and add general quality of life improvements
Rework - Innate Spells All races that gain innate spells can cast them using spell slots and can choose their spellcasting ability modifier
Rework - Racial Traits All racial traits that previous had uses now have proficiency bonus uses.
Buff - Genasi All genasi have been reworked/buffed across the board. Their spells are largely much better.
Rework - Hobgoblin Now grant martial proficiencies, bonuses to Helping, and a bonus to AC
New - Ogre Large lad. Muscle through saving throws
New - Special Lineage: Shade Shadow person with shadowy stuff
Rework - Tiefling Tieflings are now fully customisable, with a list of spells to choose from and three unique abilities.
The new feats system allows for greater customisation and uniqueness, but allowing character to pick small buffs to their character for free.
New - Minor Feats Characters can pick a minor feat at 1st, 5th, 10th, and 15th level. The following feats have been turned into minor feats (and have add their ability score improvements removed):
Dungeon Delver
Keen Mind
The Skill Feats (one for each skill)
Tavern Brawler
The Tool Feats (one for most tools)
Weapon Master
New - Artful Dodger Dodge as a bonus action a few times. Get more benefits for dodging. Great for monks?
Buff - Breach Manoeuvring Easier time moving. More damage
New - Defender Taunt enemies, stop them hitting your lads, and more cover for your lads
New - Interceptor Protection feat. Move to protect your lads
Buff - Savage Attacker Increases your critical hit range. Holy shit, it’s good now.
Buff - Slasher Bleeds on crit
New - Supernatural Feats Be touched by fey, fiends, celestials, law, or chaos.
New - Titan Build Use the new Large Lad Weapons™
New - Akordia’s Crescent Slash Three swooshes
Buff - Death Ward Now works with reducing to 0 without damage. Basically to make it stop you bleeding to death
Buff - Detect Thoughts Duration increased from 1 to 10 minutes
Nerf - Facade Misinterpret now stops if you harm a charmed creature’s allies
Rework - Flame Blade Works like shadow blade now. Sets dudes on fire on hit.
New - Gale Blade Anime booming blade
Nerf - Haste Now just incapacitates the target when it ends
Buff - Heal Cures bleeding now
New - Nova Explode with stars
Nerf - Polymorph Polymorphing an unwilling creature only lasts 1 minute
New - Shifting Earth Move dudes around like chess pieces
Rework - Critical Hits Features now increase your “critical hit range,” rather than say “you crit on a 19 or 20″
New - Excess Damage to Cover If a wall gets exploded by fireball and the wall was protecting you, it hits you with the leftover damage
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dnd5a · 3 years ago
Patch 3.0 - Supreme Verdict Part 4: Rules
The patch is finally upon us. It’s taken 7-months and gruelling suffering, but here we are. For the sake of our collective sanity, the patch notes will be split into multiple parts.
Most changes made are opt-in for pre-existing characters meaning that you may choose whether or not to apply them to characters already in-play. (Created, but not-yet-played characters do not count as pre-existing characters)
Otherwise, changes will apply to all characters created in future
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Clarification - AOEs while Large or Larger Prevents you from hitting yourself with arms of Hadar and similar spells.
New - Armour and Weapons for Large or larger Creatures Pretty much what it says on the tin
Rework - Fighting Style: Protection Now allows you to change the target to you, instead of grant disadvantage. High AC is encouraged!
Change - Flanking You can now flank a creature that is one size larger than you or smaller. (i.e. If you’re Medium, you can flank Large or smaller creatures. If you’re Large, you can flank Huge or smaller creatures)
New - Jumping You can now make Strength (Athletics) checks to jump further than your standard jumping distance.
Clarification - Keywords Certain terms have been officially keyworded with attached rulestext. This changes very little, it just makes templating things easier for me. The keyworded terms are:
Changing Die Size
Low-Light Vision
Magical Darkness
Multiclassing Spell Slot Progression for Invokers, Wardens, and Warlocks
Wind Levels (Mild Wind, Strong Wind, Gale Wind)
Clarification - Verbal Spell Components You must speak clearly aloud.
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dnd5a · 3 years ago
Patch 3.0 - Supreme Verdict Part 3: Spells
The patch is finally upon us. It’s taken 7-months and gruelling suffering, but here we are. For the sake of our collective sanity, the patch notes will be split into multiple parts.
Most changes made are opt-in for pre-existing characters meaning that you may choose whether or not to apply them to characters already in-play. (Created, but not-yet-played characters do not count as pre-existing characters)
Otherwise, changes will apply to all characters created in future
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Many changes have been made to spells in this patch. Many old spells have been cut, spells from new books have been added, and new spells have been added to every class
Spells from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons, and Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos, as well as some other sources
Booming blade
Green-flame blade
Lightning lure
Magic stone
Time capsule
Borrowed knowledge
Cure Disease
Nathair’s mischief
Rime’s binding ice
Shadow blade
Summon beast
Wither and bloom
Aganazzar’s jet stride
Iron wind strike
Silvery barbs
Summon fey
Summon ooze
Summon plant
Summon shadowspawn
Summon undead
Raulothim’s psychic lance
Summon aberration
Summon construct
Summon draconic spirit
Summon elemental
Control lesser weather
Greater ceremony
Summon celestial
Summon fiend
Fizban’s Platinum Shield
Draconic Transformation
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Most classes are under-represented in spell exclusivity. Most class-exclusive spells are Wizard spells, with the rest getting a small smattering of spells to themselves. Now they all have at least 5-10+
Cursing Bolt
Essence Strike
Accursed Grasp
Wicked Bastion
Withering Strike
Cursing Blast
Eerie Resilience
Bestow Greater Curse
Haunting Shade
Cherry Bomb
Arcane Charge
Create Munitions
Sonic Interference
Summon Microbots
Tesla Charge
Arcane Matrix
Lock On
Bubble Shield
Electromagnetic Pulse
Mechanical Enhancement
Otto's Marching Band
Grace Note
Ear Worm
Otto's Hypnotising Tune
Power Word Courage
Body Double
Warding Incense
Spiritual Armour
Petal Shuriken
Wood Barrier
Column of Earth
Vine Grapple
Pollen Burst
Holy Spear
Litany of Protection
Litany of Righteousness
Holy Edict
Litany of Bestowal
Litany of Rigour
Divine Grace
Litany of Resilience
Litany of Shelter
Greater Ceremony
Litany of Insight
Ond Pulse
Expose Lifeforce
Ond Shield
Lotus of Life
Shielding Smite
Punishing Smite
Project Aura
Guiding Smite
Syphoning Smite
Divine Shield
Greater Ceremony
Dazzling Flash
Light Screen
Harsh Glow
Prismatic Pulse
Light Binding
Lucent Step
Soothing Light
Projection Flare
Unleash Inner Radiance
Primeval Awareness
Thorn Strike
Blossoming Strike
Primal Poultice
Heartseeking Strike
Rending Strike
Focus Brand
Defender Rune
Pulse Rune
Agility Rune
Inhibiting Seal
Barrier Insignia
Destruction Insignia
Chromatic Seal
Geyser Rune
Grace Insignia
Vulnerability Seal
Mental Shadow
Project Aspect
Saviour Spirit
Ancestral Guardian
Ethereal Draw
Memory Lapse
Gift of the Dead
Part the Veil
Ancestral Weapon
Greater Ceremony
Spirit Storm
Althaea's Spellnode
Chaos Warp
Magic Barrier
Sorcerous Ward
Arcane Fusion
Althaea's Spellcore
Greater Arcane Fusion
Supreme Sorcery
Fire Lash
Nature's Brand
Crown of Regrowth
Elemental Roil
Energy Tendril
Nature's Abundance
Anchoring Strike
Primal Armour
Elemental Burst
Total Protection from Energy
Aurelian Spear
Eldritch Pull
Fangs of the Night Serpent
Slicing Shadows
Baleful Light
Kezef's Soulhunter
Atropal Star
Malefic Prophecy
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Acid Splash
Poison Spray
Arms of Hadar
Charm person
Compelled duel
Cure wounds (spicy)
Animal messenger
Clinging shadows
Cordon of arrows
Dust devil
Find traps
Insurmountable to surmountable
Melf's acid arrow
Snilloc's snowball swarm
Tasha's mind whip
Warding wind
Conjure barrage
Erupting earth
Flame arrows
Magma splash
Melf's tranquilizing arrow
Ray of force
Aura of purity
Elemental bane
Grasping vine
Mordenkainen's faithful hound
Phantasmal killer
Venomous bolt
Wall of fire
Widogast's web of flame
Conjure volley
Forgotten pain
Mass cure wounds
Negative energy flood
Drawmij's instant summons
Celestial opposition
Divine word
Finger of death
Mordenkainen's sword
Umbral assault
Abi-Dalzim's horrid wilting
Control greater weather
Incendiary cloud
Maddening darkness
Mind blank
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Decaying veil
Eidolic chains
Toll the dead
Banishing smite
Bowgentle’s fleeting journey
Wall of force
Wall of stone
Banshee’s wail
Dark star
Divine avenger
Mass heal
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Acid Splash
Decaying veil
Eidolic chains
Poison Spray
Toll the dead
Charm person
Compelled duel
Crystal resonance
Cure wounds
Outrage (rename to Enrage)
Ray of Light
Animal messenger
Clinging shadows
Cordon of arrows
Dust devil
Feral empowerment
Find traps
Id insinuation
Immovable object
Insurmountable to surmountable
Korrin's Fist
Lesser Restoration
Manacle of burden
Melf's acid arrow
Snilloc's snowball swarm
Tasha's mind whip
Warding wind
Wormhole plunge
Wounding bolt
Aegis of Shielding (renamed to Aegis)
Blackened heart
Conjure barrage
Delay death
Erupting earth
Flame arrows
Freezing vortex
Intellect fortress
Magma splash
Melf's tranquilizing arrow
Onyx skull
Ray of force
Reaping smite
Spiritual chains
Ashen pack
Aura of purity
Chains of affinity
Crimson cloak
Elemental bane
Grasping vine
Mordenkainen's faithful hound
Orbital stones
Phantasmal killer
Shadowy Strike
Venomous bolt
Wall of fire
Binding contract (renamed as Contract)
Bowgentle's Fleeting Journey
Conjure volley
Fallen Meteor
Forgotten pain
Greater Restoration
Lunar passage
Mass cure wounds
Negative energy flood
Shadow stride
Wall of force
Wall of stone
White ice
Aphotic armour
Banshee's Wail
Drawmij's instant summons
Jodariel's exiling impalement
Mirage arcane
Antipathy/ sympathy
Arcane elevation
Black Star
Control greater weather
Divine avenger
Incendiary cloud
Maddening darkness
Mantle of the undaunted
Mind blank
Grimlore's calamity
Mass heal
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Aether shock
Astral seal
Claws of the dragon
Hand of Wrath
Hat trick
Magical mask
Mirror burst
Prayer of pain
Prayer of warding
Relative momentum
Righteous reproach
Thorn shield
Aether ray
Armour of Othrys
Aura of shade
Blade of grass
Dead end
Deep pockets
Discern name
Evard's lashing tongue
Gaea's hand
Injurious spellbook
Lightning lure
Luck of the sea
Rapport Spores
Rebuke evil and good
Slicing leaves
Spoken Ward
Tutulary Totem
Air bubble
Analyze blood
Analyze portal
Arm of the wild
Bigby's blistering barnacles
Cool metal
Corrode metal
Death's breath
Delphi's pendulum
Discover weakness
Dome of night
Echoed Pass
Far reach
Freeze frame
Gale of obscurity
Gift of gab
Gomez's earwigging electrum
Holy hymnal
Howling downpour
Hunter's pace
Mental barrier
Mind thrust
Pressure blade
Rays of radiance
See through Other Eyes
Spell Flux
Sporecaller's smite
Stolen breath
Urchin's spines
Wyrd Reconstruction
Acid Breath
Aegis of Assault
Aegis of Ensnarement
Conjure animals
Conjure lesser demons
Delphi's bones
Dryad's leap
Fallen soul
Find the gap
Icon of decay
Impede harm
Inhabiting charge
Korrin's brand
Last moments
Lingering flame
Modify beast
Moon blade
Night guardians
Nystul's talking wall
Pit of flame
Power word fall
Protection from negative energy
Ray of exhaustion
Sand blast
Shroud the mind
Skewering branch
Sticks to snakes
Stone sentinel
Storm vortex
Thunderous bellows
Umbral form
Wall of gloom
Weave necrosis
Writ of passage
Zone of swiftness
Armour of brilliance
Bane bow
Beacon of false life
Bestow syphons
Caustic quicksand
Conjure greater demon
Conjure minor elementals
Conjure woodland beings
Delphi's looking glass
Energy ward
Forbidden obelisk
Iron spike of Dis
Mystic aurora
Rary's rapid replication
Soul grip
Stone sphere
Tree strike
Bless vessel
Conjure elemental
Conjure ooze
Conjure plant creature
Consign blood
Delphi's eyeglasses
Divine field
Enpower animal
Infernal calling
Manifest mimic
Mind spore
Petal flurry
Red tide
Resistance against magic
Tenser's destructive blast
Vacuum burst
Visage of terror
Conjure fey
Syphon skill
Awaken undead
Circle of vigour
Conjure celestial
Conjure invisible stalker
Gorgon's glare
Otiluke's siege sphere
Manufacture construct
Nel Zhim's magical vivisection
Vector blast
Wrathful castigation
Astral projection
Hayzenbyrg's superposition
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dnd5a · 3 years ago
Patch 3.0 - Supreme Verdict Part 2: Races & Feats
The patch is finally upon us. It’s taken 7-months and gruelling suffering, but here we are. For the sake of our collective sanity, the patch notes will be split into multiple parts.
Most changes made are opt-in for pre-existing characters meaning that you may choose whether or not to apply them to characters already in-play. (Created, but not-yet-played characters do not count as pre-existing characters)
Otherwise, changes will apply to all characters created in future
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Rework - Aarakocra Now split into three subraces: Eaglin, Owlin, and Vulturin. Owlin incorporated from Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos
Rework - Bugbear Long Arms replaced with Brute Strength, granting 1d4 weapon damage proficiency bonus times per short or long rest
New - Bullywug Noble frog lads
Buff - Centaur Centaur are now Large creatures
Rework - Dragonborn Reworked to work similar to those shown in Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons
New - Gnoll Wild hyena dudes
Buff - Goliath Added cold damage back. Stone’s Endurance now scales with your level.
Buff - Minotaur Minotaur are now Large creatures
Rework - Mousefolk Minor ability adjustments. Nimble Dodge removed.
New - Shardmind Psychic rock people.
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Special character races exclusive to certain campaign settings. Lineages override another race, allowing one to become a Human Dhampir, or a Dwarf Lycan, etc.
The Dhampir, Hexblood, and Reborn come from Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft, while the Lycan comes from my book Van Richten’s Pocketbook Ravenloft.
Expect one more lineage, the Shade, in Patch 3.1
New - Special Lineage: Dhampir Vampire dudes
New - Special Lineage: Hexblood Children of hags, just much less gross
New - Special Lineage: Lycan Werewolves, but not broken
New - Special Lineage: Reborn Imagine getting reborn as a robot, a zombie, or a scarecrow, or whatever...
New - Hardy: Grants benefits to Endurance checks and advantage on checked against a forced march
New - Pack Tactician: Grants benefits to moving towards creatures, improves flanking, and prevents you and your allies from being flanked
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dnd5a · 3 years ago
Patch 3.0 - Supreme Verdict Part 1: Classes
The patch is finally upon us. It’s taken 7-months and gruelling suffering, but here we are. For the sake of our collective sanity, the patch notes will be split into multiple parts. 
Most changes made are opt-in for pre-existing characters meaning that you may choose whether or not to apply them to characters already in-play. (Created, but not-yet-played characters do not count as pre-existing characters)
Otherwise, changes will apply to all characters created in future
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Rework - Spellcasting Accursed now have a unique form of Innate Spellcasting, allowing them to cast all of their known spells once each every long rest.
Many old accursed abilities have been removed/reworked to coincide with this spellcasting change.
New - Black Magic Font Allows you to regain lost spells.
Nerf - Merciless Critical Moved to 7th level to make room for new features
Removed - Haunted Implements Added nothing to the class. Have been removed to make space for subclass abilities.
New - Accursed Essence New capstone. Grants essence on a crit and allows extra usage of your Black Magic Font feature.
Rework - Curses All of the subclasses have been fundamentally reworked in one way or another. To list them exhaustively here would be a waste of time.
New - Curse: Curse of Failing Fortune Dice math guy. Give yourself disadvantage on one thing to give them extra disadvantage on their thing. So on, so forth.
New - Curse: Curse of Fetid Flesh You can exude an aura of grossness and general unpleasantness
New - Curse: Curse of the Shattered Mind You can drive people insane by stabbing them.
Removed - Barbarian Path: Path of the Abomination Removed to make way for Path of the Beast.
New - Barbarian Path: Path of the Beast Added from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything
Rework - Barbarian Path: Path of the Destroyer 3rd and 6th level features swapped
Removed - Barbarian Path: Path of the Diamond Mind Removed because jank.
New - Barbarian Path: Path of Revelry Have fun in battle. Get stronger when you’re damaged and taunt enemies
Nerf - Divine Domain: Peace Domain It was broken. It’s probably fixed now. You no longer cream on your allies.
Nerf - Divine Domain: Twilight Domain Fuck you WotC
Rework - Nature’s Boon Removed Nature’s Kindness and Nature’s Wrath due to their general power. Ability renamed to Nature’s Companion
New - Druid Circle: Circle of Dreams Incorporated from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
New - Druid Circle: Circle of Omens Generate Omen, a resource you can use to gain advantage on attacks and grant creatures disadvantage on saving throws against your spells
New - Druid Circle: Circle of Thunder Peel Tank Druid. Protect your allies by punishing enemies for attacking them with lightning bolts
New - Druid Circle: Circle of the Wind Gish Druid. Cast a spell, fly at a guy and stab them
New - Martial Archetype: Psi Warrior Added from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything
Rework - Manoeuvres Manoeuvres reworked to be more consistent in power
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A subclassless class designed for maximum customisability. Level your character through Talent Points and Talent Trees, picking your abilities at whatever pace you like.
Thus, you can be whatever kind of psychic you like. Basically any “I am psychic” trope you can think of, you can probably do it.
New - Ranger Conclave: Swarmkeeper Bees.
Buff - Roguish Archetype: Assassin It was garbage. I gave it actual abilities
New - Roguish Archetype: Inquisitive Added and significantly improved from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything
New - Roguish Archetype: Mastermind Buffed across the board
New - Roguish Archetype: Phantom Added from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything
New - Roguish Archetype: Soulknife Added from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything
Reworked - Roguish Archetype: Vigilante Abilities reworked to function around Strike Techniques
Rework - Shadowborn Hound of Ill-Omen instead allows you to cast summon shadowspawn.
Tweak - Wild Magic Table Certain options altered to further-balance the table’s odds of bad/neutral/good results
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Designed to replace Scholar and Warlord, Tactician combines the flavour of both classes into a unique kind of martial support character. Execute your Perfect Plan by adding d4s to the attacks, checks, and saves of everyone that’s “in on your plan,” and Analyse your enemy’s every move
Buff - Hexblade: Accursed Specter Now summons an actual guy with his own statblock instead of just an idiot specter. He scales well. The accursed specter can also be created via killing non-humanoids too
Buff - Arcane School: School of Conjuration Abilities improved overall
Buff - Arcane School: School of Enchantment Abilities improved overall
Buff - Arcane School: School of Illusion Abilities improved overall
Animist Made redundancy due to the addition of new spells
Incarnate Convoluted to the point of being a pain in the ass
Partisan Lack of flavour depth
Occultist Poor mechanical application
Odysseer Lack of flavour depth
Paragon Lack of flavour depth
Pathoturge Terrible. It has since been integrated mechanically into Mystic
Scholar Removed to make way for Tactician
Warlord Removed to make room for Tactician 
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dnd5a · 3 years ago
Chronicle Entry LE057 – 38/05/1203: The Next Step
This Chronicle entry, recorded by Major Captain, has been made to inform Senior Officers on current affairs.
Karsus is gone. With the aid of many of our brave Senior Officers, Stardust was able to annihilate him entirely. He will trouble us no longer.
The Material Plane is slowly rebuilding. It will likely take them years, perhaps even decades, but they will survive. Many smaller populations, tribal peoples and the sort, were able to stave off the madness by hiding underground, but larger nations have been torn apart. Curun has all but completely collapsed as they scramble to find an heir to the imperial throne. Cachiria has, even in their weakened state, declared themselves free of suzerainty. Diles and Duran’s endless squabbling has gone silent for now, and the democracy of Erku is teetering in the balance.
In this time of strife, the Material Plane will have need of our services now more than ever, something we are equipped to give. We’ve plans to step up our presence on the Material Plane with permanent strongholds, which we are currently conjuring into being with aid from our finest wizards.
I would like to thank all those who have played a part in the sealing of Karsus, big and small. Those truly loyal to the company have stepped up to plate and powered through great adversity.
The hardest part may be over, but the more complicated part is only just beginning.
Good luck to you all. – Major Captain
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