#her collection is so gorgeous i would kill for it
greektragedybitch · 1 year
me omw to change my entire aesthetic after mumma pulls out her collection of oxidise jewellery:
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moonstruckme · 10 months
Hellooo!!! I have a Spencer Reid request, but feel free to ignore it if you're not up for it hahaha! I was thinking about BAU!Reader and maybe her and Spencer starting to mimic each other because they've been together for a while and spend so much time together? Like the way they talk, etc! I think it could be so so cute, especially if they don't realize they're doing it and the team noticing it for them? Thank you so much, I love everything that you write 🤍
Thanks gorgeous!
cw: discussion of tongue preservation methods? sorry in advance
Spencer Reid x bau!reader ♡ 560 words
You gaze lovingly at your boyfriend as he goes into detail about how to preserve severed tongues. 
“So the fact that this unsub is purchasing equipment actually shows a lack of medical expertise, since he seems to be going overboard with preservation measures.” Spencer’s nodding as he talks, a tiny scrunch between his brows. “It’s pretty silly actually. It’s probably only a matter of time until he figures out he just needs to keep them on ice.” 
Rossi’s eyebrows raise, and Morgan chuckles quietly. 
Spencer blinks, eyes refocusing as he comes out of his brain and back into the conference room. “What?”
“Did you just say the unsub was silly?” Prentiss asks, and his eyebrows refurrow. 
“Did I?” 
“Let’s stay on task.” Hotch is all business. “If he were as inexperienced as that would suggest, he probably wouldn’t make clean cuts. This skill level indicates some level of expertise.” 
“Well, actually, I’m not sure it would necessarily be medical expertise,” you say, cringing at your own knowledge. “The process he’s using doesn’t sound dissimilar to how I think they preserve cow tongues. Maybe he’s preparing them to eat.” 
You’re doing your best not to squirm, and Spencer can likely tell, placing a slender hand on your leg under the table. “That’s a good point,” he says, “he could have experience as a chef or in the meatpacking business.” 
Prentiss frowns. “Yeah, but how many chefs know how to preserve tongues?” 
“Maybe we could start by looking into restaurants that serve those kinds of delicacies,” JJ suggests. 
“Good.” Hotch closes his binder, standing. “Garcia, you get started on that and we’ll touch base with you from Atlanta. Wheels up in two hours.” 
“Yes sir.” Garcia looks a bit green—you sympathize—as she hurries out of the conference room. 
Morgan’s giving you one of his knowing looks, collecting his things extra slow, until finally you sigh. “What?” 
“Well, actually,” he mimics, lips curving into a grin. “You and pretty boy must be getting serious if you’re taking on his signature phrase.” 
You roll your eyes, but Spencer smiles, looping his crossbody bag over his head. “Actually, language style matching is only one form of mirroring. If you’re paying attention, people who spend a lot of time together can mirror each other down to their breathing rhythms or how many times they blink within a minute.” 
You look at him interestedly. “So what does that mean? Just that we’re spending too much time together?” 
The look Spencer gives you threatens to liquefy you with its softness. “There’s never too much time.” 
Morgan’s laughter is hooting, and you want to find that as cheesy as he does, you really do, but the place within yourself where you usually reach for sarcasm has gone mushy and useless. You rearrange some things in your bag unnecessarily, head down to hide your blush.
“Wow,” Morgan sighs happily, “I don’t know which one of you is more whipped.” 
This would normally be your opportunity to think of a retort, but luckily you don’t have to. JJ pops back into the room, looking frowny. 
“We just got a call from Atlanta. The unsub killed again overnight.” 
Spencer grows serious. “He’s accelerating?” 
“Yup.” She nods. “Hotch wants us there now, so it’s wheels up in twenty.” 
You and Spencer nod in tandem. “Sick.”
Morgan’s eyes roll straight up to the ceiling.
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Her Pretty Girl
pairings: hazel callahan x reader
warnings: insults, stupid Jeff, bad writing
summary: Hazel’s girlfriend calls her Pretty Girl every time.
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It was the day after the game, and the fight club planned a celebratory meeting for saving the day. As the girls filed in, Hazel and her girlfriend walked in hand and hand. As everyone got seated, Josie spoke up.
“Well, that was some pretty fucked up shit.” The girls nodded at the statement. They had killed, after headcount, all of the football players. Collectively, they had decided to never mention that part.
“Fuck yeah, we slayed those players,” Sylvie yelled aggressively. The girls laughed and nodded, high-fiving each other.
“Yo where’s the snacks,” PJ asked confused. A gasp came from Hazel’s side, their heads turned towards the sounds.
“I am so sorry, I left it in my last class,” Y/N apologized. “I’ll go grab it.” She stood up, hand leaving Hazels.
“Do you want me to go,” Hazel asked sweetly. Shaking her head, Y/N smiled in appreciation.
“Thank you, but I’ve got it pretty girl, love ya” Y/N said, leaving a small kiss on her cheek before leaving the gym. As Hazel’s eyes followed Y/N’s leaving figure, she heard a snicker come from PJ.
“Gosh, what kind of nickname was that,” PJ asked rudely. Holding back an eye roll, Hazel turned to PJ before answering.
“The nickname a lover gives. I know you wouldn’t know, so I’m glad I could clear it up for you,” Hazel said with a smirk. The girls laughed as PJ blushed in embarrassment. If Hazel was being honest with herself, she was still upset with PJ. Yes, she had said she forgiven her, but she had just wanted to get it over with. Originally, Hazel had felt guilty, but Y/N had told her that she had no reason to be, going on about how PJ was a ‘stupid bitch’.
“No, but really,” PJ interrupted Hazel’s thoughts. “Why in the hell does she call you that?” All the girls turned to Hazel, ready for the story. Hazel opened her mouth to speak before she paused. When had Y/N start calling her pretty girl? Blinking, Hazel thought about when it had started.
“Well,” Hazel started. “For as long as I can remember knowing her, she’s always called me pretty girl.” They had gotten together during summer, their first ‘official date’ had been the festival, the day before school. “She always called me hun, like she does to everyone she cares.” The girls nodded in agreement. Everyone who was everyone knew that when talking with people she cared about, she always called them by their name, and hun. “Sometimes she called me sweets,” Hazel added. Huh, Y/N really did call her by lots of pet names.
“But we wanna know why she calls you pretty girl,” Annie said impatiently.
“Yeah, come on,” Isabel agreed, holding Josie’s hand. Hazel rolled her eyes playfully at the impatience from the group.
“Seriously, I don’t remember-” Hazel stopped mid sentence.
“What,” Brittany asked. Hazel did remember.
“It was the beginning of freshman year..”
It was a normal day. As usual, Jeff was being a dick and pushing Hazel around. Hazel kept her head down, if she kept her mouth shut, the bullying would be over faster. Everyone usually ignored Jeff’s bullying, hoping to stay out of his trail of fear. Not Y/N though.
“Your so ugly,” Jeff said with cruelty. Hazel winced subtly. That definitely did not help with her self esteem.
“You shut your mouth,” a voice said, stepping in front of Hazel. The person put themself in between her and Jeff. It was her darling Y/N. Well, not her Y/N, at least not at the time, but Hazel still liked her. “She is the prettiest, gorgeous, most stunning girl in school, hell, in the whole freaking world!” From what Hazel could see from behind, she could hear and see her fuming.
“Ugh,” Jeff whined. “No fun, this is too much work.” Jeff snapped for his goonies to follow him out, not wanting to do extra work. As he left, Y/N turned to Hazel with concern.
“Hey, are you ok,” she asked softly. No one had every spoken so kindly to Hazel, and it didn’t help the fact that she was gorgeous.
“I-I’m ok,” Hazel stuttered back, avoiding eye contact. Suddenly two hands grabbed her face and brought it near Y/N’s face. Too close. Hazel couldn’t help the blush coming onto her face.
“He is wrong, Haze. You are not ugly,” Y/N said firmly. Haze laughed sarcastically, looking away from Y/N.
“It’s ok, I know I’m not the prettiest,” Hazel tried to play off, but Y/N would not hear anymore of that. Y/N held Hazel’s face firmer, forcing Hazel to look at her.
“Listen here, Hazel Callahan. You are the most stunning, gorgeous, most dazzling girl I’ve ever met. You, are a very pretty girl.” Y/N was fully prepared to continue to rant, but she noticed tears in Hazel’s eyes. “Haze,” she said softly, wiping away her tears. “I will tell you every day, of what a pretty girl you are until you believe me. And I’ll continue to tell you, even after that.” Hazel couldn’t stop a few tears slip past her eyes.
“Do you really mean that,” Hazel asked softly. Nodding, Y/N pulled the crying girl into a hug.
“Of course, pretty girl.” That was the day Hazel realized that she loved Y/N. She wanted to be girlfriends.
“And since then, she’s been calling me pretty girl,” Hazel said, wiping her eyes. Some tears had slipped while recalling the beautiful moment. She had never taken Jeff’s words to heart, but hearing Y/N fighting for her to know she was pretty? It meant the world to her. A loud sob broke the silence causing Hazel to snap out of her thoughts. The group was crying, moved by her darling Y/N.
“That was too fucking cute,” Sylvie cried. Hazel nodded, a loving smile on her face.
“I’m not gay, but I would date her if she was single,” Brittany added. The gym doors opened to show the center of attention herself, Y/N.
“Hey, I brought all the snacks,” Y/N said, motioning to the wagon full of snacks she was wheeling. The girls gave a collective ‘awe’, leaving a confused look on the girl’s face. Hazel walked towards Y/N to help bring the snacks. “Thank you, pretty girl,” Y/N smiled sweetly. The girls screamed at the reference, leaving a confused look on Y/N’s face. Hazel couldn’t help it, she grabbed her girlfriend and kissed her, getting kissed back with vigor. When Hazel pulled back, Y/N gave a dazed look of love. “What was that for, pretty girl?”
“Nothing, just wanted to kiss you,” Hazel said nonchalantly. Blushing, Y/N looked away and started unpacking the snacks. As Hazel stared at her girlfriend while PJ walked up to her.
“You’re really whipped, huh,” PJ elbowed Hazel knowingly. Hazel hummed in agreement. She was head over heals for Y/N. “You’re her pretty girl, aren’t ya?”
Yes. Hazel was her pretty girl.
A/N: I actually liked this one a lot. Hope you all liked this one! If you have any requests, please send them :)
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lovelybeesthings · 10 months
Ray of sunchine
Coriolanus Snow x reader
Word count: 1.7k
Context: Little drabble about the scene where Coriolanus freaks out in the forest with a sweet ending. one-shot
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As I go fetch some flowers in the forest humming to my own tune I had originally left the cabin and went outside in the rain for Katniss but then I got easily distracted by the way the gorgeous flower looked I doubt that Coriolanus will worry I think myself.
Meanwhile, Coriolanus begins to panic about not being able to find Y/n as he holds the rifle in his hands, tracking her steps in the fresh mud, she wouldn't run away from him, right? I mean after everything he did for her after what he's sacrificed.
As he followed the foot tracks he saw his mother's scarf lying on the ground, he got on his knees and brought the scarf up to his nose to smell the scent of roses but as he did he got bitten by a small snake adding more to the burning fire.
“Is this poison?” he says panicked “Y/n! Are you trying to kill me” he shouts “I SAID ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME” he shouts much louder losing it he brings the rifle in his hands to where the mockyjays started to mimic her humming.
His arm bleeding from the bite of the small snake from the scarf.
As Y/n picks a bit more and makes her flower crowns she gets up and goes back to her trail to the cabin she hears shouting and the sound of the riffle going off. Worried she runs to where the noise is coming from seeing Coriolanus on the ground the riffle positioned to her.
Y/n is worried and confused she lifts her hands holding the flower crowns “Coryo what happened why did you start shooting the mockingjays?” she says in her voice in a honey-toned manner her voice claiming him down.
“Where were you!” he says in a panic “I got distracted and was collecting flowers to make some flower crowns, why were you shooting?” she responds examining his face and then checking to see if he was okay noticing his bite mark.
“Coryo your arm is bitten we need to treat it right away!” she says quickly on her knees beside him examining the bite as he calms down the voices that linger in his mind disappear.
“Let's head back to the cabin I think we can treat your wound and talk about what happened okay? Would you like that” Y/n tells him as he nods in response he holds her hand as they both back together to the cabin.
“So you thought I was trying to leave you?” She says as she cleans his wound with alcohol and then wraps it with bandages as he hides his head being foolish to think that.
“Croyo could it be you're just scared to leave I mean we can back to Distract twelve and dump the ruffles in the lake”
Croyo nods as he is happy to hear Y/n can sense his doubts “I like that plan” he responds as she smiles kissing his forehead as his hands make it to her waist.
“I promise when I go back to the Capitol I'll bring you with me,” Coriolanus says as he buries his face in her chest for comfort, causing her to let a giggle out
“Alright I mean there's nothing for me here I'm sure Lucy could take care of the convey on her own!” she says as she pulls his head up kissing his lips.
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Epilogue: C.S. becomes president and his wife Y/n Snow rule over the Panem peacefully ending the hunger games and the Capitol and Districts live in Union as equals.
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igotyupls · 12 days
Stage Crush : Huh Yunjin x Female Reader
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a/n: should’ve watched lesbian porn to make this longer but I have a babygirl and she hates not being held so. Sue me🥹
Yunjin's mind was racing as she strolled down the busy Hannam-Dong street, her phone clutched tightly in her hand. She couldn't stop thinking about her best friend Y/N, an idol from a rival girl group [You name it, im too lazy]. 
They had been close for years, but lately, Yunjin had been developing some serious feelings for Y/N. Her heart would start pounding every time she so much as glanced at the other girl at music shows.
As Yunjin turned the corner, she spotted Y/N chatting with some of her members up ahead. Her heart skipped a beat, and she amped her pace, desperate to get Y/N's attention. "Y/N!" she called out, waving.
Y/N looked back and her face lit up with a bright smile. "Yunjin! Hey, girl, what's up?" she said, power-walking over and pulling Yunjin into a warm hug. Yunjin inhaled the  scent of Chanel , loving the feeling of being in Y/N's arms. The other members also greeted Yunjin with hugs and kisses.
"Nothing much, just grabbing some coffee," Yunjin replied, trying to sound casual but failing miserably. "You wanna join me?"
"Absolutely!" Y/N said, glancing back at her members. "I'll catch up with you guys later, okay?" The other girls nodded and waved goodbye as Y/N and Yunjin headed off to the nearest café.
As they walked, Yunjin couldn't help but steal a few glances at Y/N's gorgeous face and that sexy-as-hell figure. The other girl was rocking this tight-fitting crop top that showed off her toned abs, and Yunjin had to resist the urge to just reach out and touch her.
"Damn, looking fine as always," Yunjin mumbled under her breath, biting her lip.
Y/N must have heard her, 'cause she turned and flashed Yunjin this mischievous smile. "You're not so bad yourself, babe," she compliment, flirt meter through the roof.
Yunjin felt her cheeks heat up,  she quickly looked away, her heart pounding in her chest. "Uh, yeah, thanks," she stammered, cursing herself for being such a useless gay.
They reached the café, and Yunjin held the door open for Y/N, earning her another one of those bright-ass smiles. They ordered their drinks and found a cozy little table in the corner, away from prying eyes.
"So, how's your day been so far?" Yunjin asked, taking a sip of her coffee and trying to act cool and collected.
Y/N shrugged. "Eh, it's been alright, I guess. Lots of rehearsals and meetings, you know how it is. But I'm glad I got to see you." She reached across the table and gave Yunjin's hand a gentle squeeze, her fingers lingering on Yunjin's skin.
Yunjin felt a jolt of . god knows what at the touch, and she had to resist the urge to just jump Y/N right then and there. "Yeah, me too," she said, her voice barely a whisper.
The two idols chatted for what felt like hours, laughing and sharing stories about their groups. Yunjin was hyper-aware of every little touch and glance, her pussy getting wetter by the minute.
"you're killing me here," Yunjin muttered, shifting in her seat uncomfortably.
Y/N just grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "What's the matter, babe? Can't handle the heat?" she teased, her hand brushing against Yunjin's thigh.
Yunjin let out a shaky breath, her heart pounding in her chest. "Nah, I can handle it just fine," she shot back, her voice dripping with confidence that she definitely did not feel.
Soon As they were getting ready to leave, Y/N suddenly leaned in close, her lips touching Yunjin's ear. "Hey, you wanna get out of here?" she murmured, her warm breath sending shivers down Yunjin's spine.
"Fuck, yes," Yunjin breathed, her eyes wide with excitement.
The two girls exited the café, hailing a taxi and practically jumping into the backseat, their hands together the entire ride back to Yunjin's solo apartment [doubt it but for the story ig]
. As soon as they were inside, Y/N pushed Yunjin up against the wall, her lips crashing against Yunjin's in a filthy kiss.
"Mmm, finally," Yunjin moaned, her hands gripping Y/N's waist as she pulled her closer. The kiss deepened, their tongues fighting and sliding together in a tango.
Y/N broke the kiss, panting heavily. "Bedroom. Now," she ordered, her eyes dark with lust.
Yunjin's heart was pounding like crazy as she and Y/N stumbled back to the bedroom, their hands roaming and feeling every inch of each other. The tension between them building for weeks, and now that they were finally alone, there was no holding back.
Y/N pushed Yunjin down onto the bed. "You have no idea how long I've wanted this," she growled, her voice dripping with downright lust.
Yunjin let out a shaky breath, her fingers gripping the sheets. "Then take me, baby," she cooed, arching her back.
Y/N grinned, her hands sliding under Yunjin's shirt. "With pleasure," she murmured, her lips smashing against Yunjin's .
Yunjin moaned into the kiss, her hands tangling in Y/N's hair. The kiss deepened, their tongues sliding together. Yunjin could feel the wetness pooling between her thighs, her pussy aching to be touched.
Y/N broke the kiss, panting heavily. "Fuck, you taste so good," she growled, her teeth biting Yunjin's neck.
Yunjin let out a shaky moan, her hips bucking up against Y/N's. "Please, Y/N... I need you," she whimpered, her voice dripping with desperation.
Y/N chuckled, her fingers already unbuttoning Yunjin's shirt and tossing the sports bra up and over her head. "ALright then baby," she cooed, her lips trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses down Yunjin's body.
Yunjin arched her back, her tits heaving as Y/N's mouth closed around one of her nipples. "Nngh, yes!" she cried out, her fingers tangling in Y/N's hair.
Y/N swirled her tongue around the bud, provoking a series of moans from Yunjin. She then moved to the other nipple, sucking and nipping at it gently.
"Fuck, Y/N... that feels so good," Yunjin panted, her hips grinding against Y/N's thigh.
Y/N grinned, her hand sliding down to cup Yunjin's pussy through her panties. 
"You're so wet for me, baby," she murmured, her fingers tracing the outline of Yunjin's swollen clit.
Yunjin let out a strangled cry, her back arching off the bed. "Please, please... I need you inside me," she begged, her voice dripping with need.
Y/N chuckled, her fingers hooking into the waistband of Yunjin's skirt and panties. "As you wish," she purred,  peeling the soppy panty away.
Yunjin held her breath, her heart pounding in her chest as Y/N's fingers grazed her slick, wet folds. "Nngh, yes... fuck me, Y/N," she moaned, her hips bucking up.
Y/N slid two fingers inside Yunjin's dripping pussy, eliciting a loud, guttural moan from the other girl. "Mmm, you feel so good, baby," she murmured, her thumb circling Yunjin's swollen clit.
Yunjin's back arched, her hands gripping the sheets as Y/N's fingers pumped in and out of her. "Aaah, fuck! Don't stop, please... I'm so close," she cried out, her voice laced with pure ecstasy.
Y/N increased the pace of her thrusts, her fingers curling to hit that sweet spot inside Yunjin. "That's it, baby... come for me," she growled, her lips capturing Yunjin's in a deep kiss.
Yunjin's entire body tensed as the orgasm ripped through her, her pussy clenching around Y/N's fingers. "Nngh, Y/N!" she screamed, her nails digging into Y/N's back.
Y/N swallowed Yunjin's moans of pleasure, her fingers continuing to stroke and rub her stimulated cunt. "That's it, let it all out," she murmured, her lips trailing back down to Yunjin's neck.
Yunjin's body shuddered with the aftershocks of her orgasm, her breathing ragged. "Fuck, that was... amazing," she panted, her eyes half-lidded with satisfaction.
Y/N grinned, her fingers gently coming out from Yunjin's pussy. "And we're just getting started, baby," she murmured, her tongue out to taste Yunjin's juices.
Yunjin let out a shaky moan, her hands reaching for Y/N. "again," she breathed, her voice dripping with lust.
Y/N chuckled, her fingers tracing the outline of Yunjin's swollen, glistening pussy. "With pleasure," she murmured, her lips crashing against Yunjin's. 
Y/N's hands sidled over Yunjin's body as they kissed, fingers feeling the curves of her waist and hips. Yunjin arched into her touch, desperate for more. 
She tugged at the hem of Y/N's crop top, urging her to remove it.
Y/N grinned against Yunjin's lips, She broke the kiss and sat back, pulling the tight top over her head in one smooth motion. 
Yunjin's breath caught in her throat at the sight of Y/N's toned abs and tits, barely covered by a lacy black bra.
"Like what you see, baby?" Y/N purred, running her hands down her own body teasingly.
Yunjin nodded, eyes dark with lust. "God, yes," she breathed, reaching up to trace the outline of Y/N's bra with trembling hands.
Y/N chuckled and leaned back down, kissing again.
 Their tongues fighting as Yunjin's hands felt the newly exposed skin, loving the soft skin under her fingertips.
Slowly, Yunjin's hands moved to the clasp of Y/N's bra,  unhooking it and sliding the straps down her arms. 
Y/N shrugged it off, tossing it aside without breaking the kiss.
Yunjin's hands immediately cupped Y/N's bare tits, taking out a soft moan from the  girl.
 She gently kneaded the soft pale tits, her thumbs brushing over the rosy nipples.
"Fuck, Yunjin," Y/N gasped, arching into the touch. "That feels so good."
Yunjin grinned, getting bolder from Y/N's reaction. 
She rolled the buds between her fingers, watching as Y/N's eyes close.
"You like that, don't you?" Yunjin murmured, her voice low and sexy.
Y/N nodded, her hips grinding down against Yunjin's. "Yes, baby, I love it," she breathed, 
Yunjin's hands roamed over Y/N's bare skin, feeling every inch of her toned, gorgeous body. She loved the way Y/N's muscles flexed under her hands, the soft curves of her hips and waist driving Yunjin absolutely wild.
"Fuck, you're so sexy," Yunjin murmured, her fingers quickly unbuttoning Y/N's jeans. She tugged the tight denim down, revealing a pair of lacy black panties that clung to Y/N's heart shaped ass.
Y/N chuckled, grinding her panty covered pussy against Yunjin's. "You like what you see, baby?" she purred, her own hands sliding over Yunjin to feel her soft skin.
Yunjin nodded, her eyes dark with lust. "Hell yes," she whispered, hooking her fingers into the band of Y/N's panties. 
She slowly pulled down the damp panty away, exposing Y/N's glistening,wet pussy.
The two girls shifted, Yunjin straddling Y/N's thigh as Y/N laid this time. 
They’re sloppy pussies pressing together, the sensitive clits rubbing with pleasure.
"Fuck, that feels so good," Yunjin moaned, her cunt rocking against Y/N's.
Y/N let out a guttural ‘moan, her fingers digging into Yunjin's hips. "Yes, baby... ride me," she growled, her own hips bucking up.
The room was filled with the sounds of their moans and the wet, slick noises of their grinding pussies. Yunjin could feel the coil of her orgasm building in the pit of her stomach, her orgasm rapidly rushing.
"I'm so close, Y/N," she whimpered, her hands shoving Y/N's shoulders for leverage.
Y/N nodded, her thumb circling Yunjin's swollen clit. "Come with me, Yunjin," she panted, her own hips picking up speed.
The two girls moaned as their orgasms ripped through them, their bodies shaking with the intensity of their orgasms. 
Yunjin's pussy clenching around air, their juices mixing together in a sticky, mess.
Yunjin collapsed on top of Y/N, both of them panting heavily. She traced lazily on Y/N's skin, a big smile on her face.
"Fuck, that was... mind-blowing," she murmured, her voice barely a whisper.
Y/N chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to Yunjin's forehead. "I told you we were just getting started, baby," she cooed, her fingers gently stroking Yunjin's cheek.
Yunjin grinned, her heart still racing. "Then what are you waiting for?" she teased, her voice filled with invitations.
Y/N's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Nothing," she said flipping and, crashing their lips together in a filthy kiss.
The two girls lost themselves in their daze of lust, their bodies tangled.
Their moans and cries of pleasure bouncing off the walls through the room, amplified by the wet, squelching sounds of their pussies rubbing together. 
Yunjin's legs wrapped tightly around Y/N's waist, their pussies moving in a sensual, dancing rhythm.
"Nngh, fuck... right there, baby," Yunjin panted, her nails digging into Y/N's back.
Y/N let out a groan, her fingers fisting in Yunjin's hair. "You feel so good, Yunjin... I'm so close," she breathed, her hips picking up speed.
Yunjin arched her back, her toddies pressing against Y/N's as her third maybe fourth orgasm started building again. 
"Come with me, Y/N," she whimpered, her voice dripping with need.
Y/N nodded, her fingers pinching Yunjin's clit. "Together," she ordered, kissing her.
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anime-fan-05 · 8 months
love your writing. youre awesome. you don't have to but if if you could could you make yuyu hakusho characters x reader who's into cute dresses, make up, skin and haircare routines, stuffed animals collections and girly things. would they be accepting of her, find her annoying, join her or what do you think? plz
Yu Yu Hakusho ~With a very feminine reader~
Manga/anime: Yu Yu Hakusho
Warnings: nothing
(Y/N): your name
Thank you very much for the compliment! I personally didn't know which characters you meant exactly, so I created the headcanon with the main 4 and Koenma. If you also want someone else, write to me privately and I'll include them.
U. Yusuke
He thinks you're very adorable, but he'll never join you in hair and skin care
However, he really enjoys putting on your makeup, even if he often messes up your face
When you come back from the hairdresser with your hair cut or from the beautician with your nails done, he's always playing dumb that doesn't notice anything; however, after seeing you were offended, he compliments you ("I noticed it, (Y/N). You look great.")
Whenever he can, he buys you cute stuffed animals or accessories, such as necklaces and bracelets or rubber bands and hair clips
He also gives you nice clothes if he can buy them for you, and, if you wear them, he'll blush deeply and turn his head away so you can't see his huge blush
K. Kazuma
He's probably the person who accepts you the most
Are you wearing a nice outfit? "You're so cute, (Y/N)!" Have you groomed or cut your hair? "You look great, darling!" Did you wear makeup? "You're so gorgeous! You look great without makeup, but you're beautiful even like that!"
He goes to the game room a lot of times to win stuffed animals for you; when he wins nothing, he sulks all day ("Sorry, I won nothing..." "Kazuma, you don't have to give me a stuffed animal a day, don't worry!")
You two often do skin care together, but don't tell Yusuke this or he'll make fun of Kazuma for life
To give you gifts, he often asks Keiko for advice, as he considers his sister to be one of the least feminine women in existence (Shizuru always gets angry when he points this out to her)
He finds it very cute you always get dressed up, but he often tells you you're beautiful, even without accessories or luxurious clothes
He always, always notices when you do something different to your hair, nails or face ("Have you done anything to your hair/nails/face? You're very beautiful, (Y/N).")
Probably, you two do hair care together: you're the only person wh's allowed to care for his hair
When you wear cute clothes, he blushes slightly and looks at you affectionately and meanwhile Youko stirs inside him
He sometimes lets you find cute stuffed animals or accessories on your bed, and then he pretends he didn't put them there ("That? No, I didn't give it to you.")
He doesn't understand you: he can't understand why you care yourself so much, and he refuses to join you if you ask him this
Despite this, one day, after seeing his sister getting her hair done by Kazuma (Hiei wanted to kill him), he decided he would do the same to you: so, he combs your hair every morning
For a while, he never gave you accessories or stuffed animals, since he thought they were useless; however, everything changed when, one day, he gave you a hair clip he had found during a mission, and he saw your happiness born from that small gesture
"I found it lying around and I thought only a person like you could wear that horror."
This is what he says every time he gives you something to wear, but it's clear he does it because he loves seeing you smile and seeing you with what he steals buys
Like Kazuma, he also compliments you when you change your appearance, changing your hairstyle or wearing different and nice clothes every time
You two do skin treatment together: he always claims your hands have the power to make his skin soft ("Only (Y/N) can touch my face! Only she has magic hands!")
He gives you everything you want: have you seen a nice hairpin? You'll find it in your room. Have you expressed your desire for a dress? It'll be yours immediately
He forces his subordinates to have their hair or make-up done whenever you want poor Jorge
When he can (once a day), he gives you a stuffed animal
💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮
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stluciabuns · 11 months
The Historical Accuracy of Kirsten's Dirndl
Despite its adorableness, I have seen many people complain about Kirsten's Swedish Dirndl outfit.
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I would kill a man to have bought this for $22.
She wears this outfit for most of Meet Kirsten, being that she is an impoverished immigrant child who does not own any other clothes, and also for continuity reasons.
Frequently, I have seen it claimed that this outfit is not historically accurate and should not have been included as part of her collection. Conversely, I have also seen many German folk costumes marketed as being made for Kirsten. Both of these pain me a great deal (actually they just annoy me).
Nonetheless, I have decided to further procrastinate doing actual, meaningful work and instead set out on a new mission: figure out what the fuck is up with Kirsten's Dirndl.
In this post, I will lay out the research I have done, the evidence supporting the historical accuracy of this outfit, the challenges to its existence, and ultimately aim to answer the question of whether this outfit is one Kirsten plausibly could have worn on her journey from Sweden to America in 1854.
Let's begin.
First, the name. Pleasant Company/American Girl referred to this outfit as "Kirsten's Swedish Dirndl and Kerchief."
Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a Swedish dirndl. "Dirndl" is a German term, and refers to folk costumes worn by people in German-speaking areas of Europe (the Alps, Bavaria, Austria, and so on).
Kirsten is Swedish, and before Meet Kirsten has never left Sweden before. It is very unlikely she would have acquired, and regularly worn, a German dirndl. See this gorgeous example of a dirndl c. 1840:
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Outfit, c. 1840. Munich, Bavaria, Germany. Münchner Stadtmuseum.
This ensemble is beautiful, but tragically, it is not what Kirsten is wearing.
What, then, is Kirsten wearing? What kind of traditional dress does Swedish culture have?
As it turns out, the proper term for what she is wearing is a folkdräkt. This is a Swedish term meaning "folk costume." Here is an illustration depicting multiple examples of Swedish folk costumes. In proper terms, these would be called "Svenska folkdräkter."
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Nordisk familjebok (1908), vol. 8, Folkdräkt. Retrieved from runeberg.org.
These outfits are not quite identical to anything we see in Kirsten's collection, but you can observe various elements that have carried over -- the vertical stripes, black woolen skirts with ornate trim, and white dresses and red sashes (hello St. Lucia)!
Let us dive deeper. What do extant Svenska folkdräkter, specially those made c. 1850, look like? Is there anything like Kirsten's outfit among surviving examples?
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Johan Sodermark, "Kvinna i dräkt."
In my few hours of research, this example image is the closest thing I have found to Kirsten's dirndl.
This lovely portrait is a watercolor from 1850 painted by Johan Sodermark. It is very creatively titled "Kvinna i dräkt" -- literally, "Woman in costume." The pattern of this woman's apron is incredibly similar to that of the skirt of the Kirsten doll's outfit -- a dark red base with blue and yellow stripes woven throughout.
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Here is a closeup from the American Swedish Institute.
Although it is not shown in the doll-sized version of the outfit, the illustrations in Meet Kirsten by Renée Graef show us she also wears a light-colored, striped apron, which is almost surely the one that comes with her meet outfit.
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Illustrations from Meet Kirsten, drawn by Renée Graef.
Notice the fabric of the bodice in the third illustration, though: Kirsten's top is made of red plaid fabric, while Sodermark's girl has an outfit full of stripes. Kirsten, bless her heart, spends an entire book outfit-repeating a potential pattern-mixing fail: plaid and two kinds of stripes and a floral scarf. Did Pleasant Rowland just hate her? Is Kirsten on another, elevated fashion plane far beyond my comprehension? Is there a historical basis for this combination of patterns?
I have no answer to the first two questions, but thankfully can speak on the third.
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Komplett Vilskedräkt, Västergötlands museum. Some pieces c. 1865.
The top is plaid and laces up, which is not necessarily the most common way of fastening (in most examples, the bodice pins up), but it is a sensible choice considering both Kirsten's age (9) and the fact that Pleasant Company was making toys for little hands.
The model for the outer shell (the lace up top) belonged to Karl Edberg from Hällestad; it is not dated, but at least one piece of this set (the bag, which is not shown) is c. 1865. Additionally, the blouse here is very similar to the one that comes with Kirsten's winter outfit -- look at that keyhole neckline!
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So, Kirsten's Dirndl outfit is actually very accurate as far as the clothing itself goes...the name remains the trouble.
I have no idea why they called it a dirndl. Folkdräkt is definitely challenging to pronounce, but why wouldn't PC just translate it as "folk dress" or "Swedish outfit" and call it a day? Why the insistence on referencing a culture that isn't relevant to the doll or her dress at all?
Perhaps this is a mystery to tackle for another day...
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joelslegalwhre · 1 year
My Riduur
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word count // 1.6k
pairing // Din Djarin x fem!reader
word count // 1.6k
summary // Mando didn't like it at all that some boy thought he could get close to his wife. He couldn't show with actions that you were his, the helmet prevented that, but he had his own way to show it.
warnings // jealous Din (let‘s still call him Din okay, thanks), pda, established relationship, lovesick puppy energy, protective!din, allusions to smut, Din and reader speaking Mando’a, me having absolutely no clue about Mando‘a grammar, taking the helmet off if you’re married is okay here, okay? Thanks (did I miss something?)
a/n // I put translation for the Mando‘a words at the end, so you don‘t get confused but I also have the link to the dictionary right here
Took me long enough to write this 😮‍💨 Thank god my exam is over (and I stressed for nothing, it was actually really easy), so here you go with my first ever din fic, I hope you like it x
Masterlist// Mando‘a dictionary I used // my kofi 🩷
It felt strange to be sitting here, in a bar on Mos Eisley, surrounded by all kinds of people, droids, and even a few bounty hunters.
It wasn't the feeling of sitting in a cantina that was weird. No, it was more the feeling of not having to accept a job. You were not here to look for one. In the last months you had almost had no break, and now you could finally lean back a little. The thought, of picking out a nice place with Mando for the three of you for the next few days, pleased you.
But before you did that, you just had to have the ship repaired a bit, after it had taken quite some damage.
Mando was still at Peli Motto's place, busy showing her the ship and checking the price for the repair. You had been looking around the bar ever since he left, hoping he'd be back soon. The jobs of the last weeks had been unique, the wages you had collected for them were easily enough to sit back and relax for a few days, even after getting the razor crest repaired.
You were sitting at a free spot at the bar of the cantina and watched the people and other beings talking to each other. Some argued, some laughed with each other.
You wondered how long it would take for Mando to-
"Hey there, gorgeous." someone sat down next to you, interrupting your thoughts.
You looked at the stranger for a moment, eyeing him. He had to be your age, a few strands of his dark hair fell into his face, and his eyes were not only gleaming with a deep blue, but with an extreme amount of confidence. "I didn't expect to see an angel today." he smirked in a way that almost made you laugh. He didn't lack any confidence, that was for sure.
You drew your brows together, and tilted your head slightly as you looked at him.
"Say, does that work on any woman?"
At his next sentence, you were sure he definitely had a drink too much or just a little too much self-confidence to flirt so shamelessly.
"You're not any woman." he winked.
You raised your eyebrows and nodded with an amused smile. "Oh, is that so?" you chuckled lightly.
"You're here with someone?" he asked, leaning closer. You immediately brought some more space between the two of you again, "I am, actually."
"Well, then where are they?" he asked with a grin that told you he didn't believe you. "Right here." you could hear Mando's deep, modulated voice. Your heart made a little jump when you turned your head and saw him walking straight towards you.
If looks could kill, this wannabe bounty hunter would be six feet underground by now. Mando's jaw had clenched when he saw the stranger talk to you. His jealousy stewing at the mere thought of another man looking at you this way. He’d been ready to stomp up to him and place a good, hard punch right at this fool's flirtatious face.
"Me'bana?" Mando asked, looking at you. His hand naturally found its place on your waist.
"Nothing," you leaned a little closer to him, "Kaysh mirsh solus."
Mando's light, breathy laugh made you almost turn into a puddle. 'He's an idiot.' you'd told him in Mando's native tongue, so the stranger in front of you wouldn't understand.
You had learned it when you started to accompany Mando. He was confused at first, to say at least, as to why you'd wanted to actually learn the language. But you wanted to get to know Mando, that included his native tongue. And besides, it was fun, sitting in the razor crest next to him, Grogu on your lap, learning to speak and read the extraordinary language of your Mandalorian.
"Hey, just so you know," said one started again, "Unalike that tin can there, I can show my face whenever, my lips too." he smirked. His obvious confusion about the two of you speaking in a language he'd never heard but knew must've been Mando'a.
You politely declined his request, slowly getting annoyed. "Thank you very much, but I actually really like the tin can right here."
Mando wanted to kiss you so bad, show you off as his, but he couldn't. That's just how it was, he couldn't take off his helmet. He was proud of his religion, it was part of him. You'd probably wouldn't even let him take it off, even if he tried. That was one of the many reasons he loved you so deeply. You respected his religion, tried to understand and learn about it.
And he could always take it off when the two of you were back in the privacy of the razor crest. He loved the curious look on your face every time he did, as if it was the first time you've seen his face.
But the truth was, that you were enamored with his features, the patchy beard paired with the mustache, his brown eyes and the brown curls… You could just never get enough of him.
Even before you two were married, you always loved to play with the ends of his fluffy hair, whenever it was getting longer once again. It was never much, but enough.
He had other ways to make sure everyone, especially the fool in front of you, knew you belonged to him.
"We need to look for our child." he was well aware that people believed he meant a human child when he referred to Grogu as "child" or "kid".
The look on the boy's face made a smug smile appear on Din's face, carefully hidden by the beskar helmet. He was so satisfied with himself, you could practically feel it spill over, and you didn't even need to see his face for it. You just chuckled quietly.
"Next time," Mando said, "watch who you talk to. My wife is off limits, understand?" his voice cold, almost threatening.
The eyes of the stranger widened, hearing the title.
You took Mando's gloved hand from where it was still firmly placed on your waist, and intertwined your fingers with his.
"C'mon, let's go," you smiled up at your riduur. You turned back around to address the guy, trying to sound nice, "It was nice meeting you."
With that, you left him sitting there, Mando‘s grip on your hand tightening in a protective manner, as you left the cantina.
When you were back at the ship, you could see Grogu fast asleep in his pod, "He's the most adorable thing I've ever seen." you say to Mando, looking at the little being with a look of pure love. Mando‘s heart warmed at the sight of you and Grogu. His little odd family.
"Even more than you getting all jealous of that guy back in the cantina." you grinned at him teasingly.
Mando stepped closer to you, his hands on your hips once again. You slung your arms around his neck.
"I wasn‘t-" but he interrupted himself, he was jealous, so much so that he would've loved to take his blaster out of the holster, even if it was just for show. "I was protecting my aliit." Family. You could barely get your fastening heartbeat under control, no matter how many times he'd say it. "I'm all yours, Din."
"Good." he said, and lowered his head. You could feel the cold beskar of his helmet touch your forehead. A Mandalorian kiss. You loved when he showed you his love that way. You closed your eyes, just soaking up the moment. You couldn‘t see it, but Mando had also closed his eyes, his hands still on your waist, he tried to memorize every little detail about this, about you.
After some time, spent taking the other in, after savoring the intimacy, you could hear a content sigh voice through his modulator.
"I'll look after you, always." His hand wandered to your cheek and cupped it gently. “And trust me,” he huffed, "I won't let anyone flirt with my wife like that, cyar'ika." 
You grinned up at him. You couldn't wait to be all alone with him, leaving Grogu in the cockpit to sleep, and kiss him. Oh, how badly you just wanted to give his lips a little peck. You settled for wrapping your arms tightly around his armored middle, pressing yourself against his chest. 
Mando's arms around your shoulders, he leaned his helmet against your hair. Even if all you could feel was his armor, it was still him. Your Mandalorian. Your husband. "I love you, mesh'la." the modulator had barely picked it up. He'd whispered it into your hair, like he couldn't believe that you were his. That he had the privilege to be the one to hold you… to love you. And to be loved by you. 
"You know," you started smiling at him innocently, „since the baby's asleep, I thought you could show me how much. I mean, just so I know-"
"Haav." he interrupted you, his voice low, "Now." This was no plead, no, a demand. You chuckled and started walking to the makeshift bed you shared with him.
Behind you, you could hear him taking off his helmet, and you could barely hold in your excitement to finally see his face again. You had really missed it, although you've just seen him this morning before getting up. His armor followed next, a second later you could feel his arms wrap themselves around you. "Too many clothes." he whispered into your ear, his voice clear without the modulator. It gave you goosebumps all over your body, "Take them off then.".
Mando‘a translations:
ner = my, mine
riduur = partner, spouse, husband, wife
Me‘bana? = What‘s happening? What happened?
Kaysh mirsh solus = He‘s an idiot (lit. His brain cell is lonely)
cyar‘ika = darling, sweetheart
mesh‘la = beautiful
aliit = clan name, identity, family
haav = bed
🩶taglist: @alexxavicry @kittenlittle24 @hereforfics124 @Snow30285 @cl16version
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saltygilmores · 2 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls-Episode 3x9, Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving, Part II
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LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU! NINJA MARIANO ATTACK! The Pea Soup Vomit coat makes its triumphant return (and possibly its last appearance?) In the spirit of Thanksgiving, perhaps he will return it to the Savlation Army reject dumpster from whence it came, to beclothe another down on his luck Victorian orphan.
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It's never too early for some good old fashioned public macking.
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Rory Gilmore, World Class Public Macking Self Saboteur: But but but...what about Dean?! If anyone wonders why I often go weeks without updating these things (and I'm sure this is something that keeps you all awake at night)... I've been stuck writing this piece for over two weeks because I plum ran out of new and novel ways to complain about this idiot in the red coat's continued preoccupation with Dean. Like, how many times can I say I want to smack her over the head with a rolled up newspaper like a disobedient dog? You're killing me here girl.
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Rory, you're a dumbass. And also you're frigid. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, you should put out and let Jess stuff you. One of your legs is Thanskgiving and the other leg is Christmas and you should let him spend time between the holidays. I know having to look at the pea-soup-vomit coat is probably putting a damper on your libido, but you can take it off of him, I promise he won't mind. He's quite touch starved, that boy.
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You wish, pal. Seeing as there's no high speed internet, premium cable porn, or dirty magazines to be found anywhere in Stars Hollow, a little street show might provide some tittilation to the sexually constipated residents of The Hollow. R: Yeah, you know, in the the street...with people watching... J: Go on...
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Wow, this screen shot is a real beaut. Look at this gorgeous curly man. Someone should give me a gold medal in pressing the little button on the browser extension that takes screen shots for me, an award that is both real and possible to achieve. Shout out to GoFullPage. Why is his collar popped up so damn high? Is he trying to protect his neck from vampires?
R: We shouldn't flaunt it. J: But I want to flaunt it. R: It doesn't feel right. J: He's a big boy, Rory. It's not the first time a couple has broken up. R:It is for us. J: This is insane. Edit: Thank you @ernestonlysayslovelythings for reminding me that Rory is claiming she doesn't know how to manage her first breakup when Dean The Clod had actually dumped her twice by this point. She should maybe go and eat two beach pails of Ben and Jerry's ice cream over it again if the wound is still that raw.
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WHAT doesn't feel right, Rory? Kissing your own boyfriend? Not that I'm unhappy you kinda sabotaged your relationship with Dean in order to get with Jess, but you did kinda sabotage your relationship with Dean to get with Jess. Now that you have him you're treating him like a collectible beanie baby, puttng him under glass and refusing to remove his little tag. Take him out. Play with him. Rough him up a little. Bring him to show and tell. Put him through the wash. For goodness sake.
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Narrator: And they would never experience a single moment of comfort together ever.
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By the time Millennials like me and Jess and Rory here are old enough to qualify for social security, there will be nothing left. So, yeah, never.
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Me, outloud: Girl you are demented. Oh Rory, I don't know what you're so worked up about. I mean, what's Dean gonna do if he sees his ex girlfriend kissing someone else? Stalk her new boyfriend in an alleyway late at night and call him The Glad Man? Pshaw.
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Narrator: Things did not get better over time. In fact, they got much, much worse.
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dairy-farmer · 6 months
Haven't preached the gospel of Civilian Tim in a while >.> my boy would be so disappointed in me. I forgot about my boy! <:O
So consider!
Smol Tim! Knows he has to be SUUUPER careful. Mrs. Mac or his parents COULD find his Batman Notes and collection of blurry Baby's First Photographs, after all. So he keeps it vague. Never any names. Cryptic references. The works. Nothing that someone who doesn't know what HE knows, would understand.
But! He's also slightly less athletic then Cannon Tim. Or perhaps, Mrs. Mac is slightly less oblivious. She suspects Somethings Up(tm). Gets that distinct wiff of "child doing something they know they shouldn't behind my back". So waits in her car one night instead of actually going home like she usually does.
Oh dear lord.
Unfortunately, she picks the worst time to startle him. He's half way down the wall, having avoided the already Alarm Primed front door, from the SECOND FLOOR. The small child falls. Eats it, crushing a decorative bush.
This does NOT calm Mrs. Mac down.
He gets a concussion and one of two DOZEN hysterical calls to his parents from Mrs. Mac at the hospital. They think he's dying. Drop everything and rush back.
Are FURIOUS but relieved he's mostly okay.
His Dad, determined to figure out what the FUCK he thought he was doing, finds his Batman stuff. Tim sits, woozy, and wonders if he's watching his parent's Villian origin story as they rage and curse Batman out. His mom wants to shoot him.
It's decided (for him, no he does NOT get a say) that he is NOT staying in Gotham. Where God forsaken furries stalk the night, tempting innocent people's sons into running around the crumbling rooftops and too their early graves. Absolutely not. Tim is going to boarding school.
Tim doesn't WANT to go to boarding school.
But he doesn't get a say.
However... his parents? Do seem really excited? And spend lots of time with him looking over the options. Telling him stories about trips they took to countries near by. It's... it's actually kinda exciting. Nice, even.
And boarding school isn't even that bad.
No one makes fun of him for being quite or "new money". He makes friends. His parents VISIT since the airport isn't too far and they can plan lay-overs through it. He slowly forgets about the Heros of Gotham.
There are local Heros. They kinda suck. He keeps trying to send them notes on how to improve but somehow? They interpret it as a threat? God, they are dumb.
The trip that should have killed his parents? Never happens. Because there was an important event at the School and then CERTAIN local idiots failed to stop their telekinetic Villian from destroying all the planes. By the time his parents managed to reschedule? The local police in Haiti were desperately calling to warn them to Stay Put.
He graduates. Heads... well, he guesses "Home"? Back to Gotham. After a decade away. It's still just as Gothic, shitty, and creepy as always. His parents are out on their new dig, so? Place to himself~ Sweet.
Even if his old room is basicly untouched. Kiddy sheets and all. He'll need new everything. Which? As he pokes around? Leads him to finding his own HIGHLY Creepy? Cryptic, Possibly-Haunted, Horror Movie Notes(tm).
Baby Tim... WTF.
He remembers these. Remembers understanding them...
Does... NOT understand them now.
He can? Sort of decipher them. Based off what he knows about himself at that age? It's "something, something, circus, something, Wayne's." And this other one just references Bats, which... kinda obvious. This is all clearly about BATman.
The question is? Does he CARE?
.....maybe a little bit.
Curse his insatiable curiosity. He collects Baby Him's creepy notes. The horror movie photographs. Starts making a list of furniture he'll need, and... Ding~ Dong~! Door? Who in gods name would be at the DOOR? Houses around here are massively spaced out.
He goes to check.
Standing there, in their work out clothes, is the unfairly gorgeous Dickie Wayne and sharply handsome young blood son, Damian Wayne. Life long neighbors. Haven't seen one of them since childhood, the other at ALL. Why are they at his house?
Dickie is like getting hit by a semi-truck of Friendly. Tim feels an almost feline urge to hiss and bite the man to make him back off. The blood son just watchs. Sharp gaze an unfairly beautiful green, as he just? Seems to observe and consider. So, clearly no help there.
Dickie seems to think Tim is moving in? Is new? Wow. Way to be observant. Dude, the Drake's have lived next to your family since BEFORE TIM WAS BORN. We're just abroad a lot. We travel. Tim's just graduated. Is going to start his work in Drake Industries.
He gets a blank look from Dickie.
Damian at least know exactly what he's talking about. Was simply unaware that they were neighbors. Apologizes for Dickie's... He means well.
Tim has to laugh.
What a brutal kid. He likes him. They part ways. Tim doesn't notice the lingering looks or flushing cheeks, his fluffy and unguarded appearance has gotten him. Soft in a way nothing in Gotham or their lives ever is.
Tim gets to work. Modernizing the house and updating the furniture. Lots to buy and do, after all. Its exhausting. Thank god for the pool. And since it in the back, away from the road, he doesn't have to worry about all those absurd prudish drama queens he's met at the local market, getting food.
He can relax in a barely-there, string, bikini bottom. Topless. Soak in what little sun there manages to be.
Utterly entrance various Poor Bats, who are just trying to get their steps in. With so, so much soft and unmarked skin. Pretty little mosquito bite tits, the gentle curves and dips of his lounging body. Long legs, relaxed and sprawled teasingly open. Enough to torment but not enough to see.
They could never be that relaxed. Too many enemies. Too deeply ingrained to stay on gaurd. But there Tim lays, soaking up the sunshine with a drink and podcast. Utterly boneless.
A glimpse into another world. What they fight to protect. So different it... it almost become a fetish.
And it quickly does. Mentally playing house. Pretending civilian. They would go on dates and bring him flowers, they think, spying on him. Have dinners for two, cuddle on the couch, they imagine, as they break bones in the frigid rain. On and on. Them and their pretty civilian boyfriend.
The boy next door. Hallmark romances. Romantic novels. Fated encounters. Each of them framing it differently in their head. No less obsessive. Getting more by the day.
And Tim? Well, for him, things are feeling... Off(tm). His neighbors are? Weirdly friendly. He'd say cultishly friendly, but he doesn't even think they're religious. Yet his gut is SCREAMING "somethings not right here".
He can't figure out his creepy kid-self's notes. And it's starting to seem IMPORTANT. Because he HEARD that Brucie Wayne? Was a himbo. An idiot. But no one in that family reads as genuinely dumb to Tim. So why are they pretending? What are they HIDING? And??
Does it have something to do with how he keeps seeing the fuckin BATS around his house? His office? He's pretty sure they broke in. Found at least on bug. There might be cameras. He got kidnapped and like? Five! Of them showed up. FIVE.
Crowded super close to untie him, all lingering touches and predators grins.
Is he being hunted by vampires? Demons?
Bat people?!
How many times did they watch him masturbate before he realized there could be cameras!? And is he REALLY sure the shower is safe to get off in, now? It better be. He refuses to stop, just because he's being hunted by cryptids!
And off course~♡ Ivy, our Beloved. (We salute you o7) Oh dear and precious Bringer of Convenient Plot Devices. Escapes! Oh nooooo! And she was doing so well.
She hits? You guessed it! Drake Pharmaceuticals. The main branch of Drake Industries. Because a CERTAIN member of the Board has been lying about where he's been putting run-off. Like that's not a known death-sentence in Gotham. Are you KIDDING US, Geoffrey!?
Tim, bravely, tries to talk her down. Was already trying to fix other damage. WILL fix that. He didn't know. Please, Dr. Isely!
She thinks he's young and twink-y. Gives him a chance. Feeds Geoffrey to a plant. Chaos and Bats ensue.
But on no! Ivy definitely pulled the "remember. I can DESTROY YOU" card with her Chance(tm) and hit Tim with a Pollen dose. It's already been too long. Anti-agent will help, but? Ultimately not enough. Tim needs treatment.
......don't WORRY, Civilian! The Bats say with far more enthusiasm then the rightfully should, coming dangerously close to perky chirping. They are Here To Help~!
Odd, how Tim does NOT feel terribly safe, being stared down by the hungry eyes of Bat Cryptids. But also his skin feels like it's on slow fire and his insides hurt, soooo.... Make It STOP.
He's scooped up and dragged to the nap room he had set up connecting to his office. The don't stop CROWDING. Hands reaching out, stroking and touching. Gazes heavy enough to feel lewder the their hands, as they blatantly plot what they're going to do to him.
Batman, who by all accounts, is supposed to be the one to keep his various hellions in check, leading the charge. Seeming almost giddy as he carries Tim off. Gently dumps him on his napping bed.
He's surrounded.
They work together to get rid of "pollen contaminated clothing". Which is apparently everything. Hands are everywhere, making him whimper as they stroke oversensitive skin. Nightwing holding his head and neck still, plundering his mouth until he can't breathe.
Gloved hands are teasing his tits. Stroking his stomach. Holding his hands tight, to wrap it around something hard and hot. Thrusting against his palms. Legs being held open by strong hangs. Hearing Batman shift but being unable to move.
Embarrassing noises ripped out of him, back bowing, as squirming wet heat starts eating him out. Sucking, swirling, fucking in and out. None of the boys at school could EVER have come close. Tim finds himself twitching and coming apart embarrassingly fast.
Only it doesn't end.
He's never gone past one before.
The Pollens going to make sure EVERYONE gets a turn. Bruce barely holding back, while he stretchs him. The instant he decides it's enough, he's surging up, lining up and fucking himself in. Tim is utterly destroyed. Not a single Bat missing their golden chance to fuck Tim. Several times, at LEAST.
And of course? Once you have a taste of what you desire? Obsessions get so, SO much worse. A few more Pollen incidents that spring and summer? Well obviously, he's their Boyfriend now. Even if he doesn't know it.
It's all very horror movie, but the moster wants to bone you incoherent. Will Tim ever figure out the secret of the Waynes? Will he eventually be seduced by the constant, unexpected, but frankly mind-blowing dickings? Can orgasms win the day?
Who knows! Not me!
I just want them to obsess over Civilian Tim, fetishize his sexy Normal Life and hot bod, and (importantly) LOVINGLY gang bang the Timmy. He deserves to be the center of attention, you know? Get so, SO many orgasms. Be treated like a treasured princess of fuckies. Then cuddled for taking it so well, when they pounded him drooling and nearly to tears.
Give the Bats something to come home too! Their lives suck! They should have a Tim!
them fetishizing civilian tim's life, growing more obsessed and voyeuristic with him!!😍😍
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bloominglegumes · 3 months
Oh my goodness I just had to say I really love your fem Jazz she's so gorgeous I literally get so excited whenever I see her kicking my feet in the air help me..😭💖💖 I saw your previous post about fem Prowl and was wondering where you got ideas for visualising fem Jazz too!! :> Anyways love your work they are truly a blessing 🥹🥹
aahgh thank you so much!! <3 me too fr i'm the one drawing them and i'm like hunched over my tablet face in my hands grinning madly twirling my hair with my pen like nuts absolutely nuts
sorry this answer got really long,, i get asked about my favourite fictional guys or my art process and i just like schwoomph every time
for prowl my instinct was just straight up put her in a uniform ,, hair pinned + gelled back, low bun above the collar and held in a net etc etc and that made decisions like giving her thick shoulders and a gorgeous cold stare a lot easier!!! but i struggled more with jazz because of.jazz's whole character ykyk
jazz was one of the first tf characters i started noodling with a bishoujo design for, so initially i used the kotobukiya designs as a general style guide along with loose vibes combining spy + dancer, with a healthy amount of "how do i make her more cool + hot"
so so so i dug through pinterest a lot while looking for refs/inspo and felt my love for pretty girls growing by the second T~T
for the hair though,,, i tampered around a little trying to decide between buns and braids and such but i think now i'll mostly stick with giving jazz the undercut + dreadlocks?? i can finagle some cool shapes from it tied up, feels like it fits the effortlessly collected vibe that jazz would have, and since the hair doesn't cover the neck, i can give her that type of black turtleneck collar because it's.like . i just have to
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^^ literally just crusty scribbles on bits of scrap paper many months ago ;w;
since then i've decided on more little things like .super strong muscled dancers legs + thighs that can and have killed + nails trimmed short + calloused finger pads + catlike flexibility but im largely dooming myself bc i cant show all of those things even if i'm drawing them in a more realistic style and im so.hhdgfhdj
i'm still mostly messing with outfits as i go, though, so. thats why theyre different in every drawing but i'm generally trying to keep a similar feeling between them :,D
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ghostswithoutokday · 5 months
Lucifer x fallen angel reader
(hey guys sorry i have not been posting i know i know I haven’t feed y’all in a couple days but to ok anyway 🫠 if this gets to 20 or more votes i will do a spicy Lucifer x reader if ok or if you guys wanted that )
The last thing you remember is the clear blue sky soon you falling you’ve gotten kicked out of heaven just for speaking your mind you’re basically telling all Adam and the others about how wrong heaven was and how rude they were going to the sinners “just because they are sinners doesn’t give us the right to badly treat them like they are garbage” you spoke but because Heaven shows favoritism you were kicked out of heaven, woke up to find yourself a new place new world you looked up the sky wasn’t blue anymore. It was red. There was buildings everywhere your wings as you walked around looked around corner and saw strange things people killing each other. People fucking each other drugs on the floor until you saw a sign that read to redeem yourself or go to heaven, they come to the Hazbin hotel you grind of it, but it wasn’t like you wanted to go back to heaven you knew about the rules in the laws and they were kind of strange and not really against the law. Just wanted to blonde haired girl her name was. Charlie. “Oh my god! A new dinner hi welcome I’m Charlie Morningstar” Charlie soon went on to show you around the hotel and their guest. Maggie seem to remember you from somewhere you did too and you guys kept it a little secret between you guys. Things were great for a couple of months. The hotel was slowly, but successfully gaining more and more sinners, like sir serpentines one day you found out that Charlie’s dad Lucifer MorningStar, a.k.a. the king of hell himself was coming to see the hotel you were kind of excited to meet the big man of this world, but you didn’t want attention to yourself so you stayed back a little bit. Charlie open the door. Lucifer. Burst into the hotel “CHARLIE!” Lucifer said soon bringing his daughter into an embrace after Lucifer was shown around the hotel. They made their way upstairs. Lucifer bump into somebody. “Oops sorry I’m so sorry” Lucifer said “oh no it my fault I’m sorry..” you said Lucifer looked up to see who he was and it was you you were drop dead, gorgeous your skin was smooth your hair you were just like you were made to be in heaven Lucifer slightly blushes “ oh!- no no it my fault yeah bye!” He said soon running off with Charlie , Vaggie, and Alastor as time grew by Lucifer frankly visited the hotel more and more and yes, it was to see his daughter, but it was because of you. He would always try and flirt with you, but it was kind of weird and awkward. He would say offensive things. “What no no that not what I meant- I mean “ Lucifer said, let’s just say he didn’t have no flirtation skills (or rizz) one day Lucifer was at the hotel at the bar sitting he was down in the dumps. He talked to you and it was a disaster. His daughter came over to see how he was doing. Lucifer told the story she was her father finally finding someone else other than her mother she was starting to worry about him “what should I do I mean what if they don’t like me back” he said Charlie put a hand on her father shoulder “ dad it fine just be yourself” she said, giving him a smile and he tried it and you guys got along really well. You loved it when he talked about his duck collections and soon you guys went out on a date soon Lucifer found out that you were a fallen angel, who just as he did also didn’t like heaven. “W-wow you you are fallen angel and you hate heaven we have so much in common!?” Lucifer said you gave him a small smile, the two of you were so close together (really close 😏) that you saw how experienced he was when you were alone together in the bed
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(thank you for reading Pookie 😏👍 and remember if you guys want a spicy Lucifer x reader get this to 20 votes or more see ya!)
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mauveberries · 6 months
look, all i'm saying is that if tom/voldemort did not have a prophecy that tied them together, they would never get together organically.
tom is the type of guy who needs to find something REALLY interesting in whoever he is going to pursue. this is why, in canon, we don't see him with anyone, simply because he couldn't care less about any of them or any of their feelings.
he's a collector of significant items. (locket, cup, ring etc.) these items are extremely significant to him and only due to this, does he spend time actually working to get any of them and place them in a [debatably] safe area with safety measures.
later, we can infer from the text that he pursues bella only because she serves him well and he grew fond of her due to her devotion and pureblood aristocracy (and maybe perhaps because of her gorgeous looks.)
and like, if he hadn't met bella, he probably would have died without a 'partner' at all.
the only reason voldemort 'pursues' harry is because harry is a threat to his life and he is obsessed with the prophecy. if the prophecy isn't there, the key connection between him and harry is non-existent and hence, tom would simply not put in any effort to get to know harry. it's as simple as that, unless you are going to go the ooc route where harry becomes a death eater.. blah blah blah, which is fine, too.
and you might argue, well, hey, what if tom falls for harry because of his personality? to which i would reply is extremely unlikely, due to tom favouring superficial qualities over things that truly matter. as we see with the objects he collects to turn into horcruxes, they are very flashy and ostentatious things that give no real value unless you sell it. (except the locket.) you may say that they are very valuable because they remind tom of hogwarts.. this may be true, but he doesn't really value the things the objects remind him of. for the gaunt ring that's supposed to reprsent family, he killed his remaining family in his fathers side, and he framed his uncle on his mothers side. the only things of value to him are the objects themselves.
just like that, he probably wouldn't look at personality first, when choosing a partner, the first thing he notices if whether they are a means to an end. in the extreme case of bella, he probably loved her unyielding devotion to him and his cause because it helped him acheive his goals. it also helped that she was a black, she was beautiful and that she had wealth and high status.
but harry... harry doesn't have any of those. and harry wouldn't want any of those.
without the prophecy, tom would view harry as a semi-intelligent, not-so-studious quidditch player who has, like, three friends because he sucks at communicating and would want nothing to do with him even if harry tries pursuing him. (in hogwarts era tomarry aus)
tl;dr: without the prophecy, tomarry/harrymort would not happen, and never will :(
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Liquid Courage - Chuuya Nakahara x Female Reader
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Reader gets black out drunk and doesn't realise she has confessed her love for her boss Chuuya Nakahara.
Word Count: 1,200
TW: Drunken confessions, fluff, some very brief angst, Chuuya is a bit teasing to reader
The Port Mafia has had a lot of wins lately when it came to take overs and acquisitions so most of the lower ranking members have gone out to drink and celebrate, Chuuya Nakahara feeling far too drained to be around some of the more... Irritating members especially when drunk decided he would just head home and get some much needed rest. 
Chuuya's phone starts to vibrate loudly against his bedside table which wakes the poor man up in the middle of the night, he rolls over to check his phone to see he has a missed call and voice mail from Y/N. Chuuya rubs his blurry eyes but clicks his voicemail to listen to her voicemail assuming it must be important given the time. Soon Y/N's voice is floating through his speakers "H-Hi Chuuya I was just ringing to say... That I think I love you! A- And your stupid gorgeous face... And your gorgeous hair..." Chuuya listens intently with a frown drawn across his face at first but soon finds himself trying not to laugh or smile as he hears her drunken ramblings about him.
Y/N starts to hiccup mid sentence as the alcohol clearly starts to take over her mind "I just don't know how to tell you that you're so fuckin' perfect you know... I feel like if I tell you to your stupid face you'll just... Reject me" He can hear her sniffling then he can just about make out Gin trying to comfort the girl. His heart flutters when he hears her call him perfect, which makes him chuckle quietly to himself. Chuuya has never thought of himself in that way at all, in fact he often thinks about all the ways he lacks.
Her words are trailing off as she clearly is trying to collect her thoughts "Well anyway... that's all I wanted to say. I love you and yeah... Oh shit I'll have to go Tachihara just vomited all over Higuchi and she looks like she's about to kill him... Bye!" Chuuya hears the woman's giggles fade off before the voicemail ends, Chuuya smiles softly after listening to her message wondering how he should go about acting on his new information he has.
A few hours pass by with Y/N barely rousing from her sleep as the sun blares through the gaps in her curtains, groaning as she lifts her arms up to hide her poor eyes from the sudden intrusion. Y/N starts to slowly rise from her bed she hears furious banging against her door "Open the fuckin' door Y/N, I'm getting impatient!" She hears her boss grumble angrily, as the poor girl blinks a few time thoroughly confused she stumbles towards her door to open it for her boss. 
When greeted with his irritated face she frowns slightly before clearing her throat "Chuuya sir... what can I do for you? Please excuse my appearance I was out with the members last night celebrating" She flushes as she looks down at her sleep shirt and shorts. Chuuya rolls his eyes somewhat playfully as he bites back a laugh at the state he's found her in "Oh I know you were one of the members out last night" She tilts her head in confusion "You already know?" She looks at her boss waiting for him to tell her why he's arrived at her apartment so suddenly.
Chuuya nods once again chuckling lightly before taking a step closer to her "Yeah I got your message." He watches the girl expectantly "My message?" She responds feeling even more confused "Oh you don't remember let me play it for you" He smirks at her devilishly enjoying her confusion. Soon her very drunk voice fills the space between them as she hears every word of her drunken confession... To her boss... Shame fills her body and flashes across her face as she stutters out trying to explain the situation "I-I am SO sorry Chuuya sir! I-I... I was very drunk last night and..." Chuuya holds his hand out to stop her babbling before he laughs quietly amused by her reaction "It's fine really" He steps forward watching her worried face before he continues "I was quite relieved to hear your drunken ramblings, when I first saw the notification I was nervous somethin' awful had happened to ya" He folds his arms over his chest trying to look disinterested in the conversation.
Y/N tries to take in his words "You were relieved... You were worried about me..." She stands still as a statue as her fried brain tries to link together what he's telling her. Chuuya smiles softly at her not quite understanding his words "Well yeah, I mean after all who wouldn't be concerned if their friend was ringing them at 4 in the fuckin morning?" He pauses looking into her eyes seeing the worry there "I'd hate to think somethin bad happened to ya and I was too late to help" He clears his throat suddenly "But back to the conversation at hand here, your voicemail was it just drunken fuckery or did you mean it?" Her brows furrow in confusion at his words before her embarrassment takes hold as she looks down "Y- Yeah I meant it... Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable, I know we work together but... I can't help my feelings for you" Y/N can't help but rub her feet together trying to distract from the awkward conversation.
Chuuya sighs deeply shaking his head "Don't apologise, nothin wrong with havin feelings for someone... I'd know I have feelings for someone I work with" He lifts his striking blue eyes to look at her, disappointment shoots through every fibre of her being as she frowns "O- Oh you do? W-Who do you like? Gin? Higuchi? I could try and set something up..." She mutters quietly asking the question even if she doesn't know to know the answer.
Chuuya chuckles lightly feeling his heart skip a beat as he thinks about the question "No you idiot! I'm talkin' 'bout you!" he shakes his head before leans closer giving her a small bashful smile "... Oh ... OH!" Chuuya can't help but laugh as the penny drops and she finally realises what he's said "You ... Like... Me?" Y/N asks still not fully believing it. Chuuya nods slowly smiling warmly "Yeah I do, so much that I've been tryna hide it, not really a great look that a Port Mafia exec has fallen in love with one of his underlings but ya know... you can't help who you fall for." He says softly blushing as he watches her reaction.
She can't help the smile that shoots across her face as she grips his shirt and pulls him towards her to give him a passion kiss on the lips. Chuuya returns the kiss eagerly wrapping his arms around her waist pulling her close against him as they share a passionate moment together before breaking apart panting heavily from the intensity of the kiss "Been waiting a long fuckin time to do that" He chuckles as he gently leads her backwards into her apartment attaching his lips back to hers. 
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cat-a-holic · 22 days
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust Watch Party
Do you love vampires? Do you love vampire hunters? Do you love the Frontier? Do you love scifi? Do you love fantasy? Do you love better love stories than Twilight???? Are you a sucker for amazing animation like me? Do you like motorcycle rides in the woods at sunset? Do you love deviantart OCs from the 80s'? Do you love sand manta rays?
Move aside giant worms, giant sand manta rays are so in right now.
Do you love gothic horror? Do you love old churches in the wild west? Do you love iron horses? Do you love the idea of space travel? Do you love talking to the hand? Did you read all these questions? Do you love watching movies with friendly strangers??? Do you love watching vampire movies in October?
If you answered yes to any of those question then I have the movie watch party for you!!! On Cat's Movie Bunker discord server we will be doing an annual rewatch of Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust.
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust is a gorgeous animated version of the novel Vampire Hunter D: Demon Deathchase. A vampire has kidnapped a young lady, Charlotte, and D (the child of a vampire & human) has been hired to rescue her dead or alive. But D has some competition from the Marcus Brothers, a group of vampire-hunters. Can D rescue Charlotte before she is turned or killed? Will D collect the bounty before the Marcus Brothers?
Please reach out to me (replies or DM) if you would like to join the discord server to help decide on a time to watch! Otherwise watch out for the guest watch link coming later.
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leaderwon · 9 months
warning : mild cursing, not proofread pls lmk if any mistakes!
word count : 671
notes : just a quick one because I haven't been posting alot lately
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Hmm, let's see
From his League of legends gameplay, he seems the type of guy to Main a character that easily does big damage.
He gives me eula vibes because who doesn't love eula??
Like i can imagine him just one shotting everything because she's a physical dps.
She's mommy material and if you disagree with me i.will.find.you
He probably hardcore invested in her imo, has a godly build and gets 36 stars in abyss.
rest of the members utc!
I feel like he'd use his money and get him upto c6 and hardcore invest in him tbh.
Will shield you from any damage (his c2 cons) and will do big pp damage with his rock
i don't think he would invest into his weapon tho (even I wouldn't it's completely useless). Maybe he'd go for staff of homa for zhongli
i think he would just use his ult on other people for fun.
like imagine you're looking at your artifacts screen and out of nowhere you hear "I WILL HAVE ORDER!!"
like bestie did you just waste your ult like that...
Itto is just so goofy and cute and so is jakey and it's such a perfect match I CANNOT BELIEVE I THOUGHT OF THAT??? (In shock)
Itto is like so massively strong with his cow I swear
Need help? no worries a cow is here to help you!
No cuz i feel like he'll be so obsessed with itto's cow he's going to throw it on npcs and just laugh is ass off.
I also think he'll have alot of fun spamming itto's burst. i think we can all agree that his burst is very satisfying.
He wants to maximize it's damage, and the best character to help? gorou.
dog + a really good geo support = perfection for jake
he is def (pun intended) pulling for both their constellations for c6
Have no idea how this thought popped up into my mind tbh it just did?
like kazuha is so calm and collected and peaceful i think it fits hoon really well in. way
and his dog gaeul's name means autumn in Korean. Ring a bell??
beside that i don't think he would seriously invest into him
kazuha is so broken at c0 itself, he won't bother as much but if he gets a constellation on accident he wouldn't mind.
I was initially thinking nahida or diona even, but then i realised nilou would be so perfect??
no hear me out, she's cute she's gorgeous she dances she's so sskjejssjzjjsjzjehdwbhxdb AHHHH (sorry)
i feel like he would fall in love first sight of her no cap
he will be casual ab her me thinks, wouldn't try to get constellations really.
is afk most of the time staring at her beauty
tho he gives cat vibes (maybe diona or kirara) he also gives me "I will carry you but i will avoid you and the enemy like the plaque" if you get what I mean.
his build for her would be fucking crazy no cap.
like bro is hitting 100k every charged shot no buffs
wouldn't go for cons imo but will go mad crazy about building her
his aim would be so good tho, he never misses! (the same way he never misses to make my heart flutter)
we definitely saw this coming
the goofiness, the happiness, the crazyness and the urge to annoy zhongli (Jay) it all fits perfectly
he would definitely one tap everything that comes across his way
my boy is going all out with her c6 r5 (with Jay's money ofcourse)
i can also imagine him getting super mad when someone accidentally heals him like excuse tf me. did you just do that.
dw he'll get revenge by constantly burning the grass you're standing on 😘
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disappeared from Tumblr for a while omg did someone miss me.
school has been hectic as hell as one of my most imp exams are coming up like kill me already
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© leaderwon 2023. Do not copy translate or plagiarize in any platform.
Likes and reblogs are appreciated!!
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