repnvrbeenworse · 3 months
RIP Henry Winter you would’ve LOVED TTPD
“That night, you were talkin' false prophets and profits
They make in the margins of poetry sonnets
You never read up on it, shame, could've learned somethin'
Robert Bly on my nightstand, gifts from you, how ironic
The curse or a miracle, hearse or an oracle
You're incomparable, fuck, it was chemical”
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repnvrbeenworse · 11 months
Here you have a new Henry playlist, cause it’s that time of the year to reread tsh
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repnvrbeenworse · 3 years
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repnvrbeenworse · 3 years
The real reason why Edmund Corcoran was murdered.
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"tell me who did this to you?"
Henry was not surprised when soft knocks on his apartment door interrupted his midnight reading, he set the book aside next to the ashtray, which had a burning cigarette, on the small yet elegant coffee table. He rose slowly and was halfway through the hallway when he heard her silvery voice.
“Henry? Are you home?”
It was very common for her to come uninvited to his house in the middle of the night, to be honest, there wasn’t a day she was not invited to Henry´s house. He could be in the middle of any important activity and he would just stop to pay attention to anything related to her. He felt his heart pump faster, as if were to beat out of his chest, Henry knew why she was in his door step.
Edmund Corcoran has never been a bad boyfriend but something inside him had changed in the past two to three weeks, he would heat up very easily with no apparent motive and who was there to take the blow? his poor girlfriend.
What Henry found funny was that Bunny knew about his feeling towards his very own girlfriend, “Don’t you think I see how you look at her uh? It’s so bloody obvious.” He´d say, but what would he truly think if he saw her in this particular moment, outside of his best mate’s door, probably drenched from the pouring rain asking if he was home.
Henry finally opened the door to find her slowly walking down the stairs, her wet silk dress tight around her body made him stare for a little longer.
“(Y/N)?” He asked softly.
She turned around and finally looked at him through her lashes, dark circles were prominent under her eyes, he didn’t really know if it was some makeup or from the lack of sleep. Henry chose to think it was the first option.
“Oh dear, you scared me” she said touching her chest slightly “I thought you weren’t home, I was about to leave, I’m sorry for waking you up Henry.”
“Don’t worry, I was doing my late-night reading, in fact I made some coffee. I could make more if you were to join me.” Henry was aware of her shyness, when it was just her, not with Francis, not Camilla and especially not with Bunny. So, he tried to make it a little bit easier for her to feel comfortable around him, something Henry was not used to doing with anyone.
Henry moved aside motioning calmly for her to come in his apartment, so she did. The atmosphere was very cozy and welcoming, a couple of candles were burning at the end of the corridor and the lamp was on in the small living room that had a big glass window next to the armchair where he had previously been reading.
“Excuse me if it sounds rude, but what are you doing here so late at night?” He paused, “are you alright?”.
“Yes, of course I’m alright Henry, just wanted to pay you a visit.” She said rather fast shaking her hand carelessly. That’s when he noticed. Her right wrist was a yellowish purple shade, it was a print, a hand print.
“What is that?” Henry hissed getting close to her for (Y/N) to take a step backwards. Henry stopped right in his tracks. Had it been somebody else he would have loved the effect of fear he had just inflicted on her, but it was (Y/N).
“I’m just going to ask once, tell me who did this to you?” she could bear to look him in the eye, she was focused on his ridiculous slippers, he was most definitely pulling off with the black bathrobe.
“It was an accident, its nothing… he was just angry, don’t wor-“ “He?,who?” He interrupted her. “I need a name right now” He took a deep breath.
“It was Bun, but really Henry you have nothing to worry about, it was not like last time he was just drunk and-“
“It was not like last time? Last time? Oh lord, since when has this been going on?”
“I can’t remember.” She spoke quietly, she was terrified. “Fuck” Henry rarely cursed, it was vulgar he used to say, so it came as a surprise when he did, under his breath.
“And he thinks he can get away with this uh?” He started to approach her slowly again.
“Come on Henry, there is nothing I can do against someone as big as Bunny, you know that.”
“Yes I know, but I could help you, I just cant let him treat you this way-“It was her turn to interrupt him.
“I’m terrified, okay?” He was looking at her intensely. “Not of Bunny, but, what if this is all I’m going to have for the rest of my life, this kind of sick joke love story that I deserve after what happened.” She was referring to the `deer´, the had `run over´.
She said starting to walk towards the living room and sat down in Henry´s only armchair. It was funny, Henry only had one armchair, one place to sit down in his living room as to say that he never liked company. She slowly motioned toward the cigarette in the ashtray asking for permission, he was leaning against the frame of the door, he nodded.
“So, I murder someone, we kept it a secret and Bunny has every right to hit you anytime he wishes, just because?” He was very mad, not at her obviously, at Bunny but most at himself. For not realizing the clear cries of help.
“Just because.” She puffed the smoke out, her lips trembling slightly.
“Well, this cannot continue any further, I’ll have a word with him first thing tomorrow morning.”
“Are you crazy? he already thinks we are hooking up; he will lose his mind.” He nodded. “Did you know? That Bun thinks we have this secret affair going on.”
“Yes, as a matter of fact I was aware of it, he came to me a couple of ago. He said and I quote “Don’t look at her like that, she is mine, you try something and I will myself chop your balls off.”” He stated cringing at the last part.
“Why did you keep this from me?” She said standing up and facing Henry with her arms crossed, cigarette now forgotten in the ash tray.
“Why do you think? It’s embarrassing! To get caught looking at your mate’s girlfriend who happens to be a close friend.” He said sarcastically slowly straightening his back as he was leaning on the door frame.
“Well to be completely honest, I have also been looking in your direction, you are a very handsome sight.” She admitted slowly but certainly approaching him. “Very, very good-looking, hot...”
“Stop, we can’t do this, as much as I would love to, as much as I have dreamt about this moment, it’s just not right.” He said frustratedly while running his fingers through his hair.
“Since when do you, Henry Winter, care about what is right and what is not-” She whispered slowly opening his robe.
“-True.” Henry interrupted her.
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Just us...
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repnvrbeenworse · 3 years
A henry winter inspired playlist cause if not I have 0 to none motivation to study
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repnvrbeenworse · 3 years
Here you have the playlist inspired by a POV you are dating Henry, the fic will be up soon.
Hope you enjoy it
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