florablume · 4 years
[ @henrysdunne asked ] “Someone’s coming. Is that your roommate?”
“Shhh!” Flora pinned Henry down against the couch and slowly peered over the top of it. Sure enough, her roommate was in the kitchen making breakfast, completely oblivious to the fact they were both naked in the living room. For some reason Flora thought she was away for the weekend, but apparently not. Which meant she must’ve heard them last night. They hadn’t been quiet, and had definitely fucked against several nearby surfaces.
“I thought you said she wasn’t home?” Henry whispered, his back flat against the couch cushions as Flora kept him pinned down with all of her body weight, which wasn’t much.  “I didn’t think she was! She said she was visiting her parents in Vermont or something...” she trailed off, clearly thinking, “or maybe that was next weekend?” Flora grimaced, not sure what to do exactly. She was naked, sitting on top of an also very naked Henry, and their clothes were discarded all over the apartment. 
“Hey Flora?” Her roommate called out. Flora’s eyes widened as she looked at Henry for help, but what the hell could he do? They made wordless gestures to each other until her roommate called out again. “Flora?” 
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“Um... uh huh... yeah?” She hid herself behind the top of the couch, resting her elbows on top with a forced smile on her face.  “Oh, you’re there? Hah. I didn’t notice you there...” she looked very puzzled, “uh, anyway, we’re out of milk now and it’s your turn to get it, so-” “Yeah, yeah, don’t worry I’ll take care of it. Consider it already bought.” She laughed nervously, then wriggled completely randomly because Henry had decided to tickle her. He could be such a dick when he wanted to be. Flora slapped his hand gently, still fixing her roommate with a forced smile.  “Are you okay, Flora?” “I’m totally fine, yeah. Totally fine.” He poked and prodded at her stomach a little more, and she made a strange noise. “You sure? You’re acting weird.” “Mmmhm.” She nodded, then tipped her head in a silent gesture that told her roomie she’d been busy. She didn’t actually have to see Henry to know that she should probably steer clear of the living room for a little while. 
Her roommate’s gaze then travelled across the room as she finally noticed the discarded items of clothing and realisation hit.  “Ohhhhh! Right. Gotcha.” She nodded. “I’ll just take this cereal to go then.”  “If that’s okay? Thank yooou!”  With her roommate finally gone, Flora rounded on Henry with one of her best ‘i’m gonna kill you’ faces. That only sent him into a fit of laughter as she feebly swiped at him for being such a dick. 
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florablume · 4 years
[ @henrysdunne​ asked ] “you can’t call the pediatrician every time you have a question!”
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“Well who else am I supposed to call? Your mom? Because I’m not doing that. I know she means well, Henry, but if she gives me one more nugget of her parental wisdom then I think I might finally crack.” “What do you mean ‘finally crack’?” He teased, sitting back on the couch as he held Nora. She gurgled contentedly, seemingly nothing wrong with her at all.  “Ha. Ha. You’re hilarious. I wish you would take this more seriously.” Flora stopped her pacing, her phone in her hand as she prepared to ring the doctor’s office again. Sighing heavily, she headed over to the couch and plonked herself down next to Henry. Nora’s eyes were fixed on her mother, and she made an incoherent babbling noise as she smiled a very gummy smile.  “Flo, she’s got a rash. It’s probably nappy rash, which is nothing to worry about. We’ve got the cream to fix that.” “Yeah, but what if it’s not nappy rash? What if it’s something more sinister?”  “It’s around where her nappy sits.” This time it was Henry’s turn to sigh. “Look, I know I’m not the medical professional in the house, honey, but I think we’re safe to assume it’s not something sinister. She seems herself, right?” He bounced Nora very gently on his knee, and right on cue she started to laugh. “See? Happy baby? Nothing sinister, just boring nappy rash.” 
Flora didn’t want to admit defeat, and not because of her usual reasons, like wanting to be right. She absolutely didn’t want to be right, but the cautious worrier in her just wanted to be a hundred percent certain there was nothing to fret about. But Henry wasn’t worried. And what he was saying did make sense. It was logical. She’d seen plenty of babies with nappy rash during her career in nursing, but for some reason with her own she was so desperate to get another opinion. She’d been just as bad with Fin when he was a baby. only she’d had no one to stop her from harassing the pediatrician back then.
After being quiet for longer than usual, Flora groaned, put her phone down and raised her hands in defeat. “Okay, fine. Yeah... you’re probably right. I’m just- I worry, is all.”  “I know you do.” Henry sat up, reached out his free arm and tucked her in closer so all three of them were a little smushed together. They just needed Fin there to complete this little family smush. He was definitely too busy playing on his video games to join with any ‘gross’ hugs and kisses right now though. “Worrying is good sometimes, just don’t drive yourself crazy. Okay?”  Flora peered up at him, eventually nodding. “Okay.” She leaned up and kissed his cheek, a very PG kiss because Nora was present.
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florablume · 4 years
“You were great last night…”
Flora gasped dramatically, covering her mouth with her hand as she stayed like that for a few seconds longer than necessary. “Was that a compliment? Did you just... did I hear those words correctly? I can’t believe it. I need a moment...” She laid back against the pillow and fanned herself with her hand to add to the drama. All the while, Henry rolled his eyes and waited for her to stop being so damn extra. 
After a short silence, he broke it, “you done being dramatic, sparky?” “Almost.” She paused. “Okay, yeah, I’m done.” She shuffled on to her side, splaying her arm underneath the pillow while she rested her head on it so she could look at him. “How great was I on a scale of one to ten?” She asked with an impish grin appearing on her face. They’d had sex enough times for her to know that he’d keep coming back for more and, similarly, that she’d keep going back for more too.  “I’ll give you a solid seven. There’s room for improvement.” Flora smacked his arm a little harder than playfully. “What?” He was already laughing because her reaction was so predictable, one of the funnier things about her, “I said you were ‘great’, I didn’t say ‘amazing’. I can tell you what areas need improvement Flo, don’t worry.”  She shoved him again, and this time he rolled on to his back, weakened by his own laughter. “You’ll be lucky if I have sex with you again.” They both knew that wasn’t going to be the case.
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florablume · 5 years
medical wake up in the hospital and find them holding their hand.
Flora had woken up gradually, hearing the sounds of movement and voices around her. She was immediately aware of someone holding her hand, and lifted her gaze to find that it was Henry. His fingers were laced in between hers, and he gripped tightly, as if he never wanted to let go of her, or was worried that if he did let go then he would lose her. Moving any other part of her body felt like a bad idea right now, and there was a pounding in her head that she couldn’t ignore. She swallowed down the dry lump in her throat and did her best to clear it, alerting Henry to the fact that she was awake and conscious. 
“Flora!” He sat forward, reaching out a protective hand into her lap. His eyes were wide with concern, and she felt her heart skip. “Where are we?” Her voice was croaky and very quiet, but just loud enough for him to hear. “In a hospital - sort of - we made it further north, far enough to find an actual functioning hospital.” He kept hold of her hand tightly. “This place is some kind of community, better equipped than Ailton was.” Her focus was hazy because her head hurt so much, but she managed to push herself up into a more comfortable position with a little help from Henry. Her eyes drifted and she spotted Sam asleep in a chair next to her bed. “Henry,” she rested back against the pillows behind her and tried to turn to look over at him, “what happened? Why do I feel like I’ve been hit by a bus?” “Because you were hit, not by a bus, by one of the patrol cars from around here. Knocked you clean off your feet and scared the shit out of me and Sam. We both thought you were-” he stopped, shaking his head before giving her hand a squeeze, “they brought you straight here and said they could help. Everything’s okay though - you’re okay. It’s mostly just surface bruising.”
At least that explained why she felt like she’d been beaten and battered. Being alive was the main thing, she supposed, especially in a world like this. Whoever these people were, they could’ve easily turned away, claimed that ‘accidents happen’ and left Henry and Sam to deal with her. She could imagine that neither Henry or Sam would’ve let them get away with that though. 
“How long have I been in here?” Time meant nothing to her right now - she didn’t even know if it was daytime or nighttime. “About three days. We’re staying here ‘til you’re back on your feet, so that could be a while yet.” He nodded, and kept nodding. Flora couldn’t help but notice he still looked concerned about something, and she narrowed her gaze at him even though it hurt her head to do it. “There’s something else,” he continued.“Yeah?”“When they were checking you over, making sure you were okay and all that-”“What is it?”He let out an exasperated sigh and ran his free hand over his face. “Henry, tell me.” “You’re pregnant, Flora.” 
Flora froze, feeling as though her heart had stopped in that very moment. Pregnant was a very bad thing to be right now. Babies were noisy, babies needed full time care and babies were a terrible mix with the undead epidemic they were facing right now. Not to mention the fact that she would have to carry said baby around for nine months, probably weakening her body more. In any other scenario, this would’ve probably been welcome news, Flora had always wanted to be a mother someday, but right now this news was worse than being hit by a car.
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“I’m what?” She stammered in disbelief, then laid a hand on her stomach. It was her turn for her grip on Henry’s hand to tighten.“You’re about two months along, and the baby’s fine, don’t worry.” He leaned in closer, pulling his chair with him. “Flora - hey, look at me.” She was starting to breathe faster, becoming distressed. “Flora. It’s gonna be okay, I promise.” He let go of her hand and cupped her face gently instead, keeping her eyes on his. “It’s gonna be fine - we’ll figure this out. Okay?”“Okay.” She replied softly, closing her eyes and she forced herself to calm down. Losing grip now wasn’t going to do anyone any good. 
Henry had no idea how they were going to figure this out. He was just as clueless as she was. But right now, the most important thing was keeping her calm and keeping her on this ward until she was better. They’d cross the next bridge when they came to it.
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florablume · 4 years
😘 - peppers my muse with kisses
It was early. Light crept in between the gaps in her bedroom curtains, and she knew that both of them would have to get out of bed very soon. They didn’t usually make a habit of staying together on a work night, but last night they’d gotten far too carried away a couldn’t keep their hands off each other - it was a miracle that either of them had gotten a wink of sleep. 
Flora rolled over to face him, shuffling in his arms because they were wrapped around her middle. She groaned softly and nudged his cheek with her nose. Henry didn’t budge. She prodded him gently, doing a terrible job of actually waking him up. “S’morning.” She mumbled close to his ear, “we gotta get up, c’mon, rise an’ shine.”
He heard that, and grunted a firm no. Instead, Henry tightened his grip around her waist and began to angle his body over hers. She didn’t stop him, and just eyed him curiously with the one eye she had open. Flora was about to ask what he was doing when his lips found hers, shutting her up for half a second. Then he kissed her cheek, her other cheek, forehead, nose, chin, and carried on until he was peppering kisses all over her face and body. She began to laugh, a sound that was a mixture of amusement and arousal. His kisses crept lower and lower, and so did he, disappearing under the duvet while Flora’s head tipped back and she arched her spine towards him. 
As her head lolled to one side, she noticed the exact time on her alarm clock and, very frustratingly, they didn’t have time for this. He was almost between her legs and this was the worst possible time for her to interrupt him, but she had to. If they were both late for work, it would look suspicious. No one knew anything about what they were getting up to, and it had to stay that way or Flora would risk losing her job. She desperately needed this job. 
“Henry, wait, wait, wait…” her hands reached down under the covers for him and he resurfaced looking perplexed. “What’s the matter?” “It literally kills me to say this, but we don’t have time.”“We don’t?” He sat up, glancing over her shoulder at the clock. “Ah fuck.” His gaze returned to her and she curled a finger underneath his chin to bring him closer. Slowly, she eased him back and climbed on top of him, legs resting either side of his body. “We can pick up where we left off tonight though? Specifically where we left off because I’m gonna be thinking about that all day.”“Listen, if you’re that desperate for it, we can always-”“Nooooo.” She placed a finger on his lips and shook her head. “We’re not doing it in the stationery cupboard. Or anywhere at work for that matter. It’s too risky.” He gave her one of his smug, know-it-all looks, certain that she would change her mind. She’d said no to it before and, lo and behold, they’d done it. Same could happen again.
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“All right, c’mon Blume,” he grabbed two generous handfuls of her ass and smacked a couple of times, “we’re gonna be late if you don’t get off me.”
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florablume · 5 years
After a long day of nursing wounds and fixing up the soldiers who came her way, Flora was exhausted. Despite her fatigue, her friends had persuaded her into a night of dancing and drinking - a send off for the American soldiers who had been stationed in the south of England for the past few weeks, but who were now being sent off to war. It was a terrifying prospect, and they deserved the best send off possible.
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As she entered the room, she followed the rest of her group, filing towards a dimly-lit corner of the bar. Flora took a seat, glancing around the room a couple of times to gauge the atmosphere. She’d expected less jubilance, but the soldiers seemed to want to enjoy every second of their last night in London, and she didn’t blame them.
Her friend was heading to the bar, and she ordered her usual Gin Rickey, thankful she didn’t have to go get it herself. The music blared around her, and she found herself tapping her toe in time with the beat.
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florablume · 4 years
💆‍♀️ - plays with my muse’s hair
A rare family night in had the whole Dunne/Blume clan occupying the lounge. For once in a long time, Fin wasn’t cooped up in his room playing games. Flora was officially on maternity leave now with Nora, and Henry had taken a few days off work just because he could. Nora had just been given her evening feed, and she was sleeping peacefully in the little baby bouncer chair that Nell had gifted them, making the occasional noise as she slept in the dimly lit room. 
They’d put on a movie of Fin’s choosing - some superhero film that Flora wasn’t hugely familiar with. She didn’t care too much though. Just the simple fact they were all together in one room was enough to make her smile widen and her heart swell with love for their family. She was currently curled up on the couch, resting against Henry as he idly played with her hair, gently brushing his fingers through her long, brown locks in a repetitive motion. Flora closed her eyes, humming her approval softly. If there was one way to soothe her in an instant, this was it - she loved having her hair played with. “That feels nice.” She said softly, quiet enough so that only Henry would hear and Fin wouldn’t accuse them of being gross. Any form of affection his parents showed to one and other was disgusting in his book - kissing, hugging, all of it. Flora found it amusing, knowing that one day he would look back and laugh at how scandalised he tended to act when they were actually being warm and loving to each other. 
Henry continued to toy with her hair, twirling strands around his fingers before letting go and repeating the same thing all over again. Eyes still closed, Flora rested more of her weight against him, starting to feel an overwhelming desire to fall asleep on him because she was so relaxed. Well, relaxed and exhausted - they still had a newborn to look after. Henry’s voice in her ear kept her semi-awake though.“You have so much hair…how do you have this much hair?”“Dunno, just grows fast, I guess.” She replied, “why, d’you want me to cut it all off?”He laughed, “you would never do that.” “Says who? I used to have it way shorter when we were younger. Don’t you remember?” “Yeah, but I was thinking more buzz cut though,” he lifted a chunk of her hair up and mock-cut it down to the root with his fingers, “about this short.” Flora opened one eye and squinted at him with it. “You’re hilarious.”“I’m not kidding!” He continued to tease her, “I think you’d look great.”“You wouldn’t have anything to hold on to when we…” She’d lowered her voice, but she cut herself off all the same, opening both eyes to find Henry raising both of his eyebrows at her. 
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“Will you both be quiet?!” Finley suddenly piped up from the other side of the room. Thankfully he’d been engrossed in his movie, so hadn’t actually heard any of their conversation, especially not the last part, but still, they were creating too much background noise for his liking. “I can’t hear what Captain America is saying!”“I’m sorry honey,” Flora replied.“Sorry, kid.” Henry replied too.She pressed her lips together and grimaced at Henry in a jokey way, amused by Finley’s no-nonsense attitude. “He sure told us.” “Mmhm. Gets more and more like you every day.” She elbowed him gently in the ribs and he began to laugh, earning them both another warning glare from Fin before he decided to tell them off again. 
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florablume · 5 years
“ she/he looks like you ” (idr if we decided what they’re having lol)
“You think she does?” Flora smiled. She was laid on her side, opposite Henry, with Nora wriggling quietly between them. Their little one kicked her legs up in the air, gurgling softly and contentedly as both her parents watched on in admiration. “It’s about time one of our kids looked like me.” She cast her gaze over to him, still smiling, though this time with a cheeky glint in her eye and an arched brow. “She acts a lot like you too.” He replied, “all that whining and crying when she doesn’t get enough attention.” His hand found hers and she laced her fingers in-between his, squeezing back as a playful warning.He carried on, “crying when she doesn’t get enough sleep, or when she’s hungry, or when she-”“Don’t you dare say ‘when she poops herself’, I’m close enough to hit you, remember that.” “You said it, not me.”Flora tsked her disapproval. “You’re an a-s-s-h-o-l-e.” She spelled out the word, stupidly for fear of cursing in front of their newborn, despite the fact she didn’t understand any form of speech yet, being only one month old. 
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“Did you just spell out ‘asshole’? Babe, you do know she can’t understand us yet, don’t you?”“Babies pick up on a lot more than you’d think. Cursing included.” She reached her free hand over where Nora lay and pressed her index finger to his lips. “Don’t force me to make a swear jar.” Henry just laughed, before he went to bite her finger when she wasn’t looking, which definitely got her to move her hand - served her right for trying to silence him. “How are you gonna stop yourself from cursing? You’re worse than me.”“I’m not that bad. It’ll be easy. I did it when Fin was growing up, so I’m well accustomed to censoring myself.” 
The look on Henry’s face suggested that he didn’t believe this would be so easy for her. He was thinking back to the Flora he’d known when they were in their twenties, cursing up a storm at any given opportunity and proud of it. Obviously, motherhood had changed her and softened her a lot, but she still had that side to her, especially where he was concerned. 
Their attention soon shifted away from curse words and back to Nora, as a whimpering cry was forced out of her tiny mouth. Her little fists bunched up tightly and she stretched out, pining for something that either one of them was going to have to figure out. Flora sighed softly and began to climb off of the bed, reaching underneath her top to unfasten the normal bra she’d stupidly put on that morning because her maternity one was in the laundry. “Okay, you sniff her butt and I’ll get ready for a feed.”
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florablume · 5 years
✻ to catch my muse masturbating (lol)
Flora was six months pregnant and feeling as lethargic as ever. It wasn’t a constant thing, but it was making her days feel so much longer. It didn’t help that she wasn’t sleeping much at night, thanks to the kicks and prods of baby Dunne, and they fact that her bladder was often used as a cushion. 
She padded around the apartment in a slight daze, looking for Henry but not exactly calling out for him. She’d already checked downstairs and he wasn’t in his office or the lounge or kitchen. The bedroom and bathroom were next on her list of places to search. A strange muffled moaning sound was coming from their bedroom, and her attention suddenly zoned in on it. It wasn’t loud enough to be heard from down the hall, but if she pressed her ear to the door, she could definitely hear something. 
Slowly, she pushed the door open, unsure of what sight was about to greet her as she walked in. The TV was on, showing what she could only describe as a very explicit scene involving more ass play than she ever imagined was necessary to get a guy off. Henry was engrossed, and hadn’t noticed her yet as he seemed to be giving his wrist a pretty vigorous work out.
“Um…” her voice wasn’t loud enough to get his attention, so she went ahead and cleared her throat. This time he heard her, and almost jumped out of his skin, fumbling for the remote to switch it off or mute it or anything. Flora stared, eyebrows raised as she tried not to laugh. It was funny, but at the same time, she knew how much their sex life had dwindled since she’d fallen pregnant. His libido was through the roof sometimes, she was surprised he wasn’t at this every single day. Or maybe he was, and this was just the first time she’d walked in and ruined things for him.
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“Honey, it’s fine, I’ll just-” His pants were up and he managed to turn the TV off, leaving the room in a heavy silence as they both look at each other. Flora couldn’t stop staring at the obvious erection he’d covered up, and she pressed her lips firmly together to keep from laughing. “You could’ve knocked.” He broke the silence.“I know, I know. I was just looking for you, and then I heard a weird noise coming from in here, and…uh…well, apparently that was your porn. I didn’t mean to ruin your,” she paused for a second, not really knowing what to call it, “your moment?”Henry rolled his eyes and sighed heavily, laying back on the bed dramatically. Flora hobbled over, heavy footed, then planted herself down next to him.“I’m really sorry. I know you’re frustrated, and I know I’m always tired and not in the mood for it.” She reached out for him, giving him her best sad pout and apology face. She did feel really bad for walking in at such a bad moment. 
Henry finally glanced her way, and she chose to read the look in his eyes as forgiveness. Flora shuffled closer and kissed him softly, nudging her nose up against his a couple of times before pecking him again. “How about I make it up to you right now, hm? Ditch your porn and your hand and I’ll finish you off myself.” She definitely had his attention with that suggestion, and she didn’t think she’d ever seen him look so excited. “Take your pants off then, Dunne.” She grinned cheekily at him. 
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florablume · 5 years
“ i think this diaper is on wrong ”
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“Honey, I know how to put a diaper on. I’ve changed plenty of them over the years.” Flora rolled her eyes, dismissing him almost immediately. She went to throw the dirty diaper in the trash, thankful to get rid of the horrible smell. That was one thing about having a newborn that she didn’t miss - the awful stench they could produce - remarkable for such a tiny person. 
She gave in to a huge yawn, having to lean on the counter to stop herself from stumbling or keeling over altogether from fatigue. Sleep had been so hard to come by, what with taking it in turns to wake up for Nora, making sure Fin was ready for school, and keeping on top of household jobs. Remembering to eat properly in between had been a struggle too. 
“Flo, I really think this diaper is on wrong.” Henry was staring down at Nora as she wiggled about on the changing mat, making soft gurgling noises as she kicked her legs about. “It looks like it’s on backwards. Did you put this on with your eyes closed, babe?”She huffed, rolling her eyes again, and walked over to where he was standing, ready to educate him on how a diaper should be put on and certain that she was right. “Of course it’s not on backwards, I-” Flora stopped, looking down at their daughter, whose nappy was definitely on the wrong way. She blinked a couple of times before shifting her gaze up to Henry who was looking at her expectantly. “Okay, yeah, it’s on backwards. In my defence I don’t think I’ve ever been so exhausted in my whole life, so one mistake is pretty good going.”“Doesn’t work as a defence if I’m tired too.” He smirked, reaching out to gently unfasten the diaper and get it on her the right way. Lifting Nora’s legs up, he worked quickly to get her clean and comfortable before he started to dress her in her little sleep-suit. 
Meanwhile, Flora had decided to rest her head against one of his arms, whether in a silent apology or just because she was tired. And then she actually did apologise, turning her face to bury into the side of his arm. “Sorry,” she mumbled, peering up at him over his bicep.“You must be tired if you’re apologising to me.” He finished fastening the little velcro panel on Nora’s sleep-suit, then leaned down to kiss the top of Flo’s head. “Go on, you go to bed. I’ll put her down for the night - or for the next few hours, whatever she feels like.”“Aw, are you sure?” “Yeah, yeah. Go warm the bed up for me.” He nudged her gently, brushing against her ass, a grin on his face.“Okay. Don’t forget the monitor.”“I won’t forget the monitor.” He parroted back to her as she walked towards their bedroom, then scooped Nora up into his arms to get on with getting her to sleep.
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florablume · 5 years
❣️ for a top of the head kiss
This was the first time Henry had actually stayed over at her apartment. So far they’d been hooking up after work, very casually, with the occasional brief stop off at her place when there was nowhere else for them to go. Flora had messaged him late last night - a complete booty call - and he’d come over almost immediately, much to her delight. Neither of them had discussed their current situation, and both were waiting for the other to bring it up. They were in this weird limbo place of enjoying each other’s company whilst also refusing to admit their feelings.
Flora lay still in bed, Henry resting on top of her arm with his own tucked around her waist, his head close to her chest. Personal space and boundaries didn’t seem to be a thing when they were together, and she liked how tactile they were with each other without it being a big deal. Her hand lifted, and she started to gently play with his hair, twiddling strands between her index finger and thumb. He hummed quietly, a sound that she took to be approval, and she just couldn’t help smiling.
“Morning,” she mumbled, leaning in to kiss the top of his head. She could tell he was awake, but being a little lazy by refusing to show her that he was awake. “I said morning.” She playfully pinched at his side and he shifted, grunting an incoherent ‘good morning’ to her as he finally opened his eyes. “Time is it?” he asked, his voice still hoarse from sleep.“Uh, like, eight I think?”“A.M.?” “Yeah, of course A.M., we didn’t sleep in all day.” She laughed, rolling her eyes.“Mm, I did wear you out though. Wouldn’t be surprised if you slept for a whole day after a night of fucking me.”At that comment, she took a swipe at his arm. “Shut up.” She wasn’t going say he was completely wrong though. He did have a habit of exhausting her. 
“So, do I get breakfast at Casa de Blume then? This is the first time I’ve stayed over, huh?” He lifted up from his lazy position resting against her arm, shifting up to lounge on a pillow instead, meeting her gaze. He sprawled out easily on the bed, and she took a second to admire Henry - damn it. There wasn’t really a time that he didn’t look good, first thing in the morning, late at night, whenever, and it drove her insane to admit that.“That depends on whether I think you’ve earned your breakfast.”“Does it? How do I do that?” He wrapped his arms back around her and pulled her close, eyes fixed on her. There was always so much sexual tension between them, always ready to pounce on each other. At work it was a nightmare, but at least in the privacy of her own apartment she could deal with it. Flora closed the gap between them, kissing him impulsively, and she could feel the smirk on his lips.“Like this?” He asked, his mouth still pressed to hers.“Mmhm, like this. If you wear me out again then I’ll make you breakfast.”
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Henry was clearly on board with the idea. He flipped her over, leaving her squealing as he pinned her down to the mattress, ready to play her little game if it meant he could get his dick wet again. There was really no telling how long it was going to be before either of them was getting out of that bed. 
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florablume · 5 years
[ submission ]
[ submission ]   your muse letting mine take the lead and submitting to them.
This was the longest amount of time she’d gone without seeing Henry, and she missed him so much more than she would freely admit. After collecting her from the House, he’d taken her straight to the hotel, checked them both in and led her up to the room. It didn’t take long for them to start tearing at each other’s clothes as they stumbled blindly towards the bed. 
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Flora climbed into his lap once he’d managed to sit down, eager to get rid of everything he was wearing, but Henry had other ideas for now. He tore off her shirt, letting his hands explore her curves before he took a generous handful of her ass, then gave it a quick slap. She made an involuntary squeal and began to giggle into the kiss. A few seconds later and her bra was on the floor, with Henry getting his hands all over every bit of her that he could.
“I missed you.” She mumbled against his lips, trying not to give her feelings away too much, but it just slipped out. Henry smirked as he reached to tug her underwear down, the last piece of clothing she had on while he was still almost fully dressed. “How much?” He asked, lifting her into his arms as he stood up, his intention to switch their positions. “Enough to let me take charge this time?”“That depends on what you mean by take ch-” she was cut off by another squeal when he dropped her back down on to the bed, tossing her lace pants to the floor before he started to unbuckle his jeans. Flora supported her weight on her elbows, watching him unfasten his belt buckle with increased interest. She bit down on her bottom lip, gaze focusing on just one part of his anatomy… and then his sharp tone interrupted her daze.“Get on all fours.” It wasn’t a question, but a demand, and Flora decided that she didn’t hate the sound of it. Any other situation, she refused to be told what to do, but right now for Henry, she could handle being bossed around. “Oh… that kind of taking charge, huh?” She did as he asked, throwing a glance his way when she was in position, watching him get rid of his jeans and pants. He grabbed her hips firmly, hands sweeping over her ass so he could get a good feel before he lined himself up. It wasn’t the ass action that he was always pestering her for, but at least he got an especially nice view from here. It also made a nice change for her to actually do as she was told for once instead of fighting him about everything. 
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florablume · 5 years
“shit— i have to pee”
It had been just over a week since they’d last had sex and she was missing it more than she expected to. Flora had been pestering Henry at every opportunity, but work had him exhausted at the end of every day. It was a very important project, so she did her best to be understanding, but her patience was waning. She’d tried any and all angles of seducing him, but he’d been asleep before her every night this week and out of bed before her in the mornings too. She was so used to her daily fix, and she didn’t realise how much she would actually miss climbing him like a tree. It left her with a lot of pent up frustration.
After a twelve hour shift at the hospital, Flora arrived home in a zombie-like state, only to find Henry wide awake and ready to whisk her up to the bedroom. She considered telling him how tired she was, that she could literally collapse into bed, but this could be their only opportunity if his work piled up again. They were clumsy and loud as they made out in the kitchen, hands all over each other as they fumbled with each other’s clothes. Henry lifted her on to the kitchen counter and wasted little time in tearing off her scrubs, scooping her up like she weighed next to nothing before he carried her upstairs. 
He tossed her down on the bed and climbed over her, leaving hungry, open-mouthed kisses all over her body until her reacher her lips. “God, I’ve missed you this week.” Flora wrapped her arms around him, happy not to rush things. She was a lot more awake now than when she’d walked through the door. “I missed you too,” Henry replied, grabbing a handful of her ass as he spoke.She laughed, rolling her eyes, “you mean you missed my ass.”“Same thing.” He quipped before he silenced any retort from her with another kiss. 
Like a pair of horny teenagers, they rolled around on their bed, invading each other’s personal space while they removed the last of their clothes. Out of nowhere, Henry stopped mid-kiss, and held his finger to her lips. “Shit— I have to pee.” He climbed off the bed and ran over to the bathroom, leaving Flora about to protest but he was already gone. She sighed, flopping back against the bed, and looked up at the ceiling. Surely he would only be a minute or two? Not long at all, she thought as her eyes began to droop. 
Twelve hours she’d been on her feet today, and her feet were so tired. All of her was tired. Exhaustion was inching its way around her whole body, and she was powerless to stop it. Flora felt her limbs relax, and within a few seconds, she was falling asleep. Her eyes closed and she began to snore softly - she constantly denied it, but Henry was right about her snoring. 
The bathroom door opened and Henry rushed back in, only to find her fast asleep. He stared for a second, waiting to see if she was playing a stupid joke on him, but she wasn’t. “Flo?” He said softly as he crawled over to where she laid. Unsurprisingly, she didn’t reply. Despite the fact it was killing him to miss out on an opportunity to fuck, especially because it had been over a week and his balls were blue, Henry admitted defeat and pulled the covers over her. He kissed her forehead, then gently brushed a few strands of hair away from her face.“I can’t believe you fell asleep on me, Blume.” 
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florablume · 5 years
✉  finding each other post apocalypse 
When the chaos hit New York, Flora had been at work, going about her normal daily routine. Little did she know that her entire world would be broken in two that very day. Feral people began forcing their way into the building, destroying everything in their path, including people. A small group of staff and patients managed to barricade themselves in on one of the higher floors. As a medical professional, she surely had to stay and keep working to help those who needed it most, but as a mother she had to get home to her family. Roads were blocked and all routes home covered in zombie-like people. It was like something out of one of her nightmares, only she was actually living it. 
She’d managed to stay holed up in the hospital itself for at least a couple of days, but knew she had to start moving so that she could get back to the apartment. Would Henry and Fin even be there? She prayed to god that they would be. Or at least safe somewhere. It took her another two days get back into the city in one piece, mostly because she had to keep stopping every time she spotted someone stumbling around in a daze and wait it out until they were gone. At this point she’d seen the infected rip people to shreds, and she didn’t really think that was a fate she wanted for herself.
The only thing that kept her going was the hope that she would find them. Henry would surely be with their son, keeping him safe. She kept telling herself that if she didn’t make it to them they’d be safe together, despite not even knowing if they were even alive or not. She had to keep telling herself that, over and over again.
A week had passed by, and she’d managed to make it back to their apartment, but there was no sign of anyone. Nothing in the place had been disturbed, everything as she’d left it that morning before going to work just a week ago. Her heart sank as she looked over at the photographs lined up on one of the shelves - all three of them smiling, one big happy family. She could honestly cry. Fear of making any unnecessary noise stopped her, but she could literally feel her heart breaking. If they were alive and okay then she assumed they’d come here, and they hadn’t, and so her hope was waning. 
Flora decided not to stay for long. After packing a bag with some much needed essentials, she decided to head back out and search the streets she hadn’t been down. She racked her brain, trying to think of other places that they might go. Henry’s parents’ house, maybe? That place could be like a fortress if they wanted it to be. It was her best and only option left. 
The streets were fairly quiet, with no sign of any infected people wandering around, which was a huge relief for her. She guessed that they were all drawn to the busier parts of the city, built up areas where it was likely they’d find people to feast upon. She was just thinking about how thankful she was, when a familiar sound broke through her inner monologue. “MOOOOOOOOOOOOM!” It sounded just like Finley, and for a moment, she thought she was imagining it. She’d spent so much of her time imagining both his and Henry’s voices that it was quite possible she was conjuring this up herself. Playing cruel tricks on her devastated mind - it wouldn’t be unusual. But she turned around to find the source of the sound, and saw her son sprinting towards her from a nearby building. “Fin?” She dropped the bag she was holding and held her arms out to catch him. “Oh my baby, you’re okay! Oh my god, I was so worried!” She began to cry, tears of joy mixed with utter shock and panic that they were both out here completely exposed. “I thought…” she didn’t tell him what she thought had happened to them, and just clung on to him like she never wanted to let go. “I’m just so happy you’re safe… I’m never letting you go again.” She planted kisses on his forehead and his cheeks and marvelled at the fact he was here in her arms - her precious baby boy.“We thought something bad happened to you…” She heard him say into her ear, and she drew him back to arm’s length so she could look at him. “Oh, I’m made of tough stuff, sweetie. There was no way I wasn’t gonna find you both.” He said ‘we’, meaning that Henry was with him. She cast her eyes over Finley’s shoulder and caught sight of his father approaching. Her heart leapt and all she wanted to do was run to him. 
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Flora rose up from her crouched position, tears still pouring from her eyes, leaving streak marks all over her cheeks. A protective hand stayed on Fin’s shoulder and as Henry approached, she just buried her face into his chest and sobbed quietly.“Shhh,” Henry’s arms wrapped around her and he held her tightly, “Jesus, Flo, I’m so glad you’re okay.” His hand stroked over her back soothingly, doing his best to calm her down. “I thought I’d never find you both.” She kept her voice quiet, peering up at him before wiping her face haphazardly with her sleeve. “I kept thinking the worst things-”He pressed a gentle finger to her lips and then pulled her close for a kiss. Finley didn’t even make one of his disgusted noises at the small spectacle - he was just happy that both of his parents were okay, and that they were all back together. Safe and sound. 
It was unwise for them to stay outside, exposed like this, so Henry gently ushered them both back over to the door that Finley had leapt out of. Unable to get back to their apartment during the outbreak, someone a few streets over had kindly taken them in, and this was where they were still staying for the time being. Flora was the only reason Henry hadn’t left, because he’d been convinced that she would come back this way before going anywhere else - thank god he’d been right. 
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florablume · 5 years
🛁 give my muse a bath
Flora had noticed how tired Henry had been recently, more so than usual. With the stress of finding a new camp to settle in and the panic over their new arrival, looking after himself was at the bottom of his list of priorities. He’d been putting her first for months, and it was high time the tables turned. 
Sam had agreed to take baby Fin for the afternoon. She’d taken surprisingly well to becoming an aunt, and Finley really seemed to love her. Flora supposed that having him around had given them all a small sense of hope. Maybe the world could heal eventually? He was a little miracle in her eyes, so perhaps they could happen sometimes.
Flora managed to snag some time in one of the bathroom suites - not a suite like Henry had probably been used to in his past life, but a room with a bathtub in and hot water basically. It was a luxury they were overjoyed to have. She set the hot water running while she went off in search of Henry. As expected, he was exactly where she’d left him earlier that morning, fast asleep in their bed. Catching up on months’ worth of missed sleep was going to take time. She couldn’t have him running on empty, not when he insisted on making supply runs with the rest of the camp - doing his bit so they earned their keep. The thought of losing him was not one that she liked to contemplate. 
She didn’t want to wake him up, but he hadn’t bathed in a while. It was hard when resources were so limited, and things had to be rationed. He always placed himself at the bottom of the list. That wasn’t going to fly today though. 
Resting a careful hand on his arm, Flora shook him lightly. “Henry?” It took him a while to stir so she tried again. “Baby, wake up, c’mon. I’m running you a bath.” He grunted, grumbled a little, then slowly opened one very exhausted looking eye. “What?” His voice slurred from sleep.“I’m running you a hot bath so you need to get up. C’mon,” she slipped her hand into his and squeezed tight, “you smell like ass, so if you ever wanna have sex with me again, you’re getting in this bath.” He made another non-committal noise, but slowly began to get up to do as he was told. “You don’t wanna have sex after this, do you?” He asked through a huge yawn, picking up some clothes so that he wasn’t trekking through the camp half naked. “No, honey. I’m pretty sure you’d just fall asleep on me if we tried anything today and I can’t take that kind of rejection after childbirth.” She guided him towards the door, then led the way through to the bathroom. “Where’s Fin?” He seemed more alert as he thought of their son.“Sam’s taken him for the afternoon, don’t worry. They needed some bonding time, she couldn’t wait to take him off my hands.” She laughed softly.
Once inside, she helped him undress, peeling his clothes off and folding them neatly while he lowered himself into the tub. Henry let out a heavy groan before he relaxed against the solid surface beneath him. Flora had come prepared with soap and shampoo, and she was planning to scrub him clean even if he fought her on it. To her pleasant surprise, he didn’t fight her, and she scrubbed every inch of dirt and grime off of him that she could reach (and there wasn’t much she wasn’t prepared to reach for). He lay still with his eyes closed, probably asleep again, and she took her time with shampooing his hair and beard, getting the dirt out from under his nails and generally just taking care of him like he took care of her. She wanted him to know how much she appreciated everything he’d done for her over the past few years, how he had protected her and Sam, and how he’d come back to her every single time he left. Love wasn’t a word she threw around often, but she was certain that what she felt for Henry was exactly that. 
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Flora watched him rest for a little while, leaning her head against the side of the bathtub, her gaze like some kind of lovestruck teenager. The water was probably getting cold, but she didn’t want to move from this spot. Slowly, Henry’s eyes opened, and he fixed his gaze on her before he began to smirk. “You been creepin’ on me in the tub?” He asked, teasing as always. “If by creeping you mean admiring you then yeah, I was.” She leaned in to kiss him before he could throw in another smartass remark. He smelled a million times better than he had done before - thank god. “You should get out before you wrinkle up like a prune. I brought some clean clothes in for you to change into, c’mon. We can go back to bed until Sam brings Fin back. I’ll even let you be the little spoon this time.” She straightened up, booping him on the nose as she let him get on with draining the bath and drying himself. 
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florablume · 5 years
💃    :   dance with my muse.
It was late evening, and they’d spent most of the day in bed together, occasionally dozing and mostly going at it like rabbits. Flora’s family thought she was working, when in fact she’d been staying in Henry’s hotel room for the past couple of days. What they didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them. 
She was in the mood for something a little different, so she climbed out of bed, and draped her silk robe around her naked body. “Where you goin’?” Henry asked, still lazily sprawled out in bed. Flora shot a glance in his direction, smirking before she tapped the side of her nose with her index finger. In the corner of the room sat a radio, and she switched it on before searching for a frequency that was playing something good. Moments of static passed before she settled on a station that was playing something she could dance to, something smooth and slow. Her gaze briefly shot back to him, wondering if he’d get the hint first time. His attention was definitely on her, and he rested his weight on to his elbows as he sat up, watching her with keen eyes. 
Flora slowly started to sway her hips from side to side, then curled a finger in his direction as she turned to face him, beckoning him to come to her. They’d used up so much energy, rolling around beneath the sheets all day, and she just fancied a less strenuous activity to see them through to bedtime.“Dance with me, Henry?” She’d made her way closer to the bed, and she held out her hand. It didn’t take long for him to do as she’d asked, and she helped him to his feet so he didn’t aggravate his old war wound. “You sure you don’t wanna go for another round? I’ve got another one in me.” He grinned, the look on his face making her fall into giggles, resting her head against his chest. “That doesn’t surprise me at all, you’ve got more stamina than I give you credit for.” Her arms wrapped around him as he enveloped her. They swayed gently together, perfectly in time with the music. 
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“Bet I could go ten times longer than Noah.” Flora snorted rather ungracefully and nodded in agreement almost immediately. “Noah would probably cry if he saw me naked. He just wouldn’t know what to do with all of this sheer beauty. He’d probably just write a poem about it or something… a poem about my breasts.” She couldn’t help laughing at the thought of it. Henry’s hands began to explore the minute she mentioned her naked body. All that was between him and her skin was a flimsy robe, and it didn’t take very long for him to get his hands inside it. “It’s a good thing I know exactly what to do with you.” She hummed in agreement, closing her eyes as Henry reached down to take two generous handfuls of her ass. Her grip on him tightened and her body pressed right up against his, making them lose their rhythm to the music for a second or two. 
Flora’s eyes fluttered open and she lifted her gaze to meet with his. Her palm brushed against his cheek and she left a feather-light, very teasing kiss on his lips. Henry groaned, and she started laughing yet again. “You’re insatiable, Henry Dunne.” She was determined to have an uninterrupted dance with him, and she took one of his hands off her ass, gently leading him across the room where they had more space to move. “Only around you.” He stole another hungry kiss, and Flora could tell it wouldn’t be long before they were back in bed. Too long and Henry would probably hoist her over his shoulder and drag her back in. Not that she was complaining - he was right when he said he knew exactly what he was doing with her. “You’re one lucky girl, Flo…” His hands were back underneath her robe and she didn’t stop him this time, letting him touch her anywhere and everywhere that he wanted to. Their bodies swayed to the music again, locked in a passionate embrace that would end up heated and messy somewhere in the room - bed, floor, wall - it didn’t matter where. 
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