#henry windell
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childofseas · 10 months ago
wipping out my wednesdays
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(kids are shocked because their father Conveniently Forgot To Tell Them that he was getting married. whoopsiedoodles!)
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lighthouseas · 1 year ago
oh btw my askbox is always open for questions about ocs and original stories. which i should probably talk about more on here because ive been trying to develop one lately and write a script for it . 1895 gay siren story . basically
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dmcgrann-um · 2 years ago
‘Twain at Play’ Readings
I’d like to look at Twain’s “Whittier Birthday Speech.”  Thought the framing of Twain against Boston Brahmin brought up in class was really interesting and something I had not considered yet.  I find it interesting because the comparison all at once contrasts Twain by class, culture, and location.  Twain’s lifetime is basically the same period that the Boston elite lose cultural dominance and centrality in American culture to ‘young money’ in New York—a cultural elite that more resembles what we might recognize in today’s American elite.  And Twain participates in that shift away from the Boston Brahmin both culturally and literal location.
Twain is born in the south, moves to California, then New York.  Whether a Southerner, a Californian, or a New Yorker, Twain is decidedly not a Bostonian socialite, and Boston Brahmin would have marked him as such.  Twain’s social circle, especially through marriage to Olivia Langdon, included many critics of the established Northern upperclass, such as William Dean Howells and Harriet Beecher Stowe.  And Twain also shared in the culture of wild invention and investment that eventually symbolized New York, idealizing the complicated inventions and techno-marvels of the time.
With this in mind, I find it a convincing reading that Twain is at least intentionally contrasting himself from the Boston Brahmin.  He sets his story “Californiawards” with the characters himself, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Oliver Windell Holmes, and John Greenleaf Whittier.  All these writers could be considered part of the Boston cultural centrality of the time, as all were educated in and from Massachusetts if not Boston itself.  And Twain writes their dialogue in ‘improper’ English with literary quotes sandwiched between, the quotes reading stuffy or disconnected in a manner that pokes fun at their literary forms.
Then, toward the end in response to the miner bemoaning the “littery atmosphere,” Twain jokes these characters “were not the gracious singers to whom we and the world pay loving reverence and homage; these were imposters.”  This joke is actually not fully explained and can be interpreted a few ways.  One is just straightforwardly that these characters were imposters, fakes pretending to be the authors, quoting them tastelessly.  In this reading the imposters, even though not the actual writers, are still satirizing some of the Bostonian culture, generating a sense of artifice artifice by quoting the writers.  One can read either the miner or the “littery atmosphere” as equally out of place here.  And with the miner supposedly being Wittier, yet still as false-seeming as the imposters, we can question his place as well.  Which leads to an alternate reading of the “imposters” being the real authors themselves, their “littery atmosphere” the fake.
Whether Twain actually intends that reading, it seems he’s definitely at least aware of some of this dynamic and unlike the other characters, no matter how the story is read, Twain is an outsider.  In the decades following, New York would grow eventually overtaking Boston as the national cultural and wealth center.  So I find this speech fun to read as a small moment preceding that transition, Twain touching on what would eventually become a real shift.
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nofatclips · 4 years ago
Carlisle Floyd’s Trees on the Mountains as performed by Rhiannon Giddens with Francesco Turrisi on the album There is no Other - Video by William Kaner featuring the Nashville Ballet
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televisionpromos · 2 years ago
Kung Fu 3x06 "Rescue" Promo - A HEARTBREAKING DECISION AND AN UNEXPECTED REVEAL — Nicky, Henry, Ryan and Pei-Ling try to make sense of some disturbing information they’ve learned about Xiao. Althea and Dennis help his sister after she learns that money has gone missing from their family’s charitable trust. Elsewhere, Mei-Li is forced to make an impossible decision. Tzi Ma, Gavin Stenhouse, Yvonne Chapman and JB Tadena also star. Kristin Windell directed the episode written by Matt Young. Original airdate 11/9/2022.
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paralleljulieverse · 5 years ago
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This Day in Julie-history: Madame Lilian Stiles-Allen was born on 28 July 1890
This week marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of Lilian Stiles-Allen, the woman who taught Julie Andrews how to sing. A celebrated soprano in her own right, Stiles-Allen was a renowned interpreter of lieder and oratorio during the inter-war years with a voice that “was much admired for its sweetness, range, and dramatic power” (Bradford, 17). 
Though not physically suited to the opera stage, Stiles-Allen performed widely in concert and recital in major venues with a particular emphasis on the English classical repertoire of Handel, Sargent, Beecham and Coleridge-Taylor. She was the original Nokomis in Coleridge-Taylor’s Hiawatha and a regular soloist at the Sir Henry Wood Promenade Concerts and the annual Handel Festival at the Crystal Palace. Stiles-Allen also enjoyed a solid career as a radio and recording artist, notably under contract to the Edison Bell label where she recorded both under her own name and the pseudonym of Linda Hynd (Williams, 161-63).
By the time of the Second World War, Stiles-Allen had largely retired from public performance and it was then that she turned her creative energies to teaching, a role she would embrace with gusto well into old age (Dawson, 17). Her list of students over the years included many notables of the British musical world such as Anne Ziegler, Aileen Cochrane, and Margaret Burton (Dawson, 17; Williams, 162). Without doubt, her most famous protégé, and the one she herself counted as her greatest teaching triumph, was “the phenomenal Julie Andrews” (”Teacher,” 20; Williams, 163). 
Julie started studying under Stiles-Allen when she was just 9 years old at the behest of her step-father, Ted Andrews, who had himself taken lessons with the teacher soon after arriving in the UK from Canada (Andrews 2008, 48). Much has been made of the enormous influence Stiles-Allen had on the voice and singing style of "her star pupil”, not least by Julie herself who has repeatedly credited “Madame,” as she always called her, with the foundational hallmarks of her distinctive vocal technique: 
“From when I was age 9 until the day she died in 1982, she was my singing teacher and taught me good diction, placement, everything. A wonderful lady and a huge mentor” (Andrews 2019: 16).
For her part, Stiles-Allen recalled:
”The range, accuracy and tone of Julie’s voice amazed me. All her life, I discovered, she possessed the rare gift of absolute pitch, which means that she cannot sing out of tune. I make it a rule as a singing teacher to get three octaves in all voices. Julie, as a little girl and right up to the age of fourteen, had a most unusual four-octave range, from two Cs above Alt. right down to two Cs below middle C. She had absolute confidence in her voice and in me” (cited in Cottrell, 34).
Right throughout her childhood and adolescence, Julie trained regularly with Madame to develop her voice and singing skills: first, at a studio in London and, then, at Stiles-Allen’s rambling country home in Headingley, just outside Leeds in Yorkshire. Due to the latter’s distance from London, Julie would typically journey up by rail and stay with Madame for the weekend and sometimes longer (Andrews 2008, 50ff). Inevitably, a deep emotional bond was forged that went beyond that of teacher and student. As Julie would later state of her relationship with Madame: “She had an enormous influence on me. She was a third mother to me” (cited in Windeler, 13).
Reading Julie’s many affectionate recollections of Madame, one senses she found in Stiles-Allen a level of grounded emotional support and domestic stability that was not always forthcoming in her own home life:
“I loved the cosy evenings after we’d finished work when, with Madame and her husband, we would all sit around a huge log fire. Such evenings were unknown to me, for that was the time when Mummie and Pop usually had to get ready for the theatre and go out. But with Madame, evenings were the time for relaxation and family talks” (Andrews 1958: 16).
Once Julie reached adulthood, the singing lessons became less frequent but the pair continued to keep in close contact. They worked together closely on vocal preparation for many of Julie’s most famous musical roles including My Fair Lady, Mary Poppins and The Sound of Music. Stiles-Allen’s son lived for several years in Southern California, so she had occasion to visit Julie quite frequently after her relocation to the US (Cottrell, 213). Meanwhile, on her own trips back to England, Julie would always make a point of paying respects to her beloved teacher who, by this stage, had “donated the Old Farm outside Leeds to the Yorkshire College of Music and Drama, and had moved south to a pretty cottage in West Kingsdown, Kent” (Andrews 2008, 188).
It was here that Madame Lilian Stiles-Allen died peacefully in her sleep on 15 July 1982, just two weeks shy of her 92nd birthday (”Obituary,” 10). It was a grand age and a fittingly serene end to an equally grand life. On the occasion of the 130th anniversary of her birth, we remember with fondness and gratitude the great Stiles-Allen. Brava, Madame! 
Andrews, Julie. “So Much to Sing About, Part 2.” Woman. 10 May, 1958: 13-16, 21-22.
_____________. Home: A Memoir of My Early Years. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2008. 
_____________. “What I Know Now.” AARP, The Magazine. 62: 6. 2019: 16.
Bradford, Eveleigh. “They Lived in Leeds: Madame Lilian Stiles-Allen.” North Leeds Life. January 2017: 17.
Bricusse, Leslie. “Liner Notes.” Here I’ll Stay: The Words of Alan Jay Lerner [CD]. London: Philips, 1996.
Cottrell, John. Julie Andrews: The Story of a Star. London: Arthur Barker, 1968.
Dawson, Marie. “For Madame Lilian, 82, Life is Still Worth Singing About.” Daily Telegraph. 3 February 1973: 17.
"Obituary: Mrs Lilian Stiles-Allen." The Times, 17 July 1982: 10.
“Teacher of the Stars.” The Stage. 15 May 1958: 20.
Williams, David. “Madame Stiles-Allen at the R.V.A.S.” The Hillandale News. 67, June 1972: 161-63.
Windeler, Robert. Julie Andrews: A Life on Stage and Screen. Third ed. New York: Birch Lane Press, 1997.
Copyright © Brett Farmer 2020
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agl03 · 6 years ago
June 17, 2019
“Collision Course (Part I)” – To face The Galaxy-Hopping Hate-Beast That Eats Planets, the team on Earth asks for help in all the wrong places. While back on the Lazy Comet, something weird is going on with Izel’s crew, and it’s not ajust the puffies, on “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,” FRIDAY, JULY 5 (8:00-9:00 p.m. EDT), on ABC. Episodes can also be viewed the next day on ABC.com, the ABC app or Hulu.
“Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” stars Clark Gregg, Ming-Na Wen, Chloe Bennet, Iain De Caestecker, Elizabeth Henstridge, Henry Simmons, Natalia Cordova-Buckley and Jeff Ward.
Guest starring is Karolina Wydra, Maximilian Osinski, Brooke Williams, Winston James Francis and Matt O’Leary.
“Collision Course (Part I)” was written by Jeffrey Bell & Craig Titley, and directed by Kristin Windell.
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naschkater-com · 5 years ago
Anfang Februar finden wieder die Internationale Süßwarenmesse (ISM) in Köln statt – bereits zum 50. Mal! 1971 wurde sie als Ableger der Anuga-Messe ins Leben gerufen. Damals stellten 351 Unternehmen aus und 5.800 Fachbesuchern nahmen teil.
Seitdem hat sich die Zahl der Anbieter um 500% gesteigert auf fast 1.700 Unternehmen. Die Ausstellungsfläche wuchs um mehr als 600% von 16.500 m² auf 120.000 m². Und auch die Zahl der Fachbesucher stieg um über 500% auf rund 38.000! Zur Erfolgsgeschichte der ISM gehört auch die Gründung zweier ausländischer Satelliten: 2004 fand die erste Messe Sweets China in Shanghai statt, 2007 folgte die Sweets Middle East in Dubai, die inzwischen unter der Bezeichnung Yummex Middle East firmiert.
2006 fand darüber hinaus die erste ProSweets Cologne, die Branchenzuliefermesse für die Süßwarenindustrie, statt. Die Fachmesse wird parallel zur ISM durchgeführt. ProSweets Cologne und ISM bilden die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette der Süßwarenwirtschaft an einem Messestandort ab – beginnend mit den einzelnen Rohstoffen über die Technologie, Verpackung bis hin zum ladenverkaufsfertigen Produkt.
28 Unternehmen sind von Beginn an auf ISM vertreten
Es gibt 28 Süßwaren-Hersteller, die tatsächlich von Anfang an ununterbrochen auf der Messe ausgestellt haben! Es sind die folgenden Unternehmen (in alphabetischer Reihung):
Aachener Printen-& Schokoladenfabrik Henry Lambertz GmbH & Co. KG
Chr. Storz GmbH & Co. KG
Coppenrath Feingebäck GmbH
Eichetti Confect Spezialitäten A. Eichelmann GmbH & Co. KG
Erasmi & Carstens GmbH & Co. KG, Carstens Lübecker Marzipan
Farüchoc Schokoladenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG
FDF Flensburger Dragee-Fabrik GmbH + Co. KG
FEODORA Chocolade
Frankonia Schokoladenwerke GmbH
Frigeo Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH
Genuport Trade GmbH
Georg Parlasca Keksfabrik GmbH
Hans Riegelein & Sohn GmbH & Co. KG
Horst Schluckwerder GmbH
Klett Schokolade GmbH & Co. KG
Küfa-Werk GmbH & Co. KG
Luigi Zaini S.P.A.
Max Weiss Lebkuchenfabrik Neu-Ulm GmbH
Piasten GmbH
Pit Süßwaren und Nährmittelfabrik Hoffmann GmbH & Co.KG
Rübezahl Schokoladen GmbH
Steenland Chocolate B.V.
Stereo Holland-Gebäck GmbH & Co. KG
Trolli GmbH
Verdener Keks- und Waffelfabrik Hans Freitag GmbH & Co. KG
Wilhelm Kinkartz GmbH & Co. KG
Windel GmbH & Co. KG
Zentis GmbH & Co.KG
Beispiele für Süßigkeiten der 28 Unternehmen, die seit 171 auf der ISM vertreten sind
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“Frühlings Mandeln” von Rübezahl mit Zabaione-Geschmack: Sie schmecken wirklich richtig gut! Der Barcode ist in Eiform auf der Vorderseite aufgedruckt.
Schokolinsen mit Mnzgeschmack in der Tüte sind auch so ein Klassiker. Jetzt gibt es sie von Piasten mit zusätzlichem Kirschgeschmack.
Henry Lambertz Lebkuchenkonfekt Petits Soleils 10 Schoko- und Lebkuchenspezialitäten 235 Gramm
ein echter Klassiker: Der Kirsch-Lolli von Küfa.
Schluckwerder Pflaume in Madeira Edelmarzipan 4,49 Euro, gefunden bei EDEKA auf Langeoog.
Österliche Schokolinsen von Windel in saisonal angepassten fröhlichen Comicfigurenbehältern.
Zentis Pralinés Orient-Pistazien 100 Gramm
Juhu, es gibt sie noch: Prickel Pits! Und sogar mit einer Produktinnovation (vom Vorjahr), den Prickel Pit Sticks! Warum finde ich die nirgendwo in den Geschäften und Tankstellen?!
Klett Schokolade-Fußball
Riegelein Confiserie Fondant 60% Cacao mit Streuseln
Frankonia No Sugar Added Haselnuss Schokolade
Zu einer Schlange verbundene Frigeo Traubenzucker-Lollies – auch so eine Süßigkeit aus meiner Jugend.
Feodora Display Swet Dreams
Lübecker Edel-Marzipan mit Kokos von Erasmi.
Quadratisches Eiskonfekt von Eichetti in der klassischen Spitztüte.
Storz: Totenkopf aus Schokolade auf Kartonträger in Knochenform. 10er Gebinde.
Trolli Tarantula Fruchtgummi Halloween 800 Gramm Runddose
Hans Freitag Keks- und Waffelbäckerei Schoko-Tatzen 200Gramm
Schokolierte Kaffeebohnen von der Flensburger Agilus Drageefabrik, http://www.agilus-dragees.de
Lakritz-Stäbchen von der Flensburger Dragee-Fabrik (gefunden bei ALDI)
Übrigens: Ich selbst bin seit drei Jahren auf der ISM und berichte auf diesem Blog in eigenen Beiträgen über die ISM 2017, ISM 2018 und ISM 2019. 
Internationale Süßwarenmesse ISM feiert 2020 50-jähriges Bestehen Anfang Februar finden wieder die Internationale Süßwarenmesse (ISM) in Köln statt - bereits zum 50. Mal! 1971 wurde sie als Ableger der…
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goodnewsjamaica · 7 years ago
NCU Top Communication Student Aims To Raise The Bar In Media
New Post has been published on https://goodnewsjamaica.com/culture/ncu-top-communication-student-aims-to-raise-the-bar-in-media/
NCU Top Communication Student Aims To Raise The Bar In Media
Vivene Bedward presents the trophy for Best Mini Documentary to Andrew Forsythe for his documentary on Autism.
When Andrew Forsythe heard his name announced as top male communication studies student at the Seventh-day Adventist-owned Northern Caribbean University (NCU) in 2016, he was stunned.
“I said, ‘What? No!’ because I knew my history,” he said.
But that first award was only the beginning of a string of achievements.
The final-year NCU student recalled that he scored predominantly Cs and Ds from primary through to high school.
“My mother taught at my high school, and not even that could get me to do an assignment. I just wasn’t interested,” he said.
His mother, Acynthia Forsythe, felt his apathy was connected to issues with self-worth due to a condition he was born with, cleft palate – openings or splits in the upper lip, the roof of the mouth (palate) or both. It results from the facial structures that are developing in an unborn baby not being closed completely.
Forsythe, on the other hand, said he became interested in pursuing orthodontics because of all the visits he made to the doctor while wearing braces. Although not earning stellar grades, he pursued the sciences.
Meanwhile, a hobby of his was earning him recognition. He started online video streaming of the services at his church, the Seaforth Seventh-day Adventist Church. He became known in church circles for his media work, but he didn’t consider it a career.
In 2009, he graduated from high school and started working. After four years, he applied to study orthodontics but could not start the programme because of the expensive fees.
While Forsythe was dead set on studying orthodontics, many persons who knew him felt he was destined for media work.
Destined For Media
Lawrie Henry (right) presents the plaque for ‘Most Influential Student’ to Andrew Forsythe.
“My former pastor, Windel Montaque, told me that he believed media was my calling. After that conversation, I asked God to give me a sign so I could be sure. I knew orthodontics would pay well, but media was just something I did for fun.”
He tried to raise the tuition for orthodontics, but nothing worked, and he deferred for a year. During that year, he got a phone call from NCU that changed his direction. He had applied there some years before, but it hadn’t worked out. Now NCU was asking if he was still interested in enrolling. After consulting with his parents, he said yes.
“I figured if I’m going to do media, it had to be NCU. Nowhere else could match what I was hearing being offered there. I don’t regret that choice,” he shared.
Forsythe enrolled in the NCU Department of Communication Studies (DCS) in 2014. His older brothers, Mical and Richard, who preceded him at NCU, gave him financial and moral support. Soon, he found a student job as an NCU FM engineer to help pay his fees.
“I would leave classes to go to work. At times, I would just be getting home at 4:00 am, and I had assignments. Sometimes after doing assignments, I only had time to bathe and get going again,” said
He was determined not to fail any courses, but he did not realise he was excelling until that first achievement in 2016.
“At the time, GPA wasn’t something I paid attention to. But after the affirmation service, I was motivated to put out even more effort,” he said.
Did Not Forget Promise
The five awards that were presented to Andrew Forsythe at the recently held DCS Affirmation Service on April 1.
In 2017, Forsythe was recognised for being the top male DCS student overall, top male junior, top male for the College of Humanities, Behavioural and Social Sciences, and a DCS holder student ambassador.
He is on track to graduate in August 2018, but not without stacking up more accolades first. His achievements this year include five awards at the DCS Week of Excellence Affirmation Service on April 11, including top DCS male student overall and Today’s Student Leader for the NCU main campus, and six awards, including Best Overall Film, for his film submissions in the recently held DCS Lignum Vitae Film Festival.
All these achievements have not caused Forsythe to forget a promise he made.
“Media, for me, started in the church, in ministry. Even if I’m not in ministry full time, I still intend to do it because that was one of my promises to God,” he said.
His father, Lascelles Forsythe, couldn’t be prouder.
“We support him in ministry because he grew up in a mission-focused home,” said the beaming father.
Wherever media takes him, young Forsythe is determined to set the bar high.
“I want to ensure that when you hear the name ‘Forsythe’ in the media industry, nobody has to doubt whether or not they are going to get quality. I have to maintain that,” declared.
By: Lawrie Henry
Original Article Found Here
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childofseas · 9 months ago
character moodboards part 2 of ?
henry windell
henry knows what is going on, though he refuses to disclose it. he holds dark secrets that not even those closest to him are aware of, but one shouldn't be frightened of him - in reality, he's awkward and rather harmless.
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lighthouseas · 1 year ago
bee i am absolutely FASCINATED by ur 1895 gay siren story btw <3333
HI LIZA oh my goodness you have no idea how wide i smiled after getting this ask <3333 as a treat, i shall spill the beans on What It Is About Sort Of (<- girl who has written 1 scene. of the entire story. and doesn't even have a coherent plot)
-okay so basically. weird strange fishing family (the windells) children find a little girl washed up on a beach and they think she's dead but surprise! She Isn't. she is in fact a very powerful siren and they don't realize this until later because she can take on a human form. and they've already taken her in. so. whoops!
-while henry windell (literal embodiment of the autism creature) is a main character, he's one of a few; the first character to be Conceptualized for this world was mira windell, who marries into the windell family at the start of the story. she's very smart and also very weirded out because these children are very creepy and under socialized and she keeps waking up to weird noises (siren girl who henry and his siblings are hiding) and eventually she finds out about everything somehow. details TBA
-mira is honestly more of a sisterly figure to henry, since she's not too much older than him. she's not there to replace his mother, who died when henry was 10. I Think
-siren girl's name is pearl and she is VERY POWERFUL got some lore going on there and she is powerful for Reasons which i still need to figure out
-oh and henry is gay but doesn't realize it until he meets this silly goofy kid named jack and they're kinda rivals to lovers esque because henry is so under socialized and therefore Very Weird And Offputting
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katakata21 · 8 years ago
Seorang gadis kecil ditanya, rumahnya dimana, dan menjawab, "dimanapun ibuku berada".
A little girl, asked where her home was, replied, "where mother is."  Keith L. Brooks
Menjadi ibu rumah tangga penuh waktu adalah pekerjaan dengan gaji paling tinggi, karena gaji yang diterima adalah cinta yang murni.
Being a full-time mother is one of the highest.
"I love you because your heart is bigger than your very to be competitive with me, it wouldn't make sense, beca now."  Brothers & Sisters season 3, Scotty to Kevin.
Sebelum menolong orang lain, saya harus dapat menolong diri sendiri. Sebelum menguatkan orang lain, saya harus bisa menguatkan diri sendiri dahulu. (Petrus Claver)
Lebih baik bertempur dan kalah daripada tidak pernah bertempur sama sekali. (Arthur Hugh Clough)
Hidup adalah lelucon yang baru saja dimulai. (W.S. Gilbert)
Orang yang bisa menggunakan dan menyimpan uang adalah orang yang paling bahagia, karena ia memiliki kedua kesenangan. (Samuel Johnson)
Kebijaksanaan tidak pernah berbohong. (Homer)
Tuhan sering mengunjungi kita, tetapi kebanyakan kita sedang tidak ada di rumah. (Joseph Roux)
Seorang pendengar yang baik mencoba memahami sepenuhnya apa yang dikatakan orang lain. Pada akhirnya mungkin saja ia sangat tidak setuju, tetapi sebelum ia tidak setuju, ia ingin tahu dulu dengan tepat apa yang tidak disetujuinya. (Kenneth A. Wells)
Seorang pria sudah setengah jatuh cinta kepada wanita yang mau mendengarkan omongannya dengan penuh perhatian. (Brenden Francis)
Kebahagian hidup yang sebenarnya adalah hidup dengan rendah hati. (W.M.Thancheray)
3x25 Watt = 75 Watt Sebuah bola lampu berukuran 75 watt kelihatan bersinar lebih terang dibandingkan dengan tiga buah bola lampu 25 Watt yang dinyalakan bersamaan.
Dari semua hal, pengetahuan adalah yang paling baik, karena tidak kena tanggung jawab maupun tidak dapat dicuri, karena tidak dapat dibeli, dan tidak dapat dihancurkan. (Hitopadesa)
Bila orang mulai dengan kepastian, dia akan berakhir dengan keraguan. Jika orang mulai dengan keraguan, dia akan berakhir dengan kepastian. (Francis Bacon)
Cuma sedikit orang yang menginginkan kebebasan, kebanyakan hanya menginginkan seorang tuan yang adil. (Gaius Sallatus Crispus)
Yang baik bagi orang lain adalah selalu yang betul-betul membahagiakannya. (Aristoteles)
Semua yang riil bersifat rasional dan semua yang rasional bersifat riil. (Hegel)
Marah itu gampang. Tapi marah kepada siapa, dengan kadar kemarahan yang pas, pada saat dan tujuan yang tepat, serta dengan cara yang benar itu yang sulit. (Aristoteles)
Kesakitan membuat Anda berpikir. Pikiran membuat Anda bijaksana. Kebijaksanaan membuat kita bisa bertahan dalam hidup. (John Pattrick)
Jangan pernah melupakan apa pun yang dikatakan seseorang ketika ia marah, karena akan seperti itu pulalah perlakuannya pada Anda. (Henry Ward Beecher)
Keberhasilan adalah kemampuan untuk melewati dan mengatasi dari satu kegagalan ke kegagalan berikutnya tanpa kehilangan semangat. (Winston Chuchill)
Bakat terbentuk dalam gelombang kesunyian, watak terbentuk dalam riak besar kehidupan. (Goethe)
Secara teoritis saya meyakini hidup harus dinikmati, tapi kenyataannya justru sebaliknya Karena tak semuanya mudah dinikmati. (Charles Lamb)
Orang yang menginginkan impiannya menjadi kenyataan, harus menjaga diri agar tidak tertidur. (Richard Wheeler)
Bila Anda ingin bahagia, buatlah tujuan yang bisa mengendalikan pikiran, melepaskan tenaga, serta mengilhami harapan Anda, (Andrew Carnegie)
Kita hanya berfikir ketika kita terbentur pada suatu masalah. (John Dewey)
Kesalahan orang lain terletak pada mata kita, tetapi kesalahan kita sendiri terletak di punggung kita. (Ruchert)
"Cinta itu sebuah permainan yang dimainkan oleh dua orang dan dimenangkan oleh dua orang tersebut" (EVA GABOR)
"Cinta adalah suatu kondisi di mana kebahagiaan orang lain menjadi penting bagi kebahagiaanmu" (ROBERT A. HEINLEIN)
"Cinta itu seperti angin, kau tidak bisa melihatnya tapi kau bisa merasakannya" (NICHOLAS SPARKS)
"Semakin besar rasa cinta, semakin besar pula tragedinya ketika cinta itu berakhir" (NICHOLAS SPARKS)
"Selalu ada kegilaan dalam cinta. Tapi juga selalu ada alasan dalam kegilaan" (FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE)
"Cinta itu bukan apa yang dipikirkan oleh akal; tapi cinta adalah apa yang dirasakan oleh hati" (GREG EVANS)
"Mencintai demi dicintai itu sifat manusia, tapi mencintai demi mencintai itu sifat malaikat" (ALPHONSE DE LEMARTINE)
"Kerjakan apa yang kau cintai dan uang akan mengikuti" (MARSHA SINETAR)
"Hidup telah mengajarkan kita bahwa cinta tidak berisi saling memandang", tapi cinta berisi "bersama-sama melihat satu arah yang sama"" (ANTOINE DE SAINT-EXUPERY)
"Syukurilah hidup, karena hidup memberimu kesempatan untuk mencintai, bekerja, bermain dan memandang bintang-bintang" (HENRY VAN DYKE)
"Cinta dan telur itu sangat baik jika keduanya masih segar" (RUSSIAN PROVERB)
"Cinta bisa membuat waktu terlewati. Dan Waktu pun bisa membuat cinta terlewati" (FRENCH PROVERB)
"Cinta adalah emosi yang dialami oleh banyak orang dan dinikmati oleh sedikit orang saja" (GEORGE JEAN NATHAN)
"Cinta itu adalah sebuah obyek seperti obsesi; setiap orang menginginkannya, setiap orang mencarinya, tapi sedikit orang yang mendapatkannya; orang yang pernah melakukannya akan selalu menghargai cinta, tersesat di dalamnya; dan tidak akan melupakannya" (SRI CHIN MOI GOSH)
"Ketika kekuasaan cinta menguasai cinta kekuasaan, akan ada kedamaian sejati" (CURTIS JUDALET)
"Bukan karena kurang cinta, tapi kurang persahabatan yang membuat pernikahan tidak bahagia" (FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE)
"Hidup itu ibarat telepon dari sang kekasih. Ketika terputus tiba-tiba, kita sadar berapa banyak waktu yang telah disia-siakan" (KLBSEAGUL)
"Sangat dicintai oleh seseorang membuatmu memiliki kekuatan; sementara sangat mencintai seseorang membuatmu memiliki keberanian" (LAO TZU)
"empat yang paling kita cintai adalah rumah; rumah dimana kaki kita bisa saja meninggalkannya, tapi hati kita tak bisa melupakannya" (OLIVER WINDELL HOLMES)
"Segala hal itu akan indah jika kita mencintanya" (JEAN ANOUILH)
"Cinta seharusnya jadi kendaraan yang membawa kita bepergian tanpa batas" (MARVIN J. ASHTON)
"Sangat tidak mungkin mencintai dan sekaligus menjadi bijak" (FRANCIS BACON)
"Cinta sejati adalah ketika hatimu dan pikiranmu mengatakan hal yang sama" (LEANNA L. BARTRAM)
"Cintailah tetanggamu seperti mencintai dirimu sendiri; tapi pilihlan (baik-baik) tetanggamu itu" (LOUISE BEAL)
"Kita tidak akan tahu rasa cinta kedua orangtua kita (terhadap kita), sampai kita menjadi orang tua" (HENRY WARD BEECHER)
"Hal yang paling penting dilakukan di dunia ini adalah mendapatkan makanan, minuman dan seseorang yang mencintaimu" (BRENDAN BEHAN)
"Cinta melihat melalui Teleskop, sedang cemburu", melihat melalui mikroskop" (JOSH BILLINGS)
"Setelah meneliti orang yang dicintai dan orang yang tidak dicintai, kami menemukan orang yang dicintai jarang sekali mencoba menipu orang lain" (W. W. BROADBENT, MD, PHD)
"Di mana ada cinta yang besar, pasti selalu ada keajaiban" (WILLA SIBERT CATHER)
"Lebih baik keliru mencintai daripada tidak pernah sama sekali merasakan cinta" (GEORGE CRABBE)
"Atasi setan yang bernama CINTA"" (BOB MARLEY)
"Ketika kau duduk dengan seorang gadis cantik selama dua jam, kau merasa itu cuma semenit. Tapi ketika kau duduk di atas perapian (kompor), kau merasa itu dua jam. Itulah yang dinamakan hukum relativitas" (ALBERT EINSTEIN)
"Cinta dibentuk oleh satu jiwa yang dihuni oleh dua raga" (ARISTOTLE)
"Ribuan lilin bisa dinyalakan dengan satu lilin, dan hidup lilin tidak akan pendek. Kebahagiaan tidak akan berkurang meski setiap saat dibagi-bagi" (BUDDHA)
"Kebencian tidak akan berhenti dengan kebencian lagi; hanya dengan cinta; ini adalah aturan yang abadi" (BUDDHA)
"Cinta tidak akan pernah diketahui kedalamannya sampai (merasakan) jam-jam perpisahan" (KAHLIL GIBRAN)
"Hidup tanpa cinta itu ibarat pohon tanpa bunga dan buah" (KAHLIL GIBRAN)
"Jika kau mencintai seseorang, biarkanlah ia pergi; karena jika ia kembali, ia akan menjadi milikmu. Namun jika dia tidak kembali, ia tidak pernah jadi milikmu" (KAHLIL GIBRAN)
"Ayahku salalu bilang padaku, Carilah kerja yang kau cintai, dan kau tidak akan pernah (merasa) harus bekerja seharian dalam hidupmu" (JIM FOX)
"Cinta dan batuk (sama-sama) tidak bisa disembunyikan" (GEORGE HERBERT)
"Cinta itu kesetiaan yang mutlak. Orang-orang memudar, tampang memudar, tapi kesetiaan tidak akan pernah pudar. Kau bisa tergantung pada orang-orang tertentu" (SYLVESTER STALLONE"
"Jika kau ingin dicintai, cintailah dan jadilah orang yang bisa dicintai" (BENJAMIN FRANKLIN)
"Jalan [menuju] cinta sejati tidak akan pernah mulus" (WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE)
"Tidak ada satu kebahagiaan dalam hidup, kecuali mencintai dan dicintai" (GEORGE SAND)
"Ketika kau jatuh cinta, kau tidak akan bisa tertidur karena kenyataan akhirnya lebih (jelas) daripada mimpimu" (DR. SEUS)
"Kau mulai mencintai bukan karena menemukan seorang yang sempurna, tapi dengan sempurna melihat orang yang tak sempurna" (SAM KEEN)
"Hal-hal terbaik dan terindah di dunia ini tidak bisa dilihat atau disentuh. Semuanya itu harus dirasakan dengan hati" (HELLEN KELLER)
"Dalam mimpi dan cinta, tidak ada yang namanya ketidakmungkinan" (JANOS ARNAY)
"Apakah aku mencintaimu karena engkau cantik, atau apakah kau cantik karena aku mencintaimu?" (OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN II)
"Dimana ada cinta, disitu ada kehidupan" (MOHANDAS K. GANDHI)
"Dalam ilmu Artmetika Cinta, satu tambah satu sama dengan segalanya; dan dua dikurangi satu sama dengan tidak ada" (MIGNON MCLAUGHLIN)
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childofseas · 9 months ago
henry meets jack on his first trip downtown, which mira sent him on upon realizing how under socialized and unaware of the outside world he was. at first, henry is overwhelmed by all of the noise and commotion (autistic king) and doesn't know where to go or what to do. he starts hearing The Voices™️ (<-sirens) because of how uncomfortable he is. he's only snapped out of his stupor because suddenly - he hears the most beautiful piano playing that he's ever heard in his entire life. which like, ok. it's probably the only piano playing he's ever heard in his entire life, but still. he's like Woag and instantly follows the sound until he comes across a boy - his age - playing a piano in an abandoned building (it's an old concert hall). and then henry just. stands and Stares for like 5 minutes until he's done. and, upon seeing henry, this very strange boy with a bug stare just Standing There Ominously, jack almost shits his pants in fright. then they talk. become something like acquaintances ?? and from then on henry visits town a lot more. jack thinks he's annoying but can't help but be endeared by this odd (and, ok. kind of pretty) boy
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childofseas · 9 months ago
writing it has made me realize how much of an asshole henry windell really is. love that for him
60 pages of script everyone
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childofseas · 9 months ago
character moodboards part 1 of ?
mira windell
forced into marriage to a strange man in a strange town after her college education falls through, mira must find her place using her own wits - before the mystic voices she hears in the night come to collect her first.
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lighthouseas · 2 years ago
tell me about your specialest boys (gn) !!
okay so i am going to ASSUME u r referencing my original works post? if not, and i am interpreting this completely wrong , please forgive me as i am awful at Understanding things. also it is late at night and i am horrendously sleep deprived but anyway. i am going to interpret specialest boys as talking about my beloved made up tumblr mlm ship , winnett
otherwise known as the ship between my 1895 ocs henry windell and jack bennett. and ohoho boy are they GAY AS HELL
henry, i think, has known he's gay for a while as he's 16 years old and knows he has no interest in women. but he has also been very isolated all his life - living far away from town and only really interacting with his siblings - so when he meets jack, he's so under socialized and out of touch that jack uses it as an opportunity to tease him. which henry hates, of course, because he's uptight and gay and stupid and reserved and hates showing emotion.
jack doesn't know he likes boys until he meets henry, i don't think. i can also see him being bisexual (again, i have not fleshed out these characters as much as i should so. bear with me here) and he definitely doesn't fall in love with henry until later into their friendship. and of course, he's scared at first. rightfully so. but he is DOWN BAD for henry. like. in the trenches fighting for his life down bad.
in this scenario, i can definitely see it as a "henry fell first, jack fell harder" type of situation. also yes. i am aware this is a very trope-y ship, but i love gay romance tropes okay. they r so special to me.
anyway. jack is very Special to me he is just a little trickster and he's smart but also sosososo dumb and like. henry is kind of just There like What The Fuck Is This Boy Doing. right. and jack is always trying to make him laugh and smile and they become besties for the resties because. jack is like, the first real friend henry has ever had!!!! and also his first love but that comes later
anyway. mira (woman that married henry's father, also the main character of the story) finds out about henry and jack's relationship eventually. and while she is definitely confused, she is also supportive - because , when i was conceptualizing her character, i wanted her to be strong and smart and VERY open minded for the time, which is what the windell kids really really needed considering they were dealing with a fucking SIREN BABY. so, while she doesn't completely understand henry's attraction to boys, she accepts him for it, because she considers him her son and she loves him. it brings them closer.
okay im SO sorry for infodumping on u and if i totally misinterpreted this ask i am SO SORRY also if. this makes absolutely 0 sense i answered other asks about this specific original work but i can't link the other asks rn . but they are on the blog if u want to check them out so this isn't totally out of context lmao :)
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