#henry legolant x gordon agrippa
angeytummys · 1 year
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Henry Legolant, a member of the Black Bulls, found himself in the throes of a troublesome bellyache.
The pain gripped Henry's stomach, causing him to double over in discomfort. He winced with each passing moment, trying to find relief but finding none. The Black Bulls' boisterous headquarters, typically filled with the energetic banter of his squadmates, now seemed too loud and chaotic for his aching body.
Concerned, Henry's boyfriend, Gordon Agrippa, noticed his distress and rushed to his side. Gordon, an introverted member of the Black Bulls and an expert in Poison Magic, had a unique talent for soothing ailments. He approached Henry with gentle steps, his usual reserved demeanor filled with a deep worry for his beloved.
“Henry, my dear...” Gordon whispered softly, his voice as soothing as a calm breeze. “What's wrong? Can I help you..?”
Henry mustered a weak smile, grateful for Gordon's presence. “I think I ate something that didn't agree with me, Gordon...” Henry muttered as his stomach let out a sickly sounding gurgle. “My stomach feels like it's doing somersaults...”
Gordon nodded sympathetically, understanding the discomfort all too well. He extended a hand, gesturing for Henry to lean against him for support. “Come, Henry, let's go to my room where you can rest. I have a remedy that might ease your pain...”
They made their way to Gordon's sleeping quarters, where the atmosphere was serene and conducive to healing. The room was filled with calming scents and medicinal herbs, the shelves lined with potions and tinctures carefully crafted by Gordon himself. He led Henry to a comfortable chair and wrapped a warm blanket around his trembling form.
Gordon began to brew a special concoction, a blend of herbs known for their soothing properties. As the aroma wafted through the room, the gentle fragrance seemed to cast a spell of tranquility upon Henry, easing his tense muscles and providing a momentary respite from the pain.
Sitting beside Henry, Gordon offered him a cup filled with the steaming brew. “Take small sips, Henry. Let the potion work its magic.”
Henry obediently followed Gordon's instructions, the herbal elixir gliding down his throat, carrying with it a sense of relief. The warmth spread through his body, gradually alleviating the discomfort that had plagued him moments before.
As the sick gurgling in Henry's belly began to subside, he looked up at Gordon, his eyes reflecting gratitude and admiration. “Thank you, Gordon. You always know how to make me feel better...”
Gordon smiled softly, his pale cheeks tinted with a hint of pink. “It's my pleasure, Henry. You deserve nothing but comfort and care. We're a team, and I'll always be here to support you through thick and thin...”
With their bond strengthened by this shared moment of vulnerability, Henry and Gordon spent the remainder of the day together, talking and laughing softly, their love for each other shining brightly. The pain may have tried to hinder Henry, but with Gordon's unwavering support, it was no match for the power of their affection.
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mpreg-desires · 1 year
Tiny Movements
+omegaverse, mpreg+
+Henry Legolant x Gordon Agrippa+
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Henry Legolant, the quiet and reclusive member of the Black Bulls, found himself facing an extraordinary situation. As an omega, he was accustomed to the twists and turns of the unpredictable reality of being an omega, but nothing could have prepared him for the miracle growing within his own body.
Henry, with his messy hair and oversized clothes, had always been a mysterious figure. His gruff exterior concealed a heart of gold, which had captivated the attention of Gordon Agrippa, the gentle and timid member of the Black Bulls. Despite their differences, their love had blossomed against all odds.
As Henry entered the later stages of his pregnancy, his emotions and physical discomforts intensified. His baby, a testament to their love, had become more active, causing Henry both joy and anxiety. The baby's relentless movements made Henry feel unsettled, as if his body was no longer his own.
One evening, as Henry sat in the comfort of their shared quarters, tears of frustration streamed down his cheeks. He cradled his swollen belly, feeling the fluttering kicks from within. The overwhelming sensation left him feeling upset and uncomfortable.
Gordon, ever attentive to Henry's needs, rushed into the room. His soft red eyes widened with concern as he saw his beloved omega in distress. He closed the door behind him, sealing them off from the outside world, and knelt before Henry, gently placing his hands over Henry's, which rested on his belly.
“Henry, my love..” Gordon whispered, his voice laced with tenderness. “What's troubling you?”
Henry sniffled, his voice quivering as he replied, “Gordon, our baby won't stop moving. It's...it's too much. I feel like I'm losing control, like I can't escape from it...”
Gordon's heart ached for Henry, realizing the overwhelming weight of his emotions. He carefully pulled Henry into his embrace, creating a safe haven within his arms. “Shh, my dear. I'm here for you. You're not alone...”
Resting his head on Gordon's shoulder, Henry found solace in his partner's touch. Gordon's calming presence eased his anxieties, grounding him in the love they shared.
“We created a life together, Henry...” Gordon murmured against Henry's hair, his voice filled with awe. “This child is a testament to our love. It's natural for them to be lively, full of energy..”
“But it feels so...unnatural...” Henry confessed, his voice muffled by Gordon's embrace. “I just want to find peace within my own body...”
Gordon's fingers traced gentle circles on Henry's back, soothing him with their touch. “I understand, my love. We'll find a way to bring balance to your being. Together, we'll figure it out.”
In that moment, the two lovers found strength in each other's arms. Gordon's unwavering support reminded Henry of the depth of their connection. As they shared their worries, fears, and dreams, a newfound determination settled within their hearts.
Days turned into weeks. With each passing day, they grew closer to understanding the unique bond they shared with their baby.
Slowly but surely, Henry learned to embrace the life growing within him. Gordon's unwavering support and affection became a balm for his restless soul. Together, they discovered techniques to calm the baby's movements and create moments of peace for Henry to cherish.
As the day of their baby's arrival drew near, Henry realized that the baby's energetic movements were a reflection of the love and vitality they would bring to their family.
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Articles of clothing
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Warning: heat, omegaverse, slight sexual themes (??)
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Henry Legolant, a member of the Black Bulls squad in the Clover Kingdom, was known for his shy and introverted nature. He possessed powerful magic and was deeply devoted to his boyfriend, Gordon Agrippa, a fellow mage known for his unique abilities. However, as an omega, Henry faced a different set of challenges.
The days leading up to Henry's heat were always intense. The scent of desire lingered in the air, drawing him closer to his instinctual needs. As his heat approached, he found himself becoming more possessive of Gordon's presence and belongings. One particular evening, unable to resist the growing compulsion, Henry decided to take a step further.
Gordon had a distinctive scent that drove Henry wild. It was a mixture of herbs, potions, and something uniquely captivating. Henry knew it would calm his restless spirit during his heat. With conflicted emotions, he ventured into Gordon's room, seeking comfort in his lover's familiar presence.
Searching through the wardrobe, Henry found himself drawn to Gordon's worn clothing. The shirts, pants, and even socks carried his distinct scent, reminiscent of their intimate moments together. The idea struck Henry like a lightning bolt - he would gather these articles of clothing and create a nest for himself.
He hesitated at first, aware that his actions were somewhat intrusive. But the pulsing desire within him grew stronger with each passing moment. Gingerly, he gathered a few items and returned to his own room, where he began arranging them meticulously, creating a warm and cozy nest.
As Henry arranged the garments, his senses overwhelmed him. The mixture of Gordon's scent and his own pheromones intoxicated him, filling the air with a heady aroma. His body craved the presence of his beloved, and this makeshift nest seemed to offer solace, albeit a temporary one.
Meanwhile, Gordon, oblivious to Henry's actions, had been engrossed in his studies, completely absorbed in the world of magical concoctions and elixirs. He had noticed Henry's restlessness lately but attributed it to their upcoming mission. Little did he know that his boyfriend was spiraling into a state of primal desire.
Hours passed, and as the moon illuminated the night sky, Henry's heat finally arrived. The irresistible pull intensified, and Henry's scent filled the hideout, Gordon found himself instinctively seeking out Henry. Disoriented, he followed his mate's scent, leading him straight to Henry's room.
As he entered the room, the sight before him was startling. There, in the center, was Henry's nest, adorned with Gordon's clothing. It was a mixture of desperation, longing, and the undeniable yearning to be near his partner.
Gordon quickly understood the situation. His heart filled with empathy and a deep desire to provide comfort. He knew that during an omega's heat, their instincts ruled over their rationality.
Approaching Henry slowly, Gordon wrapped his arms around him, his own unique scent enveloping them both. The effect was immediate - Henry's tension eased, and he nestled closer to his boyfriend, seeking solace and security.
For the next few days, Gordon remained by Henry's side, tending to his needs, sexual and otherwise, as well as offering constant reassurance. He understood the complexities of an omega and the primal nature of heat. Together, they navigated the challenges, strengthening their bond in the process.
Eventually, as Henry's heat subsided, their lives returned to normal, but with a newfound understanding and intimacy. Henry's actions, though initially fueled by instinct, had brought them closer, reinforcing the love they shared.
In the end, the stolen clothing became a symbol of their unyielding connection. It served as a reminder that even in the midst of chaos and overpowering desires, love and understanding could triumph over
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missyandthemisfits · 1 year
The Black Bulls x Chubby!Reader
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How would they react to developing a crush on a chubby magic knight??? Heck if I know but I got some ideas-
- If there's one person on this list of suitors who just straight up does not care about size, it's this one right here
- You're strong, you're a great cook, and he has fun with you- that's all this one cares about, really
- Unfortunately, he's not the brightest bulb and he doesn't exactly get it when he's being approached romantically, so they're gonna have to spell it out in some way shape or form 
- It is only after you two are together that he realizes 'You know what? I think I've had a crush on you for a while now'
- Such a cute dork
- Not gonna lie, he's gonna want someone whom he can lift so he can fLEX on everyone-
- That said if you're cute and sassy enough, man is hitting the workout sessions HARD, just to be able to carry all that gorgeous around town- basically the ultimate flex
- He obviously is the first to confess albeit extremely flustered and surprisingly full of self doubt 
- He's actually kind of insecure, especially about his looks - go easy on him 
- Honestly? Very into someone on the plusher side and for completely selfish reasons at that - huge, HUGE cuddler once you get him down long enough (plz wrestle him he wants it so bad)
- Is ever so slight the tease, doesn't help that he's incredibly subtle about it either 
- Makes a point to be around you damn near 24/7 so that way when he's not around, you definitely notice (calculated) the lack of lighthearted teasing
- Believe it or not, 100% makes sure he's got a fighting chance before confessing - he can't afford to be rejected by someone who means this much to him (can't handle that)
-Also be wary, randomly grabs you just... all the time, consciously and unconsciously. You've become his single yet constant source of comfort 
- Forgive her she means well, but may or may not unintentionally offend by offering up diets and routines and walks around town together - I SWEAR she's only trying to be kind
- If you're honest about your feelings on it though, she feels just AWFUL and apologetic and buys you many, many gifts to try and make up for it
- Truthfully, you guys just kinda ended up becoming an item one day - rumors of a drunken kiss still floating around town, unconfirmed 
- Doesn't mind it too much all in all, especially if you spoil her
- He's a little apprehensive about it at first, his mind barreling back into the teasing of how scrawny and weak he is and he's not entirely confident in his ability to shall we say satisfy -
- Buuuut quickly says 'Screw it' when he realizes how amazing you are, on and off the battlefield 
- When I say this man cannot WAIT for the end of every night just to hold you??? I MEAN IT
-  Very soft for his soft s/o, would give them the moon
- You already know she doesn't care like come on
- And honestly, she may try to pressure you into many, many impromptu snacking sessions. Food is cooked by her 97% of the time, always. 
- However if you have any personal health or fitness goals, Charmy is more than capable of curtailing menus to be healthy AND tasty so that's a plus for sure - but you will have to drag her along if you want her to walk with you
- Again, the relationship just sort of happened - even you two aren't quite sure when
- Sorry lovelies but this man's first ever comment may be about your weight, granted he was already upset about Asta and Marie earlier but STILL - no bueno
- It's only after he starts getting to know you that he realizes what complete ASS he was during that first meeting. Will eventually apologize for that, it's said very softly and he sounds kind of annoyed but he's more annoyed with himself than anything 
- It's gonna take quite some time to worm much of anything that isn't full of sarcasm out of him, let alone a confession, unless you decide to take that first step
- Hope you're ready for the slowest of burns -
- If you think this awkward bean would EVER judge you on your weight, or anything for that matter, think again!
- Absolutely adores you for you; all your dimples and folds, all your past trauma, every facet of you is something he wants to learn more of and explore - absolutely all of it
- He develops a crush pretty early on but good luck getting that confession out of him 
- Absolutely will nOT confess until you do because he needs to be 1000% sure he's not gonna scare you off like he did the others...
- Hand holding is must, it comforts him so 
- Truthfully anything more than light sweet touches will send him to the moon, so be wary of feinting if you go in for a smooch
- So very, very shy this one is
- Doesn't actually care about your size, only about how you treat others and most importantly yourself - won't stand for negative talk and bombards you with "T-that's not true at all...!" followed closely by an entire assortment of things that make you so great in her eyes
- Just... so damn sweet 
- You'll definitely be the one initiating anything and everything romantic, to include a confession so uh yea 
- Just LOVES holding onto your arm once she's comfortable enough, both for support and as something of physical affection 
- Yeeeea dubs you something akin to 'Chubs' upon meeting you, there's like...no way around that. He's mostly harmless tho...mostly
- Truthfully tho he's actually really attracted to curves - not that he's ever gonna tell you that (not without a teasing smirk and remark, anyway) 
- He's gonna be dropping the most subtle hints that he's interested in you and the harmless flirting is eventually gonna turn into legitimately pining on both sides so you just flat out tell him one day "If we're gonna keep going like this, we should at least be official..."
- He was content with a situationship of sorts, but a relationship certainly has it perks - ones he could get behind given time 
- This sweetheart is just ecstatic he's found someone with such a plethora of mana (or no mana at all, your choice), someone he can actually be around for more than a few seconds - he does NOT care  
- Helps if you're nice, but won't shun you away if you have a mean streak- he's not that type of guy
- Believe it or not, he's actually the first to cave and confess his undying love - and no that is not an exaggeration he genuinely falls very hard and very fast 
- His biggest dream is to be able to hold you in his admittedly frail arms, caress your hair, and whisper sweet nothings to you as you drift to sleep
- He'll keep that dream close to his heart until he can make it a reality
- Not one for judgment, but also not one for romance so this one might be tough
- She's a sucker for people who are upbeat and positive though so if you've got that going for you, you stand a really good chance of at least grabbing her attention 
- Slowest of slow burns here, folks 
- You'll be the one administering the confession , as well as many complements, to a very adorably flustered Secre and boy is that priceless 
- She very much enjoys pockets, will constantly have her hands in yours for comfort - a little weird but very cute 
- Yes absolutely she has a preference and it's definitely not chubby- no offense (please do not take offense I for one think you're amazing)
- It's gonna take someone with a strong backbone to handle the condescending frowns and holier-than-thou attitude that comes along with crushing on this one, you've been warned 
- It'll take a while of chipping away at her steely exterior before she's ready to give way to the fact that yea, you're pretty darn cute 
- You confess several different times before she gives it a real go - hang in there 
- May come as a surprise, but he doesn't really care about size - just about the character of your person 
- So yes he's all for someone on the curvy side, actually one of the few that compliments you outright upon meeting you
- Probably puts you through a serious of subtle tests to see how suitable you really are and how compatible you may be with him (cause let's face it, he plays for keeps) but he's very honest about the fact that he's interested in pursuing you romantically 
- Touches are feather light in public, but he very much likes to have his hand at the small of your back or gingerly around your waist 
- A man who knows what he wants and is not afraid to pursue it? Hell.Yes.
- Excuse me but this guy dreams of having some short, curvy so and so on his arm - someone he can really grab onto
- He's got this glint in his eyes that almost creeps you out at first but is quickly squelched by the invitation to drinks
- It only takes 2 more trips to one bar or another for him to know he wants to start talking to you on a more personal level 
- Will grab ass anywhere, anytime so just... keep that in mind
- Less of a solid confession, more of a drunken offer, something along the lines of "Hey, we should totally make this a thing. This us thing or whatever it is-,"
- He's slurring and you're positive he won't remember a damn thing but he remembers everything, all the way down to how gorgeous you looked that evening 
A/N - I want you all to remember that no matter WHAT size you are; you deserve love, happiness, and to feel good in that beautiful skin you're in! <3
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the-black-bulls · 29 days
Henry: [gently places a small clamp of moss in Gordon's hand]
Gordon: We shall be married in the morning.
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lyranova · 7 months
After reading @kalolasfantasyworld ‘s latest oneshot it kind of inspired me and made me want to write something fun and fluffy for my ships and next gen’s 😆! I’m already working on something for Zerilliam that’s a little steamy and fluffy 👀, but it won’t be out for a while 😅.
*Hikari does not belong to me, she belongs to @eme-eleff ! I just have permission to use her from time to time 🥰!
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getblackout503 · 2 months
Chapter 21! So this is a shorter chapter because it is setting up for three longer chapters and im pretty sure this chapter is marking our arrival to the end of this fic
I hope you guys enjoy
The wound still hurt but Gauche decided to power through because now Yami called Vanessa, Henry, And him, alongside Nero, Gordon, Magna, Luck, Finral, Charmy, hell even Nacht showed up, and he never showed up for anything before. They were all worried sick about Grey and they all wanted to save her as much as he did. And this was their chance, thirteen hours that’s how long it’s been since they lost her, but no longer they were planning on attacking the Zogratis head on and save their beloved. But it will be hard, they knew that. Yet they didn’t care.
“Alright listen up, I know how everyone feels right now.” Yami sighed. “But that doesn’t mean we’ll just roll over” he told them as he started raising his voice. “Will we just let them have Grey?”
“Are we just going to stay put?”
“Are we just going to leave her behind?”
“No!” Gauche yelled out.
“Exactly, We are a family and if one of us is in trouble we help them.” Yami told them all. “God knows if we’ll actually succeed, but I know we are all willing to die trying then just walking away.”
The room got tense.
“So, if you decide not to go we’ll understand, I don’t want to force any of you to risk your life.” Yami reassured them, wanting to give them a choice. “So if you don’t want to go just say, but if you’re with us please stand.”
Gauche was the first to stand.
Quickly followed by Vanessa.
Then Gordon.
Then Nero.
Then Finral.
Even Nacht.
Yami Smiled, he knew they had made up their minds once they heard the news.
“Good, now listen up.” He took a drag of his cigarette. “Here’s the plan.”
They listened as Yami explained the plan to them. It was simple: Yami, the Black bulls, and the other Bosses would be the diversion stealing the Zogratis’ attention that way Gauche could sneak in and rescue Grey. Again Simple on paper but they all knew it would be no cake walk, The Zogratis had the fire power, the men, and the resources. So Gauche had to be quick and get to her before they crumbled, but they also had to be careful due to Vanica being the main commander of the Zogratis army, and they knew what a wild card she was. So for that they decided to assign different people to each Zogratis sibling. Vanessa volunteered Finral, and herself to fight Vanica (much to Finral’s dismay) And Iris barged in saying she volunteered too, Yami said that he and the other bosses will handle Zenon. And as for Dante, Gauche said he would handle him.
“Gauche, you know if you face him he won’t let you live this time around.?” Yami asked Gauche.
“I know, but I also don’t plan on letting him live.”
Yami looked Gauche in the eyes, and he saw a man, a man in love, wanting, yearning to save his beloved. Yami gave Gauche a nod knowing he was determined, and they need that determination.
“Okay, then operation: Save the cinderella, is a go.”
Everyone was ready.
Everyone wanted to save her.
They wanted to save Grey.
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Finral & Vanessa or Finral/Vanessa
Nozel Silva
Fuegoleon Vermillion
Mereo and Leopold (separately in the same post)
The Captains (collectively)
Vanessa Enoteca
Charlotte Roselei
Dorothy Unsworth
Henry Legolant
Ichika Yami
Noelle Silva
About William not apologizing to Fue
William Vangeance
Thoughts on Fuegoleon x Nozel ship
Gordon Agrippa
Liebe's character development
Jack The Ripper
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kmelodys-blog · 3 years
𝐇𝐞'𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 (Black clover)
(I apologize in advance for the mistakes, it's just that English is not my language)
Black Bulls:
• You love visiting children from the church in Haige Village.
• He is always ready to protect and cover your back.
• You are ready to eat potatoes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
• When you started dating, he bragged to you Magna, Finral and Gauche.
• He often competes with Charmy who will eat more, after which you scold him (his stomach begins to ache, and he complains to you).
• Always asks you to marry him.  But, you refuse, because you think it's too early.
• Asta is a little dumb, so you and Nero ask Asta to turn on her brains at least on assignments.
• When Asta starts showing off to everyone, his muscles.  He gets hit over the head by you and Noelle.
• You enjoy outdoor activities.  For example: a hike or outdoor picnic.
• Once when you were on a mission (at the beach).  Noelle accidentally launched a water balloon at Asta.  After that moment, you, Magna and Luck, could not calm down (constantly laughing).
• You have a company to hang out with (Asta, Y/n, Noelle, Magna and Luck. Sometimes Finral will join you).
Luck Voltia:
• You train together.
• He loves to see you happy, so sometimes he succumbs to you (or does not fight at full strength).
• He is constantly showing off in front of Magna, so he asks Y /n and to calm Lakka down.
• Owner, so don't be surprised if he kisses or hugs you in public.
• If he finds out that someone offended you, write lost.
• Often gives you gifts or snacks.
• On any mission will protect you at any cost.
• Luck has already buzzed all over Magne's ears, what a beautiful, sweet and intelligent girl you are.
• He told you a lot about his childhood and about his mother.
• You are trying to teach him to show other emotions besides joy.  After all, he smiles in any situation.
• Only next to you can you remain yourself.
• You were always sad to hear his stories about the past.
• He can scare you at any time or sneak up on you from behind.
  Magna Swing:
• Pretends to be a tough guy in front of you so that you think he's cool.
• With you, he can walk with his hair down and without glasses.
• His favorite phrase is 《This is not manly》.
• This guy is really just fire.
• When he and Luck have a fight again, you slap them on the head.
• And when Lakk mocks him, you either yell at both, or you calm Magna so that he doesn't kill Lakk.
• When you are affectionate towards him, he begins to blush and deny the fact that he likes it (although he likes it).
• Thinks you are the best girl that can be.
• He admires Captain Yami, so he tries to be like him in everything.
• Often compliments you.
• Although he looks like a bully, he is just a bunny.
  Final Roulacase:
• You always support him and are proud of him.
• You don't think he's just a transport of bulls.  You say that he is an important part of the black bulls (after these words he almost burst into tears).
• He always believed that his younger brother was much better than him.  Although, you think the opposite is true.
• You spend time together often, even on weekends.
• He loves to frame girls, which then gets offended by the girl from you on the head.
• When you have a fight, he is the first to apologize.  misses you.
• Together we held a festival of stars.
• He doesn't care your age, he will always love you.
• Always compliments you, sometimes even gives you a ride.
• Go on assignments together.  You go with him so that he does not fall in love with anyone, and he so that you do not suffer and do not make mistakes.
• He likes to see you surprised, so he experiments with his appearance to impress you.
Gordon Agrippa:
• Gordon is especially silent.  But, with you, he is ready to chat for hours.
• He is afraid to use his magic in your presence.
• He loves to please you, so he often gives you dolls that he makes himself.
• Maybe he doesn't show his emotions to everyone.  But, he tells you what he feels inside.
• He sometimes asks you to paint on his face.
• You even once asked him to wear something light, but he lacked determination.
• You know his entire family.
• I used to call you his good friend, and now he calls you his girlfriend.
• As I said, his hobby is making dolls, so you go to the capital on weekends to buy materials for them.
• Gordon knows how to smile, but so everyone is afraid of him, so you learn to smile.
• He likes stroking him on the head.
• Lately, you have noticed that Gordon has begun to communicate better with Goshu.
Gauche Adlai:
• At first, you did not really get along, constantly swearing and so on.
• But one day Gordon came up to you and said that Gosh likes not only Marie, but you too.
• Guess who reunited you?  Right!  His little sister Marie.
• At first he denied that he liked you and he said that it was all for Marie.  But, in the end, his heart melted.
• He is very caring and constantly tells you something like: - Put on warm clothes, you will get sick.  It's not that I'm worried about you, it's just that Marie won't have anyone to play with.
• On weekends, you go to visit Marie, you have become good friends with her.
• In your presence, his desire to kill Asta diminishes.
Yami Sukehiro:
• In your presence, he behaves calmly, which even Astu does not throw (Asta is very grateful to you for this).
• Calls you small or young.
• Sometimes he likes to annoy or tease you a little.
• All the bulls were happy for you when he announced that you were his girlfriend.
• If anyone other than bulls (especially a guy) comes even a step up to you, Yami will start to intimidate him or even rip his head off.
• Instills in you a love of cruelty.
• Doesn't send you on dangerous missions.
• If he is entrusted with any task, he will automatically take you with him.
• Can give you his blade, so to speak play (thinks that you are still a small child).
Henry Legolad:
• Henry always asks you to stop communicating with him, because  he can steal your mana.
• You often read books to him before bed.
• He is rather fragile (due to his illness), so he often sleeps, and you lie down next to him and hug him.
• He allows you to collect his hair however you want.  He even likes it.
• You somehow don't care about his illness, because you like spending time with him.
• At night, when everyone is asleep, you come to his room and you chat.
• He has said more than once that you should find someone else to be happy.  But, Y / n says that only Henry makes you happy.
• Always ready to help you, wherever you are
  Zora Ideale:
• At first he mocked you ... Well ... You thought so, but then he began to behave more restrained towards you.
• I told you a lot about my childhood and father.
• Sometimes he can call you a fool or stupid.
• Maybe he looks strong, angry and cruel.  But, love is simply not enough for him.
• You spend quite a lot of time together.
• When you kiss or hug him, he doesn't show that he likes it.
• Only you saw Zora with her hair down and without bondana.
• Likes to make fun of you.  But he knows when to stop.
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theautisticfroglord · 2 years
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omg look at them
henrys hair grew out so much :0
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silenceofthecookies · 3 years
Hi Cookie!!! Congrats on 700, you deserve every single one, and thousands more!! You're an incredible writer and amazing person ❤ If it's alright, can I please ask for the Black Bulls, and what they'd spend time doing on days off with their partner? Hopefully this is an okay prompt 😅 thank you so much, and have fun with your event!!
Hi Emma! Sorry these took so long, I hope you like them! ❤
Yami Sukehiro
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Yami usually spends his days off relaxing, and with an s/o that's not much different. As long as no date has been planned for that day, he'll just lounge around, drink, gamble,… you're free to join him. If anything, he'll welcome it.
He likes to play a little with the beasts on his days off too. If you're though he'll gladly let you play with them as well, but if you're not as keen on muscle-building as this captain is, he'll keep you away from them. Doesn't matter how cute they are, these guys don't know how to play gently.
He does like spontaneous mini dates too. Going shopping together, eating in a tavern or a cosy restaurant, whatever gives you some peace, quiet and quality time. In the Black Bulls base, those are pretty hard to come by and even the captain of this rowdy squad wants some quiet every now and again.
Days off are also perfect for training. Yes, training is relaxation for Yami. He needs to keep up his strength and he enjoys blowing off some steam. He'll train with you too if that's what you want, but he's 100% going easy on you, even if you're ridiculously strong.
Most of all there's a lot of sleep on his days off, date or not.
Vanessa Enoteca
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Vanessa plans the cutest and most romantic little things to do with her s/o on days off. It doesn't even have to be much or take long, anything it fine. A little picnic in the forest, eating ice cream in town, drinking a glass of wine together while watching the sunset,… as long as she gets some quality time with you, it's fine.
She absolutely loves it if you surprise her with plans though, so she doesn't always do it. She may be a little disappointed if you didn't plan anything but she won't show it, knowing that you may also be busy or just want to stay in for the day, so instead she'll just stay in with you, keeping you company.
She can enjoy a day in just as much as a date. Depending on her mood and her alcohol intake, she may cling to you all day though. What can she say, you're her favourite person and as a magic knight, she rarely knows when she'll have a day off.
She really wants to take a little vacation with you sometime, just get out of it for a few days, so the moment you both have a few days off, she arranges a little holiday.
Nacht Faust
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This little shit didn't plan shit.
Or at least that's what he tells you at when you ask him about it. Actually he has a very nice little date planned with dinner in your favourite restaurant, but he's not telling you that. He'll pretend to just take you out on a whim, and only when he gives his name for the reservation will you know he had actually planned this.
He just loves watching that split second of panic and disappointment, he's sadistic like that.
And if it's an unexpected day off, which usually is the case, he'll likely just hang around and chill with you. He'll just sit in the same room, doing his thing while you're doing your thing. He doesn't need your attention 24/7, he just wants to be near you.
If you plan something to do instead, he'll be speechless for a split second before composing himself. He knows he doesn't have the most likeable personality so it sometimes still surprises him that you want to spend any time with him at all.
He'll never plan something too fancy though. The stuck-up people around him usually make him want to mess with them and get you both into trouble, so he prefers places where the common folk resides, far away from annoying nobles and royals.
Finral, Magna, Noelle, Zora, Asta, Henry and Gordon below the cut!
Finral Roulacase
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Finral is talking with you before the day off about what to do. If you tell him to surprise you, he'll gladly come up with a super romantic date, planning where to go ahead of time. If you give him any preference, he'll make sure to keep it in mind.
He'll be a little sad if you tell him you want the day for yourself, but he'll respect it. Finral is very attached to you and very much in love with you, and if possible, he'd spend every single day with you.
Distance is usually no problem because of his spatial magic, so little dates can be pretty extravagant without him having to put in too much effort (except for using some mana). It's something he takes great pride in.
When you have a day off unexpectedly, and thus have nothing planned, he likes to go for a walk, read a book, play a game together,… anything to relax but to still spend some quality time together.
If you don't feel like doing any of that, you can just talk to him. He'll gladly listen and the moment you run out of things to talk about, he'll always find something to fill the silence without making it annoying.
Magna Swing
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Magna always tries to impress you. He wants to show you he's a dependable and thoughtful boyfriend. His brain, however, does not always want to work with him. He easily gets distracted from planning out something, certainly when Luck is around and certainly when he's taunting Magna, which often leaves him with not enough time to prepare something nice, and sometimes it even makes him forget about it completely.
So usually, days off with him are pretty chill. He takes you for a ride on his Crazy Cyclone, you play a game together, you just find a calm place away from the rest of the Bulls and talk,…
When he does manage to plan something, it's pretty cliché. Going to a restaurant together, going to the beach to walk and play there,… Most of his experience in romance comes from hearsay. He can think of some other things that are fun for him, but he knows those aren't always as fun for you, so he prefers to keep to things he knows you'll enjoy.
He absolutely loves it when you surprise him by planning something. It does become a problem when you both have planned something though, because he can be a little stubborn about admitting your plans are better.
Noelle Silva
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Noelle pretty much expects you to plan something. After all, she's a royal. She shouldn't be planning dates, that's up to you. Yes, even if you're a royal too.
Don't worry, she comes around. Actually, she's just really nervous to plan something. Once she's planned a date and everything worked out nicely, she'll insist on planning dates more often on days off.
She always comes to check if you're okay to go out, but she insists on surprising you with what exactly you'll be doing. She really enjoys seeing the look of surprise on your face when you find out you'll be doing something nice.
If you're just staying in, it's usually a much less exhausting day than dates out. On the dates she plans, Noelle always wants to make most of the day. This pressure somehow isn't there when you're staying inside. She'll go along with most things you want to do, as long as they interest her.
She really enjoys going shopping with you as well on days when nothing is planned and these are usually the most relaxed dates. She loves picking clothes for you, seeing if they look good on you or not. They might be a bit pricy because of her tastes but don't worry, she'll pay for them.
Zora Ideale
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If you want a date on your day off with Zora, you're going to have to arrange it yourself. Zora is not doing it. Or at least, that’s what he’ll say. He actually does have a little thing planned, but it’s nothing as fancy as some of the other Black Bulls might plan. He just likes teasing you a bit. If you tell him you’ve made plans, he’ll agree with it easily and discard his own plans.
If you become sad, frustrated, annoyed or anything like that because Zora didn’t plan something, he’ll take you out into nature and he’ll show you some pretty places he found while exploring ‘to make it up to you’. A small waterfall, a lake that’s so clear you can see the bottom, a field full of flowers,… he’ll bring some food as well and turn it into a little picnic.
If you don’t show him you wanted to go out, he’ll just laze around the base with you, maybe pull some shit on the other Bulls. Couples who prank together and get in trouble together stay together longer right? Except that you’re with Zora, and he’s a master at getting out of trouble. So usually, your little plans get by unpunished.
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Training is a date right? Right? Getting physically stronger together will also strengthen your emotional bond, right? Yes, that must be it!
Someone please give Asta a book about dating.
On his days off, Asta usually trains his ass off to keep up his strength and to get even stronger still, and his head is so set on it that early into the relationship, he won’t even realise that some days off should be spent with your significant other, or that training is NOT a proper date to most people.
Once he realises that, he’ll try to come up with some date plans. He always runs them by you and that’s great, because every single idea he comes up with is very outdoorsy, such as hiking or going swimming. Because he sends most of his income home and has spent his whole live in poverty, his date ideas are usually ones that cost little to no money.
If the weather is bad or you want to stay indoors, he’ll try to combine whatever you want to do with training. You want to read a book? Sure, but do you mind sitting on his back while he does push-ups?
Henry Legolant
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Henry has all these lovely ideas in his head of dates he wants to take you on. He’s imagined you two together in restaurants, in bars, out shopping, taking walks through nature, running through a field with high grass together,… but sadly, his physical condition is stopping him from doing any of these with you.
It really makes him sad that he can’t actually go out with you, and even more so that you usually have to sit at a little bit of a distance from him so you won’t get your energy sucked out. But that doesn’t mean that he can’t dream a little.
So he’ll gladly talk about all the ideas he’s gotten, all the little things he’d want to do with you if only he could move around like a normal person. He’ll narrate it in such a way that if you close your eyes, you’re able to see it all happen in your head. He’s a great storyteller.
When he has some energy from all the mana he sucked up from the Bulls living in his home, he’ll arrange for Charmy to make you two a nice dinner alone. He may not be able to take you outside or sit very close to you without sapping your energy, but he can at least have a little dinner in privacy with you, to at least have something like a real date with you.
Gordon Agrippa
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Gordon always asks if you want to go do something together. Whenever he wants to surprise you with something, he’ll ask you if he can surprise you. He’s always super worried about doing something you don’t want to do or won’t like, so he prefers to double-check, and usually to plan things together as well.
Gordon’s date ideas are usually more traditional, like visiting restaurants or going for a walk on a beach during sunset or on a clear night, but he’s up for trying most things at least once. He feels like he can’t really say whether he will or won’t like something unless he’s tried it, so whatever you suggest, you’ll do it at least once.
If you’re staying in, Gordon will at least insist on having some tea together. You can do other things on your own as well, you’re your own person and you’re not his property, but he wants to spend at least a little bit of time with you.
If you want to do something with him though, he’s up for most card- and boardgames, for reading a book together, for doing handicrafts together,… even doing separate things in the same room. Just being near you is enough for him.
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mpreg-desires · 1 year
Little things 💕
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─────────ೋღ 🌺 ღೋ─────────
Henry Legolant sat propped up against the pillows in the cozy hospital bed, his breaths coming in shallow gasps. His hands trembled with anticipation, a mixture of excitement and nerves coursing through his veins. Next to him, his boyfriend, Gordon Agrippa, stood with unwavering support, holding Henry's hand tightly.
After a long and challenging labor, Henry had finally given birth to their precious baby. It was a moment they had dreamed of.
As the medical staff busied themselves with the final stages of the delivery, Henry's heart pounded in his chest. The sounds of the newborn's cries filled the room, music to his ears. He craned his neck, eager to catch a glimpse of their little one.
Then, a nurse carefully wrapped the tiny bundle in a soft, warm blanket and placed the newborn in Henry's arms. A mix of emotions flooded Henry's senses as he held his baby for the first time. His eyes shimmered with tears of joy, and a radiant smile graced his face.
Gordon's voice trembled with awe and tenderness. “You did it, Henry. Our baby is finally here...”
Henry's gaze shifted to Gordon, who leaned in to plant a loving kiss on his forehead. They shared a connection that went beyond words, and this magical moment solidified their bond even further.
Henry's trembling hands cradled their newborn close to his chest, his touch gentle and loving. As he studied the little face, so innocent and fragile, an overwhelming surge of protectiveness welled up inside him. He marveled at the tiny fingers and the button nose, the perfect combination of both his and Gordon's features.
Their baby let out another cry, and Henry's heart swelled with an indescribable mix of joy, awe, and unconditional love. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he whispered to their child, his voice filled with adoration.
“Welcome to our world, little one. We've waited so long to meet you, and now you're here. We love you more than words can express...”
Gordon leaned over, his voice soft and soothing. ”Our family is complete now, Henry. You've given us the greatest gift, and we're going to cherish every moment with our baby...”
As they basked in the overwhelming joy of their new arrival, Henry and Gordon knew that their journey had only just begun. Parenthood was a path filled with challenges and surprises, but their love and dedication would guide them every step of the way.
Henry pressed a kiss to their baby's forehead, savoring the sweet scent and the warmth of their tiny body. In that tender embrace, surrounded by the love of his partner and the innocence of their child, Henry Legolant felt complete and utterly blessed.
Together, they would navigate the adventure of parenthood, cherishing every moment, and creating a future full of love, laughter, and endless possibilities.
─────────ೋღ 🌺 ��ೋ─────────
Henry Legolant's heart pounded with a mixture of excitement and nerves as he stood in the small, cozy nursery, cradling his newborn baby in his arms. It had been a long and challenging journey for Henry and his boyfriend, Gordon Agrippa, to reach this moment. But now, all their struggles and sacrifices seemed worth it as they gazed at their precious bundle of joy.
Henry's slender fingers gently brushed against the soft, delicate skin of their baby's cheek. The little one stirred, emitting a soft coo, as if sensing his father's touch. Henry's eyes welled up with tears of overwhelming joy, his heart swelling with love. He couldn't believe that he and Gordon had created this beautiful life together.
Gordon stood beside Henry, his hand resting on his partner's back. His usually stoic face was adorned with a radiant smile, his eyes shining with pride and adoration. Seeing Henry holding their baby, he felt a warmth and completeness he had never known before. Gordon had always been reserved, but his heart overflowed with love for the little one in his arms and the man he held dear.
“Look at us, Henry...” Gordon whispered softly, his voice filled with awe. “We're fathers. We've brought this incredible life into the world....”
Henry nodded, his voice catching in his throat as he spoke. “I can't believe it, Gordon. Our little miracle. We're a family now...”
As if responding to their voices, the baby's eyes fluttered open, revealing two beautiful orbs that mirrored the color of Henry's own eyes. The sight left the couple breathless, and they exchanged a knowing glance, a silent promise to protect and cherish their child forever.
Together, they slowly sat on the plush rocking chair, Henry cradling the baby against his chest while Gordon draped an arm around Henry's shoulders. The room was filled with a peaceful silence, broken only by the soft sounds of their baby's contented breathing.
Henry leaned his head against Gordon's, their foreheads touching, as they admired their little miracle. “Our lives will never be the same, Gordon. From now on, everything we do will be for our child's happiness and well-being...”
Gordon's voice was filled with determination and love as he whispered, “We'll give our baby the best life possible, Henry. We'll shower them with all the love and care in the world...”
Henry nodded, his eyes never leaving their baby's face. “And they'll always know how much we love them. Through every moment, every milestone, we'll be there...”
As they sat there, enveloped in the warmth of their newfound family, Henry and Gordon knew that their journey had only just begun. Together, they would face the challenges of parenthood, sharing the joys and sorrows, the laughter and tears. But no matter what lay ahead, they were confident that their love for each other and their child would guide them through.
In that nursery, with their baby nestled safely in Henry's arms, the world seemed to stand still. It was a moment of pure bliss, of love's triumph. And as they sat there, a family united, Henry and Gordon knew that their love story had found its perfect ending—a beginning filled with infinite possibilities.
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bowandcurtsey · 3 years
When the bulls turn into kids..
I stumbled across @folklorelise 's beautiful writing about the cadets from AOT turning into kids and calling Levi and y/n dad and mom.
You guys can read it HERE It was so beautiful and soo cute, my heart melted while reading it and I thought what would happen if it were the bulls? (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*)
So here I am, writing about it after asking for permission, hehe! (I may or may not write more parts of this! )
Yami Sukehiro x f! reader
It's been a short 1 week mission for Yami and you, visiting the heart kingdom and discussing some joint training with the queen and her spirit guardians.
"We're finally home," Yami stretched his hands over his head. "God I miss our bed."
You laughed, "I miss the members, wondering how are they doing?"
"I just hope the base is in one piece.." Yami sighed
The two of you opened the door to the base, hand in hand, expecting a noisy welcome from the members as usual but you were faced with a bunch of babies and a flustered Julius and Marx.
"DADDY! MOMMY!" about a dozen kids ran to you and Yami's feet.
"The fuck is going on with so many babies in my base Julius?!" Yami shouted and some of the babies started whimpering.
"Shhhhh! Yami, don't scare them!" Marx shushed him and comforted them.
"Oh my god, is that Asta...? and isn't that Finral.. and.." your voice trailed off as Yami looked at you as if you were absurd but when he took a more detailed look at the kids again... his cigarette almost fell from his mouth and he stubbed it out, not wanting the second hand smoke to affect the kids.
"MOMMY MOMMY!!" Asta yelled at the top of his lungs, tugging at your pants.
Julius gave the two of you a sheepish grin. "Erm... I may have accidentally did something that I have no idea how to reverse... yet."
"You better turn them back to normal Julius or I swear the clover kingdom will not have a wizard king tomorrow." he narrowed his eyes at Julius.
"Daddy!!" Magna and Luck started climbing onto Yami, each at either of his thighs.
"So you see Yami, I found this little magic tool that stores time so I wanted to show it to you and have you experiment with me on it but I came here and you weren't around so..." The wizard king quickly explained to your raging man.
"So you tried it on my members?!" he yelled and this time you were the one that smacked your man after seeing the babies jump a little at his voice.
You picked up Grey who was frightened at all the commotion. "There there~" you cooed.
"No, there was an accident and somehow, combined with my time magic, the tool turned them all into kids.. I'm figuring this out but thank god you and y/n are back!!"
"NO." Yami looked at all of the child version of his members, "y/n and I can't take care of 14 kids?!"
"Anyway Yami," Marx added on, "They have no powers so they should be manageable" Marx picked up Henry and patted his hair.
"No. You guys started this mess, so don't expect me to clean up after your shit." Magna and Luck were at either of his biceps now.
"Well, if I take care of them, I won't be able to study and find a way to reverse it... " Julius shot Yami another sheepish grin, "Besides, once I figure this tool out and it becomes useful to help people in need, I'll reward the black bulls handsomely for participating in the help~"
Julius really knew which buttons to push on Yami. You raised your brows and smiled at Julius. Smart move Wizard king.
Julius shot a grin of triumph at you. Don't worry I know Yami.
"Fine." Yami relented. And you let out a snicker while Julius winked at you. "I'm giving you 2 weeks old man. Return them to normal or I'm pulling out all of mushroom head's hair."
"Soooooo." Yami looked at you and then to the 14 kids, they were about 3-5 years old, "looks like we've got our hands full y/n."
"Daddy daddy!!" Finral ran over, "Play with us!"
"I'm not your daddy." Yami growled at him.
"Yes you are!" Gordon tugged at his robe, "we love you daddy and mommy!"
"Just play along Yami.." you chided your boyfriend, "Don't hurt their feelings, they're just kids."
"I'll prepare all the dinners, so watch them a bit babe?"
"baby, you're leaving me with 14 kids alone?" He shot you a panic look, "I mean you might come back with just 10 left, just sayin."
You laughed and rolled your eyes at your man. "Okay, Nacht, Henry, Gordon, Grey, Vanessa~ Could you come help me in the kitchen please?"
The 5 of them happily ran up and followed you like little ducklings following their mother duck.
"Babe, you took all the easy ones!" Yami scowled at you
"Well, I can't have Magna and Luck climbing all around the kitchen, right baby?" You shrugged at him.
You had the 5 of them pass you stuff and set the table, they were older than the rest, about 5 years you guess, and they could manage simple instructions.
Back at the common room, Magna, Lucky and Asta were chasing after Finral. Zora and Gauche were playing with some puzzle pieces from the entire box of baby stuffs that Julius delivered over not too long after he left.
Secre and Noelle tugged at his pants, asking to be carried.
"What? You two scared of the ruckus the 4 are making, huh." He carried them in one arm before coming to a realisation. "Wait.. 1,2,3.."
He counted the kids, "7..8.. hold up! Where's Charmy?!"
He started searching for her. He lifted up furnitures, flipped open cabinets and couldn't find her.
"BABE. I've already lost one!" he came into the kitchen and found you carrying Charmy in your arms while cooking. He heaved a sigh of relief.
"We kinda forgot this one LOVES food, I found her crawling into the kitchen so..." you laughed at him, "Babe, it's only been what? 10 minutes? and you already lost 1 kid."
"Baby, to be fair I'm already carrying 2 in 1 arm, I'm trying okay?"
Suddenly you heard crying from the common room.
"Geez." Yami rolled his eyes, "They really can't be alone for even 3 minutes and I have to live with this mess for 2 weeks?!"
The black bulls captain, or actually now black bulls dad, walked out of the kitchen, "Don't worry babe, imma handle this"
Finral had fallen down after being chased around by the 3 rascals. Asta felt bad and tried to pat his knees while Magna and Luck were laughing at Finral.
"Up you go." Yami pulled him to his two feet with one hand and pointed at Luck and Magna "You two. Stop laughing."
Luck and Magna stood still and pursed their lips.
"Come here, all of you." He led all of them to Zora and Gauche. "See? Play with toys, be quiet and sit still."
"Play with us Daddy!" Asta exclaimed and he handed Yami a car toy.
He sighed for the umpteenth time in the day, but sat down together with them, "Very well.."
Dinner time was chaotic.
Zora, Gauche and Noelle were picky with what they ate and they refused to eat anything that looked or smelt weird.
"Ewwwww. What's this green thing? It looks like a flower." Gauche's face scrunched at the broccoli "Flowers are for girls mommy."
"No mom. I don't like mushrooms in my spaghetti..." Zora pouted at his food.
On the other hand, Charmy kept asking for more food. "Dada me wants more food!" she would wave her empty bowl in the air.
"Great. Gauche, Zora, give whatever you don't want to Charmy." Yami pointed at the 2 of them.
Luck, Magna and Asta were making a total mess, the food spilling everywhere, they were using their hands and got food all over their face.
"Luck, stop throwing food at Magna" Yami chided, "Asta use the SPOON not your hands."
Secre, Finral and Noelle had to be fed, or they refused to eat.
"Babe, we need to wash them up." you looked at your man, clearly exhausted just from one afternoon and dinner.
"Do we have to?" he looked at you lazily from the floor, Gordon, Henry, Finral, Magna, Luck and Asta all on him at once, "I mean my wild beasts go about months without shower..."
"I'll take the girls first, and I'll come back to help you with the boys, but get started, we have 9 boys and only 5 girls." you instructed him, ignoring his question. "And don't let them fall babe, you have 6 climbing on you."
The girls were pretty easy going, Vanessa and Grey were about 5 so they didn't need much help, Secre and Noelle were just about 3 so they couldn't really shampoo properly but they would just stand there while you showered them. Charmy was a little squirmy, but when she got used to the warm waters and with the combo of her full belly, she started getting tired as well.
You got them dressed in little night pjs and put the girls in one room and opened up a box of dolls for them to play.
"Vanessa, Grey, could you help me watch over Charmy, Noelle and Secre for just a moment? Make sure they dont fall and hurt themselves?" You squatted down and spoke to the two girls at eye level.
"Yes mommy!!" Vanessa beamed at you, "I'll take care of all of them like mommy!"
"Ehh...." Grey's eyes widened at your request, "o-okay mommy, I'll try my best.."
You headed over to the boy's bath to help your boyfriend out. You opened the door and saw your man, his pants rolled up his calves but he was completely drenched.
The boys were running in the huge bath, splashing waters everywhere. All of them were somehow or rather covered in shampoo.
"Babe! I'm almost done with them," he picked Asta up and dipped him into the waters until he was neck deep and then pulled him out again. "There! all done."
You rolled your eyes at your man. "Honey, that's not clean!" You proceeded to take shampoo and scrubbed Asta. Come here Magna and Luck."
The two of them were still running about in the waters, not paying any attention to you.
Yami unleashed his menacing mana aura, making the whole room shake. Everyone paused what they were doing and looked at him.
"Oi. Listen to y/n. All of you. Stand in one line!"
They obeyed , to your surprise, as they stood in one line.
"Daddy," Zora looked at him with admiration, "that was so cool!"
You swear you saw a hint of blush creep up your man's cheeks.
You quickly shampooed all of them while Yami washed them up.
"Let all of them sleep in 1 room baby, it'll be easier for us this way to check on them." You boyfriend decided. He was sitting on the floor, legs all sprawled out. Charmy was already sleeping on one of his thighs while Henry and Gordon clung onto him at his sides.
"Okay, Pick the room closest to ours then," You were still a little worried for them. Afterall it's 14 kids in one room, "so we could hear if anything happened."
"Mommy, " Secre asked to be carried and you scooped her up. "Can you read us a bedtime story?" she asked quietly.
"BEDTIME STORY!!" Asta shouted and clapped his hands.
"Okay," you relented, "but all of you have to go to your beds first"
Yami moved two beds together and the girls shared that bed. Then he put 2 boys in one bed
"I want to sleep on my own." Nacht said quietly. He's the quiet and easy going one throughout the day and you were really thankful for that.
"Okay, fine." Yami patted his head and prepared a bed for him as you started reading a random bedtime story to them.
"Fuck babe. I'm getting old, I'm beyond exhausted. This is worst than going on missions or fighting devils or whatever." Yami plopped himself onto your shared bed. The two of you finally managed to have time to wash yourselves up after a week long mission and a long day.
You stroked his hair and gave him a kiss, "You did good baby, I'm proud of you~" You lay in his arms, eye lids heavy.
The two of you fell asleep in less than 5 minutes.
You woke up to something tugging at your blanket, you suddenly remembered about today's ordeal and quickly opened your eyes. It was Charmy.
"Hey.." you whispered, "What's wrong?"
"Okay okay.." You quietly got out of bed, your man still soundly asleep.
You opened the door of your room and found Zora and Noelle at your door too.
"What's wrong kids? You guys need the toilet too?" They nodded their heads. Zora and Noelle had always been light sleepers.. They must have woken up when Charmy opened the room door.
You quickly peaked into the room and counted the kids, making sure no one was missing. You brought the 3 to the bathroom. Charmy had to poop so you sat down with Zora and Noelle in your laps and waited for her.
Back at your room, Magna and Finral climbed into bed with Yami. The captain stirred and he woke up, feeling 2 weights on him.
"What in the world.." Yami hated to be disturbed in his sleep, but there was tears in Finral's eyes, "What's up buddy?"
"Daddy I had a nightmare..." he clung onto Yami.
"Okay er. What are you doing here as well Magna? And where's y/n?!" he suddenly realised the other half of the bed was empty.
"Toilet." Magna said as you came back into the room with Charmy, Noelle and Zora.
"I saw the room door opened, what's wrong?" you whispered.
"Nightmare." he pointed at Finral, "Toilet." He pointed to Magna as he summarised everything for you. "you?"
"Same. Toilet." you looked at the 3. "Okay baby, I'll tuck the 4 of them back to bed and you bring Magna to the toilet.."
"I want to sleep here with mommy and daddy.." Finral whimpered, still teary eyed from his nightmare.
"Come here," you carried Finral from Yami, "Let's go and tuck the rest in first alright? And Magna needs the loo." You soothed his back and brought all of them back into their rooms.
Yami came back into your shared room and found Finral and Grey sleeping with you.
He showed his palm and mouth the word, "what is this?"
"Nightmares." you whispered.
Yami was too tired to argue, he just climbed into bed and slept, not looking forward to another hell long day tomorrow.
How are we surviving this 2 weeks? He questioned himself, cursing Julius and his stupid magic tools.
BONUS: Headcanons of the bull kids!
Yami and y/n are really thankful that Nacht, Henry, Gordon, Gauche and Secre are easy going and quiet babies.
Nacht and Zora constantly wants to explore and find new things to play with. When they do that, Gordon, Charmy and Vanessa wants to follow them.
Charmy and Luck are constantly asking for snacks.
Luck, Magna and Asta seem to have never ending energy, much to Yami's dismay, he had to use his powers to keep up with them and ensuring their safety.
Finral, Grey and Secre are very sticky to you, they're constantly with you and if you're not around, they'll ask Yami to carry them.
Henry, Vanessa and Noelle love playing together and having 'tea parties' and tying each other's hair.
Welllll~ What do y'all think?! I loved the idea of it so much, the baby bulls were in my mind all day hehe!!
I think I'll do a part 2 of this one with little scenarios that happen throughout the week! (◕ᴗ◕✿)
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one-leaf-grimoire · 4 years
Can I request headcanons for Kiato, Henry,and Gordon with a selectively mute s/o? Bonus: How they react when they say "I love you" for the first time out loud? Context: They carry around a notepad to write in and use sign language when the notepad isn't around.
// This is my first time writing anything about selective mutism, but I did some research so I hope there’s nothing inaccurate! 
He’s already a very mechanically-minded/tactile person, so he learns sign language alongside you without hesitation
He’s an extroverted person who doesn’t mind doing all the talking, but makes sure that you’re engaged in some way even if it isn’t verbal
He’s at your beck and call at all times... need something? He’ll run and get it right now. Would you prefer to be alone? He understands and makes sure you’re safe and comfortable when he leaves.
You have his full attention whenever you do talk to him. And when you say I love you for the first time... he almost cried, smothering you in a proud, loving hug. “I love you too!!!”
His lifestyle keeps him from taking part in the fun things that the other Black Bulls do, so he makes a point of making you feel included in the things he does
He did a lot of puzzles when he was living by himself, and he comes up with a lot of activities to do that don’t require much talking. He’s very patient and is fine with waiting for you to write things down.
Always focused on creating a relaxed environment where you can feel comfortable with speaking if you want to.
Hearing you say “I love you” for the first time was magical. He was stunned, so you giggled and repeated yourself. He quickly snapped out of it and said that he was so happy and honored to be loved by you.
Gordon has trouble being heard by other people himself, so he probably understands your situation the best. 
Because of this, you two don’t really need to speak at all. However, he likes to read sections out of his diary to you and gossip a little about the other squadmates
Cuddles and nap dates all the time. Actions can speak louder than words, and he’s always happy to provide a strong shoulder to lean on.
He did actually cry a little when you said you loved him. Part of it was because he never got to have even many friends growing up, so having someone as special as you fall in love with him was truly special
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the-black-bulls · 3 years
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Black Clover x Pokémon Edits [1/?]
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lyranova · 10 months
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Rill x Charmy
En Ringard
Wizard Kings
Fue, Nozel, Yami, and Yuno Battle
Secre x Lumiere
Magna x Luck
Jack the Ripper
Nacht x Ichika
Yuno x Mimosa
Yuno x Noelle
Klaus Lunettes
Klaus x Mimosa
Magna x Rebecca
Dorothy Unsworth
Henry Legolant
Zera [OC] gets along with best
Yosuga Musyogatake
Finral x Vanessa Finral x Finesse x Langris and House Vaude
King Augustus Kira Clover XIII
Father Orsi
Charlotte and Luck Half-Sibling Theory
Magna Swing
Ryuzen 7 and the BBs
Acier Silva
Gordon Agrippa
Mars x Fana
Fanzelle x Dominante
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