#henrick von schneeplestein
spooky-draws-stuff · 2 years
Description: After waiting for Henrik to come home from work, Chase learns that he’s not as alone as he thinks he is.
Frigid winds blew through trees shaking their branches and scattering leaves. Henrik stepped out of his car, and his shoes splashed puddles into the pouring rain. He paused for a moment before continuing his walk and closed his eyes, letting the water droplets fall onto his face, soaking his hair. He didn’t care if his uniform was wet now from the rain, he just wanted to feel something. He let the wind make him feel colder, and slowly opened his eyes gazing upon the fluffy storm clouds. He wanted to stay here, there was peace in this. Henrik started walking closer to the front entrance of his home. 
 Chase turned on a light in the living room and looked out the window. He has been waiting for a few hours for the doctor to come home. He smiled and ran back to his room to put on his shoes before slamming the door open and running outside, jumping excitedly with each step, creating larger puddles of water that reflected his movements. Henrik’s eyes widened with surprise and he stepped backwards, feeling Chase's soft but firm arms wrap around his body. They looked at each other’s eyes and became silent. Chase curled his hand into a fist and wiped his tears away. “Please don’t leave me, don’t let go. Please hold me.” Chase’s voice stuttered as he held back choked sobs of joy and loneliness. 
Henrik wiped the water droplets off of his glasses and raised his eyebrows in distant confusion, lost in his thoughts. His heart raced, and he shivered. He needed to go back inside. “Chase, are you okay?” Henrik's tone was laced with worry. “I didn’t think I could wait any longer. I’m terrified of being alone. I can’t trust myself. All the whiskey is gone, If I don’t get more soon I don’t know what I'll do. It hurts so fucking much, to be so scared and alone. I’m begging you, please hold me. I don’t want to hurt myself again.” Chase’s words wrapped themselves around Henrik in a sense of urgency. The doctor understood. “Chase…I didn’t know….” He began to speak, but was unable to communicate what he wanted to say. Henrik moved his arms around Chase and moved his hand through Chase’s hair. “Y-ou’re okay, you’re going to be okay.” It was difficult for the doctor to say this, because he knew in his heart he would never be okay himself. As Henrik spoke he could feel his eyes becoming watery. 
Chase and Henrik let go of each other. Instead of continuing to be sad they jumped into the puddles on the ground on their way back to the house, cold but finding happiness even if it was only small, just for a few minutes. When they walked back inside together Jackie was on the couch playing a video game. Jackie turned his head slightly. “What took you so long? It’s cold out there.” Jackie’s voice was slightly annoyed, but work had been hard today. He didn’t mean to sound upset. Jackie sighed deeply before saying “I’ll go get some towels.” Jackie left the room and came back. Henrik and Chase both went to their separate rooms.
Chase sat on the sofa, the color seemingly faded in his eyes. He was shaking and burying his face in between his hands, his hair covering up the tips of his fingers. Jackie walked out of the hallway and dropped the blanket he was holding. He had never seen chase this upset before. His eyebrows narrowed with disbelief, and his face changed to a softer look. He scrambled to pick up the blanket and gently started to wrap it over Chase's shoulders. He pulled the rest of  blanket down behind Chase, making sure he was covered. Jackie pulled out his phone and texted Marvin and Jameson.
 Marvin walked through the door with Jameson, holding a tray of cupcakes. It had taken them a while to get there, and the rain had stopped leaving beautiful rays of sunlight pouring in through the clouds. The birds happily chirped outside. Jameson sat down next to Chase and gave him a warm cup of tea. Chase blew on the surface of the tea, the hot steam from the cup relaxing him. He drank it slowly, and Jameson put his arm over Chase’s shoulder. 
Marvin took off their cloak and wrapped it around Chase. “Would you like a cupcake dear?” Marvin’s tone was cheery and welcoming. Chase ceased his crying and his head slowly moved upward. He glanced at Marvin’s hand offering him a treat. Even though his vision was blurred from the tears, his fingers slowly wrapped around the paper wrapper. Taking a bite he closed his eyes as he tasted the sweetness of the chocolate. Chase’s lips curled into a weak smile. It was the best cupcake he had ever had. Marvin sat down next to Chase and leaned against him. “I’m glad you liked it.” 
“Thank you.” Chase spoke hoarsely. Suddenly he felt strong arms wrap around his chest. Chase looked up, his hair brushing over the side of his face. “Group hug.” Jackie caught Chase by surprise. Henrik ran to chase and hugged him. “I hope you’ll get better Chase. We’re here for you.” Jay signed. Schneep, Marvin, Jameson and Jackie all hugged chase. Chase also hugged back. They all laughed together and then pulled away from each other. “Anyone want to watch a movie?” Jackie eagerly picked up the tv remote. “Yeah.” Chase replied quietly. “I’ll get the popcorn.” Marvin walked over to  the kitchen but stopped. They turned around and signed a question for Jay. “Do you want popcorn?” 
Jay nodded and signed back. “Yes please.”
The egos shared the couch together and enjoyed the opening of their movie. 
Sunlight shined through the trees, and the clouds drifted away to reveal a brillant blue sky. The grass swayed slowly through the wind, and scattered leaves danced about. It was time to heal.
@n-anon @septicwriters @malaboos-bodacious-blog
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flower-zombie-rob · 2 years
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@d-structive hencrocs
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inspiredrawaw · 4 years
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Will o’ Wisps, metaphorically are a symbol of hope
In folklore they’re bastards so be careful
@taikeero-lecoredier @immabethehero @the-real-comically-insane @kiipz @victory-cookies @caori-azarath @iamliteraltrash1 @sharky-g @skatle-skootle-demon-noodle @obsidiancreates @ezuriel-moth-rps @the-chemist @sadiierey
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hanahaki-ghost · 3 years
pet HC for fandoms
These are HCs for what pets I think some of my fav characters would have
Jimmy:fox or raccoon
Ghost:British shorthair cat and German shearers 
Toast:Samoyed dog
Danny(ghostface):German Shepard
Micheal myers:pitbull 
Legions(all 4):gold fish
mark and Jack egos:
Wilford:chinchilla or raccoon
Jameson:rabbit or blue jay
Schneep:red panda 
Dr.iplier:rag doll cat
Anti:chameleon or bearded dragon
Dark:golden retriever 
035:Maltese dog
sander sides:
Virgil:Burmese cat
Remus:octopus or squid 
Janus:Burmese python
Patton:maltipoo and Pomeranian dogs
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I had the idea of the egos as like 1930s cartoon characters or like cuphead bosses so here’s the first batch with Marvin, Chase, and Henrick
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thedyingredrose · 4 years
Red~ how about a tea party with the egos?
Tea with the egos
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Dark’s tea parties would be elegant. Inside with statues, candle light, white cloths on the table, and elegant gold cutlery. He has servants so that he as the host can simply entertain his guests. You find yourself swept up in his talk of tea leaves and the places today’s are grown. He speaks to you in such an eloquent way... you never want to leave.
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Henrick is texting you on a day off, and soon you find yourself invited to his apartment. It’s a bit of gloomy day, and he quietly lets you in the door, greeting you with a quiet smile. He explains he drinks a lot of coffee, so he got a tea sampler out of curiosity, hoping to relax a bit. You help him figure out how to steep it properly, blushing when you bump hands with him.. it’s a pleasant, quiet time together.
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Wilford’s tea party would be disorienting at first. The bright colors, the oversized candies, you aren’t even one hundred percent sure how you got here. However.. the pink haired man chuckled at how adorable you look while you’re confused and asks you to sit down on a peppermint stool. He gives you sweets and the cups are chocolate. It’s a small piece of sugary wonderland.
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Phantom’s tea party isn’t unlike Dark’s... elegant and big names. High end clientele, and business speak. You find yourself almost getting swallowed up by the room.. but Phantom soon finds you. He guides you to a table and sits with you, and the tea ‘ceremony’ begins. There’s eight courses of different areas as well as complimenting snacks. He’s charming, telling you some of the histories that he’s been studying up on the past few weeks. You really don’t belong here... but you can’t leave now.
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Damien’s party is outside. It’s a sunny day in the spring, with just the slightest breeze. Theres parasols and pastels. There’s small snack towers brought to the tables, petite-four cake and finger sandwiches. Someone’s playing piano, another violin. The mayor himself is there, greeting and speaking, asking the people what kind of things they want in the town.. he’s quite the charmer. You can’t help but to twirl your necklace between your fingers as you speak to him. He was just so.. charming.
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spect-era · 4 years
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voonespelle · 4 years
They could get him a 5 cent rubber bouncy ball and Yancy would love it as much as a billon dollar gift. All because it’s not about the gift, but because they though about him. (Also since he doesn’t know the difference in money since they don’t just tell him how much of something they got him is. As far as he’s concerned, the world got real good at making 5$ crowns)
Yancy’s just like the two boys where one of them got an avocado and the other a banana as gifts. I bet his reactions are just the same. Like the time Illinois got him the crown, “Aww, Illy doll, youse didn’t have to get me anythin’......why’s it so heavy?” “Cuz it was 5 bucks.”
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kyquizix-king · 4 years
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Art is stressful and I haven’t just doodled in ages
Yes my ego shipping is getting out of control
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thefamily · 4 years
Chapter Two 1824 October 10th Part 1: Snow
A/N: Re-uploaded and semi-heavily edited.
(Word Count:1657)
        It’s been a full year since Jack met Liru and since then things have gotten a little weird but also a little better. Now they feed him everyday, granted it’s a piece of stale bread but it’s better then nothing, besides Liru gives him food everyday even when she’s busy she’ll just send Stella with a sack of food. Although weird things keep happening around here since then. For one Liru keeps getting spotted more, almost every week as it was about once every other month before that. Second Mrs. BlanchField, The orphanage’s owner, had gotten attacked and lost her left hand, the one she slapped him with a few hours before hand, after he told Liru. She won't say what happened but he thinks it might have been a wild dog or something. The third thing was that whenever Liru gave him flowers, instead of wilting they would grow whenever he held them and wherever he went that plant life seemed to flourish.
        Another thing was that there were two voices in my head now. One in pain that sounded a lot like me but sounded like it was struggling to speak, and the other was this weird… noise? He’s not sure what it is but he does know that it’s either scared of Liru or hates her. Probably both in all honesty and the thing he hates the most about it is that it keeps trying to control him, like it’s trying to possess me as if it was a demon… he thinks it wants to hurt Liru but he’s not sure, but what he is sure of is that he won't let it.
        The final thing is actually what is happening now, he was doing what Liru said to do, waiting outside watching the roads while staying out of people's way praying to whatever higher power exists that they leave him alone, his back already hurts bad enough from this morning. All of the sudden he can feel the people tense but the land almost seems to relax. 
        He doesn't know how or why he’s never noticed how the land seemed to be tense up until this moment but it’s relaxation seems to make him relax with it. He quickly stands up, his attention pulled to the dirt road where people seem to be scrambling away from until his eyes land on a large snow white horse with a main and tail the color of the night sky and he swears he can see it’s eyes glowing green from here.
        The horse seemed to be a few centimetres smaller than Stella with something in its mouth as it trotted up the road to the orphanage. He gets up walking to the road, knowing that the horse is here for me, stopping in the middle of it as the horse slows to a stop in front of him. Jack can see that it’s parchment in its mouth now and he carefully reaches up to grab it from it’s mouth with everyone’s eyes staring into the back of his head, the harsh whispers already beginning. He quickly opens it and begins to read it, letting the horse lean down and sniff his hair, shivering a bit when he feels it’s cold breath run down his spine.
        His name is Snow. He’ll take you to me today. When he stops, say ‘This is home to the queen’. Happy Birthday Πυγολαμπίς. -Liru.
        Jack smiles a little at the use of the nickname she gave him, Lightning Bug. She still won't tell him why she calls him that. He tries to look up at Snow but he seems to be focusing towards my back sniffing much like a dog would. Jack does his best to look at Snow’s face as he reaches up petting his neck, speaking in a low voice only the horse could hear,
        “Hey Snow,” The horse whinny happily, causing me to smile “are you here to take me to Liru?” He feels his head nod a bit before he suddenly lets out an angry snort, the ice cold air rush over the lash marks making him wince and jerk away from the feeling. Why did he do- the throbbing pain from his back cut’s that train of thought quickly before he freezes.
        It’s Liru’s horse, of course it would know! The horse suddenly rears back snarling, not snorting, snarling and Jack quickly moves out of the way before turning just as Snow slams his hooves down on the ground towards Mr. Blanchfield who fell backwards only a few feet from where Jack was, clearly having intended to yank Jack away.
        Snow begins to stomp towards Mr. Blanchfield as if trying to crush the cowering man beneath the giant hooves. As soon as Jack realizes this he quickly scrambles up, ignoring the burning protest coming from his back, and runs in front of the man throwing his hands up and yelling “STOP!” Snow stopped in his place just in front of Jack snorting, glaring at the retreating back of Mr. BlanchField.
        Jack whispers in a soothing voice trying his best to copy Liru’s whenever he himself begins to panic, 
        “Easy boy, why don’t we go to Liru.” That got his attention and he quickly knelt down for Jack who quickly got on and held onto the horse mane loosely so he didn't fall off as the horse stood back up.
        Jack looks around and he can feel himself shrink under their glares and whispers of calling him a freak and Snow a monster. He leans down burying his face into Snow’s mane, feeling himself beginning to shake as Snow huffs angrily as he turns around. Jack tightens his grip just as Snow bolts off and Jack lets out a yelp despite expecting it. After a few minutes Jack sits up a bit as Snow slows down a bit but doesn’t stop and he can see that they were moving through the forest now and he forces himself to relax again despite the aching feeling in his back thinking to himself
        ‘Liru can’t know, I can’t tell her she’ll be furious that it happened again,’ Jack shakes his head slightly, knowing that it’s pointless to hope she wouldn’t find out. He can’t even find it within himself to be worried about what would happen because he knows no matter what, he’s safe with her from now on.
        'Perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad thing if she finds out.' Something whispers in the back of his head,
        He closes his eyes listening to the wind as they whip past everything and to the sound of Snow’s hooves hitting the ground which surprises him because he was honestly not expecting that. He thought it would have been like Stella’s and make no noise at all but guess not. He opens his eyes again, his mind flashing back to the looks he got from the people of the village, their whispers. It’s not the first time this has happened either and nowhere near the worst but it still hurts.
        He sighs to himself knowing he was going to get beat when he went back tonight,
        ‘If I go back tonight,’ And then his mind was racing through every offer Liru gave him and he could feel regret churning in his stomach from not accepting any of her offers, even more so when he realizes she stopped asking about 4 months ago.
        He looks at their surroundings as they exit the forest and into a field with a sword and a red sash wrapped around the handle and a morning star with green sash wrapped around the handle crossed in the ground with the sword. Snow slows down to a trot and he can feel something is off about this place. Not in a bad way but… not in a good way either it was more like if he wasn't invited he would have his head cut off. The feeling got stronger the closer we got to the middle of the field, but he could also smell something, it smelt kind of like Liru honestly, Roses, fresh water, and something he can’t quite put his finger on.
        They’re almost to the middle now and he can hear multiple voices in different languages saying something. They seemed to be saying- no, asking the same thing from what he heard they were asking,
         “Who are you?” over and over until Snow came to a stop in the middle of the field, over the weapons in the ground. The voices all went quiet before saying in unison, a male voice dominating them all, in their languages.
        “Oh, you’re her lightning bug.” Jack freezes at the words and he can feel his cheeks turning pink wondering how the voices not only knew Liru but her nickname for him. Before he can dive deeper into that thought Snow neighs softly reminding him what he needs to do in the first place. He looks around at the field one last time before looking ahead and saying in a soft voice,
        “This valley is home to the Queen.”
        Meanwhile, Liru is sitting on top of one the libraries bookcases, a book in her lap about Body and Soul Amalgamation, books around the same or similar subjects floating around her unconsciously as she tries to make sense of what is written on the pages before her. She goes to say something to Serenity who, now that she looked at her seemed to be in some sort of trance. 
        She went to pick up the grey chinchilla but before she could Serenity snapped out of her trance as a voice flooded not only the library or even the castle but the valley itself. She smiles, recognizing that familiar voice and words being said together for the first time, looking up to the glass ceiling with birds and butterflies fluttering in and out through open panels whispering, “Welcome home Jack.”
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His Puppets - 3
Who next? There were plenty of options. Anti was almost giddy with eagerness and his body glitched around the room as he surveyed the puppets. Perhaps the hero? That would be fun. And so many options. Little Jackieboy Man was a hero, a decent one at that. He was mostly a watchful eye who could parkour as he chased after crooks. There were so many options. Would he harm the lawbreaker or become one? Maybe he’d turn on his the other egos. Anti grinned at the possibilities trying to decide what to do first. He could always come back and try something new.
Anti carefully followed the onesied hero, being careful not to tip him off. The hero was the most alert of them all; while he didn’t have specific powers, he was hardier and his senses more keen than most humans.
Once again he made the puppet mimic the actions of its counterpart. When static began to flit across the strings he knew that he had the hero. Jackieboy Man stumbled as he landed from vaulting over some sidewalk railing. The hero looked around but didn’t see another person. He began to keep moving but Jackie changed directions. Anti grinned as he controlled the hero, who was now walking towards a storefront. He forced Jackie to sneak around the back. The hero seemed too stunned to even try to speak as he watched his forced actions with mounting horror. Anti made him try every window and each door. His grin became a satisfied smile when one window began to open. The hero crawled through the opening and landed among the shelves. His small backpack slid from his shoulders and was unzipped. Products were thrown in at random. Anti watched with glee at the hero’s disgust and discomfort. But there was nothing he could do otherwise. Once the bag was filled with petty items Jackieboy Man crawled back through the window. He walked from the building and stood in the parking lot with the stolen goods. The hero looked incredibly ashamed even though he hadn’t been in control. Anti drank it up from his vantage point before releasing the puppet’s strings and letting the connection end. Anti watched as a shudder went through the hero and he sank to his knees. Jackieboy Man almost desperately ran towards the store and began to unpack the backpack. Anti laughed to himself before leaving the scene.
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spooky-draws-stuff · 2 years
Henrik themed edit
@n-anon​ @septicwriters​ @amylucienne
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lyxxian · 4 years
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3rd day of Goretober is for Madness! 
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inspiredrawaw · 5 years
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Some Septic Ego sketches!
Plus sticker ideas 👀
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hanahaki-ghost · 4 years
the doctors will see you know
Dr.iplier and dr.schneepstein!
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The Doctor
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