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elinerlina2 · 10 months ago
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Henningsvær, Norway 🌎
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thunderstruck9 · 9 months ago
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Lars Lerin (Swedish, 1954), Henningsvaer, 2020. Watercolour on paper, 103 x 153 cm.
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pangeen · 2 years ago
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“ Henningsvær “ // Chris Nanos
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travelella · 3 months ago
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Henningsvær, Vågan Municipality, Norway
Dmitry Limonov
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coffeenuts · 11 days ago
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joannamarianna · 7 months ago
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Shallow waters in Hennigsvær
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bingwallpaper · 2 years ago
Henningsvær Stadium, Norway
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If you want to enjoy a fun football match and the grandiose beauty of the Norwegian Sea at the same time, Henningsvær Stadium, Norway, is the place to be at. Located in a small fishing village of a few hundred people, this stadium will probably never see a Champions League match played on its sprawling greens. It doesn’t even have stands for spectators, but it’s still one of the most striking football stadiums in the world. Resting on a rugged island, surrounded by bare rocks and deep blue waters, watching a game here can make for a surreal and unforgettable experience.
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sabinerondissime · 11 months ago
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Henningsvær, Norway
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virtualtravelsintheworld · 2 months ago
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Henningsvær - Norvegia
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grusik · 2 months ago
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Pøbel / Henningsvær - 9 May 2024 Artist: Pøbel by Ferdinand 'Ferre' Feys
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masked-life · 3 months ago
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nordischenomaden · 5 months ago
Tag Vierzehn ¦ Norwegen - Insel Gimsøya
Nachdem es die ganze Nacht ohne Pause durchgeregnet hatte, wachten wir morgens im Regen auf und nahmen unser Frühstück im Auto zu uns. Nach dem abspülen fassten wir einen Plan für heute und entschlossen uns, erstmal nach Henningsvær zu fahren und dort das Dörfchen auszukundschaften. Da es dabei immernoch fröhlich regnete, hielt sich die Aussicht in Grenzen aber der Flair des kleinen auf dem Felsen im Meer gebauten Dorfes kam trotzdem gut an. Auf den äußersten Zipfel des Dorfes ist ein Fußballfeld gebaut, welches sicher die meisten schonmal auf einem Bild gesehen haben, und auch wir haben ein paar Drohnenaufnahmen davon gemacht, als das Wetter besser wurde. Touristisch war hier schon echt einiges los, die öffentlichen Parkplätze hier waren alle ziemlich voll und es waren viele Besucher unterwegs.
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Danach suchten wir uns dann einen Campingplatz an dem duschen konnten, ohne dort übernachten zu müssen. Beim zweiten Anlauf fanden wir auch einen und genossen eine erfrischende Dusche, bei der wir das warme Wasser per Kreditkarte freischalten mussten und dann für 2,50€ 5 Minuten warmes Wasser hatten.
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Die raue Schönheit der Lofoten
Dann fuhren wir noch ein Stück weiter und suchten uns heute ziemlich früh einen Platz zum übernachten. Mit uns auf dem Parkplatz stehen noch sechs andere Vans und Wohnmobile, von denen hier jede Menge herumfahren. Davon sind sehr viele deutsch und italienisch, aber auch die Finnen, Holländer und Schweden sind gut vertreten. Da der Regen gegen Abend ausblieb hatten wir dann noch Zeit, uns etwas zu kochen und einen Spaziergang zu machen und zum Abschluss des Tages schauten wir noch einen Film im Tesla.
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Einer unserer Mitcamper diese Nacht
Morgen schauen wir uns hier noch etwas um und nehmen dann die Fähre wieder aufs Festland.
Bis dahin.
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bihansthot · 2 years ago
Character Chart
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Character’s full name: Hallvard Breivik
Reason or meaning of name: guardian of the rocky broad cove
Character’s nickname: Reaver
Reason for nickname: his savage nature in battle earned him the nickname
Birth date: October 20th, 1996
Physical appearance
Age: 27
How old does he/she appear: 22
Weight: 240
Height: 6’4”
Body build: twunk
Shape of face: face shaped
Eye color: gold
Glasses or contacts: neither
Skin tone: tan
Distinguishing marks: scar across cheek
Predominant features: striking eyes and strong nose and jaw line
Hair color: black
Type of hair: coarse and straight
Hairstyle: dreadlocks
Voice: deep with a Norwegian accent
Overall attractiveness: above average
Physical disabilities: slight hearing loss in left ear
Usual fashion of dress: light gray Lin Kuei uniform with lots of fur
Favorite outfit: doesn’t have one
Jewelry or accessories: a necklace passed down by his ancestors and a brass crown
Good personality traits: he’s out going and confident as well as loyal and helpful
Bad personality traits: boisterous and argumentative, can be very stubborn and difficult to deal with easily enraged
Mood character is most often in: happy go lucky
Sense of humor: dark and snarky
Character’s greatest joy in life: drinking and Tomas
Character’s greatest fear: losing Tomas
Why? He can’t stand the thought of losing the man he loves.
What single event would most throw this character’s life into complete turmoil? Bi-Han or Tomas dying
Character is most at ease when: he’s letting Tomas braid his hair.
Most ill at ease when: when Tomas is away on a mission
Enraged when: Tomas is injured
Depressed or sad when: whenever Tomas is hurt or upset
Priorities: Tomas, Bi-Han the Lin Kuei in that order
Life philosophy: For Honor and Glory!
If granted one wish, it would be: to bring Tomas with him to Valhalla
Why? Because he wants to spend forever with his love
Character’s soft spot: Tomas
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Painfully
Greatest strength: his ability to get stronger and stronger the more injured he gets
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: he becomes useless and passes out from blood loss if he over does his power
Biggest regret: not being able to save his family from the house fire that killed them
Minor regret: not confessing to Tomas sooner
Biggest accomplishment: becoming one of the Grandmaster’s inner circle
Minor accomplishment: any successful mission
Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: that he couldn’t save his family
Why? He doesn’t want his friends to know he was once weak
Character’s darkest secret: he started the fire that killed his family, it was an accident but got too out of hand
Does anyone else know? Tomas does
Drives and motivations: his motivation is to serve and protect the Lin Kuei
Immediate goals: protect Tomas
Long term goals: marrying Tomas and retire
How the character plans to accomplish these goals: Hallvard is convinced Bi-Han will eventually let him retire from active duty and move to teaching so he can continue serving the clan but won’t be in danger anymore.
How other characters will be affected: Tomas will most likely also retire and become a teacher. Bi-Han will continue to be Grandmaster and Scorpion will continue to play second fiddle.
Hometown: Henningsvær
Type of childhood: a very active fun childhood full of fishing trips with his father
Pets: two big wolf dogs Vali and Balder (they survived the fire too)
First memory: the first time he held his baby brother
Most important childhood memory: the fire
Why: it was terrifying and burned into his mind forever, Hallvard was stoking the fire as his father instructed him too but in the middle of the night a coal sparked out of the fireplace and ignited the carpeting and spread out of control. Hallvard managed to grab the dogs and make it outside but the front half of the house collapsed with his family trapped inside as they had been asleep up until Hallvard’s screaming awoke them but his Mother tried to get his baby brother out of the nursery and his Father wouldn’t leave without them and it took too long.
Childhood hero: his father and grandfather
Dream job: fisherman
Education: elementary and whatever schooling the Lin Kuei provides
Religion: pagan
Finances: a small allowance
Current location: Arctika
Currently living with: Tomas, the Lin Kuei
Pets: Vali and Balder (they’re magic wolf dogs and don’t die because I said so)
Religion: pagan
Occupation: Assassin and Theif
Finances: fixed income from Lin Kuei
Mother: Maja
Relationship with her: good
Father: Magnus
Relationship with him: good
Siblings: Geir
Relationship with them: protective older brother
Color: grey
Least favorite color: red
Music: Norwegian death metal
Food: Fårikål – Mutton and Cabbage
Literature: he doesn’t really read must outside of military strategy
Form of entertainment: sex and sparring
Expressions: “knulle meg” “tull” “dø” (“fuck me” “bullshit” “die”)
Mode of transportation: horseback
Most prized possession: an onyx band he plans to propose to Tomas with
Hobbies: training, sparring, honing his blood magic
Plays a musical instrument? No, unless clapping cheeks counts?
Plays a sport? No
How he/she would spend a rainy day: cuddling with Tomas
Spending habits: basically nonexistent as the Lin Kuei provides everything
Smokes: no
Drinks: yes
Other drugs: no
What does he/she do too much of? Drink
What does he/she do too little of? Takes care of himself
Extremely skilled at: working himself into a blood frenzy
Extremely unskilled at: being couth
Nervous tics: cutting himself with his nails or knives
Usual body posture: hunched over
Mannerisms: commanding presence, boisterous laugh, confident stance, expressive gestures, loud roaring voice
Peculiarities: he has basically no off switch until Tomas intervenes, then he’s very calm and reserved
Optimist or pessimist? Optimist
Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert
Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil
Logical or emotional? Emotional
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Disorderly and messy
Prefers working or relaxing? Relaxing
Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Very confident
Animal lover? Yes
How he/she feels about himself/herself: he’s hard on himself for not being able to safe his family
One word the character would use to describe self: survivor
What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Confident cheerful demeanor
What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Easily enraged
What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Pecs
What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? Big boney feet
How does the character think others perceive him/her: positivity
What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: nothing
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: people do bad things and deserve to be punished
Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? No
Person character most hates: Scorpion (he’s jealous of how close he and Smoke are), he doesn’t really hate anyone he’s just a jealous person
Best friend(s): Bi-Han, Sektor
Love interest(s): Tomas
Person character goes to for advice: Scorpion
Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: Tomas
Person character feels shy or awkward around: Tomas
Person character openly admires: Bi-Han
Person character secretly admires: Tomas
Most important person in character’s life before story starts: Tomas
After story starts: Tomas
Hallvard was orphaned at a young age and was forced to survive in the harsh wilds of Norway with the help of his dogs Vali and Balder but was taken in by a young Lin Kuei operative (Hydro) who was in the area at the time of his personal tragedy. He was taken back to Arctika and raised alongside his fellow Lin Kuei and trained to be a reaver. A reaver gains their powers from damage either self inflicted or received during battle, the more damage Hallvard takes the more damage he’s able to inflict. It’s a double edge sword however and he can easily get too injured and collapse in battle, his attack style is very aggressive and reckless, his goal is to get injured and it drives Tomas crazy who usually patches Hallvard up after missions. Hallvard is a verse, he’s just as happy to let Tomas take the lead as he is to take the lead himself. He’s very sweet and doting and very much a Golden Retriever Boyfriend, he’s good friends with everyone in the Lin Kuei but he’s particularly close to Bi-Han and Sektor, despite being horribly jealous of Scorpion they’re actually very good friends. He knows Tomas would never be unfaithful but sometimes he’s worries he’s not good enough for Tomas and that he deserves someone better and more refined like Scorpion. Hallvard is very loyal to the Lin Kuei as they took him in and raised him after he lost his family in the tragic fire, he looks up to and respects Bi-Han as Grandmaster immensely but also loves having drinking contests with him, usually ending in a tie when they both pass out from stubbornness. He loves spending his down time with Tomas and tinkering with his grenades and other weapons in his arsenal, he’s gotta make sure his baby is well stocked up. He’s very go with the flow and doesn’t have a lot of strong opinions and usually defaults to Bi-Han’s judgment.
OC template came from gaiaonline hopefully you lovelies like him 🥺 I don’t know how much we’ll see of him but I really wanted someone to ship with Smoke.
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menospreciado · 1 year ago
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 Henningsvær - Norway
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victusinveritas · 1 year ago
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Picture is from Henningsvær Stadium in Lofoten, Norway.
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insomniac-morpheus · 1 year ago
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 Cool view of Henningsvær - Norway
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