#hendersnoots 9 1 1 lone star watch party
ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
I may be rewatching this episode later today...
Spoilers below my peoplessss
• My hands are a little shaky typing this because I've had to pause it right after that intro
• Who...who gave them the right
• That opening 911 phone call was a masterpiece and I'm already sobbing 2 minutes into this episode
• I feel like this is going to redeem this whole season
• "What do I do with the baby?" ARE YOU KIDDING ME this mans delivery is impeccable he needs an award just for this the amount of emotion in his voice alone is outstanding
• Okay I'm going to press play on the actual episode now
• First off this setting is really dark colour wise so I cant actually see much of what is going on
• Ain't gonna lie I kinda want tk and carlos to adopt the baby
• I was as shocked as them when tk walked into work
• Is everyone elses first thought drugs as well?
• Omg past tks earring
• Restaurant scene 👏👏👏
• Carlos 'physical touch is my love language' Reyes
• WHAT THE FUCK her whole fucking head just went through the window
• Well that's gross - but expected
• "Did you miss your flight" "I wish"
• Is there supposed to be a hole in the IV bag?
• I need to find this song at the plane landing
• If tk went to rehab in LA what 9-1-1 crossovers can we make from this
• I'm confused: are they both hallucinating together?
• Can someone explain the ending to me please
• In summary: I am emotionally exhausted and my body aches from being so tense that entire time
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
• This is the first full episode of lonestar I'm watching (same with 911 I've seen a bunch of clips on YouTube)
• Buck drooling on the window!
• Eddie in his natural habitat
• "Welcome to Texas buck" why was that line so hot
• Jealous eddie jealous eddie gimme eddie jealous over buck looking at marjan
• Judd is already irritating me
• Buck being annoyed he's been left alone
• "Its just gonna be you and me" he was so happy about that and so sad when he said you're going with her
• I wanna see bucks Instagram
• I already love strand and Vega
•eddie and marjan dont need a crush on each other
• TK and buck! TK and buck! Tk and buck! "Nice moves" oh stop flirting
• Be prepared for when I watch lonestar from the beginning, I love TK as much as I love buck and will be talking about him even more
• Captain strand (I've forgotten his first name) and hen are a duo I didnt know I needed
• "There's bears?...wait there's wolves now?" I love this man I've also forgotten his name
• Really not vibing with Judd
• Judd is just shouting at a dying child,,he just fucking hit him, I do not like this man
• "Because I'm invincible"
• "My captain is not my dad, but he might as well be"
• God I love TK and buck duo
• I have no idea who this dead guy haunting captain strand is but it's super creepy
• "Dumbass, dumbasser" this episode is perfect
• "Is it just my traumatic brain injury or..." is not a comforting sentence starter
• Buck and TK immediately climbing the unstable crashed helicopter
• Buck is gonna meet Eddie's parents!
• Boyfriend duties is getting your bfs crush to follow him back
• Once again: BUCK AND TK BUCK AND TK "we should get together" "I already have a boyfriend"
• His name is owen!
• Very upset we didnt see the team at Eddie's parents house
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
9-1-1 LONESTAR S3 E7
Let's summarise: I didnt like this episode, people are hot, I am looking forward to next episode
Spoilers beloowwww
• Surely there are idk..laws about this?
• Why owen why
• Just let tommy be in charge just no more straight white men
• Dave seems kinda fun
• No Dave! No!
• Okay but why would a sergeant spend his time giving out tickets
• Hmm I want the facts on this head injury because it's also in an episode of criminal minds but it's a lil different
• Once again, no actual fire rescues, just a random plot line about uneccessary drama
• Owen: how do we get out of this?
• vega looks so damn good
• This would only be entertaining if we saw a lil flirty tarlos rivalry
• Why is owen not even playing? I'm not feeling it
• Omg the PD fucking arrested their player😂 kinda smart ngl.
• Im not enjoying the plot but everyone is looking pretty fucking hot
• "I'm defusing" no...no you're not owen
• I feel like Dave is lying...oh no he's just getting too emotional...oh wait wtf is going on now
• Wow! There's actually a fire! Who's suprised!?
• How to solve a rivalry: get real high and admire a big fire together
• I knew dave was lying!
• Nancy's trophy ceremony 🥺
• Seriously!? An entire episode of weird filler and they end with 'it's my mum, she's dead'
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
9-1-1 LONESTAR S2 EP10
• Mateo and his Captain America pyjamas 🥺
• That shot of the house blowing up behind Mateo is awesome
• Tarlos moving in!!!!
• The return of Marlin Blendo!!!!!
• If buttercup fucking dies I am boycotting this show
• Oh thank god shes okay
• That's one fruity lacrosse team
• Marjan and Paul are one of my favourite duos
• Owen and mateo as roomies!
• Now I really wanna drink with owen
• Them gossiping on an open channel is amazing
• I love bossy tk
• Just let mateo sleep goddammit
• Nah fuck why they messing me about with buttercup
• Firefighter mandated parties is where its at
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
9-1-1: Lone Star S1 EP1
for context, it has been an exhausting day and I'm up to date with 9-1-1 which is what I would usually watch now and I need to treat myself so I am officially starting 9-1-1 lone star.
as with all shows, I have seen almost every clip of this show on YouTube (mostly following the tarlos storyline let's be honest) so I know some shit that happens but I've never seen a full episode, so yall can read / watch along with me while I find out some much needed context.
also rob lowes son wrote this show?? And his middle name is owen. Let's just take a minute to think about that.
• For anyone who's read my unsolicited opinions on 9-1-1 then yall know how much I love Buck... I think my love for the Strand boys will be worse. You have been warned
• It started with the phone call beepy thing too!
• I kinda hoped the Texas accents would be stronger
• Oh nevermind judd is here, full texas
• Did this whole fire start with a burrito?
• Storing ammonia is much more worthy of the explosion than a burrito
• THEYRE SO CUTE I've had to pause it on the first shot of owen and tk because they make my cold dead heart feel something
• We're like 5 minutes in and mans already has cancer. Also why is this doctor acting like a life coach
• That's a sparkly fucking ring tk
• My God I want him to hug me like that and nuzzle his cute lil face into my neck
• "A bit of an inclusivity issue" so we're gonna hire an old straight white cis man to be in charge
• No no please dont tell me this is when tk overdoses
• Oh fuck it is
• This set up is really good and I'm liking it more than the first ep of 911
• Tk's existence is gonna send me into another gender crisis
• He's so pretty😭
• These character intros are amazing
• Please do not let judd back just because he threw a tantrum
• Also that hand tattoo placement is so weird I hope for his sake it's not real
• Oh shit what is this murder mystery going on I'm into it
• I like michelle but her voice is not vibing with me
• Well hello carlos👀
• I thought Michelle was a police officer for a minute but turns out everyones uniforms look the same in this, am not a fan of that
• "I'm more of a visual learner"
• Judd and the 911 operator from the accident are together!? Were they together when it happened or after? After would be kinda weird
• This man is sitting on the floor between two sofas...💅
• Owen and his skincare!!!!!
• "This is very precious to me" oh to be owen strands moisturizer
• Okay let's be real if a 10 month old got flipped in a car it would be smushed not sitting in a tree
• The fact that tk calls him dad at work and not captain
• Are owen and michelle flirting?
• Ooooh yes they are
• Synchronised dancing in cowboy hats is exactly what I signed up for
• Tarlos heart eyes!!!!
• Owen please tell someone you're sick
• He just told judd!?
• Okay why was Judds breakdown so bad? Like....that was so fake?
• That kids accent is strong enough for the whole cast
• Yes Marjan praying!!!!!
• Why is judd suddenly working? Did I miss something? Do I just have to cry in front of people then I can get whatever i want?
• They really just said fuck it and ended this episode with old town road
Favourite moment of episode 1
(Gif of TK and captain strand hugging)
Tumblr media
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
Spoilers below baybiieesss
• I don't have to wait over a week to watch this episode! I just keep seeing that one video of carlos with his hands over tks eyes but apart from that I've avoided spoilers, let's go!
• Oh Billy do shut up "I will rip your weasel tongue out" I'm in love with how much she hates him
• Oh okay tk is still dreaming
• Yes more tk religion talk please I knew the Hebrew was brought up for a reason
• "Stop what" "dying" that was out of line!
• Omg those nurses
• Get to the hospital oweeeennnnnn!
• The faucet would not be frozen inside their house unless they left a window open which they didnt
• Nancy knooowwsss
• NO! I much preferred the wild owen look
• Okay idk if they will say it in this episode or not so I'm gonna get my prediction in there now: I guess that tarlos broke up because carlos proposed to tk and he said no
• I honestly didnt like Owen's reaction to tk in the hospital, first of all he made it about himself, and second of all we've seen before that he is the type of person who wants to stick around and be there for tk even if he is unconscious and now they've suddenly decided that he's the type of person who doesnt want to sit around but needs something to do
• "I didnt wanna let you down" stop carlos😭😭😭
• Mama Reyes is bae
• Mama Reyes is bae
• "Juddy"
• Oh no did carlos buy the house on his own
• "A sweet power move"
• We finally have owen showing some emotion
• Y'all know one of my biggest pet peeves in shows is shitty fake CPR, well another one is unrealistic birth scenes because they happen so often and they're all so different and GRACES BABY IS SPARKLY FUCKING CLEAN
• TK TELLING CARLOS TO BREATH!? I'm a mess I'm a fucking mess I'm literally watching through my fingers rn
• 😭😭😭
• Charlie 😥
• Holy shit nancy looks so hot in this slow mo walk scene
• Who the fuck is cole Robertson? Am I missing something?
• these are the vibes I want from this show
• Stop teasing me with tarlos holding children!
• Oh also I had a random thought that they might try to basically recreate Bobby and athena with owen and tommy
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
I did not realise that I hadn't post this yet😬 so double today, as always season 3 LS spoilers below
• I've been rewatching 911 so I kinda forgot about lonestar for a lil minute
• Mateo and the captain America pjs return!
• Owen's on his dilf arc
• "One night strand" 😂😂
• "If I keep a secret I bloat" I'm using that for future
• Dont tell me this kid is judds son
• "I don't keep secrets from my wife" thank you judd
• Grace is an actual angel
• What .the actual fuck. is going on
• "Charlie is not losing her daddy tonight"
• Carlos's arms are BARELY fitting in that uniform, the man got muscleeeee
• "I weren't even me before I met you"
• Seriously judd!? Just get a paternity test. Also he said he was with his brother or something so maybe the kid is his brothers and that's why the DNA matches
• tk asleep on him🥺
• I'm not liking the camera angles in the car scene
• "Get out the way or get in" I...I would not have gotten in..
• I saw a post saying to stop making owen an action hero and I could not agree more in the car chase scene, he doesn't need to be everywhere
• Oh look now he's a ninja too
• grace invited the kid didnt she?
• Oh! She invited the mother
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
Spoilers below!!!
• It's been over a week since this came out I'm so happy to finally watch it
• In this episode I need: reassurance that tk is okay, a clue as to why they broke up (I has a theory), more character development for Nancy, Marjan to get out the fucking snow and Billy to get injured in some way would make me happy
• The thumbnail is paul under that fuzzy blanket and I need that as a screensaver now
• I already wanna punch that sheriff in his face and his pervy moustache
• Oh marjan! Go help marjan! She was left out of the last episode and I didnt like it
• Oh I liked that headbutt captain
• "You're a really good actor owen" "maybe I'll try that next"
• WHATS GOING ON WITH TK I like it but it's weird as fuck
• Carlos in the hospital chair😭😭😭
• I just love grace SO MUCH like shes so calm and supportive and smart yet still sassy and she fucking 9 months pregnant and gorgeous the whole time
• Can someone tell me if the cartel / coyotes are actually in texas because if they just made that up for the plot then it's stupid
• Judd/paul/mateo friendship brought instant joy to my face
• I want mateo to hug me
• Petition to buy mateo a Maserati
• That sheriff is gonna shoot the guy right
• "Perfect things should last forever" THEN WHAT ABOUT YOU AND CARLOS?
• The actress for tk's mum is killing it this episode
• Check your damn phone owen
• I really wanna see marjan with that huge fucking gun
• "What's a Marwani?"
• Go off grace! Let Billy have it!
• *water breaks* "What am I supposed to tell my husband"
• "The universe is shouting in your ear and you cant hear a thing" SOUNDS A LITTLE LIKE "THE UNIVERSE IS SCREAMING AT YOU AND YOU REFUSE TO LISTEN"
• owen just jamming in the car while his son is dying in a hospital bed having a fever dream about his broken family
• The Carlos eyes😭😭
• okay okay, I feel like that was a part 2 of the last episode because it just wrapped up those stories you know?
• All in all: loved the marjan content, absolute perfection she has my heart and so does grace, the tarlos angst was a nice stab to the heart and we had some nice 126 brotherhood moments
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
3 days late as usual
Spoilers under the cut
• Had to read my last post to remember what happened, but the answers I need this episode are: what's happening with the turtles? When is grace going into labour cos it has to be in the ice storm right? I want backstory on the tarlos breakup but I don't think we're gonna get it. Is paul okay!??? And marjan!??? • Oh no that's the kid who goes under the ice right? Why is it always kids with asthma!?? In shows all the kids with asthma are wrapped in bubble wrap but in real life none of us give a shit or take it seriously. Also!!! The bigger problem should have been this like 9 year old kid being left alone at home for a whole day • Why did they have to use this song it is reserved for venom carnage • THE TURTLE! • Ranger Strand reporting for duty • I am not a fan of Owen's neighbour, her character seems very unnecessary. Oh it's fine cos she speaks Spanish!😑 • I'm getting my tits covered in oreo crumbs and I promise I'll be less critical in a min • "129 may be my house, but paul is my family" • My paramedics!!! • How did that mans hat stay put!? • 'Snowmagedan' loving nancy • Is Owen's hair getting spikier? • PAUL! • I like how intense this episode is but there is a LOT going on and we havent even caught up with Marjan yet • Hell yeah Lindsey! Give me girls that are actual people not just props • Go tk go! Shimmy baby! • "Damn, your lady's good" • "Think warm thoughts" • "If I'm not back by 6 will you feed my dog?" • I hate seeing tk getting worse and worse, pure pain • Lindsey is crushing that trash bag dress • He went to Hebrew school🥺 the rest is too angsty for me to comment on • Paul tryna start an argument with this teenager😂 • I love a dramatic wall smashing sequence • Paul! Not again! • Honestly I would have slapped him. Oh hell yeah she did good, nevermind • As usual their song choice is perfection • Finally Marjan! • Carlos low voice tho 👿 grr • "We need to find his father" whaaaat, also his father is a little busy
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
9-1-1 LONESTAR S3 E1
I finally watched it!!!
spoilers under the cut
• "I deny it was without provocation" THATS OUR CAPTAIN
• I'm already liking the vibes, it feels different but it has a lot of potential
• Shouldn't billy be dead by now? Cant someone throw him out of a window or something? I volunteer him to the frosty frost
• Everybody be looking fiiiine👀
• Did this just skip half a year?
• holy shit the kid under the ice is straight out of a horror film
• The paramedics new uniform ☹ I dont like
• NO
• NO
• NO
• NO
• Step count Dracula 👏
• Judd painting clouds!!! Such a cutie, he's really grown on me since season 1
• "Not this one again" yessssss marjan👏👏👏👏👏👏 (I'm in love with her pink puffer jacket)
• CARLOS! CARLOS! CARLOS! His entrance was very reminiscent of season 1 when he arrests Michelle
• City boy owen is disappearing right before our eyes
• 'Decapitated by ice' that'll make a nice headstone
• "My best guy" "Chavez!" HELL YEAH WELL DESERVED
• Goddamn it billy, leave marjan alone
• "We lost our captain and then we lost each other"
• Carlos is looking so good
• Owen is also looking fiiiine, I love me some spiky hair
• This would be a great beginning to Owen's villain arc
• We feel you Nancy, the tarlos mystery is killing us all
• Judd watches frozen!
• Oh it's all going to shit isnt it
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
9-1-1 S1 EP9
• I am in the middle of a breakdown so I'm hoping this saves me
• Someone please talk to me about the colour grading of this show
• Nothing good comes out of a gender reveal party
• Top tip: if you're gonna get yourself set on fire do it in a rich persons house with a pool
• Why is judd in charge!?
• "You dont get the gender from the ultrasound, you get that from the kid" too damn right
• That baby was twice the size that a premy should be
• I fucking forgot tk was in hospital
• "Come meet my boy" while he is unconscious and recovering from almost death
• "When you tell me how long you've been seeing the cop"
• Buttercuuuuuup!
• They mentioned chimney!
• Judds dad explains so much about him
• If it sounds as stupid as spelunking it's probably that stupid
• Me and my claustrophobia ain't feeling this vibe
• Smol squad is on it
• This is giving me eddie in the well flashbacks
• People always find extra strength from listening to their kids, ya'll would have to read from my favourite book to keep me alive
• It's all about dads and sons🥺
• Strickland just fucking lying to kids, giving me the same energy as buck telling the kids santa isnt real
• "Are you planning on going into another coma"
• Tk just called carlos his boyfriend for the first time
• Its gonna be judds dad isnt it
• It is!
• Judd in a hoodie!
• Are you shitting me did someone just call 911 from space?
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
9-1-1 LONE STAR S2 EP9
• I've been depressed for a w h i l e and now I've realised coincidentally I havent watched lone star in a while so no pressure but please fix me
• Okay I completely forgot this episode is saving grace so no dopamine for me only tears
• 7:28 in and I'm already teary
• Young grace has actually taken my breath away, she's so gorgeous
• That was the most perfect first conversation between judd and grace
• Omg I'm dying "I did because I'm a sinnnnnnah"
• I'm fucking squealing at judd and grace meeting, his face when he looked at her was absolutely smitten
• "Hey there girl my friend likes" ain't gonna lie I would have fallen in love with tommy then
• "You're so tall" "you're so beautiful"
• These actors are so good, you can feel the pain and love in the room watching judd
• "I loved you before I met you" THESE TWO ARE KILLING MEEEEEE
• I really hate the placement of judds tattoo
• He is actually so scary
• everyone looks so tiny hugging judd 🥺
• Okay I now love judd a lot more and I needed an episode like that a bit earlier
• They have the best love on this show I'm not gonna stop thinking about it
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
9-1-1 LONE STAR S2 EP8
• So the description looks great,I'm depressed, and it needs to make up for the recent 911 episodes, so theres a lot of pression on this episode rn
• "All of you" just looks at carlos with heart eyes to the max
• Oh awkward I forgot about Gwen's baby daddy
• Floor alarms! That's so smart!
• I really want grace to meet may
• Okay surely it's a conflict of interest and Carlos's dad shouldn't be interrogating him
• Owen made Carlos a smoothie🥺
• Bit suspicious that that woman was just lying on the sofa while her apartment was on fire
• Still waiting for Carlos's dad to fucking apologise
• I cant look at the ranger hats without thinking of dean dressing up his silly little angel boyfriend
• Tommy calling tk and nancy 'kids'
• They're all so smart I love them!!!!
• Why do tk and Carlos text in emojis
• No tk dont do it, ah shit he's hurt
• Ooooh owen is a smooth lier
• Vega is such a good captain, literally the best captain from 911 and ls, fire or med
• It really pisses me off that people think pulling a gun on a paramedic is instantly gonna turn them into a surgeon
• Oh fuck he shot the other guy
• "That's an order" fuck you you're not his boss
• Ayyyy! You don't mess with the 126 women
• Who tf gave owen a gun?
• Jesus christ papa Reyes show some damn respect to your son
• Thank you for the bare minimum
• Ahhhhh cuuuute are grace and judd gonna have kids
• WHY!? WHY DID THEY HAVE TO DRIVE OFF A BRIDGE!? highly unnecessary
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
9-1-1 LONE STAR S1 EP8
• Well that snake is motherfucking creepy
• "But you're cowboy judd"
• Could they really not have done it without hurting the snakes?😟
• Oh so this is iris
• Are we finally gonna hear Michelle sing? Nope, not today
• Its gonna be iris's bracelet isnt it
• Give them a puppy!
• The buttercup + tk tension begins
• Of course that man just had a sword lying around
• I mean sure michelle just go ahead and knock him out
• "Its okay to love him, even though you might loose him"
• I love it when calls line up from different people at the same scene
• Maybe tell your fucking husband not to shoot that man
• Grace is a queen she's who I want with me in an emergency
• Whoever thought of tk being shot as the door opened is horrible and I love them
• My slither of tarlos had to be when tk is unconscious didnt it
• Michelle 'blue eyes' Blake
• We finally hear her sing! She sounds exactly as you would expect her to
• Was that...iris?
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
9-1-1 LONE STAR S2 EP6
• Ooh it's all about brothers I'm ready for the family tea
• I really hate unrealistic stuff, if its gonna look that fake just change the camera angle and dont show it
• Grace doing all the work once again, she needs a medal that woman is a genius
• Judd teaching tk to drive the truck!!!! I like this pairing
• Omg I forgot about the new strand baby
• I miss Michelle
• Ooh I sense some strickland family tension
• Just nearly died while watching lone star, would not be a bad way to go
• Thank you for not pretending that all family are accepting of trans people
• The beginning of medic tk!
• I'm watching the minefield scene while fireworks are going off and its fucking CONFUSING
• "I cant look at this" "I cant stop looking" paul and marjan are really different people and i love it
• "You seem to enjoy running headfirst into danger" it's literally their job
• Ooh I was not expecting Paul's sister to have MS that is a shock
• I love mama strickland
• "The guy sounds like a unicorn", yes. Yes he is. Tk is our unicorn
• Where is carloooosssss
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ssa-baby-outlaw · 3 years
9-1-1 LONE STAR S2 EP4
• The ryders being competitive during game night is a vibe
• Owen and gwen crush game night, hell yeah
• protective boyfriend carlos!!!
• Fiance!?
• Oh I love a good wedding disaster
• Whoever thought up this episode is sick and disgusting and I love them
• "I am always the occasion" yes marjan you are
• Omg did she sleep with the best man, yasss gimme the drama
• Carlos's parents!
• TJ😥
• More of marjan sharpening an axe please
• "Love hurts, but regret hurts a lot more"
• Just hearing the voice of the guy with the dominatrix I knew who it was gonna be
• I'm loving grace googling bondage positions
• "I may be a masochistic but I'm not crazy"
• You are shitting me I am creasing at grace being a dom to that man on the phone and them all listening
• "50 shades of grace"
• "Every time I put a label on something it ends up being an expiration date" well that got a bit personal
• Love advice from judd I dig it
• "I was a little bitch" pls say that again tk
• They're playing king princess!!!!
• Holy shit marjan looks so gorgeous going to meet that guy
• "You charming son of a bitch"
• Oh fuck he's not proposing is he?
• Oh nononono owen that's not right
• I'm pretty sure I knew that but completely forgot
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