#hence the tag for him djajdjjasj
altruistic-meme · 5 months
you got a new kitty!!
i did!!! he is actually an old kitty!!! we found him and all his siblings when they were really young and adopted them many years ago :) he was living at my parents house until now, but I'm taking him in cus of a lot of stuff going on and my parents not being able to be there to take care of him
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(photo from a week ago)
this is Blue! he is...... 7 or 8 years old i think? he was my baby of all his siblings, and he used to lay on my neck to sleep lmao. he also knew JJ when JJ was just a baby! which I assume is part of why JJ wasn't bothered by him being here :)
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(a MUCH older photo of him. it just makes me laugh.)
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