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ultimatepad · 11 months ago
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Coral Villa, Kish Island, Iran,
Courtesy: Maedeh Hemati
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zombiecicada · 6 months ago
World Building Documentation: Planet Baryte
Planet Name: Baryte (N4-XZA64-B)
Planet Type: Super Terrestrial
Location: Northern Region, Quadrant 4
Habitability Status: Habitable and inhabited
Atmosphere: Standard Oxygen/Nitrogen, higher than average atmospheric pressure.
Average Day Length: 29 hours.
Capital Spaceport: Aeolian
World Leader: Baryte has no one ruler, rather Aeolian is controlled by multiple groups and families who have established a mutual albeit at times unsteady respect that keeps everything in order.
Main Languages: Galactic Common, Edusca, and Riapano.
Danger Level: High (LV 3)
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Baryte is a large terrestrial planet located within the Northern Region. The surface of the planet is covered in vast expanses of barren deserts and plateaus. The second planet from its home star, it is considerably hot on Baryte’s surface. The sweltering temperatures, low resources and constant sandstorms dictating every aspect of life on Baryte. Here, only the strongest most adapted organisms can survive.
Baryte being in the Northern Region was one of the first planets hit by the Great Monster War. Nightmare Enterprises tried to lay claim to the planet and set up mining operations to harvest Baryte’s many resources including oil and aluminum for spaceship fuel. However, all attempts to set up mining facilities failed, unable to compete with the local populations. One by one Nightmare’s monsters that were stationed on the planet and sent off to find suitable spots and drive out local organisms were brutally hunted and eaten.
The project was abandoned, Nightmare just barely avoiding the call to eradicate Baryte after being convinced that possibly reattempting the claim in the future was possible. This never happened, and to this day many old factory and mining facilities are abandoned and empty in the desert, filling with sand, and being beaten down by the endless sandstorms.
It’s main capital and the first and only city to establish a spaceport is Aeolian, a city built by the collaboration of many native species (mainly sand leos) to build a large port where resources could be traded and safety from the largest and most dangerous wild animals. The buildings are large and study pillars of rock, connected by many tunnels and archways between the buildings. Many, some in a more affectionate way and others in a more derogatory sense, refer to it as ‘The Termite Mound’ due to its similarities in appearance to such. It is also where many of the docks for the sand ships are located.
After Nightmare’s defeat, Baryte finally started to be able to recover and rejoin the intergalactic community. While many are still discouraged from setting foot on the planet without reason and certainly not without proper prior research and equipment, many explorers, researchers and the particularly bold have started to come, leading to the recent development of sand boat tours.
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Baryte has two moons, the larger body known as Hemati and the smaller body known as Therma.
Therma, having a noncircular orbit, undergoes extreme gravitational pulls from both Hemati and Baryte itself.
This constant pulling stresses the moon’s surface and causing a tidal effect. The solid part of the moon’s interior in turn causes a lot of friction, which would create heat-melting internal rock and lead to lava-heavy eruptions on the volcanic surface.
With so many eruptions Therma is covered in impact craters and fresh lakes of lava, visible from Bartye’s surface either by the sharp eyes of some native species or those with the proper equipment.
It is quite common for debris to be shot from the moon’s surface, pulled straight into Baryte’s atmosphere by its gravitational pull. The result is the sky being lit with the streaks of light and fire as the debris harmlessly burns up in the atmosphere. When night falls these displays only become all the more vibrant, filling the sky with many ‘shooting stars’ for the inhabitants to witness.
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Avisets are perhaps one of the most well known species on Baryte, besides the sand leos.
These large humanoid lifeforms are often not seen as humanoids due to their way of living and the common derogatory stereotype regarding anyone from the Northern Region is very hostile. In truth, the scarcity of resources and the brutal temperatures, mixed with the fact that the war hit the Northern Region the hardest, has forced the natives to be very tough and strong.
The main speakers of the Edusca language, they live in large close knit communities known as septs. They are most easily recognized by their signature helmet, which they customize as a means of expressing personality and character, as well as accomplishments through a series of markings on the helmet. Avisets live in large underground burrows, dug by their own two claws and terrakinesis, both to reach hidden aquifers to have drinking water and to hide beneath the ground from the blistering sun and predators.
Being cousins of bukiset, they have origins in tool and weapon usage. However when faced with bigger and stronger predators and prey, they took these tools and started to fashion large contraptions to trap and kill their prey for them. These massive works of rudimentary technology are simplistic in concept, but allow the avisets to be highly effective at trapping. They were so effective they unintentionally stopped Nightmare from being able to seize the planet, as these traps just kept killing any demonbeast that dared venture into the avisets’ territory. Avisets spend most of their life hunting, both to feed themself and their sept, and as a sport.
It is between their traps hidden beneath the sand and their territorial behaviours that the sand boats are the safest way to travel, less you want to meet a grim fate at the end of a harpoon.
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The sand boats have existed long before the business associated with giving tours on them started to boom.
Powered by a solar sail, which is less to catch wind and more to catch sunlight, the energy absorbed by these specialized sheets of dark panel covered material is sent down the cables and mast of the ship. It is used to power fluidization equipment and motors below deck, pumping gasses into the sand blow, allowing the boat to pass through the sand as though it was water.
The ship’s hull is fortified and the metal is very spiky, both serving to discourage and prevent any hostile desert animals from climbing up, protect against aviset traps it might accidentally set off passing over them, and to withstand the sand constantly grinding up against the bottom of the boat. The metal is pale, as to prevent below deck and the fluidization equipment from overheating.
The teeth lining the boat are to make the boat seem like some large animal, smaller predators are discouraged from approaching and it offers protection against larger predators. Most will attack from behind or attack from below, bursting from the sand, the spikes are excellent at discouraging this. These are actual teeth. Most people simply just find them. From skeletons of long dead creatures, or simply shedded baby teeth of the planet’s largest predators.
The anchor is less to stop the ship outright, and more to tie the ship up when docked so others don’t take it. As stopping is simple as turning off the fluidization system, and once more the sand is sand again and the boat isn’t budging.
Many locals will recommend the Dune Whisperer as the ship to go with, commanded by Captain Sand-Dee, it’s one of the safer boats to be on as it’s guarded by a sand leo and his winged egger companion. Rahil’s knowledge of the planet and its many dangers and many wonders, mixed in with Sand-Dee’s expert sailing experience, these two make a great team at tackling the barren wastelands of Baryte.
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elenvalta · 2 years ago
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The Ahamkara-in-disguise paced the temple’s obsidian tile with frustration furrowed on its serpentine brow. A Warlock of crystalline white stood before it atop the temple podium, shadowed by pillars of towering hematie. Above, a ceiling of infinite stars hung just out of reach. There were no doors or halls, no pyres or candles or thuribles of incense, and all of the outside world rested as a foggy haze just beyond the limit of one’s imagination. 
“Why have you brought me here?” 
A pause. Inhale. Exhale.
“Do you know how long I have been searching for an escape?”
Of course I know, Arrachassath.
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A low-res WIP preview for my AU lore book, 'Eternality.'
Previously titled 'Fate of the Thousands,' I've had this in the works for years! I am reviving & rewriting this project, telling Arrachassath's journey from the origin of life in the Black Garden to Reality.
Patrons see completed chapters and illustrations first!
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amazingarchitecturewebsite · 9 months ago
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mesin-bandung · 22 days ago
GARANSI, CALL: 0812-9393-9523, Mesin Es Kristal 2 Ton Humbang Hasunduta
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Harga Mesin Es Kristal Bekas, Mesin Cetak Es Batu, Alat Pembuat Es Batu Kristal, Harga Mesin Es Crusher, Mesin Pembuat Es Batu
Mesin es kristal adalah peralatan yang dirancang khusus untuk menghasilkan es batu dengan cepat dan efisien. Alat ini bekerja dengan cara membekukan air dalam cetakan-cetakan kecil sehingga menghasilkan es batu dengan bentuk yang seragam dan ukuran yang bisa disesuaikan.
Keunggulan Menggunakan Mesin Es Kristal:
Efisiensi: Mesin es kristal mampu menghasilkan es batu dalam jumlah yang banyak dalam waktu yang singkat.
Praktis: Pengoperasian mesin ini sangat mudah dan tidak memerlukan perawatan yang rumit.
Higenis: Es batu yang dihasilkan lebih higienis karena proses pembuatannya yang tertutup.
Fleksibilitas: Banyak model mesin es kristal yang menawarkan berbagai ukuran dan bentuk es batu.
Hemati: Dalam jangka panjang, penggunaan mesin es kristal dapat lebih hemat dibandingkan dengan membeli es batu secara terus-menerus.
HargaMesinEsKristalBekas #MesinCetakEsBatu #AlatPembuatEsBatuKristal #HargaMesinEsCrusher #MesinPembuatEsBatu
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succulent-mud · 2 years ago
OHHHH YEAHH, I had study cases clases with Sickle Cell Anemia, it was fun and one of the things I remember from my teacher was that people who had Sickle Cell Anemia couldn't to get infected with Malaria. Malaria is a disease caused by a parasite that first lives inside Mosquitoe and then goes into human body (inside blood flow) after getting bitten by one, then it grows and multiply inside hematies. The hemoglobin in people with Sickle Cell Anemia has a weird rigid bar S shape which later makes the hematie go from disc shape to sickle, this obviously caus things like blocking blood flow but THANKS TO THAT WEIRD SHAPE THE PARASITE CANNOT GROW OR MULTIPLY INSIDE THE HEMATIE HEHEHEJ.
ALSO, once they asked me to shut up about osmolarity.
Autosomal Recessive Disorders
Tay-Sachs – fatal – storage disease – lipids build up in brain – mental retardation – increased incidence in eastern European Jewish people
Cystic Fibrosis – increased mucus build-up in lungs – untreated children die young – 1 in 25 Caucasians are carriers
Sickle Cell Anemia – hemoglobin is less able to carry O2 – sickles when O2 content of blood is low – 1 in 10 African Americans are carriers
Phenylketonuria – inability to digest phenylalanine – causes mental retardation if not avoided in diet
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hsdumpinggrounds · 6 years ago
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Two seers? chrys you’re greedy. greedy.
they aren’t from the same session/universe so its cool, its fine ;0
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fantroll-purgatory · 7 years ago
I think I might have submitted this troll a really long time ago, so this is a re-do I suppose.
Alternia or Beforus or some type of AU?
Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why): Hemati Aurata or Hemati Grotei
‘Hemati’ comes from hematite, the reddish-blackish main ore of iron that’s known for having a rusty red streak. This is in reference to both his blood color (rust) as well as his interesting in blacksmithing and sculpting out of iron.
‘Aurata’ is the species name of a moth of the genus Pyrausta. ‘Grotei’ is another species, I wasn’t sure which one would fit better. Slightly based off how moths are famously attracted to flames. Hemati’s lusus is a Pyrausta, which is a Greek mythical dragon that is basically a small winged insect with the head of a dragon. They die if they are taken away from fire and tie in with Hemati’s associated element of fire.
This is a really clever and suiting name! I prefer Aurata, I think, for the wing coloration of the Aurata Moth. Hemati Aurata.
Age: 8 sweeps (~17 years old)
I’m unsure exactly how old a troll is before they’re taken off-planet, but I’m assuming it’s close to human adult age (18 years). I wanted him to be slightly younger than mature age but older than the canon trolls.
We don’t know for sure, but I definitely subscribe to the headcanon that it’s around 18 or more.
Strife Specibus: pickaxekind or hammerkind
He can probably have both, since there’s a functional reason for them!
Fetch Modus: Minecraft modus? I’m unsure what sort of name to give it but it would be funny for him to have his modus match the Minecraft inventory. Maybe he could be able to “craft” things like you can in Minecraft’s inventory, bypassing the need for alchemy at the price of a limited grid to work with as well as a lot of wasted items, as the craft grid isn’t very efficient.\
Maybe Furnace Modus? Leaving items in allows them to ‘smelt’ into a more refined or better form, but doesn’t allow Direct alchemization within the menu. But you have to keep the items in until they’re finished being refined, which can take a really long time depending on the item.
Blood color: Burgundy/Rust
Symbol and meaning: Argo, the Zenith
Self explanatory. Hemati lives in a mountain/inactive volcano and his emotion often have to reach a peak before they explode out of control.
Trolltag: fabrileEbullition
This is kind of a joke about how he does his art. He is a skilled craftsman but gets angry easily and goes through fits of rage and frustration that aggravates his pyrokinesis. This often results in his metal sculptures melting through the sudden spurts of flame. Although he would personally consider the “ebullition” part to be ‘bursts of emotion’ that inspire his art, it’s more suited to his ill-temper. The name also abbreviates to FE, which is the symbol for the chemical element of iron.
Do you mean ferbrile? Or was fabrile a portmanteau of fabrication and ferbrile? Either way I like it a lot! 
Quirk: He usually speaks in a grumble in Order tO suppress His Feelings, but uses prOper punctuatiOn in Order tO remain pOlite but prOperly capitalizes tHe names Of OtHers. He capitalizes tHe f in ‘Fe’, all O’s and all H’s as tHey are used in tHe cHemical cOmpOund Of rust, wHicH empHasizes His blOOd cOlOr. !!TYPES IN ALL CAPS AND IGNoRES PUNCTUATIoN WhEN EMoTIoNAL To RANT!! !!DRoPS ThE PoLITE BULLShIT!! !!No LoNGER fEARS RUDENESS AND TRIES To DoWNPLAY hIS SPoT oN ThE hEMoSPECTRUM!!
Normal speaking = all lowercase except Fe, O, H and names capitalized, proper punctuation
Emotional speaking = !! at start and end of sentences, all caps, no other punctuation, lowercases Fe, O and H
Good, clever, and effective.
Special Abilities (if any): Aside from general telekinetics (which he isn’t great at), Hemati possesses strong pyrokinetic powers. He is not totally in touch with his powers and they tend to flare out of control depending on his emotional state. He is NOT immune to fire but can manipulate fire to avoid coming into contact with him, having something akin to a closeknit barrier separating his skin from the flames. This is done instinctively, so it allows him to not be as careful when he’s smithing, although he still wears gloves as he can’t protect himself from the heat of objects he touches.
I like that a lot. A Literal Hothead.
Lusus: A tiny Pyrausta who is constantly on fire (as described above). He is quite fond of his lusus although he is unable actually touch it. It feeds off metal so Hemati reserves some scraps for it to munch on although it sometimes indulges in his art. Hemati can hardly stay mad at the little bugger so it gets away with it. It acts kind of like a cat and spends its time napping or being a cute annoyance. It 'helps’ Hemati out by breathing fire every now and then, which is why half the things in his hive are scorched. It also can serve as a lantern when he goes mining or a portable furnace for smelting, if it doesn’t eat the metal first.
Cute… It’s especially great because of the fact that there’s a moth genus named after the Pyrausta. Does it have moth eyes, too? I love the idea of this creature… cute and helpful but mildly inconvenient.
Personality: Hot-headed but tries his best. Hemati is quick to anger but honestly is quick to get lost in any emotion and can get carried away. He’s an intense fellow and might be hard for most people to handle. His greatest passion is art and fashion, and takes great pleasure in making all sorts of gear, clothing and accessories, as well as his strange sculptures. His art isn’t exactly pretty and look like someone threw some metal bits together and then went a little crazy with a blowtorch. Despite this, he is immensely proud of his creations and doesn’t take criticism well. Maybe YOU don’t get it. His enthusiasm can be very infectious and he gets others excited easily. He might railroad them during a conversation, but is quick to talk up someone who is being overly modest. He’s also quick to point out flaws or call out bullshit, although he often has to keep this to himself to avoid being culled. 
He is a lowblood and such luxuries are not permitted for him, he often gives what he makes to his friends and keeps his hive relatively sparse, surrounding himself with the unfinished scrap. He dresses pretty modestly. His giving nature is ultimately selfish because he can’t indulge in his own creations and wants someone to appreciate them. Despite his interests, he tries to adhere to the hemospectrum the best he can. He knows that what he loves is wrong and that he will eventually be forced into a life of servitude, so he is often burdened by pessimism, frustration and self deprecation. He tries to keep his hive neat but due to his outbursts it frequently flip flops between extremely organized and terribly messy.
He was extremely close with his former moirail, a very patient but stressed out oliveblood, but he began developing flushed feelings for them which were not reciprocated. He fell HARD for them, so although their moirallegiance was highly beneficial to them both, he would rather have them be matesprits. So he broke things off with them. His tantrums were more manageable in the past with their help but he has gotten more out of control now that they split, although they do sometimes regress into pale flirting with one another. He tends to be clingy in his relationships and doesn’t really get the idea of “personal space” but cares very deeply for who he falls for. Hemati is just very selfish but also very devoted, but can easily become jealous. He is especially not fond of his ex-moirail’s red crush, a quiet ceruleanblood. He forcibly pulled them into the ashen quadrant, with his ex-moirail moderating, to keep them from staying flushed. He’s a jerk like that.
Honestly I love this level of character development. He has a lot of neat traits, and has lots of interesting character flaws that make him a very fascinating character. Someone who is liable to explode and who does not consider others as much as he should… I love his creativity and his uniqueness, too. I don’t really have anything to add here! 
Interests: Smithing, mining, smelting, salvaging, sculpting, art, fashion
His hive is located within a mountain (an inactive volcano), so he often goes mining for ore veins to fuel his craft or might dig around the suburbs for scrap metal for his artistic endeavors. He provides jewelry and outfits for his black crush, a pushy violetblood, but also made himself and his ex-moirail matching bracelets. He still wears his bracelet although his moirail stopped wearing theirs.
Ooh. So is he actually interested in fashion or is he interested in jewelry-making, because you mention that he dresses pretty simply… Is it that he’d LIKE to dress fancy but doesn’t have access to the resources he needs? Or is it that he’s interested in the creation of accessories but doesn’t care much for wearing them himself?
Title: Prince (?) of Space
I’ve struggled to figure out exactly what class Hemati fits the most, but I definitely want him to be a Space player. I considered Knight as he quite literally protects himself with space, like through his psychic barrier against fire. He also forges weapons and armor that can be used for self defense. Page was also a possibility as he has growing potential to utilize his psychic powers effectively and is currently unskilled with them. Prince is also a possibility as he creates through his destructive outbursts and has the Princely struggles of self loathing and self absorption.
Firstly, I think Space is a beautiful assignment for him because of how well it contrasts his character and how much it can teach him. Space is a lot of patience- we see this with Jade’s need to be patient on the meteor and all the waiting she’s forced to do, and Kanaya’s need for patience with the breeding of the frog, and Calliope’s need for patience in executing her plan. So it would be an aspect that would require him to work on himself and learn to appreciate the journey and not the goal, and would teach him to simmer down and pick his fights, and would require him to learn to rebuild beautiful things instead of making a mess of them out of stubbornness… 
If I were to pick a title, I might actually… pick Maid of Space? If you don’t mind breaking a canon rule. Because of his need to actively create this space for himself, to encourage this kind of movement of growth, as well as the literal creation of space he makes for himself… The inverse is Bard of Time, which would require the passive destruction of time and through time, implying his destructive nature that he needs to keep in check. 
You could probably also do Heir of Space? To imply a need for him to be capable of flexibility and change and to passively create a change in this for everyone. Inverse is Mage of Time, so he’d have to understand his own future and desire to fight… 
Land: Land of Scrap and Frogs (LoSaF)
Hemati likes to reinvent by taking discarded bits of metal (scrap) and turning it into something new. I imagine that it would be a planet covered in heaps of scrap metal, piled as high as the eye can see. It would likely be hard to traverse due to all the sharp and pointy bits. Stoking the Forge would melt the metal so that it can be reshaped into a more usable form.
Maybe Land of Debris and Frogs (LoDaF). It could still be scrapcovered, but I think putting scrap Right in the name might be a little too obvious. It could also imply some kind of destruction, like as though the planet’s endured ruin before and needs to be rebuilt, playing into his space theme. He could need to utilize the scrapped metal to build a Frog Pen where he can raise healthy baby frogs.
Dream Planet: Prospit
Dreamers are a little hard for me to understand. Hemati tries to stay true to the status quo but harbors desires that don’t exactly fit the mold. However, he doesn’t really fight for what he believes in and mostly tries to enjoy himself while he can. He tends to trust people at face value and although he tries to suppress his own feelings, he isn’t very good at it. Nor is he good at hiding his intentions.
I think this is VERY fitting for prospit, almost a picture-perfect prospit dreamer, really. Good pick!
I wish I had either art skills or spriting skills to make Hemati but I trust you guys to do him justice. I hope I was able to flesh out what kind of person he is!
You fleshed him out wonderfully! And I will try to do him justice. Here we go!:
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Horns: I made them reflect his symbol. I also put the friendship bracelet on there. I know that we don’t see rusts wear anything on their horns and that horn accessories are exceedingly common, but I figure it’s such an important element to his character that it should be featured somewhere prominent and that will always be on screen. I also feel like it wouldn’t wear it on his hands- there’s too much of a risk for it to get melted or distorted by the furnace. So horn it is. 
Hair: I made it look like a really messy fire! Fun times. 
Eyes: Angry spikey eyebrows and some grumpy eyes, loosely based off Karkat’s. 
Mouth: Very frowny, with nubby rustblood teeth. 
Outfit: Really simple dark apron with his symbol on it and some steel-toed boots. The boot base was taken from fan-troll. 
Thank you for sharing him!
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ludoliebig · 4 years ago
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Mohamadreza Hemati
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the-harvester · 8 years ago
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Originally, Hemati had three pairs of eyes, dark hair, and magenta skin. However, this color palette didn’t make any sense with two such light-colored gems, so it was changed rather late in the year before Afraid of the Dark released!
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vallentinejewelry · 5 years ago
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..In these times, craftsmanship is something we really need to hold on too.. 💐Support handmade handmade jewelry💐 Bracelets by yours truly.... @vallentinejewelry #FreeShipping #Handmade #jewelry #jewelrydesigner #jewelryArtist #Agate #Hematie #labrodite #Gemstones #Crystals (at Los Angeles , California , USA) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-OGZRVncgD/?igshid=bj2yhgc955k4
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fantrollnames · 3 years ago
precious gems/stones fantroll names
adonyx, sardon, cesart (sardonyx, associated with courage. courage in turkish is cesaret) amethy, methys, ethyst, ameius, pisthy (amethyst; febuary birthstone, associated with pisces and Aquarius) aquama, quamar, amarin, pisine, aquies (aquamarine; march birthstone, associated with aries and pisces) aventu, ventur, turine, aveleo, venies (aventurine, associated with aries and leo. stone of prosperity, It reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness.) blewtu, bluorn, sagpaz, cappas, jeongi (blue topaz, december, sagittarius capricorn. associated with honesty and clarity. honesty in korean is jeongjig) caries, corpio, scoral, sapien, pienti (coral; associated with aries and scorpio. coral is associated with modesty and wisdom. wisdom in latin is sapientia.) carnel, nelian, dongji (carnelian restores vitality and motivation. motivation in chinese is dongji) chalce, cedony, kurera (chalcedony, a nurturing stone that promotes brotherhood and good will. nurturing in kinyarwanda is kurera.) citrin, sitren, maikai (citrine, associated with positivity and optimism. positive in hawaiian is maikaʻi) diamon, diarie, taumon, diarus, mideum (diamond; april birthstone. aries and taurus. associated with faithfulness. faith in korean is mid-eum) emeral, merald, tauald, gemera, verite (emerald, may, taurus and gemini. associated with truth. truth in french is verite.) garnet, garius, capnet, aquaet (garnet, january birthstone, associated with Capricorn and Aquarius.) hemati, ematit, haemat, daeart, hemtii (hematite/haematite grounds and protects. ground in welsh is ddaear) hyacin, yacint, orguel (hyacinth, associated with peace and pride. pride in french is Orgueil) jasper, jazpur, nurtur, iremia (jasper, known as the “supreme nurturer”. calm in greek is iremia) kuwarz, qwartz, curado, sundhe (quartz, known as the Master Healer. healer in portuguese is curador. health in danish is sundhed) kwartz, quaris, arartz, bihotz, cariad (bloodstone,rose quartz; also associated with aries. bloodstone is associated with root and heart. heart in basque is bihotza. rose quartz is assicoated with unconditional love. love in welsh is cariad.) lapis, lazuli, poteno, lasoli (lapis lazuli, the first blue paint was made of this. associated with honor, gods and power. power in esperanto is potenco) malach, lachit, kempin (malachite, absorbs negative energies and pollutants. sponge in lithuanian is kempine) maline, tourma, tormal, libine, toupio (tourmaline, october, libra scorpio. associated with  reconciliation.) nefori, phreni, nephri, matkar (Nephrite-Jade represents journeys. journey in finnish is matka) perido, eridot, leodot, perigo, virdeo, kaloka (peridot, august, leo virgo. associated with harmony. harmony in hawaiian is ka lokahi) pukraj,kharaj, pukces, sagraj, pisrai, segura (pukhraj; assiciated with pisces and sagittarius. associated with protection from evil. safe in spanish is segura/seguro.) rhodon, donite, skaite (rhodonite, clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past, and nurtures love. clear in latvian is skaidrs.) roubei, canbey, leubey, reober, reybou, rexnah (ruby, july, cancer leo. associated with nobility and passion. king in latin is rex. queen in filipino is reyna. reybou sounds like rabu which is the japanese pronounciation of love.) saphir, phyyre, virire, sappra, albast, bastru, oritsu (sapphire, september, virgo libra. associated with royalty. blue in romanian is albastru. royal in japanese is oritsu.) sidian, obside, besche, chermi, obsead (obsidian, associated with cleaning and is a strong psychic protection stone. protection in dutch is bescherming) sodali, dalite, soudal, alrafi (sodalite, calmness to the mind. represents a comrade to those who wear it as it assists them in feeling peaceful and healing their troubles. comrad in arabic is alrafiq.) solite, chryst, rysoli, brolis (chrysolite, associated with luck, joy and brotherhood. brother in lithuanian is brolis.) torame, nidara, taigah, holang (tiger's eye. power, courage, and fearlessness. tora+me tiger and eye in japanese. fearless in nepali is nidara. tiger in korean is holang-i) toupas, scopaz, sagpai, torgiu, langma, vinatu (topaz, november, scorpio sagittarius. associated with love and affection. friendship in icelandic is vinattu. romance in chinese is langman) turqui, quoise, quaois, aoique (turquoise, luck, peace, and protection. bluegreen in japanese is aoi.) xandri, andrit, gemite, alecit, heppni (alexandrite, june, gemini cancer. associated with luck. luck in icelandic is heppni) yinyan, gibous, gealac (moonstone, harvest the energy of the moon, which embodies yin's passive and relaxing energy. gibbous is the name of certain moon phases. moon in irish is gealach) zircon, sirkon, diviti (zircon, associated with happiness and prosperity. wealth in latin is divitiae.)
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furryestebanlf · 5 years ago
Perla rompe corazones
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art by  jokko
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amazingarchitecturewebsite · 11 months ago
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mesin-bandung · 22 days ago
GARANSI, CALL: 0812-9393-9523, Mesin Es Kristal 2 Ton Humbang Hasundutan
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Harga Mesin Es Kristal Bekas, Mesin Cetak Es Batu, Alat Pembuat Es Batu Kristal, Harga Mesin Es Crusher, Mesin Pembuat Es Batu
Mesin es kristal adalah peralatan yang dirancang khusus untuk menghasilkan es batu dengan cepat dan efisien. Alat ini bekerja dengan cara membekukan air dalam cetakan-cetakan kecil sehingga menghasilkan es batu dengan bentuk yang seragam dan ukuran yang bisa disesuaikan.
Keunggulan Menggunakan Mesin Es Kristal:
Efisiensi: Mesin es kristal mampu menghasilkan es batu dalam jumlah yang banyak dalam waktu yang singkat.
Praktis: Pengoperasian mesin ini sangat mudah dan tidak memerlukan perawatan yang rumit.
Higenis: Es batu yang dihasilkan lebih higienis karena proses pembuatannya yang tertutup.
Fleksibilitas: Banyak model mesin es kristal yang menawarkan berbagai ukuran dan bentuk es batu.
Hemati: Dalam jangka panjang, penggunaan mesin es kristal dapat lebih hemat dibandingkan dengan membeli es batu secara terus-menerus.
#AlatPembuatEsBatuKristal #HargaMesinEsCrusher #HargaMesinEsKristalBekas
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singulos · 5 years ago
Restored Vistage - Arkon
Jigural Village, 2,000 years ago
The Gletaran were enjoying the fine summer’s day, the various branches of their race conversing happily and without worry. The younglings played and chased one another to their heart’s content while their parents watched with pride and affection.
In one of the largest buildings, standing in the doorway, their priest stood watching them all. He wore a necklace made of smooth gemstones, six in total and each one unique to represent the six branches of their race. This priest had served faithfully for decades. His name was Arkonos Gali Nakuwu.
“You keep staring and your eyes will pop out, Hemati.”
Arkonos turned as he heard the voice and smiled softly as he saw his mate, Telali. While she carried many insect traits such as two sets of arms and mandibles, to him she was as gorgeous as a setting sun on a lake. He walked over to her and touched his forehead to hers.
“I’m sorry. I’m still nervous about our little one coming is all.” His hand went to her stomach and rested their as he smiled. “I can’t wait to meet them.”
Telali smiled before she cupped his cheeks and nuzzled him softly. “And you will soon enough, hemati.”
Arkon’s eyes shot open and he was left staring at the cold stone wall of his cave. His hand came up to touch his cheek as if he could still feel her hands there. Compared to then, he look so much more different. What was once common scales looked like rough and jagged metal plates and his teeth were now exposed, whatever lips he had eroded away over the years.
As he stared at the wall, the cold realization settled once more.
This was his life now.
And she was gone.
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