Question, if worm man is hels zed then would helsknight at some point recognize him? I’m pretty sure they would either:
A) have a odd run-in with each other
B) helsknight threatens to tell the server and they become rivals
OOOOOOH BOY i got inspired :D
Helsaph hops out of the portal at the Yes Wings Club and approaches the building. Part of him regrets declining Impulse’s invitation to show him around but Helsaph thinks it’s a good test. The only person he’s likely to meet here is Wels, and Wels likely doesn’t know Zedaph well enough to be able to differentiate between Zedaph and Helsaph.
Speaking of Wels…
“Oh, hello, Zedaph,” Wels says casually, a bit-too-friendly smile on his face, as he exits the Yes Wings Club.
Helsaph keeps his guard up but manages a friendly, if nervous, smile back. “Hi, Wels. How are you?”
“Pretty good. Haven’t seen you around in a while, Zedaph.”
“I’ve been… busy. Good busy though.”
Wels nods. “That’s good to hear, Zedaph.”
A shiver runs down Helsaph’s spine. “Why do you keep saying my name like that?”
“IS it your name, though?”
Helsaph freezes, panic briefly flickering across his face. “...what do you mean?”
Wels’s smile turns into a triumphant grin. “I knew it. You can’t hide from me; I know you too well.”
“I don’t understand what you mean,” says Helsaph, avoiding eye contact. “Excuse me.”
He starts to leave.
“I wouldn’t walk away from me if I were you, Helsaph.”
Helsaph stops dead, his heart skipping a beat. He slowly turns back to face the person who clearly isn’t Welsknight.
“Got your attention now, have I?” the person chuckles. “Frankly, I’m a little hurt that you didn’t recognise me straight away. Or maybe you did and you hoped I wouldn’t recognise you.”
Helsaph does recognise him now. In fact, he can hardly believe he ever thought this person was Wels. “What are you doing here, Helsknight?”
“Just out for a walk.” Helsknight shrugs casually. “Is that a crime?”
“I mean on this server,” responds Helsaph. “Last I heard, you were banished back to Helscraft in Season 7.”
“Oh you heard about that? Good news travels far and wide, doesn’t it?”
Helsaph narrows his eyes. “Helsknight, stop playing around with me. Just tell me what you want.”
“I want to know why you’re running around the server pretending to be Zedaph when you know full well the real Zedaph is back home in his base.” Helsknight’s eyes gleam. “Are you up to something evil?”
“No, I live here now,” Helsaph says. “Wait, what do you mean the real- Have you been spying on us?!”
Helsaph is not encouraged by the grin on Helsknight’s face.
“Maybe,” he responds. “Maybe not. Point is, I know a lot. Including the fact that you’re not supposed to be on this server.”
“That’s not a point, that’s just an ominous statement.” Helsaph frowns. “Are you threatening me?”
Helsknight nods. “Yup. I’d really like you to realise right now that I could go over to Xisuma and tell him a LOT of interesting things.”
Helsaph’s breath catches in his throat.
Immediately, Helsknight grins triumphantly. “Uh huh, that’s what I was waiting for. The flicker of panic on your face. That’s how I knew it was you and not the real Zedaph. I know you too well, Helsaph.”
“Helsknight…” Helsaph stares at Helsknight in fear. “Why would you want to ruin this for me? I’m finally in a place that makes me happy after years and years of-.”
“Because helsmits aren’t supposed to be happy!” Helsknight bursts out suddenly. “You think I’M happy?! I’m stuck here on this server trying to kill my counterpart so I can escape Helscraft forever! Constantly having to look over my shoulder and hide! Trying to gather resources in a world that rebels against my every move! Why should YOU-” He jabs his finger at Helsaph. “-get to be happy and I don’t?!”
“It doesn’t have to be this way, Helsknight,” Helsaph says pleadingly. “Befriend your counterpart. Wels is a loving and understanding person; he’ll take you in the way Zedaph took me in.”
Helsknight stares at him in disbelief. “You’ve got to be joking. You think I’m gonna crawl to him after all this time of trying to kill him and beg to be forgiven?! And even if he does, then what? I’d be stuck in the same position as you! Still forced to hide, not allowed to do anything, stuck under the thumb of my idiot counterpart.”
“He can-.”
But Helsknight sharply waves his hand, stopping Helsaph. “NO. My goal is to kill Welsknight so I can absorb his lifeforce and get the hell away from everyone here. THAT is the goal of a helsmit.” His upper lip curls in disgust. “Not to run around dressed like an idiot trying to fight imaginary crime.”
Helsaph takes an involuntary step back. “Y-You know about that…?”
“Of course!” snaps Helsknight. “You make me sick, Helsaph. I’d rather die than suffer that indignity.”
“Well, it- it was a little awkward at first but I grew to really enjoy it,” Helsaph explains. “It sure beat returning to Helscraft, that’s for sure.”
“You pathetic little-!” Helsknight breaks off with a sneer. “You’re not fit to be called a helsmit! I’m not existing here on this server knowing you’re out there being HAPPY.”
He turns and starts to walk away but Helsaph, before he can stop himself, jumps into his path. “I won’t let you do this to me, Helsknight,” he says, forcing his voice to stay steady.
“Get out of my way,” growls Helsknight.
Helsaph shakes his head. “No. I’ve suffered too hard and for too long for this to just let you take it all away from me.”
“Well then, the only way to save it is to kill me.”
For a moment, Helsaph thinks he heard Helsknight wrong. “Wh-What?”
“Kill me,” repeats Helsknight firmly.
“W-Will you respawn?”
Helsknight rolls hie eys. “Of course not, idiot. You know the rules: if a helsmit dies outside of Helscraft, they die forever.”
“Then why are you telling me to kill you?!” yelps Helsaph.
“Because that’s the only way to save your precious new life.” Helsknight takes a step closer to Helsaph. “Do you want it that badly that you’d murder another helsmit to keep it?”
Helsaph doesn’t respond.
Helsknight snorts. “Thought not.”
With that, he moves past Helsaph and keeps walking away.
Making a quick decision, Helsaph draws his sword and lunges to attack Helsknight, but he makes the mistake of letting out a yell as he does. Helsknight spins round and meets the blow with his own sword.
Helsaph is not a good fighter, so having lost the element of surprise, Helsknight is able to easily disarm him and knock him to the ground. As Helsaph tries to get up, he feels the point of Helsknight’s sword touching his neck, causing him to freeze.
“You never were a good fighter, Helsaph,” laughs Helsknight tauntingly. “You, Impulstor, Foxtrot. None of you could ever beat me even when you all came at me at once. You nev-.”
With a sudden burst of strength, Helsaph tackles Helsknight to the ground and snatches his sword off him, holding it threateningly out with both hands.
Helsknight laughs again as he sits up. “Wow. Genuinely, wow. I’m impressed.”
“Don’t ever bring up Impulstor and Foxtrot again,” Helsaph growls. “Ever.”
“Or what?” Helsknight says challengingly.
Good question, Helsaph thinks to himself.
ALoud, he says, “I don’t WANT to kill you, Helsknight. But you’ve no idea what I’ve gone through the last few decades. How much I’ve suffered to get here. I’m not going back to that.”
“Hm.” Helsknight raises an eyebrow as he regards Helsaph as if seeing him in a new light. “You know what? This could be interesting. You’re running around playing hero, huh? A hero needs a villain.”
“I’ve already got one.”
“Evil Xisuma?” snorts Helsknight. “Don’t make me laugh. They’re nothing but a pest.”
“Don’t you-!” starts Helsaph furiously.
But Helsknight again interrupts him. “So here’s what’s gonna happen. You and I are gonna fight a bit. I’m gonna cause some mischief around the server. If you can defeat me in a fight and get me locked up fair and square, I won’t tell Xisuma about you.”
Helsaph narrows his eyes. “I don’t trust you one bit.”
“Nor should you,” responds Helsknight.
After a moment, Helsaph says, “What if I just go tell Xisuma about me right now? I’m sure he’ll be receptive when he finds out how well I’m doing here.”
Helsknight barks a laugh. “HA! The man who banned his own sibling from the server?”
Helsaph stares at Helsknight with a frown. “What?”
“Evil Xisuma didn’t tell you that, huh?” Helsknight seers. “Well I hate to break it to you but if a man can banish his own sibling to the void for decades and decades, I don’t think he’ll be very happy to learn that an ACTUAL helsmit is living here and has in fact been part of Hermitcraft before. That might get your little buddy Zedaph into trouble, huh?”
Helsaph scowls and says nothing. He hadn’t considered the trouble his counterpart would get into if he’s discovered.
Helsknight rises to his feet and stretches. “Touched a nerve there, I think. I’ll see you around, Helsaph.”
Helsaph lets Helsknight take his sword back and glares down at the ground. “I hate you.”
“Good,” responds Helsknight. “You think I want to be liked?”
“Maybe it’d do you some good,” Helsaph mutters, folding his arms, “to have someone actually think you’re worth something.”
A pause.
Then Helsaph cries out as he feels something sharp slice a cut in his arm. His free hand flying to cover the area, he spins round to find Helsknight standing disturbingly close, the tip of his sword blade glistening with drops of blood.
“I’d watch what I say if I were you,” he says warningly, lifting the sword close to Helsaph’s face. “My patience only extends so far.”
Clutching his arm, Helsaph takes off running back down the path and into the nether portal he came from. He sprints through the nether tunnels back towards Zedaph’s base, his heart hammering in his chest. There are no thoughts in his mind as to how he’s going to explain his injury to Zedaph.
All he wants is to get as far away from Helsknight as possible.
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So, sequel ideas. Specifically for Wormman shenanigans. What if he goes to scout out the Evil X shop to see exactly what’s going on, and he spots the exploiter himself and just tackles him because friends
Also I can imagine Zed is literally the only one who knows that they’re different people, so EX just thinks it’s Zedaph and won’t show any weakness, so he pushes WM off and Helsaph is just like “Dude we’re friends :DDD, what the hels”
i love Raven ideas :D
this is a sequel to this one
Helsaph has absolutely no trouble finding the right building. After all, it’s got a giant statue of his old friend atop it, towering over the surrounding area. As he approaches, he’s delighted to see his friend themself just leaving the building. “Evil X!” he calls, picking up speed. “Hi!”
EX turns but their impassive expression doesn’t change. “Uh… Hello. Can I help you?”
Helsaph grabs them in a hug, delighted to see his friend again. “It’s been so long! How’s it going?”
“Um…” Clearing their throat awkwardly, EX detaches themself from Helsaph and pushes him away. “Sorry, I’m a bit busy right now. If you want to buy some derpcoin, there’s signs inside instructing you how to do that.”
“Why are you being so weird?” demands Helsaph. “I thought you’d be happy to see me again. It’s been years.”
“Years?” EX stares at him as if he’s crazy. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I have to go.”
As EX turns to walk away, Helsaph suddenly realises exactly what’s going on. “Oh, wait, no I- EX, wait!”
They pause, glancing back at Helsaph with a slightly suspicious look. “What?”
“You think I’m Zedaph, don’t you?”
EX blinks. “Who else would I think you are?”
Helsaph quickly digs the pink mask out of his pocket and holds it up to his eyes.
EX’s own eyes widen and they quickly drag Helsaph into the building. After locking the door, they pull Helsaph up some stairs and into an office overlooking the rest of the interior.
They stand in front of the closed door and cross their arms. “Explain.”
Suddenly put on the spot, Helsaph stammers over his words. “I’m, um… I’m Ze-Zedaph’s Hels counterpart. He recruited me to be Wormman back in Season 5. The “Zedaph” you befriended and battled was me.”
EX stares at Helsaph. “You’re NOT a helsmit.”
Not expecting this reaction, Helsaph frowns. “I am.”
“Helsmits are evil,” says EX. “Helsmits don’t run around in pink spandex and yellow underwear pretending to fight a quasi-evil clone.”
“I AM a helsmit,” Helsaph insists. I’m not sure if I can prove it but I am. My name is Helsaph.”
EX scrutinises Helsaph closely, causing him to feel slightly uncomfortable.
“I can’t go get Zedaph to prove that there’s two of us because I’m not actually supposed to be on this server so only one of us can leave the base at a time.” He hesitates. “I could take you there if you wanted? To prove that there’s two of us?”
“Oh I believe there’s two of you,” responds EX. “Knowing Zedaph, I’m not surprised in the slightest that he’s managed to clone himself. I just don’t quite believe that YOU are a helsmit.”
“Not sure I like the way you said “you” there but okay,” Helsaph says slowly. “How can I prove to you that I’m a helsmit?”
EX doesn’t even hesitate in their answer. “Kill me.”
Helsaph considers this for a moment. “Will you respawn?”
Helsaph draws his sword and slices it straight through EX, killing them immediately.
He nearly has a heart attack as he suddenly remembers that his name might show up in chat. But when he hastily checks the communicator Zedaph lent him, he sees something entirely different.
EvilXisuma was slain by [Entity]
“Oh my god,” he breathes.
Imagine if my WHOLE existence on this server was exposed and ended by me killing EX just because they asked me to.
It takes less than a minute for EX to appear back in the office and start to collect their items.
“It occurred to me about half a second after I did it that my name might’ve shown up in chat killing you,” Helsaph says, watching them. “Went through the five stages of grief in less than three seconds.”
EX chuckles, straightening up. “I’m guessing you were reduced to [Entity] because you’re not registered to any server so it didn’t recognise your code. Well anyway, I’m impressed. Now why did you kill me?”
“WH-?!” Helsaph yelps. “Because you asked me to!! What the frick is this?!”
“You could’ve refused,” EX points out. “Why did you actually do it?”
Helsaph stares at them for a moment, then sighs. “Because I want to prove I am who I say I am and I knew the real Zedaph would never in a million years kill you like that.”
“You’re right,” responds EX, nodding approvingly. “I believe you. So what on earth persuaded a helsmit to dress up in the world’s most ridiculous superhero outfit and chase me around for several months?”
“Honestly, just the fact that the prospect of THAT was better than my current life at the time,” says Helsaph honestly. “Which really says something about how I was living back then, doesn’t it?”
EX scoffs. “Oh boy, it sure does. Where’ve you been since Season 5?”
For the briefest of seconds, EX thinks they see a flash of red in Helsaph’s eyes. But it’s over so quickly that they can’t be sure of what they saw.
Helsaph clears his throat. “Not really something I want to get into now. The point is I’m back and I heard on the grapevine that you’ve been running a little scam.”
“S-Scam?!” splutters EX.
“I’m guessing that this derpcoin thing is that.” Helsaph points down at the shop floor. “I came over to find out if it really is a scam but I’m not really sure how to do that.”
EX crosses their arms. “Why don’t you just ask me?”
“Okay,” says Helsaph. “Is it a scam?”
A pause follows this.
“I’m really not sure what I expected there.”
EX lets out a chuckle. “Heh. Witty, goofy, gullible. You really are Wormman, aren’t you?”
Helsaph frowns. “Why does that feel suspiciously like an insult?”
“It wasn’t really. You know, I actually kinda missed having you chase me around all day.”
Helsaph’s frown clears into a smile. “Aww, you missed me?”
“Nope!” EX says quickly. “I said I KINDA missed you chasing me around. It was kinda fun.”
“That means you missed me,” responds Helsaph sweetly, rocking from his heels to the balls of his feet.
“It really doesn’t.”
“You said you missed ME chasing you around. Not BEING chased around. Therefore, you missed me.”
EX rolls their eyes. “Add “annoying” to that list too.”
Helsaph beams innocently. “That’s something we helsmits have in common.”
“I’m not a helsmit,” EX responds.
Helsaph opens his mouth to respond that he had meant helsmits in general when he properly registers what EX just said. “Wait… y-you’re not?”
EX shakes their head. “Nope. Xisuma’s hels counterpart is Helsuma. I don’t actually remember how or why or when or where I was brought into this universe.”
Silence follows their words as Helsaph’s gaze flickers to the ground. EX isn’t a helsmit. What are they then? Are they a clone? Where did they come from? How did they come into being? What are they made of? Helsaph’s mind is racing with all sorts of experiments he could perform on his friend to find out the answers to these questions.
“...Helsaph?” EX prompts after a moment. “You still with me?”
“Huh?” Helsaph blinks himself out of his thoughts. “Oh, yeah, sorry. That’s cool. Anyway, I’m gonna need to investigate your little not-a-scam. Mind showing me around?”
Still a little shaken by the sudden darkness they had seen in his eyes, EX nods. “Sure.”
EX finishes up the tour back at the front door. “-so that’s pretty much it. Any questions?”
Helsaph nods. “Yeah. How is this not a scam?”
EX gives a chuckle. “Tell you what, since you’re clearly still not convinced, how about you take this premium derpcoin for free?”
They hand Helsaph a coin the size of their palm.
“I gotta head out now but take a look around for yourself, read the signs and books, then decide what you wanna do. Okay?”
Helsaph watches EX leave, before turning his attention back to the coin they gave him. He can’t stop staring at it, turning it over in his hands, admiring the way it glistens. There’s no way he’s going to spend this. Not because this is a scam - because obviously it is. For a different reason.
This is the first gift EX has ever given him.
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a hels hermits concept:
a large number of helsmits' names are just their counterpart's name but with "hels" replacing a part of it, e.g. Helsknight, Helsuma, Helspulse, Helsaph, Helskall, etc
so each hermit with a helsmit like this gets used to calling them "Hels" as a nickname.
cue a bunch of helsmits standing together, one hermit calling "Hels!", and about a dozen evil hermits turning around at once going "YES?"
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Hey Vaunna, if you ever want to try and write something to make me cry, hit me up. Imma start making a list of things I’ve almost and actually cried over in fics-
Make me suffer, I dare you.
welp here we go! good luck everyone LOL
summary: Team ZIT face a blast from Zedaph's past
“I dunno about you but I think having only a set of coordinates sent to our communicators with no explanation is never a good thing,” says Tango, gazing around the clearing.
Impulse nods. “Agreed. Especially considering it’s been five minutes and… nobody’s here.”
As if on cue, someone walks out through the trees. The two jerk in surprise but relax when they register who it is.
“Oh, Zed, it’s you,” breathes Tango. “Why did you send us these coords?”
Zedaph doesn’t reply as he walks over to a tree on the edge of the clearing and pulls a lever.
Immediately, a glass box springs up from the ground and closes around the two.
“Hey!” Tango snaps, hitting the glass with his first. “What the hell are you doing, Zed?!”
“Tango?!” comes Zedaph’s voice from the opposite side of the clearing.
Tango and Impulse turn sharply to find… Zedaph running into the clearing.
After a stunned moment, they turn back. Zedaph is standing by the lever he just pulled, but he doesn’t look EXACTLY like Zedaph anymore. His eyes flash red, his hair more tousled and a slightly darker shade of blond.
“What’s happening here?!” Tango demands. “Why are there two of you? Who’s the real Zed?!”
“I am,” says the newcomer Zedaph immediately. “He’s…”
His face pales as he properly registers who’s standing on the other side of the clearing.
“I’m Helsaph,” the first Zedaph says. “Your dear Zedaph’s hels counterpart.”
“What’s going on?” asks Impulse nervously. “Why have you locked us in a glass box?”
“Oh, cuz I thought you might want to hear about what Zedaph did to me,” Helsaph responds aggressively.
Zedaph slowly moves forward towards Helsaph, but stops several blocks away. “I…”
“What the hell could Zed have possibly done to YOU?” Tango growls.
Helsaph jabs his finger at his counterpart. “You wanna tell them what you did or shall I?”
Zedaph’s mouth opens and closes uselessly for a few seconds, before he squeezes his eyes shut and looks away.
Helsaph turns to the two in the box. “Let me see if this jogs your memory of anything.”
He pulls out a pink item from his pocket and holds it up to his eyes.
Tango and Impulse freeze in horror.
“Look familiar?” says Helsaph challengingly. “Huh?”
Impulse stares helplessly at the helsmit. “I don’t… understand.”
Helsaph barks a laugh. “What, you don’t really think it was the real Zedaph under that mask, do you? Surely you don’t really think the mastermind behind the PR stunt that was Wormman would be out there risking his OWN neck?”
“Zed, what is he saying?” Tango demands.
“I recruited Helsaph to be Wormman and then I abandoned him in Season 5 when we moved on to the next world!” Zedaph bursts out suddenly.
Silence falls. Tango and Impulse exchange a look of horror.
“You didn’t know that, huh?” Helsaph taunts. “Guess your precious little best friend never told you that he’s not the moral angel you think he is.”
“Zed…” Impulse gazes at his friend in disappointment. “Why?”
Zedaph doesn’t answer. Instead, he murmurs, “There. I said it. Is that what you wanted, Helsaph?”
Helsaph grabs Zedaph by the collar and yanks him off the ground. “Is that it?! “Is that what you wanted?”?! YOU ABANDONED ME IN A GHOST WORLD FOR THREE YEARS!”
He tosses Zedaph away as if Zedaph weighed nothing. No sooner has Zedaph landed on the ground than he looks up to find Helsaph charging at him. He can’t react in time to stop Helsaph from slamming his boot into his stomach, yanking all the air from his lungs and causing him to dissolve into a fit of coughing.
“ZED!” Tango screeches, hitting the glass wall with all his strength. It starts to crack under his blows.
“You made me play the hero!” Helsaph yells at his counterpart. “You trained me and spent time with me and made me CARE about you and then you just tossed me aside like I was NOTHING to you! Do you have any idea how much it hurts to learn that the person you thought loved you actually didn’t give a DAMN about you?!”
“I…!” Zedaph’s voice fails and he hangs his head. “I’m… I’m sorry...”
“Oh, you’re SORRY?”
Helsaph grabs Zedaph by the throat and slams him against a tree, the pressure on Zedaph’s windpipe abruptly cutting off his breathing.
“You think SORRY is going to make up for what you did?!”
“Get off him!” screams Tango’s voice.
A second later, Tango himself barrels into Helsaph, knocking him to the ground and releasing his grip on Zedaph, who drops to his knees, gasping for breath.
Impulse appears at Zedaph’s side and envelopes him in a hug. “It’s okay,” he whispers. “It’s okay, Zed.”
A little way off, Tango is kneeling on Helsaph’s back, keeping him pressed to the ground. As Helsaph struggles against Tango’s grip on his arms, he screams, “All I wanted was to be loved! ALL I WANTED WAS TO BE ACCEPTED!”
“Shut up!” Tango snarls at him.
“Tango, don’t hurt him!” pleads Zedaph hoarsely, his vision blurred. Weakly pushing Impulse away, he stumbles blindly towards the hazy figures of Helsaph and Tango. “Let him go!”
“Let him go?!” Tango echoes in disbelief. “HE TRIED TO KILL YOU!”
“Please, Tango! Let him go!”
Tango stares at Zedaph in disbelief for a moment, before huffing and releasing Helsaph, though he keeps a firm eye on the helsmit. “Fine.”
Helsaph slowly pushes himself to his knees, his eyes fixed on Zedaph. All his anger seems to have vanished, replaced by despair. “Why did you not want me anymore?” he cries. “W-Was I not good enough…? Did I do something wrong…?”
“No…! I never intended to hurt you.” Zedaph’s voice cracks with emotion. “This is all my fault. I should never have abandoned you, I… I was just so scared of what you might become that I never considered I could help you not become it. And instead… my worst fears came true, and it’s all my fault. Helsaph, I’m so sorry.”
Zedaph slowly moves forward and, kneeling down in front of Helsaph, brings him into a hug.
And after a few seconds, the dam breaks.
Tango and Impulse stand together a safe distance away, watching their best friend hug his crying Hels counterpart.
“All he ever wanted was a family,” says Impulse quietly. “People to care about him the way we care about Zed.”
Tango hesitates for a moment, then makes a decision. He joins Zedaph and Helsaph on the ground and wraps his arms around both of them. Impulse does the same on the other side, both he and Tango holding their Zedaphs tightly.
“I wanna be a hero again, Zedaph,” croaks Helsaph. “Have I messed it up?”
“No no, you haven’t messed anything up,” Zedaph says reassuringly. “If anything, I’M the one who messed everything up. Can you forgive me, Hels…?”
Helsaph sits back on his heels, regarding Zedaph with wary eyes. “But… But how do I know you won’t abandon me again if I stop being useful?”
Zedaph anxiously clasps his hands together. “I know you won’t trust me again for a long time, and that’s… that’s completely valid. But I… I refuse to judge your worth based on how “useful” you are again. From now on, you’re my brother and I’ll stick by you, no matter what.”
“B… Brother…?” repeats Helsaph shakily. “You mean…?”
“You’re part of the ZIT family now,” Impulse chuckles, tousling Helsaph’s hair. “Double Zedaph.”
Helsaph stares at Impulse with wide eyes. “I… Why would you want me here after everything I did…?”
“Because Zed made some mistakes and he’s my friend so I want to help him fix them,” Impulse replies kindly. “Right, Tango?”
Tango nods back. “Absolutely. Plus, I mean, you can never have too much Zedaph, know what I mean?”
Sensing that Helsaph is about to cry again, Zedaph quickly steps in and says, “You know, Hels, you actually arrived at a great time. We could do with a hero right now. You remember Evil X?”
Helsaph nods, wiping his eyes with the back of his sleeve. “Very well.”
“They’re back on the server causing a bit of mischief, running a scheme that’s definitely a scam. The server could use a hero to keep an eye on them and make sure they don’t do anything evil.” Zedaph grins. “What do you think? You up to the challenge?”
“I…” Helsaph hesitates. “I’m out of practise.”
“Don’t you worry about that,” says Tango. “We’ll help ya.”
“Yeah, we’re gonna train you back up into the best superhero on the server,” Impulse adds happily.
Zedaph hands Helsaph the pink mask the latter dropped earlier. “Welcome back, Wormman,” he says softly.
After a moment, Helsaph takes the mask and puts it on.
And with this action, Helsaph’s road to recovery, surrounded by his brand new family, begins.
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