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yavannah · 1 year ago
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I did made these guys in to my game just for fun. :D Thanks to awesome cc makers again.
@mimoto-sims, @beverlyallitsims, @sentate and few other whose name I have forgotten. Rest is EA's own cc. :)
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ellethespaceunicorn · 2 years ago
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I shouldn’t have read this at work… *fans self*
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Part 9 - Of Vice and Men
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Part 8 -- Part 10
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Pairing: Mike x Dani x Sy (Yup...) and Mike x Dani
Summary: When Dani finally shows up at Mike's place again, figuring she should really confess her little adventure with Sy, the night takes a very unexpected turn.
Warnings: SMUT, NSFW, 18+, MINORS DNI, oral and fingering (f receiving), m/m/f-threesome stuff, drug use (weed and alcohol). P-in-v sex. Some fluff, some angst if you squint a li'l...
Word count: 5.8k
A/N: The first bit was hella inspired by this idea form @marveldcmistress. I wanted to write this as soon as I saw that idea, but it needed a little context. And you get some bonus fucking after it. Anyway, enjoy this little piece of filth. (Or skip it, if this isn't something you're generally into, that's absolutely A-Okay!)
By the by! This chapter takes this fic over 40k words!
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“Fuck!” It sounded from the other side of the door. “Fuck! Mike, you dick!”
“Sore loser, Syverson?” God no, it wasn’t true. You dropped the hand you were going to use to knock on the door and seriously considered turning around and walking away. You’d barely talked to Mike for days, and he’d been asking what was wrong, but you hadn’t been able to tell him. How was “I fucked your roommate after an orientation party” ever going to be a message someone didn’t mind hearing? You’d just about die if Mike would all of a sudden confess he’d slept with Ariel or something. 
“Whatever, I’m gonna take a piss,” Sy’s drawl was unmistakable - it had to be him. The remark was followed by heavy footsteps - and the realization that there was no way for you to get out of there in time. The door swung open right in your face. 
“Hi there, Sugar,” Sy grinned before he pushed past you and made his way to the bathroom. 
“Dani!” Mike said, upbeat as ever. He raced to the door as a puppy that was happy to see his owner again after a long day. “Come in! You’re not going home for the holidays?” You explained to Mike that your parents both worked in a hospital and couldn’t get any time off work, so you’d decided to stay put instead of exhaust yourself traveling all over the place.
“You?” You asked as you walked into the room and dropped yourself on the couch. 
“Divorce is wonderful. My mom would rather spend Christmas with her girlfriends and their mid-life crises on a cruise in the Bahamas or wherever, and my dad can’t be arsed to remember he has a son ever since Jessica and her two wonderful daughters showed up in his life.” Shit, you wished you hadn’t asked so casually. 
“It’s okay, Dani,” he chuckled, “I’m kind of glad you’ll be here. Do you have plans for New Year's Eve?” How had this not come up yet? You’d made plans with Sloane and Ari back in September, but they were both seeing guys - casually, but still - so perhaps…
“I was going to go out with my friends, but maybe you want to tag along?” You suggested. Mike looked happy that you’d want him around. 
“If they’re okay with that, I’d love to. We can sleep here, if you want?” 
“Are you avoiding awkward morning confrontations with my roommates, Mike?” You laughed as you shook your head. 
“Oh, one hundred percent.” You had to admit that you appreciated the honesty. “But I guess I don’t have the right, since you were surprised by Sy’s presence last weekend.” God, no! That was impossible! Except it wasn’t, because from that stupid grin on his face you could very clearly tell that he knew. “Sy told me you guys slept together. It’s no big deal, Dani.” 
“No big deal? I’d go absolutely ballistic if you told me you screwed one of my roommates…”
“We can’t all be as chill as I am,” Mike joked as he pulled me into a hug. You were curled up next to him on the couch when Sy came back. You moved your feet in as closely as they would go, but the couch was a little on the small side for the three of you, what with Sy being as broad as he was and Mike taking up a surprising amount of space for someone so lanky. 
“Kill the game, Sy, there’s ladies present now.”
“I don’t see any.” Sy looked around theatrically, and the second he looked away from you you kicked him in the thigh. “Fuck!” He grabbed your ankles and pulled them into his lap, holding onto them firmly when you tried to pull back. The extra space was welcome, but you weren’t quite sure how comfortable Mike would be with you having your feet in Sy’s lap, given the circumstances - especially since you were wearing a skirt, although it was long enough, even in this position. You looked up at him and found him looking down at you. 
“Comfy?” He chuckled when he saw your surprise. “You can just relax, Dani, it’s in the past.” But you couldn’t relax. You were worried about grades, and Sy, and Mike, sad that you weren’t going to be home for the holidays and miserable when you considered that nobody else would be there, even if you did go home, because your parents didn’t have the time. It wasn’t entirely fair, you knew that, but you felt a little alone. And did you mention sad? 
“We were planning on drinking and watching dumb movies, you in, babe?” Mike pulled you from your thoughts, and repeated the question when he realized you hadn’t heard a thing. You nodded in reply; it actually sounded like a good way to take your mind off things. The boys had clearly already started part A of the whole scheme, judging from the several empty bottles on the small table and the faint smell of beer that surrounded Mike. Sy reached into the mini fridge that sat next to the couch and handed you a bottle. Your hand was shaking when you took it from him. 
“Jesus, baby, you need to relax.” It was easier said than done; you were tense from the thoughts running through your head, and Sy’s presence didn’t exactly do anything to help the situation. Then, there was the fact that you noticed that your restlessness was putting Mike on edge, which wasn’t a good place for him to be, either. 
“Mike, go smoke or something,” Sy laughed all of a sudden. Next to you, you felt Mike make some erratic movements that you guessed were intended to tell Sy to shut up. 
“You smoke, Mike?” you asked curiously. As far as you knew, he wasn’t a regular smoker - you’d never seen him with a cigarette in hand, at least - but given his unruly disposition (and by that you meant: ADHD) you wouldn’t be surprised if he sometimes indulged in something more calm-inducing and mellowing than alcohol or tobacco. 
“Eh… Occasionally,” he responded before sending a chilling glare Sy’s way. 
“Like… Cigarettes?” you asked while raising one eyebrow at him. 
“Herbally augmented ones,” Mike responded dryly while he rolled his eyes, as if he was waiting for you to berate him. 
“Got enough to share?” You asked carefully. Mike’s face lit up like a Christmas tree and he nodded enthusiastically. From the looks of it, he wasn’t used to people being chill about this.
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The three of you prepared to go outside - naturally, the list of things August would commit murder over included ‘smoking indoors’. When Mike suddenly stood still in the middle of the hallway, both you and Sy bumped into him. 
“Should we invite Geralt?” That one came as a bit of a shock to you, he seemed so… uptight, you had expected more of a ��just say no’-type. 
“No, you shouldn’t.” The voice - very clearly belonging to Geralt himself - came from somewhere inside Geralt’s bedroom. It made a lot more sense now; turning off those senses was probably a necessity rather than just a pleasure at times. 
“I thought they’d be done by now,” Mike joked softly to Sy.  
“Poor girl won’t walk for a week,” Sy chuckled back at him. From behind the door, you heard someone rummage around, followed by heavy footsteps. Mike ducked behind you - God dammit, it was a good thing he was cute, because he wasn’t exactly a tough guy. 
The door swung open to reveal an agitated Geralt in a pair of black sweatpants - and, from what your unconsciously wandering eyes gathered, nothing else. If there was an eloquent way to describe what you saw, you couldn’t come up with it: Your idiot brain full-on got stuck on “ho-ly shit” and you struggled - hard - to keep your thoughts out of the fucking gutter. Fact the first; Geralt was ripped. We’re talking borderline body-builder level shredded. Fact the second; He was half naked, and it was distracting beyond belief. Fact the third; you had a boyfriend. And apparently, Geralt wasn’t exactly eligible, either - at least not right now. So your staring was completely inappropriate, and you had to fucking stop it. But no matter how hard you tried to tear your eyes away from this beast of a man, you just couldn’t seem to do it. Every time you managed to redirect your gaze somewhere other than his abs - or lower - you found something else to be distracted by. His chest (chiseled, hairy, sweaty and heaving to the rhythm of heavy breathing - as if he’d been… running), his silver hair (falling loosely around his face instead of the usual neatly pulled back style; definitely sex-hair), his thick brows (Dani, what the fuck?). The moment seemed to last an eternity… 
“Michael, Nathan, for fuck’s sake, go,” he hissed through gritted teeth (hot) before he even looked into the hallway. When his amber eyes shot up to death-stare Mike and Sy in the face, they revealed that Geralt clearly hadn’t expected to meet your gaze first. “And Danielle. Hi, sorry.” His agitation seemed to dissipate and with it, his attitude. While Geralt seemed to deflate, Mike puffed up behind you, chest out - chin up, no doubt, but you couldn’t see - and fingers digging into your waist possessively. 
“He used our full names, man, run,” Sy laughed as he made a break for the stairs. 
“After you, Dani,” Mike said through gritted teeth, nudging you towards the stairs with urgency. He lingered behind you for a second. 
“Put on a shirt next time, dick,” you heard him hiss. Was it just your imagination, or was there a hint of insecurity to his voice?
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“Shit, this is good,” you said as you handed the joint to Sy, “where did you get that stuff?”
“Leon,” Mike shrugged. He wrapped his arms around you from behind and pulled you close. It was freezing outside, weather reports even predicted snow. 
“Didn’t strike me as the type to deal drugs,” you wondered out loud. 
“He just negotiated a deal with the guys who do,” Mike laughed quietly, “he knew what they were up to, because he’s Leon, and because they’re pretty much full time potheads, they needed him a lot. Gets us a very welcome discount.”
“And by ‘us’ you mean…” 
“I think the words you’re lookin’ for are ‘all y’all’, Sugar,” Sy drawled with a deep chuckle, “but yeah. All of us indulge from time to time.”
“August?” You asked, wide-eyed and giggling. You didn’t laugh because it was entirely unbelievable or something - let’s face it, that man needed to get high more than the rest of them - you just found a lot of things weirdly funny right now.
“When he ain’t got his girl ‘round to slap the livin’ shit out of,” Sy whispered grimly. Your head spun around so fast you hurt a muscle in your neck, but you ignored it. 
“Excuse me?!” 
“Not like that, babe,” Mike said. You felt one of his legs brush past you on its way to Sy’s shin. “And forget Sy mentioned that, it’s none of our business.” He said the last part more to Sy than to you. For someone who was well on his way to having smoked half of that joint you were supposed to be sharing, Mike sounded surprisingly level-headed. After a while, you angrily came to the conclusion that it wasn’t just Mike who hadn’t been sharing. 
“Hey!” You said while reaching for the joint. Your voice was thick with annoyance at being passed over. Who did they think they were, hogging all the good stuff?
“I’m not carrying you up two flights of stairs, baby,” Mike said as he pressed his forehead against yours. The smirk on his face was even dumber than usual - it was fucking adorable. 
“You could,” you pouted. Mike traced your pushed out bottom lip with his thumb before pressing his own lips to yours. 
“But I’m not going to,” he answered when he pulled away. Another soft peck landed on the tip of your nose. You had to admit you were starting to get a little unsure of your footing at times - you could get up the stairs, but maybe not in a straight line. You wouldn’t fall, though, you could do this. 
“Why don’t you go ahead, darlin’,” Sy laughed, “we’ll be up.” Standing outside with nothing more to do seemed like a fool’s game; you were cold and wanted to be under a warm, cozy blanket. Mike chuckled when you sighed reluctantly before heeding Sy’s advice. As the door closed and you disappeared out of earshot, their conversation continued. 
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“You’re a lucky man, Mikey,” Sy sighed as he lifted the joint up to his lips, “she’s a damn good one in the sack.”
“You’d know,” Mike laughed. Somehow, he felt more threatened by that little spat with a half-naked and impressively angry Geralt, than by the fact that Sy had actually shagged his girlfriend. Actually, considering the fact that he and Sy weren’t strangers to sharing girls, it maybe wasn’t so strange after all. 
“Y’know what, I’m glad I never asked her number,” Sy sounded very sincere, “y’all are good together.”
“I’m glad too,” Mikey said with his signature mischievous look in his eyes, “she sucks dick like a pro.” The weed was doing its job because the guys couldn’t keep their laughter down. 
“Wonder who taught her that, because it wasn’t me.” The laugh that came from him wasn’t completely genuine, Mike noticed, it was almost as if he was a little jealous. 
“No good with you?”
“Don’t remember her tryin’. And I feel I’d’a remembered.” Sy shrugged as if it didn’t matter to him much. “I was just glad she wasn’t one of them girls that just do it to return the favor, y’know.” That he wasn’t lying about.
“Eh…” Mike scratched the back of his head. 
“You’ve never…”
“Once. High school girlfriend. She told me I was bad and I’ve been kinda scared ever since,” Mike seemed very interested in the color of his shoes all of a sudden. 
“Well, I can always show you what she likes,” Sy half-joked as he dropped the butt of the joint in the ashtray on the windowsill before disappearing inside. 
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You were much more comfortable between Sy and Mike now. The three of you had assumed the same positions on the couch you had before; you were snuggled up to Mike, with your feet resting in Sy’s lap. After a while, the chilly air in the room distracted you from the terrible horror slashfest that was going on on the TV in front of you. As soon as you shivered, Mike jumped up and grabbed you a blanket. It was nice, being tucked in between them. Some time later, you noticed that Sy’s fingers were drawing firm circles over the bottoms of your feet; the feeling was nice, and it made you hum and snuggle into Mikey further. He replied by sliding his hand underneath the blanket to your waist. You couldn’t see the meaningful look the two exchanged above you, both thinking about the last thing Sy had mentioned when they’d been outside. 
Sy’s hands found their way underneath the blanket, too, and the circular motions of his fingers slowly worked their way up your calves. It startled you, and you pulled your legs in, crawling further into Mike, lookin up wide-eyed, not scared, but definitely confused. 
“Relax, baby,” Mike said with a cheeky wink - the kind of wink that really only meant one thing; he was in on this… The thought alone turned your pussy into a dripping mess, but something in your mind told you you were crazy for thinking Mike was okay with this. You weren’t even quite sure you were okay with this. That night with Sy had been good, sure, but it had been just that - one night. You weren’t sure you wanted him again - and you were sure you didn���t want to complicate things with Mike, though you weren’t quite sure there was such a thing as complicated when it came to Mike. He generally didn’t seem to do ‘complicated’. And there was one thing about that night you had missed. Something no other guy - not that there had been many in the meantime - had been able to do as well. Something Mike hadn’t done at all… You remembered your conversation with Sloane and Ariel about that hookup - and while Slo’s alliterations had been a little over the top, the gist of it was that you’d spent the majority of that conversation raving about Sy’s incredibly skilled mouth. When his fingers reached the inside of your thighs and Mike’s hands had slowly moved from your waist to your chest, you started to squirm. 
“Shit, Mike, she’s worse at sitting still than you.”
“If I didn’t know any better…”
“I’d say this turned her on.”
“I’d check, but I can’t reach,” Mike laughed. The sound was mellow and thick and it just sounded so delightfully stoned that you couldn’t help but laugh yourself. That laugh turned into a giggle when Sy took that little hint and one hand traveled further up your thigh, suddenly snaking between your legs, pushing your skirt up as it moved up, and up, and up, until the tips of his fingers rested softly against your pussy. You whined when he traced them back and forth along your covered slit a few times and Mike’s hand lazily toyed with one of your nipples through your bra. One finger slipped into your panties and dragged a single line between your folds. 
“Oh, no, she’s definitely into this,” Sy chuckled. This time, you did see the meaningful look that the boys gave each other, and you gasped. Not only were they okay with this whole thing; they’d done it before. You moaned softly when Mike softly pinched your nipple, right at the time when Sy slipped a finger into your wetness. The combination of your high and the feeling of two sets of hands on your skin fueled the fire inside you, and you moved your hips to give Sy easier access. 
“Shit, she really is.” It was Mike’s turn to chuckle. Judging from the situation in his jeans, he wasn’t exactly having a terrible time, either. One finger became two, and though you were more than wet enough to accommodate the added girth, you squirmed when he pushed into you. Mike looked mostly focused on the TV while playing with your boobs, although his eyes darted in your direction often. Maybe he just felt that it wouldn’t make you more comfortable to have him staring down at you the whole time - and he’d be right. Things changed pace when Mikey all of a sudden pulled you up and started lifting your sweater. You gladly helped him take it off. It was Sy’s cue to take off your underwear, which went surprisingly easily. He slipped off the couch, onto the floor in front of you, two fingers quickly finding their way back to tease at your entrance. 
"Please," you sighed before you could stop yourself. The boys laughed at your plea.
"Feel good, baby?" Mike whispered in your ear. His tongue traced your ear and traveled down your neck. The incredible feeling of Mikey sucking on the tender skin of your throat was rivaled only by the feeling of Sy's hot breath on your cunt, which came closer and closer until his tongue hit your clit. 
"Fuck," you spoke hoarsely as you tried to register it all; Mike's stubbled jaw, soft lips and sharp teeth, ravaging your neck, no doubt marking you up with little lovebites everywhere, his slim hands feverishly kneading your breasts, and Sy's scruffy beard scratching between your legs as his tongue lapped away at your clit, fingers curling inside your pussy, pressing against that special spot that made your legs tense up from the intense pleasure. Your hand reached for Mikey's head, fingers tangling with his hair, as the other made its way to Sy's, pressing his face closer to you. Fuck, if he kept this up you were going to cum in less than a minute. You caught a glimpse of Mike's eyes as he looked at your writhing body, right before capturing your lips with his, and realized right then just how much you wanted it to be him down there between your thighs. 
"Baby," you moaned into his mouth, nudging his head down firmly. He took the hint - not that it was in any way subtle - and slid off the couch to join Sy, who must have felt the movement next to him, because he stopped doing what he was doing right before you were about to cum, and pulled away. 
You whined at the loss of friction and pouted as you looked down at the men who were sitting between your legs. They grinned at each other before each putting a hand behind your knee and pushing your legs up on the couch, spreading you wide open. Your brain almost shut down trying to comprehend everything that happened next; one mouth near each of your knees, biting, sucking and licking its way toward your center so fucking slowly it made you want to cry; one side flaring up with the occasional sting of a lovebite, the other plagued by the constant chafing of course hair against delicate skin. Fingers tracing your leg faster in a race to your core that ended with two hands fighting for entrance between your legs, until they ultimately gave up and four eager fingers found their way inside your throbbing heat. They were rough in their enthusiasm, making you squirm when they stretched you a little too far. Occasional chuckles slipped from their throats as they relished the view of your endlessly writhing body above them. They looked at you, each in their own distinct way; Sy cocky and amused - and rightfully so: the arrogant bastard knew exactly what he did to you and every bit of that confident smirk was deserved - and Mikey curious, selfless and eager to learn new ways to please you. You rolled your hips against their movements, fucking yourself entirely goddamn stupid on their fingers as their faces moved in closer. 
"Fuck, Sugar," he chuckled before raising his eyebrows at Mike. "Easy one, brother, she's doing half the work for you." 
Mike's fingers slipped out of you, which would have been very upsetting if they hadn't immediately been replaced by his tongue. You gasped when he found the swollen little pearl that begged so desperately for attention. Fuck, even if Sy was right and you were doing half the work by writhing against him, you didn't give a damn; nothing was going to stop you from fucking yourself to heaven and back on Sy's fingers and Mikey's tongue. It came sooner than expected, and after you rode out your high, Sy's fingers left your pussy and he climbed back onto the couch with you, that cocky grin still firmly set on his face.
"I think she's got another one in her, Mike," he said as he wrapped his arms around you. He didn't try to kiss you, which you appreciated, but he did take a thorough interest in your tits. Fingers dug into the soft flesh of your boobs and circled your nipples. They were later replaced by his warm mouth, gently sucking and biting down on the pebbled skin. 
Mike's rhythm was less stable now that he had both his hands and mouth to worry about, and the contrast with a minute ago turned his moments unsure until his mouth left your skin and he focused on his hands. You weren't having it; one hand twisted itself into his hair and pulled his face back to where you felt it belonged. 
"He's a li'l shy, Sugar," Sy drawled in your ear so softly that you doubted Mike had even heard it. You understood the assignment.
"Baby, don't stop," you whined - with an extra side of extra whiny - as you kept nudging his head in the direction you wanted it to go, "it was so good." The decision to wrap his lips around your clit again was rewarded with a high pitched squeal that came from deep within you. This time, too, you unconsciously helped Mike keep his rhythm by writhing your hips into him. When he made the executive decision to forget about his hands - the right choice; kid just couldn't multitask for shit - and focus on his tongue, you felt yourself on the climb up towards your second orgasm. Fuck, he was good, and the sight of that gorgeous face between your legs was so fantastic that your eyes were glued on him - provided you were able to keep them open, anyway. Your climax approached swiftly, and with a perfectly timed flick of his tongue, Mike tilted you over the edge and eagerly took in every drop of arousal that spilled from you before joining you on the couch. The boys pulled you back into the position you had started your night in - leaning into Mike, feet in Sy's lap - and covered you with the blanket. No one brought up anything else - not even the raging boners they both obviously had. When you tentatively rubbed Mike through his jeans, he just pulled your hand away and shook his head and winked at you.
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The whole thing felt like a dream when you woke up in Mike’s arms the next morning, though you couldn’t decide if it was a good or bad one. Slowly but surely, the notion that it had been the worst idea in the history of humanity wormed its way into your brain, and you wanted nothing more than to get out of bed, but Mike was still asleep and he was holding you close. Without realizing it, your quiet panic woke him up. 
“Dani, what’s wrong? It’s early,” he mumbled into your ear. 
“I have to go, Mike,” you said under your breath as you strained against the arms that held you firmly in place. 
“No, you don’t,” Mike said, all of a sudden sounding very alert, “we need to talk.” You knew he was right, but the thought scared you nonetheless. 
“We did that,” you said shyly, “while we’ve only been on one date. With the room… I’m not going to explain why it’s fucking weird.” 
“Did you have fun?” Mike asked. You stared at him in disbelief. What the hell did that matter? “It was weird, Mike.” 
“Did you have fun?” He asked again. From the look on his face you could tell he wouldn’t let that go. 
“Yeah,” you shrugged, “weird but fun.” 
“So think about that. I know I am. We were a little drunk, a lot stoned, sometimes you do weird stuff. Forgive and forget the weird bit, remember the fun bit, you’re good to go.” 
“I guess…” 
“And for the record; you’ve been on one date with me. I’ve been on two dates with you.” You couldn’t help but laugh at that. 
“Hey, there’s that pretty smile.” Mike grabbed your chin to turn your face to his. You loved hearing him say that, it did something to you. Forget the weird, remember the fun, you chanted as you thought about the night before. What about the bit you had been longing for but never got? Your unasked question was answered when Mike pressed his lips to yours and immediately set your insides on fire. After a few minutes, filled with soft kisses on your lips, neck, shoulders and boobs; tongues trailing and tracing; teeth pulling and biting, Mike’s hands started wandering over your body. He was impatient today, which was great, because so were you. After a hasty expedition down your torso, he found you dripping wet - the lovely result of the night before, the dream about the night before, and the few blissful minutes with his mouth all over your body. He looked up at you, grinning widely before dipping his head below the covers and making his way down, leaving kisses and love bites in his wake. For a brief moment, he examined his handiwork from the night before, and found your left leg covered in small bruises. The other was covered in beard-burn, but that went in the direction of his mental trash bin - not his circus, not his monkeys, right? He didn’t tease you, which you appreciated; all you wanted was to feel his mouth on you, and he happily obliged. It started with a few lazy kisses along your slit, followed by a careful flick of his tongue against your already swollen clit. Before long, you were grinding yourself against his mouth again, as Mike eagerly pressed his tongue to the sensitive pearl between your legs. 
“Fuck, Mikey!” You cooed as you felt the pressure in your stomach build. “Don’t stop!” He didn’t. Instead, he unraveled you with his tongue, only ending his efforts when the last wave of your orgasm had passed. If he’d been impatient before, it was nothing compared to him now. He scrambled to grab a condom off the shelf over the headboard, and if putting them on were an Olympic sport, he’d have medaled for sure. 
“Wait!” You said, and were immediately faced with puppy-eyes that belonged to a man who clearly didn’t want to wait.
“Dani!” He whined, really dragging out that last i. As adorable as you found the whole thing, you weren’t blessed with much patience this morning, either. 
“Ok, fine!” You said quasi-annoyed, rolling your eyes at Mike’s very enthusiastic expression. When he didn’t move, you got suspicious. “What?”
“Turn around,” he said, laughing when your eyes widened, “please?” Fuck, those goddamn eyes, you seriously doubted you’d ever be able to refuse this guy: All he had to do was look at you with those fucking puppy-eyes and you were a puddle at his feet. So you listened and turned over on your stomach, getting tangled up in the logistics of legs and bodies and what not. He pulled you onto your knees, taking advantage of the great view of you ass he had this way, being himself and biting you, very quickly, before squeezing and kneading away while lining his cock up with the entrance to your drenched pussy. As previously established; he was impatient. It just turned out that you had no idea just how impatient. With one quick thrust, Mike sank all the way into you. The angle that came with your current position took him deep, a little too deep.
“Sorry!” His next move was slower, more controlled and it allowed you to move yourself into a better position. “Better?” You couldn’t do anything other than nod and gasp when he slid into you again. 
“Fuck!” This was good, so, so good. You quickly lost your train of thought and threw your hips back to meet Mike’s thrusts. He chuckled at your enthusiasm. His fingers dug into your skin when he gripped you tight so he could pull you back onto his cock himself. Every time his hips slammed into you, the noises that escaped from your throat became more high pitched and louder; you buried your head in a pillow to muffle them but you were fairly sure you didn’t have a prayer that no one else would hear. It didn’t matter, none of it mattered; your entire world consisted of Mike and you, and sex and sweat and this new but incredible feeling of getting railed from behind six ways to sunday - or monday, today was sunday, even though you were entirely convinced you’d be bruised inside and out tomorrow. Who gave a fuck about a little pain, especially when it hurt so good? Whether it lasted too long or too short was a question you’d probably never be able to answer, but when Mike finished and fell down on the bed next to you, your body was glad it was over even though your mind still screamed for more. 
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“Just so we’re clear,” Mike grinned at you, “you liked that, right?” Someone should teach the dirty bastard to stop asking these ridiculous questions. You tickled his side, and squealed when he grabbed your wrists. 
“Shit! Yes, Mikey, I liked that.” Despite being slightly embarrassed to admit it, it would take a far better actress than you were to talk yourself and Mike into believing that your racy little performance had been a lie. “What’s it matter?” Mike let go of your hands and looked at you as if you’d gone insane. 
“First, call me a sentimental douche but I think sex is better when everyone involved is having fun,” he said while he poked at your sides, and for a moment you were charmed by the sweetness of that statement, “and second, I’ve never been with a girl who liked getting nailed from behind like that, which is very convenient for me because it happens to be my favorite position. Any further ridiculous questions?” The entire statement was so wildly Mike-esque that you couldn’t be mad at it or disgusted by it even if you tried. Besides, there wasn’t a single part of that statement that wasn’t completely true.
“One,” you chuckled in reply to his question, “feel like having another go at taking an uninterrupted shower with me?”
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The second floor bathroom was occupied, and you could see it in his eyes.
“If that’s Sy…” he began to whisper to you before being interrupted by the person on the other side of the bathroom door. 
“It’s not.” Of course it was Geralt. That hearing of his was both scary and amazing. The two of you hurried to the other bathroom, laughing at what had just happened. 
“Do I need to feel guilty about that? Did we just do to him what Sy did to us?” Mike wondered out loud as you got in the shower, still snickering. 
“First, Mikey, we didn’t do anything,” you said as you wrapped your arms around his waist and pulled him close, “and no. You would have found out if it was Sy, and even if it had been him, you probably would have just come to the conclusion that it wouldn’t be funny if he was in there by himself.”
“Are you suggesting we wait until he has a girlfriend, too, and then get him back for that?”
“No. I’m suggesting you shut up.” Had Mike just called you his girlfriend?
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-> Part 10
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dchuntress · 8 months ago
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hey, hi, hello!
my name is sans and it is so nice to meet you.
i don't quite know what to exactly call this blog, but it's certainly somewhere i feel comfortable posting my ideas more freely — specifically, i'm a roleplayer with plenty of canon muses; with the obliteration of quotev's feed, this blog has become my new playground in a way.
hence i am very well aware that i am making shit up normally when i'm posting about canon characters; my rping portrayals are generally canon divergent, influenced by my personal headcanons as well as my roleplay and plots with my friends, who have their own personal interpretations too.
rest assured that i do understand and know quite a bit of canon lore, it's just that ... canon is my bitch ( *drew gooden voice* oh my gosh, she said the thing! she said what was in her bio! ) or less crudely a suggestion to me, it lays out the world to me and i expand on it; marie kondo's teachings really come in handy here, i let go of whatever doesn't spark joy.
i also do media rants and analysis as well edit and write from time to time; i'm not very good at them but i enjoy doing them regardless.
my current media-centric interests include (that i'm likely to talk about here! not a complete list)
amanda the adventure (mascot horror games in general), alison blaire, laura kinney, dazzwolve, barbie (2023), helbabs, helena bertinelli, helena wayne, gotham/batclan (very broad i know but!!!), plants vs zombies, shazamily, mary bromfield, theresa cassidy, lornaterry, spiderverse, the birds of prey, the x-terminators, harlivy, and more.
i also really love anya taylor-joy's movies!
organisation is not my strong suit so don't ask why, but i tend to post about dc comics on this account and marvel comics on my main. like any respectable scientific law, this has plenty of exceptions.
i love following my close friends, fellow quotevians, and on here, but anybody is more than welcome to follow me, really! i would love to meet new people and make friends! i follow back if i think we will vibe well.
i struggle with replying to messages and other stuff, i get overwhelmed, depressed, or burned out by life and i end up forgetting for a long while. this is always on my mind, your patience is always appreciated in this case
please click on my images for higher quality.
i love interacting with people in numerous ways, honestly. i love tagging my friends in posts i think they'd like to see so if you'd like to opt in for that, please let me know in any way! i would also love it if you tagged me in stuff too, go for it if you'd like!
you don't have to accept or agree with all of my ideas about fictional characters and worlds, honestly, just please respect my right to share my ideas and brainstorm them, and i will return that respect to you; let us disagree civilly, make use of that block button, and focus on the things that do make us happy.
i am legal (2005) and use she/her pronouns. my main blog is @rep-meow-tay-tion.
my rping side blogs are below (and wip), you can follow them on your personal blogs too!
@alisonfuckingblaire · @helraising · @she-is-shazam · @wayne-derful · @m1sflt
last updated: 30th september, 2024
tags i commonly use for my convenience mainly:
#[name] musings — posts about character in a roleplaying sense; my headcanons, musings, and the like
#[name] / #[code name] — posts about characters
#[name] my love — character appreciation posts
— x —
#alison musings: alison blaire
#helena musings: helena bertinelli
#helena wayne musings: helena wayne
#mary musings: mary bromfield
#helbabs: the pairing, helena bertinelli/barbara gordon
#no man's land: any sort of post related to the no man's land dc comics with helena bertinelli
#sans answers asks: responses to asks
#confessin o' clock: when you confess your gayest sin to me
also offering: #my musings · #my headcanons · #my thoughts · #my edit · #my edits · #my writing · #my writings · #my meme · #my memes · #incorrect quotes · #my fanfic · #my fanfics · #self reblog · #save
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dhmiscoffin · 1 year ago
just like helraiser
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nun-draws · 2 years ago
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magicofrobin · 8 months ago
you're right!
in my mind, it's not so much bruce bringing jason in as it is batman bringing red hood in. idk that just fits for me. bc it's jason actions as red hood that are the reason he ends up there so there's a level of like separation between their vigilante & civilian identities there. as in, it's easier for bruce to do it if he separates himself & his feelings, whatever they may be, from what he believes is right as batman. thinking of jason / red hood as another criminal rather than his son jason. if that makes sense.
and i don't think any of his siblings actually believe that bruce would do that to jason, they think it's an idle threat to keep him in check. bc it's such a fucked up thing to threaten anyways and yknow bruce KNOWS how bad it will mess jason up being there, he KNOWS it.
that's why when bruce does do it, they all freak out. it's so messed up. plus the fact that he? did it all behind their backs instead of being upfront with them about it!
deeply devastated by shit i wrote akajsgs (re: jason being scared that he'll be thrown into arkham if he messes up too badly) but it's got me thinking about an rp or an au or something where that DOES happen. im thinking of the reactions to it. like bruce is obviously going to spout some shit like it's what best for you or it's in your best interest to be here or something like that, something that places blame not with him but with jason. pretty sure none of his siblings are okay with it at all. he's gonna assume they are and they agree with it but they're not.
i know that dick specifically loses his shit. just massively goes off on bruce.
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headyhawaii · 3 years ago
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🌈⚡️Get lost in a sea of shapes and colors with this unbelievable rainbow fillacello sacred geometry pendant made by @helraiser419, currently up for a steal at headyhawaii.com! 🌈🔥 #helraiser #helraiserglass #sacredgeometry #headypendant #glasspendant #fillacello #headypendy #pendyporn #pendantporn #pendantofig #pendantsofig https://www.instagram.com/p/CUIjt_zvYnQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tuppencetrinkets-a · 5 years ago
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#6,900 caps from Hellraiser 2.
These are unedited and unsorted.  Free for anyone to use or edit how you like but if you’d like to toss a buck or two my way you can do so HERE.  Please like and or reblog this post if you found it useful in any way.  If you have any problems w/ the downloads or files please let me know in a politely worded message and I will see what I can do to correct the issue!
You can find other Hellraiser caps in THIS tag.
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dchuntress · 9 months ago
hey, hi, hello!
i'm a roleplayer. canon is a suggestion to me.
my muses live in my mind rent free. thanks to quotev's beautifullest update of all time, i'm making that tumblr's problem now.
if you see me posting about canon characters here, please know that i am very well aware that i'm making shit up and don't claim to be an expert on anything.
please block if you think i'm being annoying in your faves' tags, live and let live; ramble and let ramble.
this blog also acts as my personal and comfort space in the sense that i follow some of my closest friends ever here, particularly those who understand or engage with my interests and muses. in other words, haiii, my beloved meowtuals ^_^
update: over time i realised i feel more comfortable doing media rants and nerding out on here too! mostly in regards to marvel and dc comics since they're the only media i primarily consume at the moment, but i might bounce between here and my main blog depending on what the vibe is like.
anybody (who doesn't violate the basic dni) can follow, especially if we roleplay or brainstorm ideas together. my main is @rep-meow-tay-tion. i'm of legal age and i use she/her pronouns.
blog name is a reference to my two main interests, the x-terminators and the birds of prey.
roleplaying side-blogs (wip): @alisonfuckingblaire (dazzler), @helraising (helenabertinelli).
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5starcinema · 3 years ago
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Battleground (1949) Directed by William Wellman
"You had a good home when you left; you're right!"
That's the march cadence for this squad of the 101st Airborne Division, on their way to Europe, where they will run head on with a counter offensive by the Germans and one of the worst winters on record. The squad won't be singing for some time. Ill equipped for winter weather, nearly out of ammunition and food, and trapped in the snowy, impenetrable woods of the Ardenne forest, these "citizen soldiers" (as historian Stephen Ambrose has called them) faced all the misery and deprivation that characterized the Battle of the Bulge. Director "Wild Bill" Wellman (a WWI veteran, stunt flyer, and Hollywood helraiser par excellence) therefore makes certain that we don't get much to celebrate in this downbeat gem.
The characters are the likable G.I.s found in so many war pictures, but this group isn't having any fun. Wellman also makes it clear that most G.I.s, courageous and patriotic as they may be, had just as soon not slog around Europe on an extended camping trip. But apart from the standard bitching—an art form for most soldiers—there is the very real fear of freezing to death, encountering surprise enemy fire in the blinding snow and fog, or simply getting separated from the outfit and never being seen again. There's even the vague suspicion that the German counter offensive is pushing back the allied armies. The camera captures all these worries in numerous closeups of faces. Soldiers can’t hide it.
In the besieged city of Bastogne, the possibility of stemming the onslaught is weighed against remaining ammunition; in the forests, combat takes place in 11-foot banks of snow or among mazes of heavy evergreen branches. Fighting sheer exhaustion is each soldier's key battle; a mere glimpse of sunlight might constitute a moral victory. 
Although actors John Hodiak, Van Heflin, Ricardo Montalban, and a crew of character players do a remarkable job of making it feel authentic, conveying the misery most effectively is James Whitmore as the unforgettable Sergeant Kinnie. He's a bow-legged, cigar-chomping, grizzled old vet who by God finds the means—and the spirit—to bull his way through all conceivable obstacles. When he notices his shadow in the snow, he almost cries at the revelation. Now supplies can be flown into the combat zone. It's a typical G.I.’s holiday; the possibility of K-rations, new rounds for his M-1, and a blanket. Only a vet like Wellman himself might understand why this little moment is the film's climax.
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helsex-moved · 3 years ago
Hels likes to do drag on the side - yknow when he's not busy being the worst villain known to the server - her drag name is Lady Helraiser
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liskokasa · 7 years ago
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found some decent sketches from last month half based on some helraiser screenshots
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akhenaten-imhotep · 3 years ago
The apothecary just stared at her for a long time. Ana definitely wouldn’t be geting another drink no matter how much she complained.  On the meantime Achilles and Noel were talking about what which films they would watch for the horror marathon. Sometime ago the forgemaster had uncovered a capsule with relics such as  “Helraiser”, “Child’s Play”, Nightmare at Elm’s Street”, and “VHS”.
🙈 YOUR MUSE jumping out on MY MUSE to scare them. (Noel, happy halloween starters meme)
“Hello there!” Ana’s cheerful voice suddenly and without any warning whatsoever sounded behind the Druid where previously there had been seemingly nothing. “How goes the night?” There is a sloppy grin and a slight scent of alcohol to indicate she is probably a little tipsy.
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barkercast · 7 years ago
156 : Animal, Vegetable or Mineral?
Thanks for joining us again at the Clive Barker Podcast, the only podcast dedicated to the works and worlds of Clive Barker.  Episode 156 is Clive Barker news!  We catch up with the ongoing Hellraiser 30th Anniversary celebration, Nightbreed Cabal  Cut  small second release, The Clive Barker store, sales and the ongoing saga of Hellraiser Judgement.  Will we ever get to see it?  Plus Jose got to go see Rawhead Rex in the theater, so we revisit the Forest King and talk about his experience and the history of that troubled production.
Show Notes
Clive Barker News
The box has been opened... HELLRAISER is back in UK cinemas from today! Catch it at the following cinemas this week:Arrow Tweeted:
Hellraiser Screening
Hellraiser Soundtrack pre-order
Midnight Meat Train special audio book on Youtube
New Sacrament Edition
Upcoming Items at the RCB Store
More Cabal Cut Copies were available Tuesday!
Los Angeles Lambda Lit Book Club October's book club selection is Clive Barker's Mister B Gone. 
Halloween Clive Barker Newsletter
Scarlet Gospels digital copy on sale for $2.99 at Criminal Element until November 6th
Rue Morgue Magazine Hellraiser cover  Helraiser Turns 30
Paul T. Taylor new Pinhead Picture
Paul T Taylor talks about HR: Judgement
  Rawhead Rex Discussion
Rawhead Rex on IMDB Won 1987 International Fantasy Film Award
Jose's Rawhead inspired Spotify Playlist
Leinster, County Wicklow, Ireland
Rawhead Rex on Revelations
List of Screenings
Granny Grimm's Ghoulish Book of Grammar: R is for Rawhead
Rawhead Rex 4K restoration by KinoLorber on Amazon:
On the Site
Rob Ridenour, Hellraiser needs a new home
Jose - Nightbreed The Cabal Cut Video
Nightbreed Current Releases Explained 
And this podcast, having no beginning, will have no end.
The Clive Barker Podcast (or @Barkercast) is an independent  editorial fan site and podcast that is not affiliated with or under contract by Clive Barker or Seraphim Films.  This is a labor of love by the fans, for the fans.
web www.clivebarkercast.com
iOS App | Android App, iTunes (Leave a review!), Stitcher,Libsyn, Tunein, Pocket Casts, Google Play, DoubleTwist and YouTube Facebook and Join the Occupy Midian group
Twitter: @BarkerCast | @OccupyMidian
New episode of the Clive Barker Podcast
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rabbureblogs · 7 years ago
Kigu Anon- Would Darkness from Legend be a good middle ground? cuz he's like... ... yes... and satisfies my fantasy without going into the Helraiser section of the 80s.... Buuuuuutttt..... I am a big fan of your mimic and squeezie fruit dude... so monsters. monsters for the both of us.
I know I used to watch like, Let’s Plays of horror games, but the only reason I was able to was bc the streamers were really funny?? Like, it took a lot of the suspense elements away or made jumpscares hilarious
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