nazomi · 7 years
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Summary: What becomes of Callum after he’s stranded on an island in the middle of the ocean? Is he alone, or is he about to stumble into the wrong jungle at the wrong time.
A/N: A good friend gave me an incredible prompt for a harem smut story, and I decided rather than writing my usual one-shot I’d test out a new style of writing and flex out some chapters? I tried to be more immersive and leave some of the imagery up to the readers imagination. HELP ME IM NOT VERY GOOD AT WRITING AND ID REALLY APPRECIATE POINTERS AND EVEN CORRECTIONS. Thank you if you’ve somehow just stumbled across this, bless you. Smut isinevitably coming however this chapter is just breaking the ice. xx
The screaming alarms and rough turbulence made the light aircraft bounce around the stormy sky like a deluded game of pinball. The sound drowned out into pitched ringing as I reflexively death gripped into the seat arms.
“This is Bravo 1809 calling nearest Tower, do you copy. Over.” A readable panic came from the cockpit, a static screeched through the intercom and I felt my heart drop into the bottomless pit forming in my stomach.
“This is Bravo 1809 calling nearest Tower.”
All remnants of sound was lost against the stark white wash and thunder that cracked through the air of the craft and resonated into my chest.
A hollow emptiness wafted through me and my grip on the seat tightened, my hips lifted against the seatbelt as gravity momentarily became nonexistent. I sucked in air like my lungs were leaking and a lump formed in my throat. I can’t die. I won’t die.
“We’re going down!”
Falling. We’re falling. The alarms rushed back into focus and the sickening sweetness of adrenaline lit my skin on fire. I braced for impact, my mind speeding through infinite scenarios, seconds felt like minutes before the crushing impact and power of the water forced reaction. Vision narrowing to the seatbelt buckle and a clear calm called in the back of my mind as the water welled around my ankles.
Get up.
Subconscious took control as my fingers unlatched the buckle and I launched from my seat, the water now licking at my belly button.
Get out.
The raging slosh of the water pushed me off balance and my head whipped around, seeing the now unrecognisable cabin of the craft, torn and ripped open.
An opening. The numbing water swelled and lifted my feet of the cabin floor and I sucked in all the air I could before ducking under the water.
My legs never kicked so hard as I left through the broken bow of the plane, the salt water burning my eyes. My muscles never faltered and my lungs screamed for air. I focused all efforts upward to the surface and flashes of lightning reassured my life as I nears the surface of the water.
My body ached, my muscles still reeling half expecting to wake covered head to toe in a cold sweat in the safety of my bed, so thoroughly effected by the realness of the nightmare. Instead, lulled awake by a chain of crashing waves I sweeper a curious arm along what I assumed was the floor. Only to realise it moved like sand, granules sifted through my fingers. My eyes snapped open when the calm calling rang through my mind again like a slap on the cheek.
The realisation of the current situation gave way underneath me like a floor made of small twigs. I shifted onto my hands and knees. Fists clenching into the sand for some sort of stability while a flurry of memories raced behind closed eyes.
The plane went down. The pilot-where is. I sat back on my heels, eyes searching the expanse of sand. Nothing. No one. I looked behind me to the ocean and searched for something. Anything.
Am I alone?
I looked ahead, straining against the resonant throb of my head and searched for my feet. As I rose my eyes settled on the dense wall of jungle meters in from the sand. As far as my eyes could gather it went on for kilometres in both directions and I forcibly gulped down the panic creeping up from the pit in my stomach. And that voice was back again repeating rhythmically, over and over.
I must survive.
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