nazomi · 6 years
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nazomi · 6 years
If you see this
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You were visited by the magic kitten of rest. Reblog to have a good night’s sleep.
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nazomi · 6 years
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10,000 subscribers, wuuut thank you so much, love you all ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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nazomi · 7 years
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nazomi · 7 years
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nazomi · 7 years
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nazomi · 7 years
Conveying Worldbuilding Without Exposition!
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(As requested by both an anon and @my-words-are-light​)
One of the hardest parts of writing speculative fiction is presenting readers with a world that’s interesting and different from our own in a way that’s both immersive and understandable at the same time. 
Thankfully, there are a few techniques that can help you present worldbuilding information to your readers in a natural way, as well as many tricks to tweaking the presentation until it’s just right.
Four basic techniques:
1. The ignorant character. 
By introducing a character who doesn’t know about the aspects of the world building you’re trying to convey, you can let the ignorant character voice the questions the reader naturally wants to ask. This is commonly seen in cases where the protagonist is brought into a new world, society, organization, etc, but non-PoV character put under the same circumstances can be equally useful.
It works best when the inclusion of the ignorant character feels natural. They must have a purpose in the story outside of simply asking questions.  
2. Conflicting opinions.
A fantastic way to convey detailed world building concepts is to have characters with conflicting viewpoints discuss or argue about them. Unless you’re working with a brainwashed society, every character should hold their own set of religious, political, and social beliefs. 
Examples of this kind of dialogue:
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nazomi · 7 years
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nazomi · 7 years
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nazomi · 7 years
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Summary: What becomes of Callum after he’s stranded on an island in the middle of the ocean? Is he alone, or is he about to stumble into the wrong jungle at the wrong time.
A/N: A good friend gave me an incredible prompt for a harem smut story, and I decided rather than writing my usual one-shot I’d test out a new style of writing and flex out some chapters? I tried to be more immersive and leave some of the imagery up to the readers imagination. HELP ME IM NOT VERY GOOD AT WRITING AND ID REALLY APPRECIATE POINTERS AND EVEN CORRECTIONS. Thank you if you’ve somehow just stumbled across this, bless you. Smut isinevitably coming however this chapter is just breaking the ice. xx
The screaming alarms and rough turbulence made the light aircraft bounce around the stormy sky like a deluded game of pinball. The sound drowned out into pitched ringing as I reflexively death gripped into the seat arms.
“This is Bravo 1809 calling nearest Tower, do you copy. Over.” A readable panic came from the cockpit, a static screeched through the intercom and I felt my heart drop into the bottomless pit forming in my stomach.
“This is Bravo 1809 calling nearest Tower.”
All remnants of sound was lost against the stark white wash and thunder that cracked through the air of the craft and resonated into my chest.
A hollow emptiness wafted through me and my grip on the seat tightened, my hips lifted against the seatbelt as gravity momentarily became nonexistent. I sucked in air like my lungs were leaking and a lump formed in my throat. I can’t die. I won’t die.
“We’re going down!”
Falling. We’re falling. The alarms rushed back into focus and the sickening sweetness of adrenaline lit my skin on fire. I braced for impact, my mind speeding through infinite scenarios, seconds felt like minutes before the crushing impact and power of the water forced reaction. Vision narrowing to the seatbelt buckle and a clear calm called in the back of my mind as the water welled around my ankles.
Get up.
Subconscious took control as my fingers unlatched the buckle and I launched from my seat, the water now licking at my belly button.
Get out.
The raging slosh of the water pushed me off balance and my head whipped around, seeing the now unrecognisable cabin of the craft, torn and ripped open.
An opening. The numbing water swelled and lifted my feet of the cabin floor and I sucked in all the air I could before ducking under the water.
My legs never kicked so hard as I left through the broken bow of the plane, the salt water burning my eyes. My muscles never faltered and my lungs screamed for air. I focused all efforts upward to the surface and flashes of lightning reassured my life as I nears the surface of the water.
My body ached, my muscles still reeling half expecting to wake covered head to toe in a cold sweat in the safety of my bed, so thoroughly effected by the realness of the nightmare. Instead, lulled awake by a chain of crashing waves I sweeper a curious arm along what I assumed was the floor. Only to realise it moved like sand, granules sifted through my fingers. My eyes snapped open when the calm calling rang through my mind again like a slap on the cheek.
The realisation of the current situation gave way underneath me like a floor made of small twigs. I shifted onto my hands and knees. Fists clenching into the sand for some sort of stability while a flurry of memories raced behind closed eyes.
The plane went down. The pilot-where is. I sat back on my heels, eyes searching the expanse of sand. Nothing. No one. I looked behind me to the ocean and searched for something. Anything.
Am I alone?
I looked ahead, straining against the resonant throb of my head and searched for my feet. As I rose my eyes settled on the dense wall of jungle meters in from the sand. As far as my eyes could gather it went on for kilometres in both directions and I forcibly gulped down the panic creeping up from the pit in my stomach. And that voice was back again repeating rhythmically, over and over.
I must survive.
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nazomi · 7 years
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Writing Help: Character Traits
This is a list of character traits that you may or may not find to be helpful (it also doubles as a helpful list of descriptive adjectives). When writing characters or attempting to describe your character, these basic traits are something that you can build off of. Remember to expand when writing a character, do not simply describe them as “kind” - expand upon that. Are they kind to everyone, are they only kind in certain situations, and why is it that they are considered to be kind? If your character is kind only to reap benefits for themselves, perhaps they are kind and somewhat manipulative. 
Anyhow, here is the list, enjoy if you will:
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nazomi · 7 years
Plot is something that is very important in RPG. A RPG can run without one but this post is about what plot is. A lot of role players believe plot and setting are the same but they are not. See Q’s post “How to create the best plot for your roleplay” for more information about that. So, here we go.
What is plot?
Plot is a literary term defined as the events that make up a story, particularly as they relate to one another in a pattern, in a sequence, through cause and effect, how the reader views the story, or simply by coincidence. (Wikipedia)
What is a plot outline?
How To Create A Plot Outline In 8 Easy Steps
The Plot Skeleton: How to Write a Plot Outline
How do I write a plot?
What is Plot - How to Build a Story from Beginning to End
How to Write a Good Plot
Creating a Plot
How to Write Twisty Plots
How do you write original and gripping plots?
How to plot your novel
The Story Goal: Your Key To Creating A Solid Plot Structure
What is a story goal?
Writing Fiction: Story Goal
Constructing Your Story Goal
Goal - Conflict - Stakes. Why You Need All Three
The Goal of Every Story, The Goal of Every Author
Achieving Story Goals that are Not Achievements
Story Goals and Why They Exist
Sophisticated Story Goals
What are the elements of plot?
Plot (narrative)
What Goes into a Plot?
Plot Structure
What is a Plot?
What You Need to Know About Plot
What is conflict?
Conflict & Suspense
Fiction Writing: Conflicts and Characters
Conflict is the essence of Drama
Where’s Your Conflict?
What are the types of plots?
The “Basic” Plots in Literature
Types of Plots
The Seven Basic Plot Types
The 36 Plots
Where can I find plot generators?
Plot Scenario Generator
Story Generator
Writer’s Plot Generator
Plot Generator
Random Plot Generator
Plot Generator
Random Plot Generator
What is a plot twist?
A plot twist is a change in the expected direction or outcome of the plot of a novel, film, television series, comic, video game, or other work of narrative. It is a common practice in narration used to keep the interest of an audience, usually surprising them with a revelation. (Wikipedia)
How do I use plot twists?
5 Tips for Writing an Effective Plot Twist
How to Pull Off an Amazing Plot Twist
Finding Originality When Even Plot Twists Are Cliched
Twist your Plot Twists like LOST
What are some examples of plot twists?
List of plot twists
20 Great Movie Plot Twists
The Big List of RPG Plots
10 Great Movie Plot Twists
Plot Twist Concepts
Plot Twist
What is plot development?
Plot Development: Creative Writing
Plot Development: Climax, Resolution, and Your Main Character
Developing Your Story
Developing Plot
What is a sub plot?
A subplot is a secondary plot strand that is a supporting side story for any story or the main plot. Subplots may connect to main plots, in either time and place or in thematic significance. (Wikipedia)
How do I write a sub plot?
Plot, Plot Layers, Subplot
Weave Sub-Plots Into Your Novel
How to Write Effective Subplots
Fiction Writing Workshop: The Seven Shoulds of Subplots
Novel Tips: How to Create Subplots
How do I write plot layers?
How to Use Layers to Enhance Your Plot
Plot Layers
If You Build it, They Will Read: Plotting With Layers
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nazomi · 7 years
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We’ve heard the old montage “Show, don’t tell” so many times that it’s become stale–and what does it mean, anyway? It’s an easy phrase to utter, but how do you achieve resonant, meaningful description that will make your words come alive? This simple checklist, from The Writer’s Little Helper by James V. Smith, Jr., is a concise list of best practices for creating rich imagery that will have your readers clamoring for more.
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nazomi · 7 years
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Dictionary Resources: From Daily Writing Tips
1. The Alpha Dictionary  This portal features links to hundreds of foreign-language dictionaries and glossaries, as well as numerous specialty dictionaries and glossaries covering specific subjects like chocolate, jewelry, and weather, and more resources like thesauruses and collections of quotations.
2. The Free Dictionary Enter a word at The Free Dictionary, and you’ll get not only definitions from various dictionaries but also citations of the word in quotations, a translation tool to find the word’s foreign-language equivalents, and lists of related terms. The site also has starts-with and ends-with search functions and an option to call up a list of terms in which a particular word appears in the definition. In addition, you can look up acronyms and idioms and search encyclopedias, foreign-language dictionaries, and specialized dictionaries.
3. OneLook.com  This dictionary offers more than just definitions of words you type in; it also enables a variety of tip-of-the-tongue searches: To return words and phrases beginning or ending in a certain word, type in that word followed by or preceding an asterisk, or type the first couple of letters of a word followed by a colon and any complete word to produce a list of words and phrases starting with those letters that pertain to that word. (For example, at:air brings up not only atmosphere but also “attic fan” and atomization.) Or, precede an acronym or initialism with expand: to find phrases these abbreviations stand for, and more.
4. Wordnik  Wordnik collects definitions from numerous other dictionary websites, as well as displaying online citations of the word to provide context.
5. YourDictionary This plain-English resource provides easy-to-understand definitions. For example, the meaning of atmosphere, rendered at Merriam-Webster Online as “the gaseous envelope of a celestial body (as a planet), the whole mass of air surrounding the earth, the air of a locality, a surrounding influence or environment, the overall aesthetic effect of a work of art, an intriguing or singular tone, effect, or appeal” here is explained as follows: “the area of air and gas enveloping objects in space, like stars and planets, or the air around any location,” or “an overall feeling and/or effect of a place, specially if it is an environment of pleasure or interest.” This site also provides links to other dictionaries as well as other resources.
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nazomi · 7 years
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nazomi · 7 years
Smut warning, ho boy. This one's a doozy. Prompt: Muse A (Male, Chippy, Redish Blonde, Strong, Muscular Build) has often been caught staring at Muse B (Female, Interior Designer, Brunette, Sexy Curves, Alluring) and B invites A over to her house to quote on a new kitchen space and conveniently leaves the front door open and a note on the kitchen counter. The note reading "Second floor, second door on the left." Muse A finds Muse B scantly dressed, sprawled out over her bed waiting for him. "Is this what you imagined?" Her voice sounding out like a dark melody oozing with lustrous desire, a tone that had my nerves dancing over my skin and my senses reeling. I couldn't quite answer, I was compelled by the sight of her body, as if paralysed by voodoo and it's spell had my eyes greedily drinking her in. She teased her hands down over her body and watched me feed off her desire like moths drawn in by the moonlight. Her silken skin was glowing like rich honey and wild fire, framed with lengths of flowing brunette hair and she was the most magnificent being I'd ever witnessed. I knew the words wouldn't come out, but I tried and in that moment I realised deep within my loin I needed her. "I-... " I gulped down a lingering breath. "Fuck." My eyes combed over her entirety and I had to tear myself away, clasping them shut while the image of her burnt behind my lids. She had shifted from her lazy posture, draped over the bed and onto her knees in front of me, crawling, stalking forward like a lioness. As she neared the edge of the bed the eyes I knew so well caught mine in an inescapable trap, deep forest green irises staring back at me. A sight that had my cock ridged against my jeans, a stiffness I've not ever felt and the animalistic urge that grew within made me lurch forward at her. A hand I wasn't sure was mine, gripped firmly around her neck, forcing her face to mine. The scent radiating off of her skin sent hormones raging through my bloodstream and as my lips latched on to the sensitive skin of her jawline, her voice sounded out in start. A sound that unfortunately spurred my lust past the point of return and that's when I felt her fingers fist into the hair on rear of my head. Which sent a moan rippling from my chest that reverberated off her now dewy skin, and as I rubbed soothing circles over her throat with my thumb and hoped she knew I wasn't normally like this. An animal. I couldn't show the restraint necessary to hold back, she caused this and I physically couldn't not fuck her senseless. "I want you," she whispered by my ear, begging. "Please." Before she could finish I had already torn off what little was covering her chest and latched firmly onto the perked nipple of her breast, sucking and rolling the rosy bud between my hungry teeth. She let out a silent cry, her breath hitched somewhere in her throat with shock and she tightened the grip on my hair. I stepped forward sending her back onto the bed with I light shove, hooking my fingers into her lace thong on the way down. With a satisfied smirk I slowly slid them down the honey skin of her thighs, peppering her with wet lustful kisses. As the lace reached her ankles I flicked the garment, forced her legs apart and dove past her thighs, driven by blind greed. Heat radiated from her, it was apparent that she was enjoying it, her cunt glistening with liquid sex. I waited no longer and pressed my mouth over her edible peach skin, running a flat tongue once up the length her lips, listened to her pine out in blissful agony as a shudder rippled through her. I grinned smugly against her, soaking in her scent while my nose was tickled by her cheeky patch of hair. Listening to her whine, beg, I nuzzled into her again lapping into her folds, sending the blood from my head to the near unbearable tightness of my had me groaning. Reluctantly I tore away from her keeping my gaze locked on her as I stressed to remove my shirt, she must have seen the strain against the front of my pants. A jolt surged through me, resonating from the depths of my balls when I felt a small hand grip onto my fervent cock through the jeans. The feeling echoing through me as she effortlessly popped the button, the zipper releasing from the strain allowing my cock to spring free at her. All that followed from her was a devious hum, the meaning of had my cock twitching with anticipation. The imminent pleasure forced my eyes downward to the softness of her open mouth, which was about to cover my knob. I felt her breath coming out in hot pants over the heightened nerves before she stopped just shy, earning a eager grunt from me. "Is this what you're thinking about when I catch you staring at me?" "Fuck. Yes." I stated admittedly. Of course I wasn't that sly. My eyes lulled back into my skull as her devilish tongue glide up the underside of my dick, coating it in a slick sheen before she slid the entire length into her tightly sized mouth. I groaned out in desperate desire as my head slammed unexpectedly to the back of her throat. "Oh fuck," I stammered, reflexively gripping either side of her face and held her in place as I pumped my cock down her throat. "Oh-... Good girl, fuck." I watched it slide out and in, over and over as her eyes welled up, even then she wasn't complaining, clearly enjoying her domination, when I noticed her hand circling violently over her cunt. "Fuck yes. You love it you little slut." The image almost too deviously perverse it had me jamming myself harder down her throat, to which her lust filled moans turned to helpless screams, strangled out between my cock and her gasping for breath. I neared my weak point and struggled against my body to keep ramming her to pull away from her face. My cock pulsing on the edge, only barely stopping before my breaking point. My hand now knotted into her sweat ridden hair, I angled her face to look up into my eyes. I saw only her wanton desire sparkle deep in her green orbs, still gasping for air she walks her gaze back down at my cock, smiling as it twitches mere millimetres from her blushed face. "I'm going to fuck you now," I state blatantly, "Are you ready?" I watch as she nods her head and gulps down the mountains of saliva I'd dredged up by fucking her throat. Not satisfied with her weak answer, I tighten the grip in her hair. "I can't hear you princess," I say before releasing her, popping off the edge of the bed and grabbing her by the ankle. Pulling her ass up into the air and forcing her head into the mattress. "Beg me for it." I demand as I glide my head between her lips, pushing the tip lightly against her dripping cunt, letting it push in just millimetres and swiftly pulling away. "Please-" She begins quietly, her mind elsewhere as I repeat my monstrous ministrations. "Please, fuck me." Her voice barely quakes out. "Louder." I say as I push in another inch and hold it there, she whines as she struggles desperately against my grip on her hips to push in deeper. "Fuck!" Her fists clenched into the sheet "Please! Fuck me senseless, I need your cock deep in me!" Her desperation pleased me and I slammed myself all the way to the hilt. Feeling the convulsions of her cunt and the overwhelming warmth of her juices coating my cock was enough to have me cumming that second. "Fuck sakes." I gasped out before reeling back do delve into her tight cunt again, and again. Having her fall to pieces under my relentless pounding was blissful, so wet and gripping my length with such greedy want was euphoric. I strained away from my release, like swimming against a tidal current and I was inevitably nearing climax. Knowing this I pulled from her core and flipped her over, hooking her ankles over my shoulders before sinking repeatedly into her. The angle reached the deepest part of her, earning the most earnest, unchained moans from her small stature. The sound heavenly and only made me want to go faster and I jack hammered into her, the tightness in my balls finally exploding forth into her hot fuck hole. "Fuck yes-" I grunted out in pure satisfaction and stayed buried in her while her cunt shuddered violently around me. Our breath came out in spasmodic gasps as we settled, I let my cock soften before pulling out of her. An erotic sight was the way my cum glopped out of her as she panted, I swirled curious fingers around in her and mixed our juices together thoroughly before slapping my cum soaked hand on her ass cheek. Written by myself, Nazomi.
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nazomi · 7 years
Closing Time.
A smut for the sleep deprived. Standard warnings apply. Also, rape, con-con ect. Written by Nazomi.
Willow, a devilishly sexy, brunette bartender with a fowl mouth and mind, gets coaxed to stay after hours at her Pub on the outskirts of town, by a criminally handsome blonde by the name Daniel.
Does Daniel have dark intentions in mind for the unsuspecting Willow?
“Okay girl, I’m off. Tonight went way too long.” The young waitress exclaimed, clearly exhausted from the Bar’s busy evening rush.
“It’s still going for me, you lucky slag.” I teased, raising a stern brow as she rounded to the outside of the bar,
“Aw boohoo, Bosslady. There’s only 20minutes left and besides, that yummy blonde,” She cooed, and glanced over at the guy seated toward the end of the bar.
“Has had those big, blue eyes glued on that fat ass since he sat down.” She said matter'o'factly.
“My ass, huh?” I shook my head at her but she quickly objected, and swished her acrylic nailed finger at my figure and leaned in over the counter,
“Not even kidding. He looks like the gentle type too-” She said, gyrating her hips with a wry smile as her eyes darted from me to him and back again.
“Shut your gob, cheeky bitch. Weren’t you going somewhere?”
“Oh yeah and uh, a shot of jack, to go please.” She was a hopeful hopeful youngster.
I paused and thought about it. “Of course. I guess you worked pretty hard tonight.” I said with a smile, grabbing a glass, the almost empty bottle of whiskey and poured out the last shot. I made an effort in pretending it was for her, before I downed it in a single sip.
“Nice try, squirt. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I laughed and threw a thumb toward the door.
“Ugh, grumpy old witch.” Her expression was priceless as she poked her tongue out as she stormed toward the door. I only pulled down my lower eyelid in response. Child.
After she’d left the Bar became eerily quiet, other than the low hum of the duke box in the back corner, the place was empty. I sneaked a glance at the guy and quickly found those “big blue eyes” she was talking about, staring directly into mine.
Holy eyeballs.
I’ll let him finish his drink and let him know it’s closing, then if he wants another he’ll have enough time before close.
Deciding to rush what was left of clean up, I worked my way from one side of the bar counter to the other, thoroughly wiping it down. As I neared where he sat, I heard the hollow thump of his empty glass on the stainless steel bench behind the counter.
“Thanks Sweetheart. Can I get you another before close?” Looking up at him, I gave the Aryan my sweetest smile, my tired mind imagining him keeling over in a heap on the floor so I could sweep him out the door with the dust bunnies.
“Please.” A simple word coated in that husky voice, the sound ripped from his chest and into my thoughts, tearing me from my daydream.
Certainly not what I was expecting, it already had me thinking of him moaning into the base of my neck.
I squeezed my thighs together to quell the heat between them.
No. Don’t even. You are going home. You are NOT leaving with a deliciously edible man, that you’d have no problem running your tongue down his- Fuck.
I lashed at my thoughts and reached for his glass, my face still sweet despite the storm of thoughts swirling around my head.
“Same again?”
“No, thank you.” He said and pointed down the bar to the empty bottle on the bench. “I’ll have a Jack, short glass, please.”
“Surely, I’ll have to crack a fresh bottle.”
I shrunk beneath the counter to check for another bottle, to no avail. I heard him shift on the stool and clear his throat.
“Since it’s so close to closing time, you want to pour one for yourself and have a drink with me?”
I rose up from the floor already headed in the direction of the cool room, I’ll consider it while I fetch a bottle.
“Maybe,” I called out behind me and pushed through the door, to the store room. Shelving lined the walls and filled the centre of the room, countless boxes of booze. I went to the back to the shelf near the cold room door, the jack sat right at the top and I reached for it, my finger tips barely brushing the edges.
“Fuck sakes,” I cursed my short legs before the prickling of the hairs on the back of my neck alerted me to someone standing very close behind. I watched as a hand gripped the bottle by the neck and pulled it forward into my reach.
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