#helperbot au
korbydaze · 29 days
My helper bot Manny eating a tomato!
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pixelchills · 1 year
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Stardust the Helper Bot refsheet!
He is my tiny tiny meow meow.
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batneko · 5 years
okay so WALL-E AU deets!
mumenbots were originally made to be general helperbots, with interchangeable parts and stuff, so that’s why they were quickly repurposed to clean up the earth. But of course the twist of WALL-E (it is 11 years old so the spoiler moratorium is up) is that the humans never intended to come back to Earth, so they only made a show of constructing cleaning mumenbots while the evacuation was underway. Once everyone was gone the factories just stopped. Mumen’s brethren broke down one by one over the centuries, and he’s been the only one left (or at least left in range of each other) for a long time. He’s not exactly optimistic about it, but he’s content, more or less. This is his lot and it’s not like it would get better if he moped about it.
Garou is far more specialized, he was built only to go back to Earth and check the air and soil quality. He’s also the sixth in his line, though he’s been uploaded with the memories of the previous five. This has led to him being very cynical. He knows the humans don’t care about him. Or the Earth. Or much of anything outside their own comfort. When he’s dispatched on his mission, Garou leaves the ship with the intention of never coming back.
when they meet Mumen is thrilled to have company again, so much so that he doesn’t remember to find out Garou’s mission for quite a while. Garou is confused about how Mumen can be so cheerful despite clearly being abandoned and forgotten, but he ends up liking him despite everything. Mumen treats Garou like an individual, Mumen asks about Garou’s feelings, Mumen has thoughts and interests and encourages Garou when he wants to learn about things outside his directive. But when Mumen finally does find out why Garou’s there, he sadly bids Garou goodbye, since he knows perfectly well that Earth is livable again.
Garou confesses that he’s not going back, Mumen tries to convince him and naively doesn’t listen to Garou’s reasons, and Garou eventually agrees because he thinks he can at least make sure Gallow 7 knows better after his memory upload. Mumen realizes almost too late that he’s hurt Garou’s feelings, and follows him to try and apologize and show that he does respect Garou and his opinions.
Then plot happens blah blah blah robot shenanigans. Auto is a hologram screen with Amai’s face. Genos is probably M-O, Metal Bat is a security bot, and Saitama is... hm. Maybe the new version of the all-purpose helperbot like Mumen, but he got ALL the strength tweaks.
anyway, please talk to me about this!
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pixelchills · 1 year
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A new friend!
Meet my cute new buddy, Stardust, or Dusty for short.
Have you ever wanted to just go to the Pizzaplex and steal the cute, scrunkly Daycare robot for yourself? Just me? 
Fazbear co has been pleasantly surprised with the positive feedback their Daycare Attendant has received. Many people have asked to be able to purchase the helpful and enthusiastic robot for themselves. It knows how to clean and keep things organised, knows how to look after tiny human beings. And it's so adorable on top of everything else with its cartoony-shaped body and smiling faceplate. No wonder people want to take it home, but maintaining a 6'5 robot at home can be a challenge. 
That's why Fazco has created a purch-able line of small Daycare Attendants to make up for it. Advanced personality chip and sentient AI, the Helper Bots are just like the Daycare Attendant - just more convenient in size! 
They're designed to help you with your business or house chores with their clean and helpful nature. Choose one of the pre-existing models or customize your own!
This one is mine, a slightly customised Sun-model helper, named Stardust. He is my own Daycare Attendant in pocket size! Like a tiny boyfriend who takes care of my house and helps me with time management, scheduling, and other issues caused by ADHD. 
Read more about Helper Bots here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gkwXpWZILxiX_ZkfijD9es4ugWFgFt3zber0rzDZIVQ/edit?usp=sharing
HelperBot AU belongs to @Miss_dust2stars on Twitter! 
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pixelchills · 1 year
"Stardust's ideal romance"
//Voices by Mafumafu and Soraru
This sound clip was just too perfect for Stardust.... :D
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pixelchills · 1 year
Do you plan on making a new Helperbot OC? Stardust is so cute! Since he resembles Sun, I was wondering if he had any lunar-looking friend. I can just imagine him playing with the bigger animatronics <3 !
I do actually have a few other Helper Bot OCs! Thank you for reminding me I need to post their refs here 😂
But yes, even though I originally thought Stardust was not going to have "moon-partner" I ended up with one anyway... (I'm such a sucker for sun x moon ships)
Stardust's owner adopted a retired Medical Grade Helper!
This is Napkin G. Winston aka "Winnie"
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Medical Grade HelperBots (MGs) are as the name suggests, made for people who need assistance with their medical conditions.
Medical Grades come only in standard Sun and Moon models, and they're bigger and stronger than regular HelperBots with more memory space for the needed knowledge.
You can only get a working MG if you have a good insurance for your medical condition. Or by adopting a retired one, like Stardust's owner did.
This is how big Winston is compared to Stardust:
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(If you're familiar with BJDs, Stardust/regular HelperBots are the size of MSD -dolls, and Winston/Medical Grades are the size of SD -dolls.)
Winnie originally had a different owner, but after his first owner's death, he had to retire, or go through a complete memory swipe/reset. He didn't want to lose all the memories of his first owner he took care of, so he decided to retire instead.
Winston is, just like most Moon-model MGs, serious and quiet. He is still getting used to not needing to take care of someone so strictly, and still grieves his old owner's death.
He is often just quietly observing things, and talks like old people...
Stardust actually doesn't like him at first at all. He thinks Winston has come to steal his owner's attention and all the work Stardust is supposed to take care of.
But in the end, Stardust warms up for Winston. Tasks are easier to take care of when you got two extra hands, and Winston is a great help with Stardust's separation anxiety from their owner.
Eventually, even love seems to bloom between the two. Rivals to Friends to Lovers route here XD
Fun fact: Winston's name is a pun; while Winston/Winnie is the name mostly used for him, "Napkin G." is a joke between the words "Napkin" - because he is sad and grieving and needs napkins to wipe his tears - and "NapkinG" - because he's a moon-mode, thus, a nap king.
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pixelchills · 1 year
FNAF SB: Helper Bot AU registration photos
Hey guys, here's a little fun game I've made for those interested in / already owning a Helper Bot.
Heavily inspired by the @helperbotau registration form, and some of my friends worrying about their skill or time limit with art, I created this "Dress your Helper up for a photo" -type of art game/base.
The base costs $1 in my Ko-fi, and works with most art programs with Layers.
There are a few different bases of eyes, mouths, noses, rays, hats etc to choose from, and you're free to customize, move, combine, and add as much as you need to make your Helper Bot look like themselves!
The only thing you need to do yourself is to erase any unwanted lines, add irises, teeth, and eyebrows, and colour the piece. If you're still unsure about doing it yourself, DM me and we can work up a solution together. :>
NOTE: This base is ONLY for Helper Bot AU OCs. Do not use it with other Sun & Moon OCs.
If you're unfamiliar with Helper Bot AU, read more about it here from this file the owner of the AU (Keon AKA Miss_dust2stars on Twitter) has written. It's an open AU for Sun & Moon lovers, where you can easily insert your own dca/robot OC and have them interact with other people's characters.
I have a few Helper Bot OCs myself, but so far I've only publicly introduced one of them. Here's a picture of Stardust, created by using the base I'm offering:
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Here are the rules on how to use the PSD file:
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Please don't hesitate to contact me with any sort of questions! You can send them as an ASK, or DM me here or on Twitter!
Here's the link to the file in case you missed it at the beginning:
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pixelchills · 1 year
i'm not sure if anyone has told you this but in the latest book of Tales from the Pizzaplex volume 6 Nixie, there is a store in the pizzaplex where you can buy a Buddytronic [basically robotic build a bear] wherein you can buy a chibi version of the characters there.
...so technically your Dolldrops AU could be canon...
Dolldrops canon?!!
...Or the Helper Bot AU, perhaps?
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pixelchills · 1 year
🌟Stardust voice claim🌟
This is the closest I could find how I imagine his voice to sound like 😂🙏 the energy and everything... I think it'a perfect match! Soft yet fast, because he talks a lot 😌
+Translation to help you out.
(By 2 to 3 year old he means his booting day- robots don't age exactly like humans do :D)
//Yes, it's Mafumafu's voice!
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pixelchills · 11 months
AU where Sun and Moon get separate bodies but the humans did not count the fact that Eclipse had partially started to form his own personality asides the two others, so Eclipse gets a new body too - but he is no longer "Eclipse", since he is not a mix of Sun and Moon but his own (quite innocently new) personality.
So they give him an upgraded look and a new name.
What would go well with Sun and Moon?
Star, of course.
The Daycare Assistant.
(Yes, an AU where my HelperBot OC Stardust is "Eclipse")
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