#help for turkey
uluotugen · 1 year
From Getir app, no matter which country you are in, you can choose the delivery address ass "Earthquake Aid- Virtual Warehouse" and send earthquake aid packages to the affected region.
You can also donate using the links below.
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harryzayn · 1 year
Turkey has declared a fourth level alert state. The "level 4" alarm condition includes an international call for help. For those of you around the world reading this message.. Our people who were under the rubble of earthquake in my country need your help to be saved.
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shongjogyou · 1 year
Feeling the heartache, spreading love and hope!
Feeling the heartache, spreading love and hope: The world comes together to mourn and aid those impacted by the recent earthquake in Turkey, as we stand united in support of our brothers and sisters.
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caramelcuppaccino · 1 year
hey everyone. turkey has been struck by a very strong earthquake around four am. even now, many regions are being struck still. the weather is cold and snowy and people had to leave their homes. many people have lost their lives (edit: it’s been reported that the number is 1004 now (edit: more than 1500) (edit: more than 2000) (edit: more than 3000) (edit: 5434) (edit: more than 12.000 peope have lost their lives) (edit: more than 34.000 people have lost their lives) (edit: more than 40.000 people have lost their lives) (edit: more than 9000 injured people) (edit: 22.000 injured people) (edit: 31.777) (edit: more than 62.000 people are injured) and there are many people who are stuck under the wrecks (edit: number unkown) it has been reported that around two thousand buildings have collapsed and keep collapsing (edit: more than 9000) turkey has declared a fourth level alert state. the ‘’level 4’’ alarm condition includes an international call for help. if you can and would like to, this is the most reliable organization you can donate to:
(ps: akad and red crescent are not trusted by turkish locals. especially afad because they are lying about the help they send and the number of people. please refrain from donating to them. AHBAP is the most trustworthy organization that sends help immediately).
((please do not hesitate to contact me if you need help with the website/language while donating))
(((1€ and 1$ almost equal to 20 turkish lira. so even a little amounts means a lot to us.)))
((((it has been reported that around 194.000 people are under the wrecks and still waiting to be rescued))))
(((((people are sharing notices of victims who are still under the wrecks and waiting to be rescued on twitter ever since the earthquake and turkish government officially announced that they are banning twitter. this is the reason why we don’t want you to donate to afad and red crescent; they only listen to the government. they don’t care about the people.)))))
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punkkrat · 1 year
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you-are-willcome · 8 months
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If you're in the greater Seattle area i run a small knife sharpening business! Get your knives sharpened!
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pinkd3mon · 9 months
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Free them
Day 7 of drawing kirby shitpost for every day of October
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dionyrtal · 1 year
hi, if you want to help people affected by the earthquakes in turkey but don't want to support government-affiliated channels, AKUT and AHBAP are two trusted non-governmental organizations you can donate. AKUT's website supports english and this tweet shows how you can donate to AHBAP (the website does not support english as of now). HAYTAP is another turkish organization that helps our animal friends and you can see how you can donate to them here. this twitter account shares multiple translations for people to find medicine, food, water, and other supplies in the region.
multiple earthquakes killed already more than 14 thousand people already and it's very cold. every little bit helps, thank you.
editing to add: this linktree also has additional resources for syria as well although i cannot confirm if they're reliable, please let me know!
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thatsbelievable · 7 months
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Dick does not know what he expected trying to sneak a snack from the kitchen before the Thanksgiving dinner.
Maybe Alfred smacking his hand way with a spoon, maybe Jason singing out for tune, maybe his newest brother Danny would help him steal some stuffing.
“Master Jason! I will allow that slip up for this one occasion! That being said, if could watch your tongue it would be greatly appreciated!”
“Sorry Alfie! Bu-hurk!”
Dick watched at the door as the turkey elbow slammed Jason into a cupboard. The tofu turkey threw a spoon of mash potato as Danny tried to drag little wing out of the line of fire.
He closed the door when he noted Alfred was loading up the shotgun.
He will never understand cooking…
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Turkey had the biggest earthquake we ever see last night with 7.4 and more than 100 earthquakes after that. It's still continuing to happen. If you wanna help/can help please donate. This are all safe and government supported sites. More than 1000 people died. Nearly 3000 buildings collapsed. People need shelters, foods, blankets anything you give would help a lot. Please help if you can.
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uluotugen · 1 year
Hi everyone, as you already may know February 6th two earthquakes 7.7 and 7.5 hit and affected 10 cities in Turkey. Close to 14 million people have directly been affected, and close to 15 thousand buildings have been destroyed. So we can use all the help we can get. Below this of the text you can find link where you can donate so we can get the necessary needs to provide for the necessary means. Ty to for all the Nations and everyone who has already helped out but like I said we still can use all the help we can get any donations, anything will help so please spread the word. Ty.
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harryzayn · 1 year
Turkey and Syria are going through an extremely difficult moment after a 7.8 earthquakea hit them, destroying thousands of homes and lives. Please, if you are able, donate to help!
Just 1 dollar equals 18 Turkish lira, so any amount makes difference.
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pienaur · 1 year
As you may have heard, there has been a major earthquake (7.7 magnitude) in southeastern Turkey. The earthquake lasted for 40-45 seconds and there are 1710 buildings that demolished.
If you're at the age of 18 or older and want to help, you can help by donating from AFAD's website (Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency of Turkey) Here is how to do it with pictures
There's also AHBAP Derneği, a very well known organization for help, and you can see how to donate them from THIS post made by @meliswiftie13
link: https://www.afad.gov.tr/depremkampanyasi2
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This is the official website
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I couldn't find how to donate in the English page, so I turned it into Turkish like this. I translated what each thing says but you could use Google translate just to make sure.
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This page will appear. Then we click "Gündem (Order of the day)" (It's on the up right)
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After we click "Gündem" we click "Yardım Kampanyaları" which means "Aid campaigns"
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When we click, we see the list of aid campaigns. The one for the earthquake is on top of the list (As you can see the date is today)
(Dates are written as day/month/year in Turkish)
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"Deprem Bağışları" aka "Earthquake Donations"
You can write the number you would like to donate and change the currency (and even 1 euro would be so much help since it's equal to 20 Turkish liras)
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Then in this page you write:
Your name Your Last Name (not necessary)
Your phone number (not necessary)
Your E-mail (not necessary)
The amount you want to donate (and the money currency is next to it)
in the exact order (again, if it's confusing, you could use translation)
This part down below is sort of the "I read and I accept" part so I translated what it was about and what it says in this page:
What does KVKK approval mean? Explicit consent within the framework of the law means that the person gives his/her consent to the processing of his/her data, voluntarily or upon request from the other party.
Information and Approval Text About the Personal Data Protection Law (KVKK) The information shared by the donors for donation purposes can only be recorded, stored, preserved, rearranged by system administrators assigned by AFAD and who have the right to access and view the system, and they are legally willing to request these personal data. It can be shared with authorized institutions and, under the conditions stipulated by KVKK, it can be transferred to third parties, transferred, classified and deleted. Information shared by individuals while making a donation cannot be shared with any third party, institution and organization for any reason, and this information cannot be disclosed with any other exception, unless a situation develops that requires disclosure of this information by judicial decision and/or legal regulations, without the consent of the individuals.
If you're okay with what you read here, you click "evet (yes)" and then "onayla (confirm)"
For safety reasons I'm not goint to be sharing the last page (due to the fact that it has my personal information) but all you gotta do is to click "Gönder (send)"
And after you verify the payment from your card it's all done
Thank you for your time
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noctumbra · 1 year
On February 6th, 2023, on Monday morning, around 4:15AM (GMT +3), an earthquake happened in Turkiye, and a lot of people were caught off guard since they were asleep. 
The magnitude of the earthquake has been announced as 7.5, but later in the day, around 14:15PM, another earthquake has happened and this time it was 7.7. These earthquakes were the strongest that has ever happened in the southeast of Turkiye since 1939, and as I said above, many people were caught off guard. 
There had been many search and rescue operations, and still happening, but there isn’t enough people to help everyone who had been injured and trapped under the destroyed buildings. After these two (2) big earthquakes, there had been a lot of aftershocks, at least M4.4 and highest M6.0. These aftershocks had demolished whatever left from the damaged buildings and made the search and rescue operations even harder to proceed. 
The weather isn’t helping, either, because since the 1st of February, the snow has taken over the country and is more effective on the region where the earthquake happened. There are many, many cities where the search parties still could not reach and God knows how many dead. 
The current toll is:  1.541 dead, more than 10K wounded and more than 5K bulding are destroyed. 
People are in need of blankets, food, tent to stay in through the night as the buildings are very dangerous and there are still aftershocks happening, and diapers, water and hygenic peds. 
Please, if you are able to, consider helping my people by donating. You can donate money through the photos I will add below. Please reblog, so that this post can reach many many people. Thank you. 
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visenya42 · 1 year
If you want to donate to Turkey right now, here is a trustworthy NGO you can donate to:
The founder is @haluklevent and @ahbap on twitter, you can also check out his account for further info and the current state of things. Volunteers are trying to bring aid with your donations to the disaster zone. It’ll be snowing in 6 of the worst hit cities tonight, where more than 4 million people lives. Please consider donating if you can, keep in mind that 1 US dollar currently equals 18 Turkish liras. Even a small donation may buy an extra tent.
you can make a donations from abroad using this swift code called “ISBKTRIS”
Ahbap Derneği
USD Account Number: 1021-2150262
IBAN: TR320006400000210212150262
EURO Account: 1021-2150277
IBAN: TR150006400000210212150277
GBP Sterlin IBAN: TR370006400000210212260849
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