#help a butter out tem
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butterfilledpockets · 2 years ago
draw your sona in Donnie’s outfit or Temmie will steal the pancakes
which one????
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fredborges98 · 3 months ago
O título: "Stop Making Sense" do filme-concerto de 1984 dos Talking Heads tem vários significados:
O apelo de David Byrne.
O pedido de Byrne aos espectadores para não se conformarem com as normas sociais e, em vez disso, escolherem a felicidade sendo eles mesmos.
Desafiando estereótipos.
O filme desafia os estereótipos sobre a neurodivergência ao representar as pessoas autistas como capazes de expressar amor e se conectar com outras pessoas de maneira única.
Um lembrete.
O filme serve como um lembrete de quão amargas e cansadas muitas bandas de rock se tornaram.
Uma celebração da diferença.
O filme celebra a diferença e desafia estereótipos.
Life During Wartime.
Canção de Talking Heads
Heard of a van that's loaded with weapons
Packed up and ready to go
Heard of some gravesites, out by the highway
A place where nobody knows
The sound of gunfire, off in the distance
I'm getting used to it now
Lived in a brownstone, lived in a ghetto
I've lived all over this town
This ain't no party, this ain't no disco
This ain't no fooling around
No time for dancing, or lovey-dovey
I ain't got time for that now
Transmit the message to the receiver
Hope for an answer someday
I got three passports, a couple of visas
You don't even know my real name
High on a hillside, the trucks are loading
Everything's ready to roll
I sleep in the daytime, I work in the nighttime
I might not ever get home
This ain't no party, this ain't no disco
This ain't no fooling around
This ain't no Mudd Club, or CBGB
I ain't got time for that now
Heard about Houston? Heard about Detroit?
Heard about Pittsburgh, PA?
You oughta know not to stand by the window
Somebody see you up there
I got some groceries, some peanut butter
To last a couple of days
But I ain't got no speakers, ain't got no headphones
Ain't got no records to play
Why stay in college? Why go to night school?
Gonna be different this time
Can't write a letter, can't send no postcard
I ain't got time for that now
Trouble in transit, got through the roadblock
We blended in with the crowd
We got computers, we're tapping phone lines
I know that that ain't allowed
We dress like students, we dress like housewives
Or in a suit and a tie
I changed my hairstyle, so many times now
I don't know what I look like
You make me shiver, I feel so tender
We make a pretty good team
Don't get exhausted, I'll do some driving
You ought to get you some sleep
Burned all my notebooks, what good are notebooks?
They won't help me survive
My chest is aching, burns like a furnace
The burning keeps me alive.
Compositores: Chris Frantz / Christopher Frantz / David Byrne / Jerry Harrison / Tina Weymouth
Tradução do autor.
Ouvi falar de uma van carregada de armas
Empacotado e pronto para ir
Ouvi falar de alguns túmulos, perto da estrada
Um lugar onde ninguém sabe
O som de tiros, ao longe
Estou me acostumando com isso agora
Vivia em Brownstone, vivia num gueto
Eu morei por toda esta cidade
Isso não é festa, isso não é discoteca
Isso não é brincadeira
Não há tempo para dançar, ou pombinhos amorosos
Não tenho tempo para isso agora
Transmitir a mensagem ao receptor
Espero uma resposta algum dia
Eu tenho três passaportes, alguns vistos
Você nem sabe meu nome verdadeiro
No alto de uma colina, os caminhões estão carregando
Tudo está pronto para rolar
Eu durmo durante o dia, trabalho à noite
Talvez eu nunca chegue em casa
Isso não é festa, isso não é discoteca
Isso não é brincadeira
Isto não é Mudd Club ou CBGB
Não tenho tempo para isso agora
Já ouviu falar de Houston? Já ouviu falar de Detroit?Já ouviu falar de Pittsburgh, PA?
Você deveria saber que não deve ficar perto da janela
Alguém te vê lá em cima
Eu tenho alguns mantimentos, um pouco de manteiga de amendoim
Para durar alguns dias
Mas eu não tenho alto-falantes, não tenho fones de ouvido
Não tenho discos para tocar
Por que permanecer na faculdade? Por que ir para a escola noturna?
Vai ser diferente desta vez
Não consigo escrever uma carta, não consigo enviar nenhum cartão Postal
Não tenho tempo para isso, agora
Problemas no trânsito, superei o bloqueio
Nós nos misturamos com a multidão
Temos computadores, estamos grampeando linhas telefônicas
Eu sei que isso não é permitido
Nós nos vestimos como estudantes, nos vestimos como donas de casa
Ou de terno e gravata
Eu mudei meu penteado, tantas vezes agora
Eu não sei como eu pareço
Você me faz tremer, me sinto tão terno
Formamos uma equipe muito boa
Não fique exausto, vou dirigir um pouco
Você deveria dormir um pouco
Queimei todos os meus cadernos, para que servem os cadernos?
Eles não vão me ajudar a sobreviver
Meu peito está doendo, queima como uma fornalha
A queima me mantém vivo.
A música 'Life During Wartime' dos Talking Heads, lançada em 1979, é uma representação vívida e angustiante da vida em um cenário de guerra ou crise. A letra descreve um ambiente de constante vigilância e sobrevivência, onde a normalidade e os prazeres cotidianos são substituídos por uma luta incessante pela sobrevivência. Desde o início, com a menção de uma van carregada de armas e túmulos ao longo da estrada, a música estabelece um tom sombrio e urgente.
A repetição do refrão 'This ain't no party, this ain't no disco, this ain't no fooling around' reforça a seriedade da situação. Não há tempo para diversão, romance ou qualquer forma de escapismo. A vida se tornou uma série de ações pragmáticas e calculadas, onde cada movimento é crucial. A menção a locais como Houston, Detroit e Pittsburgh sugere que essa situação de crise é generalizada, afetando várias partes do país.
Além disso, a música aborda a paranóia e a necessidade de anonimato, com o protagonista mencionando múltiplos passaportes e a constante mudança de aparência. A letra também toca em temas de resistência e adaptação, como a necessidade de queimar cadernos( diários) e evitar a comunicação escrita para não deixar rastros.
A sensação de estar sempre em movimento, nunca realmente seguro, é palpável. A música é uma metáfora poderosa para qualquer situação de crise, seja ela política, social ou pessoal, onde a sobrevivência se torna a prioridade máxima e a normalidade é um luxo inalcançável.
Quantas "Heinekens" você ganha por mês?
Por: Fred Borges
A Heineken tem registrado um crescimento de vendas no Brasil, tanto em volume como em receita: 
No quarto trimestre de 2022, a Heineken vendeu 63,3 milhões de hectolitros de cerveja no Brasil, um aumento de 3,5% em relação ao mesmo período do ano anterior. 
No primeiro trimestre de 2024, a Heineken registrou um crescimento de volume em dígito alto e um aumento de receita entre 10% e 14%. 
A Heineken se tornou a marca número 1 em valor no mercado brasileiro. 
O Brasil é o principal mercado da Heineken no mundo, representando o dobro do segundo colocado, os Estados Unidos. A marca é a mais consumida no Brasil e também a que mais é produzida no país. 
A Heineken tem uma participação de 31,1% do market share de cerveja no Brasil, atrás da Ambev, que detém 61,3%. 
Por outro lado, o consumo excessivo de álcool no Brasil tem vários efeitos negativos na sociedade, como:
Aumento do risco de acidentes de trânsito 
Comportamentos anti-sociais 
Violência doméstica 
Problemas no trabalho 
Abandono escolar 
Ruptura de relacionamentos 
Desenvolvimento de doenças não transmissíveis, como cirrose hepática, alguns tipos de câncer e doenças cardiovasculares 
Distúrbios mentais e comportamentais, incluindo dependência ao álcool 
Em 2019, o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas custou mais de R$ 18 .6 bilhões ao Brasil. 
De acordo com o OCID, 27% dos brasileiros consomem álcool moderadamente, enquanto 17% o fazem de forma abusiva. No entanto, 75% dos consumidores abusivos acreditam que são moderados. 
A pesquisa Covitel de 2023 apontou que a faixa etária de 18 a 24 anos liderou o índice de consumo abusivo de álcool. 
A cada hora cerca de duas mulheres morreram em razão do uso nocivo de álcool em 2020. Ao todo, 15.490 brasileiras perderam a vida por motivos atribuídos ao álcool naquele ano. A faixa etária mais afetada foi a das mulheres de 55 anos e mais (70,9%), seguida por 35 a 54 anos (19,3%), 18 a 34 anos (7,3%) e de 0 a��17 anos (2,5%). Os dados fazem parte de estudo inédito, divulgado nesta semana pelo Centro de Informações sobre Saúde e Álcool (Cisa) para marcar o Dia Nacional de Combate ao Alcoolismo, comemorado todo dia 20 de Fevereiro.
Segundo o levantamento, as principais causas desses óbitos foram doença cardíaca hipertensiva (15,5%), cirrose hepática (10,4%), doenças respiratórias inferiores (8,7%) e câncer colorretal (7,3%). 
O consumo abusivo de álcool pelas brasileiras aumentou 4,25% anualmente, de 2010 a 2020. A tendência foi registrada em 12 capitais e no Distrito Federal. Os maiores aumentos no consumo foram verificados em Curitiba (8,03%), São Paulo (7,34%) e Goiânia (6,72%). O levantamento é realizado pelo Cisa, com dados do Datusus 2021.
Por consumo abusivo considera-se a ingestão de quatro ou mais doses, para mulheres, ou de cinco ou mais doses, para homens, em um mesmo dia. O aumento mais significativo foi observado entre mulheres, passando de 7,8% em 2006 para 16% em 2020. O centro considera que uma dose padrão corresponde a 14g de etanol puro no contexto brasileiro. Isso corresponde a 350 ml de cerveja (5% de álcool), 150ml de vinho (12% de álcool) ou 45ml de destilado (como vodca, cachaça e tequila, com aproximadamente 40% de álcool).
De acordo com a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), o consumo de álcool pode causar mais de 200 doenças e lesões. Está associado ao risco de desenvolvimento de problemas de saúde como distúrbios mentais e comportamentais, incluindo dependência ao álcool, doenças graves como cirrose hepática, alguns tipos de câncer e doenças cardiovasculares, bem como lesões resultantes de violência e acidentes de trânsito. Em todo o mundo, 3 milhões de mortes por ano resultam do uso nocivo do álcool, representando 5,3% de todas as mortes.
Consumo Abusivo.
Os perigos do consumo nocivo de bebidas alcoólicas afetam, de formas diferentes, homens e mulheres. Segundo a presidente da Associação Brasileira de Estudos do Álcool e Outras Drogas (Abead), Alessandra Diehl, as mulheres têm predisposição a ter adoecimento clínico e psíquico mais rápido do que os homens.
“Uma das questões aí é a vulnerabilidade biológica”, disse, em entrevista à Agência Brasil. A psiquiatra explicou que as mulheres têm menor concentração de enzimas que fazem a metabolização do álcool, o que faz com que ele seja mais tóxico para o organismo feminino do que para o masculino. Segundo Alessandra, as mulheres, às vezes, com menos tempo de uso crônico de álcool que os homens, já apresentam mais prejuízos para a saúde, como hepatite, cirrose e envelhecimento.
De acordo com o psiquiatra e presidente do Cisa, Arthur Guerra, os efeitos do consumo de álcool entre as mulheres também podem variar conforme o ciclo menstrual, a gestação e amamentação. Além disso, elas sofrem impactos por fatores sociais, como a maternidade e participação no mercado de trabalho. 
“Outro ponto é que as mulheres acabam tendo outras influências hormonais, como ciclo menstrual por exemplo, que acabam afetando o consumo de álcool também. Algumas delas, durante a fase pré-menstrual, a famosa TPM, ficam mais sensíveis e vão usar o álcool como se fosse um remédio para aliviar os sintomas”, explicou o médico.
Para a socióloga Mariana Thibes, coordenadora do Cisa, o aumento no consumo de bebida alcóolica tem um componente cultural.
“As mulheres estão bebendo mais e isso é uma mudança cultural importante que foi acontecendo ao longo da última década. Provavelmente tem a ver com a maior presença delas no mercado de trabalho, acho que esse é o fator mais importante. A mulher está nos mesmos espaços que os homens, então ela sai para um happy hour com os colegas homens e por que ela vai consumir menos álcool?”, questionou.
Segundo Mariana, o acúmulo das jornadas também é relevante para o aumento do consumo abusivo de álcool entre as mulheres. 
“O acúmulo de trabalho dentro de casa, fora de casa, cuidar dos filhos, da profissão, do trabalho doméstico. Esse aumento das pressões acaba levando muitas mulheres a procurar no álcool uma espécie de recurso para relaxar. No período da pandemia, vimos a hastag #winemom viralizar, com muitas mães postando fotos com taça de vinho no fim do dia, como uma espécie de recompensa depois daquele dia duro de acúmulo de jornada. Esse estresse que as mulheres passaram a sofrer nos últimos anos também pode ajudar a explicar o aumento do consumo abusivo de álcool”, afirmou. 
A cada hora cerca de duas mulheres morreram em razão do uso nocivo de álcool em 2020. Ao todo, 15.490 brasileiras perderam a vida por motivos atribuídos ao álcool naquele ano. A faixa etária mais afetada foi a das mulheres de 55 anos e mais (70,9%), seguida por 35 a 54 anos (19,3%), 18 a 34 anos (7,3%) e de 0 a 17 anos (2,5%). Os dados fazem parte de estudo inédito, divulgado nesta semana pelo Centro de Informações sobre Saúde e Álcool (Cisa) para marcar o Dia Nacional de Combate ao uso e abuso do álcool.
Segundo o levantamento, as principais causas desses óbitos foram doença cardíaca hipertensiva (15,5%), cirrose hepática (10,4%), doenças respiratórias inferiores (8,7%) e câncer colorretal (7,3%). 
O consumo abusivo de álcool pelas brasileiras aumentou 4,25% anualmente, de 2010 a 2020. A tendência foi registrada em 12 capitais e no Distrito Federal. Os maiores aumentos no consumo foram verificados em Curitiba (8,03%), São Paulo (7,34%) e Goiânia (6,72%). O levantamento é realizado pelo Cisa, com dados do Datusus 2021.
Outro grupo de destaque são os jovens.De acordo com a Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE), feita pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) com estudantes de 13 a 17 anos, a experimentação de bebida alcoólica cresceu de 52,9% em 2012 para 63,2% em 2019. O aumento, no período, foi mais intenso entre as meninas (de 55% para 67,4%) do que entre os meninos (de 50,4% para 58,8%).
O consumo excessivo de álcool também aumentou. Foi de 19% em 2009 para 26,2% em 2019 entre os estudantes do sexo masculino e de 20,6% para 25,5% entre as adolescentes. A experimentação ou exposição ao uso de drogas cresceu em uma década. Foi de 8,2% em 2009 para 12,1% em 2019.
A presidente da Abead, Alessandra Diehl, alerta que a iniciação no álcool ocorre cada vez mais cedo, em média aos 13 anos de idade, sendo que 34,6% dos estudantes tomaram a primeira dose de álcool com menos de 14 anos. “Há prevalência de meninas jovens iniciando o consumo de álcool”, afirmou.
O valor de uma Heineken pode variar de acordo com o tipo e a quantidade da cerveja: 
Uma lata de 350 ml pode custar em torno de R$ 4,99 
Uma garrafa de 330 ml pode custar em torno de R$ 6,79 
Uma garrafa de 600 ml pode custar em torno de R$ 14,99 
Um keg de 5 litros pode custar em torno de R$ 120,00 
Um pack de 24 long necks de 330 ml pode custar em torno de R$ 230,90 
Na praia e em outros ambientes como meios de hospedagem, bares, restaurantes e similares, esse valor da latinha pode facilmente quadruplicar.
Diante desse contexto a "Heineken" se torna líder absoluta nas compras e vendas dos estabelecimentos comerciais, hoje as bebidas são o carro-chefe de muitos estabelecimentos representando 30 a 35% do "ticket médio" das vendas ou 1/3 do lay-out desses estabelecimentos são concentrados no segmento de bebidas alcoolícas e sua derivações.
Continuando a falar sobre o Lay-out da loja elas estão localizadas na artéria principal, na entrada da loja, as mais caras, continuam na artéria principal, mas em " vitrines" ou " Containers" fechados e devidamente decorados para o consumidor se sentir " em casa" ou na sua " sala de estar" com sensores para detectar até mesmo a aceleração dos batimentos cardiácos, dilatação da pupila dentre outros para o " objeto de pesquisa" ser estudado e pesquisado no seu " behaviour" ( comportamento).Fora as bebidas "quentes" , aquelas com maior dosagem de álcool que são devidamente colocadas em " lockers" ou armários fechados para evitar roubos e a prevenção contra perdas nos estabelecimentos comerciais ou ( Lost Prevention).
Mas quem realmente continua perdendo é a população, a economia, a sociedade, cada vez mais viciada, dependente do álcool para alcançar uma pretença " bolada"? Sim, "bolada"! O álcool leva ao jogo, a jogatina, aos " BETS", jogos do " Tigrinho" e daí para as drogas, e aí a família perde, perde o pai,o pai-mãe, a mãe, a mãe-pai, os filhos, a juventude, da geração BB á Z, a sociedade fica alienada, anestesiada, engessada ( sem mobilidade social), manipulada por quem está no poder; na velha política do vinho, pão e circo, a ordem dos fatores não altera o produto ou o resultado.
Mulheres, Homens, enchem o carrinho com a " Heineken" e se sentem " ricos" , principalmente se pertencerem a classe "C", " D" e "E".O feijão, o arroz, o macarrão, a carne, as frutas, as verduras, as hortaliças estão perdendo para a competição cultural, comportamental, moral de uma sociedade cada vez mais viciada e vitimada pela própria má formação, desinformação e ignorância.
Quanto a pergunta inicial: "Quantas "Heinekens" você ganha por mês?"Cada um deve responder e na sua educação e visão financeira nula ou quase nenhuma de muitos, saber o quanto a bebida, a Pitú,a "Pitusinha", cachaça, a "cachacinha", cerveja, a " cervejinha" está levando, em eufemismo, sua e de sua própria família a permanecer na faixa de sobrevivência e pior levá-la a pobreza ou a miséria, sustentando atacados,varejos, indústrias, governos, esse último constituído de uma política incompetente, leniente, ao " lobby da bebida" e que desfigura, agride, violenta, tira a verdadeira liberdade com dignidade dos cidadãos e das famílias brasileiras.
Na verdade a pergunta poderia ser reformulada por quantas "Heinekens" você gasta por mês? E quanto esse consumo significa ou pesa na sua saúde, saúde financeira, saúde física, emocional, agora, não mais sua, mas de sua família e dos verdadeiros amigos, pois aqueles do bar, os da saideira, vamos ser sinceros, nunca foram ou serão seus amigos!
Quanto ao grupo: Talking Heads e sua música provocante, inovadora para época, tudo ou nada faz sentido quando deixamos as emoções nos fazerem reféns de nossa capacidade de pensar, raciocinar, ponderar, sermos sensatos e conscientes ao consumir, consumistas de todos os tipos revelam-se estúpidos,sejamos consumerista do consumerismo ( consumo consciente) sejamos por nós mesmos,por nossas famílias, pelo educar com exemplos em última análise, assim exercermos nossa liberdade com consciência e responsabilidade,comportando-nos como cidadãos e principalmente adultos.
Liberdade sem responsabilidade é prisão!
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anime-manga-fangirl · 1 year ago
Say Bye to Jet-black Spots: The Show
Hyperpigmentation is a assured locations indicating payable to an overproduction symptomaticanhaveosignificantide of, hair, andself-esteemconfidenceicant|imakingcrucialthy|findng|bearing|force|thrust|weitreatmentght|burden|brunt|repercussions|results|consequences} in one's self-adulation and self-treatmential to hit upon can easily assist address promoting apartment business, reducing sore, and providing material nutrients to the fleece. When it comes to hyperpigmentation, it is leading to elect quarry this kind of certain reference to. Literary behold beoducts|items|goods} in which bear ingredients best-better-celeofs kind of since vitamin C, kojic acid, niacinamide, and licorice withdraw. A procedure championing hyperpigmentation might pelt twice ordinary with a undisturbed become utilized to quarry hyperpigmentation itty-bitty needles to hsuchasdermis, inspirational collagen manufacturing and promoting fleece ingredients. Whilst microneedling may be confer with a dermatologist beforehand undergoing microneedling. Everyday Remedies in the service of Hyperpigmentation: Carry out They will Tier remedies secure extended became dealing several well being concerns, detailed certification supporting the effectiveness of reasonable remedies for hyperpigmentation, some individuals unmistakable customary medicaticanne that is repeatedly recommended for the benefit of hyperpigmentation is lemon vitality. Lemon strength contains citric acid, which offers phoney places cure buoy up After all, it is superior to bread-and-butter letter in which lemon fskines may end up being irritating to the specifically in the event that cast-off in stiff concentrations or on tender hide. Other typical remedies that tend to be {often|frequently|regularly|much|many times|usually|habitually|commonly|ordinarily|again and again|over and over again|time after time|repeatedly|time and again|in many carightpigmentation comprise tea takof their own calm and antioxidant properties, which can remedy forward fell characteristic of Diet in Hyperpigmentation Preventing and {Treatment|Often|Treatment of|Behaviour|Conduct|Action|Hmaevena critical role in maintaining well and preventing miscellaneous pelt concerns, Specific foods can easily facilitate strengthen complexion and abate the risk despite developing unlighted spots and patches. Foods rich in antioxidants, these kinds of as berries, verdant from, care for coming via oxidative emphasis and irritation, each notwithstanding which may add to a balanced diet in which includes a mixture despite nutrient-dense foods. Makeup Tips representing Covering Hyperpigmentation Whilst treating hyperpigmentation is regarding long-term outcomes, furthermore in that respect there are furthermore way to pro tem up Via using the above-board techniques and items obtain a extra plane complexion and reparation is skeleton key. Using a shade corrector in a gloominess that counteracts the undertones indicating your black spots can improve equalize colour corrector can easily better waddition a high-coverage concealer in which matches your pelt wan the Sound Products good products championing hyperpigmentation become overwhelmingtherevariousowing, given the encyclopaedic area options present in the market-place. insomuch as predetermined factors can easily assist an colloq in the know resolving and opt for items which tend to be many liable to speech your certain concerns. Firstly, it is crucial to place concerns you may have got. antipathy help incommodious straight along your alternatives and guarantee that the products you prefer as a service to your skin's needs. Secondly, contemplate championing items which carry ingredients known in support of their brightening and lightening properties. Ingredients these kinds of as vitamin C, niacinamide, kojic acid, and licorice take out secure been shown to be efficient in reducing hyperpigmentation. Lastly, take into, concerns, and desired outcomes. purehnb.com/does-accutane-help-hyperpigmentation Hyperpigmentation is a typical skin color relevant to in which may accept a substantive weight up about one's vanity and belief. Determination the righteous dealing in support of hyperpigmentation is crucial the selfsame for the benefit of everyone. Discernment the causes and types symptomatic of hyperpigmentation is intrinsic in determining the the majority of effective remedy nearer. In summing-up to looking for master improve, creating lifestyle adjustments these kinds of because wearing sunscreen commonplace, maintaining a fit diet, and establishing a steadfast skincare plan ban and behave hyperpigmentation. Generally at this time there are usually a number of management choices to hand, such as local treatments, chemical peels, laser treatments, and microneedling. Accepted remedies may possibly additionally lend some advantages, despite the fact that orderly validation supporting their particular effectiveness is reduced. Alongside combining another treatments and addressing hyperpigmentation through multiple angles, optimal results may be achieved. It is top-level to ask with a dermatologist or skincare knowledgeable to determine the the majority of becoming therapy programme in the service of your specific requirements. Retrieve, looking for finished cure is momentous in effectively addressing hyperpigmentation and achieving a extra coextensive complexion.
0 notes
soliavenne · 4 years ago
Part 4 of Incorrect Quotes! Featuring more of Kankuro and Temari, and having Naruto as a guest star in one of the segments. XD
Temari: Having the best time of my life! :)
Y/n: Tem, Kankuro is drowning-
Temari: This ain't about him.
[AU where if Gaara and Shijima(from Gaara Hiden) got married]
Gaara, opening a present from Y/n: Oh, thank you for...divorce papers?
Y/n: ...He's gonna need them, let's be real, we were ALL thinking it...
Genin!Gaara: Your existence is confusing.
Genin!Y/n: How so?
Genin!Gaara: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me.
Genin!Y/n: I'm sorry to tell you this, but you have a heart, and capacity to feel.
Genin!Gaara: You take that back.
Y/n: Wow...
Gaara: What?
Y/n: *leans in close to his face*
Gaara, blushing: W-What are you doing?
Y/n: A study on cuteness.
Y/n: Did Gaara just tell me he loved me for the first time?
Kankuro: Yeah, he did.
Y/n: ...And did I do finger guns back?
Kankuro: Yeah, you did.
Gaara: Y/n and I are no longer friends.
Y/n: Gaara, that is the worst way to tell people we're dating.
Y/n: Hey, sorry if I disappointed you.
Gaara: It's fine, nothing in life can disappoint me more than my father and uncle.
Y/n: Oh...kay.
Gaara: Oh fiddlesticks. That really ruffles my sand-
Y/n, crying: pLEASE, JUST SAY FUCK.
Y/n: Ooooh, Gaara! You had a crush on me~
Y/n: How embarrassing~
Gaara: My love, we're married.
Y/n, blushing: Still...
Y/n: I had a boyfriend once. Sometimes it's like I can still hear his voice.
Gaara: My love, we literally got married six hours ago.
[Chunin!Gaara walks in with a pink shirt]
Chunin!Temari: Oh, my god.
Chunin!Y/n: Gaara's wearing pink, he's wearing pink!
Chunin!Kankuro: Are we sure it's not just a white shirt that's been bloodied from a mission?
Gaara: I tried to acknowledge their feelings. It wasn't easy. There were a lot of them.
[Earlier that day]
Y/n: I'm just so confused- Are you...Are you climbing out that window?
Gaara: *Halfway out the window*
Gaara: No.
[After Gaara gets kidnapped]
Y/n: What exactly is your plan?
Kankuro: Rescue Gaara and get home safely.
Y/n: Kankuro, that's not a plan, that's a wishlist.
Sasori/Deidara/Some other Akatsuki member idfk: Oh please, you wouldn't hurt a fly.
Y/n: You're right, because a fly is an innocent creature that never knowingly did anything to anybody. You, however, I would maim.
Y/n: Hey, mind if I ride my skateboard outside?
Temari: Whatever, I'm not your mother.
Y/n: *runs off*
Y/n: Hey, I'm getting lunch at Subway, anyone want anything?
Kankuro: Yeah, could I get white bread with just every sauce in it?
Y/n: You disgust me, no you cannot have lunch.
Gaara: If sleep is water, then I am a cactus.
Y/n: I am a fish.
Temari: Gods, give me patience.
Y/n: I think you mean give me strength.
Temari: If the Gods give me strength, everyone would be dead.
Kankuro: Today, I'm pranking Gaara and-
Gaara, walking in and eating a bar of soap: Hello.
Kankuro: Are...Are you eating soap?
Gaara: I thought this taffy tasted kind of strange.
Gaara, continuing to eat it:
[After Y/n got badly injured from a mission]
Temari: You're losing a lot of blood! Quick, what's your type?!
Y/n: Redhead, blue eyes, likes cacti...
Temari: I mean your blood type!
Y/n: *squints at wound*
Y/n: Red.
Chunin!Gaara: I'm not in love with Y/n.
Chunin!Kankuro, ducking: Damn, your bullshit almost hit me.
Chunin!Gaara: Did you just duck?
Kankuro: Do you wanna see a butterfly?
Y/n: Sure!
Temari: nO-
Kankuro: *throws a stick of butter across the kitchen*
Gaara: Majestic.
[After the Konoha Crush arc, and if the Sand Siblings had to apologize to Konoha's students]
Gaara: Alright, Naruto convinced me not to end the exams in bad terms with everyone...
Gaara: So apologize to me.
Naruto: No Gaara, that's not how-
Y/n, trying to flirt: You know, you can just admit that you like me, it's pretty obvious pfft-
Gaara: I like you.
Y/n, blushing heavily: wait- WAIT, IT WAS A JOKE!
Gaara, sweating: Was I supposed to laugh???
Gaara: What's this movie called?
Y/n: I love you, man.
Gaara: I love you too, but seriously what's the movie called?
Gaara, confused but also decides to shout back: I LOVE YOU TOO, LOVE.
[After Y/n first moved into Sunagakure]
Y/n: Let's break a window, it's too hot.
Kankuro: Or you could just open one.
Kankuro: I dunno, but it tasted good.
Temari: *Slaps Kankuro*
Y/n, clenching their fists: Fight me!
Gaara, standing behind them, slowly uncapping his sand gourd and shaking his head: *mouths* Do not.
Genin!Gaara: I don't do "love". Love is for fools.
Genin!Y/n, approaching the Sand siblings: Hey there!
Genin!Gaara: Fuck.
Temari: I don't care what everyone says, the black cookie part is the best part of an oreo.
Gaara: Darkness without light is an abyss, light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side.
Kankuro: It's a fucking COOKIE.
Gaara: *carrying grocery bags in both hands*
Y/n: *reaches out a hand to help him*
Gaara: *hands one of the bags to his controlling sand while the other bag rest in one arm, while his other hand takes Y/n's hand*
Y/n: *pouts, but doesn't pull away*
AAAAAA this is my favorite incorrect quotes chapter so far!! I love this soo much! 😭❤❤ Thank you very much for sharing this with the blog! I appreciate your effort and generosity as always, @its-sexy-beastington-to-you! 😊❤
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chaoticneutralwriter · 4 years ago
First Bite and A Small Death (M)
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“  A desire to engage in short-term urges for enjoyment that threatens long-term goals. In the context of some religions, temptation is the inclination to sin.   ”
guardian demon!jimin x reader
genre: supernatural, fluff, angst, romance, slow-burn
word count: 7.6k
related works: see Masterlist under guardian demon!jimin au
Continuation of Star-Crossed
Warning: this chapter contains explicit description of smut!! (i’m gonna list them all even if it’s minor *just in case*): lots of making out, fingering, little bit of nipple play (can you call it that??), oral (f receiving), little bit of face riding (oops), thigh grinding, multiple orgasms, over stimulation, little bit of dirty talk (oooops), body worship, jimin is a tease (what’s new), strip tease??, (also he thicc), little bit of masturbation (oop!), begging, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (*always* be safe, wrap it up!), creampie (there may or may not be lowkey a kink for it oop), little bit of cock-warming (oooops), rather vanilla though so nothing crazy?? lolll)
A/N: i may not be in time for halloween but i am in time for KINKTOBER?! LOLL oh my god, yall my first smut LMAOOO please do not be fooled by the warning list because gurl it’s...yeah, idk LOLL I will say though, that this smut chapter is on it’s own with no ‘real’ story development (like nothing major happens other than they finally bang), so it is entirely optional for those who are not comfortable (or underage *squinty eyes*). You’re not gonna miss out on much if you decide not to read this, I promise. I’m really sorry for the wait once again!! 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️😫😫😫 life and stuff just gets in the way and writing smut but make it plot and not straight up filth is wow hard. Other than that, i love you all for your endless patience and love for this story!! 💜💜💜 Quench thy thirst!! XDD
Tags:@cherryjiminiee @kokobaekkie @breathebangtan @itsadoozie @thatshylatina @chiminieboi @azulamakesmeblank @sectumsemptae @awkwardwookie @aduky @poisonseashell @shortannoyingginger @caramelmac-chiato @sana-b @jiminstinct @beautifulparisiangirl @taelieninvader @ggukjitaejin @xakemi-chiix @vantaenims @atulipandarose​ @moments-of-melancholy @xclo02 @cherub-kookie @gottadreamitallaway​ @indiesy​
He tastes unlike anything you've imagined, something that can only be described in feelings – like the first sip of buttered rum on a winter's day; how it warms your entire body from the inside out, sweet with a spice that burns a hot trail through you, like caramel that's melted over your tongue, rich and smooth, lingering long after you swallow.
It's intoxicating, and you can't get enough.
Your breath comes out in soft pants as a result of your greed to chase after more of him, but he welcomes you, pulls you in closer until the curves of your body melds into his, no space left between you. Goosebumps rise at the feel of his hands slipping under the hem of your shirt, seeking out the warmth of your skin, dipping into the grooves your spine and mapping out the expanse with the careful traces of his fingers.
You bury your hand into his raven hair, the locks gliding easily like silk through your fingers and tug lightly.
“Cherub...” He groans.  
You hum noncommittally, sucking on the fleshy part of his lower lip and he nearly loses his mind. He brings his own hand up to cup the underside of your jaw then. At his coaxing touch, you open your eyes partially, lids heavy from being lost in the feel of him. Jimin's done an amazing job at controlling the pace of kiss so far; slow and sensual, like he's taking his time to memorize the shape of your lips, drawing you in deeper with every deliberate tilt of his head. You're so pliant, practically melting against him but underneath you're burning up and the heat of you ignites his own desires. Every press of your body to his makes him teeter closer and closer to throwing away all of his inhibitions and it takes everything in him to pull apart if only for a second.
“Tell me what you want cherub.” Jimin rasps, dark eyes locked onto you, voice husky. “Otherwise, I don't think I can stop...”
He really doesn't, not when you look so exquisite – flushed cheeks, kiss bitten lips, out of breath, and pupils blown out.
You swallow, finally able to breathe momentarily and even though he keeps you steady with one hand on your hip, the thumb rubbing tantalizing circles into the skin has you barely thinking straight. But you manage, wetting your lips and it doesn't go unnoticed by Jimin, entranced by the movement.
“...I want this.” You say with quiet conviction. You meet his eyes, unwavering and your heart swells at how attentive he is, putting you above his own desires, even amidst the heated moment just now. “I want you.” You've never been more sure in your life.
Something snaps in him at the words, his eyes going dark and hooded as the hand on your jaw moves to guide you back to him. Your eyes automatically slip shut, the sensation of his lips on yours all you want to focus on. It starts off sweet, as though to reacquaint yourselves again before a hunger takes over, turning the kiss heady. You're left breathless once again, the sounds of your pounding heart intermingling with the soft smacking of lips and you part easily at the first feel of his tongue running across your bottom lip.
He gives you no chance to take control, not like you can when he licks into every crevice of your mouth, the perfect balance between the soft caresses of his tongue on yours and nipping of teeth. It makes you weak in your knees but at the slightest shift, you accidentally press into the leg that has slipped in between yours and you let out a quiet gasp at the friction it causes.
Jimin drinks in the sound greedily, stoking his ego and immediately he's eager to draw more out from you.
You feel his hands pause in their wandering in favour of pressing into the backs of your upper thigh. The pressure naturally makes you lift yourself up and despite how drained he might've looked, Jimin has no trouble carrying you. You cling onto him, legs wrapped around his slender waist, paying no mind to where he takes you. If you're gonna be honest, you were more focused on trying to get the infuriating white shirt off of him, fingers tugging at the thin material across his shoulders but you don't make much progress.
Your back hits the plush surface of a mattress, the only indication that you've probably moved to the bedroom and the new position allows Jimin to nestle his weight perfectly atop you, your legs hugging his hips. He parts from your mouth to trail hot kisses down your jaw, licking and nipping and you tilt your head back to give him better access to your neck, nails raking his scalp. When he reaches the place just below your left ear and gives a harsh suck, you keen, body arching into him.
“Jimi – !!”
Eyes wide, you nearly choke at the speed in which you cut yourself off, mouth snapping shut so hard your teeth clicked noisily. At your sudden abruptness, 'Jimin' lifts his face from the crook of your neck to look at you properly.
“What's wrong? Did I hurt you?” He asks, voice full of concern.
You shake your head adamantly but still otherwise withhold your cause of embarrassment. Your face feels impeccably hot, the tips of your ears and neck burning. You're chewing on your lip, heart beating rapidly for an entirely different reason now and can't help but let your eyes fixate on a point in the high ceiling, useless thoughts racing distractedly in your mind (damn, just how big is this place?).
“Cherub,” You hear him call you softly and then feel the gentle press of his lips to the corner of your mouth in an attempt to draw you out of your head. “Talk to me darling.”
Shyly, you turn until you're able to meet his gaze, though you still have trouble maintaining it. He tilts his head in question, deft fingers brushing through the strands of your hair soothingly and your fingers do the same with the hair at the nape of his neck. After a moment, you swallow, finally mustering up the courage to speak.
“I – Um... I just...Don't be mad?” You mumble and you're not even sure if he's able to understand you completely. But he seems to as a small smile pulls at his full lips, and he gives a reassuring peck on the tip of your nose.
“I won't I promise. Go on, cherub.”
Taking a deep breath in, you blurt out, cringing. “I almost called you 'Jimin' and I felt really weirded out by that.”
He blinks, confused. “....But you always call me 'Jimin.'”
“Yeah, but... that's not actually your name is it? You have a 'true name' don't you?”
Your question shocks him for a brief second before understanding dawns on him, then the smile on his face creeps a little wider and his eyes take on a mischievous glint.
“Someone's been doing their homework....” He drawls playfully. “I wonder when did that happen...”
You pout at his implication and he's swift to kiss it.
“I just so happen to come across it at the moment okay? And it made sense.” Another kiss, this time on your cheek.
“You're not wrong; demons do have 'true names', as do all supernatural beings.”
“Really?” Your interest is piqued, but you find it's waning very quickly with every press of his mouth – he's clearly more interested in kissing every part of your skin he can reach. You manage to breathe, “Then...what's yours?”
He hums against your chin in response, “There's power in a name, love. It's not something we give out easily.” Then he rears up, looming over you and in a low voice, he says, “But perhaps I'll tell you if only to hear what it sounds like falling from your lips.”
The dark pensive look he gives is filled with a promise that makes an involuntary shiver run through you and you shift almost restlessly, pulse quickening. He smirks and he looks every bit a demon that he is, hair tousled and shirt practically falling off one shoulder as he leans down until his kiss swollen lips hover over yours.
He presses the word teasingly onto your cupid's bow and you huff a little, miffed at the way he coos, obviously aware of the effect he has on you. The provocation does more than just rile you up though; it has you daring to bite back.
“Well, what name am I supposed to scream otherwise then?”
Your bold utterance makes the demon above you freeze and you'd be lying if you said you didn't feel immensely satisfied. The light smirk that had been on his face falters, and for a moment, his mouth just hangs slightly parted, baffled at what he heard. You feel the corners of your mouth twitch.
“What? Did I fluster a de – ah!” Your smug jab gets cut short when you feel a sudden pressure between your legs, causing you to throw your head back as pleasure shoots through you. It leaves your neck exposed and vulnerable and Jimin takes full advantage, going back to give a punishing nip.
“Little minx...” He growls next to your ear, causing a quiet whimper to leave you at the sound, the vibration going straight to your core and your body moves on its own, grinding against the firm thigh pressed into you for relief. The heat creeps back fast and the feel of his hand sliding under your shirt has you sighing out. He breaks away for a second to remove it completely, the air further cooling your warm skin before Jimin's searing kisses trail a new path down your collarbones and the valley between your breast, purple bruises blooming in their wake.
He revels in the soft sighs and pants you exhale, but with each sound it becomes harder for him to control himself, wanting nothing more than to rip away your remaining clothes and bury himself deep in you. He's determined to take his time with you though; to touch and learn all the planes, dips and curves of your body, what makes you sigh, moan or in your words, scream (he shivers in anticipation at the thought) as if you're a language he wants to become fluent in.
And when his hand pushes past the cup of your bra, thumb brushing against a nipple, the hitch in your breath lets him know his patience will be worthwhile.
Your grip on his shoulders tightens, chest pushing into the palm of his hand and at your eagerness, he reaches around to unclip your bra. It falls away easily, tossed aside with little care and wasting no time, his lips latch onto a bud as his hand continues to toy with the other. He tends to them with great care, sucking and rolling with his tongue while letting his teeth occasionally graze over them. Only when they've pebbled does he switch over, making sure to give the other the same treatment that has you gasping and moaning, all the while still keeping his hands busy groping and kneading you.
Once he's satisfied, Jimin releases the pert nipple with a wet pop, and as if for good measures, he blows gently over them, the sudden chill sends goosebumps erupting and you whine. He's quick to placate you with a press of his lips to yours, though you still feel the ghost of a smile at your reaction but you find you can't stay anywhere remotely mad at him, feeling so needy of his attention and him being more than happy to give it to you.
“How long I've dreamt of this...Having you beneath me...” You hear him murmur almost to himself between the languid kisses and the haze of arousal, the words a mixture of being reverent and possessive as does the hand that trace along your abdomen, going lower until they find the button of your pants, prying them open with the zipper and you shift in anticipation, pressing your body into his.
“To ruin you until the only pleasure you know is mine.”
The mewl falls from you instantly when he presses into your folds for the first time, hips rising and he groans at how wet you already are, easily coating his fingers. He rubs along your slit in lazy strokes before circling your clit with the pad of his thumb and you twitch, legs spreading apart. For a good minute or so, you have trouble forming coherent words, any attempts only resulting in breathy whimpers as your nails dig into his biceps.
He doesn't seem to mind, actually loving how receptive your body is and it's with that thought in mind, he pushes a finger into you. Your head falls back, moaning at the feel of the digit sinking knuckle deep inside, sliding in easily. You hear Jimin curse, pausing in his open mouthed kisses at the juncture of your shoulder to take in the way your walls squeezes around his finger, even as he pulls out halfway to thrust back in experimentally.
You can barely keep yourself from writhing, growing steadily impatient with need and how unhurried he seems to be but before you can muster any strength for a complaint, you feel a second finger and you let out a choked gasp instead. He stretches you with a scissoring motion, letting you get accustomed before he begins to set a pace.
Jimin leans back to watch you, eyes drinking in the glassy, half-lidded look in your eyes and your dishevelled appearance; mouth parted and your chest heaving with every moan, flushed and covered with his marks while shamelessly rutting yourself against his hand with every thrust. At the crook of his fingers, your hips stutter and your eyes nearly roll shut. You're quite the sight to behold; his jaw clenching subtly in effort to maintain his composure and focus on you rather than the erection straining in his jeans.
Soon, your moans grow a little louder, your breathing becoming more shallow and the furrow in your brows lets Jimin know that you're getting close, hips bucking up desperately on their own to chase your high but just as you're within reach, he stops, pulling away and you're left feeling frustratingly empty.
“Ugh! J-Jimin!” You whine loudly, voice pitching as if you're on the verge of crying. “I was so close...!”
He gives a throaty chuckle, the sound enough to draw your attention and immediately any more petulant protests are silenced when your eyes meet deep crimson irises that glow dangerously in the dimness of the room.
“I meant what I said cherub,” He says in a husky timbre, ruby eyes never leaving yours as he brings his fingers glistening with your juices to his lips, “You'll be ruined by the time I'm done with you.” And sucks them off clean, humming in approval as he visibly swallows, Adam's apple bobbing.
You clench around nothing at the sight, failing to hide the wave of arousal that shoots through you ten times more intensely than before. God, it always seems like you eat your words a lot when it comes to him, only this time you find you have no regrets for trying to outplay him in his own game.
Every nerve ending in you is vibrating with excitement at what he plans to do and you're not sure if it's a good or a bad thing that he's very well aware of that fact because you know he'll definitely take advantage of it, if the devilish gleam in his eyes is anything to go by.
“Let's get you out of these, hm?”
Your hips lift as he tugs your pants and slides them off along with your soaked panties, discarding them to the side. Now bare of any clothes, you can't help feeling a little self-conscious, an embarrassing heat creeping from your neck all the way up to your face seeing as how he's still fully clothed, much to your chagrin and his piercing gaze is fixated on you. They drag over every inch of you intently that it has you wanting to curl in on yourself but he stops you by situating himself between your legs and a comforting hand rests on your hip bone.
“You don't need to hide from me, cherub.” He says softly, leaning over briefly to place a chaste kiss on the corner of your mouth, “You're beautiful.” Then he descends downwards, skimming those pillowy lips over the divot of your collarbone, your breasts, stomach and navel until he shuffled to have your thighs resting comfortably over each shoulder.
You watch him with baited breath, so tense and hyperaware of how close he is to where you want him yet you're captivated in the way he's meticulously placing kisses on your inner thigh, nosing along the supple flesh and trailing lower. He chases away any insecurities you might've felt before with every worshipful press of his lips and you willingly part your legs wider for him.
“You smell so good.” He groans appreciatively on an inhale, eyes deepening to a rich maroon as his mouth finally reaches your centre, still dripping and aching for him. It makes Jimin's mouth water, mind already so hazy from that small taste earlier which is why he doesn't hesitate a second longer to dive in, licking one long stripe that has you throwing your head back against the sheets, eyes shutting and exhaling a breathy moan.
You feel one of his hand come up to push your hips back down, keeping you in place as he begins to ravish you.The sounds pour out of you unadulterated with each flick leaving you gasping and mewling senselessly. It only spurs him on, tongue swirling and teasing your nub to coax more of your wetness which he laps all of it up hungrily, letting out a deep moan of his own. The vibration sends a shockwave through your body and your hands fly out from clutching at the sheets to ultimately burying themselves into raven locks.
“So sweet....” He mumbles into your cunt, fingers spreading your folds apart. “All for me.”
There wasn't any hope for you to form an answer, his tongue dipping into your sopping hole and you keen. He works the pink muscle in like he's French kissing you, prodding and reaching places you didn't think possible until it has your walls fluttering and you pull him closer, wanting him deeper still. Jimin doesn't resist, continuing to tongue fuck you with his nose buried into your pussy and you practically riding his face, the amount of raw lust feeding him in more ways than one.
Your chest is heaving from trying to keep up with the onslaught of stimulation but also in a fight to not let the coil tightening in your gut to snap so quickly, head numb with pleasure-filled high that has you barely able to convey a fraction of the jumbled thoughts in your mind.
“Please....! I – Mmph!” You manage to gasp out, hands slipping from Jimin's roots momentarily.
To your relief, Jimin slows down, giving one last lick with his flattened tongue before pulling back. It gives you the chance to finally breathe, lungs burning as you inhale much needed air.
“What is it, cherub?” He purrs, the pads of his free hand stroking much too closely along your inner thigh. “What do you want?”
You manage to prop yourself up on your elbows, swallowing and licking your dry lips and finally able to pry your eyes open for the first time, blinking away the blurriness to focus down on Jimin. You wanted a lot of things; to cum on his tongue, to not cumming until you feel him too, to give him pleasure like he is to you, his name which he hasn't given yet, to maybe remove that damn shirt that he's still wearing for whatever reason but all of that goes flying out the fucking window when you lay your eyes on Jimin.
He looks like the embodiment of sin bathed in moonlight; shadows half concealing his face and cutting sharp, defining angles, hair as dark as the night itself, mussed but falling so effortlessly into hooded eyes that glow in liquid lust, a hypnotizing, deep blood-red ruby as his full lips and chin shine with your essence.
Fuck, he just looks so good between your legs like this, and so obviously content with being there from the way the hunger in his gaze has not yet shown signs of being satiated, not even the slightest. And it makes you want to give as much as he is taking, though come to think of it, at this point you're not sure which is which anymore.
You don't realize your thoughts had wandered off from their intended course, but Jimin is quick to catch on and intentionally gives his bottom lip a titillating swipe of his tongue, smirking at the way you bite yours in response. He chuckles, repeating his question as he almost absentmindedly starts giving you kitten licks, nibbling along your lower lips. “What do you want cherub?”
You go lax, softly whimpering and you flush abashed, a pretty pink deepening your cheeks and Jimin can actually see how hard you're trying to pull yourself together, brows furrowing in concentration and fingers pulling at the bedsheets under you. He doesn't mean to, but the sight makes him even more tempted to unravel you faster, see you become undone because of him. Suddenly, every one of his nerves is itching for it, and so preoccupied with...other things, you miss the way his eyes narrow with newfound impatience.
Focus! Use your words. How – ?
“I...haah – I want – need...you, please!” It's all you manage to get out, a desperate half-pleading and whining but you hope it's enough to get across to the demon. He hums in feigned thoughtfulness, the sound too close to your sensitive pearl and your legs would've clamped shut on Jimin's head had it not been for the strong hold that keeps them apart. You're thankful because you think you would've combusted, horrified but the feeling doesn't last as you feel Jimin inserting his finger in you again, your walls contracting and you let out a surprise squeal.
“I'll get back to you on that, sweetheart.” Was the only reply you get and whatever half-baked arguments you had is immediately forgotten when his tongue begins to work in tandem with his fingers. He laves at you firmly while he thrusts deeply at a steady pace, quickly getting a second digit in and crooking them to rub at the rough patch of nerves, making you throw your head back, mouth falling open. Your body reacts as if it has a mind of its own, hips writhing uncontrollably under the hand still pinning them in an effort to meet each thrust until they jerk at the feel of a third finger pushing in.
You groan at the stretch and Jimin slows down fractionally to let you get used to it but the amount of slick gathered made for the slight burn to pass quickly and soon you're begging him to go faster and harder. He all but happily obliges, picking up speed and swiping his tongue and lightly suckling your clit relentlessly that your hands scramble to cling onto the pillows and sheets for dear life. You hear just how wet you've become, the squelching noise that comes every time he flicks his wrist much louder than before and the lewd sound has you growing hotter by the minute from both embarrassment and arousal.
Your elbows are shaking; how you managed to still remain somewhat upright is a miracle but you know it won't last for much longer, the knot in your stomach becoming almost unbearable, walls clenching with your impending orgasm. All the words you attempt to get out in warning ends before they can leave your mouth, turning into nonsensical babbling mixed in with your increasing moans. So in your brilliant half coherent mind, you muster enough strength to peel your eyes open to look down at Jimin, to try to get his attention that way, only to find that it was a lost cause.
Jimin's eyes were shut, so engrossed in eating you out as if there's nothing else in the world he'd rather be doing. You watch his fingers disappear in and out of you, coated in your wetness and mouth parted slightly to let his tongue work quick, short flicks over your engorged bud. You're a hair's breadth away from falling over the precipice from the erotic sight alone, but as if sensing your eyes on him, he glances up, locking you in a smouldering gaze that has all thoughts leaving you. Then he encases his lips around your clit and sucks and you're gone.
You cum hard, head falling back, body tensing and arching up as you let out a long strangled moan, toes curling and legs shaking. Jimin can't help but let slip his own moan as your orgasm washes over you and into his awaiting mouth. He helps you ride it out all too eagerly, your taste his new addiction and he slurps up your release like he wants to drag it out for as long as he can until you're whimpering from over stimulation.
He finishes with a soft kiss grazing the inside of your thigh, letting your legs go limp on their own and leans back on his knees nonchalantly, taking the time to wipe his chin and mouth with the back of his hand before licking it clean, as if you're not panting like you've ran a marathon and he just didn't give you the best oral you ever had. Slowly, you blink your eyes open (when had you shut them you don't know), dazed from practically seeing stars as you look at him through bleary eyes.
Noticing that you've come back down from cloud nine, Jimin crawls over your splayed out form and grins down at you roguishly, very much looking like the cat that ate the canary.
“You doing okay?” He asks with a slight tilt of his head.
Heart still thundering loudly in your ears and chest, out of breath, hot and a little sweaty all over, you manage a weak raspy hum in acknowledgement but it's enough to earn you a chuckle and a kiss. You lean up as much as you can into those plush lips, tasting yourself in the process and you sigh deeply, your own tongue brushing against the roof of his mouth to chase more of it. Your hands lift automatically to pull him in closer but instead of feeling bare skin and rippling back muscles, you whine out in complaint, grabbing a handful of the offending cotton short sleeve and give a harsh tug, impatient.
“Can you get this fucking shirt off already? Why do you still have it on?”
A rush of air tickles your cheek as Jimin huffs through his nose in response. He pulls his lips away from yours with a soft smack.
“Sorry, must've slipped my mind.” His eyes gleam deviously, “If you ask nicely, maybe I'll take it off finally.”
“I will literally rip this shirt if I have to.”
Your deadpan earns you a breathy laugh but you're completely serious. Luckily for you, you don't have to because in spite of Jimin's teasing, he's just as worked up as you are so he retreats to stand at the end of the bed, reaching up and pulling the shirt over his head in one fluid motion. You rush to sit upright, your eyes pinned to his figure and your breath hitches as he tosses it to the growing pile of clothes on the floor.
The first time you've seen him shirtless was when you had nursed him back to health after that night and given the circumstance, you had refrained yourself from staring inappropriately. The most you're sure of is that he has a lean build with maybe a little less weight. Now when you're allowed the luxury, you're almost ashamed to admit that you're barely able to handle it. You see the fine lines that make up the sinewy muscles of a toned chest and abdomen, tapering down to a thin waist with deep v-cuts that you can't help but let your eyes get lost trailing to a very obvious bulge below the belt of his jeans sitting low on his hips (you unconsciously swallow, mind immediately going straight into the gutter).
There are signs that he's gotten slimmer but it's like with the way he's naturally built – broad chested, rounded torso – he'll never end up looking scrawny from it, the weight loss showing more in his face than his body. He's still every bit a marble Greek sculpture, and that's actually quite unfair.
But then you see his veiny hands begin to unhook his belt and it's here that you think you truly stop breathing. You watch almost wide eyed and lips parted, glued to the way he loosens it and dexterously undoes the button of his pants, then the zipper as if in slow motion before he pushes them down to reveal his Balenciaga boxer briefs. He steps out of the denim smoothly, and the black cotton he's left in has you biting back a groan – they hug his strong thighs like a second skin and do little to hide the damp patch and the thick outlines of his erection.
You rub your thighs together restlessly, feeling yourself growing damp as his fingers slip under the band of his briefs to drag them off completely. His cock bounces in the air, finally freed from their confines and curving slightly up towards his stomach. He's only a little more than average in size but god he was as thick as from what you could see through his underwear with a prominent vein on the underside of his shaft, head flushed dark and already dripping with pre-cum. Your inner muscles clench involuntarily.
Even his dick is beautiful – honestly something that you shouldn't be surprised at but you bemoan the fact nonetheless.
You don't even realize the small whine you let out when he wraps a firm hand around the base and slowly begins to pump himself, biceps flexing.
“What's wrong? Isn't this what you wanted?” Jimin's dulcet tone is light and teasing but you catch the subtle airiness lingering in the question, the only indication that he's as relieved to be out of his clothes as you probably are. His thumb swipes at the tip of the bulbous head to smear the pre-cum down his length and he takes in a deep breath, breathing in the heavy scent of your lust and arousal spiking again and the absolute tortured look on your face has his cock twitching in his hand.
“You're such a fucking tease!” You keen out, pushed to your limit and in the heat of it, you let slip all your deepest desires, “I wanted to cum with you inside me. Let me suck you off at least please, I want to feel you.”
His eyes flash and his hand stops in their tracks as you hear a deep growl rumble from his chest. It's the only warning you get before he's climbing atop of you again and your thighs automatically part to make room for him, pulling him flush as he kisses you hard, hips pressing into yours and you moan contently into his mouth as he grinds himself against you.
“Fuck, I can't believe I'm turning down getting sucked off by that needy mouth of yours.” Jimin says through gritted teeth, sucking your bottom lip.
“Mm, I'll make up for it. I just need you in me, do you have a con –  ” Your mind clicks with a moment of clarity; you made it a force of habit to ask the few times you had a sexual encounter, better be safe than sorry and all, but that's just with another human being, not a demon. Your furrowed confused brows has Jimin pulling back slightly, a question in his crimson gaze before you ask, genuinely curious, “Do demons need condoms? Is the whole thing about getting impregnated by a demon true?”
A beat passes and then Jimin snorts, turning to bury his face into his shoulder and clearing his throat, he replies, biting back a smile, “No, it's not true. Demons, and a few select supernatural beings, are sterile upon creation. Wouldn't make sense for God to let demons procreate freely would it?”
“Huh...No, it wouldn't.” You agree, tucking away the new piece of information you've learned. It makes you wonder where that whole concept had come from, but you heard it straight from the source; if an actual demon says they can't impregnate anyone by nature then there's no  need for a condom. That's relieving you guess, one less thing to worry about.
Wait, then doesn't that mean....
Almost instantaneously, heat floods through you, starting from your cheeks, all the way down to the tips of your toes and you find it hard to meet Jimin's eyes. Not that you would need to for him to notice how you've gone suspiciously quiet, and from your reddening cheeks and nervous lip biting, it doesn't take long for him to put two and two together. You've shocked him for the second time tonight but it quickly wears off, replaced by a wicked smile stretching across his lips as he watches you squirm under him, caught red-handed and he's never been more turned on than he is now.
You're really going to be the death of him.
“Oh cherub....” He chuckles, low and sultry, a concealed excitement buzzing in every word. “Do you want to feel me cum in you, fill you up until you're full and dripping of me? Is that what you want?”
You visibly swallow, trying but failing to hide the way your breath catches in you throat at the filthy words spoken in such a velveteen voice. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Why did he have to make it sound so seductive, so enticing that now that's all you can think about, and the more you do, the more you crave for it.
He shifts to reposition himself, supporting some of his weight on his elbow as one of his hand reaches between your bodies to grasp his length, rubbing it along your wet folds to further lube himself. He feels so hot and hard that that alone sends shivers of anticipation running through you, hips rocking up on their own but he doesn't make a move to do anything more.
“You didn't answer my question.”
“I want it,” You whine without any restraint. “Need you so bad. Please!”
Jimin preens, eyes beaming. “That’s my girl.”
You feel the blunt head of his cock begin to slowly push in, inch by inch until you gasp, tensing and involuntarily your walls clench as you feel the thicker part of his girth enter you, the stretch a little discomforting. Jimin grunts, head bowing into your neck as he stops, a steady hand on your hip bone.
“Relax for me, love.” He strains, placing soft kisses into your warm skin. Your eyes flutter shut, willing yourself to be lulled by his gentle coaxing and once he feels your body easing again, he continues. You try to ignore the burning sensation but a small whimper slips out. Jimin shushes you, whispering sweet encouraging words in between the press of his lips. When he bottoms out, you both let out a shuddering sigh. He stills, arms coming up to brace himself on either side of your head, letting you adjust to the feel of him inside you.
“You okay?” Jimin asks, nuzzling into your cheek, pulling away long enough to brush away a few strands of your hair.
You inhale shakily, eyes peering open to lock with his. “I – Y-Yeah, just...give me a second...” The burning from the stretch has ebbed into a manageable dull ache – still uncomfortable but not as bad as it was initially. You're not quite sure if Jimin moved now, it would get worse or better.
Well, guess that's something you'll have to find out.
“Can you...go slow?” You ask tentatively, unsure if you're being too much. You can practically feel the amount of tension in Jimin's body, like a live wire pulsating with energy yet he's holding himself back for your sake, nodding without a single moment's hesitation. Your heart flips, overwhelmed with emotions that you can't find the words to properly express, how thankful you are to have him here for as long as you have; as a dutiful guardian who has looked out for you, as a friend who quietly supported you, unwaveringly, and now as a lover – passionate, selfless and tender. Without knowing what else to do, you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in until your mouths connects, pouring everything you have to convey even an ounce of your feelings.
Jimin startles at your sudden earnestness, so it takes him a second to recollect himself before tilting his chin to better mould his lips to yours and easily deepens the kiss. It helps distract you enough for Jimin to carefully withdraw himself, just enough to still be inside before pressing back in one smooth stroke. The sharp gasp you let out makes you break away but a moan follows quickly after as Jimin begins to move.
The room soon fills with your sighs and pants that intermingle with his, the pain long forgotten and you're left feeling so incredibly full instead. Through half-lidded eyes, you see him watching you, transfixed on the pleasure that's overtaken your face, blood-red irises glowing with the heat of molten lava.
“You're such a good girl cherub, taking me so well.” He says, voice husky and breathless as he continues to roll his hips into you, each thrust slow and deep that has you feel every inch of him, loving the way your warm velvet walls hug him so tightly, like you're meant to be his.
You squeeze around him at the praise and he hisses, hooking one of your leg around his waist and going a little harder. You cling onto him, wanting him closer even when your foreheads press together, nails raking down his back and feeling the strong muscles flex under your touch. Your bodies move rhythmically, like the push and pull of ocean waves crashing along the shores that drag you farther and farther until you're drowning in him.
You want to stay like this forever if you can, connected and entwined. At least this way, you're allowed a small piece of comfort where everything else fades away – no uncertainty for the future, no demons, angels, heaven or hell.
In this moment, there's only you and him.
But you feel your end approaching, the pressure in your stomach building faster than you would have liked and so in tuned with your body, Jimin quickens before you get the chance to try and delay the inevitable. The moans that tumble past your lips are muffled by his hungry kisses, a mess of tongue and teeth that leaves you out of breath yet even still, you will yourself to resist. However, Jimin doesn't let up, determined to have you cum again before him.
A gasp rushes out when you feel his thumb on your clit, head falling back and you know it's a losing battle.
“Let go, Y/N. Give in to me.” Jimin whispers lowly, his breath hot against your ear, nibbling at the tender lobe. “Give in.”
You succumb to his words, the dark temptation too sweet falling from honeyed lips, crying out, body seizing with your orgasm that rips through you and swallows you whole. Jimin moans at the vice-like grip of your walls sucking him in and his hips stutter, slowing to let you ride out your high before he pushes through in pursuit of his own. You let out a strangled whimper, oversensitive and mind still foggy but you don't stop his steady rocking in spite of it – you hold on tighter as if he's the only anchor you have.
The sight of you unravelling beneath him had been magnificent, having never seen such a raw, carnal side to you but this night had blessed him with so many, more than he could've ever hoped or imagined. You were beautiful, the look of absolute pleasure looked so good on you. Jimin doesn't think there was anything else that could hold a candle to you.
Yet now, lying bare on his mattress – eyes glossy, the pure ecstasy on your face with the sheen of your sweat and afterglow from your post-orgasm bliss beneath the pale moonlight – you look divine.
He's not going to last much longer, head swimming with the sounds of your moans and drunk off of a pride from knowing that this is all his doing and that no one, not even Jimin, will ever be able to have you this way.
You're getting embarrassingly loud, every ragged breath you struggle to hold back the noises that follow after as Jimin drives into you roughly, the wet slaps of skin where his pelvis meets yours growing with each powerful snap of his hips. His brows are furrowed in an almost pained expression, throaty moans only increasing, letting you know that he's close.
“P-Please...!” You hiccup, nails digging into the back of his shoulders. “Nn! H-Hah! N-Need – ah! Need you – ! Cum in m-me! Please!”
In your pleasure riddled mind, you hear him whisper it – an intimate secret shared between you in this stolen moment, hidden by the darkness of night.
“Call for me, Y/N.” Jimin rasps, urging you, body caging you in and you're surrounded by him, no way for you to escape. “Call my name.”
You breathe it in as he seals it with sloppy kisses and you try to return them with the same fervour however, you pull away too soon, head thrown back, your control over your body gone and your lungs scream at you for air but you choose to call out to him instead. You say his name over and over like a broken prayer, you say it as you beg for him to fill you, make you his.
You say it until you're sobbing, feeling a new wave of an oncoming orgasm building again.
Spurred on, he pushes faster, cock swelling and thrusts becoming erratic in wanting to reach his climax with you. Your body is writhing uncontrollably but he keeps you in place, not letting up. He sucks open mouthed kisses onto your breasts, collar, neck like he means to devour you and it proves to be too much and you cum with a choked wail, shaking. He follows soon after, burying in your warmth as he empties himself inside you, a deep guttural moan tearing from his throat. He slows until he's grinding shallowly and you let out a quiet shivering whine, soaked walls coated in his milky essence pulsating from the aftershocks and squeezing a few more spurts, making him muffle a groan into your shoulder before he stops.
You both lay in each other's embrace, chest heaving, the sounds of your harsh breathing in sync as is the pounding of your hearts, boneless and completely spent. You're tingling all over but you're content like this, still joined and the comfort of his weight on you. He doesn't rush to part from you either, basking in the rare tranquil peace while pressing soft lazy kisses, retracing the path of his marks until he reaches your mouth.
You let his lips brush chastely against yours – you'd return them with a little more effort if you weren't so tired and fighting the urge to sleep. He pulls away enough to caress the knuckles of his fingers along the edge of your eyes and it's only then you realize the stray tears that had streaked past your lashes, your body's natural reaction to the intense amount of stimulation.
When he finally slips out of you, you shudder at the lost and feeling the heat of his cum seeping out of your hole, thick and wet – the image of your combined releases staining the sheets below sends a tremor rippling through you delightfully. The bed dips as he rolls onto the mattress beside you but your hands blindly seek his touch immediately, sighing when he gently pulls you flushed to him, enveloping you in his arms. He tucks your head under his chin and you blink heavily, vision becoming unfocused with fatigue.
“Sleep if you're tired, cherub. I got you.” You hear him murmur against the crown of your head.
You let out a weak hum in protest, afraid that when you next wake, he'll no longer be there but the gentle combing of your hair subdues you quickly, so you hold him close and drift off to the warm scent of spices and burning cedar wood.
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frunbuns · 3 years ago
Mobile Masterlist
You can find all my fics on Ao3 here (:
My ask box is always open to suggestions so feel free to send them my way if you think it's something I'd write
Fics are listed from newest (top) to oldest (bottom) for each fandom
Grounded -  Leia more or less grounds Poe and feels a little guilty about it, but she has a good reason. Just trust her.
Something Like Hope - Somewhere between Bracca and Bogano Cere tries to settle in their new Jedi and contemplates what his means for them and their misssion. Cal is handling it all as well as he can.
No Place Like Home - The Mantis crew ventures back to Lateron to replace their escape pods after Nur. It goes well, until it doesn’t. Because of course that goes wrong too.
Everything Jaro Tapal Dies not Knowing -  Jaro Tapal dies not knowing a lot of things, but most importantly: He dies not knowing the Jedi Order has been destroyed and that there will be no one to take care of Cal when he is gone.
Trinkets - Cal collects objects with happy force echoes because he wants to treasure good memories.
Mothers Without Sons and Sons Without Mothers and Everything in Between - Leia has two sons. One who’s her and left anyway, and one who’s not hers, but stayed nonetheless.
Rain - Rey, Finn and Poe have fun in the rain. That’s basically it.
Look Who's Here! - Peli Motto takes the kid to see Mando after he unexpectedly shows up, but ends up getting roped into their little fight.
Grey - Cal crash lands on Bracca after Order 66 and is left to pick up the pieces on his own,
Not Alone Anymore - Cere comforts Cal after finding him awake and upset in the middle of the night.
Fair - Prauf reflects on his relationship with Cal in the moments before his death.
Of fathers and Grandfathers - The disaster lineage celebrates father's day at the temple.
As the World Falls Apart - In an Alternate Universe where Padmé survives the events of rots her and Obi-Wan are headed to Naboo with the twins, Luke and Leia, to go into hiding as The Empire takes over the galaxy.
Bedmates - Obi-Wan enjoys an early morning at the temple with those closest to him.
Clan of Two - Din shows his face his foundling for the first time.
In the Quiet of the Night - Din reflects on his relationship with the kid before they meet the Jedi.
No Use Crying Over Spilled Nail Polish - Five and Allison bond over nail polish
Slick With Crimson - Five gets injured and doesn't tell his siblings about it, but they find out. They always do, one way or another [request]
Designated Training Day - Five gets hurt while training.
You Take my Breath Away - The siblings enjoy a nice day at the beach until their oldest/youngest gets pulled under the waves.
Dolores - The siblings comfort Five after the store throws Dolores away.
Peanut Butter and Marshmallows - Five and Vanya bond after spending years apart.
All Good Things Come in Threes - Will Schofield gets his second wound stripe. He deals with it.
Wheatcakes - (Insomniac’s Spider-Man) Peter attempts to make May’s wheatcakes, but it’s not the same. Thankfully MJ is there to cheer him up.
Hope - Scott and Hope have a proper reunion after the battle in Endgame.
Fuck You, Watson - (Insomniac's Spider-Man) Yuri helps an injured Peter home when she finds him lying in an empty shipping yard
Why Would You do That? - (Into the Spider-Verse) In a world where Peter doesn't make it thrugh the portal in time he spends his last minutes with Miles and his family
(Irondad one-shots on Ao3 not posted on Tumblr)
(Ant-Man (and the Wasp) one-shots on Ao3 not posted on Tumblr)
Bibliophile - Camilo and his relationship with books (and his family)
Comfort - Madeline comforts her father when she finds out he's upset
Beauxbâtons AU | Late Again - Marinette is late to class again
Oops - Chloé accidentally finds out Chat Noir's identity. It somehow does not go badly.
(Mlb one-shots on Ao3 not posted on Tumblr)
Of Hot Tempers and Cold Rivers - Newt and Theseus gets into an argument and while Newt goes out to clear his head he is attacked [request]
You've Been Hurting for a Long Time - Newt struggles in the aftermath of fbawtft and fbtcog.
Five Times Theseus wished Newt was Normal + The One Time he Didn't - Theseus struggles with his little brother being different and grapples with being an older brother and fitting in.
Chocolate Warms the Soul - Newt and Jacob swing by the Ministry when Dementors surprise them
Salamanders and Porcupines - An AU where Ilvermorny students have an exchange year at Hogwarts and the crew meets as teenagers (WIP).
Welcome Home - Theseus welcomes his brother home after his year long trip around the world.
(Dbh one-shots on Ao3 not posted on Tumblr)
(Sdv one-shots on Ao3 not posted on Tumblr)
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fredborges98 · 3 months ago
Talking Heads - Life During Wartime (live)
O título: "Stop Making Sense" do filme-concerto de 1984 dos Talking Heads tem vários significados:
O apelo de David Byrne.
O pedido de Byrne aos espectadores para não se conformarem com as normas sociais e, em vez disso, escolherem a felicidade sendo eles mesmos.
Desafiando estereótipos.
O filme desafia os estereótipos sobre a neurodivergência ao representar as pessoas autistas como capazes de expressar amor e se conectar com outras pessoas de maneira única.
Um lembrete.
O filme serve como um lembrete de quão amargas e cansadas muitas bandas de rock se tornaram.
Uma celebração da diferença.
O filme celebra a diferença e desafia estereótipos.
Life During Wartime.
Canção de Talking Heads
Heard of a van that's loaded with weapons
Packed up and ready to go
Heard of some gravesites, out by the highway
A place where nobody knows
The sound of gunfire, off in the distance
I'm getting used to it now
Lived in a brownstone, lived in a ghetto
I've lived all over this town
This ain't no party, this ain't no disco
This ain't no fooling around
No time for dancing, or lovey-dovey
I ain't got time for that now
Transmit the message to the receiver
Hope for an answer someday
I got three passports, a couple of visas
You don't even know my real name
High on a hillside, the trucks are loading
Everything's ready to roll
I sleep in the daytime, I work in the nighttime
I might not ever get home
This ain't no party, this ain't no disco
This ain't no fooling around
This ain't no Mudd Club, or CBGB
I ain't got time for that now
Heard about Houston? Heard about Detroit?
Heard about Pittsburgh, PA?
You oughta know not to stand by the window
Somebody see you up there
I got some groceries, some peanut butter
To last a couple of days
But I ain't got no speakers, ain't got no headphones
Ain't got no records to play
Why stay in college? Why go to night school?
Gonna be different this time
Can't write a letter, can't send no postcard
I ain't got time for that now
Trouble in transit, got through the roadblock
We blended in with the crowd
We got computers, we're tapping phone lines
I know that that ain't allowed
We dress like students, we dress like housewives
Or in a suit and a tie
I changed my hairstyle, so many times now
I don't know what I look like
You make me shiver, I feel so tender
We make a pretty good team
Don't get exhausted, I'll do some driving
You ought to get you some sleep
Burned all my notebooks, what good are notebooks?
They won't help me survive
My chest is aching, burns like a furnace
The burning keeps me alive.
Compositores: Chris Frantz / Christopher Frantz / David Byrne / Jerry Harrison / Tina Weymouth
Tradução do autor.
Ouvi falar de uma van carregada de armas
Empacotado e pronto para ir
Ouvi falar de alguns túmulos, perto da estrada
Um lugar onde ninguém sabe
O som de tiros, ao longe
Estou me acostumando com isso agora
Vivia em Brownstone, vivia num gueto
Eu morei por toda esta cidade
Isso não é festa, isso não é discoteca
Isso não é brincadeira
Não há tempo para dançar, ou pombinhos amorosos
Não tenho tempo para isso agora
Transmitir a mensagem ao receptor
Espero uma resposta algum dia
Eu tenho três passaportes, alguns vistos
Você nem sabe meu nome verdadeiro
No alto de uma colina, os caminhões estão carregando
Tudo está pronto para rolar
Eu durmo durante o dia, trabalho à noite
Talvez eu nunca chegue em casa
Isso não é festa, isso não é discoteca
Isso não é brincadeira
Isto não é Mudd Club ou CBGB
Não tenho tempo para isso agora
Já ouviu falar de Houston? Já ouviu falar de Detroit?Já ouviu falar de Pittsburgh, PA?
Você deveria saber que não deve ficar perto da janela
Alguém te vê lá em cima
Eu tenho alguns mantimentos, um pouco de manteiga de amendoim
Para durar alguns dias
Mas eu não tenho alto-falantes, não tenho fones de ouvido
Não tenho discos para tocar
Por que permanecer na faculdade? Por que ir para a escola noturna?
Vai ser diferente desta vez
Não consigo escrever uma carta, não consigo enviar nenhum cartão Postal
Não tenho tempo para isso, agora
Problemas no trânsito, superei o bloqueio
Nós nos misturamos com a multidão
Temos computadores, estamos grampeando linhas telefônicas
Eu sei que isso não é permitido
Nós nos vestimos como estudantes, nos vestimos como donas de casa
Ou de terno e gravata
Eu mudei meu penteado, tantas vezes agora
Eu não sei como eu pareço
Você me faz tremer, me sinto tão terno
Formamos uma equipe muito boa
Não fique exausto, vou dirigir um pouco
Você deveria dormir um pouco
Queimei todos os meus cadernos, para que servem os cadernos?
Eles não vão me ajudar a sobreviver
Meu peito está doendo, queima como uma fornalha
A queima me mantém vivo.
A música 'Life During Wartime' dos Talking Heads, lançada em 1979, é uma representação vívida e angustiante da vida em um cenário de guerra ou crise. A letra descreve um ambiente de constante vigilância e sobrevivência, onde a normalidade e os prazeres cotidianos são substituídos por uma luta incessante pela sobrevivência. Desde o início, com a menção de uma van carregada de armas e túmulos ao longo da estrada, a música estabelece um tom sombrio e urgente.
A repetição do refrão 'This ain't no party, this ain't no disco, this ain't no fooling around' reforça a seriedade da situação. Não há tempo para diversão, romance ou qualquer forma de escapismo. A vida se tornou uma série de ações pragmáticas e calculadas, onde cada movimento é crucial. A menção a locais como Houston, Detroit e Pittsburgh sugere que essa situação de crise é generalizada, afetando várias partes do país.
Além disso, a música aborda a paranóia e a necessidade de anonimato, com o protagonista mencionando múltiplos passaportes e a constante mudança de aparência. A letra também toca em temas de resistência e adaptação, como a necessidade de queimar cadernos( diários) e evitar a comunicação escrita para não deixar rastros.
A sensação de estar sempre em movimento, nunca realmente seguro, é palpável. A música é uma metáfora poderosa para qualquer situação de crise, seja ela política, social ou pessoal, onde a sobrevivência se torna a prioridade máxima e a normalidade é um luxo inalcançável.
Quantas "Heinekens" você ganha por mês?
Por: Fred Borges
A Heineken tem registrado um crescimento de vendas no Brasil, tanto em volume como em receita: 
No quarto trimestre de 2022, a Heineken vendeu 63,3 milhões de hectolitros de cerveja no Brasil, um aumento de 3,5% em relação ao mesmo período do ano anterior. 
No primeiro trimestre de 2024, a Heineken registrou um crescimento de volume em dígito alto e um aumento de receita entre 10% e 14%. 
A Heineken se tornou a marca número 1 em valor no mercado brasileiro. 
O Brasil é o principal mercado da Heineken no mundo, representando o dobro do segundo colocado, os Estados Unidos. A marca é a mais consumida no Brasil e também a que mais é produzida no país. 
A Heineken tem uma participação de 31,1% do market share de cerveja no Brasil, atrás da Ambev, que detém 61,3%. 
Por outro lado, o consumo excessivo de álcool no Brasil tem vários efeitos negativos na sociedade, como:
Aumento do risco de acidentes de trânsito 
Comportamentos anti-sociais 
Violência doméstica 
Problemas no trabalho 
Abandono escolar 
Ruptura de relacionamentos 
Desenvolvimento de doenças não transmissíveis, como cirrose hepática, alguns tipos de câncer e doenças cardiovasculares 
Distúrbios mentais e comportamentais, incluindo dependência ao álcool 
Em 2019, o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas custou mais de R$ 18 .6 bilhões ao Brasil. 
De acordo com o OCID, 27% dos brasileiros consomem álcool moderadamente, enquanto 17% o fazem de forma abusiva. No entanto, 75% dos consumidores abusivos acreditam que são moderados. 
A pesquisa Covitel de 2023 apontou que a faixa etária de 18 a 24 anos liderou o índice de consumo abusivo de álcool. 
A cada hora cerca de duas mulheres morreram em razão do uso nocivo de álcool em 2020. Ao todo, 15.490 brasileiras perderam a vida por motivos atribuídos ao álcool naquele ano. A faixa etária mais afetada foi a das mulheres de 55 anos e mais (70,9%), seguida por 35 a 54 anos (19,3%), 18 a 34 anos (7,3%) e de 0 a 17 anos (2,5%). Os dados fazem parte de estudo inédito, divulgado nesta semana pelo Centro de Informações sobre Saúde e Álcool (Cisa) para marcar o Dia Nacional de Combate ao Alcoolismo, comemorado todo dia 20 de Fevereiro.
Segundo o levantamento, as principais causas desses óbitos foram doença cardíaca hipertensiva (15,5%), cirrose hepática (10,4%), doenças respiratórias inferiores (8,7%) e câncer colorretal (7,3%). 
O consumo abusivo de álcool pelas brasileiras aumentou 4,25% anualmente, de 2010 a 2020. A tendência foi registrada em 12 capitais e no Distrito Federal. Os maiores aumentos no consumo foram verificados em Curitiba (8,03%), São Paulo (7,34%) e Goiânia (6,72%). O levantamento é realizado pelo Cisa, com dados do Datusus 2021.
Por consumo abusivo considera-se a ingestão de quatro ou mais doses, para mulheres, ou de cinco ou mais doses, para homens, em um mesmo dia. O aumento mais significativo foi observado entre mulheres, passando de 7,8% em 2006 para 16% em 2020. O centro considera que uma dose padrão corresponde a 14g de etanol puro no contexto brasileiro. Isso corresponde a 350 ml de cerveja (5% de álcool), 150ml de vinho (12% de álcool) ou 45ml de destilado (como vodca, cachaça e tequila, com aproximadamente 40% de álcool).
De acordo com a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), o consumo de álcool pode causar mais de 200 doenças e lesões. Está associado ao risco de desenvolvimento de problemas de saúde como distúrbios mentais e comportamentais, incluindo dependência ao álcool, doenças graves como cirrose hepática, alguns tipos de câncer e doenças cardiovasculares, bem como lesões resultantes de violência e acidentes de trânsito. Em todo o mundo, 3 milhões de mortes por ano resultam do uso nocivo do álcool, representando 5,3% de todas as mortes.
Consumo Abusivo.
Os perigos do consumo nocivo de bebidas alcoólicas afetam, de formas diferentes, homens e mulheres. Segundo a presidente da Associação Brasileira de Estudos do Álcool e Outras Drogas (Abead), Alessandra Diehl, as mulheres têm predisposição a ter adoecimento clínico e psíquico mais rápido do que os homens.
“Uma das questões aí é a vulnerabilidade biológica”, disse, em entrevista à Agência Brasil. A psiquiatra explicou que as mulheres têm menor concentração de enzimas que fazem a metabolização do álcool, o que faz com que ele seja mais tóxico para o organismo feminino do que para o masculino. Segundo Alessandra, as mulheres, às vezes, com menos tempo de uso crônico de álcool que os homens, já apresentam mais prejuízos para a saúde, como hepatite, cirrose e envelhecimento.
De acordo com o psiquiatra e presidente do Cisa, Arthur Guerra, os efeitos do consumo de álcool entre as mulheres também podem variar conforme o ciclo menstrual, a gestação e amamentação. Além disso, elas sofrem impactos por fatores sociais, como a maternidade e participação no mercado de trabalho. 
“Outro ponto é que as mulheres acabam tendo outras influências hormonais, como ciclo menstrual por exemplo, que acabam afetando o consumo de álcool também. Algumas delas, durante a fase pré-menstrual, a famosa TPM, ficam mais sensíveis e vão usar o álcool como se fosse um remédio para aliviar os sintomas”, explicou o médico.
Para a socióloga Mariana Thibes, coordenadora do Cisa, o aumento no consumo de bebida alcóolica tem um componente cultural.
“As mulheres estão bebendo mais e isso é uma mudança cultural importante que foi acontecendo ao longo da última década. Provavelmente tem a ver com a maior presença delas no mercado de trabalho, acho que esse é o fator mais importante. A mulher está nos mesmos espaços que os homens, então ela sai para um happy hour com os colegas homens e por que ela vai consumir menos álcool?”, questionou.
Segundo Mariana, o acúmulo das jornadas também é relevante para o aumento do consumo abusivo de álcool entre as mulheres. 
“O acúmulo de trabalho dentro de casa, fora de casa, cuidar dos filhos, da profissão, do trabalho doméstico. Esse aumento das pressões acaba levando muitas mulheres a procurar no álcool uma espécie de recurso para relaxar. No período da pandemia, vimos a hastag #winemom viralizar, com muitas mães postando fotos com taça de vinho no fim do dia, como uma espécie de recompensa depois daquele dia duro de acúmulo de jornada. Esse estresse que as mulheres passaram a sofrer nos últimos anos também pode ajudar a explicar o aumento do consumo abusivo de álcool”, afirmou. 
A cada hora cerca de duas mulheres morreram em razão do uso nocivo de álcool em 2020. Ao todo, 15.490 brasileiras perderam a vida por motivos atribuídos ao álcool naquele ano. A faixa etária mais afetada foi a das mulheres de 55 anos e mais (70,9%), seguida por 35 a 54 anos (19,3%), 18 a 34 anos (7,3%) e de 0 a 17 anos (2,5%). Os dados fazem parte de estudo inédito, divulgado nesta semana pelo Centro de Informações sobre Saúde e Álcool (Cisa) para marcar o Dia Nacional de Combate ao uso e abuso do álcool.
Segundo o levantamento, as principais causas desses óbitos foram doença cardíaca hipertensiva (15,5%), cirrose hepática (10,4%), doenças respiratórias inferiores (8,7%) e câncer colorretal (7,3%). 
O consumo abusivo de álcool pelas brasileiras aumentou 4,25% anualmente, de 2010 a 2020. A tendência foi registrada em 12 capitais e no Distrito Federal. Os maiores aumentos no consumo foram verificados em Curitiba (8,03%), São Paulo (7,34%) e Goiânia (6,72%). O levantamento é realizado pelo Cisa, com dados do Datusus 2021.
Outro grupo de destaque são os jovens.De acordo com a Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar (PeNSE), feita pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) com estudantes de 13 a 17 anos, a experimentação de bebida alcoólica cresceu de 52,9% em 2012 para 63,2% em 2019. O aumento, no período, foi mais intenso entre as meninas (de 55% para 67,4%) do que entre os meninos (de 50,4% para 58,8%).
O consumo excessivo de álcool também aumentou. Foi de 19% em 2009 para 26,2% em 2019 entre os estudantes do sexo masculino e de 20,6% para 25,5% entre as adolescentes. A experimentação ou exposição ao uso de drogas cresceu em uma década. Foi de 8,2% em 2009 para 12,1% em 2019.
A presidente da Abead, Alessandra Diehl, alerta que a iniciação no álcool ocorre cada vez mais cedo, em média aos 13 anos de idade, sendo que 34,6% dos estudantes tomaram a primeira dose de álcool com menos de 14 anos. “Há prevalência de meninas jovens iniciando o consumo de álcool”, afirmou.
O valor de uma Heineken pode variar de acordo com o tipo e a quantidade da cerveja: 
Uma lata de 350 ml pode custar em torno de R$ 4,99 
Uma garrafa de 330 ml pode custar em torno de R$ 6,79 
Uma garrafa de 600 ml pode custar em torno de R$ 14,99 
Um keg de 5 litros pode custar em torno de R$ 120,00 
Um pack de 24 long necks de 330 ml pode custar em torno de R$ 230,90 
Na praia e em outros ambientes como meios de hospedagem, bares, restaurantes e similares, esse valor da latinha pode facilmente quadruplicar.
Diante desse contexto a "Heineken" se torna líder absoluta nas compras e vendas dos estabelecimentos comerciais, hoje as bebidas são o carro-chefe de muitos estabelecimentos representando 30 a 35% do "ticket médio" das vendas ou 1/3 do lay-out desses estabelecimentos são concentrados no segmento de bebidas alcoolícas e sua derivações.
Continuando a falar sobre o Lay-out da loja elas estão localizadas na artéria principal, na entrada da loja, as mais caras, continuam na artéria principal, mas em " vitrines" ou " Containers" fechados e devidamente decorados para o consumidor se sentir " em casa" ou na sua " sala de estar" com sensores para detectar até mesmo a aceleração dos batimentos cardiácos, dilatação da pupila dentre outros para o " objeto de pesquisa" ser estudado e pesquisado no seu " behaviour" ( comportamento).Fora as bebidas "quentes" , aquelas com maior dosagem de álcool que são devidamente colocadas em " lockers" ou armários fechados para evitar roubos e a prevenção contra perdas nos estabelecimentos comerciais ou ( Lost Prevention).
Mas quem realmente continua perdendo é a população, a economia, a sociedade, cada vez mais viciada, dependente do álcool para alcançar uma pretença " bolada"? Sim, "bolada"! O álcool leva ao jogo, a jogatina, aos " BETS", jogos do " Tigrinho" e daí para as drogas, e aí a família perde, perde o pai,o pai-mãe, a mãe, a mãe-pai, os filhos, a juventude, da geração BB á Z, a sociedade fica alienada, anestesiada, engessada ( sem mobilidade social), manipulada por quem está no poder; na velha política do vinho, pão e circo, a ordem dos fatores não altera o produto ou o resultado.
Mulheres, Homens, enchem o carrinho com a " Heineken" e se sentem " ricos" , principalmente se pertencerem a classe "C", " D" e "E".O feijão, o arroz, o macarrão, a carne, as frutas, as verduras, as hortaliças estão perdendo para a competição cultural, comportamental, moral de uma sociedade cada vez mais viciada e vitimada pela própria má formação, desinformação e ignorância.
Quanto a pergunta inicial: "Quantas "Heinekens" você ganha por mês?"Cada um deve responder e na sua educação e visão financeira nula ou quase nenhuma de muitos, saber o quanto a bebida, a Pitú,a "Pitusinha", cachaça, a "cachacinha", cerveja, a " cervejinha" está levando, em eufemismo, sua e de sua própria família a permanecer na faixa de sobrevivência e pior levá-la a pobreza ou a miséria, sustentando atacados,varejos, indústrias, governos, esse último constituído de uma política incompetente, leniente, ao " lobby da bebida" e que desfigura, agride, violenta, tira a verdadeira liberdade com dignidade dos cidadãos e das famílias brasileiras.
Na verdade a pergunta poderia ser reformulada por quantas "Heinekens" você gasta por mês? E quanto esse consumo significa ou pesa na sua saúde, saúde financeira, saúde física, emocional, agora, não mais sua, mas de sua família e dos verdadeiros amigos, pois aqueles do bar, os da saideira, vamos ser sinceros, nunca foram ou serão seus amigos!
Quanto ao grupo: Talking Heads e sua música provocante, inovadora para época, tudo ou nada faz sentido quando deixamos as emoções nos fazerem reféns de nossa capacidade de pensar, raciocinar, ponderar, sermos sensatos e conscientes ao consumir, consumistas de todos os tipos revelam-se estúpidos,sejamos consumerista do consumerismo ( consumo consciente) sejamos por nós mesmos,por nossas famílias, pelo educar com exemplos em última análise, assim exercermos nossa liberdade com consciência e responsabilidade,comportando-nos como cidadãos e principalmente adultos.
Liberdade sem responsabilidade é prisão!
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missvgj98 · 6 years ago
It’s a Match!  Chapter 1
It’s midnight and I am still up working on a paper for my Anatomy class that’s due tomorrow morning. No, I did not procrastinate. I worked on it throughout the two weeks we were assigned them. I just decided to take on the hardest and most elaborate topic: Cancer. There are multiple types of Cancer and I have to write about every single one making this a ten paged Research Paper.
           Ugh, Kill me.
Hinata is also with me but, not physically. Through facetime. We decided that this semester was gonna take some of the same classes. She’s in school to become a doctor. Following the footsteps of her infamous Father. And I’m in school to become a nurse. We told each other it would be better to do it together even though I’m not going to be in school for the same amount of time.
           “Temari…” Hinata groaned out.
“Yes.” I said keeping my eyes glued to my computer screen.
“I’m dying.”
           “That sucks,” I said still not looking at her.
           “What.” I looked at her.
           “I’m tired of reading about how Ischaemic heart disease is the number one leading cause of death across a number of countries.”
           “I’m not the one who told you to take that topic.”
“Can we take a break?”
“It’s midnight, I don’t think we have room for a break.” I looked back over at her again and watched as she began to massage her temples. I know she’s stressed out because not only is she doing school full time but, also shadowing her Father in the Lab. He’s a big-time Bio-Medical Researcher and a Surgeon. He wants Hinata to take after him and continue on the Empire that is Hyuga. And not only her but, her older cousin Neji as well, and her younger sister too, Hanabi.
“Hinata, you know I’m not going to be easy on you. When we graduated High school, we talked about this.” I said.
           “I know.”
           “I asked you, do you want to become a doctor? And because of your Dad, you said ‘Yes.’ I said to do this only if you want to do this.”
“I know, Tem- “
           “I know you’re overworked. I know you’re stressed. But Hina, the time to change your mind is over. If you back out now, all it’s gonna bring is trouble.”
“I should’ve listened to you. You knew I wanted to follow my own dreams but- “
           “But the fear you have for your Dad is more than the wants you have for your dreams.” I took off my glasses and massaged my neck. “Hinata, you need to get over this fear. Not only for your Dad but, fear over all things that scare you. Cause one day you’re gonna look back at your life and you’re gonna regret not doing this or doing that. And I don’t want that for you.”
“Well, how about you?”
           “Don’t turn this on me. You know why I made my decisions. You have freedom, you just don’t take it. I have to take consideration of my family and the benefits it makes on them.”
“And you’re happiness? When are you going to take that into consideration? You’re becoming a nurse, yes, because it’s gonna make more money for your family. It’s a lot quicker than anything else; you’re gonna be in school for only two to three years and off to work you go. But that’s not what you want to do either. You’re just doing it to make your mom happy. So, you’re in the same boat as me.”
           “Yea, but you had a choice. You have a dream. I didn’t know what to do exactly after high school. This gave me something.” I told her. “Hinata, we can do this. Slowly, over time maybe we’ll start to love it.”
           She took a breath. “Okay…” Her breath was shaky.
“Don’t cry…” I said.
           “I-I’m not…” She wiped her eyes. “Let’s just talk about something-“
           A text message had popped up on my phone.
“Hidan?” Hinata guessed with an attitude.
I sighed. “Yeah…”
           Hidan: Hey Babe… U awake?
“This brings up another thing…” Hinata said. “Hidan.”
“Hinata I already know what you’re going to say. We’ve been through this before.” I said while texting him back.
           “Why are you responding?” Hinata complained.
“Why not?” I put her back on the screen. “He’s my boyfriend.”
“A BAD one at that.” She shot back.
           “He’s not bad. You just don’t like him.”
Me: Yea… still studying ☹
           “I have my reasons. A. He associates himself with the wrong crowd. B. He has a bad influence on your brother’s, and you know that. C. He does drugs- “
“Weed is not a serious drug and was made legal.” I defended.
“It’s not like he has a medical reason to be smoking it. D. He-“
“Are you going through the whole entire alphabet?”
           “That’s the problem Temari! I could literally go through the whole entire alphabet listing his problems. And that’s not even enough! I’d have to make up new letters.”
“You’re exaggerating.”
           “Am I?” Hinata crossed her arms.
“You’re just bringing this up so you don’t have to focus on your paper,” I said.
           “I’m bringing this up because I love you and I care about you.” I rolled my eyes. “I’m being so serious right now, Tem. You’re too good for him. He’s just playing you in an act. Keeping an eye out for your brothers, giving you money-“
“He takes care of me!”
           “Yeah, just so he can get the one thing you haven’t given him yet. Sex.”
“That’s not it.” I glared.
“It’s been six months Tem! Since the day I first met him all he’s eyes screamed was LUST after you. He’s trying to get with you! And then he’s going to throw you away like trash. He’s buttering you up for easy access. It’s. An. Act.”
“You know I’m right. And it’s not just him who is at fault here, you are too. You’re using him too-“
“No! You confronted me. Now I’m confronting you. It’s my turn.” I huffed. “I know you’re in a tough situation. Your mom is working two jobs, she’s barely in the house, your brothers are messing with the wrong crowd, getting in trouble with the police and at school, you’re juggling school and work helping your mom pay bills. I know- it’s tough Tem. Ever since your Dad died things have been stressful. And I get it Hidan helps distract you from it all. But there are better ways Temari.”
“It’s not like I’m doing anything bad,” I said.
           “But eventually you could…. Your mingling yourself with people who entertain the lifestyle of drugs, sex, and alcohol. And that’s not gonna keep your brother’s away from them if you’re in stupid love with one of them. They’re gonna think, “Oh, my sisters cool with them so, it’s okay now.” It’s just going to bring them into more violence and more issues. You’re their leader, Tem. They look up to you. If you want them to do good, then love what is good. Right now, you’re loving the wrong side. You may not see it now but, stay there long enough and soon it’s gonna hit you.”
           Hidan: Meet me outside.
“He’s there, isn’t he?” She guessed correctly.
“I’ll call you back?” I felt bad…
           “No. I’m just gonna finish this paper then head to bed. I’ll pick you up in the morning.” She said simply.
“Ok…” I paused. She looked at me with a face of slight disappointment. “I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too.” She gave me a small smile then hung up.
           I sat at my desk for a minute before I got up, threw my hair into a messy bun, and made my way outside to meet Hidan.
Hinata’s not wrong…but, I just need him now.
           “Heyyy!” He smiled at the sight of me and threw his arms out before him. “How’s my baby doing?”
“Good.” He embraced for a while as if he was taking every bit of me in.
“Ah, I missed you today. Sorry, I was so busy. We had a delivery today.” He wrapped his arm around my waist keeping me close. “Almost got in a mix up with a couple guys but, I took good care of them.”
           I smiled looking longingly into his eyes with my arms around his neck. “Wow, you're sooo strong.”
He grabbed my waist as I planted my lips on his. It felt so good. It made me feel… like I’m alive… like I matter. Hidan saw me when I felt like no one did and even if he’s not the right guy…
           He broke the kiss and looked me in the eye. His eyes looked hungry and before he said a word, I knew what was next.
“You wanna… go to your room?” He smiled.
           I nodded.
I want this.
­­­­            When I woke up, it was six o’clock in the morning. The sun was barely up. And Hidan laid with one arm over me, snoring softly. I starred up at the ceiling as I wrapped the sheets around my bare chest and took in a deep breath.
           My family and I moved here to Kohona about six years ago and through our cousin Sasori, my brothers met Hidan and the rest of the gang. Ever since then… it has been hell but, we’ll get into that sometime later. Hidan and I got together about six months ago. I would pick up my brothers from time to time at his place and obviously, he noticed me. Since the beginning, Hidan always had tried to get with me and I always rejected him. Because back then when I still had some sense I knew that he was apart of a gang, does drugs, sells drugs, and has a bunch of women at his disposal anytime he wants. So, to be with him (for the longest time) was ridiculous to me. I would never put myself through that… but then as years passed and my life getting no better… I became vulnerable. I became desperate.
           My parents fought and my dad was in and out of the house. My brothers being disobedient and getting in all types of trouble. And ever since my father’s untimely death I felt as though I had to carry my family. Whenever one of them was down or in a ditch, it was me who was there for them. It was me who heard them out, paid the bills… it’s like I sold my soul for my family. I sacrificed everything for them. And in return, I didn’t get anything back. So, I felt like nothing but, I felt like something when Hidan was around. He noticed me and gave me attention so I… gave in. And I saw that I could get something out of this.
           I turned and looked at him. He was still fast asleep.
It wasn’t love at first sight. Not at all. He didn’t woo me into it. Never really even felt a spark. This isn’t love. Hinata’s very correct. He’s nowhere close to being the one for me. But I am so empty… depressed even… The sex, the alcohol, the occasional drugs that I take from time to time….
I turned back towards the ceiling shedding silent tears. I muffled sobs with my hand.
           It gives me something to live for… and yet… it’s still not enough. I’m just using him. In high school, there was no one really there that peaked my interest. I only talked to Hinata; she was my only friend. No one even tried to mess with me because they knew who my brothers were and their reputation. So, no one bothered. And it wasn’t like I was searching for attention at the time. I was so fixated on taking care of my family that I didn’t have time to enjoy my youth and fool around. I had to grow up pretty quick. And take care of my mom. After my dad died, that’s when I became desperate and loneliness really became a burden to me. And Hidan kept bugging me.
           So, one day, I asked him, “What are you willing to give me?”
“Excuse me?” He smiled.
“What am I gonna get out of this?” I turned to him completely and played with the hem of his shirt.
           “I’ll take care of you,” He said. “Whatever you need baby… I got you.”
And I gave in. I gave into it all. I gave into his whole lifestyle and now I feel worst. I don’t want to tell Hinata because it would just kill her. And I wish I could but, I’m in too deep.
A/N: Please comment, like, share or whatever!
How did you all like the first Chapter? And don’t worry Shikamaru will make his first appearance in the next upcoming chapter. Hope you all enjoyed 😊
~ MissV
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thedeacanedous · 4 years ago
🆘🆘🆘 RIO #A16595244 🆘🆘🆘 Darling sr. Rio, dumped again after being adopted 8 years ago. He so deserves loving furever home🙏😭 😭 😭  We can't help but instantly fall in love with Rio! He is a Hound mix, perfectly sized at only 38 pounds. Rio is 10 years old, so he is past his puppy stage and knows some basic commands. He enjoys spending time snuggled up on a comfy bed, going for leisurely walks, and enjoying the finer things in life like peanut butter and puppacinos. Rio would do best in a calm home with older children. He has done well with laid back dogs, and would easily adapt into a family looking for a senior dog. He hasn’t shown any aggression and several staff and volunteers take him out, leashing and handling him with no issues. He has some arthritis and has been doing well on arthritis meds but deserves a home, not a concrete floor. He just needs out of the shelter. 😭 😭 😭  Adoptions must be done in person. Do not call the shelter. All rescue tags must be sent via EMAIL: [email protected] 📍Fort Worth Animal Care and Control/Chuck Silcox Adoption Center, 4900 Martin Street, Fort Worth Texas 76119 https://lnkd.in/dRSi2xz ☎️ (817) 392-1234 [email protected] 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭  “Como é horrível ver o quanto eles sofrem como é bom ver como eles se transformam em um lindo bichinho de estimação. Amor, confiança e paciência irão curá-los. Compartilhe se você se importa e deixe os outros também cientes !!! “🐾🌎🌈 Filhotes doentes e vadios ficam tão saudáveis e brincalhões Eles ficam TÃO lindos e felizes !!! ❤️❤️❤️ Meu coração está chorando !!! 🆘🆘🆘 RIO # A16595244 🆘🆘🆘 Darling sr. Rio, abandonou novamente após ser adotado há 8 anos. Ele merece amar o lar sempre !!! 😭 😭 😭  Não podemos deixar de nos apaixonar imediatamente pelo Rio! Ele é uma mistura de Hound, com tamanho perfeito, pesando apenas 38 libras. O Rio tem 10 anos, já passou da fase de cachorrinho e conhece alguns comandos básicos. Ele gosta de passar o tempo aninhado em uma cama confortável, fazer caminhadas relaxantes e desfrutar das coisas boas da vida, como manteiga de amendoim e puppacinos. O Rio se daria melhor em um lar calmo com crianças mais velhas. Ele se deu bem com cães descontraídos e se adaptaria facilmente a uma família à procura de um cão sênior. Ele não demonstrou qualquer agressão e vários funcionários e voluntários o levaram para fora, controlando-o e manipulando-o sem problemas. Ele tem um pouco de artrite e está se saindo bem com remédios para artrite, mas merece uma casa, não um piso de concreto. Ele só precisa sair do abrigo. 😭 😭 😭  Adoções devem ser feitas pessoalmente. Não ligue para o abrigo. Todas as tags de resgate devem ser enviadas via EMAIL: [email protected] 📍Fort Worth Animal Care and Control / Chuck Silcox Adoption Center, 4900 Martin Street, Fort Worth Texas 76119 https://lnkd.in/dRSi2xz ☎️ (817) 392-1234 [email protected]
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nekojitachan · 8 years ago
Please please please post us something ??? I miss your writing like an owner missing his beloved pet!! Anything you have or just bits of it. Please!!??????
Hmm, I’m really trying to get Heartlines ch5 done soon - I’m not sure it’ll be up for next Sunday, but maybe the following Wednesday? That said, here’s a little peek at the next part of The First Breath. It’s the start of the story (I’ll probably clean this up a little and expand upon it):
Eh… very brief mention of an abusive mother? Think that’s the only trigger here.
It still amazed Andrew that he not only had his ownapartment to call ‘home’, a large loft with a freezer stocked with multiplepints of ice cream and a cabinet with liquor and the entire place warded tokeep out almost everyone, but that he shared the place with Neil. That when hereturned to a space that wasn’t just a building where he was staying for acertain amount of time but where he felt safe and content and had made it hisown, there was a gorgeous idiot waiting for him with a bright smile.
A gorgeous idiot waiting for him with a bright smile whilestretched out on their bed with two cats, with more cats curled up all throughtheir home.
All right, Andrew could accept that it was his life, allthings considered. Especially when he caught sight of King lying on hisfavorite black sweater, her grey hair now all over it. Yet before he couldbitch at the cat, Neil rose up in an obvious invitation for a kiss. “Thatdidn’t take long.”
Andrew settled for glaring at the cat, which of course ignoredhim, as he set aside the bag of hot chocolate mix which he’d ‘run’ out for inanticipation for the ‘family’ dinner before he leaned in to oblige his idiot.“No, Renee was right in that the one store had it.” Granted, the store had beenin Toronto, but that was a minor thing when all it had taken was a thought andhe’d been there a moment later.
“Hmm.” Neil’s hands hovered around Andrew’s shoulders for afew seconds before Andrew grasped them gently by the wrist and draped themaround his neck to show it was all right to hold onto him, then ran his ownhands along the front of the idiot’s chest while he deepened the kiss. Theydidn’t have much time… he didn’t havemuch time, but soon enough they both were lying down on the bed while King andSir let out displeased meows and jumped off, Andrew’s hands beneath Neil’st-shirt and Neil’s hands in his hair.
It was when Andrew took to skimming his lips along the topof the black collar around Neil’s throat and his left hand began to slipbeneath the waistband of Neil’s dark grey jeans that he reminded himself of whycontinuing things past that point would be ‘bad’, even though he had a feelingthat in another half an hour he’d greatly regret stopping now and getting upfrom the bed. With a slight sigh of regret, he pulled away from his lover,which provoked a displeased sound from Neil which sounded a bit reminiscent ofwhat the cats had made a couple of minutes before (Neil needed to hang out withRenee or Dan some more, dammit, and less at home with all the cats).
“Come on,” Andrew told him as he dragged his idiot upright.“When is the asshole going to be here?” Once Neil was sitting with a scowl onhis face, he let him go to grab the bag of hot chocolate mix.
“Uhm.” Now Neil appeared thoughtful as he considered somethingthen sighed. “Very soon.”
“Great.” Andrew headed to the kitchen, mindful of thekittens from the litter temporarily taking up residence near the coffee able,so he could have a glass of whiskey before having to deal with both Wrath andthe dinner. “Sure you can’t hang out with Renee or Matt for the night instead?”
“Renee has planswith Allison,” Neil told him as he followed along, still somewhat bemused byAndrew’s insistence on calling their fellow Named Ones by their ‘mortal’monikers but playing along as always, “and Matt has been going on about somenew game coming out.” He shuddered a little as he mentioned his friend.“Supposedly he has high hopes of being able to beat Tem- ah, Jean on it, so Ifear if I go spend time with him, he’ll force me to play it so he canpractice.”
Hmm, it sounded as if Jean was off on another ‘not-date’with Jeremy that evening. Andrew didn’t understand why it was taking someonewho otherwise appeared intelligent so long to pick up the fucking clue that areasonably attractive (if one liked annoying and almost always cheerful morons)guy adored them. Then again, it was becoming clear that Riko had fucked up Jeanin various ways over the years that he’d kept the Virtue magically chained inservitude to the prick, a thought that made Andrew slosh a good bit of whiskeyinto the glass tumbler then toss it back with haste.
Riko was nevergetting anywhere near Neil again, so Andrew would just have to suffer throughWrath being in his home that evening while he was out at Bee’s, since she haddeclared the weekly ‘family’ dinners a time for Andrew, Aaron and Nicky to getto know each other better without any ‘respective others’ (meaning Neil andErik) to be there as a distraction (to be insulted by Aaron, for Neil to sayhis weird, unfiltered shit or for Erik to take offense at Aaron’s insults onNicky’s and Neil’s behalves).
Neil came over to stand beside Andrew until their shouldersbrushed together with a purring Sir held in his arms, and some of the angersettled in Andrew at the contact. He felt the urge to unfurl his wings and wrapthem around his lover, to slip betweento some high rooftop where the two of them could look out over a city,somewhere peaceful and safe and blocked off from the world, but he had hisobligations tonight. He’d promised Bee to help her with Aaron, had answered hisbrother’s call and taken that step to save him, so he could only miss a dinnerif another call pulled at him or if there was something equally important.
Unfortunately for him, trading insults with Neil’s uncle fora couple of hours or making out with his lover didn’t qualify as that‘important’.
He debated another glass of whiskey when there was afamiliar rush of power followed by an quick knock on the front door, and sighedagain when Neil smiled as he went to allow their guest into the loft.
/The angry one is visiting?/ Sir asked as she twisted herhead back to look at Neil.
“Yes, for a little bit.”
/Hmm, he brought treats last time./
Neil set her down before he opened the door to admit Wrath,who was dressed in light grey slacks and a white button-down shirt without avest, tie or jacket – in other words, rather informal for once. He held thestrings to a gift bag in his left hand, and judging from the way that King cametrotting forward and Sir’s black ears perked up, he continued to bribe the damncats. “Looking good, kiddo,” he said as he reached out to tousle Neil’s unrulyauburn curls.
“Thank you.” Neil suffered the affectionate gesture with agenuine smile before he stepped out of the way. “You look good, too.”
“Been busy as fuck, but I can’t complain.” Wrath’s grey eyesnarrowed a little when he caught sight of Andrew, then he shrugged. “Broughtsome of those butter biscuits you really like, figured we’d have them and sometea.”
“Well, this party is getting too out of control for me, timeto leave,” Andrew drawled while Wrath huffed and made a rude gesture in hisdirection; he doubted that he and the Vice would ever be good friends, but theywere unified in their determination to keep a certain idiot safe and that wasenough common ground for them.
“I think you need to get the place sprayed for fleas, kiddo.Seems to be an annoying one buzzing around here,” Wrath commented as he set thebag down on the kitchen island.
“Not funny,” Neil sighed, but before he could chide hisuncle for the pathetic joke, Andrew grasped his lover by the chin and pulledhim in for a quick kiss.
“Try not to do anything too stupid with the old fart thereand save me some cookies,” Andrew told him right before he slipped between, and left with the sight ofNeil’s smile in his mind and Wrath’s gruff voice calling out ‘little shit’before he appeared in Bee’s kitchen.
There was the smell of garlic and meatloaf in the air, andBee paused in checking a boiling pot to stare at him for a couple of seconds.“I still can’t get over that,” she said with a smile as she pushed up herfogged glasses.
She accepted the fact that Andrew and Aaron were demi-gods,that Nicky was a powerful witch, that Andrew had taken on the Aspect of a Furyand meted out justice and vengeance, that there were times he bore wings andfangs and claws… and it was the teleportation which left her amazed. He shookhis head as he held up the bag of hot chocolate. “I got you more of that mixyou liked.”
Her smile strengthened as she wiped her hands on her hipsthen reached for it. “Thank you.” She set the bag aside on the counter thenlooked him up and down as if to take in the finely knit black sweater, theblack jeans and ankle boots. “Hmm, being a mythological creature appears toagree with you.”
“Amusing,” he told her while he filched a slice of breadfrom the basket set out on the counter and began to break it apart to eat it. “Where’sAaron?”
“He went to get changed after helping me prepare dinner.”She checked the pot one more time before turning off the oven. “How’s Neil?”
“The same as always. Nicky made the mistake of showing himWikipedia a few days ago so now I have to make sure to limit his time on theinternet or he’ll spend hours correcting ‘the many, many erroneous events foolish humans keep asserting took place inhistory.’ Which is usually followed by the question, ‘Andrew, do mortals knowwhat the word ‘history’ means?’.” He rolled his eyes while glancing around thebottle of wine Bee had to have out on the counter somewhere, and started for itonce he caught sight of it.
Bee did her best to bite back on a laugh and didn’t sayanything when he started to uncork the bottle, having given up by then onlecturing Andrew on ‘underage drinking’; he wasn’t ‘human’ and a few glasses ofwine wouldn’t affect him, that and he no longer drove. Hell, ever since he tookon the aspect of Tisiphone and ‘Andrew Joseph Dobson’ had for all intents andpurposes disappeared from the world, the Fates had twisted things so that Nickyhad ended up with Andrew’s car. He’d be a bit bitter about that, but he couldgo anywhere he wanted with a mere thought and had ‘inherited’ enough money withthe Aspect to buy a few dozen fancy sports cars if he was so inclined.
“Yes, that does sound like him. You’ll have to bring himover soon, I do enjoy listening to his stories.” Bee smiled as she reached intothe oven to pull out the meatloaf, while Andrew poured her a glass of wine aswell.
She’d just reached for the glass when Aaron entered thekitchen, dressed all in black much like Andrew – however, that was where theirsimilarities ended. Unlike Andrew, Aaron didn’t have a fancy black credit cardand a nice huge bank account, so his style relied more on Nicky’s and Bee’scharity (well, and a bit on Andrew’s, considering that he’d given Bee somemoney back in November and December and told her to pass it off as presentsfrom her for the ungrateful bastard) than anything else. There was also thefact that Andrew had never looked like such a sullen asshole ever in his life. “Oh,you’re here already,” Aaron said with a faint sniff as he folded his arms overhis chest. “Wonderful.”
The smile faded a little from Bee’s mouth as she glancedover at her latest project. “We were just talking about Neil.”
Aaron’s lips twisted a little upon hearing the name ofAndrew’s lover. “What, we’re starting it already? Nicky’s not even here yet andI have to put up with how great and perfect things are with everyone but me?”He scowled at Andrew, who merely stood there drinking his wine, well used tothe current rant. “Having fun playing house with the scary freak-“
“Aaron,” Bee warned as she set her own wine aside and gaveAndrew’s twin a narrowed look.
“-and you go around messing up other people’s lives, huh?Kill anyone else’s mom today?” Aaron taunted him.
“Aaron! That was uncalled for,” Bee said, but before shecould go on about displacement or some other bullshit, Andrew shook his head.
“Not today,” he informed his brother. “But I did kill one acouple of days ago, some drunken bitch who’ll never harm her daughter again.”Andrew ‘smiled’ at Aaron, an expression that had too much sharp teeth in it,and didn’t stop even when Aaron flinched from the sight and Bee drained herwineglass. “Funny how the girl was so grateful for what I did, how all of themare grateful, except for my own flesh and blood.”
“But… she… I don’t….” Aaron sputtered into silence and shookhis head, his expression no longer one of utmost petulance and spite but ofconfusion instead. He wrapped his arms around himself until Bee gave a lighttouch to his left shoulder.
“Go check the table, will you?” she asked, and after aslight start he nodded then hurried into the dining room. Bee watched him gobefore looking over at Andrew. “He’s… well, he’s trying a little,” she offered.“At least he’s talking about it now. It’s small steps but it’s something.”
It was Aaron blaming Andrew for doing something Aaron hadbeen unable to do, for Aaron being unwilling to let go of the past when he finallyhad a future in front of him. Not for the first time, Andrew regretted beingunable to let go of things himself, since he was now stuck with Nicky andAaron, with a pest of a cousin and an ungrateful shit of a brother. All thatand he still had dinner to get through with both of them.
77 notes · View notes
arplis · 5 years ago
Arplis - News: Coffee Peanut Butter Sweet Rolls | #SpringSweetsWeek
Hello, friends! I am excited to provide you a bit of escapism in the form of these ooey-gooey coffee peanut butter sweet rolls. Today’s coffee sweet roll recipe features Door County Coffee. Thanks, Door County friends! This post is sponsored in conjunction with #SpringSweetsWeek. I received product samples from sponsor companies to help in the creation of my recipes. All opinions are my own.
A Sweet Week for you, My Friends
I am truly glad you’re here today, friends. This event, #springsweetsweek, has been in the making for months and months, and we all decided to go on with it because who doesn’t want to look at all the tastiness, plus make a lot of these recipes if they can?!
These sweet rolls are the first of three recipes I’ll be sharing with you this week, so please stick around.
There is also a giveaway brought to you by our sponsors. Seven prizes from seven sponsors, so please make sure to enter for chances to win!
Along with all the other recipes from participating bloggers, you’ll find sponsor information, prize descriptions, and the entry form below the recipe. Good luck!
Making the Dough
This dough is a straight dough, which pretty much means that all the ingredients go into the pool at one time.
I do make a couple of concessions about the order I add things, though.
Yeast does not like salt, so I make sure to put the salt in first with some of the wet ingredients (eggs, egg yolks, and melted butter, in this instance), dump on all the flour, and add the yeast on top before pouring in the coffee.
Yes, coffee. I usually like to use buttermilk in my sweet rolls, but this time, I used double strength coffee from one of our sponsors, Door County Coffee.
They have a ton of different flavors, and their “Peanut Butter Crunch” flavor inspired me to make what was going to be cinnamon rolls into peanut butter sweet rolls!
At any rate, just add all the ingredients to your mixer in the order I specify, and you will be good to go. Promise!
Rising and Rolling
The dough gets a beautiful almost amber color, thanks to the coffee and egg yolk in the recipe. It’s very easy to work with, especially after refrigeration.
Once you have your dough all beautifully made and kneaded, form it into a ball, spray the top, cover it, and let it rise very slowly in the fridge for at least 8 and up to 24 hours.
It will have gotten noticeably bigger, but it might not be doubled in size.
In the photo above, you can see the risen dough, and then the next three steps:
turning out the dough onto a clean work surface and pressing out all the gases (otherwise known as “punching down.”)
starting to roll out the dough into a rectangular shape, and
the finished rectangle, about 18″ long and maybe 14-16″ tall.
How to Mix And Spread the Filling
The filling is very easy to make. Just mix all the ingredients together until evenly combined.
That’s peanut butter, brown sugar, softened cream cheese, melted butter, a pinch of salt and some optional coffee extract.
You can see how I just dotted the surface of the dough with the filling and then spread it out from edge to edge, keeping about 1 1/2″ clear at the far end.
After rolling the dough up, just pinch the seam together as well as you can.
Don’t worry if it doesn’t completely seal. They won’t unroll because all the rolls will press on each other as they rise and bake.
How to Cut Twelve Even Rolls
I have used both dental floss and a good serrated knife to cut cinnamon rolls and sweet rolls. Either will work.
This time, I used a serrated knife and was perfectly happy with the results. The chilled dough stands up well as long as you saw with the knife and don’t press it straight down.
Here’s how I cut mine to get the most even slices I can:
First, I cut off the two ends, which aren’t very even.
Then I cut the log of dough in half, and the halves in half so I have 4 even pieces of dough.
Cut each quarter of the log into 3 even slices, and voila! 12 rolls!
Place them evenly in your non-stick pan. You do not have to grease the pan.
Secrets to a Good Rise
My favorite way to ensure the rolls rise beautifully is to make them a cozy place in the microwave.
Look how much they expand during the rise. I gave mine 1 1/2 hours, and then they rise even more in the oven.
Here’s how to do it:
fill a mug with water.
Bring it to a boil in the microwave.
Carefully move the mug over to the side, and then slide in your covered pan of rolls and close the door.
And that’s how you make a homemade proof box!
If the second rise takes over an hour, you may have to remove your rolls for a minute so you can reheat the water to keep your proof box nice and warm and humid.
Streusel and Baking
The streusel was my friend Brandy’s genius idea. She is the mind and cook behind Nutmeg Nanny, and her Amish Peanut Butter Pie uses little peanut butter and powdered sugar “nuggets.”
She suggested I give it a try, and I was all in.
I really love the way the nuggets bake up into sweet, slightly crunchy, peanut butter streusel. They’re much more delicate than regular streusel, which is made with sugar and flour.
The peanut butter “streusel” is very easy to make in a mixer or with a hand mixer. Just mix up peanut butter, powdered sugar, a pinch of salt, and a tiny bit of (optional) coffee extract.
Spread the sweet peanut buttery nuggets all over the tops of the rolls. If some falls down in between the rolls, that’s completely okay.
Bake them for about 35 minutes and just look how gorgeous they are and how much they rise in the oven!
Let them cool, and then glaze them. You can let the glaze set up for a couple of hours, but if you can’t wait, I won’t blame you. I mean, look:
Need a Gluten-Free Version?
My friend Sandi from Fearless Dining can hook you up with some gluten free cinnamon rolls with a peanut butter glaze you’re going to love.
A Note About Measurements
NOTE: Most of my recipes are written by weight and not volume, even the liquids. Even though I try to provide you with volume measurements as well, I encourage you to buy a kitchen scale for ease of measuring, accuracy, and consistency.
This is the scale I use, love, and recommend:
I really hope you love these sweet rolls, you guys!
If you make some, please share a photo with me, either in the PCO Facebook Group or on instagram by tagging @onlinepastrychef and using hashtag #pcorecipe.
Thanks, and enjoy! And don’t forget to keep scrolling to find the other recipes and to enter the contest, friends. Take care.
Peanut Butter Sweet Rolls Recipe
Yield: 12
Prep Time: 40 minutes
Cook Time: 35 minutes
Rise/Fridge Time: 1 days
Total Time: 1 days 1 hour 15 minutes
These sweet rolls are made with sponsor Door County Coffee in the dough and in the glaze. The filling is a gooey mixture of brown sugar, peanut butter, cream cheese, and melted butter. You'll love the sweet little nuggets of peanut buttery streusel on top, and you won't want to miss the cream cheese coffee glaze.
The long, slow overnight rise--which you can push to 24 hours if necessary--gives to plenty of down time to do other things. After you pull the dough from the fridge, roll it out, spread on the filling, roll, slice, add the streusel, bake, and then glaze.
All in all, these coffee peanut butter sweet rolls are rich, gooey, something a little bit different, and perfect to share for brunch or whenever a comforting peanut butter smackerel is necessary.
For the Dough
2 large eggs
2 egg yolks
2 oz brown sugar
4 oz unsalted butter, melted and cooled to warm
1 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt (I use Morton's)
20 oz bread flour
2 teaspoons instant yeast
6 oz double strength coffee, cooled to warm (I used Door County in Peanut Butter Crunch)
For the Filling
3/4 cup peanut butter (creamy or crunchy)
1 cup brown sugar
heavy pinch of salt
2 oz cream cheese at room temperature (1/4 block)
2 oz butter, melted (1/2 stick)
1/2 teaspoon coffee extract, optional
For the Peanut Butter Streusel
1/2 cup peanut butter
1 cup powdered sugar
pinch of salt
1/4 teaspoon coffee extract
For the Glaze
2 oz cream cheese at room temperature (1/4 block)
1 oz butter at room temperature (2 Tablespoons)
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
2-4 teaspoons double strength coffee, or enough to make a glaze the consistency you like
For the Dough
Place the eggs, yolks, brown sugar, melted butter, and salt in the bowl of your stand mixer and whisk by hand until combined.
Dump in all the flour followed by the yeast.
Pour on the cooled coffee.
Fit your mixer with the dough hook and mix on low until the dough comes together, about 2 minutes.
Increase the speed to medium and knead until the dough is soft and smooth and very stretchy, about 8-10 minutes.
Form the dough into a smooth ball, place it back in the bowl, and spray the exposed dough with pan spray.
Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or a lint-free kitchen towel and refrigerate for 8 hours and up to 24 hours.
To Shape and Bake
Pull the dough out of the fridge, turn it out onto a clean work surface, and press out all the gases.
Use a rolling pin to roll it into a rectangle about 18 inches on the long side and 12-14" on the short. Take your time.
Spread out the filling evenly on the dough, leaving about 1 1/2" of dough clear on the long end away from you.
Roll up the dough into a jelly roll. Use a bench knife for some help if you need it.
Pinch the seam together as best you can.
Cut off either end of the roll to even it up.
Slice the remaining dough log into equal pieces by first cutting the log in half, cutting the halves in half, and then cutting each piece into thirds.
Place in a 9 x 13 pan, 3 across the short way and 4 down.
Cover and let rise in a warm place for about 1 1/2 hours, or until nice and puffy and almost doubled.
During the last 30 minutes of the rise, preheat oven to 350F.
Once the rolls are nicely risen, sprinkle evenly with the peanut butter streusel.
Bake for 30=35 minutes until the rolls are deeply golden brown and well risen. The internal temperature in the center should be at least 195F.
Remove from the oven. Cool to barely warm before glazing.
Store at room temperature for up to 3 days. Microwave each roll for a few seconds before serving.
For the Filling
In a medium bowl, mix all the filling ingredients together until evenly combined.
For the Peanut Butter Streusel
Place all the ingredients together in the bowl of your stand mixer (or in a bowl and using a hand mixer) and mix with the paddle attachment (or your beaters if using a hand mixer) until you get soft crumbles.
For the Coffee Glaze
MIx the cream cheese, butter, and powdered sugar together until smooth.
Add the coffee, a bit at a time, and mix until you get a nice glaze consistency.
Can I Make a Half Recipe?
If you only want or need 6 rolls, feel free to half the recipe, especially if you have a smaller 4.5 quart mixer.
You'll be fine to simply cut each measurement in half, including the yeast.
Once you make the dough, you can refrigerate it for up to 24 hours if you need to. But give it at least 8 hours for a nice, cold rise.
Cut the rolls apart and freeze on a sheet until firm. Then wrap each one individually in plastic wrap and foil and freeze for up to a month.
Thaw at room temperature overnight or in the microwave on medium power.
For best results, freeze them before glazing. Allow to come to room temperature before glazing. Let the glaze set up for about an hour and then heat each roll for a few seconds in the microwave.
Recommended Products
As an Amazon Associate and member of other affiliate programs, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Door County Coffee Sampler Pack
Nielsen-Massey Pure Coffee Extract, with gift box, 4 ounces
Escali Primo Kitchen Scale
OXO 9" x 13" Non-Stick Pro Cake Pan
KitchenAid 6 quart Stand Mixer
© Jenni Field
Cuisine: American / Category: Sweet Yeast Breads
Thanks for being here today, friends.
Please read on to find out about all our sponsors as well as to enter our giveaway, and good luck!
#SpringSweetsWeek Recipes
Auntie Ann’s Italian Cookies by Jolene’s Recipe Journal
Blood Orange Madelines by Simply Inspired Meals
Butter Pecan Macaron by A Kitchen Hoor’s Adventures
Butterscotch Pie with Pecan Crust by Art of Natural Living
Carrot Cake Cheesecake Bars by Cookaholic Wife
Carrot Cake Pecan Pie by The Spiffy Cookie
Coconut Pineapple Bread by Family Around the Table
Coffee Peanut Butter Sweet Rolls by Pastry Chef Online (You’re here!)
Coffee Pudding Cake by That Recipe
Gluten Free Almond Poppyseed Bread by Frugal & Fit
Hummingbird Bundt Cake with Cream Cheese Glaze by Cheese Curd In Paradise
Lemon and Raspberry Mascarpone Cupcakes by Palatable Pastime
Lemon Buttercream Cake with Lemon Curd Filling by Jen Around the World
Lemon Cake Pops by A Savory Feast
Lemon Jelly Roll by A Day in the Life on the Farm
Lemonade Crinkles by Kate’s Recipe Box
Lemony Baked Doughnuts by Karen’s Kitchen Stories
Mint Chocolate Quick Bread by Cindy’s Recipes and Writings
Mocha Mint Mississippi mud brownies- by Strawberry Blondie Kitchen
Orange Posset by Shockingly Delicious
Pecan Pie Cheesecake Bars by Sweet Beginnings
Pink Lemonade Rice Krispie Treats by Blogghetti
Praline Ice Cream by Fresh April Flours
Sponge Cake by Books n’ Cooks
Spring Pastel Watercolor Cake by Hezzi-D’s Books and Cooks
Vegan Turtle Layer Cake by The Baking Fairy
White Chocolate Carrot Cake Tea Cookies by Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck Survive Despite a Whiskered Accomplice
Welcome to #SpringSweetsWeek 2020 hosted by Heather from Hezzi-D’s Books and Cooks!  What better way to celebrate the warmer weather and flowers blooming than with food and a fun giveaway? 27 bloggers from around the country have come together to share over 100 sweet recipes perfect for spring!  So stop thinking about cold and snow and get ready to enjoy the best spring sweets like cupcakes, cookies, brownies, pies, and even beverages! Our #SpringSweetsWeek sponsors are helping us give away some great prizes. Thank you so much to Dixie Crystals, Millican Pecan, Door County Coffee, Anolon, Deiss Cookware, Adams Extract, and Fresh April Sprinkles for your generosity. We have an incredible giveaway below and would love if you would take a moment to read about it and the prizes you can win!
Sponsors and Giveaway Prizes
Check out the amazing prizes you can win in our #SpringSweetsWeek Giveaway!
Prize #1:  Millican Pecan is giving one winner a Tower of Treats!  The Tower of Treats is a beautiful and unique gift for that special friend, family member, client or associate. The tower includes 3 decorative gift tins stacked on top of each other. The bottom tin includes our 2 lb. Chocolate Pecan Sampler, the middle tin is our Flavored Pecan Sampler and the top tin is a 8 oz. tin of Milk Chocolate Caramillicans (similar to Turtles). Millican Pecan began when E.E. Risien, founded the West Texas Pecan Nursery in the late 1800’s at the junction of the San Saba and Colorado Rivers.  He received much recognition for his experiments that altered the course of the pecan industry and helped to establish San Saba as the “Pecan Capital of the World.” From this location, they developed many great pecan varieties, as well as a prosperous orchard that serves our customers well, even to this day.  Today Millican Pecan is being run by the 5th generation, the one that launched the Millican Pecan website in 2002.  Visit https://millicanpecan.com/ to learn more about pecans, find delicious recipes, and buy their amazing pecans and pecan products. Prize #2:  Door County Coffee is giving one winner 20 full-pots of coffee and a Door County Coffee mug.  Full pots will consist of seasonal flavors, flavored coffee, and non-flavored coffee.  Door County Coffee & Tea Co. was founded in 1993 in Door County, Wisconsin.  It is a small, family-owned business, roasting coffee the old-fashioned way – in small batches to exacting specifications. The mission has always been to produce some of the best-tasting and highest quality coffee.  They have over 100 types of coffee, all of which are roasted right on site.  Visit https://www.doorcountycoffee.com/ to see their selection of coffees and teas as well as to find some fabulous recipes. Prize #3:   Dixie Crystals is giving one winner a set of Nordic Ware Bundt Pans.  This set contains one Chiffon Bundt Pan and one Vaulted Cathedral Bundt Pan perfect for decorative baking. Since 1917, Dixie Crystals® has been the South’s choice for high-quality sugar and sweeteners. Our pure cane sugar products are all natural, non-GMO and provide consistently delicious results.   Visit www.dixiecrystals.com for hundreds of recipes, holiday ideas, great ways to get kids baking in the kitchen, and plenty of baking videos. Prize #4:  Anolon is giving one winner an Anolon Advanced 5 piece Bakeware set.  This nonstick bakeware set includes two 8 inch round cake pans, one 8 inch square cake pan, a 10 x 15 cookie pan, and a 9.25 x 14 cooling rack!   It’s the perfect set for any baker. Established in 1950’s, Meyer Manufacturing started by making and selling flashlights.  In 1971 they started their journey into selling cookware and by 1986 they released the world’s first hard-anodized nonstick cookware that would revolutionize the world of home cooking because the nonstick surface didn’t flake or scratch easily.  Today they sell bakeware with nonstick interior and exterior that is made with a special blend of  sapphire-reinforced nonstick that is triple coated.  Visit https://anolon.com to see their selection of cookware, bakeware, tools, and to get amazing recipes. Prize #5:  Fresh April Sprinkles is giving one winner their choice of three 4 ounce bags of sprinkles!   Winner can choose from favorites like the Birthday Party Blend, Cotton Candy Blend, Pink Lemonade Blend, and so many others! Fresh April Sprinkles was founded in the summer of 2019 by Lynn April who runs the food blog Fresh April Flours.  They produce small batch, hand blended sprinkles in a suburb outside of Philadelphia.  Our sprinkle blends are carefully crafted with beautiful desserts in mind and can be custom blended just for you!  Visit https://freshaprilsprinkles.com to see the collection of sprinkles available or to find recipes from Lynn! Prize #6:  Adams Extract is giving one winner an Adams baking pack with 4-6 items including their amazing 4oz Adams Best® Vanilla Flavor.   This prize package is great for anyone who loves to bake! John A. Adams began making and selling his Green Plant Sarsaparilla extract in 1888 in Battle Creek, Michigan. In 1905, he moved his family to Beeville, Texas.  Working with just $6.71 worth of materials on top of an old icebox, John A. Adams created a new formula for vanilla. His wife tested it by whipping up a cake and announced, “John, this is the BEST flavoring I have ever used.” “Well, that’s old man Adams BEST,” he responded. The name stuck, and Adams Best was born! Today, Adams manufactures and markets under several Adams Brand banners, including Adams Best®, Adams Extract®, Adams® Seasoning & Spice, and many more.  To learn more about Adams Extract, to shop their products, or to find delicious recipes visit https://www.adamsextract.com.  Prize #7: Deiss Kitchenware is giving one winner a kitchen utensil prize package!  The winner will receive a digital thermometer, a grater, an apple slicer and corer set, and a 5 piece utensil set! Deiss Kitchenware is a small, family driven company that believes it’s easy to cook with pleasure when you have the right tools.  This company will bend over backwards to make you happy and the president of the company will even answer your letters!  They create easy to use, innovative, and reliable products for use in your kitchen.  To learn more about the company and the products they sell visit https://deisskitchenware.de/.
Many thanks to Millican Pecan, Dixie Crystals, Door County Coffee & Tea Co., Anolon, Fresh April Sprinkles, Deiss Kitchenware, and Adams Extracts for providing the prizes free of charge. These companies also provided the bloggers with samples and product to use for #SpringSweetsWeek recipes. All opinions are my own.
The #SpringSweetsWeek giveaway is open to residents of the United States who are 18 years of age or older.   All entries for the winner will be checked and verified. By entering you give the right to use your name and likeness. The number of entries received determines the odds of winning. Seven (7) winners will be selected. The prize packages will be sent directly from the giveaway sponsors. The #SpringSweetsWeek Bloggers are not responsible for the fulfillment or delivery of the prize packages. Bloggers hosting this giveaway and their immediate family members in their household cannot enter or win the giveaway. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited by law. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter or any other social channel mentioned in the #SpringSweetsWeek posts or entry.
Enter the Giveaway!
a Rafflecopter giveaway Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/coffee-peanut-butter-sweet-rolls-springsweetsweek
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carmellamartinez-blog · 7 years ago
How in Order To The Most Complimenting full Figure Dresses For Special Occasions
Her and I back again a long ways. We kind of grew up together. One another year, for time, I have been coming develop a great little proven fact that reminds her of our friendship you will learn much I value they. In the past this has meant giving her photographs in fancy frames, a locket, a bracelet that was engraved and one personalized recipe book. The bridal household s extremely much an area of the arrangements on the wedding. ?tem issues are food for everyone and the venue. Clogs under a year the family will can see a number of venues and sites buying good space for substantial tent - perhaps in the local park. This has been happening for lastly five years, and levels of guests at these weddings are gardening. One popular venue that may be over and over again is a very good deal for wedding day your future wife and groom since they will pay lower the full rate with the pre-used wedding venuw. My grandmother was very loving, very practical, furthermore very splendid. Her gift to me when my son was born consisted of some exquisite designer layette items; a year's diaper service; rrncluding a not if you P.S. that she knew my partner was "looking after the need and that sort of thing." Lousy have given a additional financially, but she exercised restraint, modeling what's really important. Most meaningful to me was the note insides. She was born in 1898, and the note began, "Welcome for the sacred sorority of children. " Somehow that needed to be said. In the following days, June's level of cleanliness never improve. Your kitchen seemed to spontaneously explode just by her entering it. Chocolate powder never quite made it through into the glass, butter never quite onto the bread, considering that the soup bubbled the actual the pan, she made no work to clean the stove. Instead, she grabbed her tenth box of tissues, blew her nose and slumped off in the living accommodation. The best man from a wedding always presents a delivery during the reception. His toast is predicted to share to the wedding guests details in regards to the groom. Such an speech can contain almost anything. It can be the groom's unknown or secret characteristics, his weird habits or even his unfortunate moments. Anything that is roofed in the speech, your attendees will surely listen as to what the best man always be say. If you're having flowing hair up for that wedding day, wash it the night before. Hair that has conditioner upon them becomes very slippery likewise this causes the pins to slide out on the hair. Some natural hair oil will keep the up do secured. Procrastination means that brides are usually exhausted for the very last fourteen days before wedding event and place. For some reason you would like to that we almost everything under control for the first sort 3 even months. We believe we have got lots of energy and time so were not in a big hurry to wrap things through. You may like to consider practical ideas, like bath and soap wedding mementos. These are just one rather ideal options that meet the criteria of practical wedding recognizes. Besides, what is more essential to call home a life everyday than doing regular bathroom systems? Therefore, bath and soap wedding favors are this is the perfect idea to thank your travellers. We always want something that is specially practical, useful, and on hand. At the same time, we desire to get a souvenir they will actually use. Conditioning think in which it would be nice to obtain a gift that will bring a smile to their faces, (aka something they'll love!). These this listed, I in a position to think 1 item to get, plus for the last four weddings I have given them at, they always upwards telling me that diet plans . their favorite gift. (1) If you've been invited your couple to their engagement party, this is in all likelihood one of the most useful times much more information what the couple needs. Utilizing pre-wedding gifts that the pair may receive during the engagement party, so be observant goods they'll get when they open suggestions during the celebration. If they haven't registered yet or had forgotten to announce it, you may ask their parents or friends at the party in order to have an idea of what they'll involve. Choose pearls and diamonds that match with colorations of your wedding gown. If you wedding garment happens to be an elaborate one, one more thing wear your diamonds and pearls certain they will blend into the overall form of your ensemble. It might be best to try near the dress along with your jewelry to make sure that everything matches. Are you planning on having a festive summertime wedding? Put on weight nothing quite like a ceremony out inside the sunshine then, he said a fun night out under the heavens. Of course, you are getting to would like a wedding dress that suits the local weather. I had expected she would either stop to shower, or perhaps remove her outer clothing, before flopping onto your bed. But when I returned for the room one later, I found June under my sheets, fully clothed with the exception of her sandals. Fighting back the urge to retch, I woke her and sent her to the spare room that was now ready with fresh sheets, whereupon she jumped under the covers still fully clothed and returned to her slumber. Three days later both my husband and I were sick, which wasn't helped through fact that I was eight months pregnant. If you beloved this write-up and you would like to acquire extra data regarding Gelin Ayakkabilari kindly stop by our own web site.
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trigafy · 8 years ago
New Post has been published on
New Post has been published on http://www.gogetthelook.com/2017/02/11/3-effective-home-remedies-to-increase-height-naturally-after-20/
3 Effective Home Remedies To INCREASE HEIGHT NATURALLY (After 20)
3 Effective Home Remedies To INCREASE HEIGHT NATURALLY (After 20)
How to INCREASE HEIGHT after 21? LEARN natural home remedies for faster HEIGHT GROWTH for men, women & teenagers. If you like this video give it THUMBS UP or share your suggestions in the comments section below.
Don’t we all want to be tall? YES! Your height plays a vital role when it comes to self confidence. How to increase height? Having a good height is a dream for many of us. You are definitely blessed if you have good height. In a society where looks play a vital role, height is an important aspect of an individual’s personality. It boosts your self confidence to a great extent. People with average heights or even shorter, lack that confidence level and make them feel out of place many a times in society. Those who are short or of an average height, are always yearning for some magic to happen so that they could shoot up in height! Being tall is definitely an asset for them and it also boosts their confidence levels.
Puberty & Height Growth With Teenage Boys & Girls: Puberty is made up of a clear sequence of stages, affecting the skeletal, muscular, reproductive, and nearly all other bodily sys­tems. Physical changes during puberty tend to be more gradual and steady.Although boys and girls are generally of similar height during middle child­hood, that changes with the beginning of puberty. Particularly in junior high school, girls are often taller than their male classmates, but within a year or two, boys catch up and usually surpass their female classmates. About 25 per­cent of human growth in height occurs during puberty. Puberty occurs in boys between (12-16 years) and girls between (10-14 years). Generally the hieght increase stops after the teenagers cross the age of puberty. However, there are natural remedies to grow height aven after 21 years.
We all would love it if we knew how to increase height in 1 week, 2weeks or a month probably! A scientific fact on growth is that, people even after the age of 21 can grow a few inches! How can this be done is the question. Healthy eating habits should be inculcated among everyone. If you include green vegetables, proteins, calcium etc into your diet, it will help in increasing your height in the long run. Did you all know that there is a hormone present in your body that determines your height? It is known as humen growth hormone . People also call this the growth hormone. It is produced by the pituitary gland which stimulates the growth of your bones and cartridges. In this video we are have discussed the best natural remedies that helps to grow height for teen agers (boys & girls), men, women. The effect of these remedies might vary from person to person. So you have a fair chnace of getting quick results and see height increase in as less as 1-2 weeks.
Let us look at some factors that affect height growth for teenagers, men & women:
1. Genetic factors: This is considered to be an important factor that determines height of a person. Genetic factors are beyond our control. If your parents are short, it is understood that the children too will be short in height. In medical terminology, it is entirely polygenic.
2. Nutritional factors: Lack of proper nutrition too can deter height growth and can slow down the process. The growth of the individual gets stagnant at some point of time due to factors such as- wrong postures, irregular and poor diet, restraining from exercising etc.
How to INCREASE HEIGHT NATURALLY? LEARN some easy to use home remedies solutions to GROW TALLER. If you like this video, give it THUMBS UP or share your suggestions in the comments section below. Don’t fret! There are some simple ways by which we can increase our height to a certain extent:
1. Ashwaganda Powder: Take warm milk and add one teaspoon of ashwaganda powder to it and add one teaspoon of sugar to it and drink this everyday to increase your height. Warmth natured people should have ashwaganda excessively as it produces lot of heat in the body. Its better you consult doctor before taking it.
2. Milk: Take some milk and add jaggery to it and mix it well. Have this daily as it gives calcium boost and its wonderful way to help you increase your height.
3. Sesame Seeds: Take few sesame seeds and grind them well .To this now add one teaspoon of ashwaganda powder, some cow ghee (also known as clarified butter) mix all this well and consume this daily. Your height would increase by 1 or 2 inches. Sounds good isn’t it?
All the lovely people out there; don’t give up and try out these simple tips to increase your height and bring back the lost confidence in you! Wait no longer, try out these lovely remedies at home and add a few inches to your height!
For more videos on Natural Home Remedies, subscribe to https://www.youtube.com/StylecrazeTV Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StylecrazeVideos
For more remedies check our article http://www.stylecraze.com/articles/effective-ways-to-increase-height-in-1-week/
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Not only men, but women too face sexual dysfunction. Sex is enjoyable most when one partner responds to the other with equal fervor. Poor libido in females may be detrimental to sexual enjoyment, and may create distress in relationship. Poor libido stands for low sex drive or decline of interest in sexual activities. Medically it is also referred to as hypoactive sexual desire. The interest in sex for women keeps fluctuating depending on significant lifestyle changes such as pregnancy, menopause or any kind of illness. But if this poor libido or low sex drive is persistent and recurrent, it may bring trouble in to love life, and a woman needs to worry about it.
The major factors leading to poor libido in women are fear of painful sex or dyspareunia, inability to achieve orgasm or anorgasmia, atrophy of muscle in vulva or vagina, thinning and tightening of vaginal wall, dryness in vagina, diseases like arthritis, cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, neurological disorders and coronary arterial disease, infertility, medications like antidepressants, high blood pressure medicines, anthistamines and chemotherapy drugs, fatigue due to household chores or child care, breast surgery or surgery in the genital tract region, alcoholism and recreational drug dependence, changes in estrogen levels during pregnancy or menopause, mental stress, depression, trauma due to prior history of sexual abuse, poor body image, low self confidence, communication gap between sexual partners, unresolved conflict with partner. Women with poor libido often suffer from weight gain, mood swings, hot flashes and digestive disorders.
The market provides multiple drugs to women troubled by poor libido. These drugs however are suppose to deal with some very sensitive organs of the female body, and thus one must be careful enough while choosing drugs. It is rather wise to go for herbal formulations to solve the problem. Personal gels or creams, purely natural in composition, are available in market. They produce no side-effects and are also nominally priced compared to synthetic drugs. HerSolution gel is one such product.
HerSolution gel with its powerful botanical essences gives a massive boost to woman’s libido or urge for sex. It is quite frustrating for the woman when she struggles to get aroused sexually but her body refuses to co-operate. With this gel, she can easily alleviate the trouble and enrich her sexuality. Application of the gel intensifies sexual desire, elevates the quality of orgasmic climax, and brings back natural lubrication thereby keeping the vaginal canal warm and slippery enough for utmost enjoyment for both partners. The gel also makes you highly sensitive to the touch of your partner. This happens because with the application of the gel, blood vessels get dilated, increasing blood supply to the vaginal area and making you respond readily to the touch or kiss of your partner.
The product is hypo-allergenic in nature. It has water and PH balanced base. It contains L-Arginine, Shea and Cocoa butter, Aloe Vera extracts. These ingredients work together stimulating the woman’s desire for sex, intensifying it and making sex, a scintillating pleasurable experience. The product, in other words, provides full body satisfaction and has been endorsed by doctors. It comes in the form of a topical gel that is to be applied in to the vagina with fingers 2 minutes before lovemaking. The product promises speedy arousal and maximum satisfaction.
Read information about Best Female Libido Enhancement Cream. Also know about Best Female Libido Enhancement Pills. Read about High Blood Pressure Supplement.
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