FDL Meme reel: Grigori (and possibly Mitsuhide who’s still in the car) ravaged towards the di Dominici house with an axe early in the morning (while getting high on Payote) and Anastasia had to confront Rasputin for causing a ruckus towards the siblings who were on the conservatory and towards the veranda of the house. (Apparently after waking up from her tripped-inducing dream of her real life and fictional counterparts)
(Audio is from the (recovered) None Piece ep 9 (one piece abridged) by PurpleEyesWTF on YT)
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Crossover Fan Manga scene concept art 1
From Chapter 1: Act (Episode) 14
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“Why So Quiet?”
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“I took this picture of myself looking at the mirror. It was very hard as my hands were trembling.” - Anastasia in a letter to her father in 1914 when she takes a selfie in the mirror that became the world’s 1st selfie.
Given to the contrary that Anastasia had a knack of photography IRL, if she gets her hands on a modern cellphone she would take hundreds of photos and selfies that lead Her brother, Alexei and Jeanne lost inside the mall while the others were shopping for clothes. (Which lead Lys to be extremely concerned how the three vanished in thin air.)
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“Give my love to all who remembered me.”
Olga Nikolaevna Romanova, Grand Duchess of Imperial Russia
A Drifters assassin rescued and under Saint Germi along with her siblings tasked to eliminate the ENDS to rescue Anastasia from Rasputin.
Her in this fanfic: was unknowingly taken back into their world in the future and was fostered by Lys and was nicknamed as “Ollia” after “Olya”
Hotheaded like Jeanne, Moody, Intelligent, a Bookworm.
Occupation: Freelance Writer/Poet
Here is one of the main characters for my HellDrift fan manga. She serves as an intellect amongst the Di Dominici siblings whenever an there is a serious case brewing around from her foes, and tries hard to stay strong to avoid getting herself flinched and or pressured against defending herself.
Just Like Lys and her sister Anastasia, they both share a sense of rebelliousness against the behavior morale of a Grand Duchess and she was close to Lys when it comes to their sense of intellect, cautiousness, and their fondness towards literature themselves. Olga/Ollia, thanks to Lys, longed to be “rebellious” due to her being sheltered with her siblings in the Alexander Palace under the protection from her mother for so long, that her development towards socializing has been “arrested” despite the gatherings, events, and nursing work she attended, and tended to act like a curious child sometimes in terms of their conversation, but promised to grew out from her phase which she called the “sheltered nursery phase.”
(NOTE: The clothes Ollia was wearing beside her Drifters self was a Disguise outfit after Lys had killed some neo-millennium soldiers during their imprisonment by the Main Antagonist in a castle in Germany in the story, and I forgot to add some blood stains in the outfit after Lys (and Toshizo) had killed the men in retaliation in hopes of rescuing them and disguised them as Millennium soldiers to blend in with the rest (which unfortunately failed because the Main Antagonist gave them the information on their appearance.)
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(Prequel comic and this three page epilogue is on IG (via MadamePetiteVersailles) and on TWT (MadameDeRequiem)
Right after the mass and burning all of Rasputin’s charms, what if the Tsar and Tsarina would ever find peace to their children now they’re stuck on earth defending mankind for good?
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“Your blind fanaticism kills everyone and yourself and it shows that.”
Elizabeth Giovanna Piccione, Countess Di Dominici
An Anemic Descendant of Alucard (Maternal side) and Nobunaga with Toyohisa and Yoichi (Paternal side)
A Human with Retrocognitive Psychic visions, Telekinesis, and Hemokinesis.
The youngest sibling to her Older foster siblings, but at the same time, a guide to them in terms of personal reconciliation with humanity and introducing them towards modern society in the 21st century.
Mysterious, Virtuous, Sharp-Tongued, An Artist, A Lady Sleuth.
Occupation: Freelance Manga artist, Rookie Investigator (under Hellsing), Di Dominici co Matriarch
Since Hellsing Malevolent Vengance was scrapped, (including My OC Kagami herself due to issues with redesigning) I created a crossover manga w/drifters and yes, the script for chapter 1 is out via DeviantArt (MadamePetiteRosario) so I have to post my OC’s bio here.
Lys was the ever virtuous amongst her siblings despite being the youngest of them, both physically and chronologically. Despite her illness, She can analyze every event that happen at the scene of the crime committed by her foes, (Millennium and the ENDS) or their intentions towards their plots of the operation they’ve created to cause a amount of never ending chaos implemented towards humanity.
(NOTE: This isn’t her canon outfit, this was a disguise outfit she wore from a neo-millennium soldier who came to execute her and Toshizo in a castle in Germany after her nemesis (the Main Antagonist of this story) imprisoned them in terms of using her blood to remake his production of artificial vampires to create their new batch of soldiers with the permission of The Major, who was resurrected in the story.)
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“God will surely help us and we will meet again in better times.”
Tatiana Nikolaevna Romanova, Grand Duchess of Imperial Russia
A Drifters assassin rescued and under Saint Germi along with her siblings tasked to eliminate the ENDS to rescue Anastasia from Rasputin.
Her in this fanfic: was unknowingly taken back into their world in the future and was fostered by Lys and was nicknamed as “Tatia” after “Tatya”
Mistaken for “Coldness” Shy, Beauteous, Reserved, A Dutiful maiden.
Occ: Trained Nurse/Medical Frontliner/Di Dominici co Matriarch
One of the main characters for my HellDrift fan manga, She serves as the “Governess” amongst the Di Dominici siblings, and would nurture them with care. Somehow what a “Motherly figure” to her younger siblings (and Jeanne/Jou), she ensures that all of her siblings (Majorly Alexei and Lys with Toshizo) are smartened up in a way possible despite the siblings treated her only as a sister. When Toshizo, Ollia, nor Lys couldn’t lead, she handles her job to lead and ensure that she encounters every obstacle possible. Due to her expertise as a nurse during the First world war, she and Toshizo had to track down the source used for the vampirization of the Millennium soldiers through the chips before their nemesis used the DNA of the charred soldiers during the Zeppelin Incident, Including some in the medical field who are trying to use their methods and the remains alone as a turning point towards crime.
She and Olga/Ollia were labeled as “The Big pair” by their late parents, and is Ollia’s closest confidante whenever her sister’s a bit moody, she’ll be there to talk it out and comfort her. And that goes to the rest of her siblings. Second to Lys, they shared their hobbies in terms of fashion and housework and is aware of Lys’ illness besides her Brother’s haemophilia which had to be dealt by medicine (via Alucard or Saint Germi themselves since they disown Grigori Rasputin from their lives he influenced Anastasia to destroy humanity.) much alike to her mother whom she was really close with in terms of beauty and personality mistaken as “cold and haughty” she along with her siblings longed for life outside the social circles defined and protectiveness from her mother to which affected their behavior in socializing, she was friendly, charitable and sociable besides her sister, Maria. As a modeled beauty befitting for a Grand Duchess herself, there were cracks in her perfection. Not long Ollia, Shvybz and Lys’ boisterous behavior nearly influenced the graceful daughter of the Tsar, she had to fight to break out of her shell and explore the philosophies of what it’s like being a decent human outside of the splendor she had in her life.
Not for long, Tatia, like her mother and Jeanne herself, as both were deeply devoted to God and saw her faith as a duty rather than passion itself, after learning about what Grigori Rasputin has done to her family, especially Anastasia, her eyes were opened and knew the truth along that had clouded in her mind for so long; That piousness has limits alone that could easily blind a person as there as there would always be false prophets like him using the name of God to bring people to their intimate doomed fate. And that no other hero or saint is pure as the white snow in their legacy throughout history itself.
(NOTE: again, Tatia besides her Drifters side was her disguise outfit after Lys killed her executors in the castle, she exchanged her clothes of that of her alleged killer so that she and her siblings could escape at the hands of their nemesis.)
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I don’t know if you know this but…I have Ao3 now via MadamePetiteRosario
I managed to upload the script of my fanfic from DA to Ao3. So I hope you would enjoy reading the story crossover I made!
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…Similar to Jealousy…discontent towards someone’s traits, status, abilities or rewards. The difference is the envious also desire the entity and covet it.
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