[ @hellsdexil / defenders sc ! [closed] ! ]
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“How did you get out?” Lips press as fingers curl around the hot cocoa. She can’t stop looking at him, as if tearing her eyes away would lead to another disappearance. This was too casual, too much for her. Felt too normal to be grabbing drinks as if NOTHING had happened. As if he hadn’t died ( more so faked his death, she supposed ). It’s only the beginning of all her inquiries. And like a proper journalist, always get the EASIEST out of the way first. Before the harder questions... before the why did you wait so long? And why did you lie? Before the question she was sure he would lie to her about... Are you DONE with Daredevil?
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blkwiidow · 7 years
 ⧗    ┊    MATT.
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  he had been standing at the kitchen sink. rain beating down on the outside of nats apartment. high above the ground the smell lingered in through the cracked window. matt didn’t need an open window to enjoy the sound of the rain, but it certainly amplified it. hands were busy preparing dinner, always fun when a blind man cooks for you, and her voice drifted through the kitchen and made nest in his senses.
  a smile cracked over tired lips as he tilted his head. red locks brushing against shoulders as she spoke to him. clearing his throat he gave a shrug of his shoulders and managed himself out of his hoodie. turning to her he slid is gently up both her arms until it was wrapped around her and held her there in its warmth. rubbing her shoulders he smiled and placed a gentle kiss upon her forehead, ‘  anything for you,  ‘
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 being  in  Matt’s  apartment  after  they’ve  got  surprised  by  the  rain  ,  the  redhead  felt  really  comfortable  being  with  him  there  now  .  he  wanted  to  make  them  somethine  to  eat  ,  she  wanted  to  help  him  but  he  wanted  to  do  that  all  alone  .  he  was  wearing  that  black  sweater  and  she  leaned  into  the  doorframe  ,  watched  him  for  a  while  until  she  pointed  out  her  request  .  
 a  smile  on  her  lips  when  he  stepped  over  to  her  and  laid  the  sweater  over  her  shoulders  ,  she  noticed  his  smell  all  around  her  and  the  feeling  of  his  lips  against  her  forehead  let  her  heart  beat  faster  .           ❛        thank  you         ❜         she  hummed  and  got  the  sweater  on  .  she  took  a  sip  from  her  wine  and  leaned  against  the  counter             ❛          you’re  sure  I  shouldn’t  help  you    ?        ❜ 
 @hellsdexil       //     x.
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prydefully · 7 years
@hellsdexil || ♥
She was an experienced fighter - trained by the Wolverine himself - and perhaps that lent to the overconfidence Kitty frequently displayed in battle, but never had it really failed her like this. The ninjas of the HAND were stronger than she had expected, and although she was more than ready to handle the rest of the fight, she wasn’t going to complain about Matt’s presence in it. Especially with the way that her shoulder was hurting and her inability to really move it at this point. That was going to be a pain later.  Either way, she stood her ground. And Kitty didn’t need to be told twice about staying close. If not for her own benefit, she wanted to keep close just in case Matt ended up at risk - keeping him an arms length away could prevent some more serious injuries.  “It’s always time for wise cracks. Keeps the fight fun.” She stood on her toes, peering over his shoulder at the semi-circle of ninja’s just ahead. Sure, she didn’t really have her arm in commission, but she had her legs, and boy was she willing to use them. Her good arm came around, wincing as she held her dislocated arm in front of her to keep it from further damage as she stepped around to Matt’s side. It probably wasn’t her best plan to keep fighting, but she wasn’t going to let him go it alone.  “Ready, Daredevil?” A grin grew on her lips in spite of the situation. 
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She was. And Kitty didn’t hesitate - she ran at the nearest ninja, and jumped. Phasing right through them to fake them out, before turning to deliver a swift kick in the back of the knees. It was a strategy she was rather fond of, and didn’t need her arm to make it work. The threat fell to their knees, and she was quick to knock her own knee against the back of their head - and that was enough to take the one out. Maybe she did better under pressure. Or maybe she did better because Matt was right there with her - either way, she was going full hog.  Which was to her benefit - she was back on the ball and focusing. Phasing to avoid a swipe off a blade.  “Ha! Too slow!” 
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terrifiesall · 7 years
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“A false devil has come to finally see me. Did you finally  walk into the street? I hear traffic is a bitch in Hell’s Kitchen.  No matter. Or maybe you’re here because of your little girlfriend.  I heard The Hand is taking good care of her.” Her gaze turned away  from him placing her teacup down on the coffee table. “The Devil   doesn’t do failure. At least the real one doesn’t.”
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darkcstsky · 7 years
/ holds back tears while voice cracks / wanna fight
matt: you’re supposed to be dead elektra: fights him
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x.     /     @hellsdexil.
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          {  m.  }
  the guilt. the pain. the questioning. when was it going to end. it seemed in the end matthew murdock was better off alone. thoughts of losing those around him plagued his very dreams. the thought of chasing them off with his nighttime life, it seemed easier to let them go before he could cause anymore trouble. way to go murdock. you are great at bringing disaster to everything you love.
  bianca was someone who he didn’t want to lose. yet she deserved better. so much better than the murdock boy. swallowing hard as he took as step back. running a hand down his face as he cleared his throat. it was so much harder than it seemed. than he was prepared for. was he breaking up with her? leaving her behind like had happened to him so many times before? so many questions and thoughts circled his mind and he couldn’t make sense of any of it.
  cursing under his breath he shook his head and rubbed at his temple. murdock do you want her to die? do you want to lose her like you lost her? you would have more than onedeath on your hands and that first one almost destroyed you. if you stay around you are only going to bring more pain and suffering to her life. she deserves better. more than you can give her.
  tears threatened his eyes as he shook his head and propped hands upon hips. shifting his weight uncomfortably before unfocused eyes met her face. the outline burning into his senses. her heart quickened as she awaited his answer. the beating pounding in his ears.
                                                  ‘  you deserve so much better, i can’t lose you,  ‘
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HE  HAD  TO  BE  KIDDING  .  .  .  But  then  again  ,  Matt  only  knew  those  things  about  her  she  had  allowed  him  to  .  He  didn’t  know  of  her  past  ,  nor  her  present  really  -  only  knew  the  softer  side  of  her  ,  only  knew  the  woman  she  was  whenever  around  him  .  And  that  woman  was  only  a  small  part  of  a  whole  . BIANCA  WAS  THE  KIND  OF  PERSON  he  himself  fought  to  keep  off  the  streets  .  She  knew  who  he  was  ,  what  he  did  at  night  when  he  thought  she  was  asleep  .  But  he  knew  nothing  of  her  ,  nothing  of  her  abilities  ,  her  kill  count  .  All  she  knew  was  that  if  he  was  ever  to  be  told  about  it  ,  Bianca  would  lose  him  forever  . WHEN  HE  TOOK  A  STEP  BACK  ,  she  took  one  towards  him  ,  slowly  .  Only  to  close  in  on  him  a  moment  later  .  Hands  reached  up  to  brace  his  face  ,  cup  his  cheeks  in  her  palms  .      ❛     Matt  ,  please  ,  don’t  do  this  .  .  .  Please----     ❜     Matt  had  been  the  only  stable  thing  in  her  life  lately  ,  the  only  one  who  had  managed  to  keep  her  sane  with  everything  that  was  going  on  .      ❛     It’s  me  who  doesn’t  deserve  you  .  Please  ,  Matt-----  don’t  leave  .     ❜     A  heartfelt  plead  .
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heroicheartx · 8 years
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moodboard karedevil: for/with @hellsdexil
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darkcstsky · 7 years
@hellsdexil replied to your post “Randomly watching the first Matt x Elektra meeting on DD and omg she’s...”
i love that scene so much. like he is trying so hard to impress her and she's just not fucking having it.
she’s just SO annoyed. like, who tf asked cause it sure as hell wasn’t me
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killdozcr-blog · 8 years
touch elektra. he’ll blow your head off. touch zatanna. he’ll blow your head off. touch daredevil. eh he probably had it coming.
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untolikeiron-a · 7 years
  matt jess and luke: who are you who are you who...
everyone: WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? danny: guys who wants take out?
everyone: who the hell are you
danny: i’m thei mmortal iron fish
everyone: that doesn’t answer the question
danny: aw c’MON.
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darkcstsky · 7 years
@hellsdexil cont.
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             {  m.  }
matt murdock you’re losing her. no. you never had her in the first place. from the moment you met her, she was playing you like a beautiful musical instrument. a symphony of sorrow and pain disguised as something you called love. how you loved her, cared for her, wanted nothing but her. you lost her. yet she came back? and for what? just to leave again and yet you believed her. fell for the same trick once again. how simple you are. easy to manipulate and you know it.
 the words rang in his heightened sense sending him to take a few steps backwards. brows furrowed as he reached up to rub his temple. the words forming a headache deep in his head and burying themselves there. chest ceased and tightened. you can’t breathe murdock, what are you going to do this time? run away? fight your way out? what choice do you have.
 she was everything to him. and for the second time he wasted his time and let her nest within the hole in his chest. expanding it, causing it to corrode and bleed. adjusting his shoulders he rolled his neck and stood to his full height. something in him broke and he came to the realization, she wasn’t worth the fight. a half-assed smile burned across his lips as he shook his head. rose tinted glasses shimmering in the faint light.
  her heart was soft. calm. no signs of pain. yet his own pounded in his ears almost causing him to go deaf as well as blind. swallowing hard he held his head up and spoke. voice deep, unforgiving,    
                                                                  ‘  then leave.
                                                                                      nevercome back.  ‘
             She LOVES him. No matter how every single bone in her body screams against it, is desperate to get out of this TRAP. Because love is a trap, it  e n s n a r e s  you, draws you close until you find out you can no longer live without the other person— lies. She has lived without him, somehow. She can live without him, she simply doesn't WANT to, would give up literally EVERYTHING not to have to say goodbye again, not to have to do the right thing. But he deserves better and she must give him better.
             Something in her breaks at his words, something that's not reflected in her expression, in her demeanour, something that just is, pain that will take at least another  d e c a d e  to heal. Why did she fool herself thinking they could do this? They can't. If it's not Stick it's the Chaste or the Hand or all his wonderful human connections. She's never envied him quite as much as she did upon finding out he had a WHOLE life, friends fully willing to chase her out of his life if she messes up. And she will, she's not good, she's never been good, she wouldn't know where to even start. There's no GOD up above to whom she owes obedience, no god down below who could ever turn her into anyone's follower. Not anymore.
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             Her mouth opens in an attempt at words, but then it closes again. And it opens. It closes. And she brings a hand down his cheek, resting against his jawline as she kisses his cheek.  ❝ I'm sorry. Be happy, for me, will you? Please? ❞  It's more than a simple plea, it's an idea she's not sure she can live  w i t h o u t.  One of them should be happy. And that's not gonna be her.
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databasiism-blog · 8 years
GREETER for @hellsdexil
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                  “ For the record, yeah - I AM guilty. ”
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untolikeiron-a · 7 years
hellsdexil matt: what do you mean danny and elektra are the...
/spits drink/ shots fired.
okay matt let’s assess what you’ve done against the hand.
gotten possessed
gotten people killed
loved elektra back to non-corruption
lost a lot
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deathitsclff · 8 years
@hellsdexil continued from here
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She didn’t have to ask what he wanted to know the why of. What else was there to ask? Why she left. If she was being honest, she didn’t know why it mattered. Why it hurt. He’d seen her for what she really was and he didn’t want her. She was a monster, and she’d behaved monstrously, she never expected him to continue loving her after that. Who could love a monster?
Elektra stepped beside him, sitting down, as she looked over the city. Her knees pulled to her chest as she sighed, nothing good would come from this conversation. She was sure of that. 
“I thought it was best for you,” she murmured, her voice was soft but she knew he could still hear her. “I loved you, Matthew. I just... I made a mistake, that night, trying to kill that light that lives inside you.” She paused for a second collecting her thoughts. “I knew it then, as much as I know it now. So I left. You’re a good man,” the best man she’d ever known, “I loved you -” still did, she had never stopped. “I would have done anything to protect you, and so I did the only thing I thought I could. You weren’t like me. I didn’t want you to become like me. So I left, to protect you from the monster that lives inside me.” 
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