#︻デ═一 ┊ closed starters.
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❝     UNLESS  IT’S  A  DRINK  you’re  offering  me  ,  I  really  don’t  care  .     ❞
IDENTIFICATION  ›  @conartifex​  ,  x.
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❝     YOU  REALLY  NEED  to  just  shut  up-----  !     ❞     And  there  it  was  again  ,  the  never  -  ending  bickering  with  those  two  .  Her  palms  were  a  little  sweaty  from  the  practicing  she’d  been  doing  but  ever  since  he  came  it  ,  it’d  taken  Bianca  all  her  strength  to  not  reach  out  for  her  blaster  and  shoot  him  on  the  spot  .  But  instead  ,  she  stood  up  from  her  seat  before  she  made  a  gesture  with  her  hand  towards  him  .      ❝     .  .  .  Take  off  your  clothes  .  Now  .     ❞
︻デ═一 @cxnfliicted.
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❝     SO  ,  SLUGHORN  IS  HOSTING  his  annual  summer  -  going  -  away  party  .  .  .  I  was  wondering  ,  would  you  like  to  go  with  me  ?  I  mean  ,  as  my  date  .  .  .     ❞
IDENTIFICATION  ›  @blkwiidow​  ,  x.
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❝     I  WAS  ALMOST  EATEN  by  a  rancor    ---    so  my  day  hasn’t  been  all  too  great  .     ❞
︻デ═一 @rebelsacrifice​  ♥.
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❝     WELL  ,  LOOK  WHO’S  also  here  for  the  holidays  .  .  .  Did  your  parents  finally  admit  they  don’t  like  you  ??     ❞     The  blonde  joked  ,  half  a  smile  on  her  face  .  She  was  seated  under  one  of  the  trees  outside  the  school  ,  a  potions  book  in  her  lap  when  Theseus  walked  by  .
︻デ═一 @fantasticauror​  ♥.
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x.     /     @hellsdexil.
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          {  m.  }
  the guilt. the pain. the questioning. when was it going to end. it seemed in the end matthew murdock was better off alone. thoughts of losing those around him plagued his very dreams. the thought of chasing them off with his nighttime life, it seemed easier to let them go before he could cause anymore trouble. way to go murdock. you are great at bringing disaster to everything you love.
  bianca was someone who he didn’t want to lose. yet she deserved better. so much better than the murdock boy. swallowing hard as he took as step back. running a hand down his face as he cleared his throat. it was so much harder than it seemed. than he was prepared for. was he breaking up with her? leaving her behind like had happened to him so many times before? so many questions and thoughts circled his mind and he couldn’t make sense of any of it.
  cursing under his breath he shook his head and rubbed at his temple. murdock do you want her to die? do you want to lose her like you lost her? you would have more than onedeath on your hands and that first one almost destroyed you. if you stay around you are only going to bring more pain and suffering to her life. she deserves better. more than you can give her.
  tears threatened his eyes as he shook his head and propped hands upon hips. shifting his weight uncomfortably before unfocused eyes met her face. the outline burning into his senses. her heart quickened as she awaited his answer. the beating pounding in his ears.
                                                  ‘  you deserve so much better, i can’t lose you,  ‘
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HE  HAD  TO  BE  KIDDING  .  .  .  But  then  again  ,  Matt  only  knew  those  things  about  her  she  had  allowed  him  to  .  He  didn’t  know  of  her  past  ,  nor  her  present  really  -  only  knew  the  softer  side  of  her  ,  only  knew  the  woman  she  was  whenever  around  him  .  And  that  woman  was  only  a  small  part  of  a  whole  . BIANCA  WAS  THE  KIND  OF  PERSON  he  himself  fought  to  keep  off  the  streets  .  She  knew  who  he  was  ,  what  he  did  at  night  when  he  thought  she  was  asleep  .  But  he  knew  nothing  of  her  ,  nothing  of  her  abilities  ,  her  kill  count  .  All  she  knew  was  that  if  he  was  ever  to  be  told  about  it  ,  Bianca  would  lose  him  forever  . WHEN  HE  TOOK  A  STEP  BACK  ,  she  took  one  towards  him  ,  slowly  .  Only  to  close  in  on  him  a  moment  later  .  Hands  reached  up  to  brace  his  face  ,  cup  his  cheeks  in  her  palms  .      ❛     Matt  ,  please  ,  don’t  do  this  .  .  .  Please----     ❜     Matt  had  been  the  only  stable  thing  in  her  life  lately  ,  the  only  one  who  had  managed  to  keep  her  sane  with  everything  that  was  going  on  .      ❛     It’s  me  who  doesn’t  deserve  you  .  Please  ,  Matt-----  don’t  leave  .     ❜     A  heartfelt  plead  .
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❛     I’M  REALLY  NOT  in  the  mood  to  deal  with  you  right  now  .  .  .     ❜     A  heavy  headache  had  hung  over  her  like  a  cloud  all  day  long  ,  only  to  be  supplemented  with  the  idiocy  of  her  peers  during  class  hours  .
︻デ═一 @bcnkers  〉  sc.
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❛     PLEASE  TELL  ME  you’ve  got  something  better  on  that  playlist  of  yours  .  .  .     ❜
︻デ═一 @outlawiism  ;  sc.
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