ravennowithtea · 1 year
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wishing @helloelicia a very happy birthday! 🎉💖
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ex0skeletal-undead · 2 years
Not to assume, but I assume you agree this AI nonsense is utter thievery and nonsense, and you'll only be sharing art made by real skeletons.
Yes! When I first started seeing AI on all the art sites I use, I thought some of it was cool looking, and I did share some. But the more I saw, it all started looking the same, and it got very frustrating seeing pages and pages of AI instead of the digital and traditional paintings and drawings I prefer. And then learning it steals from artists was just the nail in the coffin.
So yes, I'll do my best not to post AI in the future. Unfortunately a lot of it isn't labeled as AI, and while a lot of it looks the same, some of it is pretty hard to differentiate from normal digital art. So if I post something that's AI and I don't realize it, please everyone feel free to let me know.
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tsurugis · 10 months
I love when you make your way over here lol hi babe <3
Hey!!! <333 missed you;;
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ofhooksandswans · 2 years
They're quick sketches for me, honey.
I mean the definition of a sketch is a rough drawing that lacks details and these are clearly very detailed digital paintings. I don't mean to belittle your talent, cause they are gorgeous and it's great that it didn't require a lot of effort from you to make them, I just wouldn't use a description that can make people believe that what you do is super easy and can be done in minutes. I'm sure you had to practice a ton to get to where you are now and you deserve credit for it.
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maniculum · 7 months
hi can you check this post
tumblr (.) com (/) martianhare/743856863784878080
I envy your institutional access cause I just graduated
It's not fully inaccurate, I think, though I'm skeptical of it being traced back to a difference between West Saxon græg and Anglian greg. There is a tradition of gray/grey being used to denote a quality of light as well as (separately) a color; I'm just not sure that it comes down to which vowel is being used, or to an Old English dialect distinction. Most of the material I can find on this points to a more widespread phenomenon, with discussion of Old French vair as originally meaning something like "iridescent", and at least one author suggesting that the familiar phrase "grey-eyed Athena" is a mistranslation of glaukos and it should actually be something like "bright-eyed Athena". So yeah, grey/gray carries both of those meanings, but so do other words in other languages, and I really don't think our current spelling situation is likely to trace back to that.
I would also note that Bosworth-Toller, the definitive Old English dictionary, not only recognizes no semantic difference between græg and greg, but also that the usage examples it provides include græg being used both for the sea and for the fur of a wolf, which would undermine the claim that græg was exclusively for quality of light, at least during the Old English period.
I am cautiously open to the idea that in Middle English, this distinction was at some point by some authors clarified by using the two aforementioned different dialect words, though I'd need some citation from @helloelicia regarding that because I can't find any indication that this is the case, or examples of that distinction being drawn in a pre-modern text. The example given in the post doesn't work, because both graye and grey in that sentence are being used to describe eyes, which is a very common use case for the "quality of light" meaning. The distinction the author appears to be drawing there is not between graye and grey -- Middle English authors switch between different spellings all the time, it's not unusual to see the same word spelled two different ways in the same passage -- but between graye and blak grey. The adjective is the focus, not the spelling change. And in order to argue otherwise, you'd have to suggest that dogs' eyes are grey-like-the-color, which is not something I have observed. I would read that passage as saying that the eyes of both animals have a gleaming quality -- possibly referring to the tapetum lucidum -- but that those of dogs are being described as darker in some way.
Also, in my experience with Middle English, this kind of spelling distinction seems implausible to me. If Helloelicia does have a citation, though, then problem solved, done and dusted, why am I even here. Hoping they respond and clear it up.
Speaking of, here's my bibliography for this post. It's brief, because I meant to put aside the afternoon to work on my dissertation but I really wanted to do this instead, so I'm compromising by only allowing myself a limited dive into this topic before going back to work.
Kinney, Muriel. "Vair and Related Words: A Study in Semantics." Romanic Review, vol. 10, 1919, pp. 322-63.
Krieg, Martha Lenore Fessler. Semantic Fields Of Color Words in Old French, Old English, and Middle English. 1976. University of Michigan, PhD dissertation.
Moore, Arthur K. "The Eyen Greye of Chaucer's Prioress." Philological Quarterly, vol. 26, 1947, pp. 307-12.
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blam-marie · 1 year
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A redraw of a picture I found on Shutterstock.
It took me forever!!! But I wanted to try some new photoshop brushes, and also do something realistic for once (which as some of you might know is NOT my usual style).
I was inspired by the art from @helloelicia , whom I have been following a while. She often talks about her process and I got a commission from her last year that looks amazing! I think she paints everything on like 1 or 2 layers, which I always thought seemed terrifying 😵‍💫 but also I wanted to try it ahaha
(Conclusion: it’s fun and forces you to conceptualize your artwork very differently than what I’m used to! I will probably do it again for realism, but stick to my usual 300 layers for my usual lineart-heavy style lolol)
Artwork cross-posted on my Cara page and on Pillowfort.
Original image used as a reference: https://www.shutterstock.com/fr/image-photo/purple-vinca-minor-periwinkle-flowers-spring-2260307743
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birbycakes · 9 months
@helloelicia I know this might just be a bother and maybe not mean much but I like you, not just as an artist but as a person. I think you have many valuable things to say and you give great advice and I like seeing you on my dash. I'm sorry people are so awful to you. You don't deserve it one bit. you're a good person and you're really smart and cool!
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sainamoonshine · 1 year
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Butterscotch and Popcorn chilling on the sofa, underneath the beautiful commissions I got from one of my favourite artist, @helloelicia :)
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aimlessglee · 1 year
The scene with Ruth and Barbie at the end of the Barbie movie looks like a @helloelicia painting and that's why it's beautiful.
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spohkh · 2 years
I feel like I'm watching my brother confess to something terribly awkward and then continue to dig himself into a deeper mess. I mean what do you even do? I wouldn't be able to handle it.
ITS SO TRAGIC because i KNOW he feels genuinely bad about it but its just so incredibly on brand like. brother U LITERALLY SAID OUT LOUD U ARE BISEXUAL. TO THE SUPERNATURAL FANDOM? AT THE SUPERNATURAL CON. wht did u THINK was going to happen.....that they just.... WOULDNT BELIEVE YOU?
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ontheveldt · 5 years
I was totally on hatrack river too!
oh mannnn flashback! I wasn’t on the main forums, just the Virtual Battle School section but I had friends that were over there a lot. I gotta say that it was a really good online place for me to grow? Like everyone there was an upper high schooler, college age, or adult, and so I had to learn how to write quickly and clearly in order to keep up. There was no drama that really mattered (there were ‘trolls’ but this was back when trolling meant like pulling silly pranks and stuff) and looking back I’m really really glad I had the experience. Even if it was run by a Mormon dick that wouldn’t let us have gay characters *rolls eyes*
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ex0skeletal-undead · 1 year
I have your giant tagged bookmarked. It's great because THERE ARE THE GIANTS RIGHT THERE. I can visit giants any time I want. Anyway my point is thank you for bookmarking stuff so thoroughly for all the giant freaks like me.
Tbh that's one of the tags I revisit often! I'm also a giant freak
Publishing this so others may enjoy the giant tag
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beyoursledgehammer · 5 years
helloelicia replied to your post: I sometimes feel like a try-hard when I post pics...
it doesn’t come across that way fyi. it just comes across that you put some care into what you share <3
it also does not help that i am friends with actual professional photographers lol
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barracudablue · 3 years
Ummmmmm yes omg?
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Yay! These are the scarves. The one in the middle is really big (about a foot wide and 7.5 feet long) and the other two are infinity scarves. 🌈
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necroticpixies · 5 years
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Le Menu
Inspired by a tweet by @helloelicia​🖤
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gaslightgallows · 5 years
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Tagged by @cigaretteburnslikefairylights
Post 4 pics, including at least 1 recent selfie, that sum up what you’ve been up to lately/your Mood Portrait lol. Tag ppl if that’s your thing.
I’ve spent the better part of the last week down with a hideous cold, so this is what I’ve been doing:
playing Oregon Trail (5th edition, not the original penance of a game)
watching episodes of Julia Child’s The French Chef
drinking ALL THE TEA
still trying to write (it took me 4 hours to write 1,500 words on Sunday, solely because my brain was made of fug)
Tagging, uh... @mistergaslight, @elisaintime, @helloelicia, @mazarinedrake, @rivendellrose and @idleleaves.
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