#hello yes i love this little convent i've made btw
ahollowgrave · 1 year
(from sealrock)
15. What places hold significant meaning or memories for your OC? Do they have a positive or negative association with those places?
In a remort part of the southern shroud, there is a little temple; more than half reclaimed by the forest around it. Little buildings intermingled among the trees and crumbling ruins of a once-great place of worship. Moving along the well-worn paths are -- nuns. Most of them are older Miqo'te women, some of them use canes as they meander between their cells and the bits of the temple still accessible to them.
In the center of that holy place is a pond. A break in the canopy above ensures that their Lady Menphina’s visage reflects upon the waters there, during her journey through the night sky.
Sometimes their singing and worship reach beyond the confines of their home.
Sometimes locals come, seeking aid or trade.
Sometimes mourners come, needing the cool embrace of Menphina to soothe their aches, to carry their love to their departed.
Rarely, the Sisters raise a stray.
Even rarer, the stray stays to become a Sister.
Our Lady of Abundant Affection is Odette’s home among homes. It is the place she feels childlike at, still. She knows every fallen stone and shattered window, she has named each bud and each leaf of each flower, she has watered each root of each mighty tree, she has listened to the secrets of its critters.
She has caused more mayhem and mischief there than anywhere else. There, she was able to stop being girl and creature and just be Odette.
It is her favorite and her most sacred of places. Only those nearest to the center of her heart are brought here and are given charms blessed with moon-touched waters.
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Thank you for the ask @sealrock !! > Get to know my OC <
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