#hello mystic messenger fandom we meet again
nek0mars · 1 year
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Redraw of last year’s art!! (Just with less color)
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elbertsbabygirl · 5 months
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Title: A curse by Accident
Fandom: ikemen villians
Note: Hello everyone and for my Jude Wifey's here is my version of His fanfiction but I based it on his curse and special skills so I hope you enjoy it I am sorry if it's not a good reader style I promise to improve more 🥹
Jude jazza x Y/n ( Reader)
Headers and spacers: @natimiles
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In the bustling streets of 19th century London, amidst the smoke and shadows of the industrial revolution, there lived a notorious mob boss named Jude. With his sharp mind and ruthless demeanor, Jude ruled the underworld with an iron fist, feared by many yet respected for his cunning. One fateful evening, during a lavish ball hosted by the city's elite, Jude, disguised as the enigmatic 13th guest, laid a curse upon the newborn daughter of a prominent noble family.
Jude: When this girl Turns 18 or older She will prick her finger in a spindle and she will die at that time she pricks her finger.......
Noble woman: Please don't do this to my daughter I beg you.....
Jude: to late old woman she will be the sacrifice for you all * evil laughs*
After Jude's cursed pronouncement, chaos ensued at the lavish ball. The noble family, horrified by the curse placed upon their infant daughter, sought counsel from the city's most revered mystics and sorcerers, but none could offer a solution but to accept what Jude did from the poor infant.
The noble family, desperate to find a solution to the curse that had befallen their daughter, spared no expense in their quest for answers. They sent messengers far and wide, seeking out every mystic, sorcerer, and wise woman rumored to possess knowledge of the arcane.
Despite their efforts, each attempt to break the curse ended in failure. The noble family grew increasingly desperate as the years passed, their once-great household now shrouded in sorrow and despair.
After A few years the young woman became a blossoming hope of her beauty and grace
The young woman became a successful doctor and Graduated from college not knowing who is the one who cursed her the day she was born .. one night she came to her parents and ask...
Y/n: Mom dad am I cursed?
The parents are completely shocked after what they heard from there daughter
Y/n's mom: yes Honey you are cursed that day when you were born he cursed you from an unknown reason .....
The princess looked shock and asked
Y/n : how do I Lift my curse out
Y/n's mom: we tried looking for great sorcerers to fix and lift your curse but it's not working and we failed to find one
Y/n: what's gonna happen to me now!!
Y/n's mom: it's ok honey we will protect you from any harm so don't worry sweetie you will be alright with us
After a long chat the cursed princess sets up and plans a mission to Find the person who cursed her with an unknown reason...... But suddenly her head starts to hurt and a flashback of her Appears
* Flashback on the day she was born*
???:When this girl Turns 18 or older She will prick her finger in a spindle and she will die at that time she pricks her finger.......
* flash back ends*
Y/n: I must find the man who cursed me !!
The next day the princess goes to work when suddenly she got bumped into someone with white hair with a bit of black tips on his hair with a purple cloak on
Y/n: Oh my gosh I am sorry sir did I hurt you
The man looks at her and grinned
Jude: Oh my you are one silly one don't ya....
Jude: you don't need to apologize missy.... It's just a dumb fall
Y/n : here let me help you .......
The princess helps Jude up but his hands felt cold
Y/n : umm why is your hands cold? Is this your normal body temperature.....
Jude: oh you silly missy that's just my dumb body temperature..... And it's just normal so it's fine.....
Y/n : oh I see I better get to work now I hope you take care of yourself
After the princess walks away Jude grinned evily
Jude: nice meeting you again princess you are the target I have been looking for *evil laughs*
He quickly laughs and Goes back to his company and After a few days Jude and princess became good friends and hangout together..... Sometimes Jude will bring his henchmen which is Ellis to have fun but Ellis knew that one day Jude's curse on you will make the things a wrong turn..... Until one day while Jude and the princess are Alone Jude revealed something shocking that made the princess shocked
Y/n: you were the one who cursed me all along....why
Jude grinned
Jude: I just want to take my revenge on ya... Princess
Y/n: what did I do to you...
Jude: you will find out soon once my curse effects you* evil laughs
After that night the princess doesn't want to go out with Jude anymore and she felt betrayed after all his kindness and support she doesn't have a clue that Jude is the one who cursed her all this years....
After a few years one day while Jude is doing his Work as a cold mobster traider Ellis came to Jude with a report....
Ellis: Jude did you still remember the day you were finding the victim who killed your mother ..
Jude: what type of question is that you dimwit
Ellis: I know you are still looking for the Killer who killed your mother ....the one you cursed is not the killer bit instead the killer is still at large....
Jude doesn't believe a thing and laughs
Jude: come on Ellis you stupid or something get back to work.....
At the day of the princess the princess is about to turn 20 and it's the middle of her birthday
Suddenly the princess saw a golden butterfly and follows the butterfly that leads her into the top of the castle tower where one of Jude's henchmen disguised himself as an old man
Y/n: hello there what are you doing
Old man: oh my I am just sewing my socks
Y/n: what is that thing you are sewing on
Old man: this is a spindle would you like to try
Y/n: of course can I try it
After the princess played with the spindle not knowing that when she touches the spindle she will fell into deep slumber for 100 years the princess plays with the spindle and suddenly she pricked her finger mistakenly and Suddenly she felt dizzy and the curse effected her and collapsed and the old man Transforms back into his Original self and reports to Jude about her.....
Henchmen: the curse is activated now my lord
Jude: *evil laughs* that's what she gets for Taking revenge on me she is such a dummy...
At home the noble family noticed that y/n is missing they looked for her and after dew minutes of looking for her they were shocked to see her laying down unconscious ly like she is already in her deep slumber the family had no choice but to accept the fate of there daughters sacrifice and layed her down in her bed and dresses her up in a white clothes and puts flowers in her bed
Y/n's mom: until we meet again after 100 years ( In a sad tone)
As whispers of the curse spread throughout the city, that about a woman who already fell asleep for 100 years begin to spread leading to Ellis Informing it to jude....
Ellis: Jude what have you done....this is not going well but why did you do that to her ...
Jude: Ellis I just want to take revenge on what she had done to kill my mother!!!!
Ellis: Jude I know you are still finding the killer of your mother but she did kill your mother .. Jude the killer is still there and you cursed her accidentally without even knowing that she loved you.....
Jude's eyes widen
Jude: what she loved me?
Jude drops his pen on his desk facing with regret and Dissapointment
Jude: why did I do this to her .... I am such an idiot...!!!!
As whispers of the curse spread throughout the city, Jude watched from the shadows, his guilt weighing heavily upon him. Though feared by many, even he could not ignore the suffering he had caused Determined to find a way to break the curse and redeem himself, Jude embarked on a journey of his own, seeking out forbidden knowledge and ancient artifacts that held the promise of salvation.
During his journey to break the curse and redeem himself, Jude delved deep into the hidden corners of the world, seeking out elusive clues and ancient relics that could hold the key to salvation.
His quest led him to encounter enigmatic figures and treacherous challenges, testing his resolve and cunning at every turn. From darkened libraries filled with forbidden texts to remote temples shrouded in mystery, Jude left no stone unturned in his pursuit of redemption.
Along the way, he faced temptations and trials that challenged his morality and resolve. Yet, fueled by his desire to right the wrongs he had committed, Jude pressed on, driven by an unwavering determination to break the curse and free the princess from her eternal slumber.
As he ventured deeper into the heart of darkness, Jude discovered ancient prophecies and forgotten rituals that hinted at a path to salvation. With each new revelation, he grew closer to unlocking the secrets of the curse and fulfilling his quest for redemption.
But as the forces of darkness closed in around him, Jude realized that his journey was far from over. With danger lurking at every turn, he knew that the ultimate test of his courage and resolve still lay ahead.
After a 100 years past Jude came into the noble familys house where the princesses room is locked with the help of Ellis Jude and Ellis managed to get inside and Jude saw how y/n is in the middle of her curse and Jude felt sorry for it
Jude: I am sorry I love you too y/n even I have no Idea I cursed you you are always will be the one in my heart
Jude entangles your hair and brushes it and cups his hands in your cheeks
Jude: I will break this curse of mine in you and we will be together forever...
With one final vow he leans in and kisses you on the lips and he broken your curse
Y/n: Jude.....
Jude smiles and hugs you
Y/n: I love you more Jude I promise to always be there for you
Jude: me too we will always be together and I will never forget about this love you gave me!
Jude found redemption not only for himself but also in the eyes of the revenge he had once feared and ruled over. And though his journey had been fraught with darkness and despair, he emerged from the shadows a changed man, ready to embrace the light of a brighter future.
This story is for @judejazza I know she likes Jude so much so I hope you like it if you want me to make more of this plss feel free to message me ❤️
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11batsinatrenchcoat · 7 months
Hello! This post is mainly to clear anything up for folks seeing my page or making sure they weren't just followed by a bot. I'm a person, last I checked.
My name is Bat (not actually but yknow. Internet), I'm a 21 year old college student who's just here to engage in fandoms. My pronouns are She/Her and I identify as bisexual.
I'll mostly be reblogging here, but if I feel the urge I may start writing again and posting, at which point I'll start up a masterlist and link it. Until then, this is mainly a place for me to just Vibe and reblog what interests me, currently (and likely to be updated)
- BG3
- Mystic Messenger
- Obey Me
- Pokemon
-Farming Sims
- And whatever else my brain decides to hyperfixate on!
This blog isn't necessarily nsfw but I may once in a while reblog something spicier, so consider that your MDNI. Please.
I may not reblog often, and probably post even less, but I'm trying my best to actually engage in communities instead of just lurking in them. If nothing else, I hope we can get along.
It's nice to meet you!
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asterjennifer · 3 years
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Why have you
Fandom: Mystic Messenger
Pairing: SE Saeran x Reader
Category: Angst
Warnings: Cheating
Word count: 4733
Author's Note: I was inspired by Charlie Puth's song "How long" and looked up reasons as to why people end up cheating. Often it's not about the act or because of the partner. It comes down to commitment issues, self-esteem problems etc. It's very interesting!
Summary: You're waiting at home after finding out the truth.
Who would've thought you two end up in that position of desperation and regret.
It's considerate of Jumin to ask his driver to escort Saeran back home by the use of the CEO's car late in the evening. After long conversations about the next step for the RFA as a group instead of the organization itself, the younger Choi felt obligated to attend at least one meeting and smooth some of these unresolved tensions hanging between all the different members. Sadly, Saeyoung wasn't able to join as he'd been busy with a project out of town.
And since you're having no issues with anyone regarding the RFA, you decided to stay home, or rather Saeyoung and his place, to relax a bit. Saeran stared out of the car window, the radio only a background noise inside his rattling brain. What were you doing? Watching movies, perhaps? There's a possibility of you sitting on the table and work on own stuff, you'd love to start being productive once the stars shone bright. A bad habit, you laughed back then, even though it's the truth. Saeran woke up often enough to you still being busy, doing whatever you're fond of completing at the moment.
His chest tightened by the memories, that one night shortly after you both started to admit more openly what you're feeling for each other, to this day Saeran remembered it vividly. You'd been sitting on the chair, half asleep albeit determinant to finish the rest work of yours. He had placed a blanket over your shoulders, brought you your favorite drink afterwards. You smiled sweetly despite the dark circles underneath your eyes, which took away some carefree attitude. »Don't worry about me.«
You'd giggled as you met his concern back then, these big eyes filled with the starlight shining outside the window. »I won't neglect myself! I mean, how could I? You're always taking care me of me.« It was supposed to be a light joke, however, Saeran's cheeks flamed up by the memories that occurred when you pointed out the obvious. Yes, it was true, he kept a close eye on your health since a while. And at some point, you confessed how that made your heart skip a beat. Saeran's mouth got flooded by acid tasting guilt, his heart pounding by fear for some time now.
»We arrived, Mr. Saeran.« The redhead lifted his head, meeting the gaze of driver Kim in the rearview mirror. Being torn from his thoughts abrupt, Saeran nodded awkward before grabbing his jacket. »Yeah, thank you. Please give Jumin my appreciation again.« The driver nodded, waiting for the younger man to leave the car. After he's standing alone in front of the door, Saeran searched for the right pair of keys a moment too long. The mocking voices sneering whenever he recalled what he'd done got him on the edge all the time, it's not pleasant anymore. On the other hand, it never had been.
Saeran let the door fall into the lock, the sound accordingly loud and announcing his presence. As silence came back greeting him, a disgusting shudder rushed through his body. »I'm back.« He said, hanging up the jacket when stuffing the keys back into the pocket. Again, no answer. No big deal, he assured himself although he only believed half of the words he repeated like a mantra, you're probably asleep already. »Hello, Saeran.« Never mind. His minty glowing eyes looked for your shape coming out of the bedroom. You wore the nightgown he's more than familiar with, it's your favorite, after all.
You had it on whenever you're watching movies together or you came to his room in the middle of the night for some conversation to distract his tortured mind after he woke up from another, horrible nightmare. It looked very cute on you, a tad too big but that made it appear even more lovely. »Sorry I'm late, Jumin wanted to show me some novels he recommended before leaving.« Saeran shook his head when thinking how Mr. Han insisted of presenting his amount of books, all because Saeran enjoyed reading equally.
Didn't imply he wanted to stay for another hour, but there he was. You crossed your arms, there's a look on your face not speaking any language. Saeran frowned slightly, that's odd for you, normally he's able to read you easily. Your eyes held contact with something strict and it immediately had his heart slip into his pants, even more so as the silence dominated the air. Unsure what to do, Saeran lifted an eyebrow in confusion. »Is something wrong?« Not the steadiest voice he'd ever used when asking the question, but he couldn't help the fear nagging on his soul. His intuition spoke dark words, his instincts told him to leave as soon as possible.
You then pulled your lips into a thin line, stare never tearing away from his. »Can't you tell me instead?« The answer's quick, a counter question as if you'd expected him to wonder about something being wrong. Saeran hesitantly let go of the jacket, the pressure blocked his mind, bad premonition filling out the blank spaces inside his head. There's no way, he thought firmly. You couldn't know. Saeran cleared his throat considering it's getting harder to breathe by the second. »Are you mad I'm late again? If so, I'm sorry. I told Jumin you're waiting but he was insisting hard.«
He grabbed into the pocket of his jeans, checking in case you left a message and he missed it. You didn't move from the spot, like you're a statue standing in a museum. It's truly unsettling. »True, you're late again. This time I believe you were with Jumin. But can you tell me about the other times?« Saeran's red, chaotic hair fell over his eyes as he flinched in the current position. Oh shit. Didn't he tell you excuses? How come you wanted him to repeat them? He peeked down at the phone screen while the adrenaline pumped through his veins in the worse way. »Why are you asking that now?«
Again, the answer came immediately. »And why are you avoiding the question?« Suspecting the nightmare's becoming reality, Saeran dared to seek your face and the uncomfortable hard stare with which you focused on him intensely. Sweat ran down his neck, he couldn't avoid forever, he's aware. Before he's capable to think through his options, you dug your nails into the nightgown and created many wrinkles due to the strength you used. »I know you lied to me, Saeran. Do you think it's a good idea continuing when I already know..?« The stable tone drifted into unevenness that brought Saeran panic.
You're standing too far and yet, in the same moment, you're way too close. It's beyond repair if you'd really knew, could you know? How? He's clueless. »Are you not going to defend yourself or do you want to tell me you cheated for fun?« Fuck. Fuck you knew. You watched the horror creep over his features, the pale skin losing the bit of color and he seemed to be more of a ghost than a living human. Your heart rose into your throat, the hot tears at the corners of your eyes increasing drastically the longer he kept his mouth shut.
»I know you not just met up with friends of your flower club. You lied to my face and stayed out because you spend nights with other people..« You trailed off, nails digging deeper and deeper until it's painful as they're scratching on the skin. Now he's the one frozen in place, staring back with wide eyes as if you'd been catching him doing illegal activities. Then again, haven't you? You tried to ignore the ripping sound going through your chest. »Why did you do that...« With your voice shifting into a painful whisper, you watched the man you loved with all your heart shake his head mechanically.
»(N), I–..« Your patience threatened to snap as you took a step into the living room, keeping your arms tight around your body. You needed comfort in that moment, no matter from who, even if it's coming from self-pity. »You what?! Why did you go behind my back like this..? You're the one who wanted to wait!« Saeran snapped his mouth shut once these emotions plaguing your heart reached within your grumble, unable to understand. The shock paired with betrayal and neglect after finding out almost knocked you over, it's really no fun to find dirty laundry and strange smell on the clothes of the person you hold feelings for.
»You said you want to do this right– That we take it slow.. I believed that, Saeran.. I...« There's so much burning on your tongue, things you'd never say out loud. Insults, weak spots with which you could tear him apart. Instead you hugged yourself tighter, standing in the middle of the living room, the most lost you've ever been. »I thought you need time.. It wasn't my decision! For me, we could've gone faster but y-you said you need time getting used to this.. I-I gave you that. So why..?« You demanded answers, all you're seeing is a face across the room filled with too many emotions until it's unreadable.
That awe coming over his eyes almost broke the dam. Your hair fell over your shoulders as you tensed up from head to toe. »Say something!« It's not yelling, you'd never do that to the younger Choi. He jumped regardless; it's the first time he heared you feeling powerless. »Did you change your mind? Is that it??« You needed enlightenment, the tension not only suffocated his chest. His features twisted painfully by the assumption you put into the room. One of these endless possibilities that had you dying with fears.
»I-I told you, we.. if you ever change your mind– It's okay! I would– I'd respect t-that..! Were you still scared of telling me?« You broke the eye contact, your vision wandering around the room that gave the illusion of closing in. You've been sitting on the edge of the bed for the entire day, breaking your head over what you'd done wrong. Now they all spilled over at once, it made you cry the tears that intended to run ever since you realized what's happening without your knowledge. »I don't get it... You– You wanted to take it slow and said you're not ready for intimacy but..«
You lifted an arm in unbelief, shoulders tense enough to shake from the impact it had on your soul. »But at the same time, you literally have sex with strangers?! That's the most intimate you can get!« You closed your eyes, the heat overtaking your body's close to become unbearable. It's overwhelming, it showed by the way your voice wavered. »Tell me!« You yelped, trying to stand straight despite the pain leaving your legs to tremble. The redhead didn't move an inch, immovable at the door like a deer caught in the headlights. »I...« He gave it another try.
»I'm sorry.. I..« You held back a sob; a bitter taste spread on your tongue when squeezing the bridge of your nose. »I don't want an apology, Saeran!« You accidentally hissed out. »I want justification! I need an explanation why the fuck you would do this to me–« This headache's going to knock you ever any second. Your breath hitched pathetically when thinking about the nights you laid awake, worried why he's gone for that many hours. Scared someone hired by his father found him instead, or that these friends he met online might have been out for profit, holding bad intentions.
Instead he spend the nights God knows where with strangers he didn't even know, at least that's what it seemed to be the case. Saeran's face lowered, his entire head fell down to avoid your heartbroken expression. He should've known you'd come to find out one way or another, past lessons taught him often enough that every lie will see daylight one day. »Explain Saeran, please! I'm... I'm this c-close to a breakdown!« He believed that without doubt, it's obvious by how worked up you were.
Everything you threw at his head had been right. He did tell you he hoped to take things slower with you, that he wanted to get it right. Wanted to not ruin another good part of his life, he lost so many over these long years. You did promise that whenever he'd change his mind about your relationship, he shouldn't be scared to confess. You'd accept whatever path he would take, regardless if you're his friend or something more. As always, you put his wellbeing over your own happiness. Saeran gritted his teeth until his jaw's painful, one hand making a fist and shaking visibly.
For a moment you thought he's going to lash out, however, none of such outburst occurred. Saeran stared down at the floor, head pulled away as far as possible even though his neck became stiff from the position. »You're right.. I cheated on you.« Although it's leaving his stomach twisting in revulsion, he nodded. You blinked shocked as the frustration grew heavy on your shoulders. Taken aback, you took a step away from him. »I know–! I don't need you to tell me! I need you to say why.. Why did you do it, Saeran!?«
You placed your hand against your chest, right above your heart that's currently tearing into pieces. The tears made it difficult to speak words fluently, this was all a bad dream. How you wished for that to be the case. Sadly, the hurt's too real to deny. »I refuse to believe– I can't believe you had no r-reason... Just tell me, I want to understand!« There you go again, Saeran's shame scratched his bones wound. The reqest was treasuring hidden consideration for the thousands time. Was it so hard for you to get angry and actually give him what he deserved?
He should've known you'd end up wanting to comprehend and show compassion despite the horrible thing he did to you. The procedure is always the same. He would hurt you deeply, you might cry or leave to collect your thoughts and come back with your arms wide open. But these scars stayed, no matter how petty you talked about them. This still wasn't enough? Even now? Saeran found himself bathing in self-hatred, this fire well known since he never completely escaped from it. He couldn't take it anymore, especially when you're crying right in front of him. »Can't you just scream at me!?«
Your eyes widened; you didn't expect the anger that bubbled underneath his skin to reach the surface. Saeran's tears pricked at the corners of the eyes, they're shingling bright due to the lamp, for a second you forgot who's the victim of infidelity. »Why aren't you yelling at me?? You should hit me and kick me out!« His panic reached you deep inside, Saeran used all willpower to not punch the wall next to him. He's so full of fury towards himself, you could see it perfectly. And it left you confused even further.
»How much do I have to fucking hurt you until you realize how damn disgusting I am and you finally leave me?« Saeran felt the shadow of alienation chase over his face, shame and embarrassment forbid him to take in air anymore. It's not helping as you titled your head in nothing but pure confusion. »What are you taking about!? What do you mean by finally leaving you?« Your cheeks were flushed with red color, a sight that caused his tears to spill over next. Why were you so pretty all the time? You're beatuiful whenever he found courage to look at you. It's not fair.
Saeran couldn't believe you didn't get the meaning yet, but he's forced to share the reasons either way. »Can't you just tell me to fuck off and find someone who actually treats you the way you deserve!?« No, he thought defeated. You're a good person. You wouldn't be able to understand without explanation as you're too sweet to even consider such darkness. Saeran pulled away, accidentally hitting the door with his back. The change in temperature alarming if he wouldn't have important priorities.
He lifted his hands, trying to both avoid and share things that poisoned his head since days. Even though he had no right. »Why are you still here with me..? This.. I never get what I want– Why should you be an exception??« It made click in the back of your head, then. »Saeran, are you serious?« Seemed to be the case as he turned his body away, somehow, he felt exposed otherwise. These voices taunted him, urging his next words like needles through his skin. »I cheated on you, yes. I lied into your face! Is that still not enough to make you wake up and realize your own worth–?«
The ranting caught in his lunges, watching you relax your shoulders more. Your own worth? So that's the reason, close to your presumption. A new wave of fears washed over you. »I... How can you say this..? Do you not love me anymore?« That must've hit a nerve, given Saeran's tears stopped running. »Wha.. What?« The whisper's almost nonsexist. You're scared of the outcome; however, the ignorance's simply killing you. Therefore you asked again, slower this time. »Do you have no feeling for me anymore, Saeran..« He closed his eyes quickly, that revealed more than the following words. »That doesn't matter! J-Just get rid of me already!«
You grabbed another fistful of your nightgown. »It matters.. Tell me, please.« You didn't deserve this mess, less so that you're in need of pleading to him. How should he pour out his heart? After what he'd done once again? This time, though. It's much worse than anything he'd ever decided on doing intentionally in order to keep you at distance. Saeran ignored the pulse deafening his ears as he copied your movements and put his arms around his body. Trying to hide away underneath the red strands of hair. Wanting to vanish. »Of course.. I.. I have feelings for you.« He choked out by force.
»I need you to reject me– I can't do it myself!« For a moment, the nothingness around the room's more draining than the fight. You felt yourself becoming weak in the heart, coming to find out exactly what was going on. Hearing him admit his feelings after going out at night's quite difficult to accept. You needed more answers. »And why can't you do it yourself..? Do you want to break up after all?« Saeran hid the grimace behind his hand, pressing his nails into his forehead in the hopes he'd start bleeding.
His broken voice's pitiful enough, but knowing he's crying despite him being the monster had him loathe himself so much harder than ever before. »No, I don't.. How could I..? You're so perfect.« He laughed bitterly; the sarcasm caused the weight in his stomach to start rising up. »I.. No matter what I do you just– you forgive me. Even though you shouldn't be with me. You shouldn't. You deserve better.« He started dull, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. Saeran felt his heart contract by the imagination alone, how much longer would you want to put up with this bullshit?
Isn't there a limit for you? A reasonable voice telling you to finally stop wasting your precious time on someone like him? The redhead needed the routine of rejection back, there's no chance in hell he could keep someone so bright forever. Not by how dirty he was. »Well, is that enough explanation!? Can you now tell me you break up with me?? I.. I Just–« Not sure how else to end off, Saeran thought that, presumably, you'd cut this nonsense once and for all. You, on the other hand, found the small details you've been seeking for these long minutes of back and forth.
You ruled out the possibility for some reason, although it's the most plausible. You should've known what's circling through his head, you're aware of his inner self-hatred for many months. These constant doubts, now a problem for the both of you to work through. »Why did you lie about the intimacy..?« Saeran sighed heavily, all the disgraceful secrets coming out on one single occasion. He tried to keep that from happening, but when did something ever went his way. You noticed his fingertips turning white after pressing them into his upper arms.
»I didn't.. I meant it when I said I want.. time. Make it right.« How ironic, the demons awaking from their slumber huffed arrogant. Making him feel smaller than he already did. »I was scared! I wanted you to be happy. I wanted to be more than the godforsaken asshole that I am–« They whispered into his brain, mingling the truth and these same old insults. Saeran found courage to gaze back into your face, it hurt more seeing your eyes red due to exhaustion. »Forget it. Forget it all! Just tell me you finally have enough! Just.. can't you hate me!?«
That's what he could handle, despite the fact it'd break him down to the core. He didn't matter, anyways. All that mattered was your happiness, which you should find soon now that he went beyond repair. There's no way to save this, he worked on breaking this relationship apart before you're struck with even greater regret. It's enough that you had the miserable fate of meeting him, this was the last time you're hurting. Hopefully. You let go of your clothes, one fist holding the other. It resembled a young student somehow. Just as innocent as one, it's literal torture.
»You cheated because you're still not enough? Is that what you think?« Damn. The icy pinch in his sides let all oxygen escape, Saeran rarely wished so violently he's gone from the earth. »Does it really matter why I did it? I have done it. Now get rid of me.« Maybe that's what would've been the reasonable decision. However, how could you truly kick him to the curve? It's the same kind of self-loathing that made him scream at his brother. Or suffer panic attacks late at night. Your heart's torn, yet the damage's not the same since you're enlightened, even if it's achieved by something as ignominious as impatience.
When watching these birth ocean eyes drown in agony, the thin line of lips that held back crying noises. His body's barely keeping it together, there was true regret written over his every inch. How could you ever hate him? »I forgive you.« Three words, simple to understand. They managed that Saeran's heart stopped beating. »I'm hurt like hell, though. Don't expect this to be worked through in near future. I will need time to recover from this.« No, his inner panic crept back into his system. No, that's not what he should've been told.
You shouldn't say these things, not with what he'd done. Saeran reached his limits, a new wave of tears rolling down his cheeks. »Why do you say that...? Why..« The precise facial expression caught him on the wrong foot. You let your stare trace over the room once again, this time there's more space to breathe. »Because I love you, you idiot. And..« The blush went a shade darker. »I get it, okay? It's fucked up. I'm not defending your actions.« The certification shot out right away, the shame still glued to Saeran's back as you lifted your index finger to scold at his behavior.
At least it appeared that way. You loosened up a bit. »But I understand your fears. I know you well, you wouldn't do this without a reason.« It's your turn to sigh heavily, a slight hint of relief liberating your soul. »And I also know how your self-esteem issues influence your decisions.« It's true, you both couldn't deny the moments where it shone through. You licked your lips, they're drier than a desert. »I forgive you under one condition..« Saeran refused to meet your gaze anymore, you waited until he's overwhelmed by the quiet and looked back at you.
His eyes still wet, his lips swollen after biting down inconvenient sounds. God. It's a pain to watch this pretty face ruined due to sadness. You then placed one hand against your waist, you needed some stability to not flop onto the floor. »Don't ever.. never ever do this to us again. Ever..« You said in all seriousness. »You can talk to others about it, you can avoid me if you're suffocated. Heck, you can throw shit around if it's necessary. Just don't ever cheat on me again.« Feeling unworthy of even a sparkle of forgiveness, Saeran had nothing left other than a weak nod. Why did you still not realize?
Why are you so kind to him. »I don't deserve you.. I never will.« You swallowed the lump blocking your windpipe. Saeran rubbed his arm, the blood flaming over his face by all the shameful emotions punishing his disgusting deeds. »It's not about deserving, Saeran.« His heart swelled up without warning as you found back to your lovely self. Voice soft albeit broken at the edges. He'd done lots of damage with this, after all. It's natural that you're tired. »Everyone deserves love. And I believe everyone deserves a second chance. Especially when having justified reasons.«
Another prove, you're truly an angel. And he really didn't have any right to ruin that beautiful light of yours. »God.. You have to stop obsessing over the idea that you're unworthy and disgusting. You're neither to me. And you won't get rid of me, either.« Your disappointment's one of his last concerns. Thinking back to the nights he'd been out, he couldn't repress the vomit that rose up whenever he came back home. Or even in the moments itself, Saeran suddenly wondered how he thought that's going to fix the problem.
You rubbed your index finger against your thumb, knowing exactly that he's sinking into thoughts by the distant look on his face. »Saeran.« His head snapped up obediently. It made you hum for a second. The noise brought the butterflies inside his belly to flutter so shamelessly. »Can I h–..« He stopped himself, unwanted detachment actually seemed like a good lesson. That's no request he could put into the room, he figured. Could he ever again? There's doubt following that thought. You're aware regardless, it's not the first time he cut off these words once the stormed passed by.
»Yes, you can hug me.« No room for arguments, you opened your arms. Saeran hesitated a long moment. Would you really want someone who hurt you that deeply ever touch you again? But as you wiggled your fingers, a signal for him to hurry up, his mind came to a hold. After a few silent albeit heavy steps, Saeran pulled you carefully into an embrace. How much he missed your sent was abnormal. You put your arms around him, it's the kind of consent he looked out for before placing one hand to your head while the other came around in order to hold you by the back.
Like this, you sighed out the rest pressure, it's less hurtful. »I'm sorry...« His low mumbling tickled your ear, the warm feeling on your shoulder becoming wet as he's hiding the tears in there. »I can't tell you how sorry I am... I'm sorry, (N). I'm sorry for all of this.« Tricked by own feelings, you noticed yourself tearing up as well. You hushed him softly, rubbing his back to calm the two of you. »I accept your apology.. I forgive you. Now stop saying sorry.« Saeran sniffed by that, a sound that brought a smile to your lips.
»Okay. I swear I won't ever... I never do this again. I love you. I really, really love you.. I'm so sorry.« You pulled him closer, closing the remaining distance. Saeran's heart slowly found peace again, similar to your own. Both drained albeit much lighter. If you dared to think, stronger even. Saeran must've felt what you empathized when squeezing his shape. He returned the gesture, a moment where you both breathed evenly. A smile shared without the other knowing, yet it's audible in your voice. »I trust you, then. I love you too.«
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apples-of-eden · 2 years
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Member Introduction: Hello everyone! I go by the name Amina or Oracle. I'm good either way. Also the mun behind my DLOC Amina Yukimistu! Paired with the majesty himself, Carla Tsukinami ♥️🐺
My blog @lunaangel1010universe !!
I’m Bilingual, speak both English and Spanish. I was in the Diabolik Lovers fandom since mid 2016. Favorites diaboy, the majesty himself. Carla tsukinami. Who is shipped with my DLOC, Amina Yukimitsu. Besides DL, I also like miraculous ladybug, final fantasy XV, final fantasy 7, Yu-Gi-Oh series (Favs DM, 5Ds, and Zexal), Vampire knight, and mystic messenger. I also draw and game. I can give a list to what I love to play but currently at the moment, twisted wonderland, assassin creed odyssey, AC Valhalla, Genshin impact and RE village 🙂
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Amina: Hello everyone!! We’re thrilled to meet so many new faces and we hope we get along quite nicely! Like my mun stayed, My name is Amina Alena Yukimitsu. Currently living under the tsukinami roof, along side with the majesty of the founders. Carla Tsukinami! What hobbies I like to do, play the flute outside when the night is quite peaceful. I 100% love fluffy things!! Anything soft and full of fluff. I play with my familiars quite often and sometimes Carla. Don’t tell him. Mmm…most of the time I’m with Carla, reading or walking around the garden. And many more! Again I’m looking forward to interact with every each one of you and everyone else here!!
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cafedanslanuit · 4 years
Hello! I hope you’re having a great day! I was wondering if you could do a matchup for me please! The fandoms I’d like are Obey Me and Mystic Messenger! I’m straight, she her. I am either very shy or very extroverted, it depends on how I’m feeling! I’m mostly shy when we meet for the first time but later I get more and more confident the more I know the person! I am very stubborn, and a bit hot headed (1/?) ~🥳
I love debating with people! I’m also either the very chaotic friend or the mom friend, it depends lol. I love reading! It’s one thing I’ve loved to so since I was a child, and I’m really into philosophy! I love listening to classical music. I also really like writing or drawing stuff (I’m not good tho pft.) One thing I don’t like is people that are fake, or that look down in a very mean way to others. If someone insults me I’ll stay quiet but you know I’m planing to murder you lmao (2/?) ~🥳
Sometimes I can be a bit sad, and have some panic attacks but now they don’t happen as often. Also, if anyone were to ever offend someone I hold dear it’s over for them because I won’t stand for it. I love playing with kids! I have little cousins that are 3-5 years old and I love spending time with them, I think it’s adorable! I’m a relationship I will be pretty shy at some points, but I will make sure to shower my partner with love. I will spoil them rotten, and be super loyal! (3/?) ~🥳
I also expect my partner to be really loyal too! I can be a bit jealous but not the super possessive type, I just want to know that the person I’m with actually wants to be with me because I’d honestly get nervous that they will leave me. My perfect date would be an amusement park, or a picnic. Maybe a picnic in an amusement park who know 👀 I want my first date to be filled with fun activities, and that me and my partner are able to joke a lot, but that we’re also able to have deep convos. ~🥳
Another date could probably be binge watching Disney movies or studio ghibli. I would also love to talk about books with my partner, probably them reading to me! I feel like that’d be the cutest thing ever >////< But anyway I think that’s all! Thank you for doing my match up and I’m sorry if it was too long 😅 I hope you have a nice evening! ~🥳
Definitely not too long! It gives great info~ Let's start with Obey Me, I match you with Satan
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The first thing that ignited his curiosity on you was, of course, the books. You would often go to his room and ask for more recommendations, but ended up staying chatting with him.
He loves learning all that he can about you. So deep conversations while he plays an old record of classical music has turned into his favourite way to spend his afternoons. 
Please have conversations about philosophy with him. He’ll prepare some tea, put on some background music and have at it. You’re the kind of couple that talks and talks until suddenly they see out of the window and realize the sun is rising once more.
So yes, you take naps together too.
He’s learnt to cut down on his smile when he actually wants to murder someone. He tends to get worried about scaring you, but knowing you will choose him and love him even when he’s angry is definitely something that warms his heart.
Satan may tend to present himself as cool™, but he’s a blushing mess whenever you throw him a compliment. No matter how long you’ve been together, it always catches him off guard.
Movie nights are also another thing he definitely enjoys. He prefers the one from Studio Ghibli and likes to make theories with you after the movie ends. Since you’re both hot-headed, this may lead to another long debate, but that’s really common for you both.
He may not be big on PDA, but he always makes sure you know he’s there. From stolen glances to small smirks, or the way he will casually touch your arm or leg while he speaks, he likes to make sure everyone (especially Lucifer) know you are with him.
For Mysme, I match you with the one and only Jihyun Kim!
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Listen, I know. He’s very different from Satan but listen to me.
There is not a thing in the entire world he loves more than listening to you talk. He will fight any ounce of sleep that possesses his body if you want to talk at 3 am.
He’s just in love with the idea of discovering the wonders of your mind. He keeps asking more and more questions about your principles, what do you believe in, what motivates you, which dreams do you have for the future, everything.
Picnic dates are you to-go dates. You have a favourite park and a basket you bought especially for the occasion. But that one time he offered to take you and your little cousins to the amusement park was definitely a God Tier date. You spent all the afternoon trying the different games and he even tried his best to win some plushies for your cousins. He’s his favourite now and they always ask about him when they see you.
Disney movie dates are something else he really adores. Watching an old childhood film gives him a sense of warmth and comfort that can only be matched with the one he feels when he’s with you.
He used to have a very self-sacrificing image of love, so it was up to you and your amazing debating skills to show him it was actually better to… not sacrifice at all. I know, it should be a given, but he needed a little help at first.
Don’t worry about loyalty because this man will. die. for. you. He’s grown so he will not put himself in danger again, but you’re the only thing in his eyes.
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lumiolivier · 5 years
Fan Fiction Master Post (and Where to Find Them):
Hello, Internet.  It’s been about a year and a half since I last updated my master post and it’d be nice for you to pass this one around instead of the others.  And so much has happened since the last list!  I finally jumped on the Ao3 train!  This list has got everybody here.  If you got nothing better to do and need a little fic to put on the wounds life has dealt you (or if you’re a little bit of a masochist and want something that’ll tear your soul to shreds), then pick a link and indulge yourself, K?  Like last time, this list is organized alphabetically by fandom and chronologically, if there’s a series.  You’ll see what I mean.  Enjoy!
** indicates a story in progress as of the time of posting this list.
Attack on Titan:
Classified Files:  Ackerman, Levi
AU Crack! Hanji needs a favor from Levi, but there's no way Levi would be so willing. That's what she has Eren for! But...Well...Why can't Hanji's experiments ever go right?
Black Butler:
Just a Simple Interview, Right?
1 of 4.  What starts out as just an interview with 19 year old earl Ciel Phantomhive for the paper turns into a little more than that a young reporter bargains for when she meets his enigmatic, yet beautiful butler. (Mostly T rated with some lemon chapters)
His Strange Little Girl and Her Butler, the Enigma
2 of 4.  She had her interview, but gained a few new friends and one very, very special butler. Now, she has her beautiful demon husband for the rest of eternity. But when the honeymoon’s over…is it really over? Of course not. We can’t have anything simple, can we?  (Also T rated with a few lemon chapters.)
You, Me, and Cambion Makes Three
3 of 4.  The Michaelis family has grown by one. The young lord has finally married Lady Elizabeth. So, what comes next? A little catastrophe, perhaps?  (Yet again, T rated with a few lemon chapters.)
Her Butler, One Last Time
4 of 4.  So blissfully living as a magazine contributor in modern day New York City. Until she meets her new landlord…or her demon husband from a past life?
Peace, Love, Unity, Respect
(Mini-series) She’s graduated college. Her boyfriend dumps her. Her roommates find a way to cheer her up. But for whatever reason, she’s feeling a little desperate. Especially when the DJ keeps giving her looks. He feels like he’s seen her somewhere before…
Trouble Comes in Threes
(Hetalia x Fruits Basket)  Francis, Gilbert, and Antonio could get anyone they want. They're beautiful, they're young, and the whole school knows it. But...They've had it all and grow bored. Even traveling outside city limits wouldn't prove to be any sort of challenge. But after a mess of a party, it appears Yao and Kiku's family tree is extending its roots when their cousins relocate. They couldn't stay at the Sohma house forever.
A New Hacker Has Entered the Chat**
(DRAMAtical Murder x Mystic Messenger) The RFA is usually pretty airtight when it comes to their information. Although, when their systems end up getting hacked, Seven and MC put their heads together to figure out who did it and why their source is coming from two different places. 
DRAMAtical Murder:
His Angel Bunny
When Angel goes into work on her day off, she just wants to throw her head against the wall. Until she sees a cute boy with a face full of metal and a heart full of sadness. She had to do something about it. Little did she know, that would lead to the greatest domino effect adventure of her life.
About Time
Just a quick one-shot of Koujaku doing a HUGE favor to humanity. Thank you, Koujaku, for your bravery and your services.
Death Note:
Ever wonder how L happened? The name? The person? The little boy behind it all…? (child!Lx parental!Reader going into the Kira investigation)
Fairy Tail:
The Princess and the Dragon  
(AU) She wants to be where the wizards are. However, her father has other plans for her. Stay out of the books, Lucy! You don’t need to practice magic! How do you expect to further the bloodline if you don’t meet anyone?
The Siren’s Song
(AU) Beware a frozen heart desperate for warmth...What a load of garbage...Right?
The Knight in Shining Armor (At the time of me posting this, the last chapter is going out this week)
(AU) Erza's flashbacks to the days before she joined the guild kept getting worse and worse. Master Makarov couldn't stand to see one of the strongest members of the guild falling apart like that, so a special job for a special S-Class wizard should be enough to snap her out of it. Especially when that job is for the Fiore royal family.
Fullmetal Alchemist:
Halfmetal Heart
Edward and Winry’s precocious daughter Tricia has picked up the family trade, but when she goes to apply for her state certification, something wonderful catches her eye…
Don’t Forget
Their house used to be a pile of ash, but now, it’s a home as Edward and Alphonse reflect on the day it burned.  One-shot
Happy Birthday, Sir
Today marks a very special day in Amestris. It’s the Fuhrer’s birthday! And his wife has a little something, something planned for him, but can Mustang let it be a surprise?  One-shot.  Partially goes off the Halfmetal Heart canon
The Spark and the Sparrow
Just some young Royai fluff about a thunderstorm that happened at Master Hawkeye’s house.  One-shot
Candy From Strangers**
Amelia's boyfriend is a jerk. No matter how anyone looks at it, he's a straight up jerk. One night, things got a bit out of hand and...Well...He's her ex-boyfriend now. A broken plate to the cheek does that. But a kind hearted stranger in the park was more than ok with fixing up more than the deep cut on her cheek.
Draw a Circle
France stumbles on a mysterious naked woman and can't keep her to himself, so he consults his good friend Britain. Who is she? And where did she come from?
The Legend of Zelda:
Courageous Duality
Five years after the Kokiri Village has been burned by the Gerudo King’s newest apprentice, Link gathers the intestinal fortitude to go back and pay his respects to his old home. Until he finds his true destiny deep within the Lost Woods.  Takes place after Ocarina of Time
Kilgrave’s Good Little Girl
Who better to bring in a murderous psychopath than a murderous psychopath?  (Reader)
Mystic Messenger:
Mistake Messenger
A one-shot collection of alternate routes for Mystic Messenger ranging from sweet and fluffy to naughty and depraved. MC x EVERYONE.
Man’s Best Intern
(AU) Poor Jaehee. Overworked. Underpaid. Under appreciated. Luckily, with the newest C&R intern, anything is possible. Although, when Mr. Han takes a particular shine to her, Jaehee’s workload may be doubled even more.
The Number Next Door**
(AU)  MC has finally gotten the opportunity to move into the apartment building of her dreams. After years of clawing her way up with her design blog, things have finally fallen into place for her. That is, until she learns her next door neighbor likes to blast meme music at 1AM.
Regularly Scheduled Programming
(One-shot) Saeran and MC indulge themselves with one night a week for garbage TV. Although, sometimes, we can't always get what we want.
Ouran High School Host Club:
Kiss, Kiss
1 of 3.  You’re starting at a new school and for any normal person, that’s difficult. For someone with your list of diagnoses, it’s even worse. Especially when all you want is to keep your head down and find a quiet place to study.
Back to Normal, I Guess
2 of 3.  After her summer in New York, Lana goes back to her school in London with her heavy heart full of the memories she made at Ouran Academy. But little does she know, the Ouran Host Club will always be there to welcome her back, no matter what time zone she’s in.
Our New Normal
3 of 3.  Lana misses Japan. Can we blame her? Unfortunately, she had to graduate from Ouran Academy sometime. But her new life in New York with Kyoya is only just beginning. College is an entirely different ballgame.
Daddy's only looking out for his little girl and he wants what's best for her. She's not ready to take over the...uh..."family business" quite yet. She doesn't understand why she has to go so far just to go to school. But Daddy's word is law. Hey...Why does the angry guy in her homeroom seem familiar? And what's a host club?
A Family Forged in Fire
1 of 2.  Lena was living in an orphanage. Constant rejection day in and day out. They were looking for a baby, not her. Little did she know that a case would bring a pair of brothers that would turn her life upside down.
When the Fire Goes Out
2 of 2.  After taking down the devil himself, a girl needs to get away, doesn’t she? Even though it puts her brothers in a worry and opens up a golden opportunity for someone new to slip into her life.
Yuri!!! On Ice:
1 of 2.  AU: Victor and Violet adopted two precious little boys that they can’t help but love and became an unorthodox family. Even though the youngest can’t stand the oldest, but that’s the way siblings work. And things get even more troublesome when they both want to take up the very thing that brought Mommy and Daddy together.
Off the Rails
2 of 2.  After Junior Grand Prix, the Nikiforov family has moved to New York and began their training for next season, including Violet’s comeback. However, her comeback may be a bit more than she…or Victor…bargained for.
Not a Perfect Fairytale (But It’s Ours)
Fairytale AU.  Whoever decided the prince needed a princess has terrible foresight…
Yurio is always a little paranoid, but for some strange reason, today, his radar was up even more than usual. Especially when Yakov doesn’t yell at him for missing a simple jump.  One-shot
Dr. Nikiforov Has a Ring To It
Getting sick sucks something awful on its own. Getting sick with no one else home but your overbearing roommate to take care of you? That’s a mess in itself.  One-shot
Pierced Through the Heart
(One-shot) Yurio and Otabek had been together a while now. Why couldn't they have something match like Victor and Yuri?
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shadowreine · 6 years
The Art of Falling in Love - Chapter 4
Fandom: Mystic Messenger
Pairing: V x MC (reader/custom MC)
Chapter Summary: In which MC has a chat with some of the boys.
Note: Finally an update! October was kind of a busy/stressful month, so I apologize for the wait. Thanks so much to everyone who’s been reading/liking/commenting on this fic so far. It means a lot to me. <3
Chapter 4: Candid
Once you returned to your apartment after dinner, you were ready to finally collapse into your bed and sleep, especially after such a long, eventful day. However, sleep eluded you. You lay wide awake, tossing and turning, your mind running at a million miles a second. You thought about the party, what went well and what didn’t, and what suggestions for improvements you could posit to RFA. You thought about the GCA and made a mental checklist of all the paperwork you had to submit in order to obtain a visa for working abroad…which brought to mind the fact that even before you could start that step in the process, you needed to stop procrastinating on working on your lesson plans for the upcoming semester—which was two weeks away, no less—and you needed to do a good job. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be needing a work visa at all. You let out a groan in the darkness of your bedroom, knowing that these anxious thoughts would never let you rest.
Ever since Hana had suggested your class could focus on art this semester, you couldn’t shake the idea. It was a good idea, and you were very low on ideas at the moment. The only problem was that you never really considered art as one of your strong suits, so you didn’t think you could excel at teaching it… But Hana was right, children love doing art. Maybe she was also right about asking Jihyun for a little help…
“Jihyun, Jihyun…” you said out loud, testing out the name. “Jihyun…”
V was a punchy name, short and straightforward. It was a good moniker for a hip photographer. But Jihyun was soft, almost a whisper, a pleasant sound sliding off the tip of your tongue. Now that you thought about it, it suited him better than V ever did.
Part of you regretted declining his offer to have dinner with him because you didn’t know when you’d have the chance to see him in person again. You imagined he’d be busy trying to get resettled into the city. He’d likely want to find a new place to stay. Maybe he wanted to meet up with others he might’ve lost contact with. He’d probably be caught up doing his own thing for a while, and you’d rejected your only chance to catch up with him.
Though, you couldn’t have just canceled on Hana. You had responsibilities, you had your own life. You had to make compromises. Wasn’t that adulthood? You couldn’t just drop everything because someone from your past decided to turn up again.
But… you just really wanted to see him.
You let out a sigh and turned onto your side, frustrated that your thoughts were keeping you awake. You grabbed your phone from the nightstand and checked the time. It was half past midnight.
Might as well check the messenger, you thought. Throughout the evening you’d received RFA app notifications, but you hadn’t been able to check any before now. Opening the app, you logged in and read the past chat logs. Only Zen and Yoosung had been there. Zen had entered the chatroom sometime after he finished his show, and Yoosung was taking a break from LOLOL. Zen told Yoosung about how Jaehee had waited for him outside the backstage door with her girlfriend Soomi (along with a dozen other rabid fangirls clamoring for his attention), and he sent a selfie of the three of them. Zen was the focus of the picture, of course, while Jaehee and Soomi stood together behind him, leaning so that they were in frame. This was the first time you saw what Soomi looked like. She was cute and petite, her blonde hair cropped short in a stylish bob. Jaehee and Soomi had matching poses, both winking at the camera and holding up their hands in a peace sign. They looked like they were having a great time, and you couldn’t feel happier for them.
Zen and Yoosung then spent the rest of the chat lamenting how much they wished they had girlfriends too and feeling sorry for themselves. Your eyes glazed over as you scrolled to the bottom of the chat. By now you knew very well how much the RFA boys, except perhaps Jumin, regretted the lack of romance in their lives. Sometimes it was cute that they had so much love in their hearts that they wanted to share it with someone, but more often than not, it got repetitive and eye-roll inducing, so much that you wished they could just find someone already so they could stop moaning about it.
Once you reached the bottom of the chat, you logged out to the main user interface to check everyone’s status updates. As you looked at the row of user icons, you started to feel like something was missing. The icons felt too big, as if there could be room to fit one more comfortably among them.
Then you realized why: Jihyun’s icon was missing. It had been missing for a long time, actually, but now that he was back in the country, it felt wrong not to have him in the messenger.
After Jihyun left to go overseas, Jumin asked Seven to revoke his access for security purposes. He wouldn’t have had time to log into the messenger on his travels anyway, so there’d been no point in keeping his profile active. Even though you were about to travel abroad yourself, you couldn’t see yourself staying away from the messenger for too long. RFA had become like family to you, and you’d want to keep in touch no matter how far away you went.
You wondered if Jihyun still had the same phone he used two years ago, or if he’d deactivated his service altogether. Come to think of it, since he wasn’t on the messenger, you realized you had no way of contacting him.
A window popped up on your phone screen indicating that a new chatroom had been opened. You looked at the time–it was almost one o’clock in the morning. Who could be online at this hour?
You entered the chatroom. Seven greeted you.
707: Hello, pretty lady!
MC: Seven, you’re still awake.
707: Yup. So are you, I see.
MC: Can’t sleep.
707: Me neither. Still reeling from the high of the party?
MC: lol sort of. I got a lot on my mind right now. How was your evening?
707: Fine fine. It was pretty good actually!
He sent the emoji of him excitedly shouting “yahoo!”
MC: Good day at work?
707: Yup! I was super productive. Got everything done in record time… I see Zen and Yoosung are complaining about being single again. SMH. They’re just jealous that Jaehee has more game than them.
You laughed out loud. Sick burn, Seven.
MC: You’re not wrong, lol. Jaehee can be very sweet and charming when she has the chance to relax every once in a while. I’m happy that she and Soomi found each other.
707: They wouldn’t have met each other if you didn’t push Jumin to give Jaehee a vacation.
MC: Yeah… That’s true…
As if summoned, Jumin Han entered the chatroom.
707: WHOA that’s creepy, dude.
Jumin Han: What are you talking about? Good evening, MC.
MC: haha hey Jumin...that is a little creepy.
Jumin Han: ?
707: We were just talking about you.
Jumin Han: I see. I just read the log.
MC: I think you’ve read enough books on witchcraft that you’re starting to become a witch yourself, Jumin. Speak of the devil, and all that.
707: Hehe where’s your broom, witch boy?
You didn’t ask Jumin what he was doing up so late because he was always awake at this hour, either spending time with Elizabeth the 3rd or doing business with investors and companies in different timezones. On the rare occasion that you had a bout of insomnia, he would be in the chatroom, keeping you company until you finally fell asleep.
Jumin Han: Will Yoosung and Zen ever get tired of complaining about not having significant others?
MC: Probably not. Though, I feel like once they do get girlfriends, that’s all they’ll talk about on here.
Jumin Han: You’re probably right. I don’t know which is worse.
707: Jaehee is pretty modest about her relationship. They should act like her! Speaking of Jaehee, as I was saying before Jumin interrupted us with his creepy black magic, I think Jaehee has you to thank for meeting Soomi, MC.
MC: Oh, that’s more credit than I deserve. I just yelled at Jumin.
707: lmao you did yell at him
Well, you had typed in all caps in the chatroom, which was just as good as yelling. A few months ago, Jumin had swamped Jaehee with so much work that Jaehee broke down crying on the phone with you. You felt so awful and helpless at first, but after you did your best to console her and hung up, you decided that the only way to fix the problem was to go straight to the source.
Jumin was unreceptive to your suggestion at first, which you’d expected, but once you laid out all the reasons why it was a good idea to give her a break and why she deserved one, his cold, distant attitude started to irritate you. You tried to be civil, but the man was as stubborn as a mule sometimes. So you snapped and capslocked on him. Then once you said your piece, without warning, you logged out of the chatroom and called his phone to tell him off some more.
Jumin Han: I’ll admit I’ve never been yelled at like that before.
MC: I didn’t *yell*.
Jumin Han: You gave me a very stern lecture.
MC: Well, Zen yells at you on here all the time.
Jumin Han: I correct my previous statement—I’ve never been yelled at like that by someone whom I respect.
You knew that was high praise coming from someone like Jumin Han. Sometimes you couldn’t help but have the utmost respect for him too. After the incident, you learned that Jumin had been so stressed due to his father’s current romantic engagements and the prolonged absence of his best friend, and he had taken it out on his assistant. You felt bad for yelling at him, and you apologized to him personally on the phone the next day.
After that, he decided to give Jaehee three weeks of vacation. Jaehee was resistant at first, but you convinced her to take the offer. She spent those weeks off the messenger and met Soomi at one of her favorite coffee shops downtown. They hit it off rather easily, and the rest was history.
Jumin Han: Anyway, I am glad that Jaehee has found someone she cares about deeply. It seems to have made her more motivated in her work.
707: …
MC: sigh
Jumin Han: What? It’s true.
707: Only you would make something that’s supposed to be romantic into something totally not;;
Jumin Han: I don’t understand romantic relationships myself, so I see no point in commenting on it.
MC: I guess I can understand where you’re coming from. I’ve had enough of talking about romance for one evening.
707: Oh?
Seven sent his heart eyes emoji.
707: Who else are you talking about romance with, MC?
He sent the same emoji again.
“Oh crap,” you said to your screen. Suddenly the whole awkward conversation you had with Hana came back to you. You couldn’t very well tell Seven or Jumin that you and Hana had talked about Jihyun. You had to play it cool.
MC: Oh… I just had dinner with Hana tonight. She told me all about her new boyfriend.
Seven sent his gasping emoji.
707: The hot new actor Hojin Park! He and Hana were spotted smooching down in the Maldives last week!
Again with his heart eyes emoji.
MC: …Are you stalking my best friend, Seven?
707: It’s not stalking when paparazzi pictures of them are posted on every celeb gossip site!
MC: I am not going to talk gossip about my own friend. If I did, you’d probably try leaking it to the media for a quick buck.
707: They pay a lot of money for ~insider info~ you know.
You sent an emoji that depicted you giving a very unamused side-eye.
707: Fine, fine. I won’t ask about Hana’s love life. You need to lighten up, MC. Maybe you need a l-o-v-e interest of your own, eh?
The heart eyes. Again. You dropped your head into your hand. Why was everyone so hung up on romance this evening? You needed a change of subject, quick.
Thankfully, Jumin seemed to have the same idea.
Jumin Han: I think this conversation has derailed quite a bit.
MC: Thank you! Can we talk about something else, pls?
Jumin Han: I actually came onto the messenger to make a request of you, Seven.
707: Hmm, ok. What is it?
Jumin Han: I’d like you to grant Jihyun access to the messenger again.
Your phone almost slipped out of your hand.
Jihyun...on the messenger again? Weren’t you just thinking about that only minutes ago?
MC: Oh?
707: Oh, I didn’t even think of that. Does he want to get back on?
Jumin Han: No, but I imagine he’d like to be, once he gets a new phone, that is. He deactivated his old phone some time ago, and he needs to get another one first. I’ll pass on the information once it’s available.
707: …Do you think it’s a good idea?
Seven’s question took you aback. Why wouldn’t it be a good idea? You asked him what he meant.
707: …never mind. It’s nothing. When he gets a new phone, let me know, and I’ll add him back onto the messenger.
You didn’t know what to say. Where had his sudden hesitance come from? You would have thought Seven would be one of the more enthusiastic about his return. You remember Seven once telling you that he considered Jihyun almost like a father to him despite their relative close age gap. He trusted him more than anyone. In fact, back when you first met the RFA, you noticed there were secrets that Seven and Jihyun had kept between only them. Seven had come to Jihyun’s rescue at Mint Eye, after all.
...That was two years ago, though. The more you thought about it now, the more you realized that since then, Seven hadn’t spoken much about Jihyun at all. He certainly never brought him up in the chats of his own volition, and whenever someone else would mention him, he didn’t have much to say.
But he seemed happy to see Jihyun at the party earlier, didn’t he? Well, now that you thought about it, perhaps he wasn’t so much happy as he was shocked and…confused. Almost as if he had truly believed he never would see his old mentor ever again.
“We have a lot to catch up on, I think,” Jihyun had said. And Seven had agreed.
There was something tense about the exchange, some underlying thoughts and feelings that you couldn’t begin to decipher. That must have been what bothered Seven now. What was the missing link between them?
MC: You ok, Seven? You sound weird.
707: I’m fine. Gotta go, though. Long day.
He signed out of the chatroom before you could type another message.
Jumin Han: …
MC: Is it just me, or did something sound off about him? Does Seven not want Jihyun back on here?
Jumin Han: He seemed hesitant about it at the very least.
MC: Why? You don’t think it’s because he doesn’t trust Jihyun, do you? I know he had trouble with keeping secrets from everyone, even to Seven, but he just doesn’t seem like that kind of person anymore…
You weren’t sure if that were entirely true, but everything you knew about what he’d gone through seemed to indicate that Jihyun had had enough secrecy for one lifetime. The man you saw at the party didn’t look like someone who would harbor any secrets.
Jumin Han: I agree. I’ve been with him all evening, and he is definitely changed.
MC: …wait. You’ve been hanging out with Jihyun?
Jumin Han: Yes, he’s with me right now.
“What?” you said aloud. Jumin had been chatting with you all this time and Jihyun was with him?
MC: Really? Where are you?
Jumin Han: At my penthouse. I invited him over as a guest, since he currently has nowhere to stay.
You were typing to ask what he was doing, but your fingers froze over the screen when a picture popped up in the chat.
This time, your phone actually did fall out of your hands...and landed right onto your face, since you were lying in bed. You let out a pained shriek and massaged your nose. Then you jolted up into a sitting position and looked back at your phone.
Jihyun was in the photo. He was standing next to the dining table, across from where Jumin seemed to be sitting. He was pouring himself a glass of red wine. You could tell it was a candid picture because Jihyun’s eyes appeared as though he’d looked into the camera just as it was being taken, his brows raised in a half-expression of surprise. It was cute, actually. But that wasn’t what got your attention.
What got your attention was the fact that his hair was wet, sticking to the left side of his face. He had a towel draped over his shoulders, and he wore gray lounge pants and a white tank top...
MC: …
Jumin Han: He just got out of the shower. He’s jet lagged, so that’s why he’s still awake, if you were wondering.
You were actually wondering why his bare arms looked appealingly firm and smooth, and why his tank top clung so tightly to his slender but lean torso…but you weren’t going to type that.
MC: Um, thanks for the pic haha
Jumin Han: I thought I should prove to you he was in fact here.
MC: You didn’t need to do that lol. I believed you.
Jumin Han: He’s asking me who I sent the photo to.
MC: Oh...what did you tell him?
Jumin Han: You.
You blushed. Should you take a selfie of yourself just to make it fair? You couldn’t do that. You probably looked like a mess after tossing and turning in bed for a few hours… Wait, why did you care what you looked like? You’d sent less than flattering pictures of yourself through the messenger before.
Jumin Han: I need to go. Elizabeth the 3rd should be put to bed soon, and I’m going to keep Jihyun company.
MC: Okay. Tell Elizabeth the 3rd hello for me.
You debated whether you should add another line. Oh, why not?
MC: ...and Jihyun, too.
Jumin Han: Will do. Goodnight.
Jumin logged out, and so did you. You lingered in the main UI a little while longer, wondering what Jumin and Jihyun were up to right now, what they were talking about. Jumin must have liked having the chance to catch up with his best friend, especially considering how much you knew he’d missed him and worried after him since he left. You could only hope you got your chance, too.
You went into the messenger’s photo folders. Even though Seven had taken away Jihyun’s access to the app, he kept his photo folder untouched. You opened it and looked at the newest picture of him. Out of curiosity, you told yourself. Once it expanded across your screen, your heart did a flip in your chest, which was a sensation that utterly confused you. It wasn’t as if you weren’t used to being friends with so many pretty people. Part of the reason why it was so easy for you to initially believe that the RFA were AIs in a dating simulator was because they were all too good-looking to be real. Even now, you would catch yourself admiring just how beautiful Zen looked in his selfies, how well Jumin wore his business suits, how cute Yoosung and Seven were in an adorably nerdy way. Even Jaehee was exceptionally gorgeous.
Yet somehow none of them made you react the way you reacted to this picture of Jihyun. What was happening?
You reasoned it was because you’d never seen him like this. So candid, so...underdressed. You felt as if you shouldn’t be even be looking at it.
Get a grip, MC.
You exited out of the app, tossed your phone onto your comforter, and collapsed onto your pillow, trying desperately to wipe the image out of your mind so you could finally, finally, get to sleep.
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cac-11-blog · 7 years
Greetings, MCs of all places! 
So it has come to our attention that some of the fandom needs a guide for the Cheritz Appreciation Event! Originally, we didn't plan for themes, but it's Halloween so let's make this fun! The group has prepared themes for everyone to follow! NOTE: The Cheritz Appreciation Event is NOT limited to the Mystic Messenger characters only. If you know of the characters from the other games that Cheritz made, you can include them too! For those possibly making fan arts or fanfictions or cosplaying, here are the themes: 
1. Halloween! (Have Cheritz' characters dress up as typical Halloween characters, Disney characters, or anything, but remember that there's a different day for a crossover theme!) 
2. Formal-wear! (Have the characters dress up in formal wear! What you do with their clothing themes in your artworks, fanfictions and cosplay plans is up to you! 
3. Halloween preparation! (Have the characters do Halloween traditions, like trick-or-treating, carving pumpkins, decorating their homes, etc.) 
4. OTP Day! (Draw/Portray/Write about your favorite pairings! As much as possible, let it be not too sexual?) 
5. Crossover theme! (Have the characters do a crossover with another fandom OF YOUR CHOICE!) 
6. Beach theme! (The characters in beach-wear!) 
7. Animals! (The characters with animal features, or an animal with the characters' features! Example, a puppy with fluffy gold fur with Yoosung's accessories, or Seven with cat ears!) 
8. Genderbend! (Draw or write with the characters as their opposite gender!) 
9. The Cheritz' Voice Actors! (Try to draw the voice actors with their characters, or make some story where they meet their VAs. For cosplayers, a paper shoutout might do!) 
10. Christmas! (It's all up to you what to do!) 
11. Lastly, make something that shows how much Cheritz has changed your lives with their games, or how grateful you are to them. (For example, you can draw yourself surrounded by the love and warmth of the RFA, all the likes.) 
NOTE: These are the themes! Whatever you do with that, and the characters, is entirely up to you! But if you need a guide on what to do, go to the guidelines inside the parenthesizes! 
The messages of appreciation for Cheritz are NOT THEMED. The messages should not have any request of any route, and should purely be about your gratitude and appreciation for Cheritz. You can thank them for being so kind to us, or tell them how much their games and characters have helped you so dearly. It's all up to you, as long as it has nothing about requesting routes. 
Again, for those who don't have accounts to Twitter, Tumblr, and IG, send your tokens of appreciations to our accounts and we'll post/send it to Cheritz for you. The following are Cheritz' accounts, which you can send your MESSAGES of appreciation to: 
(Instagram) https://www.instagram.com/cheritz_dl/ 
(Tumblr) https://cheritzteam.tumblr.com 
(Twitter) https://twitter.com/Cheritz_DL 
Contact us in our following accounts: 
(Instagram) @cheritzappreciation 
(Tumblr) @cac-11 
(Twitter) @cheritzappreciation 
The artworks and pictures will be posted publicly with the tag of the event and tagging Cheritz. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS EVENT STARTS ON EXACTLY OCTOBER 31, 2017, AND NOT BEFORE. (Except for those in different time zones.) That will be all! Please spread the word, and for further questions, ask us!
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Happy Ending
Fandom: Mystic Messenger, Yoosung Kim
Wordcount: 1532
Written by: Jara ( @jarajoelle )
What happens at the party and after.
---- The party. I have waited so long to meet Yoosung, he's so sweet and I really hope he isn't hurt. He said not to be scared if he looked different, that he's still the man that loves me with his whole heart. Right now I was in the taxi on my way to the party, I was finally going to meet everyone. I couldn't be happier. The taxi stopped and I paid the driver. The building was large and beautiful, I walked to the front door where a clerk opened the door for me. I thanked him with a kind smile, then walking to the door of the room the party was actually held. As soon as I saw Jeahee I knew I was at the right place. 
"Are you on our guest list?" She asked. I smiled but answered.
"No Jeahee, I’m Leah." She looked at me in surprise and Zen walked up to us.
"You're the famous Leah?" He asked, his tone a bit flirty.
"Yes, I am." I told him, surprise covered his face as well. Jeahee smiled at me. Jumin came to us adjusting his gloves.
"Good to see you, Leah. Shall we go in?" He asked all of us. I just nodded, I was excited to see Yoosung for the first time but I was also scared of what might have happened to him. Inside the room, we walked up to Seven. 
"Hello, Seven." I said smiling. He looked at me, guilt in his eyes. Tears started to build up at the rim of his eyes. My look saddened. 
"I'm so sorry..... I should have told him to stay home..... I should have put up a fight.... I'm so so sorry." Seven said being on the edge of crying.
"What are you sorry for Seven?" I asked, my voice soft and quiet. 
"Yoosung." Seven whispered. As soon as I heard those words realisation struck me, Yoosung wasn't alright.
"But he said he was fine in the chat." Jaehee said. 
"He typed that on the way to the hospital. I'm sorry." Seven told us.
"What happened Seven?" I asked my voice concerned and strict at the same time. 
"The hacked caught us. He grabbed Yoosung.... Hurt his eye.... So he couldn't become the vet he wanted to be." Seven answered, looking kind of scared of me. My blood drained from my face. I guess they could see but when they wanted to say something the mic went on and we heard a voice.
"V." Jumin said. 
"He's really here, so that means Yoosung is here to right?" Zen asked. I looked up to the stage to see the man I didn't chat with very often. Who still looked hurt even though it had been a long time since Rika died. He gave a small speech and then told us Yoosung Kim was going to give us a speech as well. V walked off stage while Yoosung walked towards the mic. I heard sniffling behind me and saw that Seven was crying lightly.
"Don't cry Seven. I'm fine." Yoosung told him. The speech he had prepared was beautiful. I think I saw a few people shed some tears. After the speech, Yoosung came towards us. He was still perfect even with his bandage around his head. He looked handsome, manly even. 
"I'm so happy to see you." Yoosung told me before coming closer. He leaned in, moving closer by the second. My heart was thumping and I heard a few comments being made. 
"Isn't that really close, Yoosung?" Zen said. Yoosung's lips were now full on mine, I had hoped for this kiss. Dreamt of it. Now it was really happening. It seemed to last for hours but that were actually just a few minutes. We pulled apart and he rested his forehead on mine. 
"You're not Rika, but you have the same magic." He told me, voice as sweet as honey. We both had big smiles on our faces, and he pulled me in for a hug. It already felt like home. We pulled apart and grabbed each other's hand. I looked at the rest of the members, some were still staring in shock of what just happened and others were smiling at us. I blushed and looked down, I did have a lot of the attention on me before but now there was, even more, attention on me. 
"Let's meet the guest." Jeahee said, smiling at Yoosung and me. They all walked off leaving Yoosung and me alone.
"I told you I would come back to you." He said, still holding my hand.
"Yes, but you're hurt." I told him. 
"That doesn't matter as long as I'm with you." He said and gave me a small peck on the lips. I smiled at him. We started talking to guest too. Yoosung got a lot of compliments on his speech.
The party was a great success, everybody had a great time. Yoosung and I were outside catching some air. His arm loosely hanging around my shoulder. I rested my head on his shoulder and let out a sigh. 
"Are you okay?" He asked looking at me concerned. 
"Yeah, just tired." I answered, yawning straight after.
“Do I need to call a cab?” He asked. I shrugged, I was tired but I wanted to stay with Yoosung longer. I wanted the night to last forever. I had waited so long for this day. I just didn’t want it to be over. 
“Do you-leave it.” He started saying but stopped himself.
“No, tell me.” I said, I really wanted to know.
“Do you want to stay at my place?” He asked. I looked at him with a look of happiness.
“I would love to.” I told him. His whole face lit up. I smiled at him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the road and called a cab.
“Shouldn’t we tell Jaehee and the rest were going?” I asked him. He smiled at me.
“I’ll send Jaehee a message in the cab.” He told me. He opened the door for me, I got in and so did Yoosung. He told the driver his address and put his arm back around my shoulder. I laid my head on his shoulder. The drive was short and when we got there Yoosung held the door open for me again, he is a real gentleman. I thought the apartment would have been messier but it was pretty clean. He took my coat and put it on his coatrack, I smiled at him. He looked at me with confusion. 
“You’re really being a gentleman. It’s cute.” I told him. He smiled and blushed. I walked over to the living room and sat down on the couch. Yoosung walked over and sat down next to me. I looked at him, smiled.
“You know, you’re really beautiful.” He said. I blushed and looked down at my lap.
“Thank you, you’re really handsome yourself.” I told him, now it was his turn to blush.  I grabbed his hand making him look at me and leaned in. He leaned in as well, as soon as our lips connected for the second time tonight, I felt the same sparks I had earlier today when he kissed me. The butterflies erupted in my stomach again.  We broke apart and Yoosung stood up. 
“You want to borrow a shirt of mine to sleep in tonight?” He asked me.
“Yeah, that would be nice.” I told him.
“Okay, I’ll grab it. Let’s go to my room.” He said, holding his hand out for me. I grabbed his hand and let him lead me to the bedroom. He let go of my hand to grab a t-shirt but as soon as he gave me his shirt he grabbed my hand again. He leads me toward the bathroom.
“I’ll leave you alone so you can change.” With that said he walked away closing the bathroom door behind him. I got changed into his shirt and opened the door. I walked to his bedroom door which was closed. I knocked on the door.
“Come on in.” He said. I opened the door and walked in seeing Yoosung there without a shirt. Boy, he had some muscle. 
“Like what you see?” He asked a smirk plastered on his face. I blushed and let out a giggle.
“Yeah.” I answered. He walked over to me, put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me. I didn’t think I would ever get used to the feeling I got when he kissed me.
“God, you’re so cute.” He said after pulling away. I blushed, my face was still in his hands, not that I was complaining.
“Do you want to sleep?” He asked. I nodded, I started walking towards the bed when Yoosung picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bed. He laid me down and then laid down next to me. He smiled at me and I moved over so my head was laying on his chest while he was on his back, his arm around my waist. 
Then I drifted off to sleep in the arms of the person I love.
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troloyunu · 7 years
Oh hello who is this I don't really know miss
1. First impression: I saw you in Dream's posts and I was like, "I should go look at their blog man they reblog some good shit right here 👌👌" and then I was like "Ohhhh that's Zury in Askitom I know her" and then I had moments of doubt and weirdness bc I, too, couldn't decide if you were Turkish or not lol Then I decided to send you a friend request in Askitom just to be sure and yeah here I am
2. Truth is: I left Tumblr for a while when I had a big exam and it was actually comfortable to not have thousands of notifications (lol not like people reblogged or liked my posts they were notifications of other blogs posting something) but you are the reason I came back, I am really glad that we talked. Even tho we were all weird at first I really feel comfortable talking to you now and you are one of my best friends like, I really really love you and if it weren't for you I probably wouldn't continue playing MCL (it was getting boring) wouldn't meet awesome people, wouldn't come back to Tumblr, wouldn't watch YOI and wouldnt read KS in which I am really glad I did all of these and again, I really really love you you are always so kind to everyone, you are the person who actually introduced me to this fandom, before, I would only play the game and continue my life and now holy shit like, I am interacting with other people?? That's some character development and its 5.30 right now my words might not make sense and I am talking so much but yeah, it is also nice to have someone Turkish in here lol
3. How old do you look: I already knew your age before I saw your selfie but I thought you looked like 16-17
4. Have you ever made me laugh: Omg don't make me answer that EVERY FUCKING TIME
5. Have you ever made me mad: NOOOOOO
6. Best feature: You are so kind and I really love you and you are so talented like girl that arttttt and you are so beautiful. Things I am in love with: 1. Subaru 2. Your eyes
7. Have I ever had a crush on you: Have I mentioned I luv you so maybe ;;)))
8. You’re my: best MCL fandom friend and awesome mutual
9. Name in my phone: Hm if I had your numberrr (Which I wished I had *sad face* BUT DONT GIVE YOUR NUMBERS TO STRANGERS KIDS ITS DANGEROUS THAT'S NOT SOME FUCKIMG MYSTIC MESSENGER NEVER! EVER! TRUST STRANGERS) it would be... I don't know I am not good at creating nick names... Cotton Candy? IDK I probably would save you as Gökçe or Zury lol
10. Should you post this too? You already did lol
This took longer than I expected omg
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seriouscuttervoice · 7 years
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Gowns and Guns
Writer: Serena (@juminlovesv) 
Illustrator: Tesneem (@shigi-no-stop)
Fandom: Mystic Messenger
Pairing: Jumin Han/V
Other Characters: Chairman Han, Glam Choi, Sarah Choi
Content Warnings: Alcohol, death
Notes: This is a collab by Tesneem and I for Day 3 of JuminV Week (@juminvweek), “Alternate Universe”! It took forever to finish and we hope you enjoy it! If anyone’s interested, the word count is 11 340 words.
Update: This fic can now be read on AO3!
Jihyun's lucky to already be alone when the phone in his left pocket vibrates. The sting in his eyes when he stands from his cross-legged position tells him he'd been staring far too long at the photographs laid out on the floor, trying to decide which ones to use in his next exhibit. The light 707 installed to indicate that the call is being bugged isn't flashing, so he brings it to his ear, rubbing his eyes wearily.
"Hello," the voice on the other end greets him, which tells Jihyun right away that the caller has time to waste on pleasantries. He sinks down in the couch cushion, crossing one leg over the other. After a beat of silence, the other seems to get the hint. "I'm calling because I have a tip, and I'd like to hire your people to look into it."
Jihyun waits, then prompts, "Go on," when the other doesn't continue. There's no reason for Jihyun to give the person any information. They're looking to hire, so they clearly know about what his organization does, and if their real goal is to sabotage Jihyun won't speed the process by letting something slip.
"Yes, of course," the other says, and there's an edge to their voice that tells him they're not entirely pleased by his reaction, but it doesn't really matter what they think. "Well… have you heard about the New Year's Eve Masquerade Ball that C&R International hosts every year?"
Though there's no one in the room to see him, Jihyun maintains tight control of his facial expression upon hearing the name of his best friend's father's enterprise. "Go on."
"Well, you see… rumour has it that someone has hired an assassin for that night."
Jihyun is silent. On its own, a fact like that isn't strange. Assassinations take place at parties more often than one might expect considering the crowds, but in many cases the busyness just serves as a diversion and the party an inconspicuous setting in which to poison someone's drink. Even his own organization has had to deal with assassinations in the past.
He doesn't have to urge the other to continue this time, their tone turning steely as they carefully speak their next words. "The talks suggest that the Chairman is the target of the attack, and I have reason to believe the client is Jumin Han."
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As always, Jihyun is late, and as always, his breathing is slightly faster than usual from running down the corridor from the elevator, and he knows Jumin will be able to detect he was rushing. Ever since the first time Jihyun went to visit Jumin when they were about five years old he's never seemed to be able to make it on time, and he knows Jumin doesn't like the running but he can't help feeling he should at least save a few seconds when his friend's been waiting around for him.
"You know, there's really no need to run," Jumin says upon opening the door. It never fails.
"I'm sorry," Jihyun apologizes, and Jumin steps aside to let him in. Jumin is wearing a white dress shirt and black pants, though his vest is still on and from that Jihyun can tell he only recently got back from work. "I told you it's urgent and then arrived late…"
"It's fine," Jumin insists, and Jihyun decides he'd best get to the point quickly, passing Jumin to take a seat at the little table by the window. At anyone else's house he'd let his host lead him, but Jumin's is and has been for years a second home to Jihyun, so he doesn't mind forgoing manners here and there.
Jumin follows him, taking the opposite seat, and Jihyun leans forward to rest his elbows on the table. Jumin nods to assure Jihyun that he's listening, and Jihyun begins, the way he rehearsed it in the car on the way here. "We've received a new mission."
Jumin leans back in his seat, probably wondering why something so ordinary warranted an urgent meeting, and just like that Jihyun forgets everything he was going to say. He bites his lip, trying to make the words come back to him, and Jumin's face shifts, brows drawing down.
"Is something wrong?"
Jihyun closes his eyes and doesn't respond, the question difficult in this situation. The missions they take usually aren't personal, though many of the ones Jumin gets assigned to involve people he knows through work or ones involving negotiations of some form. This is of a different scale, though.
"V?" he hears Jumin's voice again and lets out a sigh before opening his eyes. The practiced words aren't coming back and there's no reason to make Jumin more nervous by delaying it.
"Jumin, I think someone is trying to kill your father."
Jumin's eyes widen and Jihyun feels his stomach sink.
"What do you mean?" Jumin asks, hands closing atop the table into fists. "Someone tried to hire us to…?"
Jihyun shakes his head. "It's… worse than that."
Jumin narrows his eyes at Jihyun impatiently, lips tightened in a flat line, and Jihyun draws a breath before explaining, "The client wants us to stop the assassination, and according to them, you're the one who ordered it."
Jumin's eyes flash, sword-silver, engaging Jihyun in a hot glare as if to drown him in magma, and Jihyun swallows though he knows Jumin's anger isn't directed at him per se, reaching across the table to grasp his friend's hand in an attempt to calm him down. Jumin's muscles tighten in response, but a moment passes and he exhales through his nose, unclenching his fist. Jihyun waits a moment, then intertwines his fingers with Jumin's.
"I… did no such thing," Jumin mumbles, voice low and thin in patience. "Obviously."
"Of course not," Jihyun reassures him, and with another deep breath Jumin relaxes. Jumin's always had a well of unconditional love for his father, the lengths Jumin would go to for the Chairman and the time the two of them would spend together was always something Jihyun admired and wished he could also have for himself.
As the heir of the corporation, though, perhaps it isn't so surprising that Jumin would be the one the rumours would accuse.
Jumin pulls their hands apart, leaning back and folding his arms. "I suppose I should be grateful that they gave their tip to you, of all people."
"Well, no one knows I'm part of the organization, let alone its head."
"That's true," he sighs again. "Rumours… aren't of interest to me, and the media always wants to make it out that my father and I are fighting, but… I didn't account for the possibility that someone might scapegoat me in an attempt on my father's life."
Jihyun nods. "I've thought about it and I agree that you're probably being framed... but, the important question is, who actually hired the assassin?" He folds his arm, resting his chin on his hand, fingers curled against his face. The nails of his other hand tap the table. "The person who called said the assassin's been hired for the big party your company holds on New Year's Eve."
"Of course," Jumin mutters. "Masks… such a stupid idea."
"It's a convenient one for us," Jihyun stresses. "It'll be less noticeable we're gathering information when it takes extra time to identify someone."
"You stand out either way," Jumin counters. "Your hair is turquoise."
It amuses Jihyun that Jumin never chooses to just call his hair 'blue', the desire for precision that makes Jumin an excellent businessperson and agent unfaltering since they were children.
"And I'm the Chairman's son," Jumin continues. "People will definitely notice if I'm gone."
"Then it'll be a challenge," Jihyun smiles. Jumin doesn't seem to take to the sentiment and Jihyun controls his expression again. "I'll do most of the work," Jihyun says. "As you already know, I'm experienced in these areas, and you and I actually have reason to be at the party, unlike most of the others in the organization. We'll have to be careful, but we always are, especially you. I sincerely believe that we can do this."
Jumin's hand moves to grasp the cuff of his sleeve, not taking his eyes off of Jihyun. "If you'll be doing most of the work, then… there's a chance you could be hurt."
"A chance we have to take in every mission," Jihyun reminds him. Jumin rolls his shoulders back.
"You're right," he concedes.
Jihyun had already considered trying to bring Luciel in on the mission, but because of the accusations around Jumin already, he decided it would be best to keep as few people informed about the mission as possible. Even a joke among their friends regarding the matter could be deadly if it somehow leaked. And on a personal level, Jihyun would rather deal with a situation that involves his best friend himself instead of sending someone else to do it.
"Well," Jumin says, and Jihyun focuses in again. "… The person who called you certainly knew a lot about the situation, didn't they."
The corner of Jihyun's lip quirks up. "I see we had the same thought."
"As usual," Jumin says, sitting up. "Were they secretive about their identity to you when they called?"
Jihyun shakes his head, and Jumin looks at him expectantly. "I think it's because they were confident in their alibi… Jumin. Do you remember if anything significant is happening at the party this year?"
Jumin narrows his eyes. "Significant?" His eyes roam Jihyun's face like an explorer searching for treasure, but Jihyun keeps quiet. "Well… we generally invite major stockholders and people who want to close contracts to the ball to celebrate the deals that were made. There are multiple corporations we'll be signing with on New Year's…"
He prattles on, listing the names of multiple corporations, and it occurs to Jihyun that Jumin might have just pushed the entire thing out of his mind because he doesn't want to think about it. "Jumin."
Jumin blinks. "Yes?"
"There's another contract your father will be signing at the party. With a person… Glam Choi?"
Jumin's nose wrinkles, and then his eyes go wide. "I forgot," he breathes, the lines in his face smoothing out, expression turning to stone. "The marriage contract, and the announcement of the wedding date."
Jihyun nods, and Jumin's hands fall on the table. "So she's the one who called you, then—my father's fiancée. And she's trying to frame me for my father's death."
Jihyun nods again, and with that confirmation Jumin rises to his feet, Jihyun following. "Jumin, wait."
"I have to tell him," Jumin says, meeting Jihyun's eyes again with fire, burning and alive and crackling in a way that even the best photographs can't capture and Jihyun feels a chill run up his spine.
"Jumin, think about this," he pleads, and Jumin remains still. "You are already being accused of ordering an assassination on your father. Glam Choi has good relationships with gossip media, unlike you, who frequently refuses to engage with it, and your father isn't one to turn down an interview. If it somehow comes out that you warned your father about Glam Choi, you could be in danger… in fact, it might be that much easier to frame you in the long run."
Jumin blinks, and Jihyun contains his sigh of relief when Jumin runs a weary hand through his hair, sinking down again in his seat. Jihyun pulls his own chair around to sit closer and weaves his fingers through Jumin's again.
"You're right, of course," Jumin resigns, not looking up from the glossy tabletop, marred now with their fingerprints. "I wouldn't be able to explain how I acquired the information anyway… he'd likely turn against me if I were to warn him."
Jihyun winces at Jumin's words, his grip on his friend's hand tightening for just a moment. He didn't mean to make Jumin doubt his relationship with his father by voicing his concern. He licks his lip, wondering if he should say something or apologize, but Jumin speaks up while he's thinking.
"Then," he turns his head to look at Jihyun and Jihyun turns also to meet his gaze. They really are quite close like this, Jumin's chocolate brown hair only a few inches from brushing V's face. "What do you suggest we do?"
"What we'd do in any other situation," Jihyun answers. "We go to the ball, and we stop the assassination ourselves."
Jumin closes his eyes, dark lashes so long they barely touch his cheekbones. "If that's what you think is best, then… I will trust you, and do as you say."
The city lights reflect on the window, bright enough that they might've been able to see each other even without the penthouse lighting that renders every corner visible, and Jihyun swears to Jumin that he won't misplace his trust.
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At first, Jihyun thought it incredible that Glam Choi have so much confidence in the assassin she's hired as to request that Jihyun's organization interfere just to make herself appear less suspicious. It occurred later to Jumin and Jihyun that there may not be an assassin at all, though understanding why Glam would lie about that to their organization in particular is difficult. More likely, hiring the organization was meant as a type of insurance, so if the assassination failed she could use her attempt to prevent it as an alibi. That means they'll have to find damning evidence against Glam Choi in addition to the basic mission of stopping the assassination.
Glam had requested that Jihyun meet her in person prior to the mission, but Jihyun insisted on keeping their communication restricted to phones and assured her that his own contacts could get him a place on the guest list without her involvement. Of course, he didn't explain that his ticket into the party is the very man Glam is accusing. Decked in a form-fitting black dress coat with large lapel flaps and zigzag buttoning, a black mask covering his face from his forehead to his cheekbones, it strikes Jihyun how long it's been since he's attended this sort of party. New Year's Eve and the holiday time surrounding it are busy for work, with money and family grievances on people's minds more than any other season. Of course, this is a job too, but C&R International's annual ball is of a caliber even some of the richest parties Jihyun has attended can't quite capture.
The blend of perfumes in the air is rich, floral with the spices of incense, the scent filling Jihyun's lungs before he's even stepped into the grand ballroom. Each guest had been specially presented as they entered and greeted by the Chairman, but Jihyun couldn't find his keys just before it was time to leave and missed the introductions by the time he arrived at the event. It may be for the best not to draw much attention to himself, though. The Chairman ordered a live orchestra for the event, and their music rings through the hall without overpowering the voices of many of the wealthiest people in South Korea, engaged in business conversations as well as gossiping around the hall while others take to the dance floor. Were it not for a prohibition of photography at the ball except by those specifically hired for it, Jihyun would have brought his camera to capture the intricate details of the large and ornate skirts swishing across the high gloss floors, masks custom designed for their wearers encrusted in jewels so precious they could be in museums. Glam Choi could not have chosen a more dramatic setting for an attempt on the Chairman's life.
"Late," a voice monotones from behind him, and Jihyun wonders how Jumin managed to find him so quickly, turning on his heel to face him.
"I'm sorry," Jihyun apologizes. His friend wears a black blazer unbuttoned, contrasted sharply with white satin lapels. His turndown shirt is black behind a white waistcoat, unmistakable silver eyes blinking through a white mask, and Jihyun realizes that unintentionally they've matched their outfits.
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"I wouldn't expect less from you," Jumin asserts. "I've watched the entrance since ten minutes after introductions started."
Jihyun sighs. "I suppose I should go greet your father."
"Yes," Jumin agrees, and it's harder to discern his expression from behind the mask, but the way he barely purses his lips is enough to tell Jihyun that he's anxious. Surrounded by the crowd, it's neither the time nor the place for reassuring words, so Jihyun gives Jumin's arm a quick squeeze before scanning the room for the Chairman. It's not really because of the Chairman himself that Jihyun needs to greet him—actually, Jihyun's not sure the Chairman has memorized his name over all these years—but other guests will notice it if the latecomer doesn't greet him, and Jihyun doesn't need any more eyes than what's strictly necessary watching him tonight.
He spots the Chairman standing at the railings that overlook the dance floor up the grand marble staircases, dressed in a black and red florally patterned vest and a double-breasted long coat. Jihyun gives Jumin a final nod of acknowledgment before leaving to greet the Chairman. From above, Jumin doesn't stand out too much in the crowd of people, despite his tall stature and the striking outfit. It's likely that he'll be made to dance with some of the guests, which Jumin hates, but at least in this setting he knows to expect it.
It's not until Jihyun's ascended the staircase that he notices Glam Choi, who stands closer to the wall yet still in earshot of the Chairman, speaking to a couple sitting at one of the balcony tables. Her long brown hair has been delicately braided into an updo that accentuates her long neck, loose wispy curls framing her face. The bodice of her fiery orange gown is adorned with jewels that match the details of her mask, the metal cut so finely and precisely it gives the illusion of being made of lace. The bodice flows into the poufy skirts like lava, ruffles set in motion at even her slightest movement.
Jihyun gives a pointed look to the Chairman, who catches Jihyun's eye with one of his blue-grey ones, then waits by the railing for a chance to speak with him. The orchestra finishes the song they're playing and move onto another, and Jihyun is almost growing dizzy at the uniform way which people move below him when Chairman Han steps over.
"Good evening, Mr. Han," Jihyun steps back from the railing, outstretching his hand first. The Chairman has the same grip as his son when they shake, or perhaps it'd be more accurate to say Jumin has the same grip as his father. Jihyun pulls his hand away with a cordial smile, grateful not for the first time that Luciel programmed his phone to disguise his voice so Glam wouldn't be able to detect him that way.
"Good evening," Chairman Han responds, and Jihyun notices that the Chairman avoids addressing him by name. In this case, it's probably for the best, since if Mr. Han paid more attention to what Jihyun meant to Jumin and identified him as such, it could potentially spell out trouble later for the goal of stopping the assassination. Still, he can't help being a little surprised that after more than twenty years of flying places with his son and staying in their home Mr. Han barely knows who he is. "I see that you weren't introduced when you entered. Were you all right getting here?"
"I was, thank you," Jihyun says. "And I apologize for my lateness."
"Not at all," the Chairman smiles kindly. "You're here now, and the ball is better for it. Thank you for attending."
"The pleasure is mine," Jihyun ascertains. "I can already tell that tonight will be marvellous, as always with C&R International."
"Flattery," the older man's blue-grey eyes twinkle behind the red mask he wears, and he steps back to reach his arm toward his fiancée, who's finished her conversation with the other couple and walks over to where the Chairman and Jihyun are standing. "Darling," he greets her.
"My love," Glam says with a sultry smile as his arm wraps around her waist.
"I don't believe you've met this young man before?" Mr. Han asks rhetorically.
"No, I don't believe I have," Glam answers, and Jihyun decides it best to interject with his own introduction than to leave the Chairman to choose his words.
"I'm Jihyun Kim," he extends his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Choi."
Her fingers are long and made to look even longer by her nails, which have jewels glued onto them to go with her dress. "I see you already know who I am," she observes, and Jihyun wonders if revealing so may have been a mistake. Her smile afterward tells him otherwise, though.
Jihyun nods. "It would be regrettable to miss a person of your talent."
Glam laughs, and the Chairman joins in. "I'd better watch before you sweep her off her feet and away from me," he jokes.
"Dear, don't worry about that," Glam reassures him, and Jihyun smiles politely. "You're the only one for me."
"How lucky I am," Mr. Han replies, the wrinkles of his face lined in a smile before he turns his attention back to Jihyun. "Please, help yourself to some of the delicacies being served while you mingle tonight. We've had chefs imported from across the globe, and there are some very interesting flavours."
"Thank you, Mr. Han," Jihyun gives them a short bow. "I'll be sure to."
"Enjoy the rest of your evening, Mr. Kim," the Chairman says. Jihyun thanks him again, and the Chairman turns to speak with another couple, Glam's arm laced through his. Jihyun affords himself a glance over the banister, looking for Jumin, but distinguishing him from others on the floor is a task in and of itself. He's thankful to find he isn't the only one here with an unusual hair colour, though. It seems fashion trends have changed since he was fifteen and started dyeing his.
The best place to start working would be with the ballroom gossip. As the person responsible for keeping up with public opinion, Zen had been able to provide Jihyun with the current talk surrounding Jumin and the Chairman, though he grumbled when Jihyun wouldn't provide a reason for needing the information. According to Zen, the media fixated on a supposed argument that broke out between Jumin and the Chairman, and when Jihyun reached out to ask Jaehee about it, she informed him that reporters were calling every day but that she didn't bother notifying Jumin because he's never interested in engaging them. Supposedly, the rumour receiving the most traction claims Jumin requested his father retire early so Jumin could take over the company.
Glam doesn't just work fast, she works well. The rumour would set the stage for the rest of the evening. Jihyun accepts a glass of sparkling water with a lemon wedge pressed into the edge of the cup from a passing server, then introduces himself to a group of three men leaning against a banister. Networking, after all, is part of the reason C&R holds these parties, so talking to strangers isn't such an unusual thing to do. The men introduce themselves as well—Mr. Jeon, whose mask looks to be made of cracked stone, plated with gold; Mr. Park, wearing a royal purple tuxedo; and Mr. Kang, whose hair is so dark his black mask seems to blend into it.
"I see you arrived late," Mr. Kang comments. "But that means you had reason to have a one-on-one conversation with the Chairman sooner than most of the others here, so perhaps it was a wise decision."
Jihyun smiles. "Speaking to Mr. Han firsthand early on can have its advantages," he says, and the other men murmur their agreement. "How are you enjoying your evening?"
"It's extravagant, as always with C&R," Mr. Park remarks.
"It's only appropriate, considering the value of the tickets," Mr. Jeon shrugs.
"Still," Mr. Park replies. "Something so fanciful seems contradictory… especially with the mask nonsense."
"I like the masks," Mr. Jeon informs him.
Mr. Park looks at Jihyun. "What do you think?"
The idle conversation is perhaps Jihyun's least favourite part of coming to such parties. He'd prefer to listen to other people talk than actually discuss things himself, but being a complete wallflower could have the opposite effect of keeping attention off of himself. "I enjoy some extravagance on New Year's Eve."
"Yes, exactly," Mr. Jeon agrees, and Mr. Park remains silent.
"… I could do without being asked if I've brought a date, though," Mr. Kang comments. "That always seems to become a focus when Mr. Han gets involved with anything."
"Because he always has a different date," Mr. Park adds disdainfully. "He and the newest are actually going to be signing a marriage contract here of all places, and right after the countdown, too… he only just got his divorce a few months ago."
Mr. Jeon nods. "It is quite tasteless, I'll admit that." He looks at Jihyun, seeming to remember he's there. "We had a chance to speak to her earlier… she certainly seems happy about it, though that's no surprise considering what she's marrying into." He gestures toward the dance floor below.
"And she's so much younger than him," notes Mr. Park.
"I suppose she'd receive the bulk of his inheritance if anything were to happen to him," Mr. Kang says.
"Do you think that's why he and his son are supposedly fighting?"
Jihyun's ears perk up at Mr. Jeon's comment. "They're fighting?" he asks.
"People have been talking a lot about it tonight," Mr. Jeon looks at him. "Apparently there's been tension lately."
The talk of the night… so it is severe. Jihyun nods with faux thoughtfulness.
"I haven't really seen the Chairman speak to his son much all night so far," Mr. Kang comments. "So there may be some truth to it."
"Well, it's still a ball," Mr. Jeon disagrees. "He probably has other people to talk to. I don't know though… the guest list seems to have more new people on it than usual, and at a party like this…"
Mr. Park sighs. "Something always happens."
"New people?" Jihyun inquires.
There's a moment of quiet before the orchestra starts playing a new song, and the ballroom goes quiet too, as if the conversations were all turned off at once. Not an uncommon practice at such parties because it allows some small privacy in those few moments where anything said can be more easily overheard, but more importantly to Jihyun, it's a sign that secrets are being exchanged.
"Well…" Mr. Jeon says, head moving up and down exaggeratedly to look Jihyun over. "There's you, for instance… though, actually, you aren't really new, are you? I think I remember you from about three years ago…"
"Yes," Jihyun confirms. "Unfortunately last minute circumstances forced me away the last few years."
"I remember," Mr. Park says. "You said you're a photographer, right? I bought a piece from you after a party one year."
"Oh… of course," Jihyun says, remembering now. It was a simple photo, one of a flower by a brook. Jihyun loved that photo because of the way the sun glistened on the water and reflected onto the flower.
"It hangs in my office now," Mr. Park tells him, and Jihyun gives him a genuine smile.
"I'm honoured."
Mr. Park nods, and Mr. Kang gestures to get their attention, leaning against the railing.
"You can see some of the new people below," he says, assuming a more nonchalant position. "There was one woman who was introduced without a surname, for example, and owners of smaller businesses that C&R doesn't usually deal with… you can tell who they are by their outfits."
Mr. Jeon snickers at that and Mr. Park scoffs at his snickering, but Jihyun's mind is at work. There are only two types of people at this party: attendees, including new guests as well as old ones; and the crew, which includes the kitchen staff, servers, cleanup, security, and ushers. The most obvious and easiest move Glam could make would be to invite the assassin as an extra guest to the ball. The subtlest would be to disguise them as a member of the staff, though because most of them have worked with each other for many years it would be difficult to accomplish such a feat without being caught almost immediately. The least likely move would be to use one of the older guests as the assassin, since Glam's contacts are entirely separate from the Chairman's, and she doesn't have anything to offer guests of this status that they can't obtain themselves through less incriminating methods. The next course of action, consequently, would be to investigate the newer guests—identifiable by, as Mr. Kang pointed out, their lackluster ensembles.
Jihyun spends a few minutes more speaking to the group, then bids the gentlemen a good evening and descends the staircase. He'll have to listen around for more gossip to gauge what others think of the new guests in the room, especially because underdressing is a severe crime in these circles so he can be sure that discussion will abound. First, though, he should check in with Jumin.
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Jumin is speaking with the CEO of a major software production company when he sees turquoise hair approaching from the corner of his eye. The parts of C&R that Jumin oversees generally aren't involved in technology production, so it's not a particularly important conversation, and Jumin politely takes his leave of the other in favour of his best friend.
"Enjoying yourself?" Jihyun asks once they're standing in front of each other. Jumin shrugs.
"I suppose so," he answers, and though normally he'd put more effort into faking enthusiasm it's a bit difficult knowing there's likely an assassin in the room and that they could strike at any moment. Though, Jumin supposes, it's most likely the assassin would wait until after the marriage contract is signed to make their move. Jihyun's face doesn't falter, and it's always a bit strange for Jumin to think of how utterly professional his friend is when on a job, even though Jihyun has always been this way. Jumin really ought to collect himself as well, since his nervousness would do him no favours and letting his emotions influence his actions is generally a terrible idea. "Are you?"
"I am," Jihyun answers. "Have you spoken to your father yet all night?"
"Only after I entered," Jumin responds, though now that he's said it he realizes he doesn't have much justification for that, other than a subconscious worry that being around his father would compel him to warn him and make the situation worse than it already is.
"Ah…" Jihyun says.
"I lost track of time, speaking to the people here," Jumin says, in case anyone is listening, which they always are. "The ball is only a few short hours, after all, and the opportunities to communicate with valued contacts are boundless. You're right, though. I should see how my father is doing."
Jihyun gives Jumin the cordial smile he gives everyone, but Jumin can see in it that his friend approves of the direction Jumin has taken the conversation. "Then I'll speak with you later, Jumin."
Jumin agrees, and Jihyun walks the perimeters of the room to greet people, and, perhaps more importantly, to listen in on other people. Jumin moves up the stairs, saying hello to people on the way, and realizes neither his father nor Glam Choi are here anymore, which means they've retreated into one of the private quarters. Jumin swallows. It's customary for his father to leave after a certain amount of entertaining if for no other purpose than to remind the guests of the importance and rareness of his availability, but under tonight's circumstances the prospect of the two of them being alone makes Jumin nervous. He wonders if he should wait for their return since the main purpose of greeting them in the first place would be to appease the guests, but the prospect that his father won't return is too great a burden on his mind, so he asks the security guard at the door to let Jumin into the private quarters as well.
He wanders inside. The ball is held at one of his father's mansions. It isn't one that his father actually lives in during the year, and Jumin suspects he really only owns the place so he can impress women with it. … Actually, now that Jumin considers it, if Glam has been staying here then there's a chance it may be possible to find evidence against her among her belongings in the private quarter. He'll have to scope it out himself later, when he gets the chance.
The halls are excessively long, with more rooms than they would ever need, but Jumin peers into every one that he passes, searching for his father and Glam Choi. The pit in his stomach grows with each step, until finally he turns a corner and hears muffled voices. He softens his footsteps, careful not to be heard, until he can make out the words.
"… tell you how many times, it'd age me," he hears his father laugh.
"Oh, believe me, I know you have a youthful charm to you," Glam's breathy voice slips through the door.
"You're always so bold…" his father replies, and Jumin's lip curls. Forget eavesdropping, he doesn't need to listen to this.
He knocks on the door with the backs of his fingers.
"Who's that?" Glam asks.
"Jumin Han," Jumin answers, though the question isn't directed at him.
He hears some shuffling behind the door. "Ah, give us a moment," his father says, and blood rushes to Jumin's cheeks, regretting coming to check on them. Jumin's not sure why he expected his father would at least have the decency not to do this sort of thing at the most famous event the company holds all year, but clearly it was a mistake.
"… I can come back later," Jumin mutters.
"No, no, I wanted to talk to you," his father says through the door, and Jumin runs his hands over his face and behind his neck with a sigh.
A few moments later, the door opens.
"I apologize for keeping you from your father," Glam says when she opens the door. All her makeup is intact, and Jumin wonders if he might've misjudged the situation… though she may just have good quality makeup. He presses his fingernails hard into the palms of his hands—stop thinking about it.
"It's not a problem," Jumin lies. "I just wanted to see that everything is all right."
"Everything is all right," his father opens the door wider from behind Glam. "And how are you finding the evening?"
"Productive," Jumin states. "I've already officially closed negotiations with six people."
His father raises his eyebrows. "Six?"
"Well, I'm doing what I came to do," Jumin says pointedly.
"Your son is so diligent," Glam comments, and Jumin resists the urge to roll his eyes since they're still visible behind the mask. "I'm impressed."
"Yes…" Jumin's father agrees faintly. "Though, you're at a party, Jumin. Allow yourself to relax for the night. Maybe find a lady to dance with. There are many beautiful women here…"
Jumin takes extra care to keep his face still. His father would know all about that. "I would rather do my work, thank you."
"What about some of the people that Glam suggested for guests?" Jumin's father ignores him. "I spoke to one of them, Sarah, and she seemed like a lovely girl. Actually, I was about to introduce you to her when I saw you discussing work with someone and thought it best not to interrupt you."
"I appreciate it, Father," Jumin replies, stepping further back into the hall.
"Then please, dance with Sarah," his father presses. "I think she'll be a valuable asset to the company. We can discuss it in more detail soon."
Jumin chews his cheek, doubting it and not thrilled by the prospect of dancing a full song with a stranger his unreliable father has judged to be valuable to the company, but even in the private quarters it's worth it to be careful what he says, so he nods obediently. "One dance."
"That's all I ask of you," his father concedes. "Now, let's return to the ball."
His father falls into step beside Jumin and his fiancée next to him—his fiancée who plans to have him murdered this very night. And to think what they were doing before…
Jumin's stomach twists in knots, the effort to keep his mouth shut more enormous and difficult than any task he's undertaken in years. This woman, who his father is so infatuated with as to order Jumin to dance with someone just because she recommended it, would have his father dead… She doesn't deserve his father's affections, but then, few of the ones who receive it actually do.
He remembers Sarah. She was introduced without a surname, which Jumin thought was quite presumptuous considering she's a nobody, and her hair is raspberry pink. His father had made a point to highlight her to Jumin when they were greeting the guests, and Sarah expressed a desire to speak to Jumin later, though most of the others did as well.
Once they've re-entered the ballroom Jumin sweeps the room for her, his eyes skipping over fuchsia and blush until they find her, dressed in an extravagant silver gown with a large skirt of tightly bunched sheer fabric. Her cheeks are very red, and Jumin thinks whoever did her makeup must have used too much blush. She stands alone, drinking from a glass of wine, and he supposes he may as well get this over with.
"I'll speak to you again later, Father," Jumin says. "And you, Ms. Choi."
He leaves their presence with a bow, heads down the stairs and strides around the dance area, stopping a few paces from Sarah to take a breath and collect his nerves. It's only one dance, and he knows it's coming… there's no reason to get worked up over it. It's a ball, dancing is only a formality and the dance floor is hardly a place to discuss business, so she won't have much opportunity to try anything. He just needs to focus on the motions and the music, as he always does when he's needed on missions of this sort… yes. Ultimately, this is a mission, and if he focuses on that aspect it will make going through with the dance easier than remembering his father asked this of him.
He can't just linger here for long, anyway, or people will wonder, so he takes the final steps to Sarah.
"Good evening, Sarah," Jumin says, and she turns to face him. "I believe we met earlier."
"Ah, Jumin Han," Sarah acknowledges with a smile. "We did, but not for very long. I'm glad you came over to talk to me. Your father told me you would, though."
Jumin gives her a short nod. "May I have this dance?" he asks, offering his hand, and Sarah's mask is lifted slightly off her cheeks when she grins and accepts it. They step out together onto the dance floor with a few other couples, facing each other and exchanging bows as the music starts again.
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Jihyun sees Jumin walk onto the dance floor, a woman with pink hair holding his hand, and tunes out momentarily from the conversation the nearby couple was having that he'd been listening in on. Sarah… Jihyun learned her name through the comments of many of the guests, most of whom didn't recognize her and hadn't heard of her company. Jumin doesn't like to dance with strangers, and ensuring he is forced to face situations that make him uncomfortable as little as possible is a task Jihyun took upon himself years ago, often by asking his friend to dance just to keep others on the floor away from him. Jumin is a good dancer, though, and probably looks natural to the majority of the guests, though Jihyun knows him well enough to note his stiffer-than-usual shoulders. Jumin had only just exited the private quarters, so Jihyun guesses it was probably the Chairman's idea for Jumin to dance with her…
Or perhaps it was Glam's idea. Jihyun narrows his eyes and steps closer to the balcony, pretending to be watching the dance taking place below while listening for the thoughts of those around him. He'd already learned from eavesdropping earlier that people were questioning Jumin's relationship with her, since Sarah had supposedly thanked him specifically for her invitation.
"…certainly doesn't take after his father," a woman standing nearby says. "How old is he anyway? Nearly thirty, I believe? And it took him this long to get a single date?"
Jumin would be pleased to hear that one, except for the part about Sarah being his date.
"Yes, well… one has to wonder, considering what's supposedly afoot tonight," the lady standing with her says. "Invited by the Chairman's son, and no one's ever heard of her… and then there's the rumours."
"Hush!" her friend urges. "Someone might hear you."
Jihyun sighs. He's not sure how Glam managed to convince the other attendees that Sarah is Jumin's guest, but now he knows he's not the only one suspicious about the girl dancing below's reasons for being at the party. This dance isn't really making things any better for their cause. It almost seems… too obvious, considering Glam had assigned Jihyun the objective of stopping the assassination. Why is she making it so easy for him?
Below, Jumin is mesmerizing. His motions are smooth, each one blending into the next in perfect time with the shifting music notes. He leads the dance, and Sarah keeps up with skilled, practiced motions—actually.
Jihyun leans against the banister. Sarah's footwork is precise, in fact, it's as precise as Jumin's, with light steps that would be near silent even if the orchestra were to stop playing. Jihyun glances around at the other guests to see if they notice, but no one comments on it, which he supposes isn't strange since only someone trained to know what skills benefit agents would know to look for them. In any case, it lends credibility to the theory—it's likely that Sarah is involved somehow in Glam Choi's plot.
Sarah's mask goes over the tip of her nose and covers her eyes and some of her forehead, so it's not entirely disguising, but it's clear from other guests that no one at this party has heard of her. If her name was only stated as written by Glam for the guest list and announced along with some company with no prominence—perhaps one started for the express purpose of this mission—it's possible that with her hair dyed a less noticeable colour she'd be completely unrecognizable once the plot is complete.
Jihyun resists the urge to chew his lip, lost in thought. Sarah… if she's not the assassin herself then she's a distraction. Or a scapegoat. If she's skilled enough, she might be able to escape right after the task is complete, and the attention would be on Jumin, the one most people here are convinced is plotting some move against the Chairman and who is now dancing with her on the ballroom floor.
Glam doesn't know about Jihyun's connection to Jumin, nor does she know that Jihyun himself is the one she hired for this job. If things had gone according to Glam's plan, right now it would be very obvious to Jihyun that Sarah is the assassin, and he, like the guests, would be watching Jumin dance with her and perhaps hypothesizing that the two of them are in a relationship, and that Jumin plans to find a way to clear her name once his father is dead.
Jihyun closes his eyes.
If Jumin were really plotting to assassinate his father tonight, wouldn't he want to do it before the marriage contract is signed? If the assassination were to occur after that, then he'd have to share his fortune with Glam. But if it happens before the signing, then Glam won't receive any of Chairman Han's money, which would be counter-productive. It would have to occur after the fact. But in that case… even with the motive she's created for Jumin, it'd be obvious that Glam is the one who'd benefit most from a strike against the Chairman after the contract is signed.
Jihyun is distracted from his thoughts when the room bursts into applause, and he looks down at the ballroom floor to see Jumin holding Sarah in a low dip, and the two of them straighten together. Of course… Jumin always prefers a grand finale.
Jihyun claps too, masking his frustration. There could not be a worse time for Jumin to be showing off, though Jihyun is glad to see Jumin is well enough after the dance despite the discomfort he must have felt.
He feels his work phone move in his suit pocket with three long vibrations and glances casually around the ballroom. It can't be anyone other than Glam, since that's the vibrate tone he set for her, but if he takes out his phone here he'll reveal himself. Glam is downstairs, somewhere out of Jihyun's line of sight, but that doesn't mean she or any of the other guests she's invited can't see him. And if he excuses himself now, that'll draw even more suspicion.
He'll have to check it out later, though it's most likely that the message will be pointing out Sarah as the potential assassin. What he really needs now is something concrete, some sign of what the actual plan is to take down the Chairman so that he can make his move to stop it. For now, he still has time, at least until the Chairman and Glam sign the marriage contract, but without an understanding of what move Sarah will make, it's difficult to assess how he should retaliate. Assuming, of course, that Sarah really is the assassin.
Jihyun sees Jumin break away from a short conversation with her to speak with a few guests who approached him—two of them dressed with the kind of customary extravagance expected for this sort of party, and the last one in a simple red gown Jihyun thinks Mr. Kang would scoff at. If Glam really wants this assassination to happen, then she could just be throwing Sarah at Jihyun as a red herring. Would Glam really go to such lengths?
He thinks back to his and Jumin's earlier thought that there may be no assassin at all, a notion they'd dismissed almost as soon as it was suggested. After all, it wouldn't make sense for Glam to go through the trouble of unearthing contact information for Jihyun's organization, which also happens to be very expensive to hire, just to pretend she made some effort in stopping an assassination that isn't going to take place.
But what if hiring Jihyun isn't just a backup plan in case the assassination fails? She must know of the organization's reputation—they rarely fail missions, and had influence in some of the most important matters in the country through their work. If Glam had the resources to hire Jihyun to stop the assassination, then surely she also had the resources to hire Jihyun's organization to carry through the assassination in the first place. Known for having contacts almost everywhere, Jihyun could have put together a highly sophisticated assassination, perhaps more sophisticated than whatever Sarah and Glam currently have planned. Why hire such a competent organization to topple a plan that you want to see succeed?
Jihyun feels his heart race in his chest, and he grips the railing a little tighter to steady his shaking hands, realizing he might have been thinking about the entire situation incorrectly from the very beginning.
Perhaps Glam never intended for the assassination to succeed. Perhaps her only goal for the night is to cast Jumin out of the picture.
And if that's the case, then they may have less time than Jihyun thought.
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Down the stairs, across the room, engaged in a conversation with the owner of a cosmetics franchise from the Middle East and trying to calm down his rattling heart in the aftermath of having to dance with a stranger he's now certain is going to try to kill his father, Jumin has come to the same conclusion. The care Sarah took in her motions wasn't one of a dancer, and even hidden as her legs are beneath her many layers of skirts Jumin noticed she kept her right leg stiff for the entirety of the dance. A weapon, then, probably tucked against her leg in a stocking or something similar, long enough to reach past her knee. The long skirts disguise her limping for the most part, so much so that even Jumin didn't notice at first, though his sharp perception is part of what makes him a good agent. The dance was a mistake.
A passing server offers drinks and Jumin accepts a wine glass, his first drink all night, taking a few sips to calm his nerves. The dance made Jumin realize something very important that he'd neglected to pay attention to before—he too is an agent, and that is something Glam doesn't know—a fact that can be used to his advantage in more ways than just to be aware the assassination attempt will happen.
He sees Jihyun coming down the stairs in his peripheral vision and excuses himself from speaking to the cosmetics specialist, noting a subtle urgency to the way Jihyun walks that tells Jumin the wine is probably the only thing that'll grant him any amount of relaxation tonight. He fights the instinctual desire to meet Jihyun halfway so not to look suspicious.
"Jumin," Jihyun starts, and Jumin can tell instantly that they're thinking the same thing, Jihyun's mouth set in a grim line.
"I know," Jumin replies, and Jihyun nods, believing him without needing further clarification. In times like this, it really strikes Jumin how useful it is that they've known each other and spent nearly all their time together for over twenty years. While he does have a general understanding of nonverbal cues in communication, his friend's particular patterns are etched so strongly into his mind that even when working and deliberately disguising their responses he can still read Jihyun effortlessly.
The strike will happen soon. He takes another sip of the wine, the more imminent threat replacing the dance again as the most pressing stressor on his mind. It also doesn't help that Jumin hates this song, the bow screeching deliberately across the violin, and he grinds his teeth in annoyance.
"So then…" Jihyun murmurs, soft enough that all the noise nearly overpowers his voice. Jumin can see him struggling to convey his meaning without the conversation sounding strange to any potential eavesdroppers. If Glam's only purpose for the evening is to frame Jumin, then the variables are at once more and less complicated than they were when the two of them thought the assassination was meant to actually work. With a weapon attached to Sarah's leg, the possibility that the assassination is a multi-step plan that required much prior conceptualization is a lot smaller. Sarah would be the only person to make a move on Jumin's father. "A party as large as this one is an excellent setting for announcements that one wishes to receive a lot of attention."
Jihyun emphasizes the word to let Jumin know to replace it in his mind, but he needn't have because Jumin know what he means. It wasn't accidental that Glam chose the biggest party of the year for the assassination, especially because she doesn't actually intend for it to occur. All she needs is a spectacle, and that much is a clue they can work with. Jumin takes another sip of wine, closing his eyes and trying to focus. "I… suppose it follows that if one really wanted an announcement to get attention, they would make that announcement during the main event of the night."
Jumin's eyes open, and Jihyun's voice joins his in unison. "The countdown."
Of course… it would be happening right before the signing of the marriage contract. Jumin nearly forgot about what the New Year's Eve party actually means in all his stress about the marriage and the assassination. He and Jihyun watch one another for a moment, then Jihyun gives Jumin a short nod, and Jumin takes a long drink from his glass as his friend pulls his phone from his pocket to check the time.
"… It's ten thirty-seven," Jihyun informs him.
An hour and twenty-three minutes, then. That could be a lot of time or none at all, depending on what the plan is, and currently, they don't have one. Unsure of what to say, he brings the glass to his lips again. His father will surely want to kiss his girlfriend when the clock strikes, as he does with a different girlfriend every year. If the assassin strikes right at midnight, they may not be able to make as much of a commotion with all the focus being on the celebrations. That leaves two options—they'll either strike soon, before the beginning of the countdown—or wait until after, during the signing of the contract.
Ideally, Jumin and Jihyun would be able to find some kind of evidence of Glam's involvement before the attempt actually occurs, and expose her as well as stop the assassination all at once. But with a simpler plan involving just one assassin and some kind of large weapon, the probability that any tracks would be left behind is small.
"Jumin," Jihyun urges gently when Jumin moves to take another sip, and he stops himself when he realizes the glass is empty.
Jumin mumbles a thank you, and Jihyun nods.
"I'm starting to think," Jihyun muses, and Jumin folds his arms, the glass still held in one hand waiting for a server to pass carrying a tray he can place it on. "That instead of being preoccupied with details, we should be focusing on you."
"On me?" Jumin raises an eyebrow and feels it touch the inside of the mask. He'd nearly forgotten he was wearing one.
Jihyun nods. "We know what the purpose of the announcer is, and we should rethink our own purpose accordingly."
Glam's purpose…
So Jihyun is suggesting they shift their focus from stopping the assassination and put it instead on clearing Jumin's name. He looks up with surprise when Jihyun touches his arm, pulse accelerating again when he remembers dancing with Sarah.
"There's a way you can do both," Jihyun says. "One certain way that you can do both."
Jihyun needn't say anything more. While Glam may have chosen the party for her setting to publicly besmirch Jumin's name and relationship with his father forever, its high-profile nature also provides an opportunity for an act that could protect Jumin's reputation as a loving son for the rest of his life. It's simple, really, but it's a plan that could never work without Jumin's training as an agent.
Glam doesn't know the identities of anyone in the organization. She doesn't know Jihyun is Jumin's closest, and indeed only, friend, nor does she know that the Jihyun Kim she met for the first time earlier today is the person she hired to stop the assassination. Had Jumin been the person in the organization to keep track of mission assignments, it would've been him who picked up the phone to talk to Glam.
"So… you're saying we should wait," Jumin voices, and Jihyun gives him a small smile.
Wait until the assassination attempt happens, and use his own skills to publicly save his father's life.
Jumin's breath hitches. "What if I'm too slow?"
His friend's smile doesn't falter, and after a moment, Jumin nods. The risk of failure is always present, but Jumin isn't one to fail. Jihyun, of course, will still be here in case anything goes wrong, but it'd be preferable not to risk blowing his cover as an agent if they're really going to wait until the assassination actually happens to stop it.
He inhales shakily. "I may need another glass of wine."
"Be careful," Jihyun warns.
"I always am."
With nothing left to do but wait, Jihyun figures he may as well try to enjoy himself. It's difficult, though, knowing what a hard time Jumin is having. It's understandable. Jumin didn't bring any weapons to the ball, and what defending the Chairman would actually consist of is difficult to identify. It could mean stepping in to bodily protect him, or attacking Sarah, and Jumin and Jihyun's impaired ability to communicate due to the setting means there's no way to definitively know which Jumin is planning to go with. It's also discomforting to think of the distressing situation they're going to allow the Chairman to be put in, but they can't expose Sarah beforehand without evidence and it's possible she's been instructed to claim Jumin hired her if captured.
The servers are all dressed in simple black dress shirts and pants, with white masks that frame their eyes. A few of them serve at the tables around the ballroom floor. There are more tables upstairs, and while there is no official dinnertime scheduled in, anyone who chooses to sit is offered a menu to order off of, with all costs covered completely by the company. Jihyun notices most people who have chosen to eat ask for steak, and he sees Mr. Park is one of the people sitting down, engaged in conversation with another businessperson and seeming to use the table as a place for a meeting. Fitting, considering he didn't seem to enjoy the opulent displays put on by the Chairman for this event.
"Something light?" a server asks, holding a tray out to Jihyun, who's been standing by the wall alone for a few minutes now. The hors d'oeuvres are colourful, each one prepared with a precision that makes Jihyun wonder how much time it all takes. The Chairman did say that the chefs had been brought in from around the world, but that's not very strange for any meal provided by Jumin's family.
"Thank you," Jihyun says, delicately taking a canapé topped with a slice of folded smoked salmon, and the server moves on. He takes a bite, and as always, it doesn't disappoint, light and easy to eat without having to open his mouth too wide. It's eleven forty-five, and when he hears the Chairman's voice projected through speakers around the room, it occurs to Jihyun that he hasn't danced all night.
"Good evening, everyone," the Chairman says, standing at the top of the grand staircase. His fiancée stands at his side, and all heads in the room turn to look at them. "Thank you all for joining us here tonight. It's been an eventful evening, and I am always honoured that our most favoured partners have chosen to celebrate the New Year here with us at C&R."
Jihyun swallows, and the Chairman launches into listing all the new deals and contracts C&R signed over the course of the night, thanking each one that he names. Jumin is upstairs too, obscured by the railing, having been speaking to someone seated when his father stepped up. He's too far away for Jihyun to discern his expression, but he joins the crowd in clapping after each statement his father makes. The Chairman then goes on to discuss C&R's various accomplishments, most of which, Jihyun notes, are credited to Jumin's department.
"As a company," the Chairman goes on once he's concluded his list. "We've learned and grown over the past year. Our old relationships have become stronger, and we are grateful for all the new ones that we've made, and look forward to a long and prosperous future of business together."
He beams, and steps aside, arm held out in a gesture toward the woman on his left. "Of course, on a personal note, business relationships are not the only ones I've made this year. By now, all of you must have met her, and if you haven't, then you've certainly noticed her unparalleled beauty—"
Glam laughs, and Jihyun's eyes flit across the room to Mr. Kang, who's loudly coughing, then back to the Chairman.
"Meeting her was the best thing that has happened in my personal life this year," he says. "And I am so glad to announce that in about six minutes, after the countdown to the New Year, we will be signing a contract of marriage officially, and the date of our wedding in spring. Glam… thank you for being by my side this year."
Glam gives him a shining smile, taking his arm in hers. "Thank you for being by mine."
The crowd bursts into polite applause, slightly muffled since most people's hands are gloved.
"Before the night is over," the Chairman says. "I would like to ask my fiancée for the last dance of the year."
He takes one of Glam's hands in his and begins to move it to his lips.
And a voice breaks out across the room.
"Everybody, get down!"
Someone screams, and Jihyun and the others standing under the balcony's heads turn, searching for the source of the outburst.
"I said, get down!"
There's a loud sound like a firework.
The crowd freezes.
Something falls from above the balcony, hitting the floor with a loud, crushing thud, and Jihyun's eyes widen as he realizes it's one of the party's security guards.
He ducks, and when he angles his head upwards he sees her.
Standing in her ball gown, mask still covering her face, a long black rifle over her shoulder and aiming straight ahead at the opposite side of the room, where the Chairman and Glam have dropped to their knees.
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"Except," Sarah's voice rings out, echoing across the now-silent ballroom. "For the Chairman, and his fiancée."
The entire room seems to hold its breath, a deep and silent ocean as Glam begins to move, and the Chairman rises shakily with her to face the woman with the gun.
"Put your hands up," Sarah instructs. "Or I'll—"
The silence cracks.
Jumin stands, and Jihyun sees Sarah stiffen, hands tightening around the rifle.
"Drop your weapon," he orders. Jihyun looks at Glam, whose arms are raised, her jaw hanging open mutedly.
At her side, the Chairman clenches his fists. "Jumin, what are you—"
Sarah's lips tighten, and she refocuses her weapon on the Chairman again. He falls silent.
"Then I have no choice," Jumin says.
He picks something up from the dinner table beside him, and Sarah's lips move but have no time to emit a sound as Jumin propels his body forward, and something flies across the room.
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"Sarah!" Glam cries, and almost in slow motion, Sarah's gun drops, falling to the ballroom floor with a loud clatter as the woman is knocked backwards and out of Jihyun's field of vision. All heads turn to Glam, who clamps her hands over her mouth.
"You're worried about her?" the Chairman demands incredulously, and the room is in motion, people teeming toward the staircase to check that the Chairman is all right. Glam's voice is drowned out by footsteps, and Jihyun sees Jumin sink down into one of the chairs by the table, all his limbs seeming to collapse into it.
Jihyun runs for the stairs to be with his friend, shifting his way between the crowd and down the hall, breaths shallow by the time he reaches Jumin.
"I—" his friend stammers, and Jihyun squeezes his shoulder, wanting nothing more than to pull Jumin into his arms.
"That was amazing," Jihyun says, and more people come to stand around Jumin as one of the security guards shouts from the other side of the room, "I think she's dead!"
The crowd only becomes louder, and then there's a sound like a gunshot that shocks the room into silence.
Then they hear another, and another again, and realization dawns over everyone at the same time.
Jihyun murmurs to Jumin, "Happy new year."
Jumin and Jihyun stand in the private quarters, having retreated once the commotion became too much to bear. Outside, Glam is being swarmed with questions, the preservation of the Chairman's life is being celebrated, and while people were distracted with Sarah's apparent corpse, Jumin and Jihyun slipped behind the large double doors.
"… They're going to ask how I did that," Jumin states, leading Jihyun into one of the bedrooms. It's spacious, with large windows that overlook the gardens covered in snow this time of year, and Jumin opens it to let in the cold, fresh air.
"Don't worry about that right now," Jihyun tells him. The fireworks in the distance are still going, lighting the room with brief moments of colour. Jumin sighs, and Jihyun steps beside him. "The important thing is that you saved your father."
"He wasn't really in danger," Jumin murmurs. "You know that."
"Well, yes," Jihyun admits. "… Still. The mission was a success, because of you."
That makes Jumin smile, and Jihyun feels relief wash over him at the sight of it.
"Ours was," he says, amusement in his voice. "Glam's was a colossal failure, I think."
Jihyun grins. "Well, we did technically save the Chairman, so we did what she claimed she could pay us to do."
"That's true," Jumin agrees. His breath makes white puffs appear in the air, and Jihyun realizes his friend's nose is already red though the window's barely been open for a full minute.
Jihyun closes his hand over Jumin's, then leans forward to give his cheek a quick kiss. Jumin's eyes are closed when Jihyun pulls back.
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"You did very well," Jihyun says. "Really. I think this was probably the most high-stress mission you've ever done, and you made everything go perfectly."
"Thank you," Jumin responds. Jihyun squeezes his hand. "If it's you saying it, then I'll believe you."
Jihyun nods. Jumin's trust in him is something he never takes lightly, and it's been a very long night.
"It's nice to finally get some quiet," Jumin says, apparently thinking the same thing Jihyun is.
"I quite liked the music, actually," Jihyun teases.
"Don't be irritating," Jumin snorts. "Did you see her rifle? I understand that the ballroom is large, but it hardly justifies such a large gun."
Jihyun laughs. "I suppose her dress was big enough to hide it. It looked like a chiffon cake."
Jumin shakes his head, then straightens away from the window to face Jihyun fully. Jihyun mimics his motions. "Really…" he says, his voice taking a more serious tone. "Thank you for being here with me all night. You're always there when I need you, Jihyun."
"I know you're always there for me too," Jihyun tells him. Jumin smiles.
"Ah… there was something I wanted to ask you," Jumin says.
Jihyun inclines his head. What more is there to say, after everything?
"If you're not too tired after all that—"
"You're the one who should be tired," Jihyun reminds him. Jumin presses a finger to Jihyun's lips, and he flushes.
"Even so," Jumin continues. "I noticed you haven't danced all night, and I'm not used to not dancing with you at these events. So…"
Jihyun grins at Jumin's awkwardness, lights dancing across his mask and face. "I'd like that."
In near silence, save for the occasional crack of fireworks, Jumin takes his hand.
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my-mystic-messenger · 7 years
Hello can I make a fic request (preferably angst) about juminxmc when they are dating but later on they knew that they are actually siblings? (same father different mother). You can make it SFW/NSFW. I read your rules and you didn't mind incest. Thank you~ I love your writing
This is hands down myfavourite fucking prompt so far. Like legit right up my alley. Maybeif I hadn’t stumbled upon Anime’s like ‘I’m in love with my youngersister’ at an impressionable age I wouldn’t be so pumped – read:fucked in the head – about this prompt. But, lucky for you Itotally did watch and adore that and many similar Animes, so this isgoing to be good!
I had so many ideas Icould have easily written like a 50k fic, but since I don’t want toinvolve AO3 and Tumblr definitely isn’t the place to publish longstuff, I had to once more limit myself to a more washed out versionof the mess I had planned. Sorry? Or maybe you’re welcome? Who willever know!
I also want to say that inno shape or form do I approve of incest in real life. This is fictionand is not meant to be taken to real life. However, as per usual, Idid my research. There is a condition called Genetic SexualAttraction, which is what I will use as a base for this fic. You’lllearn more about it along with Jumin and his half-sister/wife. 
Hope you enjoy! :3
Who is Madeleine?
Fandom: MysticMessenger
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Incestand a lot of dark shit connected to it I don’t want to spoil yet but read with caution 
Categories: F/M
Relationships: MC xJumin
Word count: 5450
It was the last night oftheir honeymoon, Jumin and his wife lying in bed together. Both ofthem were naked, a tangled mess of limbs under the silk cover huggingtheir bodies. His arm was wrapped around her protectively, fingerstracing over the faint dots scattered over Madeleines back. It wasone of the many, small things that Jumin loved about her, that madeher unique. He’d never thought he’d ever feel that kind of love forany person and yet here he was, holding his wife in his arms aftermaking love yet again, mesmerized by something as simple as freckles.
Madeleine who’d fallenasleep a couple of minutes ago stirred, lids moving before flutteringopen slowly. She hummed in appreciation, tilting up her head to pressa kiss to Jumin’s chin. Jumin chuckled, knowing that she would haveaimed for the mouth, but went for the chin out of convenience, beingtoo sated and lazy to move. “I can feel you thinking, darling”,she mumbled. She began drawing patterns on his chest, mindlesslytrailing her fingers over his warm skin. Jumin hummed. “You say itlike it’s a bad thing.”
Madeleine shook her head, shruggingslightly. “Not necessarily. I love how smart you are, but this isour honeymoon and we just had sex for God knows what time and you’restill thinking. If it is something that important…it makes menervous.” Jumin sat up a little, pulling Madeleine along and intohis arms. She now sat between his legs, arms wrapped around her frombehind as Jumin’s chin rested on her shoulder. “It’s nothing bad,darling”, he assured her. “I was just looking forward to youfinally meeting my father upon returning.”
She sighed, saggingagainst her husband. “I knew you would say this”, she spokeagainst his skin, hiding her face in the crock of his neck. Juminfrowned, hand brushing through the bright red strands of her hair.“You sound rather unhappy about it. Is there something wrong withmy father?” Madeleine quickly sat up, shaking her head. “No, mylove, you misunderstand. It’s not your father, it’s me. I’m worriedhe might not like me. Especially considering that you swiped me offand married me without asking her permission or so much as anintroduction.”
To his surprise, Jumin found himselflaughing. It was a feature he was rekindling with after so many yearsof not having done it whole heartedly. To think that the one personwho awoke him, who filled his life with joy he hadn’t experiencessince childhood, would doubt herself so much was strangely amusing tothe businessman. “Madeleine, he will love you”, Jumin assuredher, punctuating every word with a kiss to her porcelain skin. “Hewill love you. Trust me on this. In fact, I have never been morecertain about anything in my life.
For their first meetingJumin and Madeleine had decided to invite Mr. Han to the apartment.It was where she felt most at peace, so did Jumin, on top of being amore private setting for a private meeting. Madeleine had suggestedto cook something for the whole thing, but Jumin had quickly shutdown the idea. Not because she was a bad cook, but because she wasstressed out enough as it was and cooking certainly wouldn’t help herrelax. Instead he’d called the chef’s to take care of it, telling hiswife to take a long, hot bath and relax. 
By the time shestepped out of the bathroom Madeleine looked positively divine. Thedress she had chosen was chic while not being too attentiondemanding. It was was casual, the dark purple of it perfectlycomplimenting her green eyes. Her ginger curls well around hershoulders freely and her face was almost completely blank of make-up.Frankly, it was the most beautiful that way. Jumin told her as much,making her giggle and blush, earning him a quick peck to the cheek.“Oh you flatter me too much, darling.”A couple of minuteslater the security guard knocked and stepped in to alert the couplethat Mr. Chairman had arrived and asked for permission to enter.Jumin obviously granted it, happy that the guards did their job asthoroughly as they did. To say no to the CEO of C&R Internationalproved their loyalty to Jumin. The door was finally opened andJumin’s father stepped inside, smiling and thanking the guard forholding the door open. Jumin wrapped an arm around Madeleine and leadher into view only for his father to freeze, eyes wide as he gasped,“Elizabeth?”
The young woman blinked inconfusion before frowning slightly. “How do you know my mother?”It was obvious to Madeleine that Mr. Han was talking about hermother, as she looked almost exactly like her. The woman’s genes weresurprisingly dominant considering that green eyes and red hair wereusually recessive and rarely passed on. However, other than the everso slightly different shape of eyes, Madeleine had always been aperfect copy of her mother. Being confused with her was nothing newto the lawyer. Being confused for her mother by Mr. Han, however,made no sense.
The CEO paled at herquestion, chest rising and falling rapidly like he was pantinghimself into some sort of panic attack. His hand came to rest overhis mouth in obvious shock before he went on to nervously brushthrough his hair. “Oh God”, he whispered. “Oh God, this isn’tokay.” Jumin and Madeleine exchanged looks, confused at the mansweird behaviour. “Mr. Han, Sir, is everything alright? I didn’tmean to upset you. Is there any way we can help you”, Madeleineattempted to soothe her father in law.
Mr. Han looked at her,eyes filled with guilt and something akin to disgust. “Maddy”, hesaid, voice so soft and kind it made the woman’s heart ache in waysshe couldn’t fully understand. Why did she feel this way? Why didthat voice sound so familiar. “Your father and I, we went toCollege together”, he continued, choosing English over Korean. “Wewere best friends by the time he met your mother and proposed to her.I really loved your father, but when he first started hisbusiness…he abandoned your mother and me to focus onwork.”
Madeleine listened, her body recoiling before hermind seemed to catch on where this was going. “Your mother and I,we became closer. She was his wife and yet he didn’t take care of herthe way a husband should. She felt lonely and unsatisfied. So did I.One thing led to another and the two of us, well we shared apassionate night together”, he explained, pausing when Madeleinegasped. She couldn’t believe her mother had cheated on her fatherwith Mr. Han. Little did she know, that cheating wasn’t the biggestissue here.
“The both of us felt guilty, so we told yourfather about it. He was furious, rightly so, and decided to cut allties with me for many, many years. Your mother wasn’t allowed toconverse with me either and for the better part she didn’t. In allthose years I only ever got a single letter from her. In that lettershe explained that our night had led to her birthing a child ninemonths later, a child that I had no right to see but deserved to knowwas mine. A child that her husband would raise as his own, despite itbeing living, breathing proof of infidelity. A little daughter namedMaddy.”
Madeleine had lockedherself into the bathroom, sitting on the toilet with her face buriedin her hands, tears running down her cheeks silently. After Mr. Han’sconfession she’d completely broken down, running off before anyonecould see her that way. Her husband’s – and possibly her own –father had left multiple hours ago and yet she hadn’t moved from herseat on the toilet. Jumin had knocked multiple times, attempting toget her out so they could talk, but she hadn’t been in the rightstate of mind to reply to him any of those times.
Multiple times she’dconsidered calling her mother, asking whether what Mr. Han had saidwas true or not, but had never gone through with her plan. Somethingdeep down inside of her knew that the man wasn’t lying and what heavyconsequences the truth bore. It was simply too much for the poorwoman to take in, dark thoughts clouding her mind. Her loving fathersuddenly a complete stranger. The mother she’d looked up to a weakcheat, a complete stranger suddenly her father but most disturbing ofall, her beloved husband suddenly her brother.
It was in the middle ofthe night that Madeleine finally resurfaced from the bathroom,walking into the bedroom where Jumin still lay awake. He’d waited forher, his own mind running a mile a minute. However, upon turningaround in bed to pull his wife into his arms he was met with her backand a cold shoulder. When attempting to rest a hand on her shoulder,seeking warmth or at least a conversation, she pleaded for him not totouch her. Feeling as if he’d been burned Jumin instantly pulledaway, listening to his wife silently cry herself to sleep for hours.
A week later Jumin woke inthe middle of the night due to sounds that weren’t supposed to bethere. The past week had been hard, deprived of love and the warmthcoming with it. Madeleine had been silent, barely speaking to herhusband no matter how many times Jumin attempted to approach herabout the topic. She didn’t go to work either, didn’t pick up anycalls or even went to the RFA members for some sort of socialinteraction. Yet, the pain he’d felt throughout the week was nothingcompared to the pain of watching Madeleine silently packing herthings.
He instantly shot up from bed, running towards her tostop her form putting any more clothes away. She began to scream,tears already having strained her skin, red blotches tinting it. Shetried to push him away, beat at him. “Let me go! Let me go, Jumin.Let me go”, she half screamed half pleaded, voice breaking. Jumincouldn’t bring himself to, instead slinging his arms around herslender frame, holding her as close to his body as human possible. “Ican't”, he cried, first tears running down his cheek. “I can’tlose you. Please…”
Madeleine sagged in hisarms, body shaking against her husbands. In all the time they’d beentogether she’d never once heard him plead, let alone seen him cry.She turned her head to look at Jumin who’d hugged her from behind.Instead, she found herself being turned around and pulled into analmost violent kiss. At first Madeleine attempted to resist –mostly out of guilt rather than disgust or anything else – but soongave in to her husbands advances. She wrapped her arms around hisneck, melting into the kiss as he claimed her mouth.
Eventhrough the layers of clothes between them she could feel his erectcock pressing up against her, peaking her interest. While kissing herJumin slowly guided her backwards until Madeleine fell onto the bed.Eyes half lidded she watched as her husband unbuckled his belt totoss it to the side, unbuttoning his shirt and letting it glide ofhis strong shoulders before pulling down his pants and freeing hiserection. Madeleine licked her lips, hands coming to rest on hisabdomen, feeling the muscle under her fingers.The smile thatcurled around Jumin’s lips was almost predatory as he guided her headto his cock where Madeleine happily wrapped her lips around the manscock, not minding one bit that he was her brother. She sucked at histip at first, the man hissing at the sudden pleasure shooting throughhis body. She than began to take Jumin deeper and deeper, burying hiscock in her mouth inch by inch with every bob of her head untilfinally his cock hit the back of her throat. For a moment she chokedaround her husbands cock, but didn’t pull back.
“Such a good girl”,Jumin praised her, a hot shower running down her back. He brushedthrough her hair gently, causing Madeleine to moan before he startedto rock his hips, fucking into her mouth as the woman happily tookit. The sounds of pleasure she caused to fall from her husbands lipsturned her own, hips involuntarily rolling against the bed indesperate search for friction. She could feel the wetness spreadbetween her legs, arousal overwhelming her as pleasured Jumin. Henoticed of course, delightfully watching his wife grind against thebed.
“Do you want me to take you”, he asked, their eyesmeeting with her lips still wrapped around his shaft. “Want me totake care of your need?” Madeleine hummed around the others cock,vibrations sending spark of arousal up his length. Jumin abruptlypulled out, pushing Madeleine into a lying position before climbingbetween her legs. He pushed up her night gown, pleased as per usualthat she wore nothing underneath. He spread her legs, took his cockin hand and brushed the tip against her opening, delighted at thewetness that greeted him there.
When he pushed in it wasin one long, thrust, causing both of them to moan out. Jumin thenbent over his wife, pinning her wrists above her head to bask in thebeauty that was her long, slender body completely bared to him.“You’re breathtaking”, he whispered against her lips beforepulling out and thrusting in, setting a quick but steady pace. Theroom was silent other than the sounds of colliding skin and muffledgasps and moans as well as the wet sounds of Jumin’s cock plunginginto his wives wet cunt.
It didn’t take long foreither to reach their peak. Madeleine was the first to come, mouthwrapped around her erect nipple as his free hand played with herclit. She tightened further around his cock, jumping within her asJumin came close to orgasm himself. He reached his peak a mere minutelater, coming inside his wife. When he pulled out gently his hot comedripped out of her. He watched as much with a new kind of pleasurebefore his body was overwhelmed with fatigue and he fell onto themattress, pulling Madeleine into his arms before both drifted tosleep.
“Madeleine, you haven’teaten all day”, Jumin spoke gently, kissing his wives temple as helooked over her shoulder at what she was typing up on her laptop. Amonth had passed since their night together. They’d decided to remaina couple, however risky that might be. Jumin’s father was against it,but the younger Han had argued that he would not lose the love of hislife for his father’s foolish mistake over two and a half decadesago. He refused to listen to any reason, willing to risk both hiscareer as well as freedom to be with Madeleine.
The woman turned around,looking up at her husband. “Genetic Sexual Attraction”, she said,leaving Jumin frowning at her in confusion. “Genetic SexualAttraction”, Madeleine repeated. “That is why we are sexuallyattracted to one another despite – well you know.” She turnedback to her laptop and opened up various sides. It was obvious, thatMadeleine had done a lot of research on the matter, almostobsessively so. Jumin hadn’t cared much, but he could tell that guiltwas eating at his wife, so he hadn’t stopped her from seekinganswers.
“It says that geneticsexual attraction is a condition in which people related to butseparated from one another early on often feel sexually attracted toone another upon reuniting; known or unbeknownst that they arerelated”, she explained. “Because we are related we smell andfeel very similar, which created a feeling of familiarity and safetyright away. On top of that people hypothesised that when familieslive closely together, they become desensitised to each other assexual prospects. That desensitisation effect is said to happenbetween birth and age six.”
Jumin listened carefully,taking in the information given. He himself didn’t mind either way.Whatever the reason for their attraction for one another, a love aspure and unconditional as theirs could be no wrong or sin. However,he did understand his wives need for answers and some way to justifywhat she still considered immoral and sick. It hurt to know thatMadeleine thought that way about their love, but Jumin was set onconvincing her otherwise, no matter what it took. “I see”, hesaid. “Well, this proves that us being together is nothing unusualnor unnatural, is it now?”
Madeleine huffed. “Jumin”,she scolded. “That is not what I was trying to say. Just because wearen’t alone with our case doesn’t make it any less wrong.” Juminclosed his eyes, swallowing the lump in his throat. “I won’t allowyou to leave me, Madeleine. Not over this. I’ve lost my mother, mystep-mother, Rika and my best friend. Everyone who ever even remotelymatter. I won’t lose you. I won't”, he insisted. “How is our loveany less real than anybody else’s anyway?”
Strangely enough,Madeleine didn’t have a good response. Their love wasn’t any lessreal, despite the forbidden aspect of it. If anything their love feltlike the realest thing in her life, which made it all the morecomplicated and draining. If they remained together a big part oftheir life had to be kept secret from anyone involved. “Please,don’t leave me, darling.” Madeleine looked up at her husband,reaching out to cup his face. “I won't”, she replied, smiling atJumin despite the crushing weight in her chest. Why was the forbiddenfruit always the sweetest?
When Madeleine came out ofthe bathroom her red curls were a mess, her face was pale and shelooked like she’d just seen a ghost. Two months had passed sinceshe’d given up on her search for answers, instead giving in to herhusband and the bond they shared. He’d convinced her that theyweren’t harming anyone and so far that had been true. The two of themwere happy and no one had suffered from their relationship, as no oneknew of it’s illegal nature. Madeleine had found solace in the factthat no one was harmed but them, until that morning.
“I’mpregnant”, she announced, voicing the fact making her entire bodyfill with dread. Apparently she was alone in that, however, as Jumininstantly jumped up from where he’d been perched on the bed, beamingfrom ear to ear as he approached his wife. He wrapped his arms aroundher and held her protectively, kissing all over her face and the topof her head before going to his knees and pressing a kiss to herstomach. “We’re going to be parents”, he said, cupping herstomach in awe. “Jumin, this is nothing to rejoice about!”Juminlooked up then, smile immediately replaced by confusion and hurt.“Don’t look at me like that”, Madeleine begged, taking a stepback so he was no longer touching her. “I accepted us, because ourrelationship was something that concerned only the two of us. Now wepulled another human being into this, though, and things change. Thebaby could be born severely damaged, Jumin. I don’t know how you canbe so happy about this! We share 25% of our DNA which means there isa 25% change for this child to be retarded in one way or another.”
Jumin stood up then,attempting to reach out for Madeleine only for his hands to beslapped away. His hurt melted away instantly, instead his neutralmask found its way back onto his face. It probably hurt Madeleinemore to see him that way than it would have to see him cry. It meantshe had caused him to feel unsure and insecure enough around her, tohide his feelings like he’d gotten used to over the years. She feltrotten, but she couldn’t back down. No matter how much the emptinessbehind his eyes killed her in that moment.
“I’ll make surethat it won’t happen. I’ll pay any sum necessary.”“That’snot the point, Jumin! Money won’t cancel out the fact that the genepool is too small for the child to have a good chance of beinghealthy”, Madeleine replied, more and more upset.
“This is our child,Madeleine. Why are you talking about it like it’s something bad? Wewanted to have kids, didn’t we?”
“Yes, but not like this!This child is an abomination. This goes beyond morality or law,Jumin. It would be inhumanly unfair to give birth to it…”“Sowhat should we do? Get rid of it”, Jumin snapped in reply,aggravated for the first time.
“It’s an option, yes”,Madeleine replied quietly, stunning her husband into silence. To himthis child was a blessing. It would be living, breathing proof oftheir love once born. It would be their little baby, half of thewoman he loved and half of him. How his wife could even consideraborting it, especially after they’d talked about having children assoon as possible, completely excited at the prospect, baffled theCEO. He was so blinded by the love and devotion he felt for his wifeand family that all reason had left him, leaving Jumin an irrationalmess.
“How could you say that”, Jumin whispered, voicecracking as he stared at his wife in terror. “What other option dowe have”, Madeleine snapped in response, losing her calm. She wasalmost three months in and soon it would be too late to get rid ofthe child if they so decided. “Keep it, raise it and love it nomatter what”, Jumin instantly replied. Once more he walked towardshis wife, resting both his hands on her yet flat stomach, closing hiseyes and smiling at the idea of it swelling with the life inside ofher. “That is not an option we can make as easily as othercouples, Jumin. We can’t even go to doctors, because they couldfigure out that you’re not only the babies father, but also it’suncle. People would ask questions. Not to mention what we’ll have toput the child through when it possibly asks questions. Must be niceto know that your parents are siblings”, Madeleine replied, drainedat this point. It was obvious that Jumin wasn’t listening and itwasn’t like she hadn’t wanted a child with her husband. She justdidn’t want it this way.“I’ll pay someone off then, makethem sign a non-disclosure agreement before testing our child’shealth”, Jumin replied, looking at his wife with hope shining inhis eyes. “We can be parents like we always wanted to, Madeleine.Whatever life might throw at us, we’ll handle it just as long as westick together. You and me forever, remember? Thick and thin?”Madeleine wanted to argue, but there was not a bit of energy left toher. Especially when Jumin wrapped his arms around her protectively,brushing his fingers through her hair and lulling her to safety.
Madeleine miscarried mereweeks later. They’s just announced their pregnancy to the RFAmembers, as they’d passed the ‘safe’ mark of three months. Everyonehad been so ecstatic. After weeks of fights and discussions and Juminhaving talked her over Madeleine was still sceptic but happy. Thatwas until life took matters into its hands. The exact reasons wereunclear, but she herself assumed it was a mix of bad genes, a bodytoo weak to carry the child, the horrible stress she’d been throughover the past couple of months and a little bit of fate fucking herover once again.
That morning the youngwoman woke up to cramps and pain in her abdomen. However, seeing asshe was close to four months pregnant and cramps weren’t thatuncommon, Madeleine didn’t worry. She told Jumin who made sure shewas tugged in with a heating pack, a bunch of sweets and water withinreach and their workers on call. Nothing was to happen to his belovedwife. He asked whether she wanted him to stay at home with her, butMadeleine insisted that it was only half bad and that she’d be fine,sending her husband off with a tired smile.
The pain started to growworse over the course of the day, however, especially when Madeleinemoved anywhere out of bed. She attempted to calm herself, assuringherself over and over that everything would be fine. It had to be.Sadly, it wasn’t. The cramps got worse and worse, even upon takingwhat was supposed to be warm and relaxing bath. That is untilMadeleine opened her eyes to another, agonizing cramp only to findherself floating in her own blood. Madeleine screamed and scrambledout of the bathtub, tripping and falling in her desperate attempt toflee.
When the guards camerushing in, alarmed by the screams, Madeleine lay on the floorunconscious but still alive. They instantly wrapped her up in abathrobe and called an ambulance as quickly as human possible beforecontacting Jumin himself. Despite rushing he didn’t make it in timeto see his wife before operation. Upon asking doctors what hadhappened they explained that Madeleine had suffered from a prettyharsh miscarriage. As there was still fetal tissue inside her, theyhad to operate or otherwise she’d possibly die from infection.
It felt like an eternityuntil finally Madeleine was pushed out of the operating room. She wasasleep, but from the fact that her face wasn’t covered Jumin knew shewas still alive, sighing in relief. He watched her being wheeled intothe private room he paid the hospital for. Jumin wasn’t immediatelyallowed to enter, the doctors explaining that she needed a lot ofrest. Not only had she just lost a child but also a lot of blood.They told him to leave for the day, gather his wits and come to seehis wife the next morning when she was a little more stable.
Reluctantly Jumin left.Home alone the businessman found himself incapable of relaxing norable to focus on work. Whatever he tried to do to distract himselffrom the harsh reality, his mind remained riddled with agonizing fearand pain. At this point in time the young man was surprised that hewas still capable of such intense emotions. After all the losses he’dcounted over the years Jumin had thought of himself as immune to anypain. He was wrong. Very wrong. The night was spend rest – andsleepless, nervousness and guilt eating away at the man as he drownedhis worries in wine.
When the next morning cameJumin rushed to the hospital once more, eager to see his wife. Hishair was a wet mess, dark circles under his eyes ageing his face andhis clothes the same as the night before, only more crumpled and outof place. It didn’t matter, not in that moment. Jumin only worriedfor Madeleine and what state he would find her in, his sanitydecreasing by the minute. While his state was to no surprise it wasmerely a metaphor for the path his life was taking. He was losingcontrol of things and this was only the beginning.
This time, upon enteringthe hospital, Jumin was allowed to go through. Madeleine was awake,sitting upright in her bed and staring outside the window. The youngman could have cried tears of joy in that moment, happy to see heralive and breathing. However, Jumin’s body was soon overwhelmed withdread as – upon gently touching her shoulder – Madeleine merelyturned her head to him without further reaction. She didn’t speak.Didn’t reach out for his hand or even slap it away. She didn’t move,smile or scream. Nothing.
Her eyes looked empty, like she wasaware of someone’s presence, but couldn’t make anything of it.Whatever Jumin said, no reply ever came. He was about to break downwhen suddenly the door opened behind him and he snapped around. “Whathappened to her”, he shouted, hands balling to fists. “What didyou do to her?” The doctor raised his hands, attempting to calmJumin down. “I am sorry, Mr. Han, but there is nothing we couldhave done. In fact, no one could have prevented this from happening,as it has nothing to do with her physical condition.”Theman went on to explain that Madeleine was catatonic; a state in whichshe appeared to be in a daze or stupor, completely unresponsive tothe world. They couldn’t exactly pinpoint the reason for falling intosuch a state – it would be anything from PTSD, depression or aninfection due to her miscarriage – but there was very little theycould do, as Madeleine didn’t seem to react to the meds given to her.If she ever came out of that state, it was something that the youngwoman had to do on her own. The shock had simply been too much.Fora moment Jumin stood completely still, face almost as empty as hiseyes, before something inside of him snapped. He gripped his wivesshoulders and desperately began to shake her, tears streaming downhis face. “You promised! You promised you wouldn’t leave! Now comeback to me. Come back at once”, he shouted at his wife. “Youcan’t leave me too, Madeleine. Not you. I lost everyone. I losteveryone and our child and now I’m losing you? No! No, I won’t letthat happen! Wake up, Madeleine. Wake up for fucks sake. Not you!”
Jumin had to be draggedout of the room, visitation rights taken from him for the time being.Not that he would have come either way. He couldn’t bring himself to.Instead Jumin coped the only way he knew how; by drowning himself inanything but his pain. He worked like an animal, cutting Jaehee’shours in half by taking over all the tasks he would have given toher, usually. He worked out excessively, no longer satisfied withonly playing golf. Instead he used the treadmill for hours at thetime amongst other things. He barely ate but drank a lot, barelyslept and yet never left the house.
Months passed without himso much as glancing at his phone, ignoring the RFA, the members andeven the chat. It was on one particularly lonely night that Juminmade the mistake of looking through some of the chats. They’ddiscussed Madeleine for weeks, everyone angry that Jumin didn’t seemto care, calling him every name in the book. For a while Jaehee andYoosung had actually attempted to defend him against the rest, butsoon gave up on their friend as well. Zen was especially made,disgusted by Jumin like he’d never been before. He couldn’t blame theactor.
“He’s a pathetic piece of shit! His wife just lost ababy and felt so depressed that she went catatonic and instead ofbeing with her, attempting to somehow get her back by talking to herhe just goes about life like nothing happened! He’s disgusting”,Zen wrote in one of the chats. “Just kick him out of the group.He’s become useless anyway. All he cares for is himself and his ownneeds. If he can’t care for his wife, how could he care for anorganization.” It wasn’t until he read a recent message about‘being glad he’s gone’ that Jumin realized Zen was right.
He had become useless.Jumin had failed his father, his wife, his child and even his friendsand the organization he’d dedicated a big part of his life to. Foodand wine had lost their taste. The bed had lost its comfort withouthis beloved Madeleine to share it with. He’d given up Elizabeth the3rd, not even sure whom the security guards had given herto. Sleep was harsh if it came at all and the world had grown darkwhere it once had shone bright. There was nothing to live for soJumin decided to make one last selfless decision: rid the world of auseless man.
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xseokjiin · 7 years
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so i wanted to do sth more special for my friends aside from including them in a follow forever,so here’s another post for y’all! :D
in no particular order,
nine!!you’re such a cutie honestly ily (let’s work on keeping up our snapchat streak hehe)~ it’s been awesome talking to each other,& also lovely to have someone to discuss certain things with in between screaming abt the boys.really glad i met you <3
lils!!i’m still amazed we met in a completely diff fandom and ended up getting into BTS around the same time xD all of this is not a coincidence,hmm? :p i’m really glad though!!i rmbr how at the start i was debating over whether i should really change my main to posting BTS & then we were joining nets together,& it was lovely to have you there together with me doing stuff like that.but that aside - you’re 1 of the sweetest ppl i know,& so freaking talented??you work really hard on the stuff you post & it shows ^^ you’re amazing & i hope we can meet irl someday!!ily <3
julia!!it’s still so cool to me that we’re in the same country,honestly xD anyhow i’m really glad i took the initiative to talk to you,bcos i can’t imagine nt having you in my life??thank you for always listening (well,reading my long msges..esp recently cos i’ve been screaming a lot abt nu’est :x),i hope you know you’re welcome to always do the same (be it fangirling or ranting abt other stuff).you’re lovely & i hope you have a great day hehe.love ya~ <3
aditi~ ^^ i know we haven’t been talking a lot on kkt bt i hope you’re coping well with sch & everything!!don’t get too stressed & take care of yourself!i find it so cool we both gt polaroid cameras around the same time,here’s to making good use of them hehe :) you’re a lovely person & i’m really glad to have met you!i’m kinda surprised we clicked actually,cos of the age gap,bt i guess that isn’t really impt as much as personality & all that haha.ily <3
mikki!!you’re the best,really - we met through spn & were together through marvel & star wars,& here we are,pretty much into completely diff stuff & we’re still talking :D i’m really glad to have met you,you’re such a lovely person who always listens to what i have to say even if you’re probably clueless abt most of what i talk abt.it was cool we both played mystic messenger & watched YOI though :p i think i do a lot of screaming lol so this is a reminder you can always return the favor,i’m happy to listen :) to end off,you’re awesome & ily <3
lina!! :D you’re 1 of the sweetest ppl i know,really.i know we don’t talk a lot except to keep up our snapchat streak LOL bt i want you to know you’re awesome!! i hope you don’t get too stressed out with sch,rmbr to take care of yourself & get enough sleep & food~ i hope my insta feed (aka 99% food ahem) brightens up your day (or i should say what i reblog actually bcos BTS??).ily <3
@ahoneyyboyy @yoongsb:
nicole/ji~ ^^ i guess it’s a little weird to be combining a dedication like this bt i pretty much have the same thing to say anyway,so i hope it doesn’t make it seem any less heartfelt/sincere!we haven’t been talking much recently,bt i’m really grateful to have exchanged many long msges with you.you’re both amazing ppl & i hope you’re doing great!!glad to have met you <3
@cuteseokjin @jinandtonics:
katie/steph! :) i don’t really feel like we’ve had the chance to talk a lot,bt you’re both lovely ppl & it’s always nice to have someone to scream abt fic with (*cough* yoonjin) :p also fellow jin stans!!always a bonus.i hope you’re doing well & i’m glad to have met you!! :D
steph!!idk what to say here that i haven’t alr covered bcos our msges are ridiculously long (rip to kkt eating them) bt i guess i talk more abt fandom/life than actually any sort of appreciation so i want to say thank you for listening & contributing your views :p you’re awesome & i’m glad we met!!i hope you have better luck rmbring your passwords LOL & that sch doesn’t kick your ass too much.rmbr i’m always here to listen if you need it!ily <3
joyce!!did i ever mention the friend who got me into BTS has the same name as you?cos that still amuses me :p i guess we don’t talk a lot,honestly,bt i want to you to know that you’re a lovely person (who’s into an amazing amt of bands..i did multi fandom fine back then bt i can’t do it for kpop grps lol,too much commitment,so thumbs up for you managing it!) & i enjoy seeing you on insta (though you probably see me much more,really) or snapchat~ also thanks for the recreations idea hehe,it was an interesting way to spend a day :) glad to have met you <3
@poedameron @babydrriver @merlinn:
maggie/adrija/lauren ^^ i know we barely talk,except keeping up our snapchat streak (well,this bit isn’t applicable to lauren :p) bt i want to say i’m glad we met!you’re all lovely ppl & i know you’re busy with your lives,so good luck with sch & everything else!!i hope you’re all doing good & i’ll always be a listening ear if you need 1 :D p.s. maggie,you still have the honor of being the 1st (& only) tumblr friend i’ve met irl hehe
@matthewbane @sprinkleofharries:
sara/lola~ :) i haven’t talked to either of you in ages,honestly..idk if you even still rmbr me,cos my blog content has changed pretty much completely (i still post what i used to at a sideblog though!bt it’s nt active).anyhow,you’re both lovely ppl & i’m glad to have met you ^^ this is a reminder you can always pm me again - add me on kkt or telegram if you have either of those,maybe we’ll do a better job at keeping in touch on diff apps or pm me if you want to add me on insta/snapchat (sara i think i have you on both of those,though i only see you on the former sometimes xD).i hope you have been doing well in the meantime!! :D
eileen :) idk if you still rmbr me,i’m pretty sure the last time we talked was months ago?it seems like ages ago when we 1st talked tbh,back when i was still into sherlock & suits..anyhow,you can always pm me again if you feel like it!we can always catch up on our lives,if nth else xD glad to have met you!
gaia~ it’s still funny to think we met when we were into shadowhunters & then got into YOI & free! together.we haven’t talked properly for sometime,bt i hope you’re doing great!!you’re a lovely person & i’m really glad to have met you :D ily <3 i hope your day goes amazing bcos you deserve it!rmbr i’m always here if you need to talk ^^ (add me on kkt or telegram maybe,snapchat is really a terrible platform for keeping up a convo i swear)
sam!!hello neighbour~ xD despite the lack of actual convo - from what we’ve said to each other so far you seem like a lovely person & i’m really glad to have met you (& started talking outside of gcs lol i’m lowkey terrible in those).i hope you’re doing great!!you’re amazing & ily <3 i’m always here if you need a listening ear (LOL that rhymed omg maybe jin & his dad jokes infected me ahem)~ 
jia~ :) i know we haven’t talked all that much but from what we have said to each other you seem like a lovely person (who is v busy xD).i hope 2017 hasn’t treated you too badly and that 2018 treats you well!!may it be full of smiles & happy memories & hopefully things aren’t too hectic.rmbr to take care of yourself & if you need a listening ear feel free to talk to me ^^
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my-mystic-messenger · 8 years
Can I request a high school AU (the RFA and everyone is in high school) with MC x Zen? Like them meeting in theatre class together and she's really shy and quiet around them but they both love acting and she's secretly really good at improv and comedy? Like how they get together and how the other members react and stuff. At this point Zen would have been on his own for a while now and he's probably in a gang. Sorry if this is too specific haha I just love your writing
So haha the last two days I spent re-watching Ouran High School Host Club so basically this is a mash-up of my experience in theatre club + Ouran High School Host Club + Mystic Messenger. What could possibly go wrong, am I right?! 」( ̄▽ ̄」) Also, this blew way out of proportion, so I put it under a read more. I hope you enjoy that clusterfuck of fic as much as I enjoyed dreaming it up
Mentioned MC’s Masterlist
Fandom: Mystic MessengerRating: GeneralWarnings: NoneCategories: F/MRelationships: MC x ZenWord count: 6060
Ouran Elite PrivateAcademy
a prestigious privateschool located in Seoul, Korea. The school is attended primarily bychildren of the rich and famous. Ouran Academy houses five differentdivisions: Kindergarten, Elementary School, Middle School, HighSchool and University. All four divisions are all located on the samecampus and students are free to move about.
Meet the students:
Jumin Han (19) - Freshmenin College (child of a business magnate)
Jihyun Kim (19) -Freshmen in College (child of a celebrity)
Madeleine Campbell (18) -12th grader in High School  (child business magnate)
Mélodie Carpentier (18) -12th grader in High School (child of a celebrity)
Jaehee Kang (18) - 12thgrader in High School (honour student)
Hyun Ryu (17) - 11thgrader in High School (child of prominent family)
Macy Cain (16) - 10thgrader in High School (child of prominent family)
Saeyoung&Saeran Choi(15) 10th graders in High School (children of a politician)
Yoosung Kim (14) 8thgrader in Middle School (child of a politician)
Hyun Ryu had beenattending Ouran Academy since Kindergarten. Despite his family beingneither rich nor famous both his older brother and him had beenaccepted due to their parents’ scholar status and the fact that theywere Ouran Alumni. Hyun and his brother were labeled as children of a‘prominent family’, yet basically being nothing more than honourstudents. At first Hyun had enjoyed it. The school was prestigiousand fancy, the people were generally nice and with smaller classesstudying wasn’t half as bad as it would have been in any publicschool. Plus, he looked really good in the uniforms. However, asyears passed he began feeling less and less comfortable and happy.Especially once he’d realized that he most certainly did not aspireto be some business mogul or even a scholar like his parents. 
He’donly dared to admit as much once he’d finally entered High School andwhile his parents didn’t transfer him away from Ouran – mainlybecause they still hoped the school would shape him and talk somesense into their son – he’d no longer been welcome at their home.Hyun had been forced to run away and somehow find his own way throughlife from that moment on. Despite having made good friends during hisyears at Ouran, Hyun refused all their help. He was annoyed at theprivilege he’d received so far as it was, set on making his way tothe top all by himself. Hyun gave up his former life and completelyreinvented himself as Zen. Zen who was charming and confident. Zenwho started the Ouran Theatre Club, open to all and everyone. Hewanted to perform, become the best at his profession and bewitchnations with his talent.
Sadly, ambition alone didnot pay rent and Zen learned that bitter lesson rather soon. Hungerstarted to drain him, constantly jumping between sleeping somewherein school or at friends’ places became inconvenient and borderlinemortifying. He needed money and he needed it soon. Sadly he was notquite at a place where he could earn enough money with his acting andZen had very little other talents that could have been of help. Thatwas until a man asked him about his bike, how well he rode and howconfident he was in his abilities. Zen had been confused at first –the man did look kind of sketchy – but when he mentioned big sumsof money he could win with nothing more than racing on his bike Zenhad been sold. Desperation overruled logic and before he knew Zen hadjoined a motorgang, riding for their lives, in the most literal ofsenses.
The days were spent inschool, his afternoons in the barely there theatre club he’d startedand by night he raced other people for money or got into fights withother clans. It wasn’t the perfect situation, but he got by and thatwas all that mattered. His body soon started to condition itself,healing at a rate that was almost inhumanly fast to make up for allthe damage he took during races or fights gone wrong. Barely a weekwent by without Zen doing some kind of damage to his body. It soonled to a bad-boy reputation to be build on his part, something hehadn’t quite played on but works with. The girls enjoy him in leatherjackets and tight jeans, riding to school on his bike and smokingbehind the building, so he accents such behaviour instead of hidingit in his desperate need for attention and affection. It is only atthe beginning of his 11th school year that things begin tochange.
When the door to thetheatre club opened Zen froze, instantly jumping up from the tablehe’d been sitting on to look who it was. Despite his desperateattempts to put even a single play on stage he’d failed miserably sofar. No one at Ouran seemed to be interested in joining the theatreclub, too busy following their parents’ footsteps into commercialsuccess. Zen desperately wanted to judge them, but opposite to himthey seemed content with their fate. He’d almost given up hope on theclub, ready to dissolve it entirely, when suddenly a young girlentered, looking around the big room. “Hello”, she called, eyesscanning the entire room before landing on Zen. They widened withsurprise – something he’d gotten used to by now, with his strangelooks – before a bright smile and kindness replaced the initialsurprise, leaving Zen breathless.“Are you Hyun then”, sheasked, heavy American accent in her Korean. Still, at least she’dbothered to learn the language, something that Zen was more thanimpressed with. He stepped towards her, holding out his hand for herto shake. “I am. You’re a foreigner. Could it be that you are thetransfer student everyone has been talking about?” The girl nodded.“Yes, my name is Macy Cain. I came here to study dance in a DanceAcademy, but I still have to go to school, so here I am.” Shechuckled and Zen hadn’t heard such genuine sounds in a long time. “Isee. Sadly our school doesn’t have a dance club, I’m afraid”, hesaid and Macy nodded. “I know, I already asked around. That’salright though. They told me about the theatre club and Ifigured…well if we perform something like a musical, a danceperformance is a must and I could definitely help withthat.”Musical? Zen hadn’t even considered musicals. He wasquite the good singer and he did play the guitar, but without anyactors for even an ordinary play, how on earth was he supposed tothink about musicals. He rubbed the back of his head nervously,cheeks reddened. “I’m sorry to say, but the theatre club is ratherdead. I tried getting people to join, but some are afraid of me, someare not allowed to be associated with me and some are too busystaring and admiring me to even consider proper acting and disciplineand I detest half-heartedness, so the club never really came to be”,he explained, sighing when the thought really sunk in anddisappointment overwhelmed him. Macy hummed. “How unfortunate.Well, we’ll just have to gather some people then. See you tomorrowfor practice”, she announced, cheerful as ever, before leaving theroom and a baffled Zen behind.
The next day Zen foundhimself surprisingly hopeful as he sat in the auditorium all byhimself. Every time he heard steps from the hall his heart skipped abeat, excitement flooding his body, only to be disappointed when thedoors didn’t open. About half an hour into ‘practice’ Zen was readyto throw the towel and leave when suddenly the doors opened and Macystepped in. Zen instantly jumped up, practically running towards her,happy to at least have her return. That is when he spotted threeother people walking and froze. “Trust Fund Kid?! What the fuck areyou doing here?!” Zen glared at the guy, hands balling into fists.Jumin merely gave him an uninterested glance. “I am here to jointhe theatre club, obviously.” Beside him another young manappeared, blue haired and much friendlier looking as well as ared-haired young woman.
“Did Macy talk you intothis? I don’t people like you to join my club”, he hissed back,reading to throw a fit. Jumin huffed. “No, she did not. Madeleinedid”, he replied, hand resting on the young woman’s lower back. Shelooked gentle, smiling up at the boy beside him which lead Zen tobelieve that she must have been his girlfriend. That possibly shockedhim more than Jumin’s willingness to join the club. Who on earth withever subject themselves to Jumin Han on a regular basis? “Not tomention that calling it 'your club’ is rather absurd considering thatup to this point it had no members and the only reason it has any nowis thanks to Madeleine and Macy.” Oh Zen definitely wanted to smashhis fucking face in. Then again, Jumin was right. Not only did theclub have any members now, it had enough to be considered legitimateto school standards. They could finally perform!
“How didyou do it”, Zen asked, this time talking to Macy, awe written allover his face. She chuckled. “Madeleine and I got to know eachother at orientation day. When I asked her about it she was delightedto join. She asked Jumin, who was a little reluctant at first, butonce Jihyun agreed to join if he did we roped both of them into it”,Macy explained, high-fiving the other girl. Ah, so Jumin Han wasn’tquite as independent and controlling as he liked to portray himselfto be, if his girlfriend could rope him into things like that. “Ididn’t know you could act”, Zen said, glaring at Jumin again butthis time with less heat. “I can’t. What ridiculous assumptions.I’ll manage the club, Jihyun will record the performances, Macy willdance, Madeleine is a mighty fine actress and you…I guess you’lllook pretty on the posters.” This time Zen had to be physicallyheld back from punching the asshole.
“And who are you two”,he asked, looking down at the twins with confusion. “Saeyoung andSaeran. Macy is in our class”, they replied in union, alreadyirritating Zen. He closed his eyes o hide the fact that he wasrolling them so hard, any more and he wound have seen his own brain.He looked to Macy then, pleadingly. Was she serious? Macy grinned andshrugged. “They are really clever. Both of the skipped a grade,which is why they are so young”, she explained as if it helped thesituation. He already had Jumin Han to annoy him. Zen didn’t need toknow it alls on top of it. “We can memorise any script afterreading it once”, one of the brothers said, the one with theglasses. “Plus, we can act. So well some people can’t even tell weare acting”, the other one added, a somewhat mischievous glint tohis eyes. Zen shivered. “W-well…welcome to the theatre club, Iguess…”♬
“I could help V with thescenery”, Mélodie suggested on the clubs third meeting. Despitenot having chosen a play, everyone in the club was getting excitedand dividing up the work. They were only eight people at this point,but things were staring to look up. Frankly, one could do a lot morewith eight people than Zen had first assumed. “Okay so V andMélodie are taking care of the stage design, Zen and Macy will beworking on the music, Madeleine and I will work on the costumes andthe twins will take care of special effects and technology ingeneral. Now the real question is…should we write an originalscript and if so…who wants to do that?” That was when a quietvoice chirped up from the back of the auditorium, startling all themembers gathered on stage. “I could do that.” Madeleine andMélodie recognized the girl as their classmate Jaehee and so eightmembers became nine.
“Isn’t he a littleyoung? Especially compared to the oldest members”, Zen whispered atMacy as they watched the new addition to their club – Yoosung Kim –be teased by the twins. “I mean…I guess, but he seems reallyeager? Frankly he seems to get along better with the older guys thanwith the twins who are closest to his age. Plus, he might be aninteresting addition”, she whispered back, shrugging. “Uh-huh?How so”, Zen asked, disbelieve audible in his voice. “I don’tknow, Zen, he’s cute. He could be our mascot or something like that.”Zen hummed, looking at the little blonde dude with huge doe eyes. Hedid have that whole shota-boy thing going for him and they didn’thave someone like that in their rounds yet. “I bet he can trickpeople into coming to our shows if we let him hand out the fliers andstuff”, she added and so the deal was sealed.
“Okay everyone, we’llstart todays practice with an improv session. Maybe it will help uscome up with a possible plot for our play and yes, Jumin, you have toparticipate as well”, Zen announced into the round. Jumin huffedbut instantly relaxed when Madeleine pressed a kiss to his cheek.Whipped! They stood in a circle for a quick warm up before Zen askedinto the round who would like to begin. Suddenly the room wasoverwhelmed by a radio silence. How come the theatre club was full ofpeople who didn’t want to act?! “Macy, come join me, please. Youtoo, Yoosung. We’ll start with a simple family scene and see how itgoes from there.” While Yoosung actually seemed eager upon havingbeen picked, instantly climbing on stage to prove himself and hisworth, Macy was hesitant. Usually she was very confident andoutgoing, which is why he’d picked her to begin with.
“Zen, I’m not anactress. I came here to dance, mainly”, she said, not meeting hiseyes. Zen frowned, taking in her demeanour as he’d never seen herlike that. Macy never shied away from a challenge and Zen wouldn’tallow as much to to happen now. Holding out his hand for her to takehe smiled. “Don’t be scared. We’re all friends here so no one willjudge.” After quickly glancing around the room, met with a row offriendly smiles, Macy took Zen’s hand and climbed on stage to joinhim and Yoosung. Zen could tell that she was still nervous, but atleast she was trying and he appreciated that. Acting was completelydifferent from dancing and on top of that improv was especially hard.Without a script or more than a general idea to go by a lot of peoplestruggled with it, even professionals. Still, Zen believed in Macyand as it turned out he was right in doing so.
Whatever you threw at her,Macy had quick, witty comeback. During their short improv that day –mere five minutes at most – she managed to make even Jumin laugh.Not only that, but she turned out to be a great actress too. Hercomedic act could have easily turned out to be ridiculous andunprofessional, but Macy took her role serious, which probably madethe whole thing all the more hilarious to watch. Meanwhile Yoosungsuffered through the improv as it got increasingly hard for him notto crack up at Macy’s jokes as well, thereby breaking character. WhenZen called cut on the scene the rest of the group cheered andclapped, leaving Macy to blush and bow to them shyly. Zen could do nomore than stare at her, heart racing. It was only when the twinsdemanded to play a scene as well that he snapped out of it, shakinghis head to focus on practice.
“I think we should meetafter school to take care of the music now that we finally have anactual script”, Macy suggested, two weeks after their first improvsession. Jaehee had done a great job at writing it. After watchingthe entire group do their improvs for a couple of days, Jaehee hadcatalogued all their strengths and weaknesses, incorporating theminto the characters and story she wrote. After sitting everyone downthey’d turned the story into a proper script a new motivation takingover the small club. Every day they met to practice their lines andblocking on stage and after practice most of them stayed behind totake care of their individual tasks as well. Zen was so happy to seeeveryone excited about their play as well as having such a devotedand loyal group of friends. Even Jumin took his role as manager ofthe club increasingly serious, silently pulling the strings oneverything.
“Sure, we can staybehind in the auditorium after practice to work on the music”, Zensuggested, grinning down at the blonde. Since the beginning of theirlittle club about a month ago he’d grown rather attached to her.Despite not being in the same class they spent a lot of timetogether, both at theatre club as well as the breaks in betweenclasses. She always sought him out during lunch time, sitting next tohim where others had kept their distance, while Zen always walked herhome after school. Well, he never walked her the entire distance,scared that someone from another gang would see and possibly attackthem. He did, however, watch her leave once they’d reached the cornerthey usually parted ways at, heart beating just a little fasterwhenever she turned around one last time to wave him goodbye.
“No, that won’t do. Therest of the club is always day making some kind of ruckus and wecan’t practice, let alone compose, under such conditions. Plus, I gethungry if we stay too long and then I get cranky and when I’m crankyI can’t work. I would suggest going to my place, but I live by myselfand my apartment is extremely tiny. Could we maybe meet at yours?”Zen knew that Macy had asked without mean intent, actually makingsome valid points, but the question hit home. He froze almostimmediately, expression falling from happy to something dark andempty instead. Macy stopped in her tracks when she noticed the suddenchange in mood, turning to look at her friend. It was obvious thatshe was worried, reaching out to him but hesitating. Her hand reachedout for his face but hung in the air until Zen moved into the touch,hand resting against his cheek as he closed his eyes.
It feltso warm against his cold skin, so much so that he had the need torest his hand above hers to keep it in place, burying himself in thegentle touch. “I don’t really have a home”, he admitted in awhisper like it was some kind of dirty secret, something to beashamed off. “What”, came a quiet gasp in reply. “Why?” Zenfinally opened his eyes, meeting Macy’s. He could see the tearsthreatening to roll down her cheeks gathering and hated himself formaking her worry like that. Still, he could not lie, not with her.Macy was probably the only person he could be fully himself with andmaybe Zen needed that from time to time. No acting. No falseconfidence. No playing cool or tough. Just…Zen. “My parents bothwent to Ouran Academy as honour students. They are scholars, elitesif you want. My brother followed their footsteps but when I announcedI wouldn’t -”
“They kicked you out?”Zen nodded. “At first I tried living with friends, but its rude tostay longer than a couple of days at a time and eventually, after acouple of months, I got tired of jumping between families. I was atan all time low, walking down the streets with my tiny suitcasedragging behind me when this dude came to me, asking about my bike.They offered me a place to stay and food, so I accepted to come withhim”, he explained, shrugging. He never had to explicitly mentionit, but Macy soon realized what her friend was trying to tell her.“You joined a biker gang?! Oh Zen, don’t tell me you’re racing!”Zen blushed, taking a step back and instantly missing the featherytouch against his cheek. “It’s not like I had a choice. It’s eitherride or die and I’d rather die trying than die curled up in someditch.”
Zen had expected a lot of reactions, but mostcertainly not the slap to the face he received. “Risking your lifefor something like that? I thought you were smarter than that, youidiot”, Macy snapped, tears now freely running down her cheeks,slender body shaking almost violently. “It’s not like I had achoice, Macy! I had no money and nowhere to go.” Had he not caughther hand, she probably would have slapped him another time. “Youcould have asked us”, she screamed. “Every day you meet with ninepeople who care for you and love you and yet you are too proud to askany of us for help!? Shame on you, Ryu.. Risking your valuable lifeon illegal races that could kill you faster than any starvationbecause you 'had no other choice’ is the dumbest excuse I’ve everheard. I’ll wake the rest of the way myself. Someone who can’t takecare of themselves should not be worrying about taking care of me.”
Upon entering theauditorium the next morning Zen was met with his nine friends, alltalking in hushed voices that instantly stopped when they noticedhim. For a while they all silently stared at him and Zen had beenabout ready to turn around and leave when out of all people Juminstepped forward. Without a word he held out an envelop and Zen didn’thave to be a genius to know it was money. He could feel the angerrise inside of him and before he knew he was slapping the others handaway. “I don’t need your money, jerk! I’m not your little charitycase”, he snapped angrily. As per usual Jumin’s expression remainedcalm and stoic. It was Madeleine who seemed hurt and angry as shestepped forward to look at her boyfriends hand before picking up theenvelop that had fallen to the floor. “It’s not Jumin’s money, Zen,so please man up and just accept our help already.”
Zen instantly calmed uponfaced with such defeat in everyones eyes. He sighed, taking theenvelop and actually looking inside. He felt a little dizzy when herealized just how much money that was. “You don’t seriously want meto believe that this isn’t his. Who else has so much money on theirhands”, he asked, waving the thick bundle around. “OuranAcademy’s student body. We knew you wouldn’t accept our money, oranyones really, so we asked for tiny, tiny donations from everyone.Only so much that it wouldn’t be a bother to them. We didn’t tellthem what the donations were for, so they wouldn’t feel obliged tohelp. Ouran Academy is filled with rich people so some of thedonations might seem like a lot to you, but to them it’s not even asplit of their lunch money. They happily gave it up so please acceptthe money and rent a place”, Jaehee explained calmly with everyonenodding along.
Zen looked at the money, on the verge of tearsas he considered through how much trouble his friends must have gonethrough to ask all the students for money like that. He sighed. “I’mreally thankful for your guys’ hard work, but even if I accept this,I can’t rent a place. This might be enough to the first deposit andmaybe first months rent, but what should I do afterwards? I don’thave any other way to earn money but participating in those races.”That is when Jumin decided to speak up once more. “This is whereyou are wrong. You can earn money by acting. We decided to scrap theplay with had in favour of writing a new, much shorter one. That waywe can perform once a week instead of once a month or year. We caninvite people to our performances and do so in exchange for money.It’s neither charity nor are we forcing anyone and you will earnmoney without risking your life.”
Zen couldn’t believe hisears. They’d not only gathered enough for him to rent an apartment,but they were also coming up with a solution for him to pay rent andprovide for himself without having to race. That is when everyone gotout the scripts they’d been hiding behind their backs, presentingthem to Zen. Every member had written their own sketch. They wereshort and not all of the members were needed, which gave the othermembers more time to prepared for their own, creating a perpetuummobile performing and writing. “You’ll have to live a very modestlife and we won’t be able to do this for longer than a couple ofyears tops, but none of us have a shred of doubt in your abilities toprovide for yourself. You just needed some help to get up, but soonyou’ll be running on your own”, V added after some silence,everyone nodding along to his words.
Zen looked at everyone,trying his best to remain calm and keep his face when in reality hewanted to sing and cry with joy. Never in his life had he experiencedsuch unconditional love and he’d never imagined to find it in a placelike this, nor from the people he got it from. Considering thecircumstances he was all the more grateful. “Thank you”, he said,looking down at the money, holding it tight to his chest as he bowedto everyone, one by one. “Thank you so much for your help. If it’salright…I’d like to accept it.” Everyone clapped and cheered,pulling Zen into a group hug. Everyone but Macy, that is. She wasstill standing at the side, watching with an unreadable expression,arms crossed over her chest. It was when Zen swallowed nervously thateveryone took the hint, wished him good luck and scrambled out of theroom.
Faced alone with Macy Zen felt more nervous than he’dever felt before. It was usually him that seduced the women, madethem feel weak in the knees. Now he felt like a little child writingtheir first love letter to a secret crush. It was nerve wracking. Hewas about go gather up the courage to say something, anything at all,when Macy uncrossed her arms and held out a stack of papers. Zen wasconfused, to say the least. He’d prepared a million apologies thenight before after she’d quite literally slapped sense into him, butnow he was taken off guard. Was that script really that important?When Macy merely continued to hold it out for him, saying nothing,Zen figured it probably was and took the script hesitantly. Macyreached behind herself once more, picking up an identical stack andopening the first page, clearing her throat. “Read”, shecommanded and Zen did as he was told.Macy: This book…Weused to read these to each other. Why did you even buy it?
Zen: You know.
Macy: No, I don’t.
Zen: Yes, you do.
- Zen attempts to makea pass at Macy, but gets pushed away -
Macy: No, I don’t!
Zen: You know, I hate yoursquishy guts.
- woman grabs ontoman, holding him in a tight embrace -
Macy: I hate yoursquishy guts.
Zen: You know you love me.
- woman pulls back andstarts lightly hitting man with her fists -
Macy: I did love you. Iloved your squishy guts. You fucked it all up.
Zen: You fucked itall up.
Macy: Oh God! Why do Ilove you? It’s those eyes! Why do you have such pretty eyes? You’resuch a jerk! Why do you have to have those eyes? Why did you make mefall in love with you? I was supposed to be over it – falling inlove. And then there you were, with those eyes.
- Macy wants to getaway but Zen stops her -
Zen: We never evenfinished them all.
Macy: Ha! You know a lotabout not finishing something.
Zen: That again? It’snot like I’m not trying. Do you have any idea what it’s been likefor me? Trying to write something, something really good, when itjust isn’t coming?
Macy: Yea, well, you’renot the only one who’s not ‘coming.’
- Zen gets the pun,then stops for a moment. He changes his demeanour to that of aseducer -
Zen: Oh. Is that yourproblem? You need a little something? I think I can take care ofthat.
- Zen pulls Macy intoa passionate kiss - Once Zen had finished reading throughthe script he understood, smiling at the last line before looking up.He was met with a pair of  half lidded blue eyes looking at him,paired with small smirk. He’d gotten the message loud and clear andnot just the good part of it. Zen put away the script, walkingtowards Macy to embrace her, holding her tight to his chest. Itwasn’t quite as seductive as the play made it out to be, but it waspassionate and sincere nevertheless. “You came up with all of it,didn’t you?” It was formulated like a question, but Zen knew theanswer without her having to tell him. Even if the others cared forhim, no one cared quite as much as her. “You saved me, you know?”Macy looked up at him then, smiling gently. “I know. I think youshould repay your hero”, she replied teasingly and once more Zenobeyed, pulling her in for the kiss they’d both waited for.
“Excuse me, Hyun Ryu?”Zen turned around, surprised to be greeted by an unfamiliar, adultface. Usually only the student body came to their performances,rarely the teachers. The man in front of him was neither. “Please,call me Zen. It is the name I chose for myself”, he replied. Zentook the hand that was held out to him and shook it politely, smilingat the man. “How may I help you?” The man laughed, reaching intohis pocket and getting out a small card. “I think I might actuallybe able to help you. We’re still looking for a young lead for ourupcoming play and you are perfect for it. With your amazing looks youstick out and your talents hits the nail on the head. If you’reinterested that call that number. We can discuss the details in amore private setting.”
“It’s about time toinvited us to your place, Zen”, Saeyoung said, looking around thesmall apartment curiously, twin always by his side. “Yeah, we’rethe reason you have it in the first place.” Zen huffed, shaking hishead but smiling nevertheless. All his friends were gathered at theplace he was allowed to call his own home. A couple of months hadpassed since he’d moved in and if Zen was completely honest withhimself, he could have lived with never inviting the bunch of themover at all. Seeing so many filthy rich people gathered in such amodest place, probably silently judging, made him nervous. “He wasprobably enjoying his little den of love with Macy”, Mélodiereplied with a chuckle, making herself comfortable in V’s lap. Zenhad no idea when that particular relationship had happened, but aslong as they were happy, he supposed he was happy too.“Please,don’t make such crude remarks, Mélodie. It is bad enough to thinkthat they are probably true, let alone be reminded of the fact thatZen and Macy are living a immoral life style”, Jumin repliedsternly, holding onto Madeleine like someone was about to snatch heraway. “Oh please, like you’re the one to talk. You’re drooling overyour girlfriend”, Zen replied, rolling his eyes. “Fiancée.Madeleine is my fiancée soon to be wife and if you must know, we arewaiting until after marriage for such intimate acts to be shared,thank you very much.” Zen huffed, shaking his head. “Stop callingher your fiancée. It’s creepy. You’re just nineteen years old”, hesaid. “Huh, I didn’t know love had some sort of age stamp on it”,Jumin replied easily. Madeleine snickered at his stupid come-back andJumin lovingly pressed a kiss to her temple, effectively making Zenwant to throw up.
“Hearing you talk aboutlove…it gives me the chills. Are you really sure about marryinghim, Maddy? You could still find someone better”, Zen said instead,looking at his friend with concern and pity in his eyes. The redheadmerely chuckled, shaking her head at the two boys. “As sure as youare about Macy.” Well, that certainly put things into perspective.Zen looked across the room to where Macy was talking and laughingwith the twins and Yoosung, cheerful and happy as ever. He couldn’thelp but smile just looking at her. “I’m really happy for the twoof you, by the way. We all are”, Madeleine said as she noticed theothers glance. Zen turned his head to look at her, beaming from earto ear as he thanked her for her kind words. Had it not been for thenever ending support of his friend, Zen would have never dared topursue Macy. Thankfully, he’d been nudged in the rightdirection.
“Anyway, why are we gathered here today? Don’ttell me you’re proposing to Macy”, Mélodie said, instantly causingboth Zen and Macy to blush and choke on air. “What? No! I won’tpropose to anyone until I’m finally an established man, ready toprovide for myself and my future wife. Until then, I’m afraid, Macywill have to wait.” The blush in Macy’s cheeks only deepened andshe quickly looked away to hide it. Zen couldn’t have found her moreadorable if he tried. “We’re gathered here today, because I have avery happy and not marriage related announcement to make. After ourlast performance I was approached by a producer. He was amazed withmy talent and offered me a role in his upcoming play. It’s only asmall production, but I will be playing the lead and hopefully itwill open some more doors for me.”
Everyone cheered,gathering for a big group hug. In the short time all of them hadworked together on the theatre club they’d grown together as afamily, really. There wasn’t a day they didn’t see each other or atleast chat in their little chat room the twins had provided.Naturally those were the people that Zen wanted to tell about hissuccess first. “Without all of you none of this would have beenpossible. I have a job, I have a steady home, a girlfriend I love andfriends who are by my side. Even Jumin is here”, Zen said, earninga couple of laughs while Jumin looked unimpressed. Zen grinned. Therewould not be a day that he’d miss a chance to jab at the other. “Butmost of all, I have to thank you, Macy. Without you…I would haveended up dead sooner or later. Thank you for believing in me. Pleasewait a little longer for me so I can make a name for myself, becomethe man you deserve. Will you wait for me?” Macy nodded, stealing aquick kiss that left Zen flushed and everyone else in loud cheers.“Forever.”
The little script part is not mine. You can find it here
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