#hellcheer fanfic: flowers in the window
hangon-silvergirl · 2 years
@majicmarker tagged me to have a look at my WIPs and find the words sigh, sweet, and taste. I went a little overboard with the size of snippets, but, eh. Enjoy?
sigh, from a one-shot I'm working on for HellCheer Week that'll be called flowers in the window:
Eddie has Chrissy’s arm in his hand, and he’s doodling the outlines of flowers on her forearm and wrist with ballpoint pens, alternating between black, blue and red. “You’re quiet tonight,” he says, shading a sunflower. She rolls her shoulders in a shrug and gives him a small, sad smile, but she’s looking at the water-stained ceiling. “Everything alright?” “Yes. No? I don’t know…” Chrissy clenches and unclenches her fist, and she’s chewing hard on her bottom lip. Eddie pokes Chrissy’s stomach with the backend of the pen in his hand, and she sighs. “My mother was harassing me about Jason again.” Eddie starts drawing daisies. “Jesus,” he says. “It’s been a month, when’s she gonna give up the fucking ghost?” “I don’t know. It’s stupid. I keep telling her that it’s over, that I wasn’t happy. Daddy keeps telling her too, he keeps trying to run interference, because otherwise she’s just… Incessant. Like, God, at this point I’ll bet that even Jason’s probably telling her to get over it, when she calls him up to cry.” Eddie snorts. He starts drawing roses with the red pen.
sweet, from chapter 6 of Marigold:
“Cunningham,” he drawls, giving her a once-over, pleased smile en route to becoming a wolfish grin. “You told me that your mother buys your clothes. Gonna be a hard sell to convince me that she dresses you like a kindergarten teacher during the day then--” he gestures to all of her “--like this at night.” There’s a lot of emphasis on the this, and Chrissy likes it. It makes her feel tingly and desired, and her cheeks burn hot. Jason always tells Chrissy that she’s cute, or sweet, or perfect. He's never even called her hot or sexy during sex, though she's certainly heard him use the words with his friends when they talk about Phoebe Cates and Kelly LeBrock. But the look in Eddie’s eyes and the implication of his tone, and the juxtaposed way he's doing this very wholesome sort of leering, suggests that those words might be on the tip of his tongue. Emboldened by this, Chrissy does a little spin for him, so that he can get a good look at her exposed back. Eddie lets out a low whistle. (It’s not a wolf whistle, but she’ll take it.)
taste, from chapter 5 of the buzz:
The HairTM: I don’t even understand how you were able to DRINK Starbucks without bursting into flames. You: that is some nonsensical bullshit, harrington You: they don’t make their fucking lattes with holy water Rockin’ Robin: aaaaaaalll joking aside, steve, you actually know that eddie’s not really, like, /literally/ a vessel for the devil right You: nah, bro, i fucking wish The HairTM: Could’ve fooled me You: harrington, that’s not hard You: your last two brain cells smothered each other in 1999 The HairTM: I wasn’t even alive in 1999. You: i am aware You: such is the deficit at which you live your sad life You: lost your sense before your daddy even shot his load You: SAD Rockin’ Robin: hahaha buuuuuuuuuuuuuuurn The HairTM: You’re a dick. The HairTM: I need this barista’s phone number, Munson; she needs to know what she’s getting into with you! You: dude i’m a professional shit disturber with middling local celebrity You: i think she knows The HairTM : Yeah, well, in that case she’s got piss poor taste. You: ya know, if i WAS a vessel for the devil, i’da had you dipshits selling me your souls for tootsie pops yonks ago The HairTM : Whatever. Rockin’ Robin: overkill, i would’ve given you mine for a single shitty bong rip Big Wheeler: You can’t afford mine. You: no, nancy, no i cannot You: tweedle dee and tweedle dumb on the other hand...
I'm gonna tag @grewup2sheltered, if you're interesting in playing! Same words, because they're good ones. :D
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