teruriphoto · 1 year
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Title: Red Spider Lily/Higanbana
Higanbana (彼岸花)is the red spider lily Blooming fully around autumnal equinox(Sept.23) Representing symbol of Higan, other shore or nirvana In order to pay tribute to the ancestors in Buddhism.
Putting into the bawl of tea, Higanbanas now look like Senjyukannon(千手観音) Or one-thousand-armed bodhisattvas, Angel of enlightenment beings to help those Suffering from distresses on earth or in the hell.
These flowers are the symbols of light, Or heavenly world in order for those on earth To remember these higher beings taking care of us.
彼岸の入りの 曼珠沙華
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amonnn777 · 5 years
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セキンタニ・ラ・ノリヒロ @sekintani 『HELL曼華』モグラグギャラリーに行ってきた‼️ supremeとのコラボで知った方も多い、グロ多めの挑戦的なスタイルでエクストリームミュージックのMVも手掛けている氏のアートは過激なコラージュで溢れている。 2019.06.29.sat - 07.21.sun OPEN /13:00-20:00 CLOSE /月曜日 #セキンタニラノリヒロ #hell曼華 #supreme #シュプリーム #amonnnart (Mograg gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzkJdDLlOcm/?igshid=1bdmzhachof6l
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ayanos-pl · 4 years
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red spider lily, hell flower, red magic lily, or equinox flower (Lycoris radiata)
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konjaku · 2 years
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白花曼珠沙華[Shirobanamanjushage] Lycoris x albiflora Koidz.
白[Shiro] : White
花[-bana|Hana] : Flower
曼珠沙華[Manjushage] : 彼岸花[Higanbana], Spider lily
毒花[Dokubana](Toxic flower), 手腐花[Tegusarebana](Flower that rot the hands when touched), 捨子花[Sutegobana](Flower of the abandoned child), 死人花[Shibitobana](Flower of the dead person), 幽霊花[Yūreibana](Flower of the ghost), 地獄花[Jigokubana](Flower of Hell) and so on, Higanbana has a number of ominous aliases. According to a theory, there are more than one thousand of them.
彼岸花[Higanbana], 夏水仙[Natsuzuisen], 狐の剃刀[Kitsunenokamisori] and so on, there is something mysterious about the flowers of the Lycoris family.
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kaici · 3 years
VÖRÖS PÓKLILIOM haikuk (és még egy kis Dororo)
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Próbáltam aktuális maradni a haiku-fordításaimmal, de miután szeptemberben sem tudtam nekiállni a nyári kiu (喜雨, ’szárazság után enyhülést hozó zápor’) évszakszós költemények fordításának, úgy gondoltam, feladom a nyárias hangulatot. Igyekszem viszont minél több őszi haikut bemutatni, és bár ezzel is kicsit elkéstem, a sort megnyitnám egy Dororo inspirálta bejegyzéssel, melynek témája a higanbana (彼岸花 / ヒガンバナ), magyarul vörös pókliliom (Lycoris radiata). Ez a különleges virág Kínából származik, és az amarilliszek családjába tartozik. A karcsú növény jellegzetessége, hogy szirombontás idején még nincsenek meg a levelei, csupán a szára. Létezik fehér pókliliom is, én most a vörös fajtáról írok.
A vörös pókliliomot Japánban kétféleképpen nevezik. A higanbana mellett gyakran találkozunk a mandzsusage (曼珠沙華 / マンジュシャゲ) elnevezéssel is. A haisi.com oldal segítségével pedig megtudtam, hogy az irodalomban másképp is utalhatnak a vörös pókliliomra, további elnevezései például a júreibana (幽霊花: ’szellemek virága’) vagy sibitobana (死人花: ’holtak virága’). Nem véletlenül, hiszen a pókliliom egy különleges jelentésű virág: a japánok a halál és a másvilág szimbólumaként tekintenek rá, ezért egymásnak ajándékozása szigorúan tilos.
A virág japán nevében szereplő higan (彼岸) egy egyhetes buddhista szertartást jelöl, melyet évente kétszer, a tavaszi és az őszi napéjegyenlőség idején tartanak a templomokban. Mivel a pókliliom szeptemberben nyílik, ezért lett az őszi napéjegyenlőség (kb. szeptember 23.) virága, s ezzel jelzi az ősz beköszöntét. Japánban az őszi napéjegyenlőség napja (súbun no hi) nemzeti ünnep, mikor az emberek felkeresik a temetőket és megemlékeznek szeretteikről (ezt hívják tiszteletteljesen o-higannak).
A higan egyébként a másvilágot, a túlpartot jelenti a buddhizmusban, ahová a léleknek el kell jutnia az élők és a holtak világát elválasztó folyón át. Gyakran találkozunk vörös pókliliommal a temetőkben, de régen rizsföldek határára is ültették, hogy mérgező hagymája távol tartsa a kártevőket.
A pókliliom több animében is megjelenik:
Feltűnik az Inujasa és a Kimecu no Jaiba (Demon Slayer) c. anime endingjében.
Megjelenik többek között a Dzsigoku sódzso (Hell Girl) és a Tokyo Ghoul c. animében.
Fontos szimbólum lesz a Dororo c. animében, melynek 9. epizódjában többször láthatjuk egy-egy szálát út menti síremléknél vagy buddhista kolostorban, tömegével pedig a természetben egy réten, ahol a főszereplő édesanyja leli halálát. Az animében a virágot mandzsusage néven említi Dororo.
A virág jelentésének megfelelően sok haikuban megjelenik a pókliliom képéhez társított temető, síremlék vagy útszéli Buddha szobor, de ugyanígy kapcsolják szerzetesek vándorlását vagy rizsföldek képét is hozzá. A költeményekben gyakran szegélyezik pókliliomok szimbolikusan az élet útját is. A szirmok vörös színét a legtöbb költő tűzhöz, lánghoz vagy a lélek lángjához (japánul: honoo) hasonlítja, amit nagyon jól vizualizáltak a Dororoban is, ráadásul a visszaemlékezés fekete-fehér jeleneteiben csak a pókliliom, a tűz és a vér kapott vörös színt:
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Bár a haikuk közt nem találtam olyat, amelyben a virágról a vérre asszociálnának, a háborúzás borzalmait kisgyermekként megtapasztalt Dororo összekapcsolja a két fogalmat. Az említett epizódban ez a párbeszéd hangzik el Dororo és édesapja közt:
- Mandzsusagette dósite csi mitai na iro o siteirun daró?
- Ikusza de sinda jacura no csi o szutta no kamosirenee na.
- A pókliliom színe miért a vérre hasonlít?
- Talán mert magába szívta a háborúkban elesett emberek vérét.
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Jöjjenek végre a haikuk! Szokásomhoz hívem két Maszaoka Siki költeménnyel nyitom a sort, utána pedig egy később íródott, Sikire utaló haiku következik. Siki a mandzsusage elnevezést használta pókliliomos verseiben, a többit azonban higanbana évszakszóval íródott költeményekből válogattam.
 日の落る野中の丘や曼珠沙華 HI NO OCSIRU / NONAKA NO OKA JA / MANDZSUSAGE (正岡子規 – Maszaoka Siki)
Lenyugszik a Nap. Szántóföld egy buckáján pókliliom nő.
 曼珠沙花郷居の叔父を訪ふ道に MANDZSUSAGE / SZATOI NO ODZSI O / TOU MICSI NI (正岡子規 – Maszaoka Siki)
Vidéki úton bácsikámhoz ballagva pókliliom vár.
 子規庵の狭庭に燃ゆる彼岸花 SIKI-AN NO / SZANIVA NI MOJURU / HIGANBANA (安陪青人)
Siki lakának szűk kertjében izzó pókliliomok.
Pókliliomok! Rám tör számtalan sok szomorú emlék.
Mintha összegyűlt lelkek lángja izzana: pókliliomok.
Fájdalmainkat elűzve nyíljatok hát, pókliliomok!
 彼岸花雨に燃えつきさうにあり HIGANBANA / AME NI MOECUKI / SZÓ NI ARI (仁科聖烏)
Pókliliomok. Esőben is mintha lángra kapnának.
 燃え失せて茎のみ立ちし彼岸花 MOE-USZETE / KUKI NOMI TACSISI / HIGANBANA (久保田一豊)
Szárak merednek. A pókliliom lángja ellobbant már.
Buddha szobor mellé szúrt pókliliom jaj, énrám mutat.
Pókliliom szál. Katona egy sírjának így adakoznak.
 風もらふ生れたばかりの彼岸花 KAZE MORAU / UMARETA BAKARI NO / HIGANBANA (市川伊團次)
Frissen született pókliliom szirmait szél tépázza meg.
 天上に父母再会の彼岸花 TENDZSÓ NI / FUBO SZAIKAI NO / HIGANBANA (うまきいつこ)
Pókliliomok… Szüleimet odafenn újra láthatom.
 彼岸花祖父の墓へとつづく道 HIGANBANA / SZOFU NO HAKA E TO / CUZUKU MICSI (松葉よし江)
Pókliliomok. Nagyapám sírjához ők kísérik léptem.
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krs955 · 4 years
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ヒガンバナ (彼岸花, マンジュシャゲ, 曼珠沙華, red spider lily, hell flower, red magic lily, equinox flower, ヒガンバナ科ヒガンバナ亜科, :: Lycoris radiata (L'Hér.) Herb. Syn.:: Nerine japonica Miq. Nerine radiata Sweet )
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mensunohk · 6 years
慢生活 深度旅遊 世界十大火車之旅
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California Zephyr
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Venice Simplon-Orient-Express
跟朱潔儀一樣,你細細個就可能聽過這名字。東方快車是世界鐵路史上最富有傳奇色彩的火車。1883年首行,不少各國王公貴族、影響歷史的人物橫貫歐亞大陸。30年代英國小說家Agatha Christie更創作了《東方快車謀殺案》這令人愛不釋手的偵探故事,自此這列車更是傳奇。東方快車的車廂採用了奢華的裝飾風格,仿如貴族皇宮般。今年再推出三款全新的套房,皆配有浴室、廁所,如有需要的話,也可以在房間用膳,至於路線,雖然東方快車已於歐洲各地發展了不同的豪華旅遊路線,但要數正宗,當然是跟隨小說情節,乘坐由伊斯坦堡至倫敦的一班列車。
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Trans-Siberian Railway
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The Ghan
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Twilight Express Mizukaze
要數日本最傳奇的豪華觀光列車,首選來往大阪至札幌的Twilight Express,列車在2015年3月光榮退役後,去年由全新的Twilight Express Mizukaze接棒,雖然路線不同,但仍舊無敵豪華。列車共有10個車廂,當中分為展望車廂、標準客房車廂、酒吧、餐廳,還有面積肯定大過納米豪宅的頂級套房。有別於初代目Twilight Express,二代目的路以遊走日本中國(是日本中部),從京都或大阪上車,一直到山口縣下関站,包括山陽、山陰等五條路線,兩日一夜或三日兩夜,日間停行讓乘客下車遊覽,黃昏繼續行程,沿途風光,慢慢享受。
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Tren Crucero
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Rocky Mountaineer
建於1990年,至今已承載了超過100萬名的乘客。列車沿加拿大洛基山脈,穿行班夫國家公園,駛向惠斯勒北部的原野。這項鐵路工程被譽為工程奇跡,因為要在基金霍斯山口(Kicking Horse Pass)炸穿兩座山,建築螺旋隧道,再搭起鐵路軌;然後順著磅礴的弗雷澤河(Fraser River)穿過地獄門(Hell's Gate),可想像工程師和設計師在建造洛基山登山者號路線時,面對了多少挑戰。試想像鐵路工程是由禮頓承包建造,現在可能已沉降沉到落大西洋,火車變潛水艇了⋯⋯
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Eastern & Oriental Express
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Blue Train
這條鐵路的歷史,最早可追溯至英國殖民時期,送從約翰尼斯堡到開普敦搭乘開往英國船舶的旅客,並早於1933就已有豪華火車的服務雛形,之後因二戰一度中斷服務,1946年回復營運後,改以藍色手繪火車作為參考而重新命名,1997年再經過翻新與重啟,標準行程兩日一夜,往返於西南部的開普敦及東北部的普勒托利亞,長1,600公里。於1998至2001年,獲「世界最佳豪華火車」大獎(World Travel Awards:World's Leading Luxury Train)。
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Maharajas Express
men’s uno Hong Kong ►► Facebook@mensuno ►► Instagram@mensunohk ►► men’s unoTV
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firehenry · 4 years
《杜立德》如何成為 2020 年第一部票房毒藥電影?原因不是道尼與「龍屁」,而是……
玫瑰不叫玫瑰,還是一樣的香,但如果小勞勃道尼 (Robert Downey Jr.) 不叫東尼史塔克,他是否仍能抓住觀眾的心?從電影《杜立德》(Dolittle) 的成績看來,似乎是不行。這部動物版《復仇者聯盟》光在籌備階段就多災多難,而上映後不管是口碑或是票房也都零零落落,曾經擔任這部電影劇本醫生的賽斯羅根 (Seth Rogen),最近透露了這部電影的根本問題,看來甚至連發行電影的環球影業,在《杜立德》上映前就知道……道尼的魅力無法讓觀眾愛上新世紀的《杜立德》。
《杜立德》不光是遇到武漢肺炎 更慘的是它的製作過程
2020 年本來就多災多難,而《杜立德》是好萊塢在今年面臨的第一道災難:它是 2020 年的第一發票房毒藥大片。《杜立德》很大,它的成本高達 1.75 億美金,而且上映時(1/17 全美上映)還沒有太多歐美觀眾認識武漢肺炎病毒,但是在《杜立德》的 4 天首映週末,這部電影卻只拿到近 3 千萬美金的尷尬美國票房、連帶海外(包括台灣)的票房也僅有 1 千 7 百萬美金——以《杜立德》的成本規模,它理應首週末美國票房就破億才行。根據媒體分析,《杜立德》應該導致環球影業慘賠約 1 億美金……。去年聖誕節,這間大型電影公司,才因為很多毛的《貓》(Cats) 而在票房榜上狠跌一跤。
找來賽斯羅根、強納森李伯斯及亞當麥凱 仍無法挽救頹勢
賽斯羅根的電影風格常常葷素不忌,這似乎顯示《杜立德》的「龍屁」笑話是出自他手。但是,原本我們看到的《杜立德》並不是這種搞笑風格:《杜立德》其實早在 2018 年就已經完成了初剪版,但是這個版本讓環球影業大為驚訝。2018 年的《杜立德》,其實一點都不幽默;整部電影甚至很少使用視覺特效;結局也沒有洋溢闔家歡樂的氣氛,它甚至還有點悲傷。這是個對電影公司難以接受的大問題,他們預期榮獲奧斯卡肯定的導演史蒂芬葛漢 (Stephen Gaghan),拍出讓大人小孩都喜歡的家庭電影。事實是,《杜立德》跟過去所有的《怪醫杜立德》電影都不一樣。
《杜立德》劇照。環球影業直到電影拍完,才發現這不是他們要的《杜立德》,這當然是環球影業自己的問題,與負責監督電影品質的監製的問題。問題是木已成舟,環球影業能做的只能是亡羊補牢——應該說把牢房打掉重練。電影公司請來《忍者龜:變種世代》(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) 的導演強納森李伯斯曼 (Jonathan Liebesman) 「補拍」片段——應該說打掉重練;同時也請來擅於製作喜劇電影的羅根來「修改」劇本——應該說打掉重練。
賽斯羅根最後還是離開了多災多難的《杜立德》,而環球影業後來還找了過去諧星威爾法洛 (Will Ferrell) 的製片搭檔、執導過《爛兄爛弟》(Step Brothers) 與《銀幕大角頭》(Anchorman) 的亞當麥凱 (Adam McKay) 來「修改」這部電影。而對外,電影公司只能沉默地用不斷
的延期,來回應電影無法上映的疑問。亞當麥凱還與小勞勃道尼重新構思電影的故事板 (Storyboard),希望這部電影能夠歡樂一點。但沒有多久,連充滿幽默感的麥凱也離開了《杜立德》。
原本 2018 年的《杜立德》版本與現在的公映版有什麼不同?我們僅知的少數差異中,杜立德與電影中小男孩湯米的關係是其中一個。在我們看到的《杜立德》裡,湯米是不請自來的男孩,他想要成為杜立德的學徒。但是,在原本導演史蒂芬葛漢的構思裡,湯米其實是杜立德的親生兒子(這其實才能解釋為什麼一個小男孩可以與陌生男子遠渡重洋)。他希望《杜立德》能是一部父子親情電影(因此開場杜立德妻子早逝變成了劇情推進的主要動力),而這樣的「家庭崩壞——父
《杜立德》為什麼非得是一部喜劇電影?當然可以不是,但是,電影公司砸下了重金,就是想拍一部觀眾會喜歡、並藉以回收成本的商業電影。環球影業拉來了包括道尼、與安東尼奧班德拉斯 (Antonio Banderas)、英國戲精麥可辛 (Michael Sheen)、英國好爸爸吉姆布洛班特 (Jim Broadbent)、紐約芳鄰
小蜘蛛湯姆霍蘭德 (Tom Holland)、霍格華茲沒鼻宿敵雷夫范恩斯 (Ralph Fiennes)、與約翰希南 (John Cena)等等大咖,就是希望這是一部不需要讓人想太多、只要乖乖進戲院的典型娛樂電影——父子和解電影很難發大財。但是看來,導演與監製在製片過程中沒有堅守這個目標,導致了《杜立德》東補西補的糟糕補拍過程,而最終這部電影並沒有娛樂到太多人。
《杜立德》劇照。《杜立德》上映之後,很快地遇上了武漢肺炎疫情這根超大的蓋棺釘——中國與日本都延遲了本片檔期。但疫情看來只是壓垮駱駝的最後一根稻草,《杜立德》無法像其他經歷製作地獄 (production hell) 的電影一樣浴火重生——例如《末日之戰》(World war z) 或是《瘋狂麥斯:憤怒道》(Mad Max: Fury Road)。最終成為了 2020 開年好萊塢的第一發殘念煙火、應該斷絕了《杜立德》繼續發展續集的可能、也讓小勞勃道尼的魅力受到質疑……好萊塢還會再拍說話動物的電影嗎?應該會,但應該得等上幾年再說了
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lucifer1013 · 6 years
(經由 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVUBkdaBgbA)12.09.2018.00:53.
Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Do not attack me through your fast dying clout’s second hand smoke when I’m sleeping at night in my room or at any moment before Doomsday. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday.[12.08.2018.21:06.]美就留在《中导条约》开条件 俄拒绝“最后通牒” 2018-12-08 06:30:56 来源: 新华网[想挽救《中導條約》? 美給俄開兩條件 拆毀或改造違約導彈][國防大學學者:孟晚舟事件對中國是清醒劑][土美同意加快叙利亚曼比季安全合作路线图进程 2018-12-08 13:17:35 来源: 新华网][帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。[12.05.2018.15:22.]敘利亞問題四方峰會 俄同意再次舉行[來源:新華社][貿易戰明年中告一段落][美中貿易戰停火90天 陸商:寒冬會繼續][美对俄最后通牒:60天内履行《中导》否则退约][《中导》关键60天: 俄不遵守美就走][美促俄60天解除違約導彈 否則正式退出中導條約]《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門][12.04.2018.18:25.]美中貿易戰:90天後重燃戰火[俄同意再次举行叙利亚问题四方峰会 2018-12-04 11:27:43 来源: 新华网][特朗普推文:将和中俄磋商 终止“失控的军备竞赛”][12.03.2018.14:50.]中美貿易戰休戰台前幕後:休戰期只有90天,美方提出90天期限,意味谈判要在明年3月1日前后谈出结果,正好在中国全国「两会」(中国全国人民代表大会、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会会议)登场前夕。报道指出,中国领导阶层在那段期间不容易对外国让步,无形中增加美中后续谈判风险。[2018年11月28日]崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。”[解决叙利亚问题重心将转向政治和谈 2018年12月03日09:50 来源:人民网][帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,…。[12.01.2018.伊德利卜无战事已历数月 或成叙利亚战争最后战场][11.30.2018.15:34.]第11轮叙利亚问题阿斯塔纳和谈结束 年底有望交换战俘 2018-11-30 07:56:52 来源: 中国新闻网(对于引人关注的宪法委员会问题,各方就在年底前公布宪法委员会成员名单达成原则上的一致。)(此外,叙政府与反政府武装达成一致,将在今年年底前互换约50名战俘。此外,与会各方一致同意于2019年2月在阿斯塔纳举行第12轮和谈。)(11.29.2018.)崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。” )([11.25.2018.]允许阿萨德继续执政,美国特使释放重大信号!不再改变叙利亚政权)[帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門](05 November, 2018. Cosmic-ray interactions with the atmosphere produce a flux of neutrinos in all directions with energies extending above the TeV scale.) Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Stop hacking into my laptop before Doomsday. Stop blocking me from reading news on english.ahram.org.eg before Doomsday. And, do not block me from reading all the information and data and news and web pages on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from watching all the videos and news channels on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from listening to all the audios on the Internet before Doomsday. Stop waging your dying clout war against me before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned this Yom Kippur. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon this year.Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not shut down my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not block me from editing my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity very soon. You all are Satan’s kids, built to be killed and thrown into the lake of fire being burned for eternity. And, I extremely abhor your stupid https://www.duda.co. and https://www.godaddy.com/.And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evil remote monitoring system conspirators. Do not block me from posting and writing my own posts on my own WordPress blog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel this December. Go to hell, get burned for eternity.[以西結書 39:23]列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。含的兒子是古實、麥西、弗、迦南。7 古實的兒子是西巴、哈腓拉、撒弗他、拉瑪、撒弗提迦。拉瑪的兒子是示巴、底但。8 古實又生寧錄,他為世上英雄之首。9 他在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶,所以俗語說:「像寧錄在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶。」10 他國的起頭是巴別、以力、亞甲、甲尼,都在示拿地。11 他從那地出來往亞述去,建造尼尼微、利河伯、迦拉, 12 和尼尼微、迦拉中間的利鮮,這就是那大城。以色列家因罪被棄21 「我必顯我的榮耀在列國中,萬民就必看見我所行的審判與我在他們身上所加的手。22 這樣,從那日以後,以色列家必知道我是耶和華他們的神。23 列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。24 我是照他們的汙穢和罪過待他們,並且我掩面不顧他們。Nimrod’s Assyria is the Gentiles on the Day of the Lord for slaying the house of Israel.(CONFIRMED) Russia readies for WAR with U S Nuclear Attack on Yellowstone(中導條約)(發佈日期:2018年11月9日)加拿大媒体:“毒藥丸”条款是美国人的敲诈!2018-10-15 04:00 环球时报[10.10.2018.]阻其他國家與華簽貿易協定,美「毒藥丸」條款,孤立中國![08.12.2018.]美对华贸易战走入死胡同 外媒:特朗普破罐子破摔!叙军攻打叙南部极端组织最后据点:政府军在苏韦达行动取得进展![08.11.2018.]人民日报:美国挑起贸易战的要害是破坏规则![08.10.2018.]人民日報分析美國挑起貿易戰原因:為確保自己永遠不被超越;联合国:叙利亚冲突接近尾声,该国已无受围困地区![08.08.2018.]七年內戰將終止,三大勢力主導敘利亞和平路線![帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。Gog and his multitude, of the land of Magog, are NOT the Russians. Gog is the Assyrian chief prince of Nimrod. Assyria is located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth, which is the blessed work of the Lord Jesus’ hands for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord,just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.[China V.S. USA at oil war and trade war.[The Antichrist wages nuclear genocide against the Chinese people.]敵基督(USA)發動針對中國人的全面核子滅族戰爭! The UFOs are the Assyrians’ aircrafts of Nimrod. Edward Snowden:UFOs Come From Ultra-Terrestrial Civilization in Earth Mantle.[07.18.2018.]叙利亚内战接近收官:美国大势已去,俄罗斯大获全胜![07.17.2018.]瑞銀預測:「全面貿易戰」後果很嚴重!叛军逐渐撤军,叙利亚休战露曙光![07-16-2018] HKT 11:21國家統計局:中美貿易戰對下半年中國經濟影響仍有待觀[07.15.2018.]7年多战乱回归原点:美放弃盟友 叙政府军收复德拉[07.13.2018.]商務部:美國打貿易戰將把世界經濟拖入危境;陸商務部:中美貿易戰影響將於下半年逐步顯現[中美貿易戰全面開打][07.01.2018.]外媒:多国对美征收报复性关税,贸易战反令美企受困;叙利亚南部多地反对派武装同意与政府和解![06.21.2018.] Economists say expansion could slow by up to 1 percentage point in a tariffs battle – but if dispute spirals it will be ‘like putting a price tag on  a world war’[贸易战->關稅壁壘->貿易保護主義->通貨膨漲->經濟蕭條->(WW3)前奏曲->][耶穌降臨的預兆]耶穌在橄欖山上坐著,門徒暗暗地來,說:「請告訴我們,什麼時候有這些事?你降臨和世界的末了有什麼預兆呢?」4耶穌回答說:「你們要謹慎,免得有人迷惑你們。5因為將來有好些人冒我的名來,說:『我是基督』,並且要迷惑許多人。6你們也要聽見打仗和打仗的風聲,總不要驚慌,因為這些事是必須有的,只是末期還沒有到。7民要攻打民,國要攻打國,多處必有饑荒、地震,8這都是災難的起頭。[彼後3:10]但主的日子要像賊來到一樣。那日,天必大有響聲廢去,有形質的都要被烈火銷化,地和其上的物都要燒盡了。[MICAH 3:12]所以因你們的緣故,錫安必被耕種像一塊田,耶路撒冷必變為亂堆[heaps of ruins],這殿的山必像叢林的高處。[但以理書 9:26]必有一王的民來毀滅這城[the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city]和聖所。[JOEL 2:20] the northern  army.[以西結書 38:6]歌篾人和他的軍隊,北方極處[the far north]的陀迦瑪族和他的軍隊,這許多國的民都同著你。Gog is the blessed prince of the northern army of Assyria for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord. Some of the Tyrians [the people of the Unidentified Submerged Objects] of the northern army of Assyria are living in the East Siberian Sea, who are 3-meter tall in height. [Zechariah 9:4] Tyre’s power in the sea [of the Earth]. [Nahum 3:8-9] Whose rampart was the sea? Whose wall was the sea.And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system are all gotta be slain by those giant Assyrians living in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth as Ethiopia starts filling her Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam during the Nile flood season for generating hydroelectric power. Ethiopia’s filling her GERD during the Nile flood season is gotta suddenly plunge the Nile Delta into a parched state, which is gotta suddenly trigger riots and social unrest in Egypt,Egypt rapidly spiralling out of control into brutal social protest movements that no regime, no matter howpowerful and aggressive it is, can stop.And, on the Day of the Lord and through the most apocalyptic fervent heat of solar superstorm of magnetic reconnection, the Lord Jesus is gotta suddenly and utterly consume the whole human race that is currently dwelling on the face of the whole earth, suddenly triggering the most powerful geomagnetic reversal, disrupting the earth’s core and crust, super volcanic eruptions and mega-thrust earthquakes and mega tsunamis suddenly sweeping across the Earth, ripping split open the earth, annihilating the land of the whole earth, putting a sudden end to all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth, the mass extinction event of the Lord Jesus’ Judgment, just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are those giant Assyrians and Moabites currently and physically living in the earth’s mantle and in the north before the Day of the Lord.Gog and Magog are a distinct and hybrid species of the Assyrian Empire, which is currently and physically located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth before the Day of the Lord.And, fat cat chimpanzees are definitely and absolutely NOT Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the white people. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the Jewish people, either. The Teutons already obliterated theJewish people about 2000 years ago in the Europeanforests.[啟示錄 2:9]…也知道那自稱是猶太人所說的毀謗話,其實他們不是猶太人,乃是撒旦一會的人。[啟示錄 3:9]那撒旦一會的,自稱是猶太人,其實不是猶太人,乃是說謊話的,…。We use the present simple to describe things or persons that are always true, or situations that exist now and, as far as we know, will go on indefinitely. [eternal truths and timeless present]Revelation 2:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a[a]synagogue of Satan.Revelation 3:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.[用現在式是為了強調在轉述的時候,被轉述的事仍然是事實,並且永遠是事實和真理!]Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own Facebook account before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own Google mail or my own Yahoo mail before Doomsday. Do not hack into my laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my online accounts before Doomsday. Do not sabotage my Youtube account before Doomsday. Do not jam my laptop’s flash memory before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. And, I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon.
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ayanos-pl · 4 years
Tumblr media
red spider lily, hell flower, red magic lily, or equinox flower (Lycoris radiata)
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jesusloveslucifer · 6 years
(經由 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBdfkEkbLls)Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Do not attack me through your fast dying clout’s second hand smoke when I’m sleeping at night in my room or at any moment before Doomsday. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday.[12.08.2018.21:06.]美就留在《中导条约》开条件 俄拒绝“最后通牒” 2018-12-08 06:30:56 来源: 新华网[想挽救《中導條約》? 美給俄開兩條件 拆毀或改造違約導彈][國防大學學者:孟晚舟事件對中國是清醒劑][土美同意加快叙利亚曼比季安全合作路线图进程 2018-12-08 13:17:35 来源: 新华网][帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。[12.05.2018.15:22.]敘利亞問題四方峰會 俄同意再次舉行[來源:新華社][貿易戰明年中告一段落][美中貿易戰停火90天 陸商:寒冬會繼續][美对俄最后通牒:60天内履行《中导》否则退约][《中导》关键60天: 俄不遵守美就走][美促俄60天解除違約導彈 否則正式退出中導條約]《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門][12.04.2018.18:25.]美中貿易戰:90天後重燃戰火[俄同意再次举行叙利亚问题四方峰会 2018-12-04 11:27:43 来源: 新华网][特朗普推文:将和中俄磋商 终止“失控的军备竞赛”][12.03.2018.14:50.]中美貿易戰休戰台前幕後:休戰期只有90天,美方提出90天期限,意味谈判要在明年3月1日前后谈出结果,正好在中国全国「两会」(中国全国人民代表大会、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会会议)登场前夕。报道指出,中国领导阶层在那段期间不容易对外国让步,无形中增加美中后续谈判风险。[2018年11月28日]崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。”[解决叙利亚问题重心将转向政治和谈 2018年12月03日09:50 来源:人民网][帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,…。[12.01.2018.伊德利卜无战事已历数月 或成叙利亚战争最后战场][11.30.2018.15:34.]第11轮叙利亚问题阿斯塔纳和谈结束 年底有望交换战俘 2018-11-30 07:56:52 来源: 中国新闻网(对于引人关注的宪法委员会问题,各方就在年底前公布宪法委员会成员名单达成原则上的一致。)(此外,叙政府与反政府武装达成一致,将在今年年底前互换约50名战俘。此外,与会各方一致同意于2019年2月在阿斯塔纳举行第12轮和谈。)(11.29.2018.)崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。” )([11.25.2018.]允许阿萨德继续执政,美国特使释放重大信号!不再改变叙利亚政权)[帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門](05 November, 2018. Cosmic-ray interactions with the atmosphere produce a flux of neutrinos in all directions with energies extending above the TeV scale.) Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Stop hacking into my laptop before Doomsday. Stop blocking me from reading news on english.ahram.org.eg before Doomsday. And, do not block me from reading all the information and data and news and web pages on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from watching all the videos and news channels on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from listening to all the audios on the Internet before Doomsday. Stop waging your dying clout war against me before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned this Yom Kippur. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon this year.Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not shut down my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not block me from editing my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity very soon. You all are Satan’s kids, built to be killed and thrown into the lake of fire being burned for eternity. And, I extremely abhor your stupid https://www.duda.co. and https://www.godaddy.com/.And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evil remote monitoring system conspirators. Do not block me from posting and writing my own posts on my own WordPress blog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel this December. Go to hell, get burned for eternity.[以西結書 39:23]列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。含的兒子是古實、麥西、弗、迦南。7 古實的兒子是西巴、哈腓拉、撒弗他、拉瑪、撒弗提迦。拉瑪的兒子是示巴、底但。8 古實又生寧錄,他為世上英雄之首。9 他在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶,所以俗語說:「像寧錄在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶。」10 他國的起頭是巴別、以力、亞甲、甲尼,都在示拿地。11 他從那地出來往亞述去,建造尼尼微、利河伯、迦拉, 12 和尼尼微、迦拉中間的利鮮,這就是那大城。以色列家因罪被棄21 「我必顯我的榮耀在列國中,萬民就必看見我所行的審判與我在他們身上所加的手。22 這樣,從那日以後,以色列家必知道我是耶和華他們的神。23 列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。24 我是照他們的汙穢和罪過待他們,並且我掩面不顧他們。Nimrod’s Assyria is the Gentiles on the Day of the Lord for slaying the house of Israel.(CONFIRMED) Russia readies for WAR with U S Nuclear Attack on Yellowstone(中導條約)(發佈日期:2018年11月9日)加拿大媒体:“毒藥丸”条款是美国人的敲诈!2018-10-15 04:00 环球时报[10.10.2018.]阻其他國家與華簽貿易協定,美「毒藥丸」條款,孤立中國![08.12.2018.]美对华贸易战走入死胡同 外媒:特朗普破罐子破摔!叙军攻打叙南部极端组织最后据点:政府军在苏韦达行动取得进展![08.11.2018.]人民日报:美国挑起贸易战的要害是破坏规则![08.10.2018.]人民日報分析美國挑起貿易戰原因:為確保自己永遠不被超越;联合国:叙利亚冲突接近尾声,该国已无受围困地区![08.08.2018.]七年內戰將終止,三大勢力主導敘利亞和平路線![帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。Gog and his multitude, of the land of Magog, are NOT the Russians. Gog is the Assyrian chief prince of Nimrod. Assyria is located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth, which is the blessed work of the Lord Jesus’ hands for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord,just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.[China V.S. USA at oil war and trade war.[The Antichrist wages nuclear genocide against the Chinese people.]敵基督(USA)發動針對中國人的全面核子滅族戰爭! The UFOs are the Assyrians’ aircrafts of Nimrod. Edward Snowden:UFOs Come From Ultra-Terrestrial Civilization in Earth Mantle.[07.18.2018.]叙利亚内战接近收官:美国大势已去,俄罗斯大获全胜![07.17.2018.]瑞銀預測:「全面貿易戰」後果很嚴重!叛军逐渐撤军,叙利亚休战露曙光![07-16-2018] HKT 11:21國家統計局:中美貿易戰對下半年中國經濟影響仍有待觀[07.15.2018.]7年多战乱回归原点:美放弃盟友 叙政府军收复德拉[07.13.2018.]商務部:美國打貿易戰將把世界經濟拖入危境;陸商務部:中美貿易戰影響將於下半年逐步顯現[中美貿易戰全面開打][07.01.2018.]外媒:多国对美征收报复性关税,贸易战反令美企受困;叙利亚南部多地反对派武装同意与政府和解![06.21.2018.] Economists say expansion could slow by up to 1 percentage point in a tariffs battle – but if dispute spirals it will be ‘like putting a price tag on  a world war’[贸易战->關稅壁壘->貿易保護主義->通貨膨漲->經濟蕭條->(WW3)前奏曲->][耶穌降臨的預兆]耶穌在橄欖山上坐著,門徒暗暗地來,說:「請告訴我們,什麼時候有這些事?你降臨和世界的末了有什麼預兆呢?」4耶穌回答說:「你們要謹慎,免得有人迷惑你們。5因為將來有好些人冒我的名來,說:『我是基督』,並且要迷惑許多人。6你們也要聽見打仗和打仗的風聲,總不要驚慌,因為這些事是必須有的,只是末期還沒有到。7民要攻打民,國要攻打國,多處必有饑荒、地震,8這都是災難的起頭。[彼後3:10]但主的日子要像賊來到一樣。那日,天必大有響聲廢去,有形質的都要被烈火銷化,地和其上的物都要燒盡了。[MICAH 3:12]所以因你們的緣故,錫安必被耕種像一塊田,耶路撒冷必變為亂堆[heaps of ruins],這殿的山必像叢林的高處。[但以理書 9:26]必有一王的民來毀滅這城[the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city]和聖所。[JOEL 2:20] the northern  army.[以西結書 38:6]歌篾人和他的軍隊,北方極處[the far north]的陀迦瑪族和他的軍隊,這許多國的民都同著你。Gog is the blessed prince of the northern army of Assyria for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord. Some of the Tyrians [the people of the Unidentified Submerged Objects] of the northern army of Assyria are living in the East Siberian Sea, who are 3-meter tall in height. [Zechariah 9:4] Tyre’s power in the sea [of the Earth]. [Nahum 3:8-9] Whose rampart was the sea? Whose wall was the sea.And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system are all gotta be slain by those giant Assyrians living in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth as Ethiopia starts filling her Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam during the Nile flood season for generating hydroelectric power. Ethiopia’s filling her GERD during the Nile flood season is gotta suddenly plunge the Nile Delta into a parched state, which is gotta suddenly trigger riots and social unrest in Egypt,Egypt rapidly spiralling out of control into brutal social protest movements that no regime, no matter howpowerful and aggressive it is, can stop.And, on the Day of the Lord and through the most apocalyptic fervent heat of solar superstorm of magnetic reconnection, the Lord Jesus is gotta suddenly and utterly consume the whole human race that is currently dwelling on the face of the whole earth, suddenly triggering the most powerful geomagnetic reversal, disrupting the earth’s core and crust, super volcanic eruptions and mega-thrust earthquakes and mega tsunamis suddenly sweeping across the Earth, ripping split open the earth, annihilating the land of the whole earth, putting a sudden end to all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth, the mass extinction event of the Lord Jesus’ Judgment, just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are those giant Assyrians and Moabites currently and physically living in the earth’s mantle and in the north before the Day of the Lord.Gog and Magog are a distinct and hybrid species of the Assyrian Empire, which is currently and physically located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth before the Day of the Lord.And, fat cat chimpanzees are definitely and absolutely NOT Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the white people. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the Jewish people, either. The Teutons already obliterated theJewish people about 2000 years ago in the Europeanforests.[啟示錄 2:9]…也知道那自稱是猶太人所說的毀謗話,其實他們不是猶太人,乃是撒旦一會的人。[啟示錄 3:9]那撒旦一會的,自稱是猶太人,其實不是猶太人,乃是說謊話的,…。We use the present simple to describe things or persons that are always true, or situations that exist now and, as far as we know, will go on indefinitely. [eternal truths and timeless present]Revelation 2:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a[a]synagogue of Satan.Revelation 3:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.[用現在式是為了強調在轉述的時候,被轉述的事仍然是事實,並且永遠是事實和真理!]Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own Facebook account before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own Google mail or my own Yahoo mail before Doomsday. Do not hack into my laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my online accounts before Doomsday. Do not sabotage my Youtube account before Doomsday. Do not jam my laptop’s flash memory before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. And, I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon.
0 notes
就中美貿易戰而言,內地國防大學教授喬良表示,美國正對中國採取「帝國的方式」,形式對中國非常不利,但如果中國可以解决自己的內需問題,「那時候沒有人奈何得了。」 台灣《聯合報》報道,喬...Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Do not attack me through your fast dying clout’s second hand smoke when I’m sleeping at night in my room or at any moment before Doomsday. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday.[12.08.2018.21:06.]美就留在《中导条约》开条件 俄拒绝“最后通牒” 2018-12-08 06:30:56 来源: 新华网[想挽救《中導條約》? 美給俄開兩條件 拆毀或改造違約導彈][國防大學學者:孟晚舟事件對中國是清醒劑][土美同意加快叙利亚曼比季安全合作路线图进程 2018-12-08 13:17:35 来源: 新华网][帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。[12.05.2018.15:22.]敘利亞問題四方峰會 俄同意再次舉行[來源:新華社][貿易戰明年中告一段落][美中貿易戰停火90天 陸商:寒冬會繼續][美对俄最后通牒:60天内履行《中导》否则退约][《中导》关键60天: 俄不遵守美就走][美促俄60天解除違約導彈 否則正式退出中導條約]《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門][12.04.2018.18:25.]美中貿易戰:90天後重燃戰火[俄同意再次举行叙利亚问题四方峰会 2018-12-04 11:27:43 来源: 新华网][特朗普推文:将和中俄磋商 终止“失控的军备竞赛”][12.03.2018.14:50.]中美貿易戰休戰台前幕後:休戰期只有90天,美方提出90天期限,意味谈判要在明年3月1日前后谈出结果,正好在中国全国「两会」(中国全国人民代表大会、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会会议)登场前夕。报道指出,中国领导阶层在那段期间不容易对外国让步,无形中增加美中后续谈判风险。[2018年11月28日]崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。”[解决叙利亚问题重心将转向政治和谈 2018年12月03日09:50 来源:人民网][帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,…。[12.01.2018.伊德利卜无战事已历数月 或成叙利亚战争最后战场][11.30.2018.15:34.]第11轮叙利亚问题阿斯塔纳和谈结束 年底有望交换战俘 2018-11-30 07:56:52 来源: 中国新闻网(对于引人关注的宪法委员会问题,各方就在年底前公布宪法委员会成员名单达成原则上的一致。)(此外,叙政府与反政府武装达成一致,将在今年年底前互换约50名战俘。此外,与会各方一致同意于2019年2月在阿斯塔纳举行第12轮和谈。)(11.29.2018.)崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。” )([11.25.2018.]允许阿萨德继续执政,美国特使释放重大信号!不再改变叙利亚政权)[帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門](05 November, 2018. Cosmic-ray interactions with the atmosphere produce a flux of neutrinos in all directions with energies extending above the TeV scale.) Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Stop hacking into my laptop before Doomsday. Stop blocking me from reading news on english.ahram.org.eg before Doomsday. And, do not block me from reading all the information and data and news and web pages on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from watching all the videos and news channels on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from listening to all the audios on the Internet before Doomsday. Stop waging your dying clout war against me before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned this Yom Kippur. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon this year.Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not shut down my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not block me from editing my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity very soon. You all are Satan’s kids, built to be killed and thrown into the lake of fire being burned for eternity. And, I extremely abhor your stupid https://www.duda.co. and https://www.godaddy.com/.And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evil remote monitoring system conspirators. Do not block me from posting and writing my own posts on my own WordPress blog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel this December. Go to hell, get burned for eternity.[以西結書 39:23]列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。含的兒子是古實、麥西、弗、迦南。7 古實的兒子是西巴、哈腓拉、撒弗他、拉瑪、撒弗提迦。拉瑪的兒子是示巴、底但。8 古實又生寧錄,他為世上英雄之首。9 他在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶,所以俗語說:「像寧錄在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶。」10 他國的起頭是巴別、以力、亞甲、甲尼,都在示拿地。11 他從那地出來往亞述去,建造尼尼微、利河伯、迦拉, 12 和尼尼微、迦拉中間的利鮮,這就是那大城。以色列家因罪被棄21 「我必顯我的榮耀在列國中,萬民就必看見我所行的審判與我在他們身上所加的手。22 這樣,從那日以後,以色列家必知道我是耶和華他們的神。23 列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。24 我是照他們的汙穢和罪過待他們,並且我掩面不顧他們。Nimrod’s Assyria is the Gentiles on the Day of the Lord for slaying the house of Israel.(CONFIRMED) Russia readies for WAR with U S Nuclear Attack on Yellowstone(中導條約)(發佈日期:2018年11月9日)加拿大媒体:“毒藥丸”条款是美国人的敲诈!2018-10-15 04:00 环球时报[10.10.2018.]阻其他國家與華簽貿易協定,美「毒藥丸」條款,孤立中國![08.12.2018.]美对华贸易战走入死胡同 外媒:特朗普破罐子破摔!叙军攻打叙南部极端组织最后据点:政府军在苏韦达行动取得进展![08.11.2018.]人民日报:美国挑起贸易战的要害是破坏规则![08.10.2018.]人民日報分析美國挑起貿易戰原因:為確保自己永遠不被超越;联合国:叙利亚冲突接近尾声,该国已无受围困地区![08.08.2018.]七年內戰將終止,三大勢力主導敘利亞和平路線![帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。Gog and his multitude, of the land of Magog, are NOT the Russians. Gog is the Assyrian chief prince of Nimrod. Assyria is located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth, which is the blessed work of the Lord Jesus’ hands for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord,just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.[China V.S. USA at oil war and trade war.[The Antichrist wages nuclear genocide against the Chinese people.]敵基督(USA)發動針對中國人的全面核子滅族戰爭! The UFOs are the Assyrians’ aircrafts of Nimrod. Edward Snowden:UFOs Come From Ultra-Terrestrial Civilization in Earth Mantle.[07.18.2018.]叙利亚内战接近收官:美国大势已去,俄罗斯大获全胜![07.17.2018.]瑞銀預測:「全面貿易戰」後果很嚴重!叛军逐渐撤军,叙利亚休战露曙光![07-16-2018] HKT 11:21國家統計局:中美貿易戰對下半年中國經濟影響仍有待觀[07.15.2018.]7年多战乱回归原点:美放弃盟友 叙政府军收复德拉[07.13.2018.]商務部:美國打貿易戰將把世界經濟拖入危境;陸商務部:中美貿易戰影響將於下半年逐步顯現[中美貿易戰全面開打][07.01.2018.]外媒:多国对美征收报复性关税,贸易战反令美企受困;叙利亚南部多地反对派武装同意与政府和解![06.21.2018.] Economists say expansion could slow by up to 1 percentage point in a tariffs battle – but if dispute spirals it will be ‘like putting a price tag on  a world war’[贸易战->關稅壁壘->貿易保護主義->通貨膨漲->經濟蕭條->(WW3)前奏曲->][耶穌降臨的預兆]耶穌在橄欖山上坐著,門徒暗暗地來,說:「請告訴我們,什麼時候有這些事?你降臨和世界的末了有什麼預兆呢?」4耶穌回答說:「你們要謹慎,免得有人迷惑你們。5因為將來有好些人冒我的名來,說:『我是基督』,並且要迷惑許多人。6你們也要聽見打仗和打仗的風聲,總不要驚慌,因為這些事是必須有的,只是末期還沒有到。7民要攻打民,國要攻打國,多處必有饑荒、地震,8這都是災難的起頭。[彼後3:10]但主的日子要像賊來到一樣。那日,天必大有響聲廢去,有形質的都要被烈火銷化,地和其上的物都要燒盡了。[MICAH 3:12]所以因你們的緣故,錫安必被耕種像一塊田,耶路撒冷必變為亂堆[heaps of ruins],這殿的山必像叢林的高處。[但以理書 9:26]必有一王的民來毀滅這城[the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city]和聖所。[JOEL 2:20] the northern  army.[以西結書 38:6]歌篾人和他的軍隊,北方極處[the far north]的陀迦瑪族和他的軍隊,這許多國的民都同著你。Gog is the blessed prince of the northern army of Assyria for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord. Some of the Tyrians [the people of the Unidentified Submerged Objects] of the northern army of Assyria are living in the East Siberian Sea, who are 3-meter tall in height. [Zechariah 9:4] Tyre’s power in the sea [of the Earth]. [Nahum 3:8-9] Whose rampart was the sea? Whose wall was the sea.And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system are all gotta be slain by those giant Assyrians living in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth as Ethiopia starts filling her Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam during the Nile flood season for generating hydroelectric power. Ethiopia’s filling her GERD during the Nile flood season is gotta suddenly plunge the Nile Delta into a parched state, which is gotta suddenly trigger riots and social unrest in Egypt,Egypt rapidly spiralling out of control into brutal social protest movements that no regime, no matter howpowerful and aggressive it is, can stop.And, on the Day of the Lord and through the most apocalyptic fervent heat of solar superstorm of magnetic reconnection, the Lord Jesus is gotta suddenly and utterly consume the whole human race that is currently dwelling on the face of the whole earth, suddenly triggering the most powerful geomagnetic reversal, disrupting the earth’s core and crust, super volcanic eruptions and mega-thrust earthquakes and mega tsunamis suddenly sweeping across the Earth, ripping split open the earth, annihilating the land of the whole earth, putting a sudden end to all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth, the mass extinction event of the Lord Jesus’ Judgment, just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are those giant Assyrians and Moabites currently and physically living in the earth’s mantle and in the north before the Day of the Lord.Gog and Magog are a distinct and hybrid species of the Assyrian Empire, which is currently and physically located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth before the Day of the Lord.And, fat cat chimpanzees are definitely and absolutely NOT Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the white people. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the Jewish people, either. The Teutons already obliterated theJewish people about 2000 years ago in the Europeanforests.[啟示錄 2:9]…也知道那自稱是猶太人所說的毀謗話,其實他們不是猶太人,乃是撒旦一會的人。[啟示錄 3:9]那撒旦一會的,自稱是猶太人,其實不是猶太人,乃是說謊話的,…。We use the present simple to describe things or persons that are always true, or situations that exist now and, as far as we know, will go on indefinitely. [eternal truths and timeless present]Revelation 2:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a[a]synagogue of Satan.Revelation 3:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.[用現在式是為了強調在轉述的時候,被轉述的事仍然是事實,並且永遠是事實和真理!]Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own Facebook account before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own Google mail or my own Yahoo mail before Doomsday. Do not hack into my laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my online accounts before Doomsday. Do not sabotage my Youtube account before Doomsday. Do not jam my laptop’s flash memory before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. And, I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon.
0 notes
chuangiming-blog · 6 years
就中美貿易戰而言,內地國防大學教授喬良表示,美國正對中國採取「帝國的方式」,形式對中國非常不利,但如果中國可以解决自己的內需問題,「那時候沒有人奈何得了。」 台灣《聯合報》報道,喬...Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Do not attack me through your fast dying clout’s second hand smoke when I’m sleeping at night in my room or at any moment before Doomsday. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday.[12.08.2018.21:06.]美就留在《中导条约》开条件 俄拒绝“最后通牒” 2018-12-08 06:30:56 来源: 新华网[想挽救《中導條約》? 美給俄開兩條件 拆毀或改造違約導彈][國防大學學者:孟晚舟事件對中國是清醒劑][土美同意加快叙利亚曼比季安全合作路线图进程 2018-12-08 13:17:35 来源: 新华网][帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。[12.05.2018.15:22.]敘利亞問題四方峰會 俄同意再次舉行[來源:新華社][貿易戰明年中告一段落][美中貿易戰停火90天 陸商:寒冬會繼續][美对俄最后通牒:60天内履行《中导》否则退约][《中导》关键60天: 俄不遵守美就走][美促俄60天解除違約導彈 否則正式退出中導條約]《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門][12.04.2018.18:25.]美中貿易戰:90天後重燃戰火[俄同意再次举行叙利亚问题四方峰会 2018-12-04 11:27:43 来源: 新华网][特朗普推文:将和中俄磋商 终止“失控的军备竞赛”][12.03.2018.14:50.]中美貿易戰休戰台前幕後:休戰期只有90天,美方提出90天期限,意味谈判要在明年3月1日前后谈出结果,正好在中国全国「两会」(中国全国人民代表大会、中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会会议)登场前夕。报道指出,中国领导阶层在那段期间不容易对外国让步,无形中增加美中后续谈判风险。[2018年11月28日]崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。”[解决叙利亚问题重心将转向政治和谈 2018年12月03日09:50 来源:人民网][帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,…。[12.01.2018.伊德利卜无战事已历数月 或成叙利亚战争最后战场][11.30.2018.15:34.]第11轮叙利亚问题阿斯塔纳和谈结束 年底有望交换战俘 2018-11-30 07:56:52 来源: 中国新闻网(对于引人关注的宪法委员会问题,各方就在年底前公布宪法委员会成员名单达成原则上的一致。)(此外,叙政府与反政府武装达成一致,将在今年年底前互换约50名战俘。此外,与会各方一致同意于2019年2月在阿斯塔纳举行第12轮和谈。)(11.29.2018.)崔天凱指出:“我不知道人們是否意識到,如果割斷(經濟聯繫),可能會有的後果、不良影響。”他說:“歷史的教訓就在這裡。上個世紀我們發生過兩次世界大戰,兩次大戰之間發生了大蕭條。我不認為有人應試圖重復歷史。這些事情不應重演,因此人們應負責任地採取行動。” )([11.25.2018.]允许阿萨德继续执政,美国特使释放重大信号!不再改变叙利亚政权)[帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。《深度國際》美俄“中導”紛爭 美俄如何走出對抗怪圈?20181110 | CCTV中文國際[打開核地獄之門](05 November, 2018. Cosmic-ray interactions with the atmosphere produce a flux of neutrinos in all directions with energies extending above the TeV scale.) Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Stop hacking into my laptop before Doomsday. Stop blocking me from reading news on english.ahram.org.eg before Doomsday. And, do not block me from reading all the information and data and news and web pages on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from watching all the videos and news channels on the Internet before Doomsday. And, do not block me from listening to all the audios on the Internet before Doomsday. Stop waging your dying clout war against me before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned this Yom Kippur. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon this year.Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evildoers with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not shut down my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. Do not block me from editing my own WordPress blogs or any other blog and microblog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity very soon. You all are Satan’s kids, built to be killed and thrown into the lake of fire being burned for eternity. And, I extremely abhor your stupid https://www.duda.co. and https://www.godaddy.com/.And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and evil remote monitoring system conspirators. Do not block me from posting and writing my own posts on my own WordPress blog before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel this December. Go to hell, get burned for eternity.[以西結書 39:23]列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。含的兒子是古實、麥西、弗、迦南。7 古實的兒子是西巴、哈腓拉、撒弗他、拉瑪、撒弗提迦。拉瑪的兒子是示巴、底但。8 古實又生寧錄,他為世上英雄之首。9 他在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶,所以俗語說:「像寧錄在耶和華面前是個英勇的獵戶。」10 他國的起頭是巴別、以力、亞甲、甲尼,都在示拿地。11 他從那地出來往亞述去,建造尼尼微、利河伯、迦拉, 12 和尼尼微、迦拉中間的利鮮,這就是那大城。以色列家因罪被棄21 「我必顯我的榮耀在列國中,萬民就必看見我所行的審判與我在他們身上所加的手。22 這樣,從那日以後,以色列家必知道我是耶和華他們的神。23 列國人[The Gentiles]也必知道以色列家被擄掠,是因他們的罪孽。他們得罪我,我就掩面不顧,將他們交在敵人手中,他們便都倒在刀下。24 我是照他們的汙穢和罪過待他們,並且我掩面不顧他們。Nimrod’s Assyria is the Gentiles on the Day of the Lord for slaying the house of Israel.(CONFIRMED) Russia readies for WAR with U S Nuclear Attack on Yellowstone(中導條約)(發佈日期:2018年11月9日)加拿大媒体:“毒藥丸”条款是美国人的敲诈!2018-10-15 04:00 环球时报[10.10.2018.]阻其他國家與華簽貿易協定,美「毒藥丸」條款,孤立中國![08.12.2018.]美对华贸易战走入死胡同 外媒:特朗普破罐子破摔!叙军攻打叙南部极端组织最后据点:政府军在苏韦达行动取得进展![08.11.2018.]人民日报:美国挑起贸易战的要害是破坏规则![08.10.2018.]人民日報分析美國挑起貿易戰原因:為確保自己永遠不被超越;联合国:叙利亚冲突接近尾声,该国已无受围困地区![08.08.2018.]七年內戰將終止,三大勢力主導敘利亞和平路線![帖前5:2-3]因為你們自己明明曉得,主的日子來到好像夜間的賊一樣。 3 人正說平安穩妥的時候,災禍忽然臨到他們,如同產難臨到懷胎的婦人一樣,他們絕不能逃脫。Gog and his multitude, of the land of Magog, are NOT the Russians. Gog is the Assyrian chief prince of Nimrod. Assyria is located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth, which is the blessed work of the Lord Jesus’ hands for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord,just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.[China V.S. USA at oil war and trade war.[The Antichrist wages nuclear genocide against the Chinese people.]敵基督(USA)發動針對中國人的全面核子滅族戰爭! The UFOs are the Assyrians’ aircrafts of Nimrod. Edward Snowden:UFOs Come From Ultra-Terrestrial Civilization in Earth Mantle.[07.18.2018.]叙利亚内战接近收官:美国大势已去,俄罗斯大获全胜![07.17.2018.]瑞銀預測:「全面貿易戰」後果很嚴重!叛军逐渐撤军,叙利亚休战露曙光![07-16-2018] HKT 11:21國家統計局:中美貿易戰對下半年中國經濟影響仍有待觀[07.15.2018.]7年多战乱回归原点:美放弃盟友 叙政府军收复德拉[07.13.2018.]商務部:美國打貿易戰將把世界經濟拖入危境;陸商務部:中美貿易戰影響將於下半年逐步顯現[中美貿易戰全面開打][07.01.2018.]外媒:多国对美征收报复性关税,贸易战反令美企受困;叙利亚南部多地反对派武装同意与政府和解![06.21.2018.] Economists say expansion could slow by up to 1 percentage point in a tariffs battle – but if dispute spirals it will be ‘like putting a price tag on  a world war’[贸易战->關稅壁壘->貿易保護主義->通貨膨漲->經濟蕭條->(WW3)前奏曲->][耶穌降臨的預兆]耶穌在橄欖山上坐著,門徒暗暗地來,說:「請告訴我們,什麼時候有這些事?你降臨和世界的末了有什麼預兆呢?」4耶穌回答說:「你們要謹慎,免得有人迷惑你們。5因為將來有好些人冒我的名來,說:『我是基督』,並且要迷惑許多人。6你們也要聽見打仗和打仗的風聲,總不要驚慌,因為這些事是必須有的,只是末期還沒有到。7民要攻打民,國要攻打國,多處必有饑荒、地震,8這都是災難的起頭。[彼後3:10]但主的日子要像賊來到一樣。那日,天必大有響聲廢去,有形質的都要被烈火銷化,地和其上的物都要燒盡了。[MICAH 3:12]所以因你們的緣故,錫安必被耕種像一塊田,耶路撒冷必變為亂堆[heaps of ruins],這殿的山必像叢林的高處。[但以理書 9:26]必有一王的民來毀滅這城[the people of the prince who is to come shall destroy the city]和聖所。[JOEL 2:20] the northern  army.[以西結書 38:6]歌篾人和他的軍隊,北方極處[the far north]的陀迦瑪族和他的軍隊,這許多國的民都同著你。Gog is the blessed prince of the northern army of Assyria for obliterating Israel on the Day of the Lord. Some of the Tyrians [the people of the Unidentified Submerged Objects] of the northern army of Assyria are living in the East Siberian Sea, who are 3-meter tall in height. [Zechariah 9:4] Tyre’s power in the sea [of the Earth]. [Nahum 3:8-9] Whose rampart was the sea? Whose wall was the sea.And, hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system are all gotta be slain by those giant Assyrians living in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth as Ethiopia starts filling her Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam during the Nile flood season for generating hydroelectric power. Ethiopia’s filling her GERD during the Nile flood season is gotta suddenly plunge the Nile Delta into a parched state, which is gotta suddenly trigger riots and social unrest in Egypt,Egypt rapidly spiralling out of control into brutal social protest movements that no regime, no matter howpowerful and aggressive it is, can stop.And, on the Day of the Lord and through the most apocalyptic fervent heat of solar superstorm of magnetic reconnection, the Lord Jesus is gotta suddenly and utterly consume the whole human race that is currently dwelling on the face of the whole earth, suddenly triggering the most powerful geomagnetic reversal, disrupting the earth’s core and crust, super volcanic eruptions and mega-thrust earthquakes and mega tsunamis suddenly sweeping across the Earth, ripping split open the earth, annihilating the land of the whole earth, putting a sudden end to all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth, the mass extinction event of the Lord Jesus’ Judgment, just in a moment after the Syrian peace treaty is suddenly signed and fully implemented for the political settlement.And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are those giant Assyrians and Moabites currently and physically living in the earth’s mantle and in the north before the Day of the Lord.Gog and Magog are a distinct and hybrid species of the Assyrian Empire, which is currently and physically located in the earth’s mantle and in the sea of the Earth before the Day of the Lord.And, fat cat chimpanzees are definitely and absolutely NOT Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the white people. And, Gog and Magog of the Book of Revelation of the Christian Bible are definitely and absolutely NOT the Jewish people, either. The Teutons already obliterated theJewish people about 2000 years ago in the Europeanforests.[啟示錄 2:9]…也知道那自稱是猶太人所說的毀謗話,其實他們不是猶太人,乃是撒旦一會的人。[啟示錄 3:9]那撒旦一會的,自稱是猶太人,其實不是猶太人,乃是說謊話的,…。We use the present simple to describe things or persons that are always true, or situations that exist now and, as far as we know, will go on indefinitely. [eternal truths and timeless present]Revelation 2:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a[a]synagogue of Satan.Revelation 3:9 New King James Version (NKJV)9 Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.[用現在式是為了強調在轉述的時候,被轉述的事仍然是事實,並且永遠是事實和真理!]Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.Hey, fat cat chimpanzee hackers and conspirators with the remote neural monitoring system. Do not hack into my own Facebook account before Doomsday. Do not hack into my own Google mail or my own Yahoo mail before Doomsday. Do not hack into my laptop before Doomsday. Do not hack into my online accounts before Doomsday. Do not sabotage my Youtube account before Doomsday. Do not jam my laptop’s flash memory before Doomsday. I’m gotta call the police. And, I’m gotta obliterate you and your species after Doomsday. Go to hell, get burned for eternity. Assyria gotta obliterate Israel very soon.
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panichouse-band · 6 years
不定期連載!へるコラム「中島みゆき」、あと3/29のJAPAN EXPO準決勝告知
当時乳離れもギリしてなかった頃だと思うので無論音楽なんてこれっぽっち興味のない僕にも分かりやすく刺さる曲で、漏れず自分の家族も彼女に魅了されて親父がある日CDを買ってきてアホの一つ覚えにあの暗い歌を車の中で家族旅行の時にヘヴィーローテーションしていたのですね。当時最新のアルバムだった「LOVE OR NOTHING」。
「何もない二人は与えあえる物も無く 何もない二人は夢の話だけをした もうあの桟橋に灯りは点らない ただ鉄条網が寒く光るだけ」 「無邪気だったあいつはあたしだけのものだった 無邪気だったあたしはあいつだけのものだった」 (「もう桟橋に灯りは点らない」より)
「身体こわさずがんばってみなよ たまには親にもtel(でんわ)してやんな 吹く口笛はスプリングスティーン あれは演歌だとおっちゃんは信じてる」 (「流星」より)
「もしも明日私たちが何もかも失くして ただの心しか持たないやせた猫になっても」 「何もかも愛を追い越してく どしゃ降りの一車線の人生 凍えながら2人共が2人分傷ついている」
 the Bugzy 
Sonic Blew 
 OPEN 17:30 / START 18:00 我々は19:00から
喋り過ぎたか。失敬するよ。 HAVE A NICE HELL!!!
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niagara-heartly · 7 years
Tumblr media
川原に自生していた猛毒の花、チョウセンアサガオ。ここでのチョウセンとは朝鮮のことではなくて、海外を意味するらしい。実際に原産地は朝鮮ではなく南アジア。 別名に「キチガイナスビ」「魔王」「地獄への落とし穴」「悪魔のトランペット」とあるように、他とは比較にならないほどの強い毒性があるらしい。激しい幻覚作用を引き起こし、死にさえ至ることもある。それほどまでの猛毒の花が、なぜその辺の川原に生えているのか。ここには毒蛇のマムシも生息しており、意外とデンジャー…☠️ Deadly poison flowers native to the river bed, Japanese name ”Chosen Asagao”. (English name is Angel's trumpet.) The word ”Chosen” is not about Korea, it seems to mean overseas. Actually the place of origin is not Korea but South Asia. As another name it seems that there is a strong toxicity that is not comparable with others, as it is 'Eggplant of Mad', 'Demon King', 'Pitfalls to Hell' and 'Devil Trumpet'. It can cause severe hallucinations, even death. I wonder why so deadly poisonous flowers grow in the riverside of that neighborhood. Viper also lives here, surprisingly a danger...☠️ -・-・-・-・-・-・-・-・-・-・-・-・-・-・- #AngelsTrumpet #DevilsTrumpet #JimsonWeed #ThornApple #Tolguacha #Datura #DaturaMetel #DaturaStramonium #DeadlyPoison #WildFlower #Flower #EarlyAutumn #September #チョウセンアサガオ #朝鮮朝顔 #シロバナヨウシュチョウセンアサガオ #白花洋種朝鮮朝顔 #キチガイナスビ #マンダラゲ #曼陀羅華 #気違い茄子 #魔王 #地獄への落とし穴 #悪魔のトランペット #猛毒 #野花 #花 #初秋
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