#hell the whole reason i made the incorrect quotes generator in the first place was just a fun thing i shared with friends
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scatterpatter ¡ 1 year ago
hello! would you be alright with people making webpages similar to your incorrect quotes site? i would like to make my own with different quotes and features for myself and my friends to mess around with. i will respect your decision if you don't want other sites like yours to exist.
Oh, please do, you have full permission! I know others have done similar things in the past, adding way more features and different quotes and whatnot, and that's so cool!!! But yes please go and make your own, experiment with what you can do- coding can be fun (sometimes....)!
But yes 100% I give anyone full permission to make their own versions of quotes generators, honestly I highly doubt I was the first to do so and I won't keep that for myself for no reason!
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otome-asylum ¡ 6 years ago
Kings of Paradise - Taki Kozaki MS Review (Season 1)
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I’m just gonna start off by saying that “imperious” is a good description. I was completely disappointed in this route, in many ways. If you’re someone who likes the arrogant, domineering types, then you won’t agree with this review at all, and that’s okay. But I’m giving my honest opinion here.
I’ll cut to the chase, my rating is 5/10. I don’t mind the cold types at all. They’re generally aloof, they’re mysterious, which, in my opinion, makes them interesting. However, I draw the line at cold and mean. Cold and pointlessly cruel. Taki isn’t like this in the whole route, but the first six chapters had me wanting to tear my hair out. A little personality background on me, I’m a prideful, independent, outspoken woman. I don’t like being bossed around, talked down to, or looked down upon, and I’ll make that known if any of the former points occur. Knowing this, I avoid character routes that I know contain characteristics that do not mesh well with me--but I didn’t realize that Taki would be this way at all. I really wanted to like Taki. Truly. I love the idea of rekindling a flame that almost went out because of extraneous circumstances, and I thought he’d be more like Soryu Oh than Eisuke Ichinomiya. (Full disclosure: Eisuke is one of my least favorite characters in existence.) Taki Kozaki has an admittedly a crappy past, but that doesn’t give anyone the right to be rude and awful to everyone else. The route starts off well enough. I was still open to Taki’s romance, and I was eager to see what kind of feelings he was hiding behind that aloof facade. But that was rather quickly squashed by his attitude, which was, as I said before, pointlessly bossy and rude.
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When Shun said this and was accompanied by Yosuke’s quick agreement, I was so happy that someone else in the route thought the same as I did. This bossy, pushy attitude continued for a while, even after you help him with a number of things related to his business, mainly by pretending to be his fiancee. Come to find out, ten years ago, when MC and Taki were supposed to meet at a local festival to watch the fireworks together (and he stood you up), he saw MC “kissing” another guy when he arrived and just...didn’t bother asking her about it. He created an entire narrative in his head about what happened, convinced himself that she was unfaithful, and even though he was still hopelessly in love with her, cut ties and moved on. It wasn’t this misunderstanding that bothered me, it was the way he treated her when they met again. Cold and uncaring I can take, but mean and telling her that she was the reason her husband cheated because she was too stupid to see through his lies (essentially what he said) was crossing a line that I was not okay with in the slightest. Especially after playing Shun and being so thoroughly smitten. 
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Not okay. He also says, and I’m quoting directly, “You have no right to talk back to me.” The hell I don’t. I really, really hated the first six chapters. After that, though, he did get better. After talking about a few things and MC helping him with a business party and getting connections, he starts acting warmer to her. He’s actually nice, and you can start to see him smile a little more. I thought, “That was a bumpy ride, and while I’m definitely not okay with how he treated her because of a misunderstanding, I have a little more hope for his route.” I do mean it when I say he was exponentially better throughout the rest of the story, and I started to enjoy it. He opens up about his past more, and tells MC about how his dad ran out on him the night of the festival, and that all he wanted was to see her to make him feel a little better, but then he thought that she betrayed him, and he went to a really dark place for the foreseeable future. I know there are going to be a million people justifying Taki’s earlier actions, but it’s my personal opinion that no amount of trauma gives anyone the right to treat another person like they’re less than human or like they’re garbage. It’s his blatant disrespect that really does it in for me, and I rated it 2/10 at chapter 6 preemptively. 
Eventually, MC’s gross husband shows up again, because he does business with the Kozaki Group. It’s shortly after this that Taki starts being nicer to her and basically says that she doesn’t have to deal with him until she’d ready--which was sweet. Tomohiro (husband) doesn’t buy for a second that she’s really engaged to Taki when he tricks her into meeting him alone, tries to convince her and Taki that she’s better off coming back to him, and Taki flat out vetoes that ish. He passionately kisses her to “prove” their engagement, then they go back to his condo and make love. Not bad. I was finally having a good time reading the story, but it was still tainted. Sorry. Then, more drama. Because Voltage, and drama is great. Not sarcasm, seriously. Later, it comes out that Taki and the other guys were involved in glorified “prostitution” and “human trafficking.” Not true, by the way, but MC doesn’t know that--even after Taki explains in detail what was actually going on. I got so frustrated with her because she didn’t just not understand--she refused to understand. She still thought that Yosuke’s bride brokering service was somehow immoral and wrong, even though 1.) all parties were consenting and were fully aware of the service they were training/applying for, 2.) absolutely nothing illegal ever happened, and 3.) that facts written in the gossip article that she read were either incorrect, twisted, or interpreted incorrectly on purpose to cause a scandal. Girlfriend. Get off your moral high horse and read between the lines. It’s not that serious, it’s not bad, and I genuinely couldn’t understand what she wasn’t getting. Yosuke and Co. were glorified matchmakers, period. They just charge exorbitant fees because their clientele is rich. 
The final nail in the coffin for this route was the long, drawn-out, and boring love confession. I was really trying to keep my frustrations from Taki’s earlier behavior and MC’s ignorance from influencing my later opinions, but I just didn’t feel like the confession and mutual understanding of feelings (finally) made up for any of that. It was lackluster and dull. The love scene afterwards wasn’t even that great for me. 
Do I recommend? Not really. These reviews are, of course, all personal opinions, and if any of you have differing ones, that’s great! Everyone has their own tastes, and that’s what makes these games wonderful. That being said, I was utterly disappointed. I went in with really high hopes, especially after loving Shun, and I just...was not impressed at all. It was really great right after chapter 6 and before the tabloid article, but everything before and after was frustrating, boring, and just not worth the spike in my blood pressure. And I wasn’t just not going to play his route, because I spent $3.99 USD on it. It would be a huge waste of money. Generally, types like Taki I avoid for this very reason. I know I’m not going to like them, and I know they’ll make me angry because of the blatant disrespect, but I didn’t realize that he would be so bossy, arrogant, rude, and “imperious.” (Somehow, I managed not to see that moniker.) Again, this was my personal take on Taki’s route, and it’s okay if you disagree with me. He’s all yours, ladies and germs. I will not be continuing with his plot line (even though his CGs are so gooood~!)
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johnmauldin ¡ 5 years ago
That Time Keynes Had a Point
John Maynard Keynes once said:
“Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influence, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back.” 
While true, it doesn’t go far enough. The problem isn’t simply defunct economists or “scribblers of a few years back.”
We are in the grip of economists who, far from being defunct, hold great power. Whether they hear voices in the air (or Twitter), I can’t say, but they are indeed madmen in authority.
Not all economists are in that category. Many provide valuable insight or are at worst harmless. They don’t pretend they can change human nature or prevent the inevitable.
 Unfortunately, some economists do believe those things. Worse, they are in places from which they can wreak havoc, and they are.
Last weekend I received two emails referring me to articles about the economics profession that stirred my writing juices.
I don’t agree with everything in the articles. They are, however, important because they try, at least, to describe and possibly fix the problem Keynes identified.
We have to address them, not just economically but politically. We can’t just put our heads in the sand and think this will go away.
The whole debt bubble, the income and wealth inequality angst, a growing deficit which will get worse after the next recession, and lack of economic understanding among voters is all coming home to roost.
Better to think about that now, while we can still act and maybe even change things.
False Assumptions
The first item is a July 2019 TED talk by Nick Hanauer, a self-described Seattle “plutocrat” who founded and sold several companies.
He is now a venture capital investor. Hanauer is far to my left politically, but his thinking reminds me a bit of Ray Dalio, and as we will see, some of the proponents of neo-Keynesian “new economics.”
Hanauer’s latest TED talk is titled “The dirty secret of capitalism—and a new way forward.” He begins by describing the widening inequality problem we have discussed before, then quickly zeroes in on what he thinks is the problem: neoliberal economics.
Economics has been described as the dismal science, and for good reason, because as much as it is taught today, it isn't a science at all, in spite of all of the dazzling mathematics. In fact, a growing number of academics and practitioners have concluded that neoliberal economic theory is dangerously wrong and that today's growing crises of rising inequality and growing political instability are the direct result of decades of bad economic theory.
What we now know is that the economics that made me so rich isn't just wrong, it's backwards, because it turns out it isn't capital that creates economic growth, it's people; and it isn't self-interest that promotes the public good, it's reciprocity; and it isn't competition that produces our prosperity, it's cooperation.
What we can now see is that an economics that is neither just nor inclusive can never sustain the high levels of social cooperation necessary to enable a modern society to thrive.
I know, those are fighting words to most free-market defenders, but hear this out. Hanauer blames the sad state of modern economics on three false assumptions.
First, it isn’t true the market is an efficient equilibrium system. You may have read my “sandpile” article that is one of my most popular ever.
It describes how our astronomically complex modern economy is anything but an equilibrium. It is a growing sandpile whose collapse is certain. As Hyman Minsky wrote, stability breeds instability.
If, as too many economists believe, you think you can manage an economy toward equilibrium, you simply help the sandpile grow bigger so its eventual collapse is even more violent. That’s how we get crises like 2008, and the one we will have again in due course.
The second false assumption is that price always equals value. That’s the heart of the efficient market hypothesis, that stock prices always reflect all available information. Clearly, they don’t, since we have all seen both overvalued and undervalued markets.
In fact, we have economist-run institutions like the Federal Reserve working to make sure prices don’t equal value.
They intentionally distort prices, starting with the most important one: the price of money, what we call “interest rates,” with all kinds of harmful effects (and often benefits to those who already own assets).
The third false assumption is that humans are rational, utility-maximizing machines who look out for our own interests first. It’s just not true.
Humans are social animals, and we will, in the right conditions, sacrifice our own interests for others. Soldiers don’t heroically jump on grenades because they’re selfish. Parents and friends often sacrifice for their children and their friends.
People accept lower returns to invest in ways they think improve the world, or pursue behaviors they feel are in the common and general interest but not their own individual interests. Happens all the time.
If we were all so naturally self-maximizing, there would be no such thing as love, which is a choice to place someone else’s good ahead of your own. If you have some hidden selfish motive, it’s not really love, is it? Not in the way any religion I know describes it.
Yet many economists persist in believing we are all competitive, all the time, and this somehow leads to equilibrium and prosperity.
That is false and if it is your base assumption, all your other answers are going to be wrong. This is not an embrace of human nature, but a denial of it.
Meanwhile, another Seattle billionaire had some words on the same subject recently. Bill Gates didn’t say exactly “economists know nothing,” but that’s clearly what he meant in this Quartz interview.
“Too bad economists don’t actually understand macroeconomics,” the Microsoft co-founder said. Asked what he meant by that, Gates continued:
“It’s not like physics where you take certain inputs and you predict certain outputs. Will interest rates ever return to normal, and why aren’t they returning to normal? You won’t get a consensus between economists quite the way that if you dropped a ball out your window and called up physicists and asked, ‘What the hell happened?’ There’s so many factors including what [economist John Maynard] Keynes called ‘animal spirits’ in the economic equation that we don’t have predictability.
Even today, people are still arguing about what happened in 2008. So it’s even harder to look forward. [Look at] the role of the bond rating agencies in 2008, which is completely unreformed. Why would that be? Well, there must be a lack of consensus.”
Both Hanauer and Gates make a point. Economists began assuming equilibrium must exist early in the 20th century. General equilibrium was wonderful because it let them model the economy on paper (and later, computers).
Economists have physics envy. In essence, they assume away whatever doesn’t fit the model. Unsurprisingly, the models don’t work when put to the test, because the assumptions are not anchored in reality.
The entire premise of equilibrium economics is false. The world is a complex system. To model it requires complexity mathematics and theory. Sadly, but not unsurprisingly, we are decades away (if ever) from actually being able to model the economy as long as one continues to assume equilibrium at some point.
Of course we can make observations and theories and propose policies. But we shouldn’t do so under the illusion that some mathematical model allows us to know what we’re doing. “Lies, damn lies and models” should have been the quote. So when Gates and Hanauer and others, including me, say that economists don’t understand economics, our real point is that they rely on incorrect models and assumptions.
It gets worse when the politicians get economists to create models for them. These economists are every bit as trained as any circus animal and they don’t even need a whip.
The economists’ assumptions inevitably lead to the conclusions the politician wants. Of course, they all have “neutral data and facts.” What would a model be without facts and data?
Necessary Debate
The second article came to me from a person who thought it ridiculous. He sent it along with a lengthy preface warning about its (in his view, false) claims.
I appreciated the thought but I am also trying very hard to break out of the tribal box. I now often say that I’m neither Republican nor Democrat, but American.
I don’t automatically reject ideas simply because of their origin. If I reject them, it’s because I have studied them and concluded they are wrong.
That said, this one has a lot of problems but is still worth reading. The author is Jared Bernstein, an economist who once advised Vice President Joe Biden. In this piece he describes what he calls a “new economics” that will create a more “just” America.
Like Dalio and Hanauer, I think Bernstein correctly identifies many of our problems. It is not the case that everything would be peachy if government just got out of the way; we have deeper issues. I completely endorse Bernstein’s first sentence: “The American economy has some serious, structural problems—and the economists are partly to blame.” He goes on:
It is not a coincidence that the new economics is in ascendency at this moment. Though by some measures, inequality has not grown much in recent years, it remains at levels as high as the late 1920s, which, for the record, didn’t end well. In one of the most disturbing developments emerging from recent research, the inequality of income and wealth is increasingly associated with the inequality of life expectancy.
The assumption that self-interested firms would self-regulate gave rise to repeated rounds of deregulation that gave us what I call the “shampoo economy”: bubble, bust, repeat. The old economics wrongly claimed we couldn’t have persistently low unemployment without spiraling inflation, yet that’s precisely what we’ve enjoyed in recent years.
In other words, the new economics isn’t arising just because we want “better” outcomes from our markets. It’s also arising because a lot of the old stuff has turned out to be just plain wrong.
That is mostly true but I think it’s because deregulation hasn’t gone far enough. Large companies use political influence to have government protect them from competition.
The result is a bunch of “zombies” engaged in counterproductive activities that market discipline would quickly send to the graveyard, were it allowed to work.
The solution, in my opinion, is not for government to further regulate private business, but for it to stop picking winners and losers. Consumers could then decide what works.
Of course, there’s room for reasonable regulation; we all want safe vehicles, clean food, etc. But regulations should promote competition, not suppress it.
I think many of Bernstein’s policy ideas won’t have the desired results, and some would be disastrous, but these are debates we need to have. We will achieve better results if we engage in them civilly and sincerely. That is hard in today’s polarized environment… but avoiding it will be even harder.
Keynesian Sense?
That brings us back to Lord Keynes. Many now regard him as one of the “defunct economists” he himself blamed for the problems of his time.
In certain quarters, “Keynesianism” is as unpalatable as socialism. In fact, while Keynes was a leftist by today’s standards, he wasn’t against capitalism.
Recently I ran across a 2009 article by Bruce Bartlett with the provocative headline, Keynes Was Really a Conservative. That overstates it, but Keynes was more conservative than you might think. Here’s Bartlett.
Keynes completely understood the central role of profit in the capitalist system. This is one reason why he was so strongly opposed to deflation and why, at the end of the day, his cure for unemployment was to restore profits to employers. He also appreciated the importance of entrepreneurship: "If the animal spirits are dimmed and the spontaneous optimism falters… enterprise will fade and die." And he knew that the general business environment was critical for growth; hence business confidence was an important economic factor. As Keynes acknowledged, "Economic prosperity is… dependent on a political and social atmosphere which is congenial to the average businessman."
Indeed, the whole point of The General Theory was about preserving what was good and necessary in capitalism, as well as protecting it against authoritarian attacks, by separating microeconomics, the economics of prices and the firm, from macroeconomics, the economics of the economy as a whole. In order to preserve economic freedom in the former, which Keynes thought was critical for efficiency, increased government intervention in the latter was unavoidable [at least to him]. While pure free marketers lament this development, the alternative, as Keynes saw it, was the complete destruction of capitalism and its replacement by some form of socialism.
"It is certain," Keynes wrote, "that the world will not much longer tolerate the unemployment which… is associated—and, in my opinion, inevitably associated—with present-day capitalistic individualism. But it may be possible by a right analysis of the problem to cure the disease whilst preserving efficiency and freedom."
In Keynes' view, it was sufficient for government intervention to be limited to the macroeconomy—that is, to use monetary and fiscal policy to maintain total spending (effective demand), which would both sustain growth and eliminate political pressure for radical actions to reduce unemployment. "It is not the ownership of the instruments of production which is important for the State to assume," Keynes wrote. "If the State is able to determine the aggregate amount of resources devoted to augmenting the instruments and the basic rate of reward to those who own them, it will have accomplished all that is necessary."
One of Keynes' students, Arthur Plumptre, explained Keynes' philosophy this way. In his view, Hayek's "road to serfdom" could as easily come from a lack of government as from too much. If high unemployment was allowed to continue for too long, Keynes thought the inevitable result would be socialism—total government control—and the destruction of political freedom. This highly undesirable result had to be resisted and could only be held at bay if rigid adherence to laissez-faire gave way, but not too much. As Plumptre put it, Keynes "tried to devise the minimum government controls that would allow free enterprise to work."
There’s actually a lot to like here. A government that focuses on keeping the “macro” playing field level while letting producers and consumers control the “micro” economy would be a vast improvement over what we have now.
That last quote from Plumptre is well said. Keynes wanted “the minimum government controls that would allow free enterprise to work.” He sought a balance between central planning and anarchy. He saw a lot of room between the extremes.
Likewise, by establishing conditions in which market forces could work, Keynes sought to prevent the kind of radical policies some of his modern followers want.
The crazy ideas we now fear—negative rates, MMT and the rest—didn’t appear spontaneously. Their proponents see them as solutions to real problems. These ideas would go nowhere if the economy functioned better.
Today we’re still seeking the balance Keynes wanted. We need an economics profession with clear thinkers. They’re out there. We have to amplify their voices.
The Great Reset: The Collapse of the Biggest Bubble in History
New York Times best seller and renowned financial expert John Mauldin predicts an unprecedented financial crisis that could be triggered in the next five years. Most investors seem completely unaware of the relentless pressure that’s building right now. Learn more here.
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