#hell no i wont eleborate why
there-wolf · 6 months
Jasonnie Incorrect Quotes #1
Donnie: You got a date yet Jason?
Jason: No...
Donnie: Well you do now! Get your ass up and hold my hand!
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actor-mark · 5 years
Ending and Recap
Hell folks! Marks mun here. Our ARG/Interactive Story is done and I want to thank everyone who came into the server and those of you who followed the blog along. Thank you so much for your interest in this and helping to tell this story. I wanted to put a proper and final close on things and to recap everything that happened for those who may have missed something. We are currently planning a new ARG and taking suggestions in the server, right now our top contender is a film noir eaque Abe based ARG perhaps a murder mystery or hunting Wilford down in one of their stories. Who knows! If youre interested in joinin the next one let us know! It wont be as limited as this one was and will allow folks to play canon characters too! So without further ado heres the recap ------------------ A strange invitation was floating by you, a flashy and eleborate dinner party at some fancy place named Mortem Manor. You thought nothing of it at first until you spotted your name in big golden writing upon it. A little odd but after picking it up you felt a pull to go to this place. Without even looking it up you seemed to know where it is and by the evening you were knocking on the door having traveled all the way there but with no real memory of the journey, all you knew was it took a long time to get there. Upon entering the manor you were greeted by the butler who encouraged you to make yourself at home, and then directed to the greeter named Allistair. An older gentleman that looked like he was two steps away from deaths door, shallow eyes and an eerie stare. He spoke not a word but took your coat and lead you to the current populated room be it the living room or the dining room or even outside. Here you met the other party goers, others who like you received an invitation from seemingly nowhere and all just as confused as you were. If youd been one of the firsts it was a few days before Mark, the owner of the manor, showed his face but shortly after those coming in would meet him right away or even be greeted at the door by him. Immediately Mark gave off bad vibes, too welcoming and easy to explode yet he seemed to do his best to stop that anger from happening. He tried his hardest to make sure each and every guest was comfortable, going out of his way to make comfy sofas and beds to be slept on...yes time was odd in this place... Breakfast was had at 9...though it was uncertain if this was 9am or 9pm it felt like much later. One particular guest seemed to have Marks full attention, so much so that other guests were now being completely ignored and it was clear this whole thing was purely for this one guest. A man going by the name of Light but really named Damien. This of course had Mark convinced that he was THE Damien. Sometime after lunch, the Butler, a suave and handsome man named Benjamin, went missing, with only one guest hearing what had happened and suspected hed been killed in Marks rage. The Maid, a blue haired young man in a skirt named Ethan, took over and was clearly running stressed at the work of two. Strange things were happening in this house, Light even seeing many of the dead in the upper hallway and getting trapped there for a while until Allistair came to silently rescue him. Now most certainly concerned about this place Light wanted nothing to do with the dinner that was sure to soon follow. By now many of the guests had noticed that the exterior of the house frequently changed with no real pattern, but it stopped for a long time in one particular garden with a small shed in the back. Taking the dogs Chica Henry and Spencer out into the yard with everyone Light did his beat to investigate that shed without Marks notice but the creak being too loud he opted out of it. Out of time Mark wuickly hurried everyone back inside but not before Light had discovered the house was in fact spinning on the spot. Having gotten stuck in one place before it changed once more with everyone safely back inside. Shortly after Light discovered that he could in fact slip between worlds, visiting the uoside down as easily as Mark could, but kept this information to himself. He challenged Mark to a game and won information. The exterior moves but why Mark didnt say. Mark in turn won a game through cheating and managed to have Light agree not to leave when the exterior "realigned" fortunately for Mark hed already tricked them into passing that opportunity by going outside with the dogs when it had already done so. At this point a new guest arrived by the name of Mr Sharp, otherwise known as The Phantom. A powerful spirit that had made a deal with Mark to buy this house. A house of the dead. Prior to his arrival at Mortem Manor, Phantom had been dealing with something of a nightmare. A previous ARG named Serverwatch had events leading up to the death of Darkiplier, however soon after its closure, Sharp had been dealing with an odd entity haunting him one that he had trouble seeing which made him curious. Before he could do much to contain it a nightmarish creature slendermanesque was stalking after him, and after finding a small green blood stone he was suddenly sent into the upside down and found himself at the manor. The trip had taken a huge toll on Sharp, going days without food water or sleep. Moving from March 30th to May 13th. He barely made it upstairs to a room when Light encountered him. Sharp gave Light the small green stone to keep safe from Mark. Light could even now hear two odd voices. One from the stone and another seeming to come from Sharp whenever he was close enough. Convinced to come to dinner Light helped Sharp downstairs but as they reached the inner hallway they came across Allistair. His eyes were glowing blue and he didnt seem himself. Surely enough Mark appeared demanding they move aside while Ethan aimed a shotgun. A Hollow is a corpse, reanimated and possesed by a spirit not belonging to that body and then the spirit flees it leaving only an empty shell. This shell still animated acts like a sombie but takes orders from those with a soul spirit. That someone being Mark. However Allistair seemed to have broken his bindings to Mark and before Mark could order Ethan to take the shot, Phantom was able to contain Allistair withing his cane. Annoyed by this mark left and before he too parted Ethan declared that there were many more Hollows. At this point Abe the Detective had arrived after someone supposedly called in about a murder (Ben) and Mark quickly deflated his accusations. Finally arriving at dinner the Chef had put on wuite the spread for them including Bread Rolls that soon became a server meme they were that good. Mark insisted that he had entertainment after dinner such as poker and a performance with himself as the starring role of course. Still confused Abe tucked in and conversations errupted about the past, especially since at some point somewhere Warfstache had also arrived and bestowed milkshakes to everyone at the table. Mark insisted that the old manor happenings had been a joke or a performance, a murder mystery. Clearly no harm had been done if they were all still here alive and well. Abe chose to believe him for now and Wilfords agile mind soaked it up like water to a sponge, just happy that his friends were all here and enjoying themselves over dinner. Once dinner was done, Mark led them to the poker room where they talked. Ever since taking the stone from Sharp it had been burning a hole in Lights pocket going hot then cold then hot again. Annoyed with Marks behavior, Light began picking at him for it. Maybe Celine wouldnt have left if hed been kinder, maybe Amy would like him if he wasnt such a prick. Mark stormed out and one of the guests took after him to make sure things were okay. Shortly after a gunshot rang out but not before Phantom fell asleep only to reveal hed been carrying Celine with him the entire time. Once The Phantom had passed out in his exhaustion Celine took over. Abe managed to help Celine find what Mark was hiding in the room then hurried out after Light. Light and Abe rushed to make sure that the guest was ok and oddly enough they were, Mark declared Abes gun, formly won from him in an upside down dice game Mark had again cheated at, had simply gone off in the drawer, even if there was no evidence. They were interrupted by the ground shaking as Celine broke what Mark had sealed away. Hurrying after Mark Abe Light and Wilford discovered a huge stage in the upside down where the poker room used to be. Its audience made up entirely of Hollows and the guests of the manor. Mark and Celine stared each other down before Celine hurled Sharps cane at him in an attempt to pierce his black dead heart. Mark wasnt falling for it again and caught the cane. A bad thing to happen. Phantoms cane contained the souls of thousands of powerful people. Magicians sorcerers demons anyone willing to make a contract. Now at Marks control. In an attempt to help Light stepped between them however the closer proximity to Celine had the stone in his pocket turn to lava temperatures and he quickly pulled it free. The stone... It was Damien. Light threw the stone to Celine but with the new power Mark caught it and floated it over to his own hand, crushing it with a vile laugh. Blue smoke seeping from the stone quickly made its way towards Light. In an attempt to stop Damien Mark began to draw his soul into the cane but was quickly stopped by a table cracked over his head from Celine. Connected with Light Damien took control and abandonning her current puppet of Phantom, Celine reunited with her brother taking the new form of Darkiplier and stealing the cane from Mark once more Mark grinned commanding his army of Hollows to attack, but Dark knew better. It was a sacrifice he knew, one that would have Phantom suffer for a long time but one that had to be made. He shattered the cane freeing the souls inside and each soul connected to a Hollow, breaking the hold Mark once had. In a fit of rage, Mark demanded his only remaining Hollow, Ethan, to incite a spell at the burial site of his old body, but Ethan too had broken control and instead of protecting him, burnt his body instead. The result caused a backdraft effect, black fire consuming the whole manor. With a final punch to the jaw from Abe, Mark went down. Dark ushered everyone out but Wilford made sure everyone of the guests made it out okay, even going back for the body of the guest who had indeed been shot by Mark. In his final moments Mark declared hed return laughing as his soul scattered into the black flames. Dark fled and Wilford warped Abe to somewhere in the Bahamas, getting a drink for them and then laughing out a "catch me if you can detective" Once the place had burnt to the ground the outside realigned again, the shed from the garden still standing. A dark and mysterious entity peering out before closjng the door again. Seems experiments were going to get interesting from here. ------ Again thank you everyone for joining, and thank you for reading! We hope to see you on our next adventure! - Mort/Mark
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