#hell never be as bad as the sb company owners
hearts401 · 9 months
no bc ik in fnaf 1-6 fazco was known for being pretty sketchy but i love how sw era fazco is genuinely just ufcking awful. hell yeah chop that kids leg off with a saw. yeah just gas him if he starts crying. dont look in the vents theres nothing there. oh giant robot that learns things? lets have him rip stuff up in our basement sure. accidents? no idk what u mean. yeah check out this game the last guy who tested it ripped his face off but thats okay youll be fine. no i know i should report this but like. its probably not you so i wont lol. yes im your company provided therapist now tell me about your tragic life. wow you're a piece of shit do you actually deserve therapy or cna i interrogate you?
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prorevenge · 6 years
Bully from my past decides to show up and talk smack. I get his ass fired, jailed and fined.
This takes place just a couple months ago, but I'll give some back story. In school I was bullied pretty badly. In this school bullying was unofficially popular and accepted. This meant many kids would compete to see how badly they could treat their "lessers". Among these ass hats were the clique who just hated. The type who had no reason, just that was the way they believed it was. Time passes though, I left that school, graduated at another, yet once or twice I have met my old school bullies and had to deal with them. No big special deal, just someone picking out of old habits and being told off. Otherwise everyone else I went to school with just did the same as I did and moved on. This guy was one of those who couldn't let it go and due to circumstance, I had to deal with him.
Understand I love my job. I'm a computer geek that is IT. A nice position where I get to choose how my work gets done with great pay. To me it’s a dream come true. So, with this in mind understand that I will fight tooth and nail to keep it if the need arises.
Time to start.
The whole thing started with a simple encounter. At the facility I work at we have contractors. People who come in and will do a job then leave. In this case SB (School Bully) was with one of these contracted companies who were supporting maintenance with electrical and frame work updates across the shop floor. I got one of my usual support request calls and went down to see what was up. On the way I saw him walking the opposite direction. At first I didn't recognize him, it has been nearly twenty years. So I nodded politely and moved on. It didn't click until later who he was, and at that time I decided to ignore it. I had my own job to think about.
Two days later the signs started. I was doing some stock audit work on the floor when one of the assembly workers I know (and I do know a lot of the shop floor workers.) wanted to ask me a question. I said sure, so he asked me if it was true that in school I tried to rape a class mate. I won't lie I was really taken aback. The answer of course was a resounding NO. I was pissed so I asked him who brought up such a thing. He told me that a contractor from a certain company was talking to him and a few others and brought it up. He said this guy talked a lot of hate full smack. He told me he didn't believe it but wanted to hear it from me. Fair enough. I asked for more details about the smack talking perp and his description fit SB. I was not amused.
I didn't want to deal with this, I was happy and didn't want to jeopardize that with my job by confronting a person who would just deny it. Asking the shop floor workers to back me up as witnesses wouldn't work either sense even though they are decent people, they wouldn't want to risk their paychecks for such drama.
Instead I called my brother who works as one of the maintenance managers. I convinced him to tell me were the company SB worked for was doing their work. I explained the situation and he told me to leave it be because with in a couple of months when the work is done they would move on. It was understandable, but i'm a little paranoid and wanted to keep my wits about me just in case. For about a week I stalked the group SB was with. I would simply walk by and make a note of who the shop floor guys he was working with. After SB moved on I would casually ask everyone, how things were going. The common thread was that one of the contractors on site really hated my guts and talked a lot of shit. Multiple people told me that when noticed me around he would go into small tirades about how I did this something else when we were younger. Things like how I did drugs, or I quit school because I was a waste. Things like that. The thing is that everything I heard was very nostalgic in a bad way. Everything said was a classic excuse the haters would have used. They never actually had a reason to hate me, so they would make something up. Hence why I called them the Haters.
After this I decided that it would be best to keep on damage control. I know how things can be, if a rumor is heard enough people can start to believe it. I didn't want to confront SB either sense I figured nothing would come of it. My brother was right, after a month or so this ass hat would be gone, but fate had other things in mind. My boss, being the nice guy that he is called me up one day asking if everything was ok. The rumors had gotten back to him and he wanted to ask me about them. I explained the situation and my plan for damage control. He understood and told me to keep it up. Unannounced to me he was annoyed enough to talk to SB's boss about what was going on. Which led me to my first real encounter with SB.
This happened the next night. I was heading to my car because I was done with the night. SB was waiting for me outside by the back lot. I was half way to my car when he called out.
SB: Hay, we need to talk!
I turned and saw him, but not wanting to deal with it I ignore him and continued to my car.
SB: Don't fucking ignore me, I have been through hell because of you.
He sped up and got in between me and my car. So now I have no choice but to listen, if I tried to go all the way back to the lobby he would just get in my way again.
SB: I got bitched out by my boss because of you. Someone said I was acting inappropriately while on the job.
Me: Okay, and this involves me how? (I said it all passively, figuring on playing dumb. It was obvious my boss talked to his boss getting him in trouble.)
SB: I know it was you who told my boss.
Me: Dude I didn't tell anyone about anything, I don't care, so just leave me alone.
SB: Fuck that, I know you, I know all about you, I remember the good days when we used to beat the crap out of you, I can bet you would love to have some revenge. I'm not going to let that happen by not letting this slide. You know your place or i'll beat you.
Me: ( I interrupted, I was getting pissed at this point.) Fuck you. This isn't that hell hole of a school; do you really think you could just get every one to hate me by spreading dumb rumors?
I remember this point very well, he got a real smug look on his face like some one who just won an argument. I can bet my remark let the cat out of the bag. I could also remember having to hold my self back from punching that smug face.
SB: Do you think anybody gives a shit about you? Nothing’s changed......(this is when he said it. The nickname that still pisses me off. He called me the derogatory word they called me in school. The one they used as an excuse to beat me up, or insult me. NO i'm not posting it here.) I bet I can get everyone to hate you because you know your worthless.
By this point my emotions were in the open and I think he noticed because instead of stopping he picked up momentum.
SB: I seen you and that fat fuck of a wife around town, maybe i'll tell her to. I can bet she would kill herself if she knew what a (nickname) you are. What are you upset, are going to cry like you use to? How about this, i'll say what I want when I want or find you and your fucking wife and beat you to death! I'll leave you alone to think about what I said and i'll see you tomorrow, fucking (nickname).
He left it at that and walked off. I stood there for a bit and thought. I was now seething. I really wanted to turn on the ass hole and punch his lights out. But I know if I did I would just get fired because of the no tolerance rules we have. Then I had an idea, he was right, by this point I wanted revenge. He insulted me and my 5-month pregnant wife. Nope, not going to put up with this shit.
I went home and vented the event to my loving wife, who listened and gave me a well needed hug. The next day I went into motion. The first thing I did was talk to security, they had cameras for the parking lots, so I requested the video for the time frame SB and I had our little chat. The video didn't have audio but at least I had proof of his approach. This is why you become friends with the other departments ladies and gentlemen, you never know when you will need their help and help they did. They found exactly what I needed. The video showed him come up on the back lot and hiding behind the fence, then it showed his approach as I was walking to my car. It made it obvious he was waiting for me sinse he had no reason to be there. They copied the video, and per my request sent it to my boss, and to site VIP. The VIP is the guy who runs the entirety of the plant. VIP is just the IT nickname. I then called my boss and explained the email and what happened. I also explained that I sent it to the VIP. So we ended up scheduling a meeting later for that day. It was just me, my boss and VIP. It was mainly to explain the video and what happened. During the meeting the VIP got the contracting companies owner on call. I then once again explained myself. I explained SB's threats and that I have felt like my safety was put in jeopardy. My work place has a no tolerance rule for threats like this so I knew it would be taken more seriously if I added that in.
Now for the results. During the talk after I explained what happened, the contracted company told us they would fire him, because to not do so would risk the contract they had with us. My VIP also called the police as per the rules for anything like this. The police came, took a statement from me, my boss, saw the video and then arrested SB during his lunch break due to the threats of violence. A week later I got a summons to court to speak on my behalf. I told the judge what happened as I told my boss and VIP. I wasn't told what SB was charged with sense the county decided to charge him on their own, but I do know he spent a small amount of time in jail and got a fine. After that I was allowed to get a restraining order just in case.
This kind of thing still peeves me off, but I wanted to type this up while it was still fairly fresh. I also wanted to wait until things were said in done. I was told by a lawyer I asked before writing this that sense his trial is over the matter can't be overturned because of what I wrote here.
Also for those curious VIP is basically the manager of the entire plant, but calling him that actually makes his role seem less then it really is, so calling him VIP seemed more fitting to me. Also note that I can't release the video, its company property and I don't want to get fired.
(source) (story by Atlusfox)
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patriotsnet · 3 years
How Many Jobs Bills Have The Republicans Introduced
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/how-many-jobs-bills-have-the-republicans-introduced/
How Many Jobs Bills Have The Republicans Introduced
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President’s Address To Congress
Republicans introduce âFire Fauci Actâ to oust the âpolitical scientistâ from his top job
Wikisource has original text related to this article:Barack Obama speech to joint session of Congress, September 2011
Obama’s speech aired in the United States on 11 television networks during primetime, including ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, MSNBC, and CNBC. Nielsen Media Research estimate that 31.4 million viewers watched the speech, 10 million less than the 2011 State of the Union Address, but six million more than his March speech on Libya. The President’s address was rescheduled to September 8 after his original request to deliver the speech on September 7 was rebuffed by Speaker of the House John Boehner, who cited a clash with a Republican Presidential debate already scheduled for the same time and stated that more time was required to secure the House for the President’s visit. The President made his speech at 7:00pm Eastern, instead of the usual 9:00pm start for presidential addresses to joint sessions of Congress, so he would be finished before the first game of the National Football League season between the New Orleans Saints and the Green Bay Packers at 8:30pm.
Bad Strategy How The Republican Attack On Voting Rights Could Backfire
Republicans are pushing hundreds of bills to limit voting access. Some measures may get in the way of their own voters
As the coronavirus wreaked havoc around the world, lawmakers in the US were faced with a monumental task: carrying out a presidential election in the middle of a once-in-century pandemic.
Concerned about the possibility of virus spread at polling places, Democrats pushed the federal government to approve more funding for states to expand absentee and early-voting options.
But Donald Trump was against the idea for a single reason: he thought it would make it harder for Republicans to win. Trump said in a Fox News interview in March of last year that, if early and absentee voting options were expanded as Democrats wanted, youd never have a Republican elected in this country again. Other Republicans haveechoed Trumps argument in recent months, as the party has pushed hundreds of bills to restrict voting access in dozens of states.
But voting experts now say the restrictions being approved in Republican-led states may not help the partys chances in future elections, and in some cases, the laws may even prevent their own supporters from going to the polls. Put simply, in seeking to suppress the vote, Republicans may be shooting themselves in the foot.
Gop Real Estate Owners Make Out Big
Besides the laws benefits to real estate pass-throughs, real estate in general was hugely favored by the tax law, allowing property exchanges to avoid taxation, the deduction of new capital expenses in just one year versus longer depreciation schedules, and an exemption from limits on interest deductions.;
If you are a real estate developer, you never pay tax, said Ed Kleinbard, a former head of Congresss Joint Committee on Taxation.;
Members of Congress own a lot of real estate. Public Integritys review of financial disclosures found that 29 of the 47 GOP members of the committees responsible for the tax bill hold interests in real estate, including small rental businesses, LLCs, and massive real estate investment trusts , which pay dividends to investors. The tax bill allows REIT investors to deduct 20 percent from their dividends for tax purposes.;
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The Center for Public Integrity is an independent, investigative newsroom that exposes betrayals of the public trust by powerful interests.
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Republicans Are Defunding The Police: Fox News Anchor Stumps Congressman
Chris Wallace quizzes Jim Banks of Indiana on Fox News Sunday
Biden: $350bn in bill opposed by GOP is for law enforcement
US politics live coverage
The Fox News anchor Chris Wallace made headlines of his own on Sunday, by pointing out to a senior Republican that he and the rest of his party recently voted against $350bn in funding for law enforcement.
Cant you make the argument that its you and the Republicans who are defunding the police? Wallace asked Jim Banks, the head of the House Republican study committee.
The congressman was the author of a Fox News column in which he said Democrats were responsible for spikes in violent crime.
There is overwhelming evidence, Banks wrote, connecting the rise in murders to the violent riots last summer a reference to protests over the murder of George Floyd which sometimes produced looting and violence and the defund the police movement. Both of which were supported, financially and rhetorically, by the Democratic party and the Biden administration.
Joe Biden does not support any attempt to defund the police, a slogan adopted by some on the left but which remains controversial and which the president has said Republicans have used to beat the living hell out of Democrats.
On Fox News Sunday, Banks repeatedly attacked the so-called Squad of young progressive women in the House and said Democrats stigmatised law enforcement and helped criminals.
An Affinity For Small Business
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Passing a law that helped fuel increases in stock prices wasnt the only way Republicans enriched themselves. The new law also contained a 20 percent deduction for income from so-called pass-through businesses, a provision called the crown jewel of the act by the National Federation of Independent Businesses, a lobbying group.
Pass-throughs are single-owner businesses, partnerships, limited liability companies and special corporations called S-corps. Most real estate companies are organized as LLCs. Trump owns hundreds of them, and Public Integritys analysis found that 22 of the 47 members of the House and Senate tax-writing committees in 2017 were invested in them.
Pass-throughs can be found in any industry. They pay no corporate taxes and steer their profits as income to business owners or investors, who are taxed only once at their individual rates. Despite their favored treatment as a business vehicle, the 2017 tax act did them another favor: It allowed 20 percent to be deducted off the top of the pass-through income for tax purposes.
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No doubt. Johnson, with his wife, held interests that year in four real estate or manufacturing LLCs worth between $6.2 million and $30.5 million, from which they received income that year between $250,000 and $2.1 million, according to his financial disclosure form.
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Replies To Republicans Have Passed 0 Jobs Bills During Their First 138 Days Running Congress
What a dismal outlook for our country.
What do people expect when they continue to vote GOP, or donât vote at all?
The GOP was not working for America years before 2012, yet ignorant people are still voting against their best interests.
bebesays:Sat, May 23rd, 2015 at 5:35 pm
Boehner has no intention of calling a vote on a jobs bill. Hes already pledged allegiance to the Koch agenda. That means no new jobs to be formed because Obama would get credit for it. Same reason gop governors tried halting hiring in 2011 to screw Obama in 2012. They soon found out that they had to hire more people, the holdout was too long.
Obama accomplished unemployment down to 5.4% despite the gopâs best efforts to screw him over. Good wins over evil.
they havenât reached 100 days yet⦠they use âdynamic calendarâ daysâ¦
its a concept similar to âdynamic accountingâ they want the CBO to adoptâ¦
Robertsays:Sat, May 23rd, 2015 at 6:11 pm
The government has no jobs! Only private business can create new jobs through growth. A jobs bill is just making more government workers. The money comes from the taxpayers. Since the upper 50% of wage earners pay almost all the taxes, itâs the perfect redistribution of wealth plan. Want to get more workers hired in real jobs? Reduce/eliminate the corporate income tax.
The only jobs Congressional Republicans are interesting in creating- their own, after they get removed from office.
Hr 785: National Right
Many states have enacted so-called;right-to-work;laws, which;prohibit labor unions and employers from requiring workers to join unions to get or keep jobs. The National Conference of State Legislatures explains:
Currently, 28;states and Guam have given workers a choice when it comes to union membership. Labor unions still operate in those states, but workers cannot be compelled to become members as a requirement of their job. Kentucky became the 27th right-to-work state when it enacted HB 1 on Jan. 9, 2017. Missouri became the 28th by enacting SB 19 on Feb. 2, 2017.
Unlike many other items on their agenda, the Republican sponsors of H.R. 785;are keen on handing over;the power to decide this matter to the federal government instead of the states. Opponents say passage of the bill would lead to lower wages and greater unemployment nationwide, not to mention create an unfair situation in which non-dues-paying employees reap the benefits of union activities.
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Hr 147: To Criminalize Abortion In Certain Cases By Making It A Felony Punishable By Up To Five Years In Prison
The Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act of 2017, H.R. 147, was introduced on 3 January 2017 by Rep. Trent Franks , with 59 cosponsors, all Republicans. The bill, similar to ones introduced in previous sessions of Congress, would not criminalize abortion per se , but it would make it a crime;under certain conditions:
This bill imposes criminal penalties on anyone who knowingly or knowingly attempts to: perform an abortion knowing that the abortion is sought based on the sex, gender, color or race of the child, or the race of a parent; use force or the threat of force to intentionally injure or intimidate any person for the purpose of coercing a sex-selection or race-selection abortion; solicit or accept funds for the performance of such an abortion; or transport a woman into the United States or across a state line for the purpose of obtaining such an abortion.
Violations or attempted violations shall result in fines and/or imprisonment for up to five years.
How Many Jobs Bills Have The Republican
DNC Chair Harrison: âWeâre Going To Fight Against These Oppressive Lawsâ | The Last Word | MSNBC
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Circling Closer To A Federal Privacy Law Congress Has Introduced 7 Privacy Bills This Year
Congress has stated its intention to pass a federal privacy law. For more than a year following , various committees within the House of Representatives and the Senate have held hearings to figure out the composition of a comprehensive federal privacy law.
Members of Congress have introduced several privacy bills this year that aim to regulate companies collection and/or use of peoples personal information . None of these bills introduced this year have yet to be put to a vote, and if previous efforts are any indication, none are likely to pass into law. However, taken together they paint a picture of what a federal privacy law would likely cover, especially if Congress were to cherry-pick their various provisions and combine them into an omnibus bill. They also indicate Congress members differing stances on what a federal privacy law should require of companies. Those latter complications could require Congress to compromise on a federal privacy laws scope in order to ensure its passage into law, especially if Congress intends to try to pass a federal privacy law before Californias privacy law takes effect in January 2020.
Social Media Privacy Protection and Consumer Rights Act of 2019, introduced by Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar on January 17, 2019While introduced early into the current legislative session, this bill appears to be a model for what a bipartisan privacy law might look like.
Hr 899: To Terminate The Department Of Education
Like H.R. 861, which would get rid of the EPA, H.R. 899 calls simply for the termination of the Department of Education by the end of 2018. It was introduced by Rep. Thomas Massie , with six Republican cosponsors . President Trumps Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, has stated she would be fine with having;herself worked out of a job.
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Hr 861: To Terminate The Environmental Protection Agency
Introduced on 3 February;2017 by Rep. Matt Gaetz and three Republican cosponsors, the body of H.R. 861;is only one sentence long: The Environmental Protection Agency shall terminate on December 31, 2018. The text of the bill does not stipulate;what would become of existing EPA regulations and their enforcement, but Gaetz has indicated that he intends;jurisdiction to;fall;to individual states.
If Rep Liz Cheney Doesnt Have A Home In The Gop Who Does
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To be sure, though, Fragas own research has found that white voters, regardless of how easy or hard it is for them to vote, consistently turn out at higher rates than voters of color, so we do want to be careful of not reading too much into this. Jennifer McCoy, a political scientist at Georgia State University who studies the effects of polarization on democracy, told me that she thought the current emphasis on voter restrictions boiled down to Republicans thinking they could appeal to Trumps base by codifying his baseless claims of voter fraud. know they have to attract Donald Trump supporters who now believe there is fraud, said McCoy. So a large part of the current efforts to change voter laws was a direct response to this last election. Large majorities of Republicans continue to believe Bidens win is not legitimate, and a that only 28 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning people agreed that everything possible should be done to make voting easy, a steep drop from 48 percent in October 2018.
The GOPs restrictionist bent sends the message that Republicans dont want Black and brown Americans to vote. In September 2020, 54 percent of Black respondents and 35 percent of Hispanic respondents told FiveThirtyEight/Ipsos they believed Republicans didnt want people like me to vote.
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Republicans Submit A Flood Of Anti
Speaking to NBC News, the groups advocacy director David Topping said there has been a huge rash of anti-LGBTQ legislation since the Supreme Court ruled in favour of same-sex marriage in 2015.
He said: It feels like every state Legislature, every year, is trying to push some kind of anti-LGBTQ agenda.
Activists say that many of the bills with the greatest momentum are targeting transgender children.
Rose Saxe of the American Civil Liberties Union told NBC: The targeting of kids is really unique this year. Its really shocking, the depth of attack on trans youth.
Saxe explained that identikit bills often originate from anti-LGBT lobbying groups like Alliance Defending Freedom and the Heritage Foundation, who shop around their pre-drafted legislation to friendly lawmakers in a number of states.
The vast majority of the bills will likely not become law, but some concerning measures have already passed with Tennessee governor Bill Lee signing a bill into law last month that allows religious adoption agencies to deny service to queer couples.
The areas most vulnerable to anti-LGBT bills passing are those where Republicans have full control of the state legislature and Governors mansion.
How Many Jobs Have The Republicans Created Since Taking Over The House
2.;Repubs Have Aggressively and Successfully Launched a Negative Growth Plan
Edited on Fri Jul-01-11 09:57 AM by fredamaeWe WERE losing about 1 Million jobs per month under bushco by the end of his term in 2008.During the bushco years over 50,000 Mfg Plants have closed.More to the point, how many jobs were Saved since Obama took office?What did the Republican/Minority Controlled Senate– do but Block Over 300 Bills that would have created jobs and pumped Money into the economy?Since the Dems took control in 2006 more than 600 Bills have been blocked by repubs that Could have Reversed the Recession!Never forget that. If you don’t believe this look it all up in the Congressional Website! It’s all there: Bills, Votes, Floor Testimony etc
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junker-town · 6 years
The 58 silliest bowl game names of all time
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A list so amazing, the Poulan Weed Eater Independence Bowl isn’t even No. 1.
Lots of college football bowl games have silly names. That has always been the case. At any point in history, however, certain bowls stand above their peers, whether due to absurd sponsors, a weird poetry collision between location and sponsor, or what have you.
Setting aside the many bowls whose sponsors are just trying to sell pretty normal products, here are the strangest bowl names ever. If you haven’t heard the news yet, let me just warn you that the one you’re thinking of right now, the one that’s long been the weirdest ever, has just been beaten.
58. Visit Florida Tangerine Bowl (2001) in Orlando
All bowls were originally tourism things. The verb shows commitment, and all bowls should use one. Come on down to the Test Drive Jeep Eagle Aloha Bowl.
56. (tie) AdvoCare V100 Independence Bowl (2008-12) in Shreveport, La. AdvoCare V100 Texas Bowl (2014-16) in Houston
The company frequently accused of being a pyramid scheme travels the bowl landscape, like a medicine salesman in the Wild West.
55. Progressive Gator Bowl (2011) in Jacksonville
“The medium-sized animals I eat in one big bite are all locally sourced.”
50. (tie) Blockbuster Bowl (1990-93) in Miami IBM OS/2 Fiesta Bowl (1993-95) in Tempe, Az. CompUSA Florida Citrus Bowl (1994-99) in Orlando EA Sports Las Vegas Bowl (1999) Sega Sports Las Vegas Bowl (2001-02)
The wave of pre-2000s technology bowls. Let the awkward nostalgia wash over you. There’s an even weirder wave like this one, later on in the list.
Nothing says “fiesta” quite like IBM’s operating system.
49. Rose Bowl presented by PlayStation 2 (2003) in Pasadena, Ca.
The Rose Bowl is too important to have a title sponsor, technically, so it’s been doing this “presented by” thing since 1999. This sport’s grandest and most serious game being Presented By a video game platform whose latest releases included The Clone Wars, Nickelodeon Party Blast, and The Simpsons Skateboarding: perfect.
48. Alamo Bowl Presented By MasterCard (2002) in San Antonio
That year when the Alamo Bowl was just as fancy as the Rose Bowl.
47. Popeyes Bahamas Bowl (2014-16)
That’s about the most pleasant combo of three words I can imagine, but here’s the silly part:
I am in a stadium built by the Chinese government in the Bahamas, watching an American football game.
Central Michigan is lateraling to almost complete the biggest comeback in bowl history.
When the Chippewas come up just short, the Hilltoppers eat Popeyes. There are no Popeyes in the Bahamas.
46. Famous Idaho Potato Bowl (2011-)
Fake it ‘til you make it, and at this point, the Idaho Potato Bowl is somewhat Famous, I guess.
45. Gotham Bowl (1961-62) in New York City
24. (tie) AXA Liberty Bowl (1997-2003) in Memphis Sylvania Alamo Bowl (1999-2001) in San Antonio Culligan Holiday Bowl (1998-2001) in San Diego GMAC Mobile Alabama Bowl/GMAC Bowl (2000-2010) ConAgra Foods Hawaiʻi Bowl (2002) PlainsCapital Fort Worth Bowl (2003-04) R+L Carriers New Orleans Bowl (2006-) Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl (2006-13) in Fort Worth EagleBank Bowl (2008-09) in Annapolis, Md. uDrove Humanitarian Bowl (2010) in Boise Bridgepoint Education Holiday Bowl (2010-12) in San Diego Franklin American Mortgage Music City Bowl (2010-) in Nashville Military Bowl presented by Northrop Grumman (2010-) in Annapolis BBVA Compass Bowl (2011-14) in Birmingham National University Holiday Bowl (2013-14) in San Diego Heart of Dallas Bowl presented by PlainsCapital Bank (2013-14) Royal Purple Las Vegas Bowl (2013-15) Lockheed Martin Armed Forces Bowl (2014-) in Fort Worth Raycom Media Camellia Bowl (2014-) in Montgomery, Al. NOVA Home Loans Arizona Bowl (2015-) in Tucson, Az. San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl (2005-16)/Holiday Bowl (2017-) in San Diego
The “how could bowl sponsorship possibly inspire anyone to spend money on these things?” group.
AXA is a French insurance firm, Sylvania is a subsidiary of a German lighting manufacturer, Culligan is a water treatment company based in Illinois, GMAC was an auto lender, ConAgra is a huge company with dozens of food brands, PlainsCapital is a bank that’s probably not in your town, R+L Carriers trucks stuff, EagleBank is a bank that’s probably not in your town, Bell sells war vehicles to governments, uDrove was some sort of trucking app, Bridgepoint is a for-profit university, National is a non-profit university (this was when the Holiday Bowl went legit), BBVA is also a bank that’s probably not in your town, Northrop Grumman also sells war vehicles to governments, Franklin American Mortgage sells entire houses, PlainsCapital is yet another bank that’s probably not in your town, Royal Purple sells industrial lube, Lockheed Martin sells war vehicles to governments, Raycom is a TV thing you either get or don’t get, NOVA will sell you an entire house, and the SDCCU is probably not in your town.
23. Salad Bowl (1947-55) in Phoenix
Lots of games have been named after funny foods. This is the funniest of the genre.
22. Zaxby's Heart of Dallas Bowl (2014-)
You’d think the last word this very salty chicken chain — folks, so much salt, you wouldn’t believe, so many people are telling me about the salt, everywhere I go — would want people to think about is the word “heart.” If ever I were to consider ordering a bucket of Zaladz, and in that moment, someone said to me the word “heart,” I would stop.
12. (tie) Insight.com Bowl (1997-2001) in Tucson, Az. HomePoint.com Music City Bowl (1999) in Nashville MicronPC.com Bowl (1999-2000) in Miami Crucial.com Humanitarian Bowl (1999-2003) in Boise Ourhouse.com Florida Citrus Bowl (2000) in Orlando galleryfurniture.com Bowl (2000-01) in Houston EV1.net Houston Bowl (2002-05) PapaJohns.com Bowl (2006-10) in Birmingham GoDaddy.com Bowl (2011-13) in Mobile, Al. TaxSlayer.com Gator Bowl (2012-13) in Jacksonville
I still can’t believe we had football games named after websites for almost two decades. I can’t believe that happened.
11. TaxSlayer Bowl/TaxSlayer Gator Bowl (2012-) in Jacksonville
All these years in, and I still don’t know what to say. What a stupid series of words!
10. Cheribundi Tart Cherry Boca Raton Bowl (2017-)
Really biased in favor of the ones with lots and lots of verbiage, like NFL play calls. Walk into the huddle and bark this out, then see if you don’t put 25 yards on the Colts.
9. Duck Commander Independence Bowl (2014) in Shreveport
8. BattleFrog Fiesta Bowl (2015) in Glendale, Az.
4. (tie) magicJack St. Petersburg Bowl (2008) St. Petersburg Bowl Presented by Beef 'O' Brady's (2009) Beef 'O' Brady's Bowl (2010-13) in St. Petersburg, Fl. Bitcoin St. Petersburg Bowl (2014)
Basically every name the St. Pete Bowl has ever been known by, other than the current one. We swore this game would never top being sponsored by a faux-Irish restaurant that cannot use apostrophes correctly, a USB device, and invisible internet money, and yet, see No. 1.
3. Poulan Weed Eater Independence Bowl (1991-97) in Shreveport
For decades, this was the go-to example anyone would use when listing off consolation-prize games or complaining about there being too many bowls. Saying “the Poulan Weed Eater Bowl” just does not happen, unless the speaker is making fun of something about bowl season.
This name became so synonymous with the idea of an embarrassing bowl trip that, 19 years after it’d changed, then-Houston head coach Tom Herman summoned it to mock rival SMU.
If you're satisfied with going 7-5 and going to the Poulan Weed Eater Bowl, then great. Then you're in the wrong program and we'll find a place for you to go. I hear there's a private school up in Dallas that's really looking to try to get to seven wins.
(Herman then lost an upset to that private school, proving the mere mention of the Poulan Weed Eater Bowl lowers one’s talent levels.)
Topping the legendary Poulan Weed Eater Bowl was something I never thought I’d see happen in my lifetime. This was the 47-game Oklahoma win streak of terrible bowl names, and yet, see No. 1.
2. Makers Wanted Bahamas Bowl (2018-)
Textually alone, that’s not a silly name. It’s the context, though. Oh my god, the context. Bowl owner ESPN explains:
The Makers Wanted tagline serves as a call-to-action for Elk Grove Village’s thriving community and the thousands of businesses that are based there.
“Elk Grove Village is home to the largest industrial park in the United States, spurred by our village’s commitment to being beyond business-friendly,” said Elk Grove Village Mayor Craig Johnson.
Here’s a map from Elk Grove Village to the Bahamas:
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Google Maps
A town near Chicago’s airport that literally has an elk grove sponsors a bowl game in the Caribbean. No further questions, your honor.
1. The Bad Boy Mowers Gasparilla Bowl (2017-) in St. Petersburg
The St. Pete Bowl is the absolute god of incredible names. If the entire top five of this list was nothing but St. Pete Bowl names, no one could complain.
This one is so good that it was hard to believe it was real, despite one of the sport’s best reporters breaking the news. He had to circle back and announce on Twitter that he was not kidding.
It’s not fake news: St. Pete Bowl really has been renamed Bad Boy Mowers Gasparilla Bowl. Really! https://t.co/fcxi8GKyeI
— Brett McMurphy (@Brett_McMurphy) August 18, 2017
Is this brand as midlife-crisis-y as it sounds? Oh hell yeah it is.
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Even better: the game was initially brought to you by lawnmowers IS PLAYED ON FAKE GRASS IN A BASEBALL STADIUM. Fake grass THAT USED TO BE SOME OF THE WORST TURF YOU’VE EVER BEHELD. The game’s sponsor was completely useless within its own stadium. Diabolical.
The greatest thing about the St. Petersburg Bowl is no longer a thing. Mourn with us. https://t.co/AqbQpXw6kp
— SB Nation CFB (@SBNationCFB) April 1, 2017
It’s since moved to the Bucs’ stadium, the one with the huge fake pirate ship in one end zone.
Please put lawnmowers in the pirate ship.
What’s a “Gasparilla?”
Well, you see, Tampa has an annual event (about a month after this bowl game) called the Gasparilla Pirate Fest.
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OK, but what’s a “Gasparilla?”
Per Wikipedia:
The theme of the Gasparilla Festival was inspired by the local legend of José Gaspar, a Spanish naval officer who turned to piracy. [...] Despite this colorful history, there is no evidence that a pirate named Gaspar or Gasparilla ever operated off the Florida coast. [...] In fact, researchers have found no contemporaneous records either in Spain or the United States that mention Gaspar's existence, and no physical evidence of his presence in Florida has ever been uncovered.
To sum up: the bowl that was mostly known for ugly fake grass is now brought to you by an unnecessary lawnmower company that is CERTIFIED BADASS, BABY and has the same name as Diddy’s record label, all in honor of a pirate who might not’ve been real and who definitely had nothing to do with Tampa, St. Petersburg, colleges, football, lawnmowers, Bitcoin, USB connectors, Steamy Queso ‘O’ Poppers, or bowl games.
That’s one of the dumbest sentences ever typed, and I could not possibly love this sport more.
Wanna make your own? Here you go.
We threw a ton of bowl names into a computer and had AI generate a bunch of fake names:
(function() { var l = function() { new pym.Parent( 'change-me-in-the-spreadsheet__graphic', 'https://apps.voxmedia.com/graphics/sbnation-cfb-neural-network/'); }; if(typeof(pym) === 'undefined') { var h = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], s = document.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.src = 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/pym/0.4.5/pym.js'; s.onload = l; h.appendChild(s); } else { l(); } })();
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prorevenge · 6 years
Bully from my past decides to show up and talk smack. I get his ass fired, jailed and fined.
This takes place just a couple months ago, but I'll give some back story. In school I was bullied pretty badly. In this school bullying was actually unofficially popular and accepted. This meant many kids would compete to see how badly they could treat their "lessers". Among these ass hats were the clique who just hated. The type who had no reason, just that was the way they believed it was. Time passes though, I left that school, graduated at another, yet once or twice I have met my old school bullies and had to deal with them. No big special deal, just some one picking out of old habits and being told off. Other wise every one else I went to school with just did the same as I did and moved on. This guy was one of those who couldn't let it go and due to circumstance I had to deal with him.
Understand I love my job. I'm a computer geek that is IT. A nice position were I get to choose how my work gets done with great pay. To me its a dream come true. So with this in mind understand that I will fight tooth and nail to keep it if the need arises.
Time to start.
The whole thing started with a simple encounter. At the facility I work at we have contractors. People who come in and will do a job then leave. In this case SB (School Bully) was with one of these contracted companies who were supporting maintenance with electrical and frame work updates across the shop floor. I got one of my usual support request calls and went down to see what was up. On the way I saw him walking the opposite direction. At first I didn't recognize him, it has been nearly twenty years. So I nodded politely and moved on. It didn't click until later who he was, and at that time I decided to ignore it. I had my own job to think about.
Two days later the signs started. I was doing some stock audit work on the floor when one of the assembly workers I know (and I do know a lot of the shop floor workers.) wanted to ask me a question. I said sure, so he asked me if it was true that in school I tried to rape a class mate. I won't lie I was really taken aback. The answer of course was a resounding NO. I was pissed so I asked him who brought up such a thing. He told me that a contractor from a certain company was talking to him and a few others and brought it up. He said this guy talked a lot of hate full smack. He told me he didn't believe it but wanted to here it from me. Fair enough. I asked for more details about the smack talking perp and his description fit SB. I was not amused.
I didn't want to deal with this, I was pretty happy and didn't want to jeopardize that with my job by confronting a person who would just deny it. Asking the shop floor workers to back me up as witnesses wouldn't work either sinse even though they are decent people, they wouldn't want to risk there paychecks for such drama.
Instead I called my brother who works as one of the maintenance managers. I convinced him to tell me were the company SB worked for was doing their work. I explained the situation and he told me to leave it be because with in a couple of months when the work is done they would move on. It was understandable, but i'm a little paranoid and wanted to keep my wits about me just in case. For about a week I stalked the group SB was with. I would simply walk by and make a note of who the shop floor guys he was working with. After SB moved on I would casually ask everyone, how things were going. The common thread was that one of the contractors on site really hated my guts and talked a lot of shit. Multiple people told me that when noticed me around he would go into small tirades about how I did this something else when we were younger. Things like how I did drugs, or I quit school because I was a waste. Things like that. The thing is that every thing I herd was very nostalgic in a bad way. Every thing said was a classic excuse the haters would have used. They never actually had a reason to hate me, so they would make something up. Hence why I called them the Haters.
After this I decided that it would be best to keep on damage control. I know how things can be, if a rumor is heard enough people can start to believe it. I didn't want to confront SB either sinse I figured nothing would come of it. My brother was right, after a month or so this ass hat would be gone, but fate had other things in mind. My boss, being the nice guy that he is called me up one day asking if every thing was ok. The rumors had gotten back to him and he wanted to ask me about them. I explained the situation and my plan for damage control. He understood and told me to keep it up. Unannounced to me he was annoyed enough to talk to SB's boss about what was going on. Which led me to my first real encounter with SB.
This happened the next night. I was heading to my car because I was done with the night. SB was waiting for me outside by the back lot. I was half way to my car when he called out.
SB: Hay, we need to talk!
I turned and saw him, but not wanting to deal with it I ignore him and continued to my car.
SB: Don't fucking ignore me, I have been through hell because of you.
He sped up and got in between me and my car. So now I have no choice but to listen, if I tried to go all the way back to the lobby he would just get in my way again.
SB: I got bitched out by my boss because of you. Some one said I was acting inappropriately while on the job.
Me: Okay, and this involves me how? (I said it all pretty passively, figuring on playing dumb. It was obvious my boss talked to his boss getting him in trouble.)
SB: I know it was you who told my boss.
Me: Dude I didn't tell any one about any thing, I don't care, so just leave me alone.
SB: Fuck that, I know you, I know all about you, I remember the good days when we used to beat the crap out of you, I can bet you would love to have some revenge. I'm not going to let that happen by not letting this slide. You know your place.
Me: ( I interrupted, I was getting pissed at this point.) Fuck you. This isn't that hell hole of a school, do you really think you could just get every one to hate me by spreading dumb rumors?
I remember this point very well, he got a real smug look on his face like some one who just won an argument. I can bet my remark let the cat out of the bag. I could also remember having to hold my self back from punching that smug face.
SB: Do you think any body gives a shit about you? Nothings changed......( this is when he said it. The nickname that still pisses me off. He called me the derogatory word they called me in school. The one they used as an excuse to beat me up, or insult me. NO i'm not posting it here.) I bet I can get every one to hate you because you know your worthless.
By this point my emotions were in the open and I think he noticed because instead of stopping he picked up momentum.
SB: I seen you and that fat fuck of a wife around town, maybe i'll tell her to. I can bet she would kill her self if she new what a (nickname) you are. What are you upset, are going to cry like you use to? How bout this, i'll leave you alone to think about what I said and i'll see you tomorrow, fucking (nickname).
He left it at that and walked off. I stood there for a bit and thought. I was now seething. I really wanted to turn on the ass hole and punch his lights out. But I know if I did I would just get fired because of the no tolerance rules we have. Then I had an idea, he was right, by this point I wanted revenge. He insulted me and my 5 month pregnant wife. Nope, not going to put up with this shit.
I went home and vented the event to my loving wife, who listened and gave me a well needed hug. The next day I went into motion. The first thing I did was talk to security, they had cameras for the the parking lots so I requested the video for the time frame SB and I had our little chat. The video didn't have audio but at least I had proof of his approach. This is why you become friends with the other departments ladies and gentlemen, you never know when you will need their help and help they did. They found exactly what I needed. The video showed him come up on the back lot and hiding behind the fence, then it showed his approach as I was walking to my car. It made it obvious he was waiting for me sinse he had no reason to be there. They copied the video, and per my request sent it to my boss, and to site VIP. The VIP is the guy who runs the entirety of the plant. VIP is just the IT nickname. I then called my boss and explained the email and what happened. I also explained that I sent it to the VIP. So we ended up scheduling a meeting later for that day. It was just me, my boss and VIP. It was mainly to explain the video and what happened. During the meeting the VIP got the contracting companies owner on call. I then once again explained myself. Before I explain the results understand I embellished some to every one. I upped the anti and explained that SB also threatened me and my wife with violence. That I have felt like my safety was put in jeopardy. My work place has a no tolerance rule for threats like this so I knew it would be taken more seriously if I added that in.
Now for the results. During the talk after I explained what happened, the contracted company told us they would fire him, because to not do so would risk the contract they had with us. My VIP also called the police as per the rules for any thing like this. The police came, took a statement from me, my boss, saw the video and then arrested SB during his lunch break due to the threats of violence. A week later I got a summons to court to speak on my behalf. I told the judge what happened as I told my boss and VIP. I wasn't told what SB was charged with sinse the county decided to charge him on there own, but I do know he spent a small amount of time in jail and got a fine. After that I was allowed to get a restraining order just in case.
This kind of thing still peeves me off, but I wanted to type this up while it was still fairly fresh. I also wanted to wait until things were said in done. I was told by a lawyer I asked before writing this that sinse his trial is over the matter can't be overturned because of what I wrote here.
Also for those curious VIP is basically the manager of the entire plant, but calling him that actually makes his role seem less then it really is, so calling him VIP seemed more fitting to me. Also note that I can't release the video, its company property and I don't want to get fired.
(source) (story by Atlusfox)
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