#hell I’m even looking to see if Dragon Ball AF is still a thing.
bcdwclves · 1 year
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yknow, recently indulging in some Dragon Ball movies, since i recently watched Super Hero and am now rewatching Broly, and hell, even reading some popular fan works, like Multiverse, makes me want to do more with my DB muses.
but also brings up some old discourse and gripes w/ some retcons, like how the Potarra Earrings fusion are no longer permanent, and they’re on a time limit, like the Fusion Dance. it WOULD have made a nice dichotomy w/ having one form of fusion be permanent and the other have a time limit, which would have made the choice to use them heavier and more meaningful than just being like, “oh yeah, you have 30 minutes to beat this guy” regardless of fusion used.
w/ the way the Goku Black arc ended, they honestly could have had Zeno unfuse Vegito at the end of it, since Zeno is the highest form of existence in the verse. prolly woulda been easy for him to do. or hell, just get Shenron to unfuse them, too.
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but also, as always, im a Kefla stan.
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allseeinganalyst · 10 months
I really *like* Goku x Bulma. I think there is a very sweet “childhood friends to lovers” aspect behind them, and Bulma shows a lot of concern and love for him as a friend that I think translates into more quite easily.
To be clear I’m NOT on the Chi-Chi hate train, because I think there are valid af reasons for her acting the way she does because of who she is as a person. There are times when she is annoying, yes, but these are exaggerated and flanderized to stupid levels by “fans” (and also by the show itself from time to time — the Cell Games arc springs to mind).
The thing is, I think because of who Bulma is, these things would just… not be present. Chi-Chi needs Goku to work and her kids to study because that’s the idyllic family life she wants and you do need to work to make money to live, even in the weird, quasi-feudal world of Dragon Ball.
But that problem… doesn’t exist for Bulma. She’s like…Tony Stark. She’s heir and later president of Capsule Corp, she’s the richest woman on the planet. Vegeta doesn’t work or do chores, why would he? So… Goku would be free to live the life he wants AND live it with his lifelong friend. I don’t remember it being mentioned that she’s an incredible cook for him like Chi-Chi, but who cares, she’ll just hire fuckin’ Dragon Ball Gordon Ramsay to cook for him every night. Or she’ll build a robot that can do it. She’s Bulma, she’ll manage.
I also think Goku would be affectionate back to her. First off, he does like spending time with his wife in canon and gets a little sweet with her, so Super’s odd notion that he doesn’t know what kissing is aside, I think we can assume he can be affectionate. Maybe not MASSIVELY so, but he can be.
Secondly moments with that are often undercut with Chi-Chi being angry for comedic reasons. See the Flanderization of her character I mentioned above. And while I do think that’s still going to happen with Bulma—she can whine rant and bitch with the best of ‘em and I love her so much for it — there’s going to be… less of that? To a degree? Goku coming in from training will probably be met with a “GO SHOWER, YOU STINK” but there likely won’t be too much upset about mud or setting a bad example for his son. She’ll watch him go and admire how hot her husband looks.
That brings me to the main reason I like to muse about this pairing — in Dragon Ball, when couples hook up, they have kids. Every major main character couple has done it. So obviously “Gohan” would be born to Bulma.
See, after Bulma, Trunks is my favourite Dragon Ball character. Specifically his future self, but I liked grown up GT Trunks too (in theory)… so thinking about the character that would replace him gets me thinking…
I’m imaging a son (though a Daughter would be cool AF but anyway…) and I like to think they’d be called a play on “Fundoshi” (traditional Japanese Underwear) or “Mawashi” (Sumo Wrestler Underwear) or something that blends the Asian Mythology from Goku with the Underwear theming of Bulma… or we could just call him “Singlet” or hell… maybe he’s just “Trunks”— I think it’s obvious Bulma isn’t that interested in letting her husbands name their kids (see Super with Bulla/Bra).
And he fundamentally changes just about every part of DBZ and Super when you think about it. Namek especially. But all of it. And you gotta think while the kid WILL have a study program it’s gonna be so different to Chi-Chi’s “HIT THE BOOKS” approach, and Bulma would for sure be like:
“Huh? What? Yeah sure sweetie, go train with Dad. Mom needs to finish fixing this perpetual energy generator. Here, actually, take the radar and tell Dad he needs to bring me the Dragon Balls! Call it a boys day out! Father-Son bonding!… Mamma needs a facelift anyway…”
It’s that. That gets me. That question: “What would be different about this series of Bulma and Goku had a kid instead of Gohan existing?”
I’ll spare you my thoughts on that but basically I think Bulma and Goku would make not just a cute, but very interesting couple narratively.
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duhragonball · 2 years
GT Ending
I’ve had Dragon Ball GT on my mind lately, and I thought watching Totally Not Mark’s review of the series might get it out of my head, but not entirely.  It’s a pretty good set of videos, though, so check those out.
One observation Mark made that stuck with me was that GT really never had a clear idea of what it was supposed to be, and it kept changing directions and never really found a clear identity as a series. Like, he has quotes from interviews from the people who worked on GT, and it’s very hard for me to understand what they’re talking about.  The general idea I got was that their main goal was just to produce a show--any show-- that could maintain their hold over the time slot where DBZ used to air on TV. 
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And this informs Mark’s assessment of the series finale, Episode 64.  Everyone seems to love that episode, and Mark even said it brought a tear to his eye, but he made sure to point out that it doesn’t have a whole lot to do with the 63 episodes of GT that came before it.  It’s structured less as a DBGT finale and more like a farewell to Dragon Ball in general.   For example, Goku stops to say goodbye to Krillin and Piccolo, and the flash-forward shows his descendant fighting Vegeta’s descendant as a nod to their rivalry, but Krillin, Piccolo, and Vegeta really didn’t have that big a presence in GT.  And then you have the big montage highlighting all the memorable moments in the franchise, and it’s all stuff from Dragon Ball and DBZ.   The only GT footage is Baby getting blown up.
Which... sort of felt like a tacit admission that GT didn’t have that much of an impact, which is a weird flex.  According to TotallyNotMark, the showrunners planned the finale well in advance of the series’ actual conclusion, so that might have something to do with it.  They must have known that, sucessful or not, GT would close the book on Dragon Ball, and they were just marking time until that finale, so I guess it made sense to have that mapped out ahead of time.  
The thing that always bugged me about the finale was that it was incredibly vague and unsatisfying.   Fans seems to get a big kick out of the nostalgic montage and the scenes of Old Pan spotting Goku milling about the Budokai arena, and I kind of like that stuff too, but I’m also frustrated that I have no idea what it all means.   You see Shenron declare that he’s going to leave the planet so he won’t endanger it again, and then he asks Goku to join him, and Goku agrees, but no one seems to know where they’re going.   Then Goku falls asleep on Shenron’s back, and the Dragon Balls seem to absorb into his body, and then Goku himself fades away.  The implication being that he’s merging with Shenron somehow?
And then he shows up 100 years later in the flash forward.  Is he dead?   Has he achieved a new state of existence?  Is he still merged with Shenron or have they separated somehow?   Why did he leave and why has he come back?  It’s been 25 years and we still don’t know.   To me that’s kind of a shitty way to leave things. The finale implies some sort of special connection between Goku and Shenron, but it’s never spelled out what that is.
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I think that’s why the Dragon Ball AF legend was so appealing to fans at the time, because no one understood what the hell happened at the end of GT, and the image of “Dragon God” Goku at least hinted that an explanation was possible. 
But that’s why I’ve always found the GT finale to be overrated.   If it was a truly satisfying conclusion, you wouldn’t have people struggling to understand it, or waiting for answers in a “next” episode that will never air.   This is like how BBC Sherlock fans convinced themselves that there would be a secret episode of the final season, because the actual finale was so unsatisfying and confusing.  
Anyway, I was mulling this over today, and it finally hit me that I’d been looking at the Goku/Shenron scene too literally.   The finale implies that there’s some sort of mystic bond between Goku and Shenron, but the reality is that they’re just the two defining concepts of the Dragon Ball franchise.  That, after all, was what GT Episode 64 was actually bidding goodbye.   In the show’s plot, Shenron gets corrupted and has to exile himself from the Earth, but in the real world, the Dragon Ball IP had to exile itself from television.  And Goku’s part of that IP, so he has to follow the Dragon Balls into retirement. 
The more I thought about it, the more it made sense that they wrote the final arc the way they did.  The Shadow Dragons Saga is premised on the idea that the Dragon Balls had been overused, and that overuse would threaten the Earth.   It’s a metaphor for the way Toei had tried to keep Dragon Ball on TV after Akira Toriyama ended the manga.  They could keep it going for a while, but eventually the effort would only damage the brand, and it would become a pointless exercise.   So they wrote a story that mirrored that dilemma, which essentially wrote the Dragon Balls out of Dragon Ball.   Shenron could be healed, but he couldn’t stay, so that would be the end of that.   But that wouldn’t be enough to close out the show, since Goku could just have adventures without the Dragon Balls, and that’s why he followed Shenron into the unknown.   The other characters stay behind, but the flash forward takes care of them.   By the time Goku shows up again, everyone he knows is dead, except for Pan, who’s like 109 years old.  
So it’s a pretty conclusive finish to the whole franchise.  Toei not only ended GT, they seemed to send the message that they would never bring it back.   You can’t do “Dragon Ball GT 2″ in 1999, because there’s no way to get Goku, Shenron, and all the other characters into the same story again.  
And that would be kind of clever, except they failed to give Goku an in-story motive to go along with this meta-narrative.  In real-life, Goku had to go away, but in the story, he seems to do it on a whim.   It’s not even clear that he knows what he’s getting into.  So we just see him hop on the Dragon’s back and vanish for no apparent reason.  It sucks and I hate it. 
But at least I think I understand it a little better, so that’s something...
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dbzebra · 4 years
Since you agree with my posts about Orochimaru’s ending were stupid, I gotta know what’re your thoughts on Whis reviving Frieza? I found that NOTHINg but GRADE A BULLSHIT. Not to mention that everyone is essentially just letting him roam around and mess up the Universe AGAIN?? I know Vegeta was pissed in DBS Broly but still. Really all he has to do is wait for people like Goku and Vegeta to die off and then he can do RIGHT what he was doing again at the beginning of DBZ! Game over.
I HAAAATE that they revived Freeza. It’s bad enough they had to bring him back twice for DBS because they’re unoriginal and can’t think of anything knew so they have to resort to bringing back a villain from almost 30 years ago!
Guk and Beta (my names for DBS Goku and Vegeta cause they are charicatures of their original manga/anime counterparts) seemingly don’t even care that he’s alive. They looked pissed to see him but they DO NOTHING! THEY just LET HIM DO WHATEVER THE HELL HE WANTS. THEY LET HIM GO OFF AND KILL MILLIONS OF PEOPLE. At the end of the dbs movie, you see Freeza invading a planet and seemingly exterminating the life on it.
It’s the same shit with Orochimaru, how tf could Naruto Saskue and Sakura willingly let that Mfer do whatever he wants and continue his experiments on people!! (I don’t watch Boruto so Idk what he does exactly but still)
It infuriates me that Toei or whoever tf made that decision to revive him thought it was a good idea to turn Freeza into the likes of Skeletor and the Joker.
Gogeta was going all out to kill Broly despite him not really being evil, but Freeza???? Gogeta just let him go like he was some harmless little kid. fuck that. I hate it so so so much.
I don’t care if he had some cool moments in the ToP. That arc was literally all flair and fanservice and no substance but that’s another story. I don’t care if him and Goku had that moment of working together to beat Jiren at the end, because it’s shown Freeza is still an evil prick and won’t hesitate to kill them at the easiest chance.
Fuck Freeza and fuck dbs. As far as I’m concerned, he died on Namek and never came back. I’m sorry to those that like that series, but this, kisscourse, the ending of the Black arc and Dragon Ball Minus are the four forgivable things imo and why I only care about the original 1984-1997 run of DB-DBGT and the first 17 movies
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This sums it up well enough
Sorry for the long rant but I really really hate this idea. If DBS ever comes back (I hope it doesn’t) I can bet Freeza will be the final villain because they’re lazy af and theres no way they’re just gonna keep him alive. At least they didn’t make him turn good because if they did I’d lose my mind lmao
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kateofthecanals · 5 years
Okay let’s talk about The Scene™
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So lemme preface this by saying that I know there are a lot of you out there who are just happy to have SOMETHING and would rather just take it for what it is, and that’s totally fine, I get it. Part of me would love to do the same, but.... if you’ve been following this blog for more than a millisecond, you already know that’s not how I roll. ;-)
I’m going to break down the scene moment by moment and give my thoughts along the way. Join me, won’t you?
For starters, let’s set the scene. It’s after the battle, winter is officially over, all the dead have been burned (you know, that famous Northern tradition...?). Sansa has a good sob over Theon’s corpse. Remember how I said a few days ago that they were just playing hot potato with Sansa at this point, passing her around all the eligible bachelors of Winterfell? WELL...
Next we cut to the Great Hall where things are kind of... awkward? Everyone’s just kinda sitting around, keeping to themselves... Jon is sitting between Sansa and Dany and staring at Dany with these dumb puppy eyes, which, lbr, sums up his whole character. 
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Now you know how Ghost feels, ya dick...
Sandor is doing what he does best -- sitting by himself, stuffing his face with booze and (presumably) chicken. Gendry asks him if he’s seen Arya, and apparently Sandor knows that they boned?? How?? Who the hell would have told him that? Melisandre? Anyway, Sandor throws him shade for wanting to get some puss so soon after the battle and it’s like... Bro, maybe YOU need to get laid too JUST SAYIN.
Dany decides to liven up the party by announcing that Gendry is now legitimized and the Lord of Storm’s End... thereby making him a contender for the Iron Throne lmao you dumbass. Everyone raises their goblets to Gendry Baratheon, and Sandor’s like “whatevs” and goes back to his chikin cuz he a rude boi boi.
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Meanwhile, Sansa exchanges a pointed look with Tyrion and I have no idea what it was supposed to mean but I am sure there was like two paragraphs of “subtext” in D&D’s script about it that we were supposed to magically pick up on.
Tormund then raises his horn to the Dragon Queen, but Dany (rightly) counters by raising a toast to Arya, “the hero of Winterfell”. Sandor’s only slightly more impressed by this.
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“Okay I’ll give ya that one--BUUURRRRRP.”
Sansa is all smiles but then she looks over at Dany and she stops smiling and gets up and leaves without explanation and inexplicably disappears UNTILLLLLL...
Tormund hits on Brienne but she swerves him, and Jaime gets up to follow her, and we all know they’re going to do it. Tormund is heartbroken, so naturally he pours his heart out to his BFF... Sandor. This is the second time tonight Sandor is listening to a guy lament about his sex life. Naturally Sandor is annoyed af. 
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He’s seriously considering jumping into the hearth rn...
Tormund gets over Brienne pretty quick, though, when a couple of Northern groupies approach the table and are like WILD THANG I THINK I LOVE YOU and he’s like SOLD! 
Meanwhile, we finally see Sansa again, standing somewhere nearby watching all this like:
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Again, I must reiterate that we haven’t seen Sansa since she randomly left the table after looking at Dany like 5 minutes ago. Is this where she’s been? Has she been discreetly watching Sandor this whole time??
Tormund’s like YOU COMIN’ CLEGANE? And Sandor like NOPE still got some drinking to do. So Tormund fucks off with his groupie and the other one pops a squat next to Sandor and proceeds to hit on him.
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Gotta get dat Hounddong...
Sansa is still watching Sandor, looking at him like he’s GODDAMN SNACK
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“Has he been here the whole time?? Weird...”
Groupie #2 tries to make a move but Sandor tells her to fuck off and she does. Sansa is like (Now I make my move...)
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Sansa sits down across from Sandor and says “She could have made you happy. For a little while.” Sandor replies, “Only one thing could make me happy.” When she asks what, he says, “That’s my fucking business.”
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Now, I know some of y’all are thinking this is a callback to Sandor telling Arya that fucking Sansa “bloody” would have been at least “one happy memory.” Buuuut I honestly think he was talking about Cleganebowl here. The implication is that not even the offer of free sex is enough to satisfy the Hound’s lusts. Which... sigh, okay, look, y’all know my stance on (book)Sandor’s sexual proclivities, so him blowing off a random groupie is NOT, imo, out of character for him. And if this were indeed the books, I definitely think his line about “one thing” that could make him happy, especially directed at Sansa, would indeed mean what I think y’all want it to mean. But this is GoT, so... no.
Now, him saying “That’s my fucking business” at first made me a little annoyed, but, hey, he’s always been rough-tongued with her. What really counted here, to me, is that she didn’t react to it. While she would have been justified in being like “don’t speak to me that way, asshole”, her face kinda said to me that she knows his gruff exterior is just that, and she knows better. And he knows she knows better. They have history. She’s seen him at his most vulnerable. She’s not gonna give him the satisfaction of reacting to his shittery. 
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At least, that’s my headcanon. In D&D’s head, she probably thinks his asshole ways are super Badass now or whatever...
Anyway, after a few seconds of eye-fucking, Sandor says that there was a time when she couldn’t look at him (which... wasn’t really a thing on the show?). She says she’s seen much worse than him since. He then proceeds to say that he “heard” about what happened to her (really? how? when? from who? Bran??) and that he heard she’d been “broken in rough”.... and.... just.... excuse me while I vomit??? Now we know that Sanford has no skills at speaking to rape victims, but this was just soooo unnecessarily vile. Especially considering this is the girl whom he had spent TWO SEASONS protecting, one of those incidents being an ATTEMPTED RAPE??? The Sandor I know, the Sandor who told Sansa “no one would ever hurt you again or I’d kill them”, would rip Ramsay’s dick off with his bare hands. 
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“I’m sorry that happened to you. I should have been there.” -- what Sandor SHOULD have fucking said.
But Sansa assures him that she took care of Ramsay himself. He asks how, and she says... “Hounds.” This makes him laugh, which... that’s nice? I guess? 
I hope D&D don’t think they are gonna retcon Ramsay’s murder and claim that that was a direct reference to her connection with the Hound or anything because it totally fucking wasn’t. 
But anyway, yay for Sansa making Sandor laugh and smile. He then says, “You’ve change, little bird.” She doesn’t respond. Then he goes and makes things worse by saying that none of that would have happened to her if she’d just come with him when he left King’s Landing.
Um, first of all, NOT TRUE AND YOU KNOW IT, and second, EXCUSE me, are you GUILT-TRIPPING A RAPE VICTIM?? Are you really “I told you so”ing her????? What the FUCK???
Oh but if you thought it couldn’t POSSIBLY get worse than that, then you don’t know D&D. Sansa then reassures him and the world that if she hadn’t gotten raped and abused and manipulated, she would have stayed a “little bird” forever. Yep, there it is -- Sansa NEEDED to be traumatized in the worst possibly ways in order to be strong. FUCK. THIS. SHOW.
This was all said during The Hand Touch. Complete with a little thumb rub. Yes, I flailed when that happened and scared my cats. I have been watching the gif of it over and over it again. But watching it again in context.... what was the point?? Are we supposed to infer that she’s assuring him that she made the right decision? Why? He doesn’t seem like he NEEDS that reassurance. The whole exchange just makes NO DAMN SENSE. I know we loathe the Sansa Apology Tour, but even her apologizing for not going with him when she had the chance would have been 18764% better than THIS.
So then some more eye-fucking ensues, Sansa slowly rises to her feet, complete with a subtle little lip lick, and slinks away in a very “come follow me” way.... but he doesn’t.
So again, I have to ask, WHAT WAS THE POINT? Sandor’s two previous conversations leading up to this revolved around sex, Sansa was pointedly watching him reject another girl’s advances... and now you’re still gonna give me blue balls??? The 2 people in Winterfell who could use a good, consenting lay the most, and they just... walk away?? Sandor is bouncing off to what is probably his death, he even said in Season 4 that banging Sansa would be his only happy memory, she’s RIGHT THERE caressing his hand and licking her lips... but he’s just gonna sit there drinking alone all night??
Like literally you don’t even have to show anything (even though the Jaime & Brienne scene is exactly how the Sandor & Sansa scene should have ended), just have her get up and then he sits there for a second before saying “ah what the fuck” and gets up to follow her... and that’s it! We’d get it! And then HOORAY for Sandor & Sansa getting laid finally! Would that have been so hard??
But nah. Tbh this scene seemed like a throwaway, in the same vein as the Ghost scene -- just get it out of the way as quickly as possible so we don’t have to deal with it ever again. It’s more than I expected, but it’s also just as bad as I expected. 
I can’t believe I waited 5 years for a SanSan reunion and they just used it as another excuse to justify Sansa’s rape.
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stormbornspawn · 5 years
Winterfell - Season 8, Episode 1 Review
My thoughts on every (I think every? let me know if I missed any) scene from the Season 8 premiere episode.
Arrival - there was nothing wrong with this scene at all. Everything about it was expected. The northerners being apprehensive is exactly what I anticipated. Give it up for Jon and Dany looking regal AF in this scene. Good lord. Arya watching this whole scene play out was really great as a call back to season 1. Love the proud mama look from Dany as her babies fly overhead and scare the living shit out of everyone below. And did you notice her hair is in the shape of a heart? Tyrion and Varys banter is always welcomed and encouraged.
Winterfell courtyard - frosty is the only word that really feels right here. Dany’s trying to make a good impression and doesn’t get pressed when nobody kneels. Jon bent the knee - they should be on their knees, but no worries. She’s gonna overlook that cuz it’s her boo-thang’s family. All in good time. Bran coming up with the - we have no time for this - and dropping the Viserion bomb was way too rushed. This is the first issue I have with this episode. Dany’s dragons are often referred to as her children, yet hearing that one of them has been enslaved is completely glossed over and cut to next scene. This should have been a much bigger deal. Not just for Dany, but for everyone. Jon should have needed to take her somewhere to console her...you know, somewhere private...
The Great Hall - how many times does JOn have to remind these people that they are going to die without Dany’s help? Do they not believe him? I realize there are only a few people that have actually seen the army of the dead, but come on. I don’t expect anyone to be swearing fealty to Dany at this point, but a modicum of appreciation would be nice. She abandoned her campaign for this war and lost a dragon. Why did nobody bring this up? Lyanna Mormont needs to sit down - she almost called Jon a bastard and I was about to come up out of my chair. Sansa whinging about food - like, you knew they were coming and you are just now concerned about this? Dany holding her composure through that took some serious control. Her little clap back was good - whatever they want - that’s right, because they’re goddam dragons. I did like that Jon and Dany seemed to inch closer and closer to each other throughout the scene and the little look while Tyrion was talking was cute. Tyrion was well-intentioned, but they still won’t listen.
Sansa and Tyrion - I was waiting for this reunion and it did not disappoint. I would have liked to see Tyrion quell some of Sansa’s concerns as it relates to Dany. I was a tad concerned about the side eye that Bran was giving Tyrion at the end. Bran knows some things, so I’m curious what goods he has on Tyrion.
Jon & Arya - LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I was prepared to be underwhelmed here, but her jumping into Jon’s arms was everything I needed. The talk about family and Sansa being the smartest person Arya knows - yeah, didn’t see Arya siding with Sansa over Jon, but I get it. How is that dynamic of supporting family going to play out when it’s public knowledge that Jon is not their brother, but a cousin? I was also a little miffed that nobody brought up Littlefinger and that Dany and Arya were not formally introduced.
Euron/Yara/Cersei/Theon/GC - This whole segment of the show was just okay for me. I didn’t care for the dialogue. I love Pilou as an actor, but some of his lines were just cringe - I’m gonna put a prince in your belly. Like, wtf? I kind of felt a little bad for Cersei (well, not really) that she had to sleep with him and Lena brought the power in the after math of that scene. She’s brilliant and it will be the travesty of the year if she doesn’t finally get her Emmy. Theon finally rescuing Yara and making the decision to go and fight for the Starks - let’s get that ball rolling...even though I really enjoy Yara, I don’t think we will see her until way later in the season. The GC - and no elephants - wtf? Well, whatever...I would have rather had Ghost - and that’s the second big thing wrong with this episode. There was plenty of time.
Bronn - why? Completely unnecessary to have all the tits and ass in this episode. I know it’s classic GOT, but we are all over that element, I think, and it could have easily been him in a brothel and Qyburn comes to see him without all that sexposition. I don’t like the crossbow thing especially with all the talk about Dany getting hit with an arrow or a well-placed bolt.
Davos/Tyrion/Varys - can we give it up for Davos finally speaking the truth - Dany is a just woman and Jon is an honorable man - yes, please. Get married, make babies, and save the realm. Why Varys and Tyrion weren’t all over that - I don’t know. Tyrion wasn’t completely opposed to it, but Varys seemed rather extra cynical just then.
Jon & Dany - a lot to break down in this scene. Dany knows Sansa hates her and is really concerned that if she can’t even get her to respect her than the north is not going to fall in line either - that’s my interpretation of the scene. Jon saying that Sansa didn’t like them when they were growing up either was cute. Now, why in the hell are my baby dragons not eating? They hate the north? Or maybe, just maybe, they can sense that their momma isnt quite welcome there and they are feeling that emotion. I am shook that Jon got to ride the dragon (well, another one ;)) before learning about his Targ history. I saw this scene as Dany really letting him know, babe, I love you and I am willing to let you babysit my kids if needed. That 1000 years comment is coming back around again for sure. That waterfall and smooching scene was not for me - I ship them and know they are in love - that scene was for anyone that didn’t really pay attention in season 7 or read any interviews from anyone ever to just solidify that they are truly in love. Okay - it was for me too - I’m on my 3,487th rewatch. My prediction for why the dragons are acting funny - they know momma is carrying that man’s baby and they are overprotective. @me
Jon & Sansa - Sansa, why? All these two do is argue and it’s starting to piss me off. She says she trusts Jon and has faith in him, but then doesn’t trust Jon and has no faith in his decisions. They needed Dany and her armies and dragons and he got her to come there. This is why he left in the first place. She does have a valid question though - did you bend the knee for the north or because you love her? It’s a legit question, JON!! Answer. It’s both. That is the big theme of this season - love versus duty - and Jon can do both and will need to balance them both.
Arya/Gendry/Hound - the Hound and Arya was hysterical and I love the banter between Arya and Gendry. It’s like they picked up right where they left off. Can’t wait to see where this goes.
Dany/Sam/Jorah - This is tough for me. I am a Dany stan through and through, but I did not agree with her decision to burn the Tarly’s. At least not both of them. I do find it hypocritical when people chastise her for something that men have done for ages and hold her to a different standard though. I didn’t care for what she did, but I understand it. Sam’s reaction was expected and I do feel very sorry for him. I wish Dany had exhibited a little bit of remorse. Even if she wasn’t sorry, knowing he is JOn’s best friend, should have made her say - I’m so sorry. Just something.
The Reveal - I hated everything about this. Sam didn’t tell Jon as a friend. He told him in a fit of rage to try and turn Jon against Dany. I’m not okay with this. Jon wasn’t having it either. Jon executed Janos Slynt for much less. And Sam is the same person who told Jon they needed Roose BOlton’s help after the Red Wedding and told Olly to forget about his family being slaughtered by the Wildings. It’s a bit different when it’s your own family, but double standards much? Jon wasn’t having it, so I’m good with that - he’s still gonna have some words with his queen later. The reveal pissed me off because I think Sam should have come at it from a place of tenderness and instead it was bitterness about Dany and this news is gonna fuck her up. He doesn’t know they are together and he doesn’t really know her. I was pissed AF with the line - you gave up your crown for your people - would she do the same? Okay - when is someone going to bring up the fact that Jon bent the knee AFTER she agreed to fight for the north? And, please - she abandoned her fight for King’s Landing to turn her armies north and help fight. So, yeah, she would. This was the scene I was most disappointed with. John and Kit did a great job, but the writing was atrocious. All I can see is that they are setting this episode up to carry all the angst forward until the Night King is knocking on their door and then - just as Jon said - it won’t matter.
Umber - what the actual fuck? But I’m glad to see Tormund, Beric, and Edd.
Jaime/Bran - he’s waiting for an old friend!! GAAAHHHH!! I can’t wait to see the shit storm that his presence is going to bring in episode 2. That preview got my dragon momma heated.
Overall, I’d give the episode a 7/10. It was definitely not the strongest episode in the series and I blame that on choppy transitions and weird almost campy dialogue. Episode two better bring a little more grounding to the show, because I was not overly impressed with those 54 minutes. There were some great things that happened - dragon date, arrival, reunions, and how much was my girl Dany smiling this episode?? I’ve never seen her smile this much in seven seasons. Guess a good dicking down and falling in love will do that to you. The dialogue and lack of timeline really killed it for me though. As well as the glossing over of what I thought were really important storylines.
Let me know if you want to discuss.
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Are you kidding me?! Part 4
Bucky x Reader
Word count: 1782 Warnings: Swearing? Slow burn af
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Sam walked me through all the main spots in the tower, I must admit he was a very charming man. We were on our way to the library when J.A.R.V.I.S made an announcement that everyone was having lunch together today in an hour if we were joining them. I looked at Sam, shrugging.
“I don’t mind, if you go I’ll go but I need to go shower first.”
I touched my hair feeling the grease, grimacing.
“We will be there J.A.R.V.I.S, go have your shower, do you want me to come get you and we can walk up together?”
It was a sweet gesture from Sam so I nodded, his signature smirk reappearing as he walked me back to my room. Smiling I walked into my bathroom to see that my towel rack is full. After a quick shower I get changed into a dark blue pair of jeans, a black tank top and red flannel shirt. I tried to make my hair look presentable but gave up after 5 minutes slinging it into a pony tail. 25 minutes still remained before lunch so I started putting my things away, not seeing reason to leave them in the boxes on the floor. Half way through a knock on my door snapped me out of my daydream, quickly I threw the dress I was holding onto the bed and went to the door. Leaning against the doorway was Sam, who bowed at me when the door opened.
“I am here to escort you to lunch my lady.”
I couldn’t help but laugh at his words, but took the arm he held out for me. Unfortunately my nervousness came out as we rode the elevator to meet everyone, I mean only this morning guns were trained on my head.
“Don’t worry Y/N you will be fine, you just took everyone by surprise this morning.”
It seems Sam was very good at reading people, it didn’t erase your fears but it did take the edge off, so you smiled and let him lead you to the rest of the team. Turns out we were the last two in, no one turned from the table where they were all sat as if they were already used to you being there already. The two remaining seats were situated between Bucky and Bruce, you were about to take the one next to Bruce when Sam pulled out the chair to the left motioning for me to sit down. Awesome lunch next to Mr I am gunna choke first, ask questions later. Everyone started grabbing and putting things on plates as soon as you both were seated, casual conversation flowing.
“So Y/N how did you like the tower?”
Steve was the first to involve you in a conversation, how very Captain America of him.
“Yeah it’s really nice, I can’t wait to get into that library, so many books I want to get my hands on.”
The conversation with Steve was pleasant, you spoke about books others chiming in with good recommendations for you to read. It almost felt too pleasant, like they were sticking to safe subjects. I let that happen until almost everyone had finished lunch, well I might as well get this over and done with now.
“Okay then, what do you want to know about me? It’s okay I will answer as many questions as I can.”
I leant back in my chair and waited for the onslaught of questions but was met with guilty looks and silence instead.
“Guys come on, I’m not stupid I know this is what lunch was about, to try and get a feel on me. Just ask your questions I won’t be offended, we’re gunna be teammates soon, you will need to know all of this sooner or later so it might as well be now.”
I smiled, trying to let them know I was being truthful, it seemed to work because Tony was the first to start asking questions.
“I like her she is direct. Okay kid how old were you when this happened and how did you find out you had abilities?”
Good question, okay here we go.
“As far as I know it was when I was 16, at least that’s the first time I shifted. I was in my room looking at myself in the mirror being vain and making a list of things I wanted to change about myself. Smaller thighs, bigger boobs, longer hair you know all the things a normal teenage girl thinks. I has a clear picture of what I wanted in my head and then it felt like my whole body was stretching out of place, man did that first time hurt. I curled up in a ball on the floor because the pain was too much and then it just stopped. I was so confused, but when I got up I had shifted into the girl I wanted to be in my head. I freaked the shit out wanting my old body back and not knowing what the hell had happened, unfortunately that triggered a quick shift which is quite possibly the most painful thing in existence.”
I shivered thinking of that day, Quick shifts were definitely the worst. They were all looking at me expectantly, so I continued.
“After the quick shift I was reluctant to use my abilities but curiosity got the better of me and I tried it again, the pain wasn’t as bad as the previous time. It turns out the more you shift the less painful it is every time, now it just feels like an ache then a pain but quick shifts are still ridiculously painful so I try and avoid doing that as much as possible. It normally takes 30 seconds to a minute to shift depending on how clearly I can see what I want to become in my head that’s about it on that front.”
Clint had the next question for me.
“Can you change into anything? Like real or not real?”
“It has to be real like something I have seen in a video or in real life, I couldn’t shift into a dragon or a mythical creature or whatever. Although I always wondered if I went to Asgard If I could shift into something I have seen there.”
I smiled at Thor who seemed just as interested at the thought. Tony pointed a finger at Thor.
“No taking the newbie to Asgard, not until she is cleared for missions at least. Another question we know you get their voice but when you shift into someone do you get their abilities and memories?”
I thought for a minute, remembering through my shifts for the information.
“I know I don’t get their memories but I have never tried with abilities, I have turned into a bird and tried flying but that was a massive fail. Turns out I had to learn how to do that, it’s not as easy as it looks you know.”
The rest of the team started asking questions ranging from how long I can stay shifted to what’s the coolest thing I have shifted into. The questions turned into conversations about the rest of the team and missions they have been on, I was thoroughly enjoying myself plus I was getting to know everyone.
Tony was all arm movements and re-enactments when he was telling stories, I could tell he didn’t mind being centre of attentions.  Bruce didn’t talk much only to add things the team had missed or to correct Tony when he started exaggerating, Nat and Clint seemed to finish each other’s stories even though sometimes they were not even there when it took place. Thor had the most infectious laugh, big and booming I couldn’t help laughing with the God too. Sam had such wit, he was fast with the comebacks and loved joking around with everyone. He kept looking at me when he thought I wasn’t looking, I had also noticed that during the conversation his arm went around to rest on the back of my chair.
But the two who interested me the most were Steve and Bucky, whenever I had seen Steve on the news he seemed to ooze confidence but sat at the table he seemed different. He didn’t except praise very well, blushing at even the slightest compliments from the rest of the team, it was ridiculously cute. He was polite, courteous and just seemed like a downright gentleman. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him when it came to Bucky who seemed the complete opposite of Steve, different sides of the same super soldier coin. He didn’t speak apart from the occasion grunts of conformation, he was the only one who hadn’t asked me a question seemly not caring that I was there at all. Bless Steve, he tried to get him involved during the conversation afterward but only got eye rolls and sighs in return. At one point I met Steve’s eyes and he gave me a small apologetic smile and inclined his head towards Bucky, I shrugged and returned to the conversation.
“Right kid now onto business.”
Tony said after me and Thor had stopped giggling at a comment Sam made at Bucky’s expense, I turned to face him waiting for the said business.
“There are 3 parts to your training it’s up to you what order you want to do it in or if you want to do them all at the same time, but I would suggest to do them one at a time otherwise you are going to be wrecked.”
Nodding I gestured for him to continue, I was intrigued on what I needed to do.
“The 3 parts are physical combat, weapons training and technology training. In the next couple of days everyone will be training, you will be watching to get an idea of what you are up against and what order you want to do them in okay?”
I didn’t realise I was grinning until Tony smiled back, ruffling my hair. I looked around at everyone around the table, each of them giving me smiles in return, suddenly having an overwhelming feeling of belonging. My gaze stopped at Bucky making him meet my eyes, his jaw clenched as he looked back at me making my smile falter slightly. He seemed to notice just as I turned my head away I caught a slight smile upon his face.
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful as everyone had cleared their schedules for that lunch and had to get back to work. I went to bed that night unable to get this smile off my face, excited for tomorrow.
Part 3                                                                                  Part 5
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ghostmartyr · 6 years
Pokémon White Randomized Nuzlocke Run [Part 10]
Elite Four has been defeated, but N and all the fun of Team Plasma’s castle thing remain.
Our lineup?
tag your spoilers wow
So let’s.
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These are my options. I don’t think beating the Elite Four alone opens up any new routes, though that might be worth checking out. Without Gelding, I have nothing that knows Fly. Exploring those options might be a little more complicated than I want, but what I want is no longer that relevant to all of this.
Staring at the list is not making it better.
Okay. What I’m going to do. ...Geez, yeah, okay, so the Electric Gym town has a guy who can tell you what your pokemon’s ivs look like. I’m not really sure what I want to go with here, so I think I’ll use that to narrow down my options.
The roadwork that keeps me from exiting Opelucid to the right is ongoing.
...I need Fly to keep my sanity. But. No, yes, I need Fly. I will Move Delete it if it’s a problem.
Great. So I have a Togetic (Tock) with Fly.
I remembered wrong, or just can’t find the iv guy. But something I did remember while looking at the map...
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An unexplored area. I don’t know if it has any pokemon in it, but let’s check it out and cross our fingers.
...And that’s a bust.
I could try hitting up towns that I haven’t caught anything in and seeing if they have Surf spots? With Tock getting an Exp. Share in the meantime? I’m not comfortable using Togekiss, because I can’t remember whether or not it’s a thing that stops learning moves when it hits its final evolution or not. But as long as he’s here, he might as well get something out of it.
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Presenting the dark grass off of Route 1.
So not a new route.
It’s not horrible for grinding, maybe?
I say as nothing but Tock benefits?
-considers Tock for a moment-
I have vitamins. I can feel myself leaning towards using him.
Some of the problem is that I have no idea what Ghetsis or N have. Ghestsis has the Hydreigon from hell and N has Reshiram, but nothing I have available really solves how much of a problem those things are. Togekiss, in theory, has a good movepool. I think. Something useful could be done. But that would probably involve buying TMs. I have no idea what it learns naturally.
Well, Tock just learned Ancient Power. So that’s one thing it learns naturally.
As long as it’s learning, I’ll stay away from evolving it.
...Yeah, Tock’s basically in.
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New route off the side of the starting town.
There’s water and. Water. So my choices are pretty clear.
Heh. I found TM06 Toxic.
That might be useful.
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But not something I really feel a pressing urge to use for my team. Damn.
Quick Ball get, and his name is Wagston now.
This route is terrible for exp, since everything appears to be in the single digits, but I think it might lead to another section where I can maybe nab another thing. So on we go.
The map says I am now in Route 18, and there’s grass. I’m going to believe it.
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No on the Quick Ball.
I think it might be half Fighting. So I do not want to Mach Punch. (Hi I’m from the future and I happened to scroll up and see this, and self, what the fuck does that mean? Those things are not of the sense making.)
..I don’t really want Tock near a legendary so close to his level.
Switching in to Frogger and hoping for that magic Poison Touch.
That isn’t happening even a little.
Tock can probably handle one Take Down.
Terrakion uses Double Kick twice, and Tock let’s. Let’s get you out of there. And tick off another turn by healing you up a little. Same to you, Frogger.
...Ultra Ball? Yeah, it’s still green, but. My strategy appears to be letting it hit itself until I am comfortable using one of my four Timer Balls.
It keeps using Helping Hand.
I am double checking Frogger’s ability.
...Yeah, no, he can poison things. He’s just. Not. Ever.
-tosses a normal Poke Ball-
It’s night. Dusk Ball?
Would you look at that, it got a shake.
...I don’t even know if I want to use it.
This has been a lot of turns I’m not mentioning now.
I think enough turns have gone by for the Timer Ball to have its max effectiveness. I’m less sure that it will be enough.
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Great Ball does the trick, though.
...Oh. It is not Ground/Fighting.
It is Rock/Fighting.
Good to know.
Hm. Needs a name.
-kneads forehead-
I have no idea what I’m doing. Training Tock up a little, but. I don’t have a solid thought about what I want for my team. I was fine just going with what I happened to catch, then yay, I have more than six, and now suddenly options. Options that I don’t have solid thoughts on, since I don’t know what I need to protect myself from.
Map now says I’m at the P2 Laboratory, and there is grass about. So one more option awaits.
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I don’t...
You know.
Legendaries are hard to catch?
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This game’s only real mood is making me eat my words. Quick Ball ftw.
So. Uh.
Flaming chicken needs a name.
Buzz. For reasons I can’t explain without divulging the names of family members and some truly bizarre dot connections.
Also, I have picked up the Thunderbolt TM.
Okay, at this point I’m just being silly, and really, I’ve checked off the only sensible places to check for ways to fill out my team. I need to make some choices. Now.
Tock is basically in by virtue of me bonding to anything I use more than once. If things go well, he will fill Gelding’s old role of having an esoteric moveset. Only with more survivability.
That puts me with Grass/Fighting, Water/Ground, Bug/Steel, Fire, Normal/Flying.
What I could really use is some Fairy.
This gen does not have that.
I know I have a Fire/Dragon problem. I probably have a Dragon/Dark problem, because I have convinced myself that damn thing has Flamethrower. Water besides Frogger would not be the worst thing ever.
My personal leanings: Jellicent (Peanut), Terrakion (Rojo), or Spoink (Piglet).
Peanut or Piglet would give me another Special Attacker. But I have Tock, Frogger, and Fido’s really a flex.
I think.
Rojo? Let’s Rock.
-dons sunglasses-
Training montage time.
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Fido’s up front. I’m going to run away from the Machamps because Attack is not a thing Tock needs, and Fido’s cooked on EVs. Actual EV training with specific, intentional numbers drives me insane in-game, so I won’t bother, but I want to at least try for some boosts. Amoonguss isn’t a bad thing for Togekiss grinding, and Gothita isn’t either.
The Machamps will get their turn when Rojo’s up properly.
In case you wondered, this is boring af.
Oh, wait, I guess we haven’t been formally introduced to our new little ones.
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Tock is Calm, but very finicky. Dude, same. Serene Grace is also a horrifying Ability in the right hands, but I don’t really know what I’m doing yet. I will figure out Tock’s moveset when it’s time for evolution. Then cry, I guess, because I’m pretty sure not having a guide for this part is going to hurt.
Great Nature, though.
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Rojo is Sassy and hates to lose. We were made for each other. Justified is a bit of an overspecialized Ability, but opportunities abound for it to be useful.
Back to the grind.
Ideally, Tock gets trained up, then Tock is the one reaping Rojo’s EV harvest. Speaking of, I have no idea where to go to get Special Attack EVs. Tock should have some, but I don’t remember if anything with them is around.
Wait... Lampent. Somewhere. Near Icirrus? In the midst of all the Togetic?
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...Suddenly, Ho-Oh.
...Does Ho-Oh give Special Attack EVs?
Cresselia might, back in Relic Castle. Or HP. I. Really don’t have a clear record of what gives what unless I’m looking it up, and I’m not allowed to do that.
I could just accept that I’m tanking Tock up.
WAIT, no, SLUGMA. Back where I caught Ptera! Slugma gives Special Attack EVs! I distinctly remember that because one of Ptera’s first acts on the team was murdering our prospective Slugma!
Tock has continued to learn no Attacking moves since Ancient Power. So even though he can beat Slugma of the level that will be in the cave, that is not a good use of time.
Also, since cave, Bandit is coming along for a walk.
...There’s a Pignite in the Slugma cave.
All my mistakes. Just there on display.
There appears to be nothing but Pignite in the Slugma cave.
Hey, found one! Then another! I’m not crazy!
At least not for reason of seeking Slugma where there are none.
...Why is there a Shelgon on the water.
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Whatever, fine, I’m over it. I see nothing but Slugma. Level 5 Shelgons are of no consequence or interest or fascination.
I want one.
This place has a basement level with Sandile. And severely decreased visibility. And Sableye.
Do I have Flash? I have been here five seconds and this is unbearable.
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Tock, you basically have no useful moves yet, so congratulations, you get Flash. Now watch as you learn something I want the next time you level up and I am plunged back into the darkness (joke’s on you, everything in here is under level 20. you are never leveling up again).
Oh, I remember now. That guy in the alleyway gave me Flash. Good times.
I was supposed to be here for training. Instead I am running away from everything and finding Kabutops on the water.
You know what, Rojo temporarily gets the Exp. Share so I don’t feel guilty about killing a few instead of running. ...Wait. I have Bandit with me instead of Rojo. Right. Okay, so Fido just gets all the exp.
There are some Fighting trainers down here that have slightly more level-appropriate encounters for Fido to chew through. ..Too bad Rojo isn’t here to enjoy it. Oh well. I’ll cry about how I have to level two whole things up later.
Hey look at how these guys’ Sawks don’t have Sturdy. Funny, that.
Oki doki, the downstairs has been explored to satisfaction. Back to Slugma.
...How many of these am I going to take down, anyway? 1 EV per, and each 4 adds up to +1 to the ultimate final stat.
That. that really makes this feel utterly inconsequential. I was going to just let as many Slugma as Fido has Bites go down. But. Geez, I think I’m just going to cycle through the Final Four and have them use up their PP, and then when that’s done to satisfaction or I’m at my sanity limit, I’ll go back to Victory Road.
Opelucid has the girl who lets you know if your pokemon’s done with EVs, right?
Twenty minutes later, this is still boring.
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Picture this, only always.
This isn’t even going to do much. It’s just if I didn’t put any effort into it I’d feel weird. “I want this thing to be a useful Special Attacker. Let’s grind against things that will never give it any Special Attack EVs!”
What I like about in-game stuff is that you don’t worry about that? You just go through whatever you come across, and at the end you have a random arrangement of stats, and it’s not the best of anything, but it’s also not the worst of anything.
Put in the position of strategic grinding, where you never get an unknown anything, because you know exactly what your options are and are out of trainers, and you know exactly how you are failing to maximize the potential of your pokemon.
Knowing the numbers behind it all stresses me out, tbh. Give me invisible stats and an optimistic outlook. That is my chosen style.
I think after I hit my tolerance point with Slugma (it has been twenty more minutes), I’ll head back to Dragonspiral Tower. The Jellicent in the water outside would be another good source of nutrition for Tock.
But like all of life. That is after Slugma.
...Does Mime Jr. give Special Attack EVs? Because I seem to remember that the first level of Dragonspiral Tower is nothing but mimes. And part of the insanity of this is that Slugma is not the only thing in this cave.
The other part is getting 10 exp a pop.
Dragonspiral Tower could conceivably solve both those problems. But unlike Slugma, I don’t know Mime Jr.’s EV output for sure.
...Yeah screw it, I’m leaving.
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Such better. Much change. Wow.
If only Tock had a move that was actually useful for grinding. Alas.
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And then there was a Cherrim.
This is clearly so much more trouble than it’s worth.
Drowning my sorrows in murdering Jellicent.
That’s going better.
Tock wants to learn Double-Edge.
No. I am not going to aid in you hitting yourself.
Thirty minutes later, I am again waging war against Slugma. I went to Opelucid in the middle to check that Tock does still need training. In the EV realm.
Forty-six Slugma later, does Tock have anything left?
It’s what... 252, 252, 4?
Idek, but I think more Jellicent is in order. Fully evolved stuff gives more EVs. I cannot do the Special Attack grind anymore. It has defeated me more thoroughly than...
...All the comparisons I can think of relate to this Nuzlocke experience and they hurt.
The deep water spots in this area are where Skitty live. For the record.
Twenty-five Jellicent later, Tock is not done.
...I... think Jellicent and Amoonguss have different EV loot. I think Amoonguss is HP and Jellicent is Special Defense. However. It is not outside the realm of possibility that they have a matching set of either. Which would leave me bashing a wall. Hm.
(I also think that maxing out a pokemon’s EVs takes longer than my impatience gives it credit for, and if I just keep at it, things will go fine. Meh.)
Electric Gym town has those spare sportsball trainers hanging out, right? I could go fight some with them and take what I get.
Or I could wait on that until Rojo’s up.
Okay. Back to Victory Road.
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Have a picture to go with the endless text.
Also, it’s apparently relevant to note that I have no idea what Ho-Oh’s EV output is. I maybe mentioned that earlier, but it’s been many, many hours since then for me.
Tock still doesn’t know anything useful.
Fido thought about learning Lava Plume, but that doesn’t really help fill any gaps, and Stomp and Bite are sadly things that I think I would regret losing.
Why does Tock keep wanting to learn physical attacks.
Tock is level 50 and still being trained solely through Exp. Share because he has no moves. I could possibly change this. But here we are.
I was going to teach him Thunderbolt so he could eat his own Jellicent. Togetic can not learn Thunderbolt. Linoone (Bandit) can, and I have no idea how that works.
I think it’s time.
Come forth.
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...Togekiss can not learn Thunderbolt.
Okay then.
...I think it’s time to find out what you can learn, while we contemplate just how badly I may have misjudged your true purpose.
Hey, Tock can learn Shadow Ball! That’s a useful! Let’s do that!
Back to Jellicent and Mime Jr. Which will in no way drive me insane now that Tock is big and strong enough to dispense death swiftly.
Oh, by the way, Pokemon Go has ruined me, it would seem. My reaction to Feebas appearing where I was expecting Mime Jr. was pure disdain, because how dare it get in the way of my EV training torture doomathon.
But Feebas is a pokemon that shows up in six panels in the gen it first appears in. For most intents and purposes, is excruciatingly rare. Pokemon Go, being unable or unwilling to produce similar finding difficulties, just. has it as one of the many pokemon you can find. Sure, rare, but it shows up.
But this is not Pokemon Go. This is one of the cartridge games. Feebas is a heavy rare. So. There. This is me appreciating that properly.
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-soft gasp-
Tock is free to move about the cabin!
...And now it’s Rojo’s turn. But I’m way more casual with the legendaries, because I sort of expect them to be fine however. Also Victory Road and Machamp. It will not be the nightmare experience I turned this into.
Sorry Bandit, back in the box. It’s been fun. Thanks for the Pickup items.
(Real talk. In the future, when things aren’t dead, I should level Bandit up so I can get some sweet stuff as I finish my journey of seeing all the pokemon of the routes hereabouts.)
One Shadow Ball is not enough to dispatch the Machamp. Someone else might have to train Rojo. ...Batman is the wrong someone else. Palm, have at it. Palm, also no. ...Frogger?
Fido seems to be the only thing on this team that can take out a Machamp in one hit as a regular feature. Heartening.
Rojo learns Retaliate. Siiiiiiigh.
Fido is once again in first position.
Wait, I just realized where I should be training Rojo. Batman’s home ground. Or is Escavalier just Attack? I think there’s a chance it’s Attack and Defense, but I’m not sure... I know where to go for Special Defense, but not Defense, and I feel bad leaving Rojo with no Defense. Oh, wait, duh. That area off Route 1, with the Cloyster and stuff. Bam.
Did I mention Huntail is around here? Because it is.
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And we are back to this.
I’m going to take a sanity break and Fly to ever single town to look for TMs for Tock.
Well, that was a bust.
Back to grinding.
Attack is possibly maxed, so I’m just going to Nimbasa with its sports people and yeah. Today is football day.
...Oh, these things are a higher level than I thought. Hello, level 40 Gurdurr. Goodbye, level 40 Gurdurr. Hello level 40 Sawk (I hate you.) Goodbye level 40 Sawk.
The other court has tennis.
There’s also a Hiker to fight outside the ferris wheel. His stuff is not nearly so level appropriate.
I think we’re at the point where I’m trying to level the whole team up more than focusing on how they’re leveled. Everything’s over 50, so theoretically, I could just go now. I don’t. I don’t really. want that. Even though the Final Four are stronger than they were. And the amount of time I spend on this will not change how strong my opponents are. I am in a considerably better spot than I was.
Except for the death.
And not having particularly good TMs to throw at Tock. The best I can do is spend all my money on a Blizzard/Thunder/Fire Blast TM. I’m pretty sure Tock can learn those, but I was also pretty sure Tock could learn Thunderbolt, and here we are.
Something else I could try is going through every area I didn’t because no Strength, checking them off the list and maybe finding some other TMs that might be useful.
Tock currently knows Ancient Power, Fly, Wish, and Shadow Ball. Ancient Power’s fine. Shadow Ball’s fine. Tock’s Attack is so awful that even STAB can not boost Fly into viability. Wish is a great move, but I have an attack attack attack style with in-game Pokemon. If I need a move that gives me health, I have serious problems. I can use a Potion and give Tock another attack.
In theory. In practice, what attack? I have almost no useful TMs.
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Let’s roll them dice.
There appears to be as much nothing as possible in Dragonspiral Tower.
There’s some cave I skipped out on earlier because I was tired, right? Also places I didn’t have Surf when I first visited?
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That helps me none, but the spirit is appreciated.
Batman can’t run away from a level 22 Buizel.
Did I know the route next to Driftveil had Typhlosion? Because that is a happening. There’s Claydol in the water.
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Guess who’s learning Flash again.
Oh, and this is a new area!
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It’s the gimmick pokemon! I watched a guy on youtube play through all of... one of the generation two games (original?) with a team of Smeargle. It was incredible. Pikasprey Blue is the channel. He does some insane stuff to spice up pokemon playthroughs. They’re neat.
Quick Ball for the win, and Smeargle is named Donna. I don’t know why. She looked liked a Donna.
Huh, Grovyle. Long time no see. Mankey as well. The next level up has Tyrogue. Oh, my heart. Love that little guy. Love how its the only thing in this whole cave Batman outruns. Electrike is also a thing.
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I have long been out of comments.
I still do not have my bingo sheet.
I found the Rock Slide TM.
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It has a new name. Does that mean it counts as a new area?
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...Wobbuffet clause?
No, fine, I fainted it without tragedy when the Quick Ball didn’t catch it and I just went for things concluding as fast as possible. Uh. I maybe. Do not want to be here. ...I picked up a Max Repel. I’m going to use it.
Also, this is Cobalion’s chamber I believe, so I got a history lesson on Cobalion, Terrakion (heh), and Virizion. At some point I had a shiny Virizion. I was pretty unhappy. The green looks cooler than the pink, and I couldn’t even complain properly because SHINY LEGENDARY.
I would prefer not to be involved in any sort of official fight with a legendary. Killing it would feel sad, and if I had a choice of catch in this chamber, it would be the Wobbuffet I just murdered. If I can, I will walk around it.
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Or just avoid it entirely. Sorry dude. I don’t want to kill you.
So that’s that cave. No Special Attack TMs. The quest continues. Next stop... Nimbasa again, for the little grove thing next to it. With the woman who’s like a Zorua or something. I’m pretty sure there are Surf spots there? Maybe?
One of the desert spots also has water. As does the Bug forest area thing.
The grove thing needs Waterfall in order to be new territory, so that’s out.
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I just looked at this thing and what the heck. I have a dim recollection of trainers getting their own nature, but not memory at all of what, if anything, it means. Meanwhile the color exists to hurt me. I think I get a new one after properly beating the game. One more thing to look forward to if it ever happens.
Since a day has gone by, I go back to the sportsball courts before midnight hits. Then I will return to the sad TM hunt. Basketball and baseball on the docket.
Sad TM hunt are go.
The desert area water has nothing. Just a random spot of water. With Wurmple.
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Hi, grass I never came back to when I finally could.
It has level 23 Oddish. The horror. Oh, cool, Butterfree and Electrode too. And Dusclops.
I have very little memory of this place. Is this where the green legendary thing hangs out? If so I’m not going to touch it. Also I fear for my TM chances.
As I type this, I find the SolarBeam TM.
I guess the amusing part of all this is that I am going about my aims the right way. I am finding TMs. They just don’t really help me.
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How come I can get to Cobalion now but not the other two? I don’t recall the lore. Something else to look up when I have guides returned to me.
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Is there anywhere else I can go?
Cold Storage has nothing new, but I did find a Scyther.
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Hey, another disappointment! This one’s a Water Stone.
...There’s a Trapinch in the water.
I should clearly give this up.
Shaking grass in route... something-or-other-with-the-Salamence has Vigoroth. Neato.
I’m going to hit Twist Mountain for a look, but after that, I think it’s time to just accept that this is going to be awkward as heck.
One more round of sportsball.
Then. I’ll figure it out.
Soccer and tennis are today’s things.
Okay. Okay.
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It’s time.
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This place fills me with fear. The organ music probably helps with that.
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The team.
Tock and Rojo with their debut. Batman, Fido, Palm, and Frogger with their return. All that’s left is to look at the TMs and cry decide what Tock’s getting.
Flash is replaced by Echoed Voice. Think Normal, Special Attack Rollout.
For the other slot, I can go with SolarBeam, Flash Cannon, or Toxic. Steel is super effective against Fairy, which doesn’t exist, Rock, and Ice. None of those are particular problems, but Flash Cannon does do 80 damage and a chance to lower the target’s Special Defense. Serene Grace would up that chance.
I think I’ll go with Toxic.
...Oh. Wait. I need the move deleter for HMs.
..............Buzz, teaching you Fly for a hot second!
I had a moment of panic where I wasn’t sure if anything else could learn it. That would be one long bike ride.
Hold up.
Wait, did I... forget something important?
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Air Slash!
I could also learn Aura Sphere, but I’m pretty well set with the Fighting.
So, Air Slash! We’re going to conveniently not pay attention to the 95 accuracy because that way lies heartache! Tock has a STAB Special Attack Flying move! Rejoice!
Now the question becomes which is better: Echoed Voice, or Toxic. Hm.
Ancient Power doubles as a stat booster, so I don’t want to say goodbye to that one. Right now, Tock has two STAB attacks, and two misc. ones. Toxic loses Echoed Voice, but I mostly gave Tock Echoed Voice because facing the Big Bad using Flash was a nightmare waiting to happen.
Toxic is fantastic, but I will be fighting people who use Full Restores.
...Let’s go with this for now.
...And use a PP Up on Ancient Power.
Now we’re really ready.
Except I need Frogger in front. And everyone should have at least one special item to help them out.
Batman gets SilverPowder for Bug. Tock gets a Silk Scarf for Normal. Miracle Seed for Palm. Mystic Water for Frogger. Rojo gets BrightPowder because that seems useful (lowers opponent’s accuracy). Shell Bell for Fido.
Time to explore the castle.
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N’s room.
...Music box music is creepy.
Another level up, Ghetsis reveals (? I haven’t been paying enough attention to know if it’s come up before) his plan to have everyone release their pokemon so that Team Plasma has all the pokemon and can rule over everyone. That’s the evil scheme we’ve got to be a hero to stop.
Rock and roll.
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N summons Reshiram, fun cut scene stuff happens, and that summons Zekrom to the field. With other fun cut scene stuff.
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You are my favorite lightning dragon.
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Having a Master Ball really lowers the drama on this, but this is only the plot drama. The actual drama awaits after the catch.
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Note how cool Zekrom is. Because it is.
I wish they wouldn’t make the Master Ball wiggle. Every single time I use it, I think to myself that it will somehow be the time where it doesn’t work. It does. Of course it does. But those moments before it does are always so stressful.
So, Zekrom caught, and because it’s not randomized, it will not receive a nickname, and therefor will not be used in the coming battles.
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I really hope it is.
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Deep breath time.
He sends Reshiram out first. It’s level 52. I have Frogger first because go Frogger. Frogger’s level 59. Surf’s up. Reshiram’s faster and uses its trademark Fusion Flare, but double resistance is a nice thing, so Frogger’s still within the green.
Surf does about half, which is great, but it’s close enough to not guarantee that another will finish Reshiram off.
Reshiram knows Hyper Beam, and Frogger is down to 73 HP.
N’s next pokemon is Klinklang. Level 50. Fido’s up, and since I believe Klinklang is more Defense than Special, Flamethrower is the move of choice.
Oh, dang. That does the trick. Fido’s faster and only needs one.
Carracosta is next, which means it’s Palm’s turn. It’s level 50, but it is heavy on the Defense if memory serves. Not very fast. Seed Bomb because I can’t remember for certain if the Rock/Water typing is right, and it’s the one that’s going to be super effective either way.
Carracosta has Sturdy, so endures the hit, and Stone Edge misses. N uses a Full Restore. Palm uses Mach Punch to do away with Sturdy, and wraps this up with another Seed Bomb.
Next up is Vanilluxe. Level 50. Fido’s back. You never got your real shot at fighting Ice things, did you buddy? Go with Fire Fang since Fido’s more Attack than Special and Vanilluxe is more Special than standard, I believe.
The gets it down to a sliver of red health, and it has started to hail. N doesn’t use an item, so the next Fire Fang downs Vanilluxe.
N sends in a level 50 Archeops.
I might point out that nothing on my team knows Thunder.
After some heavy thought, Batman is sent out. I don’t know how that will go, but that Rock/Flying typing is harder to navigate than it looks. As I am familiar. If Frogger had more HP, I’d put him back in. Depending how it goes, I might use Batman to heal Frogger up. We’ll see.
Stone Edge moves Batman to 93 HP, Hail downs her to 83, but Iron Head gets Archeops in one hit.
N’s last pokemon is Zoroark (level 50). Since Batman’s hurt (ish), I’m going to send in Palm.
...Okay, so N’s Zoroark knows Flamethrower. Palm goes from having 160 HP to having 58. .....Palm is also burned.
The combination has Palm at 28 HP.
Mach Punch would probably finish the job, but if N uses any healing items, status and weather will kill Palm.
I’ve been trying to see if I could win with only the four I had when I first made it to the castle, but they were a lower level than they are now anyway, so that was never a true test. And without the burn, Palm would have won already.
Rojo’s up. I’m not killing Palm out of pride.
Mind you, it’s tempting, and that says a lot about me, but no.
N doesn’t heal Zoroark, and the hail stops.
So I would have gotten away with it.
Rojo finishes it up with a Sacred Sword.
But we’re not done yet.
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Ghetsis comes in and proceeds to be an abusive dick to N. He also, loudly, talks about how he wants to rule the world as Alder and Cheren walk in. Nice going.
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I don’t get to heal first?
Okay, maybe that twinkle effect N did healed things. Don’t know, don’t care, the important thing is that Frogger is in front and at full health. Ghetsis has a level 52 Cofagrigus out front. I don’t have any pressing need to switch out. I’m going to try Hydro Pump to see if I can’t get away with ending this fast.
Sliver of health left after that, and Froger is badly poisoned by Toxic. Ghetsis does the Full Restore thing while I shoot a Surf his way, I eat a round of poison, Cofagrigus uses Protect so I eat another round, but finally a second Surf gets it.
So Frogger is at 83 HP and poisoned. Ghetsis sends in a level 52 Bouffalant. ...It is probably going to know Retaliate, but in any case, Rojo is out for me.
Rojo’s faster, and one Sacred Sword ends it.
Aaaaaand it’s time for the Hydreigon. It is level 54. It should not exist, but neither should Ghetsis, so whatever. Rojo stays in due to fears of Flamethrower.
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The damn thing knows Focus Blast, and Rojo is so, so lucky to be Sassy. And legendary. A Sacred Sword does the trick. Geez.
Huh, Ghetsis has a Seismitoad. Level 52. Palm’s turn to shine.
Yep, one Seed Bomb and we’re done.
Eelektross is next. Level 52. I send out Batman because I don’t think it’ll have anything that can cause her harm. Unless it knows Flamethrower. For some reason I’m suddenly very afraid it does, but I think that’s just a mood of the fight.
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Anyway it knows Flamethrower.
I’m pretty sure I’ve done this too much for some part of my brain to remember that.
Luckily, one X-Scissor is enough. Then we move on to the final pokemon. Level 52 Bisharp. As the Fighting pokemon yet to take a hit, Palm’s back in the ring. Sky Uppercut goes first, hits, and faints the Bisharp.
We won.
And everyone’s okay.
...Except N, because his innocent purity and compassion for pokemon was used for evil, and now his world is upside down and he’s all confused and sad and everything.
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Because Ghetsis raised you that way.
Ghetsis is a dick.
...Also, I realized that he’s talking to me about how my first pokemon thought of me. It liked me. That particular one.
Frogger would have been there, too. But.
Game, can we just... hit the end credits?
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Fine, N has to go off into the sunset first. But after that?
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Except not really.
What I’ve decided for this run is that it will meet its official end after I check every place on the map off, then return and fight Version Two of the Elite Four. I’ve still never beaten Alder. I think that’s the only proper conclusion Nuzlocke runs can have; the team immortalized in the Hall of Fame.
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I just said it’s not, stop lying.
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tiny-little-bird · 7 years
Jon "sweet" Snow
We all know that, Jon, is a sweet ball of fluff. So I’m just sitting here wondering, if he’s soooo in love with Miss D., where the hell is the sweetness and the tenderness he’s shown Sansa for the past 2 seasons? Where is the sweetness and tenderness and closeness with Miss D.?
NOWHERE to be bloody seen.
All of Sansa’s and Jon’s scenes, some of them even when they’re apart, had romantic tropes in them, all of them, so if Miss D. and Jon are supposed to be this big romance, where the hell are the romantic tropes, did they happen off screen, or something? 🤷‍♀️😂
They could've had Jon compliment Miss D’s dress, since she changed outfits pretty much every episode, but nope, they could’ve showed him jealous of Jorah, and possessive towards Miss D., but nope they didn’t, he didn't laugh with Miss D., not even ONCE, he’s not triggered and is totally unbothered by Miss D. hugging Jorah, same thing when Jorah kissing her hands, like he is bothered by every man who mentions Sansa, they don’t even need to touch her, just say her name, and he goes in angry kitten mode, but for Miss D. who he is supposedly MADLY in love with, NOTHING. They could’ve had Miss D. give him/offer him a lighter cloak, since his furr one, from Sansa, is clearly way too heavy for Dragonstone, they could've shown him ditching Sansa’s cloak for the one Miss D. had given him but nope, they could've brought Miss D. up, in the conversation between Jon and Jorah in the wight hunt, but NOPE.
So many missed opportunities, I wonder why 🤔🙃
I asked a friend who doesn't ship neither Jonsa nor J*nerys, and they said this:
 “The way they shot Jon’s and Sansa’s scenes, the sweet moments, the dialogue, the awkwardness between them, I can see why you ship them, I must admit they are, really cute together. (He ships Arya with Gendry and Brienne and Jaimie, thos are his only ships on GoT, the other ships are just meh to him 🙈🤷‍♀️😂)
Jon and Miss D. on the other hand? Dragonstone has been boring af, the scenes between J and D were pretty bland and dull, if you ask me. IF, I had to choose between the two ships, I’d definitely choose Jonsa, because the dynamic between them is amazing, they have a strong foundation, they have a strong bond, and they are happy around eachother, whilst Jon looked miserable in Dragonstone, and around Dany, who kept shoving “Bend the knee” down his throat at any chance, and he couldn't wait to leave in episode 5.
Their scenes were boring and just, off, if they meant to show them fall in love, they failed miserably, they did such a great job with Jon abd Sansa, and I don't even know if they mean to have them end up together, but Jon and Miss D. as a couple, have no depth at all, because the communication, at least to me seemed one sided. They should’ve shot their scenes, the same way they shot Jon’s and Sansa’s, had they done that, they might've convinced me, because I’m just not feeling it, at all. I still don’t ship neither, but yeah, Jonsa would be my choice, Jon and Miss D. feel way too forced, sudden and way too rushed, on Jon’s part at least, and that’s all I have to say about this.” 
100% agree with what he said. 👌🙃
Below I'll list a few quotes and a few scenes, which should not have been in the show, if D&D meant to make us believe their relationship was platonic, and was meant to stay that way.
“New dress? [...] Yeah, it’s... I like the wolf bit” 
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“I will never let him TOUCH you again, I’ll protect you, I promise.” 
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“If I fall don’t bring me back.” (couldnt find a gif for this one sorry) which translates to, she's the one who gave me purpose again, she's the one I'm fighting for, I don't want to come back into a world, where she is gone, where she killed herself, because I couldn't keep her safe, because I lost, because I failed her. Let me stay dead, I couldn't live with myself. 😢 And if, that, is not REAL, powerful LOVE, then I don’t know what is.
More under the cut. ☺️✌️💙
I also don’t think we’ve see Jon laugh and smile in 5 seasons, as much as we've seen him smile and laugh, in 2 seasons with, Sansa. 
I mean, look:
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Look at this little smol, look at how happy he is for his new Stark cloak, that Sansa made for him, with love, and with her own, lovely hands. ☺️ so Basically Sansa cloaked him
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And Jon cloaked her, in his old cloak, I mean, they're practically married 🤗😂😂
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Do you know who Jon also smiled like this with? Mhm, yep, Ygritte. 🤗
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“Do you think I’m Joffrey?”
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“Until I return, the North my heart is yours.” Most poetic declaration of trust, and love, I’ve ever heard in my life.
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“I love Sansa, as I loved her mother”
*literally snarls and growls like a wolf* “TOUCH my sister, and I'll kill you myself.” 
Like DAMN that’s pretty wild, it’s literally what a male alpha would do, to mark his territory, if you ask me.
Look at him:
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“What you did for HER, is the only reason I’m not killing you.” *aggressively grabs Theon*
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“Does she miss me terribly?” *cricket sounds* *death stare*
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Where is that with Miss D.? Where are all these romantic tropes? Where are the scenes where they both open up to each other, where they share their hardships, where they bond? WHERE ARE THEY? WHERE?
When does Jon smile again, after leaving Sansa, and Winterfell? 
With Tyrion, when he arrives in Dragonstone, and when does it do it again? With Tormund & co., after, he’s left Dragonstone.
With Miss D.? Nope, nothing, nada. 
But when do we see just a tiny glimpse, but like a tiny, tiny glimpse of Jon’s sweetness towards Miss D., and all of a sudden, might I add? In 7.06, which was such an odd and weird contrast to how he was behaving towards her just an episode earlier, not even turning to look at her one last time, like, again, he did it with Sansa, if he's sooo in love with Miss D. why not turn and wave goodbye to her too? Jorah turned instead lmao 😂 
So y'all mean to tell me that Jon did a 360° turn, in one episode? Please. 😂
So why the sudden change? 
Well, Jon, bless his heart, saw Viserion die, the moment he sank into the lake, Jon knew, he knew the NK would turn him, just like he turns his horses, just like he turned that Polar bear, so he knows without her dragons, they’re fucked, they’re all fucked, because he saw first hand what her dragons can do, and therefore realizes what an ice dragon can do. You know, for one thing, fly, and second spit blue fire, which according to their legends, is even hotter than normal dragonfire..how nice, right? The Night King has a dragon, that’s the last thing they needed. 
He could have an army of 1.000.000 people, and it would be useless against an ice dragon. He’s kissing her ass in 7.06, and the ass kissing will continue in 7.07, and I assume, partly, even in S8, he has to kiss her ass, because he needs her dragons. 
Do you really think Jon would fall/be in love with someone who can’t get her priorities straight? Who is so power hungry, selfish, and entitled, that she puts the Iron Throne before an army of bloody dead men, white walkers and the Night King? “Do you expect me to just leave my conquering of the 7K behind me, to fight the dead?” emh, yeah? idk if you got the memo, but they’re coming to kill us all, you included? Viserion is dead because of her, the Night King now has a dragon, because of her. 
Had she not been so stubborn, the NK would not have a dragon. “No, as soon as I leave, Cercei comes in.”, let her come in, who tf cares, the dead are coming for the North, for the South, for me, for you, for all of us, and the thing you put first, your priority is that damned throne? “I care about the people” she says, she cares about “the people” my ass, she’s a hypocrite, and Jon knows it, she literally confirmed it to him, in 7.05. 
He’s not in love with her, nor will he ever be, he’s playing the game, he’s working as double agent, again, and doing what he thinks is best, he’s doing what needs to be done to save his people and those he loves, he’s doing it to save the world. 
He saw on the beach in Dragonstone, that she listened to him, partly tho, she still went on a barbeque spree, but she “somewhat” listened to him, so here, I think he realized that to, her, his opinion matteres, that he has/could’ve some power over her, that he could use to his advantage. Now, think if he managed to make her fall for him. 
Jon is not stupid, at all, making her fall for him, might not be the honorable thing to do, but it’s the right thing to do for his people, for Sansa, for Arya, for Bran, and for the rest of westeros, he’s basically saving everyone’s asses. But, especially, to protect those dear to him, he’s willing to play dirty, and he will do it, he is doing it. D*ny is in love with him, at this point, that’s obvious, but Jon? Jon isn’t. 
As so many have pointed out, he has kept himself at a distance, Dany has told him things about her, since day one, she opened up to him, but Jon? He hasn’t opened up with her about anything, about himself, about Sansa, about his death, about why he was killed, about who did it, about the dagger to the heart, about Ghost, and that’s because he does not trust her, he’s weary of her, he knows she’s dangerous, he’s seen her in full tantrum mode, and he’s seen she’s very, very impulsive and hotheaded. 
In his eyes, their only chance, is for him to have influence over her, to be sure she will fight with them, no matter what, to ensure that, when the Northerners don’t kneel, because he bloody well knows they won’t, “the Northerners are proud” – Sansa, she doesn’t barbecue them all, she doesn’t kill Sansa, who the Northerners might make their Queen, after word spreads that Jon bent the knee. 
The thought of Sansa, his sister, the woman who gave him purpose again, the Little Bear (Lyanna), who literally made him King, Arya who is his beloved little sister, which he thought dead, and thst he missed so very much, and Bran who is his beloved little brother who he also thought was dead and he missed very much, being burnt alive for not kneeling, terrifies the hell out of him, obviously, and at the same time makes him determined to do what has to be done. 
We’ve all seen that Miss D., can, be merciful, but, only, if she cares about the person, only if it serves her and her “purpose. People who mean nothing to her? They can burn, usually no trial is even needed, ya know? She’s tyrannical like that. lol 
So yeah, his plan has logic, if they refuse to bend the knee, and she’s in love with him, and he has power over her, to control her and manipulate her, for the greater good, if he pleads for their lives, she won’t burn them, kill them, because that would hurt Jon. 
That’s his plan, and it’s a smart one, dangerous, but smart. Our Jonny boy, is finally starting to listen to the advice Sansa gave him, “you need to be smarter than father” he’s leaving his honor behind and doing not the honorable thing but the smart thing, the thing that will keep his people alive, “you need to be smarter than Robb” he’s not falling in love with Miss D, but instead, unlike his father and his brother, he is doing what has to be done, he won’t repeat his father’s, and brother’s mistakes, he has played dirty before, he’s going to have to do it again. 
Jon poured his soul to Sansa, told her he died, how he died, who did it, what he’s been through, everything, and Sansa did the same, told him everything that happened to her, what ramsay did to her. While with Dany he tells her nothing about him, he is weary of her, and keeps her at a distance. 
So yeah, in conclusion, our sweet, tender boy, hasn’t displayed any sweetness and tenderness towards Miss D., until he realized, “The Night King has a dragon now, fuck. We’re fucked, without her dragons, we’re truly fucked and stand no chance.”, and even then, you can’t compare it to how sweet, tender (and mild lol sorry, I had to 😂😂), and gentle Jon is towards Sansa, because what he’s pulling with Miss D., is an act.
The differences in tone, the conversations, sweetness, touches, lingering looks, between Jon and Sansa and Jon and Miss. D., are so blatantly different/obvious, it’s crazy, mostly because they're pretty much nonexistent between Jon and Miss D. 🙃
At this point, J*nerys is canon, yes, and they will get their b*atbang/sex, but will they ever get the pure, sweet scenes/moments of genuine love, like the ones that we have between Jon and Sansa? No, they won’t, so they can keep and enjoy their boatbang, we’ll have the real deal in S8. ✌️
#JonsaIsComing 💙
Jonsa GIFs bonus round 🙃✌️💙
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I obviously could add more GIFs, there are plenty more, but this post is ridiculously long already, so I'll stop here. 😚✌️💙
954 notes · View notes
Flower crown, fairy lights, daisies, 1975, pantone, moodboard, stars, plants, converse, lace, sunrise, overalls, combat boots, winged eyeliner, pastel, tattoos, piercings, messy bun, cry baby, grunge, old books, beaches, 11:11, painting, thunder, storms, love, clouds, coffee, marble (sorry I just can't restrain myself ahahaha)
flower crown: when did you last sing to yourself?
This morning while I was packing my things? I seriously can’t restrain myself, even when my voice was completely broken I sang a bit :3
fairy lights: if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?
Too many things... Maybe I’d want to know it make it through my studies or if I can achieve my dreams to become a writer and to open my own bookshop ? Or maybe i’ll just ask it if my beloved cat if happy where he is now, or if I could have done something more to help before he died...
daisies: what is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
Hum..... Being alive I guess? Though I ca’t really say I’m in good health but at least I’m here, happy and alive with my friends and my family?
1975: what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?
Two days ago, I went shopping with my mom. It had been a very long time since I went with her. It made me very happy to do that with her. (since I live in a different city I usually go with my friends, @le-rire-des-etoiles I’ll always remember when you shut the curtain closed while saing “HIDE” xD It was so true !!!
pantone: describe a person close to your life in detail.
Wow I’ve got like 4 ppl that came up to my mind rn... Which one should I chose :3 I’ll start with the first one that appeared to me. She has long brown hairs (she’ll never do anything to them I tried to convince her to die them in green for a night with a perfectly nice hair coloring which didn’t last more that one shampoo but I’m still trying xD). She has some rectangular glasses because she doesn’t see very well with her brown eyes. She’s kinda small (smaller than me and I consider myself as a Hobbit xD), but as we say, everything small is cute! She’s very energic, she works in a school with some small children. She’s passionate about everything she does, which goes from friends, to work, parties and family. She’s a veeeery bad loser when we play (she can throw the cards at your face when we play Uno xD very funny actually) and we don’t always agree but it’s always nice because we can talk about almost everything without going into a big fight. But still, when she has an opinion, it’s almost impossible to make her changer her mind or even accept you have a different opinion, but it’s almost always on un-important subjects so it’s not a big deal. She’s very friendly and a very good cook too, even if shes kinda desperate that I can’t really make decisions, and I really love her.
moodboard: do you feel you had a happy childhood?
Yep, it was hard sometimes, but when I consider my friends childhoods, I definitly have a happy one.
stars: when did you last cry in front of another person?
Last night? We were watching a singing contest at the TV and we tarted crying like babies in front of one man... Still, amazing moment.
plants: pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them.
@snarky-goldfish, @le-rire-des-etoiles and another friend who’s not on tumblr (Xao) because I can’t do that without all of them. They’re the best bunch of friends I’ve ever had and stargazing without all three of them wouldn’t be as fun as it would be with the three of them. @snarky-goldfish would go for the sarcastic or the sexual inuendues, @le-rire-des-etoiles would roll her eyes but go for it with a bunch of fun facts about it, and Xao and I would just listen and laugh while thinking about very sexual things that don’t belong there because we have a dirty mind xD
converse: would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?
I had once, and we became friends xD But that’s not a thing I normally do, I guess it just depend of the feeling I have with this person?
lace: when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?
It was like two weeks ago I think ? I was sick AF and so was my best friends so we start chitchatting instead of sleeping because we’re fucked up like that xD
sunrise:pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally.
“Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.” Troye Sivan.
overalls: what would you do with one billion dollars?
Go in vacation and fuck this world I guess? XD
combat boots: are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?
I am, I don’t know how to keep a grudge against someone for a long time. But I learned to be less forgiving or at least, even if I can forgive I never forget. But being always angry about someone is exhausting and I have better things to do.
winged eyeliner: write a hundred word letter to your twelve year old self.
Hum.... Let’s pass this one darling because I’ve already wrote a novel with the answers and I still have like the half to go xD But I can do that in another post :P
pastel: would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?
OMG definitely punk xD I love pastels too, but I’m more like punk and colors everywhere (even if they don’t belong together).
tattoos: how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain.
I love tatoos, I’d love to get one but I’m afraid of needles xD And I’m not against piercings even if I won’t have it, It’s leaves marks and I have already enough of them.
piercings: do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?
Not a lot of but I do wear make up. I like to cover my scars, I’m quite insecure about them.
messy bun: the world is listening. pick one sentence you would tell them.
But in times of crisis, the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers.
cry baby: list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel.
OMG that’s gonna be a long one... Let’s begin : Sting (in which he reformed The Police, it was fucking amazing), Tokio Hotel, twice (I loved them and it was some very good concerts), Katy PErry (She was very nice actually), Silbermond (in some ancients roman ruins, I loved it), Tiger Lilies (freak show, scary but amazing), Queen, the Musical (not FReddy Mercury but still great), Within Temptation, twice too (first one was beautiful, the second much less because they wanted us to be seated like WTF), Tarja Turunen (I’m still crying because it was beautiful, and the drummer was amazing), Nightwish, three times (I WANNA GO AGAIN !!!!), Nickelback (I was in the first raw thanks to a friend, it was amazing!!!). Imagine Dragons (Loved it even if I drank a bit too much vodka), Robin des Bois (Loved it and cried a bit), The Script (Still there, once of the most beautiful ones), and I’m going to see Fall Out Boy next week :D
grunge: who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?
I really don’t know...
old books: what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know?
I saw a porno for the first time when I was 10 and it actually really trauamtized me.
beaches: if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?
Purple/pink because I already tried all the natural colors and I like the purple best :P
11:11:name three wishes and why you wish for them.
Well, it’s said that if we talk about our whishes they don’t come true... So i’ll better stay quiet ;)
painting:what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up.
Hum..... Two years ago, a friend of mine tried to put make up on me so I would look like the black swann in the Black Swan movie... I ended up as the Joker and it was faaaaar more fun !
thunder: what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?
Kill or abuse someone.
storms: you on only listen to one song for the rest of your life, or only see one person for the rest of your life. which and why?
Never give up on your dreams from Two Steps From Hell because it’s freaking inspiring and also it doesn’t have lyrics so I won’t grow tired of the voice or anything... But for the one person I’ll end up with the rest of my life... I can’t choose. Normally I would have said my cat but since he’s not here anymore.... I really don’t know ^^
love: have you ever fallen in love? describe what it feels like to realise you’re in love.
Yes I have. It’s like having a bunch of butterflies in the stomach... I didn’t really understood what was happening to me and the next thing I knew was that I was always smiling and feeling happy. I blushed a lot too but it’s kinda normal for me xD I don’t reallly know what it felt when I realised it, I was just really happy and I wanted to share my happiness too. It wa like seeing the sun everyday even if it was raining. It was the first time I was in love so yeah... it sounds a bit childish ^^
clouds: if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?
Fuck yeah I’m a girl and I’ve gone with realy short hair in which I put some hair gel for years ! Even if I’m strating to let them grow now (the last one was too short, they were like 5mms long at the back... too short), I’ll always like short hair :D
coffee: what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?
Well given that I don’t like coffee, I’ll say they’re iced green tea... But It’s trust @snarky-goldfish and @le-rire-des-etoiles to order me something because they know me by heart and they’ll go for something I wouldn’t have even try (and mostly liked) without them.
marble: what is the most important thing to you in your life right now?
Writing. I’m fed up with my studies and I really need a way to clear my mind and not t explode. So writing it is ! Because I’ll always like it more than sports xD
So here you go Sweetheart @roxas-j-frost ! There was a hell lot of questions but I’ve managed to answer them all !! Yeepee !!! I really had fun with that and I hope you’ll like my answers !!!
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emypony · 7 years
Every number, lol
ily lmfao
gdi lina
((now i gotta open my own goddamn tumblr to find it smh))
i’ll do edits throughout bcs i go on other questions and i legit like, answer them and go back and add stuff
1. first anime you ever watched
tbh i can’t freaking remember?? Though it might’ve been something on animax. I don’t count pokemon rly bcs i rarely watched it. I think watched thoroughly…???
Frick. Deltora Quest (??) ((god I just remembered I need to hype that too crap)) but I’ll be proud to say front to back as a really long anime is going to be Inazuma Eleven. God I was so trash for it. Saw a few eps on Disney and decided “i want to see this but without this crappy romanian dub thx”
I can’t remember any other anime I watched but amongst the first ones were: Shugo Chara, Princess Tutu (I NEED TO DRAW THIS AS WELL AUGH LINA WHAT’VE U DONE) uhhhhhhhh, Kaleido Star? Zero no Tsukaima (VERY BAD ANIME TO START WATCHING WHEN UR LIKE 13) and other trash stuff like Oran Highschool Host club, Toradora (I didn’t watch the last ep gg me), Brother’s Conflict (another harem AND I DIDN’T WATCH THE LAST EP EITHER GG OMG) and this is all I can remember great…
look at me i can’t even do one question without rambling this is gonna be long asf
EDIT:::: Shaman King was the first. Used to air dubbed on some non cartoon channel over here and I got hooked.
2. first anime crush
Shun from Bakugan. I’m trash. (yes this was after I found out that it was originally japanese. I think i wanted to watch the jap dub but i couldn’t find it anywhere and i couldn’t take Dan having Naruto’s voice either thx)
Then i discovered Spectra (aka the Brother of that girl from the 2nd season) and i cried bcs how could I choose
3. favorite anime character
Tsurugi Kyousuke and you know it girl
TSUNA FROM KHR (in his more serious form)
4. least favorite anime character
fricc. uHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH…(inazuma eleven makes everybody lovable I mean…)
5. list all anime you have ever watched (do non finished one count too thx)
NOTE: The ones with * means I didn’t finish them.
Mob Psycho 100
Shokugeki no Souma**  (in prcess of watching)
Oban Star Racers
Sword Art Online
SMILE PRECURE - it’s so clichee but I love it
Kaichou wa Maid-Sama
Fruits Basket!!!
Sukitte Ii na yo
edit: Noucome
Dog Days!* (i can’t even what is this anime)
Beyblade (newer series tho)*
To Love-Ru* (wasn’t my thing but i saw a bit of it)
more Pretty Cure series which I can’t remember tbh
Gugure! Kokkuri-san*
6. popular anime you didn’t like
Vampire…s-something with Vampire? With the Subaru and stuff. 
Naruto (I mean first seasons are nice and all but like, it becomes confusing)
One Piece, Fairy Tail, YURI ON ICE , HETALIA ((MISS ME WITH THAT SH*T THX)), Death Note, Attack on Titan, Tokyo Ghoul, Clannad, Boku no Hero Academia, Dragon Ball Z (and what have you), Kuroko no Basket, Haikyuu, Free!, Bleach, Inuyasha, YuGiOh (i’ve seen a bit but meh..), Mirai Nikki, 
//inhales Sailor Moon
idk just not for me, though maybe I should give it a chance??
7. anime you are currently watching
I guess Shokugeki no Souma since I’ve yet to finish s3
But I’m still in IEGO hell rn, rewatching it for the lolzies
8. anime character you are most like
Tenma, ofc. 
9. favorite anime child
Tenma. ;;w;; he’s so precious and doubts himself and I think he’s great  ahhh 
Konoha. She loves animals and she’s kinda cute ouo
idk if there’s more i am really not recent anime trash sorry
10. favorite anime animal sidekick
Kili who’s Jasmine’s(?) -idk if that was her name in the jap version too- crow
I frkin love crows holy danm
Sasuke is such a cute dog save me
11. anime you didn’t expect to like but did
Inazuma Eleven (I don’t even like soccer) , Princess Tutu (I don’t like ballet and it was old af so I literally put it off for watching Shugo Chara), uhhhh idunno anymore
12. anime that should get more attention from others
Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
13. funniest anime you have watched
the one anime with the guy who had to make decisions or else
Noucome? (wikipedia: short for My Mental Choices are Completely Interfering with my School Romantic Comedy) Yeah that’s the one.
Shokugeki no Souma
14. saddest anime you have ever watched
PRINCESS TUTU (screw me, right?)
15. anime you never get sick of watching
16. 10 best animes you have watched
Inazuma Eleven
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Princess Tutu
Deltora Quest
Sugar Sugar Rune
Shokugeki No Souma
Shaman King
i don’t know another one save me
17. biggest anime crush
18.10 worst anime you have watched
how can I even- 
19. favorite anime ships
YuuiChi ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ;)))))) furiously winks)
Ibuki x Shindou ((idk the name of this together lmao))
i don’t have anything more tbh x’D
20. least favorite anime ships
ShinKyou (I’m sorry but how?)
Fakir x Rue (Princess tutu. But like y these 2 srsly they hate each other)
21. anime that made you cry, when
Inazuma Eleven, not sure when but it did. I’m p sure it did
fricc. Princess Tutu defs at the end
22. age you started watching anime/person who introduced you to it.
idk how the hecc I found it but i think i was like 11/12?
23. unpopular character you love
I mean c’mon we only see him a few times like give the poor guy some love
24. popular character you hate
Idk just… :^) not ma’ thing
25. anime you would recommend to someone who hates anime
i can’t?? my anime choices are literally trash
26. manga you have read all the ways through
i…didn’t read mangas xD
((yes you’re free to kill me now :^))
(((TBH THERE IS ONE. And that’s Nana to Kaoru I think..but it’s nsfw sorta but it was nice as well? like you don’t see that often)))
27. anime you plan to watch in the future
uhhhh crap good question. I had some lists somewhere but idk
28. most upsetting moment in anime, why
When Shun from bakugan cut his hair but damn he was still hot
29. anime that deserves another season
i can’t think of more
30. one anime conclusion you would change
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canislupus11 · 6 years
My Progression As A Naruto Fan Regarding Power of Characters
Me as a beginner, naive in the ways of Naruto: Naruto and Sasuke are gonna become the most powerful people in the world. Just look how powerful Sasuke already is for his age, and look at all of both of their potentials!
Me after watching more Naruto: They’re still gonna be the most powerful, just you watch. Surely more people as powerful as Haku aren’t going to keep springing up out of nowhere and beating them up. That has to have been a fluke, if he really was their age. And they’ll get better at fighting.
Me after getting to the Chuunin Exams arc: I refuse to believe Gaara is more powerful than Sasuke is at the moment, and refuse to believe he will stay more powerful than Naruto. Why the fuck did Naruto beat Kiba with a fart? He should show his progression, but then again, that was before training with Jiraiya for the final round.
Me, watching the Sasuke Retrieval arc: Wow, the Konoha 12 have grown a lot! They can beat people who can beat full-fledged Jounin! But does that make Naruto and Sasuke weaker than all of them, or does that just make them really strong? That better be it. No, you know what, that is it.
Me, watching Naruto leave for training with Jiraiya: You better grow into your potential, you annoying yet lovable little yellow Hokage brat. Otherwise you’re never going to be powerful enough to drag Sasuke back, yowling and hissing like an annoyed cat. That’s going to be hilarious if it happens.
Me, watching the first arc of Shippuden: Who THE FUCK are these other Akatsuki?! And I thought Itachi and Kisame were able to solo anyone, no matter their number unless it’s a literal army of strong people. No, all it would take would be for one these guys to catch one of them off guard in a one-on-one. It could be pretty evenly matched. Who is this blonde who just waltzed into Sunagakure, not even trying to be stealthy, blew shit up, took out Gaara, and then got huffy about the fact that it would be EASY to kill him, but hard to capture due to explosions? And who is this creepy old man who is apparently STRONGER than this fucking pyromaniac who would probably drop a bomb on Konoha if he flew by just for the lols of seeing it go up in flames and hearing people freak out?! But hey, at least Sakura’s better now, not useless, and she’s pretty strong.
Me, after watching the first arc of Shippuden: Fucking bullshit, Sakura and Chiyo should not have beat Sasori! Chiyo was way past her prime, and Sasori was a great example of the new generation surpassing the old, Sakura is not, though she’s better than before. But Sakura couldn’t hold a candle to him. They should’ve died there, realistically. And Deidara isn’t stupid, most people can dodge Kamui if they know something’s up. And you’d think someone with enough intelligence to do what he did wouldn’t be fooled by Kakashi’s Shadow Clone trick. Also WHY DOESN’T HE EVER USE ANY JUTSU BESIDES CLAY EXPLOSIONS?! WHY NOT EVEN HIS NORMAL EXPLOSION RELEASE?! Because I’m sure he could, and well-rounded fighters are both more interesting to watch and exponentially harder to beat. At least he didn’t die in some stupid plot accident for getting rid of a powerful Akatsuki so they don’t murder important characters they’re not supposed to.
Me, after seeing Orochimaru fight Naruto and tell him he’s not even in the same league as Sasuke: Orochimaru is a lot more powerful than I actually thought if he thinks this Naruto is trivial. Those Rashōshomon Gates are VERY impressive. Maybe Sasuke learned that? Also, there’s no fucking way Naruto isn’t even in Sasuke league! If that’s true, then Naruto isn’t going to get Sasuke back.
Me after seeing Sasuke reappear: What the fuck. He is powerful. What is that Chidori?! Wow, imagine if he had the Mangekyou though. Maybe, if he can temporarily incapacitate Kurama like that, he really is out of Naruto’s league right now. I hope he kills Orochimaru soon. Although I still don’t think he’d stand a chance against any Akatsuki seen so far.
Me after encountering Kakuzu and Hidan: The fuck are they?! Well, I don’t think they’re as powerful as the previous two pairs, but in the Akatsuki, weak is relative, and they’re creepy af. Hidan’s stupid though. Not relative to the other Akatsuki, just plain stupid.
Me after Hidan and Kakuzu died: BULLSHIT, Kakuzu doesn’t even have blood, that doesn’t fucking work, Hidan may be stupid, but he isn’t so stupid as to not realize he didn’t actually scratch his opponent. Plus, that strategy wouldn’t have worked anyway. They ignored Kakuzu’s abilities just so he and Hidan could die. Also, looking back on the Sasuke Retrieval arc, the fact that a bunch of Genin could beat people who could beat Jounin is a load of bullshit. It made no sense whatsoever. Bullshit.
Me after watching Tobi in action: That’s hilarious, but he’s actually quite powerful if he can do that sort of thing. They can’t hit him. Honestly, I wonder what kind of role he’ll play in the future.
Me after watching the Deidara and Sasuke fight: BULLSHIT. Deidara should have won that long ago. Tbh, it was mostly for plot that he didn’t just fly up on his dragon, rain distraction bombs down on Sasuke, then use C4 twice, because if Sasuke uses Chidori on himself twice, he’d probably die anyway. Or at least, you know, use NORMAL GODDAMN EXPLOSION RELEASE LIKE A NORMAL FUCKING EX-EXPLOSION CORPS MEMBER, DEIDARA, or ANY jutsu that isn’t explosive clay or that weird hiding like a mole one. Like, Sasuke gets too close, don’t throw a mini-bomb at him, just punch him in the face and set off Explosion Release, boom his brains get blown out, that’s what he gets for carelessness. Or even consider making an earth spike that runs his head through? But of course not, because this is a plot-armour decided fight. And don’t even get me started on that final asspull. The Great Snake Escape. That was even worse than the earlier mistakes. If your going to have Sasuke survive the fight at all, it should be by running away and somehow getting Deidara to stop giving chase.
Me after watching Itachi vs Sasuke and the Pain fight: Itachi let himself be beaten, Sasuke is not strong enough to take on most Akatsuki yet. He’s on the path to becoming ultra-powerful, but he’s not even close yet. But how’s Naruto going to get there? I’m honestly a little worried, particularly given the fact that he didn’t actually beat Nagato either.
Me after seeing Konan vs Tobi: Come on Tobi, the Izanagi? Really? Konan, that paper ocean jutsu was great, but next time have three trump cards so he can use Izanagi twice and still lose, blind and defeated.
Me after seeing the Five Kage Summit fight: Honestly, Sasuke could beat any individual Kage there, but they keep kicking him between each other like a soccer ball. That really wasn’t fair. He might even be able to beat a team of two, depending on which Kage they are. But any individual Kage would get killed by Sasuke. He better be able to kill Danzo, though, even though I already know Danzo’s got a bunch of Sharingan that can use Izanagi on his arm from spoilers.
Me after watching Sasuke vs Danzo: Tobi that wasn’t close. If you see something like what came out of Danzo, the first shinobi instinct is: RUN LIKE HELL. Sasuke would not be stupid enough to just stand there. And fucking Danzo. Cheater. He stole all those Sharingan from the Uchiha HE ordered Itachi to kill, just so he could use fucking Izanagi when his opponent doesn’t even know it exists.
Me after watching Sakura vs Sasuke’s reflexes, Naruto’s desire to save Sakura vs Sasuke’s “fucking leave me alone bitch”, and Kakashi’s new “teacher instincts”(where were those BEFORE Sasuke left, huh?) vs Sasuke’s righteous anger at the Konoha elders: Fuck you Sakura, do you really think the poison is gonna work on the person with POISON IMMUNITY?! And do you actually believe you’re strong enough to do anything? Naruto, you’ve gotten stronger, but you are not dragging Sasuke back anytime soon. Kakashi, why does one use of Kamui still murder you?
Me after watching Killer B vs Taka: Honest-to-god bullshit. Killer B did need that tentacle trick unless he wanted to start ripping apart everything with bijuu bombs, but then, they take long enough to create that one or more of Taka could distract, and the remaining member(s) could attack. Still, all four of them could have beat him, especially with Kagutsuchi and Amaterasu.
Skipping forward to when the power levels really rocket off the charts, and when my perceptions really started to change
Me after seeing Edo Tensei Madara for the first time: That’s right motherfuckers, things are about to get real and I haven’t even seen him in action yet. But the moment he starts attacking...
Me after realizing he has dropped a meteor on them: Fuck he started already! How?! He’s not even breaking a sweat! Nagato wouldn’t be able to do that so easily! But then again, he is Madara Uchiha.
Me after seeing them stop the meteor: I did not expect that from them. But wait...”what are you going to do about the second one?!” Fucking...Madara is too much! He’s cool, but I’m never going to like him. I’m done sympathizing with villains, this one is too evil. Unforgivable.
Me after seeing Madara start fighting the Five Kage: It’s over. No way he’s beating all five of them. He can’t do that. They’re the FIVE KAGE. Little voice in the back of my head says, “Yeah, but now Sasuke could probably beat any two Kage teamed up, and Madara is...Madara. Hopefully after Sasuke gets his EMS, he’ll outclass Madara.”
Me after seeing Madara finish the Five Kage fight and leave, bored: WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK?! He’s still cool, but I’ll still never like him. He’s powerful though. But eventually Sasuke and Naruto will surpass him.
Me, watching him casually play with Naruto and co for a little: He’s toying with them. Motherfucker is like a big, spiky, black cat with the most smug attitude in the whole goddamn world.
Me, immediately after seeing his backstory: He is massively powerful but...oh my god...his backstory. I don’t know who my favourite Uchiha is anymore!!! He’s one of my favourite characters! Why did this have to happen to him and Hashirama?! Also they’re literal gods, they’re not getting surpassed, especially Madara with the Rinnegan and Wood Release.
Me after seeing Madara revived in full, no eyes state: He’s got no eyes, but he acts like he can see. HOW. He’s even more badass now. I see what he meant when he said Edo Tensei wasn’t as good. Like, fuck how are they going to beat him now? Or even get him to pause long enough for Naruto to use talk-no-jutsu? Because if they don’t literally force him to stop for sixty seconds, he will turn Naruto inside out if he’s distracted by using talk-no-jutsu.
Me after seeing Madara with one Rinnegan: How do they defeat this? Asspull power ups, hmm? No individual person is defeating him, that’s for sure. I can’t believe I ever thought the Five Kage could hold a candle to him.
Me after seeing Juudara: Victory will be an asspull confirmed.
Me after seeing two-Rinnegan Rinne-Sharingan Juudara: However they beat him is a fucking no-no. They can’t realistically beat him now, if they ever could. Literally he doesn’t even need to dodge otherwise lethal attacks. But he can.
Me after seeing Kaguya appear: That’s fucking it, I am so done with this! I want Madara back! Not this...this...I actually don’t genuinely like and empathize with this villain! I want the Akatsuki and Madara back!! Where’s an anime about just the Akatsuki? And one about the founders era people? Where are they?!
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 195
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Great Saiyaman Saga!   Well, that’s how Funimation marketed these episodes in 2001.    I remember buying these on home video because I couldn’t wait to see what happened next after the Cell Games Saga ended, so I’d go to Wal-Mart and blow ten bucks on the edited-for-TV version of the dub.   On VHS.   
Mostly, I wondered who the hell “Great Saiyaman” was supposed to be, and what he had to do with Goku hanging out in the afterlife, which is what these next five episodes are actually about.   Strictly speaking, this story arc is about what’s known as the “Otherworld Tournament”, and it’s a quick filler arc before we pick up on Gohan’s adventures in high school starting in Episode 200.   But Funi called 195-209 the Great Saiyaman Saga, and I’m doing it too.  
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So when Goku died during the Cell Games, he got to keep his body, which is an honor reserved for great martial artists who do heroic things like saving planets from bug monsters.    Goku would like to meet the other heroes who’ve been afforded the same honor, because they’ve been training in the afterlife for years, and they must be really strong, and he wants to fight ‘em all.   
As King Kai explains it, they’re all on the Grand Kai Planet, which is ruled by the Grand Kai, who is basically King Kai’s boss.  
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There’s a cute scene where Goku keeps asking for directions to get to this place, then running down Snake Way before he remembers he needs more directions.   Finally, he remembers that he can just teleport to King Yemma’s place, which is where they’ll need to go to make the trip to the Grand Kai Planet.
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There’s a plane at Yemma’s hat takes dead people to Heaven, but there’s a second, smaller plane that carries people to the Grand Kai Planet.    King Kai is embarassed to be seen dead, but Goku’s too busy looking for the plane to care.
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So in the DBZ cosmology, Hell is above the living world, an above that is the yellow cloud layer we see around Snake Way and Yemma’s.   Above that is this big planet where Heaven is, and the Grand Kai Planet is a smaller planet nearby.  Don’t ask me about the sun over there.    They’ll probably get into that in Dragon Ball Super-Duper AF, which will air five years after I’m dead.
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The cool thing aout this place is that it’s full of all these dead warriors who got the honor of training on this planet.    It’s basically heaven for Goku, since he can spar with these guys all the time, forever.   
It’s also nice for Toei, because they can recycle old character designs for aliens.   These two guys look like the Shamotians from Movie 8, only they’re diffeent colors.   
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And this is one of the Kanassans from the Bardock TV Special. 
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And I think these guys might be Metamori, becaue the guy on the right looks like he’s wearing the Fusion Dance costume.   That won’t be introduced properly for a while yet, so maybe it’s just a coincidence, but this the planet where Goku learns the technique, so maybe someone at Toei wanted to foreshadow a little.  
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This guy appears to be all-new, though.    Kinda looks like Burter, except for the thing on his face.   
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As for the Grand Kai himself, he lives in what looks a lot like the White House.  
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He also owns a fancy classic car, and I think King Kai wants to have sex with it.   
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Then another King Kai shows up, and he notices the halo and mocks our King Kai for being dead.    So the deal here is that there’s four galaxes in the universe, and each one has a King Kai.   “Our” Kai is the North one, and this new guy with the monocle is the West Kai.   
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The North and West Kai’s don’t like each other much, and when they start bragging about how strong their pupils are, they want to settle it right here.   
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But then the Grand Kai shows up, and it turns out he’s some sort of party dude.    His voice in the Japanese verson is really off-putting.   He has a really high voice, like someone doing an impression of Father Mulcahey from M*A*S*H.   What I like about the Grand Kai is that he’s what we could have had in Master Roshi if he wasn’t a sex criminal.  
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Anyway, the Grand Kai summoned the West Kai and his student, Pikkon, so he could send Pikkon on a mission.    There’s some guy name Cell who just got sent to Hell, and he’s begun to stir up trouble.   Pikkons’ the baddest dude on the Grand Kai Planet, so he seems qualified to handle this situation.  
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Here’s a flashback of Cell getting sent to hell.   Basically a cartoon hole opens up under him and he falls right in.    I don’t want to read too much into it, but I’m assuming this is the patented Yemma Lock.  
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Oh, also Cell has backup from some guy named Frieza, but the Grand Kai isn’t nearly as worried about that dude, since he’s been in hell for a while now, and hasn’t caused any trouble.  Clearly this Cell person is the true threat, and is markedly superior to Frieza in every way.   The Grand Kai only brought Frieza up just to be thorough.  
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Upon hearing this, Goku decides to tag along to give Pikkon a hand, since he thinks Pikkon doesn’t know what he’s getting into.   
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Pikkon doesn’t really want the help, but he’s got it.   Down in Hell, everything’s all beat up, and Goku finds Goz and Mez cowering in the bushes.  
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Meanwhile, Cell is putting the boots to the other ogres who run Hell.    In the dub, he was interrogating this dude to find a way to escape this place.   But in the Japanese version, he’s making this guy his prison bitch.   
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Speaking of prison bitches, here’s King Cold, Frieza, and the Entire Ginyu Force Except for Captain Ginyu.    
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Yeah, who is the boss of this place?  Speak up, screw.  
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What?   No “and Frieza”?   Looks like someone knows how the pecking order works.  
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But he forgot to put some respect on Cell’s name, so Cell tosses this dude into the mountain of needles.   
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But Goku saves the dude and he glares at his old enemies, disappointed that they’re still assholes, even after getting killed.  
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Oh, hey it’s an anime where Frieza fights Goku again and he has henchmen helping him.   Maybe we should do this again like fifty more times.  No, no you don’t need to, because it’s just fine like this.    And in Movie 12.   
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Goku powers up to take out the Ginyus, but he doesn’t turn Super Saiyan, even though he sure looks like one.   As it turns out, this was a production mistake.    As this episode was about to go to air, someone decided that they didn’t want Goku to reveal his Super Saiyan form in front of Pikkon until later.   But this scene where he clobbered the Ginyu Force was already made, so they had to go back and recolor Goku’s hair as a last-minute edit.   
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Frieza’s all shocked that Goku could beat them so quickly, but that’s about how quickly he beat them the first time around.    Hell, Guldo was dead before Goku got there the first time.    Why did Frieza bother sending these guys after him in the first place? 
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Anyway, Cell tells Frieza not to panic, since beating up the Ginyu Force is penny ante stuff.     He’s the one who killed Goku, so he can take care of this.   
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That’s Cell-sama, bitch.
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So Cell charges after Goku, who looks a bit awkward as a non-Super Saiyan here.    Maybe he’s getting ready to transform, but before he can--
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Goku’s blown away.    I mean, it took him 190 episoes to take care of these guys, and Pikkon’s giving it all away in a few minutes.  
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After dumping all of the bad guys into the bloody pond, Pikkon does some sort of tornado thing to suck them back out, and then he sends them flying into the needle mountain...
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And they all end up in a jail cell.   Man, how big a dick do you have to be to wind up in Hell’s jail?  
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I often wondered about this filler depiction of hell, but now that I see King Cold describe it, it makes some sense.   They get to walk around in their original bodies, but if they step out of line, Pikkon or someone like him will beat the shit out of them, and they just have to take it.    Sounds like hell to me.
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Pikkon and Goku seem to get along better after this adventure, and Goku is thrilled to meet someone this strong.  
I fucking love this episode so much.   Let me try to explain why.
Keisuke “Teeth Guy” Masunaga supervising the animation.    Good good stuff.   
Pikkon’s theme in the dub version.    One of the best tracks in the Faulconer score, ironically reserved for what turned out to be a pretty minor character.   
Cell returns!  I honestly never expected them to bring Cell back, so this was a delightful surprise when I first saw it.   
Pikkon clobbers everyone.   This was just amazing.    None of these old villans are shit anymore, and Pikkon puts them all in their place.   Epic beatdown.    Cell’s my favorite character, and this final humiliation he suffers is one of my favorite Cell moments. 
Goku just being chill about everything.   Is Pikkon stronger than Goku?   Well Goku’s happy to meet a guy like that.   Could Cell cause trouble in the afterlife?  No problem.   The only real gripe Goku has in this episode is that he didn’t get to ride the big fancy plane that goes to Heaven.  
23 notes · View notes
thejpfdude-blog · 7 years
The Week in Anime (Christmas Edition!)
Salutations and welcome to a special edition of The Week in Anime! With my winter break starting, I’ve been able to catch up on all of the anime and now I have stuff to say about them, both good and bad (fortunately this time, it’s mostly good). Because there’s around 3-4 weeks of stuff to write about, I’m gonna revert back to my old style of TWiA for this week. That is, I’m gonna write a blurb for every show, and not give out any awards. And since most of the shows ended this week, it’s also kinda nice since I can talk about the show as a whole. Thus, there will be spoilers. That’s kinda self-explanatory, plus I usually use spoilers in my posts... but no matter, still nice to have a warning. So let’s start off this show with the usual...
The News Corner
Since it’s been a while since I had one of these posts, there’s bound to be a lot of anime news that I can talk about. Maybe important stuff like Shokugeki no Soma getting a “fourth season” in Spring, Boku no Hero Academia’s third season airing during the Spring, etc. But here’s what I think is the most important anime news of the past few weeks:
Yes friends, Back Street Girls. Read the synopsis for yourself, since I don’t think I can do it justice by describing in my own words. Truly, a pinnacle in anime.
Ok seriously, this is... something. Something weird AF. But I’m not gonna lie, it got my attention. Obviously since I’m writing about it, but it did. So much so that I ended up reading the translated chapters of the manga. And I have to say... it’s not that bad. There definitely is the merit to the complaint that the three dudes have the same personality and thus would probably be better as one person, but they’re different enough that it wasn’t too much of a concern in the manga.
In its core this whole thing is a gag comedy. I don’t expect it to be deep with its topic, and neither should you whenever this show airs. Definitely gonna be an interesting show to watch when it does come out.
All righty, with that, let’s start the rankings/blurbs starting with my AOTS:
1 (0). Shokugeki no Soma S3 (8/10) COMPLETE
So when I heard that this show was gonna be one cour instead a standard two cour, I shared the same opinions as the thread commenters of /r/anime: “no”. But after watching the last episode, I have to say the season ended on a really good note. Soma sharing the info that Joichiro was his dad to Azami and Erina was a nice cliffhanger to the future events I don’t know much about, but heard meh things about.
Disregarding the future though, this season was miles better than the second season. It brought back the nice balance of intense cooking battles and relaxed slice-of-life moments that made the first season so fun to watch, something the second season lacked until the last few episodes with the Stagiaire Arc. The biggest issue has to be the animation, something I didn’t notice until I saw it being mentioned on discussion threads. At first I dismissed those claims, saying that all anime was like that and that people were being their circle-jerky selves. But I went back to the first season and yeah, I admit it got worse. There was a lack of action-y moments in the third season which were replaced with panning shots. Now I don’t think this is a huge issue, because let’s be honest the animation isn’t a big draw in Shokugeki: it’s the nice-looking food and the explanations about the nice-looking food. And this season delivered on those fronts, making it a super fun watch as long as I had something to eat/wasn’t hungry. Because otherwise I suffer from watching good food being made/explained while wanting said food, and that’s not fun.
Anyway, overall Shokugeki S3 gets a 8/10 from me. I would say I’m excited for the next season, but based on comments from manga readers I’m not expecting too much from the next season... though I would recommend the show if you haven’t watched it, since the first season is in my top 10 favorite anime and this season’s looking like my AOTY.
2 (+1). Just Because! (8/10) [11/12]
Mmm that’s good stuff. Most anime nowadays just are stuff that I watch and move on from. But with this show, it’s been both a really nice slice-of-life/drama/romance/kinda comedy(?) that’s brought out a lot of nostalgic and comfy moments. It’s rare for a show to get me so emotionally invested, but when it does you know something’s going right.
Since the last episode is airing next week, I don’t want to go too much into detail about the show in general yet. So I’ll just talk about this week’s episode. It reminded me a lot of the time I was applying for colleges. A painful experience, yet for some reason I felt a warm nostalgia through the whole time watching this. Plus it was a really nice set-up episode for the finale: we get Natsume passing, Komiya winning an award, and Eita maybe passing (it was kinda ambiguous). Who will win in this love triangle? Who will end up with who? Will anybody win? Why did I ask the same question three times? Find out next week in the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!
I have to give credit to Pine Jam (the studio making this): all of this is amazing when you think about how much delays the show’s been going through. It seems like every other week the episode is delayed on Amazon Strike even when it aired on time in Japan (a sign that they just finished the episode). Yet the animation hasn’t taken a nosedive in quality and it’s kept a steady consistency in all aspects. Hopefully the finale ends the show on a high note because so far it’s been a fun ride.
3 (+2). Net-juu no Susume (6/10) COMPLETE
If there’s one word to sum up this show, it’s AWKWARD. But you know what, that’s totally fine. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s that the last few episodes focused on the real life relationship of our two main characters, Moriko and Sakurai, who were some pretty awkward kids.
Before I go deeper into that, let me talk about the show as a whole. The first half of it was a nice “romance” with minimal interruptions. Towards the middle, the show faltered a bit for me with Koiwai become more of a presence and that weird gray area when Moriko and Sakurai were finding out the truth about each other and their online characters. Then we get that end with the awkward. The last episode especially, though I enjoyed how cute the whole thing was... minus the washing machine cucking (and the kids in the end to a degree).
I know that’s probably what most people were disappointed in: nothing definite happened between Moriko and Sakurai. I was a bit bothered by it too, until I realized it was probably the best ending for the two. After all, they’re two people who don’t have experience with love or people in general. Why would you expect them to suddenly confess their feelings or even straight up kiss? It’s a bit unreasonable to think that, and so the hand-holding thing at the end was a good enough confirmation that yes, they are in a relationship.
Disclaimer: I haven’t watched the 11th episode/special yet. I wanted to finish the show and write my blurb before doing so. So maybe something more might happen... though based on the MAL rating, doesn’t look like it.
If there’s one thing that did bother me, it was the number of sheer coincidences that had to happen for everything to fall into place. I mean I know it’s anime but still... it’s a bit too much. I can’t get over the fact that they met not only once, but twice in sepearte MMOs. That’s about as good a chance as me getting 5 UR cards in a single 10+1 pull in School Idol Festival. Which never happens. I think.
Anyway, overall the show was pretty nice, albeit a bit forgettable (since I’ve already forgotten a lot about it already and it hasn’t even been a week since I finshed it). 6/10, would recommend if you like a good romance.
4 (-2). Juuni Taisen (6/10) COMPLETE
“I mean it ended the way I thought it did.”
That’s if we’re talking about the battle royale aspect of the show itself. Because the actual anime didn’t end with just that, but rather spent its last episode with Nezumi’s wish, which turned out to be a pretty lackluster end to a show that in hindsight, wasn’t as great as I thought it was. Now that sounds harsh, but I had this show rated pretty highly for most of the season. Overall the show wasn’t bad, but there were some questionable decisions such as spending two episodes on the twins (whose backstories weren’t particularly interesting) and not having Rabbit’s backstory. Though I guess not having Rabbit’s backstory works with his personality. But I was curious to see why he’s like that, which is something we’ll never find out.
There were a lot of good moments in the show, though. Most of the backstories of the characters were pretty interesting, and made what sounded like a cliche battle royale into a more interesting study of characters with differing personalities and techniques battling each other. I love competitions as much as the next guy, so seeing how each warrior matched up against each other really triggered the inner sports fan in me. So much so that if I wasn’t into the competition, I probably wouldn’t have liked this show as much. Overall a solid 6/10, would recommend for those into battle royales and interesting character stories.
5 (+1). Love Live! Sunshine!! 2nd Season (6/10) [12/13]
You know at this point, I accepted that idol shows aren’t for me. Their whole focus of “the power of friendship and miracles” really isn’t my thing, and honestly it’s my fault for not realizing that sooner. Now don’t get me wrong -- I’m still very much in idol hell. Just... in different ways via the music and mobile game (which I should really stop spending money on...).
Now to the actual show critique part. Taking the above statement into account, this was probably the better Love Live Sunshine season. But as of right now, I’m putting this as the lowest ranked show in the Love Live series. Something about the number of cheesy episodes just really got to me, culminating in the penultimate episode with the most cheese so far in Love Live.
Okay, I’m gonna stop talking about cheese and actually use real words. There were some really great episodes, which happened to be the character-focused episodes. My favorite definitely is the YohaRiko episode with the dog, with a close second being the Dia episode. Episodes like those still have good cheesiness to them, but the cheese is character-based and more relatable instead of “let’s shine” and other buzzwords. Plus it adds good depth to the characters: Dia went from my second-worst girl to right in the middle of the pack. Riko went to the top 3, and Yoshiko/Yohane, well she was already #1.
Speaking of characters, there were definitely a few that got shafted hard in terms of screentime and character development. You is definitely an example: even though the later episodes have focused on her relationship with Chika, I still wouldn’t know much about her if I didn’t read her profile-stuff on the wiki (I was bored okay). Like the fact she’s a Olympic-level high diver. Did you know that? I did. Maru’s another example of this, though that’s more getting reduced to memes which honestly a lot of characters in LL have been prone to. I do have to give props for developing the third-years though, because I can now see Mari as more than just “Shiny” and “It’s Joke”. We can all agree though: Chika least best girl. Everything the girl says is cheesy AF.
Having said all of this, if a third season were to happen (or a movie, given this season might be the last one), I’d still watch it no problem. Truly this is the power of idol hell.
We’ll see how the last episode goes, because it might just be the end of Aqours... :(
6 (+3). Osake wa Fuufu ni Natte kara (6/10) [12/13]
I think this is the first time a show I rated a 3 or lower rose back up to a good grade. But that’s what happens when you focus on not having your alcoholic main character be drunk, but rather have nice moments where they aren’t drunk. Because it feels cheap to me when they’re acting cutesy while drunk. Almost like it’s fake in a way. The last two episodes in particular were really nice because they were the backstory in how Chisato and Sora met, which was actually pretty cute. More episodes like that please.
7 (+1). Blend S (5/10) COMPLETE
Sigh... this was an interesting one. Let me just say this right now: the “relationship” between Dino and Maika was the one factor in ruining the show for me. Yeah, the fanservice was pretty iffy, but if the romance wasn’t a thing I would’ve enjoyed the show a lot more.
I loved the idea of different personas in a maid cafe type of thing. It reminds me a lot of my favorite channel on Youtube, Cow Chop. They play up their bits in a “role” for most videos, but in their podcasts and other miscellaneous stuff, they’re their real selves which is refreshing to see. Because their bits and roles, while funny in doses, would be horrible if it was their real personality. Which is how I feel about Blend S. If the characters’ personalities were actually their roles, the show would be annoying as heck. But because it’s just a role, it’s fun to see how different they are compared to their actual selves. How Maika unintentionally becomes sadistic. How Kaho is actually the nicest character in the show. How Mafuyu is actually the most savage character in the show. How Miu is... kinda the same actually. And how Hideri is... exactly the same.
...Oh. Never mind.
All that would’ve made this one of my favorites, but that romance though. It just really bothers me. Now I know it doesn’t bother a lot of people, and that’s fine. But I’m just not about the weird age gap. I’m not saying I hate age gaps in general, just that when the gap starts with a high school girl, it’s a bit questionable. This may sound shallow, but if Dino was a bit younger or Maika a bit older, I would be totally fine with it.
Speaking of that, having Maika be older (say 19 or 20) would make a lot of sense in the context of the show. A girl struggling to look for a job so she can study abroad: still makes sense if she’s college-aged, and relationship is ok-hands for me.
Disregarding the relationship, the characters were fun. Yes, even Hideri, though I think it really helps that the VA for the character is the same VA for Nico of Love Live fame. Really got the obnoxious idol character down pat, plus her deeper male voice was really well done. Sasuga Nico.
One last thing: the OP is pretty bomb. Yes, I know how meme’d the first few seconds of it got, but watch the rest of the opening. It’s very fun, reminiscent of the Working OPs (which this show shares some similarities with in other areas).
So with all this said, 5/10 would maybe recommend if you like moe shows. Also if you can disregard the Dino/Maika thing, which I see a lot of people are anyways... SMILE
(expected the meme? Pls)
8 (-1). Animegataris (4/10) COMPLETE
So... what the actual baloney did I watch? Seriously, that went off the rails after a certain point, that point being the festival arc. I have so many questions that were left unanswered and just brushed under the rug with the explanation that “the anime world and real world are being combined”. Like... really?
Confusion aside, the show’s only nice aspect was the meta with its sick anime references, both with the industry and the fandom. A modern version of Genshiken in a way. The “namedrops” were pretty fun and the explanations for some of the industry norms were the best parts of the show for me. Unfortunately, that all went downhill after the first half of the season as the show went full meta and went towards the “combining worlds” plotline that just ended up confusing me. Though I do admit the finale of the show was nice, albeit a bit lackluster compared to the WTF-levels of the few episodes before it.
But just because a show is meta doesn’t mean it’s good. At the end of the day, this show just crammed references and meta without much consideration for the characters or the story, which were both somewhat underdeveloped.
Off topic: one thing that really bothered me was the whole thing with Yui fanservice right before the OP for the first nine episodes (which continued even towards the last scene of the show. So I was right that something would happen with that. It’s just that the thing was just an OP with only Yui (Just Yui). Now that would be fine if she had something to do with the events of that episode, but she didn’t. So... WHY. WHY DID THEY DO THAT. SERIOUSLY. I’M SO CONFUSED AND I’M SCREAMING NOW SEND HELP.
That’s basically how Animegataris made me feel during its latter half. The “wao how META” doesn’t work for me in this case, and so I leave it with an unsavory rating and a “don’t watch this unless you like sick anime references and meta AF plot.” 4/10.
So before we end, I know I said no awards, but there is a little one I wanted to mention:
The “Red Flags” On Hold Show of the Week: Pingu in the City
It’s not that the show itself is bad. But... I don’t know, I don’t really have the motivation to watch the show. That’s usually how these shows end up on hold: I lose motivation. Maybe I’ll watch it again sometime in the future. Maybe not. Maybe I get to the 100 other shows on my PTW list.
And that’s all for this week! Thanks for reading this extra-long post! Hopefully I’ll get my “What I’m Watching” post out soon: I’m around 40% done with it so far. Anyway, thanks again, and I’ll see you in the next post!
0 notes
daysofnikki-blog · 7 years
The next, next Sunday.
Holy SHIIIT. Two weeks? It’s been two weeks since I was on here?! Holy balls guys, do you know how much has happened since then?
So the party that Vadim took me too was full of Dungeons and Dragons nerds, but they were really cool and we got along soooo well. Vadim left me to talk to his friend and give him a Christmas present as soon as we got there, so I made friends with a guy named Igan who was cool af. When I take someone to a party, I expect them to mingle and not stay by my side; that’s why we came to a party vs staying at home alone, to hang out with other people. So I did just that. Usually I’m nervous around people I don’t know, but I was jiving with these people. Made consistent eye contact with Vadim as a sign to say we were cool. At one point we both went to go outside and he said he didn’t want to because people were smoking. I said okay, see you later, and went on outside. It was hot and I wanted to cool down. Ended up staying outside. Met the birthday boy’s sister, who works tracking loggerhead sea turtles (awesome) and got into a long chat with guy named Phil who designs dresses. He let me swipe through his designs and they are gorgeous!! He told me I could have a red one if I wanted, and I would’ve said hell yes if Vadim hadn’t come outside. He looked agitated. Asked me why I hadn’t been talking to him at all. I said I thought that we were mingling and that it wasn’t a big deal. He starts yelling at me, in front of everyone, who are now staring, watching us as he berates me for not coming inside when he didn’t want to come outside because of people smoking, “Oh could you not understand that? Really? You couldn’t understand to come inside with me, huh?” It was mortifying.
I tried to play it off. Followed him inside to the food table, where I grabbed some Doritos and listened as he still ranted (albeit quieter this time) about how he couldn’t believe I had barely talked to him at the party. It wasn’t so much what he was saying... it was the way he said it. Belitting me. When he walked away from the table the sea turtle girl was sitting there. She looked at me, shook her head, and said “Damn... I remember when I was in an abusive relationship.” Really?? That’s what we look like to people??
30 seconds later he came over and asked if we could leave.
On the car ride home he was still mad about it.
At his place he wanted to fuck. I’d have went home but I was too drunk to drive. I told him I didn’t want to fuck him with the way he had acted.
The next morning he tried to fuck me again. No.
I left. Haven’t heard from him since. Not even an apology.
The rest of the week I was so sad about it. Told Rachel from work about the situation and she said that she had been in a controlling relationship, and that it was a good thing I had gotten out of it. I’m still so disappointed. I had really liked him.
It was a 2-day workweek because of Thanksgiving. Monday at work was amazing. We had a potluck and the entire part of that building smelled fucking amazing. Ate like a champ. Drowned my feelings in calories.
When the food was done, I went to see Daniel in his office. Went in there for a hug, cause Daniel hugs me when I ask. Sometimes I need a hug. This week I needed a lot. Stayed there for an hour while we talked about his love life and he told me thanks, that he isn’t often able to open up like that. Said we’d get together the next day for drinks. The next day he cancelled.
I went to dinner with Nara at Atlantic Station instead. We were supposed to ice skate, too, but turns out she’s a little bitch with the cold lol. So when I saw the look on her face I told her we could just eat instead.
This date was was different. She wasn’t nearly as flirty. When we left she didn’t kiss me goodbye. Just went to her car. Made me feel very sad, and confused.
The next day was Thanksgiving. FML. Drove 2 hours to Elberton. When I arrived I was chilling for a minute in the car to ready myself when I heard a SLAM into my passenger side door. It was my little brother, Deuce. He had decided to fucking body slam the side of my car. What a douche. Dad was standing on the other side of my car and of course said nothing to him.
Went inside, already in a bad mood. At lunch no one asked about anything but traffic; not how work is going, not who I’m dating, not about my trips. Just traffic. I feel like there is no point in me even coming. April and Dad didn’t even invite me to her mom’s for Thanksgiving this year. They went straight there after Mama J’s; they just didn’t invite me.
Deuce kept interrupting every.fucking.thing I said to order me outside to watch him on the bicycle. I kept telling him in a minute, wondering why the hell no one is chastising this damn child for interrupting an adult constantly. Certainly would’ve happened to me when I was little. At one point he followed me into the kitchen while I threw away trash, asking again and again for me to come outside. Frustrated, I told him in a minute. He then asked, repeatedly, “Nikki why are you angry? Why are you so angry?” Only because he heard it at home, I’m sure. At the table he says really loudly, with a big smile, “That’s my sister!” with a big smile at Dad when I tell him hello, yet when Dad isn’t around he yells at me to shut up. I can’t stand that damn kid. The little girl is cool though.
Outside before leaving we finally watched them on their damn bikes. When I wasn’t giving him enough attention he rammed his bike into me before saying “Oh sorry! I’m sorry” with a big smile on his face. He knew what the fuck he was doing. Can’t stand him. He’s a little shit with no manners who going to grow up to be a big shit with problems because he never learned that the attention doesn’t have to be on him 24/7. And when he’s older and not getting positive attention, he’s going to act out for negative attention instead. He needs a damn whooping.
So I stayed for about 90 minutes, then drove to Atlanta and straight to Claire’s for Irish Thanksgiving. Which was AMAZING. The spread was beautiful, the people were nice, the accents were adorable, and the food was fucking fantastic. I love Mama J, but damn she can’t cook. These people though had turkey, lamb lollipops, ham, green beans, just everything you can imagine, and it was all perfect. And booze. Lots of delicious booze. Best Thanksgiving I’ve ever been to. After everyone left, Claire and her husband Ronan played their favorite game with guests, where we each take turns playing a song on Youtube. Funny enough I was with an English girl and and Irish man and their favorite music is old country lol. Claire has a major soft spot for Dolly Parton, so I introduced her to the duet of her and Rod Stewart singing Baby It’s Cold Outside. She loved it. They said I was the best person they’d ever played that game with. I had the best time :) Such a good time, and so much alcohol, in fact, that I stayed the night in their guest bed. Woke up and they made me breakfast cause they’re adorable.
When I left I was supposed to meet Sam (an old co-worker) for brunch. Drove out to our meeting place and he cancelled on me, so I went and got Claire a thank-you gift instead; an essential oil diffuser and oils, because she’d said she wanted one.
Saturday I can’t remember what I did.
Sunday I had another date with Brian, a lawyer I met on Bumble. He’s okay. Not fantastic, but okay. Has a cute dog. Had a decent date, not sure he’s for forever though. But I enjoy his company. We went to dinner at Anitco’s, split a bottle of wine, went ice skating at SunTrust Park, and then grabbed a beer there after. When I broke out into hives from ice skating, he ran to his car to get me some Claritin :)
Monday I met a guy named JP at Second Self Brewery for their comedy show. Holy shit was that a bad date. It was small, like twenty people in the venue, five of which were performing, and most of them talked on stage about how awkward they felt. JP came in late. When I asked him what kind of beer he liked, I told him that I had a flight if he wanted suggestions. He said “Oh okay so we’re going to share yours?” “No,” I explained. “This is MY flight. These are mine.” He laughed but I was serious. I went to sit and he got his beer. (The flight was only mini-pours.) During a few of the (obviously nervous and bombing) comedians’ sets, he said “Whomp whomp.” It was low, and under his breath, but there were only a couple dozen people there. I was mortified. Halfway through he offered me his marijuana pen. I said I smoke but didn’t want to right beside everyone. He kept pushing it. I said no. He kept pushing it. I ignored him.
After, we sat on the couch to talk a bit. I still wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. But he was a dumbass. He kept throwing names of cities in foreign countries around but had no idea what he was talking about. I’m sure he’s dated stupid girls who find mentions of foreign places attractive, but I actually know my shit. He told me that the best surfing was in Tamarindo in south Costa Rica. I countered that Tamarindo is actually in Northwest Costa Rica; was he talking about somewhere else? He said he’d gone to the best surfing locations in Europe. I asked if he’s been to Basque country in France. He said oh you mean in South of France? No, I said, it was in West France. Oh, you mean by the Mediterranean? No, west France touches the Atlantic Ocean. Long story short, he’d never heard of it, which is insane considering it’s some of the best surfing in all of Europe.
The real kicker was when he asked where I lived. I told him an approximate location because I’m not telling a guy I just met from online these three things: Where I live, where I work, or my last name. I have to trust them a bit more first before they get that info.
He continued to pester me for the exact neighborhood I lived in. I told him that I was becoming agitated at the fact that he couldn’t take no for an answer, and that I didn’t think it was going to work out. He left, I finished my beer, never spoke to him again. Good riddance.
On the way home I called Zeek, my Tuesday date, and we talked. Had the best conversation. Laughed constantly. He thought I was magical when I told him he was playing video games, because I heard the click of the controller in the background and recognized it.
Tuesday I had a date with Zeek (real name Zlatan, nickname is Zeek) at 3 Sheets. It was my suggestion, but turns out he used to DJ there often and knew everyone working there. They seem to like him, which is always a good sign :) Some ups and downs in the date. Mostly up. One down. We were talking about something… Crazy girls, maybe? And how all people live up to their names. And he said that, “all crazy girls are named like Nikki. Or Carol.” Record scratch. Those are my names. I keep a fake smile while thinking about the fact that he told me he got his job in cybersecurity from hacking people. That he hacked into this ex-girlfriend’s shit to find out she was actually a Playmate. I’m freaking out a bit at this point, and he can tell. He tells me that my name showed up when I called, which doesn’t make sense because when anyone calls ME it just shows up as a random number. He then said he had found me on Facebook with my name. Now I’m really sketched out because I know it is set to where strangers can’t look me up. And he can tell this is going south, quick. But I changed the conversation, we talked more; he seemed like a cool guy, we’d had a good conversation the night before, and I was enjoying our night together. We had five drinks each, for goodness sake. At the end of the night we made out for forty minutes outside the door like a couple of teenagers. His lips are soft and sweet and I loved kissing him.
Wednesday I started the evening with an Escape the Room game with a friend from high school, his girlfriend, and her friends from work. We made it out just in time ;)
After that I went to see Zlatan. Loved seeing him. I told him I was hungry so he ordered me pizza and remembered my favorite toppings. Also remembered that I loved cookies and jellybeans and had those waiting on me, too. We watched Pan’s Labyrinth, which was INSANE because that was the EXACT movie I was going to recommend. Watched it. Ate. He made me a drink and got me a tray to set it on. Cuddled. Movie was good. Cuddles were good. His place is amazing, a three story townhouse, and his furniture is bitchin. No red flags, in other words. He has three cars (really nice cars) and they are his hobby, which is good to see that he actually has a life and things he enjoys outside of work. We had sex that night and it was goooood. Just as rough as I like it, and good dirty talk. When we finished we did it again. He then turned on his fan to sleep which I LOOOOVED. That is my thing.
I woke up around 2 am though and I was alone. So I walked through the house, naked, looking for him. He came out of the spare bedroom when he heard me. Said I was taking over the bed and he wasn’t used to sleeping with someone because it had been five months since he had sex. I told him I was worried and missed him. He pulled the covers over me, but went back into the spare room. The next morning he came in to wake me up for work, and I pulled him into bed to cuddle but he wanted to fuck again so that’s what we did. Then I got ready. And he walked me to the door. And I left.
It’s a shame he wants kids. I really like him.
Thursday night I went to the Laughing Skull Lounge in the Vortex with Zach from work. It was a little awkward, but fun. We ran into a guy who used to work at Jacob’s Ladder, who’d had a huge crush on me. Obviously the guy saw me, and not Zach, cause I got a text from him saying “Are you here alone?” Night ended without incident. I think I talked too much at the bar, but it’s all good :)
Friday I made my way to Greenville to go to a sorority Christmas party. They’ve invited me for five years; I felt it was time that I finally went. Realized how much I’ve grown since college, because all of them have stayed the same. Kristen, the hostess, was one of the only ones I wanted to see. She stays at home, because her husband has a cushy job with his Dad’s company. He drives a new Mercedes, she a new Escalade. They have a six bedroom, three story house. And she tells me that she feels empty inside, she has no friends, she’s never happy. Shocking, since she even said in college she was dating him for his money. She wouldn’t even go out with him until she Google Earthed his home and saw that his family has two tennis courts on their property, among other amenities of course.
Moments of Southern… narrow-mindness, we’ll say, from the night includes;
Carly makes homemade necklaces now and was bragging about how she sources the silk material. She said, “I get it sent from India. The women who make the Sahara dresses there pick up the silk scraps from the floor and send them to me, so that they use every piece of the Sahara dresses.” Everyone oohed and ahhed, and I said, “Um you mean saree dresses? Because Sahara is a desert.” and she looked at me but pretended not to hear what I said. Way to brag about something that you don’t know shit about.
Later on she mentioned that she had watched a video in her class (she’s a teacher) on the Day of the Dead and was saying, “You know what’s weird though, is that when you learn about it it’s not much different than our holidays.” Like no shit Sherlock, you’re thirty something and just realizing that? We’re here celebrating a fat man in a red suit that climbs down chimneys to leave gifts, and you’re acting like people who are remembering their passed loved ones are the crazy ones?? How has it taken you so long to realize this?
Abby, seeming to need to one-up my short recap of my month of France, talked about her trip to Epcot Center and how she had tasted food from all over the world and omg it was so great. Like first off Abby if you’ve ever been out of the country you would realize that at Epcot you are eating the American version of foreign food. In France they don’t have to pasteurize cheese, which makes it taste completely different than the cheeses we’re allowed to get in America. I’m sure there are things like that for all countries, but France is the one I’m most familiar with. Whatever. My life isn’t so lame that I need to one-up people. I let her have her moment of bliss.
I walk into the living room and hear Chelsea saying that she can’t believe all of these women are coming up with sexual allegations that are 15-20 years old. That Matt Lauer is like her best friend and that if it was such a big deal those women should have spoken up earlier. Just…. are you fucking kidding me? Do I even need to state that these women were probably under the umbrella of his authority 15-20 years ago, that they would have lost their lifelong careers at the time, that multiple accusations means he likely could even be doing it today? I didn’t, but I sure as hell needed to cause those girls are stupid.
Then everyone left and Chelsea and I stayed overnight at Kristen’s. They went on to talk about how annoying all of the other girls were and how ugly their babies are. Then on Facebook everyone posts about how much they love everyone. Once a year is plenty for all of that.
Saturday I had bottomless mimosas with Brittany and told her way too much about my life. Then I went shopping alone for my NYC trip and didn’t find shit. Drove back home. Sunday I had a cold and I’ve been in bed all day. Ordered pizza. That was the highlight.
I haven’t mentioned my NYC trip, have I? Started talking to David, a Parisian who lives in Ile de France. We hit it off SO WELL. He is kind and sexy and sweet and funny and… everything I could want. We hit it off so well that he booked me a trip to NYC to meet him. He’s flying all the way over, just for me. I feel so damn special. We’re staying at Indigo LES for the weekend and he already has breakfast, dinner, and a trip to MOMA planned :) I just have to find a gift for him now. So far I have a pair of Happy Socks, a wine stopper made of a gold “D,” and two white espresso cups that I’m going to decorate for him at Megan’s tomorrow. One I want to draw the US and France on them, with a heart on Atlanta and Paris and a dotted line connected the two. The other I want to say, “Good Morning Babe” because he likes when I call him babe :) I’ll update you on how they go. I need to get to bed now. Good night :)
0 notes
skiasurveys · 7 years
Doing this about Connor
1: Do they drink coffee?
2: Are they left or right handed? Right handed
3: How do they do their hair? Facial hair? (If they have it)
he just leaves his hair the way it is, it’s short with some unf lol idk how to explain and he keeps his scruff neat, almost to full beard.
4: What’s their favorite animal?
5: What is their relationship status?
Taken by meeee
6: What is their favorite band/singer?
I honestly don’t know since he doesn’t play music a lot but he does love Pink Floyd like me, he listens to a lot of techno music and classic rock.
7: Are they more a cat or dog person?
8: What does their laugh sound like?
Loud and soft at the same time. It’s addicting
9: Do they know multiple languages? Which ones?
Maybe some Japanese
10: How old are they? How old are you?
27 and I am 20
11: One word that describes them.
12: Do they have any pets?
13: What is their favorite TV show?
jojos bizarre adventure is one but he watches 800 + shows so idk
14: What is their favorite movie?
He told me and I never remember. I’m horrible
15: What car do they drive?
Mazda truck 1989
16: What ethnicity and/or nationality are they?
He’s white. He’s half Turk and German though but born in Canada . He looks pale tho
17: Where did you meet them?
A dating app Lol . We had some mutuals actually
18: What was your first meeting like?
Was our first date. It wasn’t awkward at all. I actually had a great time. I remember thinking he was super tall and funny when I first met him irl
19: What is their zodiac sign? Are your signs compatible?
He’s Taurus and I’m a Sagittarius, I don’t think they are compatible but I don’t know, I don’t believe in that mumbo jumbo
20: What month is their birthday?
21: What is your favorite outfit on them?
his black skinny jeans and his captain America T-shirt or his red dragon ball z shirt looks good too
22: Are they good texters?
NOOOO. I’m glad we live together now so I don’t need to text him unless I’m out or he is out, but he was horrible at texting. He still is lol
23: Your favorite feature about their appearance.
His smile lol gay
24: Your favorite thing about their personality.
He’s real and funny
25: Do they make you laugh?
26: Do you make them laugh?
Yes even tho I’m not that funny
27: Are they good huggers/ kissers?
Hell yea
28: What is your favorite “flaw” that they have?
He has a lot of flaws but idk.
29: Are they nice to strangers?
30: What is the funniest thing they have ever said?
Cmon he says so many funny shit
31: Saddest?
There’s a few but they’re personal
32: Weirdest?
Ok so I was like I can’t drink on my meds cus I could get s seizure and he’s like that’s hot I’d fuck you while you being having a seziure LOL like what
33: Cutest?
“You’re my everything “ is one of them
34: Ever dreamt about them? What happened in the dream?
i dream a lot about him
35: How tall are they? How tall are you?
He is 6’1 I am 5 feet
36: Do they have a booty? Oh ya
37: What are their hobbies? 
Gaming, watching tv, hanging with his friends/me, banging me
38: What are their talents?
39: What would your dream date be with them?
Disney Land!
40: Does anyone know about your crush/love?
Yeah duh
41: What do you guys have in common?
Interests like video games and movies, his tv shows are similar to mine but he likes more anime than me lol
42: Do they go to the gym?
Sometimes but he does bike to work and he does heavy lifting at work so that counts
43: Do they go by their given name?
44: What is their favorite color? 
45: How far apart do you live from them? 
He lives with me
46: What song reminds you of them?
Wish you were here
47: Do they listen to a lot of music?
48: What do they smell like?
Idkkkk how to explain
49: If they were in a book (protagonist or antagonist or supporting character, up to you) how would the writer describe them?
Tall, trimmed, pale skin but dark features.
50: How often do you see them?
Every day
51: The last text message they sent you?
52: The last thing they said to you in person?
You wannna have some
53: What is the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you in front of them?
Getting my period while fuckin
54: Do they have any tattoos or piercings?
55: What color are their eyes?
56: What is their clothing style?
T-shirt and sweats or jeans
57: What is one thing that makes them really special?
He is different and doesn’t care what others have to say. He’s super funny and he’s real af
58: Will you tell your crush your feelings?
he already knows
59: How long did you know them before you started falling for them?
A few days
60: Was there a defining moment when you knew you liked them?
When we were hanging out and gaming online playing elder scrolls online (mmo), and I just felt happy for once cus he was funny and I just was like wow I like him
0 notes