#hell I don’t think I did RAPH right either
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turtleblogatlast · 9 months ago
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Tiny little guys
(That comic of mine is on its way - wanted to share the little ones from the current wip haha - EDIT: no longer wip!)
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cupcakeslushie · 10 months ago
For your brainwash au, do we get so see exactly how Donnie got captured by Kendra? And would this au be a full comic or just bits and pieces here and there? (Not pressuring just curious) Love the au and I hope you’re having a good day! :)
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Don’t know why, but I felt like writing this part out instead of drawing it! (Sorry for bad grammar. I wrote this lying in bed, sleep deprived and did no editing)
The sad, pained look on his little brother’s face is enough to set off that dark protective fire in Donatello’s belly. And Michael has been a tiny storm of negative emotions since Leo slapped the small cast on his ankle. Donnie may not be able to pick apart and decipher all of the subtitles his brother is feeling right now, but he knows he’s in pain, and that’s enough.
“How many strips of bacon do you think we can get from Meat Sweat’s corpse?” Donnie ponders as he wraps an arm around his little brother’s shoulders, and carefully pulls him closer. Mikey lets out a quiet huff, but the joke doesn’t land the way Donnie had been hoping.
“I’m okay,” Mikey assures. Then a hesitant second later adds, “it’s stupid.”
“Oh well if it’s stupid, allow me to grab ‘Nardo. He might be able to help you better.”
That gets the laugh he was looking for.
“I’m not in pain or anything. It’s just, tonight was the midnight signing of Joshua Bear’s new cook book. He’s a YouTuber chef that I’ve been following for years, and I went to his first release…I really wanted the second for my collection.”
Donatello does vaguely remember Angelo telling Raph something about this event last night, during dinner. He’d been so excited, and now he looks crushed at the idea of missing it.
“What if I went?” At the suggestion, Mikey’s face becomes brighter than a super nova, almost too bright for Donnie to stare at directly. It takes a moment for Michael to really calm down enough to speak.
“You’d really go wait in line for three hours? Just to get a book?” Donatello laughs at the question. Any opportunity in which his brothers were interested in the world of literature, no matter the subject (except maybe geology) was a time to be supportive.
Mikey pulls him in for a tight hug, and holds up his phone to snap a picture of them. Donnie snorts and slides out of his little brother’s hammock, careful not to disturb it too much. Mikey is already bouncing enough that he’s in danger of falling out.
“Yes, yes. Sing my praises on all your media socials. Let the world know how I’m your favorite older sibling!” Mikey drops the phone to his chest and holds his arms up, practically vibrating for one more hug. Donnie complies. He’s long given up maintaining his bad boy image when it’s just the two of them.
“You’re the best, Donnie! Really!” The words do a hell of a job replacing that previous fury he’d been harboring, the smile and warmth coming from Mikey, now fully restored. The proper order of the universe righted with a simple solution. This was what he loved most about being a brother. Fixing his siblings problems, in any way he could. And if healing the broken bone outright was (for now) out of his control—at least he could do this.
Donnie glances at his watch and notes he should get going if the turn out is going to be as big as Angelo predicts. He sneaks past the living room where he can hear his other two brethren yelling over a game of Mario Kart. He has zero interest in either of his brothers tagging along. He loves them, but neither are suited to standing in a long line for hours. For the last Jupiter Jim reboot, Donatello was seconds away from a double fratricide before they were even allowed into the theater.
Besides. He’s practically 18 (in four weeks). He can run up to the surface for a few hours, without having to call upon the archaic buddy system.
He’s in line for about an hour, when he sees suspicious movement out the corner of his eye. A young woman, parting the line a little ways ahead from where he stands, walks quickly into the closest alley. That alone might be no cause for alarm—maybe it’s a short cut. But the tall, hooded creep trailing after her, has his metaphorical hackles rising. It’s a clear case of sinister intentions. He quickly glances around to see if anyone else has witnessed this, but he’s the only one who seems to be showing any type of concern. Typical New York.
“What a town” Donnie sighs. He doesn’t bother asking the old man behind him to save his spot, seeing as he’s practically at the end of the line, and quickly races to the alley to play hero.
It’s a deep one, the lights of the street not quite hitting all the eerie nooks and crannies. Plenty of blind spots.
“Hello there? Stalker and or damsel in distress? Is anyone in need of assistance? Anyone hopefully bear maced and in need of a being escorted to the nearest precinct?”
No answer.
The non-existent hairs on Donnie’s arms stand straight up. Just as he’s reaching for his ninpo to materialize a bo-staff, something thick wraps around his neck from behind. The arm is almost as big as Raphael’s, if lacking in the muscle department.
But before his can break the hold, the solid feeling of a needle slides into the meat of his neck and something rushes into his veins. Within seconds he’s released and stumbling from the lack of support.
Someone is talking to him. It takes a second of his gaze bouncing around to pick them out. Mildly embarrassing, considering they’re standing right in front of him now. Out of all the colors popping in and out of his vision, Donnie only just catches the same turquoise hoodie that seemed to belong to the unassuming young woman.
A honey pot trap, he realizes, stumbling and falling pathetically backwards on his own ass.
He sees pink hair and is almost relieved, if humiliated. With all their enemies, the Purple Dragons are D tier. But the chances he can free himself before his brothers even notice his absence is high. Just the thought of the savage teasing he would be forced to endure if his brothers found out—Donatello is not eager to hear any of it.
As the nauseating colors finally bleed away, and start to leave black growing in their wake, Donatello swears to cause a big explosion on his way out.
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resha04 · 7 days ago
rottmnt fic rec (part 2)
Okay, I did not expect the reception that my rottmnt fic rec would get. I thought I was throwing it into the void and maybe three people would see it and enjoy the fics and that would be great! But I woke up the morning after to 63 notifications, which kept growing.
So, here's part 2 because I enjoy doing this and am happy that more than three people were happy too!
Here's PART 1 if you want to check it out
Alien Blues by violet_beetle (oneshot; Leo-centric): The synopsis says it best: A hurt/comfort fic surrounding Leo directly after the events of the invasion. The author writes pain and Leo's state of mind as he drifted in and out of consciousness and nightmares really well. Also, there's a part where he started recalling all his screw-ups and emotional hurt, and that part honestly hurt me more than everything else. Double also! The final scene features a therapy dog!
sorrow is an autumn heart by Sroloc_Elbisivni (multi-chapter; complete; Leo/Usagi): Miyamoto Usagi's brief stop in a feudal lord's domain turned into a bodyguarding job with the lord's heir missing.
I am neutral about this ship – I do not hate, but do not ship either – but this fic is beautiful. It's haunting, and reading it felt like getting taken into a misty, dim forest. Featuring buff Leo, the human cast as anthropomorphic animals, Mikey who can talk to trees, and an epic battle.
Under Pressure by ParvumAutomaton (multi-chapter; complete): The brothers go on a rescue mission to recover April (and her friends) from a disastrous cave-diving. Tense and quite action-packed, and the author has clearly done so much research it's amazing. They'd also given focus to Leo's ability to portal between his swords - something that, as a commenter pointed out, was rarely seen in other fanfics - which is very, very cool.
A Catalog of Non-Definitive Acts by DaFlangstLairde (three-shot; Leo-centric): Separated AU where Leo was raised by Big Mama. The three brothers have got him back and brought him home, but unbeknownst to them, Leo still thinks he needs to 'win' them over.
One of my favorite separated AU, really. Leo's mind goes a thousand miles per minute for every little social interaction, and honestly I was going mad along with him.
The future is in our eye(s) so stop looking at the past by Cernunun (oneshot; Leo & Raph): Post-movie. Raph's eye got infected, so Leo and April went to raid the hospital for medical supplies to treat it. Featuring the first few seconds of needle being inserted into eye, Leo's massive guilt hidden behind a more massive front, Raph and Leo's heart-to-heart, and a lot of lines that made me laugh so hard mostly at the courtesy of Donnie.
London Bridge has Fallen Down by ParvumAutomaton (multi-chapter; complete; Leo-centric): In the aftermath of the invasion, the EPF opened a clinic for the victims of the Kraang. Leo has been having trouble breathing, so he's been going there, regardless of how he feels about the... examinations.
If you think EPF doing altruistic work for mutants is fishy, then you'd be right. Once again, the author has written something with so much care and research going into it, it feels like they're a medical practitioner themself. Also, I just want to give Leo many big hugs.
the loudmouth by 14Muffinz (oneshot; Leo-centric): Leo got hit by a truth spell. There are the usual truth-spell shenanigans happening - like Donnie immediately wanting to ask questions - but the author also explored Leo's self-esteem issue and the more light-hearted effect of the truth spell, which the excerpt below will show. Humor, wholesomeness, and a bit of angst abound!
Excerpt: "What even is this truth spell? It’s not even a freaking truth spell, more like a say what you mean spell, and yes Leo is pretty sure those are very different things."
Excerpt: "How strange is it to wish for your old self, when you don’t know who that is anymore. Hell shaved away the filigree and the careful sculpting, it sanded down the scars and the character, it stripped the nuts and the bolts and the nails driven in over a lifetime."
you knew the hero died, so what's the movie for? by bottledovercast (oneshot; Leo-centric; Leo & Donnie): I... am not sure if my words would do this fic justice, so let me give you an excerpt instead. The author's prose is beautiful, and the writing really pulls us in to the melancholy, numbness, and hopelessness Leo feels. His relationship with Donnie here honestly almost made me weep.
The fic deals quite heavily with depression and suicidal thoughts, so please be mindful if you think it could be triggering for you.
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tangledinink · 2 years ago
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Chapter Fourteen of I'm Sorry, Teenage Mutant What Now? is up! Everyone has a great time and continues to experience emotions and situations. Raphael has an anxiety attack in a Chuck E. Cheese. Read it on ao3 or below the cut!
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When Donnie next woke up, they realized quickly that they were somewhere cold and dark, and, upon shifting slightly, also realized that they were incredibly sore.
“Ow,” he muttered dryly, and immediately, four (almost, mostly, kind of) familiar faces were moving into his field of vision.
“Guys, he’s awake!” Mikey gasped.
“Oh, thank god,” Raph sighed.
“How you feeling, Dee?” April prodded gently, her brows pinched together with worry.
“Nasty,” he mumbled, beginning to sit up. “But it’s not that bad. Just sore.” It was worse with the movement, however, and he winced slightly. Ugh, whatever position he had been sleeping in had not helped. He realized vaguely that he was no longer wearing his hoodie or his backpack, and he wondered if his family had removed it or if it had been taken from him. 
“Whoa, hey, slow down, dude,” Leo scolded. “I’m, like, 80% sure you’ve got a concussion or something, and your back looks gross, so chill.”
“Oh, good, Leo isn’t falling anymore,” Donnie deadpanned, leaning back slightly and rolling his shoulders a bit. Ow. He kept doing it anyway. “How long was I out? What the hell happened? And where are we?”
“Not that long. You’ve kinda been in-and-out for the past, like… I dunno. Half hour,” Leo explained.
“Please don’t pass out again!” Mikey added.
“But, uhhh, I think we’re in a literal dungeon?” Leo added, looking around thoughtfully.
“We’ve been jailed? Oh joy,” Donnie sighed. “This is no fair. If I’m going to be thrown in prison, it should be for my scientific advancements…”
“Donnie, that’s not something you’re supposed to hope for--” Raph hissed.
“Did we get our asses kicked?”
“Okay, well, look at the bright side,” Leo said instead of answering. “You gave, like, at least three of the guys on the other side concussions, too! And they probably look just as fucked up as you do right now!”
A loss, then.
“Let me see.”
“See what? Your back?” April raised a brow. “I dunno if that’s a good--”
“It’s my back,” Donnie defended. “Let me see.”
April sighed deeply, rolling her eyes. “Okay, fine. Hang on, I’ll take a picture…”
Donnie shifted a bit to allow room for her to photograph, frowning to himself. He was quietly surprised that their phones hadn’t been confiscated when they got thrown in here, but he was sort of willing to bet that they wouldn’t have any service down here, wherever they were. He’d have to check later.
“Okay, here. See?”
He did see.
He did not like it. 
There were no lacerations or mangled bones or anything-- the injury really wasn’t that bad, all things considered, just horrendously bruised. That wasn’t really what bothered him. If someone showed him a picture of his own shoulders looking like that, all discolored and black and blue, it really wouldn’t be an issue. But they weren’t shoulders. Instead there was this plane of a vaguely leathery, flesh-like surface, gently bumped and freckled olive green-- not quite skin, but not exactly carapace like his brothers now had, either, just something in between, all dotted with little markings. His spine was clearly outlined, and, in this moment, darkened and mottled with bruising.
“Right. Thank you,” he said quickly, looking to the side and scowling. April sighed a bit, almost visibly resisted the urge to say ‘I told you so,’ and pocketed her phone again, settling back down beside him.
“You gotta be more careful, Don! You coulda been seriously hurt!” Raph pressed.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” Donnie scoffed, rolling his eyes. “In the future, I’ll simply allow enemies to curbstomp our little brother! Silly me!”
“I would have been fine! You don’t have to protect me!” Mikey immediately protested.
“Look, hermano, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but apparently, literally all the rest of us have straight-up built-in body armor,” Leonardo said with an accusing gesture. “You don’t!”
Donnie bristled a bit, hunching his shoulders. Right. Of course.
Of course it would work this way.
Turtles. They were, apparently, literal fucking turtles, of all goddamn things, and so of course he would be the only one who didn’t have the signature feature that turtles usually had in the form of a hard shell. Of course he would be different and vulnerable. Why was he surprised? When didn’t things work out this way? Story of his goddamn life!
And it made sense, too! Wasn’t he the only one out of all of them who had ever been, like, actually injured? He had watched Mikey fall down three flights of cement stairs one time and pop up at the bottom with a thumbs up. Raph was basically an immovable object. And how many times had Leo wiped out on his skateboard with no consequences? Or, perhaps more pointedly-- how many times had Leo literally kicked his ass in martial arts tournaments? Admittedly, Donnie was still, generally speaking, hardier than the average high-schooler, but…
He was still the only one in the family to have ever broken a bone. The one who fell ill the most frequently. He was the only one who had ever cried and thrown up because the hems of his pants got wet and nasty, for god’s sake--
He vaguely remembered that Draxum guy from earlier, their so-called creator, claiming that they were experiments. He wondered what exactly his intention was, and if he would meet expectations if evaluated or if he would objectively be classed as a failure. Clearly there was a gap between himself and his siblings.
“Look, it’s fine, Don. We just don’t want you to get hurt,” Raph said, resting a hand on his uninjured shoulder. “Just… let us take the heavy hits, okay? That’s all.” 
“Fine,” Donnie muttered.
Donatello whined softly, burrowing his way further into his Dad’s arms, hanging onto fistfuls of his shirt. Yoshi sighed, idly running his hand up and down the child’s spine. 
“I know, Purple,” he hummed, adjusting his grip on the other slightly, rearranging the blankets they were all but nested in. “The medicine will start working soon.”
The child sniffled miserably, peeking up just enough to give their father a rueful look. “You lied,” he accused, and Yoshi couldn’t resist a tiny laugh at the amount of rage his six-year-old could manage to put into his eyes. 
“When did I lie?”
“You said that if I took the medicine I would feel better. And it was disgusting. And I still feel bad,” he whimpered petulantly, burying his face into his dad’s shirt once more, and Yoshi chuckled softly, stroking his shoulders.
“That was ten minutes ago, Purple. It takes a little bit longer than that.”
“That’s stupid.”
“Maybe a little.”
“I’m gonna invent better medicine that works right away.”
“I’m sure you could.”
Purple always got this way whenever he managed to pick up any sort of bug from their various classes or after-school activities. Given how many children he had, how busy they were, and the fact that he, too, worked with a bunch of germy kids, they were, quite frankly, blessed with how rarely they were brought to their knees by some virus or another. Yoshi had always attributed this to the whole ‘mutant super soldier’ thing, and considered himself lucky that he hardly ever had to deal with nastier things like strep throat or bronchitis. Thank god. He didn’t think his heart could take it, quite frankly. But there was still the occasional cold, flu, or stomach bug, and almost invariably, it was either himself or Donatello who ended up bringing it home when they did.
And every time, Purple would be so damn pathetic about it.
Yoshi did feel bad for him, really, each and every time, because he knew that his kid didn’t feel well and wasn’t able to do all the things he usually did, and that was distressing to him, but oh my lord, was he dramatic. He’d always whimper and whine and carry on like he was dying, even if he just had a cough and a small fever, clinging to his dad and refusing to walk anywhere. Now, snotty, hacking children were not exactly Yoshi’s favorite things to snuggle up with, but he would admit that, as he so rarely received any physical affection from his purplest child on a day-to-day basis, it was a little nice to have him so clingy now. Especially given that when he was ill, Donnie was much more inclined to lay around and watch Lou Jitsu movies rather than science and math documentaries, or, even worse, partake in activities such as attempting to rewire the house, as he was apt to do. This was by far Yoshi’s preference. And though he did wish Donnie could enjoy it properly, he wouldn’t sit here and pretend like he didn’t enjoy spending the day curled up in his bed with his child in his lap watching movies together (now that he had been assured by their pediatrician that it was just a bug…) Even if he was sure he was going to get sick, too. 
It should be noted however, that even in his feverish, clingy state, Donnie was still quite particular about exactly what touch was and was not okay, which was evidenced by him literally hissing at his twin brother when he snuck into the room and attempted to join the pair on the bed.
“Use your words, Purple One,” Yoshi hummed, even as he redirected Leonardo to the foot of his bed, giving the two children a wide berth. Donnie only grumbled in response, but given the fact that he was sick, Yoshi let it slide this time. He couldn’t help but always feeling so… sorry for Donnie like this. It always scared him a bit when he got sick, even once he was sure it was only something minor. Just another reason he relished being able to bundle him up and hold him close. “I don’t think Purple wants to be touched by anyone else right now, Blue.”
“When’s he gonna be done being sick?” Leo sighed loudly, flopping down over his father’s legs. “I’m bored. Mikey and Raph don’t play right.” 
“Since when? You love playing with Mikey and Raph.”
“Yeah, but I wanna play Hot Wheelz and Donnie is the best at that game!” He complained. “Mikey and Raph are playing ‘Ninja Horse Tea Party Orphanage’ and I don’t wanna play that!”
That did sound like the type of game those two would play.
“If you give him a day or two, I’m sure he will be ready to play Hot Wheelz then.” 
“But that’s so LONNGGG!” Leo groaned loudly, sulking. “Can’t you make him better faster?”
“No, Donatello has not invented the medicine that works right away yet. It’s on his to-do list,” Yoshi explained calmly, squeezing the purple child just the tiniest bit. 
“Can I invent it, then?”
“I’m sure you could try,” Yoshi said with a shrug. 
“I want him to get better. And not be sick,” Leo explained, just in case it wasn’t clear.
“That’s very nice, Blue.”
“I bet I could find out a way to fix him.”
“Oh? Are you going to be a doctor, then?”
Leo wrinkled his brow, scrunching up his mouth and considering this for a moment before he shook his head. “No. I’m gonna be an actor. Or a ninja. Or a magician. One of those.”
“Ah. Well, you know what would probably be helpful right now?”
“What?” Leo immediately questioned, his eyes lighting up slightly.
“If you got your brothers to help you draw some get-well cards for Purple. I bet Mikey would be excited to help you if you asked.”
Leo latched onto the new ‘task’ right away, over the moon to do something to be helpful for his brothers, like he always was. It was one of the easiest ways to distract him. “Okay!” He replied, jumping back down off the bed, scampering off to go and find his remaining siblings.
He was almost gone, in fact, when Yoshi sneezed.
Leo stopped short, whipping back around and gasping loudly, pointing an accusing finger.
“I don’t know what you are talking about.”
“YOU DID! I HEARD YOU!” He shrieked, taking off down the hall. “Guys! GUYS! Dad sneezed! I heard him!”
“Dad sneezed!?”
“Code Green! This is a CODE GREEN!”
Yoshi sighed softly, his head flopping back down against the pillow. Leo came skidding back into the room a moment later, his eyes wide.
“DAD! Can we go to April’s house!?”
“What?” He scoffed. “No! April and her parents are not even home!”
“Yeah but we gotta QUARANTINE!”
“It was just one sneeze--”
“LEO! Leo, you gotta disinfect! I found Donnie’s hand sanitizer!”
“Hey,” Donnie picked up his head to whine.
This always happened.
“Donnie, you have to get better quick so you can take field notes! We need your research, okay!? You’re the only one who can spell ‘pathology!!!’”
Donnie mumbled in reply, laying his head back down, but gave a tiny thumb’s up before Leo went sprinting back out the room to re-join his healthy (for now) brothers. His other three boys never brought home sickness. But they always caught it when it came from him.
Well, at least they were not bored anymore.
April was having a bit of trouble keeping track of time now that they were in prison. 
She didn’t think they had actually been here that long, though she wasn’t exactly sure. She had long ago shut off her phone to conserve battery once they realized that they may be a while. Maybe 24 hours?... It was just that at first, when they still weren’t sure if Donnie was going to be okay or not, everything seemed to happen so fast. And now that they were all just cooped up here with nothing to do… everything happened so slow.
They had already formulated and executed multiple escape plans now, to no avail. They had attempted to teleport to freedom with the help of the yellow yokai, who April had recently begun referring to as “Mayhem,” but were sorely disappointed to find that the prison was teleport-proof. Leo had tried unsuccessfully to talk their way out. Raph made an effort to physically break them out, attempting to smash the bars that held them, but this too resulted in failure.
The only thing that really clued her into the passage of time was her and her brothers’ internal clocks. Donnie had gone down first, though his head injury may have had something to do with that. Mikey had followed shortly after, curling up with Raph’s flannel tucked under his head as a makeshift pillow, and then the oldest brother, too, eventually succumbed to sleep, until she and Leo were all that remained.
“Okay,” she whispered, keeping her voice low, careful not to wake anyone else up. “I’ll admit it. You were right.”
Leo hummed softly in response, and neither of them took their eyes off of Mikey, suspended peacefully in the air, just a few inches off the ground, a soft orange glow coming off of him in waves as he slumbered.
“It’s a little weird to watch,” she sighed, tilting her head slightly to the side. “Sort of spooky.”
“At least he’s getting some rest,” Leo mumbled, resting his head in a cradle of his arms and knees, all curled in on himself.
“Yeah,” April agreed, smiling a tiny bit. “We should probably try that too, huh?” She leaned over, just barely nudging Leo’s shoulder with her own.
He flinched, a visible shiver running up his spine as he immediately stiffened, pulling sharply away from the other. April frowned.
“Hey, are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Leo muttered, drawing his arms even tighter around himself.
“You’re not hurt, are you? Because I swear to god, if you got hurt and didn’t tell anyone--”
“April, I’m fine!” He bit out, a bit sharper this time, hunching his shoulders. “I’m not hurt, okay? I just… I’m not in the mood to be touched right now.”
April’s brows pinched together.
“Don’t ask me if I’m okay again,” he hissed.
“I’m not.”
“Obviously, I’m not!”
“That’s okay.”
“Everything is so fucked up,” he hissed, digging his nails into his arms, drawing his head down to his chest. “Jesus christ. This-- fuck. And I got us all stuck in here!”
“Leo, you didn’t get us stuck in here. It’s not your fault.”
“I did!” He insisted, and April could see a few tears lining his eyes before he squeezed them shut. “This was my stupid plan. And Donnie-- Donnie almost got really hurt, and Mikey could’ve gotten hurt, and-- and I couldn’t help at all. I couldn’t help him at all when he was panicking. I can always help! I’m supposed to be able to help him when he’s like that! And I-- I can’t even help my own brother because I look like a fucking freak now!”
“Leo, you’re not a freak. It’s gonna be okay.”
“It’s not!” He snapped, bristling. “It’s not going to be okay. Stop saying it’ll be okay. How is any of this okay!?”
April bit the insides of her cheek. She didn’t have a good answer.
“I hate this,” he hissed. “Everything feels fucking awful. I can’t walk right, I keep falling, everything feels swollen and clunky and I-- I miss my face. I miss my body. And it’s just gone. I didn’t even like my body to begin with!” He laughed ruefully, struggling to keep his voice quiet. “I didn’t even like what I had, and-- fuck, April, I was so fucking excited. I was so fucking excited to change it. I’ve been waiting since I was fucking five to change it. I didn’t even know what I wanted to change then! I just-- fuck. Dammit. We had-- we had an appointment--”
He paused just long enough to draw in a heaving, shuddering breath that shook his entire frame.
“God. I just. I thought-- I thought I was used to this. I thought! I thought that I knew what it was like, to be quote-unquote trapped in the wrong body or whatever the hell, and I thought-- and it sucked and now this is just. This is just a million times worse, April. And it’s still wrong. Now it’s just more wrong!” He hiccuped weakly. “We were gonna fix it. We were finally gonna start fixing it, like, for real fixing it. We had an appointment. And. And Dad was g-gonna take me, and now it’s-- it’s just so much worse. Everything is so fucking bad now.”
“I know,” she whispered. “... Maybe you still can. You guys could still change back! I mean,” she glanced down at the silver bracelet still circling Leo’s wrist. “... We don’t know for sure that they’re broken. Maybe you just have to… to turn them back on…”
Leo bit back a sob.
“But now I know it’s not real.”
April was almost relieved when Leo fell into her side, hiding his face against her to cry, because she wanted so, so desperately to grab him and hug him and hold him tight, but he had said he didn’t want to be touched. But now that he was curled up against her, she wrapped her arms around him, and they sat quietly for a while like that. 
It took a while, but eventually the sobs died out, and Leo just laid with his head in her lap, all wrung-out and tired. 
“I meant it, you know,” she whispered. Leo didn’t reply, but he glanced up at her.
“I don’t care if you guys are freaks or mutants or whatever,” she continued. “That doesn’t matter to me. You were already sort of freaks when I met you, anyway. You’re my brothers, alright? No matter what. Even if things change. I’m not going anywhere.”
Leo sniffled a bit, staring at her for a bit longer before his gaze fell back down, staring off into the middle distance, looking at nothing in particular except for the pale orange light that lit up the room.
“Do you think he’s dreaming?” Leo finally spoke again, his voice scratchy and raw as he watched his baby brother sleep.
“Probably,” April said, leaning her head back to rest against the wall. 
“Daddy! Daddy!”
His father looked up from the dishes he had been washing, turning off the faucet to instead greet his youngest as he came excitedly racing into the house.
“Ah! Hello, my son. How is skateboard practice going?”
“Good!” Mikey chirped, excitedly holding up one leg so that he could proudly show his father his bloody, scraped knees. “Look! I did a kickflip.”
Mikey watched as bright red blood dripped down his younger self’s leg, and he thought to himself,
“So you did,” Dad said, sighing softly. “Go sit at the table. I will get the first aid kit.”
How strange.
“I want the orange band-aids! With the stars!” He yelled from his seat in a pulled-out kitchen chair, leaning over to call out his demands down the hall.
This was one of his dreams. Mikey was sure of it. Well, not a dream, exactly. A memory. Both. A memory inside of a dream. 
“Ah, yes, of course. Orange for Orange,” Dad assured, returning to the kitchen with first-aid kit in tow.
But this one was different from the rest.
“That’s my life color!” Mikey said happily, settling in the chair, sitting properly so his dad could clean and bandage his wounds.
The perspective had changed.
He wasn’t up above anymore, watching his father and his memory down below.
He was right here. He was standing right here on the same level-- right next to his dad, watching him tend to his younger self. No more than a few inches away from him.
He could almost touch him.
He reached out to try.
Mikey woke up with a gasp, falling heavily onto the floor and immediately sitting stark upright, scrambling a bit and looking around wildly. Donnie and Raph were asleep, but he quickly spotted April and Leo huddled together in the corner, both seeming slightly startled by his sudden trip back to the waking world.
Thank god someone else was still up.
“Guys!” He bit out, near breathless. “Dad is here! I can feel it! He’s really close by and-- and I think he might be hurt.”
Yoshi was getting very tired of the taste of blood.
There was a time, back when he was young, within his first year in the Nexus, when he could actually find joy in it. There was a time when he would face down unbeatable odds and come out the other side victorious, and would feel pride at what he accomplished, and not worry about those on the other end of the equation. There were times, in fact, when he would beat other competitors to unconsciousness just so that he could turn around and lounge in the luxury box, above it all, with his girlfriend-not-girlfriend in his lap. Just so that she would be pleased with him. Just because he wanted her to be happy. More specifically, happy with him.
He was still tempted, even now, now that he had gotten tired of the taste. Tempted to want her to be happy. It was so much easier when she was happy. When she was upset, he would always be miserable, but when she was happy things had always been so good.
It would be so easy to sit here and pretend like he didn’t feel that way anymore; to simply wave a hand and call his younger self a fool and distance himself from him, as if he were someone else entirely. But it wouldn’t be true. No matter how much he was loath to admit it at times, that young man was still him, and every action and stupid decision he had ever made was his to hold and wear on his chest.
He didn’t like the way blood tasted anymore. He had gotten tired of the taste years and years ago, way before he had returned to the Battle Nexus, before he had even become a father, back when he couldn’t even begin to imagine his path leading in the direction it had, before he could even picture himself raising children--
(Though, god, hadn’t there been a time where he thought, ‘but if she really wanted them, if it was with her…?’)
But he still couldn’t so definitively say that he didn’t like her, and that was what really upset him. Here he was, slumped against a wall in an empty locker room, not completely convinced that he wasn’t bleeding out given the increasingly unsettling blotch of color beneath his skin climbing steadily up his abdomen and the tell-tale lightheadedness, and he still wasn’t sure. He would kill to be sure either way, which was almost funny, given how many times he had killed for her. But to this day he didn’t think he’d actually be able to decide when it came down to it.
He didn’t want to be here. He wanted, desperately, to leave. He had wanted so desperately to leave for years the last time he had been stuck here. He had tried to escape so many times-- but then again, there had been so many opportunities to run that he hadn’t taken… 
He missed his children. It wasn’t a matter of choosing between them. If it were a contest, he would choose his kids every single time, and this he knew for certain. That was the only reason he was here to begin with, after all.
But god. The emotions were all so much easier when they were apart. When he wasn’t around her, it was easy to remember all the reasons why they didn’t work, to remember all the ways she had hurt him and how awful things had been-- to pretend that nothing lingered between them, that he didn’t care about her anymore despite all his best efforts. But when they were face-to-face again?...
He hissed softly, letting his head fall back against the wall with a dull thunk. Everything felt fuzzier than he would like it to. Colder, too.
He had really been in love with her.
“To the left a little.”
“Like this?”
“Mmmm… no. Now that’s too far. Move it just a smidge back?… No, that’s a skoosh, I said a smidge-- ooh! Ooh, yes, perfect! Just like that, Muffin!”
“Okay, alright. Just like this. Can you pass me the nails, Bug?”
It had taken them hours to get all their things moved in, even with the movers, and to re-arrange everything that allowed space for both of their extensive wardrobes and shoe collections. Divvying up space in the bathroom alone had been a nightmare, despite the sheer size of it, and they had had to make a detour to drive to the nearest department store and invest in a storage cabinet that could house all their hair care products. And Yoshi had been so confident that he was completely capable of putting together their new bed frame by himself…
“Okay. It says we need part 3-E… It has… The little spinny part at the top, and, ah, the spiral bit…”
“I don’t see it.”
“Well, it has to be somewhere.”
“Cuddlekins, hon, didn’t we use that part earlier? To screw the two corners together?”
“What? No, that was part M. With the cross-y bit at the top.”
“But isn’t this one part M? See. Look. It’s the same as the picture here, isn’t it?”
It had taken a bit longer than he had originally anticipated. But it had, eventually, gotten done, despite the blood, sweat, and tears that it had cost them, and was now hosting their new, California king-size mattress, an absurd number of blankets and sheets, and many, many throw pillows. The kitchen had been unpacked already, (the easiest job of the entire move, given that neither of them cooked,) the TV hooked up in the living room, and all the furniture arranged just so…
And thus they had embarked on the last leg of their journey. And the one, Yoshi was well aware, that his girlfriend was the most particular about.
Decorating. Or, as she might say, interior design.
All he had needed to be happy was a few of his favorite movie posters framed and mounted on the wall, and she was perfectly willing to comply, even adding a few of her own selections to the collection in the living room they now shared. After that, she had free reign-- and reign she did indeed do. Of course, they could have easily hired people to do all this for them, but it just wasn’t quite the same as handling it on their own like this. Maybe she wanted the control. Maybe he wanted the experience. But either way, here they were… and they had been at this for a while now.
“Alright,” Yoshi sighed, taking a step back into her waiting arms so that they could examine his handiwork together. “What do you think? Good?”
She hummed happily, leaning over to press a kiss against the side of his jaw. “You didn’t even do it crooked this time!” She teased. He snorted softly in response.
“Sassy,” he mumbled, even though he kissed her forehead in return.
“It’s perfect, Noodles. Doesn’t it just ribbon up the whole room together so handily?”
He laughed, giving a shrug. “Something like that.”
“It matches the couch throw!” She insisted.
“I still cannot believe you insist on keeping that thing.”
“I adore it! It was a gift from you!” She protested.
“It is ugly!” He laughed. “I don’t know why I thought it would be a good gift. I just wanted to get you something and it was the best thing I could find.”
“It’s not ugly! It’s precious,” she insisted, as if lovingly defending a child, slipping out from his arm so she could stroke it affectionately, smoothing it out over the couch and straightening its corners. “I love it, cuddlekins, really, it just has this certain… crinkum-crankum to it, you know?” She said with a fond sigh, glancing back over at the other. “Besides, you got it for me. It always reminds me of my handsome cuddlemuffin whenever I see it.” 
He chuckled, holding out an arm with an inviting gesture. She agreeably returned to his side, fitting easily under his arm, looping her own around his waist in turn and resting a hand on his hip. “If you say so,” he hummed, leaning his head against hers. “I do enjoy the painting. I like surrealism… It’s a bit like, uh, René Magritte, don’t you think?”
“If you say so,” she echoed, shooting him an almost mischievous grin, and he scoffed in response, still smiling.
“Okay. What is next? Anything you need, my darling lovebug, and I will handle it for you!” He declared boldly, pulling away in order to strike a dramatic pose, knowing it would elicit a snort of laughter in response. “I have at long last mastered the ancient art of hanging pictures on walls! Just say the word!”
She snorted softly, plucking the hammer from his hands, placing it to the side.
“Noodles, that was the last one.”
He blinked in surprise.
“The last one?”
“Yes. That was all.’
“Then… we are all done moving?”
“We are moved in?”
“We are,” she confirmed, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, letting her body relax as she leaned into him-- trusting him to keep her steady and hold her up against him. He did.
“Then…” He paused a moment before a wide smile slowly, surely stretched itself across his face, his hands moving to rest on her waist. “This is officially our apartment.”
He grinned, the two of them swaying back and forth in the middle of the living room of their new penthouse apartment, rocking to the rhythm of nothing but the distant sound of the city as a backdrop. Their feet shuffled against the carpeted floor, echoing the motion of each other. He spent a bit of time just looking at her, memorizing how she looked in this moment and what joy looked like on her face and reminding himself that this person belonged to him, and he belonged to her, and now both of them belonged to this apartment, together, before he leaned in to close the close the gap between them. He could feel her smile against his lips.
Right now, Yoshi could not think of a single thing that he would want to change about his life. If things could stay exactly like this forever, then he would surely have everything he could ever need. For the first time ever, he thought, this is something I built for myself. He thought, this is something I choose. He thought that, for the first time ever, that he had finally found his person and his place in the universe. What more could he ask for than this, really? What more could he ask for than to be loved with no strings attached, with no expectations or traditions or sacrifice or ‘destiny’ tied to it?
This was perfect. Just the way it was. 
The moths in the painting he had hung for her stood a silent vigil over their celebration from their new perch.
Yoshi’s vision was fuzzy when he opened his eyes, so he closed them and tried again, repeating the process until the world came into shape around him. His body was sore, but, surprisingly, less sore than it had been lately. A quick glance around told him that he was in the Battle Nexus’s medical ward. He had been here many times in the past, though this was his first visit on his most recent tour. It was an odd place, equal parts necessary and ironically useless given the line of work of its clientele. Sparsely stocked and staffed, yet equipped for the most dire of emergencies all at once. 
He supposed he must have passed out, then. 
He winced a bit, looking to the left, catching sight of a Nexus Nurse, already busy with some other poor soul who had found themselves down here. A glance to the right, however, surprised him, and Big Mama looked up at the movement, immediately catching his eye and making her way to his bedside.
“Oh, Muffin!” She tsked sympathetically, a hand reaching out to cup his face. “Are you alright?”
His heart absolutely swelled. Quite frankly, his head was still spinning, all stuffed full of cotton, and he didn’t have the presence of mind required to feel disgusted with himself for how excited he was that she was here. How fucking thrilled he was to have her attention-- to have her eyes on him, let alone her skin. He forced a very weak laugh, waving her off her concerns. 
“I am fine!” He mumbled with a shaky grin, his voice slurring slightly as he tried to get his tongue to move properly in his mouth. “A little internal bleeding never hurt anyone…!”
And she smiled, actually smiled at him, patting his cheek gently. “Oh, of course you are. That’s my handsome, fearless warrior,” she cooed. Yoshi chuckled very softly.
She had always done this. Laughed at his stupid jokes, raved over even his dumbest of movies, and showered him endlessly in praise. And, admittedly, he had always loved it. He had always soaked up the attention. 
That was what scared him the most, really. The thought that, maybe, that was all this ever really was at the root of it all-- just him wanting someone to pay attention to him and give him compliments. Maybe that’s why things were like this; because of his own selfishness poisoning something good. Because he was too broken and greedy for anything else. Maybe moments like these were the most he could ever hope for, realistically, and he just had to accept that.
Her hand left, and he heard her move away. Pathetically enough, it broke his heart. He was dimly aware of her hailing down one of the nurses out of the corners of his vision. 
“Make sure he’s well enough to perform in tonight’s line-up, understand? I want him in tip-top shape as soon as possible. No jiggery-pokery or bafflegab or anything else. And fetch me if anything else happens with him, won’t you?...”
He sighed, letting his eyes slide shut again.
“Okay, Red, listen to me very closely, okay?”
“I will be gone for three hours. Okay? Three hours. Do you know how long that is?”
“That is the whole Scooby Doo video tape played twice.”
Raph nodded a bit, his eyes wide. Right. Dad would be gone for two Scooby-Doo’s.
“I’m going to go get some more food and things for you and your brothers, and then I will come back.”
Raph blinked widely up at his dad. “More tuna?”
“Yes, I am going to try to find more tuna cans for you,” his dad assured. “But listen. Okay? This is very important. I need you to watch your little brothers while I am gone. Okay?”
Raph glanced back over at his three younger brothers, who were all still asleep in their respective boxes. He was the only one who had been rudely awakened by their father, much earlier than they would usually arise on their own, but he had been gifted a peppermint candy for his troubles, so he couldn’t be too upset about it. 
“If you’re quiet, they should sleep until I get back. But if they wake up, I left breakfast out for you all. Right over there where we usually eat. Remember how I’ve shown you how to help feed Orange?”
Raph nodded. He’d fed Mikey lots of times before, repeatedly begging his father to let him hold his littlest brother in his lap and give him his breakfast. He knew how.
“And make sure Purple does not eat all of Blue’s food.”
Raph frowned.
“But… Donnie’ll bite me…”
He heard his father sigh, very softly, under his breath.
“I have told him not to bite today, okay? But Blue needs to eat, too. And besides, you are very tough and brave, aren’t you, Raph?” He hummed, smiling a tiny bit, leaning over just enough to rub his son’s scaled head. Raph beamed at the praise, nodding excitedly. Tough and brave? Of course he was! He wasn’t afraid of Donnie! Even if he did bite really hard.
“Good boy,” he said. “The Scooby Doo tape is already in the TV. Purple will help you rewind it and play it again when it’s over, okay? So you boys can watch while I am gone.”
“But you have to make sure none of your brothers wander off, okay? You have to stay right here in this tunnel the entire time I’m gone. Understood? No exploring. You must be sure to watch Mikey.”
“I’ll watch, Daddy.”
“Good boy,” he said again. “And if I don’t come back before the timer starts beeping--” he gestured to the kitchen timer that lived by his bed. Raph wasn’t that great with numbers yet, but he recognized the “eight” at the front. “Then bring your brothers and come find me, okay? But not before the timer goes off. Understand? Only if you hear the timer beeping. Do you understand, Raph?”
“Repeat it back to me, please.”
“Uhm…” He chewed on his fingers, looking to the side and shuffling his feet a bit. “Uhm, if the time… beeps. I’ll come find you…”
“By yourself, or with your brothers?”
“With my brothers...”
“But not before the timer, okay?”
“Okay.” Their father sighed very deeply, leaning over and kissing his forehead. “I will be back soon, my son. Take good care of your brothers.” 
“Come ON.”
“Raph, stop. It’s not gonna work,” April sighed.
“It will if it knows what’s good for it!” He snapped, reeling back and throwing himself at the bars of their literal cage once more with a loud crash, the very walls shaking in response. “Come on! Open already!!!” 
“We’ve gotta get outta here!” He hissed, his tail whipping behind him, and the sharp movement threw him off balance, nearly making him stumble to one side. Goddammit. He swore softly under his breath, bristling, the anger scratching underneath his (foreign, strange, uncomfortable) skin only pitching higher in response. They had already been here for-- what?! Two days? Three?! They were so close, and now they were just stuck here, completely vulnerable, completely at the mercy of an actual, literal crime boss--
“Raph. Stop,” April said again, firmer this time, reaching out to grab his arm. “You’re hurting yourself.”
Raph yanked his arm away from her, whipping around to look at her, growling, his lips drawn back over his fangs in a snarl. April didn’t flinch away or back off. Her hand chased after his.
That was almost worse, and Raph’s snarl almost immediately gave way to a cracked little half-sob. His body slumped slightly, unclenching tight muscles to instead wilt in exhaustion.
“I have to get us out of here…” he insisted weakly, looking away from her again, hiding from her eyes out of shame. He didn’t want to look at her. He didn’t want her to look at him. Jesus, what did he look like right now…? His clawed feet scraped against the ground beneath them. Earlier today he had accidentally stabbed Leo with one of the spikes of his shell after moving too fast and left a bruise. A fucking bruise.
Yeah, sure, fine. Maybe his brothers were freaks now. But he was even worse. He was a monster. A useless one.
He sobbed properly this time.
“Raph, it’s alright,” April tried to comfort, moving close enough to rest her hand on his arm, and looking at how tiny she was compared to him made him feel sick. He was pretty sure he could bite off her hand if he really wanted to. Even if he didn’t want to-- what if he still did somehow? “We’ll figure a way out of here--”
“It’s not alright!” He hissed, his chest tightening. “I have to fix this.”
“Raph, we’ll fix it together,” Mikey spoke up, almost cautiously moving to Raph’s other side. “I’m sure we can figure out--”
“No!” He snapped, and he hated to interrupt Mikey, and he felt bad as soon as he did it, but he couldn’t help it. He wasn’t-- panicking, exactly, but he was close to it. Next to it. “I’m-- I’m supposed to protect you guys, and I can’t even--”
“Raph, you don’t have to always protect us!” Mikey protested.
“But I want to!” Raph cried in protest. “I want to protect you guys, I wanna keep you safe, and I-- I didn’t! I’m supposed to take care of everyone! I’m supposed to be in charge when Dad isn’t here, and I-- all I did was bring us to some magic crime city, get us locked up like animals, and turned into mutants!--” He barked out a strained, teary laugh. “And I can’t even get us back out!”
A few tears tracked down his face. “Dad trusted me to take care of everyone when he wasn’t here and I just let him down.” He could feel the panic breathing hotly down his neck. “He’d be so disappointed in me--”
“Raph, stop.” Mikey hissed, his voice hard, so very much so that it quite nearly surprised Raph out of his spiral. 
“That’s not true at all,” his younger brother hissed, his own face kind of flushed and teary as well. “None of that is even your fault! And even if it was, I still wouldn’t care and neither would Dad! And you are protecting us! We’re all still here, aren’t we?” 
“More or less,” Leo mumbled softly, bitterly, and Raph looked ruefully down at his claws, shifting his joints closer and biting down a hiccup. Mikey glared.
“We are!” He insisted. “Look, we’re still the same people, even if we do look different now! Right? None of that other stuff matters so long as we stick together--”
“Mikey, stop it!” Donnie snapped, bristling a bit, his head jerking up so sharply that it was likely painful. “Just stop, okay!? Stop saying it doesn’t matter! Stop saying that we’re ‘still the same people on the inside,’ stop trying to find the dumb silver lining, okay!? Just admit that this sucks! Okay!? Just because you’re apparently all hunky-dory about being a fucking box turtle--”
“You think I like this?!” Now it was Mikey’s turn to snap, rounding on his siblings, his hands clenched into angry fists. “You think I’m happy about this!? Because I’m not, okay!? I hate it too! Does that make you feel better!? I’m fucking miserable. I hate this. I’m scared and I don’t know what’s going on and I’m really, really sick of falling over because I don’t even know how to walk anymore!”
Mikey sobbed loudly, plopping back down on his rear.
“I hate this,” he hiccuped weakly. “I hate it too. I’m just. I’m j-just… I’m trying my best…”
Another sob wretched itself from his throat as he buried his face in his arms.
For one long moment, quiet veiled the space.
Raphael was careful and calculated in his movements, taking care with the spikes and sharp edges of his body as he scooped his brother up in his arms, wrapping him up tight. Mikey wept, clinging to his brother in return.
“Sorry,” Raph mumbled, very softly.
Leo joined them quickly enough, burrowing in against his brothers’ side. “Me too,” he whispered.
Donnie didn’t join the embrace, but he did sit close by, hugging his legs to his chest and staring to the side, down to the ground. “Me… too,” he sighed, frowning a little, twitching uncomfortably. “... Sorry. This. This just really sucks.”
“It does suck,” Leo agreed.
“Yeah,” Raph mumbled.
“I keep dropping things b-because I-- I only have three fingers,” Mikey warbled softly.
“Me too,” Donnie admitted. “And I can’t really sleep, because I don’t know how to get comfortable anymore.”
“I keep accidentally biting my tongue,” Raph said.
“Every time I sit down, I crush my own tail under my ass, ‘cause I’m not used to it being there,” Leo confessed with a small laugh. “Isn’t that stupid?”
“My back hurts because of the shell. I’m just not used to it being there. It’s so heavy.”
“Everything smells so much stronger now. I hate it. It’s nauseating.”
“I still can’t figure out how to balance like this.”
“I just feel so stupid. How could we not know?”
“It’s all so overwhelming. I mean, just, everything. I can’t believe there’s so much that we forgot.”
“It seems so obvious now, looking back…”
“My skin is so thick now. It’s awful. I feel all swollen all the time, like I can’t bend any of my joints properly. I feel stiff.”
“If that guy made us, if we’re his ‘creations,’ experiments, then we’re not yokai, right? We’re something else. Mutants, I guess. Is there anyone else like us?”
“How did Dad even end up with us? What happened?”
“Do you think he’s a mutant, too? God. What else don’t we know? What else didn’t he tell us?”
“Do we still count as Hamatos? Are we Hamatos at all…? Do you think Ghost-Sensei knows?”
“I’m glad we know. I mean, mostly. We should know, but I just… part of me wishes we didn’t.”
“We can’t ever go back.”
“Our entire life was just, like, a lie. It was a trick. The whole time. And we fell for it. I can’t believe we all fell for it--”
“We just have to be different now.”
“We were always different, but at least before, we didn’t have to… to carry it. I don’t even know how I could even talk to people now. Even if we do fix the bracelets. How am I supposed to just talk to normal people when I’m in the back of my mind, like, ‘oh my god, they don’t know I’m a turtle’ the whole time?”
“I think I’m sort of glad Dad didn’t tell us. I mean. I’m upset, too, but I just… I dunno. Everything feels so complicated now.”
“I can’t believe we forgot.��
The longer they talked, all five of them bunched up together, the less tears there were, and eventually, during a moment of quiet, Mikey sighed, taking Raph’s big hand in his own smaller one.
“You hurt your knuckles,” he observed, noting the swollen, occasionally bloodied skin around the joints. Raph gave a very soft huff of laughter.
“Yeah, well, guess we match, then,” he said, though Mikey’s own knuckles were mostly healed by now, only bearing a few small scabs. Mikey smiled, just the tiniest bit, just for a second, before he sighed, laying his head back slightly. 
“I know this sucks,” Mikey mumbled. “... Like, it really, really sucks. But at least we’re still together. And that counts for something, doesn’t it? I think so long as we’re together, then we… we’ll be okay.”
Leo gave a wry smile, elbowing his brother ever-so-slightly. “Wow, Mikey, when did you get so wise?” He teased.
Mikey grinned, chuckling a bit and laying his head back again to stare at the ceiling, and then stare out the bars of the door that contained them. Raph sighed, his gaze following after his little brother’s, gazing out into the empty halfway. He had no idea why they were being kept here or what they were planning on doing with them. None of the guards would even speak with them. It was terrifying, if he was being honest.
But they had come here for a reason.
He believed what Mikey said. He did. If they were all together, they’d be okay. But that meant all of them.
“We’re gonna find Dad,” he finally said. “We are. And he’ll know how to help fix it. I know he will.”
He wasn’t meaning to ignore his Dad. He wasn’t. He just--
Mikey whined loudly, pulling against his older brother’s grasp, attempting to wriggle away from the iron grip Raph had on his wrist.
“Raphael.” This time, his father reached over, physically removing Raphael’s hands from his younger sibling. Mikey immediately went darting off, and Raph’s heart jumped up into his throat, his eyes growing wide.
“It’s okay, Red.”
“Dad, he’s too far!” He hissed, his voice strained with panic as he turned desperately to his father, grabbing at his pants leg. 
“No, he’s not. It’s okay, Raphael. Here. Look.”
He hoisted his child up in his arms with just a bit of effort, holding him up to his chest.
“See, my son? We can still see him from here.”
From up in his dad’s arms, Raph could watch Mikey throw himself into a pit of brightly colored foam balls with a squeal of excitement from across the play area. Leo wasn’t far off, immediately moving to join his little brother’s side, eager to show him all the blue balls he had collected. Dozens of other children scampered about nearby, clambering over play equipment and chasing one another. Raph frowned, grabbing fistfuls of his father’s shirt and fidgeting, chewing on his fingers nervously.
“What if he gets lost?”
“He won’t.”
“What if… there’s somethin’ dangerous?”
“There is nothing dangerous here, Raphael.”
“What if there is?” He pressed. “It’s big.”
“It’s okay, Red,” Dad soothed, readjusting his grip on his child, drawing him a bit closer. “I promise it is safe here.”
Raph looked down at the floor, clenching and unclenching his fists, the tiniest whine escaping from him. His father sighed softly.
“You have done a very good job looking after our family, Red,” he hummed, rocking them back and forth just the tiniest bit, idly swaying as he spoke. “But things are different now. Okay? Nothing here is going to hurt Michelangelo. And even if it did, I am right here to help. I am not going anywhere. I will not leave you alone. I swear I will take care of you and your brothers. Alright?”
Raph sniffled a bit, nodding the tiniest bit.
“If we are ever anywhere where it might be unsafe, I will tell you, okay? So you can watch out for your little brothers. Like when I tell you all to hold hands when we cross the street, right? Would that help?”
He nodded again, swallowing the lump in his throat as he laid his head down on his dad’s shoulder.
“Good,” he sighed, rubbing a few small circles along his back. “Do you want to go and play? There are lots of things here that I think you would like if you tried them. I think you’d have a lot of fun if you would let me handle looking after your brothers.”
Raph shook his head, burrowing further into his father’s embrace. He did want to go play, really. They had never been anywhere so cool before! They had been to the playground a few times now, but this was like a playground inside-- and they even had video games! And prizes! And he wanted to follow after his brothers, to stay close to them, but…
They kept going in opposite directions. And this place was so big and he couldn’t follow all of them, and, and--
“Okay. That’s fine,” Dad assured. “How about this? How about we sit and watch together for ten minutes, and then we can try going and playing something with one of your brothers. Do you think that would work, Raphael?”
Raph sucked in a deep, shaking breath, wiping at his eyes a bit before he finally nodded.
Though he had, in fact, performed in the Battle Nexus as scheduled that same evening, and then the following day as well, he was not actually ‘released,’ so to speak, from the infirmary until now, three-and-a-half blood transfusions later. Yoshi supposed he had no real complaints, given that the infirmary had actual beds in it to sleep upon, but the staff there were not exactly friendly, and he had quickly tired of being awakened at all hours of the night by other screaming patients. Not to mention that it was very awkward to share the same sleeping space with someone who’s leg you had recently broken in four different places…
But Big Mama had visited him each evening he was there. 
The guard escorting him was really a formality at this point, Yoshi suspected, and he almost dared to hope that he would be allowed to move freely through the Nexus in the near future. Surely Big Mama knew he would not try to run away with his children relying on her protection, right?
If he were permitted to wander without supervision, he might be able to corner a spectator and inquire about the current state of the Hidden City police’s hunt for Baron Draxum. He didn’t expect Big Mama would be informing him of such things, but if Draxum was apprehended, then there was a chance he might be able to find a way out of here and get himself back home, get those four remaining years like he had planned, or at least go visit his children and make sure they were okay… he hated that he had left without saying goodbye first, and had no doubt scared them with how he had disappeared.
 He had been researching for quite some time now, in between parenting and managing dojos, alternative sources for cloaking crystals. If he was able to pay for new ones, he could return Big Mama’s to her and perhaps argue to lighten his ‘sentence,’ or maybe even get out of it somehow. It was a long shot, but worth a try. Maybe this time could count towards that? He had had the crystals for ten years… did that mean he owed ten years time as a champion in return…? Ten years was still not as bad as a lifetime, assuming he lived through it all… 
He frowned as he calculated, shuffling his feet through the cold halls. 
The deal had still been worth it. He didn’t regret it. If a lifetime in the Battle Nexus was the price for his children’s lives in the world, then it was a price he was more than willing to pay.
He just regretted the pain he knew he inflicted on his family. It had always bothered him, sitting on his shoulder and hissing in his ear for the past ten years of his life. Every wonderful moment, every birthday, every movie night and dance recital and field trip, he still thought about it. Thought about how he would have to leave one day, and how it would hurt them. 
It was a shame. They deserved better than that. He had already done everything he could, even now, to prepare and to soften the inevitable blow as much as possible. Tucked away in the back of his nightstand back home, he already had hand-written cards for each of his sons’ college graduations, wedding days, and the birth of their first children, preparing for every scenario, just in case, since he knew he likely wouldn’t see most of them should they come to pass. He had had everything prepared, legally, for years now, so things would be taken care of in the event of his ‘death’ or ‘disappearance,’ and so that his children would have to shoulder as little of that burden as possible. He had invested in a hefty life insurance policy back when they were still in elementary school, ensuring that they would always be taken care of financially in his absence. 
He had even penned a letter, years and years ago, that could be delivered to his children once he was gone. He had been ready to die for a long time now.
But he still wasn’t prepared for how heavy the guilt would feel.
He, likewise, was not prepared for the shriek that pierced through the air a moment later as he passed by one of the dungeon’s many hallways, so sharp and sudden that he stumbled slightly.
He absolutely froze in his tracks, his heart stopping still in his chest as he whipped around to face the familiar voice. His eyes widened so dramatically he was half afraid that they would fall from his head.“April!?” He cried, spluttering slightly. “Boys!?”
[ next ]
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ho4ho5 · 2 hours ago
"" Green cold ""
The first time Leo actually played Truth or Dare was when they were 8.
They had just finished watching one of the non-martial arts movies that Splinter had found in the trash. It was a cheesy film about some dumb kids in an even dumber house. But of course, who says they were going to play like in the movie?
"Anyone who picks truth is a stupid loser," Raph declared, his voice full of bravado.
A soft whine escaped Mikey’s throat, while Donnie simply adjusted his glasses, the nerdy way he always did when something didn’t go his way.
"Technically, we all live together, so we don't really have any hidden secrets to tell," Donnie remarked. "And if we do, well..." He shrugged. "It’d probably be better if we kept them hidden, since we can't exactly get rid of each other."
"Exactly!!" Raph's excited voice made it clear that he wasn't about to let anyone protest. "So, we're all picking dares! If you don’t, you’re a coward!"
Leo couldn’t even think of a protest as Raph’s finger pointed directly at him.
“And who better to start than our little goody-good-to-go Leonardo over here?” Raph’s grin was wide, teasing, and full of mischief.
Leo’s throat went dry, his palms sweating. He should’ve known better than to agree to this game. Yet, here he was caught in the mess of his own doing.
"Go say the new bad word we learned in front of Dad," Raph challenged, leaning forward with a spark in his eyes.
Leo’s stomach dropped. His blood ran cold, even as his hands grew clammy.
“But... but Dad told us—”
“That’s why it’s a dare, Leo. You either do it, or we’ll call you ‘panty pooper’ for an entire month,” Raph taunted, practically daring him to back out.
Leo’s mind raced. He could feel the weight of his decision pressing down on him. He would rather take the embarrassing nickname than say something that would disrespect Splinter. After all, he was the good son and, well, maybe a bit wiser than he'd been at the start of the game.
That’s why, when the chance came, he’d gone straight to Splinter, snitching on Raph for still using that bad word. Raph had been forced to wash his mouth out.
Of course, his brothers weren’t happy with his choice and called him plenty of mean names after that. But he had done the right thing. He was sure of it.
This time, though… this time, he wasn’t so sure.
“Dude, how many cans did you ditch? You’re supposed to stay sober!”
Laughter rang out around him, but Leo couldn’t focus on anything except the blurry dance of neon lights and the pounding beat of the music. How had he ended up like this?
They were playing Truth or Dare. But with whom? He couldn’t remember. The more he tried to think, the worse his head throbbed. His whole body burned, a feverish mix of nausea and exhaustion pressing down on him. He wanted to throw up. He wanted to sleep. But he was afraid that if he moved too suddenly, he might slip and break something.
“—eo? Leo! What are you doing up there?”
Sober or not, how could he not recognize that angelic voice?
Fumbling slightly, he squeezed himself further along the ledge to get a better look at April’s face. But the height made his head spin, so he just slurred out, “Heeey, April. How you doin’?”
He was grinning like an idiot, clutching a big bottle of something that definitely resembled alcohol while lying precariously on the thick stone beam that connected the framework together. Every so often, he took a careless sip without breaking eye contact.
April, in all her life, had never once felt the urge to pull her own hair out until now.
Out of sheer frustration, April grabbed the collar of the nearest person and yanked them forward.
“How the hell did this happened?how am I supposed to get him down?!”
The boy in front of her flinched, his face swollen in several spots, his eyes red and watery—like he had either just finished crying or was about to start again.
“We were just playing, I swear!” he stammered. “But after a few shots, he got mad and beat us all up!”
April’s mind went blank. None of this made sense. Leo? Beating someone up while drunk? He was more the type to cry and throw up.
She was too stunned to notice the boy slipping out of her grip, running off while sobbing his heart out.
One thing was clear this was going to be a long, long night.
April inhaled deeply, trying to calm her nerves, then clapped her hands together. “Okay, Leo,” she said, steadying herself. “Just stay right there, alright? I’m gonna call your brothers��� or at least someone who can actually get you down.”
April barely had time to pull out her phone when Leo suddenly shifted, adjusting his grip on the beam like he was getting comfortable. His legs dangled lazily off the side, his other arm still wrapped around the suspiciously large bottle of alcohol.
“You don’t gotta call anyone, Apriiil,” he slurred, lazily waving a hand. “I’m a ninja, remember? I could—hic—balance on anything!”
April’s eye twitched. "Leo, you’re literally swaying.”
"Pffft, no I’m not."
As if to prove his point, he attempted to sit up straighter. That quickly turned into him trying to stand.
April took a sharp step forward. "Leo, don’t you—"
Too late.
The second he moved, his foot slipped. His arms flailed wildly, his entire body wobbling like a puppet whose strings had been cut.
“Ohhh, cra—”
Gravity won.
Leo tumbled down in what felt like slow motion, his limbs twisting midair as he made an undignified descent. The bottle of alcohol slipped from his grip, spinning through the air before shattering on the pavement below.
He landed flat on his shell with a spectacular, earth shaking thud.
April stared, waiting.
Then, from the crumpled pile of regret that was Leo, came the most pathetic, pained groan she had ever heard in her life.
A deep sigh left her lips as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “For the love of—Leo, are you alive?”
For a long second, there was no response. Then, out of the wreckage, a single, weak thumbs up emerged.
April clenched her jaw, inhaled deeply through her nose, and muttered, “I’m gonna kill him myself.”
April stared at the sorry mess in front of her. Leo lay sprawled on the ground, limbs in awkward angles, his head tilted to the side like he was contemplating every bad decision he had ever made. The only sign of life was his weak, half-hearted thumbs-up.
She exhaled slowly, pressing her fingers to her temples. "Alright, dumbass. Let's get you out of here."
She crouched beside him, grabbed his arm, and pulled. Nothing. She gritted her teeth and tried again, using all her strength. Leo barely budged.
“Oh, come on!”
April wasn’t exactly weak, but Leo was solid. Unlike his appearance leo was actually pretty heavy. Still, she wasn’t about to just leave him lying on the floor like some tragic drunken roadkill.
Taking a deep breath, she hooked her arms under his and hauled with all her might. His shell scraped against the pavement as she managed to shift him a whole… two inches.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” she groaned.
Just then, Leo let out a snore. A freaking snore.
April’s eye twitched. Oh, so he was comfortable, huh? All nice and cozy in his little drunken nap?
Fine. If she couldn’t carry him, she’d wake his dumb ass up.
She glanced around, spotted a bar not too far away, and smirked. A minute later, she returned now holding a bucket full of ice water.
She crouched down, balancing the bucket over his face, and whispered sweetly, "Rise and shine, fearless leader."
Then she flipped it.
Leo came alive.
He gasped so hard it sounded like his soul left his body, arms flailing wildly as he scrambled backward. “Wha—wha—APRIL, I’M DROWNING!”
April stood over him, arms crossed, utterly unimpressed. "No, you're not."
Leo blinked rapidly, water dripping from his mask, his brain still struggling to reboot. His gaze flicked from the empty bucket to April’s smug expression.
"...You waterboarded me," he mumbled, betrayed.
April shrugged. "You deserved it."
Leo groaned, flopping back onto the pavement. "I hate everything."
"Good. Now get up before I actually leave you here."
A weak groan was his only response before April slid her arms under his, trying to hoist as much of his weight onto her back as possible. "Come on, big guy, work with me here," she muttered, bracing herself.
Leo sluggishly attempted to help, his feet barely cooperating. His balance was nonexistent, and his muscles trembled with every tiny movement.
"Are you hurt by any chance?" April’s voice was quieter now, her sharp frustration fading as she scanned him from head to toe.
A simple, dirty t-shirt and pants nothing looked obviously injured. His head seemed fine, no fresh cuts or bruises. But his entire body was shaking, and his skin felt like it couldn’t decide whether it was burning up or freezing solid.
"I'm good… sooo good," Leo slurred.
He felt like hell. His stomach was twisted in knots, his body ached from the previous impact, and every inch of him was stiff from the creeping cold. The wind hit like needles against his damp skin, and he had no energy to fight it. But none of that mattered.
Not when his face was practically buried in April’s neck.
He was trying so hard not to think about it. But how could he not? She smelled so good.
The distant sound of muffled snickers barely registered in April’s mind. She ignored them. Right now, her only focus was dragging this idiot somewhere warm before he collapsed completely.
Then, without warning, a strong gust of wind slammed into them, sharp and unforgiving. April shuddered violently at the chill, but when she instinctively tried to move Leo forward—
He didn’t budge.
She blinked, adjusting her grip. "Leo?"
Nothing. His muscles had locked up completely.
April’s heart skipped a beat. "Leo, don’t do this. Keep moving."
April’s frustration burned in her chest, but beneath that was a creeping anxiety she couldn’t quite shake. This wasn’t how she’d imagined her night going.
Leo drunk, leaning heavily on her was getting harder and harder to manage. He wasn’t just dead weight anymore; it felt like she was dragging a corpse. His body wasn’t moving with her, wasn’t helping her hold him up.
"Come on, Leo. Just a little more, okay?" Her voice was rough, but she was trying to keep it steady.
But he was barely responding.
Instead, his breathing was shallow slower than usual and his grip on her arm was weak. Every step she took felt like she was dragging him through mud. His head bobbed forward slightly, and April could feel his hot breath, still wet against her skin.
Then, without warning, he murmured in a hoarse, shaky voice. "Cold..."
The word didn’t seem to carry much weight, but the way his voice cracked made her stop dead in her tracks. She was so focused on trying to keep him upright that she didn’t notice until now just how still he was.
Her mind raced. Was he really cold, or was this just another side effect of the alcohol? Wasn't it supposed to make him hotter than colder? He didn’t seem to be shaking, but—
Then he exhaled again, and she noticed something strange.
A soft, misty cloud of breath swirled out of his mouth.
April’s heart skipped a beat.
Her fingers went to his arm, feeling for warmth, but there was nothing that told her for sure. His skin was just as damp and clammy as it had been before, but it wasn’t warm enough to be comforting. something about the way he was breathing…
April took a breath. Calm down. You can’t panic right now. Just focus.
"Leo?" she asked softly, her hand gently pushing against his back, trying to steady him.
He didn’t respond, but his body seemed to stiffen even further, his breaths more labored. His skin, she realized now, felt a little too cold under her fingers. Not freezing, but... too cold. Too wrong.
She looked around, her pulse quickening as she realized that she couldn’t get him to move on his own. The weight of his body was too much, and he was slumped against her like a lifeless doll. Every time she tried to adjust his position, he sagged further.
She needed help immediately!
Desperately, she reached for her phone. Her hands were shaking, her mind racing, but she forced herself to type in a search for the closest ride. The nearest taxi was only a few streets away, but it felt like it was miles.
Without another word, she dragged Leo forward, every step slow and unsteady as she tried to make it to the curb. "Come on, Leo. Stay with me," she muttered under her breath.
The wind hit them again, biting sharp as it sliced through the air. But Leo didn’t react. His breath didn’t even hitch in his chest. She could barely feel him shudder against her anymore.
That was what freaked her out the most—he wasn’t shivering.
The thought gnawed at her, making her panic more than she would ever admit out loud.
She made it to the street, and the flashing lights of the taxi made her heart skip. She tugged on Leo again, urging him forward. He didn’t seem to notice.
It didn’t matter, though.
She just needed to get him in the car and somewhere warm—now!
The taxi smelled faintly of old leather and air freshener, but April barely noticed. Everything around her felt unreal, like she was floating in and out of focus. The only real thing was the weight pressing into her side—Leo, slumped against her, his body unnervingly still.
Her hands twitched, fingers brushing the stiff fabric of his dirty shirt. She pulled her coat tighter around him, adjusting it awkwardly so it covered as much of him as possible.
The driver said something—maybe a question, maybe small talk. She didn’t process it.
Instead, she watched Leo.
His head lolled slightly with the movement of the car, his half-lidded eyes barely reacting to the passing streetlights that flickered over his face. His breathing was slow, but not peaceful it was sluggish, like his body was forgetting how to do it.
Then, just as the cab took a slow turn, he exhaled again.
A thin, white mist curled from his lips.
April’s breath caught.
She didn’t know what she was expecting, but it sure as hell wasn’t that.
Her fingers hovered near his arm, unsure. He wasn’t shivering shouldn’t he be shivering? That’s what people did when they were cold, right?
Her pulse spiked, and suddenly, the air in the cab felt suffocating.
She glanced at the window—buildings, cars, neon lights—everything outside blurred together. The ride felt like it was taking forever, stretching out time in a way that made her stomach twist.
She squeezed her eyes shut, just for a second.
Then the taxi slowed.
She was barely aware of the door opening or the rush of cool air hitting her face.barely remembered paying. She barely remembered how she even managed to get Leo out of the car, how she dragged him through the lobby, or how she somehow fumbled with her keys.
Her arms ached, her legs burned, but she didn’t stop until she was inside.
The door clicked shut behind her, muffling the outside world.
The only sound was her own ragged breathing.
She finally let go, letting his weight shift onto her couch. He slumped into it like a ragdoll, limbs loose and heavy, head tilting slightly to one side.
April crouched beside him, hands hovering over his arm again, hesitating. What the hell am I supposed to do now?
Then she saw his clothes.
The once-white shirt was stained with sweat and grime, clinging to his chest in wrinkled folds. His pants were in no better shape, scuffed with dirt and something dark she didn’t want to think about.
She swallowed.
He can’t stay in these.
Moving on autopilot, she reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled. The fabric resisted at first, stuck to his skin, but she yanked harder, peeling it off. Next, the pants. She hesitated.
Her fingers froze on the waistband, a sudden rush of self-awareness creeping in. Oh. He was ....this was .....
Heat flared in her face.
For a split second, she almost pulled away.
Then the memory hit her.
The first time they met Leo was barely covered in anything.She exhaled sharply. Right. Get a grip.
Shoving away the thoughts, she worked quickly, tugging off the rest of the dirty fabric and tossing it aside. Without wasting a second, she grabbed the nearest blanket and threw it over him, practically burying him under the soft fabric.
Only when she was sure he was covered did she stop.
Her hands clenched into fists.
He still wasn’t reacting.
Hot water. He needs heat.
She turned on her heel and rushed to the bathroom.
The sink roared to life as April turned the tap, letting the water run until it was warm—not too hot, not too cold. She grabbed the largest bowl she could find, filling it up to the brim, then snatched a smaller cloth on her way out.
Her phone was already buzzing in her other hand.
She tapped Donnie’s contact, pressed call.
A few rings, then straight to voicemail.
Her stomach twisted.
She tried again. And again.
Still no answer.
With a frustrated breath, she switched to texting.
April: Leo is at my place. He’s not responding. He was drinking. Something’s off.
A few seconds passed. No reply.
She bit her lip. Her fingers hovered over the screen, then typed again, more urgent.
April: Pick up your damn phone.
Still nothing.
She cursed under her breath.
She crouched beside the couch, placing the water bowl carefully on the floor. The surface rippled slightly from the movement, reflecting the dim apartment light above.
Leo hadn’t moved an inch.
His breathing was deep but slow, his face oddly slack. She could still see the faint fog of his breath if she looked close enough.
A new wave of unease crept into her spine.
April reached for his arm, pulling his hand out from beneath the blanket. His fingers, usually so strong, now felt uncomfortably limp in her grasp.
Her throat tightened.
She dipped the cloth into the warm water, wrung it out just enough so it wouldn’t drip, then carefully pressed it against his hand.
At first, there was no reaction.
She rubbed gently, running the damp cloth along his fingers, over his palm, tracing the ridges of his knuckles. The heat from the water should’ve brought some response, some twitch, but he remained eerily still.
Her pulse quickened.
She moved to his other hand, repeating the motion, applying more pressure. His skin absorbed the warmth sluggishly, like his body wasn’t sure what to do with it.
Then, shifting closer, she dabbed the cloth against his forehead. His skin was clammy, but underneath that, she could still feel the unnatural warmth that hadn’t faded.
She worked carefully, dragging the cloth over his temples, down the bridge of his nose, across his cheekbones. Little droplets of water clung to his skin, catching the dim light before rolling away.
Still nothing.
The tension in her chest coiled tighter.
Her gaze flickered to the bowl. Alright. If this doesn’t work…
Without giving herself time to hesitate, she reached for his feet.
The moment she pulled them free from the blanket, she could feel the stark contrast in temperature. The weight of them in her hands was heavier than she expected, the coldness biting at her fingertips.
With a deep breath, she guided them into the bowl.
The water sloshed, warmth wrapping around his skin.
A moment passed.
A sharp inhale.
Leo’s fingers twitched.
His head stirred just slightly, a barely-there shift, but April caught it instantly.
Relief hit her like a punch to the chest.
She didn’t realize she had been holding her breath until it came out in a shaky exhale.
She stayed still, watching. Come on. Wake up.
For a second, it looked like he might.
Then his body relaxed again, sinking further into the couch.
Her shoulders slumped.
Okay. Progress. Not much, but enough.
She wiped her damp hands on her jeans, grabbed her phone again, and tried calling Donnie one more time.
April swallowed down the frustration clawing at her throat and glanced back at Leo.
Looks like I’m on my own for now.
April worked carefully, pressing the warm cloth against Leo’s arms, rubbing slow circles over his skin to get some heat back into him. His body still felt unnaturally cool, and she frowned when she touched his wrist his pulse was slow, sluggish.
This wasn’t enough.
She hesitated, then moved to a more sensitive spot. Carefully, she slid the cloth under his neck, pressing it against the base where skin met shell. His body twitched slightly at the sensation, his throat shifting under her hand as if he were trying to swallow.
Then, without warning—
A sharp inhale.
A shudder.
Leo’s eyes snapped open.
April didn’t even have a second to react before his entire body tensed. His muscles locked up, his breathing hitched, and before she could pull away.....
His hand shot up, grabbing her wrist.
A jolt of shock ran through her. Her breath caught in her throat.
He was awake.
And worse he was staring right at her.
April's heart pounded against her ribs. They were too close. She was practically straddling the couch, her knee digging into the cushion, one hand under his neck, the other braced against his plastron.
And Leo....Leo looked completely dazed.
His pupils were blown wide, unfocused but locked onto her face. His grip on her wrist wasn’t tight, but it was firm like he wasn’t fully aware of what he was doing. His breathing was slow, heavy, as if it took effort just to pull in air.
April didn’t move.
Neither did he.
The warmth from his skin seeped into her palm, and she felt the slow rise and fall of his chest under her fingers. His mouth parted slightly, as if he wanted to say something but couldn’t quite find the words.
Then, finally, in a voice rough with exhaustion, he murmured—
Her brain short-circuited.
Heat flared across her face, spreading down to her neck.
Nope. Nope. NOPE.
April yanked her wrist back, nearly falling backward off the couch in the process.
She scrambled away so fast she almost tripped over her own feet. Her pulse hammered, her breath shaky as she put as much distance between them as possible.
Leo just blinked at her, his brows furrowing slightly. His fingers twitched where her wrist had been.
“What…?” His voice was hoarse, confused.
“You—you were freezing!” April blurted out, waving a hand wildly in his direction. “That’s the only reason I was—!” She couldn’t even finish the sentence, just gestured aggressively at the couch like it explained everything.
Leo was still groggy, still out of it. His eyelids drooped, and he swallowed thickly before mumbling, “…Feels warm now.”
April clapped a hand over her face.
Kill me now.
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terrahlee-cup · 8 months ago
The finale of the ‘holy shit she has a lot to say about this one fic’ series before I return to my regularly scheduled random bullshit. Enjoy lol @raphaelesbian
Chapter 11
*sees author’s note, immediate fear*
Him thinking they look like they should be scared of him hurts me. The baby is not doing too hot tonight huh? Let them like youuuu 🥹
OUTFIT TIME YES! “We need to match if we’re going to be a team!” I KNOW I KEEP SAYING THIS BUT THEY’RE ADORABLE. 
“He’d gone past that feeling, to the frayed mess that he was now. He… didn’t want her to feel like this.” Buddy you shouldn’t feel like that either??? This child is so sweet with other people when he needs to be but never himself ow ouch.
These two are so excited to dress him up and I am excited to read it.
“Well, I love being difficult. Ask Leo.” And the self-deprecation is back. Ohp.
Love these two being legitimately concerned for him when they find out his family doesn’t know what he’s been doing. As much as everything they’ve been up to has usually been dangerous it’s really good for Raph to have more friends outside of his family.
Also, the actual effort to make him feel like he’s part of their little group is incredible and amazing and adorable and-
Ohp they found a landmine— wonder if that’ll come up again later?
Damn Raph didn’t even hesitate with that one did he. Call him a crybaby and he will have his revenge lol.
Oh yeah they still don’t get the turtle noise thing yet do they? And now the alcohol is really hitting time for the sad.
He’s… not going to be as quiet as usual while drunk. This could go poorly. He is so getting in trouble it is so obvious he’s intoxicated. Multiple people are up he is DOOMED.
Yep. Yeah his dad figured it out immediately. Oh boy. AND CASEY’S THERE TOO THERE GOES HIS EXCUSE FOR BEING OUT. I am. Uncomfortable. Agh, lying to his family is not good but he DOES need to be able to get out of the lair. He’s in a bad spot as it is without being cooped up all the time.
Ah. There’s the blow-up. Yayyyy. Donnie… hun, why in the actual fuck would you think suggesting that would be a good idea after everything that’s happened?
“None of you get to decide what I do!” Annnnd there’s the main problem. Sure, Raph may have been the ‘rebellious one’ before the brain worm, but people trying to control him (even if trying to protect him) is probably way more uncomfortable for him now. He lost all control of his body for what, 3+ months? Yeah can’t expect him to not need some level of freedom right now. Anxiety-inducing as hell for his family (entirely fair), but trying to keep him in the lair is probably going to do more harm than good.
Chapter 12
Oh hey he’s dissociating almost immediately after waking up that’s good! Yay! :D
“Karai would hate him for it.” Hun I very much doubt that. She definitely knows your family would find out eventually.
“If I’m such a disappointment, why do you even care what I’m doing?” Agh stupid dumb child must hug him.
“No wonder Shredder favored robots and mind control.” Oh boy. This can only go well. The self-deprecation is getting worse too lovely! Bud your family’s just really fucking worried damn it. They don’t hate you 😫
Mikeyyyyyy <3 bean. Lol he snuck Raph his phone, nice.
Of course he got caught immediately trying to sneak out. “for a moment he wanted him to give in.” This kid is NOT OKAY. AT ALL. That is NOT GOOD.
“the desperation woven into a noose that tightened with each word that fought its way through his esophagus.” EYYYYY HE SAID THE THING. (Ow.)
I think I summarized a lot of my thoughts about these two chapters very well here:
Tumblr media
But in all seriousness this is very well written and I am very excited for whenever the next chapter is uploaded. Seemingly we’re in for some more angst based on… certain posts *squints*
Love the chaos trio that is Shinigami, Karai, and Raph. They are menaces and will probably give Splinter gray hairs in the very near future lol. I suppose Raph and Karai have probably given him quite a few already on their own, though. Whoopsie.
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vdragon-creations · 10 months ago
I am sorry but I don’t think you understand Raph’s character at all if you just think he’s the angry one always starting things. He’s way more complex than that and you being incredibly close minded. If you can’t see past his flaws like you can the others I feel sorry for you. You probably think Leo is flawless and can do no wrong.
Hahaha! Bruh, we got a live one here! This folks is a prime example of how folks can no longer read on the internet without either getting pissy without thinking or automatically jump to the worst conclusion about a person. All because someone out there doesn't like a fictional character the same way you do.
(Now I see why you took the time to ask this anonymously. Coward.)
Firstly, it's you're instead of you. I know you're mad, but maybe slow down a bit.
Secondly, you're actively blind if you think I said that Raph is always starting things. My exact words where "I feel like Raph tends to start them". The key word being "tends". Meaning not always, but a good amount of the time. And I feel like you're basically ignoring a lot of cases where Raph actively make things a problem when they weren't, or when there IS a problem, he just gets pissy instead of like....idk talking. (And I feel like you're actively ignoring that he's legitimately characterized to be the "Do first ask later type" in most versions! Hell, his 84 version is incredibly violent! Do you just....not know that or??? And they changed that in the 87 version where he's more sarcastic then angry. Again, something I mentioned in my Raph post.)
And way to go, assuming you know a damn thing about me! Cause guess what, I'm aware Raph is more complex. In my Leo post, I talked a little bit about how I related a lot to Leo because of the role I was forced to play as a kid. But the thing I didn't mention was that...I also relate to Raph quite a bit. I had massive anger issues growing up too. And they where due to a lot of reasons. But the two biggest ones where:
I didn't understand quite how to deal with situations were I wasn't being listened to or taken seriously.
I cared a lot about those around me, and when I felt they didn't care back, it made me feel a way.
TWO THINGS THAT I KNOW RAPH FELT IN SEVERAL VERSIONS TOO! Doesn't mean he was right to act the way he did. But he's a teenager, and I was a child. I can look past all of that. But, can't erase the fact that he could and did act like a complete shitter in a lot of situations without really...any good reasons. And it got them into some deep shit.
But, I can see that he owns up to most of it too, and apologizes when he's gone too far. I had to learn to do the same. And I will commend him for that.
And as for the Leo thing, again just proves you didn't read what I said once more in my Raph post. I outright stated "Leo does seem to be making the worse choices in those arguments (Glares at Bayverse Leo)" I'm aware he's not flawless! For fuck sake, in 2003 (Season 4), Bayverse Out of The Shadows, TMNT 2007, and in fucking RISE, Leo could be a REAL piece of work! And I feel, just like with Raph, things could've worked out a lot better if they had just....talked!
And I'm more then capable of seeing the flaws of all my favs and can still like them despite there flaws! And the opposite could be said for characters I'm not as jazzed about. Like with Raph. I'm more then capable of seeing past his flaws and can see why people like him. Don't mean I gotta tho.
All I said in my Raph post was that I don't really like him and never really have. I don't hate him, just don't like him. I saw a part of him that reminded me of some of the worst parts of myself growing up, and it can rub me the wrong way when the shows just don't let him show off his more softer side and grow as a character. (A fault of the writers you dipshit, not the character itself! He's not real so he can't actively change if writers don't let him.) And after all of this, I wouldn't wanna see him gone from the series, cause without the whole team, the TMNT fall apart.
But you saw that I don't like Raph, and immediately jumped to calling me "Closed minded" and making some pretty, gunna be honest, closed minded assumptions about how I must view a fictional character over another. Well, says more about you then it does me in the end!
Have a nice day.
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killjoygod · 2 years ago
drastic measures | yan!rottmnt!raph
here’s a yan!rise!raph oneshot requested on wattpad! enjoy!
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♡ ♡ ♡
Snow painted fluttering kisses to everything in its reach, neon lights here and there illuminating the scene with a red, pink, and blue hue. It wasn’t pouring, but it was enough that two girls had their hoods pulled up and scarves ready for equipping at any moment.
“April, are you sure about this?” [name] shifted in her position, looking around the alleyway uncertainly. “This seems a bit…I don’t know- Sketchy?”
The girl in question let out an exaggerated gasp, clutching her hand to her chest. “I’m offended [name]! You don’t trust your best friend?” April faked a pout, though it dissipated into soft giggles in which [name] couldn’t help but join. The two girls continued their way through the alleys, eventually coming to a manhole. Oddly enough, the snow had calmed, settling into a light shower now.
Despite the cold temperature, [name] and April shed their jackets before lifting the manhole cover. The ravenette woman gave [name] a reassuring smile before sliding down the hole. The remaining girl looked unsure, eyeing the dark hole before inevitably letting her fears fly and jumping as well.
She landed on a surprisingly soft surface - A landing pad.
“You good?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
Right, April did mention that one of her friends set that up so no one got hurt. [name] stood up and brushed herself off before continuing to follow April through the sewers.
It was damp and a bit humid under the city, a vast contrast to the cold atmosphere above. The walls of the sewers had graffiti all over them, most made [name] question who might’ve done it. To be fair- Who even takes the time to do it underground? She’s seen enough at train stations and in alleys to be used to it, but still - People climb into the sewers to do this? Well- Actually, it would make sense if it was the people April was showing her to right now.
They were seriously talented. Bright colors, amazing graphics and even meanings! It was astounding, [name] doing a full 360 to get a good view of the stunning images. She wished her phone wasn’t dead so she could take a picture though, it was just beautiful! No matter though, because April suddenly mentioned that they were almost there, which took any other worries off of [name]’s mind and replaced them with new ones.
Would April’s friends even like her?
She could be awkward sometimes, what if they couldn’t find anything in common? What if April likes them better? What if…What if they hate her?
It was nerve-wracking, truly. Things suddenly felt a lot more bleak and awfully familiar. April was [name]’s only friend, if she left…Alright, not the time! They were almost there, no going back now.
The whole idea of this meet-up felt so vapid. What would it do? Sure, it might not do any harm, but what good could it do either? There you go again [name], you’re almost there!
“Alright, we’re here!” April offered a fleeting gesture of comfort before ducking under an entrance of sorts, [name] following soon after. Here we go.
“Guys! I think April’s here!” A raspy, slightly high-pitched voice rang out in the rather big…house? Well, it’s the sewers- A huge skate ramp was what greeted the pair first, until four shadows caught [name]’s peripheral vision. They disappeared, then reappeared, getting closer and closer each time. She’d never admit it, but holy shit was that terrifying.
In little to no time at all, the four figures had closed in on both of them. Then, the lights flickered on, and the fear settled into confusion.
April’s friends were…cosplayers? Cool, she supposed, but why’d they get dressed up to meet her?
The four figures looked to be a mix of turtle and human, and holy hell, all four of them were built. Like- The tallest one looked like he could snap her like a- Wait why was he staring-?
“...Are you guys cosplayers?”
Silence followed, and then a sudden bark of laughter from everyone but [name]. She nervously joined in, unsure of what was so funny about the question. It felt like a taunt, like there was something they knew that [name] didn’t.
“Cosplayers? That’s a new one.” The one adorning a blue bandana wiped a tear from his eye as he spoke, light chuckles still escaping him. [name] felt heat rise to her face out of embarrassment. What was going on-? She was being genuine-
“Come on ‘Nardo, she’s obviously not seen a mutant before-” The purple one spoke up next, voice monotone though wavered with chuckles as he lightly smacked ‘Nardo’s back.
“Mutant? What’s that?” [name] spoke up quietly, now more embarrassed than anything. One of the four certainly got a kick out of the fluster on her face, but they didn’t utter a word.
“Long story short; We’re mutations. Human-turtle, the whole shebang.” Purple spoke again, a lazy grin resting on his face. [name] froze in place. Not with disgust, nor with fear. She was just so confused. How’d April meet them? How’d they get mutated? Did they always have to hide, is that why she’s never heard of something like that happening before?
“...Okay then..Uh- Good to- Pleasure to- Pleasure to make your acquaintances…?” The girl averted her gaze, internally screaming at how much she stammered with such a simple sentence. April giggled, patting her head reassuringly.
The turtles could only smile softly, noticing [name]’s nerves, so they would take the first step.
“The name’s Leo, but call me anything ya want love~!” A cold glare was shot in his direction, a chill sent down Leo’s spine immediately, but he shook it off as nothing. Probably just the wind or something.
“Just call me Donnie, or anything you see fit.” The purple one smiled gently, already fond of the rather quiet [name].
“And I’m Mikey! I don’t care what ya call me either to be honest-” The orange turtle grinned brightly, light just radiating off of him like he was the sun above.
“My name’s Hamato! Wait no- U-Uh- Raphael- C-Call me Raph-” The tallest one, adorning a red bandana, looked just as nervous as [name], and it was probably the light but it almost looked like his cheeks were flushed as well…No, probably just the light.
[name]’s nose was a rosy pink from the cold and it twitched out of habit. Aw, she was like a little rabbit! Absolutely adorable. She looked at the four turtles and smiled gently. It was a genuine one that made the red turtle swoon internally. He felt his heart pound even more just under your gaze…Why did you make him so nervous?
“It’s nice to meet you all! April talks about you guys a lot, so it’s an honor to finally see you guys in person.” She chuckled, looking at the other lady before back to the turtles. “I’m [name].”
The girl’s smile grew just a bit more, feeling her prior nerves get lifted more and more. The brothers sensed it as well, happy that she was comfortable now. ‘New friend acquired’ and all that jazz. Well- Except for one of them.
Raph wanted more.
Her every little move made him want her even more. She was pulchritudinous, ethereal. She was something he had never seen before, something he never knew he needed. She wasn’t loud, she wasn’t immature, she wasn’t like other people he’d met.
She was amazing.
She was his.
The rest of the night went by unfortunately fast. [name] and the turtles + April settled on playing video games and watching movies for most of the night. Raph couldn’t stop looking at [name], memorizing all your mannerisms and ‘tells’, while also dealing with any of his brothers [mainly Leo] that were getting a little too close to her.
Halfway through the hangout, Raph and Donnie had left for a bit to talk or something along those lines. The red turtle had come back after around 10 minutes, purple one taking longer, but for some reason…Donnie’s behaviour had changed. He seemed more on edge and an odd guilty look kept crossing his face whenever he met eyes with [name]. His hand also seemed to be resting in his lavender hoodie’s pocket a lot more.
Throughout the night, everyone had taken a few breaks for snacks and pizza dinner, but overall it was just a very fun and chill time. Donnie had heaters planted all over the base so the cold outside wouldn’t affect them much.
[name] got along with the brothers really well, even their dad Splinter. Everything was going great, but time, like all things, went by too fast.
It was getting late. Way past midnight, probably, but the only clock may or may not have been missing because a certain someone removed it while no one was looking. Things were calming down and mostly everyone was tired. [name] didn’t really want to leave, but she did have her part-time job the next day. Morning shifts sucked, but she didn’t have a choice.
She was going to say her goodbyes and leave with April until Donnie asked to speak with her in private. Raph sent a small grin and cold gaze that seemed like a threat over in the purple turtle’s direction, eliciting another guilty look from him.
Donnie pulled [name] over to the kitchen, hands behind his back now. She looked up at him with confusion, tilting her head. “Did you need something Donnie?”
He only looked more guilty, eyes brimming with the emotion to the point it was about to pour out. It was concerning the girl.
“[name]...I’m so sorry…” He was about to take his arm out from behind him, but at the last second, he couldn’t do it. “I can’t do this. Listen, you need to get out of here as fast as you can- Raph…He’s not going to let you go. I don’t know what happened, but he’s not acting right. You’re in danger, [name].”
She didn’t even have time to process his words before what happened next. Donnie didn’t either. A large shadow cast on the room, before suddenly, Donnie was yanked away and shoved to the other side of the room. Though, the thing he had been holding back from [name] was now in the new arrival’s hands. She felt her hands begin to shake at just the sight, eyes widening.
The red turtle glared at Donnie with a hatred that should never be put upon on a brother, yet here it was. Donnie was holding his bruised softshell, though what was most concerning was his tight hold on his throat. The edge of the kitchen table had damaged his vocal cords, and he couldn’t yell for his brothers to help them. Then, like a flick of a switch, his eyes were softer once met with [name]’s. Not another second wasted, the item was revealed to be…a syringe of some kind?
Oh hell no. Raph inched closer and closer, eyes radiating a sick kind of lovesickness that stirred an uncomfortable feeling in her gut. She backed away from him step by step, until her back inevitably hit a wall. His hand pinned her there effortlessly, and her yell of help was cut off when the syringe was plunged into the side of her neck.
He watched with curiosity and satisfaction as [name] almost instantly crumbled to the floor, holding her face in her hands, feeling her body shift and change around the bones. A scream of pain left her lips, which felt like catharsis when put up against how quiet and soft she had been this visit. It was rewarding for him, in a sick, sadistic way.
A sick realization racked through Donnie’s body. Regardless of the scream, no one would hear them. He had sound proofed the whole hideout. He was their inevitable downfall.
[name]’s screaming only died down after the rearranging of her innards and external appearance was done. Raph stared down at her with the utmost adoration, and when she finally looked up at him, regardless of the strong glare, he melted.
She was beautiful.
She was his.
Her new form as a mutant was just as stunning as the human form, if not more. Raph was head over heels. How could someone be so…lovely?
[name] was horrified at her new appearance. She didn’t feel right in her own body, I mean, was this even her own body anymore? She felt tears escape her tight grasp on emotions, resulting in her figure shaking even more.
Short gasps escaped her lips as Raph picked her up easily, caressing her hair. She wanted to cry, scream, fight, kick, whatever it took to get his hands off of her. But he didn’t relent, only giving Donnie the silent command of staying fucking quiet.
He carried [name] to his room, laying her on the bed. “Now we’ll be together, forever.” He chuckled softly, moving a piece of her hair to the side. “I mean, who else is gonna love you now?” A smug grin was what he gave before heading back down and explaining to everyone that she wanted to stay the night.
He also explained that Donnie had a really sore throat and wouldn’t be able to talk for…a while :) The two remaining brothers only shrugged it off as him coming down with a cold. It wouldn’t be too shocking, considering how low the temperatures in the lab sometimes got.
April was suspicious, but not for long.
Who couldn’t trust the kind, loving Raph after all?
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valkriii · 3 years ago
αƈƈιԃҽɳƚʂ ԋαρρҽɳ, ɾιɠԋƚ?
ʀᴀᴘʜ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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❝ Raph and his S/O (his girlfriend) get into a fight and he hurts her physically with his weapons. And when Raph hurts her, she doesn't wake up and he regrets everything. And when his S/O wakes up in Donnie's lab, he begs for forgiveness? ❞
It had been exactly 48 hours, 48 hours since the incident happened. 48 hours you lay here unconscious on the exam table under Donnie’s care and Raph’s vigil. Due to Raph’s doing as well. Raph sitting there was not a right but I privilege at this point, the decision was argued upon by Leo himself due to the circumstances. Leo did not trust him, hell, Raph hadn’t known if he trusted himself now. In the moment, everything moved terrible fast for him, previously believing he could have never laid a hand on you or done a thing to hurt your fragile form, yet here you are.
“Raph! Leo is just trying to help you!”, it had been another argument between the two and yet you were dragged into it. The two came storming in throwing words back and forth from across the lair. “Why are ya always fuckin’ sidin’ with him huh?! You don’t even know the entire story and her ya are protectin’ him!”. An irritated huff escaped your nostrils as the brute stormed his way towards the dojo, for some reason this argument felt different, more hostile then others.
“Raph! Would you just—“, you followed in his stride to the dojo desperately for him to hear both you and Leo out.
“I already have him on my ass I do not need you on it either!”
“Maybe if you listen for two seconds we wouldn’t have to be!”
“I said back off!!”
It shouldn’t have been his warning to you, but it was and that’s all it should’ve been. When you fell silent, his deep frustrated breaths were all that filled the silence in the dojo. “Raph…”, your voice breathed out shakily. This caught his attention as he turned and finally looked at you after making such a swift action to throw his sai towards what was supposed to be the wall. The red clad terrapin heard a collision, but not the smooth quick sound that it should’ve made when it split into the wall. Instead it was a liquidy type squishing sound, the sound of a freshly sliced piece of meat. That’s when his eyes landed on your shoulder, where the sai stuck in, protruding through the back of your shoulder blade. To say he had no words was an understatement, his breathing went for ragged enraged breaths to quick panicked one’s. Your hands ghosted near the handle, debating on pulling the foreign object from your shoulder. Your adrenaline pumped, you were in shock, this is what kept you silent. “Oh my go (y/n). I-I’m so sorry! Don’t- Do not touch it— DONNIE!”, Raph nearly screamed out as he approached you. Despite the situation you took a step back from him, you felt warm crimson liquid leaking out the front and back of the wound, soaking into your black top that hid exactly how much blood was pouring from your form but your skin didn’t hide it, your skin tone fading to a pale color. Tears weld up in your eyes as you stared at him in disbelief, he was shaking, “I-I’m so sorry—“.
Donnie was quick at work, nothing Raph was able to see as the door was slammed in his face. “What the hell were you thinking Raphael! How dare you- not even lay a hand on her, you threw your weapon at her?! What— the fuck!?”, Leo was livid, Mikey was left doing his best to hold his oldest brother back from attacking Raph as he did to you. Mikey was used to playing peacekeeper but this was entirely different from the other fights. Leo had the urge to return the favor the hot headed brute gave to you. Despite Leo going absolutely nuts on him, Raph stood in front of the closed lab door, everything else sounded faded and like TV static. The real world did not exist to him right now, nothing did as he stood like a mindless zombie.
Raph’s scaly green cheeks had tear stains running down them almost looking permanent at this point. Since the brute walked in, seeing you hooked up to monitors with your shoulder wrapped tightly in gauze while you lay unconscious, it broke him immediately. Sleep wasn’t an option for him, he sat there and stared, jumping at every little movement your involuntary body had made. This caused his fiery emerald hues to become red and veiny. Mikey was the main one to give him justice, attempting to get him to drink, to give him food, or even to get out and stretch a bit from sitting in the chair. Donnie came in occasionally to check vitals and would give Raph a light update.
Your arm twitched, your body shifted, and your eyes squeezed closed. His head snapped up as he looked at you, his hand reaching to hold yours. It was a minute before your eyes actually began to flutter open as you stared at the ceiling.
You swallowed thickly, your throat was dry, your lips were chapped and your eyes burned from just recently opening them. You heard your name, causing you to turn your head. There you saw the large terrapin sitting at your bed side. Now is when you were able to process what happened, the pain and soreness in your shoulder. “I am so sorry…”, Raph began as fresh tears began to well up in his eyes, “I didn’t mean for this to happen.. I’m sorry I should’ve never done what I did…”. The brutes speech was broken and hiccuped between. “I-I’d never wanted to hurt you like that.. I don’t know what got into me but I promise I-it’ll never h-happen again..please…”. You were torn, he looked so lost a broken and you wanted to let him know it was okay but in reality, it wasn’t. It was a stab in the back and to your trust and his promise to never hurt you.
“It’s gonna take time forgive you Raph… and it’s going to take time for me to actually trust you again….”, hearing the reality of the situation hurt but it was only an understandable response. Swallowing thickly, he nodded in response, “I know…”, he replied knowingly.
It took months before you even began to let Raph touch you again, before you guys began to fall back into the relationship dynamic you previously had. You were given the space you needed except on some days when Raph simply felt like he needed to hold you and remind you just how sorry he was. If anything, the brute played the perfect boyfriend for you, to prove to you the truth in his words and gain your trust. Yet the scar on your shoulder was a set reminder of his forever mistake.
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nataliedanovelist · 3 years ago
I’ll admit I’ve never watched ROTTMNT but i love that just by looking at the design you can differentiate the brothers. Also, i don’t know if it’s intentional, but you can almost tell what turtle they are supposed to be like: Raphael looks like a snapping turtle, Donatello is a soft shelf turtle and Leo is a red sided. I’m not sure about what Mickey is supposed to be, but that’s what I observed from the sketches and art. I might be completely wrong too.
Also, is it worth watching?
You’re right on the money!!! Raph is a snapping turtle, Donnie is a soft shell, Leo is a red ear, and Mikey is a box turtle!
Okay I guess I do owe all my Gravity Falls fans an apology for the abundance of Rise fan art and fanfiction either posted and/or reblogged. Please note I still LOVE GF, but goddamnit Im hyperfixated on TMNT right now.
TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION: yes. Give this show a shot.
Whether you’ve seen other TMNT versions or not, Rise of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is an amazing show with great characters, BEAUTIFUL animation, funny jokes, and so such RAW talented in everything, from the voice acting to the writing to the animation to EVERYTHING!
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I could gush about this show for hours, but here’s a brig summary of why I think anyone should give Rise a chance!
1. It’s a short show. I know a lot of people have short attention spans, and believe me, knowing a show or movie series is long usually scares me and keeps me from trying it (there’s a reason why I only watched Marvel and Star Wars this year, and it was cuz of my bf). Rise only has 2 seasons, the 2nd season being cut in half, and the episodes are only 10-12 minutes long, with the rare 22 minute episode thrown in.
2. The voice talent is AMAZING!!! The voice director is the legendary Rob Paulson, and his spark can be heard in everyone’s performances. If you’re a fan of TMNT 2012, there’s a LOT of voice cameos, and if not, there’s still a lot of talent in this show! Not to mention Ben Schwartz (the voice for every blue character imaginable) voices Leo, and is HILARIOUS in this role!
3. When I tell you the animation is beautiful, I feel like I’m not doing the show justice. No words can do the artwork justice! The facial expressions, the movements, the backgrounds, the character designs, EVERYTHING about this show is a blessing to the eye! There are times the budget is cut (thanks Nickelodeon! 😡🤬) but they use it to their advantage and use stiff animation for comedic bits that works really well!
4. Two words: found family.
5. LGBTQ REPRESENTATION!!! I don’t wanna spoil anything, but they did what they could with the studio breathing down their necks and gave us some great representation! Hell, an entire episode is named “Hypno and Warren Sitting in a Tree!” So for the best viewing experience, just jump in blind and enjoy the gayness! 🏳️‍🌈
6. The movie. This is the most important reason of all to give this show a try. On August 5th, they released the Rise movie on Netflix. The show had been “put on hold” and the second season cut in half, HOWEVER, if the movie does well enough on Netflix, they might bring it back. The show’s first season is on Netflix and the entire show is on Paramount+ (or you could just pirate off the internet, not that I normally recommend this, but desperate times call for desperate measures) and the movie is beyond amazing and deserves it separate post on how awesome it is!
SO! Should you give Rise of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles a try? Yes. Will you regret it? No. Will it come back? Maybe, maybe not. But at the very least I can promise you, you will have a wonderful experience. ❤️💙💜🧡
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hinacu-arts · 2 years ago
Actually typing on my computer for once so I'm able to use the read more lol. I need you guys to tell me if you want this in
BBC - The Fic
which would either be as its own chapter or Casey reading it. Theres also the option of it becoming a short little companion story/fic, and im also considering writing a final battle deal but I'm not sure I want both in BBC. Here's the first part of it, I cant really write more until the actual fic is written unless I got more technical on the How Do We Solve This Problem line of convo.
Reminder that this is a group chat on all of 2012's phones, that's why their names are there. Debating on whether or not to change that. The first section is copy and pasted from the section that was in Chp 2. I tried to space it out like actual texting, but tumblr was fighting me so thats why there are random "."s in there
Key Donnie = in 1987 (the first TV show) Mikey = in 1990 (the first live action movies from 90,91, and 93) April = in 2003 (the second TV show) Leo = in 2007 (the CGI animated movie) Raph = in 2014 (the second live action movies from 2014 and 2016) Casey = in 2018 (rottmnt)
LEO: anyone copy?
APRIL: copy
RAPH: hallelujah. Get me out of this hell
LEO: not yet. Donnie says he needs a response by everyone before he can track your locations
LEO: hi other versions of us -Mikey
DONNIE: the tech i have to work with here is ancient i hate it. No computer needs to be this chunky
MIKEY: mikey is asleep but his phone is receiving -Donnie
CASEY: fucking finally. Do you know how many frequencies i had to try to get these messages to come in. not to mention how i had to pry the phone out of Leo's hands so i could take it apart
CASEY: anyways happy to report we haven't gotten him killed yet
CASEY: for the record he came to us bruised that was not our fault
APRIL: great. We can start narrowing down locations now -Don
CASEY: spoke too soon Casey found out about your Casey and she's demanding a fight to the death. Casey might be coming home in pieces
RAPH: wtf
CASEY: do you want him in a box or can i send him in a crate?
RAPH: wtf -Donnie
CASEY: youre right, if he's bleeding the blood will ooze out
MIKEY: wtf -everyone here
LEO: wtf -Donnie
DONNIE: i dont know to respond to this -both Donnies
RAPH: damn. put him in a cooler, those are water tight -April
RAPH: please do not listen to her and please dont let any maiming occur -Donnie
RAPH: by any chance has anyone done the calculations for their own universe? I did ours a couple years ago and its Universe 2-0-1-4 -Donnie
DONNIE: Donnie says this universe is 1-9-8-7. Our home universe is 2-0-1-2
ARPIL: Don says this one is 2003
LEO: Donnie says this is Earth 2,007
RAPH: great. We just cut down a lot of time trying to figure that out. Now we just need to track and calculate your Mikey and Casey’s locations
APRIL: their Dons have probably already done the work themselves. @Mikey @Casey -Don
DONNIE: they aren’t answering. Either they can’t get to the computer or they’re sleeping. Lets just begin the math ourselves. Me and Donnie will get started on Mikey. Who wants to track Casey?
LEO: I’ve been collecting data the whole time, I’ll take Casey. The universe he landed in sounds hardcore, if that Donnie wasn’t exaggerating. Casey’s hardcore but we should get him out of there as soon as possible -Donnie
LEO: I think he’s somewhere between 2010 and 2030. Mikey might be in the 1990s -Donnie
RAPH: I don’t know about you guys, but interdimensional travel is not a norm here -Donnie
LEO: Same. Its happened before but I wasn’t prepared to collect data -Donnie
CASEY: @Leo close. We’re Universe 2-0-1-8. And inta-dimensional travel and inter-dimensional travel is a norm here, but not inter-universe travel
MIKEY: Donnie says this is universe 19 90
CASEY: lmao look at this touch starved fool [5 attachments: couchcuddling.png]
CASEY: I didn’t know humans could turn that red -Mike
CASEY: forgive my brother he is easily excitable -D
CASEY: Leo I swear to pizza supreme I will take away your caps feature -D
CASEY: boo no fun. You know we could be in the same room and not have to confuse everyone with two people talking from the same server -L
CASEY: I knew giving you access would be a mistake -D
CASEY: Just send that update video you and Mikey put together for their Casey’s friends -D
CASEY: [attachment: weekoneupdate.mp4] thought you all might like proof of life since Donnie is a horrible texter. Don’t worry about that last part I took care of it. -L
APRIL: the video quality is all corrupted and the only sound I hear is the words “it’s a hard knock life for us” on repeat -Don
RAPH: why is Casey on fire?
CASEY: I told you I took care of it -L
CASEY: he was trying to show off -D
MIKEY: the file won’t download
CASEY: rip -L
CASEY: I will boot you -D
CASEY: but I want to say hi -Mike
CASEY: and Raph wants everyone to know that he’s trying his best to keep Casey alive but that Casey is giving him gray scales -Mike LEO: Can we agree to keep this chat for getting you all back home data and planning only? -Donnie
LEO: how on earth did you get Casey to agree to a spa day?
CASEY: we have girls night once every two weeks. He either had to join or vacate the premises -D
CASEY: he really enjoyed himself! -Mike
CASEY: anyways I agree lets keep this /emergency chat/ open for data and updates only. Hey Leo -D
CASEY: Yes? -L
CASEY: Adios bitch -D
MIKEY: you can block people!?!?!
CASEY: [attachment: lakeprank.mp4]
RAPH: Donnie’s mad that wasn’t a emergency “im dying” video because he nearly had a heart attack when the whole lair alerted us but the rest of us are laughing so hard. Your April has a great reporter voice. RIP Casey Jones, for his dignity died today. -April
RAPH: also Donnie thinks its fascinating you all look so different/are different turtles. -April
LEO: I want to be mad because that also gave me a heart attack but that was funny af. Even through all the grainy quality -Donnie
DONNIE: well both us Donnies are pissed because the video can’t display on these ancient computers and we thought someone died since this is a /emergency/ chat
DONNIE: Leo when did you have the time to teach him 2010s text slang?
LEO: he’s standing next to me rn and telling me what to say -Donnie
CASEY: You are all the same turtle species? man your Draxums must be boring. At least ours has some class. Some finesse. Appreciates the art of presentation. What did yours do? Go to the pet store and buy the first four turtles he saw for his experiments? -L
APRIL: we don’t have a Draxum and April says her universe doesn’t either -Don
MIKEY: Never heard of the guy -Donnie
LEO: No draxum and we were never apart of any experiments.
CASEY: so you guys WERENT created through genetic engineering for the sole purpose of being a bioweapon/supersoliders meant to lead armies to wipe out humanity? -L
MIKEY: We were mutated on accident
RAPH: wtf
APRIL: I don’t know how to respond to this, but no we were not -Don
LEO: I told you their world was hardcore -Donnie
CASEY: really? Case Man says its pretty chill compared to his. Like he doesn’t have Run Of The Mill but he does have evil aliens so -L
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tangledinink · 2 years ago
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raph fans come get y'all juice. chapter four of i'm sorry, teenage mutant what now? is up! read it on ao3 or below the cut!
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Okay, fine, he’d admit it. Dad was acting weird. 
Like, weird weird, not regular weird. Their dad had always been weird, which Leo had always chalked up to 1.) him being their dad 2.) him spending time in Hollywood. But this? This was off, even for him. 
Last night, he spaced out in the middle of one of Mikey’s stories, and Leo still wasn’t sure if he had literally fallen asleep with his eyes open or if he had just accidentally astral projected to the Twilight Zone or something. Of course, they had all then proceeded to say the most absolutely asinine, insane shit that they could think of in an attempt to goad a reaction until Mikey finally managed to snap him out of it by throwing some lentils at him. The day before that, he caught him rifling through that old shelf of weird knick-knacks that none of them were allowed to touch, muttering to himself the entire time like some crazy supervillain. Like, dude, had some ancient ninja ghost replaced their daddy, or what? ‘Cause this was getting freaky. He had kind of just thought Donnie was overreacting, but maybe he was onto something…
He hated it when Donnie was right. It happened annoyingly often and he could never admit it, lest he risk his twin’s ego becoming even larger. There’s only room for one egomaniac in this family.
“Think we can corner Dad on the train ride home and find out what’s happening? That way he won’t be able to run.” He said, casually, inviting himself into his twin brother’s room and tossing himself down on their bed.
 Donnie pulled his eyes away from whatever robotics project he was currently tinkering with in order to glare at his brother, spinning around in his desk chair.
 “Groan. Do we have to? That sounds unpleasant at best.”
 “Hey, you started this in the first place. And you agreed to the plan,” he countered, pointing accusingly at the other. “You don’t get to back out now.”
“I’m not saying that I’m not worried, or that I don’t think someone should talk with him. I’m just saying that I don’t want to do it.” Donnie defended.
“Bummer. You’re participating.” Leo deadpanned. “Between you, me, and Raph, we might have half a chance. And if not… Well. We’ve got the big guns waiting at home.”
 Donnie shuddered a bit. The Doctor.
 “I don’t know. Based on historical data, there’s about a 76.4% chance that Dad will attempt to bodily throw himself out the window of a moving train if we try to talk to him about his feelings.” 
 “Do you think we can find a train car without windows?”
 “I’ll do some research. I’m sure there are specs available online...” Donnie sighed, turning back around to face his desk and pulling out his phone.
 Leo hummed softly, knowing that Donnie would, in fact, actually do that, whether or not it was realistic.
“I’m serious, Donnie. We actually have to talk to him.”
“I mean, yeah, sure. I am too. But what the hell are we gonna say?”
“Ugh. I don’t know! You’re the one with a therapist! And you’ve been seeing her for how long now? Shouldn’t you know how to do all the talky-feely shit by now?”
“I’m autistic.”
“You should get a therapist.”
“Off-topic,” Leo muttered, rolling his eyes. “This is, like, weirder than he usually is. Like… Something is for real wrong. It’s kind of spooky.”
“It’s Mikey.”
Leo scoffed. “It’s not Mikey.”
“Yeah, it is. He started being weird right after Mikey lit himself on fire.”
“Mikey didn’t light himself on fire, Dee.”
“Well, he clearly did something . And Dad keeps looking at him like he thinks he’s gonna combust at any moment. There’s a very clear pattern of behavior, Leo.” He insisted. “Also, you don’t know what the hell Mikey did, either, because we both know he wasn’t just playing with matches in his room.”
“He might have been.” Leo huffed. “That kid is way more fucked up than we give him credit for. Remember in the fourth grade when someone destroyed his science fair project?”
Donnie shivered. “You don’t just forget something like that, Leo.”
“Exactly! Playing with lighters is totally within the realm of possibility.”
“There’s a difference between enacting violent but justified revenge and doing simply dangerous stuff just for the fun of it.” Donnie countered, glancing up at the other through half-lidded eyes. “Plus, he’s used to all of us doing dangerous stuff for the fun of it! Dad wouldn’t react this way if he was just worried Mikey was gonna hurt himself. He deals with worrying Mikey is gonna hurt himself all the time. Nor would he let Mikey get away with this with nary a punishment if that were truly the case. In the very least, Dad doesn’t think the event was the result of Mikey just ‘playing with lighters.’”
“Oh, so what? It’s magic? His notebook magically caught on fire?” Leo challenged dryly, giving his twin an unimpressed look.
“Of course not. I’m a man of science.” Donnie scoffed. “I’m sure there’s a logical explanation, but, admittedly, I haven’t been able to intuit exactly what the cause was just yet. My investigation is still ongoing.” He sighed. “... But maybe Dad thinks it was?”
 Leo paused for a moment, rolling the thought around in his head, frowning a bit.
“You think Dad thinks Mikey magically caught his notebook on fire?” He questioned, raising one brow in doubt.
 “It’s possible,” Donnie said, shrugging. “We know that he’s superstitious.”
 Leo hummed softly, his hand automatically moving to spin the small silver bracelet on his wrist, running his fingertips across the smooth edges of the blue crystal in its center. One in a set of five. He supposed that that was technically true… ‘Superstitious’ wasn’t really the first word that would come to mind if he was trying to describe his father. It wouldn’t even be in the top ten. But slapping actual good-luck charms onto each of his children did kind of automatically sort him into that category, didn’t it?
 He knew his dad had a small altar in his room, and they would occasionally celebrate, or at least acknowledge, Japanese holidays that he had grown up with. But they didn’t have any other charms or amulets in their home, at least not that Leo knew of, just old knick-knacks and trinkets that lived on shelves or in closets. They had never gone to a shrine or temple or church or anything of the like in their lives, and he had never heard his Dad pray before. But the bracelets? He had always been really invested in that. Leo literally couldn’t remember a time when they hadn’t all worn them. He had told them since they were small that they ‘kept them safe ,’ and it had been a hard rule their entire lives that they weren’t to be removed.
 It was the kind of thing that Leo was pretty sure people would think was weird if he brought it up-- so he usually didn’t. He used to think it was weird, too, honestly, and kind of dumb. I mean, they were just bracelets, right? So what did it matter? But he remembered the one time he had tried to take it off when he was around seven. Even now it was absolutely vivid in his brain every time he thought about it.
 He hadn’t been trying to rebel or make trouble or anything, he had just been bored. He forgot exactly where they were, but they were waiting in line for something at some building with lots of desks and people milling about, discussing boring things. And there wasn’t anything to do! He had exhausted all viable options for entertaining himself: Annoying his father. Annoying his brother. Annoying his other brother. Annoying his other other brother. So he had basically run out of ideas.
 He hadn’t even taken the bracelet off. I mean, not all the way. He was just messing with it, kind of yanking it up and down his wrist, and seeing if he could wiggle it up his hand over his knuckles--
 But god, he remembers the way his father’s voice sounded when he caught him, biting out his name like it was painful. He remembers the look on his face, and even now it makes him feel small.
 Not because his dad was angry. But because he was scared.  
 He had never seen his dad look that way before in his entire life. Like he was about to watch the entire world crumble down around him. 
 It was scary. His dad was scared, so he got scared, too. He shivers a little bit at the memory, his frown deepening. They had left shortly after, and Dad had assured him at least twenty times that he wasn’t mad, and he was sorry for scaring him, and it was okay, but that he couldn’t take the bracelet off. It was important.
 Leo and his brothers had kind of decided after that that it probably was important and that they really shouldn’t take them off. Leo wasn’t entirely sure if he completely believed now that they actually ‘kept them safe’ or whatever, but he had certainly believed it then. And besides that, clearly, their father believed it, and that alone was enough for him. It was too small to really get off now, anyway. They had grown enough that Leo doubted he could wriggle his way out of it even if he wanted to. It was a small miracle that Raph hadn’t busted his with how damn beefy he had grown, but hey, he wasn’t gonna look a gift horse in the mouth or anything.
 “Okay. Fine.” Leo conceded. “So, Dad thinks Mikey has magic hands, or whatever. What do we do about it?”
The train ride over to the swim meet was relatively calm, filled with idle chatter and conversation. Leo, Donnie, and Raph had met their Dad at the station after school, and they spent the trip discussing the new leaf Donnie's Monstera was growing, the most recent viral street magic video Leo had seen, and the latest funny thing Raph's swim kids had done. Raph attempted, unsuccessfully, to prod their Dad into sharing as well, but the most he got was information about the latest reality show episode he had watched. Their Dad wasn't always the biggest sharer, but usually, they could at least get him to discuss the state of his Dojos, any new acting prospects, or celebrity gossip. He loved celebrity gossip! But not today-- the conversation stayed squarely focused on his three sons.
 Still, it had been pleasant, even with the slight stirring of anxiety in Raph's stomach. They were all busy more often than they weren't, so it was always nice to get to spend any amount of time together. Their pops didn't always attend all their various sporting events, recitals, or other competitions-- it just wasn't realistic. There was only one of him, after all. But they were getting towards the end of the season at this point, which meant that all the 'important' events were beginning to crop up on their calendars. Their Dad hated to miss those-- even if they did go pretty much every year. He always said he wanted to ‘brag about how talented his children were.’
 The sports center was just a short walk from the train station, and Raph glanced down at their father as they made their way into the bustling lobby. "You know where you're goin', pops?"
 "Yes, yes, of course. I could give tours of this place." His father joked, his frame shaking with his laughter. "You boys know how to find me if you need me. Now, go and have fun. And also, kick some butt!" He encouraged with a toothy grin.
 "You got it, pops!" Raph assured, smiling wide in response, herding his two younger brothers off to the locker room. Usually, they'd come here with the rest of their team. Rather than traveling with their Dad, they'd travel with the other kids and their coach. But this was the city-wide meet. Qualifiers only-- which thinned out the crowd. Raph knew there were other competitors from the Mad Dogs Swim Team around here somewhere, but until they could hunt them down, it was just the three of them. Luckily, this was far from their first rodeo.
"Dibs on Candy Locker!" Leo yelled.
"Leo, no one else wants Candy Locker," Donnie said.
"Do not touch the Candy Locker!" Raph shouted.
They did this every year.
The infamous Candy Locker.
  Raph, Leo, and Donnie had been competing in swim since they were eight and seven, respectively. And every year since then, all three of them had qualified for city-wide. And every year, city-wide was held at the Aquatics Pavilion at the Ithaca College campus. And every year that they came here, since they discovered it their very first time, the Candy Locker remained.
 It was basically a historical landmark at this point, and Raph was continuously baffled that it still persevered. There were rows and rows of shiny slate gray lockers in the changing rooms, free for whatever visiting athlete to use while they competed, just big enough that you could fit a swim bag in there if you really put some muscle into it, all labeled and neat. Typically, you would open a locker without a padlock, and there would be one of two things there. One: someone else's clothes and bag. Someone already took this locker, but is playing it fast and loose and trusts no one will steal their shit. That's cool. Stealing ain't the Mad Dog way. Two: An empty locker. Sweet, free locker. You can shove your shit in there. But at the Aquatics Pavilion, there was also a third option.
 That option was a faded yellow pillowcase filled to the brim with about two pounds of Halloween candy. 
 The running theory was that someone had stashed it here ages ago, forgotten it, and it had just been there ever since, therefore transforming Locker 336 into ‘Candy Locker.’ Raph wasn't sure if the staff at the school truly just weren't aware of it, if they just didn't feel like dealing with it, or if they too respected it enough that they couldn't bring themselves to destroy it. All he knew was that Candy Locker was forever, and a fixture of the institution. 
 He also knew that every single year, without fail, Leo tried to sneak chocolate out of Candy Locker. 
"You can't use Candy Locker. Leo! It's not open for use! It's Candy Locker, and it needs to be treated with respect!" Raph yelled, giving a low groan of annoyance as Leo just barely glanced back at him, just for a moment, this absolutely feral look of excitement in his eyes, and darted off, breaking away from their small group. Dammit. 
 All of Raph's little brothers were fast and small and nimble. Raph always felt a tiny bit awed when he watched how they moved-- weaving about obstacles like minnows swimming upstream, dancing and darting about in a way that always looked effortless. Raph was fast, too, and he was far more acrobatic than the average high schooler... Don't get it twisted, he was perfectly capable of back-flips and cartwheels. But small? Small he was not.
 It was tough being a big guy sometimes. I mean, he didn't dislike it by any means! He loved being large enough that he could see over crowds and keep an eye on everything. He loved feeling strong and powerful enough that he could plant himself in between his family and any kind of danger, and feel like a wall-- an immovable object. He loved being strong, relished the rush of pinning his opponents to the ground beneath him without any effort and smashing his way through obstacles.
 ... But with size and strength comes responsibility. Wait, was that the quote? Something like that. The point was, if he ran after Leo, he'd mow half these kids down.  And he didn't wanna hurt anyone or anything. He knew better than that.
Raph's father knelt down next to him, his voice gentle, but nudging, demanding to be heard. It took Raph a few moments, but eventually, he glanced up at him, peeking shyly at his father from behind his hand and uncurling from the small ball he was rolled into just the tiniest bit.
 "Raphael, did you hit Leonardo?"
 He hesitated for a moment, and then nodded a tiny bit, sniffling loudly.
 "And bite him?"
He nodded again, drawing his legs up to his chest and hiding his face in his knees.
 His father sighed softly. "Red, we cannot--"
 "He pushed me first!" He bit out, and he could feel his face burn even hotter than before, all muddy with shame and anger sloshed together. "H-he was being mean, and, and he wouldn't leave me alone! And I wanted him to stop!" 
"I will talk to him, Red. But just because he pushes you does not mean you can push back. Or hit him, or bite him. You are bigger than him, Raphael."  This brought a fresh sob tumbling through Raph's chest, despite his best efforts. His father sighed again before slowly sitting down, holding out his arms.
 "Come here, my son." 
 Raphael rolled over onto his hands and knees, crawling into his dad's lap and burrowing his face into his chest. His dad's arms wrapped around him, squeezing him tight and rocking the two of them back and forth. And for a while, they just sat like that, quiet and still, hidden away in the hallway closet.
 "Is Leo okay?" Raph eventually mumbled, not picking up his head.
"He will be alright," Dad confirmed. "But you did hurt him quite a bit, Raphael."
"Sorry." He whispered. He wiped at his face with balled-up fists, hiccuping a few times. His mouth tasted salty, now, from the tears, but it still tasted bitter from the blood, too.
 "...You did a very good job coming to get me right away." 
 Raph hummed a tiny bit in response, but he didn't say anything beyond that. He wished he could fold himself up even tighter and hide. He wished he was so small he could fit in between the floorboards. He wished he could disappear.
 "You know, your gym teacher is very impressed with you, Red." Dad eventually began to speak again. "He told me all about how wonderfully you do whenever he sees you. You're bigger and stronger than the other kids in your class," He continued, and then laughed. "And I think that is very cool! And it makes me very proud to hear about how well you have done."
Raph finally dared to peek up at his father again, wiping some of the tears off his cheeks.
 "But I know it can be hard to be strong sometimes. It is a lot of work, being big and strong! You have to be careful with others around you, even if they're not careful with you back. That is very difficult!" He said, his hand moving in slow circles up and down his child's spine. "But I have seen you many, many times be big and strong to protect your brothers, and keep them safe, and to help them." He said, keeping quiet for a moment before exhaling slowly through his nose. "... Can I share a secret with you, Red?"
A secret? His eyes widened a bit, and he immediately nodded.
"I have been thinking that perhaps you boys might be ready to start learning proper martial arts at the dojo." Raph let out an audible gasp, his entire body perking up with excitement. Actual for real kung-fu and karate and stuff?! Not just blocks and poses!? "But I am a little worried that your brothers might hurt themselves, or fight with each other if I teach them." 
 Oh. Raph hadn't thought of that before. He frowned a bit, his brows suddenly pinched with worry. He hadn’t ever considered before that learning martial arts could actually be a bad idea. If he learned martial arts with his Dad, what if he just hurt his brothers worse? 
 "But I know how much you all want to learn. And I can already see how much potential you all have." He continued with a soft smile. "So I was hoping that you could help me. I don't like that you and Leo got into a fight, or that he got hurt... But now I know that you know what it feels like to hurt someone that you love. And that it doesn't feel very good, does it?"
 No... It felt horrible. He furrowed his brows, frowning before nodding a bit.
 "So I think that means that I can trust you to help me with teaching them how to be careful and strong at the same time, and keep them safe. Do you think you could handle that, Red?"
 Raphael swallowed hard, feeling this wet lump form in his throat. All the tears from before welled up in his eyes again-- even though he didn't wanna live in the floorboards anymore. His dad still trusted him that much? Even now, after he messed up really bad? He tried to tell his father 'yes,' but his lips were wobbling too much for his tongue to work right, so he just nodded as hard as he could instead. Yes-- He wanted more than anything to help protect his little brothers, no matter what. ‘Cause even when they made him so, so angry... he still loved them so, so much.
 "I thought so." Dad laughed, kissing the top of his son's head before ruffling his hair lightly. "And I know we will not have any more fighting like this. And no more biting , Raphael. We have talked about this. If you want to bite something, I will get you something else that is for biting. But it cannot be people! Understood?"
 Hiccuping a bit, Raphael nodded again. Somehow, he wasn't even upset to be scolded this time. And he knew that he had said he wouldn't bite people before, but this time he really meant it.
 "Good boy. Now, I am going to go check on your brothers. Do you want to stay here a little bit longer, or do you want to come with me?"
 Raph took a long, deep breath, swallowing the lump in his throat so that he could find his voice again.
 "I wanna see my brothers."
 "GET BACK HERE, LEO. DON'T MAKE ME COME AFTER YOU." He shouted, and was completely ignored. "Donnie--"
"Not involved." Donnie immediately replied, not looking up from his phone. 
 Raph groaned, trying to pick up the pace without taking out any bystanders, muttering repeated, "Pardon me's," and "'Scuse me's," as he went.
 Leo really wasn't that far ahead of them-- He wouldn't completely ditch them, but he did get far enough ahead that he was already breaking into Candy Locker by the time Raph rounded the corner, his face set into a deep scowl.
 "Leo. Don't you dare." 
 "Look! Untouched and beautiful as ever!"
 "Leo, do not eat the candy ."
"Wow, and they have all our favorites, too..."
 "They are at least eight years old! At a minimum , Leo!" 
 "Oh, pshhh. As if I haven't seen you wolf down two-week-old leftovers before." Leo scoffed.
 "Remember that time he ate beef jerky out of the trash?" Not helping, Donnie.
 "It was right on top! Practically untouched!" Raph protested. "And that's completely different! Plus, eight years is, like, twelve times longer than two weeks is!"
 "That math is not correct..." Donnie mumbled under his breath.
 "Chillax! I'm not gonna eat any of the candy." Leo said, holding his hands up in mock surrender.
 Oh, thank god.
 "I just wanna have one. To like... put on a shelf or something. I bet Donnie could make a little pedestal for it."
 "One year." Raph said, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Just one year. I just want us to leave Candy Locker in peace... for one year . It's a sacred space, Leo!"
 "Mmmm..." Leo pursed his lips, placing a hand on his hip. "Yeah, I mean. I see what you're saying, but... I'm pretty sure no one is gonna miss, like, one Tootsie Pop."
 "Stop messing with him, Leo." Donnie chided, cracking open a locker nearby, tossing his bag down and shucking off his jacket.
 "Okay, okay. Fine. Because I'm an amazing brother, I will refrain from interacting any further with Candy Locker until after the meet." Leo declared, slapping the locker shut again with a flick of his wrist and a satisfying metallic clack. "But know this, Raphael. This isn't over." 
 Raphael scoffed, rolling his eyes, glaring at Leo as he yanked open his own locker. He loved his brothers dearly-- he did. But they were really lucky sometimes that he didn't just snap their necks.
At this point, Yoshi had a pretty good handle on these types of events, and he knew well enough how to navigate. He knew exactly which corner bounced cheers and shouts about the least, knew just where all the vents, pumping in warm air to prevent all the swimmers from freezing their butts off, were hidden, so they could be avoided, and knew the best seating arrangement that allowed for minimal soreness the following day. Metal bleachers weren’t exactly easy on your back, after all! Armed with years of experience, (plus his cellphone and earbuds for when events did not feature his sons and he got bored,) he was fully committed to making it through the meet and focusing for the entirety of it. Had he made any progress on the whole Hamato Ninpo thing? Well, no, not exactly. Which was. Ah. Worrisome. But, now was not the time for that!
He was quite excited to watch his three eldest sons kick ass and take names, as per usual. 
He said 'hello' to a few of the other parents that he knew and made some polite small talk, settling down to watch the meet. Warm-ups were already done by the time he was all seated, and he could see his boys and the rest of their team from where they sat across the pool; audience members sat on one side, and competitors on the other. He watched them doing much of the same-- making conversation with each other and their teammates, checking their phones, and cheering whenever anyone they knew was in the water. 
 All in all, everything was fairly normal and expected. Yoshi still struggled a bit to keep himself focused, and not think too deeply about all the worries in his head, but it wasn't as bad as it had been lately... It had been nearly a week now with no further incidents, no questioning from his children, and no spooky prophecies or visions from his ancestors or anything like that. So he was beginning to wonder, or perhaps more accurately, hope that maybe it had just been a fluke. Just a one-off event rather than the beginning of anything trying. Maybe his family was fine, their identity and secrets were safe, and nothing further was going to occur to jeopardize that-- they could just continue to live in peace just as they had been.
 He watched the twins get up from the bench for their next event, shedding their hoodies and towels in favor of goggles, only to get waved over by an official. The two wandered over and joined him and what appeared to be another parent. He couldn't hear what they were saying from where he was, but the conversation soon became animated-- Donnie's arms crossed over his chest, Leo talking wildly with his hands, and worry immediately began to blossom in his chest. He had just gotten to his feet, beginning to make his way over to the group when the discussion seemed to dissolve, his two sons walking away visibly upset. Yoshi met them halfway. 
 "What is going on?" He immediately questioned, his brows knit together, forming wrinkled creases in his skin. He could see Raphael straining to see from his side of the pool, a similar expression on his own face.
 "Ugh. It's nothing." Leo huffed, a scowl set on his face, his hands on his hips. "Some Karen or whatever is just mad that we're gonna ruin her kid's record or whatever, so she talked the officials into drug testing us."
 "Which is obviously a complete waste of time and resources," Donnie added in, rolling his eyes.
 "She's just gonna embarrass herself when it comes back negative. As if we need any steroids to clean up shop." Leo declared, a small, sly grin growing on his face, offering out a hand to high-five his brother like, ‘Sick burn, right, Dee?'
 His brother accepted, slapping his palm firmly. "Indeed."
 Yoshi had broken out into a cold sweat, feeling as though his entire body had turned into stone, freezing him in place.
 "O-oh. A drug test. Yes, how silly..." He mumbled, forcing a grin on his face. "How. Uh. How exactly... Does that work? Is it going to take long? I would hate for the, uh, the meet to be held up...!"
 "No, they're just doing a rapid test." Donnie hummed. "Obviously it's going to be a smaller panel than they could achieve with a proper lab test, and not achieve quite as accurate or varied of a data set, but it should only take five minutes or so. I understand they're fetching the technician now, and then it should be as simple as collecting a urine sample to use. It can only reveal a 'negative' or 'positive' result rather than any more detailed variations or anything of the like, but of course, this isn't a concern for us, since we already know neither of us is using any drugs. It's actually a very fascinating process--"
 Yoshi wasn't listening anymore, because all he could hear in his ears was his own voice screaming TURTLE PISS TURTLE PISS TURTLE PISS.
  Logically, the test did not have the capacity to give such information. Donatello had just said that there were only two possible test results, positive or negative, and his purplest son usually knew what he was talking about regarding such things. So, reasonably, he knew it could not possibly come back ‘Mutant Turtle’. And rationally, he knew that his family had been under further scrutiny in the past and come out on the other side just fine. This did not ease his panic. It never did. 
Insurance cards? Check. Paperwork? Check. All four children? Check. He went over his list for the fifth time in his head, glancing down at his kids, two on either side of him, as they approached the office. Right... Yes. He had everything he needed. 
 So why didn't he feel even the least bit prepared?
 He had gone to such lengths to ensure the success of this plan. He had accounted for every document that would need to be forged, had crafted an elaborate story to explain his disappearance, and had paid dearly for the five bracelets that concealed his and his sons' mutant identities. He prepared for every possible threat to their new identities, and did everything he could to allow the success of their new lives.
 It wasn't like he didn't account for this. He knew that it would be an obstacle, and he knew that it would be one that they would have to face. That didn't stop it from being terrifying.
 The doctor.
 Despite all the paperwork he had fabricated, he knew that they wouldn't be able to avoid going to the doctor forever. Even if he falsified records indicating his sons were up to date on absolutely everything and in perfect health, this would only buy them a year or two before they would be due for a visit, or risk being barred from enrollment in public school. And even if he somehow avoided this, too, what if one of his children got sick? Or injured? Was he to simply keep them at home and deny them medical care? 
 No, no. He wanted his kids to have a normal life. He wanted them to be able to do things like go to school and play in parks and make friends with other children... and have proper medical care when it was needed. He wanted them to be vaccinated, to be screened for problems, to have regular check-ups and be able to go to the hospital when they were hurt. He desperately wanted this.
 But jesus christ, this was terrifying.
 "Are you ready, boys?" He asked, glancing down at his children once more. He was trying to keep his voice level and his body language calm, but he could tell that his sons could sense his anxiety. His heart broke a little when four pairs of big, horrified eyes looked up at him and they shook their heads.
 "Ah, where are my brave boys?" He questioned, nudging them ever so slightly, beginning the walk into the office. He held Mikey and Donnie's hands tightly so that they wouldn't be able to tell he was shaking. "Do not worry. I promise that Dr. Davis is very nice. Nothing bad will happen." He assured.
 The boys didn't seem too convinced. He wasn't either, truthfully, but he marched them inside anyway.
 It had been over a decade since he had last been inside a doctor's office, and even longer than that since he had been to a pediatrician. Yet somehow, it felt like nothing had really changed. Colorful wires with wooden beads strung on them stuck out from a brightly-painted table in the middle of the room, in sharp contrast to the faded burgundy chairs lined along the walls. Children's books and Highlight magazines covered every available surface, which Donnie immediately took to reading. There were a few other parents with their children as well, but the Hamatos were in no mood to socialize. After speaking to the woman at the front desk, Yoshi got to work filling out a literal stack of papers. He was so nervous, he messed up at least three different forms, and had to sheepishly request new copies.
 And then they waited.
 The longer they sat, the more the collective anxiety seemed to mount. Yoshi couldn't help the scenarios running through his mind over and over, each one ending with a doctor or nurse shrieking in horror and calling Animal Control--
 Yoshi blinked back into reality, looking down at his youngest son, pulling at his sleeve with tears in his eyes.
 "Dad, I wanna go home," Mikey whispered, leaning in close to him and sniffling a bit. "I don't wanna see the doctor." 
 Quite frankly, Yoshi was inclined to agree with his kid, to pick them all up and walk out right this very minute. But he suppressed the urge. 
 "I know, Mikey. I do not like seeing the doctor either." He admitted, scooping up the preschooler to hold in his lap. "But I promise... Dr. Davis is very nice, and, ah, I will not let them do anything bad to you... I am sure everything will be fine...!" 
 Before he could continue his, quite frankly, horrible pep talk, a nurse poked her head into the room from the back. 
 "The Hamatos?" 
  "Yo. Dad. You good?"
 Yoshi paused for a moment before he returned properly back to the present day, glancing over at his sons and giving a nervous laugh, which then dissolved into a cough. 
 "Ah! Yes, of course! I am perfectly fine! Why wouldn't I be!" He wheezed, and his sons exchanged looks.
 "Papa, honestly, it's fine. This will take ten minutes tops, and again, I assure you that neither Leo nor myself are engaging in any kind of recreational substances." Donnie said.
 "Yeah! All we gotta do is piss in a cup." Leo added in. "And then we'll be all set. It's just annoying. Here, why don't you sit down, watch some Netflix or something-- I know you like Netflix-- and we'll be back in a bit, okay? Just chill." 
 "Right. Of course. I am... very chill." Yoshi insisted, even though he could feel his hands trembling a bit. Gah! Stupid traitor hands! Stop it! 
 "Surrreeee," Donnie said, taking him by the arm and slowly leading him back to the bleachers, sitting him down and patting his shoulder. "We'll be right back, alright? Nothing to worry about." 
"Alright, you should be all set." Dr. Davis hummed pleasantly, offering a gentle smile to her latest anxious parent. "Everyone looks great! Healthy weights, nothing scary going on... We'll send you home with some literature and referral information for Donatello. I would recommend considering getting in contact with them if you can, especially since he's gonna be starting school soon, but beyond that everything looks fantastic." 
 "Yes-- thank you," Yoshi said, forcing a smile, shakily accepting the new stack of papers that the doctor handed over.
 Nothing had gone wrong.
 Well, a few things had gone wrong. Mikey and Raphael had both cried when they got their shots. Donnie had a small meltdown after being repeatedly touched by people he didn't like. And Leo had punched a nurse in the gut for upsetting his brothers. 
 But their bill of health came back clean. No mentions of turtles, mutations, cold-bloodedness, or reptilian features of any kind.
 They made it through. They would be okay.
 "... And we'll see you back in about five weeks for their next booster series, okay? Jacklyn up front can get you all scheduled!"
 Yoshi pursed his lips slightly, his mouth suddenly feeling rather dry.
 "... Ah. Yes. Of course." 
The concept of buoyancy was built upon that of displacement; the idea that two different forms of matter could not occupy the same space. Archimedes once theorized that water, a liquid, would be pushed aside by a solid mass, but an object of an appropriate weight, density, or shape could ensure that the displaced weight of the water was greater than the total weight of the object, therefore ensuring it to float. This is, of course, connected to the concept of forces. Gravity is a downward force that acts upon all objects; when an object is placed in a fluid, that fluid must supply a force equal in magnitude but opposite in direction to the gravitational force for the object to float. Scientifically speaking, it was all a matter of density and mass, and every action that one took in the water, as well as every action that the water had in response, could be explained through a series of formulas and equations.
 ... In a non-scientific sense, however, water was safe and soft and inviting. Water would make room for you, no matter who you were or what you were doing. Once you got in, it would change itself to make exactly enough space for your body. Water was fluid and changing, soft and gentle when you moved softly, hard and firm when you moved harshly. In the water, the way you move changes. The way you see and hear changes. Perception itself shifts.
 God, Donatello loved swimming.
 Even just swimming laps was great, but a race only heightened the experience, engaging every bit of his body and mind and encouraging him to push. From the moment the buzzer went off and he dived from the starting block, ( push off with your legs, you're going for distance, not for height, hands together, smooth entry point, ) to the lap down, ( head down, no breathing except for when you absolutely need to, arms go back and glide over the water-- imagine your fingertips skimming just over the surface, no unnecessary movement, just enough for the maximum propulsion forward with minimal effort, ), the turn at the wall, ( watch the floor, see the blue tile end and the white begin-- you know the math, count it out, at five you duck, chin to your chest, arms together, kick off the wall and get as much air off that sucker as you can, ) and the sprint back, ( kick from your hips, not your knees, no reserving energy, it's just a fifty, this is a ‘dash,’ so dash -- )
 Every second of it he was engaged, and every second of it he adored the experience. He didn't even slow down when he approached the wall, ramming into it at full speed and using his outstretched hands to stop himself and trigger the timer that stopped the clock. They didn't have to worry about slowing down. They wouldn't run into anything. Their own hands and the water would catch them. 
 Sucking in ragged breaths, he looked to his left, and then he looked to his right. Leo was right behind him, but as he glanced up at the display board on the wall to check his time, he grinned widely. He had more than a five-second lead over him. More than enough to qualify for Regionals-- not that he had been worried. Leo was well within the range as well, just as expected. The three of them always went to Regionals. And Donnie was quite pleased to note that the kid from Lane 4, the child, he and Leo had deduced, of the woman who demanded they be tested, was significantly behind the two of them. Sure, his time was good enough to qualify for Regionals, too...
 But it wasn't anywhere near as good as theirs. Haha. Suck it.
 One by one, all of the racers joined him at the end of the lane, bobbing about in the water and holding onto the pool edge or the lane lines, everyone out of breath and filled with adrenaline. He shook the hands of his two lane neighbors, congratulating both of them on a race well run, and once the referee blew his whistle, he clambered out of the water, hoisting himself up back onto dry land and moving to rejoin his twin.
 "Killed it." Leo said, though breathlessly, ("if you're not struggling to breathe by the end of a race, you're not doing it right," their coach often said,) offering a fistbump, which Donnie reciprocated.
 "As expected." He said, grinning wide as the two of them made their way back to the bleachers. 
 "Leo! Donnie! Nice!" Raph called as they approached, tossing them each a towel to wrap around themselves, each beginning to dry themselves off, peeling goggles and swim caps off their heads. "Good time! But, uh, what was with the--?"
 "Some lady made us do a drug test," Leo explained, waving a hand as if to dismiss Raph's concerns. "It was dumb, we both passed, it's all good now. Just annoying."
 "A drug test?! Seriously?!" Raph said, scoffing loudly. And admittedly, Raphala was no stranger to similar situations. Donnie recalled he had been accused of taking steroids or faking his age more than once in his various sporting exploits, but it typically wasn't taken as far as to actually test him. Donnie thought, vaguely, that he was almost surprised that Raph wasn't subject to the same treatment as he and Leo were today, but he supposed it did make at least a bit of sense. Raph was big-- he was tall and visibly muscular and powerful. People looked at him and expected him to excel in athletics.
 He and Leo? Not so much. Leo was only 5'5", and he himself barely passed 5'3" without his boots, much to his annoyance. They were both lean and clearly athletically inclined, sure, but they were both much smaller and slimmer than their older brother was. People looked at them and were often surprised by their respective sporting resumes. Especially him.
 "Yes, yes, it was an unfortunate waste of everyone's time." Donnie agreed. "But to no one's surprise, it came back completely spotless, and we were able to proceed without issue and completely destroy absolutely everyone, in your face Karen, thank you very much."
 "Is that why Dad's been freaking out?" Raph asked after a moment, raising a brow. Donnie followed his eyes to steal a glance over at their father on the other side of the pool, looking much better than he had before they received their test results, (both he and Leo offering him thumbs up from across the way once they had been cleared, and watching him sag with relief,) but still seemed a bit shaky.
 "Yeah," Leo said, wrinkling his nose. "I thought he was gonna pass out for a second there when we told him. He was sweating so much, it was disgusting."
 "He doesn't seriously think you guys' would come back positive or anything, does he?" Raph scoffed, frowning a bit, and Leo shook his head.
 "Nah, I don't think so. But you know how scared he is of doctors."
 Dad always got like this whenever they had an appointment.
 'This' meaning, of course, 'Visibly and overwhelmingly anxious and frightened, absolutely filled with dread and horror.' 
 They were all kind of used to it by now.
 When they were little, it would sort of freak them out, because every time they had to go to the doctor, he had to come with them, and he'd be in a state of near-panic the whole time. And if Dad was freaking out, then they should probably be freaking out too, right? Looking back, Leo recognized that he was always trying to hide it, but quite frankly, he did a pretty shit job at it. Now that they had gotten a bit older, however, collectively exiting elementary school years to enter junior high, they more-or-less recognized that Dad's doctor-induced panic was really more of a personal thing, and not necessarily something that they needed to worry about themselves. Leo still didn't really like the doctor, and he kind of doubted he ever would, but he wouldn't really categorize himself as 'afraid' any longer.
 Their Dad? Not so much. 
 The four of them had been long aware of the little note on the calendar in the kitchen, the sacred piece of literature that controlled all their lives, dictating that at four o'clock on this date, their dear father would be summoned to the doctor's office. And they knew that, of course, like he did every time, he would totally freak out. And, just as predicted, he had been an anxious mess all day, pacing around the house, mumbling nonsense to himself, (something about them being ‘onto him’ and ‘rat blood’ and other completely meaningless jibber-jabber.) 
 But this time, they had a plan. They absolutely could not continue to watch him like this. Everyone was in place. Leo looked across the living room, nodding to Raph. Raph glanced at Donnie, who checked his watch, and likewise nodded an affirmative. Mikey put down his sketchbook, getting to his feet, and the four of them, following his cue, fell into step with each other and filed into the kitchen.
 Mission: Save Daddy From the Horrors was a go.
 "Hey Dad," Mikey began, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and leaning into him slightly. Raph, at the same time, got to work preparing a pot of tea-- Donnie fetched the cream, Leo was on sugar duty. "So, we were thinking. Maybe we could come with you this afternoon?"
 Their father startled slightly, immediately moving to glare at Mikey with suspicious eyes. "What?! Come with me? Why would you want to come with me to a doctor's appointment?"
"Well, we were just thinking, it might be a nice, uh... family outing!" Raphael offered with a shrug, chuckling nervously and looking to the side. "And maybe we could, I dunno, get frozen yogurt on the way back?"
 "And we could watch that game show you like on the way over. With the mystery shrimp?" Donnie suggested. 
 "Plus, I mean, I've been meaning to get some acting tips from you? Not that I need them, obviously, but..." Leo added, placing a cup into his father's hands as he narrowed his eyes. 
 "... You boys are... up to something..." Dad mumbled, looking between the four of them with a slight frown. 
 "Up to something? No! Of course not!" Raph insisted, and Mikey placed a hand on their father's shoulder.
 "We just want to spend more quality time with you! As a family! Don't you want to spend time with us, your loving sons?" He questioned, batting his eyes. "Plus, we can get frozen yogurt! We know how much you love frozen yogurt, right?" 
 "Yeah, what they said," Donnie said. 
 "Pleaseeeee?" Leo went in for the kill, offering a dramatic pout, poking his lower lip out as far as it could possibly go. Mikey joined in shortly, combining their powers to reach near-dangerous levels of puppy-dog-eyes.
 "... I suppose... If you really would like to..."
  Score. They were in. Goal: minimize anxiety and get their dad home from the doctor's office in one piece for a change. And if they got some frozen yogurt in the process? What was the harm in that? As far as Leo was concerned, so long as they could manage to get their Dad through this appointment without totally freaking out, that'd be a win. And, if things went well, it would be that much easier to convince him to allow them to accompany him to future appointments, too. 
The rest of the swim meet went about as expected. Donnie easily got the best times in every event he participated in, and all three of them, plus a couple of their teammates, made it into the upcoming Regionals. Trophies and ribbons were given out in the end, which they had all immediately passed on to their father, ‘cause he was more excited about them than they were and would surely figure out a way to find space for at least some of them at home. Raph physically wrestled an ancient Twix bar out of Leo's hands, and once his little brother finally cried for mercy and swore to leave Candy Locker alone for the remainder of the trip, he unpinned him from the ground and allowed him to get back up. Normal stuff. 
 It wasn't until the train ride home that things got kind of weird. 
 About fifteen minutes in Leo started giving him these looks. Looks that said, ' go on, say something.' So Raph started giving Leo ' no, you say something ' looks. After some back and forth, they both tried to give Donnie looks, but Donnie completely ignored them in every sense of the word, pointedly refusing to look up from his phone as he discussed the process of coding artificial intelligence to their dad, who clearly didn't understand anything they were saying, but to his credit, was doing his best to nod along. 
 After losing a silent game of rock-paper-scissors played at knee-level, just outside of their father's field of vision, Raph cleared his throat, leaning over slightly.
 "Sooo, Pops... You been... sleeping okay?"
 "Hm? Oh, yes! You know I am always out like a light after my before-bed snack!" Dad replied easily with a chuckle, and Raph frowned, ‘cause he could tell just by looking at him that that was a lie.
 "Uh-huh. Right." Leo scoffed, not buying it. "That's crazy. Because, no offense, but you look kind of like garbage. And like you haven't so much as touched a pillow in, like... ever." 
 This immediately earned him a smack to his forehead.
 "Garbage?! I will have you know that I was voted Hollywood's ‘Sexiest Action Film Star’ five years in a row! No respect!"
 Leo whined loudly, rubbing his forehead and mumbling "ew," under his breath, but Raph knew it was all for show. Dad's infamous ‘Karate Chops’ never actually hurt. Though it could be that Leo was more hurting from the psychological damage of hearing their father refer to himself as ‘sexy’ than anything else...
 "I concur-- ew. And as fascinating as this factoid that you've cursed us with is, father, it doesn't really address the fact that you've clearly not been sleeping." Donnie remarked, still not looking up from his phone screen. Raph knew he was listening, though. He wasn't typing, no video was playing. He was fully engaged with the conversation. Just needed his barrier.
 "Yeah, if anyone is qualified to identify an insomniac, it's me!" Leo added in.
 "What we're trying to say is," Raph jumped in, hands held out and a nervous smile on his face, "Is just, uh. That we're a little worried about you, Pops. I mean. You've seemed kind of, uh, out of it... since..."
 "Since that thing with Mikey." Leo helpfully supplied, crossing his arms over his chest. 
 Raph noted the slight twitch in his Dad's left eye. 
 "What thing with Mikey?" Dad feigned.
 "Uh, the thing where he started a fire in his room? That thing? Ringing any bells?" Leo pressed, with a tone and a look that said 'yeah, nice try.'
"Oh, yes. That." Their dad said, waving a hand dismissively. "We have already discussed this, boys. The important thing is that Mikey was not hurt, and Purple, I know you are upset because you are not allowed to start fires anymore--"
"It's not about Mikey, Dad," Raph interjected. "It's about you! You've just... you've been acting... weird! And it's been nearly a week now! And-- and if something's goin' on, we wanna know!"
 "Nothing is going on." Their father immediately denied. "I already told you all. That was simply a freak accident, and it is not anything worth worrying about. I am fine! It is nothing you need to concern yourselves with."
"Dad, come on. There's obviously something bothering you!" Raph pushed a little harder, despite the anxiety bubbling up in his stomach, feeling like a soda can in a washing machine. "We just wanna help. Come on, don't you trust us--"
 "Enough." This time it was Dad who interrupted, his voice harder now, firm and definite. Raph flinched slightly. "I already said it is none of your concern. I am fine. I am perfectly capable of handling this, and I do not want any of you involved!"
 Raph opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but was surprised to find that there were no words. So he closed it again. He glanced over at Leo and Donnie, but they had about the same expressions on their faces as him. 
 "Please, Red." He heard the sigh in his father's voice, and he sounded softer now, tired even, and placed a hand on Raph’s shoulder. Raph glanced downwards, his eyes following all the knobs in his father’s fingers, the wrinkles in his knuckles. He didn't want to look at his face, because he knew that if he did, he would see him as an elderly man rather than Dad. He hated it when that happened, when he fell into that headspace... Just seeing people as people, just looking at them for exactly what they were, with all the familiarity and memories stripped away from them. "Just let me take care of this. I have everything under control." 
Raph frowned a bit, not entirely sure if he believed him.
 "We have a good life, Raphael. I need you to let me keep it that way." He said. "And to trust me enough not to get involved. Please."
 He didn't look at Leo or Donnie this time. Something in his gut was screaming at him that this wasn't the move. The words Dad was picking here felt... off. But the way his voice sounded... He swallowed thickly, and then slowly nodded. 
 "Yeah. Okay, Dad. We trust you."
Far beneath the city, below the concrete, below the subways, below even the sewers, the world eventually became city again-- Hidden below the oblivious humans above. At the edge of this city, a small vine grew from the soil, slow and silent, just at the seam of a brick wall. Ever-so-carefully, the vine grew and expanded, pushing itself upward, dark and veiled in violet veins. 
 The vine pressed itself up against the stone wall, curling unnaturally upward, and a bit of stone cracked in response, falling away to the soil below.
 The vine pushed further.
[ next ]
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prophetparadox · 2 years ago
DMC OC Week 2022 Day 2: Connections with OCs
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(art by @castledvania !)
Well, since last year I did Kay’s connections to the canon cast, I thought it was only fitting that for day two of @dmc-oc-week-specialedition​ I’d talk about her relationships with other OCs! Like I said before, Kay’s changed a lot in the past year, and she has quite a few relationships with OCs now due to me being involved in the community! Aside from the last character mentioned, these relationships aren’t exactly “canon” to Kay’s storyline. And while there’s a lot of OCs that she’s had interactions with in some form, I decided to stick with those she’s either interacted with in fics (my own or otherwise) or roleplays just to make things easier for myself. I’ve done my best to mention everyone, but if I forgot somebody, my apologies! All the OC owners are credited here, and some of them are probably posting OC Week stuff of their own (not all of them on here, but on their other socials)! If they are, check them out!
Lucanus ( @castledvania​ ): Lucan might not be the most open with his emotions, but Kay is happy to consider him a friend nonetheless. She respects him as a fighter, and knows that he’s a good guy deep down. And sometimes, she’s able to see sides of him that others don’t. For reasons she can’t explain, something about him makes her feel nostalgic even though they hadn’t met at some earlier point in her life. In some universes, they may even end up as more than just friends…
Raphael (Pampero on Toyhouse): These two are the definition of “complicated relationship”. Raph puts up a front of being an asshole, but Kay knows it’s a farce to try and get her to leave. The two of them are stubborn as hell, unstoppable force meets immovable object. In fact, they’re more similar in ways they aren’t aware of at first. She knows that he needs someone there for him, even if he says otherwise, and wants to help him be the support he so desperately needs. Even if that means having to deal with him constantly trying to fluster her for a laugh. In some universes, they may even end up as more than just friends…
Tilda ( @blacknight-darksky​ ): Kay thinks Tilda is cool, it’s not every day you get to meet a witch after all! The two of them are close, though they can’t help but worry about their other friends when they do something reckless and stupid. They’ll happily make some good food for everyone, including each other. In some universes, they may end up as even more than friends…
Roman ( @keyboardthenerd​ ): It was certainly a surprise to learn that Dante had a kid even he didn’t know about, but the moment Kay met Roman, she knew something had happened with them that hadn’t been good in the slightest. She’s always willing to be there for them and offer a shoulder to cry on. She worries about them a lot, especially considering their special interest is the Order of the Sword, but she isn’t about to give up on them. They just need a supportive figure in their life, maybe a lot actually, but Kay doesn’t mind being one.
Saara ( @saarasabaku​ ): Kay struggles to remember what it’s like for her to have a mother figure in her life, but she thinks Saara is the closest thing she has to one. She feels safe going to her for things, whether it be advice or a hug or to vent about Dante being an idiot. She’s probably accidentally called her “mom” before.
Manticore ( @mrmercer13​ ): Kay thinks Manticore is a strange demon, but a good one to be around. The giant of a man is very friend shaped after all, and he’s good at cooking too! Even if he isn’t the sharpest crayon in the box, it’s hard to feel upset around the big guy for long and she’s happy to call him her friend!
Gray ( @tseliius​ ): Kay sees the young maven as a bit of a younger sister. She can’t help but worry about her. She likes listening to them talk about magic and what they do with it, especially when it comes to seeing souls. She only hopes they stay on the right path, and she’s willing to help in whatever way she can.
King (derudevil on Twitter): At first, Kay thought King was kind of a dick. But in time, the human hunter has grown on her, and it turns out he’s not that bad. Dealing with him isn’t always easy, but it beats dealing with Vergil. Besides, considering the rough life he had, she can’t help but respect what he’s managed to achieve.
Siena ( @shadedshadowmc​ ): Dante’s daughter is a handful, but one that Kay doesn’t mind dealing with. Siena’s a good kid deep down, she cares about her dad a lot after all, but she is a little shit and that’s hard to forget. Even though Kay isn’t fond of being relegated to babysitting (mostly because she wants to be fighting demons, not stay stuck at the office), she does her best to be a supportive figure for the girl.
Avalon (Mine): Hate. Kay feels nothing but hate for the man who ruined everything. Her life, her family, her happiness, all of it was stolen away because of him. She wishes he hadn’t gotten away all those years ago, too much of a coward to see things through to the end. One thing is for certain, she will find him one day. And when she does, she will kill him. After all the atrocities he’s committed, it’s what he deserves.
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turtle-go-brrrr · 4 years ago
Hi, may I please request the bayverse turtles x male reader who likes to wear women’s clothes like skirts and dresses, but because of fear of judgment, he only wears them at home, but then the boys come over to visit one night and see him wearing a dress, and at first the reader almost panics and has a mini heart attack, but then comfort ensues?
My first request 🥺
I was gonna stick to headcanons at first, but I just love this prompt so much! Thank you for requesting ^^ I hope you like it! (Took some IRL experiences from my best friend because he's amazing and wear dresses like a champ uwu)
Male! Reader
Requested: Yes
Pairing: None, platonic
Word count: 1090
Triggers: none
Summary: You found the prettiest dress last week and have yet to try it on. You know you look good, but an unexpected visit still makes you doubt yourself.
You were looking hella fine on this late Saturday evenning.
The dress you found is pretty simple, actually. With short sleeves, a defined waist, falling right above your knees. Kind of a vintage style, but the modern patterns really caught your eye. And when you tried it on? You fell in love. You almost didn’t regret that shopping spree April dragged you on.
But here you were, your cool ass dress on, sitting on your couch waiting for the ordered food to come in. You didn’t actually got out with more feminine clothes on for… well, for obvious reasons, shall we say. But chilling in your own home? Why stop yourself?
The food came in quick, and after tipping the delivery guy, you flopped down on your couch once again, putting on the latest show you promised you were going to watch. You put your food on your lap, drolling at the smell, and started the first episode.
Not even five minutes in, you heard a knock. You pressed pause and checked the door, thinking the delivery guy might have forgotten something. But you hear the knock again, and it comes from your window. And you know exactly who it is.
Well, turns out your favorite mutants decided to pay you an unnanounced visit tonight. You scambled around your living room, not knowing if you should tell them to wait while you changed, or if you should open anyway.
They’re your friends. They’re not gonna judge you, dumbass. Just trust them.
Apparently, your late response made them think you were in danger. And apparently, that meant they were going to force your window. Sweet. Your window flew open after a few suspicious clicking sounds, and four very big, very mutated turtles fell right after the other in your living room. Michelangelo was the first to recover and get right back on his feet.
“Dude, are you okay? Why did it take so long?” He said, panicked. He looked at your flustered face, then dragged his eyes up and down shamelessely and stopped.
“What’s that smell ? Did you order without us?” He asked sadly before being shoved aside by Leonardo who took you by the shoulders, inspecting you as if you just got ran over by a truck, Donatello following close behind with his goggles in front of his eyes.
“You’re all being ridiculous, you know that?” You try your best to hide your embarassment, but you’re doing a terrible job. And they can all see it. You wait for the laughs, or the snide comments, even the disapointed tooks on their faces, but after a very uncomfortable silence you hear Raphael speak up.
“Cool dress. You never told us you could look this fine.” He smirks, and for once, he’s not being sarcastic.
“I- uuuh... What?”
“Yeah, c’mon bro. You know we love human fashion. Why do you think we’re always nagging April to show off her best outfits?”
“Mikey, leave him alone. And you should leave April alone, too.”
“But dude, look at him! He’s so handsome in that dress, it’s a crime not to show it off!” Mikey throws his hands in the air in defeat as Leo passes next to you, inspecting the other rooms of your appartment for any sign of danger.
“No one’s there except you guys, Leo. Also, did you break my window? Because I’m not paying for that.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I’m sure Donnie can fix -” The resident genius interrupts him with a slap behing the head.
Leo comes back, apparently satisfied with his search, and looks right at you. “Why were you so nervous when we came in if you aren’t in any danger?” You swear his super power is asking just the right questions.
You hesitate. They’re your friends. They trust you, and you know you can trust them.
But being vulnerable isn’t easy.
“Well, um…” You take a deep breath. “Okay, how do I put this ?” You can’t stop fidgeting with your hands. Openning up to your friends was harder than it looked like. “I was, uh, scared ? That you’d judge me. You know, for being a guy in a dress and all ?” Your voice is a lot softer than you’d like, and you can hear it crack. Damn you.
They all stare at you, obvious surprise on their faces. And you feel the heat creeping up your neck ana a cold sweat falling down your spine. Your nerves weren’t in your favor tonight.
“Huh?” You think it comes from Mikey. “Why would we judge you for wering a dress? You rock it, man.” Leo puts a hand on your shoulder and gives it an affectionate squeeze in silent support.
“Hey, as long as you don’t wear crocs like Fearless over here, we’re ain’t gonna judge you, bud.” You’ve never seen Raph look at you so softly before, but it quickly washes away by the side smirk he gives you just before saying : “Besides, you’re hot as hell, man. I’m not complaining.”
Leo groans, Donnie laughs, and Mikey shoves your shoulder playfully.
You laugh too, intense relief washing over you as your anxiety comes down, but you have to ask.
“You don’t think it makes me… Like, less manly or something ?” This time, you intentionally show your concern. You know they don’t but you need to hear it from them.
Raph ruffles your hair and passes an arm around your shoulders, directing you to the couch. “If anything, I’d say it makes you more manly. You wear what you wear and look good doin’ it. It’s all about confidence.” You cling to his arm, the biggest smile on your face.
“Y/N, I studied quantum physics, astrophysics, rocket science, number theory and so much more, and I can now understand all of those concepts perfectly. But gender? What the fuck were you guys thinking when you created those? And why give one to a piece of cloth?” Donnie gives you a playful wink as he takes his – your – place on the couch.
“You sharin’?” Mikey motions at the food on the table, and you give him a fork. You all take place in front of the TV, getting comfortable and you start the episode again.
You almost want to cry. You know they wouldn’t judge you for that either.
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nrrrdgrrrl2002 · 2 years ago
Oh man...
Just Casey having a good day... And finding the contingencies.
Recognising Middy's handwriting.
Casey slumps to the ground, making himself read every word.
"chains he can't break out of"
"stun via electrocution"
"if he gets out of line.
Go for the throat"
Every line like he's burning.
Casey doesn't move.
Maybe he expected rage, they all did when it came to him.
But Casey didn't feel angry.
All Casey's life he'd been the werid kid.
The accident waiting to happen.
The loner.
Casey thought that had changed when he met the turtles, Middy and April.
That maybe... Just maybe they loved him for him.
... He was an idiot.
He can't look away, even when he hears calls of his name for taking too long.
Casey had never let himself cry.
His father thought it was weakness.
That men didn't cry.
He hadn't wanted Casey either....
Casey clutched the evidence he was unwanted, a danger and cried like he had never cried before.
Heartbreaking sobs.
He cried for his past, he cried for his present and the future he would never have.
Sinking into the floor and clutching the words to his chest.
He cried for ever thinking he could have a family that loved him.
Ooh hoo hoo….
Oh that’d be so good.
And then middy come in and see.
Middy: sees what he has “case I’m sorry”
Casey: fake laughs “I… I expected this from Leo, Donnie, hell! I could see raph, Mikey and red gettin on board. But… but you? I never thought”
Middy:”case. We’d never resort to those plans unless we absolutely had no other choice. You know that, right?”
Casey:”yeah. That’s why Leo gives me the death glare all the time now”
Middy:”he’s worried. He cares about you, but after everything, he can’t get past-“
Casey:”since when do you defend him?! Or are you just defending yourself? God! I never should’ve thought your different”
Middy: sees he’s struggling to keep the mutation at bay “are you ok?”
Casey:”WHY?! So you can relay my weaknesses to Leo for your little contingencies?!”
Middy:”case. I never told anyone any of that. Anything private that was between you and me stayed that way. I’d never use that against you”
Casey: feels his mind and body start to shake “like how you wouldn’t plan ways to kill me behind my back?!” Hugs himself as his mind starts to feel wrong
Middy:”case what’s wrong? You look like your in agony”
Casey:”STOP WORRYING ABOUT ME! I’m so SICK of you acting like you care!”
Middy:”you… you seriously think I don’t care? You think because i helped him come up with contingencies, despite me begging him to stop and trying to argue against all his points, despite the idea of hurting my best friend killing me inside with each word, that I don’t care?”
Casey:”then why did you?!”
Middy:”CAUSE SOMEONE HAS TO BE THE LOGICAL ONE! You really think you’re the only one I’ve come up with contingencies like these for?! You think I’m scared of you?!”
The others walk in
Casey: tries to fight against his warping mind
April: goes up to middy “what’s going on?”
Casey:”maybe you should be”
Slashes his claws towards her
April:”WATCH OUT!”
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raphael-simp · 3 years ago
Two Years Ago - Raph x Reader
You never liked talking much.
Never really knew why, you just didn't. Of course, you would still carry a conversation to be polite, but the answers were short and spoken barely above a whisper. There were many times where you tried to change this about yourself, but the attempt didn't last for more than five minutes before you shrunk back into yourself again.
Then how the hell were you friends with four, loud and rowdy mutant teenage boys?
You didn't even know the answer to that one.
And to be honest, the memory of how you met the four of them was still slightly hazy. Of course, Donnie told you what had happened to you, but you personally didn't believe it. Why would robot alien beings want to kidnap a random girl walking home from her night shift? It still didn't make sense to you, nearly two whole years after it happened.
You were fourteen going on fifteen when you first met the four.
You worked at the convenience store not even two blocks from your apartment building, and you had switched shifts with your co-worker Abbigail so she could attend a funeral, which meant you now had the night shift.
It wasn't that big of a deal to you; she asked, you agreed, nothing more was said on the matter.
You texted your parents to inform them of the shift change and told them not to wait up for you, which they obviously denied much to your annoyance.
The shift ended at ten o'clock, but you still needed to do till and make sure the money count on the register matched with what you'd counted. That process alone took you about half an hour, so you really didn't leave until ten thirty. You made sure you switched off all the lights and locked all the entrances before you put the store keys in your jacket pocket and began your short walk home.
It was nearing winter, so the weather was beginning to turn cold, and you weren't exactly the best at dealing with temperature drops. You stood tensed as you speed walked towards your apartment building, wanting to get out of the darkness as fast as you could. There was one building near the end of the street that you almost always completely ran past; a run down looking, white parking garage with the paint peeling and chipping everywhere. It creeped you the hell out, mostly because there were always these two guys that stood at the old entrance, their stare boring into your back as you'd run past. Every day you expected them to run after you or shoot at you, but they never did anything.
Until tonight.
When you looked you didn't see them anywhere, and although you thought it would soothe you, it just made you more anxious.
'Where are they...?' You thought to yourself, nervously glancing around, trying to find the two.
Let's just say you didn't have too look far.
A large white van came screeching around the corner, running over the curb and nearly into you before it lurched to a halt. The back doors flew open and three identical looking men filed out and made their way towards you. In fact, they looked like the men that would always watch you at the entrance to the parking garage...
You literally froze. You didn't scream, move or look away until one picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. After that, you screamed absolute bloody murder, praying you'd get the attention of someone- anyone -that could do something to help you. Thankfully, help came rather quickly, just not in the way you thought.
You fought as hard as you could to at least get the man to slightly falter his grip around you; you punched, kicked, pounded- you even bit him, but it hurt you more than him.
You flailed like a fish out of water and kept screaming, even louder if possible as you got carried closer and closer to the back of the van.
Your voice was cut off when you landed harshly on the ground, trying to use your hands to catch yourself but only hurting yourself even more. You were a shaking mess, trying so hard not to cry but suspectingly failing, bursting into tears and sitting down properly, hugging your knees tightly to your chest as you cried into them. You were absolutely terrified out of your skull.
When someone tried to touch you, you screamed again, though it came out more as a strangled cry than anything else. You'd hurt your throat badly from all of your screaming and had no doubt lost your voice because of so.
"Well we can't just leave her crying in the streets, dudes. We gotta do something!"
You heard hushed voices talking a bit in front of you, but didn't bother to look up or fight. You wouldn't do that unless they actually did something, and that was what you were waiting for.
You cried to yourself, waiting to either calm down or for whoever was in front of you to do... whatever.
But they never did anything, they were quiet for the forty five minutes you were crying and calming yourself down.
"You're gonna be okay, alright?"
You slightly looked up from your knees, and honestly at this point, four giant turtles standing in front of you didn't phase you right now.
One of them was kneeling in front of you, it was wearing a tattered red mask and looking directly at you, with electrifying green eyes.
It looked up at one of the others, but you didn't bother to follow his gaze, your eyes were too tired.
"Don, do you need t' look at 'er?"
"I don't see anything major wrong with her, I think it's just shock right now... to be safe I wanna take a look at her, if she'll let us of course."
It looked back at you, the one with the red mask, and you did your best to keep your eyes open and listen to what he had to say. You were just so tired...
"My brother wants t' take a look at 'cha t' make sure ya weren't hurt too bad durin' that whole thing, okay? You alright with that?"
You barely nodded your head and lied it on your knees, involuntarily passing out.
When you woke up after that, you started freaking out and tried to scream, but found you barely had a voice. You were achy and sore all over and you could barely remember why.
Of course, you properly freaked out when you saw the four turtle figures again, but the ones in red and purple- who were the only ones in the room with you at the time- explained everything that had happened.
Donnie had picked up radio chatter that the Kraang were going to abduct another test patient that night, and the turtles rushed to the location that was shared, and ended up there just in time to help you and destroy the Kraang bots.
You hadn't been too badly hurt; bruised arms and shins from pounding on the metal robots, scraped hands, scraped knees, and a possible emotional blackout, to explain why you didn't remember what had happened to you.
You merely nodded along, trying not to stare too much at the two creatures in front of you, who introduced themselves as Raphael and Donatello.
"(Y-Y/N)...." you stuttered out, thinking that they at least deserved to know your name, after all they've done. Your voice was barely above a whisper, so the boys had to listen carefully to hear your name.
Raph and Donnie smiled, glad to hear that you at least trusted them to that extent.
You asked what time it was, and nearly flipped shit when Donatello told you it was almost 1:30 in the morning. Your parents were going to absolutely lose their minds on you! You scrambled to stand up and nearly fell over, thankful that Raphael had caught you.
"I-I need to get h-home." You breathed out, avoiding eye contact and trying to hide your face behind your (H/C) hair, to hide the fact you were red. Why you were red-faced?
You had no clue.
"I'll take ya. There ain't no way in hell you're goin' alone after this." Raphael stated, standing you back up on your own two feet. You would've fought him on it, had you not have agreed with him. If those Kraang guys still wanted you...
you didn't want to be left alone again. So you just nodded and let him walk you out. You didn't see the other two brothers while you walked out, so you assumed they were somewhere else.
Raphael led you around the systems of the sewer and helped you out of the manhole cover, and once out you took a deep breath of fresh air and closed your eyes in an attempt to clear your thoughts.
"I know you've had a rough night doll face, but we should probably get going."
Your eyes snapped open and you felt your face go warm, and instinct brought you to hide your face with your hair and jacket sleeve. You avoided his gaze and just nodded, speed walking to the sidewalk until you realized:
You had no idea where you were.
"Wh-where are we...?" You wheezed out, slightly turning to face Raphael.
"Just a couple blocks from where we found ya. We gotta take the roofs though... can't really walk out in th' street lookin' like I do."
You nearly asked why until it hit you like a brick. Again, you just nodded and climbed up the fire escape after him. You took notice how some of the roofs were pretty far apart, and hoped to God he didn't expect you to jump over them. Thankfully he didn't, and tried to stick to a route that involved just taking a step across. But for those that involved jumping, he just lifted you onto his shell and jumped across before setting you back down again.
Each time he did so he'd ask if you were okay, and you nodded in response hiding your face. And each time, he'd smile and mutter a small "cute," under his breath, which he didn't know you heard.
Once he brought you to where he and his brothers had found you, he told you to lead the way to your apartment, and you pointed him in the right direction. "So," he started, "Kinda wish we coulda met under better circumstances, (Y/N)."
You nodded in response, keeping your gaze down and stepping over a wooden plank. How the hell'd that get there?
"...You're shy, aren't cha?" Raphael asked, and again you nodded. Not only that, it hurt to talk, but he assumed correctly. He chuckled and lightly nudged your shoulder with his.
"Ya don't gotta be 'round me, I don't bite... much."
You looked up at him with both confusion and shock written all over your face, and it just made him laugh.
"Relax (Y/N), I'm kidding... just a little though."
You rolled your eyes, and yet you couldn't help the small smile that danced across your face.
The both of you walked Ina comfortable silence until you saw your apartment building across the street and elbowed Raphael's arm, pointing to it.
"This is my stop." You whispered, not daring to bring your voice above that. He nodded and hoisted you onto his shell, having to go around the roof tops to avoid going down to the streets. He set you down on your apartment roof, once again asking if you were okay.
"I'm fine, Raphael." You responded, pushing your hair behind your ear. He smiled at you and slightly tilted his head.
"Call me Raph, doll face."
You bit the inside of your lip and looked down, nodding your head. You didn't want him to see your warm and red face, it was extremely embarrassing for you.
"Hey," Raph's voice made you slightly look up, since he wanted your attention. He handed you a folded piece of paper with a number scribbled on it- wait, was this his phone number? Was a guy giving you his phone number? To your face?
"You don't gotta, but if ya don't wanna walk home alone again I'm available if ya need it."
You completely lifted your head to look Raph directly in the face, and he took pride in one thing; making you smile like that. You have him a single nod and held the paper with both hands.
"Trust me, I will.. Raph."
Now it was his turn to smile.
The two of you just stood on the roof for a couple minutes, staring and smiling at each other before something on his belt beeped. He jumped a bit in surprise and glanced at it.
"That's my brothers- I gotta go. You'll be okay?" He asked, taking a small step back.
You nodded, putting the paper in your pocket. "I'm home now. Go."
His smile grew and he backed up towards the edge of the roof.
"Try not t' get into trouble doll face! Just save a little to give me an excuse t' save ya again!" He shouted, just before jumping to the roof next to yours and taking off, eventually disappearing.
"I think I like that. Doll face..." you thought to yourself, still smiling like an idiot. You stood on your roof for God knows how long more before you came to your senses and carefully climbed down your fire escape and slid through your window.
"Was that really two years ago...?" You thought to yourself, flipping a pen between your fingers.
Yup. It was.
Two years ago these four boys saved your life, and two years ago you met the boy that kinda saved you, in a way.
It took him time, but he got you to slowly expand your comfort zone. You didn't stutter every time you spoke anymore, and you didn't respond with simple gestures anymore and used actual words that really carried a conversation. And at the same time, you helped him.
You kinda found out about his anger the hard way, having him lash out at you when he was beyond pissed off, and though it did hurt, you didn't blame him. In fact, you made it your goal to try and help him with it.
He'd expressed to you before how he'd never liked his short temper, and so you helped him. You showed him ways that he could release stress and repressed emotions, like actually using his drum kit and playing when he got pissed, or just sitting with you and either talking, or just sitting in silence.
Coming up in December would actually be a year since Raph had asked you out, too.
It didn't really come as a surprise to most, since the both of you were pretty open about affection with each other even before you two decided to make it official, just because.
The two of you would always sit close together, hold each other's hand, cuddle each other and he'd even kiss your cheek every now and again. Every movie night, you bet that the two of you would sit or lie with each other, and Raph would play with your hair or lightly trace an invisible pattern on your arm.
All in all, it wasn't really a surprise to Raph's brothers, April or Casey when he'd asked you out. The only person it surprised was you, but even then you'd accepted in a heartbeat.
And to this day, he still calls you doll face.
Two years later, the boy's nearly eighteen and you the same, you've found a new family.
And a new love.
"(Y/N), doll face, cmon we're headin' out with or without ya!" You rolled your eyes and smiled, shoving the pen in your jean pocket and getting up, grabbing your jacket.
"Yeah yeah, I'm coming Raph!" You called, walking out of his room and slipping your arms through your jacket sleeves as you jogged out to the entrance to meet the boys.
About a year ago, after you'd actually learned how to properly, they let you join along on some of their patrols. Raph made you carry a small dagger though. Just in case you got separated and something happened to you.
Speak of the devil, he heard you coming up behind him and turned around smiling. He extended his arm to you, waiting for you to end up at his side before putting his arm around your waist and pulling you close to his side, kissing the top of your head.
"All ready and fashionably late, doll face?"
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, shoving him while failing to hide a smile of your own.
"Shaddup Raph, I was doing important things." You said, zipping your jacket up.
He just chuckled and raised his arms in mock defence.
"Alright, alright, I'm sorry baby." He said, lightly pressing his lips to the side of your head and cheek in chaste kisses. You turned your head at the last second to catch his lips in a quick kiss. While he smiled and put an arm around your shoulders, Mikey mock gaged.
"Yup, think I'm gonna hurl-" he said, making a queasy face. Raph reached out with his free hand and punched his baby brother in the shoulder.
"Oh shut it Mike, not like ya don't see it regularly." Mikey hit Raph's arm back, which quickly escalated into an arm punching war. You tried not to laugh too much, looking over to Leo and Donnie, who were trying to do the same thing.
"Alright alright alright guys, that's enough!" Leo called, laughing a bit to himself.
"We gotta get going before it gets too late, we gotta take (Y/N) home by midnight. Let's move out!"
With those words, the five of you took off running towards your normal exit to the top world.
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