#hehehe we're getting somewhere everyone!!
the1trueanon · 1 year
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starglitterz · 8 months
serendipity. (vii)
─── chapter 7 ! ~ my bff thinks she’s sherlock holmes (…what?)
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summary; when you, a waitress at the local coffee shop, are paired up with the new recruit scaramouche, you’re pretty sure both of you are going to get fired within a week. he’s just quit being a social media influencer and after being forced to work here to make ends meet, he’s ready to let everyone there know how much he hates it. the worst part? you can’t shake the feeling that you know him from somewhere. but as he slowly warms up to you, scaramouche realises that having a fresh start isn’t that bad after all, and perhaps the two of you meeting like this was pure serendipity.
a/n; hiii it's me again ! i'm so back >:) hope you missed serendipity bc i definitely did hehehe,,, also for further context on some details mentioned in this chapter, you should totally read cynosure 👀 (shameless self-promo LOL) anyways i hope u enjoy this chapter !!
warning(s); a lot of swearing, scuffed pics 😔
please reblog w comments ! it helps a lot :)
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private messages #1 !
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phone call !
incoming call from kokomi at 1.30 p.m.
kokomi: hi, y/n! it's your lunch break now, right?
y/n: yep! i'm surprised you remember.
kokomi: hey! i just visited you the other day, my memory isn't that bad!!
y/n: yeah, yeah, whatever you say. anyways, what did you want to tell me? it sounded important.
kokomi: well… you know how we met childe and signora the other day, right?
y/n: yeah, i could barely believe they knew scara. i mean, this is the same guy who complains about the stray cats making a mess outside the cafe but still leaves leftovers for them. i wouldn't have expected him to have such famous friends.
kokomi: me too. and i actually wanted to talk to you about that.
y/n: why, what is it?
kokomi: i was curious about how scaramouche knew them, so i asked gorou to do a little digging.
y/n: what? kokomi, why would you do that?
kokomi: this guy shows up out of nowhere and ayaka hires him, and it turns out he has friends in such high places? it's suspicious!
y/n: what the fuck, kokomi? what's gotten into you? this is my colleague we're talking about. he's literally just some random guy ayaka hired, why do his friends matter? it's not like they're bad people!
kokomi: they might not be, but he is.
y/n: and what's that supposed to mean?
kokomi: check the link i just sent you.
y/n: fuck off, kokomi. i'm not dealing with this today. what's wrong with you?
kokomi: y/n, please just click it. i really think you need to see this.
you click on the link kokomi sent you - it's a youtube video titled 'the rise & fall of scaramouche'. you watch it in silence with kokomi still on the phone.
kokomi: you see? he was a drama youtuber and he got clout off of ruining other people's lives - he even got fired from genshin impact! when genshin threatened a lawsuit, he agreed to settle privately by deleting all his accounts. genshin must have paid to scrub all the traces of him they could from the internet too. i knew there was something fishy about him!
y/n: honestly, fuck you, kokomi.
kokomi: what?! why me?!
y/n: because who cares what his past was like? yeah, maybe he used to be a shitty person, and yeah he's still a pain in my ass, but he's changing. scara hasn't done anything bad since he started working here, i don't know why you're so against him.
kokomi: i just don't want you to get hurt, y/n. we all know you're still looking for that mystery guy from when you were younger, and this is the first time you've liked someone without mentioning that. i'm worried he's taking advantage of you.
y/n: get a grip, kokomi. i'm a grown adult, and you're not my mother. i can make my own choices and deal with the consequences.
kokomi: well forgive me for being worried about my FRIEND.
y/n: just… leave me alone. goodbye, kokomi.
call cut from y/n's end at 2.17 p.m.
private messages #2 !
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twitter !
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i'm curious, what do u guys think abt what kokomi did? are you on her side or y/n's side? i've personally experienced a lot of friends getting defensive whenever you point out anything wrong with their rs/bf so i guess this is partially inspired by that LOL
© starglitterz 2024. do not repost or modify in any way.
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k0k0naty · 8 days
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📌attention 📌
the characters in this story have the opposite sex from the original game, and are not 100% identical to the original work, I hope you understand and enjoy.
Charles: Charlotte
Arthur: Agatha
Jonh: Jane
Dutch: Dina
Hose: Rose
Micah: Misa
Abigail: Benjamin
Lenny: Linda
Tilly: Tito
Jack: Joyce
♡⑅*˖•. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .•˖*⑅♡♡⑅*˖•. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .•˖*⑅♡♡⑅*˖•. ·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙·̩̩̥͙*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .•˖*⑅♡
The damn robbery went wrong, shit, shit, some of us died in that damn robbery, everything got out of control, and to make matters worse, Jane got lost along the way. The storm doesn't help us at all, it's very cold and we're probably far from finding shelter. Dina sent Misa further to find somewhere, but she still didn't show up.
Rosa: Where is Misa? Did she get lost?
Dina: calm down, she'll show up eventually, and let's hope she's found a shelter
Benjamin: we need to take shelter quickly! Joyce is not well
Benjamin was worried about his daughter, Joyce. Joyce was too young to face a storm like that, so the concern is understandable. By a divine miracle, Misa appears in the middle of the wind accompanied by a lamp.
Dina: Any signs? Misa: I found a house, it's very noisy, it looks like there's a party going on.
Dina: Well, luckily for them, we'll be the life of the party.
Dina tries to make a joke, but no one is really ready to laugh, everyone looks at her, and she gives a slight nervous laugh, but it seems that Misa finds it funny.
Misa: hehehe that was good
Charlotte whispers: was it so funny?
Agatha: don't worry, no one thought it was funny.
Dina ordered everyone to follow Misa to show the way.
Everyone hoped it wouldn't go far, and luckily it didn't, for the sake of safety, Dina told everyone to stay where they were, just asking Agatha and Misa to accompany her.
Ágata: I'll be right back.
Charlotte: stay safe and be careful with... you know.
Agatha laughs lightly.
Agatha: Misa, have you seen Jane?
Misa: What???
The howling storm prevented it from being.
Agatha: damn…..Dina! Ask Misa if she's seen Jane!
Dinah: what? Agatha: ask where Jane is!
Dina: A… Misa, have you seen Jane?
Misa: I haven't seen her since the storm started!
Dina: She must be fine, she is a strong woman!
Agatha: sometimes!
There were a few seconds of silence before Agatha interrupted with another question.
Agatha: did you find anyone else?
Misa: haha ​​​​​I think we're the only crazy ones left in this storm, Miss Morgan!
Agatha: don't talk about sanity to me!
Misa: Well, I'm waiting!
Agatha: what are you waiting for?
Misa: what? There is no “I’m glad you’re okay, Misa, I was worried”!
Agatha: not today!
Agatha was more focused on looking around than on Misa's small talk.
Dina doesn't seem to care much about their conversation.
Misa: it's going to be okay, Miss Morgan, some of us may have died, but those who matter most are alive.
Wait, did she really say that? What do you mean the most important ones? Is it serious that she is devaluing those who died? Is this serious? Agatha felt a little bitter about that sentence, but tried to swallow it, maybe that wasn't the intention...maybe.
Before they go any further, Dina tells them to keep quiet, because the house has been located, it looks like some kind of little farm, very cozy.
Dina: okay, let's go down there. Dina orders and they both obey.
Agatha, having difficulty seeing, stretches her arm around more so that her lamp shines brighter, it doesn't seem to make much difference. Dina: let's tie the horses here.
Agatha gets off the horse and ties it to a tree behind a large rock, to leave it close to the other horses.
Misa: GRR! stupid horse.
Misa aggressively pulls the horse to tie it, it seemed like she hated her horse, not that this was a surprise, because, although Misa recently joined the gang, she showed some… character deviations, and that includes hating any animal, Charlotte arrived even comment about it to Agatha to complain.
Dina: I'll go first, we don't want to scare anyone!
Misa: it looks like the party is really fun!
Dina: Ladies, stay behind that rock with the horses. A single armed woman seems less intimidating than three armed ones. If something gets out of control, stay ready to shoot. Both obeyed orders and watched Dina go to the front of the house, Agatha was hidden, watching from afar.
Dinah: Excuse me! Hello?
The party noises were replaced by brief discussions and silence, which didn't seem to be a positive thing. A man came out, his face didn't look very inviting.
Man: what do you want ma'am?
Dina: I'm sorry to bother you on this cold night, but my family and I got lost in the storm and need a place.
The man changed his arrogant gaze to a welcoming and seductive gaze.
Man: how many people are there, ma'am?
Agatha watched from afar as Misa caught her attention.
Misa: we have a problem!
Agatha: what? Which?
Misa dragged her foot through the snow to reveal the corpse of a hidden woman. Misa: I think they don't like women.
Agatha quickly turns her gaze to Dina and realizes that the man was approaching her, probably with bad intentions, without even thinking twice, Agatha aims and shoots him in the chest, causing a huge shootout. Dina, to protect herself from a bullet, throws herself in front of a cart and grabs her gun.
Misa: Be careful! In the upper window!
Agatha sees silhouettes of men pointing guns at them in the windows and, in reaction, Agatha shoots them. Agatha was very good at aiming, she rarely missed and Misa envied that. Misa helped Agatha kill the men. Dina, despite being at a disadvantage because of her location (behind a shit cart) managed to kill a few people, but it was Agatha who did the killing.
Dina: There's one running away!
Misa: leave it to me!
Misa tries to aim at the bandit, but it was difficult when he was so fast, her reasoning was interrupted by a shot coming from Agatha, she had hit the man who was running away, Misa was furious.
Dina: I think it was everyone! Misa, bring the horses closer to home before they can't stand the cold! Misa was a little reluctant to do this, but she complied.
Agatha: What are the damn O'Driscolls doing here?
Dina: Maybe they are in the same situation as us!
Agatha: too much coincidence!
Dina and Agatha enter the house, it didn't smell nice.
Agatha: wow, it stinks of partying here.
Dina: let's search the place for essential items, food, medicine….Whiskey.
Agatha: of course, without forgetting the most important thing.
Agatha turns the whole place over before she feels a pain, a hunger pain.
Agatha: I'm starving.
Dina: try to eat something before we leave, I don't want anyone to get sick from hunger.
Agatha was looking around the house looking for something to eat and found a can of beans, she didn't really like beans, but it was either that or remain hungry, she took the knife to open the can and ate it all in one sitting. What hunger does to people, right? She goes back to searching for the basics of survival until there is nothing left to scavenge.
Dina: O'Driscoll, can you believe they were here?
Agatha: Well, there's a good reward on their heads, this is a great chance to make money. 
Dina: Of course….... Did you see the pool of blood here on the floor? 
Agatha: I saw it, maybe it belongs to the poor woman outside. 
Dina: Poor woman? 
Agatha: Misa found a woman's body outside, I assume this blood is hers. 
Dina: Poor woman, she can't even be at peace in her own home. 
Agatha: Do you think we can make the others? 
Dina: It's warm and spacious, why not? 
Agatha gives a small laugh in agreement before coming face to face with some photos on top of the fireplace, she picks them up and examines them closely, it seems that the woman was married but, where is her husband? 
Dina: I'll ask Misa to bring the others, when she's done, meet me outside. 
Agatha: Of course. 
After Agatha finished what she had to do, she left the house and looked around for Dina, but noticed that the barn had not been explored, so she approached. There was nothing interesting except for a few horses, she approached to pet one of them until she felt a weight fall on her back making her fall. It seems that one of the O'Driscolls survived.
Man: You bitch! You killed my cousins!
Agatha: Fuck you!
Agatha tries to fight. When the man grabs her neck, Agatha takes the knife that was in her thigh and pierces the man's arm, making him scream, Agatha stabs him in the stomach and knocks him to the ground with force. 
Dina: What happened?
Dina finds Agatha filling the man's face with violent punches. Despite being a woman, she is very strong. 
Agatha: That little shit attacked me!
Dina: Really? 
Agatha gets up, leaving the man exhausted on the ground. 
Agatha: Should I kill him?
Dina: No, not yet, find out what they're doing here and where Colm is.
Agatha obeyed, stepping on the knife, sinking it even deeper into his belly, while the other foot stepped on his chest.
Agatha: Speak up, you bastard.
Man: He's with the others!... Aaa! Stop!
Agatha: Speak up before I stick it in deeper.
Man: He's... he's in the southeast in an old mining cave, near the lake.
Agatha: Are you telling me the truth?
Man: Yes! Yes, I am!
Agatha stepped on the knife more, making the man scream in pain.
Agatha: And what were they doing here?
Man: We were planning a train robbery! That's all!
Dina: Hehe, that's good to know, well, do whatever you want with him Agatha, I don't care.
Dina left the barn leaving Agatha alone with the man, and Agatha thought about what she should do. 
Agatha:... You called me a bitch. 
Man: Ma'am! I'm sorry, I-
Agatha shoots the man in the face leaving a pool of blood on the ground and scaring the horses, she feels sorry and goes to pet them to calm them down.
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annymation · 6 months
Hi Anny!! Got a writing prompt for ya!
So I’ve been seeing your little snippets of the KOW! Swapped AU between Star!Asha and Human!Aster, and they’re all soo cute X33
But now I’m wondering, what would the “At All Costs” scene look like? Or whatever song you swapped for AAC.
Would it be Aster who goes somewhere else private to practice his music? Would it be Asha who’s encouraged by their friends to confess to Aster? How does Aster react? How does Asha handle confessing?
Imagine the 7 (or 6 in this scenario) teens in the background being like: “JUST KISS THAT BOY ALREADY-!!”
Like I said in my original post about the AUs here:
Asha would sing "You Chose Me" from the musical "Breathe" as I think it fits her bubbly and happy personality very well. Now as for how a scene of them would play out, let's see...
After a lot of encouragement from the seven teens, Asha finally makes her way through the woods, following the sound of Aster's music. She finds him standing near a river, with his mandolin strapped on his shoulder, as he practices the magic she has given him.
(As I write this I realize that whole scene in KOW when Asha and Aster are hiding and Asha draws clones of themselves would have to change... Cause drawing is relatively silent, but playing music ain't lol so I guess Human!Aster's approach would be different, in this moment that is about him showing his growth... Maybe something more about him not being afraid to be loud and clear...)
Aster is trying to sing and hit a high note as loud as he can, by doing so he creates sound waves that make the water of the river tremble, but it's not enough, it wouldn't be strong enough to, let's say, knock someone out of balance for example, he gotta try harder.
Aster was so focused on his high note he didn't notice the light coming from behind him, till he feels a finger tap on his shoulder. He stops playing and turns around quickly
"AH- Oh hey Asha" the human didn't quite notice how nervous Asha seemed, like she was anxious to tell him something "Did Simon finish his dinner? We're good to go?"
"Umm yeah, everyone's ready, but- well... I wanted to ask you something first..." Asha can practically feel the 7 teens staring at them behind some bushes, waiting to see her confess... But instead Asha blurted out "Whatcha doing?" she asked awkwardly
"Just trying something different. I wondered if I could cause a sound wave strong and loud enough to be more destructive ya know... But no matter what I feel like my voice is like, stuck in my throat, ya know? Like it should be louder, but I'm holding back, even though I want to let it all out..." He explained with a pondering gaze on the mandolin
"... It takes time to find your voice, but I think the power you already have inside is more than enough to defeat them" The star smiled warmly as she spoke from her heart
"Let's hope. But yeah, what I can do is already pretty great, like, check this out" Aster plays a fast paced melody, and suddenly, the strings of his mandolin start to burn and he creates a fireball "I can make fire! That oughta be useful, right?" They try holding the fireball... It is- "HOT!" He exclaims as he throws the spell in the river "... Ya know, on second thought, maybe I'm not ready to go to the castle yet, maybe we should leave the plan for tomorrow or-"
"I know we'll win." Asha reassures him "You got a lot more power than you think, and that goes way beyond my magic"
Aster smiles and feels his cheeks getting warmer "Heheh thanks. I guess I'm just nervous cause'... Well, everything HAS to go according to plan"
"And what if it doesn't?" Asha tilts her head with a knowing smile
"Then Queen Amable kills us, I guess, or throws us in the dungeon to be her hubby's little lab rats" He shrugs, finding the outcome quite obvious
"... I don't know if things will go according to plan, but..." Asha holds both his hands, looking at him in the eyes with a radiant and optimistic smile that could make any shred of doubt fade away "As long as you follow your heart, you'll find a way... That's what made you wish upon me in the first place, right?" Asha giggled
Aster looks at her fondly, she's like the embodiment of hope...
"OH MY GOD- JUST KISS THE B-" Hal yelled from the bushes, to which Asha used her magic to make a wall of trees in front of the 7 hidden teens to hide them
"What was tha-"
"NOTHING!" Asha blurted out nervously
"Maybe the others are calling us, we should go" Aster begins to walk towards the trail that leads to their camp. But then, he feels her warm hand holding his wrist
"A-Aster wait!" Her voice shakes as she holds him, he looks back at her confused, so she tries her best to explain "I just... I think I discovered something new about how I feel about you... Well your friends did, but that's not the point" She mumbled the last part to herself "And I have so much I wanna tell you, but I don't know how to even start..." Then, Asha glances at Aster's mandolin for a moment, and that gives her idea "... Maybe I could try speaking your language... Can you give me a tune?" She asks with a soft smile
Aster is not quite sure where this is going, he raises an eyebrow at the request but complies "Uuuh sure ok" He starts to play a simple melody
And we get the song "You Chose Me"
I SPENT THE WHOLE AFTERNOON WRITING THIS LMAO @flicklikesstuff YOU BETTER APPRECIATE IT- just kidding, I had fun, but man, everytime these two are cute together I just covered my face blushing and giggling, kicking my feet, theyre so precious I cant hhidhefheljehbgfhhe
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 3 months
Hakuoki Drama CD - Hijikata Biyori Track 30 Eng translation
I know I'm late (again...), but yeah, Warframe. Hehehe. I'm a gamer, alright? Anyway, I'm going to work on the translations for the next two weeks now though I'm not entirely sure if I'll be answering messages during the time I'm away (July 10-17).
Oh well!
Hakuoki Hijikata Biyori Track 30: Gathering/Meeting
Translation by KumoriYami
Harada: Hey, hey, no one's coming. There can't be a meeting like this.
Sannan: Indeed. It's not going to be a meeting with the three of us.
Hijikata: Recently, those Satsuma and Choshu guys have been doing some strange things. Many of the guys are patrolling the border or escorting important people. It's really difficult to get everyone together now.
Harada: Yeah, that's true. Lately, no one even shows up to eat/for our meals/for dinner.
Hijikata: Actually, it's fine if it's just when eating/our meals/dinner where we don't get together, but these occasional meetings… Harada: Hey hey, Hijikata-san. What doyou mean to say by just eating? It's a big deal for comrades/friends living under the same roof to get together to eat.
Hijikata: It can't be helped if we're busy with work.
Harada: Eating isn't the same thing as working. Right, Sannan-san. Ah, but in any case, Sannan-san and Hijikata-san are of/share the same opinion.
Sannan: It can't be helped when it's busy. It's a reasonable opinion.
Harada: As expected…you two are really heartless. If Kondou-san were here, he would definitely agree with me.
Sannan: Well, we'll see. Kondou-san isn't here today. It ppears that he will not be/come back for dinner either.
Harada: Ah, what, seriously.
Hijikata; It's not like something won't happen if we don't eat together. We've eaten out from the same pot so many times. I think everyone understands each other's feelings/minds.
Harada: Well, that's true, but… What I'm trying to say is…
Sannan: ut… you're right. If things stay like this, we might all never get together for a meal again.
Hijikta/Harada: Ha?
Sannan: When was the last time we all got together to eat? That time might be the last time.
Harada: Hey, Sannan-san... saying that/that's a bit…
Sannan: Ah, it's fine. I was just mentioning a possibility. Is it find to cancel today's meeting? If that's possible, I hvae something to do, so I'll excuse myself first.
Harada: When he puts it like that...
Hijikata: Yeah. Yeah. But there's nothing we can do about it now. Harada: No, that's why...
Hijikata: Harada, I'm not saying that I like that this can't be helped.
Harada: I get it. (sighs)
(dinner time)
Harada: C'mon, let's eat/it's time to eat! Although I'm sorry to the people who working, I'm going to et well… That being said, it's not really fun to eat in such a quiet place. Oh? What's that? It's really noisy outside.
(opens sliding door)
Oh, what's wrong? Heisuke. Didn't you say that you couldn't come back today? Huh? Relieved from escorting? Then are the other guys coming back to?.... Really/ I see. Hey, what's going on. I was just thinking about eating your side dishes.
Hijikata: Souji, what happened? How could I believe that stupid excuse wsa used to dismiss the escord… The Shogunate's people will now be taking care of the escort? Heh, how did that happen… Ah, so that's how it is…
Harada: Hehe, let's eat then. Ah, Shinpcahi. That's not your food. You don't have to panic, the food won't run out/away. Come on, learn from Saito. Hijikta: Sannan-san, it's not like you to do something like this, is it?
Sannan: What are you talking about? I was just doing my job.
Hijikata: Fu, is that so. In front of you, I can no longer say that it can't be helped.
if there's an "a" missing somewhere, that's on account of me not catching that error since my keyboard decided to not work properly..
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autisticempathydaemon · 7 months
Tokyo Calling by ATARASHII GAKKO! it's just FUN
Enneagram type four.
YES. and my fave is the ABO copyright saga, but I enjoy having these on in the background while I do other things, and I use them to learn about online drama mostly hehehe
To fall asleep, either thinking through scenarios or audiobooks. if the brain won't shut up, then audiobooks!!
I wouldn't change my name, but I'm also not super duper attached to it haha
Favourite redacted audio!! Davey proposal, or the one where angel steals david's hoodie. there are a lot of call backs in both of these, and my favorite line: 'with you, I'm just- David.'
Zero appeal is Ollie!! I've tried. A few times. but No.
Muppet Christmas carol, I know all the words hahaha
Platonically, besties with Elliott! He'd be a great friend?
Go to ramble is whatever media I've been really into lately. I've gotten really into hockey and PWHL lately, and get me tired, I will ramble to you about it hahaha
Favorite playlist atm is an amalgamation of my daylists, but I'd summarise it as 'bisexual yearning pop'??
Guilty pleasure media is SMUTTY MANGA.
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Ooh, this is a cute one. Like, I think there are parts of you that could work so well with different parts of different redacted bois. Yet, when I look at all you’ve given me as a whole, I like you with Gavin most.
Type Fours tend to be creative, emotional, and reserved, an introverted sort of person; I think Gavin is uniquely suited to you in that he’s extroverted enough to pull you out of your shell but not so much you two don’t have a grand time by yourselves. Also, “bisexual yearning pop” one hundred percent sounds like Gavin’s vibe, so I think y’all could have a great time sharing playlists.
The main thing I love about y’all is that I think you and Gavin would like a lot of the same things, that he likes all the things you like. Like, can’t you imagine reading a smutty manga and shoving it in Gavin’s face like “babe, you’ll love this one”? Can’t you imagine watching hockey together and Gavin loving the hot people speeding across the ice and checking each other? Can’t you imagine your first Christmas together with him, showing him the Muppets Christmas Carol for the first time?
Every other boy’s on to the next one/ I hope that you stay, 'cause I think you′re so fun/ Everyone is asking if we're a thing now/ Are we going somewhere?/ Waking up my friends and texting my sister/ I wanna tell the world the things that we whisper/ Everyone is asking if we're a thing now/ Are we going somewhere?
To find a song for y’all, I searched Bisexual Yearning Pop in Spotify, and I quite like the result! This song is really catchy and cute and paints a really fun picture of a flirtationship on the brink of something more and the sweet, fuzzy feelings of having a crush in that situation. This song is new to me, but I’ll be saving it, and I hope you like it too!
Guy is a runner-up because I do love the idea of pairing you with an extrovert but not that much of an extrovert, ya know? Lasko is a runner-up because I think he’d love your smutty manga recommendations most of all the boys. You and he and Gavin should have a fun, little naughty book club.
note: thank you so much for waiting; please feel free to send me some manga recs if you’d like to share. I love a good 18+ Josei 💕
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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divine-knight-hand · 1 year
“It’s Not Safe Here!”
Chapter 4: Family Values
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Series Masterlist || Michael Masterlist || Full Masterlist || Read on AO3
Content Warnings: Angst, discussion of character deaths, walking in on masturbation, p in v, riding, pleasure crying, mention of leaving a hickey, explicit consent, and use of a condom.
Notes: Finally! I did it! I finished chapter four! Be prepared for backstories, more plot, and original characters for Y/N's story. I feel the need to remind everyone of the heavy canon divergence in this series.
Originally, this chapter wasn’t going to involve smut, but I think Michael deserves to feel happy after the torture I put him through. Besides, I know what we're all here for, so let's just get straight to it~
I also totally self-indulged a little because characters being caught jacking off is one of my favorite smut setup tropes (or whatever you wanna call it). Okay, I'm done talking your ears off now. Enjoy! Hehehe!
Word Count: 3,775
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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William Afton was a sadistic douchebag. That much was obvious, especially now. Wherever he went, he only ever brought suffering with him. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to deduce that he enjoyed the look of pain and torture on others. He was foul, and his latest act of malice took the cake.
It was 6:30 AM the day after my meeting with him when he and Henry gathered me, Michael, and a handful of other employees I could have sworn I’d never seen before into the party room. We sat at a single table, and I dutifully crossed one leg over the other as we observed the two tall tarped items that seemed to tower over all of us.
I smoothed the front of my white dress shirt, which I had neatly tucked into a sleek pair of navy dress pants, waiting for either of my bosses to say something. When silence proceeded to thicken the air, I uncrossed my legs, anxiously tapping the heel of my ankle boot in a trademark anxious knee bounce.
Michael seemed to notice my shaking leg and reached over to hold my hand, which was conveniently left on the table in front of me. I smiled up at him as he squeezed my hand, my leg slowing, but not stopping. Something’s wrong here. I can feel it…
Henry smiled at William, breaking the silence, “Well, since they’re all itching to hear what we’ve got with us, why don’t you show them all what we’ve got, Afton?”
“I’ll let you do the talking, Em.” I could have sworn I saw William cast a sour glance at me.
“Okay!” Henry clapped his hands together with a smile. “While tinkering away in our shared workshop, my business partner here and I have made a revolutionary breakthrough in robotics.”
Excited murmurs began to fill the room as my stomach dropped. Is this where our funds have been going this whole time? Damnit, William!
The murmurs stopped with a wave of Henry’s hands. “Now, after years of hard work, we would like to present to you-” Henry motioned toward William, who dropped the tarps with a sinister grin. “-the first-ever springlock suits in robotics history!”
As applause sounded behind me, my jaw dropped at the two tall figures that towered over us. A yellow bear with a purple top hat and matching purple bow stood beside a yellow rabbit with an identical bow. They both had glassy yellow eyes that made them seem lifeless. The sight sent a shiver down my spine.
“Say hello to Fredbear and Spring Bonnie!” Henry’s warm smile juxtaposed the horrifying scene right behind him. “They’ll be unveiled as new additions to the Fazbear crew tomorrow morning.”
“Cool! New characters!” I heard an employee enthuse from somewhere behind me.
“Not just any new characters.” William stepped beside Henry. “These are state-of-the-art springlock suits.” He smirked as he knocked on Fredbear’s shoulder, seeming satisfied with the resulting metal clanging. “Programmed to walk around when not occupied. But, to put them in costume mode, you twist a little handle inside and all the animatronic parts compress to make space for a human to fit inside.”
More excited murmurs launched from the other employees as I noticed Michael tense up. He gave my hand an anxious squeeze.
“This is dangerous!” The murmurs instantly stopped at my outburst. William scowled at me as I continued. “I mean, what if someone’s trapped in there and the animatronic parts snap back into place? Think of the lawsuits! Not to mention, I don’t think a human being could survive that type of injury.” Another anxious hand squeeze from Michael told me that was a poor choice of words. I mentally kicked myself for being so insensitive.
About four months ago, he let me in on one of his darkest secrets. Something that had been plaguing him with guilt for most of his life. 
He was about 16 years old when William let Michael and his little siblings, Elizabeth and Evan, run wild in an off-site storage unit for Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria. It was Evan’s tenth birthday, so William thought a storage site with half-finished machinery was a decent party setting. Though the restaurant hadn’t been established yet, he and Henry still wanted a base of operations for the animatronics they were working on.
Since Evan didn’t make friends easily, his mother, Clara, suggested that Michael invite his friends to Evan’s party to keep him company. This proved to be Evan’s worst nightmare, since Michael and his friends used to tease and bully him.
Evan feared one animatronic the most, so Michael and his friends thought it would be a funny prank to hoist him up to eye level with it. Evan squirmed around so much that his head ended up in its mouth. The last thing Michael heard from Evan was his crying before the animatronic’s jaw clamped shut over his head, crushing his skull and killing him.
Michael ran to get William for help, only to be harshly blamed, chastised, and even abused for Evan’s death. Clara later grew furious with William for being so cold to his own son after what was clearly an accident in an already unsafe environment, and the two began to argue, which didn’t help Michael’s situation at all.
To further add to the tragedy, Elizabeth disappeared that very same day after running off to play with another animatronic in the storage unit by herself. This only fueled William’s rage toward Michael. I couldn’t imagine how alone and scared Michael felt after having both of his siblings ripped from him at once, only to grow distant from his parents as well.
I remembered holding Michael as he sobbed after telling that story. My heart broke for him, and it took everything out of me not to cry alongside him. I appreciated that he felt comfortable enough to open up to me about this. We’d come so far together, and I wanted to be there for him in any way I could, even if all I could do was hold him.
So, that’s what I did. I held him as he buried his face in my shoulder, and rubbed his back as it heaved with each breath and sob. I felt almost useless beyond that. I’m not great with words when it comes to making people feel better. In that moment, I wished for some sort of magic spell that I could incant to put him at ease. Though the perfect words never came to me, Michael said that he appreciated my comfort.
I wouldn’t know anything about what coming from a broken family feels like. I was one of the lucky ones, having been raised by parents who treated me well in the big city. New York, to be exact. I was studying finances and entrepreneurship in college, hoping to someday open a business of my own, but I felt I wasn’t getting the hands-on experience that I needed. I felt that I was missing something.
One day, as I was coming home from college, my neighbor, Edith, stopped me and told me that her friend, Adelaide, told her that Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria was looking for a financial advisor. Edith was always a sweet lady. I considered her like a grandma to me. My grandma-like image of her was only further supported by the fact that she baked my family cookies every Friday. It was nice that she looked out for me like that. She always made it clear that she had my best interest at heart, and I appreciated it. Not to mention that she just introduced me to what could have been the opportunity of a lifetime for me. This is it! I thought, This could be what I was missing all this time!
Edith gave me Adelaide’s phone number and I found out that the pizzeria was located all the way in Hurricane, Utah. My heart dropped at how far away it was from home, but Adelaide told me not to lose hope yet and later sent me a newspaper clipping in the mail with additional information about the restaurant. I was instantly enthralled by the bright colors and silly characters in the ad, as well as the promise of experience with managing finances in a real-life business setting. It was a long shot, but I summoned my strength and applied for the position. Before I knew it, I was accepted.
My parents were confused as to why I was suddenly so eager to move to a small town in the middle of nowhere, but I had my mind set on my future. Besides, I had originally planned on moving back to New York once I was ready to launch my own business. I dropped out of college, packed up, and set off across the country to move in with Adelaide. My priorities quickly shifted when I met Michael. Suddenly, I had a lover, and staying in a small town didn’t sound so bad. Though, starting my own business wasn’t completely out of the realm of possibility…
Remembering how amused I used to be by the animatronics only made me feel bitter now, considering that each and every one was a walking death trap after hours. Once Michael gave my hand another anxious squeeze, my mind refocused on the worst of it, which stood right in front of the table we sat at.
“I can assure you that the springlock suits are completely safe.” Henry nervously chuckled, wringing his hands.
“Besides, me and my partner over here will be the only ones wearing the suits.” William reassured. “If there was any risk, which there isn’t,” He glared daggers at me. “Henry and I would be the only ones taking it. So, we’re not liable for anyone else’s physical well-being in that aspect.”
“How could you?!” Michael shot out of his chair, my hand left forgotten on the table, as he seemed to finally reach his breaking point. “How could you finish the project that-”
“If you finish that sentence the way I think you’re going to finish it, son, let me remind you who brought about that outcome.” William’s face was red with fury as he wagged his finger at Michael. “That was no fault of mine, boy.” Bastard! I wanted to scream and slap the shit out of William, but I sat still, swallowing bile instead. I almost got fired yesterday for yelling at the man. I didn’t need to risk a criminal assault charge next.
Michael clenched his jaw before he spat, “How could you even look at that face, knowing what it did?” He motioned to Fredbear, and I finally put the pieces together.
Fredbear was the animatronic that killed Evan. Fredbear killed Michael’s little brother, and William finished building it anyway. This was the most insensitive thing I’d ever seen him do. I felt nauseous.
“I believe whatever we’re discussing here can wait until after hours.” Henry stepped between the arguing two. “Right?”
The two glared at each other as if Henry wasn’t even there. The air between them seemed to crackle with tension before Michael broke the silence.
“Yeah.” He slowly backed away from the table, eyes unmoving from William. “Fine.” With that, he stormed out of the party room.
“Michael!” I lept out of my chair and quickly followed him. I heard Henry let out a defeated sigh behind me as I left the room.
As I reached the security office, I found Michael sitting in his chair with his face in his hands.
“Michael?” Though my call was just barely louder than a whisper, his head instantly shot up at the sound of my voice.
“Oh. Hello, love.” Michael’s watery eyes met mine, but his hands didn’t completely leave his face. The parts of his face that were showing through his hands were red and blotchy. I felt my heart sink at the sight of him.
“You shouldn’t listen to William.” I walked over and grabbed his hands, slowly coaxing them from his face. “His area of expertise is limited to creepy robots.” Creepy killer robots, but this didn’t seem like an appropriate time to bring that up. “For what it’s worth, I’m with you. This whole springlock thing is a stupid idea, and you deserve to be heard when trying to speak your mind.”
Michael sadly smiled. “Thank you, darling. That means a lot. It’s just-” He sighed. “What is going through my father’s head?”
“Who knows?” I brought Michael into a loose embrace, and he rested his head on my chest. “Your old man is crazy.”
Michael half-heartedly chuckled at my remark. “When is he not?”
“Hello, Fazbear crew~” The sing-songy voice sounded from one of the security cameras, instantly catching my attention. I recognized the woman’s medium frame and wavy auburn shoulder-length hair as she walked on-screen.
“Hello!” William greeted his wife.
“You forgot your lunch, dear!” She strolled over, handing him a paper bag and kissing him on the cheek.
“How forgetful of me.” He wrapped his arms around her waist. “Thank you, doll.”
As I watched the exchange, I remembered what I’d witnessed the day before between William and Henry. My stomach twisted with guilt. Maybe I should have told her what I saw. I wished I’d never even caught William cheating on her in the first place. I wished I didn’t bear the burden of knowing what William did at work.
Clara seemed like a kind and gentle woman. I didn’t think she deserved to feel the pain that came with finding out that her husband cheated on her. Then again, I didn’t think she deserved to be cheated on in the first place.
I was torn between whether or not I should tell her. Would it be better for her to find out after everything she’s been through or suffer a silent misdeed in ignorant bliss?
Michael let out a heavy sigh, bringing my attention back to him. “I think I’ll be heading home now.”
I let him stand up before wrapping him in a tighter hug. “Of course. Take care of yourself, okay? I’ll be there after my shift.” I tilted my head to give him a kiss before finally letting him go.
I watched him walk out of the door before turning to check the clock: 7:00 AM. Time for work.
“Hun, I’m home!” I called into the still air of our shared home as I slid my ankle boots off of my feet. Our house was small but cozy. There was only the two of us living here, after all. We didn’t need any extravagant arrangements.
By the time I stepped into the house, I still didn’t get a response, so I tried calling again, “Michael?” I slowly walked over to our bedroom, freezing at the closed door.
I could hear soft sighs and low moans coming from inside. “Mh… Ah- P- please…”
My stomach seized. Was he sick? Was he hurt? How long was he left suffering like this? I steeled my nerves and threw the door open, ready to help him.
Michael lay on our bed, still fully clothed in his work uniform, but his shirt was unbuttoned from top to bottom. His eyes were squeezed shut as he panted, stroking his hand up and down on his exposed cock. He let out a soft whine, breathily moaning my name.
I softly closed the door behind me and silently made my way closer to him. He looked like a painting. His brow was knit in concentration, and the noises he made were like music to my ears. His cheeks were lightly flushed as sweat began to dew his face. He looked perfect, and part of me wanted to reach out and touch him to make sure he was real.
“Missed me?” It took a lot to keep my voice low and even, but the faint pulsing sensation forming between my thighs made it difficult to keep my composure.
His mouth dropped into an ‘o’ shape as his eyes flew open in shock at the sound of my voice. “D- darling! You’re home early.” Though he was surprised, his hand didn’t move from his length.
I softly chuckled, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. “I came home at the same time as always, my love. It looks like you might have lost track of time, hm?”
“I… I suppose so.” His eyes fluttered closed at the contact. “I’m sorry, love.” He breathed.
“Please don’t apologize. You have nothing to apologize for.” I moved my hand to caress his cheek, earning a soft sigh from him. “You’re so pretty when you’re begging for me~”
He opened his eyes to innocently look up at me. “You’re the only one who can truly satisfy me.” I could have sworn my heart melted in my chest.
“Then may I?” I felt the corners of my mouth upturn in a mischievous smirk as Michael wildly nodded.
“Please...” His sigh bordered on a moan as he dropped his painfully hard dick onto his stomach.
I lightly grabbed the collar of his shirt. “All of this has to come off, then.”
He wordlessly nodded in response before stripping. I quickly discarded my own clothes and dug through my dresser drawer until I found the box of condoms I kept inside. I grabbed one and turned around to see Michael sitting in the middle of the bed, looking up at me with those baby-doll eyes I loved so much. I felt a slick sensation forming between my thighs as I looked him over.
“You’re absolutely gorgeous, my love.” I crawled into bed next to him and pulled him into a deep kiss.
He moaned into my mouth and pulled me on top of him, laying back as he did so. I pulled away from the kiss, sitting up and straddling his thighs to open the condom I grabbed and roll it onto his cock.
All the while, Michael was softly complimenting me. “You’re so beautiful, love. Absolutely stunning. I want to make you feel good.”
“What a good boy~” I praised him. “Always so willing to please me.” Michael softly whimpered at my compliments as I tossed the wrapper of the condom aside and leaned forward to cup his face in my hands. “But, tonight, I want to make it about you, my love. Let me spoil you.”
He tried to turn away out of embarrassment, but I pulled him into another kiss and I felt his arms wrap around my body as he grew audibly desperate for me. He then began bucking his hips into mine, teasing my cunt without even realizing it.
I felt a pang of desire tear through me before I pulled away from the kiss to ask, “Are you ready, hun?”
“More than anything…” He moaned. “Please, love. I want to be inside you.”
I gave him a quick peck on the tip of his nose before lining his cock up with my entrance. As I slid him inside, we both let out a low moan in unison. I felt my mind clouding with pleasure as I bottomed out, enjoying the full sensation in my core. Michael’s head dropped back onto the bed and he squeezed his eyes shut.
His voice grew whinier and he began incoherently praising me. “Mh… Yes… So tight… Mh…”
I trailed kisses along his jaw until I reached his earlobe to give it a playful nip. “You feel so good inside me, Michael~” I purred as I ground my hips against him.
He let out a whimper at my teasing. “Please…” His eyes fluttered open, growing watery. “Please… Need more…”
That was all I needed to hear. I sat up into a straddling position and set a brutal pace as I began to ride him. Michael was a mess underneath me. He was reduced to broken moans and whines that bordered on sobs. He was clearly waiting for this for a while, and I was loving every moment of seeing the image of perfection sprawled out beneath me. 
Michael relying on me completely to grant him release. Michael begging and pleading for me. Michael absolutely blissed out under my touch, unable to put to words how good I make him feel. Michael~
I bit my lip with concentration as I felt the pressure in my core mounting. I involuntarily clenched around Michael, and he responded by gripping my thighs and bucking his hips with my movements while letting out a string of incoherent begs and pleas.
“Ah- That’s it, Michael.” I praised him through broken moans. “You make me feel so good…”
“Ohhh… I- I’m close…” Tears slowly streamed out of Michael’s eyes. “Please, darling, please… Ohhhh…”
I leaned forward, still thrusting, and whispered, “Cum for me, hun. Show me how good it feels.”
That was enough to send Michael over the edge. His eyes rolled back and his voice cracked as he hit his climax. I helped him ride out his high as his cock twitched and spilled cum into the condom, trailing ravenous kisses along his neck before my own orgasm crashed into me.
I let out a loud moan as the waves of my climax washed over me. The world slowed for a moment, and the only thing keeping me tethered to reality was feeling Michael’s body against mine. For a moment, I wished I could spend the rest of my days in this state of ecstasy. Once we were both finished, we held each other in our arms, panting and satisfied.
I went to lift off of Michael when he softly grabbed my thighs and pulled me back down onto him. “Just a little longer… Please?”
“Okay.” I pecked his cheek. “Just a little longer.” I lazily smiled at him, my eyes trailing down his neck to find the bruise I left when I trailed kisses along it. I knew he would be embarrassed and wear his collar just a little higher to hide it during his next shift, but I would know that I marked him. I was instantly filled with a sense of pride. My pretty boy~
“Thank you.” He breathed, rubbing his hand along my back. “For… everything today. I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”
“Not just me. You deserve the world.” I rested my face in the crook of his neck, embracing him and his body heat. “And I love you so much that I’d do anything to give it to you.”
“I- I don’t know what to say.” Michael wrapped his arms tighter around me before softly sighing. “I love you, too.”
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a-student-out-of-time · 9 months
Where about is your new home Iroha? It’s obviously still in Tokyo but have you move into a new district to get away from the bad memories?
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Yeah, we had to move somewhere nicer.
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We decided on a new place we wanted to live, but until that's complete, we're still living in Tokyo proper.
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Jiro wondered if maybe we should move out to the countryside. Someplace we could all get some inspiration for new art and get away from the hectic life here.
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Yeah, but I can't leave everyone like that...
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None of us could.
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That's why we compromised with a new house.
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Good thing we had all that money from mom and dad, huh? Hehehe!
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When You Weren’t Looking — pt 10/?
description: obi-wan takes you on your first official date <3
warnings: language, just fluff :,)
a/n: ok idk what the FUCK this is and why it took me so long, like it’s not even that great ok but here it is and it’s my first song fic hehehe. also im pretty sure y’all can guess who i’m talking abt at the very end…
words: 2,433
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"Professor Kenobi,"
"Yes, my—"Obi-Wan quickly cleared his throat, eyes darting around to see if any other students were lingering after class that were close enough to have heard his near slip-up, "y/n?"
"I just wanted to say that I thought your lecture was very exciting today," it wasn't just an excuse to come over to his desk and flirt; you actually meant it.
"Ah, thank you very much. If you want, there are a couple of books in my office you can borrow on the subject," he looked around one more time. When he found that the lecture hall was now completely void of anyone else but the two of you, he was able to let his guard down, his shoulders visibly relaxing and his eyes softening, his admiration for you now able to clearly shine through his irises. He continued, voice less hushed this time, "But if you're not just making up excuses to come up here… " he teased.
"Are you calling me a liar?" you raised a brow, a smirk playing on your lips.
"I would never," he leaned in ever so slightly, naturally drawn to you. "and since you aren't a liar, and you truly are interested, there are some movies based on the book. If you wanted to watch them together…"
"ooh, yes! that sounds fun," you straightened up in excitement. Obi-Wan matched your energy, getting a high every time he made you giddy or happy, the highest accomplishment he could ever achieve, in his opinion.
"I'd say tonight, but there's someplace I was already thinking of taking you,"
"An actual…"
"Yes, a—" he cleared his throat, "y/n l/n, I would like to take you on a date. I apologize. I think it's been long overdue. Would you allow me?"
You tapped your chin, pretending to debate your answer before giving your real one, "yes!" he came around to you and placed his hands on your arms, running them up and down before kissing you. It was quick and sweet, as all your out-of-office interactions were. The idea of being able to even look at each other for longer than a second outside of those four walls had you giddy. "Can I know where we're going?"
"Absolutely not," he tapped your nose before gathering his briefcase and other things.
somewhere where I don't have to hide from everyone that you're mine
And so here you were, scanning your floor, trying to find a single outfit you didn't hate right now. Every piece of clothing you own had been ripped from your closet and added to the spread of fabric covering every inch of carpet in your room.
Obi, you're cute, but am i dressing for dinner or night swimming dammit.
The plethora of clothes beneath seemed almost offended. Eventually, you decided that, whatever it was, you were gonna play up everything you had with or without clothes. Once you pulled on an outfit you'd worn before, one that skimmed your hips just right and offered just enough skin to tease.
wow, i'm evil.
Your loth cat, Artoo, watched the rest of your rather hectic process of picking out shoes, jewelry, everything. You felt an uncalled-for amount of judgment coming from the animal, so you shooed him away. Even his wordless reaction made you freak out even more. The only thing that calmed your anxiety in the slightest was when you opened the door to be met by a suddenly speechless Obi-Wan.
It seemed that your outfit worked well, as he swallowed thickly at seeing you. It wasn't just your outfit, though; no, it was something else. After all, he had seen you in this skirt and these shoes before, he'd been under the skirt for fucks sake, and as much as you'd like it to be, it definitely wasn't the overpriced exfoliator and body oil you used. Your body looked like a dream, but the look in his eyes when he saw only your face said something you couldn't decipher, and neither could he.
He had finally found the muse, the answer to all the poetry he had written in his journal, and yet he couldn't find a single word in those pages to describe the real thing.
"Obi," You waved a hand in front of his face.
"Sorry. You're just the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, my dear one,"
"You don't have to say say that," you blushed.
"No, if I'm taking you out, the one condition is you have to accept the compliment,"
"Whatever," just rolled your eyes with a smile until he tilted your chin up with his hand to kiss you sweetly.
"Ah, I've never met anyone so sweet," he said with playful sarcasm. Your conversation continued into the car, a perfect blend of teasing and talking that was so natural between you two. While you wouldn't mind talking about everything and nothing for hours, Obi paused to tell you to close your eyes. He said it a little too urgently to where you clapped your hand over your face with a slap and a little screech, genuinely alarmed by his sudden request.
"Oh, uh, shit, darling, not that hard," he sounded concerned, but you knew he was smiling without even having to look.
"You can just yell directions out like that!" you huffed, "but I did listen pretty well,"
"You always do, y/n," If the lowered tone of his voice wasn't enough, the hand now placed on your thigh gave away his double-meaning. "and I have another one for you," he spoke as you felt the car come to a halt and the sudden silence of the engine turning off. "keep your hands over your eyes,"
"Wow, Obi, this is kinky," you smirked. You knew that wasn't what was going on, but you couldn't help but explore the idea of being blindfolded with him in other ways.
"We can discuss that later," he helped you step out, holding your elbow to steady you when you wobbled out, still blind. Much to your relief, he gave you permission to open your eyes as soon as you were upright beside the car.
Everything glittered, the hand-crafted jewelry that filled tables, the string of lights hung from the trees to light the way and your eyes in complete wonder. It was an art fair, something you mentioned a while ago, which he evidently remembered. It was slowly becoming clear that he took every word you said and tucked it away in his heart for later. A fluttering feeling built up in your stomach from knowing that this man adored you just as much as you adored him. You squeezed Obi-Wan's hand, a little giddy to be there and with him. You looked up at him and hesitated.
"Well, go on!" he told you. You smiled brightly and pulled him with you towards the first vendor. He didn't expect to have to catch up to your stride, but you couldn't be stationary for long, wanting to see every painting and creation that these people had to offer. While he certainly appreciated the myriad of, well, everything. From large life-like oil paintings to bongs shaped like a juice box, he was content to watch your reactions. Your face changed every two seconds based on whatever you were looking at. Your eyes went wide at some of the art, and you would squint to see the details of the others.
You didn't forget about him, of course, pointing out things you thought he would like.
"Obi isn't this cool?" you pointed at a figure carved out of krayt dragon teeth like one he had in his office. "Oh woah, look at these book covers!" they were rebound books, many of which were classics that he was very fond of.
He eventually led you around for a bit when he found something he really liked. He never let go of your hand the whole time unless you wanted to handle a trinket or try something on. One thing in particular that caught your eye was a small locket with a gem encrusted on the front.
"It's a corusca. They're very rare, only mined in a few places like Yavin Prime," the vendor told you when she saw how you were staring.
"All the way from Yavin Prime? Wow," you responded, picking it up to feel the chain in your hand.
"Yeah," she smiled, "My brother makes a living off mining and trading them,"
You looked up at her, the delicate necklace dangling from your hands. The way the gem was faceted and caught the light and the metal detailing was so well done— the girl selling it had talent.
"How much is it?"
You tried not to let your reaction show when you heard the price. It wasn't exactly within your price range.
You're pretty, but I'm college poor.
Your face fell just a bit, then you remembered where you were and who you were with, and all your troubles and thoughts fell away because you didn't need anything other than Obi-Wan's hand in yours, warm, a little rough, and large— perfect for yours. You moved on to the next stall after thanking the girl first, of course. While sifting through a small bowl of rings, Obi let you know he was going to the bathroom with a few quiet words in your ear. With a nod from you and a kiss to send him on his way, he walked around the corner.
Once you were satisfied with your purchases, some graphic tees and a tiny loth cat shaped candle for you, podracing posters as his gift to anakin, a variety of teas, and a ring for Obi-Wan (which he secretly only bought because you had made an offhand comment one time that he looked hot wearing them) you walked back to the car leisurely. You were in no hurry to leave the sanctuary found the arm he had circled around your shoulder as you leaned against the soft sweater that covered his chest.
As always, the moment was destined to end, but this time it led to another; one different than the ritual of packing up your things and closing the office door behind you.
Another sound followed the rumble of the engine turning as Obi-Wan turned the key, one much sweeter. The song already playing on your phone had connected to the car's speaker.
“My love must be a kind of blind love. I can't see anyone but you,”
The words filled the vehicle's interior, and the echoing style of the lyrics playing made the experience ethereal. This song seemed to be written for this specific moment, here and now.
"Are the stars out tonight? I don't know if it's cloudy or bright,"
It was the soundtrack to the look being shared by two lovers whose eyes closed when they leaned into each other to share a kiss. Even then, they could see each other, the true versions of each other that only they would ever experience.
"I only have eyes for you, dear…"
The growing familiarity between the feel of the other's mouths mingled with theirs made the taste of a kiss even sweeter. There was no space between their lips, physically or emotionally. And yet it wasn't enough. The car console was the only thing between the rest of their bodies, and Obi-Wan Kenobi couldn't bear it.
"Darling, would you step out of the car, please?" He whispered, knowing that his request sounded a little weird. You gave him a confused and borderline offended look. Did he just ask you to get out of the car?
"Please?" He asked once more, straining just a bit to place small kisses along your neck to let you know his intentions were still sweet as ever. You let your eyes flutter closed with pleasure and followed his instructions just after.
Once both of you stepped out and walked around the car, meeting in the front. After a moment, the car lights turned off, but the music played on, the moon now your only source of light. The silvery glow caressed the features that each of you so loved in the other. That was your world now. Nothing but the moon and each other existed.
"The moon may be high, but I can't see a thing in the sky,"
His hand slid around your waist to rest on your lower back. It took your breath away. Even though it was something he had done many times before, this moment was different. It was so... intimate. An arm hung loosely around his neck while the other was extended to lace your fingers with his as you slowly began to sway.
"I only have eyes for you…"
The way the whole world slowed just for the two of you, nothing but the music playing from the car and the night air surrounding you. There was a liberating lack of fear that someone would walk in on you or find out about your little secret, and you intended to savor it.
"You are here, and so am I. Maybe millions of people go by, but they all disappear from view,"
The two of you took your time bestowing your affections on the other. Your hands slowly roamed, smoothing out the fabric of his shirt beneath your palm, feeling the planes of his body. He preferred to trace up and down your spine with the tips of his fingers, giving you chills. He stopped to kiss the crown of your hair before letting his forehead drop so it pressed to yours. You smiled as you felt the vibrations in the air from his low humming. You joined him, but not for long before the two of you began to laugh a little at yourselves. When the noise became once again limited to the music playing, he looked into your eyes, and you could see something change, something good. Before you could think about it, his hands were cupping your face, and his lips were brushing against yours. It only took a moment for you to melt into him completely. It wasn't hard when you were with someone so willing to hold all of you when you did so. Your lips moved in rhythm, enjoying the sweet taste and feeling of being so connected.
"And I only have eyes for you,"
Nothing could ever break the way you two were drawn together, depending on each other to keep yourselves in orbit…not even old lovers.
@bakerstreethound @heyhawtdawgs @mcbenson25-blog @heyitsaloy @stanny-uwu @venus-armote @ohworm-writes @songoficecreamandfireworks @tairbutstronger @thedarthpancakes @marierg @tinkerbellthebard @laughingstarryeyes @zanzann
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
The Algae Is Always Greener On The Other Side (Part 1)
(Just finished the Rise series and movie, almost done with 2012 season 3, I NEEDED TO MAKE THIS! It's 4,500+ words long and it's taken me hours to write this, and I am so tired and have work tomorrow, so if there's typos I'm sorry but they can't be helped. Starting with 2012 Episode 1, next part will be 2012 Episode 2, then we'll do Rise Episode 1. Rise Boys and 2012 Boys, plus Splinters and Aprils, are all trapped watching their respective shows with each other)
"Ugh... what the..." Raph puts his hand to his head, slowly opening his eyes. "Oh, not this again, where're we now?"
"At least we're all in the same room this time," Donnie grunts, pushing himself up. He gasps quietly. "Or... the same... somewhere."
It's not really a room, per say. Just a... space. It's not a blank void, but it's not anything recognizable. It's almost incomprehensible, except for a few things.
There's a rug beneath them. It has the Hamato Clan symbol on it. There's a large TV in front of them. There's a big couch. And they're very much not alone.
Splinter rises to his feet, wincing and holding his own head. Leo gets up a second later, sees his Sensei struggling, and moves to support him. April groans from her spot on the rug, and Donnie rushes to help her stand.
None of them touch the... other, group.
The big one gets up first. "Okay... who poisoned us this time?"
"That was once."
"Once is too many times, Donnie!"
"Raph, shhhh, my head is full of bees."
April blinks. "Are those-"
"At least it's not the '87 ones again," Donnie mumbles. "But, but how did we all-"
"OHMIGOSH!" The other Mikey suddenly gets into Donnie's face, and boy does it hurt his eyes, because somehow this alternate is still 2D and it's even less comprehensible than their surroundings. If it gets any worse he might succumb to eldritch maddness. "Are you guys... us?!"
"Most likely." Donnie scoots away. "Let me guess. Mikey?"
"YES! I can't believe it! Why do you look so weird?"
"We look weird?" Raph growls and stalks closer to Other Mikey. "You're the ones who're cartoons!"
"Ahem." Big Raph picks Little Raph up by his shell. "Hey, let's not get off on the wrong foot here, okay? Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Raph."
"I'm Raph."
"Okay... uh... is that a problem for you?"
"Raph, don't-" Leo is cut off by Little Raph crossing his arms.
"Yes, it is."
"Okay, uh. I'll be... um..."
"RAPHIE!" Other Leo jumps up on Raphie's back. "Oh, we're so getting the other us to call you Raphie!"
"Fine. Then you're Leon."
"These are just nicknames we already have." Other Donnie dusts himself off. "I shall be... Othello Von Ryan!"
Raph snorts. "yeah, I'm not calling you that."
"He can be Donald." Leon smirks at him.
"Fine! Then Mikey is Angelo!"
"Works for me!"
"Our Splinter gets to stay Splinter," Leo demands.
"Okay." The human girl with them shrugs. "Ours is usually Splints, anyway. I, though, am not changing my name! I am... APRILLLL O'NEIL!" She strikes a pose with her bat.
"What if you go by your full name, and I just go by our first, then?"
"alright, I can get beh- wait. You're me? I got whitewashed? In the year of our lord 2022?"
"Um... for us it's 2012- no, wait, 20... 13? No..."
"It does not matter." Splinter looks around. "Why are we here?"
"Who cares? This TV is the screen of my dreams!" Splints leaps into the couch. "Hehehe, now where is my remote? I want to watch-"
The TV flickers to life, making everyone draw their weapons. Thumping hip-hop music begins to play as the screen shows shots of a dim New York city. It zooms in on a manhole cover, and transitions to sewer pipes.
"Hey! I did not pick this!"
"Wait... that looks like..." Donnie sits down as well. The screen shows a shot of a dojo from the outside, and then Raph's face takes up the screen.
"It's us!" Mikey hops onto the couch, and Angelo plops down right next to him. "Dudes, we're a TV show! Check us outtttt!"
"You guys look so serious." April O'Neil laughs a little as she sits. "Is that just life for you?"
"You have no idea," Leo grumbles.
The training session begins, and Leo is shown running at Mikey. Mikey defends, grinning and bragging as they spar. Angelo's eyes shine as he watches the way Mikey uses his nunchucks.
"Whoa... are you doing that without mystic powers?!"
"Um, yeah? WAIT! Do you have mystic powers?!"
"I sure do!"
"Sheesh, but that Me is lame." Leon kicks his feet up. "The fighting is coo but where are the jokes? The snappy one-liners? The taunts?"
"Just wait," Raph says with a grin. "Trust me, we can't get him to shut up with those sometimes."
Raphie frowns as Screen Leo hits Mikey in the gut hard enough for Mikey to go down. "Wait, are you guys training there?"
"Yeah. Why? Do you train differently?"
"We usually try not to knock each other out. ... Usually."
Raph eyes his counterpart. "You and I are very different people."
"Is it bad to ask about the voice?" Leon leans over to Leo. "Because you do not have that voice the TV has."
"I got throat damage."
"Riiiight. And... how do throats work in your world?"
"Nardo, hush!" Donald leans forward. "My counterpart is now onscre- what is that? Why-why is your staff made of wood? I have used one and it worked fine, but that was with mystic powers."
"Oooooh, spinny..." Angelo is transfixed as Screen Donnie spins his bo like there's no tomorrow before attacking.
"Trust me, I've tried other weapons." Donnie shrugs. "It's just, familiar and reliable. Plus I uh, add a blade to it sometime after this, since this is pretty clearly the day we were first allowed to go to the surface."
The TV pauses as all of the other more colorful turtles and non-turtles slowly turn to look at them.
"Your first day up there?" Leon's face scrunches. "And... how old are you in this?"
Splints leaps to his feet. "You were not allowed on the surface until you were fifteen?! What did you do until then?!"
"Uh, this." Leo gestures at the TV. "And watched shows, too, and read comics!"
"And that's... it?" Raphie looks sick. He looks at Splinter. "Why'd you do that?"
"You will see soon." Splinter sighs. "Perhaps our worlds are very different, if you think it was not needed to hide away."
"Oh, we hid," Splints says. "But I would never force my sons to experience so little in life!"
"You were pretty absent to stop us for a long time, to be fair," Donald chimes in.
"Wha- I was trying not to smother you!"
"We love you anyway, Pops," Angelo says while hugging his father. "But yeah, you didn't pay enough attention to stop us usually."
"By the way, this might be a bad time to mention it, but um, your Splinter sounds like our Shredder. You guys have one of those, right?"
Splinter's eyes go wide. "I- I share a voice with your Oruko Saki?"
"... Okay, so you do..."
"Leon." April moves her hand across her neck.
"What? I'm just saying he- ooooh he's having a panic attack. ... My bad."
Raph growls at Leon. "Well you know what? Your Splinter sounds like an assassin who tries to kill us all the time!"
"What?" Splints looks at the screen again. "But how-"
"Yeah, well, your me sounds like if we gave one of our Foot Enemies a lozenge!" Donald chimes in, backing up his Leon.
"Well you sound like you only eat plain noodles all the time!" Mikey shouts, jumping to his feet.
"You sound like my robot son Shelldon if he was a jerk!"
"ENOUGH!" Splinter rises to his feet, and all of the more colorful group flinch away as memories hit them. He sighs, rubbing his eyes. "Enough. Perhaps, this is why we are here. To help heal some wounds those we share similarities with across worlds have caused. But we will never now if we do not allow this to finish running it's course."
"Fine." Splinters crosses his arms and gets back on the couch. "But I will think you deprived your sons of important experiences."
"I sometimes do as well. But you will see why I had no choice."
The show resumes, and they watch Donnie and Raph spar. Donald leans over and whispers to Donnie, "Is that staff spinning a stim?"
"How did you-"
"You're also on the spectrum?"
"I haven't even told my brothers-"
"Shhhhh. It's okay. I may find you strange and offputting, but we have solidarity in this." he moves back to his seat, slowly, with a slide whistle sound, because he's a 2D cartoon.
"Onegai Shimasu."
"Wait wait wait, you speak Japanese?!" Leon looks over at Leo in amazement. "Did your Splinter actually teach you Japanese?!"
"Yours didn't?"
"We live in the New York sewers! Understanding Japanese was always lower on the list than 'Reading signs that say you will die' and 'This is how you scream for help'!"
The training goes on, and Angelo slowly comes to frown. "Heyyy... why are Mikey and Donnie left out of the fighting?"
"We lost. That's how it goes, bros." Mikey shrugs.
"Well then, how do you learn to work as a team?"
The more muted colored turtles all share looks, and Leo coughs. "We're... constantly improving our teamwork."
"We still suck at it," Raph says bluntly.
Raphie frowns harder as he watches his other self take pride in hurting Leo and then brag about being better. "So... I'm guessing you're not the oldest of your family."
"And you're definitely not the one who protects them all the time."
"Actually, he kinda does. And also beats us up. He does both. ... Bilingual!"
Donnie smacks his face with a groans. "Not what that means, Mikey."
Training ends with Splinter giggling mischievously, and Splints finds himself giggling in a not dissimilar fashion.
And then...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Teenage Mutant Turtles! Heros in a half shell, turtle power! Here we go it's the lean green ninja team-
"Oh, whoa, dudes! This rocks!" Mikey jumps up and starts dancing, and the entire colorful clan follows.
Leonardo's! The leader in blue, does anything it take to get his ninjas through!
"Wait, you're already the leader?" Leon gapes. "No wonder you're so not-quippy, you're like Raph but more willing to fight us!"
Donatello is a fellow, has a way with machines!
"That's all I get?!" Donnie stands up and points at the screen accusingly. "I do chemistry, bio-chemistry, hacking, half of our planning-"
"I think the lyric is fine." Donald crosses his arms.
Raphael's got the most attitude on the team!
All eyes turn now to Raphie, who seems to be trying to make himself smaller and sweating under all the attention.
"Raph has the most attitude?" Angelo says slowly in disbelief.
"Wow... we drew the best Raph card, didn't we?" Leon pats his older brother on the shoulder. "Thank you for not being giant and temperamental, bossman."
"Can you imagine if our Raph was huge like that?" Mikey whispers to April.
"No... good thing he's small."
"I can hear you, and being short has it's advantages you know!"
Michelangelo! He's one of a kind, and you know just where to find him when it's party time!
"Heck yeah you do, dudes!" Mikey does a spin move on his shell. "Whoo! Party guy, right here!"
"Wow!" Angelo jumps in, trying to copy the moves as exactly as he can.
"STOP!" Donald suddenly goes completely still staring at the screen in... horror. "Are those..."
Leo on the screen cuts two robots in half... and pink brain creatures pop out.
"The Kraang." Leo shrugs. "They were tough at first, but-"
"They're... tiny." Leon is staring as well, stiff as a board and gripping his katanas so tight his green knuckles turn white. "They... they're tiny? And you can cut their suits in half?"
"Yes. ... Why? What are yours-"
"Not tiny." Raph reaches up and covers his eye.
The energy in the room shifts to something... stifling. April shudders, feeling the cold terror and rage and jealousy swirl through her own spirit.
"I don't know if we can watch this," Splints mutters. "My sons, are you..."
"They're easy to beat?" Leon breaths out.
"... For the most part," Leo says softly. "We struggle here at first."
"Do any of you get... do they..."
"... One grabs my face after the first fight," Mikey says, sitting down slowly. April holds her head as the terror increases. "But I get it off really fast!"
"They're basically jokes," Raph says, uncrossing hsi arms and leaning forward. "They talk stupid, and once they're out of those suits they can't do anything. If yours could even speak outside of those suits, they could do more than ours can."
"... Okay." Leon sits back down. "Okay. We can... we can do this guys, right? It's... it's just like making fun of the villains when we're fighting them. Make them little, and they can't hurt us as bad."
"... Right." Angelo sits back down, clinging to Raphie's arm. The rest of the family does the same, Raphie and Leo becoming squished into the center of the huddle.
The other group doesn't ask. It feels... private. The show resumes.
It shows a pile of algae and worms, and Mikey gags. "I can't believe we used to eat that every day."
"You ate that every day?!" Leon, still pale but seemingly comforted by his protective wall of family, gags as well.
"For fifteen long, long years," Donnie says sadly, wincing as he recalls the feeling of worms in his mouth.
"What's the frosting made out of?" "You don't wanna know."
"Mikey?" Angelo looks at him with wide, sad eyes. "Do you not know how to cook real food?"
"Uh, I can blend pizza into a milkshake."
"If we can see each other again when we're out of this weird place, I'm teaching you how to cook. For real."
"Ooooh, everyone hush now," Donald says, waving a hand. "Origin story time, I love these."
Splints watches, arms crossed, growling. "You just stumbled into it?! I was kidnapped by my girlfriend, and then kidnapped again by my new co-parent and former enemy, and then had to rescue my sons from being turned into weapons against humanity!"
Now the muted colors clan turns to stare.
"Don't worry, that guy is good now!" Angelo says brightly. "He's a lunchperson!"
"You let the genocide-hungry madman work around human children?!" Raph shouts.
"He reformed!" Angelo protests. "He's our other dad now!"
"You guys are messed up!" Raph crosses his arms again and turns to scowl at the TV.
"Go no further! This place is a place where you are not allowed to be in this place! We have been seen in this place by you, so this is not a place that will be left by you!"
The colorful clan's jaws drop.
"Is that... how your Krang talk?" Leon breathes.
"All. The. Time!" Mikey groans in irritation. "It's the worst!"
"I think we'll be okay watching this after all," April O'Neil says with a grin. "Because these guys are nothin'!"
"Wait, you kept the canister?!" Splints laughs. "That- you kept it! That is such a bad memento!"
They watch Splinter speak in riddles about if the turtles are allowed to go to the surface or not. Eventually they break out the Sad Eyes, and he allows them to go up.
"Ha, not as tough as you pretend, huh Little Raph?" April O'Neil smirks.
"If it gets the job done it gets done, I'm not ashamed of that."
"Cuteness powers," Angelo whispers, fistbumping Mikey.
"Whoaaa, that cartoon looks like a Jupiter Jim ripoff!" Leon's eyes sparkle. "I gotta watch all of it, right now!"
"Do you mean that? Because I have all of the VHS tapes!"
"Ugh, VHS tapes? Why do you guys live in the ancient times?"
"More importantly, why are you all in a void doing random fighting moves and poses?" Donald points at the screen.
Donnie shrugs. "How should we know? To us we were just practicing a little extra before going up. It's a TV show, it's not going to represent everything perfectly exact."
They watch Splinter give cliché parental advice, and Splint's expression softens. No matter the world, no matter how absent he can sometimes be, he always wants his boys to be safe.
They watch the turtles climb out of the sewers for the first time, and Leon frowns. "Uh... guys? Why is your New York so... empty?"
"Why wouldn't it be?"
"Um, because it's the city that never sleeps?"
"... What?"
"Your New York is terrible," April O'Neil declares.
They watch Donnie freak out over some computers, and Mikey freak out over some neon lights. Then they see a pizza boy ride up, and Raph scare him.
"The one single living human in your entire New York, and you scared him!" Leon shakes his head. "Who knows when you'll see anyone again in that empty wasteland?!"
"Soon, trust us," Donnie says.
And then they watch the very first time the turtles try pizza.
"You poor, poor souls," Raphie sniffles, genuinely tearing up at how they're frightened of the delicious food at first. "How'd you even survive?!" His family all nod with him, also all tearing up.
"Dudes, I ask myself that same question all the time," Mikey says solemnly."
But the tears disappear as soon as the next shot comes, of them running with their arms sticking straight out behind them. Leon, Donald, Mikey, Raphie, and April all react by choking like they were just gut-punched.
"Are you... Naruto running?" Donald whispers. Is it horror? Awe? Confusion? None can tell.
"What's... Naruto?" Donnie and the others all look lost.
"Ohmigosh," Angelo whispers. "They don't even know."
"This is so funny and so, so sad," Leon says.
"The music is cool, at least," Raphie says, trying so hard not to laugh.
"Guys! Look at that!"
It pans down to a girl and her father-
"AHH!" Donnie hurries to cover April's eyes and ears. "No, uh, haha! This didn't happen, stupid TV show, getting things wrong-"
The colorful clan stares in horror as it zooms in on April, romantic music playing, and then back to Donnie surrounded by hearts and drooling...
"I'm going to be sick," Donald gags. "I- hurk-" He retches over the back of the couch, and April O'Neil stares at Donnie in horror.
"IT WAS A LONG TIME AGO!" Donnie pops his entire body into his shell, steam of embarrassment and mortification rising out. From within comes his echoey protest of "I DON'T EVEN FEEL THAT WAY ANYMORE!"
They watch April and her father clearly about to be kidnapped, and Donnie say to save her while Leo says they were told not to.
"What kind of heartless not-hero are you?!" Raphie exclaims.
"It was our first time ever on the surface! Excuse me for being a little afraid to get into a fight!"
"I thought you wanted to be a hero! Since when do heroes ask for permission?"
"Yeah, you said it, Tiny Me!" Raphie holds out his fist for a bump. With a moment of hesitation, Raph obliges. His fist is tiny as it doinks against Raphie's larger, spikier one, but they both smile afterwards.
Screen Donnie jumps right down to help, and Donald scoffs. "First into battle and you don't even have tech? I don't know if that foolish or brave, no I'm lying it's foolish."
"It was, but I just knew I couldn't let April be kidnapped."
The guys throw her into the back of a van, and Raph is the first to engage with the creepy clearly-not-human men. They watch the absolute disaster of a fight as everyone gets in each other's way. Even with impressive individual skills, they just aren't a team.
"Don't feel too bad," Raphie says as all of the turtles looks away from the screen in shame. "Our first fight was also a disaster."
"Majorly so," Leon agrees. "We got our butts whooped."
They watch Donnie knock a bad guy away, causing April to almost fall. He grabs her and smiles, and she screams! It makes Donnie scream back, dropping her and flinching away!
"Sorry about that, by the way," April says, patting Donnie's hand. "It was just a lot to process in the moment."
"No, no, it's... fine." Donnie pulls his hand away, looks at his three fingers with... some mix of repulsion and a form of grief. "If I were human, I'd scream too."
The colorful clan all frown and narrow their eyes. Angelo stands up. "Dr. Feelings in session."
"What does that-"
Angelo grabs Donnie by the shoulders. "You know you aren't lesser than a human, don't you? We're unique and different, but that doesn't make us anything bad or to be ashamed of. You're an awesome ninja who's first instinct was to save the girl in danger, you're a good person and that's what counts!"
Donnie stares, mouth agape, unable to respond. April giggles, and puts her arm around him.
"He's right, Donnie. Human or not, you're my best friend, and I'm glad to know you."
"Shush shush shush, sit on it, think about it, let it heal you." Angelo sits back down, earning a fistbump from Donald and Leon.
The fight continues to go badly for them, and April is taken away. Mikey is left alone, with one of the creepy men.
"This is the part, dudes! Once we get into the alley the Kraang pops out! Get ready!"
With narrowed eyes and tense body language, the colorful clan watch. Screen Mikey lashes out with his weapon, and cuts half the face off of the man.
"HOLY HOT SOUP!!!" The entire colorful clan shoot up out of their seats, striken with shock!!!
"YOU CUT A MAN'S FACE OFF!" Angelo screams!
"It was a robot, look!"
"Neither did we!" Raph looks at Mikey. "Dude, what the heck happened?!"
"I panicked, alright?! Just- whatever, I never did it again!"
Finally, it happens. The Kraang pops out and latches onto Mikey's face, as humorous music plays.
Raphie can't watch, nor can his brothers, but April O'Neil and Splints can. They both shudder in disgust.
Mikey runs out ad tries to tell his brothers what happened, but in his panic he doesn't say the right words immediately, and after that they spend the whole time assuming he's delusional or stupid or just lying.
"You guys are so mean!" Raphie pulls Mikey over to the colorful huddle. "Why would you assume the worst?! And why would the leader slap someone who's panicking?!"
"Look, I admit with hindsight we... didn't react very well here. But we were just tired and annoyed after losing the fight!"
"Not an excuse!" Raphie squeezes Mikey in a hug, making Mikey's eyes big out and knocking the wind out of him. "He's your brother!"
"Don't any of you lie or make things up sometimes and ruin your trust?" Raph growls.
All eyes turn to Donald and Leon.
"Whaaaaat?" Leon chuckles, sweating. "I don't-"
"We're both the evil twin, but I am eviler," Donald says.
Back in the sewer, they watch Splinter scold the team, and the team begin to fight with each other.
"You guys really do suck as a team," Raphie mutters.
"We've gotten better since then," Mikey wheezes.
"Oh, well that's good to- oh my gosh! Have I been crushing you this whole time?!"
"It was kinda nice though."
Screen Splinter takes responsibility for having failed to train them as a team, and says it'll be another year before they try again. Donnie protests, insisting they help the family.
"So you're the heroics-obsessed one in your universe?" Donald looks incredulously at his counterpart.
"No! ... Not-not always! ... M-maybe, sometimes, look most of the time if I don't do something, no-one else will!"
"I feel that," Raphie says, now holding his hand out for a bump from Donnie. Donnie gives him one, while glaring and fuming at Donald.
They watch Splinter consider the words, and look at a photo of himself, a woman, and a baby. Splints gasps.
"You had a family before the boys?"
"... I did." Splinter looks away.
"Why are they with you down there?" Leon asks. Angelo shakes his head.
"Fire sounds," Angelo mouths. Leon blinks, and then looks at Splinter with sympathy.
Splinter appoints Leo the leader, and Raph gets angry.
"It turned out to be the right choice," Raph grumps.
They explain the plan to Mikey, apparently something they did many times before then. While it irritates the others, Mikey remains peppy. It then turns into a slow montage of Donnie and Mikey trying to pass the time. They play paper football, Mikey naps while Donnie tries to jumprope and does poorly at it, and they play I Spy.
"Okay, I'm thinking of something green. Ga-reen, ga-reen!" "...Is it Raphael again?"
"Whoa, what was with the first name use?" Leon calls out.
"And why do you sound so tired?" April O'Neil looks worried. "How many times did Mikey pick Raph?"
"I don't even know. The hours blurred together into sludge," Donnie groans.
"What else would Mikey pick, in that empty nothingness they pretend is New York city? What a complete lack of town," Donald says.
Raph complains about how the villains will never show up, and then they immediately show up. Leo quotes Space Heroes, but everyone else is already down there. He follows, and the turtles surround a man.
"Did Donnie just punch a fist into his open hand?" Leon says, drawing out the words. "Like a schoolyard bully?"
"I was trying to be intimidating!"
"Aim a gun at him."
"I don't have guns!"
"Do you have robots with guns?"
"No! Well, Metalhead had a flamethrower, but... I-I haven't... rebuilt him. ... Yet."
All of the screen turtles try to intimidate the man, and he responds by... firing a gun at them.
"See? I told you."
"Shut it, Donald."
The chase goes about as well as the first right, with Raph being smashed into a building and the man almost getting away if not for Leo throwing a well-aimed (or just very lucky) shuriken. The van crashes, and they surround it. When they open the door...
A canister rolls out.
The glowing blue-and-green liquid makes an odd sound as it rolls to Mikey's feet. He stares at it for a second, and then- "Mom?!"
A sting plays, and the episode ends with a grayscale still.
"Oh, what?!" Donald grabs his head in frustration. "I hate cliffhangers!"
"But... are we supposed to be surprised that the weird robot Krang guys are the same ones? They kind of laid that out for us at the start," Leon says.
Angelo shakes his head. "I think it's supposed to be building the mystery, getting us invested!"
"Well, I certainly am." Splints leans back in his seat. "If only we had snacks!"
Suddenly, several fresh pizzas appear.
"Well, an eating break won't hurt anyone," Raphie says, rubbing his hands together."
"Let me check for poisons," both Donnie and Donald say at the same time.
"I hate that that's what we have most in common so far," Angelo sighs.
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gravityfallsweirdgirl · 2 months
Somewhere deep down in the ocean, in the Philippines trench, a crew part of research facility lab was in danger, trapped in a damaged nuclear submarine as the hull is being rammed by an unidentified creature. Two lab rat scientists: Marks and D'Angelo were struggling with a damaged hull.
"Anything to report" a mysterious voice sounding like James Monroe Iglehart
"Nothing yet sir" says Dr Marks
"Let me know what you find"
"So far nothing yet sir" says Dr. D'Angelo
"Can you tell me what happened"
"Well, It just keeps getting worse" Dr marks says.
"D'Angelo, Marks, talk to me. What's going on"
"We've moved to the sonar room. We couldn't finish the research sir" Dr D'Angelo says.
"It's a mess, sir" Dr Marks added.
"This is the worst I've ever seen. We need you to send for help sir, we got 10 men down and in end of medical attention"
"We're heading-Heading back to the escape pod now"
"Not until you tell me what is-"
But then something outside hit the sub lab causing everyone to tremble.
"Marks. D'Angelo. What the hell was that?"
"I have no idea sir but we were ambushed by some creature"
"Listen, sir I think we got something outside the ship. Something dangerous, it's what attacked us"
"Something's crushing the hull. We're coming back sir"
"Get back to the escape pod now. Now"
"We're right behind you"
"You guys, move!"
Every researcher and scientist and faculty got to the escape pot but it was locked and they see something biting into the lab.
"Marks. D'Angelo. Report"
"I see the creature sir, it's-I don't believe it sir"
"What? What? What is it?"
"The create It's 60 feet, you're theory was right sir, we have to warn people"
"Finally after all these years we have finally found it, fowl will be impressed"
"Sir Let us out! The escape pod is locked"
"Oh I know"
"Sir please, hurry, please! The men are injured and the lab is unstable at any minute now this whole place will collapse with everyone in it"
"I'm afraid I can't let you do that"
"What? But it, there are people here"
"Yes but that creature is part of our project"
"You knew about this didn't, how could you sent us"
"It was the only way, we needed test subjects"
"You were using as as your guinea pigs"
"Oh no no no, lab rats is more like it"
"Sir Don't leave us!"
"I'm sorry but I'm afraid I can't let you go" the boss presses a button the last thing he heard was his lab workers screaming before the lab exploded.
"Hehehe, phase one is complete now on to step 2" the mysterious boss pulls out his phone.
"It's me, it's here...I need you to bring them in...I don't care if it's risk it has to be done, good, bring in the bait time to set the trap" he hands up, "soon you will be mine"
Two months later, in saint canard, in the mallard's residence.
Lived Drake, launchpad and his daughters: Gosalyn waddlemeyer mallard, morgana Macawber, Abigail waddlequack and Iclynn.
Note: iclynn is a clone of Drake created by fowl.
Gosayln was reading an article about the incident which had her concerned.
But then Abigail had a letter in her hand when gosayln heard her cheering.
"Yeah" Abigail cheered.
"What is it Abigail! What's wrong?" Drake rushed downstairs along with gosayln who seemed concerned.
"My application went through" Abigail says.
"Oh that's great Abigail" morgana says when Abigail ran in the living room, she was reading a gothic magazine.
"What did you apple for?" Launchpad asked who was holding iclynn.
"A oceanographer for the underwater research facility for Mana One, they supervise a mission to explore a deeper section of the Mariana Trench, previously concealed by a thermocline of hydrogen sulfide"
"Wow sounds big but aren't you pushing yourself a little too fast into a career Abigail, I mean you are only 14 seems just you're kinda rushing into this" Drake was a bit concerned.
"Come on Drake, this is my future, I love the ocean, I want to study the ocean please, please say I can go"
Drake sighs, "ok ok only if you promise that you'll be safe"
"Here's a better idea, you guys get to come with me" Abigail says.
"Huh?" Everyone was shocked.
Thr application was approved byan incredible scientist named Dr. Quackson.
"And he says that I can bring my family to show the underwater lab" Abigail explains the letter but the moment gosayln Heard that name she was surprised.
"Did you say Dr quackson" she asked which had everyone intrigued.
"You know him gosayln?" Drake asked.
"Yeah he was an old friend of my grandfather"
"Oh I didn't know your grandpa knew him" Abigail says.
"Well I haven't seen him in awhile not since was a little, it's been so long I don't know if he even remembers me"
"Well since you know him, this will be a perfect time to show you guys this new project I'm helping them with is gonna be great"
They were taking a helicopter ride to the ocean, but Drake looks down at the ocean, he starts to get a
A young boy his leg wrapped by a seaweed trapped, he was struggling trying to free while reaching out for the surface, ending the flashback.
But gosayln was concerned about Drake, "hey you ok" she grabs his arm.
He was startled at first but was at ease, "you seem nervous about something" gosayln says.
"Oh I'm fine, I just...have a bad moment with the sea" he looks down at the ocean and was having another PSTD attack.
When they land on top, they were greeted by a duck in a lab coat with orange hair.
"Abigail, so glad to have you on board" Dr quackson and Abigail approach each other, exchanging handshakes.
"It's so good to have you here Ms. waddlequack"
"It's so nice if you to invite my family here, I been looking forward to it sir, oh Dr quackson, this is my family"
"Welcome to Mana One" Dr quackson greeted.
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just-a-carrot · 11 months
If the topic of your game has already been raised, I would like to talk about how I see your game:
As you said in the description of the game, “this is a terrible dating simulator,” I still remember this, and it makes me laugh, because it’s true, because this game is more about accepting “from cute to scary” than "Who will Iggy choose out of the three? Hmmmm" and that's... Okay, for me.
But, still, if you look at it in terms of playwriting, things are going well for you so far:
In 1 arch, we get acquainted with the characters, but more for Iggy - as the main face of this story. And with each arch, I notice that he has less and less attached to his work, but more to his friends is good, so the arch of characters should work: "From the state A - in the state of B."
And his emotions too (I found it especially funny in Arc 3, where Iggy was constantly angry, even on a flower 🤣)
Well, a dating simulator isn't a dating simulator unless we're talking about other characters. You showed a variation, I honestly forgot that I was playing a dating simulator 👀🤣🤣🤣
I only remembered this in Arc 2, the moment of the kiss, because I thought:
"👀... I thought their kiss would happen later, somewhere in the ending- Ah... That's right, it's a dating simulator🤣."
And the main thing is that everyone changes. Although this is a cycle, it changed depending on how Iggy changed, which influences a certain cycle (yes, yes, 2 Arc with Genzou, 3 Arc with Orlam and 4 Arc with Gidget, I know, so that we have an option with whom it will be in the end Iggu, and the 5th Arc with Bucks, and the solution to their problems. Or - the finale. Or not. Or the 6th Arc is the end, but a continuation of the 5th Arc 🤣).
So far, the arches are working for you, I believe that they are changing, that some people accept it as is, that Orlam found out the reason, because he didn’t know that until now, believing that they simply hate him.
Genzou. I believe that you will change too and will not hide your feelings (I don’t know why I don’t believe him. Maybe it didn’t work for me 🤔).
So that all character arcs are closed; So that the problems in the plot are solved, and there is some kind of morality? That is, what you wanted to teach the player: You need to value yourself. We must value our loved ones. Love yourself for who you are. They are not afraid to express their feelings, otherwise they will regret that they didn’t try it once. (Yes, Genzou, I’m talking about you 👀)
But, if it speaks about my assumptions, what am I waiting for: That Iggy’s values ​​will change: That work is not the main thing, but neither are friends, because they give you a feeling of what life is like, that it can be pleasant. (I remembered the moment from Arc 2, where Iggy and Genzou were sitting and talking, and he realized that outside of work, he felt good and even alive.)
At least I see that Iggy really wants, because he is the only one who did not make a wish (either because he is happy with his life, or because he did not think about what he wants, and this is Iggy’s intravenous conflict.), like told Orlam: “He wants everyone to be happy... But he is just as selfish as everyone else.” (Orlam, we are all selfish, and so are you, but we love you ❤️)
I'm glad you're sharing a piece of yourself in this story, and I'm glad that there are people who have found an echo in your game where they can say, "This character reminds me." And you're right - nothing is perfect, because we all make mistakes, but we still love your game.
If we didn't love people because of their shortcomings, who are we after that? There are no ideal people, but for someone, in other people's eyes, they are ideal. 🦊✨
Sorry for such a long text, I hope you are not tired of reading it, hehehe
I thank you again for sharing this game, which gave me so many emotions and like-minded people ❤️
- Your strange fox friend, Casey (LookingViewer)
ahhhh thank you very much for sharing your thoughts with me, this is really lovely 💕
DATING SIMULATOR LKDJFADS th-that is more of just my own joke, "world's worst dating simulator" because not only is it nothing like a real dating simulator but also everyone just dies all the time. but i put that in there because i did want people to understand that that's mainly what their choices are doing and they will get to influence that part of the ending
I'm glad you're sharing a piece of yourself in this story, and I'm glad that there are people who have found an echo in your game where they can say, "This character reminds me." -> ah thank you for this. this is one of my greatest joys tbh. when people say they can relate to or see parts of themself within one of the characters. it makes me feel a lot less alone. and i am happy if my chars can inspire others or help them also feel a bit less alone
i really appreciate you sending in your thoughts, this meant a lot 💕
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cyncerity · 1 year
okay was rereading how Tommy and Ranboo met and fun question I have is clothing.
What kind of clothing does everyone wear? Like Boggins wouldn't wear green and such like leafman and I know I've got the actual movie for reference, but like what's your take?
Like Bugfolk would surely be different too right?
Also also I just wanna know, what kind of fur is ranboos jacket made from? cause its half black half white and my first thought was: hehehe skunk jacket.
And also while we're on the the topic of clothes: weapons and armour.
What do you imagine each races preferred choice of weaponry is and made from what? Cause I'd imagine certain bug folk would have natural defence mechanisms like spiders and venom ya know? So would they still use a weapon?
Where as I kind of imagine boggins bigger and bulkier so they'd probably prefer hand to hand combat but then again also they ride bats in the movie so theres that as well as leafmen and their bows on hummingbirds.
Curious I am :3
Don't have to answer them all but thanks for your time 🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭
ok first with the clothes: boggins wear lots of furs and weird armor-esqe things (like the shells of those spikey circle plants as shoulder guards [i don’t know what the spikey plants are called but if you google that they’ll come up sorry for my non american readers who have no fuckin clue what i’m talking about] or like bug shells as shields). bone jewelry/accessories, giant stitching, lots of sacks, bandages, belts, lots of overlayed raggedy fabrics. i took a lot of inspiration from viking type clothing. basically the boggins wear all this because their part of the forest doesn’t have much/any sun and they mostly live underground or in the trunks of dead trees where it’s very damp and cold.
as for leafmen, they don’t wear clothes. they’re perfectly built to survive in their natural habitat and since they’re basically sentient plants there isn’t really a need for clothes anyway, if you get what i’m saying. they all have different types and patterns of leaves which can look a lot like clothes and provide some extra support like clothes do, but they don’t put anything extra on their bodies unless it’s practical (like bags) or pretty (some leaf men wear jewelry).
as for bugfolk, they’re somewhere in between. most of them only wear clothes for an aesthetic or for practical reasons. Like, a warm weather bugfolk that lives in the bogs would probably wear a coat. but most of them are kinda like cartoon animals in the sense that they wear whatever clothes they want. like, think of the mickey mouse gang, and how some wear pants and no shirt, shirt and no pants, etc. that’s how bugfolk are. they just mix and match.
also thank you for the Ranboo skunk jacket comment i didn’t even think about what his clothes would be made of but yes canon it’s skunk fur now.
as for weapons, i’ve had some ideas about those too >:)
ok so first off, big folk with natural defenses probably either don’t carry weapons or carry small ones. bugfolk that can fly probably only carry small weapons as well as to not weigh them down, given that it’s almost always a better option to fly from danger than fight. ground dwelling bugfolk are probably the more bulky and tough kind of bug (ants, beetles, etc) so they are probably gonna be fine in a fight without a weapon but probably carry bigger ones to be safe. also bugs are strong, so i can totally imagine an ant carrying around a sledgehammer double it’s body weight like it’s nothing just in case lmao. but all in all, most of them probably just carry the equivalent of a pocket knife or maybe a machete or something.
as for boggins and leafmen, i actually have a couple of visual references i pulled from pinterest! most of the time they use very similar types of weapons, but created very differently and sometimes with very different purposes. Boggins, being much bigger and tougher than leafmen, create weapons that are mostly close range, giant, and pack a powerful hit. Leafmen, being more nimble and fast than boggins, create weapons that highlight their best way of fighting, which is mostly long range. Both use long (like a bow and arrow) and short (like a sword) range, though.
starting with boggins, they love using bones in their weapons. they also use a lot of belts, straps, and bandages in their weapons along with their clothes. all in all, their weapons aren’t as well put together as a leafmens, but they focus more on brutality, size, and endurance than making their weapons look pretty. all in all they make the scariest fuckin weapons ever and this is definitely part of the reason leafmen think they’re bloodthirsty monsters.
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leafmen, however, have a lot more class with their weapons. it’s way more civilized, and they have more complex and harder to craft weapons. i especially like the idea that they have things like the first picture made out of vines and stuff that they can use to swing and maneuver through a fight, which a boggin can’t do cause they’re not as nimble.
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the movie itself also had this little piece of concept art, which also highlights the differences well;
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and thank you for asking questions!! i love putting a needless amount of effort and thought into world building so when i get questions like this i get super excited hskdlskjs
so please ask more if you want to!! i’m working on drawing stuff for the other asks but i wanna talk about everything!!
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yesyourstalker · 9 months
I don't know what part this is. I wrote this at 6 am
Slight NSFW mostly implied
Ikkan: Neta... Hey you ok?
Neta: yeah.... .. I'm fine I'm just waiting for him to leave completely..... He's such an asshole!!
Ikkan: hey come here.... Don't let him get to you okay? He doesn't know anything about you, your life and you never tried...
Neta: yeah.......he never got to see how amazing I am
Ikkan:oh you're so humble.... He doesn't know what he's missing come here [kiss] also you look good baby.... Look a lot happier... [Kiss]...Hehe...more relaxed...[kiss]
Neta: hehehe.....[kiss]
Ikkan: softer.......and warmer............
Neta: We're alone
Ikkan: yeah we are...heheheh
Neta: no cameras
Ikkan:....... .... You want to slow dance like we used to. Remember during our first date?
Neta: oh........ Ok
Ikkan: what what did you think I was implying?
Neta: nothing nothing it's stupid come here. Let's dance just the two of us away from the commotion.
Koi: so you must be my granddaughter... I've heard so much about you. You have straight A's, your captain on your turf war team, you play second chair
Cirrina: actually I play first chair now
Koi: wonderful!... Look at all that confidence and pride amazing... Oh look at me being so rude. Hi my name is koi koi you can call me Grandma Koi, grandma, admiral koi is also an option. I'm a former CEO now head of the advertisement for tech company venton industries.
Cirrina: weren't you the company that started out with game cards and now he's home consoles and arcades? You guys made jump squid right?
Koi: That's the one. I also dipped my foot in farm life raising krill herding sea cows some experience in going produce
Cirrina: I have a houseplant that I bought from the grocery store. I had to change its pot twice and it's taller than me now...oh I'm also skipping the grade and heading straight to high school next year.. My guidance counselor says if I'm good I can maybe even start college classes early. I'll get ahead of everyone else.
Koi: ohhh impressive... So proud to have you as a granddaughter. I see so much of myself in you. I can just tell you're going to be as powerful and successful as me.
Cirrina: I hope I do.......Grandma admiral koi.
Merv: they ran out of wine but I did snatch up the shrimp puffs They're not that bad..... Hello, who's this?
Koi: *ugh* ..... Hone... this is our granddaughter... Remember Neta told us about
Merv: ohhhhhhh nice to meet you.. you must be cirrina.... You're just as pretty as the picture he gave us. Nice to meet you sweetheart.
Cirrina: awww thank you........ Ikkan told me about you. He used to be a farmer. He told me you had acres of strawberries and would first place for best decal 3 years in a row. That's very impressive. You must know a lot about agriculture
Merv: that's correct! Wow you're really something!
Koi: I know! Ah! I just want to pick her in a bag and take her back to haddaido!
Cirrina:hehehe You're too kind..
Koi: well we have to go We're trying to find our kids. I know your uncle is somewhere.. do expect some presents to be in the mail for you sweetie. You just stole our little hearts.
Cirrina: ok bye....hehee
Mizole: You're a snake. You know that?
Cirrina: You've had spinach between your teeth the last 2 hour shut up.
Mahi: you think that is going to be mad when we bring this?
Warabi: what's so bad about it? It's just wine?
Mahi: when he expected us to bring drinks He expected it to be in bottles Something you just place on the table make it look nice
Warabi: Oh come on the parties like going to be over in like 4 more hours. We need something like this, that's why I bought five.....for the party
Mahi: We're definitely not going to use all of this. He just wanted one in the apartment
Candi: If he says anything I'm not involved.
Mahi: Baja! Help us bring this in
Baja: ok uhhh what is this exactly
Warabi: its for the party trust me
Baja: ok....
Neta: so yeah apparently I've been a captain for the military for 7 years and they didn't tell me- what the hell is this? what happened to the bottles of wine you were supposed to get??
Warabi: didn't have any I just so we just bought the barrel of wine. Five of them. I feel like that's enough right?
Neta: get a little too much where we even going to put this
Mahi: we can just put in the back and have waiters fill up cups
Candi: or you can just have all the guests fill up their own cups
Ikkan: That's not a bad idea...
Neta:....*sigh* ....... Yeah okay that's fine..... I'm gone for 2 minutes and y'all turn this into a keg party
Baja: You've actually gone for 45 minutes
Neta: ............ Just set up the barrels....
Ikkan: hehehehe...... Tonight is still early. Come on, let the guests have a little fun.. it'll be funny seeing some of these producers get drunk off their ass.
Koi: I hope one of them isn't you honey
Ikkan: mom! Uh hah.....wooow so good to see you!...... Neta didn't tell me.... He was inviting my parents. Mmmmm
Koi: well I think it would be nice to spend the holidays with my two boys this year...... I actually came here to see my granddaughter and also talk to my son-in-law. We had a conversation about installing a small arcade original in his original store to keep the traction going once his other store opens.
Neta: Yes we do need to talk more about that I also wanted to talk to Noji about buying vending machines as well, let's walk and talk. You look beautiful by the way Koi. Merv is a lucky man
Koi: you damn right it is... You know how long it took me to convince him to come here. I swear he thinks he bursts into flames interacting with people.
Warabi: what were you two doing for 45 minutes?
Ikkan: fuck off
Warabi: hehehehehehe going to tell your mom on you
Ikkan: Warabi!
Mahi and @fish-at-fish-fish-resort or caught stealing one of the wine barrels
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arileartist · 2 years
   Free! Characters protecting their s/o from creeps/bullies part 2-Natsuya, Ikuya, Kisumi~
 Natsuya Kirishima
(You and Natsuya are in a train, packed with passengers. You didn't realise that you were separated from him by a few feet, though he was still close enough for you to make eye contact with him every now and then, however…something odd seems to be happening..)
Y/n:(scrolling through your phone) *hmmm why do I feel like I'm being watched in a weird way…. I hope Natsuya is keeping an eye on me… …I don't feel safe here…*
Natsuya: (glancing over at you)*winks*
Y/n:(smiling at him and nodding your head)
(Suddenly, you feel a cold hand on you)
Creep: (starts touching you from behind, lingering her slender fingers over your waist)
Y/n: ( clutching your bag and putting your phone inside) *what the- that's a woman behind me isn't it?? Did she accidentally touch me-*
Natsuya:(notices something's up as a horrid expression paints your face)
Creep: (slides her hands into your shirt and feels up your stomach) hehehe~
Y/n:(shifting away) Ma'am I'm gonna need you to stop what you're doing-
(The people around you stare at you two, and Natsuya tries to push through the crowd and get close to you)
Creep: Oh dear, I was trying to fix your clothing~ you know, it was coming out from behind hahaha! Don't you worry~
Y/n: sure..(gives Natsuya a helpless look)
Natsuya: (immediate takes out his phone and secretly starts recording you two) *hang in there y/n*
Creep: (starts to touch you again, this time going below your stomach and touching your private areas) How lustful~
Y/n: (trying to move away, but she has a firm hold on your waist) *Ugh! I can't break free! Can't even do anything otherwise people are gonna act like I'm the one being weird*
Creep: (starts to take out something from her bag) this will sure come in handy today~
Natsuya: (eyes widening, takes a few pictures and immediately pushes through the crowd and grabs your arm, pulling you free from the woman's grasp) y/n!!
(Once again, the crowd stares at you three)
Natsuya: Ma'am that was assault, you do realise that you're touching him inappropriately?
Y/n: (hugging Natsuya's arm) I tried to break free but she wouldn't let me-
Creep: Oh how injust! Everyone here can clearly see that you two are blaming me to get money off of me. Why would I do anything of the sort? Do I look like one of those people?
(People around start muttering and giving you suspicious looks)
Y/n: (looking at Natsuya, eyes filled with rage) Natsu, got any ideas?
Natsuya: (caressing your hair) I'll take care of it, don't worry.
Creep: (giving you two a petrified stare)Look at them! Such filth! Do you two honestly think you're even doing the right thing? 
Natsuya: (ticked off, takes out his phone and plays the clips in front of everyone) Oh yeah? You think we're the filthy ones for protecting each other from the likes of someone who does things like THESE on public transport?? If you have any shame, you'd leave this place. I do not want you coming in our vicinity again!
Creep: what the-! That's not true-
Y/n: what do you mean "not true"?? You were literally touching me in places you shouldn't, I don't even know you!!
(A wave of gasps fill the air as the crowd now eyes the woman. A couple of ladies come ahead and grab her, dragging her away as she screams insults and later, the ticket collector puts her into the staff's custody. Natsuya sends him the videos as proof and gives him his number, in case the cops would ask. Some time later, The crowd on the train settles back down and some of the people even try to comfort you)
Natsuya: Alright there's our stop. Let's go y/n!
Y/n: yes, coming!
Y/n: (Deboarding) thank you everyone who was there for us, we're both grateful for you guys
Natsuya: (kissing your forehead) Hey, thankful little cupcake, Wanna go somewhere to cheer you up?
Y/n: (punching his shoulder lightly)I just want to stay in your arms right now…where I feel safe
Natsuya: hehehe~ Netflix and chill it is then~
Y/n: (moans softly, burying your face into Natsuya's arm)
(The rest of the afternoon was spent with Natsuya filling your day with comfort, lots of love and food, and he stayed over at your place at night,  just to look after you)
Kisumi Shigino
(You two are having a fun date at an amusement park, when you notice a girl staring at your boyfriend. You get a bad feeling about her. She makes eye contact and she starts walking up to you)
Y/n: (holding Kisumi's hand tightly, tugging at him) Kisumi…Karen incoming, 6 o'clock …
Kisumi: (looks over and makes eye contact with the lass) Ohhh, don't worry y/n, I'll make sure she doesn't ruin our date~(takes out his phone and fiddles with it)
G: hey there hotshot~ what's bangin~
Y/n:(rolling your eyes) Do you need something?
G: I'm not talking to you, am I? Actually, You're not so bad yourself too~ what are such fine boys like you two doing here without any dates~
Y/n: (gives her a disgusted stare and glances at Kisumi) 
Kisumi: (winks at you and smiles) Not at all, we do have dates~
G:(looking around) Oh? Where would they be~ bet they're cheating on you~ hoes ain't loyal nowadays hehehe
Kisumi: (pulling you to his side and kissing your cheek) Well, my date is right here, and I know for a fact that he's not cheating on me
Y/n:(giggles and smiles at him) and mine is DEFINITELY not cheating hehehe
G: (Giving you a revolting glare) You are what now?? Heh, I might've misheard you, THIS, is your boyfriend??
Kisumi: (grinning proudly) Why yes! Isn't he perfect? 
G: HAHAHAHA!! This guy right here?? Your boyfriend?? Puh-lease! Have you seen his face?? He looks like he was picked up from a dumpster or something LMAO.
Y/n: (scoffs) And you look like someone whose face can be wiped off with a makeup remover
Kisumi: (stifles a laugh)
G: (glaring at you sharply) Tough talk, why do you think you're better than me? I suppose you don't know who I am?
Kisumi: Hmmmm….I can't seem to recall…OH WAIT!! KING KONG?? THAT'S YOU RIGHT??
Y/n: (bursts out laughing)
G: (gritting her teeth, walks up to you and shoves her bag at your face)
Kisumi: (pulls you away and grabs her hand) Whoa there young lady, chill out~
Y/n: what the- ma'am control yourself!! You're the one disturbing us right now!! Didn't we say we're together?? Go away this instant!!
G: (grabs your collar) Little pipsqueak! You're talking way too much aren't-
Kisumi: (breaks her away and pushes her onto the ground, giving her a death stare) now now, if I see you laying a finger on my y/n, I will not hesitate to deal with you myself.
G:(starts yelling and crying) Ugh! These two boys are threatening me!! Help!
Y/n: (looking around in panic as passers-by start staring at the scene) uh-oh-
Kisumi: (giggling)
G: You think this is funny??
Kisumi: (waving his phone) I've recorded every single thing you've said, right from the moment you started talking to us. Go ahead, scream for help. I bet that the police would loveee to hear this little recording of their complaint filer~
Y/n: (looks at Kisumi in surprise, then smiles evilly at the girl) Well well well, look who's caught up, like a spider caught in its own web~  
Kisumi: (pulls you close and gestures to the bystanders that nothing is wrong, then glares at the girl intimidatingly) Scoot. 
G:(getting up weakly)Y-you!! Ugh! Y'all are nothing but ugly trash anyway!
Y/n: oh? And you were checking out trash?
G:(growls and walks away, tripping over a soda can and diving head first into a fountain right besides)
Kisumi and y/n:( burst out laughing and walk towards the next ride, holding hands)
Y/n: kisu?
Kisumi: (kissing your forehead) Mhm?
Y/n: I'm.. Attractive…right?
Kisumi: (tickling you and making you laugh) 
Y/n: (laughing and giggling) KISU - STOP-AHAHAHA!!
Kisumi: (teehees and wraps you in a hug, picking you up and gazing into your eyes) You're my sun, and my moon. You're the brightest shining star in my eyes, no matter what anyone else says, you'll be the light to my world
Y/n: (blushing and covering Kisumi's face with your palm) Sheesh, such a smooth talker!
(You two go on ride after ride, having the best day of your lives and completely forget about the girl who once tried to ruin your relationship. With Kisumi as your boyfriend, the happiness, joy and pleasure is never ending, and the love is evermore)
(Grabs snacks; time to end this with the best >:D)
Ikuya Kirishima
(As you two are enjoying your lunch time together in your University cafeteria, a stuck up looking couple approaches you. You and Ikuya pay them no heed and simply continue having your food. The boy walks behind you and you hear a snipping sound. You notice that Ikuya's expression has changed to a nasty, murderous glare)
Ikuya: (getting up) What do you think you're doing??
Y/n:(feeling your hair to see what's wrong. You notice it's a few strands short in an area) What the heck did you do to my hair??
B: chill bro just a lil game of dares we were playin, nothin personal!
G: hehehe, how brave b/n! 
Ikuya: (growling and grabbing the boy's collar) Who do you think you are?? And who the fuck allowed you to touch y/n's hair?? Much less cut it off??
Y/n:( catches sight of the lock of hair in the boy's hand) BRO, WHAT THE HECK??
G: oh calm down! You two don't need to overreact so much!
Y/n: overreact?? How about I cut off your hair?? Then I'd call it even
B: (pushes Ikuya away and grabs the girl's hand) don't you dare touch her
Ikuya: how about you first give up and Quietly make up for the damage you've caused??
Y/n: Fuck the game, You have no right to cut someone's hair like that! Like who even are you?? 
G: B/n do something about these two nuisances. They're getting on my nerves
B: you're looking for a fight? Then you've got one, heh! Think you're tough??
Y/n: (pulling Ikuya back) Control, don't start a fight with the likes of these two. It's not worth it.
(Hiyori had approached you at a distance and spotted the commotion. Unbeknownst to you all, he secretly clipped everything. The moment Ikuya is about to get into a fight, he rushes to get a professor involved) 
Ikuya: (smiling angrily at the guy and grabbing his collar, trying to throw him away) 
Y/n:(tries to stop him but the girl grabs your arms) IKUYA- hey-!! You bitch!! 
B:( grabs Ikuya's hair, pulling it and tries to bang his head on his own, but Ikuya's stronger than him, and he can't resist the force of Ikuya's body) nnggh! You insolent!!
Y/n:(notices that the girl is wavering her attention and quickly sweep her feet, causing her to crash down) heh, tough luck~
Y/n: (quickly grabs her and detains her on a chair nearby, making sure she doesn't move by passing her on to a onlooking student) please keep a watch on her, I want to make sure nobody gets hurt here!
B: you little!! How dare you do that to my girlfriend!! I'll make this guy pay!! 
Ikuya: (tries to keep the boy on a deadlock, but he manages to free himself, grabbing Ikuya's shoulders and kneeing him in the crotch) AAAH!!
B: (taking advantage of the crippling Ikuya, he grabs his shirt and tries to throw him on the ground)
Y/n: the fucking audacity!! (Jumping onto the guy and kicking his face hard, causing him to disorient)
Hiyori: these ones right here sir! Please take charge of them!!
(A professor enters the scene and smacks the boy and the girl hard, and then asks you and Ikuya to join them, as he takes everyone to the principal. There, Hiyori waits for the two of you outside while the principal questions you about the situation. He mentions that he's already watched the clip Hiyori recorded, and will make sure to punish the couple. You two thank him and reunite with Hiyori outside)
Hiyori: I should've come sooner…
Ikuya: (still in pain, just shakes his head) No… thanks for saving us..
Y/n: (patting Ikuya's back) Iku? Are you alright? You were so brave…thank you so so much. I love you..
Ikuya: (smiles tenderly and strokes your cheek) anything to protect you…
Hiyori: It's time to leave now…I wish I could help you take care of Ikuya, but it's time for our swim training. Y/n, I trust you to take good care of him! I'll fill in for you Ikuya, heal up!
Y/n: (nodding your head) bubyee, and thank you so much again Hiyori kun!!
(You take Ikuya to your home and let him rest there, as you tend to him…)
Y/n: (strokes Ikuya's messed up hair) how dare he…I'll never forgive that jerk.. Your beautiful hair..
Ikuya: (gently holds your roughly cut locks and sadly stares at them) If only I could replace these with mine…I can't stand to see your hair being destroyed like this…
Y/n: (shaking your head and resting a hand on his) Maybe, but I still hated the way he fought you…I hated when he grabbed your head…Every second of it…I loathed it
Ikuya: (winces when you place a hand on his, as it was resting on his crotch. He quickly tries to act it off) Nmm!.. Sorry-....
Y/n: (looking at Ikuya's pained expression) Hey…. Does it still hurt?
Ikuya:... No…
Y/n : tell me the truth…
Y/n: knew it. Let me just…(embraces Ikuya and kisses his cheek) I'll make the pain disappear. You're my everything Ikuya…I love you..
Ikuya: (giggles a little and pats your head) I love you too y/n, my little angel~<3)
(You and Ikuya sit there on the couch, gazing outside from your window. Watching the sunset in silence and being in each other's presence was more than enough to recharge and refresh the two of you back to normal)
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leleamo · 7 months
"what is this!?! what's going on here- ah!" Dark Kat couldn't even get nervous, Dalila's hug cut it off quickly
"you two, explain to them.." Dalila said hugging him tighter and tighter, before the Creeplings jumped on top of both of them, knocking them to the floor
"oh how beautiful the whole family is together" said evil T-bone, leaving the portal, okay, now it's time to describe them
they apparently had the same clothes, but now they had boots (smaller for evil Razor and bigger for evil T-bone) but the top part changed a little, both with a red shirt, but with a black cloth that was hidden a bit of the arm and shoulder, on one hand, a glove, and on the other hand, the evil Glovatrix, but... evil Razor's left eye was cut out... and evil T-bone's right eye was also cut out. .. strange.. but the funny thing is that this was worth for the skulls on the helmets, but inverted for each one
"What the fuck is going on?" said Hard Drive
Back to city hall...
"Auntie, would you do the honor of finishing off these four?" said Time Witch to Molly Mange
"don't call me auntie, girl!!"
"you're my cousin's mother, so you are, hehe"
"she's right, mom, heheh" said Molly and Mac's daughter, sitting on her mother's shoulder, in height she took after her father, short, but the rest was all her mother, long brown hair, orange skin, a blue shirt and gray shorts, and a missing left eye (everyone is missing an eye)
"oh shut up!" Molly wasted no time and, together with Mac, started shoot off! but the four ran away! Molly and Mac ran after him!
Outside, the Swat Kats and Enforcers were already trying to destroy the sand and glass monster
"Razor! look at the size of that thing!" said T-bone, turning back and dodging the monster's hands
"I don't think all of our arsenal can handle this creature" said Razor, not hopeful
"the Enforcers don't either! and I don't think we can get into this thing like with Zed!"
"I think we're going to have to retreat.."
"We didn't even try! Let's at least shoot this thing in the eye..." T-bone and Razor had their eyes open, they were flying in front of the monster's eye...
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"this thing's eye is the size of the city!"
but T-bone then saw Callie and Manx running out of city hall
"Miss Briggs! okay, let's back off for now!" said T-bone as he lowered a rope for them to hold on to "Feral! this is T-bone! I think we better back off! shooting this thing is a waste of time! you'll only waste ammo"
"And soldiers too..." Said Razor, looking down
Feral didn't respond, he just pressed the radio hard and angrily as he shouted for everyone to back off, while he and Felina entered in the car.
With the four of them, they grabbed the rope, flying to the Enforcers' headquarters
at the Enforcers headquarters, in Feral's office...
everyone was there, the Feral's, the mayor and the vise mayor, the Swat Kats, and Letícia and Garlie
"Okay, I don't think that thing will leave the city hall" said Razor, looking out the window and returning to the circle of kats
"does anyone know what's going on?!" T-bone asked.
Letícia and Garlie looked at each other, then Garlie took the lead
"well, firstly, my name is Garlie, this is Letícia, we are from another dimension, and well, a feline from our dimension, Michelle, she is the one who is doing all this, together with the Pastmaster, also from our dimension, she wants to get revenge on every Mega Kat City that exists"
"what?!" Manx said.
"just because her parents who abandoned her were former mayors" said Letícia
"but what do we have to do with all this?!" Callie said.
"she said it's because of the chaos.." replied Garlie
"and that's not all! She also called three other kats, two Swat kats, and Dark Kat's daughter!" said Letícia, in a dramatic way
"what?!" Feral said.
"her name is Dalila, but I have no idea where she is now.." said Letícia "but she must be somewhere here"
"remember that bunker where Dark Kat and Hard Drive hid when they tried to frame us for robbery?" Razor said.
"true- wait! other Swat kats?!" T-bone asked.
"yes! some damn weird ones, with a skull on their helmets" said Letícia
"Those Swat Kats from the other dimension are still alive!" said T-bone angry
"another dimension?" Felina asked.
"long story" said Razor
"so we can do it like this... the Swat Kats and the Feral's go together to find the Dark Kats, we don't know what they're going to do, but it's better to be safe than postponed" said Garlie
"and I stay here safely!" Manx said.
"no! let's go after Michelle! she's destroying your city and you're not going to do anything?!" said Leticia
"she's right, Manx" said Callie
"But what are we going to fight with? A violin isn't going to make someone faint..." said Garlie
but then, a smoke of glass and sand invaded the room, and transforming... into Queen Callista! and on an unknown knight, straight and tied hair the color of Feral's hair... Callista stood in front of Callie and the rider in front of Feral, both with their backs to each other, Leticia got scared and went behind Callie, and Manx did the same.
"... things are difficult.. but you can do it, my girl" Callista said to Callie, giving the necklace with a smile, as she disappeared
"...don't lower your head to difficulties, my heirs, the Feral family is strong and doesn't give up so easily!" the woman smiled and handed the sword to Feral, also disappearing
"Queen Callista...?" said Razor... "I've seen this knight in some of my history homework... Ah! Joynia Feral! The queen's knight!" said Letícia, looking at the necklace that Callie was holding (she had a terrified face, she didn't need another crazy thing like that)
"are... my uncle and Callie's ancestors?" Felina asked.
"yes, but I don't remember the knight Joynia..." asked T-bone "maybe she's just from our dimension! very cool!" said Letícia
"this necklace is capable of casting spells! it will be great for you to wear during the mission!" spoke Razor "how do you know?" asked Callie, putting on the necklace "we've already gone to the past! hehe" said Razor
"and for the future too?" asked Felina "for a dystopian future, long story" said T-bone
"and that sword... oh forget it, come on, Garlie, get a gun from Sergeant Talon, you'll need it, now let's go!" said Feral, leaving along with Felina and the Swat Kats, while shouting to the other soldiers "EVACUATE THE CITY! I DON'T WANT A CITIZEN HERE DURING THIS PROBLEM WE'RE GOING THROUGH!"
"Mister Feral is so cool...!" said Letícia "is she a fan of Feral?" Felina asked Garlie "you bet" replied Garlie
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