#hehehe this is my comeback to this blog
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nulltune · 6 months ago
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WOWIE STILL A LOT OF OOMFS (AFFECTIONATE) HERE...... i have been basically going all >:D 🫵 !! at every notif bc HIIII HIIII 🫶💓💗💞
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btc-observation · 2 months ago
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sirhamburrger · 2 months ago
happy new year from singapore :)
(sappy yappy below for everyone!!)
to all my lovely moots and readers: happy new year!!
to salmon: thanks for always being so supportive and my very first fan (even before i started this blog)! live laugh love salmon <3 we're going to have the biggest most epic spectacular academic comeback in 2025 TRUST
to stellar: can you believe we’ve only been mutuals for less then two months?? i honestly feel as if i’ve known you forever HAHA ILYSM!! it's amazing to finally have a fellow se asian to talk to and share a timezone with hehehe
to ree: i was honestly so happy when we became moots like 'this amazing writer likes my stuff??' and ever since then, gettting to enjoy each other's works has done loads for my confidence as a writer. thank you sm loml!!
to kyoki: FELLOW SINGAPOREAN AHHHH i can't even begin to tell you how happy i am to have your support on this platform where i thought there would be no other singaporeans. have and amazing 2025!
to dodger: we have like a 12 hour time difference and we have vastly different lives but i'm so glad we found each other here! meian and ino for life!! i hope you have a great year no matter what happens in 2025 (i just know you'll get through it!)
to robin: never stop making tsukihina art!! your stuff never fails to brighten up my day with how sweet it is <333 let it be known that i appreciate you sm and i hope you have an amazing 2025!
and to my newer moots lina, meeya and sunny, i can't believe we've only been moots for a week?!?! because it's almost like i've known you forever at this point! i hope to get to know you all better hehe
to my readers: thanks so much for your support! it really goes such a long way <33
happy new year and have a great 2025 everyone!!
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xuchiya · 3 months ago
hello!! i just needed to get this off… iomt era is SO insane i feel like i’m horny 24/7 ever since the cb happened… well because they all look so dilf and scrumptious 🤤😭 everyone just looks so hot and giving great dom dilf energies i can’t stop fantasising about very filthy, nasty, dirty hot sex with mafia ot8 dom ateez 🫣🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️
there’s no saving me from my horniness at this point but if you would like to write an ot8 fic with freader based on the above i would be so glad 😭😭 but i don’t want to pressure you into writing it too so i’m just writing it like this~~ love yaaa 🫶🏻
hi my loves, i should welcome you first! it's nice you came across my blog hehehe
Ice on my teeth era really finished the entire fandom with their visuals and yes, we cannot avoid the fact it did made some of us really h0rny 24/7. Every members serve well and ate the comeback.
Most especially Mingi's cake--- whoops hehe
As for your request, I am actually working on individual IOMT NSFW actually hehe but if its a poly type, hmmmm i'll try my best to create one because it is my first time, my loves.
Stay tune for your request since I am finishing the indiv IOMT NSFW hehehe
IOMT NSFW masterlist
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twilightmalachite · 2 years ago
Sandstorm - Epilogue 3
Author: Akira
Characters: Hinata, Yuuta, Rei, Kaoru, Koga, Adonis
Translator: Mika Enstars
"Yuuta-kun—He might’ve been serious, you know."
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Chuugoku Region Qualifiers Stage
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Kaoru: Hehe, well, we all suffered through quite a lot this time, but I’m glad we all seem to be motivated.
I didn’t think it’s possible to make a full comeback at this point, but if Rei-kun thinks we can, it kinda feels like it is possible, y’know?
Adonis: Yeah. Sakuma-senpai is always so hopeful.
Koga: Peh, even if we get all motivated now, it’s still far too late, ya piece of trash! You and the seniors are aaalways like that, quit it!
Rei: …… (ignores Koga and turns away)
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Koga: Can ya stop that? Ya think it’s funny how I get upset every time ya ignore me, don’t ya’~?!
Kaoru: Ahaha, isn’t it nice to have a new comedy routine between you two?
Adonis: Uh-huh. It’s good to try to find the good in things, Oogami.
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Yuuta: None of this matters, can we just hurry to work pleaaase? The live has started, you know~!
Hinata: Ahaha, but it’s been a while since we’ve all been in the same place, don’t you want to talk to everyone too?
Yuuta: Still, go backstage for that, pleaaase? Your fans all missed you too y’know~, pleaaase don’t tell me you only care about your friends?
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Yuuta: If you can’t even do that much, maybe I’ll just set another trap and elimate you too~?
Koga: Whaat? Weren’t ya done with this exploitative character of yours? Didn’t ya just act like a villain just to fool the management?
We all know you guys are actually good kids, y’know!
Ya gotta be careful else other people are gonna think you’re actually cold-blooded merciless villains!
Adonis: That’s right, and you can’t entertain people who you scare. Instead, you won’t be able to approach the people who you want to make happy. I’ve experienced it myself.
And that's why instead of making such scary faces, I want you to be able to laugh—Yuuta, Hinata.
Hinata: Ehh~? But I’m always smiling~! ♪
Yuuta: Yeah, yeah. I promise we hear you guys~—we are the obedient good kids, after all.
Koga: …Fuckin’ idiot.
Yuuta: Ow-owow!? Stop messin’ up my hair! You animal! I set it all nicely, too!!
Koga: “~…♪”
Yuuta: Wait, you’re ignoring me! Don’t do what you don’t like done to you, didn’t your mama teach you that?!
Hinata: Ahaha, but for us, it was our dad who taught us that, wasn’t it?
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Yuuta: He didn’t teach us that, he just spat complaints out at us. That's how toxic parents are, complaining that we’re always causing trouble for others~, right?
Hinata: Man… You’re so fixated on our dad, one could even think that you do love him~...Yuuta-kun?
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Kaoru: —Hey, Hinata-kun.
Hinata: Hmm? What’s up, Paisen, ya want a kiss? We can't~, my big brother is watching~!
Kaoru: I can't grasp either you or Rei-kun’s jumbled characters, you know~?
But it’s fine, it’s more interesting to be so faceted.
But, moving on—
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Hinata: Eek, PLEASE don’t unsheathe your katana! I know it’s just a prop, but even knowing that I’m scared anyways!
Kaoru: Heheh, I’m copying Souma-kun~.
Hinata: Whoa, you’re Japan’s best! Kyaah~, you’re so cool, Hakaze-paisen~! ☆
Kaoru: …I just would like to ask one thing of you, is that okay?
Hinata: What? You look like you’ll behead me depending on my answer, though!
Kaoru: Yuuta-kun—He might’ve been serious, you know.
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Hinata: ……
Kaoru: That kid really tried to crush us, legitimately.
People like Adonis-kun will just interpret it in good faith, though. So as a result, they all think that he just took on a thankless role—As he was supposed to.
But I wonder if that was really the case.
Rei-kun does too of course, but Adonis-kun and Koga-kun go through life on instinct. They don’t think too far into things, and can’t read the air either.
Hinata: Whoa, you’re really tearin’ into them…
Kaoru: Well, yeah. But it is because they are pure children that they always see through to the truth. You can’t hide things from them.
So… if Yuuta-kun’s true intentions really were to deceive the management—Koga-kun and the others might have already noticed that.
But, as far as I can tell, they’re seriously confused.
They were all genuinely angry Yuuta-kun had betrayed us, so angry that they just wanted to grab him by his collar—That’s what Rei-kun told me.
I think the reason Koga-kun and the others got so angry was because they knew that Yuuta-kun betrayed them wholeheartedly.
That Yuuta-kun seriously tricked us so he could curry favor with the management—
To devour us so he could rise in power.
Hinata: ……
[ ☆ ]
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cardinal-contest-king · 1 year ago
..H-Hey, guys. Awake a-again. Been awake f-for a little bit, actually. Everything h-hurts. These guys.. t-they're Magma goons. O-Or they think they are. D-Despite the uh... team or w-whatever g-going under... t-they want a comeback. A-And... they w-want me t-to help m-make it happen, f-for some r-reason. T-Trying t-to make me t-their king or w-whatever... n-not exactly what I h-had in mind w-when I named t-the blog, heheh...
Alot of me's b-broken... but not m-my spirit. I'm g-going a-along with them- just t-till I think of a w-way outta this. S-Sorry if that's t-the wrong c-call but.. i-it hurts. E-Every inch. I f-feel like I've b-been set on f-fire...
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neverchecking · 2 years ago
me, reading all the posts about the barbarian armor lately: >:D hehehe I've started a revolution
hehe I'm so glad my brain rot was well accepted, it was eating at me for SO long so I'm glad others enjoyed it xD
ALSO fanfic-fairy-fountain !!! you are so real for the thoughts about cal <33 I've only played parts of his game so I didn't even know if you could get different armor in it,, but him with the barbarian armor?? and being so blushy and shy when reader asks to help paint him?? AMAZING YOU'RE SO BIG BRAINED <33
we've established that sage makes pretty sounds,, but he absolutely does it because he knows it makes the reader putty in his hands,, (like the way I'm so down BAD for feral gremlin sage is unfathomable xD ) BUT CAL,, cal makes pretty sounds because he just feels SO good and he can't possibly contain himself, his head tosses back and his eyes scrunch up and he just whines when your hand drags along his v-line and dip into his skirt to toy with his cock (side note: cal I am on my knees, let me hear you whimper just ONCE pls <3 xD )
and I am all for the idea that reader helps cal out with the paint because he plays up the whole inexperienced thing xD sage and wild know the design by heart and can do it in just a few seconds if needed, but poor cal needs your help :( reader gives in to his lil pout cause he's so sweet <33 (ALSO I can so see cal giving wild and sage a scheming look when it works, because he might be less experienced and such, but I just know he knows what he's doing HAHA )
dear god, and the way wild and sage would absolutely notice if you trailed the handprint on cal just a lil bit lower,,, if the palm of your hand inches just a tad closer to his cock and the purple fingerprints barely peek out of his skirt, they ABSOLUTELY are going to lose it xD reader?? why is there a handprint on cal's upper thigh?? that's not a part of the armor?
reader, wiping purple paint away from their hands and grinning as cal blushes: idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ oops I guess I messed up a lil ;)
triplet threesome in barbarian armor when??? (hehe I jest,,, or do I?? XD)
(also this is so off topic, but all your posts make me wanna make a side blog for this omfg xD my LU brain rot is INSANE right now hehe)
ALSO lastly,, the idea of reader having their own set of armor?? or perhaps gifted to them by the triplets after all of their fun?? mayhaps there's a bit of a scuffle as they fight over who gets to paint on you –– sage plays up the experienced card,, he's had the armor so much longer now (twice he's found it!) he obviously knows how to do it better,, but wild and cal would throw a fit xD
I would love to move onto another brain rot because I've been in my twilight and time hours lately, but I keep coming back to this <333 your anons know what's up xD
– moonie <3
Moonie! Welcome back <3
You have certainly started something.
Sage absolutely only makes the noises because of what it does to poor poor reader. (Im so down bad too it's horrendous actually) CAL IS MY PERFECT BABY BOY- And he's making noises because he can't stop them. He doesn't have the experience. He's just crying out, begging for you both to not stop andf to stop because it's just so much. (CAL MY LOVE JUST ONE CHANCE-)
Cal plays the inexperienced card, but he probably could do it all on his own. He's just slower about it. But Reader doesn't need to know a bout it. CAL HAS THE CUTEST PUPPY DOG EYES I JUST KNOW IT- (Also, he is so rubbing it in their faces. Just because he's a virgin does not mean he doesn't know how to pull the strings.)
Wild and Sage are FOAMING AT THE MOUTH- It's a wonder Cal survives the night actually fhonhfnbf (He does it by sleeping with Reader that night)
Reader gaslighting themg gfofnbf
Sage/Wild: There's no paint on the thigh??
Reader: Yes there is, you guys just forget it all the time :)
(Spoiler: Yall remember that Ceres and Aaliyah thing I posted? It's making a comeback soon bc that's my hyperfixation rn)
The reader only gets the armor from the triplets wanting to see how far they can take it odlbfbfgf They all get their own paintbrushes at some point govngfong
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pchuaymee · 2 years ago
Hey. Do you remember the old ask. Logs from like 10 years ago aph-planet blogs and/or the fan-inspired-by-hetalia ask blogs with like personified elements, zodiacs, things like that?? I was part of one (ask-zodiac-horse ) and I’m trying to find my friends from back then - aka Leaf, Leaf-mun, calcium-mun, horse-mun, megigano, megi, megi-leaves
Hi, I answer to be clarified for the question.
The first it all, I can't remember this, because, I had not registered here (Tumblr) for 10 years ago. And I did do register here since 2014 but I was not Hetalia fandom yet, also, I never didn't have joined with any Hetalia ask blog yet too until on November 2017, I started to be a newbie Hetalia fandom and I did join with Hetalia ask blogs a little. But in that time, I left from here, and moved on active to my Twitter (aka "X" in now) and my Instagram for 2 years ago. (I didn't mean to "I deleted this blog and deleted my Tumblr account." I did mean "I'm active on this blog in sometime".) But now, I'm comeback to active on here fully, and I maybe back to join Hetalia community or ask blog in sometime. (But I think, I will not do it. Hehehe.). Thus, I never ask you or your ask blog too.
Secondly, sorry, dude. I never know your friend yet. I hope, you can find her.
Good luck, dude!
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finsterhund · 5 months ago
so you have any info for an english translation of the original french heart of darkness? you did mention some diffrences in what andy says and id like to know more about it!
I've been on and off looking for a professional translator or dedicated fan who's first language is French to pay to create a transcript and then making a subtitled video of all the cinematics, possibly even modifying the PAF file to create a fanmade English subbed install of the game that properly runs. But finances and stress has put that on the back burner. It is very much planned though. I fully intent to make this a resource available online when I get there.
My French is poor enough that I cannot do this by myself but good enough that I can notice differences and in slower sections pick out specific words and understand the meaning. From what me and other people have said, there's a more serious tone in the general cutscenes with Andy being presented as more younger and naiver and with dialogue that is less "of the time period." Knowing that there was a large cardboard cutout of arnold schwarzenegger in a tv interview that showed a bit of Eric's studio at around that time, the inclusion of a Terminator reference at the final confrontation for the English dub makes sense. Particularly in that scene, it would not make sense for a direct translation. As in French the Master essentially goes "We'll all die" and Andy says "No, you'll die" which sounds more like a meme sort of joke line directly translated into English where as in the English dub the Master goes "You'll kill us all" to which Andy responds with the comeback. Andy being a bit spicier and quipping with the big bad being the ultimate result of the change.
Contrastly, Andy actually swears in the original. In the opening cinematic he says "merde" several times, which in the English dub is translated as "shoot" as oppose to the more correct "shit"
There's some figures of speech that weren't directly translatable. the "sleeping in class" is basically "head in the clouds" in the original French and from what I can tell the Teacher's rant is more along the lines of "if black holes are so boring maybe you'll be more entertained by the black of the cupboard" as black/dark are both "noir" and that's a bit of a word pun with black hole and the dark.
Other notable differences that I can confidently point out are what appears to be a political joke in reference to the European Union when Vicious is first thrown against a wall (this scene due to a mixing error is almost impossible to hear in the English dub so it was a point of focus when trying to listen and understand what the lines were in the original French), and the Ami/Friends/Amigos not being speakers of another human language. They simply speak broken French. Which I think makes more sense that their species is called "Friends" and the one that Andy befriends is called "Friend" because it's them using a human word they know. It's not their actual name. Just something they hope Andy will understand. Interestingly, the English dub and the Spanish dub are the only ones that changed this, instead having the Friends be shown to speak one human language better than that of Andy and the viewer. It's common knowledge for the English dub that Spanish was chosen for the language of the friends. In the Spanish dub, it's English! Not related to the French dub itself, but I found that fun.
Additional fun fact about things lost in translation. Maître (Master) has a dual meaning. It's also the title given to what's the equivalent to primary school teachers by their students. So hahaha the teacher and the master are the same entity hehehe.
There's probably more word puns. I'd argue that if there's any more significant differences it'd be more lost in translation stuff.
Oh, also my current blog title is "Send the Flying Spectres" because that's what the Master says in the original French where in the English dub he just says "Get him"
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shdwtouch · 9 months ago
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion. || accepting !
since you sent me three I'm gonna do my best to keep these short heheh
first ; callout culture, and I think it goes without saying, is bullshit. most often petty grievances from several years ago, using ultra sterilized receipts cut for bias. do toxic, abusive people exist in the rpc ? yes, absolutely. and people should be warned of their existence. however... "this person said one shitty or off color thing to me / on their blog five years ago" is not that. people change, we get better; like, I will be the first to admit I have done and said some shitty things, but I've done my best to improve and become a better human being. that's allowed lmao but the other thing is. people wave around their callouts and receipts as the be all end all of the matter, when a majority of folks have enough critical thinking skills to draw their own conclusions. but god ! fucking ! forbid ! the conclusion you draw isn't aligned to the opinion of the rpc. and the fact that this is prevalent in popular culture, too. like ???
second ; things that should make a comeback in the rpc: bias lists / follow forevers and positivity / shoutout blogs. like, just the essence of talking about people you enjoy and think are neat ! we need more of that kind of random positivity and camaraderie. like I see some people do it from time to time, and I see the vibe in affiliated lists, but its something I think the rpc could benefit from seeing more of.
third ; I've been happy to see people mention this in their rules etc, but the stigma against "ooc posting" like. sorry I'm not a robot built for roleplay and experience emotions, do things outside tumblr, and like to discuss my characters beyond the scope of interaction ? I won't lie, if I checked a blog out and all I saw were replies and no essence or vibe of the muns character... I wouldn't follow lmao and I guess this extends to the overall concept of, your partners are real people !! you are not entitled to pure service to you, you are not entitled to their time or timeliness. and if you can't accept or embrace that then I think you'll have a pretty sad and, dare I say superficial, rpc experience. and I mean that in terms of valuing your partners production value over who they are as individuals, and what that brings to the rpc. don't get me wrong ! I think folks are can quickly work through things are valid and I am eternally envious, plus I don't mean to insinuate the content they produce is somehow less valuable than those that take more time. but its also just. idk I'm probably bias towards slow and steady. I'm bias towards humanizing my partners and allowing them to be human in context. cuz I care about the human side more than the rp side.
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minheefreckles · 5 years ago
[6:42] After a long day of school, your favorite thing to do was always by far to cuddle with your bf!jungmo. Being in his strong arms felt like home, the faint scent of his cologne welcoming you warmly like a cup of hot chocolate on a cold winter day. You don’t think you’d ever get tired of hugging him or being hugged by him. 
As you came home, tired after your teachers had bombarded you with an ungodly amount of assignments and exams, the first thing you saw was Jungmo sprawled on the couch of your shared apartment, his soft purplish hair spreading out messily on his pillow making you burst into soft giggles. He was deeply concentrated into the movie that was playing on TV, not even noticing you quietly walking up to him and sitting down on the other end of the couch. You got closer and closer to him and muffled back a snort at the way Jungmo still wasn’t noticing you despite the closeness. 
A yelp rang throughout the apartment, followed by your loud laughter, not even caring that your neighbors might file a noise complaint. You tried biting back your laughter upon seeing Jungmo’s pout, but the situation was just too humorous for you to not laugh. After a few seconds of you half snorting half giggling, you heard a few chuckles escaping Jungmo’s lips, turning into full blown wheezing after a few seconds, which then made you laugh even harder until your sides hurt. 
“I’m gonna get you back for this.” Jungmo muttered, sitting up on the couch, shooting you a glare. His expression then turned into one of mischief and playfulness. “Jungmo, I swear to God, if you’re gonna do what I’m thinking you’re gonna do.” By now, you weren’t laughing anymore, backing away from him. The playful smirk on his face did nothing but confirm your suspicions. 
He jumped towards you, pinning you down and his fingers shot to your sides, tickling you furiously. “J-jungmo… stop it.” You managed to chortle out between bursts of laughter. By now, you were definitely certain your neighbors were going to complain. 
“Not until you apologize for scaring me, Y/N” A wide grin was etched on his face, one that made you smile despite the torture that Jungmo was currently subjecting you to. “You’re the one who didn’t notice me when I was 2 feet from you. I’m not apologizing.” You tried keeping a straight face, but Jungmo was moving to your most ticklish areas, your feet. Damn you for confessing to him that your feet were sensitive. 
“Do it or no cuddles for you tonight!”
“Alright! Alright! I yield!” You dramatically cried out, doing your best Loki impression. Jungmo finally stopped, still hovering over you, a small tender smile now replacing his mischievous grin from earlier. “I’m sorry for scaring you, Jungmo. Please cuddle me now?” You were sure your face was bright red judging from its warmth by the way Jungmo was pinning you down, his lips about 2 inches away from yours. Even after dating him for 2 years, you still were flustered by the smallest gestures. 
He smiled, pecking you quickly on the lips taking you completely by surprise, rolled onto his side and opened his arms wide, silently telling you to scoot closer to him. You didn’t even need him to tell you that, you immediately rolled over to him, wrapping your arms tightly around his frame, your cheeks against his shoulder. You feel Jungmo gently kissing your hair. 
Maybe you should scare him more often. 
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soonhoonsol · 3 years ago
Give a svt song to your mutuals and why
heheh thank you anon 🥰 i'm gonna tag just a handful because i think i will hit the tag limit... so just off the top of my head 😅
@softhyungkyun - bring it 🥰 because similar to her explanation, victoria and i are co-captains for life and i love her so much 💖
@woozi - to you 🥰 yza has such calming vibes, and her blog is as pretty as the flowers in the to you stage from their comeback showcase 💖
@soonwnu - spider 🥰 very gritty and somewhat dark and sensual vibes from al’s gfx, but also such a wonderfully sweet presence that i just get so excited seeing her on the dash (and in my tag!) 💖
@hwiyoungies - flower 🥰 when i see belle, i immediately think of seungcheol in flower for some reason and that’s the song that plays in my head whenever i see her on the dash 💖
@scoupsy - crush 🥰 because of her blog description 😅 but also i do have the biggest tumblr crush on dreamy 🥺 one of the greatest ccs on this website, and also such a dear friend to me i love her 💖
@000png - zero (dino’s solo) / can you sit by my side (jun’s solo) 🥰 - probably because of her name 😅😅 but also my beloved zero reminds me constantly of jun and i miss her very much 💖
@injunnies - what’s good 🥰 very summary vibes from n!! very sweet, makes me wanna get up and dance with her even though we’ve never met HAHA just overall such a fun person 💖 (bonus: hitorijanai, because she made me a set from the mv with the lyrics once and it really hit hard and now whenever i hear that song i think of her 💖)
@shuatonin - second life 🥰 a very calming presence from aria, and also very sweet, like a walk through a meadow after it just rained and the sun is shining and maybe there’s a rainbow or a flower valley too 💖
@ohoshi - getting closer 🥰 okay maybe because the mv is very orange and tigers are orange and hoshi is a tiger and the resident hoshi stan is cora beloved so that’s why i get reminded of her 😅 also one of my fav ccs here like how getting closer is one of my favourite songs 💖
@97choi - 2 minus 1 🥰 I WANT TO GIVE TRIS THE WORLD 🥺🥺 she deserves so much and she makes the bestest work ever like everybody pls go visit her blog she’s amazing ilhsm 😻 i hope everything works out well for her 💖
@yoonzinoswife - dream (jeonghan’s solo) 🥰 because no one reminds of jeonghan more than my dear mina 😻 and also because both dream and mina’s works are so underrated like guys, really, if you want to see top tier amazing content, please follow my girl mina 💖
@woneko - good to me 🥰 just absolute amazing gif-making skills... like the QUALITY is just astounding; very good to my eyes 💖
@sannie-hannie - heaven’s cloud 🥰 a very sweet, whimsical presence here on this hellsite 😅 also my emoji for her is a cup of coffee, and i feel like heaven’s cloud is the kind of song i would listen to while drinking coffee, and so i think of shay 💖
@onlyboos - rocket 🥰 probably because his name is mars but whenever i see him on the dash i do wanna zoom over and just give him the biggest hug!! love him and his gorgeous creations 💖
okay imma stop here but there’s sooo many other songs and my moots that i’ve missed out on (i’m so sorry), but to dedicate my love for all of you, i’m sending out all my love to you 😉
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kagedaddy · 3 years ago
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some exciting news - hiatus over!
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hi hi! i know it’s been awhile, a year to be exact.
well i’m not sure if you guys are still interested with my works but i wanna start up again. i now have more free time and i’m not too stressed with my graduate school. i’m in the mood to write some imagines / sexy one shots and i’m definitely more inspired too. heheh more writing prompts now.
hence the title. comeback season is here, baby!
// get ready, updates will be more frequent and expect a new blog for other fandoms.
here’s the link for my other works, see if yah interested.
any requests, drop them on my asks. i’ll be happy to make them
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tomorrow’s my bday, have a great day! jaa ne!
all the love xx
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randombtsprincessa · 4 years ago
Content Tag Game!
Tagged by my babies Dia and Maria ( @yoonia​ and @joyfulhopelox​) to answer these content queries and dish some dirt on me whoops!
Here we go!
1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)? 
Well I for one thought that I would never write for Twilight again. I wrote Touch in the Worlds as a practice and just to get the feel of how writing and the posting worked online. I was very sure I wouldn’t visit the fandom again for obvious reasons, but yeah, I have recently gotten another idea for it for another character that many asked for in comments.
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for? 
I am writing for Kpop (BTS) and currently have two works for Harry Potter!
3. how long have you been writing? on this blog? 
I began writing in 4th grade. Silly me also tried to make a club out of it with a few friends but yeah lol, that tanked. I mostly tried to write Horror back then because I was a hardcore Goosebumps fan. Writing kind of took a back seat to my music and dancing before making a vicious comeback. 
I made this blog to follow SuperWhoLock and other shows. Before I refurbished it to accomodate my writings. Then in 2017, I purged it again at the same time as Tumblr underwent it’s own mess of thingy.
4. on which platforms do you post your stories? 
I post on FF.net, Wattpad, Tumblr, Ao3 and Inkitt.
5. what is your favourite genre to write? 
I love smangst with fluff. Of course, like any deprived emotionally person I do do fluff because where would we be in life without it. I love the tropes of E2L, Estranged Lovers coming together, balancing otherwise unbalanced dynamics etc. Also woman empowerment because hell yes.
6. are you a pantser or a planner? 
I’ a firm swinger between the two. Usually for writing projects, like NANO i have a plan but well, when I get an idea hit, I usually just write how I see it in my head (I’m a visual imaginator). Series require more planning than one-shots.  
7. one shot or multi-chapter? 
Depends on the stories I cook up. Many of them might be finished and reach the proper catharsis in one chapter but many others aren’t stories that can be wrapped up in one sitting.
8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion? 
Don’t ask me. I have a problem with word counts. Ask my undergrad professors.
9. what is your longest published story? is it complete? 
I still think my longest is Touch in the Worlds. Its four books and over 200k so. Yep, it’s done and over with.
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most?
I. ADORE writing Autumn Leaves, mostly because my MC is lowkey brilliant. She’s a living embodiment of all the mistakes the HP characters made corrected. For BTS, I loved writing Aberrations. I’m going to have the same fun when I get to the ‘part’ in Achilles Heart. hehehe...otherwise in the future some works are *satan grins*
11. favourite request you’ve have written and why (if any?) 
I wasn’t sure if I was going to be writing a sequel for Bed Bereft. But people have asked and yep it’s coming (plotted already and I will enjoy it)
12. are there reoccurring themes in your stories? 
I’ve been told I write women in relationships well. Honestly if I wanted a break down of what I as a writer have done nicely in my BTS fics it would be a question for people like @jimins-ass-eater, @stealth-liberal and @cuziloveyou7
13. current number of wips? 
Outrageous and increasing. I have a lot of chapters to upload lol.
14. three things you have noticed about your own writing? 
Some fics I have noticed are purely for a particular mindset. I wrote Asylum in my down time and Ambrosia is going to be the same. I tend to aim to be realistic. I am 23 years old, I have seen a few things that deserve to be addressed and I do that in my fics. Oh, and if I am writing for Namjoon, you can expect my philosophical side to jump right out and ramble in that fic. 
15. a quote you like from a published story.
● Series:
There was nothing soothing about people watching.
Or maybe there was and it required some form of inner peace to find the charm in it.
You didn’t have that sort of inner peace; neither did you have the patience for it.
- Belladonna, Chapter 1
● One-shot:
All the stories that showed that Princesses would be rescued fell short at one crucial juncture.
No one told the story about the cursed princess who was ugly, who was a monster, who wasn’t the pale skinned beauty in a glass case or silk bed.
No, nobody came to save the ugly princess and over time you learned to see yourself just that.
This man – this Jimin, would be no exception.
“After all, what’s to love?” You muttered.
You vowed not to weep. Not for a man, not for the humanity that judged who was worthy of love.
- Blackthorn Creek
16. a quote from an unpublished story.
Jimin didn’t reply, carefully placing a donut on a small, pristine white plate. “I don’t think there’s anyone who just was born wrong. Everyone has reasons, everyone has stories. Things that happen to people to make them the way they are at present. It’s harsh to judge a person’s future for what the past did to them in the present.”
His eyes flickered up to glance out the window. At the edge of the park, right along the lines separating the background of the city from the forefront stood an old Honda. On it was perched a single girl.
“Like her.”
- Brownie Points
17. space for you to say something to your readers. 
I want to thank each and every single one of them. On tumblr and out of it. I know I miss out on a lot of interaction but I want you all to know that you always have an ear and shoulder available on my blog. I want you to know that these fics I write are for more than just your enjoyment. It’s for them to maybe find a part of them resonating inside of you and if I achieve that then that would be my biggest achievement. I love you all and your encouragement is literally the reason I and many other content creators are still here.
Tagging: @avveh @serooks @softyoongiionly @hobidreams @jungkxook @joonscypher @hobiwonder @bangtanhome @joheunsaram @kookdiaries @ressjeon @kithtaehyung-main @vyduan @rosietae @kookingtae and anyone else who wants to do this!
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eeunoia · 5 years ago
An Idol’s Girl | l.ty
Note ⚠⚠⚠ : This will be my first blog so I’m sorry if it’s not good??? I really just can’t help but to write this ehe. Adios.
Summary: Y/N as a trainee and Lee Taeyong as her boyfriend. Kind of sum up everything.
This is so terrible but I can’t stop myself from writing this and posting it so rip to those who will encounter this to their newsfeeds??? hehehe. Don;t hate me tho, I’m like new to all of this so bare with me??
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"To the world, NCT! Annyeonghaseyo NCT-imnida." I smiled as I watched them bow their heads in front of their fans. My eyes stared from the first boy from the left up until to the last one. They sure crowd the whole stage with all of their members.
I can say that SM Entertainment's future will really be bright because of them. With their visual like faces and their unbelievable talents, they will surely be remarkable.
Everyone's eye catching I can say that, but one man surely captured my eyes and my heart.
I smiled when he slightly caught me staring, Lee Taeyong. He was smiling while waving at their fans but when we locked our eyes, his smile disappeared for a while.
I pursed my lips as that hurt me. Why am I even surprised? And why the hell did I went here even though I know he won't be happy with it?
I sighed heavily as I slowly squished myself out of their loud fans. They were screaming and pushing each other but luckily, I made it out alive and a whole piece.
When I was already making my way out of the venue my phone rang so I fished it out from my pocket as I slightly hugged myself because of the cold breeze.
"Where are you right now, Y/n? Did you make it in NCT's showcase?"
I smiled when I heard Jiguem Unnie's voice at the other line. She's a trainee from the Sm Entertainment together with me. We've known each other for years since we started training.
"Neh, but I'll be there in 15 minutes."
"Eh? Why?"
Of course she'll wonder why! The showcase is for 4 hours and I've been gone for only 1 hour.
I stayed silent, didn't really find the right words to say. I heard her heavy sigh and I knew she already figured out what happen.
"What did your asshole boyfriend did once again?"
The corner of my lips rose up not because I'm happy. But because of how I find things awful. He's my boyfriend and I'm just trying to support him.
"N-Nothing," i almost hit myself in my imagination because I stuttered.
"You know what? I can't believe why you still endure that relationship of yours with Lee Taeyong when you can just break up with him."
"I love him." that's the sad fact here. I love Taeyong but I'm not sure if he still feel the same way towards me.
We met the first time when our President wants the trainees to perform in one of the company's family concert. We were thrilled when we first heard about it. It will be the time Sm Ent. will introduce their trainees.
So all of us were gathered in one of the meeting halls to discuss about the said event. There is where I met him. I didn't like him at first because I don't like the way he makes me nervous.
With his visual that looks like he's been pulled off from an anime, he surely looks unreal. He have this sharp features that made him look intimidating.
It was hard for me to get close with him when I find it easy with the others. I'm a very friendly person and I get along with other people pretty well so I find it odd for me to feel different around him. That's when I realize I like him.
After a month of knowing each other, Jaehyun told me that Taeyong wanted to be close to me. I didn't believed it at first as I never saw him try. But then he started showing interest at me. He asked me out in coffee dates during our free days. It was fun!
Soon we slowly grew feelings for each other that pretty much led into a relationship. It was great actually. The first three months were just us showing how much we cared for one another. The management even knows about us and didn't really went against. I was close with his co-trainees as well.
We were doing fine until they started getting busy for their debut as NCT U. I was very excited for him and really rooting for his success. I knew how hardworking he is so he deserves this.
But as he slowly approach his dream, thats when we grew apart. We started hanging out less. I understand it of course. We started having big fights that led me to sleepless nights.
Our relationship went from a happy one to a dull commitment. My friends kept on telling me to just let him go because they think it's just not meant to be, but I'm just stubborn. I want to hold on. I don't know why, but I want to.
"Still no text?" I glanced over one of my co-trainee when she asked me that. She probably noticed I've been checking my phone too many times today.
I shook my head slowly and pouted my lips because of unhappy feeling that I've felt.
"Maybe he's just busy, Y/n-ah." Jiguem unnie said trying to lighten up my mood.
"I'm texting Mark, he said they're not busy today." Koeun said frankly.
I sighed heavily as it slowly sink into me. I get it! He's avoiding me. But I just don't know his reason! I can't remember that we argue about something? The last time we talk is me saying good luck for their comeback! I even let him do as he please, I don't confront him for all the days he's been so cold to me. I let that pass since I want him to focus with his comeback.
"Maybe he's cheating behind your back?" My thoughts were interrupted by one of the other trainees. We all looked at her in unison.
"(Trainee name)!" the other trainees called out her name with their warning tone. I saw how she just gave us a shrug.
I'm close to all of them and they're all just worried about me. They don't want Taeyong taking me for granted.
"What? We can't just feed Y/n lies! We have to be honest here. We all know her boyfriend is being an asshole so if he's cheating behind her back won't shock me at all." She said then rolled her eyes.
I understand her. She cares for me that's why she's like that. She doesn't want me to be hurt.
I unconsciously bit my nails as the possibility suddenly kicks in my thought. My heard thump in distress as I silently wish it won't be true. I knew for some reason that he loves me. Not as much as I probably love him but I'm sure he still loves me, right? I mean he won't stay in a relationship with me if he doesn't.
"Just confront him about it. Ask him why he's acting this way." Jiguem unnie suggested that I ended up just agreeing to. I don't have a choice because I also think that will be the best decision to do right now.
I'm here waiting for him outside their apartment building. It's just a couple of blocks away from where we're staying so I just walked myself here. It's already night time so nobody's around. The streets are dead silent and almost scary if it wasn't for the peaceful vibe.
I breath in some fresh air and tried to sit at the corner to wait for him. Jaehyun said that Taeyong usually go in the convenient store during this time to avoid people so he'll be out anytime soon.
I snapped my head over the other side when I heard some noise and there he is. Lee Taeyong wearing his hoody and a sweat pants. He didn't have his hood on so it was easy for me to notice his bright red hair color.
I smiled at the sight of him and felt how I badly I missed him. I was about to walk towards him but my steps halted when I saw him happily talking through his phone. Who is he talking to?
"Taeyong oppa." I called him. He looked at me and his smile slowly fades.
"I'll call you again." He said. He hangs up then looked at me. I wanted to ask who it was but I just want to hug him. I haven't seen him for weeks!
"Y/n? What are you doing here?" There isn't a smiling Taeyong anymore. Now, only a slightly mad with furrowing brows Taeyong is present.
"Jaehyun oppa said you usually go out during this hour so I tried my luck and hoped I'll see you." I said then pout. I saw how he clenched his jaw then sighed heavily.
"Come on, I'll take you back to your dorm." I just gave him a nod before walking behind him.
At least I got to walk with him and spend a couple of minutes together, right?
The girls and I are now sharing a dorm since they're already planning our debut. Finally.
Since it wasn't that far, we arrived fast. I was pouting and a little sad since we haven't really talk even during the walk.
I faced him and bit my lip as I saw him staring at me intently. It wasn't the same way he stares at me but I don't care. I believe that I can still fix this. I can still fix us.
"Taeyong, can we hang out tomorrow?" I asked him smiling. He sighed.
"You know I can't be seen in public, right?"  He sounded a bit sarcastic that made me sad even more. He never been sarcastic to me before just when he wants to tease me.
"I didn't mean we go out in public places. We c-can hang out in the Sm Building like before." I said really trying to spend some time with him.
His eyes were cold while staring at me. Like as if he was staring at someone he doesn't know, someone he doesn't care about. And it hurst me. It hurts me big time.
"I'm busy. Why tomorrow?" he asked carelessly.
I felt my eyes heated up after what he asked and I just tried to pull up a smile so he won't notice it.
"Ah~ Nothing! Nevermind, thank you for walking me here and take care on your way back." I said then bowed my head before hurrying myself inside.
I sighed. A deep one. How come he always forgot our monthsary?
When I entered the dorm, they were all in the living room watching some kdrama. They were laughing but when they saw me, their mood changes up.
"What happened? Why are you back so early?" one of them asked.
"Where is Taeyong? Did you guys talk?"
"Hey, are you okay?" Jiguem unnie asked and it almost made me breakdown right there. But I stopped myself. I put so much trouble in us already. I don't want them getting messed up because of my emotions.
I tried smiling but I didn't know if it went well.
"I'm okay. I'll head to my room first." And I didn't wait for their response. I just walk my ass in my room like a lifeless creature.
When I made it inside the room felt quiet and empty. I hated it. I used to fill this room with laughter and giggles because of him but now it's plain... lifeless. Like me.
I was about to lay down when my phone beeped. I lazily fished it from my pocket and saw that Jaehyun sent me a message.
I think Taeyong is cheating behind your back, Y/n. I'm sorry.
Part 2
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bbysamu · 4 years ago
HI CECI DEAR!! I know it's been quite awhile that I dropped by. It's okay love! I completely get you. That's also the same reason why I haven't been so active in the platform aside from being so damn busy with univ reqs!
And I am hoping you don't mind if I tag along you darker side 😈 Ya girl just turned 22 a couple of days ago 🤎 I really missed interacting with you and reading your stuff! It's also the last month of the semester so everything is thrown at us, making it really hard to do other things. So I don't think I'll still be able to interact as much due to this 💔
Anyhow, I hope you feel better soon. Take your time tho! Self care is very important. I'm so proud of how your blog has grown too! Can't wait for your comeback already, ILY and IMY Ceci dearrr!! (*˘︶˘*)
Hello my dearest 🍙! 
So so happy to hear from you. Im sorry uni has been so busy, BUT it’s almost summer isn’t it! 
And yeah, please come over to @afterdarkclub, I'm waiting for you there hehehe 
YOU GOT THIS ON YOUR LAST SEMESTER! And thank you so much my love. I couldn’t have been here without you. Ilysm, can’t wait to talk to you soon !! 
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