#hehehe had to have a grey sweatpants moment
depravedangelbaby · 9 months
♡ you'd look so pretty on your knees for me, pet ♡
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thesonoffireandice · 2 years
She Will Be Loved [Katsuki Bakugou x Reader]
Words: 1.1k
Tags: Angst, Bakugou, Breakup, Comfort 
A/N: I might do a part 2, I might make a song fic series, who knows, but enjoy! Guess which song it is hehehe its totally not the title hehehe
You couldn’t say you didn’t see this coming, but it didn’t mean it still didn’t hurt. You were standing outside of a familiar house, the rain pouring down on you. The water dripping down your face was masking the tears a bit, but your red puffy eyes and soft gasps easily gave you away. It was 3:24 am. There was absolutely no way he was awake. You’ve been standing out in the rain for what felt like forever but was actually only about 15 minutes. You needed his support right now, you needed to see him and have him tell you that everything was going to be alright, because right now it didn’t feel like anything was going to be alright.
After contemplating for a few more minutes, you finally built up the courage to knock on the door. You knew he was going to yell at you for waking him up, but that was a small price to pay for even a sliver of comfort. You heard grumbling from behind the door until you finally saw the door open slightly to reveal Katsuki in his classic black tank top and grey sweatpants, his hair even more chaotic than usual from sleep. He looked down at you, ready to yell at you for waking him up at such an ungodly hour until he took a look at you. He was frozen for a second as you both stared at each other, him trying to process what he’s seeing after just waking up, and you just seeing him.
Once he snapped out of his trance, he quickly pulled you inside and shut the door behind you, trapping the storm outside, and the warmth inside. “What the fuck are you doing here? In the rain? What the hell is wro-““It’s over.” You cut off his scolding.
There is a moment of silence between the two of you, just the sound of water dripping from your clothes echoing through the dark apartment is heard. “What?” Katsuki asks softly, thinking he is still dreaming or imagining you, here in his apartment, saying these words.
“It’s over. I broke up with him.” The end of your sentence was almost caught by your tears as you started to cry again. Strong arms pulled you in as you wept and the warmth and comfort you were hoping for was finally here. He knew how rocky things were, but he didn’t think you would do this so suddenly. He didn’t know how to handle these emotions, but he knew you needed him, and he was prepared to be there for you.
The rain was slowing coming to a stop and you were starting to shake in Bakugou’s arms, from the overwhelming emotions or the fact that you were dripping wet from the rain he didn’t know, but he knew he could quickly fix one and at least start to work on the other. “Shit” he mumbled under his breath slowly pulling away, not wanting to part from you but wanting to help you heat up. “I’ll be right back, sit wherever you want.” At this point he was soaked as well but he couldn’t care less, he was focused on caring for you at this point.
You were pretty much on auto pilot at this point with everything that was brewing in your mind. You knew this relationship was a shit show after its first month, but you just had to drag it out for the full year, just to see if anything changed. The first red flag was 3 months in when he kept telling you all of the shit his parents were saying about you. The second red flag came only 2 months later when he kept forgetting plans you made, instead going to hang out with his friends. By month 7 you were both basically done with the relationship, but it wasn’t until month 11 you said you were done. And now here you were. But there was one thing that never changed, one thing that was always keeping you in check, keeping you aware of all the unnecessary shit you were taking from your now ex. Katsuki Bakugou. He was and continues to be your rock. You always knew you had something special. You were too stubborn to admit it before, and you’re too fragile to admit it now, but he’s the one that keeps getting away. Not this time.
You hear the sound of sock clad feet walking down the hall and see Katsuki holding a pair of shorts and his sweater for you to change into. “Should fit you, it’s the smallest stuff I have.” He finds you standing in the middle of the room as you take the stuff from his hands with a soft “thanks.” You walk towards the bathroom softly before you hear a voice from behind you. “Hey,” Katsuki says softly, his voice barely audible and gravely, “It’s gonna be ok, whatever you need I’m here.” You muster up the smallest smile with and thank him before you close the door to the washroom and begin to change. Tears start to stream down your face again but this time it wasn’t about the break-up. The idea of your ex basically left your mind the second Bakugou held you in his arms. Rather, the tears were of longing for him, because of your conflicted feelings for the man just past this door, you knew you loved him, but you weren’t ready to face the possibility of losing him right now.
Once you finished changing you opened the door and stepped out again to find Bakugou sitting on the couch with his face in his hands. You thought he was just tired and trying to stay awake, but it was much more than that. He loved you. He still loves you. He knows you’re the one for him, but this wasn’t the time. He is using everything within him to restrain himself from just telling you everything now. He wants you to be his, but you are the priority right now, not his selfish wants.
You walk back to the couch and sit next to him. Silently, you curl into his side as his arm wraps around you, securing you to his side. Your head rests on his shoulder as your legs move to his lap. He holds you with him, trying not to fall asleep. “I’ve got you,” He mumbles, his eyes starting to flutter close. “I know. Thank you.” You say into his shoulder, looking up to find him asleep. “It was always you.” You say before closing your own eyes, missing the smile slowly finding its way to Katsuki’s lips.
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capturethechaos · 3 years
7 with Sam
hehehe :)
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Words - 2705
Prompt 7. “Here, lemme help.” Warnings - NSFW 18+, Oral sex (f receiving), fingering
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Offer a helping hand. That’s what my parents had always taught me to do. So when Sam asked me to help him decorate his house for a Christmas party that he and his brothers would be throwing, of course I agreed to help.
Issue is-- I’ve been into Sam for longer than I care to admit-- but that is not the main issue at the moment. Currently I am facing the issue of having to decorate his house by myself-- because Sam has essentially disappeared with no explanation.
“Sam where the hell are you, I can’t fucking reach this.” I mumbled, frustrated as I tried to reach the top of the doorway, that was-- even with a step ladder-- too high for me to reach.
A couple moments passed of me trying to reach the top of the doorway, when I heard the sound of footsteps jogging up to me.
“Here, lemme help.” He said, stepping in front of me and making a shooing motion with his hands.
I took the message and stepped down from the ladder, allowing him to take my place, and handing him the garland. He stretched himself to reach the hooks, his shirt raising slightly, revealing the hem of his sweatpants. The happy trail leading below the band of his sweats made my breath hitch as my eyes trailed up to his hands, placing the garland on the hooks in the wall.
It was a mistake to let myself pay attention to his hands, watching as they flexed with each movement, the veins running from his fingers to wrist made me feel like I was about to combust.
“Y/n-- you good? You zoned out for a second.” He said, pulling my attention from the sinful thoughts that had begun to flood my brain.
“Hmm-- yeah, looks good Sammy, thank you.” I said, taking a step back to look at the decorations hanging so eloquently along the top of the doorway.
“Anything else I can help you with?” Sam asked, shooting me a curious look.
“Actually yes, I’m going to hang some baubles, but I need to make sure I don't hang them low enough for people to hit their heads on. Would you mind just standing there so that I can measure the lowest I can hang them?” I asked.
“Yeah, of course.” He said with a wide grin.
I grabbed one of the baubles from the table beside me, looping some ribbon through it and stepping onto the ladder, stretching myself to loop the ribbon around the garland.
Sam stepped closer to help give me an accurate measurement, but I quickly realized that from his place, he was positioned directly in front of my boobs, looking up at me with his deep brown eyes. The sight alone made my knees wobble a bit, but the little smirk he wore as he looked up at me had me tearing my eyes away to avoid any more unholy ideas from entering my thoughts.
Even still the thoughts crept up on their own as we continued to decorate the house, every time I caught sight of his goddamn hands, all I could think of was how they would feel buried knuckle deep in me, or wrapped around my throat.
I need to stop.
He is my friend.
That is all.
But god did he look good in grey sweatpants. The band sitting deliciously low on his hips, the band of his boxers peeking through the top of the sweats. It was becoming way too much to deal with for as long as I have had to today.
When six o’clock finally rolled around, I decided to grab my stuff from my bag in the living room and head upstairs to get ready for the party. It was a relatively quick change, slipping into my favourite dress and a pair of shoes that wouldn’t kill my feet during my time at the party. I kept my makeup light, knowing I’d probably be drinking, and therefore not wanting to take off my makeup at the end of the night.
By the time I walked back downstairs the rest of the Kiszka brothers and Danny had arrived. Sam stood with them, having showered and changed in the time it took for me to get ready. He looked great, as per usual, wearing a chunky knit, cream colored sweater and a nice pair of jeans.
“Y/n! The decorations look great!” Josh said, running up to me and pulling me into a tight hug.
“Thanks Josh, I hope you complimented Sam too. I had to get him to help me with most of it-- I’m just too short, you know what I mean right?” I said, a slight laugh accompanying my words.
More guests began to arrive, and it felt like the house went from empty to packed in a matter of minutes. At one point Jake had handed me a cup of some drink concoction Sam had invented, and I had since made my way into the living room to dance with some people I actually know.
I could feel a gaze on me, burning into me like a beam of sun focused by a magnifying glass. I turned to see who it was, and was surprised to see Sam with his eyes locked on me, still engaged in conversation with one of his friends. I lifted my cup to him before taking a sip, feeling a hand land on my hip and begin to sway with me to the music.
I looked back and was surprised to see Josh, a cheesy smile on his face as he looked back at me.
“Well hello there stranger!” I said, turning to face him, his hand never leaving its spot on my hip.
“Hello to you too! Having fun?” He asked, leaning in so that I could hear him better.
“Always.” Josh’s eyes glanced up, his lips falling from its grin into a smirk.
“I don’t think my little brother is too happy that I’m dancing with you.” He whispered in my ear.
“What are you talking abo-” I started, quickly being interrupted by the dropping of Josh’s hand, and another hand grabbing my wrist.
“Jake needs to talk to you” Sam said, giving Josh a stern look that told him to walk away, and make it snappy.
I watched as Josh walked away, my gaze following him until he disappeared into the kitchen. I turned to Sam, who was already staring me down, my eyes fell to my wrist, his fingers wrapped so tight around it that the veins in his hand and arm were popping out a bit.
“Sam--” I started, lifting my arm, and his hand with it. “--wanna loosen your grip a bit? I’m losing circulation in my hand.”
And with that he pulled on my wrist, dragging me along behind him as he made his way through the crowd of people.
“Sam-- where are we going?”
He didn’t answer, instead opting to push me through the entrance to the bathroom. He stepped in after me, closing and locking the door behind him.
“You finally going to explain all of this to me Sam?” I asked, giving him a curious look.
“Are you going to explain why you were dancing with my brother like that Y/n?”
“Like what Sam? We were just swaying, also-- who are you to tell me who I can and can’t dance with?”
He didn’t reply, instead he placed his hands on my hips, beginning to sway to the muffled music that was playing throughout the house.
“Just swaying hmm.” He hummed into my ear, gripping my hips tighter and pulling me closer to him.
“Yes Sam, just swaying.”
He looked up, lifting one of his hands to my chin to lift my face, suddenly aware of our reflection in the mirror.
“I don’t blame him for wanting to dance with you, I mean-- take a look at yourself, you’re gorgeous.” He said, his lips only centimeters from my ear.
Goosebumps arose on my skin as his lips brushed against my skin.
“Tell me if you want me to stop.” He said, lips ghosting over my throat.
I lifted my hand, combing my fingers into his hair and pulling it lightly, “Please don’t.”
I could just barely see the smirk that had formed on his face, but I stopped paying attention when he began to lightly suck on a spot just below my ear. He began sucking a trail down my throat, stopping at my shoulder and looking up, catching my eyes in the mirror.
His hands gripped my hips once again, spinning me around to face him and pressing me against the sink. His face inched closer, stopping when his breath fanned over my lips.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stop?” He asked, eyes locking with mine.
“Do you?” I asked in return.
“God no.” He sighed.
“Good.” I replied, closing the gap between us.
One of his hands lifted from its position on my hip, gripping onto my face like I could disappear at any moment. The other slowly moved from my hip, sliding down my thigh to the hem of my dress. I could feel him lift it as he deepened the kiss, it was fueled with desperation, years of built up tension coming to the surface.
I couldn’t help the gasp that arose when his fingers traced along my panties, quickly locating the wet patch that had formed. A smirk formed on his face at my reaction. He took it a step further, moving my panties to the side and running two of his fingers along my slit, collecting as much as he could before breaking the kiss and leaning away, lifting his fingers between us.
“Is this all from me?” He asked, looking between me and his fingers.
I was untrusting of my voice, so I just nodded at him, a crimson blush overtaking my face.
“Or is it for Josh?” He asked, his eyes now almost black with desire.
I shook my head, but he wasn’t satisfied, once again leaning into my ear.
“Try again baby, use your words.” He said, leaning back once again and placing his fingers in his mouth, cleaning them off.
“God, I hope it’s all just for me.”
“It’s all for you Sam.” I breathed, voice cracking as I spoke.
“Good, I don’t like to share.” He said, giving me one last quick kiss before pulling away.
He locked eyes with me, lifting his hand to my hair, slowly pulling the elastic out and fluffing my hair for me. I looked at him, confused, but quickly realized what he was doing when he began to gather his own hair into a messy bun.
I was speechless, watching as Sam slowly dropped to his knees in front of me, his eyes locked with mine the entire time. A devilish smirk played on his lips as he went down, his hands tracing along my sides. His eyes moved down my body, his hands resting on my knees for a moment before slowly moving up my thighs.
“Do I always get you this wet baby?” He asked, hooking his fingers around the band of my panties, slowly starting to pull them down.
“Fuck Sam, always.” I gasped as he leaned in, sucking a spot on my inner thigh.
“If only I had known. I would have ruined you a long time ago.” He purred, leaving a trail of wet kisses along my thighs.
“You better make up for lost time then.”
His gaze shot up to mine, a mix of lust and surprise swirling around in his beautiful brown eyes. The smirk he was wearing only got more smug as he took that as his cue, diving in and licking a strip all the way to my clit. I grabbed the counter, feeling my knees buckle slightly as he wrapped his lips around the bud and sucked.
He worked me with his tongue for a few minutes, drawing out mewls and swears that I tried to muffle with my hand. He moved from his position, glancing up at me with a dissatisfied look.
“Take your hand off your mouth Y/n--I want to hear how I’m making you feel.”
I dropped my hand onto the counter, grabbing onto the edge so hard my knuckles turned white.
“While I’m up for air, do me a favor and lift this leg for me.” He said, his fingers tapping the back of one of my thighs.
“Sam, I can barely stand as it is, now you want me to stand on one leg.” I said, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Don’t worry baby, I’ve got you.” He said, pulling one leg over his shoulder and tightening his grip on the other.
He made sure I was stable enough before diving back in, this time focusing on using his tongue to tease at my entrance. I couldn’t help the broken sob that escaped from my throat when moved his hand from the thigh on his shoulder, taking the place of his tongue as he pushed a finger into me.
“Sam-- I won't last long.” I moaned, running one of my hands through his hair and tugging on it.
His response was smug, I could feel him smirking before he sucked on my clit, easing a second finger into my entrance. His pace was agonizingly slow, building up the knot that had begun to form.
The moans that were falling from my lips were borderline pornographic, and hopefully inaudible for those on the other side of the bathroom door.
“I can feel you clenching baby, getting close?” He asked, barely separating himself from my core.
I hummed in response, nodding my head and tilting it back as he curled his fingers. He halted his movements at my response, looking up at me with a smirk.
“Remember what I said baby, use your words.” He said, leaning in to kiss over the previous bite marks he had left.
“Ugh-- yes Sam, I’m close-- please don’t stop.” It came out much more like a beg than I had wanted it to, and I could feel his lips pull upwards into a grin against my skin.
I pulled my gaze away from the ceiling, looking down at Sam. I caught his gaze, seeing the smile on his face as he dragged his lips up the inside of my thigh. He winked and planted a small kiss on my thigh before continuing his movements, once again starting to pump his fingers at a pace that had me gasping for air. His teeth grazed over an already developing bruise on my thigh, and he took the quick halting of my breath as a cue to bite down on the mark once again. With that my orgasm crashed over me like a wave, Sam holding me tighter, steadying me as my legs started to shake. He pulled his fingers out of me after a few moments, letting me catch my breath and drop my leg from over his shoulder.
“Well-- that was-- unexpected.” I said, letting my death grip on the counter loosen.
Sam stood, his face seemingly stuck with a permanent smirk on his lips. We moved around in silence, Sam moving me slightly to wash his hands. I pulled the elastic from his hair, putting my own back in as nice of a ponytail as I could. The reflections of the two of us revealed more than I thought, with light bruises already beginning to form along my neck, and a prominent bulge in Sam’s jeans. Our eyes caught in the mirror, and I glanced towards the very clear issue he was dealing with.
“Do you want me to uh--”
“Maybe later baby, for now I am going to go get you a drink.” He said, kissing my cheek and reaching for the bathroom door.
“Uh Sam--”
“Yes Y/n?” He said, dramatically turning to face me again.
“Can I get my panties back?” I asked, realizing that they were no longer on my body, and they weren’t on the floor.
“Maybe later, for now consider them an early Christmas present for me.”
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If you'd like to be added to the taglist for the Christmas fics lmk!
I wasn't sure who in my tagslist was above 18, so I only added those who have their ages in their bios and the people I know are 18+
Taglist - @eatmejoshkiszka @screechesincoherently @amouratomique @fictional-duchess @theweightofstardust @obetrolncocktails @basically-hayley @amarideberry @weightofdreams-gvf @safari-shlong @j3rboa @castlebythesea @dearie-me @godlygreta @bluebonnet-sonnets @civilgroupie-gvf @aureummel @joshkiszkastea @prettyxvenomx @ageofsammy @sarakay-gvf @welightthefire @gretavanhoney
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lunar-girl-fic · 3 years
Perfect Girl~ Wonho Oneshot
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Warning: Suggestive, mention of dying?
Word Count: 1591
Wonho x female reader
Disclaimer: The picture used is NOT MINE. I found it on instagram from the artist @bre.lexis. You guys should totally check out her art. It’s my favorite ambw art :).
A/N: I based this one shot based off a dream I had the other day. It felt so freaking real like I even felt the kiss and for some reason that only happens when I dream about him and I. Some scenes were added but this pretty much how my dream went. I wasn’t able to find a photo that matched how I imagined Wonho and a brown girl. In the dream he was literally the same size as he is now and he was wearing that orange shirt from is live the other day... Anyways I hope you all enjoy!
It was a rainy Friday night. You had just left your coworkers at the restaurant you guys went to to celebrate the assistant principals birthday. You called an Uber to get home. Normally you would walk but you weren't in the mood to be catching a cold. The ride home wasn't too long since you obviously lived close by.
When you arrived you thanked the driver and exited the vehicle quickly. However, no matter how fast you ran to the building you still ended up getting soaked. As if it couldn’t get any worse, the elevator in your complex wasn't working so you had to prolong your torture by taking the stairs. 
You finally reached your apartment and immediately took your shoes off and headed for your bathroom. You put your clothes on a drying rack over your toilet. You turned the water on to the hottest setting and got in. The warmth of the water was welcomed and washed away most of the stress you've been feeling with work. But stress from the absence of your boyfriend of 4 years didn't go away. It wasn't as if he was in some far away place where you couldn't see or contact him. No, the problem was he was so busy with his comeback that he did not have much time to call you much less visit you due to conflicting scheduling.
At first, you didn't have much of a problem with it since you knew how important his career was to him. But it has been two months and the separation was starting to get to you. Even though you knew you shouldn't complain being lucky enough to even have a man as sweet as him, you were only a human in need of the touch of her boyfriend.
After you got out the shower you put on some mango butter to attempt to smell good while moisturizing and let your curls fall freely. You grabbed a pair of grey sweatpants and put on the smallest sized hoodie Wonho owned. Being thankful he left this one behind since his others would've had you swimming in it.
You left your room and went to the kitchen to make a cup of calming jasmine tea (can you tell I've been watching atla alot hehehe). As the tea was boiling you gathered your students papers from your work bag and placed them on your coffee table. You turned the TV on and scrolled through the options. Finally settling on the 90s batman animated series as background noise.
You went back into the kitchen and poured the tea in your favorite mug. On the way to the living room you grabbed your phone just in case he called you. He may not have called you in the past week but who knows maybe today would be your lucky day.
Time went by smoothly. Surprisingly grading he papers wasn't too difficult since your students actually followed directions. Since it was easy to grade you decided to raise the volume of the TV and pay more attention to the plot of the episode. You were just about to finish grading the last paper when your phone started to ring. Had it not been on vibrate mode you would have never known it was ringing. When you looked at the caller ID your heart went pitter patter. It was Wonho. You obviously picked up the phone immediately with a joyful tone.
"Hey babe! How have you been? How's comeback? How does your shoulder feel? Are you eating properly"
"Well hello to you too baby, and to answer your questions good, good, good and of course!"
"Well that's good. It's been awhile and I was beginning to worry you forgot I existed."
"How can I forget about the shining light of my life."
"I mean with all those beautiful girls around you everyday it's not hard to think you might forget about an average girl like me."
"You're right."
"Wha- WONHO!"
You heard him laughing and knew that he did that just to get a reaction out of you.
"You know I would never. You're the only girl I have my eyes on."
"Hmph could've fooled me. Don't worry I already got my eyes set on another man." You said jokingly.
"Ya! I was joking."
"I know you dork."
There was a comfortable silence after you guys finished laughing.
"When do you think we'll be able to hang out?"
"Soon, I'm hoping. Everything is just so crazy that I barely have time to focus on taking care of myself. I'm honestly so sorry for not being able to call you. You must think I don't love you anymore."
"Wonho, I know I signed up for this when I first started dating you. You don't have to feel guilty for something you can't really control." You said trying to lighten the mood.
" I know it's just that I- I... I just want you to know that. (In Korean) I am the luckiest man in the world. I know you probably think I take you for granted but the truth is I could never love another girl like I love you. You said that you think I can forget about you easily an quite possibly leave you for another girl? When in reality everyday I worry you might just give up waiting for me an find another guy to replace me. You're my driving force in life. I don't know what I would do without you. I love you so much baby girl that I can't even find the right words to describe how much."
"...You know I hate you. I'm pretty sure you probably said the most beautiful words I will ever hear but I guess I will never know considering you just said it ALL IN KOREAN. Babe you know I'm not hat fluent. Now can you please tell me what you said again." You whined.
He chuckled, "I said, I am the luckiest man in the world. I know you probably think- ah forget it. You're making it so hard to surprise you."
"What? How? And what surprise are you talking about?"
"Turn around."
You quickly turned around almost giving yourself whiplash and that's when you saw your man standing there with a smile on his face and his arms opened wide.
"IT'S YOU!! YOU'RE HERE!!!" You said as you ran to him and jumped on him instantly grabbing his head to pull him in for a kiss. You almost cried tears of joys feeling his lips on yours after not being able to even touch in in 2 months.
You pulled away having the need to catch your breath. But you were still cupping his face with your hands, staring lovingly into his eyes. Eventually you went back in for another kiss but jumped at the sound of an explosion that happened in the show you were watching almost falling out of his grip. Wonho laughed at you while he gently placed you down so he wouldn't accidentally drop you.
"Heeeyyyy, why are you laughing? I could've died." You said while pouting.
"Sorry jagiya, you're just so cute I couldn't help it."
"Hmph. Nice to know you think me almost dying is cute."
"Dying? I'm pretty sure falling from that height wouldn't have killed you." He said amused.
"You don't know that. What if when I fell, I could have broken a bone and punctured an important organ and potentially bleed out."
"That sounds highly unlikely."
"Since when dud you become a medical doctor."
"Since the moment I started dating you. With the amount of times I've had to take care of you because of how clumsy you are, I'm pretty sure I can get a medical degree easily."
"If you say sooo."
You and Wonho couldn't help but laugh at the silliness of your conversation. However while you were still laughing, Wonho stopped to stare at you. The love he felt for you overwhelmed him in this moment. He wasn't sure if it it was because he hasn't seen you in awhile or if it was something else but all knew was he just realized how perfect you are. You noticed the look and asked what was wrong.
"Why are you so perfect?"
"I mean perfect isn't the word I would use to describe myself..."
"I mean it baby, what did I do to deserve you?"
"Hmmm believe it or not all you did was be yourself. I tired of guys who were fake and trying to be something they thought I wanted. You are the only guy I met who was himself and that's all I can ask for. Plus your really good looking."
"I do look good, don’t I?"
"You're supposed to say thank you, you ungrateful little-"
"Just kidding." He said as he put his hands up defensively.
"I'm still waiting."
Instead of answering you, he grabbed your face and pulled you in for a passionate kiss, burying his fingers in your curls.
.After 2 minutes you both pulled apart to catch your breath.
"How was that for a thank you?"
"Hmmm I think you have to do that again to make it a proper thanks."
"I can think of a better way that involves a bed and less clothes." He said as he picked you up and carried a flustered you to your bedroom. And lets just say that by the end of the night you he was able to show you just how thankful he is.
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jbarness · 4 years
huh, that's new
a social media au
[27: news]
warnings: language, "pregnancy"?? uhh idk what else hehehe
a/n: this is a pretty long chapter i think? (2000+ words) im very nervous about this chapter cause its kinda a big deal asdfghjk anyways, please please please tell me what you think about this! and ik this idea is very odd HAHAHAHA but what else would you expect from two dumbasses named bucky and y/n? hehehe i really hope you enjoy this chapter!! ♡
flashback is italicized
huh, that's new - masterlist
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You wanted to laugh so badly.
For some reason, your housemates are panicking over who the hell set this gender reveal party up in the living room. 
It was you. With the help of Bucky of course.
Natasha and Wanda have been shouting “I’m not pregnant, I think you are!” to each other for about 10 minutes now. Steve decided that he needed answers too, so he joined in the shouting. Pietro’s talking to his camera, probably vlogging the whole thing. Peter’s talking on the phone with MJ asking if she set this up. Sam’s the only one enjoying the food. Bucky was looking at you from across the room, keeping the smile from forming on his face. 
Just about an hour or so ago, you and Bucky were just setting the whole thing up. Bucky was pushing the table to the living room when you arrived with the cake. You placed the rest of the blue and pink food on the table along with other decorations. There were many variations of food, but the cupcakes that have toppers that said: “Here for the Sex” were Bucky’s personal favorite despite not knowing how they taste. The balloons were still lifeless when both of you hung the streamers on the walls with the banner that matched the topper of the cupcakes. After finally finding the balloon pump, blue and pink balloons filled the living room. Some were on the floor while you hung the others on the wall. When you were content with the appearance of the room, you and Bucky went your separate ways.
You got the idea of throwing a gender reveal party when you were working at the diner one evening. “You’ll be at the gender reveal party next week right?” the woman at the booth asked her friend. “Of course, Jill asked me to pick up the cake,” Her friend says. When you got the idea, you thought it was silly, so you dismissed it. Later on, you thought of more ideas and details to add, then in a blink of an eye, you were in the bakery, asking the baker if they can make a three-layered cake of your favorite flavor with the inside colored blue.
“Maybe P set this all up for a prank again?” Nat looked at Pietro who was filming the whole thing. “Just because I have a channel that doesn’t mean I always prank!” Pietro said, turning off his camera.
Steve sighed, “Okay, one by one. Nat and I were the first ones here, but it was all here already when we arrived. Wanda was the next one here, she was in the bookstore the whole morning. Bucky and Sam were next and they only came here because he saw the Instagram story of Nat. Pietro and Peter came home today from LA and Peter from Tony’s. Lastly, Y/N came home from the cafe,” everyone nodded. 
After a couple of minutes of silence, you couldn’t handle it anymore, “Okay, I can’t do it. I give up. It was me. I set this up,” you laughed. 
“But why Y/N?” Peter gasped, “Are you pregnant?”
Everyone’s eyes were on you now. Natasha’s eyes widened, “Wait, who’s the father?”
Bucky was laughing internally, you could tell. He wasn’t looking at you anymore, he turned around to look at the window. You could see his shoulders slightly shaking, he’s definitely laughing. Good thing the attention wasn’t on him. “I uhh… I don’t know,” you said. You technically haven't met Bucky's dad, you were being honest.
“Doesn’t matter, my sweet Y/N! We’ll support you and help you. Anything you need” Sam swallowed the macaroon whole before going to you and hugging you tightly.
“I know you will.” In less than a minute, you were trapped in the middle of the group hug.
“Why didn’t you say anything sooner? We would’ve known the gender by now!” Pietro said as the group untangled from the hug. 
You laughed, “I was enjoying the show.” 
“Well, come on! I wanna know if my godchild is a boy or a girl!” Wanda yelled excitedly and went to the kitchen to grab the knife. 
Bucky walked towards you before you could join the others who are now gathered at the table, waiting for plates and the knife. “I’m tellin’ ya, doll, they’re gonna be frustrated at us,” he said. You shrugged, “They already are.”
Wanda handed you the knife to cut the cake. Everyone took out their phones to take a video of the “soon-to-be-mother”. You were trying very hard not to laugh at this point and so was Bucky, who was taking a video of his friends’ reactions to what they’re about to say.
You sliced a triangle on one side of the cake and pulled it out, showing blue. “Oh my God! It’s a boy!” Peter yelled, jumping around with Pietro. Sam and Steve took turns hugging you and they were later pushed aside by Wanda and Nat. “I’m happy for you, hun I am, but I really hope that a girl comes out of you,” Natasha said while hugging you and Wanda tightly. 
You cleared your throat, catching everyone’s attention, “It’s actually a Bucky” you said, nonchalantly. 
“Bucky?” Wanda pulled away slightly from the hug, making Nat do the same. “A Bucky? As in it’s Bucky’s baby?” Steve asked, wide-eyed, obviously excited, looking at Bucky who is now looking back at you, covering his mouth with his hands, to keep himself from laughing. 
“I meannnnn… Bucky... is my... baby,” you said while extending your arm, inviting Bucky to come closer, which he did. 
Peter was still confused and it shows, “You’re Bucky’s mom?” he asked, making Pietro smack his head, “Pete, it means they’re dating... Right?”
Both you and Bucky nodded, “We are.”
“Oh my God! Fucking finally! I was starting to think you’ll never tell each other how you feel! Do you know how frustrated you two made me?” Sam yelled, throwing a pillow at Bucky.
Natasha was yelling “I fucking knew it! I told you so!” repeatedly to her boyfriend while Wanda kept pinching both your and Bucky’s cheeks saying, “CUTIESSS!” 
You looked at Bucky, “they don’t look frustrated” you said which made Bucky roll his eyes and smile. Both of you laughed when you saw Steve silently saying “Yes! My ship!” Either that or something about shit.
“Calm your asses. Now, this party isn’t just for us to announce that we’re together. This is also a party for Natty and Steve. Sorta like the part one of the roomies night we’re gonna have” you said, looking at the couple.
“Thank you, Y/N, but I don’t wanna think about moving right now. What I do want is for you two to give us the fucking details about how you two finally got together” Nat said, making everyone agree and sit down and get comfortable in the living room.
Bucky cleared his throat and looked on his left, where you sat. “It happened the night that her friend came to the city.”
To say you were excited for tonight was an understatement. 
Last night, you already picked out the clothes you wanted to wear tonight. It was simple, really, just a pair of jeans and the most comfortable hoodie you owned. Or should you go with a plain sweater instead? Printed shirt? Oversized shirt? Your grey sweatpants? They look comfortable. Or your black ones?
You ended up with your first choice. 
Wanda and Nat noticed how upbeat and cheery you were the whole day. It wasn’t exactly like you to be this happy at 7 am. You cooked a lot more food than usual and you haven’t even had your coffee yet. “Maria’s in the city today!” was the only excuse you thought of every time they asked you. You had some errands to do that day, its something you find really boring and exhausting but you found yourself skipping to the bank. Skipping, not walking. 
At the tower, Bucky was a nervous wreck. He couldn’t focus much on what he was doing. He would zone out and forget what he was typing, then he remembered he wasn’t typing at all, he was fixing a floor plan. Sam being Sam, noticed how Boinky was acting. He kept teasing Bucky about being distracted while Steve kept asking him to stop. “What’s up with you, Buck? What’s making you zone out?” Steve asked, giving Bucky some water. Bucky just shrugged and continued whatever the hell he was doing. 
The evening came too fast for Bucky and too slow for you. You got home, got dressed to meet with Maria for dinner before seeing Bucky. When Bucky got home, he changed into something more casual and fixed himself at his bathroom. “Tell her tonight, you fucking idiot,” he told himself, looking at the mirror before grabbing his helmet and his old helmet that you proclaimed yours when you were hanging out before. He smiled at the memory then remembered that Dot never even got to see his motorcycle. Huh. 
He picked you up at the hotel that Maria was staying at. In a few minutes, you were at the bar that you two used to go to. You two bought a couple of drinks before going to the spot - your spot. You almost forgot how beautiful it was there, especially at night. 
“After tonight, you’ll only have one night of free drinks, use it wisely,” Bucky said, breaking the silence.
“Yeah, I’ll have to find another way to have free drinks from you,” you joked.
He looked at you, “You can just ask, you know? You don’t have to blackmail me,” he smiled. 
You laughed for a moment and it became silent once again. It felt... awkward. You two were seated a couple of inches away from each other, the closest you two have been since you avoided each other, but you wanted to get away. You remembered the last time you were here, in this exact same spot. Drinking the alcohol of your choice, laughing with Bucky, talking about your high school selves. Many things have changed since then. It feels so weird and new to you, sitting next to someone you genuinely like, your friend. You took a deep breath and stopped thinking. 
“I like you, did you know that?” you said out of the blue making Bucky wonder if he was just imagining it and he was just hearing things. He stayed silent, deciding that it was just his mind saying that cause that was what he wanted to hear.
You turned to Bucky, waiting for his reaction. Nothing. “Buck?” he turned and looked at you as if he hadn’t heard you. “I like you,” you said once again only this time, it was louder and clearer. 
“You like me?” Bucky asked, finding it hard to believe for some reason. “Like, you like-like me?” You nodded, smiling at his creased eyebrows and slightly tilted face, like a confused puppy. You almost didn’t notice how your heart is beating quickly as if it wanted to jump out of your chest. It was taking Bucky too long to reply, and that made you anxious. All you wanted was to take it back and change what you said. You should’ve said “I’d really like to go back to being close friends” or maybe ask him why he avoided you or somethi--
“Did Wanton ask you to tell this to me?” he asked with an accusative tone. “No, why would I agree to that? Even if I did, I’d only agree to say something like that if I really meant it,” your voice getting louder every word.
“So it’s true? You like me? Romantic styles?” You nodded, slightly annoyed that he would think that you would play with his feelings. “Yes, it’s no big deal. I just wanted to tell you, I don’t expect you to like me back. I just- I want you to--”
"I like you too. Romantic styles," he said holding your hand. "That was why I set you up with Loki, why I avoided you after that and why I was avoiding you until you invited me to join you and Pietro. I kinda got a bit… slightly, sort of jealous so I agreed to go with you."
"Wait, hold on, you like me... and you... set me up with Loki? I don't get it"
"I like you and… That doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that you’re happy, and I'll do anything to make you happy,” he said, offering you a small smile.
"Then we kissed and… yeah,” you smiled at your friends’ faltered smiles.
Sam stood up, “Why was everything else so detailed and the kiss was just ‘then we kissed’? What’s that about?” He said, grabbing more food from the table. "And, I fucking told you so, Boinks!" 
Bucky rolled his eyes, “Do you wanna hear how I kissed her softl-”
“Excuse me?” You said, raising your eyebrows at your boyfriend. “I kissed you, and it wasn’t soft”
“Y/N stop saying soft!” Peter shouted, covering his ears.
Wanda wiggled her eyebrows, "You didn't come home that night, hun."
"Yeah, I invited her to my place, we had some wine and we just talked for the rest of the night. Nothing happened. Okay? After talking we just slept. That's it,” Bucky defended.
Steve kept nodding his head, “Hence the Instagram story, mhmm, mhmm. Alright.”
“Whatever happened that night, I’m glad it did. And, I’m really really reallyyyyy happy for you, dumbasses,” Nat laughed.
Peter walked to you, “I’m happy for you too, sis. But please, don’t get detailed with… you know. I don’t need to know that.” You laughed, holding his hand. “And Bucky, if you ever hurt my sister, I’ll hunt you down and beat you up,” Peter looked at Bucky squinting his eyes, trying to look intimidating, which made Bucky laugh.
You looked at Bucky, “He’s serious. And very strong. He gave Steve bruises when they were boxing at the gym.” Bucky looked at Steve who was nodding.
@intovert-gone-wild @jbb-bucky0310 @jessicakimba @mariachiii @essenceproxima @cazslaughter @eldahae @rororo06 @bonkyboinkybucky @a-hopeless-fan @danosaurushowell @hannibal-lecters-bitch @ceeellewrites @divainthesun @kseniiafirebrace @k-n-e @adriannajackson @connorhoez @fanfuckingtastic04 @cherthegoddess @captain-america5 @onlyjamesbuchananbarnes @writerwrites @lovinnholland @softboibarnes
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hysteriium · 5 years
Imagine spending the Christmas season with Arthur.
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He’d probably be the happiest during holiday seasons, not just because Gotham is transformed into something more tolerable than its everyday experience, but also because he’d be able to spend more time with you.
All the cute little outings you’d both have would simply fill his heart with joy. 
For example, ice skating! 
Watching you fumble around, and cling onto him like a cub to its mother was something that amused him to no end. 
Much to your surprise, Arthur was a lot better than he had let on - hell, better than you. 
If you left with a few bruises from some falls - which, let’s be honest, if you’re a clumsy bitch like me it would HAPPEN - Arthur would kiss the wounds ever so tenderly when you got home. 
As the rink was in the park, you’d finish ice skating under the pretty lights, eyes never leaving each other as smiles graced both your lips; hopelessly and utterly in love.  
His arm would wrap around you in a warming embrace, pulling you into his side. 
Often you’d go for a stroll as snow decorated the small park, and Arthur, being a cheeky LAD would absolutely steal kisses from you. Pecks, small nose kisses, and nose rubs. 
He’d look so cute in his little beanies!!! He’d also perfectly complement them with his sweaters since he loves colours so much!   
Ugly sweaters. No arguments. If you reject the sweater he bought for you he will be a v sad boi. 
NO doubt he’d get you matching Christmas sweaters. 
He probably owns more ugly sweaters than actual sweaters; this is sort of worrying but also, let the man live.  
Arthur loves snow - so so so much! If he saw any indication snow - small white specks drifting from the sky - he’d rush the both of you out of your shared apartment and force you to catch snowflakes with him.
S N O W A N G E L S.
S N O W M E N. 
Arthur would totally be the type to name the snowman. He’d pretend it was an actual person - give it a personality and a voice. It’s wholesome and it would make you laugh - literally one of his main aims. 
The cute blush coating his cheeks during the colder days, as well as the pink tint decorating his nose, was probably one of the cutest things about the season. Yep, freezing your ass off was worth it just to see him. 
He’d know all the words ngl - especially to the classics.
This would also include a lot of dancing. 
And not JUST slow dancing - he’d TEAR up the dance floor (why am I laughing at the imagery of this holy shit). 
Also, even though you two have been together for a while, he’d definitely use the mistletoe as an excuse to kiss you. 
Mistletoe kisses may lead to something more ;))) who am I kidding it ALMOST always does.
Even if you weren’t good at baking, Arthur would swoop in to save the day. While he wasn’t the best either, his company was something that made the experience more tolerable.
If you somehow managed to get sugar on your lips, that man would immediately press his lips to yours and wipe it clean off. 
Arthur always loved witnessing your excited form react to your creations. Like a game of pocky, you’d share a Christmas cookie with him. 
Lots and lots of Christmas movies! 
Movie marathons often led to sleeping on the couch and you’d both be bundled up in each other’s arms, deep in slumber. Other times you’d fall asleep with your head in his lap and he’d remain in that position until he too, gave into the numb embrace. He hated waking you up - you looked so peaceful and he didn’t want to disrupt that. 
When you had woken up without Arthur at your side you knew immediately something was up. Whether this was a good or bad thing you weren’t entirely sure, it wasn’t like the cold intent in the mattress beside you could have told you anything. 
Without wasting another second, you slid out of bed, arms pulling down the long tee you had stolen borrowed from your boyfriend as you exited the room. Still yet to recover from the grogginess of sleep, it took you a moment to realise the song softly reverberating through the halls was Bing Crosby’s ‘White Christmas,’ an old jazz tune. The season-specific music was soft enough to sustain your slumber, though the closer you got to the living room, the more prominent the melody became. 
“Arthur?” You called. 
The lack of response was something that made your brows furrow.
By the time you had fully reached the living room, you had recovered from your dazed state. Though, as the mixture of cinnamon, intertwined with vanilla - a warm, sweet scent, lingered and your eyes flickered around the room, you were met with a sight that may as well of propelled you back into your state of unconsciousness; the unexpected view making your jaw drop. Arthur had managed, in what you hoped was a short time, to set up the Christmas tree you bought days prior, decorated completely with baubles and ornaments. He had also managed to hang up stockings, and a modest, petite wreath.   
“Surprise!” Arthur, who had heard your approach, beamed. After drinking in your amazed expression, no doubt getting a kick out of it, he climbed down from the ladder he was using to hang fuzzy strips of garland. 
You embraced his slender form with a laugh, breathing in the fresh minty scent of his skin - newly out of the shower. 
Guilt nagged at you.     
“You did this all by yourself?”
As he nestled his nose into the crook your neck, inhaling the heavenly scent of your shampoo, he nodded into you, followed by a hum. 
He must’ve sensed your guilty conscious because as you were about to protest, he murmured a soft ‘don’t,’ giving you a small peck on your shoulder. Arthur spent moments relishing in the affection before he pulled away.
“Besides,” he paused, his fingers curled into the pocket of his grey sweatpants, “I was saving the best for last.” 
When he found the item he was looking for, he quickly produced a bundle of green stems, held together by a thin, crimson bow. Leaves protruded from the sides of the stalks and towards the ends, small spheres of white hung. With a plant so famed, so iconic, it was impossible to mistake it as anything else. 
“Smooth, Fleck. Smooth,” you grinned and reached up to cup his cheeks. Projecting a smile back, one that had the potential to charm anyone, he swiftly captured your lips; slow and loving.
It was with that gentle act of love, which confirmed you were in for one hell of a holiday; a promise of elation. 
Sorry, I GOT CARRIED AWAY WITH THE LENGTH AGAIN. Also, it’s like 4 am and I haven’t properly scanned for grammatical errors so I HOPE THIS IS DECENT AAAA I’ll edit in the morning yeet!
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yvixtrae · 4 years
A Teeny Tiny Tad Bit of a Re-Write of the Bad-Boy AU I Wrote for Park Jisung About a Year Ago or Something
Oh boi—
A bad-boy AU with Jisung??
Let’s set this boi somewhere in highschool then
Because why not though lmao
Mayhaps a sophomore or junior, per say
Honestly, bad isn’t the proper word for it
I guess it’s more like… He’s a tad bit rough around the edges??
Like I dunno bro but he’s just not that bad
Mainly keeps to himself and stays really quiet
Just skips classes a lot
And sometimes skips school altogether
But like...
He just usually spends time on the rooftop or something like that instead
Somewhere peaceful to have his earbuds in and be alone to just like, vibe
Because nothing really beats listening to things like i prevail, starset, hollywood undead, and even black veil brides or all time low--unless maybe you wanna listen to things like chillstep, melodic dubstep, and electronic which is valid too
And despite listening to both, he also has spare room in his music taste for things like a fair amount of neffex and random songs from either troye sivan or older get scared songs
You might find him roaming the halls too, if he for some odd reason isn’t tucked away on the rooftop or something
Nonetheless, always has headphones in, with his music playing quietly
Never really pays attention to the school uniform dress code, so you’ll find him in something like…
Either hella casual or a bit more on the edgy side
Maybe something like a dark but faded baggy blood red zip-up hoodie or red and black flannel over some sort of band or general fandom t-shirt or something paired with plain black skinny jeans and converse
Or maybe you’ll find him in something along the lines of...
Maybe something like a slightly oversized seemingly almost pastel galaxy-colored sort of hoodie with a strip of simple black and white checkering down the sides of the sleeves paired with ripped light or dark grey skinny jeans and heeled gothic boots
No matter what though--he’s typically wearing something with long sleeves just to wear one as a sweaterpaw and roll the other one up to his elbow
Almost always has accessories of some sort like a simple and delicate choker or super pretty but dangling celestial earrings or even a bit of chaining for his jeans
Sometimes he puts on a teeny tiny bit of eye-liner on because why not
There are times where the teachers try to say something about his apparel but he just can never find it in him to care and listen
But since it’s not too big of a deal in general, he hardly ever gets in actual trouble over it
Has gotten into a few fights before due to things like standing up for the few people he associates with when they’re being picked on and whatnot 
But this is where you come in
He’s had his eye on you for a while
You’re not really someone who entirely fits what’s expected of you--at school at least
If that makes sense??
Like, you’re kinda just the artsy-fartsy day-dreamy wallflower that not many people really pay attention to and you’re always doodling/sketching or writing in your extra notebook that you take everywhere 
And you can be found most of the time listening to music through one earbud while attending class and things like that
What’s cool though is that you actually share almost the exact same music tastes as precious mochi boii
The teacher’s aren’t thrilled at your lack of undivided attention in class but like
It’s whatever since you still make insanely good grades in most of your courses
Overall though, you’re quiet too--at least when you’re in school unless you’re chilling with you friends at lunch or after school
You’re pretty smart, and generally sweet—when you aren’t riled up
Someone was picking on your friend, and you stepped in to try and get them to leave your friend alone
But as soon as the person went to lay a hand on you for intervening, Jisung was already there to take care of it
Literally came out of nowhere, but you didn’t question it
To be fair though he happened to be roaming the halls for once and saw what was going on
Anyways—from then on out
He’s just tagged alongside you and your friend through the halls in between classes
And again, you don’t question it
You just sometimes make small talk with him
Like saying how the day went for both of you
Or maybe if something new happened at home
You learn some of the little things
Like how he doesn’t like cockroaches and how his favorite colors are green and black
Your friend gets along with him just fine too
Every few days actually, you all hang out after school for a few hours or so
Y’all just kinda vibe and walk around town or something and maybe talk either a little or a lot there’s just no in between
At some point, he even starts showing up to class more often
You actually share all of your core classes
Granted, even though he shows up, he falls asleep most of the time
He just somehow still manages to keep pretty good grades though
But he particularly struggles a little bit with science
His sleeping through class doesn’t help with this
But the notes you take for him do
It would be a few months before you turn out to really develop feelings for him
His feelings were there from the start of the year before and one-sided since he just kept to himself
It’s just one day that you’re running late to school for the first time in a while
Late enough to where you’ve missed first period and only have a little over half of second period left
But to be fair you just didn’t go to bed until like 4 or 5 in the morning because you were hyperfixated on sketching a few things and actually inking and coloring them in
And thus you slept through your alarms and then had to rush with chugging your coffee and slipping into your uniform and just haul ass to school
You find yourself pacing the halls, but mainly keeping to the wing that your third period is in
But passing an empty room, you see through the cracked door that Jisung’s there
He’s there and dancing
To what?? You dunno
But you’re gonna guess it’s to something along the lines of general electronic because even though there’s no music audible to you, you see that he’s got earbuds in as per usual
You’re surprised since you’ve never seen him dance but like
Here it is now and you watch him, thinking that despite not knowing what he’s listening to, he’s really good at it nonetheless
After a solid few minutes, he stops and pulls out his earbuds, turning to the door
And he sees you
He kinda just stands there for a sec
Just kinda shocked since no one’s really like, crept up on him and was able to do so without him knowing before
But then he greets you with a small smile and a wave, moving to exit the room and walk with you to find your friend and talk as you walk in between classes
Before you make it to third period though, you casually compliment his dancing from earlier and miss how his cheeks flare red
Like, how does one handle one of their favorite people taking the time to compliment them on one of their favorite things to do?????
With a simple thanks and a blushy smile
That’s the way he does
But with turning his head to make sure you miss his blush, of course
The day continues as per usual
And so does a few months more into the school year, actually
Yes, you consider the days that he shows up to school with messy and vibrant blue hues in his hair as usual when it happens
You actually love the sight of the color on him
Because it just makes him look even cuter somehow--if that’s possible??
It’s how the habit of ruffling his hair suddenly pops up
Like, it was kind of a thing beforehand since his hair is fluffy
But now it’s even more of a thing since his hair is blue
Y’know?? lmao
It’s only towards the end of the school year that he decides to try to ask you out
Spending so much time with you, he finally had the opportunity to get to know you and like, feel as if he had great reasons to list on why he liked you so much
How you always smile whenever you see him and how it always lights up his day and makes his heart do all kinds of flips in his ribcage
How nice your voice sounds to him and how cute he thinks your laugh is
How he finds you to be both pretty and cute
Heheh--he thinks you’re “pretty cute”!! *ba-dum-tss!!*
Sorry, just had to say it like that lmao
He also thinks that you’re pretty funny at times
And that it’s super duper cool that you’re so smart and know random fun facts and have the ability to do crafts so well
All that good stuff
The list goes on though, just know that, okay?? lmao
Anyways—onwards to how this bean asks you out
It’s honestly super casual and simple
Just during a hangout after school
Walking around a nearby park
The stereotypical, “Will you go out with me??”
But what makes it so cute is that he’s struggling to even start to say it
And he stutters a bit
Literally takes him a solid minute to ask
Your friend who’s with you both is now slinking off to give you two some time alone
You’re pretty grateful for that but at the same time ready to thwack them upside the head for how they’re barely containing their laughter at Jisung’s struggle to speak
But it’s all aight when they make their way to elsewhere
As soon as the words have fell from his tongue though
You’re smiling to yourself for a few moments to just bask in the joy that sparked through your system at this, your heart just screaming for you to say yes
So you do
And you don’t think his smile’s ever been so bright
You’re shocked when he suddenly picks you up in a hug and twirls you around with an ecstatic laugh
But anyways
Dates with him are very simplistic
Random as well
Like, he’ll show up in the middle of the night and climb through your window to just chill
Just clad in something like a plain hoodie and sweatpants
Sometimes you’ll go out to eat fast food
Or maybe a small corner café to just simply vibe and chug caffeine
You sometimes watch him play games or vice-versa
Maybe you guys even chill on a rooftop and share earbuds to vibe while staring up at the sky in a verbal silence
Sweet little clichés
But you love it all
When dates end, it’s always him walking you home if you’re not already chillin’ there in your room
Always gives you a forehead kiss or something before he leaves
Honestly, even your parents have come to know him as a regular visit at your house
But they don’t mind
At least, not too much since he’s made a very good impression on them
As the relationship progresses, he’s bold enough to give you fleeting pecks in public alongside holding your hand or something along those lines
But staying in to just cuddle and look at memes has become a big thing now as well
You two take turns being big spoon lmao
He loves laying his head in his lap and how you always comb your fingers through his hair during those times
There’s also sometimes munching on mochi together, actually
Melon mochi, specifically
But also
Since he’s babie
You like to boop his nose
And sometimes bro
He just scrunches in response with a shy little smile and giggle
And it’s so precious that you almost cry lmao
He swears up and down at some point that he loves you
But to himself of course
Until one day the words spill a year later
And you return them, making him the happiest boi on the face of the planet
Oh god, he’s such a soft bean for you
Or in general, but specifically for you
Just please love and protect this baby lmao
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breg21 · 7 years
The Ties that bind us Ch.1
Chapter 1! I'm so excited to get this story started! I now have a skeleton down; so I know what I basically wanna do with this story, I can't wait to write it all down! Anyway, please enjoy. Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom, Nickelodeon does.
Two years had passed. Spring poured into summer, summer had swirled into fall, and winter was now taking its harsh claim over Amity. As the seasons changed so did Team Phantom, which was now their official name. Now that Team Phantom was a renowned worldwide corporation, it allowed people to make ghost hunting to be their career, and people could start as young as fifteen with parental permission. It was now a more government-funded career, with classes taught by educated people that had to get a degree in the field.
It also gave students that wanted to go into ghost hunting a scholarship into college if they wanted something other than ghost fighting, depending on their rank, how invested they were, and what skills they built up over the years. It worked like a grading system; the better the grades, the more scholarships were offered. While there was a grading system in Ghost 101, it worked more on the physical aspects, like gym, and either you passed or failed.
Ghost 102 worked on more of the science of ghost hunting, and was graded like a normal academic class. They were taught how to outsmart a ghost, how to hide from a ghost, and a better understanding of how a ghost thinks for self preservation. The students had to learn how to get out of tough situations that they may get into if a ghost were to attack them.
Danielle wasn't sure how many high school and colleges offered the ghost hunting classes outside of her town, but in town there were three classes: One taught by her grandpa, one by grandma, and one by Valerie's dad, Damien Grey.
Her dad had changed the most, while he wasn't the bulkiest around he was starting to lose his lean build and was gaining muscle from ghost fighting. He kept his hair about the same, and he now towered over Dash at 6'4''. His crystal blue eyes, despite having seen so much horror and shit in his young eighteen years, had retained an understanding of happiness. He always said it was because of his family that he was so grounded in reality. He now wore a plain black t-shirt with his symbolic logo, and simple blue jeans.
She had also changed a little over the years. Her figure was now more refined at sixteen. However, not wanting too many eyes on her, she kept to her baggy hoodies, sweatpants and leggings, unless she was with Tucker, then she'd dress a little differently. Her eyes that matched those of her dad's stayed the same, and honestly so did everything else. She didn't need much of a change.
Her mom and Valerie stayed the same physically, other than filling out in the chest area a bit and gaining a couple inches in height. Valerie still was curvy, and her mom still had her straight figure, which always seemed to compliment her nicely.
Sam was also growing her hair out now; it was just past her shoulders. Her signature clothing hadn't changed much, except for a different deep purple plaid skirt with black lining instead of the green; she had also traded her purple tights for black ones that stopped just above mid-thigh.
Valerie now typically wore a crimson red sweater and black jeans. She preferred to cover up, trying to protect her skin as much as possible if a ghost were to unexpectedly attack, unlike Sam who didn't give a damn, her own words being "If I get a scratch, I get a scratch, I'm not going to worry about it," to which the huntress could only shrug in acceptance. To each their own.
Tucker had changed along with Danny, getting more bulk in his build. It was not as much as the halfa but it added to him, and - to Danielle's utter disgust - made girls chase after him constantly, to which she'd secretly fire an ecto-blast at the fawning girl's ass over her boyfriend. He stood strongly at 6'2'', which still made her have to stand on her tiptoes to give him a kiss. Switching up his own outfit, he now wore a light baby blue hoodie with the logo embedded on the front, dark blue jeans that matched nicely, and a multi-colored beret of green, red and yellow. He was in his last term as mayor.
As of right now, however, it didn't matter how many years had passed; Danielle was still sure that school was the embodiment of torture for teenagers. She had been out with Tucker last night, past curfew -which got her grounded- and she could feel her eyes start to droop. Drool started to pool in her mouth, threatening to spill over. History 2 was so boring, and Lancer hadn't changed over the years; his voice still put people to sleep.
"Ms. Fenton!" Her textbook slid from her desk, dropping to the floor, resounding with a loud thud. Bolting up, her eyes snapped open, sweeping the room, searching for danger. When she came back to reality, she saw her classmates staring back at her in laughter and amusement. Her only response was to shrink a little in her seat. What scared her most was the look of anger on her parents' face.
"Ms. Fenton, do I need to have a conference with your parents? If the cause is ghost fighting, I'd allow it, but seeing as your dad over here is quite awake, something tells me that isn't the case." The glances she received from both eighteen-year-olds told her she didn't want that.
"No, sorry sir." He turned back to his lesson.
"Now, as I was saying-"
Out of nowhere, the ceiling caved in.
Two ghosts - from what Team Phantom could tell, one being Skulker, and one unknown - were in hand-to-hand combat. Skulker, unfortunately, had the upper hand in the fight as they pushed against each other to gain control against the other. His bigger build seemed to tower over her.
The girl looked no older than sixteen. The weird thing about her though, was she had almost the same costume of Team Phantom, complete with the DP logo, sleek green, black, and white colors and all. She had a round baby face, thin lips pressed firmly together, with a narrow scrunched up nose as she fought off Skulker. Her waist length hair was snow white, much like Danny's in ghost form, and her amethyst eyes narrowed in concentration on her fight.
There was something else she noticed about this new girl. A medallion hung loosely around her neck, with the letters CW imprinted in the middle that stood for Clockwork.
Just great.
Time travel. Can't we have a normal month?
The girl's head turned to the side, piercing daggers at the team. "A little help here you guys?" She hissed through her teeth as she continued to struggle with the hunter.
The four broke into action. Valerie, Sam, and Tucker pulled bazookas from their backpacks, while Danny and Danielle changed forms, and all started striking the hunter with ectoblast after ectoblast. It was moments before he was easily contained in a Thermos.
The girl got up with the help of Danny. Rolling her shoulder, she groaned in anger and pain at discovering that her shoulder was dislocated.
"Thanks, dad." the halfa said.
Everyone but the four gasped in shock at hearing this girl call him dad.
'Wasn't Danielle his only daughter? How many clones did Masters create?' was the only thought from their fellow classmates.
Ignoring their shock, Danny continued as if it was nothing. "What's your name?" He came up to her, grabbing her shoulder, signaling that this was going to hurt, and she nodded in agreement, used to this by now.
"Lilith." she grit out between her teeth. He grabbed her forearm, placing one hand on her shoulder, and snaps it back into place.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm uncle Clockwork's apprentice. I'm from about twenty or so years into the future. Sometimes he has to send me to different times to test me so that I can learn to do things correctly. I don't exactly know why I'm here yet."
Oh, that made sense. Sorta.
"Wait," Sam cut in, placing her weapon back in her backpack and snapping the Thermos back onto her specter deflector belt. "I don't get it, why would Clockwork need an apprentice? He's the master of time. "
"Even the master of time needs a break too mom. Humans and ghosts are a pain to watch over constantly. And don't even get me started on the Observants." She shuddered at the thought of them.
"Okay." They all turned to the new nasally voice that enters the conversation; Mikey. "There's something I just don't get. Your daughter, from the future, just fell from the sky, and you act as if it's nothing. What made you so jaded that your future daughter coming here doesn't boggle your mind?"
In response, all fingers of the group, including that of her own, pointed to Danielle. "I was kinda the straw that broke the camel's back," She explained, with pride gleaming in her beautiful brilliant blue eyes.
"Shouldn't you be more careful of what you do here, haven't you heard of the butterfly effect?" That earned the nerd an eye roll.
"Why do people have the premise that time is so sensitive? The butterfly effect only happens in extreme cases."
"Do we have any more siblings in the future?" Dani asked.
Lilith turned back to look at her older sibling, "Yeah. He's a little shit too. He's thirteen." Lilith mumbled sorry when she saw the angered look of her parents at the swear word.
Well, they definitely had time to perfect it with Danielle.
That was when all hell broke loose.
Questions were thrown at her from the class, several all at once, one after another which eventually became a mess of words, shouting, and people who wanted their question answered. Poor Mr. Lancer couldn't even quiet the kids.
Danielle then offered Lilith a hand - even twenty years in the past the sisters had a special connection – and Danielle boosted her up onto Lancer's desk. Bringing her fingers to her mouth, Lilith let out a loud piercing whistle.
"Okay. Mr. Lancer has a class to teach, and I still have to figure out why I'm here. I'll answer only three questions, but then my family and I gotta get out of here. Now, one at a time and you better raise your hand. I won't answer if you don't raise your hand."
Paulina was the first to raise her hand, to which Lilith, with much disgust, picked her. "Do I marry the ghost boy?"
Lilith's eyes squinted in confusion at the eighteen-year-old, her mouth agape for a second, truly contemplating whether or not if this chick was for real. She could tell the rest of her family felt the same, and her dad was holding mom against him, trying to calm her with whispers into her ear so that she wouldn't go and attack the girl.
"Are you serious right now? I just referred to Sam as my mom. Wanna know why? 'Cause they've been married for years in my time."
The latina shrugged. "You can't tell me she amounts to much." Lilith, bless her heart, was mid-air, about to pounce on the older - older to her at least - girl when Danielle caught her by the waist, clutching her younger sister to her chest to try calming her baby sister.
"My mom is a world-renowned fashion designer that makes Danny Phantom clothing. Who do you think came up with my dad's logo? My mom." She stressed the name. "She's also a great ghost hunter along with the rest of my family. My parents are rich, I don't have to worry about any college money wise, but I sure as hell don't flaunt it like you do.
"And another thing, you marry Baxter. Have fun with that. At least one of your children doesn't turn out as horrible as you. The other one is terrible, unfortunately. "
"So we have two kids?" The jock asked sheepishly, as to not upset the girl.
While Dash didn't raise his hand like she had asked in the beginning, Lilith let it slide; she was nice like that."Yep. My brother is actually dating your younger one, Ashlen is her name. It's cute, 'cause she's nothing like her mother. From what I can tell, she likes him for him, and not just his ghost half." She smirked at the girl who was now glaring at her. Not that she minded. Paulina didn't scare her, neither did her kid.
"What's the other one's name? Please tell me it's a boy, I want to keep the Baxter name going." That angered her. He never changed. She had to bite back a growl that bubbled in her throat.
"Why are we discussing this?" Mikey piped in once again. "She's from the future. This is only going to mess up the timeline."
That only pissed her off even more. "I have had training with the master of time himself. I think I know more than you're aware of. Have you even met Clockwork? No. So shut up and sit down. I have to cut this short anyway. I really have to find out why I'm here."
She turned to her family. "Let's go to Nana's. We'll discuss everything there." They all nodded in agreement, telling Lancer that they'd pick up their homework after school.
"Race ya." She saw the challenge in her big sister's eyes as she transformed.
"Oh, you're so on!" With that, they sped off towards nana's house, Danielle just a tad ahead.
Yee. I personally love the idea that Danielle and Lilith are close, despite the big age difference. Anyway, let me know your thoughts! Until next time. (I know I said it'd be longer until I posted this story, but I just had so much inspiration for this one that I had to write. Lol)
Shoutout to my amazing beta reader silente faery. The rest will be posted on Fanfiction. I hope you guys enjoy!
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