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iloveevilwomen · 11 months ago
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run-in-cirlcez · 4 months ago
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idontmakestuff · 2 years ago
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evilhenchpersonforhire · 2 years ago
If they put a bird in it... HEHEHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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good. you do not deserve to have bird imagery
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crossover-enthusiast · 9 months ago
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thesillyguyy · 1 year ago
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eclipsejynx · 9 months ago
day 44! in light of recent events
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inspired by these two!! ☆ ☆
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metfell · 3 years ago
the answer is yes now put on the fucking cat ears
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me on my way to put on the cat ears
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veryblushyswitch · 4 years ago
hello cutie bean! saw that prompts are open and decided to ask about platonic Zuko x Toph (ATLA) tickles c: scenes with the incredulous tsundere-Toph and trying to 'melt' her Zuko stuck deeply in my head, so I'd wanted to go back and read about this couple. if you don't mind, of course!
Avatar The Last Airbender ~ (tickle fic) 🔥 🪨
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Lees: Zuko & Toph
Lers: Toph & Zuko
Author’s Note: These two are so freakin funny and adorable. Of course! Thanks for your patience and hope you enjoy! 💖
“So, what do you wanna do?” Zuko asked awkwardly to the blind girl next to him.
The two were sitting beside each other outside. The sun keeping the temperature warm while a cool breeze made the weather perfect. They didn’t have anything to do so they decided to take a walk before sitting down in the grass.
“I don’t know. We didn’t really have a plan when we started walking.” Toph sighed with a shrug.
“How about… we get to know each other with questions. That’s what people do right?” Zuko rubbed the back of his neck.
“Sure. Sounds fun.” Toph placed her hands behind her head laying down.
“You wanna go first or should I?” Toph asked.
“O-Oh. Uh… you can go first.”
“Okay.” Toph thought for a moment, snapping her fingers when an invisible lightbulb lit up above her head.
“Okay I got one. What makes you laugh the most? Or makes you really happy? Personally I love fighting and hanging out with the others. Fighting because, well I get to beat people up, and hanging with them because they’re my family. And they never fail to make me smile.” Zuko was surprised at the question.
“Uh. I don’t know actually. I haven’t really genuinely laughed in a while. I don’t know what makes me happy either. The only thing I thought would make me happy was getting my honor back. We all saw how that went” Zuko sighed.
Toph could tell from the tone in his voice that this was something that made Zuko feel… alone. He didn’t know where his uncle was and the gang was still trying to get used to him. His uncle could get him to smile a bit when Iroh knew he needed it but genuinely laugh? He couldn’t even remember what that sounded like.
“That’s just sad. I know you had a tough childhood and all but man. Not even knowing what makes you laugh.” Toph suddenly sat up quickly. “Hey! What if I make you laugh?”
Zuko looked over at the earth bender.
“I doubt you can. But you can try.” He laid still, too down to move.
“Okay then. Uhhhh- how do you make a tissue dance?”
Zuko lifted an eyebrow in confusion and shrugged. “Don’t know.”
“You put a little boogie in it!” Toph made jazz hands.
“That wasn’t very good was it? It was Sokka’s joke anyway.” Toph let her hands fall to her lap.
Zuko let out a pity laugh. “Yeah. It was pretty bad.”
Suddenly, Toph had the perfect plan. A sure fire way, no pun intended, to get Zuko to laugh.
“Hey, Zuko. I know how to make you laugh.” Toph said moving closer so she was sitting next to his side.
“And what would that be?”
“This!” Toph yelled as wiggling fingers found Zuko’s sides.
“Gah! Wahahahahahait!” Zuko sat up and began to shove at the tickly hands.
All efforts were futile when Toph moved up to his ribs. He fell back with a squeal, his feet drumming against the soft grass.
“Tohohohohoph! Wahahahahahahait! Hehehahahahahaha!”
“Wait for what exactly? For you to stop being so ticklish? Sorry to break it to ya Zu Zu but I don’t think that’s gonna happen.” She smirked.
Zuko continued to twist and turn, although not trying that hard to get away.
“Do you like being tickled?” Toph asked while moving her hands to his stomach. He curled up on his side, high pitched giggles filling the air.
“Because I’m not even holding you down and I know you have the strength to fight back.” She massaged circles into the sides of his stomach, a spot that got great reactions from Aang.
“Please what? Please keep tickling you? Sure thing!” Toph quickly pulled up his shirt and blew a giant raspberry on his lower ribs.
“GAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! TOHOHOAHAHAHA!” Zuko pushed and shoved at Toph but his arms turned grew weak and limp.
“Thihis is hilarious. You’re soho ticklish.” Toph laughed. This time, she went down to squeeze his knees.
His laugh resided back down to giggles, but he stopped trying to push her away. Instead, wrapping his arms around his waist so the happy tickles wouldn’t end.
“You actually sound kind of adorable when you laugh. And you’re not even trying to get away.” Toph scribbled under his knees, cooing at the squeals and light kicking of his legs.
“Okahahahay enohohohgh. Plehehehease.” Zuko wheezed. Toph pulled her hands away and helped him sit up.
They sat in silence for a few moments while Zuko caught his breath.
“So…” Toph started. “You like being tickled, huh?” She smirked.
Zuko blushed then smirked right back.
“Yeah. I do. But you know what else I like?”
“What?” Toph asked not being able to see his already wiggling fingers.
“Getting revenge.”
He lunged forward and darted his hands up and down the girls sides. Watching as she curled in on herself and snorted up a storm.
“Nohohohohohoho! *snort* Zuhuhukohohoho!” She fell back against the grass, immediately regretting it when he targeted her tummy soon after.
“What’s wrong? Can’t take what you dish out?” He vibrated his hands along her ribs, slowly inching his way towards her underarms.
“Sohohohoho mehehehehan! NAHAHAHAT THEHEHEHEHEHEHERE!!” Toph squealed when he pinned an arm above her head and used his free hand to scribble under her arm.
“Not here? Not under your arm? Why not? Are you ticklish under here or something?” Zuko released her arm and used both to tickle the hyper sensitive area.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *snort* GAHAHAHAHAHA! *snort* HEHEHAHAHA!” Toph covered her face to hide her blush and hopefully block out those snorts.
“I didn’t know you snort when you laugh.” Zuko giggled, moving back down to her stomach.
“Ihihit only hahahappens when IhIhI’m tihihickled.” She lightly smacked at his hands.
Zuko pulled his hands away, smiling at the way she fell back against the grass.
He did the same, laying beside her looking up at the sky.
“I guess we know what makes you laugh now.” Toph punched his arm.
“I guess we do.” He rubbed where she punched him remembering what she said back at the play.
They laid like this till it was time to head back to eat, smiles still plastered on their faces.
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cosmicredcadet · 2 years ago
Ran out of OSpod episodes to listen to and was sad but then i remembered the moviestruck podcast existed and I've been meaning to check it out and now I have 45 new podcast episodes to listen to and each are an hour+ HEHEHAHAHAHAHAHA
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canadianno · 6 months ago
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Self-portrait :D
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bunnyrabbitofficial · 3 years ago
I follow you because when I made my switch to DSMP I was met with a screen that said "You've been reblogging a lot of DreamSMP content—here are some required blogs!" and you were on the list and now I can't escape. I'm trapped.
HEHEHAHAHAHAHAHA trapped forevvverrrr
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sonofrose · 3 years ago
Alex (@/raebits) said the people (us) aren't ready for s3b... haha... hahahah... *breaks down crying*- IDFS Anon
Well joke's on them.
I'm ready because I know I'm not ready!
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defness · 3 years ago
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medici-official · 10 months ago
You should feel bad for this. Remember what the great philosopher "Syndrome" said:
"When everyone is super... Hehehahahahahaha... No one will be."
Plenty of fish in the sea! I DONT WANT FISH. I WANT A SHARK. RAHHHHHHH
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recklessinventor · 4 years ago
M!A, Jeff is mushroomised for 10 asks
“Ah, no, no, no, bad idea. Really bad idea. You see, when I’m mushroomized, I’m not exactly... at my most stable...”
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The Ramblin’ Evil Mushroom scattered some spores!
“I... heh. HehehahahaHAHAHA!”
With the little red mushroom now sprouting from Jeff’s head, his entire demeanor changes. He stands taller, more confident, one hand in his pocket. He takes his gun from his belt and spins it around on a finger by the trigger guard, still laughing maniacally.
Jeff is feeling funky!
“Well, if you insist! Let’s have a little fun with this then, 
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shall we?”
[Like this post for a mushroomized Jeff in your inbox??]
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