#hehe silly but like. i wouldnt have it any other way
enellee · 1 year
hope you enjoy my art of the deadliest motherfucker in limited life!
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truly, a force to contend with.
congrats to ladders! with too many kills to count. the real winner of limited life <3
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cherryo · 2 years
can i req suggestive hcs of the rise turtles(separate) of how they would react to fem!reader on top of them during fun time suddenly put a hand on their throat and lightly choke them and then suddenly stopping when she realizes she got too lost in the moment?
so with this i kinda did this where the boys are like surprised in a good way and not like scared? if that makes any sense ! i appreciate you requesting and I loved writing this <33
Pairings: Rise!boys x fem!reader (seperate) hc genre: smut? smut HCs wordcount: Pronouns:she/her w/ fem genitalia Warnings: explicit content, swearing, choking, BOYS ARE AGED APPROPRIATELY <333
So you cant exactly “choke” him because well,,, your hands probably wont even reach around his neck 
You end up just putting pressure on his neck? 
He stops, like fully stops his part and youre confused
You realize as he just kind of reaches up and pulls your hands off his neck
You apologize and all he does is smile and says its okay
Tbh i dont think he’d be into it but he wouldnt mind if you were
Was just shocked tbh but was like kind of turned on by your straight forward-ness
You both had an in-depth convo after about what you both like and if the other is okay with it and what not, tried to make it a lesson almost?
He’s so silly, he’d probs admire the fact you thought you could actually choke him and thought it was hot that you got that into it hehe
You could wrap your hands around his neck
Also stopped but as soon as he made eyecontact he laughed, like belly laughed
He thought it was cute and hot 
I feel he’d be into this tbh
Didnt let you apologize because “it was so hot babe! Why would i let you apologize for that?”
I dont think he would want to choke you unless you specifically asked beforehand
Defintietly wants to be choked though teehee
I doubt you’d have an in-depth conversation but he’d ask what else you were into and what you were hiding up your sleeve
Literally the most shocked out of all the boys 
I don’t think he’d stop but would def sit up in shock
Would look at you then like hold your hands together in confusion
Didnt know you were into that but was seriously turned on by it
I  think Donnie would be into it both ways? So being choked and choking you?
He’d def do it if you had a hot reaction to it!!
Idk why but i think donnie would be the experimental one out of them all
Y’all talk about other things to try later on
Holy shit
Just goes wide-eyed
He isn't stopping so he's not going to let you stop
Def an ‘in the moment' type of guy?
Like he wasn't sure what to do but to continue?
He wasn't nervous or scared, just turned on 
You stopped when you realized, apologized, and felt bad but he laughed it off and said it was fine and sorta hot
Yall have an in-depth conversation because yknow, dr. feelings has to make an appearance lol
And the fact he wants to know what else you like
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flarekitti · 3 months
If we ever get another PMD with a brand new story, what Pokemon would you choose for hero and partner?
*if ur talkin like, options for people in the game, then i think it'd be ok to limit the number of starters (as much as it'd suck), but I'm not sure how so.
*it'd be fun to do like... a random assortment in the style of like, each pkmn gets a nature like the original but it's random as to which u get?
*Obvi i wouldnt want them to get gender split personally
*anyway maybe like, say brave is charmander, pika, machop, rowlet or something. Game rolls a die when you open up a new game and ur option if u get brave is [drum roll] machop! But if you don't get brave that doesn't rlly matter except for partner choosing bc it's whatever u didn't get personality-wise
*any pkmn that didn't get rolled could even have some significant role in some other way, like maybe another personality type could be assigned to a rival team (a team is assigned brave leader timid partner, and since u rolled machop then they have to roll for a dif one and got pika and cynda)
*for non starter options, i think all the ones from previous are obvi good choices! Otherwise, maybe a couple more pika clones (pawmi, marrill, and emolga could work?); fairy types like flabébé, impidimp, and fidough; a few regional birds like fletchling and rookidee; maybe a bug type like dwebble or sizzlipede (though id be worried about balancing issues for bug types i still want them 🥺 ); zorua (why hasnt zorua been added ... seems silly bc how popular it is); maybe another dragon like noibat, dreepy, or applin (or all 3 lol); lechonk could be cute (like munchlax's inclusion); and i also think rolycoly could be a cool twist one
*personally heres what i would assign each of them:
Hardy: Riolu, Grookey, Rolycoly!
Lonely: Cubone, Dwebble, Hisuian Zorua!
Brave: Charmander, Pawmi, Rookidee!
Adamant: Machop, Scorbunny, Larvitar!
Naughty: Alolan Meowth, Zorua!
Bold: Pikachu, Chespin, Tyrunt!
Docile: Bulbasaur, Marrill, Teddiursa!
Relaxed: Squirtle, Sprigatito, Lotad!
Impish: Chimchar, Impidimp, Wattrel!
Lax: Munchlax, Litten, Lechonk!
Timid: Cyndaquil, Rowlet, Sizzlipede!
Hasty: Skitty, Galarian Meowth, Bagon!
Serious: Shinx, Oshawott, Venipede!
Jolly: Totodile, Fuecoco, Applin!
Naïve: Eevee, Emolga, Dreepy!
Modest: Mudkip, Fidough, Ralts!
Mild: Piplup, Sobble, Axew!
Quiet: Vulpix, Flabébé, Cufant!
Bashful: Chikorita, Tepig, Noibat!
Rash: Torchic, Fletchling, Aron!
Calm: Turtwig, Fennekin, Trapinch!
Gentle: Phanpy, Quaxly, Cutiefly!
Sassy: Meowth, Snivy, Amaura!
Careful: Treecko, Froakie, Snorunt!
Quirky: Psyduck, Popplio, Spheal!
*originally i stuck to the list i made but then only some had 3 so i went back and found more i think would fit so all the natures have 3 lol
*anyway im super partial to the personality quiz, i think it's really fun and makes you try out new things (and if u rlly want to stick to ur faves u can still game it / add a "you choose" option lmao)!!!
*so i wouldnt necessarily choose one myself, id try the quiz first and try my best hehe.
*out of just starters/the traditional picks, i would want to be charmander for sure, and whatever partner in the list covers charmanders weaknesses! (Mudkip mostly lol), but out of this entire list I'd be happy with most of em?
*if it was like gates and only the newest gen could be picked id choose fuecoco, if the last 3 gens were picked, I'd have a hard time deciding between litten and fuecoco (probs litten)
*i wish i had more time to sit and balance the list i made, bc on the surface i think i chose a good variety but also i probs am biased bc i love fire and dragon but then also i like little pathetic ones too so it's probs all over the place hehe.
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sunnixsunshine · 2 years
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Hehe, hoohoo my hdhd made me draw some silly little guys >:3c lmao i couldnt focus much last night and just drew whatever idea popped into my head first, which was was 12 year old Hassel, Brassius, and Larry. Some headcanons under the cut :)
He is not a natural blond. Yeah he dyes his hair, no shame to it though. When he ran away at 15, that's when he starts to dye his hair. Sort of as a way to further separate himself from his old life. He would also experiment with strips of color, but as he got older he stuck with plain blond.
His starter was an Axew, who still serves on his team as a Haxorus. He's affectionately named him Siegfried. He's raised Siegfried since he was an egg, a tradition in his family. He also caught himself a Dratini with the help of Siegfried, which he named Ezra. Ezra remains on his team to this day, now fully evolved into a Dragonite.
Pretransition Brassius wore so much baggy clothes at this age. Many, MANY hoodies. Cargo pants and jeans a size too big so he'd have a sag and would have to wear a belt too. Made him feel comfortable. He's lucky his mom was understanding enough to just assume he liked how loose it felt and not pester him into telling him the real reason. He would come out to his mom eventually, and she would support him every step of the way, but at this point he wasn't ready. He took on the gym challenge, but stopped half way due to getting way too focused on a sculpture...
The first pokemon he ever caught was at the age of nine, and it was a Sunkern. He never named her himself, but his mom called her Sunshine or Sunny often as a nickname. This Sunkern would grow into a Sunflora, who would unfortunately fall ill to a common illness amongst grass types and pass away during the worst slumps of Brassius' life, sending him deeper into a depressive art block. She became one of inspirations for Brassius' most viewed and well known art work, Surrendering Sunflora. Brassius would vow not to use another Sunflora, or Sunkern, on his team ever out of respect for his fallen friend.
If you asked any other trainer taking part in the Unovan gym challenge, they'd tell you they had no idea Larry was even taking part. He didn't exactly put too much effort into battling the gyms or passing trainers. He only really started the challenge to level up his then Staravia. Which he then thought would give them both a better advantage in playing baseball together. He ending up dropping the challenge all together after gym number five as at this point baseball season had started. It was his number one priority afterall. Later in life, he wouldn't revisit the challenge but he would battle passing trainers more.
His Staravia had been by his side since he was a Starly. He had just turned seven when his uncle gifted him the Starly after a business trip to Sinnoh. He wouldnt have a name until two years later is when Larry taught him the TM Swift; so his name is Swift. Very clever, very creative. Such a big brain this kid has. Everyone hand him the ribbon for most creative person on the planet.
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shkika · 1 year
I'm starting to think this is making yur wrist WORSE with all the typing /lhj also also also type as long as you'd like its so fun reading it all
Anyway that makes a lot of sense actually like.,.,,..wow man rainworld is really?? Sad when you think about it god
I wonder if moon felt any sort of obligation to be how she was towards fp aside from being the big sister etc, like maybe bc he was built to like carry her population something like that I think its silly how she spoke so badly of the ancients but then when fp ends up doing something she's so much more like understanding I guess it shows how much she does really care
Maybe her anger is driven more towards what she could have done herself alongside being mainky the ancients..She seems the type imo like......maybe she should have started the communications faster or maybe if she had done more he wouldnt have felt the need to work with the rot in the first place or maybe that she didnt even really figure something was terribly terribly wrong in the first place?? Itd be cool I think if she was only so patient with fp actually like...... she was faster to stop forgiving with other iterators or anything really, but I think as you said way earlier she'd just be a little passive aggressive or something and that'd be enough for her probably
I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT THE ROT BEING GOSSIP MATERIAL that must've messed pebbles up like so so SOO bad. Like first off he failed he did what he never wanted to do and then it just gets spread around?? As conversation?? Like wow. Wow wow wow thanks I guess. Ok.
Speaking of suns too I wonder do they regret telling pebbles (someone highly impressionable at this point in time and someone looking for ADVICE) the whole bug situation, like it feels as if they were kind of just venting out some of their own frustrations rather than truly truly meaning it but then again suns is such an odd creature why are you so mean to this guy he looks up to you so much be NORMAL
On a much lighter note though his intrigue(special interest/j) with the history and like poetry the ancients had is so silly I think I wonder would he have ever rambled about it to others like more in depth than what he tells artificer
Hopefully not!! I really need these lazy hands to work!! bahah
I’m having fun you’re aall good ^^
I have a lot of hcs about Moon I’d like to explore in an ask blog I hopefully open soon >> especially her relationship with ancients, her group and five pebbles in particular hoopefully. She’s a really mild person, because of the way she carries herself, but has a lot to her character. At least I like to hc her that way!
She does feel responsibility over Pebbles, but I doubt she ever blames herself for the situation which they ended up in. I also doubt the responsibility felt forced to her!
Or well I at least enjoy the hc that she loves thinking herself as a big sister! She likes to dote on people and help out when she can. Though her approach does end up being one where she holds your hand a lot (not for proud iterators oops!!!!)
Also passive agressive moon…? yes…. just yes. we deal with anger by looking at you wrong bahahah
The rot was gossip material it is very upsetting!! but a little funny! Not to mention how iterators reffered to Pebbles I found myself snickering. “The near Looks to the Moon” like alright sheesh. People also tried to contact poor Pebbles i think! Not just his local group! Imagine how stressful that is.
Suns feels like that one nihilistic atheist guy with a big ego who overshares his opinions a lot and thinks the world sucks and has like unchecked anxiety.
But that’s probably just me hehe. I think Suns and Pebbles had fun being hateful little goons and then Srs dropped his depressing opinions which.. aren’t even fully wrong. Isn’t it sad. Pebbles ended up exactly in the way which srs described. Something he was so afraid of he gave himself the rot over </3
Suns is a silly goon to me. A critter I contain in my jar.
And yes!! I’d love to know what more Pebbles has to say about art and culture! Mmmm more content please yum yum!! His painting analysis was super cute.
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vvindication · 1 year
shakes your hand abt having an oc named vance. also can you tell me abt your oc vance (anything you want to hehe) i'm intrigued
hell yeah another Vance guy!!! make that three with another cyberpunk Vance I know! he's the dude featured on my pinned post <3 courtesy of @necro-hamster that piece still makes me insane
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you've unleashed the flood gates I'm gonna info dump everything I can think of abt this man 👍
he's my V from Cyberpunk 2077 - a game I would not have touched with a ten foot pole if not for my aforementioned buddy Kris talking abt his own V Liam. theyre definitely heterosexual friends (not) (theyre dumb and complicated) heres them 💖💖💖
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images out of the way, he's a nomad who ended up in Night City after his clan the Bakkers was disbanded into a larger group called Snake Nation that he didnt want any part of assimilating into. stuck out like a sore thumb with hardly any implants/modifications and went all out as soon as he got some money together. mostly to look pretty with the added benefit of blending in a bit better. not foolproof, still a weirdo
so so fucking stupid though. hot-blooded silly impulsive bitch whom I love so much. epitome of "would flip his car for a bit if it wouldnt kill him" (and damage his absolutely precious car). willing to put himself into mass amounts of danger for his friends because hes loyal to a fault, attributed to growing up in a place where everyone in the group was family. cant afford to with NC's common "selling people out" problems, but he's picky with who he trusts. even if that sometimes ends up being a former Arasaka bodyguard who definitely would have sliced him to bits had they run into each other earlier. (Goro Takemura) (hes obsessed with him)
I lied heres another Image. IMAGE BLAST
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attention-whore and proud of it. criticism is more likely to make him double down on something rather than give it up because hes a tenacious little shit. clearly. because hes almost died so many times and still keeps crawling out somehow. has at least jumped+fallen through a window a good 20ish feet, been shot in the head, fried electronically by netrunning wizardry, so on so forth. many such cases. a bit par for the course considering the insane city he lives in but the man's stress levels have got to be off the charts
still heavily prefers being in the desert. he hates the city (AND the ocean. terrifies him) and only stays looking for a cure to the Relic problem and to stick by his friends who need him. if he had his way he'd run off with the Aldecaldos - a different nomad clan - into the sunset and never look back. unfortunately he is so so fucked so hes trudging around shitty paved streets instead until he figures something out or dies horribly
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man by the nature of the circles i follow i generally don't see a lot of takes from izzy stans, but both the notes of the post you reblogged and the original twitter thread just make them look like their izzy brainworms have destroyed their reading comprehension and situational awareness. 'hehe there's two ways u could take that' clearly only one was intended. 'ur so right izzy is fucking blackbeard and he can build a pillowfort' YOU'RE SO EMBARRASSING. the show's creator is annoyed enough to actually voice some push back against the racist idea that history's greatest tactician needs this wet purse dog of a man to do basic tasks. these people really said 'i'm gonna ignore the actual issue being pointed out here and make this about my blorbo and my ship instead' and i don't know how anyone like this is gonna get through season two when they find out izzy isn't the main character they think he is.
ok tbh as amused as i am at the interpretation of that tweet as david jenkins getting so annoyed abt people thinking ed is an incompetent imbecile and is tweeting “ed knows how to build a blanket for on his own for fuck’s sake” i dont actually know how much of The Discourse david’s seen or if he’s aware of how many ppl genuinely believe shit like “izzy is the brains behind blackbeard.” it’s possible he just logged onto twitter and saw that tweet at the top of his mentions or whatever (idk how twitter works) and was just casually like “wtf obviously ed can build a fort by himself” and it’s not meant as an @ at any particular fans. and quite frankly i wouldnt want it to BE an @ at any fans. as toxic as parts of this fandom are, if david or any other showrunners started directly @ing people like “hey your headcanon is racist” it would only make shit worse. if i was a writer for ofmd i frankly wouldve stopped looking at ofmd twitter after a month bc it got so choked with rampant racism and it would make me go insane. like i hope jenkins et al have some distance from the fandom discourse for their own sake.
BUT ANYWAY about the izzy fans. as much as i personally am an ed stan first and a human being second i DO understand why izzy fans would make the joke abt “oh so youre saying izzy is having sex with blackbeard AND he knows how to build a blanket fort?” and i also think the majority of izzy fans KNOW theyre making a silly joke. like they know what david is actually saying. as far as im aware Not All Izzy Fans are the type to believe the “izzy is the brains behind blackbeard” headcanon so im not gonna assume every fan making this joke are doing so to intentionally downplay/ignore ed’s intelligence. i think a lot of them are just making a joke abt their favorite blorbo and while yeah i think the main focus should be on MY blorbo and how smart he is, this joke is so low on the list of shitty things ive seen izzy fans do that im basically just like. eh. whatever. definitely SOME of the ppl making this joke are the type to think ed is stupid and who warp the whole show to focus on izzy but i have no idea who or many so im not gonna worry about it. the joke is kinda annoying to me but im ALSO kind of stretching the tweet jokingly to be like “David Jenkins HIMSELF said that izzy is a useless first mate” (which i DO believe, but im not gonna use this tweet as proof that dj himself confirmed it)
that being said i dont think it’s a funny joke bc izzy obviously has never gotten laid before in his life and also izzy’s never experienced any joy so he obviously DOESNT know how to build a fort. and also of course youre right that there are izzy fans who will not be able to cope with the next season of the show not treating izzy like a special little main character but again this tweet is a single line from david abt a silly headcanon im not gonna get mad at ppl for not using it as a talking point abt racist fandom discourse. idk if david meant that line to be lighthearted or not so im not gonna take it too seriously except to say that ed’s blanket fort had better structural engineering than half the boats he’s ever raided. if the Revenge came under attack or if a huge storm blew through, stede’s cabin would be a disaster but the blanket fort would be completely unharmed
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oni-verse · 6 months
just here to blab cause i havent been having much fun drawing lately, and ive been sick a lot which is abnormal for me, and i got them chronic headaches,
but at least i can project thoughts on silly gay characters and pretend like theyre the main characters in the shows and movies i watch
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reviewing past ideas this week since its nice when i dont have anything else i want to do. its nice to go back and see their beginnings again which is mostly just gil being unreadable and emotionally distant and cas being so desperate to keep gil in his life that he ignores all those red flags & pines painfully.
but i write pretty much everything down, so i have all those random thoughts like Domestic Moment #4306 and What If They Were Strangers, or the alternative, What If They Got Together Much Earlier. yknow how it goes. being my own fanfiction writer.
i like writing gil as being inexplicably alluring and its usually just because of small things like how he talks or his body language, on top of the fact he's tall and hot in a grungy way. and cas, even though he's gil's oldest friend, has such a hard time reading him because of gil's unique brand of being guarded (never being vulnerable or transparent). it all adds to the mystery and people (/cas) wanting to get in close for a chance to figure him out.
even in high school, cas wouldnt always be aware of what was happening in his best friend's life. gil's guardedness manifested in his teenage years as keeping the secret of his father's abuse, whether he was just scared of the consequences of others knowing, or he's embarrassed for his own circumstances, but cas' ability to look closely and be a friend without making gil feel bad about himself is part of why they were best friends. that, and cas being (at the time) a good cishet ally boy that respects his friends ;0
while this isnt what happens in their lil story, i do also like to consider what itd be like if cas was brave enough to recognize/act on the feelings he wouldnt admit he had for his friend, back when they were teenagers. cas thought he was straight for many years after high school, but i could also see a reality where ~ally~ cas becomes "experimenting doesnt inherently mean anything". hehe. would make their separation all the more heartbreaking for lil cas.
then, in a universe where they don't meet until theyre adults with separate lives, how that could look. like because of everything above, maybe it'd be expected that gil wouldn't give a person like cas a real chance, that he'd be especially difficult because the lack of history makes it that much harder to break down his walls. but then, what about exhausted gil, alone for the same reasons as usual, choosing it & all his connections with other people usually not extending beyond a single night. this guy, meeting someone who responds to gil's flirtation without going the obvious route and taking gil home for the same reason as everyone else-- but instead, just talks to him, and is oddly the nicest and easiest person to be around. gil's experiences creating expectations thatre shattered by a lil punky guy who doesn't make gil feel alone or like he's around for only one thing.
commitment-phobe gil meeting cas in his mid 20s and somehow agreeing to a date because his curiosity is honestly piqued by this surprise encounter. it seems like it shouldnt be shocking to have a decent conversation with a decent person, but a messy person can somehow manage to completely avoid any positive people. especially if they surround themselves with stoners, dealers, and club rats.
ive said it before but ig they really do have a "i can fix him" dynamic but it actually sorta works? gil isnt as messy, eventually lol. kinda the point.
but i love a circumstance of a guy being all "i don't do relationships, i don't believe in love, bachelor lyfe 4eva, ima fuck this whole city" and then going completely mushy because someone is patient and committed to him. gotchu now bitch... u DO relationship.. u DO believe in love, you are settling down and fucking one man only. i would say sorry but youre happy now bitch ✋caught in 4k
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namuneulbo · 1 year
week ninety-nine
so close.
monday and tuesday were nothing special.
wednesday i went thrifting and i found a cute top that makes me feel so bella swan and a cute dress that makes me feel so 2014 tumblr. i wore the top to the quiz in the evening.
thursday omg. my friends were doing a concert at the same bar as where the music quiz was held. i went there w a and on the walk there i ask her if we should go see the jazz concert afterwards as well and she was like:
"yes, of course, u know whos playing, right?"
WELL, i did in fact NOT KNOW but it just happened to be w on the drums. bro i was so excited. we went to see my friends concert and it was great and ended in a mosh pit so it was quite the change walking into the jazz gig afterwards.
they had already started playing when we go there but it was fine. we didnt get a close-up seat but i could stare at w from afar. it was funny bc when s arrived we just exchanged this glance of like:
"oh, we both know why IM here." the performance felt quite short but yk, we also arrived a little late. after the performance there was a jam, as per usual. w sat w his parents and some others, im assuming relatives, and also d (and k for a bit???).
yadayada i sat down w a, a, l and v closer to the front and then i saw w standing w´by the table l was sitting at but talking w b, k and t. i move over there since i knew it wouldnt be too obvious since me and l r friends. i barely look at him bc hes so close yk but UGHHHH he was like resting his hands on the table and leaning. idk how to describe it but yk standing but leaning and his sleeves were rolled up. dead.
anyways both c and l were leaving and i tried begging them to stay while w was there but they ended up just being like:
"no, girl, just talk to him instead."
i end up moving back to sit w a and l. a and v had left by now too. ws standing by himself and a immediately tells l to invite him over and he invites w to sit w us and points to a seat next to me. he sits down on the other available seat though lol i dont blame him since it was closer so it was more logical.
l and w talk briefly in-between watching the jam session and then w just drops a "i just realized i havent had any dinner today" and we start talking about going out to eat. we were discussing whether we should go to the grill or mcdonalds. mcdonalds is a bit outside of town and only the drive-thrus open that late but w did offer us going w him in his car but we ended up going to the grill. i wouldnt have minded sitting in his car though hehe.
me, a and l leave to go get our coats and w left behind for a bit to go pick up his cymbals and his bag. me and a freak out a tiny bit on my behalf before he joined us again. we left and i was so... omg? the entire walk there and i message l being like "OMGOMGOMG". on the way there w meets a bunch of ppl he knows and he starts play fighting w a. it was quite cute.
when we were nearing the grill i became ever so slightly more comfy to talk after i made a joke he laughed at. we were talking about how much food he could get if he just handed them his bag of cymbals and silly me said he could get lots of shrimps and rice. it sounds so dumb to like explain in such detail things i remember him or me saying but like,,, im gonna do it in detail anyways bc i want to remember it when im seventy and i look back at these posts (if tumblrs still a thing by then).
we all order food and he orders such a dad meal but ig its quite cute when he does it. we bonded over dips bc we had the same fav and the same least fav. we both love béarnaise and hate oriental lol. then b showed up and we invited him to eat w us so we had to wait longer so his food would be ready as well. i didnt mind ofc.
we started talking ab hans zimmer which led w to a passionate rant thanks to him being a zimmer fanatic. then that led to a film bro talk that initially made fun of how film bros act ab shots and stuff just for him to start doing exactly that dgjslkfj it was funny bc he was like listing famous movie scenes being like:
"and u know the story ab this shot, right?" until he reached one that we actually didnt know and he was like "oh okay then let me film bro real quick *proceeds to explain how that scene was shot*"
im afraid i really like film bros. i think its so cute when they get all passionate about it TT
i dont think ill go TOO into detail ab each tiny thing he said bc i already have a note in my phone of everything i remember TT am i manic?
we got our food and we went to campus to eat it. he went by the basement to put away his cymbals while us others went to the cafeteria. we went to sit down and a went to sit right next to me but l whispered like:
"no! move over! leave that seat empty!" wanting w to sit down next to me naturally. hes an ally ! anyways i did like a short joke ab how hed probably sit down on the opposite side and l laughed and was like "oh yeah, he probably will" and yup, he did. it was quite funny bc i havent told b i like w but if it wasnt obvious by now idk what.
we sat eating together for like an hour and i was so happy to get a reason to stare at him attentively wo it being weird bc yk,,, just watching him from afar and stuff can be pretty weird TT but like actually getting to have eye contact w him and stuff AHHHH!!!
b left first and us others were left sitting for a bit. i thought we were all going home until a whispers to me like "l, hes coming to the bar!!!" which was a big surprise bc like ive mentioned before, hes v rarely at the bar. hes been there more recently though which is fun.
we walk to the bar together and ahhh so happy hihi but we split up quite early on as he goes to his classmates and i felt to awkward to join him. after going outside rq i caught up w s for a bit before walking back in and joining w and some others who i knew. later we were left alone near the bar and bro it was so awkward and later a steals his cap and puts it on her head and i just awkwardly drop the worst line of my life:
"looking fresh."
i actually cant, ive been thinking ab it ever since... WHY TF WOULD I SAY THAT???
okay anyways i wanna forget ab it truly.
later on i joined a and her friends and omg... she asked me if she could wear my glasses and i let her and then she moved over to me and was like:
"i feel like a sexy substitute teacher," then she caresses my shoulder and chest and lightly grabs my shirt and goes:
"hm, u havent done ur homework~ what should we do about that~?"
AND BRO MY GAY ASS... i literally melted... that was like the hottest thing someones ever said and done to me. def up there w the time i cuffed me. she did apologize quickly for touching my chest but i said it was fine (WHICH IT VERY MUCH WAS!). then she pulled me into the bathroom and we talked for quite a while. shes so nice TT
when i got back w was gone.
next day, friday. we celebrate bs 18th bday. once getting to the bar we sit outside and i was so happy actually. like the conversation was so good and i was becoming the perfect level of drunk. i was sitting w my back towards the bar and c just looks at me and points behind me and mouths a quiet "look."
i turn around AND WHO DO I SEE? w. i literally look back in shock w my hand in front of my agape mouth and v goes:
"what, what happened?"
and i go like:
"omg, i havent told u i think" and i lean in and just "i like w" and then do little drum motions w my hand to like clarify which one i mean and his immediate reactions like "AIGHT, give me a minute" and he stands up. he was joking ofc and sat back down then genuinely asks me if i want him to wingman me. i consider it and i said he could go talk to him but dont like directly say i like him and he proceeds to go and talk to him twice i think?? it was funny. i told him he could wingman me next time for sure.
i never end up talking to w that night but i did end up telling a about it when i was walking around to bar to find him. i just walk up to her like:
"i was looking for w but he seems to have left."
then i proceed to tell her that i like him and thats why i was looking for him and her replys the cutest thing ever. she just starts telling me how im so cute and how hes so sweet and would be a great boyf and that i should so talk to him and AHHH I LOVE HER. feeding my delusions sm i love her. then she genuinely goes like:
"should we go look for him?"
i just tell her hes left bc i havent seen him but i told her quickly ab our little hangout from the day before and she was so excited ab it.
then nothing else of important note has happened this weekend. i dropped the story ab o to e and s. e on friday and s asked me ab it on saturday and it was so funny hearing ab him from their perspective. we all ended up agreeing that hes nice but def a bit,,,, weird and has some questionable traits.
ive been trying to figure out how to incorporate quotes into these texts wo it looking dumb and its so hard. i know how to use quotation marks in like,, fiction context but idk the proper grammar rules on how to use it while quoting ppl mid-story.
sotw: david bowie - criminal world
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pen-observing · 1 year
OH NOOO did you ditch ur job or lose it??:( either way, i hope you'll find a new one soon (if thats what u want)!! and good luck with ur exams ur gonna do amazing MWAH
FRRr characters liked dottore arw so inch resting on their own, why make them ooc.. when i said i can excuse ooc for a reason i meant smth like yknow, smth happened in the story that made him like this even tho in the current canon he wouldnt do it, yaknow. but ur so right omg like hes cruel, he prolly has an extremely dry and sassy humor and he just seems like he doesnt care about anyyhing other than experiments, but when scara implies that, hes angry that scara would say it. he also feels lonely, and he likes beijg a monsyer, and he hates it, and he *is* a monster, but he also is a gentleman. and hes a villain but also a child who was outcast out of his village. and hes arrogant yet still deep down craves recognition and understanding, and hes probably selfish - in a way he wants to take and take, and not give any feelings in return (hes not used to them and wouldnt know how to show them), but he craves love so mucb actually methinks. even tho he wpuld make a bleh sound if u told him so hehe also im a touch-starved dottore believer
oh dont force urself to write please!! take care, focus on your exams and other works u wanted to finish. as i said i dont eanna pressure u into writing👉🏻👈🏻 it'd be lovely if you did, i'm so excited about u writing dottore again, but u dojt have to do it<3
- dottore anon
I finished by exams in the same week i graduated!! I am just a fresh graduate looking for a silly little job to pay some bills and to buy dottore merch since i have none right now asjkdakl
Thank you so much for everything you have said!! I think that characters like Dottore who appeared in pivotal genshin scenes are either overly analysed or taken for granted as just a collection of 3 things tops that rotate aksdka. LIKE I NEED TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS GRANDPA WHO IS OLDER THAN SCARAMOUCHE LIKE PLEASE. I just want to inhale him like I inhale popcorn.
A fic where the reader keeps bugging dottore while he works asking him about his views on love and life and etc. sounds very fun..... i did have the idea of how dottore would react when reader cries but it came to me when i was sleepy and was gone a soon as i woke up SAKJDA
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arlecchno · 2 years
YES HELLO IM VERY HAPPY TO BE GETTING BACK TO SENDING ASKS MORE OFTEN HEHE - tbh for some reason im fairly good at manifesting dreams because ive noticed for me personally if im thinking about something a bunch before falling asleep theres a pretty big chance that , if i have a dream that night , itd be about the thing i think about , and surprise surprise .. i think about genshin a lot so ive had my fair share if genshin or genshin related dreams , in order of appearance , ive seen: xiao , thoma , childe & scaramouche , albedo & kaeya & diluc & jean , and ofc haitham and kaveh ! sometimes i think about how alhaitham would act towards me as well and , dude , i do NOT think he would tolerate my bullshit whatsoever HAHAH like maybe hed tolerate me in the beginning but once i get comfy its the end of that whole relationship because im incredibly annoying and loud .
im passionate for so many of these silly funky little shits in genshin man , all my friends know me for being a kazuha lover too 😭😭 THE FIRST TIME I WORE A RING TO SCHOOL THEY ALL JOKED ABOUT ME “finally marrying kazuha” LMFAO —
HELL YEAH VALIDATION FOR MY STUPID PORTRAYAL ‼️‼️ there was actually a part where haitham had to explain the joke to kaveh here imma type it out —
k: who are you calling a fool you scoundrel ?? also its so not true that he could beat me in a fight
and then the note from the kaveh rper: “bros DENYING it but we all know alhaitham solos”
a: once again , kaveh , denial is a river in the desert .
k: seriously i dont understand you sometimes alhaitham whatever youre trying to explain doesnt make any sense -
a: its a kind of word play , kaveh — see this is why i call you a fool — you do know what the nile river is , correct ? i wouldnt be that surprised if you didnt though .
k: i obviously know what the nile river is - I just dont understand the word play your implying [crosses his arms in "I won't stop posing like this til I get an answer”] (exact words from the kaveh LMFAO)
a: “the nile” and the word “denial” sound similar .
i was hanging on by a T H R E A D when i made haitham make that jokes because on one hand it is SO not a thing he would say but on the other … its funny . and since it was practically a crack taken serious rp i was like fuck it why not . hopefully i managed to stay in character LOL .
holding my hands out rn please diluc …. literally trading my hutao for any dilucs i can get rn HAHAH
asters name isnt even their original one lmfao , they adopted it when they settled into mond because well , cant have anyone knowing you were an ancient khaenriahn soldier yaknow . their original name (now their legal last name) is stigandr which means wanderer in old norse , and before you say anything about it , i made aster way before scara was announced playable so it is merely coincidence . the name aster was chosen for them for actually a multitude of reasons , them being that it means “star” , the fact that its a flower in mondstadt , and that i actually also used to go by that name as well !
they arent exactly besties with kaeya , infact their permanent residence is actually dawn winery so .. i imagine you know where this is going HAHAH - based off of my own personal relationship with kaeya , aster absolutely DESPISED him at first , not in any serious way but like “this bitch is annoying as hell” and its totally a slowburn friendship . when they both eventually became good enough friends , aster helped the ragbros reconcile . i like to think aster also has a sibling like relationship with diluc (hear me out , the fucking angst possibilities with this that i wont elaborate on rn , maybe later if youre interested) and is like debating on marrying kaeya platonically so that they can be legal siblings LOL
COTTON CANDY IS GREAT YESS my school sells different flavors other then the red and blue and my gods the mint and hot chocolate flavors are delicious -
we can be weird together h , because ME TOO ive been obsessed with him ever since i saw him . like at first it was gender envy and then i saw his personality and just fell immediately . heizou please marry me -
oh thats cool ! i think its nice that you finished the stuff bc now you can kinda relax in that aspect of your life right ? :D good luck with your future studies though lmfao -
OMG YOURE GONNA SAY GOODBYE TO BRICK WALL WINDOW ? congratulations !! i also have that problem with my stuff , so much of my shit has a lot of sentimental meaning and i refuse to throw them out hahah
LMAO the one inch away from going insane is so me . oof though , driving …. shivers …… i dont think id be ready to drive ever lmao ive driven , like , a go kart before (it kinda felt like a real car man .. it had doors and everything) and that was like borderline terrifying .
i meaaan .. i never said you couldnt be biased but yeah understandable ! kazuha would be a wonderful roomie . hes also one of my top candidates for if i had to room w a genshin character . the other 2 on the top 3 podium are thoma and heizou hahah - mostly heizou though , i love him and would love his opinion on my multitude of theories regarding various media , and i would totally try to get him to obsess over things with me hehe , we also have similar taste in food based off his lines lmao . anyways before i go off and write an essay on 100 reasons me and heizou are compatible together im going to cut myself off LMFAO - i do agree that even some of our favs would be absolutely insufferable to room w , i too would avoid rooming w scara unless he signed a contract not to yell or be too mean to me because like . i WOULD cry . unless we were friends beforehand i guess . same with alhaitham - like im kinda into his personality and how he wouldnt sugarcoat anything but id rather not start sobbing infront of him yknow lolol
my exploration progress is .. well not very much honestly ! ive only maxxed out one subsection of mondstadt because im just too lazy to do exploration , and no reward can get me to walk around for an extended period of time , especially because im practically blind id be walking around in circles for like 5 minutes looking for a fucking oculi that was underground and/or above me 😭😭 (this literally happened to me so many times) my story progress is decent i guess ? im slightly behind on my archon quests but thats because i want to drag my friend into commentating on it with me because its funny - im on the second act of the sumeru quests rn , the one where were psychologically abusing setaria /j my main genshin team is kaeya , albedo , xiao , and kazuha ! its not as elementally balanced as id like , but they are my sillies and dont have the heart to replace any of them yet
i hope youre day has been well too ! (even though im like pretty sure you usually respond to my asks at like 6am) id have sent my last response earlier if academics werent fucking me over so much (semi exaggeration) LMFAO
questions questions ! whats your favorite kind / flavor of chocolate ? or pastry if you dont like / cant have chocolate ? (can you tell im planning something lol .)
— jellyfish
HELLO HELLO YOU!!! i've finally got to answer your ask i'm terribly sorry that it's been a while 😢😢😢😢
i think if i had your abilities to dream about the things i think about a lot i'd be having the time of my life bro... my dreams are so random like did you know last night i dreamt about having two of my teeth fall out and how they were absolutely GINORMOUS for no reason? i woke up thinking they actually fell out and had to check myself and look around my bed to see if there were any teeth there,, truly a weird new experience/fear i will literally cry if i lose a single tooth
not the married to kazuha allegations!!!! whenever someone mentions about my kazuha obsession i'd humbly take it as both a proud moment and an embarrassment for me because yes! i love kazuha will all my heart! but am i that lonely that i resort to the comfort of a pixel character...? maybe that's why i'm a writer now /j (I'M JUST KIDDING this is how i usually view myself as a kazuha enjoyer LMAO/)
also THAT BIT OF YOUR RP TOOK ME OUT 😭😭😭😭 me and kaveh twins fr we would be SO clueless when it comes to jokes about wordplay,, even if this was a rp i think this would be canon in a modern au because i can actually see haitham as someone who can joke when he feels like it and when he does,, it's just him making this 😐 face while he explains the joke and kaveh being like 😠🤨 at first and then 😧 when he finally gets it. and then haitham is just there waiting for kaveh's foul comments and retorts.... okay i've clearly gotten ahead of myself with this LOL
please trade with your hu tao. i've been trying to pull for her but she's not even bothered to come home to me smh this is the third lantern rite yet i still don't have her 😔
and WOW!!! the depth to aster's name is honestly fascinating :0 it's nice to see that you've given them a solid background while still stringing them with the genshin lore that's just so incredible!! also them being a permanent residence of dawn winery. i can imagine the pure chaos it is getting along with ragnvindr brothers (or attempt to, at least) but their development with aster sounds great!!!! i definitely see aster being someone they'd lean to eventually. would love to see how they all first met though LMAO aster and kaeya would have so many awfully idiotic banters and diluc's just.... there watching them argue like teenagers
yes!!! finals have always been a pain for me because they're the most important part of your grade so i'm definitely relieved it's now over,, though my results weren't what i had expected i could care less at this point,, and yes unfortunately i am gonna say goodbye to my brick wall view 😔 i no longer get to enjoy the blissful view from my window, staring into the beautiful void of my neighbour's wall </3 driving is gonna be such a terrifying experience for me . let's hope i don't crash into a tree like my cousin did a few years back.... haha.....
glad we're on the same page with the roommate thing!!! i'm quite embarrassed to say that i had forgotten about thoma because.... he's literally the perfect roommate. bro's a housekeeper, he knows EVERYTHING about household stuff... and bro's a total malewife too i can't believe i didn't consider him at the time
oh i HATE when oculis are underground and you're just above thinking that it was there... sumeru is very pretty but the underground areas are such a hassle to explore smh!!!
albedo.... man i'm so upset that i still don't have him 😭 had to skip his last rerun because i have already milked all of my primos for cyno (and his weapon but,,, unfortunately elegy came home instead . two. fucking. times.) and i thought about rolling for him since there were many speculations of him having a possible rerun next patch.
i seriously believed it because khoi (albedo's eng va) was hosting the 3.5 livestream but then shenhe and ayaka suddenly appeared for the upcoming batch...???? (not to mention cyno too?!?! this dude had his banner 5 months ago!) my life literally flashed before my eyes . guess i've got to wait for the next winter patch or something for him 💔
don't worry about your team not being elementally balanced.... haha.... you should see my friendship team. i really just slap on whatever character i haven't maxxed out their friendship lvl yet and call it a day
don't worry about not sending me asks on time!!! it's important to focus on irl stuff so it's fine to do whatever. i, too, have quite been neglecting this blog this month due to personal stuff 😢😢😢 take all the time you need!
to answer your question... i don't exactly enjoy chocolate. I MEAN i like it but not for a long period of time eating it,, i'd get all queasy and shit 😭 i do enjoy milk chocolate and white chocolate though, they're the least that could make me sick
as for pastries,,, this is seriously hard considering how insanely obsessed i am with pastry goods 😔 every time i pass by a cafe or a bakery i always fight the urge to head in and buy every single pastry there is because THEY'RE ALWAYS SO GOOD!!! if i had to choose...... donuts. you can never go wrong with them . also cinnamon rolls definitely secures in second place. overall i'm just a really dedicated puff pastry enjoyer i hope i can learn how to bake one day (i tried cooking an egg and almost burnt the kitchen down)
i hope my replies this time aren't too long for you to read 😢😔 i'm making up for the times i've gone missing so if you read until here then that's nice of you,, i'm a real rambler if given the opportunity.
question!!!! what's your current favourite song :0
hope you're having a wonderful day today, don't forget to rest well 😙🪐🤍
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seongwhy · 6 years
ateez reaction to their female friend sitting on their lap in a car
picture this: car ride, no more seats, you are one of the members friends so why not sit on their lap, ride is very bumpy
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hes sweating. as soon as you agree to sit on his lap (not his idea - thanks wooyoung) he immediately feels his body heating up. he doesnt know where to put his hands and doesnt want to make you uncomfortable. but after a bit he gets used to it and just casually tries to rest his arms on your legs. but then the bumps start and hes shocked, dazed, confused, scared. he can feel your ass in those jeans bumping against his crotch. he feels his boner grow and hes muttering under his breath "oh god no" "pls god if you love me". hes blushing and doesnt know what to do. tbh I can see this going one of two ways 1. you feel his boner and ask him tf is up and he starts dirty talkin you bc yolo this is happening why not do something about it or 2. he "accidentally" throws you off of him onto mingi and pushes his bag onto his lap while avoiding eye contact and turning as red as a tomato
either way hed probably come to terms with his needs and fuck you once you reach your destination
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i.......he.......you....... as soon as you sit on his lap hes //worried//. hes big eye blushing emoji (yall know what I'm talking abt). hes !!!!!!! and ¿¿¿¿¿ all at the same time. and when the bumps start hes SCARED. I feel like you always made him feel some type of way but he never realized it nor did anything about it. but, with you on his lap it's like hes just been awakened. finally the constant teasing by his members about your "relationship" makes sense. he finally gets it. he immediately regrets offering you to sit on his lap. hongjoong will awkwardly cough and laugh and is too scared to talk to you so once you start making conversation he shrivels up. hes normally very confident and cuddly and open so you're very confused. you're used to his arms around u at all times and now hes put his arms at his sides. you ask if hes okay and he looks at you with wide eyes and an open mouth and his voice cracks as he answers yes. you raise an eyebrow and bring his arms around your waist and rest your head on his shoulder. hongjoong is uhm how shall we say.... in love. hes shocked but then crumbles in your presence and confesses to you later !!!
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yunho would be very excited about you sitting on his lap. hes very goofy and happy so hed be very silly and play around with you. yunho would wrap his arms around you and toss you back and forth and pinch your cheeks and the car would be filled with his hearty laugh and your sighs in annoyance (youre smiling but he cant see that) ((he knows)). when the bumps start coming hed get a little shooken up but ignore the feeling of your body on his and instead hed tickle you until you're crying from laughter and seonghwas yelling at both of you for kicking his seat and being too loud. youd try and read a book or sleep but yunho wouldnt let you. youd feel his hands on your arms and watch as he moves the limbs around. hed use your arms to smack a poor sleeping yeosang sitting next to you. overall a fun ride but hes scared of what's gonna happen on the way back (spoiler alert: boner town)
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when the idea of you sitting on his lap comes to, he just kinda nods and let's you get comfortable and then goes on his phone. hes very nonchalant about it. however when the road gets bumpy, he lifts his head from his phone and looks at you. he'll look you up and down and watch your body tits bounce. he watches as your arms shoot out to balance yourself when theres a particularly bad bump and he watches as you turn to him when he wraps his arms around your waist to keep you steady. you lean into each other and probably share a little kiss before getting noticed by mingi and pulling away. you talk a little bit about what's going to happen later and spend the rest of the ride sharing earbuds. pure
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giggly boy!!!!! smiley!!! hehehehehehe the entire time!!! every bounce summons a hehe from him. every time you look back at him with a 'what the fuck' look on your face he just giggles again!!! once you say "nah fuck this enough of this shit" and go to unbuckle the seat belt around you two to go sit on another members lap, he starts whining and wraps his arms around you and BEGS you to stay. he pouts and baby talks "pwease y/n PWEASE DONT LEAVE" causing you to roll your eyes and hit his shoulder but you lean back into him. you cant say no to this giggly baby.
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talks to you the whole time. mostly bc hes just trying to occupy himself with any other thought than your ass on his thighs. he doesn't really know where to put his hands so he just starts playing with your hair?? makes braids and distracts himself from the bumpiness of the road making your body grind up against his. he chokes when you move against him trying to make yourself more comfortable. when you decide you need to sleep and stop talking to him he cannot handle it. probably looks to his right to mouth "help me hyung" to san as he smirks and covers a laugh. you eventually notice his raging hard on and need to ask what is happening. it's up to you what happens next ;)
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no shame in this boy. as soon as you sit on his lap, all his worries of staying friends fly out the window. he starts off with dirty jokes and bad pick up lines which have you laughing and joking with him (youre blushing a lil dont lie to yourself). he then wastes no time in wrapping his arms around you and massaging your thighs. he moves your hair to one side of your shoulders and sticks his head in the crook of your neck. he'll lick and suck and blow in your ear. wooyoung will whisper sweet nothings into your ear and move you up and down his lap. he fucks you at the very first rest stop. i mean he has needs, and who is he to even try and deny them? no shame
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he really doesnt know what to do. like yeosang, he’ll most likely just ignore you, but he’s genuinely freaking out on the inside. a girl, is on his lap???? what kinda clownery is this???? so instead of talking to you, he talks to his hyungs. instead of looking at you, he looks outside. instead of putting his hands on you, they’re resting behind his head. he realizes whats happening to his body when the road gets bumpy and just tries his best to ....ignore....it. when you catch on to his ignorance and turn to look at him, he sees your head moving and immediately pretends to be asleep. yunho, whos sitting next to you, notices all this and taps you on the shoulder to tell you about jonghos considerably long lasting crush, to which he receives a slap on the arm by the seemingly “sleeping” jongho
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Hey I saw your ships are open again. I wanted to ask I f you could make me one for Queen and the boharp cast? I am 5’0 black curly locks that go to my mid back, green eyes pale skin and I have lots of earrings and piercings in my ear. I love to play the guitar, singing, listening to music and watching tv shows and movies. I am quite the sassy person, also sarcastic at times but I am also a very good listener and I love to smile and just goof around. Well yeah that’s it I suppose.
Hello!!! Hi sorry this took so long but im HERE NOW gosh i had so many requests before this and i already knew who i wanted to ship you with from the moment I saw this ahhhh
Anyways here goes (it’s all below the cut hehe i dont wanna clog anyones dash)
For BoRhap, I 100% ship you with Joe Mazzello!
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Joe is the perfect match for you, just because he can keep up with your wit and humor so well! He loves how sassy and sarcastic you are, and his energy fuels your sharp tongue and goofy sense of humor. 
He loves goofing off more than anything (see above gif), so he’s always trying to embarrass you in public, but you just end up outdoing him anyways.
“Hey, babe, look!” he’d yell almost tauntingly, daring you to look up at him from your phone as you tried to post your picture with Lucy. When you’d look up, he’d be break-dancing rather terribly to the music playing, Ben cheering him on and recording it while simultaneously trying to not die from laughter.
But you wouldn’t be embarrassed - in fact, you’d go in and show him up, stepping between him and Ben’s phone so that you were the main focus instead. He’d try to have a dance battle with you, but would quickly give up once he realized that you were a superior dancer/master at silliness.
Ben’s video would end with Joe picking you up, pretending to be mad and storming off with you as you squealed and laughed in his arms, begging Lucy or Ben, or really anyone to help you.
Speaking of helping, you love helping him catch up on TV shows and movies once he’s been away for a while. Filming takes up a lot of his life once he’s got a job, so he misses out on a lot of good movies and shows when he’s away, which prompted you to start keeping lists of everything he needs to watch once he returns from whatever he’s working on. 
He loves this. A lot. 
What else does he love? You in baseball caps. Whether or not you like baseball, Joe is a big baseball guy, so seeing you in a baseball cap, seated next to him in Yankee or Dodger Stadium? That’s heaven to him. 
He sneaks cute little pictures of you during the game, too. A lot of them. He won’t stop until you’re grinning and trying to take his phone, and even then, he’ll sneak a few more. 
They’re his favorite pictures of you - but he doesn’t post them on social media, preferring to keep them for himself. While Joe Mazzello is no stranger to social media, he feels oddly protective about his pictures of you. He instead saves them for himself, then looks back on them all the time when he’s been away from you for a while.
While we’re on the topic of being away for a while, Joe also has a tendency to ask you for videos of you singing/playing the guitar when he’s been away. Your favorite time was when he was working on BoRhap.
“Just one!” he’d begged, his voice pleading with you over the phone to send him a video of you playing a song, any song. He didn’t even care if it was Wonderwall, or some other overplayed song. “I just want to hear your voice, babe.”
“You are hearing my voice, right now,” you’d giggle, and Joe would groan melodramatically at your cheeky way of turning it around on him. “Alright, alright, give me a minute,” you’d finally assented, Joe cheering on the other side of the phone as you grinned, shaking your head.
Once you’d sent the video, it was a moment before you’d heard back from him, but he also sent a video in response. Clicking on it, you were immediately greeted with the loud sound of him practically yelling in excitement, his face taking up the screen as he situated the phone in his hand so it was easier to hold. 
“You’re a natural!” he’d yelled, and then he’d received a small flick on the ear from an unknown person, who turned out to be Ben once you’d heard his voice admonishing Joe for being so loud while they were filming.
The camera had then turned to Ben, who’d waved and blew a kiss once he realized he was being recorded. 
Joe quickly took the phone back, focusing it on his face again with a faux stern look. “Don’t catch that kiss, babe. Let it fly. Okay, wait, catch this one. I love you. Bye!” He’d then blown you a kiss himself, and the video cut off as you’d seen Ben’s hand come into the frame, grabbing the ‘kiss’ and laughing as Joe yelled in protest.
When it comes to looks, Joe is absolutely obsessed with you. The first time he’d went on a date with you, he’d accidentally admitted that he first noticed you because of your hair and eyes. 
“It was just so striking, I had to get to know you,” he’d said, almost blushing as he recalled the first time he’d met you. You were both at a mutual friend’s party in NYC, and he’d actually gone above and beyond to come talk to you - meaning he nearly tripped over a rug on his way over. 
But he thought you hadn’t noticed, so he wouldn’t tell you that, and you’d never admit that you actually had seen his stumble. You thought his clumsiness was endearing, and it’s the reason you’d entertained his attention in the first place.
“What do you mean by that?” you’d asked, hiding your pleased smile behind your glass of wine as you watched him over the rim. 
“I mean, look at you,” he chuckled, gesturing to you and smiling widely. His eyes, which were always so animated, looked positively enchanted as he looked over you for a second. “You’re beautiful, how could I not be blown away when I saw you? That curly black hair...“ he’d trailed off, dramatically clutching at his chest as he feigned breathlessness. 
That had provoked a delighted giggle out of you, and he’d grinned goofily as he also took a drink of his wine, chuckling at himself.
And that’s how you spend most of your time together. Laughing, because nothing is better for the two of you than the feeling of making each other laugh.
Plus, Joe is damn funny, and so are you. Win-win.
For Queen, I ship you with.... drumroll please.... crickets.... Brian May!
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My reasoning? Well, Brian is a bit more reserved than you, and it took him a minute to warm up to you in the beginning. Your sense of humor was a bit more advanced than his was, and he could hardly keep up with your banter, which got him flustered.
“Brian, can you help us out here a bit? You’ve been tuning Red for a fucking hour now, I think it’s good,” Roger had complained, you and him struggling to figure something out on one of the amps in the studio since John had stepped out. 
Brian had shrugged, setting Red aside and joining you two in your pondering of what the hell was going wrong. Brian almost jumped when you spoke, it was so quiet between the three of you.
“She, Rog,” you’d chastised, giving Brian a knowing look. But Brian had no idea what the hell you were talking about, and he cocked his head to the side as he looked at you curiously. “It’s a she.”
“What’s a she?” Brian had asked, completely forgetting about what Roger had just said moments ago. “The amp?”
“No, silly, Red,” you’d laughed, making Brian blush lightly as he felt like an idiot once he remembered Red, sitting back on the couch. “I reckon Red is a she, just like boats are shes. I call my guitar a she. You’ve got to treat your women right, Rog.”
“Um, yeah,” Brian stuttered out, almost confused by what was taking place. He wasn’t quite on your level, but that was okay, because Roger wasn’t either.
“What are you on about?” Roger had asked, shaking his head and not really wanting an answer. 
But he got one anyways. 
“Oh, I guess you wouldn’t know about that, would you? Treating women with care?” you’d taunted. Brian snorted and covered his mouth as Roger had protested weakly, but from then on, Brian began to appreciate your quick comebacks and seemingly unending stream of jokes.
On the other hand, he really loves that you can sit back and listen to his rants when he needed to vent. Brian is an emotional type of man, but he’s not great at expressing his frustrations in the heat of the moment, which makes him even more frustrated with himself and leads to the bottling up of his feelings until his breaking point.
The night he’d realized he’d fancied you, he was at one of those breaking points. You were both hanging around the van, the other boys still fooling around at the pub after the gig. Brian had left early, annoyed by a spat with Roger earlier that hadn’t been resolved due to poor communication. You were already on the van, sleeping in the backseat up against the opposite window when he’d climbed in.
“Oh, sorry, love, did I wake you? Shit,” he’d muttered, sitting seat across the row of seats from you when you sat up halfway to rub your eyes, still drowsy and bleary with sleep. It was awkwardly cramped in the back, and his knees were almost up to his chest as he sat there, not sure how to position himself. You remained draped across the seat, your feet resting just next to his side
“No, no, it’s alright,” you’d murmured, stretching before looking over at him and finding that he looked a bit annoyed. “You alright?” you’d asked, turning on your side and patting the seat in front of you, offering a more comfortable spot for him.
He’d obliged, laying down in front of you and letting you be the big spoon as he sighed. “I’m just pissed off, Roger doesn’t understand what I’m trying to say half of the time...”
And from there, he’d ranted for at least an hour, barely pausing to hear your input before going on. You’d listened the entire time, nodding and playing with his hair as you did so. And when he’d run out of words to say, he finally noticed that you were braiding his hair, still attentively waiting for him to speak.
“I’m sorry if I bored you,” he’d almost cringed, biting his lip as he turned on his side so he was looking up at you. You laughed softly, readjusting so that you were comfortable laying on your side next to him, and you’d dropped the braid as you’d propped your head up on your hand.
“Well, you want to know what I think?” you’d asked, Brian nodding quickly and staring up at you as you started in with your advice for him.
The entire time you’d spoke, he’d been staring at different things, admiring you. 
He admired the way your green eyes flitted around the van as you spoke, as if you were looking for the right words to say, then plucking them out of the air in that small, cramped van and putting them to use.
Also, he admired the glint of the moonlight on your piercings. Although he wasn’t a big piercing man himself, he loved them on you. In that moment, he’d realized that they only added to your beauty, which was already very present.
He’d taken a small strand of your hair in his hand as you spoke, admiring the way your skin contrasted so greatly with your hair, and he also appreciated that he wasn’t the only person having to deal with curly hair. 
Once you were done speaking, he’d smiled toothily. “You know, for someone who’s always got something sarcastic on the tip of their tongue, you sure do give good advice.”
You’d smiled at that, and that smile was what had gotten him, hook, line, and sinker. 
“Hey, no making out in the van unless it’s me!” Roger had yelled suddenly, throwing open the door as he crawled in, making his way on top of you two, and you’d both laughed loudly as a drunk Roger shoved his way between the two of you, making Brian nearly fall to the floor.
What a shit.
7 notes · View notes
clonerightsagenda · 7 years
27 notes · View notes
missmeltycat · 5 years
24. favorite scene you’ve ever written
Asks for fanfic writers
That’s a tough one. I’ve written a number of scenes that I still grin over. It’s not very often I like my own work, but a few do spring to mind. The majority of them I actually co-wrote with others.
I’ll add a couple here.
Conflict of Interests
A fic based on the old fan Inspector Gadget series Go Go Gadgetinis. This was a collab between me and @thatredheadedchick12
As Gadget heard the ruckous die down, he relaxed a bit more. “Actually it isnt so bad after you get past the initial metallic bitterness. It has a very unique after taste.” He smiled before taking another healthy pull, as his brain already began to grow a bit cloudy around the edges.
“Good, I’m glad you like it. Just be sure to take it slow. If you aren’t used to drinking then it could go to your head fast.” She relaxed and braced herself on the bar with her elbows. “So…” She peered at him under the brim of his hat. “Tell me about your gadgets? I am curious about them. What kind of stuff do you have in that there body of yours?”
He set his glass down from another healthy pull as he listened to her. Something about taking it slow? Oh. His gadgets! “Well there isnt a lot I dont have. I actually have a mobile phone in my right hand. Keys, pen, helecopter…” he went on listing each gadget hidden within him as he looked at her. He was happy to tell her about himself. As he was happy to listen to her talk about herself. She was a very interesting lady and he very much enjoyed how he felt around her. They barely knew one another for 24 hours and yet he felt as though he had known her a lot longer. The way she acted around him… So… Unique. She was something else and as his head began to cloud a bit more he nearly lost track of his gadgets he listed. “So that is basically all of it. I think I forgot one or two but im sure I will remember them before the night is out. Wowzers this is good.” He took another pull, as her voice telling him to take it slow sounded deep within his mind. However a louder voice was yelling at him to drink the beautiful liquid faster as each sip tasted better than the last.
“So, you’re quite the package, huh?” She raised her glass to her lips once more. “You really are as amazing as they said you are.” Prince offered a wink before having another good swig of her ale. He was fascinating. She’d never met anyone like him before. In the back of her mind there was a prickling sensation, but she tried to drown it out by downing the rest of her glass in one go and ordering another. “You good, or are you up for another?”
As he drained his glass completely, he hiccuped rather loudly. “I… Yes! Yes another. If you dont mind?” he asked as the cloud began to take hold. It was so delicious! He couldnt help himself!
She patted him on the back and gestured for two to the bartender. “Wow, I’m glad we did this! I got to introduce you to something new and it’s been fun!”
Dick had been spying around the corner and saw her pat his back and then snake her arm around his shoulder. His brows knitted together as a pang of jealousy washed over him. That was not right…
Digit was having very much the same issue as he looked inwards through the mucky old window and almost slipped and fell off the dumpster he was stood on.
Gadget tried to swallow the lump in his throat as she threw her arm around his shoulder. “Y-yeah. You know what? I am glad we did this too. I was honestly afraid you would reject the idea of dinner with me after all the stuff I had done this morning.” His face turned instantly red as he recalled the details of his face between the twin peaks. “I… Uh… Yeah. I am glad you accepted.” His speech was slightly slurred, but not to the point of being unintelligable. As the barkeep brought their drinks he clapped his hands like a giddy school boy in a chocolate shop before he took a good swig of his beverage.
Prince let out a loud and hearty laugh as she watched him down his drink. “Think nothing more on this morning! It’s all water under the bridge. I know you didn’t mean any of it.” She joined him in downing the ale, her own brain now comfortably fuzzy. “It’s best to forget… Especially if we’re working together for a while. And you know what? I like you! You’re the best partner I’ve had so far!”
He smiled stupidly as his face took on a pink tinge from the alcohol. “And you know what?” he said before taking a few more swigs. “You…. Are amazing yourself. And not bad on the eyes.” The fuzz completely took over. He downed his stout in no time and pushed his glass forwards. “Nmmn I think I have had… ‘Hic’….. Enough…” He said as the slurring became a bit more prominant.
Easy on the eyes? Her face suddenly flushed a vivid red colour over the compliment. “Oh! W-Well, thank you, I er…” She chugged the rest of her stout, not really knowing how to respond to such a comment and placed it back down with a wobbly hand. “Me too. M-Meee tooo. I think… We… Uh… Did you wanna go? Or stay a while?”
“I… I am up for whatever you are up for. We can uh… Head back to the hotel if you want.” he said as he picked up his glass and slammed the dregs before returning it to its coaster. He attempted to get up, but ended up tripping on the bar stool and fell backwards, causing the row of chairs behind him to fall like a line of dominoes. “Heh. Whoops.”
That was strangely funny and she found herself laughing so much she couldn’t even stand up straight due to her stomach muscles tensing. She offered a shaky hand to him, still chuckling over the perfect way the chairs had fallen. “You stupid arse!”
The landlord, however, wasn’t impressed and gave them a glare.
Dick watched as Prince made for the exit with Gadget and felt a tug at his heart. It wasn’t fair… He couldn’t even speak to her. If he did, he’d risk everything.
Gadget hardly even registered the dirty looks as he took Prince’s hand and stood, nearly toppling over again. “Yes. I say we go back to the hotel now.” he said as he walked rather wobbly over to the doors and attempted to hold the door open for Prince, which was actually the only thing keeping him from faceplanting into the sidewalk.
She skipped her way awkwardly onto the pavement outside and moved quickly to Gadget’s aid as she could see him wobbling rather badly. She caught hold of him around the chest and propped him up as best as she could. “Wooooah now, hehe. You gotta stay upright! I’m not strong enough to carry you.”
“Never fear dear lady for I am…. I can walk!” he announced a bit too enthusiastically. Fortunately the hotel was a block away. “Is it hot out here?” he asked as he loosened his tie a bit. He felt… Amazing. Laid back. Relaxed. As though all his cares just melted away.
She still had hold of him, but adjusted herself so that she kept one arm around him under his own. She wasn’t feeling too steady on her legs either. In fact, the pavement was looking a bit uneaven. “It’s n-not far!” She giggled as she swayed and then came back against him with a thud. “Someone needs to tell the street to stop it.”
“It is a lot more uneven than the last time we were through here. Obviously the earth shifted!” Gadget stated as he held on to Prince.
It was a hell of a trek, but they had made it back to the hotel and Gadget had finally gotten her safely back to her room. “Welp… Prince… I ‘ave had a 'hic’ wonderul evening. I… Thank you.” he said with a silly smile as he turned to look at her, reaching up to caress her face and nearly missing.
She reached out, the night air having enhanced the drunken effects and patted his face back in return the same way as he was doing with hers. “You too! This was… Like… SO fun. We need to do it again. Because, we… I mean… We won’t get long to like… Work together and stuff. You know?” She swayed a little and used her free hand to brace herself on the wall that joined onto her bathroom.
Inside the room by the window, Data and Scooter were on recharge mode and that meant they were dead to the worldand Prince glanced over quickly to make sure they hadn’t woken up.
“Yes! Oh yes. Please. I mean… If you want. I quite enjoyed tonight. I… Yes. May I do anything for you before I turn in for the night?” he asked in his gentlemanly fashion. He probably wouldnt have been able to do much in his current state of mind, but he would try none the less.
Prince wobbled a bit again and used her other hand to grab his jacket. “I think… I think it’s… That’s all. I mean… Unless you can tell the room, the floor and my bed to hold still.” It was unusual for her to feel so woozy after just two pints, so her theory about the cask sitting for a while must have been correct. What was originally just over 6% was probably closer to a 9%.
“I… I mean I can try!” he said happily as he walked, no, staggered into her room. “Listen here room! Prince isn’t in a mood for your incooperative nature! Behave!” he said as he shook his fist at the room and it’s general contents.
Prince wobbled inside a bit as she watched him order the room to stop its shenannigans. “My hero!” She clapped playfully and laughed as he waved his fist around. The fact that he was trying was brilliant and she was glad he had a sense of humour. She’d hate to have been saddled with a partner who was as funny as a brick to the face.
“All 'n a day’s work m'lady” he said as he struck a heroic pose as he attempted to bring her in for a hug. What was the worst she could do? Push him away? He felt… Bold. He supposed they werent kidding when they called alcohol liquid courage.
She didn’t put up a fight, in fact she was still chuckling and hugged him back in return. It was a pity his threats hadn’t stopped the room from moving around so much, but she could live with that. She snaked her arms around his chest and held onto him tightly. “Are you a knight in shining armour doing battle against the evils of spinning rooms and shifting floors?”
“For you, anything.”
King of Iron Fist Tournament 8
A fic in collaboration with @thatredheadedchick12 again. NSFW WARNING
Inside her room Rae breathed a sigh of relief as the hammering on her door stopped. She didn’t fancy the maid stumbling across her bloody corpse, after all. She slowly slumped back onto her bed and let out a large sigh. Great, now she’d definitely screwed up and made an enemy. Maybe he wasn’t malfunctioning after all.
Raihiko leaned against her door and let out a sigh. She could hear the muffled argument going on outside, but at least she couldnt see is anymore. Dear god. That thing should be registered as a weapon!
Bryan, however, wasnt going to waste any more time. He reared back and punched a hole near the handle and quickly unlocked and opened it and stormed right in.
“You want to fucking die- you!” he snapped as he recognized the heap on the bed.
Rae flailed as she heard the splintering of wood, as she sat bolt upright on her bed, her leather jumpsuit around her waist. “THE FUCK!?” There, stood in his white underwear, was Bryan looking exceedingly miffed. “You call that fucking knocking!?”
“I fucking knocked.” he growled as the fact that her jumpsuit was around her waist completely went over his head. “The fuck is the big idea?” he hissed as he stepped closer, letting the broken door swing shut behind him.
Meanwhile Raihiko had grabbed a cocktail glass and was listening in. If he was going to throttle her new friend she would be ready to jump in, but she felt if she barged in there that very second she would only make it worse.
Rae grabbed a nearby pillow and held it in front of her. “The hell are you even talking about!? I was minding my own business trying to cool down and having a banging contest with whoever was next door! And now this? Now my door is busted and people can see in!” She hurled her pillow towards him in frustration. “I don’t want any old git seeing me change!”
Bryan growled as he caught the pillow from out of the air and tossed it to thw side.
“Yeah! That was me telling you to shut the fuck up! I’m next door.” His voice rumbled as he stepped closer.
“That was YOU? Oh for crying out loud. Why didn’t you just yell? You do enough of it as it is!” She tried to battle with her jumpsuit again, her skin sticking to the fabric again making it hard work. “How was I to know that thud was you saying that?”
Sergei had been disturbed from his poetry reading by the commotion and has ventured outside of his room to see what was going on. If it was someone who had come for him, he would deal with it. As the shouting continued, his eyes narrowed. No. It wasn’t for him. But whoever it was they were sure being overly loud and loutish.
Rai’s eyes widened as she tossed the glass on her bed. She grabbed her Tonfa from the top of her bag as she moved to her door and quickly opened it to see she was not the only one disturbed by the happenings. She looked to the man across from her before she moved to Rae’s door. She noticed the big hole near the handle and swallowed hard. She didnt want to use her weapons. She wpuld surely be disqualified from competing if she attacked another competitor, but she wouldnt let this brute harm her new aquaintance. She stood by the door, listeing as he tonfa rested against the back of her arms, the end blades past her handles resting on the back of her thighs. She was ready if she was needed.
Sergei simply regarded the other woman who had joined him in the hallway. When he caught sight of her weapons, he gave her a very subtle shake of the head.
Raihiko tilted her head at the man in the doorway.
“What? Am i supposed to just let him tear her apart?” she whispered harshly as she backed up to her doorway. Was he nuts? Though…. Maybe he was right? Maybe she shouldny poke the bear with her weapons.She gave them a professional spin before she retreated to throw them on her bed for now before she ran back to the hallway to listen.
Bryan narrowed his eyes. She was certainly testing his self restraint, and there wasnt much there to begin with.“An idiot would know a knock to the wall is a sign of shut the fuck up!” he yelled as he balled his fists. He was on the verge of seething. This woman was jump roping with his last nerve.
Sergei simply stood with his eyes on the broken door. He was conflicted with regard to the other female voice he could hear coming from inside. This was the King of Iron Fist. If she was unable to defend herself, why would she be here? But if he allowed Bryan to go ahead and kick seven shades out of her, what sort of gentleman would he be? Not that he would ever really speak about such things, but he had strong opinions. He glanced over to Raihiko, moved forwards and leaned against the wall next to Rae’s door, his arms folded across his chest and one boot on the paintwork.
Rai blinked as the man stood besides her and leaned against the wall. Wait, would he help her take bryan if he tried to take out Rae?
“Can you see anything?” she asked in a whisper as she tried to peer around him. Wait. Could he ever understand her? She couldnt quite figure it out yet. He hadnt said a word. She didnt even know his name! She nearly tripped on her own foot as she tried to move around him to get a better look.
He held out a gloved hand to stop her toppling over, but to also stop her revealing herself. The hole in the door was large enough to be able to see movement through, after all. He slowly raised a digit on his other hand up to his lips. He didn’t want to do anything if it was not needed and he certainly didn’t want them to know they were there.
“An idiot!? Rich coming from someone who just goes around destroying things for no god damn reason and then expects me to magically know via telepathy or some shit that a bang on the wall meant shut up when he is CLEARLY capable of using his brutish, overly loud voice!” She shot to her feet. “And another thing! What gives you the right to even enter my room?”
Bryan ground his teeth as he tried to keep his cool.
“You know what? Fuck you.” he said as he turned on his heel to leave. He was pissed. And if he didnt leave now, the maid would be scraping her off the walls.
“Try to keep it the fuck down in here.” he growled before he ripped open the door.
Rae felt her stomach churn as he turned to leave and watched his retreating form until the door had slammed shut behind him. Something didn’t quite sit right again. Why was he being so passive? It wasn’t that she wanted to die horribly. But she couldn’t help but wonder what was happening to the man… If he could be called that. She scrunched her eyes shut and flopped back down on her bed as images of his white underwear assaulted her mind. She would find out, though. She had always enjoyed watching his fights, so if he was breaking then surely someone needed to be informed.
Outside Sergei stood bolt upright as Bryan left the room, the door slamming, but swinging due to the broken handle and lock.
Rai slapped her hands over her mouth to stop the sudden gasp that nearly escaped her lips. “Arigato. I am normally not so-” but she was cut off by the form of Bryan plowing through the door. She suddenly pressed her back against the man, trying to make herself small as the brute trudged back to his room.
Bryan didnt even register that he had a mini audience as he ripped open his own door and entered before slamming it shut, causing Rai to flinch. She finally let out the breath she didnt realize she was holding.
He was pissed. He grabbed his pack off the table and lit up a smoke as he began pacing. He needed to let off some damn steam. But how? That bitch next door to him had really lit a fire under his ass.
Rae was also pissed. She scrubbed at her face furiously and rolled off of her bed. Once she was on the floor she shuffled to the adjoining wall and punched it making sure it made as much noise as possible without damaging it. “NEXT TIME WEAR SOME DAMN CLOTHES, YOU FUCKING ASS!”
Currently Untitled
An FF7 fic with no title I started years ago and never finished. It’s so old and terrible, But i enjoyed writing the comical dialogue.
Seeing the city in the distance, they both swallowed loudly. It was a beautiful place, but they only saw it as a place of evil.
“DAMMIT”, cried Cloud punching at a near by shrub, “Why!?”
Cid decided to follow suit and began to strangle a small sapling, but to no avail.
One of them needed to get a grip, as flying off the hook in such a manner was really not going to do them any good. So, Cid, seeing he was getting no where in his attempted sapling strangulation, took a deep breath and tried his best to calm Cloud down.
“I don’t get why. I mean… I do! But, WHHHYYYY?!”
“Get a grip, man… DAMMIT!” Cid gave him a good thwack across the face, to which Cloud responded by sniffing.
Wacky Races 2004 - Chapter 14 (Chapter 6 of DD’s Ending - Survivalists)
A fanfic I started in 2002/2003. One chapter in particular stands out, as I wrote it with my husband.
The wind howled against the side of the car causing the snow to form large drifts. The windshield had been smothered blocking all view to the outside world. Rachel shivered into her coat and laughed at Dick as he struggled to get to the back seat over the stick and hand brake.
“Drat! Double drat! Last time I opt for a manual!”
In his frustration he forgot to balance his weight and keened forward.
Raising a brow Rachel placed her hands on her hips. “Hey, careful of the upholstery. I jus… What do you mean YOU? It’s my car you fool.”
Another laugh echoed through the car, but it was cut short as he lost his balance.
“Ah. AGH!”
His head was caught in a dizzy whirlwind where images of planes and pidgeons assaulted his mind. He thought how lucky he had been to have his fall suppressed by the vehicle’s air bags but then…remembered that was at the front of the car.
Rachel let out a surprised shriek, pushed his shoulders back and leaped backwards in her seat. She wasn’t sure how to feel and flushed red hot. “Aiiyaah, c-careful where you stick that nose of y-yours!”
It suddenly felt very warm in the car and it wasn’t anything to do with the heaters.
He reflexively touched his nose in response to the comment. The assertion blocking out any guilt of having accidently violtated his fellow racing competitor.
“Look Felicity Funbags! I happen to have a nose of character! What occured was an accident - pure and simple!”
She had adopted a somewhat fetal position in the corner of the car, her knees up to her chest.
“What did you just call me!?”
Her brow furrowed, but it was difficult to tell due to the lack of light in the car.
“And, yes. I suppose I should expect it from you. Mr Accidents-R-Us!” She scoffed and flailed a finger in the dim light towards what she hoped was his face. “You’re so accident prone it’s a wonder people don’t follow you in an ambulance!”
“Accidents? Those were fully intentional schemes gone awry to secure the lead posi-” He stopped and brushed a finger over the tip of his nose. “Uh, yes. You’re right accidents.” He chided, settling into the back seat opposite her.
“Hmph.” She pulled her coat on tighter even though she was radiating heat. “Anyway, you’re here now. I told you that the front seat was no good for sleep.”
The wind howled louder, subsided and then got up again as she paused for a moment to figure out just how close he was sitting.
“I told you there was room for two.”
“Then how did you fit back here?”
He smirked to himself twisting his moustache around his index finger then realised Muttley was not there to be present to his jest. It felt a little depressing not hearing that familiar snicker.
“I beg your p…” she certainly was not going to stand for that comment.
She swung a punch satisfied that it would at least land somewhere that hurt.
Removing his plump hat and toying with it in his hands as he thought on the absence of his cohort and was suddenly surprised to see a fist punch through it’s crown.
“Eegads! My hat!”
Rachel struggled to see in the dim light and could just make out the outline of Dick flailing with his hat.
“What about your hat? Nuts to your hat! You insulted me!”
In his panic, he yanked his hat towards himself trying to get the fist through it out but through lack of planning yanked the entire arm and body of Rachel onto him.
“Oof!” She landed with a thud, face first onto his chest, her fist still stuck through his precious head gear.
A moment passed as she attempted to get up, her free hand slipping off the side of the leather seat every time she tried to push herself up and landing on Dick each time she aimed wrong.
“Agh! Eep! Let go!”
Dick froze with his arms paralyzed above his head holding the hat aloft as the aggressive woman continued to rise and fall onto him. Thoughts were a luxury his male biology couldn’t afford right now.
Rachel felt him tense under her and this made her realize just what sort of a predicament she was in. She took the opportunity to attempt to get up. Each movement was slow and exaggerated to be sure she didn’t make the situation any worse.
He lay stiff like a board, watching her arm slip easilly out of the hat despite having created the awkward situation earlier.
After managing to sit up once more, she fanned herself with a hand and squinted towards her racing companion.
“A-Are you OK?”
He seemed to still be rigid and she began to get a little concerned.
“Hey! I s-said are y-you OK?” She prodded him lightly and as best as she could in low visibility in the hopes of stirring some sort of reaction.
“Fine as wine!” He squeaked out.
He still didn’t move. Her body atop his prevented any thoughts of movement.
She slowly slid herself off and returned to her corner. He certainly didn’t sound fine, despite what he said.
“Are you sure?”
She drew her knees back in towards her chest and gave him some room.
“I didn’t hurt you or anything, did I?”
He pulled the hat back over his crown to hide the heat in his cheeks as he rose to sit much like she did opposite him.
“Not at all! Perish the thought!”
“Oh phew!” She let out a sigh of relief. Though she wanted to punch him for that comment, it was only going to be a light punch. She didn’t want to cause too much harm to him. After all, she was fond of the idiot.
“Uh, so, er…” She twiddled her thumbs. “Nice weather. Shame about all the frostbite.”
He chortled nervously.
“Eheh, why yes. It’s very…” He looked out the window with a sigh. “Bitey.”
“Bitey?” Rachel shuffled around a little. “Yes. Bitey frostbite. Mmm.” It seemed as if she was just blurting out any old thing that entered her head. She felt awkward and was not sure what on earth she should do about it. There was no escaping the car, not unless she wanted to walk miles back to the hotel and probably freeze to death on the way.
“Uh…I uh…” He noticed her shiver and removed his purple coat, holding it out to her. “It’s pretty cold so…”
She watched as he took off his coat and hold it out to her. Almost taken aback, she stared at it for a few moments before finally managing to form words. “Oh! N-No, it’s fine. Don’t worry. I don’t want you getting cold either.”
He put it on her and crossed his arms, huffing out a cloud of frosty air.
“H-Hey! Now you’ll get cold.” She started to take it off again to return to him.
He shook his head and laughed.
“You kidding? When I didn’t sleep on the floor the living room in my childhood home was colder than this! Ahah!”
Rachel tilted her head and pulled the sleeve back on. “Living room? Wait, sleep on the floor? You didn’t, did you? When was this? Who made you do that?” Her voice took on a shocked breathlessness as her mind tried to process what he had just said.
“Mother. I think. I just remember a woman who told me what to do. It wasn’t very fun.” He stroked his moustache nostalgically.
“Oh. That sounds rather horrendous. So, it was cold?”
“I suppose. It was the forgetting to feed me that mostly took it’s toll. Oh. The floor. Yeah. It was.”
Rachel lowered her gaze to the floor. “I had no idea. Wow.” A small smile spread across her face. “Well, things are better now, right?” She patted his shoulder. “I mean, you’re a Wacky Racer, after all.”
“It’s alright. I don’t remember much. I can only recall finding a runt in a cardboard box and nursing him back to health.” He touched a finger to his chin, thinking back. “After that it was just schemes and dreams.”
“Dreams? You had something to hope for? I take it that was the goal of winning, right?” She reclined back in her seat and rested her knees against the back of the drivers seat.
“Hope for? No. No nonsense like that. I just kept coming up with reasons to laugh with that stupid mangy hound.” He chuckled despite the remark.
“Heyyy.” She nudged him with her elbow. “He’s not so mangy.” Muttley was indeed a favourite of hers and she found herself feeling terribly sorry for him whenever one of Dick’s plans would backfire. “Is that all you do it for?”
He scratched his chin idly in thought. “I used to believe I was achieving something back in my hayday, but the more I failed. The more I realised I didn’t want to succeed. It was more fun that way.”
“You didn’t want to succeed? But, what about winning the races? Being crowned the world’s wackiest racer? The sponsorships, money, fame?” Rachel’s brow furrowed. “I don’t get it. You always seemed so driven to win.”
He turned to her rather somlemnly and spoke slowly. “But what happens when you do win?”
“I guess,” she looked at her hands, her fingers were nervously linked together, “I guess that you win the money, the title, go on with sponsorships and…” She paused for a moment. “Wait for the next race?”
He nodded not turning away. “And then what?”
“I don’t know. I never really thought about it. I guess people just go on with their lives.” She shrugged her shoulders. It was true, she hadn’t really thought about it. Like everyone, she had just been focussed on winning.
“I don’t want to win or I have nothing left to…what’s that word you used? 'Hope’ for.”
She reeled back in shock. “What? I find that somewhat hard to believe.” She began chewing on her lip anxiously. What he had said had jolted her internally. “Everyone knows who you are and what you do. You could probably do anything you wanted.”
He chuckled and fell back in his chair forgetting the cold for a second. “Haha, my dear, that is precisely what I am doing!”
“But, as you say, then what? What happens when this race is over? What will you do?”
“I would have won and would no long be the dark horse underdog of the Wacky Races. Why would I give up that thrill so easilly? People never think I’m going to win, so it makes it all the more fun when I finally do.”
“So you want to win eventually? Have you thought about when that might be? I mean, you’ve been winning the last couple of races no problems.” She leaned back and rested her head against the seat. After removing her cap, she tossed it into the front and awaited his reply.
He smirked scratching his chin idly with a finger. “Heh, like you…I don’t put much thought into it. I just make sure I’m having fun with it.”
“Like me?” She raised a brow and chuckled under her breath. “What makes you so sure I don’t think about what I do, Mister?” She jabbed him on his shoulder. “I may be smarter than you think.”
“Because if I’m not mistaken when I asked the purpose to winning, you answered and I quote: 'I don’t know. I never really thought about it.’”
Rachel shook her head. “Agh! Damn it. Heyyyy, fine. Come on. It’s late and cold. My head is in a mess.” She chuckled again. “I can’t help it if I’m spouting bollocks. It must be, what… 3AM?” She craned her neck to see her dashboard.
Dick’s Head was lain back under his hat. “Snooooort!” The sounds of his nostrils flaring from exhaustion resounded through the vehicle.
“Hey! HEY!” Rachel jabbed him in his ribs. “Wake up! That’s not fair, you’re not supposed to fall asleep while I’m talking to you!”
He snorted and sat up at attention “Huh whu whassat?”
Unfortunately, when he sat up his head collided with hers. “OUCH! Ooyah!” She grasped her head and keeled over. “Nrrrgh!”
He grasped at his head in pain. “Yeow yeowzer yeow!” He then blinked momentarilly afterward and rather then insult the girl; “Are you alright?”
Rachel just let out a low 'hnnnnn’ sound as she rolled back and fourth on the seat. She now wished she hadn’t removed her hat as it may have stopped or cushioned the blow.
He glanced at her forehead and chuckled “Now, now it isn’t all that bad. Just think we can call it a beauty mark tomorrow!”
She peered up at him with a furious expression, still doubled over on the seat. “I’ll give you beauty mark. Just be glad it wasn’t my eye! How would we explain a black eye?”
He stopped to think a moment then grinned. “Mascara?”
“I don’t wear that crap!”
He smirked. “Oh yes yes, quite. My bad.”
She hit him again, this time harder. “HMPH!”
“Owch! I see your mother passed some wonderful traits onto you,” He said nursing his poor arm.
“OH, we’re talking about mothers, are we?” Her eyes narrowed as a strange smirk spread across her face.
“Yes, well if you ever meet mine I’m sure she’ll be sporting a wicked attitude and moustache herself,” He retorted
That did it. Just the mental image alone. Rachel sucked in air, choked a little and fell about in hysterics. Her mind instantly imagined Dick in a dress.
Dick could only imagine what she was laughing about but he had a pretty good idea.
She attempted to catch her breath and leaned forwards resting her chin on the back of her hands. “Oh man. That’s funny. That’s good stuff.” A tear rolled from the corner of her eye from all the laughter and landed on the seat.
He smirked and tipped his hat at an angle over his eyes as he sat back and cross his arms. “Laugh it up, I know I would.”
After wiping at her eyes with her sleeve she shook her head and pulled on Dick’s coat over her, bundling up like a sausage roll. “You know nothing.”
“Uh huh” was all he could manage. The fatigue dragging his eyes down like weights.
“Ah ah ah!” A hand shot out from under the coat and prodded his ribs. “Are you saying I’m boring?” After sitting up straight she unfurled the coat from around her shoulders and handed it over towards him. “Here. Have it back. You don’t want to end up with a crick in your neck or something.”
He glared unfavorably at her. His eyes stemming red from the lack of sleep he was getting. “Are you capable of shutting up and going to sleep?”
Her brow instantly furrowed and her lips thinned to a small line. “Fine! Take your smelly coat!” She threw it at him. “Telling ME to shut up. Especially after that little stunt at the hotel earlier. What was all that about, huh?” Her voice trailed off into a low mumble as she continued cursing under her breath, turning away in a huff and folding her arms.
He flinched as the coat slapped against his side but just sighed and tried to drift off, ignoring her frustrations.
“And budge over.” She ignored his sighing and pushed her butt into his to shove him further to the side. “Taking all the god damn room. How am I supposed to sleep like that Mister I-Love-You-Shut-Up-And-Go-To-Sleep.” She fidgeted some more and folded her legs under her to take up more room.
He chuckled and made a fake groan. “Oh lord, is that the moon falling? What could this crushing weight be?” He reached out and grabbed a hand full of it to emphasize his point.
Rachel instantly yelped and jumped over to her side. “Aiiie! Watch where you’re grabbing!” She slapped a hand around in his general direction in case he was still trying it.
He had already moved his hand and watched her swat out of corner of his eye, only replying with a chuckle.
“Grabbing ladies butts. You should be ashamed of yourself.” She turned her head and stuck out her tongue. “First you’re all moody then that! HMPH!” She shuffled noisily, trying to make as much noise as she could on purpose.
“When I see a lady…” He yawned. “I’ll be sure to do so.” A wicked smirk arose on his face.
Rachel shot upright and glared at him. “I beg your pardon?!”
He once again lapsed into a bout of snoring under his hat.
“How dare you!?” Her voice was high pitched as she grabbed hold of his hat and began to pelt him with it over and over. “Insult me, will you? Tell me to shut up, will you? Say my ass is as big as the moon, will you!?”
He flailed and twitched under her assault but found himself laughing regardless.
“Stop laughing, you nit!” She continued to swipe. “It’s… not… funny!”
He finally gave in, sat straight and grabbed her wrist in mid attack. “I think you’ll find, my dear, it is.”
“Ouch!” She scowled at him and wiggled her nose in disgust. “Careful how you g…” He kissed her cheek and smiled at her cutting her sentence short. “Don’t… Don’t you try and butter me up, Mister!”
His smirk only widened. “That I can accomodate you with at a later time.”
“Wait… What?” She blinked in confusion, her brain trying to figure out what he had just said. When it finally registered her grimace transformed into a wide, goofy grin. “Now, that’s just dirty.”
He released his grip, twiddling his moustache as he sunk back into his chair. “Dastardly one might say.”
She picked up his coat and flopped it on his lap. “Seriously, though. I’m OK. Take it back and keep warm. I don’t want you getting hypothermia or something.”
“You know” He said, still twiddling his moutache. “They say the best way to keep warm in circumstances like this is to share body heat.”
She blinked again, leaning forward on the seat with her hands. “Wh-What?” She slipped off the seat and quickly caught herself. “They do? Who is this 'they’?”
He only continued in stroking his moustache. “Oh, you know, survivalists.”
“Oh? You know some survivalists?” She gave him a sarcastic grin and yanked at the other side of his mustache.
“Yeah, I contacted them shortly after falling for you.” He mired back at her.
She tilted her head. “What?” An eyebrow raised again. “What are you talking about?”
“Oh nothing you have to concerned about, my dear.”
“Now you said that I can’t HELP but be concerned.” She folded her arms in a huff and sat back roughly.
He replied by only smiling in a dastardly way and snuggled down into his seat.
Silence fell again as Rachel pouted. She hated not being in the know and she was sure he was doing it on purpose. After a while she couldn’t resist piping up again. “So, what else did these survivalists say?”
“About what in particular?” He said gesturing in a quizzative way.
“Well, you said they told you about this whole body heat thing.” She narrowed her eyes. “What else did they say?”
He smirked. “Oh lots of helpful survivalist..things.”
“Liiike?” She leaned forward on her hands and urged him to continue. She did not intend on letting it go.
“Hey look, a sudden distraction!” He pointed wildly in a panicked state at the window.
“Hm?” Her head whipped to the side. “Oh yeah. Snow. Great.” She narrowed her eyes again and slumped back into her seat again. “Fine. I get it.”
He stretched, flexing his fingers infront of him while casting an innocent smile.
Silence once more. Rachel hated uncomfortable silences. She kept giving Dick sideways glances hoping he’d start conversation again. When certain it was a lost cause she sighed. “So, yeah. About Max…”
Dick raised a brow awaiting the end to her statement.
“I didn’t encourage him, you know. That’s not the type of person I am. He just got,” she paused for a second and rubbed the back of her neck. “Clingy.”
This Doggy Bites
Still going RP between me and @dagurlicious
Below decks, Dagur had taken to picking at a wooden table with a small blade, mumbling incoherently to himself and occasionally rubbing at his arm. When he heard footsteps his head snapped up to see who dared disturb his brooding time and saw Rae. “What do you want, wench? Can’t you see I’m busy?” He saw the deer on her shoulders and frowned deeper. “I thought I told you to leave that to the men!?”
“Yeah? Well, I didn’t.” She dumped the deer right onto the table that he was picking at and stood with her hands on her hips. “Unlike some, I actually like to pull my weight around here.”
Dagur flinched as the deer hit the table right in front of him with a violent thud. He scowled up at Rae with an unimpressed glare and slammed the blade into the wooden surface. “There you go with those jaded insults again, wench! How about you say what you really mean?” He pushed himself away from the table and circled it until he was face to face with her.
Rae stared up at his face and wrinkled her nose at him, a small smirk on her lips. “You couldn’t handle it if I did, wussboy.” She shoved him playfully. “You can’t even handle a little punch. You whine and complain like a baby!”
She had touched him again. Made physical contact. It may not have been as painful as a punch, but it still caused him to shoot her a nasty look. “Don’t call me that!” He gripped hold of her tunic again. “So help me, I will crush the greedy milk from your bones with my teeth!”
“I haaave noooo idea what you just said, but it sounds brutal and awesome.” She reached her hands up, grabbed hold of his hands and attempted to remove them from her clothing. “Easy on the clothes, Wussboy. Yeesh! I only have this set on board.”
He kept his grip firm despite her attempting to pry his hands off of her attire. “What did I just say!?” He virtually roared in her face, spit flying out of his mouth as he shouted. “I can only take so much of your crap, Rae! Only so much before I-” He began to chuckle, his face breaking from his frown into a psychotic smile. “-Before I snap and teach you a lesson.” He let go of her tunic with one of his hands and moved it to her throat. “Go on. Call me Wussboy again. I dare you.” He moved his face in closer, his nose touching hers and hissed. “I dare you, wench.”
Rae didn’t know how to react. The fact that he had his hand around her throat was one thing, the fact that he was in such a close proximity that she was being tickled by his breath was another. And now he was daring her to call him names again. She tried to avert her eyes to focus her thoughts and continued to attempt to pry his hands off. “I… Well… Why should I? Not on your command. I’m not a trained dog!”
He tightened his grip on her clothing and moved his hand from her throat to her chin, tilted it upwards so that she was looking him dead in the eye and laughed. “Not so tough now, are you? …. Little doggy?” He made a barking sound to tease her further and continued laughing to himself.
Such a mockery, although expected, was not something Rae wanted to let him get away with. She reached her hands out to either side of his helm, yanked him closer, leaned her face in and sunk her teeth into his lower lip triumphantly.
“YARRRGH!” Dagur’s eyes flew open as her teeth sank into his lip in the most agonizing way. The pain was sharp, piercing and intense and he felt tears form in the corners of his eyes. He shoved himself backwards in an attempt to get away from the crazy wench. Unfortunately, that only served to stretch his lip and, in turn, caused more pain and broke the skin. He flailed around and managed to yank his lip free, stumbled back tripping over his own feet, landed against the table and grabbed at his mouth protectively.
Rae wiped her mouth and spat onto the floor. She had not known how he’d react to her doing that and her heart was racing, ready to defend herself should he have retaliated right away. “This doggy bites!”
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knifetengale · 8 years
Ellie-Brando C-S Support
Ellie @ mine Brando @zlosopher
Brando: Hmm... (That woman looks familiar)
Ellie: hmm? (That’s quite a vibrant color, where have i-)
Brando: Excuse me. I'm not sure if we've met yet.
Ellie: I suppose we haven't, have we?
Brando: I'm Brando, Lord Xander's retainer. Who might you be?
Ellie: (Lord Xander's retainer...huh. must be that way.) Eileen, pleasure to meet you.
Brando: A pleasure to meet you as well Eileen. What exactly are you doing here?
Ellie: Reading, as you can see. [Holds up her book]
Brando: What kind of book. History? Adventure? Romance?
Ellie: [deceptively chipper] a murder mystery! The crown prince's loyal swordsman was found dead in the rose garden, strung up in thorns and pierced with his own blade, it’s quite the tale~
Brando: Oh my. That sounds kinda interesting actually. How far into the story are you?
Ellie: They’ve just discovered the body, nobody knows who could have done it! oh how I wish I could be left to read unhindered. I feel much more engaged when I can immerse myself into the words
Brando: My apologies then. I didn't mean to disturb you. After you're done may I treat you to some of the pastries I've baked to make it up to you?
Ellie: Perhaps, what pastries are we speaking of?
Brando: Tarts, Danishes, and a few pies.
Ellie: ...perhaps i wouldnt mind a short break now
Ellie: ...you know, you remind me of someone i once met.
Brando: Actually, I thought the same... I think I saw you somewhere before...
Ellie: i have a reckoning we are perhaps thinking the same event. I am recalling to when i was yet learning the staff and there was a great fire in the village. There was a man with your eyes there, fighting against the cavalier that defended me. That cavalier had been part of an outlaw gang that had kidnapped a young noblewoman and would pay a hefty reward if she was safely returned
Brando: Wait... You mean the cavalier that held that woman captive? The cavalier I killed by splitting his head open?
Ellie: (rising anger) That cavalier that had pulled me from the burning mess that was the courthouse, from beneath the crest of Nohr. that cavalier that had given his last elixir so that I may yet live to heal others. you are lucky his mare did not split your head open with her hooves, panicked as she was her primary rider was now dead.
Brando: ...Both sides knew the risk. Your group was doing their job, as was mine. It was either fight or die.
Ellie: (closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, visibly resettling when she calms down, a slight smirk and smugness on her face) ...and what will you do now? There is nothing you can say to anyone, what proof do you have? (leaves with a sweep of her caplet)
Brando: ... You didn't even finish the tea I made to go with your pastry.
Brando: Hello again Ellie.
Ellie: ....
Brando: Still upset huh? It's understandable.
Ellie: ... are you quite finished? Or are you volunteering for target practice with my new stave
Brando: Huh?
Ellie: ....
Brando: Ellie?
Ellie: What. Do you want. I'm reading.
Brando: I brought you some sweets I had left. Would you like them?
Ellie: And why would I accept anything from you?
Brando: ... You know I could've killed you. After I had taken that man’s life I decided to spare you
Ellie: Because I got away, only to have the misfortune of running into you again
Brando: I could have gone after you but I didn't. I wasn't going to harm a woman who could barely walk... I didn't enjoy killing him. It was the only way I could get the job done and feed my family.
Ellie: You think he wasn't trying to feed his as well?
Brando: He was doing his job by trying to kill me. As was I. Do you think I'd just let myself die when I had my parents back home?
Ellie: You had the choice to use mercy, and you didn't. Were you in such a battle blind rage you just knew to strike?
Brando: Tell me Ellie. Would your friend have spared me if I was the one who was defeated? Would he have let me go after I was beaten?
Ellie: Ardal wouldn't have even raised his lance if you hadn't raised your sword first.
Brando: The question is would he let me live. Someone who would have rescued that woman and ruin his job and potentially his family. Would he not have plunged his lance into my heart if I lost?
Ellie: (getting audibly frustrated) And who is to say that woman had not been rescued already? Who is to say that?
Brando: I was told during that job that it would be a rescue mission. Save the woman and return her to where she belonged.
Ellie: There were many women in that village on that day, how were you so sure about her? Or did you just assume that any woman outside was an oddity? (huffs and attempts to calm) ... this conversation is over. I will have nothing more to do with you
Brando: ... Very well then. Good day Ellie.
Ellie: ...
Ellie: Stupid...stupid....what does he know
Faceless: ?
Ellie: Wh-shit!
(Tome sounds)
Brando: Huh? What was that?
Ellie: (bumps into him as she’s trying to make distance) move it! You have approximately 4 seconds before i entrap you and leave for fodder
Brando: I'm not about to let you take that thing on your own!
(the Faceless catches up)
[Brando: You're not touching her! Haaah! (he swings his blade at it)
Ellie: (casts entrap, locking the faceless in place) get to it! (Fussing with her hip pouch to draw out the stronger tome
Brando: (pierces it with his sword) Gotcha you sack of- huh?!
(the affects of the tome wear of and the Faceless punches Brando into a tree)
Brando: Gaaah! *cough* Well there goes that idea
Ellie: Odds bobs the gods- (hurries over and readies the tome) Now be HAVE!!
(the Faceless falls)
Brando: Your pretty good Ellie... Don't mind me, just some broken bones, that's all.
Ellie: (heaving deep breaths) Shut up and let me catch my wind.... (pulls out her trusty psychic stave and casts it, helping him up when she’s less grumpy) It’ll hold you over, come on.
Brando: And here I was thinking you hated me, hehe...
Ellie: I would rather not have become Faceless food, or been executed for leaving you to die you dolt. Stop dragging your feet, I want to get back to my books
Brando: Huh... I knew there was a reason I didn't go after you those years back. It was so I could meet you again... Try to make amends...
Ellie: ...Less talking more walking.
Brando: Hey there Ellie. Brought some sweets for you to try out. *he comes in with three packages*
Ellie: Good afternoon, Brando. *shuts her book and reaches out a hand* What are todays flavors?
Brando: Hm? You used my name... Well that's a surprise.
Ellie: No I didn't, you were hearing things.
Brando: Well today I have something for you. I'll give you these boxes one at a time and you tell me if you like them.
*he hands her the first box. In it there's a piece of cherry pie*
Ellie: oh! Cherry, I haven’t had it in a while, and the lattice is so delicately done... (purrs but totally denies purring as she takes the fork to eat the tiny piece
Brando: I'm glad you love it. Next up is this one.
*the second box holds a piece of cheesecake*
Ellie: well isn’t this a surprise, I heard this was hard to make... It’s delicious…
Brando: ... The last one... w-well... Here you go...
*the final box has little weight when Ellie holds it*
Ellie: ...?  *confusion, both as to why brando hadn’t introduced it and why it’s so light* Is it a macaroon?
Brando: ...
*when Ellie opens the box it reveals a golden ring with a jewel in the center*
Ellie: *surprise, looking from him to the box* I... Hey...is this a joke..?
Brando: No... Ellie. I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Ellie: I...
*blushes hard*
Brando: I love you. When I said, there was a reason I knew we'd meet again... It was because I knew that after seeing you again that I wanted to be with you. I wanted to protect you from anything that comes your way. I'll respect whatever answer you give me but... Ellie? Will you marry me?
Ellie: *flustered, holds her tome closer* I can protect myself well enough but *a small smile forms on her face, extending her hand* A partner wouldn’t be too far out of the question. I do need someone to watch my back
Brando: *blushes and smiles* S-So... You'll be my wife?!
Ellie: *reaches over and paps his nose* It’s a yes you silly dolt. *hooks a finger in his collar to draw him in for a small kiss*
Brando: ... *begins to tear up while smiling* Ellie... Thank you... I promise to be by your side for the rest of my life.
Ellie: *hugs him* Dry your eyes before you make me cry too...
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