oni-verse · 9 days
ok wait this is so embarrassing bc now i see this war boy design is stupid and i dont think i really Got It at the time but this was skulk's original design nonsense from when i was 19 or so and drew on photoshop and sometimes paper. im different now. so is he.
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war boy from years ago brought back all because i saw furiosa a couple times. i gave him a driver too
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oni-verse · 9 days
infoooo: skulk is a tough bastard, a lancer, not very friendly and a little on the quiet side. i decided to give him a widdle bit of tragedy and half heartedly made his driver, who dan named staple. they moved up as war boys together and became a very good team. then they got feelings for each other (because im me and its not one of my characters unless theres a gay romance in the vicinity). staple's cancer worsens and becomes more obvious over time, eventually the sickness kills him, which is when skulk is seen with a second bandana on his arm. shown below. idk what he does after but i figure hes not a useful war boy unless he's a lancer with a driver so maybe he's forced to get a new partner but i dont imagine he'd get close to anyone after staple's death.
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war boy from years ago brought back all because i saw furiosa a couple times. i gave him a driver too
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oni-verse · 2 months
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gil in therapy
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oni-verse · 3 months
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been holding onto these, filled out a fun character meme of cas & gil ^^
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oni-verse · 3 months
thinking abt his hair and how my sketchy style doesnt really portray the best idea of what his texture is supposed to be, but he's also very lazy about hair and isnt consistent with care. if he treated it differently, i think itd probably look bigger. but hes the type thats effortlessly good-looking and it even applies to his hair most of the time lol.
like he'll put it up after he washes it, and sometimes for bed, but he sleeps on his stomach so he tends to think that that means it wont get flattened. being blessed with good genes means it doesnt take much to fix it either. it's easy like this for him with many things, i'm sure.
his features take more after his mom. dean sorta takes more after their dad. its probably kinda nice for gil though cause he's lowkey mama's boy, just cant show it cause. yknow. shes not alive. but at least he has pretty voluminous curls!!
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i have a lot of other stuff i could be doing but, like?? what if i drew gil 9 times
[ OC gil, he/him ]
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oni-verse · 3 months
just here to blab cause i havent been having much fun drawing lately, and ive been sick a lot which is abnormal for me, and i got them chronic headaches,
but at least i can project thoughts on silly gay characters and pretend like theyre the main characters in the shows and movies i watch
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reviewing past ideas this week since its nice when i dont have anything else i want to do. its nice to go back and see their beginnings again which is mostly just gil being unreadable and emotionally distant and cas being so desperate to keep gil in his life that he ignores all those red flags & pines painfully.
but i write pretty much everything down, so i have all those random thoughts like Domestic Moment #4306 and What If They Were Strangers, or the alternative, What If They Got Together Much Earlier. yknow how it goes. being my own fanfiction writer.
i like writing gil as being inexplicably alluring and its usually just because of small things like how he talks or his body language, on top of the fact he's tall and hot in a grungy way. and cas, even though he's gil's oldest friend, has such a hard time reading him because of gil's unique brand of being guarded (never being vulnerable or transparent). it all adds to the mystery and people (/cas) wanting to get in close for a chance to figure him out.
even in high school, cas wouldnt always be aware of what was happening in his best friend's life. gil's guardedness manifested in his teenage years as keeping the secret of his father's abuse, whether he was just scared of the consequences of others knowing, or he's embarrassed for his own circumstances, but cas' ability to look closely and be a friend without making gil feel bad about himself is part of why they were best friends. that, and cas being (at the time) a good cishet ally boy that respects his friends ;0
while this isnt what happens in their lil story, i do also like to consider what itd be like if cas was brave enough to recognize/act on the feelings he wouldnt admit he had for his friend, back when they were teenagers. cas thought he was straight for many years after high school, but i could also see a reality where ~ally~ cas becomes "experimenting doesnt inherently mean anything". hehe. would make their separation all the more heartbreaking for lil cas.
then, in a universe where they don't meet until theyre adults with separate lives, how that could look. like because of everything above, maybe it'd be expected that gil wouldn't give a person like cas a real chance, that he'd be especially difficult because the lack of history makes it that much harder to break down his walls. but then, what about exhausted gil, alone for the same reasons as usual, choosing it & all his connections with other people usually not extending beyond a single night. this guy, meeting someone who responds to gil's flirtation without going the obvious route and taking gil home for the same reason as everyone else-- but instead, just talks to him, and is oddly the nicest and easiest person to be around. gil's experiences creating expectations thatre shattered by a lil punky guy who doesn't make gil feel alone or like he's around for only one thing.
commitment-phobe gil meeting cas in his mid 20s and somehow agreeing to a date because his curiosity is honestly piqued by this surprise encounter. it seems like it shouldnt be shocking to have a decent conversation with a decent person, but a messy person can somehow manage to completely avoid any positive people. especially if they surround themselves with stoners, dealers, and club rats.
ive said it before but ig they really do have a "i can fix him" dynamic but it actually sorta works? gil isnt as messy, eventually lol. kinda the point.
but i love a circumstance of a guy being all "i don't do relationships, i don't believe in love, bachelor lyfe 4eva, ima fuck this whole city" and then going completely mushy because someone is patient and committed to him. gotchu now bitch... u DO relationship.. u DO believe in love, you are settling down and fucking one man only. i would say sorry but youre happy now bitch ✋caught in 4k
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oni-verse · 6 months
thinking abt them again& wondering if its just gonna be a thing that, at the beginning of every year, im having juliet+koda thoughts (from feb '22)
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i also drew oz on my lunch today..not shown. but val+cal are also getting brainpower from me (jan '22)
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idk i barely have anything interesting to say. especially not for others to hear. i think this is what they call "rotating it in my mind"
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oni-verse · 8 months
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cw for domestic abuse mentions: violence & mental abuse
about gil & cas changing from a friendship to a romantic relationship & cas having one condition that gil talks. there's a good amount of preamble to this conversation but i only have so much time 🙏
( if u havent seen my characters before, theyre friends since high school, gil disappeared, their relationship became confusing until cas confesses )
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oni-verse · 11 months
side info about denshin and koun, kept in the drafts but im just sharing one bit
this is jody. alien version & human version.
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for context, in original universe, jody was just a person in denshin and koun's cadet program. denshin & jody dated for a while, just as koun was developing feelings & den+koun were becoming solidified as best friends. denshin & jody just broke up because they were going two different places & they werent completely compatible. so it wasnt an ugly end, but they didnt talk that much after, especially when denshin went off on the big mission with koun, neptune, and the others.
much later on in the story, they have a friendly call to catch up. happens to be at a good time because denshin's going through a hard time and jody is nice to them.
also an excuse to share Lament again:
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she/they. four eyed alien with 12 fingers. body is tall, longer limbs than humans, very noodly body. extremely smart engineer that has a lot of skills and talents, she's on the older side of the crew, which is already a pretty young group. she's also not mentally well but plays it cool, chills by themselves, but is never not drinking & drunk. neptune thinks lament is a real hassle for their personality and lack of sobriety, but she's a valuable crew member.
around the time mentioned above, when denshin is having a hard time, lament and denshin sort of make friends as two loners struggling mentally. lament isnt a bad friend, but theyre not overly close.
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oni-verse · 11 months
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his gd baby face...i had to un-baby it slightly but he's still 👶 tbf his sister's the same way
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oni-verse · 1 year
so about this image
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drew this picture when i was 18, which was 2017. i made these characters when i was 17ish i believe, and made the bulk of their story within a year. originally i wrote them to die young. think "doomed world" type shit. che was lucky enough to be revived the first time, but it came at a toll and the whole event messed with theo pretty badly.
che's first death (pictured here) was when a villain forced her henchman into going into the "school", and found che alone. they fought, and he killed her, but he was injured. so when her boss came and found che still alive and weak, she sliced the side of his throat and he bled out
eventually when everything went to shit, they were supposed to pretty much all die in a big event, like an apocalypse caused by a villain. like if ozymandias wasnt smart and just wanted destruction. lmao
i made stuff for myself where things were different, just bc :B but since i was so young when i made them i kinda wanted to change things so i have....theyre probably not all gonna die haha;;
old art stuff of che&theo and a lil extra... theyre significantly old characters so theres a lot of stuff from when i was still drawing with markers on sketchbooks, didnt own a drawing tablet (': yikes
first..haha......a few years ago i was messing around, drawing them as girls. cause im GAYY. i think i messed around with the idea of making them human. girl che would really go for the Full Sexy
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other stuff, going back relatively in order
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very small graphite drawing of what i imagined structures to look like
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original jasmine stuff. probably the only times i actually drew her. she could separate her limbs at will
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oni-verse · 1 year
old art stuff of che&theo and a lil extra... theyre significantly old characters so theres a lot of stuff from when i was still drawing with markers on sketchbooks, didnt own a drawing tablet (': yikes
first..haha......a few years ago i was messing around, drawing them as girls. cause im GAYY. i think i messed around with the idea of making them human. girl che would really go for the Full Sexy
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other stuff, going back relatively in order
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very small graphite drawing of what i imagined structures to look like
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original jasmine stuff. probably the only times i actually drew her. she could separate her limbs at will
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oni-verse · 1 year
i wish there were 15 of me so each one could focus only on one subject and i could do everything i want to do so badly
sometimes i just wanna wholly commit myself to one subject but i like too many things and possess 1/4 a brain and a singular dominant drawing hand
gotta get good
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oni-verse · 1 year
his college girlfriend, from when he was in ~gay denial~. he's embarrassed about it now, they were together for nearly two years. he attracted a lot of cute girls and he got along with them so he's like "of course i should like them". they broke up when cas figured himself out & she was understanding but they didnt keep in contact. i think she had a name at some point but i dont know if/where i wrote it down.
they were definitely close and all that. im the kinda person to fixate on characters so i fooled around with lots of AUs 🤪 there was one where, after they broke up, she found out she was With Child so he became like a single dad kinda? they share custody or whatever but arent together and dont live together. amiable co-parenting. young punk dad yay
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gil and cas :] with their friend sinead, when her and cas were in college. and cas' college girlfriend 👀
[ OCs. gil + cas , both he/him . sinead + other girl , she/her ]
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oni-verse · 1 year
every once in a while i make picrews of my characters so i'm making a picrew postttt with links to each of them (:
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friend maker
( cas, gil, josephine, sinead, jack, older cas )
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toon me, skinny version & plus size version
( clover, deon [he/him], bank, jack, babette, iris, cat, juliet+koda [both he/him] )
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djarn's character maker. might be best suited for girl characters heh ( pink, marie, iris, shiloh, cat, koda )
here's a couple i dont have any OCs of onhand, so i made little me's as examples cause i like them (:
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aloha sushicore
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catadioptric ; heads up there's blood + light gore in this one
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oni-verse · 1 year
a famous musician named gordon lightfoot died today, but the way i would have NO idea who that is, if not for min making goddamn sewer rat playlists with this gay ass country/western on it. and YES it is "if you could read my mind" ok
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oni-verse · 1 year
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found more from ash's many changes. including the original princess design. clearly very different... with an extra ember doodle!
not that anyone cares but ash & ember are older characters that i made but wasnt sure what to do with, for the longest time. they jumped around scenarios but nothing has stuck. most of the time, they were long distance friends in two different scenarios of isolation. ash was also briefly a princess! a sword wielding princess! but she looked different. ash went through many iterations bc i couldnt usually decide how she should look. here were some experiments on her design (late 2020)
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