#hehe hope you're having a lovely day Buttons
oh we're being mean? i can try
ure. silly. and u post on. tumblr. loser
>:| If I'm silly than you're sillier!!!
You got me with the tumblr thing I'll admit.
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rafescurtainbangz · 4 months
needy blowjobs w Rafe 😫😫
Ahhhh thank you so much for your ask. Needy!Rafe has me quaking. Hehe 🤭 I hope you have a beautiful day.
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+18 Minor DNI 1.8k
Rafe x sub!FemaleReader
Teasing, oral male receiving, use of restraints, threats, name calling, needy!rafe, use of pet names (baby girl, honey, sweetheart, daddy, rafey)
Tags: @imyourdaninow @redhead1180 @humanvampire13 @akashababy @dckweed @ashamedtobeawhitemanswhore27 @marahgubler @joannamuns9n @romaescapes @h34rtsformilli @jayla @randymeeksistheloml @waywardsoul113 @gri959 @drewstarkeyslut
Lightly edited
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Rafe smiles as he draws your chin up. Your beautiful eyes resting on his pleading blues. "Please," he chuckles weakly.
You giggle in reply, grinning and shrugging. "I don't think you've earned it."
Rafe lets out a cackle of a laugh before sucking his teeth. “Easy, kid. I might just put the kibosh on all this shit and take what I want. I'm playin’ nice. Do you know how easy it would be to overpower you? To just hold your head and fuck your throat, baby girl. It's mine, after all.”
“Rafe…” You pout, looking up at him with doe eyes. You tap your manicured finger against his muscular chest. “You said, ‘I’m in charge, daddy’.”
He purses his lips and rolls his eyes before softening them again. His sweet little sub is getting the chance to dominate him for once. Withholding… That was your plan. Rafe always gets what he wants from you. Morning sex was a given, but his usual blow job wasn't a part of it and of course, he let you know. 
It was fun to tease him all day. Rafe, of course eyed up your pillowy lips first thing in the morning, the way you sucked the cinnamon roll frosting off your finger at brunch, later watching as you slicked some lipstick on your pout before heading out to the Island Club for drinks. 
You could tell he was fixated on your mouth, watching you talk and smile. Rafe wanted nothing more than to fill it, make you gag, and have his cum coat that pretty little throat. 
“You're in charge, princess. But you're pushing it. Remember that.”
And you did. Remembering how Rafe could so easily take what's his… You. He needed to be contained…
You reach behind your back, unfastening the hook and eye. The sound of your zipper splaying draws Rafe’s attention back to you. He watches intently as the pink satin fabric tumbles to your feet; his eyes journey back up your body as he starts to unbutton his shirt. "Let me help you," you breathe, walking his way. Rafe gives you a little nod in reply, eyes trained on your lips as he licks his own. 
You pinch his buttons between your fingers, opening each one as his eyes dance along the curve of your lips, watching the way you bite at the bottom. "I'm sorry I’ve been teasing you, daddy…" you whisper, flicking your lashes up to his.
"S’okay baby," he breathes as a fake smile sets on his lips. Drawing his shirt off his broad shoulders, you watch it fall to his feet. Your hands drift down his body, working over his chiseled chest; his gold chain glints on his tanned skin.
Moving lower you trace his abs, down to his v-lines; the indentations greeting the waist of his pants. You dip your fingers under the band, working to the middle. Unfastening his pants, you tug them to his feet.
He sneers as you rise up again, hoping you'd just cave right then and there. Your hands shift behind his neck, guiding his lips to your own. "Thank you for today," you whisper against his lips, simply brushing, not committing to a kiss. You lean away slightly when he goes to take it for himself, the faintest growl in his throat as you rob him of yet another want.
"Love takin’ you shopping, doll," Rafe soughs. 
“You're too good to me.”
“Mhmm… Hmm… Not good enough, though. Right? Those lips weren't wrapped around my cock like they usually are. The ride home was a little vanilla. Like my ‘thank you’s’ a little more x-rated.”
“I know you do… Let me thank you.”
Rafe tugs you to the mattress, guiding you on top of him, taking a grip on your hips. His eyes drink you in, just a few pieces of fabric, keeping the two of you apart. You can feel Rafe’s cock, hardening against your warmth. Your fingers trace lower, light touches drawing over his skin. Rafe follows your hands with his eyes. You tease him when his gaze lands on your panties, rolling and winding your body into him slowly. "Mouth first," he whispers.
“Rafe,” you tut. 
He clears his throat and pinches his eyes shut. The withholding and defiance just about enough to send him off the rails. You lean down slowly, lips brushing the shell of his ear. 
"You don't want my pussy?"
"You know what I want first," he warns. You wind back up, reaching behind your back, unclasping your bra, and letting it fall slowly. Rafe’s hands dive for you, going for your chest. You take a hold of his wrists.
"Who's in charge?" Your eyes lock on Rafe’s as his narrow on yours.
"Fuck - You. You are in charge. You're in charge. Hurry the fuck up," he snaps.
"Exactly... Hands above your head."
"No... No fuckin’ way. Absolutely not."
His eyes slice into yours. “You're not tying me up.”
“I am.” 
“Nah.” He crosses his hands in front of his chest, muscles flexed, the vein in his throat protruding. Damn… Once this is done I'm in for it. Good thing I like it when Daddy gets rough.
“Rafey…” You whine like a baby, making his icy exterior melt enough. Rafe stretches his arms above his head, submitting for the moment, eyes stalking you, watching and waiting impatiently for what you'll do next.
“I swear if your lips aren't around my cock in two minutes I'm busting out and you'll regret bein’ such a fuckin’ tease.” You walk over to the nightstand, drawing out two silk restraints. "We clear? Why aren't you responding?" He hisses.
"Crystal clear, daddy."
He loses his train of thought as you lean down, reaching for his wrist. You loop it around and tie a knot, fastening it to a rung on his headboard. Your lips move closer, catching his quick breathing as you deny yet another advance for a kiss.
"Princess... please," he whispers.
"Is it too tight?" 
"No. I just - I would like you to,” he swallows thickly. Doing something he’s rarely done before. “Babygirl… Will you please suck my cock.”
"So polite, daddy,” you coo. His eyes lock on yours when you take a grip on his other wrist: his brows furrow, Rafe, at a complete loss of control. 
“NOW-” He stops himself fast. “Please, stop makin’ me wait.” You lean in close, tongue snaking around his ear making him moan and groan. Goosebumps flare across his body at the feeling of your mouth against his hot skin. “This is killing me, honey.”
“You look fine,” you mock in a gentle voice as you cup his cheek, watching his blue jean eyes haze with anger. 
Rafe’s head lifts off the pillow, studying your movements, biting his lip, craving contact. You crawl toward him slowly, slotting yourself between his thick thighs as you get closer. You slip your fingers under the elastic of his boxers. Rafe bucks his hips instantly. His length springs free, standing straight.
Fuck, he's huge. You hold back every urge to pounce on him as you eye his dick, long and incredibly hard. A slight curve that kisses your G-spot in all the right ways. A little cum rolls down the side, making you wet you pout. Your eyes drift up to his, dripping with lust.
"You're so beautiful, baby," he pants. Taking a seat between his legs, you ogle his body. Yours for the taking. You touch his ankle softly, he lets out a groan. Your finger drifts up his leg slowly, reaching his thigh.
You can feel Rafe’s hips moving slightly, trying to manipulate the situation. You continue to torment him. Your fingers get dangerously close, drifting away again. "Please,” he whimpers. 
Your eyes flick back up to his. "Sorry... Did you say something?"
"Please," he strains.
You smile playfully, your fingers ghosting up his length. He lets out an exhale, relaxing into the pillow. You circle your finger around his head slowly, continuing to toil with him. His eyes flutter as a result. Rafe’s cock pulses with every touch, glistening at the tip. You swipe his precum with your finger, bringing it to your mouth.
"Baby, c'mon," he rasps.
"Just take it, Rafe."
His eyes widen as the words slip your lips; Rafe instantly pulling at the silk restraints in anger. "Enough!” He barks. You can hear the desperation still laced in his voice. 
“Daddy…” You warn. 
He shakes his head, scowling at you. Grabbing his thighs you start to lean in, lowering yourself to his cock. “Fuck, Princess. Keep going, baby," he pleads.
You run a line of spit down to his cock, making him moan loudly when it makes contact; his fat cock throbs, muscle clenching. “Jesus fuck,” he tosses his head back on the pillow.
"Is there something you want?"
"Suck my goddamn dick!" He barks. Your face twists slightly, waiting for the magic words. "Please. Fuck! Just please do it. Just do it for me. A’ight? Do it for Daddy? You're daddy’s girl. Yeah?”
“I am.”
“What do you want? Anything… Anything you like. You want those earrings? Those Tiffany ones? They're fuckin’ yours. N’we can fly out to the Nassua tomorrow. Stay at that little resort you love. I'll get you a ring. I'll fuckin’... Please - I'll do whatever you want, just suck my cock.”
“A ring? What kinda ring, Rafey?” You whisper, tilting in more. 
“Any ring.” 
“Any?” You gasp as you wiggle the little fingers on your left hand. 
“Obviously,” he pleads.
“Wow… That's quite the gesture,” you breathe, letting the warmth of your whisper fan over his cock. 
Opening your mouth, you put his tip on your tongue, making his eyes roll back. "Holy shit…” he puffs, returning his eyes to yours. “Thank you, baby. Goddamn. Give me more. Please.”
You use your hand to move his length, polishing the head of his dick with your tongue, running circles, and working it back and forth. “Your mouth is so fuckin’ warm, baby. So, so wet. And your lips, shit, they feel like heaven. Just for me - the mouth is mine,” he mumbles. 
Holding him tighter, you rub your lips along the underside, working your way back up to the tip, your eyes burning into his. "You're so beautiful, sweet - sweet girl," he stutters. You can see his pleasure increasing. "Just suck it. For me? Just suck my dick, honey. Choke on me.”
You spit on his cock, fisting his length fast. “Got the ring in my dresser. I swear. Top fuckin’ shelf. 6-carat Harry Winston. With your name on it. I'm gonna fuckin’ cum. A’ight? You gotta fuckin’ suck me off. Don't make me cum like this.” 
Holy shit… You slip your lips around him, sliding down as far as you can go, bobbing back and forth. “Yes! Fuck, baby… Just like that-” Rafe lets out a string of praise as you swallow a few times. You cup his balls in your hands massaging them softly before licking and sucking them as well, making his toes curl. 
"Baby... Mmm. I'm gonna cum, sweetheart. Keep goin’. Don’t stop," he pants. You increase your suction, bringing him closer to the edge. Rafe arches his back, his eyebrows knit together. "O-Oh... Shit. Fuckkk," he moans lowly; the warmth of his climax hits the back of your throat. His cock twitches on your tongue; his thighs, quake. You swallow as Rafe reaches for air. He closes his eyes softly, a satisfied smile on his lips. 
You grip the base of his cock, drawing off slowly, milking out the rest of his pleasure. "So good, baby. That was so damn good," he moans.
“Anything for you, Daddy.” You reach up, catching the little silk restraints, drawing each one off Rafe’s wrists. His eyes work to yours, a wicked smirk stretching on his lips.
“Big mistake.”
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maplesyrupsainz · 5 months
˖⁺。˚⋆˙ours | FA14 ˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: fernando alonso x famous singer!reader y/n (she/her)
genre: social media au, established relationship
warnings: none just super fluffy
summary: in which it's (finally) time for you and your husband to tell the world that you are in fact husband and wife
a/n: MY FIRST FERNANDO SMAU hehe so much fun actually tysm ppl for sending reqs for him in :))) honestly this just remind me of the rumours of him & taylor swift dating so i used that as some inspo <333
request!!!: Hi could you do a smau for Fernando where he’s secretly been married to a singer who’s a MEGA STAR and stuff 🫶
my masterlist
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, pierregasly, and 3,173,618 others
yourusername sick day 🤧
view all 33,193 comments
fernandoalo_oficial we really missed u at the race this weekend y/n ❤️
lewishamilton rest up!
user1 y/n has the f1 grid in a chokehold
user2 i miss her
user3 she's sick and she still looks that gorgeous
user4 the y/n stan to f1 fan pipeline is real
user5 we have no choice when all the drivers are her bffs 💀
francisca.cgomes feel better babygirl ❤️‍🩹
user6 aww her beautiful kitty
user7 tbh this looks cosy af
user8 the teacup is so cute i love her
messages ->
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fernandoalo_oficial posted a story
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liked by lewishamilton, yourbff, and 44,293 others
user13 omg y/n my babygirl
user14 i love nando & y/n's friendship
user15 awww our lil grid bff
user16 she's precious
user17 what's she recording urmm
lewishamilton tell her i miss her
liked by fernandoalo_oficial
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liked by georgerussell63, yourusername, and 88,293 others
fernandoalo_oficial 🌃
view all 16,283 comments
user18 omg y/n sneak??
user19 sneak??! she's the main event ofc
carmenmmundt ❤️
liked by fernandoalo_oficial, yourusername
georgerussell63 my favourite duo
user20 interesting...
user21 new ship just dropped y/n and nando
user22 new?? where u been
user23 urm y/n looks extremely gf here.....
user24 i believe this is a soft hard launch.
user25 delulu
user24 im right. just you wait
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liked by carmenmmundt, fernandoalo_oficial, and 6,182,982 others
yourusername this love is ours 🫶 yours now on all streaming services.. just because it's been a while.
view all 54,193 comments
user27 looks hard to me😦😦
user28 omg she's so in love gang
lilymhe beautiful song ❤️
francisca.cgomes you're amazing y/n!
carmenmmundt not ever surprised by your talent
user29 omg the wags in the comments
fernandoalo_oficial 🫶
user31 wtf oh my goddd
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interview ->
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liked by lance_stroll, yourbff , and 882,284 others
fernandoalo_oficial just for the record that's my wife you are all talking about
view all 28,183 comments
user43 WIFE???? WHAT
yourusername lollll 💀 i love you
fernandoalo_oficial i love you more
georgerussell63 beautiful couple as always
liked by fernandoalo_oficial, yourusername
user44 oh my god
user45 how has this gone under the radar for so long
user47 wife omg
carmenmmundt hehe you are both amazing
yourusername luv u
user48 i've passed away from this
user49 things are adding up
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liked by fernandoalo_oficial, carmenmmundt, and 5,283,109 others
yourusername elevator buttons and morning air
view all 44,183 comments
user50 y/n are you a wife
user52 she is so personal to me
user53 i have the ultimate parasocial relationship with this relationship
carmenmmundt me too tbh
user54 HAHAH
user55 obsessed with carmen being their biggest fan fr
lewishamilton my favourites!!
yourusername love and miss you!!!!
lewishamilton see you at the next race i hope?
yourusername you know it
user56 WE WONNN
yourusername posted a story
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liked by lance_stroll, fernandoalo_oficial, and 1,183,203 others
fernandoalo_oficial i love you hermosa
yourusername i love you💘
844 notes · View notes
Hiya! I think I found the "ask" button! :D I'm dropping my favourite suggestion here, hehe...
You could write about a bad cop/good cop Han/Minho (Han being the good cop and Minho de bad?) And of course, ending in an endless make out session and "fuck-time" in the interrogation room.
Have a bood day/night/afternoon! ♥
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This scenario is a fucking dream!!! Thank you for putting this idea to me. I love it. I love it so much. I hope my take on it is to your liking 😘😘😘
I’ve had a few police officer!skz asks and I’m having so much fun imagining all the filthy things that are being sent my way.
I’ve already written sub police officer Han here.
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CW: detective/interrogation role play (not established or clarified, but as the writer I’ve decided that is what’s happening), CNC (established off-screen and not referenced in the story). Implied established safeword (not used). Unprotected rough sex, oral sex, orgasms.
"TELL US!" Detective Lee practically spits in your face. "You know where they're hiding, and you're going to tell us right now." He leans in close to your ear. "Or else." he adds venomously, then stands back against the cinder blocks of the interrogation room, arms crossed.
"Look, Miss." The other man, Detective Han, sighs. "Just tell us and your sentence will be reduced."
"I'm scared." You say desperately. "What they'll do if they find out I-"
Lee scoffs and you pout, turning back at Han.
"We'll protect you." Han almost reaches across to hold your hands, but the weight of Minho's stare makes him think twice. “All you have to do is give us a location.” He says softly.
You shake your head and wring your hands together.
“I think she’s going to need a special kind of convincing.” Lee raises an eyebrow.
Han slowly turns his head towards Minho. “Detective. I’m not sure that’s style of interrogation is appropriate.”
“Well where has being nice got you?” He retorts, storming over to you and pulling you up roughly by your flimsy satin top.
"Now, little Miss," he growls slamming you against the one way glass, holding your arms behind your back and pressing himself against you. You can feel his erection against the top of your ass. "Just tell us the location, and all this stops.”
You turn to look over your shoulder, giving him doe eyes. “I’m never gonna tell you the location.” You say firmly.
The corner of Detective Lee’s mouth twitches slightly. “So that’s how you’re really gonna play, huh?”
He drags you back, bending over the cold, metal interrogation table. “Han. Handcuff her.” He demands, tossing his handcuffs to his partner.
Han looks down at the cuffs in his hands, hesitating momentarily before cuffing your arm to the table leg. He moves around and cuffs your other hand to the opposite leg. You pull and tug, but it’s no use.
“Now check she’s not hiding anything she shouldn’t.” Lee adds tugging your jeans and underwear down your thighs, exposing your ass and pussy.
Han gulps and moves behind you. He strokes your back gently, and leans over you. He’s fucking hard too. “Just be good and do everything he says. Try to relax, baby. Okay. Don’t be a brat.” He soothes as his hand cups your pussy. “You’re doing great. So wet already.”
You suck in a breath. You’re turned on. No doubt about it. You close your eyes as Han slides a finger into your cunt. “Have to check you aren’t hiding anything you shouldn’t. Shhh…. Stay calm. It’s all going to be okay.”
He inserts another finger, sliding them in and out of you. Wet sounds immediately fill the interrogation room.
“I’m gonna check your pretty little mouth.” Minho forces your mouth open with his hand and shoves two fingers inside. “Suck on them.” He hisses. You do as you’re told, sucking on the detective’s digits. He removes them before sitting back down to enjoy the show.
Behind you you hear Han unbuckling his belt, then the sound of a zipper. “Shhh… you need to stay quiet, okay. So you don’t get yourself into more trouble.” Han whispers, but his voice is strained. The tip of his cock slides through your dripping folds several times, before he pushes it deep into your pussy.
“Ngh…fuck!” You gasp.
“Now, what did Detective Han say, hmm?” Lee leans forward in his seat and pulls the hair off your face. “If you can’t be quiet I’ll have to put something in your mouth to make you quiet.”
But you can’t stay quiet. Han is fucking into you hard. Each thrust pressing you into the cold, hard table. He’s hitting you deep too. The kind, sweet Detective Han isn’t holding back. His fingers dig into your hips, and his body slaps against yours loudly.
“Has she hidden anything in her cunt?” Lee asks Han.
“I’m not hiding anything, I promise!” You cry. Minho raises an eyebrow, unamused. “I wasn’t asking you.” He snaps and looks towards Han.
“She is.” Han grunts.
“What?!” You lift your head in protest. “No!”
“Tsk tsk. Now you’ve made me very angry.” Lee says low. He stands and undoes his trousers too, revealing his thick, hard cock. You swallow hard. You’re nervous. But you’re also excited.
Lee steps towards you and tilts your head in such a way that he can rub the tip of his cock along your lips. “You’ve got such a filthy, lying mouth.” He whispers. “It’s gonna feel good around my dick.” He holds your head steady as he fucks your mouth. He’s surprisingly gentle and smooth as Han continues to fuck you rough from behind.
“Han, what’s she hiding from us?” He moans as his cock hits the back of your throat.
“She’s hiding an orgasm.” Han responds. “And, she’s keeping all this cream inside her. Look!” He exclaims pulling his dick out and showing Lee.
The mean detective looks down at you like you’re pathetic and smirks. “Show her.” He snarls, withdrawing his cock from your mouth.
Han comes to stand in front of you, and you see how creamy and wet you are. His cock is covered in it.
“You have to clean it. It’s all gonna be ok. Just do as we ask. You’ll be fine.” Han looks at you with soft eyes. “Now…all you need to do is clean it up. Okay?” He pushes his cock into your mouth. He pushes in further and you gag. “Shhh…That’s it. That’s it.” He encourages you.
Your eyes water because he pushes in so deep, and he takes his time to pull out, making it hard to breath. “Yes, you’re doing really well.” He praises.
Lee’s behind you now, slapping your ass. The sound resounds around the room. He slaps you again and you sob around Han’s cock.
“That’s for not cooperating with an interrogation.”
Another slap. “That’s for hiding your arousal.”
One more slap. “Now you’re gonna come for us.”
He slides into your heat and your eyes roll back into your head. He pulls out almost to the tip and pauses. You clench in anticipation, then he slams back in.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come. Let me come in your mouth and I’ll promise I’ll put in a good word for you.” Han’s breath is shaky, and his thrusts stutter. “Catch it all for me…ngh… I’m coming.” Han throws his head back and moans as his thick cum coats your throat.
He plonks down on the chair, panting.
“Finally some cooperation.” Scoffs Lee, pounding into your pussy. “Han. Release her arms.” He orders his partner.
You’re swiftly uncuffed and your flipped onto your back. Lee pushes your legs up and squeezes his dick back inside you. Han’s at your side kissing and sucking your nipples. “You’re doing good. I’m proud of you.” He nibbles your breasts as his hands explore your body.
Lee brings his thumb to your clit, rubbing firm, rough circles on it. You close your eyes savouring every sensation that the detectives are making you feel.
You’re not on a cold metal table in a dingy little room. You’re floating, soaring higher and higher. You’re going to fall apart any second now. The tension inside you is about to snap.
Han’s lips find yours. Soft, gentle, kind. “I love it when you’re a bad girl.” He whispers and slips his tongue into your mouth.
It’s your undoing and you whimper as you clamp down around Lee’s cock.
“Fuck!” Growls Lee, pulling out and spurting ropes of cum on your stomach. He steadies himself, staying buried inside you until his cock softens.
“Now. The location. Give it to us.” Minho presses as he pulls his trousers back up.
“Please?” Han looks down at you.
“I said never.” You whisper defiantly.
Lee sighs. “Fine. We’ll be back in an hour to interrogate your further.” He says flatly, and he and Han leave the room, locking the door behind them.
Read unrelated sub police officer Han ask here
Read unrelated ot8 free use jail cell
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wriothesleybear · 7 months
heyy, it’s the anon that requested for wrio’s spicy massage. No worries at all, I have definitely spent a considerable amt of time thinking about caressing wrio’s thick, muscley, sinful *gets shot*
Needless to say your first write-up still scratched that itch 😳
p.s - looking forward to the new version hehe
lmao ily massage!anon🥹❤️i'm glad you still liked my previous version! i think i have too much of Wrio's cock-..Wrio on my mind. Wrio's on my head 24/7. i can't help it ;-; i hope you enjoy this version as well anon! i'll post it here just for you. i may have gone a little overboard..given the 2k word count. anyways, have a lovely day massage! anon🥰!
~warnings: massage that turns into sex, wrio pampering fem!reader, pussy eating, fingering, overstimulation, mentions of cum and squirting, and some fluff at the end, MDNI!
Word count: 2,247
Wriothesley noticed how stressed you've been lately due to work. The massive amounts of paperwork, the late nights and overtime to finish the work you haven't finish during your work time, having to deal with clients, coming home late and not even having the energy to eat the cold dinner he left for you or even changing out of your clothes into your pajamas. He understands what that is like and you helped him relieve his stress so he wants to do the same for you. When Friday came, you were finally able to catch up with work and leave on time to make it home for dinner with Wriothesley. You wanted to relax and celebrate with him by going out to the surface and having dinner at your guys' favorite restaurant. You couldn't help the excitment you felt when going down the long elevator ride to the Fortress.
Once off the elevator, you immediately head over to your boyfriend's office, wanting to surprise him. You open the door to his office and close it behind you. When you turn around, you notice rose petals all over the floor, leading to your shared bedroom door. You're surprised but curious so you follow the road of rose petals. You open the door to your shared bedroom and gasp when you see the room. The path of rose pedals led to your shared bed, where more pedals decorated the blanket. The room's light is off and is instead lit up by the lavender scented candles surrounding the room. As the smell hits your nose, you immediately feel relaxed. You wonder where your boyfriend is and call out his name. He appears from the other doorway in your room that leads to the bathroom. You notice all he's wearing is his boxers, making you blush, "Welcome home my love," he says as he walks towards you. Grabbing your hand, he kisses the back of it. "I see you were able to make it home on time today." It takes a few seconds for you to gain your train of thought back from admiring his body. Stumbling, you answer him, "Y-yeah. I finished all my work and wanted to come home and surprise you, but I see you already had a surprise for me."
"I know how stressed from work you've been lately and I wanted to help you relieve some of that stress." You blush and smile, touched by the gentle act of your boyfriend. He closes the door behind you and takes you by the hand, guiding you towards the bed. Letting go of your hand, he moves towards the top button of your blouse. He pauses and looks at you, searching for your consent to continue. You smile and nod your head, signaling yes. He smiles back and begins unbuttoning your blouse. It drops to the floor. He gently turns you around, your back facing him as he unclasps your bra, letting that fall to the floor as well. He has you turn back to face him. His hands move down to your skirt, unzipping the zipper on the side and letting it slip down your legs. He holds your hand to steady you as you step out of your skirt. Lastly, he slips his fingers inside the band of your panties, hooking them and slowly sliding them down your legs. Bending down to kneel at your feet, he lifts one left at a time, removing your underwear and tossing it in the pile of your clothes. As he stands up, he slowly glides his fingers, up your legs, your thighs and to your hips and waist, sending shivers down your spine. "Lay down on your stomach." You do as he says and lay on the bed, back facing him. He grabs something from the bedside table and kneels on the bed beside you. You're unable to see what he's doing as you hear a click from beside you and the sound of him rubbing something between his hands.
A few seconds later, his strong hands begin to rub against your back, massaging your tense muscles. You feel the warm slick on his hands from the massage oil. He starts from the middle of your back, slowly moving up towards your shoulders, then back down to your lower back. He gently adds pressure to get the knots out. You let out a moan, letting him know how good his massage feels. You move your head, face in the covers and arms to your sides, giving him better access to your neck and shoulders. He takes the signal and focuses on massaging there. He hears your moans muffled in the covers, making him laugh under his breath. "Does it feel that good?" You lift your head, making it easier for you to talk clearly. "Yes, it feels great Wrio. You're really helping the stress leave my body." He smiles at your praise. His hands massage down towards your hips, to the back of your legs, giving them attention as well. Fingers pushing on the right areas to relieve the tension and built up stress. Once he's done with your legs, he slowly moves back up your thighs, making sure to cup your ass and massage it a bit, then back up to your back. You sort of wished he would go back down to your ass and give it more attention, but then he tells you to flip over. You listen to him and flip over onto your back.
He adds more oil to his hands, mixing it between his hands and goes on to massage your arms. You watch and notice how focused he looks on getting all the knots out of your hands. You smile, knowing how sweet of a boyfriend you have. While lost in your thoughts, your eyes begin to admire other features of your sexy boyfriend. Such as his nice, buff biceps, and his strong, back full of muscles. You think about how nice his chest looks and his chiseled abs. How good his thick thighs look and how delicious his co-
You're broken out of your thoughts by your boyfriend calling your name. "Hm? What?"
"I asked you if you were okay. You looked lost in thought." He asks. "Oh! I'm ok. Just..thinking about how nice the massage feels is all." He only hums in reply, but he noticed how your eyes were scanning his body and how your thighs tighten together. He smirks to himself. He finishes massaging your arms and moves down to your legs, starting from your feet first and slowly moving up. When he finally gets to your thighs, he massages and teases you by rubbing the inside of your thighs, getting close to your core, but never directly touching it. You quietly whimper. His hands glide up your hips, to your stomach, and to your waist. You can tell he's teasing you by missing the areas you want him to touch the most.
Once he's done with teasing you, his hands go to cup your breasts, slowly massaging them. You moan, enjoying the feeling of his strong hands groping your chest. He pinches your nipples, sending shocks down your spine. "Wrio~" you moan his name. He replaces his hands with his mouth, sucking on one nipple while teasing the other. Eventually, his hand glides down your stomach to your pussy. He rubs his fingers between your folds, making sure to massage your clit and tease your hole. The massage oil makes it easier for his fingers to slip into you with ease. He pumps his fingers into you at a slow pace, wanting to take his time with helping you feel good. The tenderness of your boyfriend as he fingers you and sucks on your nipple pushes you over the edge. You moan and spasm around his fingers as you come undone. He continues to finger you through your high until you finally come down.
He finally stops his movements and gets up. He grabs a pillow and puts it under your ass, elevating your lower half. You're about to ask him what he's doing, but soon lose your train of thought as he passionately kisses you. His lips move to your cheek, peppering kisses down to your neck, your chest, across your tummy, and down to your thighs. Laying on his stomach, he lifts your legs and puts them over his shoulders. As his warm breath hovers over your core, you shyly ask him what he's doing. "Don't worry. Just lay back and relax. Let me do all the work. I'll make sure all the stress leaves your body by the time we're done." His reassuring words help you relax and you allow him to please you. He licks a stride up your folds, making you shiver. He spreads you open a bit more, giving him better access to eat you out. He leaves a kiss on your clit then circles his tongue over it. His tongue moves down to your hole, teasing your entrance. He wraps his lips around your clit and suckles, sending electricity up your body. You moan and comb your fingers through his hair, moving his fluffy hair out of his eyes. He moves his attention back down to your entrance, thrusting his tongue inside of you. While his tongue explores your insides, his nose rubs against your clit. His pace picks up as you get closer to your second orgasm. Your legs shake as your moans get louder, calling out his name. You finally cum on his face, where he happily licks up your juices. You push on his head when his continuous licking begins to overstimulate you, but he doesn't budge. He instead pushes a finger inside you as he sucks on your clit, shaking his head to add more stimulation. You curse as your hips shake.
It doesn't take you long to cum again, squirting on his face as you cry out from the pleasure. You breathe heavily as he comes up from between your legs. He leans over you and kisses you, pushing his tongue in your mouth and intertwining with yours You taste your essence on his tongue. He pulls away and gets up to pull his boxers off. Kneeling on the bed, he positions himself between your legs, making sure the pillow beneath you is still holding you up, elevating you at the right position for his cock to easy slip into you. He grabs his cock and fists it, covering it with the massage oil left on his hand. Holding your legs open, he rubs the head of his cock between your folds, prodding your entrance. He slowly eases himself inside you, his thick cock filling up your tight pussy. You both moan as he settles deep inside, all the way to the hilt. Slowly pulling his cock out to the tip, he pushes it back inside you all the way. He repeats this, going at a slow pace as he watches his cock disappear inside you. His gaze moves to your face as he begins to quicken his pace, watching the pleasure contort your features. "Faster Wrio." You moan out.
"As you wish." He puts your legs on his shoulders, wrapping his arms around your thighs, holding your legs against him. He thrusts into you at a quickened pace, pelvis hitting against your ass. The new position makes it easier for him to repeatedly hit your most sensitive spot. Your head falls back as you grip the sheets, cursing from the mind-breaking pleasure as his cock repeatedly hits your cervix. You cry his name as you cum, body twitching and shaking.
His pace doesn't let up though and he continues pounding into you. You become overstimulated again, but you can't help yourself from wanting more. "Cum in me Wrio." You're barely able to let out those words as your brain becomes clouded with pleasure as you near your next orgasm. But he heard you. He's getting close as well, due to your walls continuously spasming around his cock. He lets your legs go and wraps them around his hips. Wrapping an arm around you and holding you close, he uses his free hand to vigorously rub your clit as he continues to rut into you. You wrap your arms around his neck, holding tightly, in search of finding something to hold onto as the pleasure becomes too much. You gaze into each other's eyes as you both get closer to falling over the edge. You lean into one another, lips meeting for a passionate kiss. You finally cum, squirting on his cock which causes him to follow as well. His cock spurts thick ropes of cum into you, filling you up with his warm seed. He falls beside you as you both try to catch your breaths. You both just lay there, holding each other as you come down from your highs.
Wriothesley eventually pulls his cock out and lays beside you, pulling you close to him. You hear the fast beating of his heart as you lay your head on his chest, eyes feeling heavy. "Thank you for the massage Wrio." You sleepily say. He kisses the top of your head. "I'm glad you liked it, my love. Let's get some food at our favorite place once we get some rest." You smile, giving a quiet 'mhm' in agreement, and nuzzle further into his chest. Soon, you fall asleep in your boyfriend's comforting arms.
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hisui-dreamer · 4 months
OMG HI RINNA!!! CONGRATS ON 2K!!!! you deserve this milestone because of your beautiful, heart-wrenching, aboslutely soulful works!! keep this up but remember to take care of yourself as well!
my request is a bit unique hehe, but i hope this can be a break from the romance! may i request tansy (symbolizing hostility and a declaration of war) and leona kingscholar? i just thought that it would fit him perfectly, especially during his overblot in book 2.
HAVE FUN!!! remember to take mental + physical breaks, appreciate nature once in a while, and REMEMBER TO LIVE, LAUGH LOVE YOUR HUSBAND!!!
love, siren
beyond the breaking point
Pairing: Leona Kingscholar x gn!reader
Synopsis: you find yourself unable to recognise the man standing before you
Tags: angst, emotional hurt/comfort, leona overblotting, hopeful ending?
Word count: 705
Notes: siren!!! thank you so much for your kind words omg🥹💕 i hope you're doing well too! i loved doin this idea!! something about looking into someone's eyes who you love dearly and unable to recognise them achsdkladhjhsdj
live laugh love eel always hahaha
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flower of choice: tansy
tansy flowers possess a natural toxicity within their composition, suggesting an inherent hostility. In the Victorian language of flowers, this bitter herb adorned with button-like yellow blooms conveys the message, "I declare war on you!". This may be attributed to their repellant qualities, which convey a sense of resistance and defiance
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“I’ve been loathed since the day I was born. I’ve never had a place, never had a future! None of my hard work is ever rewarded! How could any of YOU possibly understand? My disappointment?! MY pain?!”
His anguished words echo through the air, and your heart clenches with empathy. You've never heard him speak with such raw vulnerability before, and it pains you to see him in such torment. Every fibre of your being yearns to rush to his side, to offer comfort and solace, to ease the burden of his suffering in any way you can.
But you find yourself frozen in shock. Leona, usually so composed and guarded with his emotions, now bared his soul in a way you never imagined possible. He's always been distant, keeping his pain hidden behind a facade of indifference or arrogance. At most, he would grumble and glare at you whenever he was in a foul mood, but you can’t remember a time when he truly lashed out. But now, faced with his anguish laid bare, you wonder if this is the breaking point, the moment when all his pent-up emotions finally spill over the edge.
Not a moment before the thought crosses your mind, your beloved is enveloped in a thick, black smog, suffocating the air around him with its presence. The ominous dripping sounds that follow seem to echo through the very depths of your soul, each drop a sombre reminder of the impending darkness.
You blink, hoping against hope that this is all some dreadful nightmare, but when your eyes open, the nightmare persists. He's overblotted, his once-familiar form now obscured by dark ink dripping across his limbs like sinister veins. And towering over him, casting a shadow so menacing it sends shivers down your spine, is the unmistakable shape of a lion, an embodiment of the darkness that has consumed him.
No... it can’t be...
Your mind reels at the incongruity of it all. Just days ago, the two of you were inseparable, spending as much time with each other as possible. You can still hear the echo of his laughter, a melody that filled the air with joy and mirth each time you managed to coax a chuckle from his lips, his touch that was a balm to your weary soul, a comforting embrace that chased away the shadows of doubt and fear.
But now, his eyes which were once filled with light and hope, stare back at you with a vacant emptiness that sends a chill through your soul. It's as if the essence of who he once was has been extinguished, replaced by something cold and alien.
You can’t recognise the hatred in his gaze at all.
You find yourself grappling with a torrent of conflicting emotions—disbelief, grief, fear. How could this happen? How could someone you loved so deeply be transformed into this unrecognizable entity before you?
“You’ll never see the light of another day!” he roared.
This isn’t him. This isn’t the man who enveloped you in his comforting arms all those nights ago when he noticed your distress. This isn’t the man who wove calming tales about ancient kings who became stars long ago so you would break a smile.
No... the person in front of you now was a cruel and bloodthirsty tyrant draped in the guise of the man you loved, poised to unleash his wrath upon the world.
But you refuse to let him succumb completely to the darkness. Deep down, you know that somewhere within him, the man you love still exists. You refuse to abandon him to the abyss, to let him be consumed entirely by the shadows that threaten to engulf him.
And with every ounce of strength you possess, you vow to fight for him, to bring him back from the abyss, no matter the cost.
“Let's go get him, guys!”
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if you liked this post, don't forget to reblog!
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stargazing15 · 1 year
Little rascal
A little fluffy dad Rooster drabble
A/N: yes I have a lot of wips, no this was not one of them. Hehe woops
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"Babe, seriously, is that the only thing coming out of his mouth?" Bradley sighed in frustration at the sight of his son. Oh, it was that type of day.
Yup, little Nick learned that you reacted when he said "mama" and has been saying it ever since, to everything and everyone. And when home you got an extended concert of "mama mama mama mamaaaaa". For you it was funny, but Bradley's pride got hurt Nick still wasn't saying any form of 'daddy'. And just like that mister grumpy chicken was back and sulking around the house.
"Earth to Bradley! The man is 14 months old, you know he even calls Mav 'mama'. And Penny, oh and even the lady from the bakery. So for the moment you're 'mama' too."
Bradley made himself smaller to be at eye level with Nick. "My sweet little boy, daddy's sorry, but you would make daddy's day a lot better if you would say 'daddy' for me, or 'dada', I could live with that too, please?"
"Honey, I seriously doubt your cute puppy eyes will work with Nick. You know his are cuter." Even Nick agreed with a "Hehe" and continued babbling in his own language.
"It was worth to try," Bradley smiled softly, "if you don't mind I'm going to the grocery store, can you help me with the list babe?"
"Of course, here you go. And can you bring my Bradley back?" This time it was you showing off your puppy eyes, in hope to make a little smile appear on your husband's face and it worked.
"Thank you for understanding, I'll try to find him." He said before giving you a small kiss.
"Well, actually thank you, now I don't have to go to the grocery store tomorrow, extra play time with Nick. Take your time, I know it helps to cool down after a heavy day."
"See you later babe and you, be nice to mommy, okay?" But Nick was still strolling around with his walker like a little madman guarding the house.
You had this feeling, so you took your phone and put the camera on. Mostly your gut feeling was right and Nick was about to do something funny. You had just touched the button to start filming when it happened.
"Dada? Dadaaaaa! Dada. Dadaaaaa?" Nick was saying while pointing to the door. Oh yes he did, and you were filming. The moment you stopped filming you made a little squeal, startling your son.
"I'm so proud of you little big man, and dada too, I will text dada immediately."
You: right after you left <attached video>
You heard Bradley's car arrive 30 minutes later and he was humming, Bradley was back, he left mister grumpy chicken behind.
"Hi babe, I'm back," he gave you a quick kiss on the forehead before putting the groceries on the counter top, "and hello to you too little man. You made dada's very good." And ruffled through Nick's hair, making him babble something at the action.
"Mama mama, waaaaaah." Nick babbled to his father.
"You little rascal, you're lucky I love you."
As soon as Bradley was around the corner to put the last things away Nick did it again. "Dada." Resulting in you and Bradley laughing at the little goofball. Bradley came crawling from around the corner going straight to Nick to start tickling him.
"This time I heard it!" Bradley laughed with Nick. You joined them on the ground to help let Nick win the little tickling contest.
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Taglist: @mrsjaderogers @bradleybeachbabe @iamdannyday @rhirhikingston @mavrellover91
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httpiastri · 14 days
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genre: angst, fluff, comfort, etc.
word count: 6.6k
warnings: more heartbreak but that's probs it
author's note: hello again !!! i've been meaning to post this for several days now but never found the strength to proofread it all. decided to fit melbourne and imola both into one chapter because they were kinda short on their own, and they are about a lot of similar stuff so i think it made sense. hope you enjoy, thank you for all love on this <33 monaco chapter is like maybe halfway done so it shouldn't take too long !! (& i like that one more hehe)
series masterlist
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"ollie, put on your sunglasses," dino tells his friend, doing the same with his own reflective sunglasses before flipping his cap around. "let's look tough and cool."
you roll your eyes, shaking your head at the boys in front of you. ollie does as he's told, both of them crossing their arms over their chests as they lean their shoulders against each others. "is that really the pose you're going for?" you ask, and you're instantly met with a string of protests from the impatient swedish man, making you raise your hands in defense. "as you wish..."
you lean back slightly to fit the whole wall behind them into the frame, all works of graffiti apparently important to include, according to your friend. you're glad that you were quick to press the button to take the picture since, of course, they can't keep the pose for more than a few seconds before breaking into a fit of laughter.
you may be complaining a lot about having been dragged around melbourne the entire day, taking photos of your friends, and being forced to socialize. but really, you're thankful for this opportunity to take your mind off everything that's been going on. during your entire break since jeddah, you've been mourning your feature race and dwelling on everything about paul. it's easy to get stuck in your head, to only remember the bad things. and in those times, you're glad to have people around you to pull you out of the darkness.
melbourne will be different. that's what you've been telling yourself ever since you got out of the car in jeddah. you got your first f3 win here last season, and despite how it's still a fairly new track to you, you have a lot of confidence driving around it. you have faith in your car, and you know you have the skills to perform well. you just need to actually score some points again to keep up in the championship.
"can you two losers stop laughing already?" you huff, slipping your phone into your pocket. "i'm starving, and i refuse to have dinner in the f2 hospitality before the race weekend has even started."
"blah blah blah, you're just picky," dino says as he strolls up to you, one of his hands coming up to mess up your hair. you shoot him a glare. "whatever, let's get going. i'm really hungry myself, actually."
you rake a hand through your hair to fix the chaos he caused, before hurrying to keep up with the long-legged boys who've already started walking away. as you squeeze in between them, ollie reaches for your hand, fingers slipping between yours. you let out a content sigh; not only because you're finally getting some food, nor because of the way ollie squeezes your hand.
like this, it's like you don't seem to have a single care about anything in the world. like you've just flown across the world to hang out with your best friend and your boyfriend, to just have fun and relax in the sun.
dino and ollie pick up on the change in your mood, too; it's hard not to. though you haven't spent any time with them during the break, with the trio split up between england and italy, your slump has been so palpable that they could tell even from so far away. so seeing you this lighthearted and happy makes them satisfied, too.
the calm before the storm, as they say.
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"and you said i was the picky one?" you ask as dino sits down at your table in the hospitality, nothing but some plain pasta and some kind of meat pie on his plate.
"you're not much better now, are you?" he asks back, glancing down at your empty plate and then up at your face again. the little baguette you've already eaten was not nearly enough to fuel you for the upcoming qualifying session.
you sigh. "i miss the fish and chips we had yesterday..."
"that was definitely not a part of our diet plan."
a scoff passes your lips and you shake your head. "maybe it wasn't the best possible food for my performance," you start, looking over your shoulder at the long buffet table. "but at least it was edible. my muscles may not have grown, but my heart sure did. isn't that important, too?"
dino chuckles as he chews down some pasta, shrugging his shoulders. "speaking of your heart," he says before taking a long sip from his water bottle. "i was surprised to see how lovey-dovey you and ollie were yesterday."
you raise an eyebrow at him. "aren't we always like that?"
"yeah you are, that's the thing."
you pause for a long moment. "and what's that supposed to mean?"
a sliver of regret makes its way onto his face, so slight you almost don't pick up on it. "well..." he tries his best to play it cool, even pulling his phone out of his pocket to check his notifications, but you see right through him. "i may have heard something, but it doesn't mat-"
you can't stop yourself from cutting him off. "tell me. now."
now it's dino's time to let out a sigh, pulling a hand through his hair. "i heard that you and ollie were having problems. but clearly, that's not the case."
"and who told you that?"
"well, here's the thing, i-" dino's voice cracks just like it always does when he's nervous or when he's lying. he takes a second to clear his throat, and you intervene.
"it was paul, wasn't it?" you ask, and he doesn't answer. the fact that he doesn't immediately deny it, along with his blank expression, gives it away. "that idiot! oh my god..." dino is just about to speak up again, to explain himself or make up an excuse, but you give him no space. "why are you listening to him and not me? why would you not ask me if it's true before assuming something? is he really more reliable when it comes to my relationship?"
"y/n, you know i'm stuck between you three. you're all my best friends, and..." he drags a hand down his face, shaking his head. "how should i know who to trust and who to talk to? i can't even mention him around you."
when his words kick in, your expression softens from the infuriated frown you were earlier displaying. you understand what he means; it must be hard for him to be in the middle of this ongoing cold war. "i get it, i get it," you finally say with a dismissive hand gesture. "just... tell me the details. tell me exactly what he said."
to be fair, the things paul had said to dino weren't as bad as you had expected. it had just been a tiny comment, something along the lines of how paul wasn't sure if you and ollie were still as comfortable around each other since you weren't spotted with him in the paddock in bahrain.
a full-on lie, but not the worst thing to ever happen.
though, what dino then tells you about, is the fact that paul wasn't the only one he heard about it from. kimi had confided in him, too; just like gabriel and dennis.
kimi's story had been pretty much the same as what paul told dino, but dennis said that he had heard that you and ollie had broken up already. and according to gabriel, paul has been telling people that you and ollie are only dating for publicity.
what a joke.
the weight of the rumors sits heavy on your shoulders, but you refuse to let them break you. and despite how much you loathe the thought of even looking at him, your body is bubbling with the need to confront him. this can't go on.
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how are you supposed to not think about paul and ollie all day, every day after that?
when you know your ex-boyfriend has been spreading fake rumors about you, how are you supposed to look at his stupid smile when he's walking through the paddock and not punch him in the face?
you manage to restrain yourself, with some help from pepe subtly grabbing your arm to hold you back whenever he notices that paul is near. the negative thing is that it means you don't get an outlet for your emotions.
you have yet to find any positives to it.
you were always told to not mix your driving with romance. now, you understand why. you're so distracted that pretty much everything gets messed up your entire weekend. you aren't able to prepare well for your sessions, so you end up with a weak 15:th position in the qualifying, along with one dnf in the sprint, in what's probably one of the fastest cars on the grid this weekend.
not even the feature works out for you. after a lucky start with five positions gained, you were finally fighting for points again. though, stalling in the pit is apparently not the most optimal thing to do when looking to climb the ranks, which was something you learned the hard way.
the worst of it all is the fact that of course paul ended up with yet another podium. where's the karma in that?
just when you've gotten out of your car and made your way back to the paddock, you spot him. he's on his way to the podium from the cooldown room, climbing a staircase and loudly chatting with zane maloney about the race.
this time, you can't hold back. he ruined your race; he deserves your anger.
"you're a complete idiot, you know that, right?"
your voice startles zane, who looks at you with a guilty expression for a moment until he takes in paul's reaction, realizing that he's not the one you're mat at. "yeah?" the estonian chuckles.
"yeah, you are!" the volume and intensity of your voice rise by the second as you make your way to the foot of the staircase. "where did you find the audacity to run around spreading false rumors about me and my boyfriend?!"
zane slowly steps away, not wanting to get caught in this crossfire, and ascends the steps towards the podium. paul's amused expression doesn't change at all. "what false rumors?"
you gawk at him, completely dumbfounded by his entire way of acting. "that we're having issues."
"well, you are."
"we are not!"
"come on," he starts shaking his head as you take a quick couple of steps up the staircase. "it's easy to see that you're not happy with him."
it doesn't take long for you to reach the landing he's standing on, and for the first time ever, you find yourself hating how tall he is. the way he looks down at you only furthers your aggravation – it's like you're smaller, like you matter less, like you aren't as strong. "and how would you know that i'm not happy?"
he sighs, as if he's completely uninterested in this entire conversation. like your anger doesn't affect him the slightest. "because i know you." he shrugs. "you don't smile like you used to. ollie isn't right for you."
"oh, but you were?!" you scoff, not believing your ears. "you're so conceited, holy shit! you just ruined my weekend, you ruined both of my races, just- leave me and ollie alone!"
when you turn around to descend the stairs again, you notice the crowd that's started to form below you. great. you haven't exactly been subtle, and you wouldn't be surprised if your yells could be heard all the way back to the campos garage. the sight should scare you – any other day, you would've been so embarrassed you'd want to melt through the floor. but right now, you're too full on anger to care.
"maybe you would be driving better if you were still with me."
paul's voice stops you just as you're about to walk down the first step. you slowly turn back to him, mouth gaping wide and eyes blown up.
"something about being with him is clearly bothering you. you weren't like this when you were with me." you're at a loss for words, which he notices and takes advantage of. "you're prioritizing him over your own racing. you did it in bahrain, you did it again in jeddah. it's not good for you."
"maybe what's not good for me is you, have you ever thought about that?" you walk up to him, a finger pressed up to his chest as you stare up at him. "maybe the reason i'm distracted because you won't leave me alone! you keep on spreading these stupid rumors about me and-" you have to pause for a moment to force down the tears that threaten to spill from your eyes. "i can't take it! just back the fuck off!"
you feel like you could explode any second – if that isn't what you just did – and the fact that paul still looks like he doesn't give one single fuck about this makes you want to give him that beating he so deserves. but you hear pepe's voice in the back of your head, reminding you of how the fia wouldn't appreciate having a driver on the grid who gets into fistfights, and so you back off. with one last shake of your head, you turn again, storming down the stairs.
the sea of people at the end of the staircase splits open for you and you hurry away, not taking any time to see if you notice anyone you know in the crowd. you hear a familiar voice call out for you, one you can't quite identify, but you continue running towards your truck.
paul is an idiot – there's no denying in that fact.
but why was there more passion in these two minutes of fighting him than you've had in your entire relationship with ollie?
he can't be right, you decide. you really are in love with ollie, but not in a way that makes you compromise your racing. it's a great relationship, no matter how different it is from the one you had with paul. he may not believe it, but you will make it work.
he can't be right. you won't let him.
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ollie heard about the fight between you and paul just minutes later. of course, there are people around the paddock who loves to run around and gossip – and how could they not tell the story of this huge fight to the man who was the topic of it?
in hindsight, he should've come to you instantly. he thought that the wise thing would be to give you space, to give you a few moments to breathe before he came in with all kinds of questions.
but then, when you finally come out of the campos truck over an hour later and make your way over to where he is waiting for you, he can't say anything. he sees the redness of your eyes and hears your heavy sighs loud and clear, and he knows you won't want to talk. he's too late; the wound may still be far from healed, but he still doesn't want to rip off the bandaid you've so carefully applied on yourself.
all he can do is wrap his arms around you, let you rest against his chest and kiss the top of your head, hoping to bring you at least a little bit of comfort.
next time, he will be quicker. he will be there for you right when you need it.
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ollie sleeps soundlessly next to you when you pull out your journal from the bedside table. he hasn't had the most flawless weekend either, but at least he scored his first points of the season, which is a great start.
you usually can write paragraphs upon paragraphs about paul. any other day, you're jane austen and nicholas sparks both in one body. but today, there's only one thing that comes out of you.
paul aron is an asshole.
after a few seconds of just staring at your blank journal, another sentence comes to you; one you just can't bring yourself to write down.
but what if he's right?
maybe what you have with ollie isn't true love.
but maybe it's enough.
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yourusername not the best weekend race-wise, but alright off the track. we will come back stronger, thank you to the team for all of the hard work :)
show all 54 comments
user keep pushing y/n!! don't let this weekend affect you ❤️
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user .....what is pepe doing in the last slide?
→ yourusername wish i knew 🤷‍♀️ he sure looked silly doing it, that's all i know
→ user ollie and dino then?
→ yourusername 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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user pretty embarrassing weekend tbh
→ user send your hate somewhere else
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user did anyone else hear those rumors... about her and paul....
→ user omg what rumors
→ user check your dms 😘
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melbourne was not a good weekend in any possible way, and having it be the last weekend before a long break? not exactly what you had hoped for.
in times like these, you do the one thing you're better at than anyone; distracting yourself.
hours upon hours in the red bull simulator, mornings and evenings at the gym, rewatching old f1 and f2 races all night. anything to get your mind off your love life. pepe is a lifesaver too, since he's good at picking up on the little hints about your current mood and he understands which of your buttons not to push when you're like this.
though ollie understands why you're behaving the way you are after melbourne, he still doesn't enjoy the fact that you're much less open and harder to get hold of. there's a long period of time where you don't answer his texts as often as you usually do, where you cut your face time calls short for random reasons, and where he just can't get through to you. and it hurts him so much more since he's several hours away in italy, not able to properly talk to you about it.
that's why he was overjoyed when you arrived in imola a few days earlier than you needed, just so the two of you could spend some time alone before the weekend started.
it's currently wednesday night, and you just need to swing by your hotel room before heading out for dinner. "i'm to be really quick," you say as the light on the door blinks green and you enter, shuffling over to your suitcase. "i just need to find my purse..."
ollie strolls around for a few moments, almost as if inspecting the room, before just standing to watch the sun set over the city through your balcony door. eventually, you hear his voice from behind you. "what's this?"
when you turn around, you find him staring down into your open duffle bag on the floor – and on top of all your clothes lies your journal.
"it's... nothing."
he chuckles. "it's clearly not nothing. it looks like it's been used quite a lot," he says, eyes moving over to you. "is it a novel? a calendar?"
you turn back to your suitcase, pretending like it's no big deal, that you're just much more interested in finding your purse. "well, something like that."
"something like what?" ollie frowns, bending down a little to take a closer look at the outside.
"found it!" you reach for your handbag, pulling it out and holding it up in the air as you step away from the suitcase. "we can go now."
"why aren't you telling me? is it secret?"
ollie is stubborn; it's one of the things you like about him, one of the things that makes him the person he is. without his determination, he would've never made it to f2 nor the ferrari driver academy – and he wouldn't be your boyfriend. so, you aren't surprised that he's not letting go of your journal.
he can clearly tell it's a big deal for you, despite the fact that you try to hide it, and he can't help but feel a bit of worry creep into him when you don't answer him instantly. he regrets pushing you for an answer, but he's also immensely curious – and he's a bit tired of you still keeping secrets from him, despite the fact that he would never tell you that.
after a few more moments of silence, he takes your hand, leading you to sit down on the edge of the bed with him. and with the way he's looking at you, there's no way you can hold back from telling him.
you tell him about when you first bought it, that rainy day back home in cambridge and that little bookshop near your elementary school. you tell him about how it just called for you, begged for you to buy it, how the dark blue color felt like it was chosen just to attract attention from your eyes and your eyes only.
and you tell him about your therapist and the amount of time you've spent trying to work out all of your issues. you tell him about how when she suggested that you find an outlet for your emotions that's more easily accessible during race weekends, your mind instantly wandered to the little journal you'd bought but found no use for yet.
but you make sure to leave out all of the details, only filling him in on the major issues. you don't tell him about just how bad your performance anxiety gets, or about how close you've been to just quitting racing when your imposter syndrome thoughts cloud your mind. you can't let him know too much, get too close.
you try to brush it off as something casual, like it's no big deal; but you also make sure to tell him how extremely secret it is and about the many ways you would kill him by if you found out he'd read in it. your tone is one of levity, of course – but in reality, you weren't really kidding.
paul knew about the journal, too, and you knew how much he longed to know more than the color of the wrapping. you'd often find him with pleading eyes as he watched you write, tiny pout on his lips and a joking comment along the lines of "you're not cursing me out in that, are you?".
but despite how curious he was, paul never overstepped his boundaries. he would never – and you trust that ollie won't, either. he's far too good for that, too kindhearted and empathetic to go against your wishes. especially with how fragile and vulnerable you look to him in this moment.
he makes sure to listen to every word that leaves your mouth, nodding understandingly and letting you finish pouring your heart out before he speaks up.
"you know, you could also use me if you want to,” he starts, a gentle hand coming up to caress your cheek. "to talk to, i mean. or rant, or anything. if you think being vocal about it instead of writing could work."
of course he would try to find a way to help you out. to him, it's a win-win situation – if venting to him works for you, then that's great, but it would also mean that he could maybe finally work himself past that wall you've built up around yourself. if you start telling him about your feelings for your own sake, maybe he can finally get to know you better and get closer to you.
but that's the thing. opening up means being vulnerable, letting your guard down. you do trust him, you really do; so why can't you just do it?
ollie smiles at the little nod you give him – it's not a promise, but it's a good start. you've started talking to him, and he thinks that maybe the momentum will keep you going.
you realize that he's still holding your hand when he gives it a soft squeeze, standing up from the bed. "enough of that now," he says, trying to ignore the slightly somber expression taking over your features. "let's go to that restaurant, hm?"
you intertwine your fingers with his and rise next to him, slinging your purse over your shoulder with another nod. "let's go."
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seven missed calls.
that's the sight you're met by when you scan over your phone notifications after your post-qualifying debrief with the team. you don't even need to check who they're from; you knew your dad would be dissatisfied with your results from the second you stepped out of your car halfway through the session.
before today, you hadn't spun out in a qualifying session since your karting days – but apparently, there's a first time for everything. another qualifying outside of the top ten means that yet again, you will be starting in the lower ranks in both races. missing out on the reverse grid always sucks, but it sucks a little extra when you know you could've, and should've, performed better. with pepe's third-place finish, you know your campos car was good enough to end up in the top of the timings. if only you'd kept the car on the track, maybe you could've proved something.
proven that you're capable, proven that you belong here. proven that you actually can handle the pressure.
if you know your dad right, he's definitely not calling to give you his condolences or cheer you up. it's not exactly his style. chances are, he's not just going to criticize your performance, but also compare it to a certain someone else's.
ollie managed to snatch that second place for the starting grid on sunday, which is something you should only be happy about. but as much as you adore your boyfriend and wish him all of the joy in the world, it's upsetting that he needed to perform so well this weekend. it's like the fuel to your dad's "you should've gone to ferrari"-fire he wanted so badly.
pepe knows that look on your face by now; he's been a first-hand witness to your fights with your father too many times to count by now. his hand on your shoulder gives you a quick squeeze after he's watched you flip your phone upside down on the table with a sigh before slumping further into your seat.
"did someone die in here or what?" sebastian's voice spreads through the room when he walks into it and catches a glimpse of you. the air is so thick with tension that he fears he will choke on it if he doesn't try to lighten the mood a bit.
"nothing except my weekend, i guess," you mumble back, not giving into his attempt that easily. what's he so happy for, anyway? his result of qualifying 25th isn't exactly something to celebrate, either.
"hey, cheer up," sebastian says. "we'll have an overtaking party this weekend!"
when you stay quiet, pepe says something quick in spanish to sebastian who just nods, eyes flickering between you two. you let out a groan – it's ironic, really, since you're a driver for a spanish team, but you hate it when people speak spanish around you since you can't understand it. especially when you know they're talking about you but not with you.
pepe apologizes instantly, but the smile on his lips never falters. not even your behavior is enough to stop him from beaming over his own qualifying results. for the first time in a while, he is actually happy after a session – and he won't let you ruin it.
"okay, come on. i have the perfect plan to save this night," pepe starts. your phone buzzes on the table with what you assume is another angry message, and you're just about to open it when he interjects. "and that starts with giving me your phone."
"that seems pretty suspicious…" you say, though you understand immediately why he does it. pepe knows you far too well already.
you reluctantly place your phone into the hand he holds out for you. "i promise to let you know if ollie or anyone on the team texts you. but i think you need to stay away from this for a while." he nods toward sebastian, whose eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "could you run out to get some kind of candy? anything that could work as poker chips is good enough."
"and i suppose that means my deck of cards is needed, too?" you ask, not able to hold back from smiling anymore at your friend's silly attempt to cheer you up.
"you bet."
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call it childish, but your poker session really did serve its purpose. it ended up being the first time you've been able to properly relax and just have fun in months. it didn’t matter that none of you three got a lot of sleep – just getting to enjoy the moment was good enough.
however, the next day, it was all back to square one again.
the sprint race was indeed an overtaking party, as sebastian had suggested – but six overtakes from p20 is still not enough for any points, not even when about five drivers crash in the first lap. despite all that, you still had some hope for the feature; even more laps to work your way up the ranks and the possibility of having a good strategy were the only two thoughts on your mind.
but yet again, you left the race having scored exactly no points. and to your biggest annoyance, the winner was the one person you prayed would not get the win. one pretty much no one had expected.
just like spa last year in f3, paul was insanely lucky with his choice of strategy. with a perfectly timed late pit stop when the safety car came out, he came out in the front of the field on his new option tires. pretty much the entire field behind him had opted for the opposite strategy, which meant he soared away at the safety car restart and took the win quite easily.
at least, now the championship can't possibly get any worse, can it?
celebrations are always due when paul wins, and this weekend is no exception. you honestly wanted nothing more than to stay back in your hotel room and forget about the weekend even happening. but after some combined begging from ollie, pepe and jak, all saying something about how "you're no fun anymore" and "it's been so long since you partied with us", you finally gave in.
"and i promise, you won't be left alone for even a second," ollie whispers into your ear as he wraps his arm around your waist, guiding you through the door to the club of the night. "i'll be right here, and all of your other friends. okay?"
your answer comes in the form of a hum and a quick nod as the loud music floods all of your senses the second you step into the club. your boyfriend gives you a squeeze, just about to speak up again, when he spots pepe waving at you both from a table a few meters ahead.
"you actually made it!" he exclaims when you join him, reaching over to give your shoulder a gentle squeeze before letting his hand drop to his side again. "and you look great. i was scared you'd show up wearing your race suit or pyjamas just as a form of protest."
"trust me, i wanted to," you tell him with a shrug. "but someone stopped me. said it wasn’t appropriate."
"what, i was just supposed to let you make a fool of yourself?" ollie scoffs from next to you. "isn't that why i'm your boyfriend? making sure you don't embarrass yourself in public?"
"of course, what else?" you say back without missing a beat, giving him a pat on the top of his head. you then turn to greet dennis, zak and gabriel, who are also standing by the table. the discussion around the table easily falls into a race debrief, before morphing into a debate about the f1 race of the night. but it doesn't take long until the group is split up, with pepe and gabriel deciding to go for a round of dancing on the dance floor, and dennis and zak both running off toward the bathrooms.
you have to confirm to ollie about five times that you indeed will be alright standing alone for a few moments as he walks the twenty meters away to the bar to get you both a drink before he actually goes away. the way he's treating you feels somewhat strange; like you're some kind of fragile glass sculpture, like even the slightest hint of turbulence will make you break.
but then again, maybe you've earned it. your recent months definitely haven't been making you any stronger, that's for sure.
you don't really mind it at first; the slight tipsiness you already feel from the shots dennis had ordered for the table and the throbbing bass from the random house song playing on the dance floor doing a good job at drowning out your thoughts. except, that's only until something out on the dance floor catches your attention from the corner of your eye.
paul has been gone all evening, busy celebrating his win probably, and your heart flutters momentarily at the sight of him out there. but when you turn your head towards him to take him in fully, your heart drops instead.
he's with someone. and not just anyone – a girl.
a girl who's got her arms draped around his neck, while his hands hold her hips close to him.
the smiles on their lips can be spotted from miles away, and you can hear the sweet sound of paul's laughter ringing in your ears when you see her lean in to whisper something in his ear.
who is she? what's she doing with her arms around him? why is she-
your thoughts all go silent when paul places a hand underneath her jaw, leans down, and gently presses his lips to hers. it's like the entire world goes silent; like everything else is just a blur of blinking lights, but the spotlight is on the couple on the dance floor. your eyes can't help but follow their lips, their hands caressing each other's bodies...
goosebumps spread across your skin in an instant and an eerie feeling passes through your body. you finally manage to pull your gaze off paul and the girl – who is she, anyway? – and you turn away, making a beeline to the restroom. thankfully, a woman exits through the door just as you arrive, and you're quick to lock yourself in.
once you're inside and pressing your back up against the wall, it's like everything that's been building up in you is let loose. the walls are broken down, and every thought and emotion you have comes crashing down onto you. rivers of tears are flowing down your cheeks before you can react, and you slide down the wall, knees coming up to your chest as your hands come up to cover your face.
there's this strong, heartbreaking feeling spreading through your chest. is it jealousy? is it disappointment? regret?
what you do know is that this aching feeling in your heart is stronger than ever.
is this how paul feels when he sees me with ollie?
it can't be, you think – it just can't. paul can't be in this much pain...
does this mean that you still love him? does this mean you still aren't over him?
you know you should be over him already. you've tried so hard, put so much energy into your relationship with ollie. and yet, you still feel like this.
it's not fair. not to you, and especially not to ollie. he cares about you, respects you, supports you – hell, he's probably out there right now looking for you and wanting to make sure you're okay. he really likes you, and he thinks you like him too. but here you are, crying about another man.
when you're all out of tears, you use your last piece of strength to push yourself up from the floor, standing up and leaning over the sink. wearing non-waterproof is both a blessing and a curse; the trails down your cheeks are straight out of a nightmare, but they're also easy to wash off with a little water and some paper towels. the redness in your eyes isn't as easy to erase, unfortunately, but it'll have to do. you hope to be able to blame it on being tired, or having too much to drink.
you take a deep breath before stepping out of the bathroom and making your way towards the crowd on the dance floor again. the music is just as loud as it was before, and the crowd is just as sweaty and chaotic as a packed summer festival. thankfully, you don't see paul anywhere, but you find ollie quite easily. he's standing by a high table with gabriel and dennis when you approach, eyes lighting up when he spots you.
"there you are!" he exclaims, throwing an arm around your shoulders. "i've been looking for you–" ollie cuts himself off, his eyebrows furrowing a little. his voice lowers a few notches. "what's wrong?"
he noticed. in hindsight, how could he not? he's always been extremely attentive. "it's nothing, i..." you start, looking down at your feet. "i'm just exhausted from the day."
but he isn't stupid. he knows, he understands. even if he doesn't know who or what caused it, it's easy for him to tell that you've been crying. he nods, arm dropping from your shoulders to hold you around your back. "okay," he says, hand giving your waist a soft squeeze. "let's leave."
you look up at him again. the last thing you want is for him to have to cut his night short just for you. "no, i can go alone-"
"i don't mind. we came together, so we're leaving together." and before you can interject again, he's already said his goodbyes to the boys and pulled you along through the crowd.
the cab ride back to the hotel is mostly silent. you play the "exhausted" card, while ollie plays the "naive boyfriend" card. but just because you're both quiet doesn't mean your heads aren't absolutely buzzing. your mind is racing with the memory of paul's lips on that girl, kissing her and holding her like he used to kiss and hold you. but your thoughts are also clouded by the guilt you feel for being this much of a mess, and making yourself so unavailable to ollie.
ollie, on the other hand, isn't exactly rolling his thumbs, either. it takes his everything not to push you into telling him what's wrong; he wishes you would tell him because you want to, not because he's pressuring you. he's so worried about you, but at the same time, he hates the fact that you won't confide in him.
what's he doing wrong? why don't you trust him?
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ollie is fast asleep next to you in your hotel bed when you pull out your dark blue journal from the bedside table.
the journal is not a secret from him anymore per se, but you still waited until this moment. the guilt of writing about another man when ollie is the one in bed with you is too big to face with his brown eyes looking up at you, so you'd rather do it like this.
yet another round of the championship, yet another bad weekend. no points, bad results as always – and that's not even the worst part.
paul was with another girl. someone i've never seen before. but he was acting like they were attached by the hip. like they've known each other forever. like i wasn't even there.
he must've known i would see. and yet, he had no issues kissing her like his life depended on it.
is it only this painful to see paul because we haven't spoken in weeks?
or is it going to be like this forever?
and just like in melbourne, there's one more thought that springs to your mind that you just can't find in yourself to write down.
i wish it were me.
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yourusername a weekend to forget, focusing on monaco instead. thanks for your support. ❤️ #foreversenna
show all 47 comments
user you did the best you could 💙
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user honestly what is she doing?
→ user bad results over and over even though the car is on fire, what even
→ user awkward
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user are she and ollie even a couple anymore?
→ user just because she doesn't post him, they've broken up? 🤨
→ user no no it's just because i've heard things... 😶
→ user omg pls tell me
→ user she'll delete the comment probably 🤪 but lemme dm you
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70 notes · View notes
babyjakes · 1 year
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〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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event | jan '23 blurb night
summary | you love when your daddy gives you your special exam.
pairing | soft!doctor!daddy!steve rogers x little!reader
warnings | ddlg (soft sweet gentle loving daddy!steve <333), very long idk why, medfet elements: exam table, gloves, speculum, rectal thermometer, fingering, clit play, anal play, multiple orgasms, encouragement and praise, slight mocking/humiliation? in a very loving way
word count | 1,426
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requested by @bucky-boo-bear | ok. so for the blurb night, how about consensual medfet. Like daddy!(character of your choice) preparing everything earlier, talking you through the steps even though you have done this before. Checking in with you every once in a while and taking care after.
an | friend!!!! thankyou so much for sending this one in. i was hoping we'd get to have a soft daddy moment tonight hehe <3 dr. rogers is where it all began for me, and i love this take on him. hope you enjoy!!
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okay so. steve definitely runs his practice out of his home. similar to a rare condition, he has a little clinic attached to his house with a separate entrance and everything. it's a clinic for daddies/mommies and littles to come and do medical play, which he often helps out with. but your favorite times are when daddy closes the whole clinic just for you, for your designated daddy and baby exam days <3
being your daddy, he wants to make sure he's keeping a close eye on your physical health, especially down in your special areas. plus both of you love the experience of doing the exam together. there's something so special (and undeniably sexy) about the whole process for you: the table, the medical instruments, the orgasms your daddy always spaces out through the entire ordeal. plus, the sight of your daddy all dressed up for his work as a physician is just the cherry on top; you adore the way his muscles bulge in the tight white button-down shirts he wears. and the white nitrile exam gloves he buys are just the right size, fitting so snuggly around his massive hands; the tightness almost never fails to make you drool. and daddy loves the medical play just as much as you do, of course. out of all the little patients he gets to see, you're his favorite by far- none of the rest even come close to comparing.
so maybe today's the day, it's been a few months and daddy says you're due for another exam. he's prepared an exam room for you already, your favorite one with the pretty butterfly stickers on the wall. he takes you over to the clinic and into your room, helping you out of your clothes before draping the scratchy paper gown over you. "you gonna be a good girl for me today, sweetheart?" he smiles so lovingly when you give him a big nod. "of course you are, you're always so good for daddy, aren't you baby?"
next you're lifted up onto the exam table, the roll of paper crunching softly beneath you as you're set down with your legs dangling off the edge. "okay doll. go ahead and lay back for me," steve prompts. once you're lying flat, he helps you scoot closer to the edge of the table, adjusting the stirrups a little wider for you before guiding your legs up into them. you squirm a little as your gown's lifted, earning soft encouragement from your daddy. "it's okay, sweet girl. that feel a little chilly?"
he rubs his hands together for a few moments before grabbing a pair of gloves from their box on the wall and snapping them on. then, he settles down on his little rolling stool and positions himself at the end of the table, rolling his tool tray over by his side. he reaches up and adjusts the lamp above you to better illuminate your perfect petals, sitting so prettily as they wait for your daddy's tender touch. lifting up your bottom, he eases a large gauze pad underneath you to catch anything that might... eheh... drip... "okay honey. let's have a look here..."
he spreads you apart with both hands gently, cooing at the sight of your arousal already beginning to pool up in your tiny little hole. "everything looks good, sweetheart. this feel okay?" he asks as he manipulates your lips a bit more, pulling you open this way and that, "no pain anywhere?"
"no pain, daddy," you tell him, trying to keep your voice steady.
"good. just gonna insert a finger, bub. deep breath in for me..." you mewl as his first digit enters you, earning a smile from the doctor. "good, took that so well, pretty girl. everything feelin' okay?"
stumbling a bit over your breaths, you nodded. "f-feels okay, daddy. feels good."
"good," he croons, gently working his finger in and out of you. "just feeling around, baby. gonna insert a second finger. you ready?"
"y-yes daddy, yes please," you try to keep yourself from begging.
he chuckles a little at your insistence, easing in a second finger to fill you up more, building the pace of his thrusts gradually. "good, now daddy's gonna work your g-spot, okay honey? you remember what happens when daddy does that?"
swallowing hard, you nod. "y-yes daddy, i... i cum daddy, can i cum, please?" at your words, the blonde man finds your special spot with the tips of his fingers, stroking with relentless force and consistency.
"of course you can, sweet girl. go ahead, you can cum," he allows, praising you enthusiastically as you clench down on his fingers. "there it is, good girl. so good for me baby..."
he lets you recover and replaces his gloves before returning to the big drippy mess you've made, cleaning you up a little with some paper napkins before adjusting the light a little further down, turning up the brightness a few notches. "alright, little one. time to take a look at that pretty little clit of yours next." with just the tips of his gloved fingers, he begins to pull back the skin surrounding your sensitive button, smiling as it peaks out from underneath its hood. "just gonna test your sensitivity, sweetheart," he tells you before dragging a thumb up through your sticky wetness, smearing the slick all over your tiny bundle of nerves.
you whimper and squirm a bit at the feeling, and steve coos knowingly in response. "i know baby, it's so sensitive, isn't it? that feel good? you like it when daddy spreads you out and rubs right there, right on your poor little clit?"
you try to form words, but your brains all mushy as he uses one hand to spread you out, the other working its thumb in precise circles over the little knot of flesh. "please daddy, p-please," you whine.
"look at that, getting so swollen already. can feel your muscles tightening up, baby. are you gonna cum again for me?"
he's just finishing his sentence as you tumble over the edge once more, this time squirting out a little onto the gauze below. steve chuckles as your poor pussy clenches and contracts around nothing. "good, so good for me," he praises again.
next is the speculum, normally steve would lubricate it but he never has to when he's examining you. your eyes water a little at the sight of the dreaded instrument, prompting your daddy to rub your inner thigh soothingly, "you're okay, doll. daddy'll be real gentle, i promise." maybe this time you're a little extra weary of the tool, so steve rubs your clit as he inserts it to ease the discomfort. "good," he sings as you take the plastic inside your little cunt. "just gonna rotate it and open you up now, honey. deep breath- that's it..."
you whimper at the stretch, but soon you're able to focus once more on his steady strokes against your clit. "good," he breathes, adjusting the light as needed to look inside. "everything looks healthy and normal in here, little one. doing so good for me. you ready for your temperature?"
this is the last part of the routine exam, and admittedly the part you struggle with the most. steve sees the dread in your eyes, offering you a sympathetic smile as he prepares the thermometer with a hard plastic covering, opening up a packet of lubricant and squeezing it out onto the tip. "we're almost done, sweetie. just gotta put it in, then you can cum again. you gonna be brave for me?"
tears built up in the corners of your eyes, you nod down at your daddy. "good girl. alright honey," he uses his thumb to drag some of your wetness down, smearing it over your tighter little hole. you let out a squeak in fear, earning soothing shushes from steve. "shh, darlin'. just gonna feel a little pressure here..." you whine softly as the tip is inserted, but as soon as its in place, steve's thumb returns to your clit and you're able to relax again. "good girl, did so good for me," he praises. "think someone deserves to cum again, hmm?" you reach the edge quickly, the sight of you spread out before him, little clit so puffy and swollen, cunt forced open by the wings of the speculum, tiny ass stuffed with the wand of the thermometer, the most glorious thing steve's ever seen.
"come on, sweetheart. cum for daddy, you've been such a good little patient today."
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win-writes · 1 year
Poe + Dark chocolate 5 pls!
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𝘋𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦 5: “𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘱 𝘵𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘺”
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༶ pairing; poe x fem!reader
༶ contains; sub!poe, getting caught masturbating, use of good boy, teasing, handjob, spitting, kissing
༶ word count; 1,470
༶ word count; this turned out way longer that i wanted but oof,,, hope you like it sweetheart!! tysm for your request i had fun writing this hehe
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Pure torture
One simple sentence. Two words that perfectly describe Poe's current state. Laying on his back in your shared bed, clothes scattered all over the floor, with one hand covering his eyes while the other one is palming his hard cock, Poe can't help the whines and whimpers that escape his drooling mouth, filling the quiet room. He cannot recall how long he's been stuck in this position, unable to reach that release he's been chasing these past few days.
You, his lovely sweetheart, were gone on a business trip. That left your lover no choice, but to pleasure himself all on his own. But how could he? How could he ever reach his high without your soft lips or your tight pussy wrapped around his dick? How could his own tired and worn out hand ever replace your delicate fingers and your gentle palm?
Poe keeps stroking his hard member, with the only thing closest to you being his mental image of you riding him. He keeps crying out your name, soaking the pillow under his head with saliva. He's so lost deep into his nasty thoughts of you, he swears he can hear you calling out to him right now as if you were there.
"Edgar darling, do you perhaps need a helping hand?"
Except you are there.
Poe's head rises from the covers, revealing the flustered state he's in. His long beautiful hair may cover a lot of his features, but not enough to hide the embarrassment panted all over his face. "My.. my love what.. w-what are you doing here?" he stutters while his hands desperately try to hide his naked form from your sight." I didn't know.. you'll be back today.. " he looks down on his hands, not having the courage to look you in the eyes.
"I thought it would be fun to surprise you.." Poe can't pinpoint exactly when did you walk all the way to his side from the door, making him yelp at the feeling of your soft hand touching his wet from drooling chin, bringing him up to face you "And turns out, I was right" you whisper right above his lips.
Poe leans forward, hoping to catch your lips into a kiss he has been waiting for days, but it seems like you have other plans. You back up again, undoing your shirt's buttons painfully slow for Poe's liking, "Not so fast darling" your voice sounds so erotic, but your words make your lover bite his lower lip and frown his eyebrows.
Once you're done focusing on your shirt, your hands move lower, carefully and just as slowly taking off your pants, "Is this what you've been doing while I was away?" You let your pants drop to the floor before climbing up to the bed, until your clothed core is hanging over Poe's now hard rock cock and your lips ghost over his once again "Touching yourself so desperately while thinking of me?" Your lover is now panting below you, patiently waiting for your next move and hoping you'll finally give him what he's been waiting for since the moment you left your house.
"Did you manage to cum without me, my love?"
Poe's hands grip on the sheets, hopelessly trying to contain them from touching you without permission, knowing full well you might punish him for it. And like the good boy he is, he simply answers your question, "N-no.. Not even once.." he attempts to hide his eyes from you again, but you're fast to hold him back into his pillow by pushing your hand against his forehead, finally revealing his whole face, "There's my good boy. Even your body knows you're not allowed to cum without me."
You decide to reward his obedience with a steamy kiss. The moment your lips crushed against his, Poe groaned into your mouth. He kissed you like it meant the world to him. Like it's the last time he's ever gonna taste the sweetness of your lips. But unfortunately for him, you broke your kiss almost as soon as it started, "Now now, why don't you tell me what you want my darling?" you ask him as you sit up on his lap, feeling his dick hitting your lower back.
"I-I.." Poe loses his words at the sound of your question. Just a few minutes ago, he was twitching just at the thought of you on top of him, and now out of nowhere his wish came true. His facial expressions make it obvious to you that your man is overwhelmed by your sudden arrival. You give him your warmest smile as you slowly grind your ass against his twitching cock, "Come on my love, use your words and tell me what you want"
Your lover hates it when you act like this. You have the face and voice of an angel, making him think that you're about to grant all his wishes and he doesn't have to worry about a thing. But at the same time, the words you spit out and the way your body moves, burn away that halo above your head.
But that's exactly what makes him love you even more.
"Please stop teasing me and touch me already"
Poe doesn't fail to notice the smirk of your lips at the sound of his reply, "How could I say no when you ask me so nicely?" You carefully crawl further down on the bed, so that you're directly facing his cock. The young author sinks his teeth into his lip once again at the hot sight in front of him. You give his shaft a playful kitten lick, feeling his manhood throb at the sudden contact. You giggle at your boyfriend's adorable reaction, but you're not quite done messing with him yet.
"Oh? Are you already that sensitive darling?" you softly place his dick in the palm of your hand, gently giving it a stroke, earning another moan from him, "Then I guess just my hand is enough for today, hm?" Poe was about to speak, but only a whine managed to escape his lips the moment he felt your spit hitting his cock. You started palming him at a slow pace, spreading your saliva all over his length, making your man a mewling and sobbing mess. You can already see his tip leaking precum and Poe's cheeks painted red. He feels so incredibly ashamed that he's about to come when you've barely stoked his dick yet, but he can't help himself. He missed you so much, it's only natural he wouldn't last longer.
Just when he was about to ask your permission to cum, he accidentally shot his seed all over your face and hand. You widen your eyes at his early release, "Done already? Without even asking?" Poe tries to catch his breath in order to come down from his high, nervously looking in your eyes "I- I didn't mean to! Please I'll be good next time, i promise!"
Oh, how you loved that look on his face; half-lidded eyes, mouth agape, an overall lewd expression taking over all his pretty features. How could you ever punish such a lovely face? You sit up and wipe your face, collecting his cum in your fingers. You look him in his eyes as you sensually lick your creamy hand "It's alright baby" you tilt closer to his face without breaking eye contact "I'm not gonna punish you today, so don't worry about it"
Your lips connect together yet another time. His hands immediately find their way into your hair, deepening the kiss. His lips are soft and warm, panting slightly into the kiss, allowing your tongue to slip inside his mouth and letting him to taste himself. Poe lets a low mewl escape into your mouth, making your heated cunt clench around nothing.
It doesn't take long for him to run out of breath and break the kiss, "I missed you.. I missed you so much.." he tucks some of your locks behind your ears to take a better look at your angelic face. You smile at him, placing a soft peck on his forehead "I missed you too my love" Poe places his hands on your waist, drawing circles on your bare lower half "This wasn't fair to you.. I was the only one taken care of.." his tone is now completely different and his eyes are dark "I told you it's alright, I don't-" in a swift move, Poe has you pinned down on the mattress. His skilled fingers brush over your drenched panties, making you moan at the sudden contact "Let me do this for you please" he drags your wet undies to the side, making direct contact with your dripping pussy "I promise I'll make you feel good my love"
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bowandcurtsey · 1 year
Can I request just a fluffy headcanon of Nozel's normal day of being a dad of 5 kids, and the husband of a optimistic wife?? Btw, I love you se much!! Been here since the beginning and I am so proud of how far you are right now, I love you and thank your for everything!
Oh hello Anony hehe (♡˙︶˙♡)
Yes to dad! domestic! Nozel. This is just so cute. Thinking of him having a big family warms my heart.
And what? here from the beginning? Thank you sm.. ily (。T ω T。) I'm so blessed for readers like you, I hope you're still here when I post this fic because thank you for waiting for such a long time ♡
I'll make this extra fluffy since it's the last request in my inbox hehe.
Characters: Nozel Silva x F! reader ft. 5 kids
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You have no idea how it happened and here you are, with your 5th newborn child. I mean, you always saw yourself having a child or children with Nozel but 5? you never imagined that.
But when the first one came, you both loved him so much, you decided to try for another, and then a third and truth to be told, 4th was kinda and accident and five was... a surprise.
But well, since your husband loved all of them dearly anyway and after the second one you both were already pretty used to everything anyway, so you wouldn't have it any other way.
Your husband never fails to amaze you every single day. How he could juggle all his works and duties AND be there for all of your kids and you, was beyond you.
After your third child was born, you retired as a magic knight and became a full time mother. Nozel was initially a little grumpy he couldn't get to see you at work anymore and a teeny tiny jealous about you being able to be with the kids ALL THE TIME.
but he knew it was for the best and he had 110% confidence in you bring your children up perfectly.
There are days where he doubted himself, wondering if he was enough as a husband and a father to all 5 kids.
Days where the kids start to go through their stages in life and disagree with and disobey their father, and he was really hurt deep down.
Thankfully he married an optimistic wife like you, being his personal cheerleader, confidant, advisor and best friend. Holding him when he needs you and just giving him the love and attention that he needed.
Sometimes you joke that you have 6 kids, Nozel was your first and big baby. hehe, he always acted like he was not, but low key he loved being your baby too.
You love watching your man on a day to day basis honestly. He woke up in wee hours of the morning, and he would get himself ready and then he would slowly wake the schooling kids up.
Slowly calling them, patting them, just being patient with them as they grumbled, cried and snooze until they finally got up.
The servants would help the kids get ready, but Nozel would always insist that they learn how to wash up and dress up themselves. Nozel and you would step in to help if they had any difficulty like buttoning their buttons or tying their laces.
The servants would help do their hair make them breakfast.
Nozel would make it a habit to eat breakfast with you and the kids. Then he would drop them all off at school and he would head to work.
He would also pick them up unless he had to work late or if he was out on a mission. Else Daddy Silva would always be there on his mercury eagle to pick all of them up.
Nozel would make sure that they cleaned up and have a fresh change of clothes before having dinner. And no this dad wouldn't allow the servants to pick up after his kids.
"Put your bag down in your room neatly and get changed." he would gently and sternly tell them.
Being the super smart royal he was, he would help his kids with homework but as they grew older, he would get a professional tutor to come help them.
He would also spend time with the other younger children that didn't have school and play with them for a bit after dinner.
Sometimes it would be doing colouring, or even playing some sports or games, or even a tea party. You were surprised that this royal would sit at the little table with his daughters, sipping "tea"
bedtime was just as chaotic as morning, because your energetic monkeys were harder to get into bed that to get them out of it.
Sometimes Nozel had to give them a little scolding before they would cooperate and behave. But well, daddy always had his way of handling his kids.
After the last child was tucked in, he finally had time to get a quick shower and finally hold and cuddle you, washing all of his stress away. You were like his charger, replenishing all the energy he needed.
Of course you always had to compliment what a good job he's done and that you were always thankful and grateful for him.
On days where he had to work late or had missions that he couldn't come home, he was so worried for you. Before he left he would sternly tell the kids to not give you any trouble, else they would get it from him when he was back.
He would also try to listen to his kids talk, whether it was about something non-sensical or really just something that wouldn't really matter, he would listen and give sincere advices and answers. He respected his children and wanted to be more involved in their childhood in whatever way he could.
During the rest and off days he had, he would always have some kind of plans for the kids. Going to swim, beach day, park day, theme park, museums, whatever you could think off. Every activity is a learning experience for his kids.
He wanted his children to have a memorable childhood partly because of the guilt he felt with Noelle.
And also because he knew that one day they would grow up and they would have their own lives and wouldn't be too keen on having a family day out anymore.
Of course once a month, a day would be reserved just for you only, he would put the kids with aunt Noelle, aunt Nebra and uncle Solid.
Sometimes they go to the Vermillion household or sometimes he would enroll the kids in summer camp. Well partly because he wants the kids to be strong and learn to be independent and another part because he knew you both needed a break.
Thinking about all the things he's doing in 24 hours makes you admire your husband greatly and you would always remember to tell him. Once in a blue moon, you would send all the kids away and just let him have a rest day and you'd treat him like he was king.
You have no regrets having a big family with this man but if anyone asks about child number 6.. you'd tell them you're good with this, although you know your man would not object.
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gaybananabread · 1 year
hey! i saw your craig and tweek piece, and i loved it ahah, i was wondering if you write for south park, and if u do can we get ler! craig and lee! tweek?? like if tweek is struggling with his anxiety and craig cheers him up. if not its all good, hope u have a good day/night, take care of yourself ^^
Damn, this was a throwback. Been awhile since I've done anything South Park, hope you enjoy!
Ler: Craig
Lee: Tweek
Summary: Tweek's anxiety was rampant, his nerves completely shot. Craig helps him calm down, and have a good laugh.
Warnings: swearing (of course). This is a tickle fic, so if you don't like that, scroll away!
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He couldn't belive it. His parents, his legal guardians, left him home alone for the week. True, he was 16, but that's a lot of responsibility! He could forget to lock the doors, someone could break in, steal his families prized possessions, and then the house is on fire! On top of all that, he still had school!
He stumbled through getting ready, his shirt-buttoning skills even worse than usual. Tweek didn't even bother with his hair, knowing the comb would do more harm than good. He didn't see the time, and almost missed his bus.
Craig's day was pretty average. His family were their normal level of assholes, annoying but manageable. When he saw Tweek before school, he knew it would be a long day. The blonde was crawling in his skin, flinching at every noise, and jittering like he had seven expresso shots. While that was probably true, he needed help to wind down. Lucky for him, Craig's got a plan.
School was over, along with Tweek's composure. He was on the verge of a breakdown when Craig walked over to him. "Hey, I'm coming over your house." No room for argument or overthinking. The boy flinched away, nervously laughing. "Hehe, sure, w-why not? It's not like a millLIONn things can g-go wrOng!" Craig clapped his shoulder, guiding him to the bus. The driver didn't care enough to question why a new kid jumped on.
The ride was quiet, aside from the tapping of Tweek's foot. Craig put his headphones on, listening to music. He sat his hand on the blonde's leg, trying to ground him. It sort of worked, but he was still a nervous wreck.
When they arrived at his house, Tweek fumbled with the keys, dropping them a few times. Craig helped, holding his hand and guiding the keys in. They tossed their bags in a closet and sat on the couch, deciding to watch a movie. At least, they tried.
"What about Jurassic Park ?" Tweek shook his head, going on a rant. "No! Th-those movies have a lot of nOIse, what if someone thinks w-we're in trouble and calls the COPS!" Craig rolled his eyes, moving past the fifth shot-down idea. This is getting old.
He grabbed Tweek's shoulders and pinned him to the couch, looking him dead in the eyes. "Dude, CHILL OUT! I know you've got some issues, but this is getting outta hand." He poked his stomach, trying to get his point across. What he didn't expect was the squeak he got.
"Damn, I forgot how ticklish you are." Tweek blushed, trying to hide his face.This is perfect!  What better way to let go than with laughter! He pinned his hands beneath his knees, getting a better grip. Tweek twisted and pulled, but he was trapped.
"H-hey! Craig, this is so stuhuEEehehehehe!" Craig wasted no times, skittering his fingers across Tweek's belly. His poorly buttoned shirt allowed Craig's fingers to slip in and get his bare stomach. For once, the dumb buttons helped him. "CrahaHAIG! QUIHIHIT ihihit!"
The beanied-bastard felt like teasing. "Nah, you're waaaay too cute like this." Tweek just hid his face in his shoulder, trying to hide the rosy blush on his face. Craig moved his hand up, finding a sweet spo/ bear the top of his ribs. Tweek's giggles turned into laughter, the tickles getting five times worse. "Man, this must really tickle, huh? Sucks to be you right now."
Tweek was conflicted. He was enjoying himself, but Craig was super flustering! The tickles felt amazing, distracting him from his anxious thoughts. However, the teases were turning his brain to mush! "QUHIHIHIT TEHEASING MEHEHEHE!" Craig just rolled his eyes.
"Tickles come at a price. No teases, no tickles." Tweek whined through his laughter, shaking his head. He tugged at his hands, but they were very much stuck. He was starting to get tired.
Craig saw this, and leaned down. He was so close that his breath tickled Tweek's ear. "I'm gonna do one more thing. Buckle up, Jitters." He whipped upwards, lifted Tweek's shirt, and blew a huge raspberry on his poor belly. He burst out laughing, bucking his hips. "CRAHAHAHAHAHAIG!  IHIHIT'S SO BAHAHAHAD!"
He blew a few smaller ones, skittering his fingers up and down Tweek's sides. After a few seconds of this awesomeness torment, he let up, climbing off of Tweek. The boy immediately curled into a ball, laughing off the ghost sensations on his torso. He kicked Craig's leg, getting a poke to the side.
"Ihi'm tired. W-wanna wahatch Frozen?" Craig laughed, turning on the movie. Tweek snuggled up next to him, pulling a blanket over them. Within the first half hour, they were both asleep, smiles on their faces.
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ssahotchnerr · 2 years
so i’m writing dadsbestfriend!hotch x reader (but christmas edition) and it’s everything i ever needed - are you kidding me? mistletoe and secret santa and aaron looking so goddamn fine in a red button down, sleeves rolled up to his elbows so that when he’s shrugged off his suit jacket you can see every chord of muscle right down to the veins on his arms !!
and because it’s not even thanksgiving yet and i’m impatient, i’m leaving this here because little details like this have me giggling and kicking my feet
“i come bearing gifts.” he holds up a tupperware container. “dessert. jack and i made sugar cookies. granted, they might not be recognizable - jack was a bit overzealous with the frosting - but they are delicious, and,” he offers you a neatly wrapped present, complete with a red bow, “for the now not-so-secret santa.”
he chuckles at his own joke, a warm and light sound that rumbles low in his chest, and considering that aaron's laughs are a rarity, few and far in between - and reserved for altogether special company - it's that knowledge that has you, despite the cold, feeling such warmth; straight out from your heart to the tips of your fingers and toes.
pls hit me with ur holiday hotch thoughts 🥺💗
STOPPPPP the way that is so incredibly and absolutely perfect i am MELTING 😭🥰 if you're comfy with it, pls tag me once you've finished i would love to read it fully 🫶🏻
cw; mentions of food, quick reference to haley's death
UGH but holidays with the hotchners 🥺🥺🥺 i have many many thoughts hehe i hope you're ready!!!!
i can see aaron being the type to wait until after it's thanksgiving to really begin prepping or whatnot, BUT you, along with jack's help, are pulling all the christmas boxes out of storage within the first week of november.
AHHH imagine aaron getting home from work, and as he opens the door he is immediately greeted by the blasting of christmas music and boxes piled in the living room. at first, he freezes and is like what in the world ????? but then jackers runs up to him all excited that he's finally home so the three of you can finally start decorating because he's been waiting way way too long 🥹🥹🥹 you join the two of them, just as excited as jack, and aaron looks at you amusingly and is like "wasn't it halloween not even a week ago?? what happened to thanksgiving?" but hehe nonetheless, that night aaron sets up the tree and you all decorate the apartment together <3333
and that's just the beginning of all the festivities 🥹 the first day it actually snows a decent amount, you and aaron take jack sledding <3 UGHGHGN aaron all bundled up in a puffy coat with a hat and scarf 😭😭 he's also very adamant that you and jack are equally as bundled up, there will be no frostbite on his watch >:( but the three of you all race one another down the hill, and take turns going down with jack 🥹 speaking of aaron gets so <3333 seeing you and jack sliding down the hill together. on several occasions the sled topples over, throws you both into the snow and the two of you are just laughing and laughing 🥺 and despite the cold aaron is just feeling so so so warm because he feels so happy and what more could he want in the world than his two favorite people 😭 and afterwards!!! it only makes sense to indulge in hot chocolate and watch a christmas movie <3 the three of you cozy up on the couch (and yes, you did talk aaron into matching christmas jammies) with blankets and your hot chocolate and have a sweet night in <3 this year, jack can't seemingly get enough of elf but he barely makes it twenty minutes, falling asleep from the super fun day he had <3 hehe that leaves you and aaron 🥺 you're curled up at his side and he has an arm around you <3 AH he just keeps giving you kisses and his eyes are so so full of love when he looks at you 🥰😣
and the week of christmas!!!!!! full of making cookies, last minute shopping, the three of you work on a gingerbread house together, and jack is nearly bouncing off the walls with excitement from the second he wakes up until he's tucked into bed that night <3 and just the thought of aaron in cozy sweaters or crewnecks <3333 omg
on christmas eve, dave has his big get-together at his mansion, for dinner and gifts with the team. and then christmas day is just a day for you and your boys 🥺<3 jack is in your room right at dawn, jumping onto the bed to wake you and aaron up because you've been asleep for far too long and he needs to see if santa stopped by!!!!!! hehe aaron gets up first much to jack's dismay, because he has to wait just five more minutes, solely just to put some coffee on <333 but that gives you an opportunity to give jack some quick snuggles and tell him merry christmas 🥹 and finally when aaron is ready hehe, jack runs out and is completely enamored by what he sees 🥹 you and aaron watch him open his gifts, and then jack surprises you with gifts of his own!!!! it's different crafts he made at school, but you can easily tell how hard he worked on them and jack is also very proud of himself that he managed to keep this a lil secret without letting it spill🥺 and then it's the rest of the family gifts!!! heheh you and jack got aaron a gift, and aaron and jack got you one <3333 ughbgh there is just so much love in the air and everything is absolutely perfect <3 the three of you also stay in your pajamas all day long 🥺
ALSO!!! it wasn't until after you entered aaron's life that his holiday season became more festive 😭 while he was with haley, they did the per usual; decorating, presents, christmas cookies, made it as fun as they could for jack- all that. but after the divorce, everything changed since it was just him. he would still have a tree, he would decorate cookies with jack, but the season just didn't feel as magical anymore :( and it didn't help that he had such a busy work schedule. plus before haley died, he only spent a few hours with jack on christmas, meaning he spent most of the day alone :((((( but now, he has you and will never feel sad or alone during the holiday season as well, which now quickly become his favorite time of year 🥹 plus let's not forget how you are driven to make sure jack has an amazing holiday season after everything he went through too :( you just want to supply your boys with the most love possible 🥺
so even decorating earlier works in aaron's favor then, because since you never know when he'll be dragged away by serial killers, you have a more open window of time to make sure aaron is included and doesn't miss out on anything <33333
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italeean · 10 months
Hello! I saw the event while scrolling and decided to give it a shot!
Description: I do have a semi-intimidating presence, but I'm honestly rather shy. I don't really talk with many people, but the ones that I'm close with, I just act cuddly and bubbly with. I like playing video games a lot, as well as giving compliments and affection to my besties. I don't like dealing with very loud noises (ex. screaming).
I am a switch leaning lee.
Fandom: Genshin Impact
With a female please!
Hello Glaciaaa how're you doing? Thank you for participating, and sorry for making you wait so long... with my birthday coming up and my attempts to restore my social life after 2 years of studying with no breaks, I haven't been really active here on tumblr. Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and you're more than welcome to let me know if you do! ❤️🍡 *some dango for you while you read my work*
🔮 For this event, your pair is... YAE MIKO
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🔮 Why did I choose her for you?
• So... just as you're cuddly with the ones close to you, Yae has a bubbly side as well behind her teasy personality! • When she first laid her eyes on you, she almost sweet-talked you into being a shrine maiden, but you miraculously managed to keep up your cold façade and turned her down • The Kitsune wasn't really used to not getting what she wanted, which made you even more interesting in her eyes... what she didn't expect was to eventually fall in love with you • You were pretty surprised when she asked you out... according to Miko, your ears were as pink as hers actually hehe • I'm pretty sure that the tickling started a little before you had started dating, since Yae is a huge tease. You have probably been mostly on the receiving end, and only after the two of you started hanging out alone you managed to get your revenge • I'm sure she would love to watch other people being intimidated by you while she knows how goofy you can be... it would be one of her sources of amusement, but never at your expenses • You're also one of the few people she shows her soft side to... once you start complimenting her, you might even be lucky enough to see her flustered • Yae doesn't like being ignored, which is why she does everything she can to distract you... and unfortunately (or fortunately) for you, tickles are one of her favorite distraction techniques~ • You probably found out Miko's most ticklish spot while cuddling with her. You gave her scritches on her back, but your hand got to the lower back, close to the point where the tail is attached • I see her taking you out on cute little dates, like the ones you see on romance novels. Managing a publishing house surely helps to find inspiration for date ideas • The teasy demeanor she has with everyone might make you feel insecure, but she would give you as much reassurance as you need. I see her as a tease, but she's also a caring soul in her own way • If you tell this to anyone, she's probably gonna murder you in cold blood (/jk), but she lets you cuddle her tails to sleep if you struggle with falling asleep, if you had a bad day, or if you're just in the mood. You knew she really loved and trusted you when she gave you the honor of seeing her tails~
🔮 Tickle scenario
Normal days... waking up, getting ready for work, going back home, enjoying free time... You stopped having them when you started going out with Yae Miko.
She always added spice to your days, finding new ways to tease you every time. Sometimes you wondered how she was able to come up with certain lines, or to know which nerves to strike, or which buttons to push... it was like a gift, a quirk, a power given by Celestia... you weren't completely sure, but the only clear fact is that she got you every time, and no matter how much you tried to deny it, you loved it every single time.
Although there were times where you wanted to kick her pretty butt, like this one, for example.
"No. Absolutely not. No way!" You stomped your foot and crossed your arms, which made her chuckle with her usual teasy and smug-yet graceful demeanor. "Why not? We'd both benefit from this, and everyone would be enthusiastic to see a new face~" You glared at her and breathed sharply, "There's no way I'm impersonating Mrs Hina's best friend!!"
Yes, she was really asking you that. Mrs Hina's column and events were reaching extraordinary numbers of audience, so the Kitsune wanted to take advantage of that moment of glory and take more out of that business. Poor Gorou, you thought.
The banter went on until you stormed away completely embarrassed and even a little angry, and in that moment Miko understood that she had crossed the line. She noticed that many people were eavesdropping your conversation, and she understood why you seemed angry.
You were reading a book (better yet, you were pretending to read a book) when she came in. She seemed unbothered as always, but your keen eye could tell that her ears were hanging slightly lower than usual. You knew she was feeling bad, so you put your book away and waited for her to start talking.
"I may have exaggerated with the persuasion today..." She started, realizing how hard it was to apologize sometimes, "but I'm sorry for embarrassing you so much, this time I failed to see the line. Can you forgive me?" She sounded a little formal, but you knew she was sincere.
"No." You smirked; it was true that you could perceive her sincerity, but you still wanted to see her struggle just a little for once.
"Oh really now? Are you denying me my forgiveness?~"
Uh oh... you hadn't predicted this reaction from her, but you couldn't back down now. "Exactly. I'm denying your forgiveness." You replied with your best poker face, which wasn't that good actually.
You watched her approach you, with her proud bearing, her ominous smirk and her ears even more raised than ever. She swiftly pinned you to the bed, clearly indulging in her fox instincts for a second, and pulled up your shirt just enough to reveal your belly.
"Yae! What do you think you're doing??" You scoffed, making your best effort to suffocate the butterflies in your stomach and keep up your cold demeanor, but your struggle intensified when a single fingernail started drawings all kinds of shapes on your bare tummy.
"I think you know what I'm doing..." The pink-haired woman replied smugly, "since you don't wanna forgive me, I need a little persuasion." She stated with her usual mellifluous tone, then she leaned closer to your right ear and whispered "And I know this is your favorite method."
She chuckled at how you scrunched your shoulder and resumed her light, almost lazy tracing, enjoying how such a light touch made you struggle. However, you were a tough nut to crack and the ticklish feeling wasn't enough to win over your stubbornness.
But Yae knew that very well. In that moment, she lifted her hand and made a claw with it, then she held it right above your most sensitive spot. "Yae... YAE! Wait... w-we can talk about this... y-you don't need t- AAAAAHH NAHAHAHAHA PLEHEHEAHASEEE"
She attacked without even the slightest warning, making you squeal, scream and squirm like you'd never done. She knew how to tickle you in the best way thanks to her wide experience in teasing you... she was genuinely curious to see how long you'd manage to resist.
You lasted five minutes, much more than usual, before finally giving in and forgiving her, and as much as she loved hearing you beg, she understood it was time to let you breathe.
When you recovered, she revealed her tails and gestured toward you to invite you to snuggle with them. You promptly accepted and threw yourself in that wonderful world of pink fluff.
"By the way," You said after a few minutes of cuddling, "if you want someone to be Mrs Hina's best friend, why don't you do it yourself? You surely are cute enough..." you smirked.
"My my... someone clearly didn't have enough tickles to stop being cheeky, huh?" At those words, you grabbed her hands at lightning speed, but her grin made you gulp.
Were you missing something?
In that moment, you felt something fluffy caressing your neck... and you remembered that you were surrounding by the Kitsune's tails.
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taleasnewastime · 2 years
Hello again hehe LOL I thought that little button lead to a very complicated link that would require me to probably code Tumblr all over again LOL don't know why I was so afraid of sending an ask hahaha anyways:
Hello lovely! Hope you're having an amazing day. I love your writing and I feel in love with your 'What if I love you too much' story, I think I relate to OC's overthinking a little bit too much haha (did you took a sneak pick at my mind? Please confess now hehe) so is love to request a drabble of maybe that first date/dinner of them with gorgeous little Zack and maybe Zack is so shy at first and oc is in her head about the whole thing but JK sort of ease them both down with his unlimited chill that he poses in this story, some fluff and all sweetness to heal my broken heart please. If possible? Thank you so much! Lots of love from this over thinking Londoner
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Hello!! I hope I'm not too scary, I try not to be anyway. But thanks for asking for WIILYTM requests, and thanks for sending this in! I struggled to start with but in the end I think it's cute so I hope you like it :) Thanks for loving my fic, hope you're doing ok!!
Genre: FLUFF!
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: Reader is frustrated at Zac, worries, insecurities, same old with this story really
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“Zac, I asked you to go brush your teeth.”
You’re being too snappy, taking your nerves out on your son, but Jungkook will be here any minute and you still have one hundred things left to do. The house is a mess, toys everywhere, you haven’t even started thinking about cooking. Though Jungkook said he’d do it all you wanted to at least lay everything out for him so it would be easier. And Zac sat in the middle of the floor playing with his toy’s isn’t helping.
He should have been in bed an hour ago. But your stress coupled with his sixth sense for anything to do with Jungkook has meant he’s still wide awake. At least he’s in his pyjamas.
You manage to ignore him as you head into the kitchen, hoping that by the time you go back out he’ll be upstairs doing what you’ve asked. At this point you’re not even getting much done. The house in a state beyond recovery so soon to Jungkook turning up. It was his suggestion to have your date at home so that you didn’t need to worry about childcare, and though he’d offered to have it at his place, you’d said it would be easier here. Now you wish you’d never said that.
“Zac,” you stop dead in the doorway when you see him still sat playing on the floor. His eyes are wide as he looks up at you, a look that’s trying to show he’s innocent even when you both know he’s not. “What did we agree earlier?”
He looks to be contemplating the question and in this moment you fail to recognise his age and naivety. Frustration takes over. More frustration at yourself for not being more organised and nerves building for your first date with Jungkook.
“You promised that you would go to bed by 7 if I bought you that truck.”
He continues to stare at you with butter wouldn’t melt eyes. But you know you have him.
“Go brush your teeth and I’ll come and read you a story.” He stands, truck still in hand and you add, “Leave the truck here. We can play with it tomorrow.”
It’s the same moment Jungkook decides to turn up. Unaware of the current struggle going on, he does as you asked, knocks lightly on the door to announce his presence and then walks in. In theory it would have been enough to make sure Zac didn’t wake up. But with Zac not even in bed and you attempting to get him to go up, Jungkook’s arrival doesn’t help.
“Jungkook!” The name is screamed in much the same way it always is when coming out of Zac’s mouth.
While you give up, collapsing on the sofa, Jungkook only looks over at you in surprise before looking at the little boy charging towards him with a truck in his hands. He’s better at managing his emotions. You watch as he sets down a bag, bends and easily lifts the little boy who’s not so little anymore. While you always let out a little huff of effort when picking him up, Jungkook lifts him in a way that looks like he weighs nothing.
“Hey Zaccy,” he says, stepping further into the room. “I thought you’d be in bed.”
There’s a beat of silence, Zac’s attention going to his truck which he runs up and down Jungkook’s chest. He’s trying to supress a smile and when Jungkook’s eyes go from your son to you, you can see a similar smile on his own lips. At least someone’s amused by this situation.
“We were just discussing the importance of brushing our teeth, weren’t we?”
Zac’s head snuggles deeper into Jungkook’s chest, continuing to run his toy across Jungkook’s shirt while Jungkook lets out a small chuckle. You shoot him an annoyed look, but he just smiles down at your son.
“I thought something smelt,” he pegs his nose in mock offense. “Is that your breath, Zac?”
Zac giggles, looking up at Jungkook. “No!”
“Phwoar,” Jungkook waves a hand in front of his face, scrunching his face up, getting another giggle from Zac. “It is, isn’t it!” He sets him down on the floor and whilst bent whispers. “Go brush your teeth before your mum gets too upset,” Zac glances at you before looking back at Jungkook, “she’ll come read you a story in a minute.”
“And you?”
“If you go fix your stinky breath I will.”
Satisfied Zac goes running upstairs, truck and all. Jungkook watches him until he’s out of sight and then standing to his full height, turns to look at you.
“I don’t know how you do it,” you admit because that looked way too easy.
He rolls his eyes, walking towards you. “Let’s not pretend it’s not you who’s the hero here.”
“Which reminds me,” you ignore him. “Don’t look at the house. It’s a mess.”
He smiles. “Are you sure?”
He closes his eyes and then carries on walking towards you, stumbling as he goes. His arms go out in front of him as his knees hit the sofa, he falls slowly, his body hovering over you. By the time he opens his eyes you have a smile on your face.
“I meant to clean the house before you got here and at least get some food out, if not start –”
He cuts you off by pressing his lips to yours. Light, but you can still taste like the chocolate he told you he’s obsessed with. He pulls far enough away to look at you.
“I said I’d cook.”
“But I wanted to –”
“And the house isn’t a mess.”
“It’s always a mess.”
“Well, then it’s nothing I haven’t seen before.”
He smiles as you softly hit his side. He leans down to peck your lips one last time before fully pulling away. Standing above you, he offers you a hand to help you stand up. You want to tell him that this isn’t how you imagined your first date, that you wanted it to be perfect, to have candles lit and Zac tucked away. That you wanted the house clean and something delicious cooking on the hob. But that’s not your life, it’s never been perfect and it’s not about to start now. All your insecurities manifesting and all your worries about what Jungkook might start second guessing about all of this, that he might start to realise this isn’t something he wants.
All of it silenced with another small kiss, a small push towards the stairs and some reassuring words, as if he can read every thought and wants you to know that’s not what he’s thinking at all.
“Go read Zac a story,” Jungkook says. “I’ll get the food on and there’ll be a glass of wine waiting for when you’re back.”
It doesn’t alleviate your worries, but it calms them for the time being. It makes you remember that Jungkook knows what he’s getting into, that he’s here for the whole package.
You smile wider at him, are quick to lean in for one last kiss before you’re heading up the stairs to make sure that Zac is definitely cleaning his teeth.
It may not be the perfect first date for some people, but for you, you can’t think of anything better.
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emmies-agere · 6 months
omg i just saw your mari caregiver headcanons and those were super cute andd now i wanna request ones for sunny please... sunny is my caregiver when i age regress! you dont hve to do this if you're uncomfortable with it! (because i also selfship with him)have a nice day❤️❤️sorry if this was rude in any way!
hello! i’m so happy you liked my mari headcanons :0 i can definitely do that for you! i love omori so i’m always glad to write for it. i hope you like it, it was super fun to write hehe <3 have a wonderful day!
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caregiver sunny headcanons!
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•sunny is a very calm caregiver, firm when he needs to be but gentle with you overall. he’s always careful with you and makes sure that you’re alright!
•he does minor things that make you feel more small, like maybe ushering you away from a hot stove, or helping you tie your shoes. he doesn’t always mean to do them, but it makes you feel a lot more comfy in your regression!
•sunny’s go-to name for you is usually kiddo, dear, or bud. he’s not one for many pet names, but he does use them!
•he’s supportive of what you love to do when regressed, also! if you’re an artist, he’d gladly read anything you wrote and praise your drawings. he’ll ask all about your stuffed animals and your favorite toys. one thing about him is that he would always listen to you, never once ignoring/brushing you off.
•once in a while, he’ll propose to do something you aren’t usually supposed to do. for example, maybe you two would paint on the walls! or perhaps you could have just a liiittle more candy before you went to sleep...
•sunny notices things that you like. if you lingered on a specific stuffed animal for a bit too long, or if you gasped when you saw something that piqued your interest while passing a bakery... let’s just say you’ve got exactly what you wanted!
•he doesn’t mean to spoil you, he just thinks a few dollars is a small price to pay when he sees your eyes light up. or, if you’re physically affectionate, when you tackle him with a hug!
•speaking of, sunny’s not very good with physical affection. he doesn’t mind it, and he likes it with you! he just isn’t always sure how to give it. so... he’ll do things like holding your hand in a crowd, brushing a strand of hair out of your face or buttoning a button on your shirt if he sees it’s gotten loose
•sunny’s pretty good at reminding you of things, too! he’d sometimes have races with you to see who can brush their teeth the fastest, and would remind you to take your medication or put a night device in (like a retainer!)
•he’s always there for the moments that count. he’ll always wait to catch you at the bottom of a slide, and he’ll push you on a swing until you laugh and say you’ve had enough! he’d be there to hold you when things got bad and he wouldn’t even flinch as he wiped away your tears.
•sunny, while he may not always know how to say it, loves you very much. he’s really happy that you trust him and he just wants to do anything to make sure you’re safe and content. you are his whole world <3
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