lady-of-the-spirit · 6 months
the fake fic ask game
🐝 a fake fic title: "Wisdom of the Spice Girls"
🐝 send me a fake fic title, and I’ll make up a summary for it!
"You have friends?" Wanda shoves her brother and Kris shoots him an annoyed look. "Yes, Pietro, I have friends." Then with a small shrug, amends: "My best friend. And I want her to meet Wanda so she can approve of the relationship." "You're not supposed to actually say that, it's supposed to be implied." "No, I need to let you know that if she doesn't approve of you, we can't date anymore." Kris has friends (correction: one single best friend). Everyone who isn't Tony is surprised. Wanda is extremely nervous.
went with an oc fic bc i couldn't think of any other characters who fit the vibes I was thinking of
fake fic asks!
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philologicalbat · 29 days
Three Random Facts About Yourself
Rules: if you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog <3
I was tagged by @howdaretrashships and @orchisailsa. Thanks for the tags, y'all!
I used to grow tropical plants but not in a cute houseplant way. No, it was in a took-over-the-living-room-and-the-guest-bathroom way. There was a fern mounted above the shower, which was very cool to shower with—right up until I filled up the rest of the shower stall with plants and retreated to our en suite bathroom for actual bathing.
My cat once escaped her carrier on a 12+-hour-long international flight. A very nice man sitting near me ended up holding her in his arms while I desperately tried to get rid of my meal tray, so I could put her back in her carrier. This was not the weirdest thing that happened on that flight.
In my preteens, I was obsessed with reading books on punctuation. My favorite punctuation mark is currently the comma. I like to steal them from my friends while I beta their fic. :>
Tagging: @mkiaraokazami @busarewski @dytabytes @michkovs @fizzlizard @hedwig-dordt @sputnikcentury (no pressure of course!)
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shealwaysreads · 1 year
Get to know me
Game: tag someone you want to get to know better!
I was tagged by the wonderful @decaflondonfog ❤️
Three ships: recently I’ve been reading mostly lamen (Captive Prince), sterek (Teen Wolf), and some old McKirk (Star Trek)
First ship: God...we’re plumbing the depths here. I think Frodo/Sam (LOTR) was literally the first fic I ever read?
Last song: Sangkakala by Gabber Modus Operandi
Last movie: The Gentlemen
Currently reading: Ancestors by Alice Roberts
Currently watching: This moment I’m watching this adorable documentary series called The Edwardian Farm (three historians/archaeologists live as Edwardian farmers for a year, very cool).
Last thing I wrote: ...I haven’t written anything since February. Yes that is the sound of me crying a bit inside.
Currently writing: ...see above. However, thinking about trying some microfics for kinktober, maybe, in a low-pressure kind of way!
I’m tagging @captaindamianos @vmcgmidlifecrisis @goldenbi @bluebutter-art @hedwig-dordt @andithiel @thedaughterofkings and if you see this im tagging you too! @ me so I can peep what you’re up to! ❤️
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homosociallyyours · 2 years
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Days of Our Louis: 5 Fics Inspired by Louis' Early Songs
18k Teen Larry and Ziam COMPLETE
5 stories from Louis' ordinary, extraordinary life, from coming out with his best friend at age 16 to finding his forever years later. As he grows and changes along the way, he manages to touch the lives of those around him, from new friends to youth that he coaches. It doesn't hurt that Harry is with him every step of the way.
Remember when the only Louis music we had was four singles released too far apart and the line "I went to Amsterdam without you and all I could do was think about you?" Those songs inspired these five ficlets. I wrote them in 2018, but only JUST came back to finish off the last fic and complete the series. Enjoy stepping back into this little world. I recommend reading the series as a whole but I hope that each fic stands on it's own too.
Thanks to @hedwig-dordt for help with the Amsterdam bits (5 years ago!) and to @statementlou for betaing at least one part of the series when I wrote it. Dedicating this to everyone who ever left this fandom but didn't stop loving 1D (@gaycousinlarry please pass on the message)
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sigmastolen · 7 months
i was tagged by @sidewaystime and i am procrastinating my homework!!! unfortunately this will be uninteresting, also because of my homework lol
Last song listened to: outside of my storytime playlist, Johann Strauss's Thunder and Lightning Polka ("Unter Donner und Blitz"), Op. 324, from Die Fledermaus
Currently reading: uh only textbooks for school and picture books for work rn but the last thing i finished was Cleat Cute by Meryl Wilsner and the top of my TBR includes Other Minds by Peter Godfrey-Smith, The Book of Eels by Patrik Svensson, Eyeliner by Zahra Hankir, The Woman In Me by Britney Spears, and Making It So by Patrick Stewart, and i also want to reread A Prayer for the Crown-Shy, as well as The Murderbot Diaries from the beginning...
Currently watching: oh my friends i haven't watched any fandomy shows since 2020 i think :( i'm even behind on all creatures great and small and most of the youtube i was watching. so pretty much just Jeopardy! rn, which has just been interminable tournaments forever and i'm actually kind of annoyed about it
Currently obsessed with: uh idk nothing super intense at the moment but all my faves are kind of running in the background. in terms of fic reading it's very clone wars rn but i had a brief dive back into inception a couple weeks ago (bc of ballet, don't worry about it)
Tagging: uh? @hedwig-dordt, @renee-mariposa, @evilasiangenius, @nonstandardrepertoire, @athoroughlycommonpotato, @major-trouble if y'all want to!
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doctornerdington · 9 months
I was tagged by @oldshrewsburyian to list current, recent, and future reads. Thank you!
Current: Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (it’s very fun) and Meander, Spiral, Explode: Design and Pattern in Narrative by Jane Alison (I’m taking it slow).
Recent: of course now my mind goes blank. Learned by Heart by Emma Donoghue was recent, and it was lovely. The Casey Plett book On Community was very good. I dipped into it over Christmas.
Future: I just put Burial Rites by Hannah Kent on my list and it might be next. I bought Moon of the Turning Leaves by Waubgeshig Rice last month and immediately LOST it, so annoying. I feel stupid buying it again but I reallllly want to read it so I probably will.
I tag @unreconstructedfangirl @sassy1121 @hubblegleeflower @havingbeenbreathedout @pennypaperbrain @tiltedsyllogism @drgrlfriend @semiprofessionalmom @hedwig-dordt
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lyriumwolf · 9 months
Tagged! Reading edition
I was tagged by @hedwig-dordt to list current, recent, and future reads. Thank you <3
Recent: Slewfoot by Brom I loved this book, nice witchy horror story and the featured art is awesome. If you don't shy away from horror and you like stories about witches, try this one.
Current: Six of crows by Leigh Bardugo I had this on my tbr list for a year, but since Netflix canceled Shadow of Bone i decided to read this now, because i wanted to know how the story continues for the Crows. And i have this in a beautiful collector`s edition.
Future: Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo The second book of the story of the crows is already on it's way to me. And thanks to my redbubble sales also in a collector`s edition :)
I don't know really who to tag, feel free to do this if you want <3
tagging: @trickythedino, @the-blondey, @enareil
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batik96 · 8 months
Tagged! Reading edition
I was tagged a few weeks ago (sorry for the delay) by @hedwig-dordt to offer up my current, recent and future reads. Thanks!
Current: "The River We Remember" by William Kent Krueger. It's a book club book. I haven't made it far. Even though it's set in Minnesota rather than North Carolina, it feels very "Mayberry," right down to the book's version of Otis, the jailed drunk who tends to come and go as he pleases. It's a mystery/police procedural with issues of race and prejudice, and at least one character is LGBTQ+. I feel as if I could enjoy the story -- I do love a good mystery/police procedural -- but Krueger's descriptions of the town and its people simultaneously feel spot-on accurate, somewhat stereotypical and way overdone. Maybe it's fic's influence -- that general understanding that the reader knows a lot of the details and doesn't need them repeated -- but, in a book in which the murder victim is found floating in a river, I feel as if I'm drowning in detail about every blade of grass lining the riverbank. I know fic tends to shortchange the scene-setting at times, but scaling back isn't always a bad thing.
Recent: "Remark Bright Creatures" by Shelby Van Pelt. Another book club book, this is easily the most charming non-fic tale I've read in years. At the heart of the story are Marcellus, a giant Pacific octopus living at an aquarium in the Pacific Northwest, and Tova, the older widow who befriends him after taking a night job cleaning the aquarium. In the first few chapters, you'll wonder how anything connects. By the end, well ... I wish there were a lot more books this well-constructed and charming. It didn't just make me smile; it made me happy. (Don't be surprised if you absolutely fall in love with Marcellus! I swooned.)
Future: "Fourteen Days," edited by Margaret Atwood and Douglas Preston. This novel was written by more than two dozen authors (including Tumblr's own @neil-gaiman), built around a framework premise of apartment building tenants who are trapped inside and bored during the early days of the pandemic and begin meeting on the building's roof each night -- socially distanced, of course -- to tell stories. My understanding is the authors wrote individual chapters involving the tenants' stories and Atwood and Douglas constructed the framework around them to build the larger tale. I'm looking forward to seeing how the individual writers' styles vary and how they fit together to create the whole. (The premise feels very much like a challenge the Sherlock fandom would have tackled back in the day.)
I'm not entirely sure who's still hanging out in these parts on a regular basis, but ... I'd love to hear from ... @thetimemoves, @cemm1966, @perpetuallyvex, @writingfanficsfan and anyone else who sees this and would like to share! (Please tag me so I'll be sure to see your post!)
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eiael-thinks · 2 years
I ended up watching both the Enola Holmes films while visiting my mom (she's an old school Holmes fan) both bc they seemed like good mother/daughter viewing and bc i had just read. @hedwig-dordt 's review.
I was impressed by how cute and fun they both were. I think the only thing I didn't like was Mycroft's portrayal in the first one, but I understand why he needed to fill that role in the narrative so not a huge deal (tho now I am rereading my fav Mystrade fics bc I am a predictable bunny).
I also really loved that Sarah Chapman and the 1888 Matchgirls' strike, albeit a highly fictionalized version, was featured so prominently.
I will say tho, that the smile that came across my face at the end of the second film proved one thing to me: in any narrative, I will always love when Sherlock finds his John, or vice versa:
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ub-sessed · 1 year
Last year @hedwig-dordt recommended Tyll, by Daniel Kehlmann. I recently got tired of waiting for my library to get the audiobook so I borrowed the digital version, and I loved it!
I don't normally enjoy historical fiction: I spend most of the time wondering how much is true and wishing I were reading an actual history book. But Kehlmann's characters feel so real: not caricatures of 17th century people, and not modern people stuck in a 17th century setting. Real people of their time and place, each with their own distinctive and convincing inner world.
The storytelling is great too. Very evocative, and I love how the stories weave together.
I am now going to go read about the actual historical people.
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ajarofpickledtears · 1 year
okay, so
I got tagged by @the-pinstriped-hood, @goldrose-star, and @sketchbook-of-shadows with this blog, and by @rottent33th, @devil-doll13, @myers-meadow, and @fluffy-little-demon with my slasher blog <3 (feeling very loved thanks y'all <3)
Rules: 🎶✨️when you get this you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to and publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your followers (positivity is cool) 🎶✨️
Lady Gaga - Bad Romance
Katy Perry - E. T.
Meghan Trainor - NO
Melanie Martinez - Tag, You're It
Ruelle - War Of Hearts
optional tag: @queer-world-666, @basingamer, @darklylucid, @riheinorn, @kate-snotamused, @calamitaswrath, @cyanide-latte, @ace-of-hearts-and-spades, @spookyscaryslashy, @brandnewhuman, @abagoforeos, @mothmans-favorite-lamp, @hedwig-dordt, @crookintherafters, @its-monster-mash, @coffeexafterxmidnight
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fact check this please!
hi! I'll be working on this one next, so it should be out soonish
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maltypass · 7 months
Reading Tag
Thank you for tagging me @hedwig-dordt
Current: The Electric State by Simon Stalenhag. It's more of an art book, really runs of vibes
Recent: The Terror by Dan Simmons. It runs a different course than the show, I 'enjoyed it', and had no problem motivating myself to give it an hour+ of my time for a few weeks (it's a behemoth) but it is truly harrowing and I had to read Moominland in Winter straight after just to feel something like hope after.
Future: This is How you Lose the Time War is up next as I try to work through some shorter titles
It's nice to be reading again after what feels like a long break!
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homosociallyyours · 1 year
Was tagged by @shark-myths and decided this would be fun to do before I go to sleep!
Relationship status: single for ten years in August/September! Time flies? Sometimes I think I should try dating again but the thought of attempting the apps makes me wanna fall in a bog.
Favorite colors: green and pink, especially in combination. But I love a lot of colors, especially anything that's super saturated and bright. This reminds me that I keep wanting to talk with someone about the trend of draping different colors around people to highlight what season they are. Sometimes I can tell what people are talking about, but usually I'm looking at a woman who's pretty in 2 different colors and not seeing why she shouldn't wear both/either of she wants to!
Song stuck in my head: it's multiple snippets of "don't blame me" ('now I'm your daaaaaisy' and the 'ra-tatata') and "call it what you want" ('i want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck, chain round my neck') bc I was just listening to rep earlier
Last song I listened to: New Years Day (was once again struck by just how much 'evermore' is a breakup song/album that calls back to so many earlier songs. "You and me forevermore" 😭)
3 favorite foods: cheese (my beloved); tuna casserole (childhood comfort); fresh, juicy, organic freestone peaches in the summer (white and yellow)
Last thing I googled: the word 'minutiae' because I couldn't remember how to spell it.
Dream trip: honestly my dream trip right now would just be a long visit home. In my dreams I have a little cabin to stay in that's separate from my sister's house where my dad can come stay for a bit and I can have visitors for brief periods of time, but tbh a hotel room nearby would be fine too.
For a non family visit trip, I think my current dream is to see the northern lights. Me and a travel buddy, staying somewhere that's kinda far out where the skies light up like magic ♡.
Anything I want right now: in this very moment? To go to sleep! In the present generally, for the most conservation US pols/supreme court members to literally vanish from existence and have all their awful decisions and policies gone with them. Oh and i wanna go to the dentist for free.
Who to tag?? Feel free to do this if you happen to see this post and want to answer these (tag me in your post 👀)!! But also @statementlou @uhoh-but-yeah-alright @jlf23tumble @louandhazaf @hedwig-dordt @mxaether @disgruntledkittenface if you feel like it!
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sigmastolen · 2 years
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I posted 13,312 times in 2022
That's 2,471 more posts than 2021!
441 posts created (3%)
12,871 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 13,287 of my posts in 2022
#i am a cat lady - 1,668 posts
#may the force be with you - 1,406 posts
#this is gorgeous - 1,350 posts
#gif warning - 1,123 posts
#space: the final frontier - 1,072 posts
#critters not otherwise specified - 1,057 posts
#i just wanted this to be here - 1,015 posts
#i love birds - 931 posts
#this is important - 780 posts
#two turntables and a microphone - 433 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i like (well‚ depending on who it is) seeing regulars at the library but i found being a regular at my lcs and grocery store very stressful?
My Top Posts in 2022:
all these systems and bots and constructs like 'i'll help you if you help my humans' im cry
36 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
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murderbot continues to be extremely relatable
41 notes - Posted January 3, 2022
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aw, murderbot <3
156 notes - Posted January 6, 2022
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lmao murderbot
171 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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robot pronouns with mosscap and dex
[ID: a photo of a passage from a psalm for the wild-built by becky chambers, text reading:
Dex took note of Mosscap's phrasing. "So, it is correct, then? You wouldn't prefer they or--"
"Oh, no, no, no. Those sorts of words are for people. Robots are not people. We're machines, and machines are objects. Objects are its."
"I'd say you're more than just an object," Dex said.
The robot looked a touch offended. "I would never call you just an animal, Sibling Dex." It turned its gaze to the road, head held high. "We don't have to fall into the same category to be of equal value."
end ID.]
460 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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wyomingnot · 1 year
15 questions
I was tagged by @hreog-like-frog and @elismor. Apologies for tardiness in responding.
Answers under the cut in case I end up rambling...
1. Are you named after anyone?
To the best of my knowledge, no. Mom tells me my father named me, and he's been gone from my life since I was 2.
2. When is the last time you cried?
Properly cried? Like sobbing? Last year, when I handed over my cats because I could not take them with my when I left China. Not that I wanted to leave, but them's the breaks.
Just plain tears? Happens fairly regularly with the right tv show or movie.
3. Do you have kids?
Less said the better. They are over 30 and have made it clear they want no contact. No further questions about that, please.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Who doesn't?
5. What is the first thing you notice about people?
It varies. Honestly.
6. What is your eye colour?
I've got that grey/green/blue thing going.
7. Scary Movies or Happy Endings?
That's not a good either-or. But if I must, happy endings because I don't care for scary movies.
8. Any special talents?
Special? No. But I'm a good knitter. Does that count? I used to be pretty good at knowing what time it was without looking at a clock. Not so much anymore.
9. Where were you born?
Southern California
10. What are your hobbies?
Tumblr. Reading. Knitting and crochet.
11. Do you have any pets?
Not since China. There are two cats where I live though.
12. What Sports do you play/have you played?
Outside of required stuff in school? The tiniest bit of volleyball. Played a little badminton occasionally with my students in China.
13. How Tall are you?
174cm, I think. I used to be taller, but gravity is cruel and I'm getting old.
14. Favourite subject in school?
I liked any class I could do well in with minimal effort, generally. I did not care for Biology, but I was top of the class.
15. Dream Job?
My current job would be it, if the pay was better.
Tagging @hedwig-dordt, @m-elayna, @calystarose, and @rex-luscus. No pressure. Only if you want to.
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