spohkh · 11 months
was anyone gonna tell me that you can buy the Beyond Evil OST or was i just supposed to randomly find out while trying to search for bibi merch on kpopmusictownla????????? HELLO
unboxing video if curious of the contents!
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aisatsana441 · 6 months
Went back and started watching 911 to see if I actually like it.
Unfortunately, after one episode, I do love Evan Buckley.
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bastardash · 2 years
Well I finished Beyond Evil and I’m happy and sad and and lost and don’t know what to do with myself. @heathyr this is all your fault!!
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GUYSS I made a new UQUIZ
here it is
It’s mostly all kthriller related so yeah
Tagging people that might be interested
@knives-out20 @efadefoks @rumpleteasa @thedeviljudges @yousayusei @frances-and-the-moon @heathyr @joespoopy @lesbianslovebts @cumberbatchedandproud @bitsandpiecesofwhoiam @cumberbatchedandproud
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weaverhawk · 11 days
Get to know you better game!
Tagged by @bobafvcks (whom I love and cherish <3)
Last song: Advice by Taemin. Other things I've been listening to a lot lately include: Black Cat Nero by Ateez (appropriate for this time of year), Deep Cleaning by Parn Thanaporn from the 4 Minutes OST (I fell in love with this song even before watching the series) and Держи by Мельница (my favorite group)
Favourite colour(s): ..still green
Watching: 4 Minutes (Thai BL, mystery thriller drama, basically made for me, but being spoiled for it killed my motivation to watch), The Loyal Pin (Thai GL, historical drama, reminds me a lot of old school shoujo manga), Mitsuya Sensei's Planned Feeding (Japanese BL, age-gap romance with the most adorable old man as the romantic interest and it's also an adaptation of my one of my favorite mangas about food and love and food as love - I have one episode left, but I don't wanna watch it because I don't want it to end), A Killer Paradox (Kdrama, just started so no opinion). And a bunch of stuff on Youtube, including Taskmaster Australia (series 2)
Last movie: How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies (2024), which was very beautiful and touching. But by the time this gets posted, my last movie might actually be A Tale of Two Sisters (2003), because it's getting a theatrical release where I live and I want to go see it today
Sweet/savoury/spicy: I like all of them? My spice tolerance probably has gone up since I last did one of these tag games too
Relationship status: let's be real here
Last thing I googled: It was probably the romanization of Parn Thanaporn's name for this post
Last video game: Adding this because I think these tag games should have this question and also to whine. I'm playing Hollow Knight. People who follow me on Twitter know that I've been playing Hollow Knight for months now (close to year). And I still have one achievement to get. I'm in Hollow Knight purgatory. But I love it SO MUCH. My perfect little game <3
No-pressure-only-if-you-wanna-do-this tagging:
@heathyr, @fuhosh-i, @impending-doom-lol, @returning-spring, @vegaseatsass
@useryennefer, @melodydrifts, @heterodropit, @kat8porgs and @oforthetaintedsorrow
(Please pay no attention to those paragraphs, that's me trying to make the tags work)
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jinxiaobao · 2 years
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so i recently hit 13.5k followers!? omg?? my goodness. thank you to every one of you for putting up with the highs, the lows, and all the hyperfixations. it really means a lot to me. 💕 
to thank you for following my silliness, i’m going to do a requesting event! :) here are the prompts:
🌌 + make me choose (between characters/movies/shows/pairings/music, etc.)
🌺 + colorful edit (send me a character/movie/show/pairing/music, etc. and color(s))
✍ + quote/poem/lyrics (send me a character/movie/show/pairing, etc. and a quote/poem/lyric)
💖 + my favorite (ask me my favorite character/movie/show/pairing/music, etc.)
it may take me some time to finish, but i will be sure to tag you in the set when it goes up!
thanks again for following my blog and supporting my content! 
tagging some mutuals who i love and admire and who make my dash a joy to behold:
a - f
@aarontveit // @afannishknitter // @afro-elf // @anakinskyiwalker // @andyhozierbyrne // @angela-bassetts // @annundriel // @anya-chalotra // @anyataylorjoy // @aoyamariku // @ashinlae // @bellaramsey // @b1uetrees // @bayleafpaprika // @bartbarthelme // @beckybons //   @belsmultifandommess // @bestoftomhiddles // @bladesrunner // @blakecholls //  @bolshoiromanova // @buckley-robin // @chaos-in-the-making // @chelseadollphin // @chinzillas // @cinemu // @citrinekay // @cloudravine // @cruzwalters // @cuddlybitch // @dawnofus  // @denvilleneuve  // @deokmis-main // @dickprints // @drlaingwillseeyounow // @easyrevenge // @fancykraken  // @fangrui  // @floencepugh // @friggassons // @frostelf
g - l
@ghostcat3000 // @godswallowing // @greensaplinggrace // @hanjuwonsupporter // @hanorganaas //  @heathyr // @heedoyurims // @highwarlockkareena // @hwanginyeop // @hymn2000 // @illwynd // @jingyismom // @jjimin // @justanothervariant // @juwonah // @juukai // @kangseojoon // @khathadome // @katierosefun //  @kimporchay // @kutyozh // @la-fourmi // @laowen // @leedongwook // @limsejun // @liyazaki // @lokifan // @loupsgarou // @l-tyrell
m - r 
@malledhrim // @marshallmatherss // @misspoetree // @mountaincats // @mrsmookie // @nebulasan // @negrowhat​ // @natahjikio // @neo-neos // @noartnowritingsorry // @nonkul // @nyx4 // @obiwan // @ourflagmeans // @paisky // @ptrbprkrs // @rcmclachlan // @rob-pattinson // @roserayne // @rynfinity
s - z
@saltydorkling // @seamayweed // @seawherethesunsets // @seokjinings // @sheisraging // @slamncram // @smingi // @something-poetic // @southernselkieprincess // @spacelabrathor // @spicyvampire // @stilessderek //  @stillqueerstillhere // @sugarbabywenkexing // @suuho // @tennant // @thanawins // @themthistles // @the-mjolnir-owner // @the-prince-of-tides // @thesaltofcarthage // @thisautistic // @thortiddy // @tiffanylamps // @tinngun // @tomshiddles // @tylerposey // @usermachikeita // @userseokkie // @venuseda // @villainelle// @wearehappiness // @weaverhawk // @wongkarawai // @yesdramas // @yilinglaozu // @yohankang //  @yohussy // @xiaolanhua // @xxindiglow // @zorokashi
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nicolegendary · 4 months
tagged by kasia @wernerherzogs 🗳️💙
this is truly White Man Edition and I'm not proud of that but these are the first 5 favourite characters i thought of
tagging: @klmt1 @buffiest @curlytemple @forgornifrey @heathyr
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cinematicnomad · 8 months
pov: you’re in a horror movie
1. create your own look here
2. find out what role you are here
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tagged by @anthonymire 😊
tagging: @crazyassmurdererwall, @woodchoc-magnum, @tattooedsiren, @valleydean, @heathyr, @tripleaxeldiaz, and anyone else who wants to do this
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coochiequeens · 9 months
Sounds like the fertility agency misled the couple into thinking that twins were guaranteed so worth the price which led to a feeling of not getting what they paid for. If she aborted they might not have had to pay her so they could save that money for another try at twins.
"It's a baby. It's a healthy baby. I'm not understanding," the surrogate recalls
By Hannah Sacks Published on January 23, 2024
Signing up to be a surrogate can be a way to give a gift to another couple — but what happens if they change their mind?
A TikTok user named Heathyr signed up to be a surrogate in the middle of 2019 after she spent nearly five years wanting to get involved with the process.
"For me to be a parent, that is literally my favorite thing in the world," Heathyr says in a series of videos posted to her TikTok account. "And to be a surrogate, to give somebody else that feeling, like being a parent. That is why I wanted to be a surrogate."
Though it took a while for Heathyr to match with a couple, she eventually found one that she felt was "on the same page" as her. She says that from the beginning, she made it clear that the one thing that was very important to her was her stance on termination.
"I personally, this is my own opinion, you don't have to agree with me. I personally do not believe in termination unless there is something that will hurt the quality of life of the child," she shares. Heathyr says that while she is largely against abortions, she thinks it isn't fair to bring a child into the world if there is a life-threatening disease or injury.
The couple she matched with said they were Catholic and didn't believe in termination, so Heathyr says she figured they would get along well. The parents were hoping to have twins, a boy and a girl, which Heathyr says they told her repeatedly.
She proceeded with the surrogacy process, however, the first transfer didn't take. In February of 2020, they did another transfer and Heathyr successfully got pregnant — but things weren't exactly as the couple had hoped.
"When I went to get my ultrasound done, my first ultrasound, it only showed one sac, which just means that only one of the embryos attached," Heathyr explains. "So we didn't know if it was the boy or the girl but we knew that I was pregnant and the beta numbers were rising accordingly, which is the start of showing it's a healthy, successful pregnancy."
Soon after, Heathyr called the mom to tell her the exciting news, but the mom voiced some concerns, saying that she wasn't sure why both the sacs didn't stick. "This really confused me," Heathyr says in the video. "What do you mean? It's a baby. It's a healthy baby. I'm not understanding."
The couple wanted her to have another ultrasound to double-check that there was no twin hiding. After having another ultrasound, Heathyr confirmed that there was just one sac and that this time, there was a heartbeat.
By the time the next ultrasound came around, the COVID-19 pandemic had started to shut down parts of the world. At around seven or eight weeks pregnant, Heathyr got an email from her match manager at the surrogate agency who asked her to call her.
"She's like, 'I want to read you a letter from [the parents] because they are just very heartbroken and they don't know how to tell you this. So they wrote this letter and they want me to read it to you,' " Heathyr recalls.
"So she reads me this letter and the gist of it was, 'Heathyr we are so sorry, but you know, this virus is getting pretty bad and we just think it would be best for you to have a termination at this time. And we will try again when the virus is over with and we would be happy to work with you again.' "
The note came as a shock to Heathyr, who says she started to cry and thought the couple was messing with her. She decided to call her lawyer and ask if she had to go through with the termination, even though the baby was completely healthy.
She was told to set up a Zoom call with her lawyer and the parents, where the dad proceeded to yell at her for not respecting their wishes. "I'm just bawling and I ended up getting off the phone," she remembers.
"I talked to my lawyer and she pretty much just made it clear, 'Heathyr, I went over and over this contract and you do not have to have a termination. Obviously, that is your decision. They cannot sue you. In the contract, it states that you would only have a termination for a medical reason that would end in quality of life issues for the child.' "
She got a few other opinions from different lawyers, who all told her that the couple would not be able to sue her if she decided not to terminate the baby. While Heathyr notes that things could've changed if she'd contracted COVID-19, she never got the virus and the baby was perfectly healthy.
In May, Heathyr got a call from her OB, who told her that the intended dad was sending her doctor emails every day about different COVID-19 cases. "He was sending her certified mail to the office about the emails. They were pretty much just printed out. And he was calling the office every day," she says.
When the time came to give birth, Heathyr says the couple flew out to her home state of Ohio to pick up their baby. Although the intended mom had expressed wanting to be in the delivery room, she ended up changing her mind and decided to stay in the waiting room.
After Heathyr delivered the baby boy, she says that the parents completely changed their tune. "The parents kept bringing him into my room. I would be wheeled over to him in their room. I got to hold him and get pictures with him. They each wrote me cards thanking me for all I did and how I kept their baby safe."
"And how they'd never forget me and they just appreciate what I've done for them, I've completed their family. You wouldn't have thought those last 9½, 10 months happened because it was just surreal."
At the end of the day, Heathyr was happy that the parents seemed to be excited when they met their son.
"I just know I saw the way they looked at him and the mom was just so happy and crying," she shares. "And that's what I wanted. You can't force somebody to want a baby, but the whole journey I was so scared. And I just knew when I saw them that they are happy."
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heart4buddie · 4 months
Tagged by @hearteyesdiaz to put my music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs + tag 10 people:
1. Add some music to your day by The Beach Boys
2. Art Star by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs
3. A million dreams from the greatest showman soundtrack
4. Christians and pagans by Dar Williams
5. Honest Wage by Penny and Sparrow
6. Elastic Heart by Hannah Houston and Maya Smith
7. Every Day by Jill Phillips
8. Eden part two by Lowland Hum
9. Vice Verses by Switchfoot
9. Mr perfectly fine (Taylor’s version) by Taylor Swift
Tagging @thespermdonorstorylineisstupid @queerdiaz @heathyr @whatladybird and anyone who wants to do it because I suck at tagging people
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flowerprose · 5 months
big thanks to @heathyr for dropping this picrew on the dash. i needed a pick-me-up.
hades and persephone enjoying a big ol' smooch, sans rot and bones.
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shubaka · 10 months
Awww, this Deco My Tree thing is so cute! Thanks @arewedoneyet for the tag!
My tree is here if you'd like to decorate it <3
Ahhh, I don't know who has done this! Sorry if you were already tagged @booksnchocolate @subtextsays @bisexualbard @salamander89 @heathyr @its-sorcery @ditch-lily
Also If you already did this (even if I haven't tagged you) please feel free to tag me/direct me to your tree so I can go leave you a message <3
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spiritofcamelot · 6 months
@emerald-truth Tagged me...6 months ago. Has it really been that long? Huh. Anyway, thanks!
Last song: Hoist up the thing by The longest Johns
Favorite color: Turquoise
Currently watching: Theoretically this is a video about roleplaying in D&D, but it's sorta turned into an analysis of character motivation in LOTR and I'm not complaining.
Last movie: Dune 2
Sweet/spicy/savory: Sweet always.
Relationship status: happily aromantically single
Current obsession: Dimension 20. Which is not hard to figure out from my tumblr.
Last thing you googled: Images of Bill Tanner for an upcoming Cafe thing.
tag five people: @brolinskeep @earlgreytea68 @heathyr @quillwritten @ultraviolet-eucatastrophe
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tag game: 9 questions for 9 people
tagged by @phneltwrites one million years ago (december 2023)
last song: Tell You (Today) (original 12'' vocal) - Loose Joints . this is a disco deep cut that I heard for the first time the other day on twitter. anyway . really really good. i invite you to check it out if you enjoy a bop. go here for an absolutely wild 16-minute version described by the uploadeder as 'super wigged out and funky'.
currently watching: cooking crush. pit babe. the sign. (not up to date on any of these . Sigh.) khun chai (almost finished. love ittt). ossan's love 2018 (listen .... it's good actually). 1670 netflix. Treme (super underrated series about new orleans recovering in the wake of hurricane katria)
three ships: restricting this to the thai bl context 1. I gotta say both jiutian and tinncharn made me absolutely wild in the last few months so i think i have to include filmjam/jamfilm, tho I don't really have any thoughts on them themselves, haven't really engaged with any extra content, i juuuuust think they made good shows. 2. earthmix is probably the ship that I've ended up thinking about the most .. . the lore.....the lore ... !!! i simply cannot comment on this. 3. again i am transfixed by the LORE for OFFGUN....... they've prevailed they've traversed they've grown so much. hopefully they can continue working together for years to come. also you know what sneaky extra one. 4. forcebook. they just have a nice vibe!!! i like it when they hug after doing an emotional scene!!!!!!!!! i liked it when they yelled about their love for each other on top of that bungee jumping tower so sue me!!!!!!!
favorite color: green green green of the sludgy / earthy / olivey tones. I am getting big into earthy orange / terracotta as well.
currently consuming: turkish tea & halva
first ship: ok . how deep we gonna go. stuff I was reading in my early teens. martin / rose from the redwall books. (redwall was the first thing i Ever read fanfic for.) will / bran from the dark is rising. There's a surprising amount of fanfic for them! marcus / esca the eagle of the ninth. tbh several of those rosemary sutcliff books have these VERY intense masculine warrior bonds and it was uhh a Lot to process.
relationship status: n/a
last movie: leos carax, mauvais sang / the night is young
currently working on: wine qualifications!!!!!! honestly not that hard you just have to learn a bunch of stuff & also learn a particular framework to apply it. but also. like anything where you take an exam. you CAN mess up. & also applying for jobs that will work around this.
tagging the last 9 people in my notifs who didn't already get tagged in the last meme @waltermeadows @sirtomksy @luckshiptoshore @toranj @errantpixxi @heathyr @officialhagfish @annmariethrush @smashlampjaw
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belleamante99 · 1 year
10 fandoms/10 characters/10 tagged
I was tagged by @the-redcrate
1. Star Wars - Obi-Wan Kenobi
2. SGA - John Sheppard
3. Teen Wolf - Stiles Stilinski
4. MCU - Tony Stark
5. SG1 - Jack O’Neill
6. Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Spike
7. FMA - Edward Elric
8. Hannibal - Will Graham
9. Avatar the Last Airbender - Toph
10. The Book of Koli - Monono Aware
@mahoushoujokeitiichan @princeofthemoonstone @autisticslp @shadowen @stickthisbig @heathyr @bunnywest @gingersnapwolves @udunie @swordofomens
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And with Chapter 3, my Beyond Evil Pride & Prejudice AU is complete.
In this chapter we have sick!Juwon, overprotective Dongsik, deep winter pheasant hunting, hot toddies, smut, and one last dance.
Enjoy, and thanks for joining me on this slightly silly and very self-indulgent ride.
@l-tyrell @noitaintme  @ruinconstellation @mountaincats @heathyr @uraosol @yeetlegay @ummultea @thoresque @blogiamgoingmad @rainbowcolored7
Thanks for the support, y'all!
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