#heath: starter
ediblepansy · 10 months
location: mess hall muse: heath and your pick! @conquermadness
There was a sharp, bright sound coming from the large silver bowl Heath was currently at play with. Sizzling french fries landed inside, fresh from the fryer. Heath had made it his mission to discover and create the best chips recipe, perfection was his own quest. With cooking, an unending one.
"This is how I serve them--with a dash of salt." For the masses... but he wasn't serving the masses at this moment. "What topping do you prefer? Sweet, savory... I got it all. Or I could make a dip?"
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hellonexrth · 7 days
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open to all ! event: laurie & hope's wedding reception
It was in his nature to stand outside the bar, eyes peeled, making sure that absolutely no one got into the establishment that wasn't invited. Even though they'd enlisted the help of other supernatural body guards, Heath didn't trust them more than he trusted himself. And despite Hope's constant wishing that he'd stayed dead—which he'd assumed was in good nature, but honestly could never tell—he did want the event to go smoothly for her and her husband.
So, he leaned against the brick wall near the entrance and kept his eyes glued to the invitations as they were shown, scanning the faces to make sure they were familiar—and not in a you look like someone who almost tried to kill me kind of way.
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grcveyacd · 2 months
open — anyone! muse — heath anderson, 35, assistant soccer coach for norte dame. plot— i've been wanting a love, rosie type plot for a while now. so, i figured i would whip a starter up for it!
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“ so, how was your flight? “ he wastes no time picking up their bag, and effortlessly slinging it over his shoulder, somewhat glad that they had decided to pack light. though, with it only being a weekend trip, he figured that not much was really needed to get them through the next few days. “ did you manage to get any sleep, or did your seat buddy talk about the meaning of life with you again? “ he teases, shoulder playfully bumping into theirs. “ we have a party to crash in a few hours so you’ll have time to squeeze in a nap if you need it. “ 
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hardtchill · 11 months
Do you think Angel City will sign Tobin if she didn't retire?
they dropped 400k on a teenager and have the tactical sense of a sea slug so i can't imagine why they wouldn't...
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knotfodder · 1 year
Arthur had a fairly simple life. Followed a fairly simple routine. Wake up, feed his familiar whatever is left of the dry food before he begins to badger him for the wet food. Waking up everyday as Judgement Day came closer and closer to him. Judgment Day, oddly enough, is the name of Arthur's familiar - a siamese cat with a white pelt and brown point coloration on its face ears and tail. The cat named himself if you can believe it. The cat stares up at Arthur, dissatisfied with his choice of meal. Arthur stares back with his blue eyes, almost holding the stare until the alarm on his phone sounds off. "Fuck, I'm late!"
Breakfast would usually be next in the witch's routine, but as Arthur has found, there wouldn't be enough time. The wrath of Judgement Day might have been quelled but museum was still waiting for him. Arthur walks quickly to the museum of magic where he worked. It was a small and odd looking museum, domed in vibrant glass. He enters from the back of the museum and opens the doors from the inside. Arthur, being distracted by his mental checklist of things to do, accidentally slams a door onto someone. "Oh!"
"Oh, I'm so sorry! Hope I didn't... Oh." Arthur began to chuckle as he began to look over the man he'd crashed the door into. He couldn't but think of how good he smelled. "I'm not sure who I should apologize to first... You or the door."
"I think there's a dent on it now." Arthur chuckles awkwardly.
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c0zys · 4 months
open to m , f , nb . muse: heath barclay .
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" this is private property . "
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angelvings-archived · 10 months
status     :     open     . muse     :     heath     dawson     .     plot     :     anythingg     .   open     for     :     anyone     !
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« what      are      you      doing      here      ?     i      told      you      not      to      come     . »      
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angelvings · 5 months
status     :     open     . muse     :     heath     dawson     .     open     for     :     anyone     !
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« what      are      you      doing      here      ?     i      told      you      not      to      come     . »  
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milonavarroo · 7 months
Location: SAE Time: Early in the morning after a rush party Who: @heathtalbot
It was a long arduous task getting people to get the fuck out of the house after a party, which was why Milo usually left to go back to his dorm instead of sticking around to help. But Rush was important, and he needed to show face. Fine. He did, he even helped clean up a little bit afterwards before finally tossing himself down onto the couch next to Heath, offering some of the half filled bag of mixed nuts he was holding towards the other. "Why does it feel like every crop of freshmen just gets worse and worse?" He asked, leaning back with a scoff. "I don't think I talked to a single damn one that I wanted to be around for more than five minutes."
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persephonyed · 1 year
closed starter for @housefircs ft. daisy & heath !
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daisy could easily spend her days lounging by the pool with a good book and a bottle of wine, but the delicious addition of watching heath wyatt hard at work definitely elevated the vibe. "you look good drenched in sweat, muscles bulging and shit," the girl sipped from her glass, eyes trailing along the top of her glasses as she observed. they'd been hanging out for a couple months now, and though her parents had no idea, they recently mentioned wanting to remodel their pool house, and daisy managed to convince them she knew the perfect handyman.
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atvrvxia · 2 years
&. @lilacwiine​
continued from the post in the SOURCE LINK ( 2 / 2 )
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                              HE DIDN’T know what he was expecting when he asked her if something was bothering her. he thought maybe malee was just having some problems with another friend; had a bad day or a bad week. he expected that, at least. that would be why she was quiet; it made sense. but then she brought up ben; ben whom he can barely remember, but he nodded just so she would tell him what was wrong. heath’s heart dropped to his stomach when she asked him to help her make the guy jealous. right. of course malee would be interested in someone else. why did he think that he actually had a chance with her? “oh,” he managed to breathe out, looking down at her hand on his leg. he swallowed the lump in his throat, managing a smile. “so you want... me to help you.. make him jealous? h-how?” heath asked quietly, peering at her from under his lashes. 
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thatwaywardgirl · 1 year
Hello everyone out there reading this!
I am really excited to start this blog. Growing up I had an overwhelming feeling of isolation and being completely on my own. I felt scared, sad and ashamed of myself for who I was. The incredibly sad thing is I never knew who I was, and yet I hated myself.
I was the daughter of a narcissistic mother and I was abused throughout my childhood. This blog is for all the people who feel alone in their struggle, in their suffering. I want to be someone's light, someone's assistance in whatever they are going through. Offer a different perspective and outlook.
I'll be writing about my life over the last 29 years, where I went wrong, where I was wronged and how is do things differently if I could. My neurodivergent brain has a lot to say, so I hope you enjoy!
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grcveyacd · 5 months
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“ it’s not a marriage proposal — it’s just one drink. “ he calls over the music, eyes never averting from the shitty cover band playing in the corner of the bar. “ we can talk shit about how out of tune their instruments are, and how the vocalist has been slurring since the second song. “ he chuckles, finally looking down at them. “ just one drink and you’ll never have to see me again — or you know, you won’t have to see me until the next time my sister chooses to invite me out at least. “ // @writtn liked for a random starter from heath
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ediblepansy · 10 months
location: mess hall kitchen muse: heath and your pick!
The last tablespoon of frosting was pressed through the pastry bag, giving an extra cupcake the final swirl it needed. Back ups were always required, in case of accidents or demigods that might want to take a half dozen home. "Thanks for the help, I'm usually always on top of the catering." But his recent injuries had been slowing down the operation. Two fingers were missing, one from each stickied hand. The ring on his right and the pointer on his left.
"Because of you, my reputation can remain flawless." A reputation he'd obviously invented himself. "Decorations can wait till tomorrow." No need to keep a volunteer up another ungodly hour.
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honeyedblossom · 2 years
closed starter for @lcvelymxnifest ( utp )
"Something about this apple tastes off. In fact, the last few apples I've tried have been off, has something gone awry with our apple orchard?" Heath questioned once he'd swallowed the first bite before tossing the apple toward the garbage and missing, deciding he'd had enough. Groaning in annoyance, he debated how long he was able to get away with it letting it sit on the ground.
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cielospeaks · 2 years
im also realizing how much kasumiverse parallels my real life experiences since its broken nicely up into years
b2 (2018)- stereotypical romance but actually not bad i reread it today, as my life was probably the most stereotypical and no stakes (or very small stakes) romantic at that time
b3 (2019)- trying to be happy but actually extremely sad, trying to find normalcy in the face of feeling super down all the time, and at the same time being aware that im kinda pathetic
b4 (2020)- fucking redemption arc baby! starting to be like “im not gonna let this bad situation define me” and just powering through and becoming better for it too
b5 (2021)- loredump time! idk. complicated but like. more maturely (and verbosely) handled than before. like a mix of everything but also worldbuildey and more wordy
b6 (2022)- the sads but in a more. the transient nature of life sorta way. very melancholy and almost like “twilight years” kinda vibe. like the end of things as they were sorta feeling
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