#heat pump rebate victoria
hitechhotwater · 4 months
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myomaustralia · 24 days
Is Your Hot Water System Draining Your Budget (and the Environment)? Upgrade to Savings with MYOM Australia!
Hot water is a household essential, but the cost of keeping it flowing can be a real drain on your wallet and the environment. Here at MYOM Australia, we're passionate about helping Victorians embrace sustainable and cost-effective solutions. That's why we're excited to introduce you to the Victorian Energy Upgrade Program for Hot Water! This government-backed initiative offers a fantastic opportunity to upgrade your government hot water rebate system and unlock a wave of benefits.
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Beyond the Bill Shock: Unveiling the True Cost of Outdated Hot Water Systems
Traditional hot water systems, particularly older models, can be real energy guzzlers. This translates to higher energy bills, a larger carbon footprint, and ultimately, a strain on your budget. Here's how upgrading can make a difference:
Reduced Energy Consumption: Newer, more efficient hot water systems utilize cutting-edge technology to heat water with significantly less energy. This translates to a drastic reduction in your energy bills, putting more money back in your pocket.
Sustainable Solutions: Many of the hot water systems available through the Victorian Energy Upgrade Program prioritize renewable energy sources like solar or heat pumps. This reduces your reliance on fossil fuels and minimizes your environmental impact.
Government Hot Water Rebate: The Victorian Energy Upgrade Program offers attractive rebates to incentivize Victorians to upgrade their hot water systems. This financial assistance can significantly lower the upfront costs of making the switch.
MYOM Australia: Your Partner in Hot Water System Upgrades
MYOM Australia is a certified provider of the Victorian Energy Upgrade Program for Hot Water. We're here to guide you every step of the way:
Free Consultation & Assessment: Our experienced team will assess your current hot water system and your hot water needs. We'll then discuss the most suitable options from the program, considering factors like budget, energy consumption, and your household size.
Seamless Upgrade Process: Once you've chosen the perfect system, MYOM Australia will handle the entire upgrade process. This includes liaising with qualified plumbers, coordinating the installation, and ensuring everything is running smoothly upon completion.
Government Rebate Assistance: We'll handle all the paperwork related to the government hot water rebate, ensuring you receive the financial benefits you deserve.
Imagine Hot Water Savings & a Sustainable Future
Imagine enjoying a hot shower without worrying about exorbitant energy bills. Picture a future where your water heating contributes to a cleaner environment. That's the power of upgrading your hot water system through the Victorian Energy Upgrade Program. Here are additional benefits to consider:
Increased Hot Water System Lifespan: Modern hot water systems are designed for durability and efficiency, ensuring longer lifespans compared to older models. This translates to a reduced need for replacements and repairs, saving you money in the long run.
Enhanced Hot Water Performance: Say goodbye to lukewarm showers! Upgrading to a newer system guarantees consistent hot water supply and improved performance.
Peace of Mind: With a government-backed program and experienced professionals like MYOM Australia handling the upgrade, you'll have peace of mind knowing your hot water system is efficient, reliable, and installed according to the highest standards.
Contact MYOM Australia Today!
Ready to say goodbye to outdated and inefficient hot water systems? Contact MYOM Australia today! Our team is here to answer your questions, assess your needs, and guide you through the Victorian Energy Upgrade Program for Hot Water. Unlock a world of savings, sustainability, and hot water peace of mind. Choose MYOM Australia - your trusted partner in cost-effective and environmentally friendly hot water solutions.
Contact- Web - https://myomaustralia.com.au/free-hot-water-upgrade-victoria/ Mail - [email protected] Ph - 03 9017 5799 Address - Level 19, 60 Albert Rd, South Melbourne, VIC, 3205, Australia
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ecosaver · 7 days
Exciting news for Victoria residents!
Did you know you can save big with the Energy Rebate VIC - Ecosaver program? 🌟 Embrace sustainable living and upgrade to energy-efficient solutions like heat pumps! They not only reduce your carbon footprint but also qualify you for fantastic rebates. It's a win-win for your wallet and the planet. Explore how you can benefit today!
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tcksolar · 5 months
The Best Solar Installers
The sun’s energy is free and a great way to reduce your electricity bills. Solar panels are more affordable than ever and government rebates are available.
A good solar installer will help you choose the right system for your home or business. They’ll take into account factors such as your roof space, shading and sizing requirements. They’ll also handle all the paperwork, including network connection application and a site inspection.
Essential Solar
Essential Solar is a Melbourne-based solar installer that offers a variety of residential and commercial solar solutions. They specialize in supplying high-quality equipment and delivering superior customer service. They also provide a number of financing options to make solar energy more accessible for homeowners and businesses.
The best way to choose a best solar installers Melbourne is to shop around and ask questions. Ask potential solar companies how they price their services and what their warranties cover. It is also helpful to check online reviews and complaints about a company.
Choosing a quality solar installer will help you reduce your electricity bills and protect yourself against rising energy rates. You should also consider local incentives and rebates that may be available. These factors will determine whether solar panels are a good investment for your home or business.
The guys are a boutique sized company that work on upmarket solar and battery systems for the Melbourne high end architectural homes, and also Melbourne’s inner suburbs. They have a tight team of inhouse electricians.
They do large rural jobs as well, with sheds covered in panels and some nice off-grid systems using Fronius inverters and Tesla batteries – great looking installs. They do good internal cabling for the inverters, or use cable tray on commercial jobs – all well done.
Ellinbank Dairy Research Centre wanted to reduce their electricity costs by installing a 99kW solar system and 100kWh battery storage solution. KUGA designed and optimised the install, working closely with the structural engineers to ensure that all aspects of the system were compliant and safe.
Melbourne Energy Group
Whether you’re a homeowner or a business, Melbourne Energy Group can help you save money on electricity bills and hedge against rising energy prices. They offer a wide range of products and services, including solar systems, battery storage, heat pumps, and more. Their experts can help you find the right system for your needs and budget.
It’s easy to see why so many residents and businesses are making the switch to renewable energy in Melbourne. With our abundant sunshine, solar panels are a
cost-effective solution that reduces your reliance on the grid and lowers your energy costs. Plus, the savings can add up quickly over time! This is especially true if you qualify for the Solar Rebate Victoria. This state program offers an additional rebate to the federal STC rebate.
Advanced Energy Solutions
They offer a full range of residential and commercial solar power systems. They also provide installation services, MC4 checks, panel cleans and other maintenance tasks. They use high quality equipment and try to make their installations look aesthetically pleasing, so that they don’t spoil the beauty of your home. Their electricians are all under the same roof, so they can communicate better and minimize errors.
They are a Melbourne-based company that offers both residential and commercial solar power systems. They have a team of experienced energy consultants who can handle all the energy calculations, system electrical designs, voltage drop calculations and system connection application for you. Their prices are competitive, and they also offer great customer service. They can help you save money on your electricity bills.
Sky Energy
The best solar panels will take the time to understand your energy needs and help you understand how a solar power system fits into your overall energy plan. They will also work closely with accredited energy retailers to ensure that you receive competitive electricity rates.
Essential Solar have a massive catalogue of nice and tidy jobs, and they only use top tier inverters (Fronius). They often go internal with their cabling, and when they do have external conduit, they do a great job of levelling it out, evening out saddle spacings, and cleaning entries from the cornice.
Advanced Energy Solutions are a boutique, but very good solar company. Run by a couple of youngish lads, they keep their installs really neat, and use duct to hide conduit outdoors. They also do a lot of hybrid and off-grid installs, which helps keep their skills honed.
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mccarthyplumbinggroup · 9 months
Which Hot Water System is Right for Me? – The Pros and Cons of Different Types of Hot Water Systems
A faulty hot water system is pretty much the last thing we all want to spend our hard-earned income on, especially with the rising costs of living, however none of us really enjoy having cold showers after the end of a hard day at work either!
A hot water system will usually pick the most inappropriate time to stop working and can choose to torment you with either an annoying trickle or a startling burst. Signs your system may be nearing its end of days can include one or more of the following:
The system is over 7 years old (Many Williams Landing/ Tarneit/ Truganina/ Point Cook hot water systems are now ageing as the suburbs and their homes become more established)
Your water isn’t getting as hot as it used to be
There is a hissing noise coming from your tank
Corrosion around the tank or fittings
You have no hot water at all
The first thing our plumbers at McCarthy Plumbing Group will do to determine whether your hot water system needs replacing or simply repairing is ask the age of the system. If the system is under 5 years old, and the problem is with the tank itself, the tank could be replaced under warranty. If the tank is over 5 years old and is out of warranty, a new hot water service will need to be installed (we can check your make and model for exact warranty details). If the problem is with one of the hot water service’s parts or fittings, you may get away with repairing and replacing with new parts (parts often only carry a 1-year warranty).
There are four different hot water system types in Australia; Gas, Solar, Heat Pump and electric hot water systems. These generally work in two different ways; water storage and ‘instantaneous’ or continuous flow systems.
Instantaneous hot water systems are perhaps wrongly termed; when you think about something that is ‘instant’ you expect it straight away. So when you turn the tap on in the shower in the bathroom situated furthest from the hot water unit and expect instant hot water you may blame your plumber for installing a faulty system. The fault however lies with the term ‘instantaneous’. There’s no such thing. Industry has now renamed the term to ‘continuous flow’ to give a more realistic title to rapid hot water.
Let’s get stuck into the different types of hot water systems available in Australia.
Selecting the ideal hot water system for your home in Victoria can be a significant decision due to the costs associated. Each type of system comes with its own set of advantages and drawbacks. Let’s explore the pros and cons of the four common hot water systems to help you make an informed choice based on your needs and preferences.
Gas Hot Water Systems
Energy Efficiency: Gas systems are known for their energy efficiency, providing a cost-effective solution.
Rapid Heating: They offer quick hot water delivery, ensuring you have hot water when you need it.
Reliable in Winter: Gas systems are not weather-dependent, making them suitable for colder seasons.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Gas systems produce greenhouse gas emissions, which may not align with environmentally conscious choices. This is the reason the Victorian Government has announced a state wide gas ban for new residential estate connections as of 1st Jan 2024.
Installation Costs: Initial installation can be more expensive than some alternatives.
Gas Supply Dependent: Availability and cost of gas can be subject to fluctuation.
Solar Hot Water Systems
Renewable Energy: Solar systems utilize the sun’s energy, making them an environmentally friendly choice.
Long-Term Savings: Solar systems can result in substantial long-term cost savings on energy bills.
Government Incentives: Victoria offers incentives and rebates for solar hot water installations.
High Initial Costs: Solar systems typically have a higher upfront cost.
Weather Dependent: Solar systems rely on sunlight, which can be a limitation during overcast days. This is particularly relevant in a climate like Melbourne’s. We get an average of 48 sunny days per year compared to somewhere like Coffs Harbour with an average of 131 days per year.
Backup Required: An electric or gas booster may be needed on cloudy days or during high demand.
Electric Hot Water Systems
Low Initial Costs: Electric systems are often more affordable to purchase
Easy Maintenance: They have relatively simple maintenance requirements.
Easy Installation: Electric systems can be installed almost anywhere, making them versatile(however note that install can be higher as they require both a plumber and electrician).
High Operational Costs: Electric systems are generally less energy-efficient and result in higher energy bills.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions: In Victoria, where the electricity grid relies on fossil fuels (such as brown coal), electric systems may contribute to greenhouse gas emissions.
Slower Heating: Electric systems can be slower to heat water compared to gas.
Heat Pump Hot Water Systems
High Efficiency: Heat pumps are exceptionally energy-efficient and can provide significant savings on energy bills.
Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions: They have a lower environmental impact compared to gas and electric systems.
Year-Round Performance: Heat pumps work well in various weather conditions.
Higher Initial Costs: The upfront cost for heat pump systems can be a lot higher than traditional electric systems. There are government subsidies on many of the cheaper heat pump systems available.
Space Requirements: Heat pumps require adequate space for installation.
Noise Levels: Some heat pumps can be very noisy during operation.
In addition to the primary types of hot water systems—gas, solar, electric, and heat pumps—Victoria residents also have the choice between continuous flow (tankless) and storage hot water systems. Let’s explore the pros and cons of each:
Continuous Flow (Tankless) Hot Water Systems:
Energy Efficiency: Tankless systems only heat water on demand, reducing energy wastage when hot water is not needed. This can lead to significant energy savings.
Space-Saving: Tankless units are compact and can be installed in smaller spaces, making them ideal for homes with limited room for a storage tank.
Endless Hot Water: Tankless systems provide an endless supply of hot water, ensuring you never run out during long showers or multiple users.
Higher Initial Costs: Tankless systems typically have a higher upfront cost compared to storage units and may require specific venting and gas line modifications.
Limited Flow Rate: The capacity of a tankless unit can be limited, making it essential to choose an appropriately sized system for your household’s hot water demands.
Cold Water Sandwich: In some cases, there may be a short burst of cold water before the unit begins delivering hot water.
Storage Hot Water Systems:
Lower Initial Costs: Storage units are generally more affordable to purchase and install, making them a budget-friendly option.
Consistent Temperature: Water is heated and stored, ensuring a constant supply of hot water without fluctuations in temperature.
Suitable for Larger Households: Storage units with larger tanks are ideal for homes with high hot water demands, such as larger families.
Standby Heat Loss: Since the water is continuously heated, storage units can experience standby heat loss, which can lead to higher energy bills.
Limited Capacity: Once the storage tank is empty, you may need to wait for it to refill and reheat the water, which can be inconvenient during times of high demand.
Space Requirements: Storage units require space for the tank, which may not be suitable for homes with limited room.
Selecting the Right Hot Water System for Melbourne Conditions
Choosing the right hot water system in Melbourne depends on your priorities, budget, and environmental considerations. Each type of system offers a unique set of benefits and drawbacks, so it’s crucial to weigh your options carefully. Consider your location, climate, family size, and long-term energy efficiency goals to make an informed decision that suits your needs and values. Ultimately, the ideal hot water system for your home should align with your lifestyle and provide the comfort and energy savings you desire. If you would like to discuss either repairing or replacing a hot water system that may be playing up, please call the McCarthy Plumbing Group team on 03 9931 0905.
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benferguson3131 · 10 months
Gas Upgrade to Heat Pump Victoria
Get transition from a gas upgrade to heat pump in Victoria with Victorian Water Heater Program. Uncover the advantages of lower energy consumption, reduced emissions, and potential rebates, all while maintaining a steady supply of hot water. Get in touch with the team at 03 9123 8395.
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greenupgrades · 1 year
Free Heat Pump Hot Water System upgrade in Victoria
Free Heat Pump Hot Water System upgrade in Victoria Through the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program, businesses can benefit from rebates offered by the government for replacing their existing small gas/electric resistance hot water systems (2-5 KW power) with small-sized heat pump hot water systems, as well as upgrading medium-sized heat pump water heaters (5-10 KW power). The specific incentive/rebate amount depends on factors such as the heat pump's kW rating, installation and administrative costs, Coefficient of Performance (CoP) or efficiency, VEU certificate price, and the potential reduction in water heating energy usage.
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sybilfindlay · 1 year
Heat Pump Hot Water Systems In Victoria
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Heat pumps can be installed free of charge in Victoria for residents with electric hot water systems. These innovative systems use energy to transfer warmth from the refrigerant to the water, effectively moving heat from one location to another. The energy-efficient technology can help you reduce your electricity bill by up to 75%, and the entire unit is covered by a 5-year warranty. As the foremost provider of heat pump hot water systems in Victoria, we are committed to delivering top-quality products and installation services tailored to your needs. Take advantage of the Free Heat Pump Hot Water Government Rebate and start saving on your energy bills today by contacting us at 03 9021 2525.
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energypowersaver · 2 years
Energy Efficient Heating and Cooling System
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Whether you are building a new home, renovating or simply looking for a new way to keep your home comfortable, an energy efficient heating and cooling system in Victoria is the solution. By reducing the amount of energy you use, you can save money on electricity bills and reduce the amount of CO2 in the air.
Compared to conventional heating systems, a heat pump can be more energy efficient. This is because it uses electricity to counter the natural flow of heat from places with higher temperatures to places with lower temperatures.
There are two main types of heat pumps. The most common type is an air-source heat pump. These systems take heat from the outside air and pump it inside through refrigerant-filled coils. They have two fans and a compressor.
A ground-source heat pump uses earth as a reservoir to reject heat during the summer and act as a condenser during the winter. These systems are less common than air-source systems, but they offer the best efficiency.
When considering heat pumps, consider the size of your home. Generally, larger homes require higher capacity pumps.
Using an energy efficient heating and cooling system will not only save you money on your electricity bills, it will also make you feel good about your eco-friendly footprint. With the state government's latest incentives and rebate programs available, it's easier than ever to make the switch.
While you are at it, enrol in the state's Victorian Energy Upgrade (VEU) program to help get you on your way. This program is administered by the Victorian Energy Commission (VEC) and is a one stop shop for all things energy efficient. The best part about the program is that all Victorian households are eligible for a rebate, making your home more energy efficient in the process. A simple online application will get you in the door in no time.
Using energy efficient window treatments can help your Victoria home's efficiency. These window treatments can reduce the amount of energy used to heat and cool your home. In addition, they can increase the resale value of your home.
A good way to achieve these goals is to have energy efficient window treatments professionally installed. These treatments can be purchased in a variety of styles and fabrics. There are several options available for your windows, including blinds, drapes, and woven window shades. Each of these options has its own benefits and features.
Shades and blinds are great for preventing heat and glare in your home. They are effective at blocking the sun in the summer and keeping the heat inside your home in the winter. They can also be used to reduce the amount of solar gain.
Unlike a standard wall installation, in-slab floor heating in Victoria provides a combination of both radiant and convective heat. This means that you will get a warmer room without having to worry about drying out your air.
Choosing the right system is important to ensure that you maximise comfort, and also to reduce the impact you have on the environment. There are many different options available, from heat pumps to reverse cycle air-conditioners. However, the best system for you will depend on your building and your fuel availability.
The cheapest heating option is an electric reverse cycle split system. It is also the most energy efficient. Reverse cycle air-conditioners are also the most efficient cooler, as they can be used for both heating and cooling.
Having reverse-cycle air conditioners installed in your home can help reduce the costs associated with heating and cooling your home. This is because these systems are highly efficient and use less energy than conventional space heaters.
Reverse cycle air conditioning units are available as portable air conditioners. They are usually powered by electricity, but they can also be powered by gas. They are available in a range of sizes and output capacities.
You can choose the best system for your home, depending on the climate and size of the room. It is also important to choose the most energy efficient heating and cooling system in VIctoria available.
A good reverse-cycle air conditioning system can reach up to 300 to 600 per cent efficiency, and some models have automatic defrost cycles. A good unit will also come with air filtration and air purification.
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Heat Pumps Make Your Home Comfortable
You might not have understood this yet without heat siphons your home would be downright awkward. A climate feels better when air is circling and not excessively sticky and not excessively dry. Obviously, best case scenarios that are 100 percent amazing are rare however the objective is to get as near that imprint as could be expected.
Heat Pumps Victoria Bc power your warming and cooling frameworks in your home. There are a wide range of sorts available today however their reason is basically something very similar. The legitimate activity of this warming and cooling gadget is vital for you to have a wonderful and mild climate in your home.
How really do warm siphons function in homes?
This gadget's fundamental objective is to move hot or cold air from the outside of a construction to the inside, as well as the other way around relying upon what the ongoing necessities are.
At the point when it is cold external the machine gathers what minimal warm air there is outside and utilizations it to intensity to warm the air inside the house. What is July, and how outside, the more sizzling air inside the structure is siphoned to the outside.
An intensity siphon has something many refer to as a condenser on it. In light of this colder air is circled around the inside of a home which keeps the environment inside agreeable. Without it within a home would be truly moist and damp with old hot air.
Heat siphons don't make heat. They are not a heater. Their occupation is simply to move warm air all through various pieces of a home or design.
Air source heat siphons move heat from within a home or business to the outside.
Geothermal warming siphons move warmed air from inside a home to the ground or water source that is nearby. These warming frameworks are expensive to introduce yet can make any home incredibly proficient and "green." People who love maintainable energy generally love geothermal intensity siphons.
Regardless of which kind of warming siphons you need or need you really must have a certified warming organization introduce them. They will massively affect how well your cooling and warming framework works and you believe that they should fill in also as they can. In the event that they don't work as expected your home will be very dry in the colder time of year time and very sweltering during the blistering late spring months.
For more details, visit us :
Heat Pump Rebate Canada
Heat Pump Installation Victoria Bc
Installation of Heat Pumps Victoria Bc
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hitechhotwater · 4 months
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myomaustralia · 1 year
Small-scale Technology Certificate (STC) scheme
As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, there were several government rebates and incentives available for heating and cooling systems in different regions. Here are a few examples:
Australian Government: The Australian government offers the Small-scale Technology Certificate (STC) scheme, which provides financial incentives for eligible heating and cooling systems powered by renewable energy sources such as solar and heat pumps. These incentives are available for residential and commercial installations.
State and Territory Programs: Different states and territories in Australia may have their own programs and rebates for heating and cooling upgrades. For example, in Victoria, the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program provides incentives for energy-efficient heating and cooling systems. In New South Wales, the Energy Saver program offers financial incentives for energy-efficient upgrades, including heating cool rebates.
Local Government Initiatives: Some local governments may offer specific rebates or incentives for heating and cooling upgrades. These programs can vary depending on the region, so it's worth checking with your local council or energy authority to see if any such initiatives are available.
It's important to note that government rebates and incentives can change over time and may have specific eligibility criteria and requirements. I recommend visiting the official websites of relevant government departments, energy authorities, or local councils in your region for the most up-to-date and accurate information on heating and cooling rebates and incentives that may be available to you.
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ecosaver · 21 days
Discovering the marvels of heat pump systems in Victoria! 🌿🏡 From slashing energy bills to reducing carbon footprints, these eco-friendly wonders are transforming the way we heat our homes. With Victoria's climate, heat pumps offer year-round comfort, efficiently extracting warmth from the air or ground to keep your space cozy in winter and refreshingly cool in summer. Plus, with government incentives and rebates encouraging their adoption, there's never been a better time to make the switch to sustainable heating. Let's embrace the future of home comfort together! 💡
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mikeyd1986 · 6 years
On Monday morning, my Mum and I along with Jen Angee attended the Morning Melodies function at the Cranbourne RSL. Today’s performers were Danny Stain (vocals and acoustic guitar) and Warren Keats aka Mr. Wizard Man (bass guitar and backing vocals) doing a Tribute to Johnny Cash. On first appearances, the duo looked like The Odd Couple but they surprisingly performed brilliantly together with plenty of entertaining jokes thrown in. Danny and Warren nailed Cash’s trademark croon very impressively and alternated lead vocals on a few of the tracks.
They played many of Cash’s classic songs including Folsom Prison Blues, Help Me Make It Through The Night, Cry Cry Cry, Big River, Walk The Line, I Still Miss Someone, Ring of Fire, Sunday Morning Coming Down and I Got Stripes. They also performed a few familiar classics from the likes of Elvis Presley (Blue Suede Shoes, Suspicious Minds) and Neil Diamond (Sweet Caroline). I was really impressed with Danny’s knowledge of Johnny Cash’s musical career and personal events during the 1950’s and 60’s. You can tell that he is genuinely passionate about being a musician and singer as well.
On Monday night, I attended an Open Level Vinyasa yoga class with Aaron Petty at Level Up Yoga in Berwick. I felt like tonight’s class was a mixed bag for me. A lot of insecurities were coming up inside of me that have remained unresolved. I tried really hard to brush the negative thoughts aside and acknowledge things like: some of the students in this room know each other and have existing relationships. I’m introverted and don’t speak up as much in groups. Nobody included me in their conversations.
The reality is that it’s not their fault, it’s mine as they probably weren’t deliberately ignoring me. And yet somehow it just really bothered me tonight. Not even my internal Elsa from Frozen (LET IT GO! LET IT GO!) could keep my negative thoughts at bay. Besides this, I did manage to enjoy the class itself for the most part. We begun by doing a seated Nadi Shodhan Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing) practice which really helps to balance the left and right sides of the brain, lower your heart rate and reduce anxiety levels among other things. https://www.doyouyoga.com/a-basic-intro-to-alternate-nostril-breathing/
Then things kicked up a notch by doing several challenging Vinyasa flowing sequences: 
Flowing Sequence 1: Standing Forward Fold, Downward Facing Dog, Three Legged Dog (x3), Knee to Nose (x3), Plank, Chaturanga, Updog.                          Flowing Sequence 2: Crescent Lunge, Warrior 2, Reverse Warrior, Downward Facing Dog.                                                                                                              Flowing Sequence 3: Crane pose, Eagle pose, Dancers pose.                              We also dig some “Dog Flips” (Wild Thing pose) which was pretty hilarious as it’s a really difficult pose to hold and be still in. https://www.yogajournal.com/poses/wild-thing
Aaron wanted us to focus on Mindful Breathing during our Vinyasa yoga practice tonight as it’s often easy to forget about it when your mind is so focused on getting the poses and movements right. We finished the class off by doing some deep stretches and releasing twists before going off into our Shavasana. I love how Aaron gives his yoga space a unique touch like serving tea, burning incense and sage and playing chilled out “Stoner” music. I’m sure I’ll “let go” of all those stupid, negative thoughts I was having tonight and leave on a more positive note next time. https://www.aaronpetty.com/teaching-schedule/ 
On Tuesday morning, I went to my Employ Your Mind session at WISE Employment - Cranbourne Office. It was a smaller group today compared to last week perhaps due to the wet weather outside. We begun the session by exploring “Gistful Thinking” which is about extracting the main point or idea behind a book, an article, a movie, conversations or our own memories. Gists are very helpful in that they make it easier to store information, provides a stronger memory and makes it easier to remember things. 
Next we continued working on the Thinking Gym computer program that we started last week. As expected, the puzzles get more difficult the further you progress through each of the exercises. I was finding the memory ones in particular very tricky as not only do you have to remember a specific shape but also the colour of the shape among other possible options. There was a “fill in” styled exercise which involved inserting words into a star shaped grid which I found easy and enjoyable.    
The last part of the session involved coming up with some topic ideas for the next project. I came up with three: Yoga and meditation, local bands and becoming a barista. I decided to go for the latter topic as it’s something I’ve only recently started researching and would actually be less work for me than trying to come up with something different to present. I could look into possible training courses I could do, how to operate a coffee machine, the types and styles of coffees that can be made etc. But I only needed a topic name for now. 
On Tuesday night, I went to my final YardFIT session for the Term at The Yard Strength & Fitness in Pakenham. After Mandi gave us the heads up about a truck rolling over near Officer, I honestly dreaded how the traffic was going to be. The Princes Freeway was blocked off from both ends so we had to find an alternate route.  
Google Maps gave me a “back way” to avoid the freeway. Unfortunately it probably didn’t make much difference as it took me over an hour to get to The Yard. I was pretty unfamiliar with these back roads. Pound Road was a terrible, unsealed gravel road which felt like it was never going to end. And then the cars began banking up on Ballarto Road once I got through Cardinia as many people wanted to turn onto Koo Wee Rup Road. I knew there was no way I was going to make it there by 6pm. 
Rodney Millar was in the same predicament and so we were about 25-30 minutes late. Thankfully Mandi was happy to wait for us and start the session when we arrived by 6.30pm. We warmed up by doing 100 tyre flips (50 each), working on getting a good technique and not rushing through them. Next we did three rounds of: 60m sled push, 30 second battle ropes, 60m farmers carry with a weight increase after each round. It was pretty tough especially when it got heavier and fatigue was setting in through my arms. https://www.menshealth.com/fitness/a19538861/how-to-flip-a-tire/ 
Tonight’s WOD was called Kettle Bell Hell. Mandi arranged kettle bells of varying weights (6-14kg) which we would use during the workout. We had to do 2 x 20 reps of the following: Single Arm KB swings, Single Leg KB Deadlifts, KB cleans, KB push presses, KB overhead press, KB snatches, KB sit-ups, KB Single Arm Lifts. As usual, it was a pretty intense workout but at least I had the option to drop down to a lower weight when needed. I’m honestly glad that I made the effort to come out tonight despite the delays and traffic issues as I always feel great after the session. https://www.mensjournal.com/health-fitness/15-best-kettlebell-exercises-all-time/14-kettlebell-jump-squats/ 
On Thursday morning, I drove down to YMCA Casey RACE intending to do a Body Pump class with Natalie Blanch but due to circumstances (running late, getting interrupted by text messages and phone calls), I missed the boat. It was probably a blessing in disguise as I was feeling quite stressed and flustered rushing up the ramp to access the Group Fitness Room. As the customer service staff member was busy on the phone, I figured that I’d grab a ticket from the self-serve kiosk. Sadly I wasn’t able to locate it in time. 
I decided to walk back to the car and mentally “re-group” as well as give myself the opportunity to work through all those missed text messages and voicemails. Turns out that my mental healthcare plan has expired and so I need to get it reviewed by my GP next week so that I can claim my Medicare rebate for my last psych session. Anyway, I figured that considering I’ve made the effort to drive out to Casey RACE, I might as well do some form of exercise. 
I decided to do a 45 minute workout on the Treadmill. I’ve often hesitated using the gym equipment as I prefer to have a program written out but thankfully there are plenty of preset options on the Treadmill to choose from. I started at walking pace and gradually increased my speed up to 7 kph. I selected the option to display a guided tour of a picturesque mountain range in Utah including the Grand Canyon. I ended up burning around 250 calories, getting my heart rate up to 160 BMP and travelling a distance of 3.5 km. 
I’m actually really glad that I was somehow able to put myself out of that negative mindset (It’s just not my day today. Nothing’s going right for me) and actually do something positive and productive with my time. https://www.caseyrace.ymca.org.au/gym/gym-facilities      
On Thursday night, I attended my Aspergers Victoria Adults peer group meeting at The Nerve Centre in Blackburn. I had a lot of mixed feelings about tonight’s meeting. Firstly, some of the discussions went off on a tangent and also became quite heated. Members were speaking over one another trying to get a word in edge wise, some rambling on for far too long. It actually made me feel quite uncomfortable and awkward to listen to it. Secondly, the questions that Colin provided in the email for our topic tonight “Small Talk and Making Conversation” were practically tossed to the wind and not addressed besides the 5th question about role playing. 
Most of tonight’s discussion centered around Colin’s handout on The Art of Conversing with Ease (ironic considering how some of these conversations in tonight’s meeting were going). The handout itself I found to be very educational and helpful. There were several main headings including: 
Why do we converse? Friendship. Information. Entertainment. Stimulation. Work situations. Confidence building. Sharing hobbies and interests. Out of curiosity. 
Why do we hesitate to initiate a conversation? Self consciousness. Good Impressions. Disclosure. Fear. Rejection. Judgement. Emotions. Distractions. Wanting to be cautious.  
The four levels of conversation. Small Talk (Weather, News, Current Events). Fact Disclosure (Name, Occupation, Location). Opinions and Views (Politics, Current Issues, Environmental topics). Personal Feelings (Family, personal goals, problems).   
Tactics for a successful conversation. Attitude. Prepare. Listen. Open ended questions. Matters likely to be discussed (yourself, themselves, immediate surroundings). Balance. 
I actually did find some of the member’s points to be valid and quite useful so I decided to make my own notes during the meeting. However, I didn’t feel comfortable at all speaking up as the outspoken and dominate members became too much for me. I almost considered leaving early but somehow managed to remain strong and grounded despite how anxious I was feeling. The meeting left me feeling very drained and I didn’t feel like sticking around for supper or a social chat. 
Tonight’s meeting certainty wasn’t a waste of time for me but I wish the discussions were moderated a bit better. I could sense from the actions and body language from some of the people in the room that they felt the same way. A few people excused themselves early. Some turned to their smart phones. And some even started nodding off (which is understandable considering how late these meetings go). Hopefully the next meeting will be a bit more constructive and positive but it’s tough with multiple personalities and 25-30 other “Aspies” in one room. https://www.aspergersvic.org.au/events 
On Friday morning, I had my Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) done at Narregate Medical & Dental Centre in Narre Warren. I tried a different tactic today to help me cope with the nervous of having a blood test done. I kept as calm as possible to prevent myself getting worked up. Not only did I have to get three blood tests done but I also had to drink a 75 gram glucose drink and wait around the pathology waiting area for 2 hours. Like my general blood test, I had to fast for 12 hours or so and not eat or drink anything else until the test is over. 
Thankfully the male American pathologist that I had last time was working today alongside a woman in her 50’s or 60’s. I felt much more at ease compared to last time even though I’m surrounded on all four walls by medical equipment, cupboards and drawers. Not exactly the most exciting view to have when you’re getting blood extracted from your vein. But much to my surprise, I didn’t have a negative reaction to any of the three blood tests. I feel like I’m slowly confronting my fear of injections, needles and blood tests and gaining a bit more confidence.
The pathologist doing it is also a significant factor in all of this too. I wisely opted to have it done on my right arm as they found the vein much easier than on my left. Besides the usual sting on the needle piercing the skin, I didn’t have any other issues besides feeling hungry and a little off from the glucose drink. I’m fairly confident that I won’t be at a high risk of diabetes and taking the GTT is more of a precaution than anything. https://www.clinicallabs.com.au/patient/collection-information/collection-guide/blood-collections/glucose-tolerance-test-gtt/ 
“A portion like madness in season. Bracing all like a breaking of reason. With every night lost and every day torn. With the drama feeling calmer and it's calmer in the storm. Speakers are crying like a forest in the rain. I was so alone with my thoughts and my pain. And the darkness closed like a mouth on a wild night. I'll never be free. Ooh, in this darkness. Please light my way. Light my way.”  Moby - This Wild Darkness (2018)                                                        
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hitechhotwater · 9 hours
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Save energy and reduce your carbon footprint with a hot water heat pump! 🌿
Victoria's Green Living Rebates make it easy and affordable 💰. Discover more today!
💻 Visit us- https://www.hitechhotwater.com.au/rebates/vic-rebates/ ☎️ Call on Toll-free number 1300 011 015. 📩 Mail - [email protected]
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hitechhotwater · 7 months
Heat pump hot water systems have gained popularity as an energy-efficient and eco-friendly solution for providing hot water in both residential and commercial settings. However, like any technology, heat pumps have their fair share of myths and misconceptions.
In this blog, we'll debunk some common heat pump myths surrounding hot water heat pumps and present you some heat pump facts to help you make informed decisions.
By the end, you'll have a clearer understanding of why heat pumps are a smart choice for your hot water needs, whether you're a homeowner or a business owner looking to save on energy costs and reduce your carbon footprint.
Myth 1: Rebate is not available for heat pump hot water systems.
Fact: Contrary to this myth, many governments and energy authorities offer rebates and incentives for installing heat pump hot water systems. These incentives aim to promote energy-efficient technologies and reduce carbon emissions.In regions like New South Wales (NSW & Victoria), you can take advantage of rebates and schemes to make your heat pump installation more cost-effective. These financial incentives not only help you save money upfront but also contribute to a more sustainable and eco-friendly future.
Myth 2: It's difficult to maintain hot water heat pump systems.
Fact: Heat pumps are relatively low-maintenance. Regular maintenance involves cleaning or replacing filters, checking for refrigerant leaks, and ensuring proper airflow. Many homeowners & Business Owners find it as easy to maintain as traditional hot water systems.Additionally, modern heat pump systems often come with user-friendly controls and diagnostic features that simplify monitoring and maintenance, making them even more convenient for users.
Myth 3: Heat pumps require a lot of space.
Fact: Hot water heat pumps come in various sizes to suit different spaces. Modern models are compact and designed to fit in confined spaces, such as utility rooms or even outdoors. You don't need excessive space to install one.Moreover, their versatility in placement allows homeowners & Business Owners to maximize the use of their available space while enjoying the benefits of energy-efficient hot water heating.
Myth 4: Many companies do not provide guarantees or warranties for heat pump systems.
Fact: Reputable manufacturers and suppliers offer warranties and guarantees for their heat pump hot water systems. These warranties typically cover the heat pump unit and its components, giving you peace of mind about your investment's durability and performance.
Myth 5: Heat pump hot water systems will increase my operation cost.
Fact: Heat pumps are known for their energy efficiency. They extract heat from the surrounding air or ground, making them significantly cheaper to run compared to traditional electric or gas systems. Over time, you'll notice a reduction in your energy bills, contributing to long-term cost savings and environmental benefits. CLICK HERE for more information.
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