#heat insulated sheet for roof
geometricsteels · 11 months
Discover the best in thermal insulated roofing sheets with METAhybrid® roofing sheets – lightweight, eco-friendly, and noise-reducing. Stay cool, save big, and enhance your space. Visit us at www.metahybrid.in or contact us at 8550995556 | [email protected]. . . . . #thermalinsulatedroofingsheet #roof #sheet #insulatedroof #soundproofing #soundproof #heatinsulation #architecture #interiordesign #insulatedroofing #insulatedpanels #insulatedpanel #thermalinsulation #metahybrid #roofinsulation #geometric #steels
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marucool · 5 months
Top Advantages of Aluminum Foil Insulation for Roofs in Pre-Engineered Buildings
When a pre-engineered building has to be kept at the right temperature and durable, the best materials have to be chosen. Among all the diverse choices, aluminum foil insulation is one of the most flexible and potent selections. Maru Cool is one of the best choices for your pre-engineered building insulation. They offer higher-quality aluminum foil at affordable prices.
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Now let's explore some of the advantages of aluminum foil insulation for roofs in pre-engineered buildings:
Superior Thermal Performance: Aluminum foil insulation bounces back radiant heat, stopping it from moving through the roof. This keeps your house cozy all year long, so you won't have to rely on expensive heating or cooling systems as much.
Energy Efficiency: The aluminum foil performs as an insulator during high temperatures and efficiently traps heat where a room needs to be warmer in the winter. It significantly cuts down the energy expenditure and hence has a positive environmental impact. In addition, it means that building owners will pay less for their electrical utility costs.
Durability and Longevity: Foil which is usually used to wrap aluminum is very durable and can tolerate harshness without any harm to it. It has an amazing capacity to tolerate weather like high temperatures or icy coldness, and it can also withstand moisture and sunshine. This implies that it can remain in good condition even after a long period with little maintenance.
Fire Resistance: The matter of everyone's safety in any building deeply matters, and a great point about aluminum foil insulation is that it is not flammable. Therefore it no longer helps fire to spread which guarantees safer buildings and people in it.
Lightweight and Easy Installation: The aluminum foil insulation is lighter and more convenient to work with than the conventional old-fashioned insulation stuff. This will allow a quicker and cheaper installment which is certainly a saving as far as labor and construction time are concerned, especially in pre-engineered buildings where efficiency is crucial.
Noise Reduction: Besides keeping things warm or cool, aluminum foil also makes the building quieter by stopping noise from traveling through. This means the inside of the building is more peaceful and cozy. This is helpful in places like factories or offices where loud noises can be a problem.
Environmentally Friendly: Using aluminum foil as insulation is also beneficial as it can be recycled like most of the existing materials used. Which describes it as the nature of helping the sustainability of the frontages. Moreover, it endures for a long time and reduces energy usage, and thereby reduces the carbon footprint as well.
Cost-Effectiveness: It goes without saying that although rolling out aluminum insulation may be somehow costlier in terms of the initial outlay than other alternative insulations, this type of insulation is in fact of more value in the long term. It is mainly for this reason that it costs less to run longer term, so people pay fewer bills over time. Frequently, you will have to spend a lot of money at the time of purchase, but it will only help you to cut costs on the energy consumed in the long term.
The aluminum foil insulation for the roof brings plenty of obvious advantages for pre-engineered building insulation. It serves as an insulator of heat to protect the building from temperature changes, consumes energy with minimal waste, stays durable for long periods, and is very eco-friendly. MaruCool, self-exclusive to top-grade insulation, is assured to provide architects, builders, and owners with pre-engineered aluminum foil to efficiently use for insulation.
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neothermaljaipur · 2 years
Best Heat insulation and Roof insulation Services
Heat Insulation
The barrier to the flow of heat between two objects     is called thermal insulation. Specially designed processes, special     shapes, and selection of suitable materials are very important for the     insulation of heat.
When two objects of different temperatures come in     direct contact, there must be a transfer of heat between them. But by     inserting an insulating material between these two objects, the flow of     heat will be less than before. 
How much less depends on the thickness of the     insulating material, its low thermal conductivity, etc. Similarly, some     other methods are adopted to reduce the flow of heat by radiation.
The lower the thermal conductivity of a material, the     better it is as an insulator. Other properties of insulating materials in     the field of thermal engineering are density and specificity.  
What are heat-resistant materials?
It is very important to choose specially designed processes, special sizes, and suitable materials for heat insulation. Tantalum carbide (TaC) and hafnium carbide (HfC) are refractory ceramics, meaning they are exceptionally resistant to heat. 
Which is the least heat-resistant metal?
The correct answer is glass. Heat conduction is the reduction in the transfer of heat between objects in thermal contact. In modern times, glass is the most common insulation.
What is the difference between a heat conductor and a heat insulator?
Of heat from a substance goes from one end to the other, it is called a heat conductor. Aluminum, iron, silver, copper, etc. are heat conductors. When there is no transfer of heat from a substance, it is called an insulator. Such as plastic, wood, etc.
Main insulation Material
Mineral wool
Polyurethane foam
Polyurethane eps
Roof insulation
You can always tell who hasn't insulated their attic because of the pigeons and other birds sitting on the roof and enjoying all the heat coming from the house below. Summer is on the rise and clever birds are quick to take advantage of it.
 Other benefits of roof insulation include
Lower heating bills
Improve the energy efficiency of your home
Increase the value of your home
Attic insulation for an average 3-bedroom     semi-detached house with gas central heating can start with DIY insulation     for around €50 and can take less than a year, reducing energy costs. Know     about top insulation and Roof insulation.
What is Roof insulation?
Roof insulation is a barrier of material in your roof space. It can be placed between joists (horizontal joists along the floor of your attic) or rafters (slant joists that support the roof).
Why is roof insulation necessary?
In non-insulated homes, a quarter of the heat lost is dissipated through the roof. Insulating an attic or roof is a great way to increase the comfort of your home. And there's even more good news: It will last more than 40 years and should pay for itself many times over in energy savings since the cost of Roof insulation is relatively low.
Restoration of houses made of non-traditional materials.
If you live in a historic home or a home built from local traditional stone or other materials, use appropriate roof insulation materials and methods. Otherwise, your home may not stay as warm or dry as it should. It may be best to consult or hire local workers trained in the techniques involved.
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swaglet · 17 days
yap post about architecture and climate. maybe you'll find it interesting
that post about architecture becoming homogenous across the world is true but it doesn't even mention how DANGEROUS something like that can be. like. humans started building permanent settlements depending on wherever their group ended up, and their individual climate determined what materials they built their shelters out of, how high off the ground/how deep they built them, how far from shore they built them, etc..... like. i'm not an architect i know next to nothing about architecture but you know what pisses me off? brick houses with asphalt or clay tile shingle roofs and a basement with solid brick foundation walls are the ultimate superior option where i live for climate control reasons. they are more resilient to tornadoes (especially the debris being flung around by the tornado so they're less likely to collapse from the debris), the inside of your house is kept cool during hot summer temperatures especially if you have trees and plants for shade outside your home above your roof, the inside stays warm when you heat it up and the heat doesn't readily escape through the brick walls or the roof tiles during the cold extended winter months, and you can open up the windows as you please during spring and fall because it's usually room temperature outside for most of those seasons anyway and then you can save on the heating/cooling bill and all that. like literally all year round. especially if you have a fireplace and a little bit of insulation in all your walls and the roof, you literally will have no heat escape and you won't even need to turn your heater on. the clay/asphalt roof tiles with any type of insulation under them make it so that your roof won't collapse if there's a ton of snow sitting on top of it even for weeks on end. both the material of the shingles and the insulation will stop the cold from seeping in and it'll stay warm even though there's like a foot of snow on your roof. we have asphalt tile shingles that have not been replaced or even touched in 20 years since this house was built and there has never been a single leak of water into this house from the ceiling and by god does it rain something fierce here. there have been tree limbs and rocks and shit flung at the roof during small tornadoes and the worst thing that happened was a few tiles got dislodged and we put them back up after the storm was over.
this is an extremely wooded area. pennsylvania is literally means "Penn's forest country" we are THE state for timber and wood and whatnot. if a tree were to fall on your brick house with clay/asphalt shingles after it was blown over or struck by lightning in a storm, it has a lot better of a chance of staying intact than a flimsy wooden beam house with a thin metal sheet for a roof and some more wooden beams underneath it. your plastic siding panels made to look like wood are all going to crack and crumble and like. explode. the moment that tree hits your house. that tree is coming into your living room. if lightning strikes your house, or your porch, or anything near your house like a tree or your garage or anything flammable, your house could be engulfed in flames and you will burn to death. that literally happened here not even a year ago btw. there was a really bad storm and lightning struck a tree in someone's backyard and the tree caught fire and it eventually fell and crashed through their porch and lit their whole house on fire and to add salt to the wound it landed on their power box outside their house so it exploded everything inside so all their wires caught fire as well and everyone except a little girl died because it happened in the middle of the night. brick houses are fire resistant and so are clay&asphalt tiles and that was a freak ass accident and since the flaming tree hit their power box they probably still would have been fucked anyway if they didn't have a cheap ass modern infrastructure fuck ass house but maybe stuff like that would happen less if we paid attention to what our climates are like and what materials are best for our area........... rip to that family i drive past the lot that their house was on almost everyday and think about them
Idk i rant about this shit all the time to my boyfriend like. i wish the housing market (and the market in general) wasn't absolutely diabolical right now because i genuinely want to build a small little cozy house sims-style someday, from scratch, that is entirely based on the climate and weather of where i live and make it as power efficient and safe as possible. Does anyone else ever think about this stuff
Like. Why the hell are all the houses being built nowadays all made with fugly ass metal roofs and shitty ugly fake wooden panel siding on the outside. So inefficient, so useless, so swagless. What is the purpose. We added an extension to our garage recently and metal roofing was the only affordable option and if you step inside that part of the garage it boils you alive in the summer if it's hot out. i CANNOT imagine that shit on top of my real life actual house
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whatsnewalycat · 2 years
Psychomanteum / Chapter 4
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x F!Reader
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Chapter 4: The Past Is A Grotesque Animal
Chapter Summary: You and Dieter use the psychomanteum.
Rating: Explicit (18+ only)
Word Count: 7.6k+
Content / Warnings: alternating POV, death, drug addiction, grief, dead parent, psychomanteum, PTSD, flashbacks, cocaine use & dependence & comedown, cannabis use, homophobic hate crime mention, suicide mention, angst, YEAAAARRRRNING, fluffy things, dirty talk, nipple play, fingering, cuddling
Notes: Chapter title from "The Past Is A Grotesque Animal" by of Montreal. Which is honestly one of my favorite songs ever. The lyrics are fucking beautiful and weird UGH. 10/10 recommend listening lol. Hey so, about this chapter... the top half is pretty heavy but there's some cute stuff in there. I read through research papers on psychomanteums to get reports of people's experiences, and these are things that were actually reported to fucking happen. Which I think is neat.
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Psychomanteum Recipe
Comfortable Chair
Lamp with 25-watt bulb
Room draped in black 
Mount mirror on one side of the room
Place chair about 3’ in front of and facing mirror
Place lamp directly behind chair
Surround area floor-to-ceiling in black
Eliminate all light except the lamp
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“What now?” Dieter asks, wiping beads of sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand, “Do we do some kind of a ritual or something?” 
He’s standing in your bedroom, hands on his hips, panting from the exertion of dragging an armchair from the living room into the closet. 
“Let’s see…” you hum to yourself, clicking your tongue against the roof of your mouth as you scroll down the webpage and nod along, “Ok. Yeah, ok, now you go in there and I murder you as my human sacrifice,” you keep your face neutral as you peak over the top of your laptop screen and watch his body relax into amusement. 
“Counter productive,” he states in an accusatory fashion, pointing at you, then adds with a scoff, “and rude.” 
He walks around the bed and sprawls out atop the terracotta comforter. The mattress shifts, jostling your body from side-to-side as he rolls onto his side, propped up on an elbow, cheek pressed to his palm. 
You smirk and return your attention to the computer screen, scrolling down the page as you skim the article, “I don’t think we have to do anything else. Just go in there and, I don’t know, try to talk to them? See what we see? I think it’s kind of up to you what you do. Pretty subjective.” 
He doesn’t say anything, but you feel his eyes on you. You turn your head and meet his gaze. Heat creeps up your neck, tinging your cheeks,  “What?”
His mouth gapes open like he’s holding words hostage on the tip of his tongue, then he shakes his head, “Nothing. Who’s going first?” 
“Do you want to?” your eyebrows press together, hope creasing your forehead. 
“I, um…” he glances at the closet, then back to you, Adam’s apple bobbing before he says, “Ok, yeah. I’ll go first.” 
“You sure?” you search his face, watching the way his jaw gnashes back and forth, the way he's staring at the closet door with dimly lit eyes. 
Dieter nods, then pushes himself off the bed with a grunt. He shakes out his wrists and rolls his shoulders as he approaches the closet, then turns back to you, “So I just go and think about him and ask him questions?” 
You close the laptop and slide it towards the foot of the bed, then sit up and cross your legs into a pretzel. Your guts are tangled in a similar knot. But you ignore it and confirm, “You got it, chief.” 
“Alright,” he strides towards the closet door, looking back to salute you before crossing the threshold, “See you on the other side."
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Dieter sinks into the armchair. Black sheets hang on all four sides of the setup, which was a real pain in the fucking ass to hang up. It’s dimly lit and insulated by your clothing. His leg bounces on its own accord, and he stares down at his hands for a minute before gaining the courage to look up into the mirror you propped up on a tall chest of drawers. 
It reflects a black void. 
His hands find the tops of his thighs, thumb rubbing against the mound of coke contained inside his shorts pocket. Temptation hooks his insides. The barbs tug his skin tight and uncomfortable. It would be so easy to snort just a little before doing this. Just enough to make this bearable. Something, anything, to sheath the knife ripping his stomach into pieces. 
It would just take a second. Barely a second. He could have been done with it already if he didn’t start fucking arguing with himself. 
He shakes the devil from his head and slides his hands onto each armrest, feeling the grooves of the tangerine colored cotton upholstery on his palms. His voice is quiet and shaky when he asks the mirror, “James, are you there?” 
The blackness of the mirror stares back at him. 
Unease settles into his skin when he realizes that he may have to dig deeper than surface level into his memories. The painful things he’s been hiding from for decades. 
The thoughts of James have been locked away, buried beneath a growing pile of coping mechanisms and bad decisions. Every time James comes crawling out from his designated lockbox inside the depths of Dieter’s mind, he comes out swinging, seeking to collect the compounded interest for grief unfelt. 
Whenever he sees a man with straw blonde hair and an Appalachian accent, James peaks out and asks, "Would I look like that if I were still alive?" 
Each attempt to empty a screenplay from Dieter’s brain onto paper, James is there, reminding him, "You'll never be able to write without me." 
Once, Dieter met a flight attendant who asked him politely what he'd like to drink. When he looked up to meet her eyes, they were too fucking familiar. Brown irises bleeding into ocean blue like another BP oil rig spilling petroleum into the Pacific. As if they had been plucked from his dead body and squeezed into her eye sockets. 
He ordered a double shot of whiskey. 
And another. 
And another. 
Dieter’s brain is haunted by the ghost of him. Each brawl with James leaves Dieter broken and bruised, brittle and hollow. Alone. Guilty. He numbs himself, doing anything to get rid of the agony burning him alive from the inside out. Anything to get that beautiful voice out of his fucking head. Each and every time, right before the point of oblivion, he hears James whisper, "I feel like I don't even know you anymore," before disappearing into his lockbox again. 
When Dieter saw the way you were reeling from your drunken confession, wearing that tortured expression of self-loathing people only get when they're deeply ashamed of themselves, he knew he had to tell you about James. He needed you to know that you're not the only one who has wanted to go beyond the grave to get answers to the questions that keep you up at night. 
You’re not alone. 
He needs you to know that. 
Dieter stares into the black nothing of the mirror and opens the vault, willingly this time. 
As a kid, Dieter had seen best friends on TV shows and in movies, and his parents always talked about best friends, but he never saw them. These “best friends” seemed like a myth, only existing as pictures on screens and voices in telephones. But on the first day of school after the Bravos were stationed at Camp Lejeune, Dieter sat next to a kid that drew comics in the margins of his notebook. His name was James, and Dieter found out that best friends were real. 
They clicked immediately. Both boys were innately creative and rebellious, but not in a “cool” way, like the teenage heartthrob stereotype of a misunderstood bad boy. No, they were more like the stereotypical theater kids. Minus the theater, since, of course, Lejeune High School only offered sports as an extracurricular activity. 
Regardless, Dieter and James created new worlds, people to fill them, stories for them to live out. Dedicating whole school days dressing up and living as the characters they invented, bringing them to life. They made scripts and screenplays, then acted out scenes for the one person audience of Dieter’s mom. 
Then there were Saturdays at The VIP Lounge. 
Every Saturday morning, Dieter trailed behind James, eyes glued to the freckled, sunburned square of skin between his shimmering golden hair and sweat-drenched t-shirt collar. Tree branch shadow puppets danced on his shoulders as he breezed past the ferns and milkweed that littered the soft forest floor. 
And every Saturday morning, they stepped out from the treeline onto a secluded patch of sand that they had lovingly dubbed The VIP Lounge. A sanctuary for the boys to be themselves, carved from the New River’s bank with their awkward teenage hands. They packed blankets, snacks, sketchbooks, notepads, ditch weed, and stolen cigarettes. 
It’s all they needed to conjure half-baked schemes for fame and fortune, really. 
Over time, their close friendship had begun to take on a new dynamic. Touches and glances would linger longer, sending Dieter's heart racing. Soft, fluttering feelings crept around the edges and closed in on their relationship. Dieter, aware of the attraction he started to feel towards his friend, would test out these new waters occasionally. When sitting next to James, he'd inch closer, carefully studying his reaction for signs of disapproval as the proximity between them decreased. 
James didn't flinch away. In fact, he often would smile and blush, or sometimes even scoot even closer, until their legs were touching and their palms were sweaty. 
During one sleepover, James’s voice cut through the pitch black of his bedroom, asking Dieter, “You ever think ‘bout what it’d be like to kiss a boy?” 
Dieter remembers his heart thudding so loud it’s all he could hear in the silence. The wet squelch of his throat when he swallowed hard and whispered back, “Yeah.” The sigh of relief James exhaled through lips Dieter always felt drawn to. Dieter blinked his eyes open and rolled on his side to face James, trying to see his face through the darkness, "Do you?"
"Yeah," James confessed. 
“Do… Do you want to try?” Dieter heard himself asking, lowering his voice even quieter to make sure nobody else could hear, “With me?” 
James slowly rolled on his side to face Dieter. Adrenaline flooded their nervous systems and poured into their bloodstream. Teen hearts beating as fast as a hummingbird's. 
Dieter reached out with a shaky hand, finding James just inches away, fingers landing on his freckled cheek. His thumb brushed against the flushed skin. Their faces grew closer, until they could both feel the other's trembling breath, and they were certain they couldn't miss. 
It was awkward the way first kisses always are. A hesitant peck in the dark with stiff lips. They got better at it, though, over the next year. 
Until General Thompson found out about them. 
Dieter realizes the reflection shown by the mirror is no longer a featureless black void. He squints and sits up straight, leaning towards it. The image being displayed… isn’t really an image at all, because it’s in motion. A current of midnight blue with occasional sprays of white. 
A river running from the left side of the mirror to the right. 
Once he realizes what it is, he leans away, back pressing against the chair. His brain fires off smoke signals to the rest of his body, tapping into the ancient part of his brain that responds best to danger. He scrambles backwards out of the psychomanteum, trying to get the fuck away from the mirror as fast as possible. 
Your voice faintly reaches Dieter's ears as he stumbles out of the closet. By the time the word has finished crossing your lips, he's no longer in your bedroom. All he can think is GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT. 
He hears you calling his name, but it’s just background noise that’s silenced when the apartment door closes behind him. 
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You’re perched on the edge of your bed, staring after the sound of your apartment door slamming shut, face twisting in bewilderment. The quiet lingers with an edge that slices your ego. You get to your feet and pad into the kitchen, grabbing your phone from the counter to see if he sent you an explanation. 
What the fuck happened to make him storm out like that? 
When you call him, the loud hum of vibration sounds from your living room. You follow the noise like a beacon and sigh as you push aside a few stagnant takeout containers, then pick his phone up off the side table. 
You set the phones down side-by-side on your kitchen counter and return to your bedroom, then poke your head into the walk-in closet, narrowing your eyes at the black bed sheet hanging across as a divider. Your teeth clamp down onto your tongue as you take a step forward, carefully pulling a corner back to inspect the psychomanteum’s contents. 
There’s nothing odd about the setup that isn’t overtly obvious. The small space encloses a dim standing lamp, your plush, orange armchair, and a mirror that holds your reflection. Your hand rests on the back of the chair and you take a deep breath, thrumming your fingers against the upholstery. 
A compulsion wills you forward. You settle your body into the chair's embrace and swallow hard as you look up into the mirror. This new angle shows you a black abyss. You stare into it and fill your brain with fond memories of Ethan. 
You think about the passenger seat of his car, how you carved out a home for yourself there, tagging along when he went to do drug deals. The two of you would get stoned and drive around the city streets, listening to music, telling stories, doing whatever the fuck you felt like. 
One night you confessed that you missed seeing stars in the night sky. He drove out to Jones Beach and the two of you laid on the hood of his car, staring up at the expansive galaxy for hours. Neither of you could identify a single constellation except for The Big Dipper, but it was fucking beautiful. The next day he bought two packs of those glow-in-the-dark plastic stars and stuck them to the ceiling above his bed. 
“So you can see the stars every night.” 
Tiny pinpricks of white light surface in the black reflection of the psychomanteum’s mirror. The shimmering lights vary in size and brightness. Stars in the nighttime sky. 
Your lips part, and you’re struck by the sensation that you’re no longer alone. The already small space feels even more crowded. Your hair stands on end. Icy cold air surrounds the chair and you shiver. Your left hand begins to feel like it's been dipped in frigid water. 
“Heya, sweet pea,” a familiar voice echoes through your head. 
You haven’t heard it in ages. His presence wraps around you, squeezing you tight like one of his bear hugs. Memories flood out in an unstoppable tide. Being taught to ride a bike. Road trips to papa’s cabin. Playing scrabble. Watching baseball. Stargazing. Making breakfast for mom on Sundays.
On your next breath in, you smell pancake batter and maple syrup. Despite the temperature drop that raises mountain ranges of goosebumps across your skin, a warmth radiates from your chest. You feel completely at ease. It’s just like that feeling you had when you died. An omnipresent sense of oneness and belonging. 
You blink. 
When your eyes open, you’re in an infinite white space. Your father, as you remembered him when you were a child, is in front of you. He's absolutely beaming at you, radiating light that heats your skin like sunshine. An otherworldly sense of love spreads across your consciousness. 
Your vision blurs with tears and when you respond, your mouth doesn’t open. Rather, the message is sent telepathically to him, “Hi Daddy.” 
The "place" you're in, although to call it that might suggest it abides by Earth's rules of time and space, feels like a room. There’s an indefinable quality of insulation to the area, but there are no walls or floors or ceilings. Just this endless, bright warmth that hosts the two of you in its clutches. 
A sea of love. 
Your dad steps forward, holding his arms open, and envelops you in a hug. His arms squeeze around you tight, tighter, as tight as he can. As always, you try with all your might to match his strength when you return the hug. 
Safety and comfort radiates from him to you, and you hear his voice in your head again, “I love you, Lou. I’m proud of you. You're right where you need to be.” 
“I love you too,” you tell him, still squeezing him, inhaling the familiar scent of citrus and musk. Then you open your eyes to look up at him… and you’re back in the cold psychomanteum, holding nothing. 
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It’s long past sunset by the time Dieter returns. 
In that time, you cleaned your apartment from top to bottom, dismantled the psychomanteum, made a batch of cannabutter, prepped for the next day’s orders, and started to worry-bake. You're pulling a pan of chocolate chip cookies from the oven when the intercom buzzes. The aluminum pan clatters on the stovetop as you toss it down and nudge the oven door closed with a thunk. You yank your oven mitts off and walk over to the white box, then press TALK. 
"Hey, I left my phone, can I come up and grab it?" 
You hold down the DOOR button for a few seconds. A current of nervous energy starts flowing from your scalp to your toes. You wring your hands together and start pacing the floor in an attempt to calm yourself. When he knocks, you swing the door open, "Jesus Christ, Dee, I was so-" 
Thoughts flee your brain when you lay your eyes on his face. It's pallid and gleaming with sweat, eyes hidden behind a pair of rectangular tortoiseshell sunglasses. His jaw gnashes from one side to the other as he raises his eyebrows, "What?" 
"Are- are you ok?" you reach out and grab ahold of his clammy hand, pulling him through the doorway. 
"Of course I'm ok, why wouldn't I be ok? Totally fine, doll," he follows your guidance inside, then promptly shakes off your grasp as he peers around the apartment, "Do- do you have my phone? Did I leave it here?” 
His speech matches the erratic, jerky pace of his body movements. Dieter spots the device on the kitchen counter, picks it up, and starts texting someone, unbothered by your watchful eye. He rips off his sunglasses and tosses them on your counter, then resumes texting. A familiar kind of unease sets your hair on edge. 
You bite the inside of your cheek and cross your arms in front of you, "Where'd you go?"
His blown-out black eyes peek over the top of his phone and he shrugs, "Met some friends."
You nod and drop your gaze to your feet, "You left without saying anything. I- I was worried about you.”
"What is this, a guilt trip?" he scoffs, tossing his phone onto the counter with a thud that makes you jump, then tilts his head to the side and sneers, "Sorry I didn't want to do your little uhh... mirror trick thing. I had to get out of this creepy fucking apartment, Lua. I mean, you get that, right? How fucking creepy it is in here?"
Earlier today, before he left, it was impossible not to notice the way Dieter’s eyes would linger on the hallway or the spare bedroom door. You’d interrupt his teeth grinding, foot tapping, absent stare and ask what’s wrong, and he’d dismiss your question with a wane smile. 
But you feel it, too. The ever-present tingle at the back of your neck that tells you that you’re being watched. 
Your cheeks burn with embarrassment, and you nod again, trying to ignore the tears burning behind your eyes, "Yep."
"You know he's still here, right? Ethan, I mean. I see him in that fuckin' room. Saw him in there last night," he presses a knuckle to one of his nostrils and sniffs a postnasal drip back into his skull, "Just standing in the dark like a fuckin'- like a fuckin’ uhh…” 
He snaps his fingers a few times in rapidfire, trying to jog his own tenuous memory. Agitation spikes your blood pressure. 
“Fucking hell, Dee, go sit down,” you pinch the bridge of your nose and point to your couch, then breeze into your bedroom before Dieter can start running his mouth again. 
You pull open your bedside drawer, grabbing an ashtray and a joint out of its designated altoids tin. When you return to the living room, Dieter is pacing back and forth, running his fingers through his hair, muttering to himself. 
“Sit,” you command while raising a lighter flame to the joint, puffing away until its tip is glowing orange and spilling thick plumes of smoke. He ignores your request, but stops pacing and watches you. The THC blooms in your lungs and a haze begins to settle in your brain. You take another puff and hold the joint out to him, “Hit this. You’re crashing hard.” 
He accepts the offering and takes a hit while you go fill up the biggest cup you own with ice water. You drop cookies onto a plate, then return to the living room, “You wanna stay out here or go lay in my bed?” 
His brow furrows and he frowns, “I- I- I- no, I have to meet-”
“No,” you shake your head, “You’re gonna be out of commission for a while, love, so… living room or bedroom?”
He takes a hit off the joint and exhales, shifting his weight from one leg to the other, swinging his hands around in grand gestures as he talks, “I’m gonna be fine, Lua, look, I know what I’m doing, ok? I just need to call my guy-”
“The fuck you are, Bravo,” you interrupt, setting down the glass of water and plate of cookies on the side table, “When’s the last time you slept?”
“Doesn’t matter, I’m fine, I know what I’m about, babe,” he scoffs, puffs the joint, starts pacing again, “You- you- you can’t tell me what to do, you know. I’m my own person. Everyone always trying to tell me what I can and can’t do and I’m fucking sick of it,” he stops, sniffs away his coke drip, and narrows his eyes at you, “This is your fault, anyway. You know that, right, Lua? If I didn’t have to think of fucking James, and that- that- that fucking river,” his voice cracks and his shoulders sag, face falling into sadness as his eyes well up with tears. 
His accusations pierce sharp and precise into your heart. You remind yourself that this isn’t Dieter. It’s the obvious cocaine binge that has set his brain on fire, steering him towards self-destruction. Your lips remain sealed and your eyes drop to the black stain on your carpet. You remind yourself that this isn’t Ethan, either. Dieter can still be brought back to sanity. 
He takes a puff off the joint and exhales, staring up at the ceiling with watery, far-away eyes, “I loved him, you know. First love. But his dad-”
Abruptly, he plops down on the floor, crossing his legs as he buries his head in his hands. All is still for a moment before his body starts to heave with sobs. You crouch down next to him, plucking the loosely held joint from his fingers. As you stand up, you take another hit, then crush the glowing cherry in an ashtray. 
You return to the heap of a man crumbled on your floor and sit facing him, knees pressed against his shins, and remind him, “I’m here, Dee. Talk to me.”
“His d-dad saw us k-k-k-kissing, and he- he- beat the shit out of him, Lua. Almost fucking killed him. And I just stood there. I didn’t do anything. I- I let it happen,” he takes a deep, shattered breath, then continues, “He wasn’t the same after. It’s like he fucking died right there in front of me and I let it happen. Word got out, and we moved to a new base. And-” a high-pitched squeal of agony fades into more choked sobs, and he looks up at you, face sopping wet with tears and utterly fucking tortured, “He drowned himself.” 
“Oh, Dee-” tears blur your vision as secondhand sorrow aches your chest. Your hands find either side of his face, thumbs wiping away his tears in vain, “Can I hug you? Is that ok?”
He nods and you climb onto his lap, wrapping your arms and legs around his torso. You squeeze him tight. Your best attempt at a bear hug. He buries his face in your neck and continues to cry. You slide one arm around his head and cradle him against your chest, petting his sweaty, messy, hair, and you whisper to him the phrase you tell yourself every day, “It’s not your fault, ok? Not your fault, Dee, I promise. It’s not your fault.” 
His sobbing starts anew, and he pulls you close. Hot, wet tears drench your neck and shirt. Anguish rolls off of him in waves, and you wish you could absorb every ounce of pain from him like a sponge. He nuzzles in closer, and you allow yourself to sink into the comfort of his body wrapped up with yours. You trail your fingers through his messy locks with one hand while the other gently scratches his back. 
Something stirs inside you, soft and sweet. 
You think about the numerous phone calls with him throughout the past few months. FaceTime, text messages, Snapchat. How his name popping up in your notifications always makes your heart skip a beat. How seeing his handsome face, or hearing his voice, always seems to make your day better. How he flew across the country for the sole purpose of spending time with you for a few days between projects. 
Granted, this visit has been a complete and utter shitshow so far, but there have been moments that you find yourself staring at his lips, longing for his hands on your bare skin, imagining the heat of his body pressed against yours. 
In his absence today, you couldn’t stop from wondering whether or not he would return, thoughts always drifting to the worst. You typed his name into Google, searching for the latest headlines to make sure he wasn’t found dead somewhere. Nothing surfaced, of course, except for the latest exposition on his divorce, which you avoided reading even though it piqued your curiosity. 
The idea of losing him ate away at you more and more with every second. You’re grateful to be curled around his shattered breaths, knowing that even though he’s crashing and burning, he’s alive. 
It occurs to you… that you care about him deeply. 
He takes a deep, shaky breath, and it seems that the active flow of tears has slowed to a stop. You close your eyes and squeeze him hard. He pulls back to look at you, eyes all swollen, red, and glassy. His hands slide to your waist, and his thumbs smooth circles against your sides. The contact pools liquid hot in your belly. 
You search his puffy, tear-stained face, running a hand through his hair, “Wanna go lay down for a bit?” 
He nods and peers behind you, sniffling, “It smells good in here.”
The corners of your mouth upturn, and you bring your hands to meet at the nape of his neck, “I made chocolate chip cookies, do you want some? You must be hungry.” 
“Fucking starving,” he admits, but his grip on your waist tightens and he nuzzles back into your chest, “I don’t wanna move, though.” 
Warmth radiates across your chest and you hope he can’t hear the way your heart just started pounding. 
“We can cuddle in my bed. I’ll bring cookies and make a frozen pizza. Does that sound ok?” you rest your cheek on the crown of his head and stroke his hair.
He hums in the affirmative, pulling you closer, and mumbles against your drenched t-shirt, “Dibs on little spoon.” 
This pulls a chuckle from your belly, “Fine, but you have to drink at least two glasses of water and take a shower. Then you’re gonna stay here while your comedown passes. Deal?” 
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After eating half a dozen cookies and two frozen pizzas that have to be at least 50% cardboard, guzzling down 2 quarts of water, and taking a hot shower, Dieter lays his head down on your bosom and promptly passes the fuck out for 12 hours. 
Withdrawal keeps him pinned down at its mercy for another two days, allowing him to only exist as a hollowed out zombie who shuffles from your bedroom, to the bathroom to use your toilet, then to the kitchen for food and water, then back into your bed to sleep. 
It’s a miserable kind of half-existence. Blanketed in a thick, web-like fatigue that anchors him to the bed. 
He catches glimpses of your day-to-day routine while cycling through this pattern. Sometimes you would be in bed next to him, watching tv or writing in a journal. Sometimes you were in the kitchen, dancing and singing along to music while baking. Sometimes you were in the living room, reading or fucking around on your phone. Once, you were talking to a client who spotted him and asked, “Is that Dieter Bravo?” 
You gaslit the shit out of her and shooed her from the apartment. 
Now when he wakes, blinking his eyes open to find the sky is still a dimly lit dark blue, casting a cool light onto the room, he is relieved to find that the fog in his brain has lifted. There’s a tranquil silence in the apartment that he inhales like his first breath. He rolls onto his side, relaxing into this unfamiliar feeling of peace, sinking even further into your mattress. 
This is when he notices that you’re in the bed, too. 
Your back is facing him, body completely still except for the gentle expansion and compression of your ribcage, quiet puffs of air escaping your nose. 
His stomach churns when he remembers how he treated you when he was strung out. The hurt he saw in your eyes when he mocked the psychomanteum. How he tried to pick a fight with you. He was angry, lashing out at you for making him confront James. 
You didn’t really make him, though. It was his choice. His anger was misdirected. 
It was like all his emotions were collapsing in on him at once. This crudely pasted together façade of a man crumbled into pieces on your living room floor. And what did you do? 
You looked at him, a sobbing trainwreck on the ground, and embraced him. Told him it wasn’t his fault. Let him empty his tears onto your shirt. Fed him, sheltered him, nursed him back to some semblance of a human. 
Without hesitation, you graced him with a kindness he’s never encountered. How could he ever repay you? 
Nothing he can think of is adequate enough to express his gratitude. 
You take a sharp inhale and start to stir. Dieter scoots closer, drawn to the notes of vanilla and macadamia nuts that waft from your hair. To the warmth of your body that he longs to feel against his skin. 
He reaches out and hesitantly presses the pads of his fingers to your shoulder. Testing the waters. You hum and lean into the touch, scooting back towards him. 
In one swift movement, he pulls you into an embrace, snaking an arm under your head, draping the other over the dip of your waist. Your back against his bare chest. The sections of skin peaking out from beneath your tank top stick to him like glue, both of you tacky with a gleaming coat of sleep sweat. He nuzzles into the crook of your neck, taking a deep breath of you, letting your presence consume him. 
Tears burn behind his eyes as it dawns on him: you mean more to him than he ever anticipated.  
When he met you and recalled his visions of your future together, he expected something, of course. Although a skeptical part of him always had reservations.  
But he never expected to feel safe with you. Never thought another person could see his ugly, broken pieces and beckon him closer instead of shoo him away. His heart thuds with humility and adoration. 
You hum again, wriggling further into his embrace with a sleepy sigh, “G’morning.” 
“Good morning,” he whispers back. A fat, salty tear breaks loose and rolls down his cheek, onto your shoulder. 
“Feelin’ better?”
 He nods, mumbles against your neck, “Much better,” then his voice cracks as he says, “Thank you, Lua.” 
You reach back, finding his cheek with your hand, and rub your thumb against his patchy beard. The motion sends tingles all the way down to the base of his spine. His hand at your side slides up to your belly and grips the fabric of your baggy tank top. 
“I’m sorry for being a fucking asshole to you,” he adds in a whisper, “I feel terrible.”
The gentle circles against his jawline continue to trickle down the center of him as you mumble, “I’m just glad you’re feeling better, love.” 
He hums and closes his eyes, concentrating on the tiny movements of your body against his. How you’re arching towards him ever-so-slightly. The soft little huff you let out when his grasp on your shirt tightens. He feels the muscles in your legs tense and shift, like you’re trying to create friction between your thighs. 
When he thinks about sliding his hand between them, his heart starts to thud in his chest. Blood laced with desire, spreading this aching, heavy-handed lust throughout his body like a virus. His fingers twitch at your belly, where they release your shirt and slip underneath, splaying across the heat of your skin. 
You hum in approval. He swears you try to move even closer. 
“Let me make it up to you,” he wets his lips, then presses them against your pulse. You gasp and grab ahold of the hair at the nape of his neck, and he starts to back away in a panic before realizing that you’re pulling him closer. 
He lays another kiss down on your neck, then mumbles against your skin, relishing the salty bite of sweat that transfers to his tongue, “No strings, right? That’s what you want?”
Beneath the covers, his fingertips slide across the soft skin of your belly, and you let out a soft gasp as you nod, “Can- can we still be friends, though?” 
His fingertips graze the elastic band of your underwear and he leans into your ear, “Nothing has to change if you don’t want it to.”
Dieter props himself up on his elbow and stares down at you, watching your eyes flutter and face flush in reaction to his wandering touch. The tip of your tongue darts out and licks your lips. He imagines what the soft muscle would feel like in his mouth. Against his neck. Along the length of him. 
The thought pools hot lava that urges him to touch you more, grip your skin harder, move this along faster. He wants to feel your arousal douse his fingers. He wants to taste you on his tongue. He wants to hear your moans when you're falling apart in his hands. 
His muscles burn as he tries to keep himself tethered, reigning in this mounting animalistic need to devour you. 
“I want to show you how grateful I am, Lua,” he lays a slow, gentle kiss on your shoulder, pressing his lips to a torn up, blackwork tattoo of a pomegranate. His fingertips trail along your abdomen, entranced by the way your whole body trembles under his touch, “Do you want that?”
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You nod, peering up at him through your lashes, meeting his lust-blown black eyes. Desire rolls off of him in waves, washing over you, condensation collecting hot and damp at your center. 
He tugs at your underwear under the sheets, sliding them down your legs inch by inch, his whisper burning in your ear, " Say it , baby. Tell me what you want." 
A whimper escapes your lips and you arch your back up towards him, "Touch me, Dee, please."
Your underwear at your feet, he pulls the covers back and reveals you to the morning light. 
He hovers above you, licking his lips, drinking in the sight of your pussy as his hands ghost along the tender skin of your thighs. When his gaze falls on your tank top, he shakes his head and yanks on the thin fabric, "We gotta do something about this."
Without hesitation, you pull it off over your head and toss it on the ground, "Better?"
"Fucking perfect. You are-" he cuts himself off with a groan, biting down on his plush bottom lip. Dieter sits up and stuffs a few pillows behind your back. The heat of his palm presses against the base of your skull and his warmth drips down to your cunt. His other hand splays across your sternum, pushing you back until you're resting atop the pile of pillows, head cradled in his impossibly large hand. 
You follow his wordless guidance, watching him in awe, completely mesmerized, aching at the thought of what he'll do to you. 
The bridge of his nose presses against your cheek, his breath a furnace on your skin, and his fingertip traces the outline of your mouth, "Open."
You obey, parting your lips for his thumb. It scrapes against your teeth and draws circles into a pool of saliva on your tongue. He withdraws and brings his hand to grip the soft flesh of your breast, brushing his wet thumb across the bud. The contact is electric, sending a current of pleasure rippling across your skin, dripping down your spine. 
A whimper escapes your lips and he hums in approval when you puff out your chest against his hand, "That's it, doll, I wanna hear how good you fucking feel."
Your gaze drifts to his face, and you lift a hand to his chin, turning his head to meet your eyes. When they lock on, all the air whooshes from his lungs. You drag your thumb along his bottom lip, and he opens his mouth for you to enter. 
Mimicking him, you collect spit from the soft velvet of his tongue. When you pull away, a web of his saliva gaps the growing divide and falls across your chest as you grab your unoccupied breast, using his lubrication to tease your nipple. He groans, eyes drifting back to watch you squeeze and pinch yourself. 
"Do you like to be handled rough?" he asks, gaze returning to study your face when he rolls your nipple in his fingers, applying firm pressure.
You shudder, "S-sometimes."
"Is that how you want it now? Hmm?" he brings his lips to your shoulder and catches your skin in his teeth, making you gasp. His fingers clamp down on your nipple hard and he growls, "You want me to fucking wreck you?"
And- fucking hell - the way he talks to you like this, so direct, so eager to learn exactly what sets you on fire, it fills you with a heavy, aching need. With a breathy moan, you answer him, "Yes- yes , fucking destroy me, Dee."
His grip on your head tightens, balling your hair tight in his fist, tugging at your scalp. Your body shudders and you bite your bottom lip, closing your eyes to revel in the ecstasy. His lips press against your neck in a gentle kiss that makes way for his tongue to roll circles onto your thudding pulse. 
A trail of trembling nerves follow the pads of his fingers down your torso to your vulva. He stops here and tugs at your thicket of pubic hair, "You like having your hair pulled?"
You gasp in surprise and your eyes snap open to meet his hot gaze on your face. He has a mischievous grin plastered on his face as he pulls at your hair from both sides, watching the way your face contorts with bliss. In a half-chuckle, half-moan, you admit, "That's really fucking good, actually, holy shit -"
"Yeah?" his smile widens and he pulls harder, sending a jolt of electricity to your cunt that makes you moan. 
"That's what I want, sweetheart, want you to feel fucking amazing. You deserve that, you know?" He drags a finger along the seam of you and purrs, "You're a caretaker, aren't you? Always taking care of people?"
Your eyelids flutter and you nod with a moan as he spreads your lips and runs his fingers through your arousal. 
"Mmm, yeah you are," he finds your clit and traces the swollen bud with precision, "Well right now, I'm taking care of you, ok?" 
"Ok," you pant, swallowing hard as you look up at him and whimper, "Fuck , Dee, that's so good ."
His dark eyes meet yours with intensity, searching your face as he draws tight circles that echo pleasure throughout your body. Ecstasy rolls steady in your center. You buck your hips against his touch, hungry for more friction as your body starts to feel weightless. 
He takes your cue and applies pressure through his fingertips, rubbing you harder, faster.
You nod and gasp, "Yes, just like that, baby, yes."
His grip on your hair tightens and a moan rips from your throat. He growls, "Pussy is just fucking dripping wet for me. So fucking-"
His hand slides down your front as he sinks two digits deep into your cunt. A wrecked sob bubbles out your throat as the sensation electrifies you. His palm bears down on your clit, and he starts to rock his hand back and forth, fingers squelching in your arousal as they slide in and out. 
You are enveloped in a haze of lust, completely fucking lost in the feel of his hand stretching your walls. 
"So- fucking- wet, sweetheart, do you hear that?" he starts at a brutal pace, broadcasting the unmistakable sound throughout the quiet apartment. His jaw is slack and his eyes wild as he meets your gaze. 
You nod and whimper frantically, glancing down at his parted lips as his tongue darts along them.
The thought only crosses your mind for a moment before you're grabbing his face and pulling him towards you, pressing your lips against his. He responds with a moan against your mouth and returns the kiss with enthusiasm. 
It's just like you hoped it would be. 
Messy and passionate, painting his saliva on your tongue and lips, bodies bumping together as his fingers slide in and out of your cunt mercilessly. Your body finds a new plane of existence, twisting and turning into a thick static of pleasure that starts to overtake you.
"Dee , I'm-" you whimper against his lips, "I'm gonna fucking cum, don't stop-"
"Good , baby, that's good, cum for me, Lua," he pants, stealing pecks from your lips between breaths, "Cum all over my fucking hand, baby- wanna feel you squeeze my fingers-"
Bliss crashes down on your body in waves, hot and all-consuming, making every part of your body tremble with ecstacy. You cry out as Dieter works you through the orgasm, pressing kisses to your sweaty forehead, to your cheek, breath hot against your face as he groans, "Fuck, yes, oh that's so good, sweetheart, fucking amazing."
"Holy fuck, Dieter," you pant as your body starts to soften and relax. 
He grins down at you, chest heaving, and pulls his pussy-drenched hand to his mouth. His lips wrap around each digit, licking them all clean before he leans in to kiss you. 
The kiss is soft and slow, generous with an intimacy that tugs at something warm and cozy inside you. He pulls back and meets your eyes again, a new kind of hesitancy lingering in his gaze. 
"Will you cuddle me again?" you ask in a shy whisper, face heating with embarrassment. 
"C'mere, doll," Dieter grins wide and nods, beckoning you closer. 
You roll to face him and his arms wrap around your naked body, pulling you flush against his skin. His hard-on, still trapped within the confines of his boxers, presses against you. Your body flushes when you start trying to picture it in your head, imagining what he would feel like inside you, wondering if that will ever happen or if this is a one-time occurrence. 
"So, are you going to run away from me now?" he rumbles, cupping your cheek, running his thumb along your cheekbone affectionately. He reeks of you. And you like it. 
The question rolls around your head as you consider it. What does this mean for the two of you? Your friendship? He said it doesn't have to change anything. Unlike the variety of bar and tinder hookups you've had in the past, you don't immediately want to banish him from your life. 
This is actually… really fucking great. The warmth of his body against yours, his touch on your skin, the closeness that feels natural when you’re with him. You don’t want him to leave. 
Which is a good sign, right?
"We're still friends?" you ask in return, searching his face. Your palm rests against his chest, soaking up the heat from his pounding heart. 
He nods and cards his fingers through your hair gently, "Absolutely."
"Then, no, I think... I think I'll keep you around," you meet his warm eyes and shrug jokingly, "I guess. If you want. Or whatever.” 
"Wow! So nonchalant, Lua," he grins, then pulls you into a bear hug against his bare chest as you giggle. He mumbles into your hair, "I do, I do want that." 
With a content hum, you ask, “What now?”
[ Next Chapter ]
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There a few things to look for during an attic insulation inspection and most of them have to do with ventilation. Bathroom fans need to be vented outside the home so that the heat and moisture don’t end up in the attic. Additionally soffit vents need to be clear so that air can move through the soffit vent and up through roof cans or a ridge vent. When roof cans and the ridge vent are buried under a foot of snow (like right now) excess heat from an under insulated attic transfers from the living space below up into the attic and with the upper vents being blocked it prevents the air movement is stagnant so heat builds up and causes snow melt. The snow melt then runs down the roof and refreezes once it gets to frozen gutters. Consequently the additional moisture in the attic makes the roof sheeting prone to mold or mildew and eventually rot. Typically, if you have cellulose, you don’t need to worry about mold or moisture because it contains a detergent that makes it mold, mildew, fire, and pest resistant. In some instances water is actually added to cellulose to do a wet blow for walls in new construction. The same is not true for fiberglass and because of the porous nature of fiberglass, mold spores actually spread quicker. If your fiberglass get wet it needs to be removed and replaced. The attic space above the insulation should be close to the same temperature as outside the home and ventilation plays a huge part in moisture prevention. #attic #atticinsulation #cellulosefiber #celluloseinsulation #greenfiber #spokanerealtor🏡 #spokanewashington #spokanereal #spokane #realtorspokane #realtorspokanehousehunter #spokaneassociationofrealtors #spokanehomebuildersassociation #spokanehomeinspector #spokanewa #spokanevalley #spokanerealestate (at Spokane, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmkEcKMPDkx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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junkoonthefarm · 2 years
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If eating Fresh Vegetables and Fruits Year Round is important to You and Your Family, you might consider building an Underground Greenhouse. It will keep the temperatures warmer in the Winter and help prevent overheating in the Summer; making it possible to grow your garden vegetables year round.
For the vast majority of the country, 4 feet below the surface will stay between 50° to 60°F even if the weather above the ground gets to 10°F or colder. This is what they call the thermal constant, and what the Underground Greenhouse is based on.
The original design for an Underground Greenhouse was invented in Bolivia, and was called a Walipini, an Aymara Indian word which means “a warm place.” A Walipini is a rectangular shaped Greenhouse that is dug down 6-8 feet deep in the ground. The longest area of the rectangle will face towards the south (in the Northern Hemisphere) to take advantage of the most sunlight.
The design of the Underground Greenhouse isn’t that complicated, as it can be as simple as a hole with plastic sheets laid on top. The roof seals in the heat and insulates the area to keep a warm, moist environment for your fruits and vegetables.
The location of your Walipini will depend on how big you want it to be. You’ll need enough space to grow your plants and have a small area to walk into your greenhouse. The bottom of the Greenhouse will need to be at least 5 feet above the water table in your area. The recommended size for an Underground Greenhouse is 8 x 12 feet.
When planning where your Greenhouse will be located, remember that your roof will need to receive light during the winter, also. This means that you will have to make sure that trees or buildings don't block it during the winter time when the sun is in the South. In most cases, your Underground Greenhouse should be set up East to West, with the roof facing South to take advantage of the Winter Sun.
Once it's decided where your Underground Greenhouse will be located, you can start digging. Plot out the area above ground to keep track of where you should be digging. While you’re excavating, dig at least 2 feet deeper than your desired depth. Keep your soil close by to help prop up the roof.
The walls of your Underground Greenhouse should have a minimum 6-inch slope from the roof to the floor. This will greatly reduce the amount of crumbling and caving that will occur with the soil. You can also layer the walls with a clay to prevent erosion, or use bricks to stabilize the walls of the building.
While you’re digging the hole, dig an extra 2 feet below the desired depth. You’ll fill this area with stone or gravel and then 8 inches of soil. Ideally, you’d lay larger stones and gravel on the bottom layer and the gravel would become progressively smaller until you reach the soil.
The bottom of the greenhouse should be slightly sloped from the center to the edges. Along the perimeter, you should leave a space of 2-3 feet just filled with gravel. This is designed to help the water drain more easily. Many people have also created open gravel wells in the corners of the greenhouses that allows them to collect the water. This will allow you to draw a bucket into the hole and pull out water if you find you have too much.
Once the floor is filled in with the drainage system, and the soil required for growing, the doors can be installed. Place the door frame at the base of the ramp and fill in the areas around the door as much as possible with dirt and clay. Filling in these gaps will prevent heat loss in your greenhouse.
Many times, people will use 2-inch door frames that have holes drilled into the top middle and bottom of each side. They will then use wooden stakes, dowels or rebar to secure the door frame into the soil wall.
The angle of the roof will make a big difference on the sun’s ability to heat your greenhouse. Ideally, the roof should be facing directly at the winter solstice at a 90 angle. This angle will maximize the heat during the winter solstice and minimize the heat during the summer solstice.
Now, you can use that extra soil that you have left over to create a berm. The berm is basically an extension of the north wall of the greenhouse. This allows you to control the angle of the roof by adding or taking away dirt. Build up the berm to continue the slope that you used on the wall. If you’re using bricks – continue using them on the berm.
The most economical, durable material for your roof is 4-inch PVC pipe. Using PVC elbow pieces, joiners, etc, you can create a flat roof frame that will cover your Underground Greenhouse.
After you’ve created a PVC frame, lay it in place on the top of your hole. Then lay plastic sheeting across the top of the frame and make sure that it extends past the edge of the frame by at least 1 foot. This flap will prevent run off water from the roof from running back into the greenhouse itself.
Once the plastic material is put on top of the roof frame, move inside and tack another layer of plastic wrap along the inside of the roof frame. This internal plastic sheeting will create a 4-inch barrier between the inside and outside of the roof, and will act as an insulator that will keep the heat in more effectively.
You’ll want to make sure that you leave a few inches of plastic hanging down on the lower (south) end of your roof. This will force moisture that collects on the roof to drip off above the drainage system or on top of your plants instead of at the base of the roof. If you allow the moisture to run to the base of the roof frame, it may affect the soil at that location and break down your wall, etc.
Ventilation is always crucial. You have 3 options, such as: Installing two doors, one at each end; installing a vent roughly the size of the door at the top of the back wall; or installing a chimney at the center of the back wall. Good Luck on your Greenhouse.
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sri-ramana · 4 days
Is Polycarbonate Sheet Good for Your Roofing?
The polycarbonate sheet has gained much popularity in roofing due to its strength, transparency, and low weight; hence, it is suitable for use on many occasions. Made from superior-performance thermoplastic polymers, Sri Ramana polycarbonate sheets possess resistance, durability, superb light transmission, and excellent thermal insulation. Because of all these characteristics, our polycarbonate sheet is ideal for roofing, whether working on a residential, commercial greenhouse, or industrial structure.  
One of the most significant factors that makes the polycarbonate sheet preferred for roofing is its unrivalled strength yet light; polycarbonate sheets can take high impacts and, therefore, resist unappealing weather conditions, not just hail and snow but also strong winds. Their partial transparency makes the inside areas bright and well-protected from harmful UV rays. Among all roofing materials that aptly combine functionality with style, our polycarbonate sheets remain one of the most sought-after roofing materials.  
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Benefits of Using Polycarbonate Sheet for Roofing  
Strength and Durability  
The toughness and resistance that polycarbonate sheet offers against impact are incomparable. Polycarbonate sheets are virtually unbreakable, unlike their traditional glass or acrylic counterparts in roofing. They can, therefore, withstand most of the chemicals on exposure to corrosive substances and might also sustain tough weather conditions like heavy snowfall, hailstorms, and heavy winds without cracking or shattering. This will ascertain that with this type of resilience, you will likely enjoy a long life with the fewest repairs and replacements, making them so reliable in roofing.  
Light Transmission and UV Protection  
One of the best features of Sri Ramana polycarbonate sheets is that they let light in while blocking harmful UV radiation. They are ideal for greenhouses, patios, and sunrooms where lots of light is required. Polycarbonate sheets allow as much as 90% of the natural light to pass through, giving the rooms bright and airy interiors. This combination of light transmission and UV protection contributes to energy efficiency due to reduced artificial lighting for many hours of the day.  
Thermal Insulation  
Polycarbonate sheets are manufactured with excellent thermal insulation characteristics, making them energy-efficient roofing materials. Polycarbonate sheets, constructed with multiwall construction, have an air pocket between the layers to increase the insulation. This helps provide a constant indoor temperature, minimising heating during winter and cooling during summer. Such roofing minimises carbon footprint because of reduced energy costs.  
Lightweight and Easy to Handle  
The polycarbonate sheet is much lighter than traditionally used roofing materials like glass and metals. Its lightweight makes it easier to handle and install, and it is cheaper in terms of labour costs and simpler installation. You can easily cut the polycarbonate sheet, shape it to your choice, and drill it, making it more versatile in design and application.  
Weather Resistance  
These materials are engineered to endure a diverse array of environmental conditions and are, therefore, highly resistant to damage resulting from weather-related factors. Their intrinsic characteristics offer protection against yellowing and degradation due to extended exposure to sunlight and various environmental elements. Many polycarbonate sheets are treated on both sides with UV protection, guaranteeing long life and maintaining aesthetic appeal.  
Types of Polycarbonate Sheet for Roofing  
Solid Polycarbonate Sheets  
Solid polycarbonate sheets have a range of uses when clear visibility is an essential factor, such as skylights, windows, and greenhouse roofing. With its lightweight as an advantage, it is easy to handle and install.  
Multiwall Polycarbonate Sheets  
These sheets are made with layered structures to provide insulation properties. The various layers are purposefully constructed with spaces in between, to allow the formation of air pockets that promote increased thermal insulation.  
Embossed Polycarbonate Sheets  
Embossed polycarbonate sheets have a well-defined texture on their surface, with ultraviolet protection applied to both sides. This provides outstanding light diffusion, keeping transparency limited and glare at a minimum. They are great for aesthetic and functional means like lighting fixtures, decorative panels, and privacy screens. 
How to Pick the Right Polycarbonate Sheet for Your Roof 
When choosing the right polycarbonate sheet for your roof, you may need to consider your structure's needs, the climate where you live, and your aesthetic taste. The following outlines several key reasons why the Sri Ramana polycarbonate sheet is the optimal choice.  
Light Transmission Needs: If the project needs natural light, such as in greenhouses or sunrooms, solid sheets with high transparency must be used.  
Thermal Insulation: Multi-wall polycarbonate sheets are especially suitable when energy efficiency is a priority. They have outstanding insulating properties.  
Impact Resistance: Solid sheets provide the best protection against impacts for constructions exposed to extreme weather conditions.  
Aesthetic: The embossed sheets are great for decorative purposes, and it gives you a luxury look. 
To select the most suitable sheets for your roofing, you just need to do is compare your needs with some specifics from our various kind polycarbonate sheets.  
Installation Tips for Polycarbonate Sheet Roofing  
Polycarbonate sheets are in great demand for roofing for their toughness, facility of light transmission, and ease of installation. Here are some key tips to consider in installing: -  
1. Plan and Prepare  
Measurement and Layout: The first step is to measure your roofing area correctly. This helps determine the correct sheeting amounts for an efficient installation. Plan the sheet layout to ensure the sheets overlap correctly to prevent leaks.  
Prepare the Right Tools: Make sure you will have at hand a circular saw or jigsaw for cutting, a drill, screws, washers, and sealants compatible with polycarbonate.  
2. Cut the Sheets  
Precision cut: Use a high-speed fine-toothed saw and avoid forcing the blade through the material. This will give a neat cut with minimal cracking.  
Protective Film: The protective film should be left on until the cutting is done to prevent scratches. Remove it immediately before installation.  
3. Pre-drill the Sheets  
Polycarbonate expands and contracts with temperature changes. Because of this, pre-drill holes are slightly larger than the screw diameter (about 10% larger) to allow for movement. This prevents the sheets from cracking around the screws over time.  
4. Positioning and Fixing the Sheets  
Start in the Right Place: Installation must be initiated from the edge opposite the prevailing wind. This minimises any potential risk associated with wind-lifting sheets during and after installation.  
UV Side Up: The UV-protected side of the sheet must be turned upwards, as this protects the sheet against the damage caused by the sun and prolongs its life.  
Proper Overlap: Overlap the sheets by at least one corrugation to ensure a watertight seal. Secure the sheets using compatible screws and washers, and do not over-tighten, as it can prevent proper expansion and contraction.  
5. Sealing the Edges and Joints  
Anti-dust and Sealing Tapes: Seal the top edges with solid tape and the bottom edges with anti-dust tape to prevent the entrance of dust, dirt and insects through the hollow sections of the sheet.  
Application of Silicone Sealant: Silicone sealant should be applied on overlaps and where sheets meet to avoid water seepage through joints. It is essential in the case of ridge flashings and end caps.  
6. Flashing and Finishing Touches  
Flashing: Install flashing along the roof's ridge and at any joints. It redirects water away from seams to prevent leakage.  
Final Inspection: A careful inspection should be done after fixing the sheets. All screws to be correctly tightened, and all seals intact.  
7. Maintenance Tips  
Regular Cleaning: To keep your polycarbonate roof durable, use warm, soapy water and a soft cloth to clean. Avoid using stiff apparatus or cleaners, which could scratch the surface.  
Inspection: Periodically inspect the roof for any loose screws, sealant deterioration, or damage to the sheets. Address any issues promptly to maintain the integrity of the roof.  
Careful planning and attention to detail during installation will guarantee optimal results whether you're roofing a greenhouse, patio, or commercial space.  
Polycarbonate sheets boast many salient features, making them ideal for roofing purposes. These include strength, light transmission capability, thermal insulation, and quick installation, among others. From greenhouses and sunrooms to industrial roofing, polycarbonate sheets ensure unmatched cost-effective solutions with style and substance in performance.  
No matter your needs, Sri Ramana Enterprises is here to provide top-quality polycarbonate roofing. We lead the way in quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction across various polycarbonate sheet applications. Reach out to us with your questions or requirements; we're excited to assist with your next roofing project.  
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emmaameliamiaava · 5 days
The Ultimate Roofing Solutions for Modern Homes - Everest Industries Leading the Way
When it comes to safeguarding your home from the elements, choosing the right roofing solution is crucial. Everest Industries, a name synonymous with quality and innovation, offers an impressive range of roofing solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of modern homeowners.
Why Roofing Solutions Matter
Your roof is more than just a protective cover—it's a critical component of your home's structural integrity. It shields your property from weather extremes, enhances energy efficiency, and contributes to your home's overall aesthetic appeal. Thus, selecting the right roofing solution can significantly impact your home’s durability and value.
At Everest Industries, we offer a diverse range of roofing solutions designed to cater to various needs and preferences. Here’s a quick overview of our top products:
Evercool Fibre Sheets
Evercool Fibre Sheets are engineered for superior thermal insulation and durability. These sheets are ideal for reducing heat absorption, making your building cooler and more energy-efficient. Their lightweight and robust design ensures long-term performance, even in extreme weather conditions.
Cement Sheets
Our Cement Sheets offer a durable and cost-effective roofing solution. These sheets are known for their strength and resistance to fire, rot, and pests. They are easy to install and maintain, providing reliable protection and longevity for residential and commercial properties.
Supercolour Roofing
Supercolour Roofing brings together aesthetics and functionality. These pre-painted sheets are available in a variety of vibrant colors and finishes, enhancing the visual appeal of your building. The advanced paint coating also offers excellent corrosion resistance and durability, ensuring your roof remains attractive and functional for years.
Hi-Tech Roofing
Hi-Tech Roofing solutions are designed with cutting-edge technology to offer enhanced performance. These products provide superior weather resistance and durability, making them suitable for a range of applications. Hi-Tech Roofing is engineered to meet the demands of modern architecture while ensuring optimal protection and longevity.
EPDM Washers
EPDM Washers are crucial for ensuring a leak-proof roofing system. Made from high-quality EPDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) rubber, these washers are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and provide a secure seal. They are an essential component for preventing leaks and extending the lifespan of your roofing installation.
Each of these products from Everest Industries is crafted to deliver exceptional performance and reliability, ensuring that your roofing needs are met with the highest standards. Explore these solutions to find the perfect match for your project and experience the quality and innovation that define Everest Industries.
Why Everest Industries Stands Out
Our dedication to quality and customer satisfaction sets us apart from the competition. At Everest Industries, we are committed to providing roofing solutions that exceed industry standards and meet the unique needs of our customers. From the initial consultation to the final installation, our team is here to ensure a seamless and satisfying experience.
Choosing the right roofing solution is essential for protecting your home and enhancing its value. Everest Industries combines durability, innovation, and aesthetic appeal in their roofing solutions, ensuring that homeowners receive the best possible protection and performance. With their commitment to quality and sustainability, Everest Industries is leading the way in the roofing industry, offering solutions that are both reliable and forward-thinking.
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marucool · 5 months
Marucool is renowned for its commitment to quality. They use the best material for heat insulation.When you purchase a double-bubble insulation sheet from them, you can trust that you're getting a product that meets high standards of durability and performance.
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san-east · 8 days
Aluminum Foil Paper: A Versatile and Essential Product by San-East
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Aluminum foil paper has become an indispensable material in households, industries, and businesses worldwide. Whether used for cooking, packaging, or insulation, its versatility and practicality make it an essential item in various sectors. At San-East, we understand the importance of aluminum foil paper in both everyday life and industrial applications. This blog will explore the uses, benefits, and unique qualities of aluminum foil paper and why San-East is your go-to supplier for all your aluminum foil needs.
What is Aluminum Foil Paper?
Aluminum foil paper is a thin sheet of aluminum that has been rolled into a malleable form. Typically less than 0.2 mm thick, it combines the reflective, heat-conductive, and impermeable properties of aluminum with the flexibility of paper. This combination results in a product that can be used for everything from preserving food to insulating buildings.
The thinness of aluminum foil paper allows it to be easily folded, shaped, or molded into any form, making it a popular choice for packaging. Additionally, the non-toxic and recyclable nature of aluminum makes it environmentally friendly, and the material's ability to resist moisture, light, and air enhances its appeal.
At San-East, we specialize in providing high-quality aluminum foil paper tailored to your specific needs. Whether for food preservation, pharmaceutical packaging, or industrial applications, our foil paper is crafted to deliver exceptional performance.
Common Uses of Aluminum Foil Paper
1. Food Packaging and Preservation
One of the most common uses of aluminum foil paper is in the food industry. Its excellent barrier properties protect food from exposure to moisture, light, oxygen, and bacteria, ensuring that it remains fresh for longer periods.
Baking and Grilling: Aluminum foil paper is widely used in kitchens for baking and grilling. Its ability to distribute heat evenly ensures that food cooks thoroughly and doesn't burn easily.
Food Storage: Aluminum foil paper is perfect for wrapping food for storage, whether in the refrigerator or freezer. It helps maintain the freshness and flavor of food while preventing the absorption of odors.
Takeaway Packaging: Many restaurants and food vendors use aluminum foil paper for takeaway packaging because it keeps food warm and safe from contamination during transportation.
At San-East, we offer a variety of aluminum foil papers that cater to these needs, ensuring that your food products are well-protected.
2. Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Packaging
Aluminum foil is a critical material in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries due to its ability to maintain the integrity of products. It ensures that medicines, creams, and ointments remain uncontaminated and retain their effectiveness.
Blister Packs: Aluminum foil is used in blister packs for pills and capsules. Its ability to form an airtight seal prevents the entry of moisture and air, keeping the medication stable and effective.
Cosmetic Tubes: Many cosmetic products come in aluminum-based tubes lined with foil to protect the contents from exposure to external elements.
By choosing San-East as your supplier, you can rest assured that your pharmaceutical and cosmetic products are packed in high-quality, durable foil that meets industry standards.
3. Industrial Applications
Aluminum foil paper isn't just limited to household and food-related uses; it also has several industrial applications. Some common uses include:
Insulation: Aluminum foil is widely used in construction for insulation purposes. Its reflective properties allow it to deflect heat, making it an ideal material for insulating roofs, walls, and ducts.
Electrical Applications: Aluminum foil is used in capacitors and transformers because of its conductive properties. It’s also employed as shielding material for cables to prevent electromagnetic interference.
Automotive Industry: Aluminum foil paper is utilized in the automotive industry for soundproofing and heat insulation, making cars more energy-efficient and comfortable.
San-East offers specialized aluminum foil papers that meet the exacting requirements of these industries. Whether it's for insulation or electrical applications, our foil paper is engineered for optimal performance and durability.
The Benefits of Using Aluminum Foil Paper
1. Versatility
Aluminum foil paper can be used for various purposes, from cooking and packaging to industrial applications. Its flexibility and malleability make it easy to customize for specific needs, making it a highly versatile product.
2. Durability
Despite being lightweight, aluminum foil paper is incredibly strong and durable. It is resistant to tearing and can withstand a wide range of temperatures, making it suitable for both low- and high-temperature applications.
3. Barrier Properties
Aluminum foil paper is an excellent barrier against moisture, light, and gases, ensuring that products stay fresh and uncontaminated. This is particularly important for food and pharmaceutical industries where product integrity is crucial.
4. Heat Conductivity
Aluminum is a great conductor of heat, making aluminum foil paper an excellent choice for cooking and grilling. Its ability to distribute heat evenly reduces the risk of food burning or undercooking.
5. Recyclable
Aluminum foil is 100% recyclable, making it an eco-friendly option for businesses and households looking to reduce their environmental footprint. At San-East, we are committed to providing sustainable products that meet both your functional needs and environmental concerns.
Why Choose San-East for Aluminum Foil Paper?
San-East has established itself as a trusted supplier of high-quality aluminum foil paper for various industries. Here’s why you should choose us:
1. Quality Assurance
At San-East, we prioritize quality. Our aluminum foil paper is made from top-grade materials, ensuring it meets the highest standards for performance, durability, and safety. We undergo rigorous testing to ensure that our products are free from defects and meet the specific requirements of each application.
2. Custom Solutions
We understand that every customer has unique needs. Whether you need aluminum foil paper for food packaging, insulation, or medical applications, we offer customized solutions to meet your specifications. From different thicknesses to custom designs, we cater to all your requirements.
3. Competitive Pricing
At San-East, we believe that high-quality products shouldn’t come with an exorbitant price tag. We offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality, ensuring that you get the best value for your money.
4. Sustainability
As part of our commitment to environmental responsibility, we ensure that our aluminum foil paper is sourced and manufactured in an eco-friendly manner. Our products are fully recyclable, helping you meet your sustainability goals.
5. Customer Support
We pride ourselves on providing excellent customer service. From placing an order to after-sales support, our team is here to assist you at every step of the process. We aim to build long-term relationships with our clients by offering personalized service and prompt delivery.
Aluminum foil paper is a versatile, durable, and eco-friendly material that plays a vital role in various sectors, from food packaging to industrial applications. At San-East, we offer high-quality aluminum foil paper that meets the diverse needs of our customers. Whether you're in the food, pharmaceutical, or construction industry, you can count on us to provide aluminum foil paper that delivers superior performance. Contact San-East today for all your aluminum foil paper needs, and discover how we can help your business thrive.
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fireexperts · 9 days
Essential Tips to Prevent Water Damage During Portland’s Fall and Winter Rainy Seasons
As the fall and winter months approach, residents of rainy areas like Portland face an increased risk of water damage. Heavy rains, high winds, and the occasional freeze can lead to a host of water-related issues that may cause significant damage to your property. To help you safeguard your home and avoid the need for water damage restoration in Portland, here are some essential tips and preventative measures to keep water damage at bay.
Inspect and Clean Gutters and Downspouts
Clogged gutters and downspouts can lead to water overflowing and seeping into your home’s foundation. In Portland, where rainfall is frequent, it’s crucial to keep gutters and downspouts clear of leaves, twigs, and debris. Regularly inspect them for blockages and clean them out to ensure that rainwater flows freely away from your home. Properly functioning gutters help prevent water damage by directing rainwater away from your foundation and preventing leaks.
Check and Maintain Your Roof
Your roof is your home’s first line of defense against the elements. During the fall, inspect your roof for any damaged or missing shingles, cracks, or other issues that could allow water to infiltrate. In Portland, where storms are common, ensuring that your roof is in good condition can prevent costly water damage. If you notice any issues or are unsure about the condition of your roof, consider contacting Portland water damage contractors or a professional roofing service for a thorough inspection and necessary repairs.
Ensure Proper Sump Pump Function
If your home has a sump pump, make sure it is functioning properly before the rainy season begins. A sump pump helps remove excess water from your basement or crawl space, preventing flooding and water damage. Test the pump to ensure it turns on and off correctly and consider installing a battery backup system to keep the pump running during power outages, which are common during severe storms in Portland.
Seal Windows and Doors
Drafts and leaks around windows and doors can allow rainwater to enter your home, leading to potential water damage. Inspect and seal any gaps or cracks around windows and doors with weatherstripping or caulk. Additionally, consider installing storm windows or using plastic sheeting to provide an extra layer of protection against heavy rains and strong winds.
Maintain Your Landscaping
 Proper landscaping can significantly reduce the risk of water damage by directing rainwater away from your home’s foundation. Ensure that soil around your home slopes away from the foundation, and avoid planting trees or shrubs too close to your house, as their roots can affect your foundation and drainage systems. Regularly maintain your yard and clear away any debris that could obstruct proper water drainage.
Insulate Pipes
Cold temperatures during the fall and winter months can cause pipes to freeze and burst, leading to severe water damage. In Portland’s cooler climate, it’s important to insulate pipes, especially those in unheated areas like basements, crawl spaces, and attics. Use pipe insulation sleeves or heat tape to protect your pipes from freezing temperatures and prevent potential leaks.
Check and Maintain Your Foundation
 Your home’s foundation plays a crucial role in preventing water damage. Inspect your foundation for any cracks or signs of water intrusion. Fill any visible cracks with hydraulic cement or a foundation sealant to prevent water from seeping into your basement or crawl space. Regular maintenance and monitoring of your foundation can help you catch potential issues before they escalate into major problems.
Ensure Proper Ventilation
Good ventilation helps prevent excess moisture buildup, which can lead to mold growth and water damage in Portland. Ensure that your home is well-ventilated, especially in areas prone to moisture such as bathrooms and kitchens. Use exhaust fans to remove excess humidity and consider installing a dehumidifier in damp areas to maintain optimal indoor humidity levels.
Inspect and Repair Flashing
Roof flashing helps direct water away from roof joints and seams. Inspect the flashing around chimneys, vents, and skylights to ensure it is intact and properly sealed. Damaged or improperly installed flashing can lead to water leaks and damage, so make necessary repairs or replacements to protect your home from water intrusion.
Prepare for Severe Weather
Portland is no stranger to severe weather, including heavy rains and strong winds. Before storms hit, make sure to secure any outdoor items that could become projectiles and damage your property. Check that your home’s exterior is secure and consider installing storm shutters or reinforced doors to protect against wind-driven rain.
Address Drainage Issues
Proper drainage around your home is essential for preventing water damage in Portland. Ensure that your property’s drainage system is functioning effectively and that water flows away from your foundation. If you notice pooling water or drainage issues, address them promptly to avoid potential water damage.
Monitor for Signs of Water Damage in Portland
Regularly inspect your home for signs of water damage, such as discoloration on walls, peeling paint, or musty odors. Early detection is key to preventing more extensive damage. If you notice any signs of water damage, contact a Water Damage Restoration Company in Portland to assess and address the issue before it worsens.
Conclusion: Preventing water damage in the fall and winter months requires proactive measures and regular maintenance. By following these tips, you can safeguard your home against the risks of water damage in Portland’s rainy climate. Keeping gutters clean, maintaining your roof, insulating pipes, and addressing drainage issues are just a few steps you can take to protect your property.
Should you encounter any water damage despite your best efforts, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help. Water damage restoration in Portland is essential to restoring your home and ensuring it remains safe and comfortable. For expert advice and services, contact your local Portland water damage contractors who can provide the necessary support to address and resolve any water damage issues effectively.
Fire Industry Restoration Experts 825 Portland Ave, Gladstone, OR 97027 503-305-7285 Portland, Oregon
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fasihajavaid · 11 days
Built-Up Felt Roofing Services: The Ultimate Guide by Tsamuels Roofing
The type of roofing you choose can have a significant impact on how well your building is protected from the weather, particularly if you are managing a commercial or industrial property. A well-liked and proven choice is built-up felt (BUR) roofing. Tsamuels Roofing provides professional services to guarantee your roofing system endures the test of time if you're thinking about implementing BUR on your property. We'll go over all you need to know about Built-Up Felt services in this extensive guide, including their advantages, how they're installed, and why Tsamuels Roofing ought to be your first choice.
What is Built-Up Felt Roofing?
Built Up Felt Services (BUR) roofing, often referred to as “tar and gravel” roofing, is a type of flat roofing system that has been a staple in the roofing industry for many years. This roofing method involves layering sheets of felt (usually made from fiberglass or organic materials) and bonding them together with bitumen—a mixture of asphalt and other materials.
How Built-Up Felt Roofing Works
Imagine BUR roofing as a cake with multiple layers. Each layer of felt is embedded in bitumen, and then topped with a layer of gravel or a reflective coating. This creates a strong, waterproof barrier that protects your building from rain, snow, and UV rays. The layers work together to provide excellent insulation and durability, making BUR roofing a reliable choice for many commercial and industrial properties.
Why Choose Built-Up Felt Roofing?
There are several compelling reasons to consider BUR for your building. Let’s break down some of the key benefits:
Durability and Longevity
BUR roofing is known for its long-lasting performance. The multiple layers of felt and bitumen create a robust shield that can handle extreme weather conditions, from heavy rain to intense sunlight. It’s like having an extra layer of armor on your roof. With proper maintenance, BUR roofs can last 20 years or more, providing excellent value for your investment.
One of the major advantages of BUR roofing is its cost-effectiveness. While the initial installation might be more affordable compared to some other roofing systems, the durability and longevity of BUR mean that you’ll save money in the long run. Think of it as a solid investment that pays off over time, reducing the need for frequent repairs or replacements.
Excellent Waterproofing
If you live in an area with heavy rainfall or snow, waterproofing is a top priority. BUR roofing excels in this department. The layers of felt and bitumen create a watertight seal that prevents leaks and keeps your building dry. It’s like having an impenetrable shield that keeps moisture at bay.
Reflective and Insulating Properties
BUR roofing systems can be customized with reflective coatings or gravel to enhance their energy efficiency. Reflective coatings help to deflect sunlight, reducing heat absorption and lowering cooling costs. Additionally, the multiple layers provide excellent insulation, helping to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature.
The Installation Process
Installing a Built-Up Felt roofing system involves several steps, each crucial for ensuring a durable and effective roof. Here’s a rundown of what you can expect:
1. Inspection and Preparation
Before installation begins, a thorough inspection of the existing roof is conducted. This includes checking for any damage or issues that need to be addressed. The surface is then cleaned and prepared to ensure proper adhesion of the BUR materials.
2. Application of Bitumen
The first layer of felt is applied to the roof deck and bonded with hot bitumen. This process is repeated with additional layers of felt, creating a strong, laminated surface. The bitumen acts as both an adhesive and a waterproofing agent.
3. Installation of Additional Layers
Additional layers of felt are added, each bonded with more bitumen. The number of layers can vary depending on the specific requirements of the building and the desired level of protection. Each layer is carefully applied to ensure a smooth, continuous surface.
4. Finishing Touches
The final layer typically involves the application of a protective layer, such as gravel or a reflective coating. This layer helps to protect the underlying felt from UV rays and physical damage, ensuring the longevity of the roof.
5. Inspection and Quality Assurance
Once the installation is complete, a final inspection is conducted to ensure that the BUR roofing system meets all quality standards. Any necessary adjustments or touch-ups are made to ensure a perfect finish.
Why Tsamuels Roofing is Your Best Choice
When it comes to Built-Up Felt services, Tsamuels Roofing stands out for its expertise, quality, and customer satisfaction. Here’s why:
Experienced Professionals
Tsamuels Roofing has years of experience in installing and maintaining Built-Up Felt roofing systems. Our team of skilled professionals understands the intricacies of BUR roofing and ensures that every installation is completed to the highest standards.
High-Quality Materials
We use only the best materials for our BUR roofing systems, ensuring durability and long-lasting performance. Our commitment to quality means that you get a roofing solution that stands up to the toughest conditions and provides excellent value for your investment.
Comprehensive Services
From initial consultation to final installation and maintenance, Tsamuels Roofing offers a full range of services to meet your needs. We work closely with you to understand your requirements and provide a tailored solution that fits your building and budget.
Customer Satisfaction
At Tsamuels Roofing, customer satisfaction is our top priority. We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional service and ensuring that our clients are completely satisfied with their roofing systems. Our attention to detail and commitment to quality set us apart from the competition.
Maintenance and Care for Built-Up Felt Roofing
Proper maintenance is key to extending the life of your Built-Up Felt roofing system. Here are some tips to keep your roof in top condition:
Regular Inspections
Schedule regular inspections to check for any signs of wear or damage. Early detection of issues can prevent costly repairs and ensure that your roof remains in good shape.
Clean the Roof
Keep the roof clean and free of debris. Accumulated debris can trap moisture and cause damage over time. Regular cleaning helps maintain the roof’s integrity and performance.
Check for Leaks
Inspect the roof for any signs of leaks or water damage. Addressing leaks promptly can prevent further damage and extend the lifespan of your roofing system.
Professional Maintenance
Consider hiring professionals for regular maintenance and repairs. Experienced contractors can perform thorough inspections and address any issues with expertise and efficiency.
Built-Up Felt (BUR) roofing is a time-tested and reliable choice for protecting your building from the elements. With its durability, cost-effectiveness, and excellent waterproofing properties, BUR roofing offers a solid solution for commercial and industrial properties. Tsamuels Roofing provides expert Built-Up Felt services to ensure that your roofing system is installed and maintained to the highest standards. By choosing Tsamuels
Roofing, you’re investing in quality and longevity for your property.
In summary, Built-Up Felt roofing provides a robust, long-lasting solution for flat and low-sloped roofs. Its layered construction offers superior protection against the elements, and when installed by professionals like Tsamuels Roofing, you can be confident in its durability and performance. Regular maintenance will keep your BUR roof in top shape, ensuring that it continues to safeguard your building effectively.
Whether you're considering a new installation or need expert maintenance, Tsamuels Roofing is here to provide top-notch Built-Up Felt services that meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Contact us today to discuss your roofing project and experience the difference of working with a trusted roofing expert.
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heatcure · 14 days
Cool Your Home: The Benefits of Roof Heat Coating
As global temperatures continue to rise, many homes and businesses face increasing challenges in dealing with heat. Innovative solutions are being developed to keep spaces cooler and more energy-efficient. One such groundbreaking product is Heatcure, a revolutionary heat-proof paint designed to combat the effects of extreme heat on buildings and surfaces.
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saintgobains-blog · 22 days
Roof Shingles in India: A Comprehensive Guide to Modern Roofing Solutions
When it comes to roofing materials, the choice of shingles can significantly impact the durability, aesthetics, and overall performance of your home’s roof. In India, where diverse climatic conditions and architectural styles abound, roof shingles are increasingly becoming a popular choice for homeowners and builders. Saint Gobain, a leader in innovative building materials, offers a range of high-quality roof shingles designed to meet the unique needs of the Indian market. This blog explores the benefits, types, and considerations of roof shingles in India, shedding light on why they might be the perfect solution for your next roofing project.
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What Are Roof Shingles?
Roof shingles are flat, overlapping elements used in the construction of pitched roofs. They are typically made from various materials, including asphalt, wood, metal, and composite materials. Shingles are designed to shed water and provide a barrier against the elements, offering both protection and aesthetic appeal.
The Rise of Roof Shingles in India
Traditionally, Indian roofing materials have included clay tiles, concrete tiles, and corrugated sheets. However, the introduction of roof shingles in India is transforming the roofing landscape. The growing popularity can be attributed to several factors:
Aesthetic Appeal: Roof shingles offer a sleek, modern look that can enhance the curb appeal of any property. Available in various colors, textures, and styles, they allow homeowners to achieve a customized appearance that complements their architectural vision.
Durability and Longevity: Roof shingles are known for their durability. High-quality shingles can withstand harsh weather conditions, including heavy rains, strong winds, and intense heat. This makes them an excellent choice for regions with extreme climatic conditions.
Low Maintenance: Compared to traditional roofing materials, shingles generally require less maintenance. They are resistant to issues like moss and algae growth, which can degrade the appearance and functionality of other roofing materials over time.
Energy Efficiency: Certain types of shingles, particularly those with reflective coatings, can help improve the energy efficiency of a building. By reflecting sunlight, they reduce heat absorption, which can lower cooling costs in hot climates.
Ease of Installation: Roof shingles are relatively easy to install compared to other roofing materials. This can lead to cost savings on labor and a quicker installation process, minimizing disruptions to the homeowner.
Types of Roof Shingles Available in India
Saint Gobain offers a diverse range of roof shingles tailored to meet the varied needs of the Indian market. Here’s a look at some of the popular types:
Asphalt Shingles: Asphalt shingles are one of the most common types due to their affordability and versatility. They are available in two main categories: fiberglass and organic. Fiberglass shingles are lighter and more resistant to fire, while organic shingles have a felt base that offers additional flexibility and durability.
Metal Shingles: Metal shingles are durable, lightweight, and can mimic the appearance of other materials like wood or slate. They are highly resistant to extreme weather conditions and are an excellent choice for areas prone to heavy rainfall or high winds.
Wood Shingles: Wood shingles provide a natural, rustic look that can enhance the aesthetic of traditional and contemporary homes alike. Made from cedar, pine, or redwood, these shingles offer good insulation and are treated to resist rot and insect damage.
Composite Shingles: Composite shingles are made from a blend of materials such as asphalt, fiberglass, and recycled products. They combine the benefits of multiple materials to provide superior performance, durability, and eco-friendliness.
Choosing the Right Roof Shingles
Selecting the right type of roof shingles for your home involves considering several factors:
Climate: The local climate plays a crucial role in determining the most suitable shingles. In areas with heavy rainfall or high humidity, opt for shingles with excellent water resistance. For regions with intense sunlight and heat, reflective shingles can help manage temperature.
Aesthetic Preferences: Roof shingles come in various styles and colors. Choose shingles that complement the architectural style of your home and the overall aesthetic of your neighborhood.
Budget: Roofing projects can vary significantly in cost. While high-quality shingles may have a higher upfront cost, they can offer better long-term value through enhanced durability and reduced maintenance needs.
Installation and Maintenance: Consider the complexity of installation and the long-term maintenance requirements. Some shingles are easier to install and maintain, which can affect the overall cost and effort involved in your roofing project.
Saint Gobain: Leading the Way in Roof Shingles in India Saint Gobain has been at the forefront of providing innovative and high-quality building materials, including roof shingles in India. Their range of products is designed to meet the diverse needs of the Indian market, offering solutions that combine durability, aesthetics, and performance.
With a commitment to quality and sustainability, Saint Gobain’s roof shingles are engineered to withstand the harsh Indian climate while providing exceptional style and protection. Their shingles come with various features, including fire resistance, UV protection, and energy efficiency, ensuring that your roof not only looks great but performs exceptionally well.
Roof shingles are transforming the roofing landscape in India, offering homeowners and builders a stylish, durable, and low-maintenance alternative to traditional roofing materials. With the variety of options available from Saint Gobain, finding the perfect shingles to meet your needs has never been easier. Whether you’re building a new home or renovating an existing one, consider the benefits of roof shingles and explore the range of options provided by Saint Gobain to make an informed and impactful choice for your roofing project.
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astro402 · 24 days
Advantages of EPDM sponge rubber
Over the years, EPDM has become extremely popular. More and more people are using it for different purposes from shooting to roofing and so much more. 
EPDM is a synthetic rubber that has impeccable chemical properties. These are responsible for weathering resistance and providing high-quality performance.
However, these cannot work with fuels and oils. R-Tech Rubber has some of the best EPDM sponge rubber sheets. 
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What is EPDM?
EPDM rubber is the short form of Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer of the M-class. It is an elastomer popular mostly for its different uses.
The M of M class is stated because it belongs to the ASTM standard D-1418. The M class consists of all rubbers belonging to a saturated strain of the polymethylene type.
Where is the EPDM sponge sheet used?
EPDM sponge rubber sheets are used for different purposes. The sheets have water-resistant characteristics, for salt as well as freshwater. This provides extreme benefits against UV oxidation and ozone. Furthermore, EPDM sponge rubber sheets have weather and temperature-tolerant capacity.
 As a result, these are extensively used for marine and water environments. It is an ideal material for potable water application. Most of the EPDM materials are approved by WRAS, and it is used for different conditions. 
However, EPDM is one great commercial material that can suit different needs. If you are looking for an affordable polymer that has almost all great processing abilities, EPDM should be your ideal choice. 
EPDM owing to such insulation capacities is used across different fields. Some of the prominent places where EPDM rubber is used include solar panel heat collectors, glass-run channels, radiators, pond liners, and more.
It is also one potential medium for resisting water. As a result, EPDM sponge rubber may be used as a potential application in terms of electrical cable joints, roofing membranes, plastic impact modification, geomembranes, roofing membranes, vulcanizates, and more.
What are the properties of EPDM?
The main properties of EPDM include withstanding heat, ozone and being resistant to weather. EPDM sponge sheets and rubber also have great insulating characteristics.
They are also resistant to ketones and alkalis and acids. Many times, EPDM sponge sheets are used for electronic, automotive and construction purposes.
What are the advantages of EPDM sponge rubber?
EPDM sponge rubber can assist in different purposes because of its versatility. Moreover, the properties of it have already made it an extremely popular material. Some of the prominent advantages of EPDM sponge rubber include the following.
– Versatile
One of the greatest benefits of an EPDM sponge sheet is its versatility. The sponge rubber sheet can easily fit into the requirements of different industries.
– Light
EPDM is lighter than other types of rubber. It is for the lightweight property that many companies prefer EPDM sponge rubber gaskets as the end product. Furthermore, it will last a long time, which is why it can be used for different reasons.
– Acts as a thermostat elastomer
Because of its property to act as a thermostat elastomer, EPDM sponge rubber sheet can be modified into different activities. It is further used in low temperature to maintain UV stability. Because of its heat, compression and crack resistant characteristics, it is one of the best materials across different fields. Furthermore, it is also extremely flexible and can offer high strength too.
– Garage door seals
Because of its high thermal insulation characteristic, this is used for garage door seals as well.
Some of the other benefits of EPDM sponge rubber include the following :
Extremely affordable.
Closed-cell structure.
Great ageing characteristic.
Available for a high-temperature range.
Available in a variety of thickness ranges.
What are the industries in which EPDM is used?
EPDM rubber is used widely across different industries. However, one of the main reasons EPDM is used at such a massive scale is that it is cheaper than silicone rubber.
EPDM rubber is also used as roofing or liners. But, the four main industries which benefit the most from EPDM rubber include the following.
– Automotive
EPDM sponge rubber is used extensively in the automotive industry because of its flexibility, weather ability and resistance.
The sponge rubber is usually attached across sealants, wire, cable harnesses, brake systems and seals. The EPDM sponge rubber is also mixed with different materials for making car bumpers, fender extensions and rub strips.
EPDM sponge rubber is used very much in the HVAC industry. However, it is used in different forms like seals, insulations, gaskets, grommets, because it has high-temperature durability.
– Industrial
EPDM is insulated to electricity and has waterproofing characteristics. This plays an important role in increasing resilience.
Furthermore, EPDM sponge rubber is found in different water systems like hoses, gaskets, O-rings, electrical insulators, and connectors. The flexibility of EPDM makes it capable of taking up the shape of belts, accumulator bladders, grommets and diaphragms.
– Construction
Because of the weather-proof and insulating characteristics, EPDM sponge rubber is used extensively in the construction industry. The water-resistant capacity makes it beneficial for roofing.
Apart from that, EPDM rubber is also used as sealant, pool and tank liners, coating for bitumen roofs. In many cases, it is also used for RV roofs.
What is the difference between EPDM and silicone?
EPDM and silicone are synthetic rubbers, but the main difference between the two lies in how they’re used.
Silicone serves general purposes while EPDM caters to the needs of specific purposes. However, both are resistant to ozone, UV, and weather while catering to the need to have a good bond with the metal.
Silicone is extremely flexible in terms of application, but it is also costly, so not everyone prefers it. What’s better about EPDM is that it can function under high temperatures.
Silicone can serve the purpose of food safety, which is not the case with EPDM. Moreover, silicone has a better compression set and a longer lifespan than EPDM.
EPDM is a specialized rubber that is inexpensive and tends to function better than silicone.
Both EPDM and silicone are waterproof, but silicone smells are exposed to water, while EPDM’s smell is retained.
Compared to EPDM, silicone is more resistant to steam and can withstand steam up to 392°F without any air.
EPDM is extremely beneficial and can help you in the long run. However, it is necessary to ensure that EPDM caters to your industrial needs. Make sure to purchase EPDM only from experts.
Choosing the right rubber manufacturing company is crucial. A lot of companies have preferred R-Tech Industries. R-Tech Industries is one of the leading and top-rated Rubber Products Manufacturers In India.
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