#heartfelt au
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st0r-fruit · 4 months ago
Oc: Bishop/Adya Hartono
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Art by @soyoni , thank you for the birthday gift broski :3
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cs-heartfelt-au · 8 months ago
imagine chase and blank talking to eachother and blank goes
Blank: i had a crush on your nephew until you adopted me.
Chase: "WHAT???? ALL THIS TIME??"
proceeds to overthink for the first time in his life, walking in circle using every bit of his borrowed braincell as Blank just looks at him concerned.
"Zo you whant to be un-adopted??? Return you to orphan life zo you can marry Peter/Vinn so that way we're still related zomehow??"
Itd be so funny let's be real
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mimikip-stuff · 6 months ago
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@lendubsofficial , @phoenixvitae , and I are dubbing @akanemnon 's Twin Runes Deltarune comic! I had the wonderful privilege of drawing the blooper thumbnail!
Go to LenDubs on YouTube to watch our dub when it releases! We love this comic so much <3
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auriidae · 8 months ago
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actually this is closer to what the au is like (x)
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rubyfunkey · 8 months ago
hooooooooly shit I can't believe I just noticed that Pyrrha is wearing Jaune's sweater. that's such a good detail, it's so fucked up. it's getting more and more damaged but she won't let go but she won't take care of it (herself)
I love this au so much
YEAH i think at the end its more patchwork than hoodie due to damage/repairs
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too bad she cant melt it down into armor :pensive:
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cs-heartfelt-au · 4 months ago
Chase: Is it too much to ask to just have a quiet night in? Slippers, tea, a nice movie?
The VILE operative he’s currently got in a headlock: Oh mooooood.
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pastebunny · 1 year ago
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little kris redesign both for an au thing I have in my mind and also because I just have beef with her original design. she’s professor elm’s research assistant (though he mostly just lets her run around and do her own research instead of assisting him with anything) and she specializes in studying shiny pokemon!
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chococara25 · 4 months ago
A fix-it au where one night Buck was so heart sick thinking about Tommy, tired of people leaving him and thinking how he doesn't know his damn heart and most importantly, tired of baking, went out, not to clubs to find people to fuck with (cos he's so done with that, fuck you Tommy) but to a quiet bar Tommy once took him for a date and lo-behold, there was Tommy at the corner, looking sad while nursing his beer.
Instead of storming away or yelling at him, Buck just sat in front him and said "Room for one more?" Before ordering his drink.
Tommy, tired and heart-broken too, surprisingly didn't leave and stayed and both of them talked.
"I need you to stop looking at me like that." Tommy said sadly.
"Like what?"
"Like you see a future with me."
Buck set down his drink and look at him with such sincerity. "And what if I do? Because I really do, I want a future with you where we live together in a house, complaining to each other about our terrible rescues and support each other on our bad days, raising pets and maybe kids one day."
"I'm not anyone's happy ending Evan." He said softly, as if he's trying not to hurt his heart anymore. "You need someone whose less broken unlike me."
Buck scoffed. "That's just stupid. I don't want anyone else. You're my happy ending. I don't want to find any other ending if you're not in it."
"Wait a minute," buck pulled away from his drink, staring incredulously at him, "They didn't speak to you after the break up?! But I told them to check on you?!! I even asked Chim to drop off some cookies I made to you?!!" By now, Buck was feeling tipsy after their 6th beer together.
"You made me cookies even after our breakup?" Tommy said mournfully, starting to feel the effects of the alcohol too,
"They were your favourite triple chocolate cookies too."
Tears began pooling in Tommy's storm blue eyes. "You're too good for me, Evan."
"Hey,don't cry, ill make you some more ok?" Buck awkwardly pat him on the back.
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st0r-fruit · 1 month ago
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Meet Adya Hartono, or his codename; Bishop!
@the-cs-oc-archives you might wanna see this 👀
(ignore the mismatched shoe, it's actually fully black)
Do not steal my art!
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cs-heartfelt-au · 7 months ago
(After a date with Sonia)
Huang Li, with Oxtail next to him: Um... whatcha got there?
Xifeng, with lipstick on her cheek: A smoothie.
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cs-heartfelt-au · 6 months ago
I am an au ask-blog myself
What’s your favorite difference in your universe compared to the source material ?
Hi Yes! Sorry i procrastinated with this BUT!
More fluff. This is personal taste but I really love family and friend fluff therefore, there's more in this AU, and a lot of my favorite characters are family.
More character fleshing, felt like their personalities were too flat, yknow?
More ocs, duh.
Carmen didin't really shut down VILE for good in a part of truce (ill send the master post in the server i promise)
VILE is more chill in planning capers, around 2-3 per month.
6 faculties instead of 5, meaning i can force my favorite character there >:) (AHEM roundabout)
Uhhh yeah! I think those are my fav changes in this au. Thanks for asking!
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enema-no-jutsu · 4 months ago
between cait and jayce getting like one conversation together and vi and ekko getting ZERO conversations in season 2…. I fear the brother/sister relationships of the series were severely fumbled
at least we got AU claggor and milo, lmao
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mathewharris7703 · 1 year ago
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"Bluey has been stuck in the 80's for a least a week now. A week ago, she was living her happiest life like she always does but that quickly changed when, somehow for no given reason or explanation, she found herself in the real life fairytale that her Dad told her and Bingo about. The wild 80's. She walked around the area until a frisbee disc came her way and as soon she grabbed it, there she met her Dad, Bandit Heeler, when he was 10 years old. Since meeting her future dad, Bluey has been living at the Heeler's house with her future nana, grandad and uncles Rad and Stripe. She has been pretending to be a second cousin of sorts, trying to not let them know she came from the future in case it causes a change in the future or worse, the universe. She's trying her best, she had been struggling to get used to the differences between her current time and the 80's. This is one of them. Bandit was going to bike around town for a bit, originally on his own while his brothers' were about to play their video games. Bluey asked if she could come with Bandit and he said sure she could and Stripe allowed her to borrow his bike since she didn't have one of her own. The two heelers soon left the house and headed into town. As they were biking together, Bluey started to feel uncomfortable. She remembered when her dad told the story before, she questioned where his helmet was and he responded that there were no helmets as it was the 80's. That question is now her reality. She was biking without a helmet. With no safety. She simpley looked on the ground with her worries surrounding her, causing the young Bandit to notice. He looked back at his 'second cousin' and told her what's wrong. After she answered honestly, Bandit, not wanting to tease her since she's not her brothers, gave her a pep talk, some encourgement to give it a try and have a go. That bit of encouragement helped her a bit as both heelers continued their way into town." Art by @springbon-t-art Inspired from the Gravity Falls Timestuck AU
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st0r-fruit · 8 months ago
Anggan be like
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lulublack90 · 9 months ago
Prompt 30 -Camper
@wolfstarmicrofic June 30, word count 998
Previous part First part
Last part guys xxx
James ran past them with Lily close behind and Severus closing in. 
“Lily, wait, it’s fine, we’re friends now!” Severus called after her, but she didn’t seem to hear him. They chuckled quietly as James fled the hall. 
Sirius trailed his fingers down Remus’s spine, making him shiver.
“Wanna get out of here?” Sirius whispered into his ear, nipping gently at the lobe. Remus stilled and leaned away from Sirius. 
“Erm, Sirius,” He took a deep breath. “I-I-I really like what we’ve done so far, but I don’t think I’m ready for you know,” He blushed so hard he was sure Sirius could feel the heat coming off his face. 
“Oh my gods, Remus,” Sirius let out a relieved sigh. “The way you were talking then, I thought you were breaking up with me.” Sirius pulled him in close again. “This is all new to me as well and I am in absolutely no rush. Let’s just enjoy the time we have left, yeah?” He kissed the top of Remus’s head and Remus relaxed. “When I said wanna get out of here, I meant to go take part in the age-old tradition of making out at make-out point.” Remus snorted into Sirius’s white shirt.
“Yeah, alright then. Wouldn’t want to break tradition,” 
They left the noise of the dance behind. Remus pulled the cowboy hat from his head, feeling a bit silly away from the dance. 
“No, no, keep it on,” Sirius grinned at him, “It’s doing unspeakable things to me,” Remus could feel the blush returning, but put the hat back on to appease Sirius. 
There were couples dotted all about the top of the hill. Sirius took them to a relatively private spot and sat down on the dry grass. Remus joined him and Sirius immediately took his hand, stroking his thumb along Remus’s knuckles. He sighed contentedly and brought Remus's hand to his lips. 
“I love your hands, you know. I can’t seem to stop touching them. I’m going to be sad when I can’t hold them every day.” Remus’s heart was aching already at the thought. They had so little time left and then he’d be returning to Wales and Sirius, James and Peter to London. He’d never see him. There was no way his dad would drive him to London just to see a boy he met at camp, nor would he give him the money for the train or the bus. A horrid thought ran through his mind, telling him it would be better to let Sirius go now so it wouldn’t be so hard. But as though he’d read Remus’s mind, Sirius took his chin in his free hand and turned his head towards him. 
“We’ll find a way. I promise.” And Remus believed him. Sirius closed the gap between them and kissed him, soft, sweet, burning. Remus didn’t want to ever lose this feeling. 
“I love you,” He blurted out. Sirius didn’t even skip a beat before he returned the words. 
“I love you too,” Remus threw himself at Sirius just as a huge bang went off, and green sparks lighted the sky, then more bangs and more bright sparks. 
“MR PETTIGREW!!!” McGonagall’s voice rang clear between the bangs. Oh, Peter, they both shook their heads at the same time. They leaned back and watched the fireworks display. Remus didn’t think it could get better than this.
The next few days passed in a blur and before he knew it, he was packing his unworn clothes back into his shabby suitcase, ready to put in the back of his dad’s car and leave Camp Hogwarts behind. He looked around the room at the friends he had made. Peter, with singed eyebrows from where he’d accidentally set off all the fireworks. James with his black eye from Lily, that he wore proudly. Severus, who had come out of his shell and become a part of their group, easily once they put their feud aside and finally Sirius. The boy who had changed his life the second he walked into that cabin. He had to blink hard to stop tears from escaping. 
They took their bags out to the gate, waiting for their rides. 
“I’m going to miss you all, so much,” Remus finally said, a thick lump forming in his throat. Before he could do anything to stop them, all four of the other boys had piled on him, hugging him tightly. 
“You’re coming back next year, right?” Perter asked. “I know we’ll be a bit old, but it’s tradition at this point and we’ll meet up throughout the year, right?” Remus gave Peter an extra squeeze. 
“My mum likes Wales, maybe we can visit?” Severus asked, a bit unsure. Remus wrapped him in a hug.
“Of course, we can go down to the beach. It’s not far from my house.” 
“And you are more than welcome at mine anytime, both of you,” James added, including Severus. “Mum and Dad would love it. The more, the merrier,” James lifted Remus off his feet as he hugged him. “Come on you lot, let them say goodbye.” James ushered Peter and Severus away. 
He and Sirius didn’t say goodbye. It was too hard. Instead, they just held hands and waited for the inevitable. 
“I’ll see you soon, I promise. I’m this close to getting my driving licence and then you won’t be able to get rid of me.” 
He heard his dad’s car pull up. He looked at Sirius, tears escaping finally. 
“I love you,” Sirius said, squeezing his hand. 
“I love you too,” Remus croaked. They shared one final kiss before Remus picked up his suitcase and headed to the car.
“So,” Lyall said curtly as Remus buckled his seatbelt. “Were you a happy camper then?” He asked as he pulled the car away. Remus stared out of the window, not taking his eyes off Sirius until he couldn’t see him any longer. 
“Yeah, I was. Can I come back next year?”  
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potato-lord-but-not · 8 months ago
I'm so enamored with the Holy Ghosts au now. Give me two doodles and uncategorized lore and I'll eat it up tbh.
But what I came here to say is this: The fact that Noel expects Arthur to come back, knows he and John will come back (because he knows what they've been through and if they can get through this, they can probably get through damn near everything), is brilliant.
Especially when coupled with Oscar's grief. I call it grief because he doesn't know where Arthur is, doesn't know what happened to him; he was left on the doorstep of a hospital without much info or things to sustain his hope on. And next thing he knows, Noel is probably giving him one of the most confusing explanations - trying not to out John's existence - and saying he disappeared into thin air because of the same guy who made the butcher's head explode. Anyone would assume he would be dead.
What I think would realistically happen when they come back, is a fuckin whiplash for Oscar. He's grieved Arthur, he's gone through all the stages, he's accepted that he'll never see him again. Even if he wasn't dead, he probably wouldn't want to meet up, because well. He left him already. And then he shows up at the door, probably drenched in water and blood, and it's just... unraveling all that Oscar managed to accept and come to terms with.
"You died."
"I didn't ! We- I'm- I'm back !"
"You're.. back ?"
"Yes !! Oscar, you can't imagine, I'm- I'm so happy to finally see you again- I- A-are you okay ?"
"I thought you were dead. You're supposed to be dead. I accepted you were gone and I would never see you again, and now you're here ?! Alive, standing on your own two godforsaken feet, the same ones that walked away from me back then. I don't.. *sigh.* I need time."
ahh interaction
i need to write about them. yet another dynamic I'm now obsessed with
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