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talesofkhaos · 2 months ago
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Spencer was excited to attend the lecture at NYU, especially with Professor Bloom as the guest speaker. Having read Bloom's work, Spencer was intrigued by his unique writing style and was eager to hear his insights in person. The opportunity to engage with Bloom's ideas firsthand was one he couldn't pass up. Spencer had taken time off from the BAU to attend this lecture, knowing that such opportunities were rare. He was confident that the insights gained from Bloom's lecture would contribute to his professional growth. This decision to step away from his usual duties was driven by his passion for continuous learning and intellectual exploration. Spencer arrived at the NYU campus with a sense of anticipation, quickly making his way to the lecture hall. He took a seat in the front row, eager to absorb every word of Professor Bloom's presentation. As the room filled with fellow attendees, Spencer felt a surge of excitement, knowing he was about to witness a memorable intellectual experience. Spencer knew the real reason behind Professor Bloom's sudden hiatus from lecturing years ago, but he respected the professor's privacy and had no intention of bringing it up. He understood that sometimes personal matters were best left unspoken, and he was more interested in the knowledge Bloom had to share. As the lecture began, Spencer focused intently on the professor's words, eager to gain new insights and expand his understanding.
Spencer listened to Professor Bloom began his lecture by discussing the evolution of writing styles throughout history, highlighting the impact of cultural and societal changes on literary techniques. He delved into the works of several renowned authors, including Stephen King. He noted how King's ability to blend suspense with vivid character development set him apart in the horror genre. Spencer listened intently, fascinated by Bloom's analysis of King's pacing and tension. He realized it could be applied to his own work in understanding criminal narratives. Bloom quoted one of Stephen King's famous lines about writing: "Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work." Spencer chuckled softly, amused by the simplicity and truth of the statement. It reminded him that dedication and perseverance were key elements in any field, whether writing or criminal analysis. As Spencer absorbed Bloom's insights, he marveled at how seamlessly the professor applied King's techniques to his own lecture style. Bloom's ability to weave suspense and engagement into his academic discourse was a testament to his mastery of the art of communication. Spencer felt inspired to adopt a similar approach in his work, recognizing the power of captivating storytelling in conveying complex ideas.
Spencer was so engrossed in the lecture that he eagerly participated in the discussion. Each time Professor Bloom posed a question, Spencer raised his hand, confidently providing the correct answer. His deep understanding of the material and enthusiasm for the subject made him stand out among the audience. Some of the other students exchanged glances, clearly annoyed by Spencer's eagerness to answer every question. They felt overshadowed by his constant participation and wished for a chance to share their own thoughts. Despite this, Spencer remained oblivious, fully immersed in the exchange of ideas and the thrill of intellectual exploration. When the lecture ended, Spencer waited patiently as the other students filed out of the room. He approached Professor Bloom with a keen sense of admiration and gratitude, eager to express his appreciation for the insightful session. Professor Bloom, you analyzed King's work incredibly. Your ability to relate his themes to writing styles was phenomenal." "I've never thought about writing that way before," he exclaimed, his eyes alight with enthusiasm. "Your lecture opened up a whole new perspective for me, and I can't wait to apply these techniques to my own work." Spencer's excitement was palpable. "Forgive me for not introducing myself," he continued, a slight flush of embarrassment coloring his cheeks. "Where are my manners? I'm Dr. Spencer Reid."
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deathoccurred · 2 months ago
“ i’ve got a lot on my mind . ”
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"I'm sure you do, but staying here isn't going to help Oliver." his accent, thick on his tongue. Ansel had made a visit to Oliver's place to check in on him. It wasn't a hard decision for him to make but he was going to propose that the male stay at his place. That way he could keep an eye on him, help him through the hard moments. Maybe, just maybe get him into better state of mind. He moves slowly over toward the dark haired male. There's a moment of recognition in those blue eyes before he pulls Oliver into a tight hug. "You're staying with me for a few days, it will do you good. I don't take no for an answer. " He said as he pulled back, gently patting Oliver's cheek. He gives a grin. "I hope you don't mind baby sitting."
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mkoshi · 2 months ago
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Today hadn’t been particularly riveting, and Anabel wished she could go home early. But she had a couple more hours of her shift and she knew her boss would skin her alive if she even insinuated anything of the sort. The morning rush had already passed and the cafe was pretty empty except for one person. He’d came in not long after they opened and had been furiously typing away at his laptop as if his life depended on it. Maybe he was working on something for his job? It wasn’t her business to pry but … she was bored.
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“ I’m so sorry to bother you— you’re probably pretty busy but … you’ve been fairly glued to your screen, ” she pauses, sliding a peace offering of another cup of coffee for her interrupting his focus, “ Are you a writer? Or are you just working on uh … work stuff? ”
@heartdeceives ♡ed for a starter
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thcmcnstcr · 2 months ago
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@heartdeceives asked; nothing worth fighting for was ever won without sacrifice.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚— While Evan knew just how undeniably true Oliver's words were, her heart ached upon hearing them. She could feel it, the way her chest turned to stone and crumbled bit by bit, thinking of all she had sacrificed for the life she had, now. A life mostly alone, and on the run. A life she only had because her mother didn't have her own anymore. A life separated from the people who loved her.
How much more did she have to sacrifice? How much more could she let go of, before she stopped being Evangeline Sire, and someone new took her place? Would that person feel any better, after all was said and done? Who would she be?
"I know," she admit, keeping the soft smile locked on her face- as much as she hurt, she wanted to make it mean something. She wanted to find whatever happiness was on the other side of all of this mess and know she had done... Everything she had, for a reason. It was also important that she didn't give that hurt to Oliver. It wasn't often she got to relax around people, but he was the safest person she'd been around in months. He didn't need her burden- she was just happy he was taking her company. "I... I know I'll be alright. Especially with a friend like you out there. Even when I end up having to leave... I'll always remember you. And I'll try to make it back whenever I can."
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She paused for just a moment, opening her mouth to continue speaking but closing it soon after. It only felt fair to warn him that she might not see the other side of all the sacrifices she had made so far- she might fail. Die. Worse, she might get caught. Somehow, death even felt less permanent than something like that happening. It was only right to prepare him for one of those things happening... But, then again, did she matter enough for him to notice, after the passing of time, that she hadn't come back? Maybe, if worse came to worse, she could fade away without hurting him.
"No matter what sacrifices I've had to make to get here, I'm glad we met."
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corxner · 2 months ago
cont. | @heartdeceives
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Faust didn't mean to make his words sound as threatening as they might have come out to Oliver. Or were they not? He wasn't sure; he has a knack for scaring people when he said whatever were in his mind. But beating around the bush had never been his strong suit; both he and Oliver knew that well by now.
The coroner didn't expect them to get ... Close. Not this close at least (or at all), but he found himself unable to leave or find even an inkling of a feeling similar as such to attempt. They've gone through quite a bit together, and despite things that normal people wouldn't tolerate, likely to be afraid of or concerned before leaving and keeping a safe distance... Faust was like a moth to a flame; fearless too. No stepping back now.
He looked back at his friend with a small smile — and while making sure Oliver could see every of his movement —ever slowly reached out for his hand, to hold it within his. “No, I dont ” Faust's thumb gently ran over the back of the older man's hand in attempt to soothe before he spoke: “ but whoever you might be, you're still Oliver to me. I care for you dearly - and that meant all of you. ” a terribly loyal dog to the end, he was.
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unapxlogeticme · 2 months ago
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the sacrifice
you die saving the thing you love. maybe it is family, friends, perhaps even a cause. they will carry your face with them for the rest of their lives, and every milestone they pass will make them think of you. it does not matter because you won't be there to experience it with them. years down the line, they will meet people who do not even know the weight of your name upon their skin. this is what your selflessness gets you in the end.
tagged by: @t-errifier
tagging: @burninq, @heartdeceives, @cxncordia, @6unish. and anyone who wants to complete it!
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v011d · 2 months ago
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SISTER WINTER. A cold, bitter person, who was once naive but learned fast. Resilient, chilly, melancholy. A person waiting for spring.
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TAGGED BY. Stolen from. @wickedslip
TAGGING. @vulpesse @fangsforhire @thcmcnstcr @heartdeceives @burninq @dgrayd @frankliie @unsnare @bloodwr4th and anyone else who sees this.
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burninq · 2 months ago
NAME?: Shane
PRONOUNS?: he/they/she
MOST ACTIVE MUSES?: always Cal, but i've been getting muse back for Oliver (@heartdeceives) so please go follow him, i love my schizophrenic baby boy very much.
EXPERIENCE/HOW MANY YEARS?: since i was 11 years old lmao so... about 17-18 years now. i've written on multiple platforms so. you've probably seen me everywhere. i originated on myspace though. i'm a myspace veteran, through and through.
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: i love all of it, though smut can make me uncomfortable so i rarely ever write it. i will write stuff leading up to smut, but never the actual act itself. it just... makes me icky tbh. as for angst and fluff, literally i'm dying for it all the time. Cal gets more angst than fluff though and that's understandable lmao and i'm here for it
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: depends on my mood. right now, i have 16 drafts and i doubt i could answer any of the long stuff. but typically, i write anywhere between 2-5 paragraphs per reply.
PET PEEVES?: i have a lot. i'd rather not get into it.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE?: ...absolutely not lmao i'm nowhere near as confident and snarky as Cal is and i'm definitely not a serial killer. this would be awkward if i was. i'm an incredibly shy, awkward bean outside of roleplay. it's hard to gauge where i'm at personality wise.
TIME TO WRITE?: i write best at night for sure.
TAGGED BY: a lot of people lmao but most recently @hollowpit TAGGING: anyone who wants to do it i don't care but i'll tag @ownmagic and @flappervcmp for funsies
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talesofkhaos · 2 months ago
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it's like they gave bambi a gun
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talesofkhaos · 2 months ago
🏬would they have sex in public? if so, how public is too public? // for Spencer, cause Oliver's a curious guy hehe
Well, I mean, I guess it depends on the situation, but the idea of doing it in a super public place makes me kind of anxious. I can't help but worry about all the germs and the possibility of getting caught. So maybe somewhere a little more private would be better, you know?
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deathoccurred · 2 months ago
" can you see me ? "
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The question catches the blonde off guard. It was a genuine question, one that needed to be answered with care. Ansel knew all to well where this was going. He had watched his little brother deal with his own demons for years, watched his own flesh and blood spiral into the darkest of places. He had seen the signs, heard the pleas for help. His regret was not being able to do more. Ansel sat forward, hands clasped together as he rested it against his mouth for a moment. Those blue eyes were soft, caring, something that he never showed to those other than family. "Of course Oliver, I see you. I see a man that is tortured by his own demons. I see someone who is practically begging for help. Let me help you."
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memurfevur-archive · 3 years ago
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art by heartdecal on artfight!!! AH!! I LOVE!!!
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talesofkhaos · 2 months ago
calm my storms, and I'll give you all my sunshine.
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astickyobsession · 8 years ago
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Small batch this morning. My #ilovemystate #maine #heartdecal along with #clonetrooperfives #illest and #futurejeeperonboard #jeepjk #babyonboard . . . . . . . #cardecals #vinyldecals #gamingdecals #tunerdecals #usdm #jdm #businessdecals #carclubdecals #clubdecals #teamdecals #carstickers #starwarsfans #starwarsonly #starwarscosplay #attackoftheclones #clonewars #hoonigan #drift #girlsinjeeps #stancenation #stanced #vinylwraps #camber #dapper #rally #grc #wrc #evox #subiegang
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unapxlogeticme · 2 months ago
Which of my favourite specific character archetypes are you?
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sister winter
a cold, bitter person, who was once naive but learned fast. resilient, chilly, melancholy. a person waiting for spring.
tagged by: @t-errifier
tagging: @cxncordia, @burninq, @heartdeceives, @writingsinashes
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talesofkhaos · 2 months ago
@heartdeceives 😏
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matthew gray gubler at the 51st monte-carlo television festival (2011)
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