#healthy paw life
healthypawlife · 3 days
Pamper Your Pup: Natural Dog Skincare Solutions
Your dog's skin deserves the best care, and at Healthy Paw Life, we’ve got just the right products to soothe and protect. Whether your furry friend is dealing with dryness, itching, or irritation, our range of natural dog skincare products is designed to keep their coat healthy and comfortable. From gentle shampoos to nourishing creams, everything is crafted to support your pet's skin health. Help your dog feel their best, one paw at a time! 
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cuntwrap--supreme · 1 month
My dog has been having senior moments, such as randomly forgetting what she's doing or trying to walk into a street, and I've been calling her "Mr. President" when it happens.
Like, "No, Mr. President, we can't walk into oncoming traffic. That's how we get killed!"
#it makes me sad that she's so old. and it's only in the past couple months that she's been doing this.#she's still overall very physically healthy. we go on walks almost every day and as long as she wants to.#and she eats well and takes vitamins and her teeth are kept clean and her claws trimmed and her coat clean#but she's slipping a little mentally#she's 11 which is old as hell for a dog her size. the vet said golden retriever mixes (which is what i assume she is) usually live to 10.#and she's not even started going white too much. just around her snoot and a little on her paws.#so when i take her in the vet always assumes she's like 6#but I've had this crusty old lady since shortly before i was even legally an adult#and I'm scared for when she does die because my other dog dying damn near made me commit suicide#and like I've said. I've had her a lot longer.#if she were a person she'd be going into middle school. like.#and she's had her share of weird health things. she's had a thyroid issue since she was 4. she has a weird skin condition.#she's had a couple surgeries and has scars from being attacked by random dogs (not my fault. she's well trained)#she's fallen a couple times recently but the vet says that's normal for her age#she went blind then wasn't blind and is going blind again#her hearing is starting to get shit too#I'm just so worried about her. this dog is a person to me. she's more real than my family in my mind.#and my cat is cool and all. but she's not a people. she's just a cat.#i guess the best i can hope for her is she lives the rest of her life comfortably and can die peacefully in her sleep#i think I'd completely come unglued from reality if i lost another dog to surprise everything cancer#but that's what I'm most scared of#because it came on so quickly and no one caught it despite me being that person who takes their dogs to the vet over a cough#she's sleeping right now and making goofy ass dog dream sounds. and i know i won't hear that any more sometime soon.#dog#old dog#senior dog#clio#joe biden mention
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jegheterkerry · 21 days
I'm sorry to hear about your grandma and now your dog too, idk if it's something you'd be interested in but I clipped a bit of my cat's fur and stored it in a glass jar, again I'm so sorry about what youre going through
thank you. i took him in on monday morning and said goodbye. right before, they offered memorial things like that. i didn't think i would want something, but i was actively sobbing so i ended up asking for the framed paw print. it was a little ridiculous because...when has the shape of his paw ever brought me comfort? versus all the times i've buried my face in his white fur or stroked his soft ears? but an expensive, impulsive decision was made, and now i'm just waiting for the vet to call to tell me his paw print is ready to pick up.
though if i do need his fur, there's approximately half of a dog's worth of shed under my bed. i haven't cleaned anything up, nor done much of anything else.
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retiredteabag · 14 days
winter weight
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synopsis: toji has gained some weight this winter - it seems you don’t mind
this is part two -> read about summer!toji here
It's said that "happy weight" is a very real thing in healthy relationships. Toji had always prided himself on being a big man, he worked out frequently and ate like a beast. But his physique has mostly remained the same impressive form. This winter, however, seemed to have changed that for the very first time.
Toji had noticed these past few days that he'd seemed to have put on a couple of pounds. His shirts were tighter now than they used to be, some of his sleeves seemed to almost cut off circulation, and with a quick feel of his stomach, it was clear that his body was... softening up.
He was not "insecure" per say, just- not in love with his newly added weight. He found himself pulling at the flesh of his stomach, not accustomed to the added fat and he barely walked around the house shirtless as of late.
You'd comment on this newfound modesty of his and he'd play it off as if he had been cold, but you know that your man couldn’t get cold, even in this winter weather.
One afternoon as you both lounged on the couch, you saw him pulling at the front of his T-shirt, flowing it out and away from his body. He didn't seem to be doing it intentionally, eyes focused on the television, but you certainly noticed.
That night he even went to bed with a shirt on which might just have been the very first time he's ever done that in his life.
You went to bed with this notion on your mind. The thing was... the man was totally irresistible to you, so you couldn't quite understand if he was suddenly worrying about his figure.
Toji always awoke before you did in the mornings. When you heard him in the bathroom, brushing his teeth, you stumbled out of bed and came up behind him, wrapping your arms around his form.
Toji is a big guy, he always has been. Only now you notice, when holding the man’s torso, your two arms barely reach around to the mans abs now…
You hum as you feel him up, and he doesn't push you away. Once upon a time you would have tried to tickle his sides, but having been around Toji for awhile now, you know he's not the ticklish type. Even so, your cold hands dance under his shirt and grope at him.
"Too early, ya know." You murmur into his broad back. "Won'tcha come back to bed."
"Get yer paws off me" he jitters, "you're freezing." He turns around to look at you now, facing downwards to meet your tired pout.
"Come warm up with me then." You finish speaking. Smooshing your cheeks into his back muscles and opening your mouth to press up against him and breathe a lung full of hot air through his shirt. While the warmth meets his spine you roll your hands back to his pudgy tummy, his happy trail…
"Alright, alright." He grabs the back of your neck and walks you back to bed. When you're just about within throwing distance, he grabs you by the sides of your chest and tosses you onto the mattress.
In the following moments you curl yourself upon him, your body splayed above his. Giggling, you can't help your wandering hands. He's so warm, you know?
He grabs at your wrist though, "Enough, don't fondle me." His eyes are teasing but you wonder if he's starting to feel unhappy with his body.
"Can't help it, you’re so handsome, ya' know?"
You can feel his muscles tense below you at the confession. He runs a hand through his hair and avoids your eyes. "Thats a bad argument."
You just hum and squish your arms under his back, molding your body to his.
Suddenly he speaks up, "I wouldn't work out as much if I knew you still liked me all fluffy". You hear an annoyed tint in his tone and move up to look at him.
"I like you in all your forms, Toji." And you mean it.
"Ugh." He rolls his eyes at your words and pulls your hands away.
"Don't move me, you're so hot." You tug your wrists in his grasp.
His eyebrows raise
He holds your gaze for a long while, and lifting a brow he slowly speaks, "Get another blanket then."
You stare at him, smiling. "No." You smoosh your face to his chest, "I wanna crawl under your skin... and eat your flesh..."
Toji knew what was coming, he gently pressed on your forehead before you could latch your jaw around his bicep.
"Don't. Even. Think about it." He holds in a giant grin.
"You're too chewable. C'mon..... comeoneeeee." You smirk at him, his palm still flush to your skull.
There's a pause, and just as you think he's gonna give in, he maintains pressure, running his hands down your neck, onto your waist and traps your body under his by rolling on top of you. There are wails of descent from your crushed form beneath him, but he holds you there, wrists in his grasp.
"Lemme go Toji." You tug at your wrists.
"Thought you wanted me heating you up." He huffs into your neck.
"Yeah, but I deserve the privilege of caressing a little more." You flex your hands again.
"You gonna behave?" his fingers run over your palms.
"Not a chance."
He grins, releasing you. Quick as lightning, your hands are up and under his shirt, running over his back. He's groaning into the mattress, something about icy hands, but he's sporting a big grin, leaning down to take a tiny bite of your shoulder.
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sadiamahjabinlubna · 1 year
A Healthy Kitty, A Happy Life: The Benefits of Prioritizing Your Cat’s Health
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Welcome, fellow cat lovers! If you're like us, your feline friend is not just a pet but an integral part of your family. And as responsible and loving cat owners, we understand that our kitty's health is crucial to their overall happiness and well-being. That's why today, we'll delve into the wonderful world of feline health and explore how prioritizing it can lead to nothing short of a blissful life for both you and your fur baby. So grab a cup of tea (or maybe some tuna treats) as we uncover the incredible benefits that come with keeping your beloved kitty healthy and thriving. Let's embark on this perfect journey together!
The Importance of Prioritizing Your Cat's Health
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As a cat owner, it's important to prioritize your cat's health. A healthy kitty is a happy kitty, and a happy kitty makes for a happier life for both you and your feline friend. There are many benefits to prioritizing your cat's health, including:
1. A longer, healthier life - One of the most obvious benefits of keeping your cat healthy is that they will live longer. A healthy lifestyle can add years to your cat's life, and that means more time for you to enjoy their company.
2. Fewer vet bills - Another benefit of a healthy cat is that they will need fewer trips to the vet. This can save you money on vet bills, as well as the hassle of having to take them in for regular check-ups and vaccinations.
3. More energy and zest for life - A healthy cat has more energy and enthusiasm for life than one who isn't in top condition. They'll be more playful and active, which means more fun for both of you!
4. Better resistance to illness - A strong immune system is crucial for cats, as they are prone to contracting various illnesses and diseases. By keeping your cat healthy, you're helping them build up a better resistance to these conditions.
5. A happier disposition overall - A final benefit of a healthy cat is that they tend to have a happier disposition overall. This is because they feel good physically, which leads to feeling.
Benefits of a Healthy Diet for Cats
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A healthy diet is important for cats of all ages. Kittens need good nutrition to grow and develop properly, while adult cats need a balanced diet to maintain their health and vitality. Senior cats also have specific nutritional needs as they age.
There are many benefits to feeding your cat a healthy diet. A nutritious diet can help your cat maintain a healthy weight, have more energy, and be less susceptible to illness and disease. Good nutrition is also important for your cat’s coat and skin, making them look and feel their best.
When it comes to choosing a healthy diet for your cat, there are many different options available. You can opt for a commercially prepared food or make your own homemade food. Whichever route you choose, be sure to talk to your veterinarian about what type of food is best for your cat’s individual needs.
Tips and Tricks for Feeding Your Cat Properly
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As a cat owner, it's important to prioritize your feline friend's health and wellness. A healthy diet is crucial for cats, since they are obligate carnivores and require certain nutrients that can only be found in animal-based proteins. In this section, we'll share some tips and tricks for feeding your cat properly so that they can lead a long and happy life.
One of the most important things to remember when feeding your cat is to always provide fresh, clean water. Cats are very susceptible to dehydration, so it's important to make sure they have access to water at all times. You can encourage your cat to drink more water by adding a little bit of wet food to their diet, or by investing in a water fountain specifically designed for cats.
When it comes to food, there are a few different options available for cats. You can choose between dry food, wet food, or raw food. Each option has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, so it's important to do your research and decide what's best for your cat. In general, however, experts recommend wet or raw food as the best option for cats since it more closely resembles their natural diet.
If you opt for dry food, be sure to select a high-quality option that is rich in protein and low in carbohydrates. Avoid brands that use fillers or by-products, as these can be harmful to your cat's health. When feeding dry food, always provide.
Common Health Concerns in Cats
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Cats are susceptible to a variety of health concerns, many of which are preventable with proper care. Some common health concerns in cats include:
-Dental disease: Dental disease is one of the most common health problems in cats, and can lead to pain, infections, and tooth loss. Regular brushing and dental check-ups can help prevent dental disease.
- Obesity: Obesity is a serious health problem in cats that can lead to diabetes, joint problems, and other health issues. Proper diet and exercise are important for preventing obesity in cats.
- Upper respiratory infections: Upper respiratory infections are common in cats, and can cause symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, and fever. Vaccinations can help prevent upper respiratory infections, and prompt treatment is important if your cat does develop an infection.
- Gastrointestinal problems: Gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting and diarrhea are common in cats. Many gastrointestinal problems can be prevented with proper diet and nutrition. If your cat does experience gastrointestinal problems, it is important to seek veterinary care promptly.
How to Connect With a Veterinarian for Your Cat
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When it comes to your cat's health, it's important to partner with a veterinarian you trust. Here are a few tips on how to choose and connect with the best veterinarian for your cat: 
1. Do your research: Not all veterinarians are created equal. When choosing a vet for your cat, be sure to read reviews, compare prices, and ask for recommendations from friends or family members who have cats.
2. Make an appointment. Once you've chosen a vet, call and schedule an appointment for your cat. This will give you a chance to meet the vet and get a feel for their bedside manner.
3. Ask questions: When meeting with your vet, be sure to ask any questions you have about your cat's health. This is also a good time to discuss any concerns you have about your pet's wellbeing.
4. Be proactive: The best way to keep your cat healthy is to be proactive about their care. This means scheduling regular checkups, keeping up with vaccinations, and being vigilant about spotting any changes in their behavior or appearance that could indicate an underlying health issue.
Supplements and Other Essential Additions to Your Cat’s Diet
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As a cat owner, it's important to be aware of the different supplements and additions that can help keep your kitty healthy and happy. Here are some key things to consider:
1. Extra Virgin Olive Oil: A few drops of extra virgin olive oil added to your cat's food can help with fur health, skin elasticity, and joint pain.
2. Fish Oil: Fish oil supplements provide omega-3 fatty acids which have numerous benefits for cats including reducing inflammation, promoting brain and heart health, and improving coat quality.
3. Probiotics: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help support gut health. They can be found in many fermented foods like yogurt or kefir, as well as in supplement form. Adding probiotics to your cat's diet can help with digestion, immunity, and overall gut health.
4. Vitamin C: Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that helps boost immunity and promote healing. It can be given to cats in supplement form or through foods like citrus fruits or bell peppers.
5. Essential Minerals: There are a few key minerals that are essential for cats including iron, copper, and zinc. These minerals can be found in meat sources or through supplementation. Adding them to your cat's diet can help with various bodily functions like oxygen transport, energy production, and immune function.
In conclusion, prioritizing your cat's health can help ensure a happy and healthy life for both you and your furry friend. With the right diet, exercise, care routine, and veterinary visits, your kitty can live a long and happy life with you. So make sure to show them lots of love and attention by investing in their health today!
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mammalsofaction · 2 months
Y'know what would be really funny? If each of the Flynn Fletcher siblings KNOW/have suspicions about Perry's secret, but they each keep it to themselves for individual reasons. It's been pointed out before that Perry can get REALLY reckless sometimes, and other times the boys are too clever/know Perry way too well.
-CANDACE has actually seen and interacted with Perry in secret agent mode, particularly during the time she thought she was high off her rocker and Perry had to save her from a self destructing volcano. She's had dreams where Perry was a secret agent in them.
-She doesn't bring it up or think about it much bc she just has like. A lot of other more pressing priorities most of the time, which is so valid. Also I lowkey thinks she suspects she's got a hallucination problem, like with the Zebra? I get why she doesn't talk about it out loud: she sounds crazy enough to her mother as is without suddenly talking about how their exotic pet is a sentient secret agent in a fedora.
-FERB figured it out almost immediately that day he and Phineas accidentally fell into Perry's lair and they pretended to be "secret agents" for the day. HE knows he didnt make that lair. Everything was almost toddler sized, but functionally and professionally equipped for a working adult. There were only two "P" s in the family, and it clearly wasn't Phineas. Also? Everything was Platypus themed. He put two and two together.
-I figure he doesn't talk about it bc he lowkey knows why Perry doesn't tell them. He and Phineas have a lot of faith in Perry, and Ferb is a lot less emotional. If Perry refuses to tell them about his double life and where he goes, hes just gonna trust him.
-Im pretty sure PHINEAS subconsciously knows about the secret agent thing. From where? Africa. He 💯 spotted Perry in secret agent mode on the other side of the gulf while hanging from that vine, and between his siblings Phineas is CLEARLY the one who knows what Perry looks like best. He can pick Perry out from colour and smell from every other brown eyed teal platypus in the entire tri-state area. He not only recognizes his paw prints: he knows Perry's healthy weight distribution on them to know whether or not hes injured or limping. Like....my boy can be oblivious and autistic 98% of the time, but Phin is also REALLY self aware and trusting of his own eyes and instincts.
-He doesn't talk about it because hes in denial 👍
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fattystoriez · 5 months
Daddy is Different
Content Warning: Incest, Weight gain
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Trent was an only child raised by just his father. His mother had left his father for a richer man when Trent was only 8 years old. Trent and his father were very close before Trent left for college right out of high school on a basketball scholarship. Trent hadn’t visited for the holidays, which made Trent feel guilt for leaving his father all alone, with only a little communication back and forth. So Trent decided to go back home for Spring break, his father had presumably found a partner who really wanted to meet Trent, he was excited to see his father was doing well.
Trent arrived home and walked right in, announcing himself. “Hello? Dad?? Anybody home?!” As Trent walked in the house was a mess, junk food trash everywhere. Trent’s father was usually healthy… Trent couldn’t imagine his dad ever touching any junk food. There was a smell of musk and piss, stained jockstraps all over the place.
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Trent makes it to he living room which was a major source of the smell, his dad was sitting in a chair in the living room. He looked wildly different, his healthy average hairless body seemed to have ballooned into a fat guy topped by a set of tits. He was bald now, a spotted a heady beard. He has a cigar in his mouth, one that seemed to have just been lit.
“Welcome home Piggy, I’ve missed you so much.” Trent’s dad opened his arms stretched out for a hug.
Trent was taken a back… how could this be his father? This man was a fat disgusting slob, the complete opposite of his dad. “Dad? What happened to you?”
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“So this is the Piggy I’ve heard so much about!” A giant fat man walked in, wearing only his camouflage underwear. He was graying, definitely older than Trent’s father. His bulge was massive, the tip soaked in pre-cum. He walked right up to Trent and put his hand on his arm “You’re quite the skinny guy, not nearly plump enough to be a pig.”
Trent pushed away “What the fuck? Dad what’s going on here… who is this disgusting man?!” Trent’s head started to feel light, he was starting to get dizzy.
“It’s daddy for now on pig, and this is your paw. I met him at the bar a couple months ago” Hiw could these changes happen in a just a few months? “He told me he could make my life better and help me get you back home.” Trent’s father blew out a plume of smoke into his son’s face.”
Paw got behind Trent and pulled his shirt off “this will give you some room piggy” Trent was so confused, but oddly getting very horny. Paw got Trent in his knees, whipped out his fat cock and huge balls. “I’m so full piggy, time to fattened up this hog!” Paw forced his cock into Trent’s mouth.
After not a few pumps down Trent’s throat Paw was ready to bust his load into Trent’s mouth. It was like his balls has gallons of cum, causing Trent to feel full.
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Trent’s body filled out with lard covering his once slender, lean body. His stomach pushed out and jiggled with soft fat, starting to form rolls on his body. “Ughnnnn” Trent moaned as he groped his fat body. “What’s are you doing to me?!” Trent was starting to get hard. Trent was trying to fight away, stop this from happening, but he was beginning to give in.
Paw and Daddy began to play with Piggy’s fattening body, they start to push into his soft rolls. Daddy began to shove junk food like pizza, doughnuts and shakes into Piggy’s mouth.
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Piggy’s underwear started morphing into a black jockstrap, his blubbery body hanging over his waist. Piggy grew a full beard that showcased the milkshake staying around his mouth. Piggy’s body had become so huge, so far from the lean body he had moments prior.
What was once a college basketball player, is now a Piggy for his fat slobbish daddies to force to grow fatten and fatter. Trent sometimes makes it to the surface, his horror of being so huge and disgusting later turned into a grotesque horniness. There was no more Trent, only Piggy.
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strangecowplant · 2 months
please help me pay my kitties emergency vet bill!
ive never done this before but one of my cats just had to get an extremely sudden emergency procedure and i don't know what to do, my vet and i have reached out to a couple incredible programs here to help with the bill but one is less than half and the other hasn't replied back yet, i've already declined the blood work (CA$356) to lower the bill at the risk of possible underlying liver and kidney issues not being found but its still a monumental amount for us right now. i just feel so helpless
we had enough to pay the minimum deposit to get the procedure started in time thankfully, but we were already scraping by as it is and now we're in desperate need of funds to eat/pay rent/pay off any remainder of the bill. i am disabled without aid and have been unable to work/haven't worked since 2015 but am on track to hopefully start working pt this fall. i live with my mom who has 3-4 jobs including one seasonal job which needless to say is stressful and wearing her down. we unfortunately are stuck in the most expensive place to live in canada with the inability to save up to flee so the cycle is never ending.
this is Teddy, my typically very silly vocal happy boy who's not quite 2 yet, my comfort king, my little muffin who acts like a weighted blanket for me at night and eases my anxiety, his favourite toy is his pink unicorn poof, he loves car rides and he can shake paw!
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he got a sudden urinary blockage last night with no straight answer as to why and progressively got worse as the night went on, i didnt sleep at all, i was panicking and bawling, naturally, and raced to the vet to get in as soon as the door opened. i assumed it was a uti which wouldn't have been as costly, but it turned out to be much more severe and life threatening. i never expected my usually extremely healthy boy to suddenly be at risk of that and im still trying to just process whats been happening
he needed to be sedated and given a catheter and some medication, the total bill came to CA$985.62, of which we were barely able to pay 500 of, and one program was able to donate 300 leaving a total of CA$185.62 for the bill. this, of course, leaves us scrambling for food and rent as well
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i know there are a lot of fundraisers out there needing donations right now, and i really hate letting myself be so open and raw like this but even a dollar would help tremendously and i would be forever grateful for any help whatsoever, even a rb to signal boost is greatly appreciated <3
TLDR; my cat had a sudden life threatening issue and now we can't pay the full vet bill or pay for food/rent
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bleaksqueak · 10 months
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... I'm not sure if this is a monkey's paw situation or not, but when I said we were going to look around for two or more baby girls that needed adoption, I wasn't expecting two emergency rescues. Something happened to their mom so they're without her at 2 and a half weeks. They still have to be given milk so we've been feeding them kitten milk on a schedule and keeping them warm. Holy shit they're so tiny. My hands are itty bitty so the photo doesn't really show how small they are, but just trust me: itty bitty. Going to do our best to give them a chance at life. They're healthy and taking to the feeding schedule well, they play and popcorn around when not sleeping or eating, so I think they've got a shot! I'll try and get more photos of them when awake. Their little faces are too cute, and luckily, being just little beans, they don't seem to have even a clue anything bad happened to them. they just bounce and play, eat and sleep, so here's hoping they thrive so they can get spoiled with the rest of the ratties.
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meo-eiru · 1 month
hi dear, I'm not sure if ur ask box is already open, sorry if it isn't, please take your time and stay healthy
soo I've been thinking about that whole concept of delulu elf babying us and BOY isn't that depressing?? like I'd have a whole ass existential crisis after some time
I mean in my perspective, it must be pretty humiliating for a grown person to be not be taken seriously to such extent. like our boy doesn't even trust us to leave the house and is convinced that his darling needs his absolute protection. no personal space, little to no social interactions except for him, etc.
ANND the worst part is that Silas doesn't even realize that he's doing something wrong, unlike classic yanderes. in his head, he's only doing what's best for darling, without any ill intentions (man's head is filled with unicorns and rainbows). in a way, he's the child here; one that accidentally breaks a kitten's paw because they hugged it too tight.
so can you really blame him? can you really bring yourself to hate him? even if you're upset at him for taking away your basic human rights, he's only trying his best for you!! even if his concept of that "best" is a bit twisted. it's a whole ass internal conflict for darling we have here!
and like, I'm a pretty empathetic person, so I'd hate to see him cry. I'd hate myself if I ever snapped at him (he should only cry from pleasure uh huh). so the only choice I have is to slowly convince Silas to change, but can that really work? what if I'd have to spend a millenia like this, slowly dying on the inside?
that's kind of a hilarious concept for me, like, he's the mama here, but you have to sit him down and patiently explain how your body works, to not die because of overfeeding or smth like that
you created a masterpiece, my brainworms are brainworming so hard rn. I also have some interesting thoughts abt Elias ^^
(DESPAIR!! SUFFERINGS!! ok I'm sorry I still want to squeeze his booba like a stress ball)
I love this ask a lot because that's exactly the vibe I was going for with him.
It's very contradicting. On one hand his mothering is appealing because someone taking care of you with such genuine love is... nice. No matter how you act, no matter what tricks you pull, Silas will forever and ever love you with all his heart. You are his precious flower and he has so much affection for you. He can heal you, he can keep you fed, he can give you the love no one else can.
But at the end of the day that love will be the thing that ruins you. The fundamental difference between you two's existence, how you two view life and each other is just too much. While Silas can take care of your basic needs and give you love, him being so unable to fully understand you and your capabilities can and will eventually break you.
Silas is nice but he isn't. Silas can keep you healthy but also can't. He thinks he's sufficient for you but he just isn't.
He's beautiful and lives in a bright world full of colors but will be the one who'll strip your world of color.
You'll slowly change as he continues to suffocate you with affection.
And he will do all of it with genuine love and good intent in his heart.
Which is what makes him so contradicting. He's like your doom wrapped in cute packaging and presented to you by someone who loves you. He's a poison turned into a warm homecooked meal.
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as the flowers bloom, my heart does too ⋆*·゚misa x putellas!femreader, social media au, (13/-)
when your relationship ends and all you want to do is hide and cry, flowers suddenly start to appear on your doorstep.
or; misa hating to see a pretty girl cry and suffer and going out of her way to cheer her up while staying anonymous
fic: see my masterlist 🤍
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tagged: friend1, marisabel_rguez, re-inc yourusername: 💋 liked by re-inc, christenpress, laiacodina5 and 4,389 others
re-inc Looking good! 🤙✨
friend1 masks, manis and movies 💆‍♂️🕺 ↳ yourusername 💃💅🏽
christenpress Loving the outfit!
albaps9 fuck you, why do you keep stealing my sunnies? 😤 ↳ yourusername hahahaha ↳ albaps9 no it's not fucking funny anymore yn 😫
marisabel_rguez Vroom vroom 😎 ↳ yourusername im in me mums car ↳ marisabel_rguez Que??? ↳ bff1 what did i say? grandma! who tf still quotes vines these days? ↳ yourusername cool people
alexiaputellas Two arms around Misa next time, por favor. Don't want a repeat of you falling off a bike again 😆 liked by marisabel_rguez
salmaparalluelo I miss you!! ↳ yourusername i miss you too! text me! 🤗
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↳ 8h ago: yourusername added to their story
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↳ 18h ago: yourusername added to their story
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tagged: bff3 yourusername: finally an auntie. ready to smother this little boy with all the love i have for the rest of his life. liked by bff3, marisabel_rguez, albaps9 and 2,380 others
albaps9 wait, did i push out a baby im unaware of?? ↳ yourusername god you're so dramatic
bff2 The most beautiful and healthy little baby boy 💘
bff1 already waiting for the day he'll get to watch paw patrol with his paw-nties 🐶
alexiaputellas Congratulations, @/bff3 ❤️
username1 Oh dear god, for a second I thought this baby was hers before I read the caption 😅 ↳ username2 OMG ME TOO. i was like... but how-when-where?! ↳ username3 can you imagine though??? misa and yn as mommies? 😱 ↳ username4 i kind of can't, not for a while at least 😂
marisabel_rguez Adorable ☺️😍
bff3 He took to you so easily, and you to him. He's lucky to have you all in his life. I can't be happier that he'll get to have you to look up to 🥺
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↳ 55min ago: marisabel_rguez added to their story ↳ 51min ago: marisabel_rguez added to their story
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tagged: yourusername marisabel_rguez: Life is good 💛 liked by ona.battle, sofie.svava, laiacodina5 and 13,589 others
albaps9 was misa stuck singing kid songs again while babysitting? 🤣 ↳ marisabel_rguez How do you know about that? ↳ yourusername 😳😛 ↳ albaps9 also, i can't believe our cousin lets you babysit over ME, i literally WORK with children?!? ↳ yourusername he's just letting us practice <3 ↳ marisabel_rguez Wait what?? 😅 ↳ albaps9 👀 ↳ alexiaputellas 🤨 ↳ yourusername to watch the little angel @/bff3 has blessed us with! ↳ albaps9 ok, gotcha!!!! ↳ marisabel_rguez 🙂 ↳ bff3 😘
sofie.svava 😍
ingridengen We miss you two 😙
yourusername i love you ↳ marisabel_rguez 😘
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tagged: yourusername bff2 Found this strange lady sitting at the gate. Think I should approach? liked by 320 people
bff1 no, best to leave her there if you like your life. just turn around and pretend you didn't see her. trust me on this. ↳ yourusername 😦
albaps9 that's just her default mood. give her some snacks or bring her her gf and she'll be fine
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tagged: bff2 yourusername: oui are having a great time liked by alexiaputellas, ona.battle, marialeonn16 and 3,435 others
marisabel_rguez Eiffel for you 🤩 ↳ yourusername holy crepe, i am in-seine-ly in love with you!! ↳ marisabel_rguez I louvre you too! ↳ yourusername i never want toulouse you ↳ marisabel_rguez ❤️ ↳ alexiaputellas You're perfect for each other 😐😂 liked by yourusername, marisabel_rguez and 56 others
bff2 Crossaints as big as my head!! 🥐☕️ ↳ bff1 so that's the size of a small country then? ↳ bff2 Fuck off 😂
bff3 Stay safe and have fun! Kisses from the three of us. And I want a debrief with all your photos after you get home! 😘 liked by yourusername
albaps9 the lara croft glasses make their return
Text Messages
14:31 Misa 🤍 Hey, gorgeous. How's your day going?
15:56 you love!! it's been really sweet. we had brunch at the classiest cafe and did some shopping. went to an art gallery too. strolling the streets a bit now and going to the moulin rouge tonight! 💃
16:03 Misa 🤍 I can't wait to see all the photos! Watch out for pickpockets!!
16:04 you seeing as i wear my heart on my sleeve and all, that's great advice. thanks, chula
16:04 Misa 🤍 😊😘
16:56 you and i'm thinking of you. always. good luck with your match tonight. i'll try and catch some of it through stream when we're back in the hotel room. i love you.
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↳ 18h ago: yourusername added to their story ↳ 12h ago: yourusername added to their story ↳ 10h ago: yourusername added to their story ↳ 2h ago: yourusername added to their story
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tagged: bff2 yourusername: riviera shenanigans 🇫🇷 liked by salmaparalluelo, ingridengen, begovargas and 2,389 others
alexiaputellas Double trouble ❤️
bff3 I'm so jealous right now!! Can hardly get a night out nowadays hahaha. ↳ bff1 well you decided to pop out a baby, you have to live with those consequences now 🤪 ↳ yourusername baaabe!!! 😔let me know if you ever need us to look after your little boy. misa and i would be glad to. ↳ bff3 Definitely going to take you up on that offer once he's a little older! ↳ bff2 As soon as we can, we should schedule a trip with the four of us again! ↳ bff1 YES PLEASE ↳ yourusername i'm down <3 ↳ bff3 Sounds amazing 😘
marisabel_rguez Ladies!! ☺️ liked by yourusername and bff2
Text Messages
10:03 Misa Hey Alba, are you free and up for lunch today? 😁
10:45 Alba Putellas flattered, but yn really is the only perfect putellas for you
10:53 Misa Shut up 😂
10:53 Misa It just feels like we haven’t done anything together in a while.
10:54 Alba Putellas tempting… what’s really behind this tho? you can't fool me 🧐
10:54 Misa Nothing, just want to chat and catch up.
10:55 Alba Putellas hmm sure... will you pay?
10:59 Misa Fine
11:12 Alba Putellas time and place and i'll be there! 😚
13:04 Misa Maybe don't tell YN I'm in Barcelona to pick her up from the trainstation. I want to surprise her. Her friend's already in on it.
13:14 Misa Alba, don't tell me you've already told her 😅
13:18 Alba Putellas SORRY. how was i supposed to know to keep it a secret when you texted me earlier?????
13:26 Misa No worries, it's okay. I'll see you in a bit! I'm stopping by the florist first.
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↳ 2h ago: marisabel_rguez added to their story
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↳ 2min ago: yourusername added to their story
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tagged: yourusername and 6 others bff2: Libertas perfundet omnia luce!! UB reunion!! Let's go!! liked by 493 people
friend seconds before the real fun started!
friend Night's a complete mess already and it has barely even begun🤣
friend Bold of you to post a pic already when I'm sure we'll make plenty better photos during the rest of the night ↳ yourusername this is her 'before the damage' photo ↳ bff2 Caught!! 🙈
friend hey i'm not even there yet!! don't let the fun start already 😭
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↳ 2h ago: bff2 added to their story ↳ 2h ago: bff2 added to their story ↳ 2h ago: bff2 added to their story
Text Messages
23:56 albaquerque 🌼 is that who i think it is in your friend's story?
00:34 you you got that right! crazy huh?
00:38 albaquerque 🌼 yn fucking idiot?? you don't put your ex gf on your lap and then pose for a picture, puta madre
00:38 you 😟
00:39 you jesus alba. chill. i'm at a university reunion. someone from our mutual friend group set it up. it's not like i texted her to meet up. we scooted our chairs together for the photo, that's all. she wasn't on my lap.
00:39 you and you know our breakup was chill. she's cool. it's been a couple of years. it was actually really sweet to catch up again after all this time, see how our lives changed and how much we've grown. it was sweet! we had so much to talk about 😭
00:39 albaquerque 🌼 that's exactly why it was such a bad idea omfg do you hear yourself? you're such a bimbo sometimes
00:46 you alba, we're both mature women and respect and understand that we were a part of each other's lives and past but that's that. there's nothing there. we parted as friends and we're still friends now. that's all. reuniting with her won't resurface my feelings. all that there is, is platonic now. i care for her in the sense that i want her to do well in life, but not with me by her side.
00:46 you but i can see why you'd think it's a little tasteless, but we only did that silly picture. we sat around a table with all the others the rest of the night. i told her about misa!! then the guys heard she was a footballer and we talked more about how we got together and such. everyone thought it was the sweetest story. frankly, i don't think i stopped bringing her up whenever i could 😭
00:46 you but wait ew why am i even defending myself to you
00:46 albaquerque 🌼 with all due respect, she was your first love, your first everything. and i know that things didn't work out, but i know you've always kept a soft spot for her because of that. you haven't talked since uni and now you're close again? i just don't want you to make a mistake.
00:51 you you're trying to find drama that isn't there, alba. she is a friend. and she's an ex for a reason.
00:53 albaquerque 🌼 who you used to kiss and fuck like you were energiser bunnies. that's a line you can't uncross. you're not being very respectful to your girlfriend. you can't mix those worlds with a clear conscience. imagine how misa will feel?
00:55 you oh so you consider me completely unable to be a mature woman and think i can't have a normal conversation without jumping into a woman's pants?
00:55 you and you're so disgusting, why did you have to say that. that made me really uncomfortable.
00:55 albaquerque 🌼 truth hurts
1:02 you why are you even lecturing me and why am i even listening to you out of all people?? i don't care what kind of shit date you had tonight but you don't go and lash that out on me.
1:04 albaquerque 🌼 because i know what i'm talking about when it comes to that. i made mistakes so i could learn and tell you what not to do. that's what older sisters are for.
1:07 you yeah, they're to look up to, not to pull you down
1:07 albaquerque 🌼 yn listen, where are you now? how much did you drink? do i need to pick you guys up?
1:07 you you didn't have to say it like that
1:07 you clearly not enough bc the headache i have rn is bc of you and not bc of the booze
1:07 albaquerque 🌼 where are you. drop your location
1:12 you fucking hell, go and annoy someone else.
1:12 albaquerque 🌼 i just don't want you ruining this good thing you finally have
1:23 you why do you think i ever would? do you really trust me so little? do you really think i would throw away what i have with misa, something i have waited for my entire life, something i've dedicated love and passion and dedication and energy to for almost two years? do you really think i would hurt my partner? the woman i want to propose to? you putting the thought in my head of her not being in my life makes me even more sure i want to stay by her side forever. do you really think that i would put her heart and her happiness on the line for an ex with whom i was never this in love with as i am with misa? do you really think i could hurt my favourite person like that?
1:23 albaquerque 🌼 goddamn yn, you're taking this out of proportion. i didn't mean it all like that.
1:23 albaquerque 🌼○○○
1:23 you no, my reaction is fair, and i think you meant it exactly that way. and you know what? don't even reply to what i asked. i'm afraid of the answer, seeing you also don't trust me having an ex around. if you wanted me to have an as shitty night as you, then you have succeeded, thank you very much
1:23 albaquerque 🌼 ○○○
1:24 you and you had no reason to attack me like that over a photo. you should know me better than what you're implying i was up to. and it really fucking hurts that you think i would do such a thing. i fucking love misa and you should know that. and you obviously doubting if i do, is making me feel really anxious if misa really knows how much i love her.
1:24 albaquerque 🌼 ○○○
1:24 albaquerque 🌼 ○○○
1:24 you stop typing. fucking fuck off, alba. and don't text me. i'm really mad at you right now. leave me alone.
1:24 you and don't even try and contact me through mama or ale. or misa. or any of my friends.
1:25 albaquerque 🌼 ❗️Not delivered - yn i'm sorry, of course i trust you. i panicked. i shouldn't have said the things i did. sorry sorry i regret it. can we talk about it? i know you are in love with her. she's your entire world and you are hers, i can see that, don't worry. i never doubted that. but i panicked that maybe your ex would still be interested and would say just the right thing or bring up a memory and would put seeds of doubt in your mind or tempt you. i shouldn't have thought so. that was very low of me. and i know you would never do such a thing. im sorry.
1:25 albaquerque 🌼 ❗️Not delivered - where are you rn tho? im worried. but sorry again. im so sorry laelia. i just panicked, like i said, i don't want you to ruin what you have and also because misa-
1:25 albaquerque 🌼 ❗️Not delivered - oh great, of fucking course you blocked me.
Text Messages
2:01 Alexia Hey, what's happened? I'm rooming with Misa at camp and YN called her in absolute tears. It's the middle of the night??
2:09 Alba fuck, okay, well i really didn't mean it the way i did but i guess i was a little too harsh about it??
2:09 Alexia About what?
2:09 Alexia And a little? You don't say. I couldn't even understand a word she said 🤨
2:09 Alexia I want you to tell me everything. And you have to do damage control the second you wake up tomorrow.
2:09 Alba yeah and i will, tho im not sure i'll be able to catch a wink of sleep now. but we also might have another problem
2:09 Alexia And you didn't think the one you created was enough? What is it?
2:11 Alba i don't know how serious she was about it or if it was a spur-of-the-moment thing, and how short or long term her plans are, but the idea of proposing to misa is there...
2:11 Alexia Oh! Oh, wow.
2:12 Alba yeah oh
2:12 Alexia I thought we had to worry if she was ready, not worry that she was this ready.
2:12 Alba what should we do?
2:12 Alexia Change her mind, obviously.
2:14 Alba are you insane??!??!?
2:14 Alexia No, of course not, idiota!
2:14 Alba well woohoo, fucking forgive me but sarcasm doesn't hit the same way through text, alexia!!
2:14 Alba but what are we to do??
2:14 Alexia We'll come up with something.
Text Messages
2:19 Misa Hey, Alba. I know what happened. YN called me. The intention behind wanting to protect our relationship was really sweet, but in doing so, you really hurt her, and by extension, me. I know what you meant and that you had only good intentions, but I trust her. She is an independent lady who can go out and have fun with friends and I'm absolutely not worried about her loyalty, because I can feel how much we love one another and how devoted she is to me. She told me there was a high chance that her ex would be there, and we talked about it. There was never an ounce of doubt in my mind that she would even think of either physically or mentally cheating on me. So what I'm trying to say is, don't worry about it. And don't doubt her. I don't either. She's mature and responsible and she's my person. YN is really upset thinking that you think so low of her, and worried that she was disrespectful towards me and is now actively overthinking even the most insignificant little things and interactions she's had in the time we've been together. She's worrying if she's told and shown me enough how much I love her. I know that behaviour of her will resurface now and then, it's her trauma response, but I'm really worried about it all because I can't calm her down through a phone the way I would want in real life, you know? Especially now that I'm out of the country. Once again, I know you meant well and it feels really sweet that you value our relationship and would fight for it and want it to last as much as we do. She probably doesn't want to talk to you right away, but can you please go and make it up soon? Just let her come to you first. She's staying with one of her friends now that she's in Barcelona, by the way. She's there now, she's safe.
2:45 Alba im sorry im sorry im sorry, i feel like a total ass and probleme starter and for what? ive read our chat back and i realise my mistake and my hostility to her messages. i was just panicking that all your effort would've been for nothing and that all she learned to overcome and the behaviours she grew out of with you and because of you, would be for nothing. i know you told me that she was growing quiet lately whenever you brought up the future and i know my sister. she's always had the worst coping mechanisms and it always starts with quietness and distance, so i was just afraid that she was chickening out of the commitment and that seeing her ex would be the perfect escape. i know i shouldn't have thought that about her. because that's the old her. the new her has you to hold on to in difficult times, and tonight has definitely proven that again. but the doubt and worry was a split second thought that i fed while i should've binned it the second it came up. but i've had a shitty night and seeing that photo just made it all worse. i shouldn't have taken it out on her. and i'm sorry for stepping on your toes. i just don't want you guys to ever break up. she's so happy with you. the past two years we've seen a version of her we've never seen. in a good way!! more bright and cheery and just carefree. and she can feel like that and let go of her troubles and stress because she's so loved, protected and cared for by you. once again, i'm so so sorry.
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tagged: bff2 yourusername: felt like we were young and stupid again. university reunion... check! next one we'll all have wrinkles and grey hair 😭
friend just as fun and wild as the old days liked by yourusername
albaps9 glad you had a sweet night, ily yn. i really do ❤️
bff2 Uni gave me a massive debt but also you, so hey, that evens it all out! 😘 liked by yourusername
friend(ex) Don't you even worry about it, you'll age gracefully! friend(ex) But it was so fun to catch up again! Can't wait to support you in what life blesses you with next!! Wishing you and your loved ones all the best x friend(ex) And keep me updated on how it goes!! You got me all excited for you now!! 🤭🙈 liked by yourusername
friend you're still a real hoot! 🤙😂 liked by yourusername
friend u.b. para siempre 💙 liked by yourusername
marisabel_rguez 😘 ↳ yourusername 😙
friend And an extra 10 kgs on us 🤣🤣🤣 liked by yourusername
friend So good catching up with you again!!!! liked by yourusername
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albaps9: i love you. i’m proud of the woman you’ve grown into. you saw the hurdles life put up for you and didn't back down, but tightened your ponytail and went off running to tackle them by yourself. i wish i were a little bit more like you (only a little, i can only handle so much annoyance jajaja 🧡). you're the only little sister i'll ever want and i can't wait to stick by your side to see how much more rewarding and beautiful life will get for you.
Direct Messages
yourusername i love you too. and i'm sorry.
a/n: have the sweetest day, my loves! 🌼
235 notes · View notes
healthypawlife · 1 month
Pamper Your Cat with the Best Skin Care!
Looking for a solution to your cat’s skin issues?
Discover our specially formulated Lime Sulfur Cream at Healthy Paw Life. This skin cream for cats is designed to soothe and treat common skin conditions, giving your feline friend the relief they deserve. 
Say goodbye to irritation and hello to happy, healthy skin. Explore our collection and give your cat the care they need.
0 notes
sweetadonisbutbetter · 5 months
hiii, could i request general blitzø x reader content?? honestly anything, i’m begging for crumbs at this point, there’s like no content for him 😭
OMG YES UGHHHH BLITZø MY BELOVED AUSB i have a few other prompts of him (that aren't ask) and he is jushfgshg i love him reader is implied to be an imp but can be read as any type of hellborn
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He makes me laugh | Blitzø x GN!Reader
Relationship: Romantic Warnings: Mentions of NSFW but nothing too serious
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Blitzø couldn’t understand how he got so lucky. His tail flicked behind him as he watched you interact with his daughter. Loona, who normally snarled at people to back away, was engaging in a conversation with you about a shared interest. Shockingly she was the main one talking, as you listened. That was possibly his favorite thing about you, that you lent an ear to those who believed that they didn’t have a voice. 
You were his most healthy relationship, by a long shot. Being patient with him, picking up the shattered pieces of his shell,  and helping him back together, no matter how many cuts you received. If he could compare his relationship to anyone, it would be M&M, which was a just compliment in his mind. You looked at him from the corner of your eyes, before smiling at him. 
Blitzø swears that if he was capable, he would have exploded. He let out a soft purr as his tail flicked harder. He was so caught up in staring at your perfectly hand-crafted face, that he didn’t notice that a client had walked in, standing in front of him while waving their hands. It took Loona yelling his name for him to snap out of his thoughts. With a slightly embarrassed look, he took the client into his office. Loona huffed and turned to you.
“Seriously, what do you even see in him?” She asked, propping her paws on the table. She began to scroll on her phone as you plopped right onto the table and looked at the office door, trying to think of a way to answer her question. The real answer was what he didn’t see in him. 
You had met him through horse riding lessons, being the teacher. Though you normally dealt with kids, be it their parents who paid for the lessons or a school trip, there was always the odd adult who wanted to say they rode a horse once in their life. Though Bliztø was far from the regular adults, his excitement reached that of a child. Throughout his lesson, you both talked and it led to him walking away after his lesson, overjoyed to have ridden a horse and your number in his hand. 
Though it took him a couple of days, he did get back to you, inviting you to hang out with him. You agreed, thinking ‘What the hell,’ and gave it a shot. Safe to say, you woke up the next morning sore, and your clothes were everywhere. 
It didn’t take long after that for you to start falling for the imp; however, through the late-night talks you had with him anytime you two either slept with one another or you had a casual sleepover, a relationship was the last thing that he needed. So instead of rushing into one and possibly blowing the thing up, you decided to be his rock, what kept him grounded. By being there for him, you could ensure that he was able to have someone to lean on. While you had no way of knowing if you were truly helping, you could for sure count on his actions to tell you.
It started small, with Blitzø holding your hand when you went you both went out. Then it slowly escalated to small kisses, first being played off as platonic, nights in which you two would just enjoy each other's company and ended with Blitzø asking you out. While your first date with him wasn’t fancy, it was the fact that you and Blitzø had spent the night with each other, cooking and watching movies. Of course, that night there was a serious, yet open and honest conversation about your relationship moving forward. You both had put on the table that you wanted a relationship, however, Blitzø wasn’t entirely sure about the idea of it, given his track record. You were the one to propose an open relationship, which could work with the proper boundaries. Explain it as a way for him to test the waters without necessarily being tied down. He agreed to it, though he was slightly reluctant that he would do something to screw it up.
It had been a couple of years since that conversation, and you both met more people. Blitzø took you to the adoption of Loona, you were the one to break out Blitzø and Moxxie, and you were there when the I.M.P opened for business. Of course, Blitzø had his off days, where he would shut the world off and retreat into himself, but you stayed. You couldn’t leave the very demon that brought you joy and leave the little found family that was started all by him. With your answer, you look back to Loona who was scrolling on her phone. You smiled softly and said,
“He makes me laugh.”
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sigh...i love u blitz...wanted to include stolas in this but i have plans for him...
326 notes · View notes
citruslullabies · 6 months
Hola! I have not bad idea for u…
What if DogDay caught Y/N self-harming.? Something in the spirit of blood, but with a fluff at the end. It would be very interesting to read…
I can do that!
Romantic/platonic: unspecified
Requested by: anonymous
Ship (romantic or platonic): Dogday x reader
Word count: 677
Leave My Skin to Rest
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After the situation at Playco with fighting for your life and saving others, your mental health seemed to rapidly decline.
You knew you were safe and sound, but you knew many weren't as fortunate as you. And that hurt worse than you thought it would. The employees and children, the critters, the teachers. Every single one of them hadn't made it out alive, yet you did by some lucky shot at luck with a day you missed. The guilt weighed on you like nothing else had.
It was wrong to think this way, and you knew that. You hated yourself for making it out alive when many others didn't and a part of you wishes that you hadn't missed that dreadful day.
So the punishment for your survival and beating heart was on your skin, whether that be showers that are hotter than you can handle or squeezing your skin until it hurts, maybe even cutting or pulling hair out. Right now you were pinching your skin between your long fingernails that needed to be cut, as you started to lack self care and didn't find the means to cut them if you didn't chew on them. You were sitting on your bed with your trembling hand digging at the sensitive skin on your arms, pinching and picking while blood profusely tried to escape your body and trickle down.
Tears escaped your eyes, sniffling as you looked down at your poor skin. So red from irritation and blood, your fingers that kept doing the actions repeatedly were the same. You stared at the skin that looked as if it was rotting with birds pecking at it with a feeling of regret, like a sensation of feeling as if you deserved this for simply living while many had not.
You had saved a few, sure. But what's a few compared to thousands? It simply couldn't compare. You had spiraled down a hole like Alice and you couldn't get yourself out no matter the methods of trying to forget in a healthy way of trying to cope, you always came back to step one. And that was punishing your body for still existing instead of rotting.
Your breath hitched as you heard the click of your door, quickly trying to hide your arm as you saw a large canine walk in with a plate of dinner since you had missed their calls for you to come out, it looked like omelets. With some egg shells in it but omelets. You slowly looked up at Dogday, gulping and forcing a smile as well as you could. “H-hey.. can you just set the plate down? I'll eat it in a minute.” You spoke softly.
Your large companion nodded, smiling as he walked over despite your wishing for him to set it down on the desk beside your door. His tail was wagging, so he clearly made it and was excited for you to try it… but it seemed to slow down and stiffen up when he smelled something that was sadly familiar to his nose. “... Angel?” He asked softly.
He continued to sniff the air, watching you become nervous and awkward before he found the source. His eyes widened and he immediately panicked, taking your arm into his delicate paws to gaze upon it and think of a solution for your aching. “(Your name)!? What- what happened to you? Did you do this? Why?” He asked, his mind buzzing with questions as he hesitantly touched your wounds with a desire to heal them. He knew your skin was littered in scars, but he never knew any of them were your own personal doing. But those questions were what broke you; your normal upbeat persona had fallen and you were silent, before sniffling and breaking down. His soft fur caught your tears as you explained everything. He rubbed your back and shushed you, carefully taking you to the restroom and bandaging you up as he continued to let you cry against him.
He wanted you to know that everything would be alright.
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Thank you for requesting!
If you ever feel this way please call a national suicidal helpline, which is the number 9-8-8 I believe. You are not alone. And you are loved.
184 notes · View notes
coughloop · 1 year
Twilight: she likes to think of herself as the most sophisticated stoner and she loved to smoke before reading a long letter or writing analytic prose about the migration patterns of different seabirds. I think she would smoke a long pipe, hand crafted made of wood that Celestia gave tk her as a parting gift when she moved to ponyville. It kinda sucks and it's basically just a spoon pipe but long and made of crystal wood that doesn't do anything but when you smoke through it it sparkles and shines so she loves and takes good care of it only buys top shelf premium ounces to smoke through it cause she thinks that what Celestia had in mind when she gave it to her
Pinkie pie: do to her insane tolerance after years of edible usage pinkie basically starts every day by eating 10 or so 20ng edibles and she doesn't even feel it but it's like a delicious treat and she basically just macro doses edibles all day long and it tastes so good she loves the taste of weed she loves it
Rarity: she is always changing up with whatever she's smoking out of. she has a room where she predicts the current trend of whats hot to use and whats not and is always following the latest designer smoking fashions but secretly her favourite is gravity bong but she would never admit and she hides it away behind like a million aromas and perfumes but believe me she has one terrible homemade gravity bong she loves more than anything in the world
Fluttershy: her animal friends use their more dexterous paws and prehensile tails to roll little joints for her and she smokes them like cigarettes she never litters the filters though she is very careful to never ash anywhere but directly into her tray and smokes on the roof outside so the smoke cant harm anything she lets Angel take a hit thoough cause he can handle it but he always hogs cause hes a jerk and im getting mad thinking about it
applejack: as grassroots as possible, simple ground herb smoked out oof whatevers available. granny taught her how to pack a bowl with apple seeds mixed in to give it an extra kick and she and big mac chill the fuck ouot every night with a rustic bong made of aluminum with lead paint on the outside but those dont have negative affects for horses so its fine and she lives a long and healthy life like all smokas should
rainbow dash: shes been buying straight oregano for years and still has no idea. she doesnt listen when anyone tries to tell her
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whalesforhands · 1 year
cats and cats (satosugu x reader)
warnings: crack(?), fluff, smoking, dedicated to that really old geto cat anon that i never replied to, i wasn’t totally sober when writing this, romance?
“…Shoko, what is that?”
“Cigarettes.” The girl pulls out a stick from the plastic packaging, twirling it in-between her lithe fingers as she patted her pockets for her lighter, her eyebrows furrowing as she struggles in her search for it.
“Ah, I’ve got you.” Your hands produce a lighter from within your blazer’s pocket, light pink with the body being decorated with a character you’ve been obsessing over lately. You flick it, a flame coming to life as you hold it to the cigarette that had now been placed between her lips, getting exceedingly close to her, proximity intimate as she entranced you with her usual lazy gaze and smirk upon her kissab-
A bump against your legs. You ignore it in favour of smiling back at the beautiful girl in front of you.
“I think you should stop smoking so muc-“
Another bump. More insistent this time. Paired with pained mewing and the sound of claws extending from a pair of paws that were desperately trying to get your attention.
You look down, looking the rather large, stark white Maine Coon purring and pawing the length of your skirt as it starts to get your attention in the eye. It’s (?) fur long and fluffy, puffing up even more as it meowed at you, huffy crystalline blue eyes looking annoyed.
The black Turkish Angora is by its side, brown eyes shut as it continued rubbing its head against the fabric of your socks, a strand of its fur hanging over the cat’s face, reminiscent of a familiar black-haired sorcerer you knew as it purrs adorably in content.
Extremely cute.
You squat down to your knees, resting on the balls of your feet as you started to pet the two, scratching behind their ears and below their chins as they cuddled deeper into the palm of your hand, licking the skin with their sandpaper tongues and snuggling even closer to you now that they had your undivided attention.
(The white one attempted to get under your skirt. You moved away, punishing it by giving more affection to the black cat, who definitely wasn’t complaining, given the smug look on its face.)
“Wanna take care of them?”
Sugu laid upon your lap, furry body stretched across as it lazily went to sleep on top of you, purrs sounding out from his throat as you continued to scratch his head.
Sato sat before you, using a dainty paw to rub at his eyes, squeezing them shut before abruptly opening them, before another paw was hurried pressed to his head.
“Do your eyes hurt?”
He quickly nods his head. (So smart.)
You think for a moment, looking around the room before spotting an extra pair of Satoru’s left behind sunglasses… There’s no way that could work, right?
…but they look so similar, it’s worth a shot.
You’re poking at the exposed belly of the white one, the cat laying on its back with his paws in the air, borrowed sunglasses over his eyes when you started prodding at its soft and plushy body.
(You honestly can’t believe the glasses worked.)
It’s purring so loudly, revelling in your touch as you scratched and rubbed at the flattening cat, so satisfied, so happy he looked as if he was starting to melt into the ground.
Such a healthy gait.
“You’re kind of fat, aren’t you, Sato?” An afterthought that had been unwittingly voiced out. “Did your previous owner feed you too much?”
His purring slows to a stop as he gradually realizes the meaning behind your words despite your comfortable pats. A yowl escaping as he jumped onto his paws, turning his long body away from you as he ensured that his fluffy tail smacked into your face, fur obscuring your vision before you hear the angry padding of his feet.
Is he… Pouting?
“Are you upset?” His tail is swishing in the air as you ask him, back still turned to your face as he refuses to meet your gaze, ears flattened against his head as he trots away with angry swishes.
(You’re absolutely losing it internally. So precious…!)
“W-wait, I’m sorry? Don’t go!” You’re holding back your laughs as you tried to coo the mass of fluff back onto the floor or into your arms, the crabby feline having decided to strut away from you, choosing to try and get a sleeping Shoko’s attention by pawing at her hair from her position atop the couch.
“Sato? Don’t bother Shoko, darling…” You try cooing again, staying still as Sugu shifts around in your lap, stretching himself out and yawning as he begins waking up.
Sato is giving you the cold shoulder still. Oh my, how petulant.
You look down at the cat still in your lap. “Looks like it’s just you and me, huh?” It meows back at you as you kiss its head, tucking that peculiar strand of his fur back, only for it to bounce back into place, incessant purring and licking at your hand as he seemed to beg for another one.
“Oh? You like that, huh?” You land another sweet kiss upon his forehead once again only for his paws to hold your lower jaw in place when you try to move away.
“Aww, you’re so cute!” You’re absolutely gushing over him, bombarding this cute little cat with kisses all over his face as he lets out mewls and meows of content within your embrace.
“I can’t believe anyone would ever believe you’d be bad luck.”
The white cat has paused its ministrations on the still asleep Shoko, who had used a lazy hand to shoo the disturbance away. He’s staring at the both of you as the frown on his face seemed to deepen.
(Is this affecting him?)
“Sugu~” You’re kissing all over his face as the black cat stood on his hind legs, toe beans digging into the meat of your thighs with front paws upon your chest as it snuggled his head into your throat, meowing delightedly as you scratched and pet him.
Sato lingered close to you, nudging closer and closer but far away enough whilst acting like snob, turning his cute pink nose up at you everytime he think your eyes are on him.
(He’s just like the actual Satoru…)
You pay him no mind, letting Sugu purr into the valley of your chest, letting him nudge and cuddle into you freely with no restrictions as you stroked his back leaving more gentle pecks on the cat’s closed eyes, plainly ignoring the stubborn Maine Coon.
(You’re not paying attention to him. You’re. Not. Paying. Attention. To. Him! Sugu wasn’t paying attention to him, how could you both not shower him in love?)
He was now brooding in the corner, an aura so gloomy and sad surrounding him as he sat on his haunches, tail drooping and ears flattened against his head at the lack of attention.
He’s absolutely deflated. (But still not giving in.)
Sugu meows up at you, a way to get your attention before he tuts his head to the side, mercy in his actions as he tries to get your attention to his sulking buddy.
You misinterpret him.
“Aww, you wanna cuddle somewhere else?” Your voice had grown so soft, so tender and gentle and lovely as you cooed at him, so distracting and so flustering that he short-circuited, nodding his fluffy head.
“Let’s go to my room, then!”
Sato never got out of his corner so quick, jumping onto his feet as he started running after the both of you, circling your feet in quick circles as he yowled and meowed, sunglasses falling off his face as he placed his front paws on your skirt, eyes begging and pleading and remorseful as you continue to coddle Sugu in your arms.
“Someone finally stopped being grumpy, huh?” You attempt to scoop the second cat up, grunting as you feel both their weights in your arms as you cradled them both like babies, both so abnormally large that their bodies were shrouding you in a mass of fur.
(You could honestly die happy here.)
masterlist KOFI pt.2
The lighter was a gift from Shoko.
Guess who named them? You did. The boys were meant to be off on a mission together, and weren’t supposed to be back until next week.
Satoru’s cat form is not overweight. Just really fluffy.
“You’re both cats, aren’t you?” Shoko’s eyes are closed and upturned, a tight smile on her lips as she places a can of wet cat food in front of the feline duo.
“Woogle said that wet cat food was better for dealing with overweight cats.” You murmured under your breath, hand placed under your chin in thought as you watched Sato poke at the meal with a claw.
“But with how much that can was, I really hope the owner quickly finds them soon…”
“Well, boys,” Shoko begins again, her grin growing ever wider as a self-satisfied look made itself home on her face. “You heard her. Wasn’t cheap, and she went allllll the way to the local family mart to buy it for you, ya know?”
“Ah, it wasn’t actually that far-“
“Wouldn’t want to waste her hard work, do we?”
Her stare is pointed at the trembling black cat and disgusted white one, their forms unsteady as they physically gulped at the sight of the slimy can of raw tuna in front of them…
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